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Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.

PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)

As per 2017 Regulation

1 16CSE11/ 16CCS12 Computational Structural Mechanics
2 16CCS152/ 16CEM154 Composite and Smart Materials
3 16CCS153 Action and Response of Structural Systems
4 16CEE11/16CWM11 Advanced Computational Methods and Optimization
5 16CEE12/16CWM12 Applied Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology
6 16CEE151 Water Resources Engineering and Applied Hydraulics
7 16CGI151 Geospatial Database Management Systems
8 16CCT11 Mechanization In Construction
9 16CCT12/ 16CEM22/ 16CTM23/ 16CIM23 Construction Project Management
10 16CGT12/ 16CCT152/ 16CGT154/ 16CTM153 Theoretical Soil Mechanics
11 16CHT11/ 16CTM11/ 16CTE 252 Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering
12 16CHT12/ 16CTE12 Highway and Pavement Materials
13 16CSE12/ 16CCT151/ 16CIM152/ Advanced Design of R C Structures
14 16CSE153/16CCS421 Design of Precast and Composite Structures
15 16WLM11 Optimization Techniques
16 16WLM12 Surface Water Hydrology
17 16CEM11/ 16WLM152 Spatial Planning and Regional Analysis

1 16CSE14/16CCS13 Structural Dynamics
2 16CEE13/ 16WLM252 Advanced Water Treatment Technology
3 16CEE14/ 16WLM21/ WLM22 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
4 16CEE153/ 16CWM21/ 16CHT423/ 16CEM41 Occupational Safety and Health
5 16CGI153 Advanced Geographic Information Systems
6 16CCT13 Advanced Techniques In Concrete Construction
7 16CCT154/ 16CWM422/ 16CCT424 Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
8 16CGT13/ Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement
16CTE131/16CIM253/16WLM253/16CHT253 Techniques
9 16CHT153/16CTM421 Planning And Design of Low Volume Roads
10 16CHT154/ 16CTM151 Urban Public Transport
11 16CSE13/16CCS14/ 16CGT153 Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
12 16CSE154/16CCS251 Reliability Analysis of Structures
13 16CSE151/ 16CIM11/ 16CCT423/ 16CCS423 Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures
14 16CTE14/16CTM13 Urban Transport Planning
15 16CEM13/ 16CIM12 Construction Equipments and Management
16 16CEM14 /16CIM422/ Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation

Group- 3
1 16CCS252 AI And Expert Systems In Structural Engineering
2 16CEE21/16CWM41 Atmospheric Environmental Pollution and Control
3 16CGI21 Satellite Data Image Processing
4 16CGI22/16CGI253 Applications of Geoinformatics In natural Resources and
Environmental Management
5 16CCT22 Construction Economics and Finance
6 16CGT21/ 16CCS424 Soil Dynamics
7 16CGT252 Soil Structure Interaction
8 16CHT21/ 16CTE422 Pavement Evaluation and Management
9 16CHT22 Traffic Engineering
10 16CIM21/16CSE152/ 16CEM21/ 16CTE 153 Advanced Concrete Technology
11 16CIM22/ 16CCT254 Construction Costing and Material Management
12 16CSE21/16CCT251 Advanced Design of Steel Structures
13 16CSE22/ 16CCS22/ 16CCT253 Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
14 16CSE251 Design of Tall Structures
15 16CTE22/16CTM21/ 16CCT252 Pavement Design And Analysis
16 16CTE251/16CTM251 Road Safety Management
17 16CEM151 Advance Foundation Engineering

1 16 CCS254/ 16CHT252/ 16CEM423 Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges
2 16 CEE23/16CWM13 Advanced Waste Water Treatment Engineering
3 16CGI252 Applications of Geoinformatics In Urban Planning And Management
4 16CGT23 Design of Deep Foundations
5 16CGT253 Offshore Geotechnical Engineering
6 16CHT23/ 16CTE24/ 16CTM24 Highway Planning and Economic Analysis
7 16CIM254 Building Services & Maintenance
8 16CSE23/16CGT11 Finite Element Method of Analysis
9 16CSE253/ 16CCS23 Stability Analysis of Structures
10 16CSE254/ 16CCS21 Theory of Plates And Shells
11 16WLM23 Advanced Irrigation Engineering
12 16CTE154 Intelligent Transportation Systems
13 16CEM23/ 16CCT421 Disaster Mitigation and Management
14 16CEM253 Reuse & Recycle Technology
15 16CEM254/ 16WLM251 Urban Hydrology, Storm Drainage And Management

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation

1 16 CEE24 Environmental Geo-Technology
2 16 CEE422 Toxicology & Environmental Risk Assessment
3 16CGI24 Web Applications In Geoinformatics
4 16CGI421 Applications of Geoinformatics In Disaster Management
5 16CGI422 Emerging Trends In Geoinformatics
6 16CCT24 Construction Contracts and Specifications
7 16CGT24/16CCS154 Earth and Earth Retaining Structures
8 16CGT422 Reinforced Soil Structures
9 16CHT24 Road Construction Planning and Management
10 16CIM24/ 16CCT23 Pre-Engineered Structures
11 16CSE24/ 16CCT21 Design Concepts of Substructures
12 16CSE421/16CGT421/ Optimization Techniques
13 16CSE422 Design of Industrial Structures
14 16CEM421/ 16CWM253/ Environmental Impact Assessment and Management
16CEE22/16WLM41/ 16CWM151
15 16CEM422 Steel and Composite Construction Technology
16 16WLM24/16WLM422 Ground Water Hydrology

Sl. No. Course code Course Name
1 16CEE41/ 16CWM24/ Industrial Wastewater Treatment
2 16CEE424 Environmental Legal Aspects and Policy Guidelines
3 16CCT422/ 16CIM423 Construction Demolition and Waste Management
4 16CGT41 Forensic Geotechnical Engineering
5 16CGT423 Rock Mechanics
6 16CHT41 Special Problems In Road Construction
7 16CHT424 Airport Planning and Design
8 16CSE41 Design of Concrete Bridges
9 16CSE423 Theory of Plasticity And Fracture Mechanics
10 16CSE424 Design of Masonry Structures
11 16CTM41 Transportation Infrastructure Design
12 16CTM424 Intelligent Transportation Systems
13 16WLM424 Global Warming and Climate Change
14 16CTE423 Applications of Soft Computing Techniques

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Direct Stiffness Method – Trusses Degrees of Static and Kinematic indeterminacies, Concepts of Stiffness
and Flexibility, Local and Global Coordinate System,Analysis of indeterminate Trusses, with and without initial strains
for different types of boundary conditions such as Fixed, Hinged, Roller, Slider, Elastic (Spring) supports, support
Module -2 Direct Stiffness Method - Continuous Beam, 2D FramesAnalysis of Continuous beams, fordifferent types
of boundary conditions such as Fixed, Hinged, Roller, Slider, Elastic (Spring) supports, support settlement. Analysis of
Simple 2D Frames with and without sway, Element stiffness matrix for 3D frames and Grids
Module -3 Basic Concept of Finite Element Method Concept of FEM, Formulation using principle
ofvirtualwork,Principles minimum potential energy, Method of Weighted Residuals(Galerkin’s), Choice of displacement
function, Degree of continuity. Generalized and Natural coordinates.
Module -4 FE Analysis using Bar Elements Derivation of Shape Function for Linear and Higher order elements using
Inverse and Lagrange Interpolation formula, Element Stiffness matrix Two and Three noded elements. Examples with
constant and varying cross sectional area subjected to concentrated loads, distributed body force and surface traction and
Initial strains due to temperature. Isoparametric formulation
Module -5 FE Analysis using Beam Element Derivation of Shape Function for two noded beam element, Hermitian
Interpolation, Element Stiffness matrix, Consistent Nodal loads,, Concept of Reduced or Lumped Loads, Examples :
Cantilever and Simply Supported beams.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Rajasekaran.S, “Computational Structural Mechanics” , PHI, New Delhi 2001.
2. Reddy.C.S, “Basic Structural Analysis,” TMH, New De lhi 2001
3. Robert D Cook et al, “Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis”, 3 rd Edition, John Wiley and Sons,
New York
4. Beaufait.F.W. et al., Computer Methods of Structural Analysis, Prentice Hall, 1970.
5. Weaver.W and Gere.J.H., Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures, Van Nastran, 1980.
6. Rubinstein M.F, Matrix Computer Methods of Structural Analysis Prentice-Hall.
7. Bathe.K.J, Finite element procedures in Engineering Analysis. PHI. New Delhi.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction to Composite materials Classifications and applications. of fibers, volume fraction and load
distribution among constituents, minimum & critical volumefraction, compliance & stiffness matrices, coupling
Module -2 Anisotropic elasticity Unidirectional and anisotropic lamina, thermo-mechanicalproperties, micro-
mechanical analysis, classical composite lamination theory, Cross and angle–play laminates, symmetric, antisymmetric
and general asymmetric laminates, mechanical coupling, laminate stacking,
Module -3 Analysis of simple laminated structural elements Ply-stress and strain, lamina failure theories - first fly
failure, environmental effects, manufacturing of composites.
Module -4 Smart materials, Introduction, Types of smart structures, actuators & sensors,embedded & surface mounted,
piezoelectric coefficients, phase transition, piezoelectric constitutive relation.
Module -5 Beam modeling with strain actuator, bending extension relation
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Robart M Jones, “Mechanic of Composite Materials ”, McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
2. Bhagwan D Agaraval, and Lawrence J Brutman, “Analysis and Performance ofFiber Composites”, John
3. Willy and Sons.
4. 3.Lecture notes on “Smart Structures”, by Inderjith Chopra,
5. Crawley, E and de Luis, J., “Use of piezoelectric actuators as elements of intelligent structures”, AIAA Journal, Vol.
25 No 10, Oct 1987, PP 1373-1385.
6. Crawley, E and Anderson, E., “Detailed models of Piezoceramic actuation of beams”, Proc. of the 30th AIAA
/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASCStructural dynamics and material conference, AIAA Washington DC, April 1989.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 IS 875 PART 1, 2, 4, 5Sources, Nature and Magnitude, Probabilistic assessment,Characteristic and Design
values. IS 875 PART 1 and 2 codeprovisions. Load combination rules for design. Load path for gravityloads- Tributary
Area and Stiffness based approaches. Estimationof DL and LL on structural elements such as Slab, Beams,Columns, in
different types of structural systems, Joint Loads onTrusses, Distributed load on Purlins- Numerical examples.Accidental
loads – Impact and collisions, Numerical examples
Module -2 Wind Load - IS 875 PART 3: BuildingsNature and Magnitude, Factors influencing wind loads, Internal
and External pressure distribution, Design Wind Speeds andPressure, Numerical Examples to calculate external and
internalpressure for different types of buildings and regions – Pitched Roof,Sign board,Structuralglazing,Multistory
Frames - Load path forLateral loads
Module -3 Seismic Loads: IS 1893: BuildingsNature and Magnitude, Centre of mass and rigidity, Calculation of
Design Seismic Force by Static Analysis Method, Dynamic AnalysisMethod, Location of Centre of Mass, Location of
Centre of Stiffness,and Lateral Force Distribution as per code provisions. - Load pathfor Lateral loads – Floor diaphragm
Module -4 Vehicles Loads as per IRC 6 - 2010 on Road Bridges –Class 70 R, Class AA, Class A ,Class B , Tracked
Vehicle, WheeledVehicle, Load Combinations, Impact, Wind, Water Currents,Longitudinal Forces: acceleration,
breaking and frictionalresistance, Centrifugal forces, temperature, Seismic forces, SnowLoad, Collision Loads. Load
Combinations – Simple Numericalexamples
Module -5 Types of Analysis and Structural forms of Tall Buildings:Linear, Nonlinear behavior, Material
nonlinearity, Geometricnonlinearity, Rigid and Elastic Supports, First Order ElasticAnalysis, Second Order Elastic
Analysis, First order InelasticAnalysis, Second order Inelastic Analysis – Concepts and Briefdescriptions.Structural
forms in Tall buildings – Rigid frame, Braced Frames,Shear Walls, Core walls, Tubular, Belt truss, Outrigger
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.

The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Action and Response of Structural systems, Classical Work, Dr. H. Ananthan
2. An explanatory Handbook on IS 875 (PART 3); Wind Load onBuilding and Structures, Document No: IITK-GSDMA
Wind 07 V1.0- IITK-GSDMA Project on Building Codes
3. Explanatory Examples on Indian Seismic Code IS 1893 (Part I):Document No. :: IITK-GSDMA-EQ21-V2.0 - IITK-
GSDMA Project onBuilding Codes
4. Matrix Analysis of Structures , Aslam Kassimali, CengageLearning,2012

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Numerical Methods - Partial differential equations, Newton-Raphson method, Finite difference, finite
element, method ofcharacteristics, different methods, Successive over relaxationmethods.
Module -2 Optimization – classification and importance in EnvironmentalStudies. Single and multivariable optimization
without and withconstraints
Module -3 Linear Programming – different methods, linear approximationof non-linear optimization.
Module -4 Statistics - Significance Tests , Frequency Distribution,Characteristics of Distributions, Method of Least
Squares andRegrssion, Multiple Regression
Module -5 Probability – Concepts, Methods, Binomial, Poisson and Normaldistribution, Risk and uncertainty analysis
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Rao. S.S.” Optimization: Theory & Applications Techniques, Wiley Eastern Ltd NewDelhi.
2. Taha H.A., “Optimization Research”:An introduction, Pear son Prentice Hall, 8thEdition
3. Shanthakumar M.S., Numerical Methods and Analysis, Tata McGrawhill Pubs.
4. Ross S.M.,“Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists”, JohnWiley ublications.3rd Edition,
Acedimic press
5. Stanton R.G –“ Numerical methods for science and engineers”.Prentice Hall, TradeEdition
6. KreyszigErwin ” Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Wiley Eastern Publications.
7. Berthouex P M.,and Brown L. C., “Statistics for Environmental Engineers”, Lisherspublication,

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction: Importance of Environmental Chemistry, types ofreactions, redox reactions, reaction
kinetics.Electrochemistry and its applications. Physical and equilibriumchemistry–fundamentals and applications.
TraceContaminants and their analyses. pH – Principle, Measurement,Numerical Examples, Buffers and Buffer index.
Module -2 Colloidal Chemistry: Properties of colloids, colloidal dispersions,stability of colloids and applications.
Applications of Organic Chemistry in EnvironmentalEngineering.
Module -3 Colourimetry: Principles and applications. Applications ofAnalytical Chemistry – emission and absorption
Module -4 Water & wastewater analysis: Fluoridation, deflouridation,chlorination, BOD, DO, types and measurement of
BOD, rate ofBOD & theoretical oxygen removal, COD- determination & itsapplication in wastewater treatment
Module -5 Microbiology - Microorganisms of importance in air, water andsoil environment Principles and applications
of microscopy,microscopic flora and fauna of importance.Metabolism and metabolic pathways, Bioconcentration,
Biomagnification and Bioaccumulation. Bacteria – Morphology, typical growth curve and generationtime, Measurement
Techniques – APC, MPN (Probability andThomas methods), MFT. Monod’s equation and its applications. Algae -
orphology, classification and their importance. Fungi -Protozoa - morphology, classification and their
importance.Enzymes - classification, kinetics – Michaelis - Menten equation,
factors influencing enzyme reaction.Virology - Types, characteristics and enumeration methodology.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Pelczar M.J ,Chan ECS, Krieg, NR “Textbook of Microbiology” 5th edition Tata McGrawHill Publishing Co. Ltd.,
New Delhi
2. McKinney R.E.“Microbiology for Sanitary Engineers”, Newyork McGraw Hill.
3. Sawyer C.N. and McCarty, P.L ., , “Chemistry for Environmental Engineering andScience”, 5th Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
4. Gaudy and Gaudy, “Microbiology for Environmental Scientists and Engineers”, McGrawHill.
5. APHA, “Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater”; 21st Edition.
6. Stumn and Morgan, “Aquatic Chemistry”, John Willey & Sons Newyork. RelevantJournals

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Hydrology: Water resources of the world, India and Karnataka,National Water Policy, Hydrologic cycle,
estimation of missingprecipitation and rain gauge density.
Module -2 Hydrograph theory: Unit hydrograph-derivation, flow routing,low flow analysis.Urban Hydrology - Run-off
estimation – Design of Storm waterDrains.
Module -3 Unsteady Flow through Conduits: Water hammer analysis,Water hammer protection methods - surge tanks,
FlowMeasurements – Area –Velocity method, Weir method, flumes,end-depth method & chemical and radioactive
tracers method
Module -4 Groundwater:Basic equations of flow, confined and unconfinedaquifers, sea water intrusion, artificial
recharge, groundwater pollution, borewells - types & design principles, open wells –types, yield tests
Module -5 Basics and applications of Remote Sensing: in water resourcesmanagement, Hydraulic transients- flow
through bends &constriction
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Raghunath H.M. “Advanced Hydrology”, Wiley Eastern Ltd New Delhi
2. Subramanya K.S, “Advanced Hydrology”.Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi
3. David Keith Todd, “Ground Water Hydrology”.2nd Edition John Wiley & Sons NewDelhi
4. Sabins F.F., “Remote Sensing – Principles and Interpretations”, W.H. Freeman & Co.
5. Anji Reddy, “Remote Sensing and GIS”, B.S. Publications, Hyderabad.
6. Ven T. Chow, “Hand Book of Applied Hydrology”, 1st Edition Mc Graw HillPublications
7. Hammer M.J, and Mackichan K.A. “Hydrology and Quality of Water Resources”,Newyork:Wiley.
8. John Permankian, “Water Hammer Analysis”.
9. Linsley, Franzini, Freyberg, Tchobanoglous G. “Water Resources Engineering”, TATAMcGraw Hill Series.
10. Linsley, Kohler and Paulhes, “Hydrology for Engineers”, McGraw Hill.
11. Mays L.W. , “Water Resources Engineering”, John Wiley and Sons Publications

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Databases and Users: Introduction, characteristics of databaseapproach, intended uses of a DBMS,
implications of database approach.Database System Concepts and Architecture: Data models, schemasand instances,
DBMS architecture and data independence, databaselanguages and interfaces, database system environment,
classification ofdatabase management systems.
Module -2 Data Modeling: High level conceptual data models for database design,ER model concepts, schema
constructs and simple applications. Record Storage and Primary File Organizations: Secondary storagedevices,
buffering of blocks, placing file records on disk, operations onfiles – heap files and sorted files – hashing techniques.
Index Structure of Files: Single-level and multilevel ordered indexes,dynamic multilevel indexes using B-trees and B+
trees.Relational Data Model: Concepts and constraints, update operations onrelations, relational algebra, simple
Module -3 Structured Query Language: Data definition in SQL, queries, updatestatements, views in SQL, simple
examples. Introduction and basics of Relation Database Management System. Database design: Functional
dependencies and normalization forrelational databases, Normal forms based on primary keys, gene generaldefinition of
second and third normal forms, Boyce-Codd normal form. Query Processing: Basic algorithms for executing query
operations.Transaction Processing Concepts: Introduction, transaction and systemconcepts, properties, schedules and
Module -4 Concurrency and Recovery: Locking techniques for concurrencycontrol, recovery concepts and techniques.
Design and implementation of Geospatial database: Spatial databasesystem, Spatial Indexing, SDBMS or RDBMS
Module -5: Advanced database concepts: Object–relational database managementsystem (ORDBMS), Distributed
databases, web services and XML,OLAP (Online Analytical Processing), OLTP (Online transactionprocessing).
New Applications: Discussion on new applications like DecisionSupport System, Data Mining, Data Warehousing and
Spatial Databases, Recent Developments.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Elmasri R. and Navathe S.B., “Fundamentals of Database Systems”,Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co. Inc.
(Addison- Wesley world student series),2002
2. Trembley J.P. and Sirenson P.G., “An Introduction to Data Structures withApplications”, Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. Date C.J., “An Introduction to Database Systems”, Vol-I, Addison-Wesley.
4. A.Silberschatz, H.F.Korth and S.Sudarshan, “Database System Concepts”,McGraw-Hill International Editions,
Computer Science Series.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction to mechanization: Definition, advantages andlimitations of mechanization, Indian scenario and
Globalscenario.Mechanization through construction equipment: Equipmentcost, Machine Power, Production cycle -
Dozers, scrapers,Excavators, Finishing equipment, Trucks and Haulingequipment, Hoisting equipment, Draglines and
Module -2 Mechanization in aggregate manufacturing: Naturalaggregates and recycled aggregates
Module -3 Mechanization in rebar fabricationMechanization in concrete production and placementMechanization
through construction: formwork andscaffolding types, materials and design principles.
Module -4 Mechanization through construction methods/technologies:segmental construction of bridges/flyovers, box
pushingtechnology for tunneling, trench-less technology.Pile Driving Equipment : Pile hammers, selecting a pile
hammer, loss of energy due to impact, Energy losses due tocauses other than impact.
Module -5: Mechanization through construction methods of Drilling,Blasting and Tunneling Equipment : Definition of
terms,bits, Jackhammers, Drifters, wagon drills, chisel drills, piston drills, blast hole drills, shot drills, diamond drills,
tunneling equipment, selecting the drilling methodequipment; selecting drilling pattern.Safety and Environmental issues
in mechanization
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. “Construction Equipment and its Planning and Applications”, Mahesh Varma,Metropolitan Book Co.(P) Ltd., New
Delhi. India.
2. “Construction Machinery and Equipment in India”. (A compilation of articlesPublished in Civil Engineering and
3. “Construction Review” Published by Civil Engineering and Construction Review, New Delhi, 1991.
4. Sharma S.C. “Construction Equipment and Management”, Khanna Publishers,Delhi, 1988
5. Peurifoy R L, “Construction Planning, Equipment and Methods”, Mc Graw Hill
6. James F Russell, “Construction Equipment”, Prentice Hall
7. “Current Literature

