JCVTR 6 35
JCVTR 6 35
JCVTR 6 35
Research Article
percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).18,19 Median (range) for continuous variables and frequency
Since neutrophils and lymphocytes act in immunologically (%) for dichotomous or discrete variables. Chi square
different patterns18, this study aimed at evaluating the test and fisher’s exact test were used for comparing
predictive value of total peripheral neutrophil count and categorical variables. Wilcoxon Rank test was used to
NLR in determining the prognosis of MI and the risk compare the numerical data since the data did not have
of major post-MI adverse events. We hypothesized that a normal distribution. Multivariate logistic regression
patients with high leukocytic response and NLR were at was performed to study the role of different factors in
higher risk of in-hospital death and complications after a predicting adverse post-MI events. Receiver operating
documented STEMI. characteristics (ROC) curves and Area under the curve
(AUC) were used in order to determine the cutoff points
Materials and methods for the cell count, and NLR in predicting mortality and
In this descriptive cross-sectional study that was approved major complications. Then, the sensitivity, specificity,
by the Scientific & Ethical Review Board of Tabriz positive and negative preventive values, positive and
University of Medical Sciences, four hundred and four negative likelihood ratio were calculated for each index.
patients admitted with acute STEMI in the CCU of Madani Any relationship between WBC subgroups and LVEF
Heart Hospital, Tabriz- Iran from March 2010 to March were analyzed using Pearson correlation test. P<0.05 was
2012, were enrolled after obtaining an informed written considered statistically significant.
consent. Patients with active inflammation or chronic
inflammatory diseases, past history of surgery within 3 Results
months prior to MI, and cancer were excluded from the Patient characteristics
study. STEMI was determined using the definition and Four hundred and four patients with acute SETMI were
criteria provided by American College of Cardiology evaluated in this study. 81.2% (328 Cases) of patients
(ACC) and European Society of Cardiology; In short: were male with the mean age of 58.9±12.9 years. Positive
STEMI defined as an increase in cardiac troponin-I familial history for coronary artery disease was present in
(cTNI) along with new ST-segment elevation measured 87 (21.5%), hyperlipidemia in 114 (28.2%), Hypertension
from J point at least 0.2 mV in two adjacent V1-V3 leads in 157 (38.9%), DM in 101 (25%), Current smoking in 180
or at least 0.1 mV in other leads within 24 hours after the (44.6%) and previous coronary revascularization in the
onset of chest pain. form of either coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)
Complete blood cell count (CBC) was performed in all or percutaneous coronary angioplasty (PTCA) in 12
patients within 12-24 hours of onset of symptoms. This subjects (3.0%) was detected. The laboratory findings
was based on the findings of Nunez et al. which showed were presented in Table 1.
higher neutrophil and a relatively lower lymphocyte
counts resulting in excessive NLR in this time period.17 Electrocardiographic findings
After sampling, blood samples were evaluated for total Myocardial infarction was determined to be inferior
WBC count, neutrophil, lymphocytes (LYM), and NLR wall MI in 184 (45.5%) and anterior MI in remaining
using CBC H1 machine. The information regarding 220 (54.5%) cases. A total of 176 patients (43.6%)
demographic features, past medical history, patient’s demonstrated electrical complications of MI. Ventricular
outcome and the occurrence of major complications or tachyarrhythmias (VF/VT) were seen in 37 subjects
mortality were collected from the medical records for all (29 in the first day and 8 cases thereafter), left bundle
subjects. branch block (LBBB, 14 cases), right bundle branch block
Hypertension was defined as blood pressure of (RBBB, 40 cases), atrial fibrillation (20 cases), paroxysmal
≥140/90 mmHg recorded at least two times or current
antihypertensive therapy. Diabetes was defined as Table 1. Laboratory findings
fasting plasma glucose of>126 mg/dL for at least two
measurements or current glucose lowering treatment Lab tests Mean±SD
(95% CI Range)
as defined by the World Health Organization.
Creatine kinase (total) 1,494±90 860 (25-13,700)
Hyperlipidemia was defined as total cholesterol of >200
Creatine kinase (MB fraction) 153±9 82.5 (3-1,008)
mg/dL or a history of elevated serum total cholesterol
during the previous 6 months resulting in prescription of Cardiac Troponin I (cTnI) 10.7±1.2 4.0 (0.01-341)
a lipid lowering agent. Primary endpoint was in-hospital White Blood Cells count* 11.1±3.6 10.8(2.2-25.8)
mortality and secondary endpoints included pump failure Neutrophils absolute count* 8.69±3.59 8.36(0.88-23.29)
(defined as cardiogenic shock and/or pulmonary edema) Lymphocytes* 1.49±0.74 1.38(0.10-5.27)
and major tachyarrhythmias (defined as atrial fibrillation
Monocytes* 0.65±0.27 0.62 (0.10-2.46)
and ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation).