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction: Construction Projects- Concept, Project Categories, Characteristic of projects, project life cycle
phase. Project Management- Project Management Function,Role of Project Manager. Organizing For Construction -
Principles of organization, type of organization structure
Module -2 Project Feasibility Reports: Introduction, Significance infeasibility report- Technical analysis, Financial
analysis,Economic analysis, Ecological analysis, Flow diagram forfeasibility study of a project.Project planning Scope:
Planning Process, Objectives, Typesof Project plans, Resource Planning Process.
Module -3 Bar Charts, Work Breakdown Structure, Time estimates,Applications of CPM and PERTA-O-N Network-
Logic and Precedence diagrams, advantages,Drawing A-O-N network from A-O-A network and relatedproblems
Module -4 Time Cost relationship: Direct and indirect cost, step inoptimization of cost, related problem. Allocation of
resources: Histogram, Resource smoothening, Resourceleveling and related problem. Project updating using CPM
network and related numerical problems.
Module -5: Scheduling, Monitoring and Updating. Line of BalanceScheduling. Resource Planning-Leveling and
Allocation.Introduction to Building Information Model (BIM).
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Chitkara, K.K. “Construction Project Management: Planning, Scheduling andControl”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company, New Delhi, 1998.
2. Choudhury S , “Project Management”, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, NewDelhi, 1988.
3. Chris Hendrickson and Tung Au, “Project Management for Construction –Fundamental Concepts for Owners,
Engineers, Architects and Builders”,Prentice Hall, Pittsburgh, 2000.
4. Srinath L.S, “PERT and CPM”, East West Press Pvt Ltd New Delhi.
5. Frank Harris and Roland McCaffer, “Modern Construction Management”- 4thEd Blackwell Science Ltd.
6. Current Literature

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction – Elasticity and stability problems, concept of stress and strain – plane stress, plane strain and
axisymmetric problems– equation of equilibrium and compatibility – stress functions.
Module -2. Stresses in elastic half-space medium by external loads –fundamental solutions –Boussinesq, Flamant,
Kelvin and Mindlin solution – Applications of fundamental solutions – Anisotropic and non-homogeneous linear
continuum – Influence charts – elastic displacement-layered soil-Burmister method
Module -3 Limit equilibrium analysis – perfectly plastic material – stress –strain relationship –stress and displacement
field calculations – slip line solutions for undrained and drained loading, arching of soils and theories of arching
Module -4 . Limit analysis – principles of virtual work – theorems of plastic collapse – Mechanism for plane plastic
collapse – Simple solutions for drained and undrained loading –stability of slopes, cuts and retaining structures.
Centrifuge model – Principles and scale effects, practical considerations
Module -5: Flow through porous media – Darcy’s law – General equation of flow– steady state condition – solution by
flow net – fully saturated conditions; Yielding, Bounding Surfaces
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. Foundations of Theoretical Soil Mechanics, Harr, M.E (1966) McGraw Hill,
2. Foundation Engineering Handbook, Winterkorn, H.F., and Fang, H.Y(2000)Galgotia, Booksource, 2000
3. Theoretical Soil Mechanics- Karl Terzaghi (1943), John Wiley & Sons.
4. Soil Mechanics and Foundations, MuniramBudhu(2007), John Wiley & Sons,Inc.
Reference Books:
1. Soil Mechanics, T.W. Lambe and R.V. Whitman (1969). John Wiley & Sons,.
2. Foundations and slopes- Attikinson (1981), McGraw Hill, New Delhi
3. Seepage, Drainage and Flownets – Cedergren H R(1997).-, John Wiely& Sons
4. The Mechanics Basic concepts and Engineering Applications- Aysen A (2002),AA Balkema Publishers, 2002

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction to statistical methods, scope aim and limitations, sample, attribute and types of data, sources
and collection of data. Accuracy of data. Representation and summarizing data. Frequency distribution, histogram and
frequency curves. Ogive curve, Measure of central tendency – arithmetic mean, median and mode dispersion- range,
standard deviation, variance and co-efficient of variation, skewness and kurtosis.
Module -2. Introduction to probability & statistics for Traffic Engineering Design –Introduction, Random variables
and statistical measures: arithmetic mean, measures of dispersion, basic laws of probability, probability laws for discrete
random variables: binomial and Poisson distribution, probability laws for continuous random variables: normal
distribution, Poisson distribution.
Module -3 Sampling Techniques – objective, basics of sampling, advantages of sampling, sampling techniques,
sampling distributions – sampling distribution of the sample mean, central limit theorem, chi square, t and F –
distributions. Sampling error, sample size and design.
Module -4 .Statistical decisions – point estimation, properties of parameters, Testing ofHypothesis – Type I and II
Tests of significance – tests for mean and variance. Tests for proportions.
Module -5: Chi-square test of goodness of fit, student’s t test, Confidence interval. Curve fitting by the method of
least squares, Linear correlation & regression, multiple linear regression. Analysis of variance Use of soft-wares in
statistical analysis – MATLAB, MINITAB
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Martin Wohl, Brian V Martin, “Traffic System Analysis”- Mc Graw Hill Series
2. Johnson R and G Bhattacharya, “Statistics – Principles and methods”- John Wiley & sons, Newyork, 1985
3. Medhi, “Introduction to statistics”- New Age Pub, New Delhi
4. Benjamin Jack R and Cornell C Allin, “Probability Statistics & Decisions for Civil Engineers”-McGraw Hill Co.
5. Agarwal, B.L, “Basic Statistics”- 3rd edition, New Age Pub. New Delhi.
6. L.R Kadiyali, “Traffic Engineering”- Khanna Publishers New Delhi

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


16CTE 12
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1. Characterization: Properties of sub grade layers; different types of soils, Soil Classification; Index and other
basic properties of soil; A critical look at the different laboratory and in - situ procedures for evaluating the mechanical
properties of soilsviz. SPT, CPT, CBR, Plate Load test, Field compaction and control.
Module -2...Origin, classification, requirements, properties and tests on road aggregates, mechanical and shape
properties of aggregates, Aggregate texture and skid resistance, polishing of aggregates; concepts of size and gradation –
design gradation, maximum aggregate size, aggregate blending to meet specification, Fuller and Thompson’s Equation,
0.45power maximum density graph, Sampling of aggregates.
Module -3 Bitumen and Tar: Origin, preparation, properties and chemical constitution of bituminous road binders;
equirements, bitumen structure, Rheology of bitumen, Elastic modulus, Dynamic modulus, visco-elastic and fatigue
properties, creep est, Bituminous Emulsions and Cutbacks, Preparation, characteristics, uses and tests, Adhesion of
Bituminous Binders to Road Aggregates: Adhesion failure, mechanism of stripping, tests and methods of improving
Module -4 .Resilient and Complex (Dynamic) Moduli of Bituminous Mixes, Permanent Deformation Parameters and
other Properties. Modified bitumen: Crumb Rubber Modified bitumen, Natural rubber modified bitumen, polymer
modified bitumen; Long term and short term ageing and its effect on bitumen performance, Tests to simulate ageing of
bitumen viz. RTFOT and PAV. Desirable properties of bituminous mixes, Design of bituminous mixes: Modified
Marshall’s specifications, Hubbard Field method of mix design, Hveem’s method of mix design; Introduction to super
pave mix design procedure, Modified binders, HMA, WMA, CMA
Module -5:.. Types of cements and basic cement properties, Quality tests on cement; Tests on cement concrete including
compressive strength, flexural strength, modulus of elasticity and fatigue properties; Introduction to advanced concretes
like self compacted concrete, Light weight concrete, Roller Compacted Concrete for pavement application; Joint fillers
and sealers for Jointed Plain Cement Concrete Pavements and their characterization.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. RRL, D S I R , ` Bituminous Materials in Road Construction’, HMSO Publication
2. RRL, D S I R , ` Soil Mechanics for Road Engineers’,H M S O Publication
1. Khanna, S.K., Justo, C.E.G., and Veeraragavan,A., `Highway Engineering’, Nem Chand and Bros, Roorkee, 2014.
2. ParthaChakroborty and Animesh Das, ‘Principles of Transportation Engineering’, Prentice Hall (India), New Delhi,
3. Atkins, N. Harold, Highway Materials, Soils and Concretes, Fourth Edition, 2002, Prentice – Hall
4. Freddy L Roberts, Prithvi S Kandhal et al, “Hot Mix Asphalt Materials, mixture design and construction” - (2nd
Edition), National AsphaltPavement Association Research and Education Foundation, Maryland, USA.
4. Relevant IRC and MoRTH Publications.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Yield line method of design of slabs:Assumptions, Derivation and Examples for differentshapes of Slab.
Module -2. Design of grid floors:Concept, Importance and Design Examples.
Module -3 Design of continuous beamsConcept of Moment Redistribution, Design Examples.
Module -4 Design of flat slabs, Importance of flat slabs, Flat slab withand without Column Head, Drops, Design
Module -5: Art of detailing earthquake resistant construction –expansion and construction joints.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. P.C.Varghese, "Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design”- Prentice-Hall of India, NewDelhi, 2005.
2. 2.Dr.B.C.Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain, “ Comprehensive RCCDesign”
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design - N. Krishnaraju, CBS Publishers
4. A Park and Paulay, “Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete”-John Wiley & Sons
5. Lin TY and Burns N H, “Reinforced Concrete Design". John Wiley & Sons
6. Kong KF and Evans T H “Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures”

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Concepts , components, Structural Systems and Design of precast concrete floors Need and types of
precast construction, Modular coordination, Precast elements- Floor, Beams, Columns and walls. Structural Systems and
Design of precast Concrete Floors: Theoretical and Design Examples of Hollow core slabs,. Precast Concrete Planks,
floor with composite toppings with and without props.
Module -2..Design of precast reinforced and prestressed Concrete beams Theoretical and Design Examples of ITB –
Full section precast,Semi Precast, propped and un propped conditions. Design of RCNibs
Module -3 Design of precast concrete columns and walls Design of braced and un braced columns with corbels
subjected to pattern and full loading. Design of Corbels Design of RC walls subjected to Vertical, Horizontal loads and
moments, Design of vertical ties and horizontal joints.
Module -4 ..Design of Precast Connections and Structural Integrity Beam bearing, Beam half Joint, Steel Inserts,
Socket Connection, Structural integrity, Avoidance of progressive collapse, Design of Structural Ties.
Module -5:.Design of Steel Concrete Composite Floors and Beams Composite Floors: Profiled Sheeting with
concrete topping, Design method, Bending and Shear Resistance of Composite Slabs, Serviceability Criteria, Design
Composite Beams: Elastic Behaviour, Ultimate Load behavior of Composite beams, Stresses and deflection in service
and vibration, Design Example of Simply Supported beams.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Hass A.M. – Precast Concrete – Design and applications AppliedScience, 1983.
2. David Sheppard – “Plant cast, Precast and Prestressed concrete –McGraw Hill; 1989
3. NBC – 2005 ( Part I to Part VII) BIS Publications, New Delhi, IS 15916-2011,IS 11447,IS6061 – I and III
4. R.P.Johnson: Composite Structure of Steel and Concrete (Volume 1),Blackwell Scientific Publication (Second
Edition), U.K., 1994.
5. IS: 11384-1985, Code of Practice for Composite Construction in Structural Steel and Concrete.
6. INSDAG Teaching Resource Chapter 21 to 27:

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 INTRODUCTION Development of optimization techniques, nature and characteristics of operation
research, methodology of optimization, applications of optimization techniques, classification of operation research
model, uses and limitation of optimization techniques.
Module -2.. LINEAR AND DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING Introduction to operations research - Linear programming,
problem formulation, graphical solution, solution by simplex method - Sensitivity analysis, application to design and
operation of reservoir, single and multipurpose development plans – Case studies. Dynamic programming-Stage coach
problem to resource allocation, distribution of efforts problem. Optimization by simulation, mathematical models for
large scale Multipurpose projects, different case studies.
Module -3 TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM Transportation problem, mathematical formulation of problem, steps in
transportation method, methods for finding initial basic feasible solution, degeneracy in transportationproblem.
ASSIGNMENT PROBLEMS Mathematical formulation, assignment algorithm methods for solving assignment
problems. Network problems.
Module -4 . SIMULATION Basic principles and concepts - Random variant and random process - Monte Carlo
techniques - Model development - Inputs and outputs - Single and multipurpose reservoir simulation models - Case
Module -5:.ADVANCED OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES Integer and parametric linear programming - Goal
programming models with applications. Discrete differential dynamic programming and incremental dynamic
programming - Linear decision rule models with application - Stochastic dynamic programming models
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. H.A. Taha: “Operations Research” Macmilan Publishing Co.
2. S.D. Sharma: “Operations Research” KedaranathRamnath& Co. Meerut.
3. Ravindran,D.T.,Philips and Solberg,J.J. “Operation Research- Principles and practice”
4. KantiSwarup, P.K. Gupta &Manmohan “Operations Research” Sultan chand& sons.
5. Hadly,G. “Linear programming”
6. Rao,S.S., “Engineering Optimization”,
7. Arora, J.S., Elservier, 2nd Edition “Introduction to optimum Design”-(2004),.
8. Hiller,F.S., and Liberman,G.J., “Introduction to operation Research”-(1992), CBS publicationand Distributions, New

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction: Scope and importance of hydrology, Hydrologic cycle, Global and India’sWater resources,
Applications of hydrology.Watershed concept and modeling: Catchment-topographic and ground water divide,
stream patterns, Description of the catchment, catchment processes, demarking acatchment, water budgeting,
Classification of models, model formulation, Lumpedparameter conceptual models, Physically based models, Model
performance testing.Precipitation:-Transitory systems favoring precipitation, Formation of precipitation,Climate and
Weather seasons in India.
Module -2..Location of rain-gauges and optimum number of rain-gauges, Analysis of rainfall data,Rainfall mass curve
and hyetograph, Intensity-Duration analysis, Intensity-Frequency-Duration analysis, Depth-Area-Duration analysis,
Double mass curve.Abstractions from precipitation: Evaporation-Process, measurement, empiricalequations and
Estimation by water budget method and Energy budget method.
Module -3 Evapo-transpiration-AET & PET, Estimation by Penman’s equation, Reference Crop Evapo-transpiration by
Blaney Criddle formula, Infiltration-Process, Measurement, Horton’s equation and Philip’s equation. Infiltration
indices, measurement factor affecting infiltration.Probability and Statistics-Introduction, Probability and Random
variables, PDF andCDF, Distribution functions, Selection of distribution function and its parameterestimation.
Correlation, Regression analysis-Simple linear and multiple linearregression, curvilinear regression. F test and t- tests.
Runoff:-Process, Factors affecting runoff, API, Basin yield, Curve number method.
Module -4 .Hydrograph and its features, hydrograph separation methods, Unit hydrograph and itsderivation, Unit
hydrographs from complex storms and for various durations, Use of Scurve, Synthetic unit hydrograph.
Module -5:.Flood: Design flood and its estimation- Rational method, Frequency analysis Gumbel’sand Log-Pearson’s
type III distribution, Risk and Reliability, Flood routing- Reservoir routing: Modified Pul’s method, Goodrich method,
Channel routing- Prism and Wedgestorage, Muskingum method, Flood control- Structural and Non-structural measures
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Linsley R K, Kohler and Paulhus, “Hydrology for Engineers”, McGraw Hill, NY, USA,1958.
2. Mutreja, K. N., “Applied hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co., New Delhi, India-1986.
3. Chow, V.T., “Handbook of Applied hydrology”, McGraw Hill, NY, 1964
4. Singh, V. P., “Elementary Hydrology”, Prentice Hall, 1992
5. Subramanya K., “Engineering Hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1998
6. Jaya Rami Reddy, P., “A text book of Hydrology”, Laxmi publications,2009
7. Putty, M. R.Y., “Principles of Hydrology”, I.K. Int. Publishing House, New Delhi,2010

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1. Introduction to Spatial Planning: Variants of Planning and Non-Planning, Planning as a Dialogue,
Epistemic, Pragmatic an Planning Cycle, Planning Cycle with Internal Selection, Functions of Planning Agencies,
Classical Planning Processes, Dimensions of Planning Process:-Organization, Location, Purpose, Openness, Time
Horizon, Scope, Specificity, Flexibility
Module -2... Introduction to Spatial Planning: Variants of Planning and Non-Planning, Planning as aDialogue,
Epistemic, Pragmatic an Planning Cycle, Planning Cycle with Internal Selection, Functions of Planning Agencies,
Classical Planning Processes, Dimensions of Planning Process:-Organization, Location, Purpose, Openness, Time
Horizon, Scope, Specificity, Flexibility
Module -3 Regional Planning: Workshop Task(Producers)- Motivation, Information, Organization, Installation,
Platform Task(Moderator)- Communication, Concentration, Synchronization, Turntable Task( Mediator)- Articulation,
Interpretation, Lookout Task(Observer)-Updating, Reviewing and Alerting, Creative use of Planning Process-Plural,
Situational Rational and Involvement, Policy Maker and Citizen Input into the Classical Planning Process:- Ideal
Sequence, Shortcut and Recycling within Planning Process.
Module -4 . Regional Analysis: Fields of Regional Analysis, Spatial Units and Dimensions, Analysis of Population
Change, Economic Analysis, Carrying Capacity, Measures of Concentration and Accessibility, Spatial Interaction,
Analysis of Settlement Pattern, Simulation /Gaming:-Frame Games, Empathy Games, Resource Allocation Game,
Process Game. Decision Making; Tools and Techniques, Factors- Risk, Turbulence, Uncertainty,Change, Planning
Management, Forecasting, Equity, Growth and Development, Analysisof Settlement System.
Module -5:.. Regional Analysis In Developing Countries: Basic Principles Functional Complexity, Levels of
Settlements, Spatial Linkages Analysis, Analytical Mapping Accessibility Analysis, Functional Gap Analysis,
Formulation of Spatial Development Strategies, Identification of Investment, Projects, Projects and Program, Monitoring
an Evaluation. Institutionalizing Spatial Analysis in the Regional Planning Process, Role of Towns and Cities in the
Development of Rural Regions: Physical Input, Economic, Organization and Knowledge Factors, Problems of Rural
Regions, Benefits of Physical Linkages, Development of Employment Structure by Sectors: Primary, Secondary and
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference books:
1. Kenny Lynch, Rural-Urban Interaction in the Developing World, Taylor & Francis, 2004.
2. Gopal B, Development Of Indian Urban Rural And Regional Planning W. Neha Publishers &Distributors, 2000
3. Harmit Singh Bedi, Smart Urban and Rural Planning Techniques, COPAL Publication, 2015.
4. Kang-Tsung Chang, ‘Introduction to Geographic Information Systems’, McGraw-Hill BookCompany

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Single Degree of Freedom System: Degrees of freedom, undamped system, springs in
parallel, in series. Newton’s laws of motion, free body diagrams. D’Alembert’sprinciple, solution of
the differential equation of motion, frequency and period, amplitude of motion. Damped Single
degree of freedom system – viscous damping, equation of motion, critically damped system, over
damped system, under damped system, and logarithmic decrement. Response of single degree of
freedom system to harmonic loading – undamped harmonic excitation, damped harmonic excitation,
evaluation of damping at resonance, bandwidth method (Half power) to evaluate damping, response
to support motion, force transmitted to the foundation, seismic instruments.
Module -2 Response to General Dynamic Loading Impulsive loading and Duhamel’s integral,
numerical evaluation of Duhamel’s integral, un-damped system, numerical evaluation of Duhamel’s
integral, damped system. Fourier analysis and response in frequency domain – Fourier analysis,
Fourier co-efficient for piece-wise liner functions, exponential form of Fourier series, discrete
Fourier analysis, fast Fourier transform.
Module -3 Generalised Co-ordinates and Rayleigh’s method Principle of virtual work, generalized
single degree of freedom system (rigid body and distributed elasticity), Raylegh’s method.
Multistory Shear Building. Free vibration – natural frequencies andnormal modes, Zero modes of
vibration. Forced motion – modal superposition method – response of a shear building to base
motion. Damped motion of shear building – equations of motions – uncoupled damped equation –
conditions for uncoupling. Damping.
Module -4 Discretization of Continuous Systems Longitudinal Vibration of a uniform rod.
Transverse vibration of a pre-tensioned cable. Free transverse vibration of uniform beams –Rotary
inertia and shear effects – The effect of axial loading. Orthogonality of normal modes. Undamped
forced vibration of beams by mode superposition.
Module -5 Dynamic Analysis of Beams Stiffness matrix, mass matrix (lumped and consistent);
equations of motion for the discretiesed beam in matrix form and its solutions.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each
Reference Books:
1. Mario Paz, “Structural dynamics, Theory and computation”, 2 ndEdition, CBS Publisher and
Distributors, New Delhi.
2. Mukhopadyaya, “Vibration, Dynamics and structural problems,” OxfordIBH Publishers
3. Clough, Ray W and Penzien J, “Dynamics of Structure s”, 2nd EditionMcGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
4. Roy R. Craig, Andrew J. Kurdila, “Fundamentals of StructuralDynamics”, John Wiley & Sons

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction: Sources of water, necessity of treatment, CriticalWater quality parameters, water quality
guidelines andstandards for various water uses. Unit operations: Principles and design ofaeration systems – twofilm
theory, water in air system, air in water system.Intake structures: Different types, design criteria
Module -2 Principles of sedimentation: Types of settling and settlingequations, design criteria and design of settling
tanks.Principle of Coagulation and Flocculation: types of coagulants,coagulant aids, coagulation theory, optimum dose of
coagulant, design criteria and numerical examples.
Module -3 Filtration:Theory, types, hydraulics of filter bed, design criteriaand design of filters, filter backwash,
operational problems and trouble shooting.
Module -4 Adsorption Process: Types, factors affecting adsorption, kineticsand equilibrium – different isotherm
equations and their applications
Module -5 Unit processes: disinfection – different types, disinfectants, factors affecting disinfection, methods of
disinfection, chemistry of chlorination. Water Softening – Ions causing hardness, Langelier index, various methods.
Fluoridation and defluoridation – Principles and design. Trace organic contaminants in water supplies and their
removal.Bench Scale and Pilot Plant studies in water treatment. RuralWater Supply Systems.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Fair, G.M., Geyer J.C and Okun, Water and Waste water Engineering” Vol II, JohnWiley Publications.
2. Weber W.J., “Physico - Chemical Processes for Water Quality Control”.
3. APHA, AWWA, AAWF, “Water Quality and Treatment “McGraw Hill.
4. CPHEEO Manual on “Water Supply and Treatment”, .available at Jain Book agency,C-9, Connaught place, New
5. Peavy, H.S., Rowe and Tchobonoglous,G., “Environmental Engineering”, McGraw Hill
6. Raju, B.S.N., “Water Supply and Wastewater Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill Pvt Ltd.,New Delhi.
7. World Health Organization, Geneva, Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality, ThirdEdition,Volumes 1-3.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Municipal Solid Waste Management: Legal and Organizationalfoundation: Definition of solid waste – waste
generation technologicalsociety – major legislation, monitoring responsibilities, sources andtypes of solid waste –
sampling and characterization – Determinationof composition of MSW – storage and handling of solid waste –Future
change s in waste composition.
Module -2 Collection and Transport of Solid Waste:Collection of Solid Waste:Type of waste collection systems,
analysisof collection n system – alternative techniques for collection system.Separation and Processing and
Transformation of Solid Waste: unitoperations user for separation and processing, Materials Recoveryfacilities, Waste
transformation through combustion and aerobiccomposting, anaerobic methods for materials recovery and treatment–
Energy recovery – IncineratorsTransfer and Transport: Need for transfer operation, transportmeans and methods, transfer
station types and design requirements.
Module -3 Landfills : Site selection, design and operation, drainage and leachatecollection systems – requirements and
technical solution, designatedwaste landfill remediation – Integrated waste management facilities.
Module -4 Hazardous Waste Management: Definition and identification ofhazardous wastes-sources and characteristics –
hazardous wastesin Municipal Waste – Hazardous waste regulations –minimization of Hazardous Waste-compatibility,
handling andstorage of hazardous waste-collection and transport, e- waste - sources, collection, treatment and reuse
Module -5 Hazardous waste treatment and Design: Hazardous wastetreatment technologies - Design and operation of
facilities forphysical, chemical and thermal treatment of hazardous waste – Solidification, chemical fixation and
encapsulation, incineration.Hazardous waste landfills: Site selection, design and operation –
remediation of hazardous waste disposal sites.Biomedical Waste management: Biomedical (Handling and Management)
Rules 2008 ,sources, treatment and disposal
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Tchobanoglous G., Theissen H., and EIiassen R., “Solid Waste Engineering – PrinciplesandManagement Issues”,
McGraw Hill, New York.
2. Pavoni J.L., “Handbook of Solid Waste Disposal”.
3. Mantell C.L.,, “Solid Waste Management”, John Wiley.
4. CPHEEO, Manual on Municipal Solid waste management, Jain Book Agency, c-9,Connaught place, New Delhi
5. Sasikumar and Krishna S. G, Solid waste Management, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, NewDelhi
6. WHO Manual on Solid Waste Management.
7. Hazardous waste (management and handling) Rules, 2001
8. Biomedical (Handling and Management) Rules 2008
9. Charles A. Wentz; “”Hazardous Waste Management”, McGraw Hill Publication, 1995.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction: Occupational Safety and Health Act, OccupationalSafety and Health Administration, Right to
know Laws. Indian Acts – Labour Act, Factories Act, OSHA.
Module -2 Ergonomics: need, Task Analysis, Preventing Ergonomic Hazards, Ergonomics Programme. Accident –
Causation, investigation methods and different models.
Module -3 Occupational Hazard and Control: Hazard Analysis, HumanError and Fault Tree Analysis, Emergency
Response.Hazards and their control in different manufacturing andprocessing industries
Module -4 Fire Prevention and Protection: Types of Fire, Fire Developmentand its Severity, Effect, Extinguishing Fire,
Electrical Safety,Product Safety
Module -5 Occupational Health: Health and Safety Considerations,Personal Protective Equipment. Health problems in
differenttypes of industries – construction, textile, steel and food processing, pharmaceutical, occupational Health and
Safety considerations in Wastewater Treatment Plants.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Goetsch D.L., “Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists”, Engineers andManagers”,Prentice Hall.
2. Heinrich H.W., “Industrial Accident Prevention”, McGraw Hill Publication ,Newyork.
3. Colling D.A., “Industrial Safety Management and Technology”, Prentice Hall, NewJersey.
4. Della D.E., and Giustina, “Safety and Environmental Management”, Van NostrandReinholdInternational Thomson
Publishing Inc.
5. CPHEEO, Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment, M/s.Jain Book Agency, c-9,Connaught place, New Delhi.
6. National Safety Council and Associate (Data) Publishers Pvt. Ltd., “Industrial Safetyand Pollution Control Handbook”

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Geodatabase: Basic geodatabase and structure, Types of geodatabase, Advantages of geodatabase, Basic
geodatabase structure, Topology,relational classes, geometric networks, raster data – Creatinggeodatabase, organizing
data, defining database structure -Understanding spatial reference in geodatabase – Modifying spatialdomain, Simple
feature creation in geodatabase, Creating and editingmap topology, - Types of geodatabase annotation - Adding
behaviour to a geodatabase.
Module -2 Surface Analysis: Slope and aspect - Hydrologic functions –Viewsheds- Shaded relief maps Spatial analysis -
Surface analysis - 3-D analysis –Map algebra - Cell statistics DEM, DTM and TIN
Model Building and Spatial Modeling: Why build models – Anatomyof a model - Model elements - Introduction to
scripting. The objectmodel in GIS. Vector and raster data extraction for modeling, Land useclassification, Temporal land
use analysis, Spatial modeling procedure,Cellular automata modeling, Methods of spatial interpolation.
Data Accuracy, Error Assessment and Propagation: Spatial datastandards, Positional accuracy, Accuracy measurement
techniques, Errorin linear and area feature, Land use classification accuracy, Attributeaccuracy, Error propagation in
spatial attribute
Advanced Cartography: Annotations, labels, and metadata; Mapmaking with advance tricks Working with labels and
annotations –Managing (organizing and modifying) labels and annotations – Metadata file creation and management
with new tools.
Module -3 Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and Spatial Decision supportSystem (SDSS): Elements of multi-criteria
decision analysis,classification of decision problems, criteria evaluation, hierarchicaldecision alternatives and constraints,
alternatives and decision variables,deterministic variables, criteria weighting , estimation weights, ranking
methods, decision rules, multi-attribute decision rules, sensitivityanalysis, SDSS, what is SDSS, requirements multi-
criteria spatialdecision support systems (SDSS). SDSS for location planning, application-specific capabilities.
Module -4 Expert GIS : Introduction to concepts of Expert GIS, Data formats,Proprietary file formats, translator and
transfer formats, open formats,standards, metadata, standards gazetteer, XML and GML, GIS anddatabases Spatial
databases, relational databases, object databases,advanced database technology, derived mapping – generalization, text
placement, automated cartography, data from imagery, Web GIS, simplemaps in web pages, web software, Mobile GIS –
positioning, locationbased services, personal and vehicle navigation, LBS for mass market,telematics. –Applications
Module -5 Enterprise GIS : User need assessment; old and new spatial databasemodels, SDE layers, Geodatabase,
architecture design, capacityplanning(Hardware), security planning, RDBMS, RDBMS softwareselection, GIS software
selection, planning for migration. Enterprise GISmanagement.
Case Studies: GIS analysis in transportation, GIS analysis in watermanagement, urban development, environmental
analysis, hydrologicalmodeling, Habitat suitability modeling, virtual cities 3D modeling andvisual simulation, Automata
based models of Urban system
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. GIS and Multi-criteria decision analysis by Jacek Malczewski, John Wiley and sons.
2. Expert Systems by Peter Jackson, third edition, 1999, Pearson Education.
3. Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems, CP Lo, Albert K WYeung, 2005 Prantice Hall of India
4. Geographic Information Systems – An introduction by Tor Bernhardsen, John Wiley
and Sons, Inc., New York, 2002.
5. Remote sensing and Image interpretation by Thomas M. Lillesand and Ralph W.Kiefer, John Wiley and Sons Inc.,
New York, 1994.
6. Geographical Information Systems – Principles and Applications, Volume I & II,edited by David J. Maguire, Micheal
F Goodchild and David W Rhind, John WileySons. Inc., New York 1991.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Features of Recent Advances in Concrete, Types of Concreteto be dealt; Terminologies, Ingredients,
Properties of Fresh& Hardened concrete, related tests, Production and use ofconcrete.
Module -2 High Performance Concretes: Definition & Introduction,Classification, general properties, Advantages,
Disadvantages, Applications, Description of types.Guidelines for Mix design and use of following concretes:Light
weight concrete, High strength concrete, Ultra-highstrength concrete (reactive powder concrete), Highworkability
concrete/Self compacting concrete, Fiberreinforced concrete, Polymer-concrete composites
Module -3 Special Concretes: Definition & Introduction, Generalproperties, Advantages, Disadvantages, Applications,
Concreting practices, Guidelines for Mix design and use offollowing concretes: High density concrete, Shrinkage
compensating concrete, Mass concrete, Roller compactedconcrete.
Module -4 Durability of Concrete: Definitions, Deterioration processes– Physical, Chemical, Environmental &
Biological; Measuresfor ensuring durability, Corrosion of reinforcing steel,protective measures.
Module -5 Testing and Quality Control of Concrete: Classification oftest methods, In-situ, Non-Destructive & Partially–
Destructive tests for fresh concrete, hardened concrete anddurability of concrete. Problems on the in-situ testing results
and compared withLaboratory results
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Gambhir.M.L., “Concrete Technology”, McGraw Hill Education, 2006.
2. Gupta.B.L., Amit Gupta, “Concrete Technology”, Jain Book Agency, 2010.
3. Neville, A.M., “Properties of Concrete”, Prentice Hall, 1995, London.
4. Santhakumar.A.R. ; “Concrete Technology”,Oxford University Press,2007.
5. Shetty M.S., “Concrete Technology”, S.Chand and Company Ltd. Delhi, 2003.
6. Mehta .P.K., and Paulo J.M. Monteiro, “Concrete- Microstructure, Propertiesand Materials”-(Indian Ed.,Indian
Concrete institute), McGraw Hill.
7. “Current Literature”.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction and definition of Sustainability. Carbon cycleand role of construction material such as concrete
andsteel, etc. CO2 contribution from cement and otherconstruction materials.
Module -2 Construction materials and indoor air quality. No/Lowcement concrete. Recycled and manufactured
aggregate.Role of QC and durability. Life cycle and sustainability.
Module -3 Components of embodied energy, calculation of embodiedenergy for construction materials. Energy concept
andprimary energy. Embodied energy via-a-vis operationalenergy in conditioned building. Life Cycle energy use.
Module -4 Control of energy use in building, ECBC code, codes inneighboring tropical countries, OTTV concepts and
calculations, features of LEED and TERI Griha ratings. Roleof insulation and thermal properties of construction
materials, influence of moisture content and modeling.Performance ratings of green buildings. Zero energy building
Module -5 Non-renewable sources of energy and Environmentalaspects – energy norm, coal, oil , natural gas, Nuclear
energy, Global temperature, Green house effects, globalwarming. Acid rain - Causes, effects and control methods.
Regional impacts of temperature change.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. “Construction Materials, Methods & Techniques”(3e) by William P Spence,Yesdee Publication 2012, Pvt. Ltd,,
Chennai, India
2. “Concrete Structure properties & Materials” by Mehta P.K &Mantreio P.J.M,Prentice hall.
3. “Building Materials” by M L Gambhir, Neha Jamwal, Tata McGraw Hill Publ.
4. New Building Materials and Construction World magazine
5. C.J.Kibert(2008)“Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design anddelivery”, 3rd Ed., John Wiley, Hoboken, New
6. Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC)
7. Sustainable Engineering Practice ASCE Publication 2010.
8. Hagger Sustainable Industrial Design and Waste Management, TechnizBook 2010.
9. Willan T. Mayer Energy economics and building design.
10. National Building Code 2005, Part 0-10, Bureau of Indian Standards
11. G.T. Miller Jr. (2004) “Living in the Environment: Principles,Connections,and Solutions”, 14th Ed., Brooks Cole,
Pacific Grove, California, Washington

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


/ 16CHT253
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 SITE INVESTIGATION:Planning of Exploration and experimental programme, investigations,exploration
for preliminary design, exploration for detailed designGeo-physical explorations (soundings, probings, boring, boring
methods), excavation methods for explorations, ground waterinvestigations, rock boring, miscellaneous exploratory
Module -2 SAMPLING AND IN-SITU FIELD TESTS: Types of samples, samplers,preservation, shipment and storage
of samples, bore log, pore pressuremeasurements, core recovery, rock strength, rock quality designationIn-situ field
testing and laboratory investigation of soils and rock(including advanced equipment), instrumentation, data acquisition
andmeasurement techniques: SPT, SCPT, DCPT, pressuremeter, dilatometer,permeability, plate load test, lateral pressure
test. Numerical problems
Module -3 DATA INTERPRETATION: Data interpretation for determination ofengineering properties of soils and their
application to geotechnicaldesign, preparation of site investigation reports
Module -4 SITE IMPROVEMENT: General methods of stabilization – shallow anddeep, factors governing suitable
method, compaction,Drainage: soil and filter permeability, filter criteria, drainage layout andpumping system,
Pre-compression and consolidation: principles, sand drains, porepressure distribution, electro-osmotic and chemical
osmoticconsolidation. Numerical problems
Module -5 STABILIZATION: Mechanical stabilization, lime, cement, bitumen, chemical etc.Grouting: Injection and
principles, grouting pressure criteria, groutingequipment, injection chemicals,Thermal methods: heating and cooling
effects on soils, equipment,Miscellaneous: moisture barriers and preventing techniques
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. Engineering Principles of Ground Modifications – Hausmann, McGraw Hill.
2. Foundation Analysis and Design – J E Bowles, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Subsurface Exploration and Sampling of Soils for Civil Engg. Purposes –Hvorslev M J,
Reference Books:
1. Soil Mechanics, T.W. Lambe and R.V. Whitman. John Wiley & Sons, 1969.
2. Geotechnical Engineering- Donold P Coduto Phi Learning Private Limited,New Delhi
3. Geotechnical Engineering- Shashi K. Gulathi&ManojDatta. (2009), “Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg.- Muni Budhu (2010), 3rd Edition, JohnWiely& Sons
5. Soil Mechanics for Road Engineers - HMSO

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Planning of Low volume roads: Introduction to planning of low volume roads,concepts of network planning,
selection of roadway alignment, factors affecting routselection, engineering surveys for new road location.
Module -2 Geometric design parameters: basic principles of geometric design, design ofhorizontal alignment, curves,
super elevation, design of vertical alignment, summitcurve, and vally curve standard of design of low volume road.
Module -3. Materials: Road materials for pavement construction, soil-subgrade, road aggregate,binder, test on soil, test
on aggregates and test on bitumen, bituminous mix design,marshal stability methoid for mix design.
Module -4 Design of pavement: Factors affecting pavement design function of pavementcomponents, design of flexible
pavement by GI method, CBR method, burmister layer.Design of rigid pavement by using IRC method.
Module -5 Road construction: Specifications of material and construction of sub grade,subbase, base and surface layer,
construction of non bituminous road, construction ofbituminous roads, equipment required for construction, aintenance
of low volumeroads
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. A. Veeraragavan, S.K Khanna and C.E.G. Justo, Highway Engineering, Nem Chand & Brothers, 2014.
2. Bruton, M. J., Introduction to Transportation Planning, UCL press, London, UK, 1992.
3. Ethiopian Roads Authority, Design Manual for Low Volume Roads, Parts A-G:
4. Gordon Keller & James Sherar, Low-Volume Roads Engineering: Best Management Practices – FieldGuide, USDA
Forest Service/USAID, 2003. 27
2007/2003- LVREngineering-FieldGuide-USA-by-GKeller.pdf
5. IRC SP 20: Rural road manual, Indian road congress, New Delhi, 2002 6. Yan H. Huang, PavementAnalysis and
design, Second Edition, prentice hall inc, 2004

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 System and Technologies: Urban passenger transportation modes, transitclassifications and definitions,
theory of urban passenger transport modes, railtransit, bus transit, Metro and Mono Rail, Para transit and ride sharing,
designing for pedestrians, trends in transit rider ship and use of different modes.
Module -2 Comparing Alternatives: Comparing costs, comparative analysis, operational andtechnological characteristics
of different rapid transit modes, evaluating rapidtransit, Problems.
Module -3. Planning: Transportation system management, system and service planning,financing public transportation,
management of public transportation, publictransportation marketing.
Module -4 Transit System Evaluation: Definition of quantitative performance attributes,transit lane capacity, way
capacity, station capacity, theoretical and practicalcapacities of major transit modes, quantification of performance,
Module -5 Urban traffic: Classification of transportation systems, conventionaltransportation systems, non-conventional
transportation systems, prototypes andtomorrow's solutions, analysis and interpretation of information on
transportation systems, perspectives of future transportation.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. George E. Gray and Lester A. Hoel, 'Public Transportation', Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
2. Vukan R. Vuchic, 'Urban Public Transportation Systems and Technology’, Prentice HallInc., New Jersey.
3. Horst R. Weigelt, Rainer E. Gotz, Helmut H. Weiss,' City Traffic - A Systems Digest', VanNostrand Reinhold
Company, New York
4. John W. Dickey,' Metropolitan Transportation Planning', Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co..New Delhi