Neutrophil/Lymphocyte ratio
8.6±10.5 5.7 (0.1-128.4)
Statistical Analysis Neutrophil/Monocyte ratio NMR 14.9±9.3 12.5 (2.3-115.2)
All collected data were analyzed using SPSS 18 (SPSS White Blood Cells, Neutrophils, Lymphocytes and Monocytes
Inc., Chicago, IL). Descriptive statistics were reported as were expressed as 1000xcells/mm3)
supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT, 6 cases), and a total the sensitivity and specificity of factors in predicting in-
of 30 cases of AV block, first degree (20 cases) and second hospital mortality. The cutoff point of neutrophil >9.68-
degree (4 cases) and third degree (6 cases). x1000 cells/mm3 had a sensitivity of 60% and specificity
of 66.2% in predicting post-MI mortality (Figure 1A,
Angiographic findings AUC=0.65, P=0.04).
The frequency of single vessel disease (1VD), 2VD and
3VD was 38.9%, 31.6%, and 29.5%, respectively. According Analysis for post-STEMI complications
to the angiographic findings, CABG and PCI were We evaluated the frequency of pump failure and atrial
suggested respectively for 29.8% and 46.7% of patients fibrillation or ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Pump failure
and 23.5% of them were candidate for medical follow up. (defined as cardiogenic shock and/or pulmonary edema)
was present in 35 (8.9%) and major tachyarrhythmias
Clinical Outcome (defined as atrial fibrillation, and ventricular tachycardia
Patients were hospitalized for an average of 7.4±4.9 (range or fibrillation) in 20 (5.0%) and 37 (9.2%) patients,
1-35) days. Fifteen patients died during their hospital stay respectively. Patients with pump failure had significantly
(3.7%). Following complications of STEMI occurred in higher total WBC (P<0.03), neutrophil count (P<0.03)
the order of occurrence; more than moderate MR (29 and NLR (P=0.01). There were no significant differences
cases), pulmonary edema (21 cases), cardiogenic shock between total WBC or neutrophil counts and NLR among
(19 cases), pericarditis (7 cases), recurrent MI (4 cases) patients with or without atrial fibrillation and also those
and VSD (2 cases). with VT/VF beyond first day, however, total WBC count;
neutrophil count and NLR were significantly higher
Analysis for post-MI mortality in patients with VT/VF within the first day (Table 3).
Non-surviving patients were generally female (P=0.04), Multivariate analysis showed neutrophil count, female
with advanced age (P=0.002), higher cTnI level (P<0.001) gender and diabetes as independent predictors for
and lower left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) development of pump failure (Table 4).
(P<0.001). The mean WBC count and NLR were higher Similar to mortality, patients with a neutrophil count of
among non-survivors compared to survivors but the >9.68×1000 cells/mm3 at the time of admission were found
differences were not statistically significant. However, to have significantly higher rate of VT/VF (P<0.001) and
absolute neutrophil count was significantly higher among pulmonary edema (P=0.03) during the first 24 hours
non-survivors (Table 2). Multivariate analysis revealed compared to those who had a neutrophil count of less
neutrophil count as an independent predictor of mortality than or equal to 9.68×1000 cells/mm3 (Table 5).