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 . Theory of Elasticity: Introduction: Definition of stressand strain and strain at a point, components of
stressand strain at appoint of Cartesian and polar coordinates. Constitutive relations, equilibrium equations,compatibility
equations and boundary conditions in 2-Dand 3-D cases.
Module -2 Transformation of stress and strain at a point,Principal stresses and principal strains, invariants ofstress and
strain, hydrostatic and deviatric stress, spherical and deviatric strains, max. shear strain.
Module -3.Plane stress and plane strain: Airy’s stress function approach to 2-D problems of elasticity, simpleproblems of
bending of beams. Solution of axisymmetricproblems, stress concentration due to thepresence of a circular hole in plates.
Module -4 Elementary problems of elasticity in three dimensions,stretching of a prismatic bar by its own weight, twist
of circular shafts, torsion of non-circular sections,membrane analogy, Propagation of waves in solidmedia. Applications
of finite difference equations inelasticity.
Module -5 Theory of Plasticity: Stress – strain diagram insimple tension, perfectly elastic, Rigid – Perfectlyplastic,
Linear work – hardening, Elastic Perfectly plastic, Elastic Linear work hardening materials,Failure theories, yield
conditions, stress – spacerepresentation of yield criteria through Westergardstress space, Tresca and Von-Mises criteria
of yielding
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Timoshenko & Goodier, “Theory of Elasticity”, McGraw Hill
2. Srinath L.S., Advanced Mechanics of Solids, 10th print, Tata McGraw HillPublishing company, New Delhi, 1994
3. Sadhu Singh, “Theory of Elasticity”, Khanna Publishers
4. Verma P.D.S, “Theory of Elasticity”, Vikas Publishing Pvt. Ltd
5. Chenn W.P and Hendry D.J, “Plasticity for Structural Engineers”, Springer Verlag
6. Valliappan C, “Continuum Mechanics Fundamentals”, Oxford IBH Publishing CoLtd.
7. Sadhu Singh, “Applied Stress Analysis”, Khanna Publishers
8. Xi Lu, “Theory of Elasticity”, John Wiley.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100

Module -1 . Preliminary Data Analysis: Graphical representation-Histogram, frequency polygon, Measures of central
tendency- grouped and ungrouped data, measures ofdispersion, measures of asymmetry. Curve fitting andCorrelation:
Fitting a straight line, curve of the formy = abx, and parabola, Coefficient of correlation.
Module -2 Probability Concepts: Random events-Sample spaceand events, Venn diagram and event space, Measures
of probability-interpretation, probability axioms,addition rule, multiplication rule, conditionalprobability, probability tree
diagram, statisticalindependence, total probability theorem and Baye’stheorem
Module -3. Random variables: Probability mass function,probability density function, Mathematicalexpectation,
Chebyshev’s theorem. Probabilitydistributions: Discrete distributions- Binomial andpoison distributions, Continuous
distributions-Normal, Log normal distributions.
Module -4 Reliability Analysis: Measures of reliability-factor ofsafety, safety margin, reliability index, performance
function and limiting state. Reliability Methods-FirstOrder Second Moment Method (FOSM), PointEstimate Method
(PEM), and Advanced First OrderSecond Moment Method (Hasofer-Lind’s method)
Module -5 System reliability: Influence of correlationcoefficient, redundant and non-redundant systemsseries,parallel and
combined systems, Uncertainty inreliability assessments- Confidence limits, Bayesianrevision of reliability. Simulation
Techniques: MonteCarlo simulation- Statistical experiments, sample sizeand accuracy, Generation of random
numbersrandomnumbers with standard uniform distribution,continuous random variables, discrete random
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Ranganathan, R. (1999). “Structural Reliability Analysis and design”- Jaicopublishing house, Mumbai, India.
2. Ang, A. H. S., and Tang, W. H. (1984). “Probability concepts in engineeringplanning and design”- Volume –I, John
Wiley and sons, Inc, New York.
3. Ang, A. H. S., and Tang, W. H. (1984). “Probability concepts in engineeringplanning and design”-Volume –II, John
Wiley and sons, Inc, New York.
4. Milton, E. Harr (1987). “Reliability based design in civil engineering”- McGraw Hill book Co.
5. Nathabdndu, T., Kottegoda, and Renzo Rosso (1998). Statistics, “Probabilityand reliability for Civil and
Environmental Engineers”- Mc Graw Hillinternational edition, Singapore.
6. AchintyaHaldar and SankaranMahadevan (2000). “Probability, Reliabilityand Statistical methods in Engineering
design”- John Wiley and Sons. Inc.
7. Thoft-christensen, P., and Baker, M., J., (1982), “Structural reliability theoryand its applications”- Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, NewYork.
8. Thoft-christensen, P., and Murotsu, Y. (1986). “Application of structuralsystems reliability theory”- Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, NewYork

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 . Losses of Prestress: Loss of prestress in pre-tensioned and posttensionedmembers due to various causes like
elastic shortening ofconcrete, shrinkage of concrete, creep of concrete, relaxation ofsteel, slip in anchorage, bending of
member and frictional loss –Analysis of sections for flexure.
Module -2 Design of Section for Flexure: Allowable stresses, Elastic designof simple beams having rectangular and I-
section for flexure, kernlines, cable profile and cable layout.
Design of Sections for Shear: Shear and Principal stresses,Improving shear resistance by different
prestressingtechniqueshorizontal,sloping and vertical prestressing, Analysis ofrectangular and I–beam, Design of shear
reinforcement, Indiancode provisions.
Module -3. Deflections of Prestressed Concrete Beams: Short termdeflections of uncracked members, Prediction of long-
termdeflections, load–deflection curve for a PSC beam, IS coderequirements for maximum deflections.
Module -4 Transfer of Prestress in Pretensioned Members : Transmissionof prestressing force by bond,Transmission
length, Flexural bondstresses, IS code provisions, Anchorage zone stresses in posttensioned members, stress distribution
in End block, Anchoragemzone reinforcements.
Module -5 Statically Indeterminate Structures: Advantages anddisadvantages of continuous PSC beams, Primary and
secondarymoments, P and C lines, Linear transformation, concordant andnon-concordant cable profiles, Analysis of
continuous beams.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Srinath. L.S., Advanced Mechanics of Solids, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Delhi Co ltd., New
1. Krishna Raju, “Prestressed concrete”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Book – Co ., New Delhi.
2. T.Y. Lin and Burn, “Design of prestress concrete structures”, John Wiley, New York.
3. S. Ramamrutham, “Prestressed concrete”, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction –Introduction to transportation planning, scope and objective of UTP, various modes of
transportation and comparisons, urban transportation system planning process, transportation demand and forecast.
Module -2 Transportation Planning Process & Surveys
System approach to urban planning, Stages in transportation planning, Basic Movements-Study Area-Zones- Surveys-
Planning of different types of surveys-Inventory of transportation facilities
Module -3.Trip generation & Trip distribution
Trip generation: Trip purpose- Factors governing trip generation and attraction- Category analysis-Problems on above
Trip distribution: Methods- Growth factors methods- Synthetic methods- Fratar and Furness method and problems on the
Module -4.Model Split & Trip Assignment
Model Split: Factors affecting- characteristics of split- Model split in urban transport planning- problems on above Trip
Assignment: Assignment techniques- problems on all techniques, minimum path tree problems.
Module -5 Interdependency of Land Use & transport, characteristics of land use Models–Lowry Model- Hansen’s
Accessibility Model-Density- Saturation Gradient Model-Problems(Exception Lowry Model & DSGM)- Difficulties in
planning small & medium cities- Recent case studies
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Kadiyali L.R., Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning, Khanna Publishers
2. C. S. Papacostas, Fundamentals of Transportation System Analysis, PHI.
3. Khisty, C J., Transportation Engineering – An Introduction, Prentice-Hall, NJ
1. B.G.Hutchinson, Principles of urban transportation system planning- McGraw-Hill, New York, 1974
2. S.C. Saxena, Traffic Planning and Design, DhanpatRai Pub., New Delhi.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Plants and Equipment for production of materials- Crushers, mixers, bituminous mixingplants, concrete
mixing plants, transit mixers, advantages, choice, production rate calculation.
Module -2 Construction Equipment – Operations, applications and performance of dozers, excavators,graders,
compactors, pavers, haulers, crawler, wheel tractors, power shovels, pile drivingequipments, hauling equipments, and
drilling, blasting and tunneling equipment.
Module -3.Miscellaneous Equipments - Equipment for: Dredging, tunneling, dewatering. Equipment forflooring-
dewatering and floors finishing. Sprayers, kerb casting equipment, screening equipment.
Module -4.Selection of Construction Equipment- Task considerations, cost considerations, engineeringconsiderations,
equipment acquisition options.
Module -5 Management Of Construction Equipment: Need for mechanization of construction – planningand financing
construction plant and equipment – Owning and operating equipment versus hiring– planning forinfrastructure
mechanization equipment management – equipment maintenanceand repair, log maintenance, safety during operation,
economical life of equipment.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Peurifoy, R.L., Ledbette. W.B., Construction Planning, Equipment and Methods, McGrawHill Co.,
2. Antil J.M., Civil Engineering Construction, McGraw Hill Book Co.
3. Smith, R.C, Andres, C.K., Principles and Practive of Heavy Construction, Prentice Hall
4. SC Sharma ‘Construction equipment’
5. Chitkara, K. K. Construction Project Management: Panning, Scheduling and Control, Tata McGraw
Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi,1998.
6. Frank harris, “Modern Construction Equipment & methods”, John Wiley & Sons

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 General: Introduction, Cause of deterioration of concrete structures, Diagnostic methods &analysis,
preliminary investigations, experimental investigations using NDT, load testing,corrosion mapping, core drilling and
other instrumental methodsQuality assurance for concrete construction as built concrete properties strength,
permeability,thermal properties and cracking.
Module -2 Influence on Serviceability and Durability: Effects due to climate, temperature, chemicals,wear and erosion,
Design and construction errors, corrosion mechanism, Effects of coverthickness and cracking, methods of corrosion
protection, corrosion inhibitors, corrosion resistantsteels, coatings, cathodic protection.
Module -3.Maintenance and Repair Strategies: Definitions: Maintenance, repair and rehabilitation,Facets of Maintenance
importance of Maintenance Preventive measures on various aspects.Inspection, Assessment procedure for evaluating a
damaged structure causes of deterioration -testing techniques
Module -4.Materials for Repair: Special concretes and mortars, concrete chemicals, special elements foraccelerated
strength gain, Expansive cement, polymer concrete, sulphur infiltrated concrete,Ferro cement, Fiber reinforced concrete.
Techniques for Repair: Rust eliminators and polymerscoating for rebar during repair foamed concrete, mortar and dry
pack, vacuum concrete, Guniteand Shot Crete Epoxy injection, Mortar repair for cracks, shoring and underpinning.
Module -5 Examples of Repair to Structures: Repairs to overcome low member strength, Deflection,Cracking, Chemical
disruption, weathering wear, fire, leakage, marine exposure.
Demolition-Techniques, Demolition by Machines, Demolition by Explosives, Advancedtechniques using Robotic
Machines, Demolition Sequence, Dismantling Techniques, Safetyprecaution in Demolition and Dismantling.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Sidney, M. Johnson “Deterioration, Maintenance and Repair of Structures”.
2. Denison Campbell, Allen & Harold Roper, “Concrete Structures – Materials, Maintenance andRepair”- Longman
Scientific and Technical
3. R.T.Allen and S.C. Edwards, “Repair of Concrete Structures”-Blakie and Sons
4. Raiker R.N., “Learning for failure from Deficiencies in Design, Construction and Service”-R&D Center (SDCPL)

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Artificial Intelligence:Introduction: AI – Applications fields, defining the problems – statespace
representation – problem characteristics – production system– production system characteristics. Knowledge
Representation:Formal logic – predicate logic – logic programming – forward v/sbackward reasoning – matching control
Module -2 Search and Control:Concepts – uninformed / blind search: depth first s earch –breadth first search - bi-
directional searc h – informed search –heuristic graph search – generate and test - hill climbing – best–first search –
AND OR graph search. Non-formal KnowledgeRepresentation – semantic networks – frames – scripts –
productionsystems. Programming in LISP.
Module -3 Expert Systems:Their superiority over conventional software – components of anexpert system – expert
system life cycle– expert system development process – nature of expert knowledge– techniques of soliciting and
encoding expert knowledge.Inference: Forward chaining – backward chaining – rule valueapproach.
Module -4 Uncertaintysymbolic reasoning under uncertainty: logic for non-monotonicreasoning. Statistical reasoning:
Probability and Bayes’ theorem –certainty factor and rule based systems – Bayesian network -Dempster– Shafer theory.
Module -5 Fuzzy reasoning and Neural Networks:Features of rule-based, network- based and frame -based expertsystems
– examples of expert systems in Construction Managementand Structural Engg. Expert system shells. Neural Networks:
Anintroduction– their possible applications in Civil Engineering.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Adeli, H., “Expert Systems in Constructions and Structural Engg”,Chapman &Hall, New York
2. Patterson D W, “Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems”, Prentice-Hall,lStrdi.n, aNtNehwe. w LD.
SJee.l,hrsAiyd.vanced Mechanics of Solids, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co
3. Rich, E. and Knight K. “Artificial Intelligence”, T MH, New Delhi.
4. Rolston ,D.W., “Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems” McGraw Hill,NewYork.
5. Nilsson, N.J., “Principals of Artificial Intelligence”, Narosa., New Delhi.SDCPL –R&D Center – New Mumbai 73.
5. Jaikrishna et al. “Elements of Earthquake Engineering”, South AsiaPublishers, New Delhi

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction: sources, effects on – ecosystems,characterization of atmospheric pollutants, air pollution
episodes of environmental importance
Module -2 Meteorology - composition and structure of the atmosphere,wind circulation, solar radiation, lapse rates,
atmosphericstability conditions, wind velocity profile, Maximum MixingDepth (MMD), Temperature Inversions,
Windrose diagram
Module -3 General characteristics of stack emissions, plume behaviour, heatisland effect. Pollutants dispersion models –
description andapplication of point, line and areal sources.Monitoring of particulate matter and gaseous pollutants –
respirable, non-respirable and nano - particulate matter.CO, CO2, Hydrocarbons (HC), SOX and NOX, photochemical
Module -4 Air Pollution Control equipment for particulate matter & gaseous pollutants – gravity settling chambers,
centrifugal collectors, wet collectors, fabric filters, electrostaticprecipitator (ESP). – adsorption, absorption, scrubbers,
condensation and combustion
Module -5 Indoor Air Pollution – sources, effects and control. Noise - sources, measurements, effects and occupational
hazards. Standards, Noise mapping, Noise attenuation equations andmethods, prediction equations, control measures,
Legal aspects of noise
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. WarkK ., Warner C.F., and Davis W.T., “Air Pollution - Its Origin and Control”,Harper &Row Publishers, New York.
2. Lee C.C., and Lin S.D., “Handbook of Environmental Engineering Calculations”,McGrawHill, New York.
3. Perkins H.C., “Air Pollution”, McGraw Hill.
4. Crawford M., “Air Pollution Control Theory”, TATA McGraw Hill.
5. Stern A.C., “Air Pollution”, Vol I, II, III.
6. Seinfeld N.J.,, “Air Pollution”, McGraw Hill.
7. Stern A.C.,Vol. V, “Air Quality Management”.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Digital Data: Introduction- Satellite data acquisition –Storage andretrieval – Data Formats – Compression –
Satellite System – Dataproducts – Image processing hardware and software.
Image Rectification and Restoration: Geometric correction- Radiometric correction – Noise removal.
Module -2 Image Enhancement: Contrast Manipulation –Gray-LevelThresholding- Level Slicing Contrast Stretching –
Convolution – EdgeEnhancement – Spatial feature manipulation –Fourier Analysis.
Multi Image Manipulation: Spectral Ratioing –Principal and CanonicalComponents– Vegetative Components – Intensity
– Hue – Saturation –Colour Space Transformation.
Rectifying a Camera Image: Perform Image to Image Rectification –Check Map Models – Ortho-rectification- Area
correlation –Resampling-Multi-image fusion- Spatial and spectral domain fusion.
Module -3 Information Extraction: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), RatioImages, Multispectral Classification –
Supervised and Un-supervisedClassification methods, Graphical representation of the spectral responsepatterns,
Quantitative expression of category separation, Selfclassificationof training set data, interactive preliminary classification
representative and subsene classification, Hybrid –Classification –Classification of Mixed Pixels.
Output generation: Graphic Products – tabular data, DigitalInformation files – Post Classification Smoothing –
ClassificationAccuracy Assessment. Classification error matrix, samplingconsideration, evaluating classification error
Module -4 Data Merging and GIS Integration: Multi-temporal Data merging,Multi-sensor image merging – Merging of
image data with Ancillarydata- Incorporating GIS Data in automated land cover classification.Change detection: Binary
change detection, multi-date composite imagechange detection.
Module -5 Hyper-spectral Image Analysis and Radar image analysis:Atmospheric correction – Hyper-spectral image
analysis techniques.SAR data processing and analysis.Image Analysis and Understanding: Pattern recognition –
Shapeanalysis- Textural and contextual analysis – Decision concepts – Fuzzysets and evidential reasoning.
Advanced Concepts: Artificial intelligence and expert systems –Artificial Neural Network concepts, genetic algorithms
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. John R Jenson ‘Introducing Digital Image Processing” Prantice Hall. New Jersy1986.
2. R. A. Schowengergt, ‘Techniques for Image Processing and Classification inRemote Sensing’; 1983
3. Robert A Schowengergt, ‘Remote Sensing – Models and Methods for ImageProcessing’ Academic Press 1997
4. Hord R M, Academic Press, 1982.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Concepts of natural resources management: Types of naturalresources, renewable, non-renewable, Linkages
of natural resources withthe economy, impact of natural resources utilization on Earth systemfunctioning, , National
Natural Resources Management Systems(NNRMS), Natural Resources Census, Natural Resources Information
Geological Resources Exploration: Geomorphological Mapping:Mapping geological structures-folds, faults, joints and
lineaments,Lithological mapping, Mineral resources mapping and Mineral Resources Information System; Encroachment
mapping, GIS in mineremediation and mine reclamation
Land Resources Management: Soil survey, soil classification, soilseries establishment, profile studies, Land Use Land
Cover Mapping,Wetland Mapping, Wasteland Mapping, Land Degradation andDesertification Mapping, Soil
Conservation Measures, Soil ErosionModeling, Land capability Maps, land/ soil Irrigability maps and Land Resources
Information Systems (LRIS).
Module -2 Agro-ecosystem management: Agro-climatic zonation, Crop AcreageProduction Estimation (CAPE),
Forecasting Agriculture output throughSatellite and Land-based observations (FASAL), Crop norm violation,Cropping
systems analysis, RS basis for crop insurance claim. Satelliteagro-meteorology; Thermal RS application for crop stress
detection, &Microwave application in agriculture, Space inputs for precisionagriculture, Agro-climatic planning and
information Bank (APIB), Sitesuitability studies for agricultural crops, horticultural crops. Horticulture,Sericulture,
inputs management.
Forest Resources management: Mapping and inventorying of forestresources, Forest biomass estimation, carbon
sequestration, forest firemapping and monitoring, forest fire risk zonation, Biodiversityconservation planning, eco-
restoration and eco-development;encroachment mapping and monitoring, Forest Management Plans, andWorking Plans.
Inputs for preparation of working plan/management plan.Environmental Impact assessment of mining and Industrial
activities.,Microwave application in Forestry, Wildlife ecology applications-Habitat management- wildlife habitat
selection, habitat fragmentation,protected areas, Catchments area treatment plans, waste landdevelopment, forest
plantations and its monitoring, joint forestmanagement, forest resource information system
Module -3 Water Resources Management: Hydrological cycle, Surface waterresources mapping and management;
Integrated river basin management,Inter river basin connectivity mapping, river diversion studies, Sitesuitability for
surface storages and hydro-electric power plants, Digitalelevation models and their applications, storage yield analysis
andreservoir sizing, Floodplain mapping and flood plain zoning, floodmitigation measures, flood water diversion for
irrigation. Ground watermodeling, preparation of ground water prospecting and recharging maps
Module -4 Introduction to Environment: Components of environment, biotic andabiotic components, laws of
conservation of mass and energy, the basicsof thermodynamics, concepts of ecosystem, bio-geo-chemical cycles,
ecological pyramids, food webs, energy flow and ecosystem functioning.
Sustainable Development: Concept of sustainability, Integrated Missionfor Sustainable Development, Watershed
characterization, Acton Plansfor Sustainable development, watershed prioritization, developmentalimpact assessment,
Action plans for Sustainable Agriculture and SpacebasedInformation System for Decentralized Planning (SIS-DP),
SujalaWatershed Project in Karnataka.
Module -5 Water Pollution Applications: Siltation estimation and storage lossestimation, water quality index mapping,
point source pollution mapping,non-point source pollution modeling, eutrophication and watervegetation mapping,
methane production area mapping and modeling,Modeling of dams and reservoirs for estimation of damage to
naturalresources, oil slicks tracing and monitoring, sea turbidity andsedimentation mapping, coastal erosion mapping,
coastal habitatdegradation mapping, ground water contamination studies, Groundwaterpollutionhazard assessment and
protection planning using GIStechniques; groundwater quality index mapping.
Air and Atmospheric Pollution Applications: Aerosol remote sensing,air quality indexing and mapping, dynamic air
pollution modeling,mapping and measuring troposphere pollutants, environmental sensitivityindex mapping; spread and
dispersion of smoke plumes from industriesand power plants, forest fires, oil wells, etc.
Miscellaneous Applications: RS and GIS Applications in noisepollution and light pollution monitoring. GIS modeling
for bioterrorism,ecology of vectors of epidemics, mapping epidemic vulnerable zones.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing by Barrett E.C., Curtis, I.F.,Chapman and Hall, New York, 1982
2. Remote Sensing principles and Interpretations- Sabins, F.F., (Ed) W.H. Freeman andCo., New York, 1986
3. Remote sensing and Image interpretation - Thomas M. Lillesand and Ralph W.Kiefer, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New
York, 1994.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Financial Management; Meaning and Scope, Economics andScope, Supply and Demand Mechanism, analysis
andforecasting. Balance sheet, profit & loss account, fund flowstatement.
Module -2 Production and Cost theory, analysis. Pricing; objectives,determinants, absorption, marginal costing.
Financialanalysis, Decisions. Capital Budgeting, budgetary control,standard costing and variance, investment appraisal
Practical problems and case studies
Module -3 Engineering economics, Time value of money, discountedcash flow, NPV, ROR, Bases of comparison,
Incrementalanalysis, Benefit-Cost analysis, Replacement analysis,Breakeven analysis, Capital budgeting, Taxation and
Inflation, Working capital management, Constructionaccounting, Income statement, Financial statements.
Module -4 Construction Finance: Accounting information andapplication, Financial versus economic evaluation,
financialstatements and project appraisal. Project yield, taxation andinflation, risk and uncertainty, Turnkey activities;
financeand working capital, depreciation and amortization; costcontrol, performance budgeting, equipment rentals.
Module -5 Bidding and awards, work pricing, cost elements ofcontracts, letters of credit, financing plans, multiple
sourcesof finance. Qualifying, bidding, bidders, comparing the bids,under-writing. unforeseen revisions, costs and rates
escalation, cost progress reporting. Legal aspects
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Peterson, H.C., Lewis, W.C. “Managerial Economics”, Prentice Hall of IndiaPvt. Ltd., 2001
2. Parkin, M. & Bade R., “Modern Macroeconomics” 4th Edition, Prentice Hall,1996
3. Werther& Davis, “Human Resources & Personnel Management”, McGrawHill, 1996
4. Edwards, John, 1983 “Manpower planning, John Wiley”: New York
5. Anthony, R.N. Govindrajan, V., Irwin, “Management control systems”,McGraw Hill 10th Edition, 2000
6. Baumel, W.J., A.S. Blinder and W.M. Scarth, “Economics: Principles andpolicy”, Academic Press Canada, Tornoto,
7. Anthony & Reece, “Accounting Principles-AITBS”, Sixth Edition,1998
8. Koontz O’Donnel : “Essentials of Management”; Tata McGraw Hill, 1982
9. Monappa A. “Personnel Management”, Tata McGraw Hill,

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1. Fundamentals of Vibration: Definitions, Simple harmonic motion,Response of SDOF systems of Free and
Forced vibrations with andwithout viscous damping, Frequency dependent excitation,Systems under transient loads,
Rayleigh’s method of fundamentalfrequency, Logarithmic decrement, Determination of viscousdamping,
transmissibility, Systems with Two and Multiple degreesof freedom, Vibration measuring instruments.
Module -2 Fundamentals of Vibration: Definitions, Simple harmonic motion,Response of SDOF systems of Free and
Forced vibrations with andwithout viscous damping, Frequency dependent excitation,Systems under transient loads,
Rayleigh’s method of fundamentalfrequency, Logarithmic decrement, Determination of viscousdamping,transmissibility,
Systems with Two and Multiple degreesof freedom, Vibration measuring instruments.
Module -3 Vibration Analyses: Types, General Requirements, Permissibleamplitude, Allowable soil pressure, Modes of
vibration of a rigidfoundation block, Methods of analysis, Lumped Mass models,elastic half space method, elasto-
dynamics, effect of footing shapeon vibratory response, dynamic response of embedded blockfoundation, Vibration
Module -4 Design of Machine Foundations: Analysis and design of blockfoundations for reciprocating engines, Dynamic
analysis and designprocedure for a hammer foundation, IS code of practice designprocedure for foundations of
reciprocating and impact type machines. Vibration isolation and absorption techniques
Module -5 Machine Foundations on Piles: Introduction, Analysis of piles undervertical vibrations, Analysis of piles
under translation and rocking,Analysis of piles under torsion, Design procedure for a pilesupported machine foundation
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundation (2010), Swami Saran, GalgotiaPublications Pvt. Ltd.
2. Soil Dynamics(1981)- Prakash, S. McGraw Hill Book Company
Reference Books:
1. Foundation for Machines (1998) Prakash, S. and Puri, V. K.: Analysis andDesign, John Wiley & Sons,
2. Vibration Analysis and Foundation Dynamics(1998)-Kameswara Rao, N. S. V.,Wheeler Publication Ltd.,
3. Vibrations of Soils and Foundations(1970) Richart, F. E. Hall J. R and Woods R.D., Prentice Hall Inc.,
4. Principles of Soil Dynamics (2002) Das, B. M., PWS KENT publishing Company,Boston.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1. Soil-Foundation Interaction: Introduction to soil-foundationinteraction problems, Soil behavior, Foundation
behavior, Interfacebehavior, Scope of soil foundation interaction analysis, soilresponse models, Winkler, Elastic
continuum, Two parameterelastic models, Elastic plastic behavior, Time dependent behavior
Module -2 Beam on Elastic Foundation- Soil Models: Infinite beam, Twoparameters, Isotropic elastic half space,
Analysis of beams of finitelength, Classification of finite beams in relation to their stiffness.Plate on Elastic Medium:
Thin and thick plates, Analysis of finiteplates, Numerical analysis of finite plates, simple solutions
Module -3 Plates on Elastic Continuum: Thin and thick rafts, Analysis of finiteplates, Numerical analysis of finite plates
Module -4 Elastic Analysis of Pile: Elastic analysis of single pile, Theoreticalsolutions for settlement and load
distributions, Analysis of pilegroup, Interaction analysis, Load distribution in groups with rigidcap
Module -5 Laterally Loaded Pile: Load deflection prediction for laterally loadedpiles, Subgrade reaction and elastic
analysis, Interaction analysis,Pile-raft system, Solutions through influence charts. Anintroduction to soil-foundation
interaction under dynamic loads
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. Foundation analysis and design - J E Bowles, McGraw Hill, NY
2. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice – Karl Terzaghi and R B Peck (1967),John Wiley and Sons, NY
3. Analysis and Design of Foundations and Retaining Structures –SPrakash(1979), SaritaPrakashana, Meerut
Reference Books:
1. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering – S K Garg, Khanna Publications
2. Geotechnical Engineering – C Venkataramaiah, New Age InternationalPublishers

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1. Introduction to pavement evaluation Structural and functional requirements of flexible and rigid
pavements.Distress and different types of failures in pavements. Functional andstructural deterioration of flexible and
rigid pavements, Deteriorationmodels.
Module -2 Structural and functional evaluation of pavements- Structuralevaluation of flexible pavements by Rebound
deflection method, Analysis ofdata, interpretation and applications, design of overlay. "Use of FWD and
other methods for evaluation of flexible and rigid pavements and theirapplication. Problems. Rating methods. Use of
modern equipment forpavement surface condition measurements.
Module -3 Evaluation of new pavement materials- Model studies, pavement testingUnder controlled conditions,
accelerated testing and evaluation methods.Test track studies. Instrumentation for pavement testing.
Introduction to pavement management: components & principals ofpavement management systems, pavement
maintenance measures,planning investment, research management
Module -4 Pavement Performance Prediction: concepts, modeling techniques,structural condition deterioration models,
mechanistic and empiricalmodels, HDM and other models, comparison of different deteriorationmodels. Functional
condition deterioration models, unevenness predictionmodels and other models, comparison. Modeling in rehabilitation
budgetplanning, case studies, Problems.
Module -5 Ranking and Optimization Methodologies: Recent developments, samplesize selection, economic
optimization of pavement maintenance andrehabilitation.
Design alternatives and Selection: Design objectives and constraints,alternate pavement design strategies and Expert
systems and PavementManagement
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
Reference Books:
1. Freddy L Roberts, Prithvi S Kandhal et al, “Hot Mix Asphalt Materials, mixture design andconstruction”- (2nd
Edition), National Asphalt Pavement Association Research and EducationFoundation, Maryland, USA.
2. E.J.Yoder&Witczak M.W. “Principles of Pavement Design”- 2nd Edition – John Willey and SonsInc., New York,
3. Hass R., Hudson. W. R., Zaniewisti .J. “Modern Pavement Management” – Krieger PublishingCompany, Florida,
4. Per Ulitz “Pavement Analysis” - Elsevier Amsterdam.
5. David and Paul Croney, “Design and performance of road pavements”- third edition, Mc Grawhill, 1998.
6. Ralph Hass, Ronald Hudson and Zanieswki, “Modern Pavement management”- KriegerPublications.
7. W. Ronald Hudson, Ralph Haas and Waheed Uddin, ‘Infrastructure Management’- Mc Graw Hill

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1. Traffic Characteristics, road user characteristics – human factors includingreaction time and vehicular
characteristics affecting road design and traffic flowTraffic studies - data collection, analysis and interpretation of results
of classifiedtraffic volume, spot speed, speed and delay, origin and destination. Sampling intraffic studies – sampling
techniques, sampling theory, accuracy and sample size.Accident characteristics, causes, studies, investigations and
analysis of individualaccidents, statistical analysis, measures to improve road safety. Problems onabove.
Module -2 Traffic flow characteristics, traffic flow variables, speed – flow – densityrelationship, PCU values, level of
service, factors influencing roadway capacity,capacity of roads at various levels of service, capacity of intersections
Module -3 Traffic regulations and control - Regulation on vehicles, drivers and trafficflow, Traffic control devices –
Types & objectives of markings, signs, signals andislands, delineators.
Module -4 Design of signalized intersections including signal timings as per IRC guidelines.Signal system, use of
software. Problems.Design of other types of intersections at grade such as intersections withmarkings, channelized
intersections and traffic rotary. Traffic design of gradeseparated intersections and interchange facilities.
Module -5 Design of on-street and off-street parking facilities, pedestrian facilities, bus bays,safety devices.Design
features of expressways and different types of Urban Roads
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Kadiyali L.R. “Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning”-Khanna Publication, NewDelhi
2. Salter RJ and Hounsell NB, “Highway, Traffic Analysis and Design”- Macmillan Press Ltd.,London.
3. Matson T M, Smith W S , Hurd F W, “ Traffic Engineering, Mc graw Hill Book Co, NY , USA.
4. Drew D R ,” Traffic Flow Theory and Control”, McGraw Hill Book Co, NY, USA.
5. Wohl and Martin, “Traffic System Analysis of Engineers and Planners”-Mcgraw Hill Book Co,New York, USA.
6. Pignataro , “ Traffic Engineering”, John wiley& sons. Nicholas J Garber, Lester A Hoel,
7. “Traffic & Highway Engineering”- Third edition, Bill Stenquist.
8. IRC: SP:41-1994, IRC SP:31-1992, IRC 43-1994, Indian Roads Congress
9. MoRTH “Type Designs for Intersections on National Highways”-Indian Roads Congress
10. MORTH “Manual for Road Safety in Road Design”-Indian Roads Congress
11. IRC3-1983,9-1972,62-1976,64-1990,65-1976, 66-1976,67-2001,69-1977,70-1977,73-1980,79-1981,80-1981,86-
1983,92-1985,93-1985,99-1988,102-1988,103-1988,106-1990,110-1996 Indian Roads Congress
12. Khanna and Justo, “Highway Engineering”- Nem Chand and Bros., Roorkee

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


16CEM21/16CTE 153
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1. Basic Design Theory: Comparison of mix design by IS and ACI method, Design of HSC Using
Erintroy Shaklok Method- Ultra High Strength Concrete. Ferro cement: Introduction, cracking moment and
design of Ferro cement elements under tension, construction technique.
Module -2 Self-compacting concrete: Introduction, Materials, Mix design of SCC, Fresh and Hardened
Properties of SCC, Production and transportation, Formwork, Applications.
Module -3 Geo-polymer concrete: Constituents of Geo-polymer Concrete, Mixing, Casting, and Compaction of
Geo-polymer Concrete, Curing of Geo-polymer concrete, Design of geo-polymer, short and long term
properties of Geo-polymer concrete.
Module -4. Recycled concrete: Introduction, properties of recycled aggregate, Methods of recycling and uality,
Applications. Pumped concrete: Introduction, Types of concrete pump, Requirements of a concrete for
pumping, Effects of aggregates, cement and admixtures on the pumpability of concrete.
Module -5 Properties of lightweight concrete: Introduction, Production and properties of No-fines concrete,
Production and properties of Aerated and foamed concrete and Production and properties of Lightweight
aggregate concrete. Waste Materials in Concrete: Introduction, waste material, waste glass, waste plastic and
waste rubber.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
2. Advanced Concrete Technology –Process by John Newman and Ban Seng Choo, ISBN 0 7506 5105 9,
Elsevier Ltd.
3. Concrete Construction Engineering Handbook by Dr. Edward G. Nawy, CPC Press, 2ndEdition, ISBN 978-
4. “Self-Compacted Concrete by-Applying what we know” By Joseph A. Daczko,CPC Press, ISBN-13:978-0-
References :
1. Shetty, M.S.’ Concrete Technology, M/S S. Chand & Co. Ltd. New Delhi.
2. Concrete Technology by Dr. Aminul Islam Laskar, University Science Press.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1. Management Accounting: Nature and scope of management accounting, cost accounting, financial
accounting and its limitation, Break even analysis
Module -2 Meaning of fund and fund flow analysis, advantages of fund flow statements, limitation and
preparation of fund flow statement and cash flow statement
Module -3 Material Management: importance, Integrated material Management, classification of Material,
ABC analysis, standardization, purchase management, codification types and its uses
Module -4. Price forecasting benefits and its methods: Average method, moving average method, weighted
average method, exponential smoothening.
Module -5 Inventory Management, Store Accounting: LIFO, FIFO, Average cost and market cost, relevant cost
of inventory.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. M. N. Arora: “Management accounting”, Himalaya Publishing House.
2. Mueller, F.W. Integrated cost and schedule control for construction projects.
3. Gobourne: Cost control in the construction industry.
4. Schedule of rates, specification manuals etc. from PWD
5. Chris Hendrickson and Tung Au: Project Management for Construction15
6. Datta : Material Management Procedures, Text and Cases, 2e Prentice Hall
7. Gopalakrishnan ,P,Sundaresan , M: Material Management - an IntegratedApproach, Prentice Hall.
8. Dobbler and Bart: Purchasing and Supplies Management, Text and Cases, 6e

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1. Laterally Unrestrained Beams:Lateral Buckling of Beams, Factors affecting lateral stability, IS800 code
provisions, Design Approach. Lateral buckling strength ofCantilever beams, continuous beams, beams with continuous
anddiscrete lateral restraints, Mono- symmetric and non- uniformbeams – Design Examples. Concepts of -Shear Center,
Warping,Uniform and Non-Uniform torsion.
Module -2 Beam- Columns in Frames:Behaviour of Short and Long Beam - Columns, Effects ofSlenderness Ratio and
Axial Force on Modes of Failure, Biaxialbending, Strength of Beam Columns, Sway and Non-Sway Frames,
Strength and Stability of rigid jointed frames, Effective Length ofColumns-, Methods in IS 800 - Examples
Module -3 Steel Beams with Web Openings:Shape of the web openings, practical guide lines, and Forcedistribution and
failure patterns, Analysis of beams with perforatedthin and thick webs, Design of laterally restrained castellated
beams for given sectional properties, Vierendeel girders (design forgiven analysis results)
Module -4.Cold formed steel sections:Techniques and properties, Advantages, Typical profiles, Stiffenedand unstiffened
elements, Local buckling effects, effective sectionproperties, IS 801& 811 code provisions- numerical examples,beam
design, column design.
Module -5 Fire resistance:Fire resistance level, Period of Structural Adequacy, Properties ofsteel with temperature,
Limiting Steel temperature, Protected andunprotected members, Methods of fire protection, Fire resistanceratings-
Numerical Examples.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. N. Subramanian, “Design of Steel Structures”, Oxford,IBH
2. Duggal.S.K., Design of Steel Structures . , Tata McGraw-Hill
3. IS 1641, 1642,1643
4. IS 800: 2007, IS 811
5. INSDAG Teaching Resource Chapter 11 to 20:

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1. Introduction to engineering seismology, Geological andtectonic features of India, Origin and propagation of
seismic waves, characteristics of earthquake and itsquantification – Magnitude and Intensity scales,seismic instruments.
Earthquake Hazards in India,Earthquake Risk Evaluation and Mitigation.Structural behavior under gravity and seismic
loads,Lateral load resisting structural systems,Requirements of efficient earthquake resistantstructural system, damping
devises, base isolationsystems.
Module -2 The Response history and strong motioncharacteristics. Response Spectrum – elastic andinelastic response
spectra, tripartite (D-V-A) responsespectrum, use of response spectrum in earthquakeresistant design. Computation of
seismic forces inmulti-storied buildings – using procedures (Equivalentlateral force and dynamic analysis) as per IS-
Module -3 Structural Configuration for earthquake resistantdesign, Concept of plan irregularities and vertical
irregularities, Soft storey, Torsion in buildings. Designprovisions for these in IS-1893. Effect of infill masonrywalls on
frames, modeling concepts of infill masonrywalls. Behaviour of masonry buildings during earthquakes, failure patterns,
strength of masonry inshear and flexure, Slenderness concept of masonrywalls, concepts for earthquake resistant
masonrybuildings – codal provisions.
Module -4.Design of Reinforced concrete buildings forearthquake resistance-Load combinations, Ductilityand energy
absorption in buildings. Confinement ofconcrete for ductility, design of columns and beamsfor ductility, ductile detailing
provisions as per IS-1893. Structural behavior, design and ductile detailingof shear walls.
Module -5 Seismic response control concepts – Seismicdemand, seismic capacity, Overview of linear andnonlinear
procedures of seismic analysis. PerformanceBased Seismic Engineering methodology, Seismicevaluation and retrofitting
of structures.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Dynamics of Structures – Theory and Application to Earthquake Engineering- 2nded. – Anil K. Chopra, Pearson
2. Earthquake Resistant Design of Building Structures, Vinod Hosur, WILEY (india)
3. Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Duggal, Oxford University Press
4. Earthquake resistant design of structures - Pankaj Agarwal, Manish Shrikande -PHI India
5. IS – 1893 (Part I): 2002, IS – 13920: 1993, IS – 4326: 1993, IS-13828: 1993
6. Design of Earthquake Resistant Buildings, Minoru Wakabayashi, McGraw HillPub.
7. Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings, T Paulay and M J NPriestley, John Wiley and Sons

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1. Design Criteria: Design philosophy, loading, sequential loading, and materials – high performance concrete,
fiber reinforced concrete, lightweight concrete, design mixes. Loading and Movement: Gravity loading: Dead and live
load, methods of liveload reduction, Impact, Gravity loading, Construction loads
Module -2.Wind loading: static and dynamic approach, Analytical and wind tunnel experimentation method. Earthquake
loading: Equivalent lateral force, modalanalysis, combinations of loading, working stress design, Limit state design,
Plastic design.
Module -3 Behavior of Various Structural Systems: Factors affecting growth, Height and structural form; High rise
behavior, Rigid frames, braced frames, in-filled frames, shear walls, coupled shear walls, wall-frames, tubular, cores,
Futigger – braced and hybrid megasystem.
Module -4.Analysis and Design: Modeling for approximate analysis, accurate analysis and reduction techniques, analysis
of building as total structural system considering overall integrity and major subsystem interaction, analysis for member
forces; drift and twist, computerized general three dimensional analyses.
Module -5 Stability of Tall Buildings: Overall buckling analysis of frames, wall frames, approximate methods, second
order effects of gravity of loading, P-Delta analysis,simultaneous first order and P-Delta analysis, Transnational,
Torsional instability, out of plum effects, stiffness of member in stability, effect of foundation rotation. Structural
elements: sectional shapes, properties and resisting capacities, design, deflection, cracking, pre-stressing, shear flow.
Design for differential movement, creep and shrinkage effects, temperature effects and fire