[OR=2.94, CI (1.03-8.44), P=0.04]. Subgroups analysis Different WBC indices (WBC and neutrophil count &
of WBC by ROC-analysis was performed to determine NLR) were analyzed by ROC analyses in order to determine
Table 2. Patient variable among the survivors and non-survivors after acute STEMI
Survivors (n=389) Non-Survivors (n=15) P
Age (Mean±STD) 58.7±12.9 65.7±13.4 0.04
Gender (Male) 321(82.5 %) 7(46.7 %) 0.002
Hypertension 148(38.1 %) 9(60 %) 0.10
Diabetes mellitus 95(24.4 %) 6(40 %) 0.22
Hyperlipidemia 109(28.1 %) 5(33.3 %) 0.77
Active Smoking 177(45.5 %) 3(20 %) 0.06
Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction (%) 38±10 27±12 <0.001
Creatine kinase (total) 1,482±497 1815±9,157 0.48
Creatine kinase (MB fraction) 152±9 178±44 0.58
Cardiac Troponin I (cTnI) 9.9±0.9 32.9±22.1 <0.001
White Blood Cells count* 10.7 (10.4-11.1) 13.0 (10.1-15.5) 0.10
Neutrophils absolute count * 8.33 (7.82-8.68) 10.99 (7.76-13.06) 0.04**
Lymphocytesabsolute count * 1.38 (1.31-1.44) 1.37 (1.02-1.72) 0.59
Monocytes absolute count * 0.62 (0.58-0.65) 0.61 (0.51-0.91) 0.66
Neutrophil/Lymphocyte ratio (NLR) 5.64 (5.08-6.20) 8.03 (5.66-11.82) 0.28
Neutrophil/Monocyte ratio (NMR) 12.4 (12.1-13.2) 14.4 (10.8-18.9) 0.54
* Median (95% CI; 103×cells/mm ); 3
Figure 1. ROC curves examining various subtypes of peripheral blood leukocytes in predicting in-hospital mortality (A) and complications
(B) after STEMI
Table 3. Total WBC and neutrophil counts, and NLR in patients with and without post-STEMI complications
VT/VF (29) within 24 hours Neutrophils (1000 cells/mm3) 11.37 (8.58-13.44) 8.25 (7.71-8.60) <0.001
Cardiogenic Shock (20) Neutrophils (1000 cells/mm3) 8.58 (7.82-10.99) 8.33 (7.76-8.68) 0.19
Pulmonary Edema (21) Neutrophils (1000 cells/mm3) 10.76 (7.0513.04) 8.30 (7.76-8.61) 0.01
the sensitivity and specificity of factors in predicting in- count and incidence of cardiogenic shock or congestive
hospital post-MI complications. AUC were significant heart failure.10 They reported a higher mortality in patients
for all of three leukocytic indices of inflammation, but with more intense increase in WBC count. A similar linear
neutrophil count had more sensitivity than other indices correlation was observed between in-hospital mortality
(AUC=0.628, P<0.001, Figure 1B). and increasing white blood cells count in the blood.8
In our study, although there was a higher WBC count
Discussion among non-survivors, the difference was not statistically
In the current study, we evaluated the leukocytic response significant. We postulated that lower in-hospital mortality
to STEMI and examined its possible association with in- rate in our patient population was accountable for this
hospital mortality and post-infarction complications. finding.
We demonstrated that 12-24 hours following STEMI We performed a single CBC analysis to show the value
the numbers of white blood cells, mostly in the form of this inexpensive and widely available test in risk
of neutrophils, are higher than known normal values. stratification post-STEMI complications. This was based
Increased neutrophil count was associated with higher on the findings of Nunez et al. that showed highest
in-hospital mortality, post-infarction pump failure and neutrophil and lowest lymphocyte counts and maximum
occurrence of serious ventricular arrhythmias within the NLR in 12-24 hours following STEMI had a higher overall
first 24 hours. The presence of neutrophilia after STEMI long-term mortality.17 However, we found that the NLR
(higher than the cutoff value of 9.68×1000 cells/mm3) was inferior to the absolute number of the neutrophils in
was predictive of pump failure and significant increase in predicting in-hospital mortality.
the frequency of ventricular arrhythmias within the first The frequencies of pulmonary edema and VF/VT within
post MI day. Comparably, higher NLR was also associated the first day of admission were associated with higher
with higher frequency of acute pump failure and first day levels of neutrophils and NLR. Association between
arrhythmia following STEMI. higher neutrophil count and heart failure has been
Similar reports by Menonet al., suggested that patients stressed in several studies.20,21 Chia et al. showed that
with higher leukocyte count were at high risk of heart elevated leukocyte and neutrophil counts after primary
failure and cardiogenic shock.9 Barron et al. demonstrated PCI in patients with STEMI were associated with larger
that there was an association between high leukocyte myocardial infarct size and lower LVEF and were
Table 4. Univariate and multivariate analyses of confounding factors in development of post-STEMI pump failure.
With Pump Failure Without Pump Failure Univariate Multivariate
(n=35) (n=369) Analysis P Analysis P
White Blood Cells 12.5 (10.7-13.8) 10.7 (10.3-11.0) 1.10 (1.02-1.20) 0.01 - -
Neutrophils 9.7 (8.3-11.3) 8.3 (7.7-8.7) 1.09 (1.01-1.19) 0.03 1.10 (1.01-1.20) 0.02
Diabetes Mellitus 16 (45.7%) 85 (23.0%) 2.81 (1.39-5.71) 0.004 2.52 (1.21-5.2) 0.003
Table 5. Post-STEMI complications in two groups with high and low neutrophil levels
Neutrophil >9.68 Neutrophil ≤9.68
(n=140) (n=264)
VT/VF within 24 hours (Early) 19 (13.6%) 10 (3.8%) <0.001