Question paper pattern:

• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Taranath B.S, “Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings”- McGraw Hill
2. Wilf gang Schuller, “High rise building structures”- John Wiley
3. Bryan Stafford Smith &Alexcoull, “Tall building structures Analysis and
Design”- John Wiley
4. T.Y Lin &D.Stotes Burry, “Structural concepts and system for Architects and
Engineers”- John Wiley
5. Lynn S.Beedle, “Advances in Tall Buildings”- CBS Publishers and Distributors.
6. Dr. Y.P. Gupta – Editor, “Proceedings National Seminar on High Rise
Structures- Design and Construction practices for middle level cities”- New Age
International Limited

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1. Introduction
Factors Affecting Pavement Design, Variables Considered in Pavement Design, Types of Pavements, Functions of
Individual Layers, Classification of Axle Types, Tire Pressure, Contact Pressure, EAL and ESWL Concept, Lane
Distributions & Vehicle Damage Factors, Effect of Transient & Moving Loads
Module -2.Stresses And Deflections In Flexible Pavements
Stresses and deflections in homogenous masses. Burmister’s two-layer theory, three layer and multilayer theories,
Problems on above.
Module -3 Flexible Pavement
Design Methods Principle, design steps, advantages and applications of different pavement designmethods – Group
Index, CBR, McLeod, Kansas Triaxial test, IRC, AASHTO and Asphalt Institutemethods
Module -4.Stresses In Rigid Pavements
Factors affecting design and performance of pavements. Types of stresses and causes, factorsinfluencing the stresses,
general considerations in rigid pavement analysis, EWL, wheel load stresses, warping stresses, frictional stresses,
combined stresses. Problems on above.
Module -5.Rigid Pavement Design
Types of joints in cement concrete pavements and their functions, joint spacing, design of CC pavement for roads and
runways, design of joint details for longitudinal joints, contraction joints and expansion joints. IRC method of design by
stress ratio method. Design of continuously reinforced concrete pavements. Problems on above
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Khanna, S.K., Justo, C.E.G., and Veeraragavan, A., `Highway Engineering’, Nem Chand and Bros, Roorkee.
2. Yoder, E.J., and Witzack, ‘Principles of Pavement Design’, 2 nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons
1. Yang, `Design of Functional Pavements', McGraw Hill Book Co.
2. Yang. H. Huang, 'Pavement Analysis and Design', Prentice Hall Inc

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1. Road accidents, Causes, Scientific Investigations and Data Collection
Analysis of Individual accidents to arrive at Real Causes, Statistical Methods of Analysis of Accident Data,Application
of Computer Analysis of Accident Data.
Module -2.Ensuring Traffic Safety in Desigining New Roads
Meteorological Conditions, Structure of Traffic Streams, Orientation of a Driver on the Direction of a Roadbeyond the
Limits of Actual Visibility and Roadway Cross Section & Objects on the Right-of-Way.
Module -3 Ensuring Traffic Safety in Road Reconstruction
Road Reconstruction and Traffic Safety, Reconstruction Principles, Plotting of Speed Diagram for Workingout
Reconstruction Projects, Use of Accident Data in Planning Reconstruction of Roads, Examples ofReconstruction of
Selected Road Sections for Improving Traffic Safety, Improving Traffic Conditions onGrades, Sharp Curves, Redesign
of Intersections, Channelized At-Grade Intersections, Bus Stops, Parking &Rest Areas and Effectiveness of Minor Road
Module -4.Ensuring Traffic Safety in Road Operation
Ensuring Traffic Safety during Repair and Maintenance, Prevention of Slipperiness and Influence of Pavement
Smoothness, Restriction speeds on Roads, Safety of Pedestrians, Cycle Paths, Informing Drivers onRoad Conditions with
Aid of Signs, Traffic Control Lines & Guide Posts, Guardrails & Barriers and RoadLighting.
Module -5.Road Safety Audit and Traffic Management Techniques
Principles- Procedures and Practice, Code of Good Practice and Checklists. Road safety issues andengineering,
education, enforcement measures for improving road safety. Local area management, Varioustypes of long term traffic
management measures and their uses. Evaluation of the effectiveness and benefits ofdifferent traffic management
measures, management and safety practices during road works.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Babkov, V.F. ‘Road conditions and Traffic Safety', MIR publications, Moscow - 1975.
2. K.W. Ogden, `Safer Roads – A Guide to Road Safety Engg.’ Averbury Technical, Ashgate Publishing Ltd., Aldershot,
England, 1996.
1. Kadiyali, L.R., `Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning', Khanna Publications, New Delhi, 2009.
2. JotinKishty and B. Kent Lall, ‘Transportation Engineering-An Introduction’, Third Edition, Prentice Hall of India
PrivateLimited, New Delhi, 2006
3. Latest Editions of Relevant Indian Roads Congress (IRC) Publications for Design of Roads and Road Safety.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1. Bearing Capacity & Settlement: Presumptive bearing capacity according to BIS, Factorsaffecting bearing
capacity, Factors influencing selection of depth of foundation, types of shallowfoundations, Settlement of Shallow
Foundations: Immediate, consolidation, & differentialsettlements, Factors influencing settlement, Safe Bearing Capacity
and AllowableBearing Pressure.
Module -2... Shallow Foundations: Principles of Design of foundation, Definition for Shallow and Deepfoundation,
Requirements for geotechnical and structural aspects of design, Proportioning ofisolated footing, combined footing, Strap
footing, Strip footing and Raft foundation.
Module -3 Pile Foundations – Single Pile: Historical Development, Necessity of pile foundations,Classification, Load
bearing capacity of single pile by Static formula, Dynamic formula, Pileload test and Penetration tests, Laterally Loaded
Pile Foundations – Group Effect: Pile groups, group action of piles in sand and clay, groupefficiency of piles,
settlement of piles, negative skin friction, Under reamed piles.
Module -4 . Well Foundations: Historical Development, Different shapes and characteristics of wells,Components of
well foundation. Forces acting on well foundation. Sinking of wells. Causes andremedies for tilts and shifts.
Drilled Piers & Caissons: Construction, advantages and disadvantages of drilled piers. Designconcepts and Advantages
and disadvantages of open, pneumatic and floating caissons.
Module -5:... Foundations On Expansive Soils: Definition, Identification, Mineral Structure, Index propertiesof
expansive soils, Swell potential and Swell pressure, Free swell, Tests on expansive soils,foundation treatment for
structures in expansive soil, CNS layer.
Machine Foundations: Basic definitions in vibration, free and forced vibrations, determinationof natural frequency,
types of Machine foundations, general criteria for design of machinefoundation., vibration analysis of a machine
foundation, degrees of freedom of ablockfoundation, vibration isolation and control.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering – V.N.S. Murthy – Pub: Sai Tech.
2. Foundation Engineering – Braja M. Das – Cengage Learning.
3. Soil Mechanics Foundations – Dr. B.C. Punmia – Pub :Laxmi publications, pvt.Ltd.
4. Foundation Analysis and Design – Bowles J.E. (1996) – 5th Ed, McGraw Hill Pub. Co., NewYork.
5. Advanced Foundation Engineering – V.N.S. Murthy – Pub :Sai Tech.
6. Pile Foundation.-Chellies
7. Geotechnical Engineering.- P. Purushotham Raj
8. Geotechnical Engineering – Dr. C. Venkataramaiah – Pub : New age Publications.
9. Foundation Engineering – Dr. P.C. Varghese :- Pub : Prentice Hall of India.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction to bridge engineering Historical background of bridges and types. Bridge aesthetics
andproportioning..Bridge geometry. Conceptual design of variousstructural forms. Foundations with or without piles;
abutments, retaining wallsand wing walls; columns and cap beams; bearings.
Module -2 Loads on bridges (IRC6-2010) Class 70 R, Class AA, Class A , Class B , Tracked Vehicle, Wheeled Vehicle,
Load Combinations, Impact, Wind, Water Currents, Longitudinal Forces: acceleration, breaking and frictional resistance,
Centrifugal forces, temperature, Seismic forces, Snow Load, Collision Loads. Load Combinations
Module -3 Design of Elevated Bridges: Solid slab bridges, Simple Girder bridges, PSC Girder Bridges
Module -4 Design of Underpass and Box culverts
Module -5 FE Concepts: Discrete and Continuum models of Bridge Deck – Spin e, Grillage,Surfacemodels, Bridge Piers,
Support and Loading conditions, Soil- Structure Interaction
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Krishna Raju N “ Design of Bridges,” Oxford, IBH Pu blications New Delhi.
2. JohnsonVictor, “ Essential of Bridge Engineering,” Oxford, IBHPublications, New Delhi
3. Ponnuswamy, S., “Bridge Engineering”, Tata McGraw H ill, 2008.lStrdi.n, aNtehw. LD.Se.l,h Ai dvanced Mechanics
of Solids, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co
4. IRC112 - 2011 Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges and RailwayBoard Codes
5. Jagadeesh. T.R. and Jayaram. M.A., “Design of Bridg e Structures”,Prentice Hall of India ,2004.
6. Raina V.K.” Concrete Bridge Practice” Tata McGraw H ill PublishingCompany, New Delhi, 1991.
Explanatory Examples , 2010

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Objectives of wastewater treatment: Characteristics, flowvariations, types of reactors and reactors
analysis.Wastewater Treatment Flow Diagrams and Hydraulic Profile.Kinetics of biological treatment systems:
Biokinetic constantsand their determination, batch and continuous systems.
Module -2 Theoretical principles and design: screens, equalization basin,grit chamber, primary and secondary settling
Module -3 Theoretical principles and design:Suspended growth system -conventional activated sludge process and
itsmodifications. Attached growth system – trickling filter, biotowersand rotating biological contactors. Principles and
design ofstabilization ponds
Module -4 Advanced Wastewater Treatment: Need and technologies used.Nitrification and Denitrification
Processes,Phosphorous removal. Wastewater disinfection
Module -5 Sludge Processing: Separation - sludge thickeners, volumereduction, conditioning and digestion – aerobic and
anaerobic.Rural wastewater systems: Septic tanks, two-pit latrines, ecotoilet,soak pits
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Benefield R.D., and Randal C.W., , “Biological Process Design for Wastewater Treatment”,Prentice Hall, Englewood
Chiffs, New Jersey.
2. Metcalf and Eddy Inc., , “Wastewater Engineering - Treatment and Reuse”, 4th Edition,TataMcGraw Hill Publishing
Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Karia G.L., and Christian R.A., “Wastewater Treatment Concepts and Design Approach”,Prentice Hall of India Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi.
4. Ronand L., and Droste, ,”Theory and Practice of Water and Wastewater Treatment”, John
5. Wiley and Sons Inc.
6. Fair G.M., Geyer J.G and Okun, “Water-wastewater Engineering”.
7. Lee C.C., and Lin S.D., “Handbook of Environmental Engineering Calculations”, McGrawHill, New York

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Large Scale Mapping and Cadastral Information System: Technologies for Large Scale Mapping (LSM) of
urban areas – Aerial Photography - High- Resolution Satellite Remote Sensing – Electronic Distance Measurement
(EDM) -Total Station - Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) – Issues in Large Scale Mapping (LSM),
Integrated approach to LSM, Concept of Cadastre, History of cadastral survey, Cadastral survey methods and survey
maintenance, cadastral mapreproduction, development of cadastral information system.
Module -2 Urban Mapping and Spatial Analysis: Urban process, the physical structure and composition of urban areas,
Urbanisation process, growth trend, problems of urbanisation, information requirements for perspective planning, Scale
and resolution concepts and interpretationtechniques for urban and regional analysis, urban GIS, spatial analytical
techniques, statistics and visualization, conceptual modelling of urban processes; Urban Sprawl: Change detection in
Land Use Land Cover monitoring physical growth of urban area, trends in urban sprawl and associated problems.
Urban Planning: Plans – planning needs, types of plans, urban and regional planning; LU/LC mapping Urban Planning:
Zoning of Land Use, Zonal Land Use Plan, Object oriented GIS data modeling for urban design, landscape architecture,
urban infrastructure, Site selection for urban development, site suitability analysis for utilities and civic amenities,
interim master plan, Master Plan.
AM/FM Applications: GIS/GPS applications in Automated mapping (AM) and Facility management (FM), Urban
infrastructure planning and management
Module -3 Demographic and Business Applications: Geo-Demographics- Population distribution maps by age, gender,
education, occupation, socioeconomic grouping, health criteria index, crime rates and types.
Business GIS - Market analysis, retail site selection, retail planning, health care planning, financial services planning,
educational institutions planning, water demand modeling and planning distribution network, household analysis, real
estate inventory, mapping and GIS. Crime Analysis, Electoral Redistricting.
Network Applications: Transportation demand modeling and analysis, transportation planning, Vehicle Routing and
Scheduling, Vehicle Tracking and Navigation: Integration of GPS and GIS data, intelligent transportation systems,
streets network analysis; pavement management system (PMS) Water and sewage related- GIS based urban water
demand analysis, pipeline planning and alignment
Module -4 Urban Ecology Applications: Air quality indexing and mapping, monitoring atmospheric haze, smoke, toxic
gas movement and prediction of vulnerable zones. Noise pollution zonation, Natural resources inventory and
management- conservation of water bodies, vegetation, storm water system GIS; soil and groundwater conservation, site
suitability for ground water recharging and rain water harvesting, urban area heat budgeting, Logistic management and
spatial planning for solidwaste management.
Urban Disaster and Emergencies Management: Mapping vulnerable zones with respect to earthquake, flood, fire, terrorist
attacks, and finding optimum routes for ambulances, and emergency services, GIS modeling for Hazard risk and
emergencies management
Module -5 Cultural GIS: Mapping heritage buildings, monuments, places of worship, tourism spots, recreation facilities,
sports facilities and serving on web GIS.
Urban Governance: Governance of urban regions: mapping administrative boundaries, city base map generation,
property enumeration and property GIS, tax revenue rationalization, egovernance,Metropolitan Spatial
DataInfrastructure, metropolitan information management system, Urban GIS and Smart Cities.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. “GIS and GPS based asset management for Road and Railway Transportation Systems “- GPS based vehicle tracking

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Single Pile: Vertically loaded piles, Static capacity- α, β and λMethods, Dynamic formulae; Wave Equation
Analyses; PointBearing Resistance with SPT and CPT Results; Bearing Resistanceof Piles on Rock; Settlement; Pile
Load Test; Uplift Resistance;Laterally Loaded Piles -Ultimate Lateral Resistance; Negative SkinFriction; Batter Piles;
Under Reamed Piles; Mini and Micro Piles.
Module -2 Buckling of Fully and Partially Embedded Piles;Ultimate Capacity of Pile Groups in Compression, Pullout &
LateralLoad; Efficiency; Settlements of Pile Groups; Interaction of Axially &Laterally Loaded Pile Groups
Module -3 Pile Raft foundation: design criteriaDesign of Sheet pile foundations: Analysis of anchored sheet piles
and cantilever sheet pilesLateral supports in open cutsNumerical problems
Module -4 Well Foundation: Design and construction. Bearing capacity,settlement and lateral resistance. Tilts and
shifts.Drilled Shaft: Construction procedures, Design Considerations,Load Carrying Capacity and settlement analysis
Module -5 Special Topics of Foundation Engineering Foundations onCollapsible Soils: Origin and occurrence,
Identification, Samplingand Testing, Preventive and Remedial measures.Foundations on Expansive Soils: The nature,
origin andoccurrence, Identifying, testing and evaluating expansive soils,typical structural distress patterns and
Preventive design &construction measures.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. Analysis and design of Substructures (2009), Swami Saran, Oxford & IBHPublications Pvt. Ltd.
2. Foundation design in practices (2010)- Kaurna Moy Ghosh. PHI
3. Foundation engineering (2012)- J E Bowles, McGraw Hill
Reference Books:
1. Pile Foundation Analysis and Design H.G. Poulos, and E.H.Davis, John Wileyand Sons, New York.
2. Design of Foundation Systems (1992)N.P. Kurien: Principles & Practices,Narosa, New Delhi
3. Foundation Engineering Hand Book (1990), H. F. Winterkorn and H Y FangGalgotiaBooksource

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 DESIGN OF OFFSHORE PLATFORMS: Introduction, fixed and floatingplatforms, case studies and general
features, elements of hydrodynamicsand wave theory, fluid structure interaction, steel concrete and hybrid
PlatformsConsolidation and shear strength characteristics of marine sediments
Module -2 Design Criteria: Environmental loading, wind, wave and current loadsafter installation, stability during
towingFoundations: Site investigations, piled foundation, foundations forgravity structures, pile-supported structures
Module -3 Behaviour under dynamic loading, static and dynamic analysis ofplatforms and components
Module -4 Dynamic response in deterministic and indeterministic environment,codes of practice, analysis of fixed
platform and semisubmersible relatedtopics
Module -5 Anchor design, breakout resistance analysis and geotechnical aspects ofoffshore pipeline and cable design
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. Offshore Geotechncial Engineering – Mark Radolph and Susan Gourvenec,CRC Press.
2. Construction of Marine and Offshore Structures – Ben C Gerwick, CRC Press.
3. Offshore Geotechnical Engineering – ETR Dean
Reference Books:
1. Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics II – Susan Gourvenec and David White,CRC Press.
2. Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics II – Vaughan Meyer, CRC Press
3. Geotechnical Aspects of Coastal and Offshore Structures: Proceedings of theSymposium, Bangkok – A S
Balasubramaniam, CRC Press

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Highway Planning – Objects, need for highway planning, types of planning,planning surveys, Interpretation,
Preparation of Master plans, NTP and NTPC inIndia. Traffic studies – Volume study, types of volume counts viz, key
count, control counts, coverage counts etc. Estimation of future traffic by different approaches,speed studies, load meter
Module -2 20 year road development plan including 1st and 2nd 20 year plan in brief and 3rdand 4th 20 year plan in
detail, Land use planning, Land use development – models,problems on the above topics, Highway Planning in India
Module -3 Highway Engineering Economics, principle, supply and demand models,equilibrium, sensitivity of travel
demand, Elasticities – types, models (Kraft demand model) consumer surplus cost – cost elasticity pricing and subsidy
policies,rates of interest, Vehicle operation cost, direct and indirect benefits due to roadimprovement, Total
transportation cost, fixed and variable costs. Road user coststudies in India
Module -4 Economic analysis, different methods, determination of annual cost, benefit costratio, IRR, FIRR, NPV.
Sensitivity of economic analysis, Examples of economicanalysis for different types of road improvement measures,
pavement options,construction of bypasses and upgrading of intersections. Project priorities, methodsof dealing with
Module -5 Highway financing, various options for road and bridge projects, special cess, tolling, BOT,BOOT and other
options. Economic and financial analysis of highway projects and use ofcomputer software packages. Road investment
decision packages.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Kadiyali L.R. “Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning”-Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
2. JotinChisty.C and Kent Lall B “Transportation Engineering An Introduction”- PHI, NewDelhi.
3. Prasanna Chandra “Financial Management”-Tata McGraw, New Delhi.
4. oods K.B, Berry, D.S. and Goetz W.H, “Highway Engineering”-McGraw Hill Book Co.
5. Hewes C.I. and Oglesby, C.H., “Highway Engineering”-Asia Publishing House.
6. Ian G. Heggie, “Transportation Engineering Economics”-McGraw Hill Book Co.
7. “Road User Cost Study in India”- Final Report, Central Road Research Institute, NewDelhi, 1982.
8. Kadiyali, L.R., et al, “Value of Travel Time Savings” - Traffic Engineering, HRB
9. Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, “Road Development Plan for India”- 2001-2021,Indian Roads Congress,
New Delhi, 2002.
Standard Data Book on Highway Technology issued by the University may be referred in
the P.G Examination of VTU.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Standard fire, fire resistance, classification of buildings, means of escape, alarms, etc.,provisions of NBC.
Engineering services in a building as a system, Lifts, escalators, cold andhot water systems, waste water systems and
electrical systems
Module -2 Building Maintenance: Preventive and protective maintenance, Scheduled and contingencymaintenance
planning, M.I.S. for building maintenance. Maintenance standards. Economicmaintenance decisions.
Module -3 Quality policy in construction industry: Consumer satisfaction, Ergonomics-Time ofCompletion-Statistical
Tolerance-Taguchi's concept of quality.
Module -4 Contract and construction programming-Inspectional procedures. Total QA/QC Program andcost implication.
Module -5.Different aspects of quality - Appraisals - failure mode analysis, Stability methods and tools,activity,
Environmental safety, Social and environmental factors
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. Clarkson H. Oglesby, Productivity Improvement in Construction, McGraw Hill,2000.
2. James, J.O Brian, Construction Inspection Handbook - Quality Assurance and QualityControl, Van Nostrand, New
3. Juran Frank, J.M. and Gryna, F.M. Quality Planning and Analysis, TataMcGraw Hill, 1982
Reference Books:
1. NBC,” Relevant Parts: BIS New Delhi
2. Jain V K,” Services in Building Complex and High Rise Buildings”,Khanna Pub.
3. Pchelinstev V. A., Fire Resistance of Buildings

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Basic concepts of elasticity – Kinematic and Staticvariables for various types of structural problems –
approximate method of structural analysis – Rayleigh– Ritz method – Finite difference method – Finiteelement method.
Variation method and minimizationof Energy approach of element formulation. Principlesof finite element method –
advantages &disadvantages – Finite element procedure. Finiteelements used for one, two & three dimensionalproblems –
Element aspect ratio – mesh refinementvs. higher order elements – Numbering of nodes tominimize band width.
Module -2 Nodal displacement parameters – Convergencecriterion – Compatibility requirements – Geometric
invariance – Shape function – Polynomial form ofdisplacement function. Generalized and Natural coordinates –
Lagrangian interpolation function –shape functions for one, two & three dimensionalelements.
Module -3 Isoparametric elements, Internal nodes and higherorder elements, Serendipity and Lagrangian family of
Finite Elements, Sub-parametric and Superparametricelements, Condensation of internal nodes,Jacobian transformation
Matrix. Development ofstrain-displacement matrix and stiffness matrix,consistent load vector, numerical integration.
Module -4 Application of Finite Element Method for the analysisof one & two dimensional problems, Analysis of
simplebeams and plane trusses, Application to plane stress/ strain / axisymmetric problems using CST &Quadrilateral
Module -5.Application to Plates & Shells, Choice of displacementfunction (C0, C1 and C2 type), Techniques for Non –
linear Analysis.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Krishnamoorthy C S, “Finite Element Analysis”- Tata McGraw Hill
2. Desai C and Abel J F, “Introduction to the Finite Element Method”- EastWest Press Pvt. Ltd., 1972
3. Bathe K J, “Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis”- PrenticeHall
4. Rajasekaran. S, “Finite Element Analysis in Engineering Design”-WheelerPublishing
5. Cook R D, Malkan D S &Plesta M.E, “Concepts and Application of FiniteElement Analysis” - 3rd Edition, John
Wiley and Sons Inc., 1989
6. Shames I H and Dym C J, “Energy and Finite Element Methods inStructural Mechanics”- McGraw Hill, New York,

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100

Module -1 Beam – column – Differential equation. Beamcolumn subjected to (i) lateral concentrated load, (ii)several
concentrated loads, (iii) continuous lateralload. Application of trigonometric series, Euler’sformulation using fourth order
differential equationfor pined – pined, fixed – fixed, fixed – free and fixed –pinned column.
Module -2 Buckling of frames and continuous beams. ElasticEnergy method: Approximate calculation of critical
loads for a cantilever. Exact critical load for hinged –hinged column using energy approach. Buckling ofbar on elastic
foundation. Buckling of cantilevercolumn under distributed loads. Determination ofcritical loads by successive
approximation. Bars withvarying cross section. Effect of shear force on criticalload. Column subjected to non –
conservative followerand pulsating forces.
Module -3 Stability analysis by finite element approach –deviation of shape function for a two nodded Bernoulli
– Euler beam element (lateral and translation of) –element stiffness and element geometric stiffnessmatrices – assembled
stiffness and geometric stiffnessmatrices for a discretised column with differentboundary condition – calculation of
critical loads fora discretised (two elements) column (both ends built in). Buckling of pin jointed frames (maximum of
twoactive DOF) – symmetrical single bay portal frame.
Module -4 Lateral buckling of beams – differential equation –pure bending – cantilever beam with tip load – simply
supported beam of I section subjected to centralconcentrated load. Pure Torsion of thin – walled barsof open cross
section. Non – uniform Torsion of thin –walled bars of open cross section.
Module -5. Expression for strain energy in plate bendingwith in plate forces (linear and non – linear).Buckling of simply
supported rectangular plate –uniaxial load and biaxial load. Buckling of uniformlycompressed rectangular plate simply
supported alongtwo opposite sides perpendicular to the direction ofcompression and having various edge condition
alongthe other two sides
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Stephen P.Timoshenko, James M Gere, “Theory of Elastic Stability”-2nd Edition,McGraw – Hill, New Delhi.
2. Robert D Cook, “Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis”-3rdEdition, John Wiley and Sons, New
3. S.Rajashekar, “Computations and Structural Mechanics”-Prentice – Hall, India.
4. Ray W Clough and J Penzien, “Dynamics of Structures” - 2nd Edition, McGrawHill, New Delhi
5. H.Zeiglar, “Principles of Structural Stability”-Blaisdall Publications

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction to plate theory, Small deflection oflaterally loaded thin rectangular plates for purebending.
Navier’s and Levy’s solution for variouslateral loading and boundary conditions (Noderivation), Numerical examples.
Module -2 Energy methods for rectangular and circular plateswith clamped edges subjected to symmetricloadings.
Module -3 Introduction to curved surfaces and classification ofshells, Membrane theory of spherical shells, cylindrical
shells, hyperbolic paraboloids, elliptic paraboloid and conoids.
Module -4 Axially symmetric bending of shells of revolution, Closed cylindrical shells, water tanks, sphericalshells and
Geckler’s approximation. Bending theory ofdoubly curved shallow shells.
Module -5.Design and detailing of folded plates with numericalexamples Design and Detailing of simple shell
problems – spherical domes, water tanks, barrelvaults and hyperbolic paraboloid roofs
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Timoshenko, S. and Woinowsky-Krieger, W., “Theory of Plates and Shells” 2ndEdition, McGraw-Hill Co., New York,
2. Ramaswamy G.S. – “Design and Constructions of Concrete Shell Roofs” – CBSPublishers and Distributors – New
Delhi – 1986.
3. Ugural, A. C. “Stresses in Plates and Shells”, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, 1999.
4. R. Szilard, “Theory and analysis of plates - classical and numerical methods”,Prentice Hall,1994
5. Chatterjee.B.K. – “Theory and Design of Concrete Shell”, – Chapman & Hall,New York-third edition, 1988

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 General: Irrigation Development in India: Historical review modern trances-interdisciplinary approach.
Agricultural Hydrology: Subsurface water, storage zones, Soil physics-mechanics offlow, Soil water, measurement,
metric potential, models of soil water movement.Infiltration and groundwater recharge. Return flow analysis
Module -2 Soil and Land Management in Agriculture: Soil Management in relation to water usesoilhorizons,
classification and surveys-land capability farm development: size of farmunit, land development in relation to solid
characteristics and irrigation practicesconservationvillage-land shopping and grading-equipment.
Module -3 Crop requirements and irrigation scheduling : Major Indian crops times of sowingand harvesting –critical
periods of growth moisture stress, nutritional disorders-rootingdepths-consumptive use of crop blanney-criddle,
Thornthwait penman, Christiansenmethods-crop selection crop water requirements, duty period depth and frequency of
application protective irrigation –irrigation schedules in relation to crop requirements andmaximum water-use efficiency
scope of computerization-cropping patterns-soil water,fertilizer and plant interactions.
Module -4 Water conveyance and application lined and unlined channels-seepage losses-watercontrol and diversion
structure structures in field channels and drain: their design andlocation- underground pipe system application methods:
border, check, basin, furrow andsprinkler irrigation, sub irrigation and drip irrigation –relative merits.Glances of water
logging-design of surface and subsurface drains-saline and alkaline lands reclamationand management of Salt affected
Module -5.Economics of Irrigation: Objectives of resources development. Costs and benefits,Efficiency-objective-
economic growth, income redistribution-net benefit-function andoptimality conditions. Optimization techniques and
command area planning-systemtechnique, linear and dynamic programming methods.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Modi. P. N., Irrigation, Water Resources & Water Power Engineering- Standard Publishers, New
2. Linsley, R. K. and Frazinini, J. B.,-“Water Resources Engineering”2nd Ed. McGraw Hill, NY
3. Chaturvedi. M.C, “Water Resources Systems Planning and Management” Tata McGraw Hill. NY
4. James L.D and Lee R.R“Economics of Water Resources Systems Planning” McGraw Hill. NY
5. B. C. Punmia, Pande, Ashok kumar and Arunkumar Jain “Irrigation and water power
engineering” Laxmi Publications (P) LTD.
6. Santhosh Kumar Garag “Irrigation Engineering” Khanna Publishers, Delhi
7. Mays, Handbook of Resources

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
Definition, Objectives, Historical Background, Benefits of ITS -ITS Data collection techniques –Detectors, Automatic
Vehicle Location (AVL), Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI), GeographicInformation Systems (GIS), video data
Module -2 Telecommunications in ITS
Information Management, Traffic Management Centers (TMC). Application of sensors to Trafficmanagement; Traffic
flow sensor technologies; Transponders and Communication systems; Data fusionat traffic management centers; Sensor
plan and specification requirements; Elements of VehicleLocation and Route Navigation and Guidance concepts
Module -3 ITS functional areas, User Needs and Services –
Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS), Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS),Commercial Vehicle
Operations (CVO), Advanced Vehicle Control Systems (AVCS), Advanced PublicTransportation Systems (APTS),
Advanced Rural Transportation Systems (ARTS).Travel and Traffic management, Public Transportation Management,
Electronic Payment, CommercialVehicle Operations, Emergency Management, Advanced Vehicle safety systems,
Module -4 ITS Operations
Regional and Project ITS architecture; Concept of operations; ITS Models and Evaluation Methods;Planning and human
factor issues for ITS, Case studies on deployment planning and system design andoperation; ITS and safety, ITS and
security, ITS as a technology deployment program, research,development and business models, ITS planning
Module -5.ITS applications
Traffic and incident management systems; ITS and sustainable mobility, travel demandmanagement, electronic toll
collection, ITS and road-pricing.; Transportation networkoperations; commercial vehicle operations ; public
transportation applications; AutomatedHighway Systems- Vehicles in Platoons –ITS in World – Overview of ITS
implementations indeveloped countries.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Choudury M A and Sadek A, “Fundamentals of Intelligent Transportation Systems Planning” Artech House.
2. Kan Paul Chen, John Miles, “Recommendations for World Road Association (PIARC)” ITS Hand Book 2000.
1. Sussman, J. M., “Perspective on ITS”, Artech House Publishers, 2005.
2. US Department of Transportation, “National ITS Architecture Documentation”, 2007 (CD-ROM).
3. Turban. E and Aronson. J. E, “Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems”, Prentice Hall

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1Environmental Hazards & Disasters- Environmental disasters and environmental stress.Typesof environmental
hazards & Disasters, Earthquake Hazards- Causes of earthquakes, distributionof earthquakes, effects of earthquakes,
earthquake hazards in India, human adjustment,perception & mitigation of earthquake. Cyclones -- Tropical cyclones &
local storms,,destruction by cyclones, causes , distribution, human adjustment, perception & mitigation.Cumulative
atmospheric hazards/ disasters- floods, droughts, cold waves, heat wavesConventional earthquake resistant design,
Seismic base isolation method, retrofitting, Training,demonstrations and exhibitions, Information management (Safety,
emergencies, managementand planning, design, response, user experience problems and case studies, Proper land
usepractices, long term disaster preparedness measures. Precautions after a major earthquake,Preparedness for medical
supply Emergency care (First aid, Home remedies), Disposal of deadbodies (Human and Cattle), Care for old and
Module -2 Physical hazards/ Disasters-Soil erosion and sedimentation-- mechanics & forms of soilerosion and
sedimentation, factors & causes of soil erosion and sedimentation, conservationmeasures of soil erosion. Chemical
hazards/ disasters-release of toxic chemicals, nuclearexplosion.
Module -3 Approaches in Disaster reduction / Management-Pre- disaster stage (preparedness) - Preparing hazard
zonation maps, predictability/ forecasting& warning, preparing disaster preparedness plan, Land use zoning,
preparedness through (IEC)Information, education & communication pre-disaster stage (mitigation), Disaster resistant
house construction, population reduction in vulnerable areas, awareness Emergency Stage -Rescue training for search &
operation, immediate relief, assessment surveys Post disaster stage- Rehabilitation, Political administrative aspect, social
Aspects, economic,environmental aspects.
Module -4 Disaster Management- An integrated approach for disaster preparedness, mitigation &awareness.
Meteorological observatory, Seismological observatory, Hydrology Laboratory,Industrial Safety inspectorate, Institution
of urban & regional planners, Chambers of Architects,Engineering Council, preparedness of various govt departments,
Education on disasters,Community involvement Management cell, Central crisis management core group,
damagereconnaissance, Management of relief and rehabilitation ( Infrastructure rehabilitation, Housing rehabilitation,
Social rehabilitation ), Role of volunteers, Emergency operation centres, Information system, Danger zone restrictions,
Cooperation with local authority, Coordination forinternational relief, Role of government, NGO's, Business and donors,
Role of remote sensingin relief operations, Information management and related technologies in engineering and
disaster management. The design and management of Disaster Information Resource Network,Asian Disaster
Preparedness Centre, Regional data base, Contacts and Sources, CD – ROMLibrary for Natural Disaster Management,
Regional Disaster Documentation Centre, Non Governmental Organizations.
Module -5. India Specific Land Subsidence, Coastal Erosion, Cyclone , failure of hill slopes, Ecological planning for
sustainability & sustainable development in India, sustainable rural development,Role of Panchayats in disaster
mitigationsEnvironmental policies& programmes - Institutions & National Centres for Natural Disaster reduction,
Environmental Legislations in India, Awareness, Conservation Movement, Education& training.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1 .R.B.Singh (Ed) Environmental Geography, Heritage Publishers New Delhi
2 Savinder Singh Environmental Geography, PrayagPustakBhawan
3 Kates,B.I& White, G.F The Environment as Hazards, oxford, New York
4 R.B. Singh (Ed) Disaster Management, Rawat Publication, New Delhi
5 H.K. Gupta (Ed) Disaster Management, Universiters Press, India
6 Dr. Satender , Disaster Management t in Hills, Concept Publishing Co., NewDelhi
7 A.S. Arya Action Plan For Earthquake, Disaster, Mitigation in V.K. Sharma (Ed)Disaster Management IIPA
Publication New Delhi
8 R.K. Bhandani An overview on Natural &Manmade Disaster & their ReductionCSIR, New Delhi

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Waste as a Resource- Resource Economics, Disposable Materials, Recovery, Recycling,Collection,
Processing, Governmental Role in Waste Management, Potential for Reuse. WasteAnalysis: Sampling, Composition,
Categorization, Determination of Waste Properties, Ash andFineness Analysis, Energy Content.
Module -2 System Design: Design of Recycling Systems, Collection System, Process Train DesignandComplexity,
Product Design of Recycling, Conveyance, Transport Safety, Efficiency ofOperation Systems.
Module -3 Energy Recovery: Combustion, Energy Losses, Energy Recovery Analysis, Emission Control,Residue
Control, In-plant Operations, Refuse Derived Fuel-cogeneration and tri generationconcepts.
Module -4 Water Reuse: Direct and Indirect Reuse, Intentional Reuse, Groundwater Recharge, Casestudies of Water
Reuse, Close Cycle and Open Cycle Reuse, Recreational Reuse.Reuse ofIndustrial Effluents: Urban Effluent Reuse for
Agriculture in Arid and Semiarid Zones, Uses ofin Pisciculture, Groundwater Recharge using treated Domestic
Module -5.Metals Recovery: Ferrous Metals, Properties, Principles of Magnetic Field-ferrous MaterialInteractions,
Magnetic Separation Equipment, Non-ferrous Metal Separation, Eddy-CurrentSeparation – Theory and Types, Extraction
of Material from a Bed. Reuse of construction waste,Demolished concrete, RAP material, Recycled aggregates.
Health Aspects of Water Reuse: Guidelines for Evaluating Recreational Water Reuse,Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1 Takashi Asano, Water Reuse: Issues, Technologies, and Applications, , McGraw-Hill Prof Med/Tech, 2007
2 Mackenzie Davis, and Susan Masten, "Principles of Environmental Engineering &Science”,McGraw Hill ,2 nd edition,
3 Henry, J. G. and G. W. Heinke, “Environmental Science and Engineering”, 2nd edition,Prentice Hall, Inc., Upper
Saddle River, NJ, 1996.
4 Kiely, G, “Environmental Engineering”, Irwin/McGraw-Hill Book Co., Singapore, 1999
5 Vogler, Jon, Work from Waste – Recycling Wastes to Create Employment, IntermediateTechnology Publications, 1981
6 McHarry, Jan, Reuse Repair Recycle, Gaia Books Ltd. 1993.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Urban Hydrologic Process :Process of urbanization – Water in Urban ecosystem – Urban water subsystems –
Urban hydrologic cycle.Impact of urbanization on urban runoff and stream flow quantity – Impact of urbanization on
quality of runoff and stream flow – Erosion due to urban runoff.
Module -2 StormwaterModeling:Analysis of hydrologic changes due to urbanization- Approaches tostudy – Data
collection and analysis – Probabilistic and statistical approaches. Modelling of urban water quantity – Types of models –
Rainfall, Runoff modeling ; urban watershed modeling(quantity) – Rational Method (or coefficient method), Runoff
hydrograph, unit hydrographs – 10min synthetic unit hydrograph – Linear reservoir model (Viessman) – Chen and
Shubinski model– QUURM Model – TVA model. Urban watershed modellingfor water quality of runoff andstream
water quality.
Module -3 Urban Drainage Systems :Sanitary and combined sewer systems – components – Designconsiderations for
fixing sewer capacity – Infiltration into and exfiltration from sewers –causesInfiltration inflow analysis – Field
investigations – Control measures. Design consideration of the components of the sewer systems – Performance of the
sewer systemboth under dry weather flow condition and under storm water impact - Sewer sediment.
Module -4 Storm Water Management: Urban storm runoff quantity and quality management – Mitigationof damaging
effects of urban storm runoffStructural and non-structural control measures – Storm water management models.
Module -5. Urban Drainage Systems Maintenance: Maintenance management of UDS and its subsystems– Drainage
system – Storm drain conveyance system – Pump stations – Open channel – Illicitconnections and discharges – Spill
response – Other considerations (limitations and regulations).
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1 Takashi Asano, Water Reuse: Issues, Technologies, and Applications, , McGraw-Hill Prof Med/Tech, 2007
2 Mackenzie Davis, and Susan Masten, "Principles of Environmental Engineering &Science”,McGraw Hill ,2 nd edition,
3 Henry, J. G. and G. W. Heinke, “Environmental Science and Engineering”, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, Inc., Upper
Saddle River, NJ, 1996.
4 Kiely, G, “Environmental Engineering”, Irwin/McGraw-Hill Book Co., Singapore, 1999
5 Vogler, Jon, Work from Waste – Recycling Wastes to Create Employment, Intermediate Technology Publications,
6 McHarry, Jan, Reuse Repair Recycle, Gaia Books Ltd. 1993.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Soil- Pollutant Interaction:Introduction to geo environmental engineering – environmentalcycle – sources,
production and classification of waste – causes ofsoil pollution – factors governing soil-pollutant interaction-
Physicochemicalbehavior and modelling -failures of foundations due topollutants
Module -2 Characterization, Stabilization and DisposalSafe disposal of waste – site selection for land fills –
characterization of land fill sites – waste characterization –stabilityof land fills – current practice of waste disposal-
passivecontaminant system - Hazardous waste control and storage system– mechanism of stabilization - solidification of
wastes – micro andmacro encapsulation – absorption, adsorption, precipitation detoxification –– organic and inorganic
Module -3 Transport of Contaminants:Contaminant transport in sub surface – advection – diffusion –dispersion –
governing equations – contaminant transformation –sorption – biodegradation – ion exchange – precipitation –
hydrological consideration in land fill design – ground waterpollution – bearing capacity of compacted fills – pollution
ofaquifers by mixing of liquid waste – protecting aquifers.
Module -4 Detection and Testing MethodsMethodology- review of current soil testing concepts – Proposed approach for
characterization and identification of contaminatedground soil for engineering purposes
Module -5 Remediation of Contaminated Soils:Rational approach to evaluate and remediate contaminated sites –
monitored natural attenuation – exsitu and insitu remediation –solidification, bio – remediation, incineration, soil
washing, electrokinetics, soil heating, verification, bio venting – Ground waterremediation – pump and treat, air
sparging, reactive well applicationof geo synthetics in solid waste management – rigid orflexible liners.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Wentz, C.A., Hazardous Waste Management, McGraw Hill, Singapore, 1989.
2. Daniel, B.E., Geotechnical practice for waste disposal, Chapman and Hall, London, 1993.
3. Fang, H.Y. Introduction to environmental Geotechnology, CRC press New York, 1997.
4. Lagrega, M.d., Bukingham, P.L., and Evans, J.C., Hazardous Waste Management,McGraw Hill, Inc. Singapore, 1994.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction to toxicology:Significance, Applications, & Importance
Module -2 Introduction to risk assessment:Assessment methods, Human exposure assessment,characterization of health
risks. LD50 & LC50 concentrations
Module -3 Toxicology:Exposure, toxic effects, dose response relationships,carcinogens and non-carcinogens.
Module -4 Toxicology & Epidemiology:Public health & Risk assessment, Epidemiology & its importance
Module -5 Hazard identification, exposure and toxicity assessment, Riskcharacterization, risk communication,
Ecological risk assessment – Monte Carlo methods, case studies.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. LaGrega M.D., Buckingham P.L. and Evans J.C., “Hazardous WasteManagement”- McGraw Hill, New York
2. David G.M, and Haner N.B., “An Applied Approach to Epidemiology andToxicology for Engineers” – Instructor’s
Resource Guide, US Department ofHealth Education and Welfare.
3. World Health Organization Report,” Recommended Health Based Limits inOccupational Exposure to Heavy Metals”
4. Kamrin S. E., “A text book on Primer on Toxicology Principles & Applications”Lewis Publishers.
5. Kalos M.H., and Whitloc P.A, Monte Carlo Methods, Vol. 1, Basics, WileyPublications.
6. Fan A.M & Chang L.W, , ”Toxilogy& Risk Assessment- Principles, Methods &Applications”, Informa Health Care
7. Price F.T, Nancy Lane, Briq K.V, , “Environmental Toxiology& Risks Assessment– Recent Advancement in
Environmental Fate & Transport “, ASTM International
8. Landis W.G., Ming-Ho Yu, “Introduction to Environmental Toxicology – Impactsof Chemicals upon Ecological
Systems”, CRC Press

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction to Web GIS: Definition, concept of Web GIS, History ofweb GIS, components of web GIS,
internet, web GIS v/s Internet GIS,Fundamentals of computer networking – network environment – network
communication models –protocols – TCP/IP. Applications of web GIS,users and stake holders of web GIS, advantages
and limitations of webGIS, overview of Web GIS.
Client/server Computing: Client – server – glue – client/server systempartition– layered architecture – advantages and
disadvantages of clientserver architecture. Distributed component framework – web mapping –static and interactive web
mapping – open GIS web map server.
Module -2 Distributed geographic information services: Principle – components– logic and data components.
Geographic Markup Language: Principles – characteristics –commercial web mapping programs - mobile GIS.
Distributed GIS indata warehousing and data sharing.
Module -3 Functions of Web GIS: Display of general information for the public,display of planning information,
interactive display of spatialinformation sharing and distribution of spatial data as well asmanagement of spatial data.
Design of User Graphic Interface User friendly interface,characteristics, menus and icons, common terms. Graphic
Appearance -colours, sizes, fonts, scales and arrangement.
Module -4 Web GIS Software. Brands of software used to develop web GIS at theserver and client sides. Evaluation of
different brands, ArcIMS, MapObjects, Mapguide, Map Server, Geomedia web map, Fulcrum,Vectoreyes.
Web GIS Data. Classification of WEB GIS data, Geospatial data, type,characteristics, distribution, GIS interactive maps,
- general maps atregional level, very detailed maps down to lot level. Level of Service(LOS) Level of Contents (LOC)
Level of GIS Functions or Level ofFunctions (LOF). A Cross Tabular Matrix (CTM) approach.
Stake–holders, users, owners and organizations of web GIS, policiesand laws pertaining to web GIS, Watermarking Geo-
Spatial Data.
Module -5 Applications of WEB GIS: Participatory GIS -Web-based GIS ForCollaborative Planning And Public
Participation, Digital Democracy forplanning, web GIS An Aid To Local Environmental Decision-making,web GIS for
regional and local level planning. Community GIS, InternetGIS Applications in intelligent transportation systems,
planning andresource management. E-Governance, Bhoomi project, Bangalore-1,Electronic Government Proposals.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Zhong- Ren Peng, Ming-Hsiang Tsou, (2003) Internet GIS: Distributed GeographicInformation Services for the
Internet and Wireless Networks, Wiley.
2. Korte, G. B., (2001})”The GIS book”: 5th Edition, Onward press, Australia.
3. Cartwright, W., M.P. Peterson, G. Gartner (Eds) “Multimedia Cartography’, Berlm: Springer.
4. Kraak, M., and A. Brown (2001)” Web Cartography: Development and Prospects,London”: Taylor and Francies.
5. Kraak, M. and F. Ormeling (2003) “Cartography: Visualization of GeospatialData”, Delhi: Pearson Education.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction: Definition, classification of disasters, types of Disaster,importance of RS and GIS in Disaster
Management- Reconnaissance,forecast, forewarning systems, Disaster preparedness with respect todifferent disasters.
SDI to facilitate Disaster Management. GIS basedDSS for disaster management. Satellite surveillance for disaster
Module -2 Drought: Drought types, causes, mitigation measures, delineation ofdrought vulnerable areas using RS and
GIS; Drought InformationSystem; Drought monitoring; GIS based drought analysis;Desertification factors, Assessment
of drought impact using RS and GIS.Monitoring vegetative biomass, Drought management- prediction,preparedness,
monitoring of drought., . El-Nino damage assessmentusing RS and GIS.
Earthquakes and Tsunami: Causes of earthquake, prediction ofearthquake, Geomatics in earthquake mitigation, seismic
damageevaluation and loss estimation, RS and GIS application for post-quakerehabilitation, GIS database for previous
earthquakes, space technologyand earthquake prediction, geospatial information system for earthquakedisaster
management, Tsunami- types, causes, RS and GIS applicationsfor post Tsunami damage assessment and rehabilitation
Forest Fire: Forest fire causes, forest fire management using geospatialinformation system, forest fire risk zonation
mapping, forest firemonitoring, forest fire, forecasting system using internet GIS andSatellite Remote Sensing,
delineation of coal fire risk zonation.
Module -3 Cyclones and Floods: Floods types-flash and riverine floods, snowmeltfloods, ice jams, and mud flows;
causes and mitigation measures,flooding potential zonation mapping, flood hazard assessment, flood riskanalysis using
RS and GIS, tropical cyclone monitoring using INSAT,ERS-1,NOAA, and DMSP satellites, RS and GIS in Hurricane
mappingand mitigation, flood disaster monitoring and reporting system, terrainmodeling for flood plain zoning, digital
surface modeling and floodhazard simulation, ice cover monitoring and its role in flooding. Flooddamage impact
minimization, damage assessment in hurricane / tornadoaffected areas. Cyclone tracking, Cyclone warning, cyclone
Module -4 Landslide: Landslides, causes, types, and mitigation measures, landslide zonation, land slide susceptibility
mapping, land slide monitoring,landslide analysis in GIS, geospatial technology for landslidemanagement, sand drift in
Indian desert, topographic and morphometricfeatures affecting in landslide.
Soil Erosion: Types, causes, and mitigation measures, application of RSand GIS for soil erosion and sediment estimation,
RS and GISapplication for desertification studies, desertification studies, estimationof soil erosion, soil erosion mapping
universal soil loss equation andGIS, land degradation studies, sodic soil mapping
Module -5 Volcano: Volcanoes, types causes of volcanoes, hazards of volcanoes,remote sensing of geothermal field,
mapping lava flows, ash falls andlahars, mapping damage, volcano hazard management.
Disaster Management in Human Settlements: Mapping disastervulnerable zones, fire hazards, flood and storm water
inundations,earthquake impact assessment
Recent Trends: The role of Mobile GIS and SDI as an integratedframework in Emergency Management
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Amdahl G (2002) Disaster Response: GIS for Public Safety,Published by ESRI, Redlands California.
2. - visited on October 2002.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Global and Indian Scenario of Geo-informatics - Current status andRecent Advances in the field of RS, GIS,
Photogrammetry, GPS,products and process, software and hardware.
Global and Indian R&D Organizations: Global Institutions- NASA,ESRI, ERDAS, Canadian Institute of Remote
Sensing, InternationalInstitute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Google, India- ISROand its subunits, NRSA,
SAC, Antrix, IIRS, RRSSCs; State RemoteSensing Centres; Funding Sources for R&D projects; Global andNational
Spatial Data Centres, Satellite data sources and procurementprocedures.
Module -2 World and Indian Space Programmes: Satellites and sensors and theirproducts and applications;
Geoinformatics usage by Government andPrivate Sectors - User Departments of Central Govt. and State Govt. andtheir
major projects: Central - SOI, MOEF, MOUD, MOD, few Casestudies.
Global and Indian Geoinformatics Market: Present trends and futureprospects and problems, GIS BPO in private sector
in India, GIScompanies in India.
Module -3 Global and National Major Initiatives in RS and GIS: Digital Earth,GSDI, 3D Cities, NSDI
Module -4 Education and Training facilities in Geoinformatics: GlobalGeoinformatics Courses, scholarships; Web
Resources for e-learning;eBooks; open sources of free softwares; International Journals, Reviewmagazines, News
Letters, e-journals.
Module -5 Laws and Policy Perspectives and International Co-operations: Lawsand policy matters at international and
national level with respect toSpace, Sea, photogrammetry, data sharing and data security,interoperability; Global and
national Geoinformatics survey reports,case-studies, show cases of best practices.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. “GIS Development”.net, ESRI web site, NCGIA, UCGIA, GoogleEarth, Yahoo Maps, NASA web site, ISROwebsite.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Agreement, Contract, essential conditions, Indian ContractAct 1872, types of contract, terminology of
contract.Construction Specifications: standard specifications,general specification, development, interpretation.
Module -2 Tender and tender documents: types of bidding, tendernotice, tendering procedure. Construction claims:
extraitem, excess quantity, deficit quantity, price escalation.
Module -3 Dispute resolution mechanism: litigation, arbitration,conciliation, mediation, dispute resolution board.
Contractual Problems: possible contractual problems,creation of claims, development of disputes. Contractdocument:
drafting of clauses, development, andinterpretation, CPWD conditions of contract, FIDICconditions of contract
Module -4 BOT contract: types of contract, PPP framework, types ofrisk, concession agreement, drafting of clauses,
development, and interpretation.
Module -5 Laws affecting Engineers: Labour Law, Sales Tax, VAT,Service Tax, Excise Duty. Relational Contract:
partnering,alliancing, key elements, processes.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Collier, Kieth, “Managing Construction Contracts”
2.S. Ranaga Rao Contract Management and Dispute Resolutions Engineering staffCollege of India January 2008.
3. C. J. Schexnayder and R. E. Mayo, Construction Management Fundamentals,McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 2003
4. General Conditions of Contract, Central Public Works Department, New Delhi,2010
5.D.S. Berrie and B.c. Paulson, Professional construction management includingC.M.,Design construct and general
contracting, McGraw Hill InternationaL, ThirdEdition 1992..
6.V. K. Raina, Construction & Contract Management Practices,SPD, New Delhi

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Geostatic Stresses: Total, neutral and effective stress inhomogeneous soils, stress diagrams, stresses effected
by Capillarywater and direction of flow of water. Numerical problems
Shear Strength of Soils: Introduction, concept of stresses,Principal stresses, principal planes, Mohr’s construction,
location ofpole, basic concept of shearing resistance, Coulomb’s theory, Mohr-Coulomb’s theory. Numerical problems
Module -2 Determination of Shear strength parameters, stress controlled andstrain controlled tests, classification of shear
tests based ondrainage conditions, stress-strain relationship of clays and sands,concept of critical void ratio,
determination and uses of Skempton’spore pressure coefficients A and B experimentally. Numericalproblems
Module -3 Earth Pressure: Introduction, active and passive earth pressures,earth pressure at rest, Rankine’s theory for
determination of activeand passive earth pressure, coefficient of earth pressure at rest,earth pressure distribution, total
earth pressure and its point ofapplication, determination of tension cracks and critical height forunsupported excavation,
effect of water table on earth pressure,Coulomb’s theory of active and passive earth pressure, Culmann’sand Rebhann’s
graphical methods for determination of active andpassive earth pressures, earth pressure calculations for line loadand/or
uniform strip load acting on the ground surface
Module -4 Stability of Slopes: Introduction, Factor of Safety, slope failure, toeand base failure of finite slopes, analysis
of stability by method ofslices, Taylor’s stability number, effect of water table on slopes,tension cracks
Module -5. Seepage Analysis: Laplace’s equation for two dimensional flow of water through soils, flownets, properties
and uses of flownets, phreatic line, graphical and analytical procedures for determinationof quantity of seepage,
prevailing hydraulic head and exit gradientin homogeneous earth dam, uplift pressure, sketching of flownets for typical
hydraulic structures – weirs, dams, sheet pile walls
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. Foundation analysis and design - J E Bowles, McGraw Hill, NY
2. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice – Karl Terzaghi and R B Peck (1967),John Wiley and Sons, NY
3. Analysis and Design of Foundations and Retaining Structures –SPrakash(1979), SaritaPrakashana, Meerut
Reference Books:
1. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering – S K Garg, Khanna Publications
2. Geotechnical Engineering – C Venkataramaiah, New Age InternationalPublishers

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Historical background: Introduction to reinforced soil structures,comparison with reinforced cement concrete
Reinforced Earth: Principles, concepts and Mechanisms of reinforcedearth
Module -2 Materials used, properties, laboratory testing and constructional details,metallic strips, metallic grids,
geotextiles, geogrids, geomembranes andgeocomposites, their functions and design principles
Module -3 Geotextiles: Introduction, design methods, function and mechanism,geotextile properties and test methods –
physical, mechanical andhydraulic properties, construction methods and techniques usinggeotextiles
Module -4 Design applications of reinforced soil structures in pavements,embankments, slopes, retaining walls and
foundations, reinforced soilstructures for soil erosion control problems, geosynthetic clay liners
Module -5. Case studies of reinforced soil structures, discussion on currentliterature and design problems
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. Designing with Geosynthetics – Koerner R H (1994), Prentice Hall Inc.
2. Reinforcements and Soil Structures – Jones, CJEP (1996), ButterworthPublications
3. Membranes in ground engineering – Rankilor, P R (1985), John Wiley & Sons.
Reference Books:
1. Soil Reinforcement with Geotextiles – Jewel R A (1996), CIRIA
2. Geotextiles hand book – Ingold J S and Miller K S (1988), Thomas Telford Ltd.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Various types of highway development projects in progress in India and their scope.Factors to be considered
in planning of new highway /expressway / bypass and upgradationof existing roads.
Planning of Road Projects –project management framework, scope, project objectives,project environment, causes of
project failure, project development process
Module -2 Resource planning – human resources, project man power grouping, structuring siteorganisation, construction
materials- classification of construction materials, materialsusage, materials inventory, cost and budget
Module -3 Construction equipment and choice-type, capacity and number, taskconsiderations, cost considerations,
engineering considerations, equipment acquisitionoptions, optimum location of crushing and mixing plants, problems.
Module -4 Time planning – project work breakdown, determining activities involved, assessmentof duration, CPM /
PERT network analysis, work scheduling, methods of workscheduling, factors affecting work scheduling, Problems.
Module -5. Planning Control System – resource production, project cost, project time, codificationand project
management, information system, use of software
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. K.K. Chitkara. “Construction Project Management Planning, Scheduling and Controlling”- Tata McGrawHill
2. S.C. Sharma “Construction Equipment and its Management”- Khanna Publishers3. Peurifoy / Schexnayder
“Construction Planning, Equipment and Methods”-Tata Mc Graw Hill Publications
4. IRC “A Manual for the Application of Critical Path Method to Highway Projects in India”
5., websites

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Types of RC Prefabricated Structures: Long wall and cross wall large panel buildings- One way andtwo way
prefabricated slabs - Framed buildings with partial and curtain walls, single storey industrial buildings with trusses and
shells - Crane – Gantry systems.
Module -2 Functional Design Principles: Modular coordination – Standardization - Disuniting, Diversity of prefabricates
– Production – Transportation – Erection - Stages of loading and codal provisions-Safety factors - Material properties -
Deflection control - Lateral load resistance - Location and types of shear walls.
Module -3 Floors, Stairs and Roofs: Types of floor slabs – Methods of Analysis and design example ofcored and panel
types and two-way systems - Staircase slab design - Types of roof slabs andinsulation requirements - Description of
joints, behavior and requirements - Deflection control for short term and long term loads - Ultimate strength calculations
in shear and flexure.
Module -4 Walls: Types of wall panels - Blocks of large panels – Curtain partition and load bearing walls Loadtransfer
from floor to wall panels – Vertical loads Eccentricity and stability of wall panels –Use ofDesign curves -Types of wall
joints, their behavior and design – Leak prevention, Joint sealents, sandwich wall panels.
Module -5. Industrial Buildings: Components of single storey industrial sheds with crane gantry systems -Design aspects
of R.C. Roof Trusses - Roof panels R.C. Crane - Gantry Girders - Corbels andcolumns and Wind bracing.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Marashev, V.I.Sigalov, E.Y.Baikov, U.N., “Design of RC Structures”, Mir Publishers, Moscow.
2. “SERC, Design & Construction of Prefabricated Residential & Industrial Buildings”, Organizedby SERC, Chennai.
3. B.Leweicki, “Building with Large Prefabrication”, Elsevier Publishing Co.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction, Site investigation, In-situ testing ofsoils, Subsoil exploration, Classification offoundations
systems. General requirement offoundations, Selection of foundations, Computationsof Loads, Design concepts.
Module -2 Concept of soil shear strength parameters, Settlementanalysis of footings, Shallow foundations in clay,
Shallow foundation in sand & C-Ф soils, Footings onlayered soils and sloping ground, Design for Eccentric
or Moment Loads.
Module -3 Types of rafts, bearing capacity & settlements of raftfoundation, Rigid methods, Flexible methods,
soilstructureinteraction, different methods of modelingthe soil. Combined footings (rectangular &trapezoidal), strap
footings & wall footings, Raft –super structure interaction effects & general conceptsof structural design, Basement slabs
Module -4 Deep Foundations: Load Transfer in DeepFoundations, Types of Deep Foundations, Ultimatebearing capacity
of different types of piles in differentsoil conditions, Laterally loaded piles, tension piles &batter piles, Pile groups:
Bearing capacity, settlement,uplift capacity, load distribution between piles,Proportioning and design concepts of piles.
Module -5. Types of caissons, Analysis of well foundations, Design principles, Well construction and sinking.
Foundations for tower structures: Introduction,Forces on tower foundations, Selection of foundationtype, Stability and
design considerations, Ringfoundations – general concepts.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Swami Saran – “Analysis & Design of Substructures”- Oxford & IBH Pub.Co. Pvt. Ltd., 1998.
2. Nainan P Kurian – “Design of Foundation Systems”- Narosa PublishingHouse, 1992.
3. R.B. Peck, W.E. Hanson & T.H. Thornburn – “Foundation Engineering”-
Wiley Eastern Ltd.,Second Edition, 1984.4. J.E. Bowles – “Foundation Analysis and Design”- McGraw-Hill Int.
Editions, Fifth Ed., 1996.
5. W.C. Teng – “Foundation Design”- Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1983.
6. Bureau of Indian Standards:IS-1498, IS-1892, IS-1904, IS-6403, IS-8009,IS-2950, IS-11089, IS-11233, IS-2911 and
all other relevant codes

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction: Introduction to optimization,engineering applications of optimization, Formulationof structural
optimization problems as programmingproblems. Optimization Techniques: Classicaloptimization techniques, single
variableoptimization, multivariable optimization with noconstraints, unconstrained minimization techniques
and algorithms constrained optimization solutions bypenalty function techniques, Lagrange multiplierstechniques and
feasibility techniques.
Module -2 Linear Programming: Linear programming, standardform of linear programming, geometry of linear
programming problems, solution of a system oflinear simultaneous equations, pivotal production ofgeneral systems of
equations, simplex algorithms,revised simpler methods, duality in linearprogramming.
Module -3 Non-linear programming: Non-linear programming,one dimensional minimization methods, elimination
methods, Fibonacci method, golden section method,interpolation methods, quadratic and cubic methods,Unconstrained
optimization methods, direct searchmethods, random search methods, descent methods
Module -4 Constrained optimization techniques such as directmethods, the complex methods, cutting planemethod,
exterior penalty function methods forstructural engineering problems. Formulation andsolution of structural optimization
problems bydifferent techniques
Module -5. Geometric programming: Geometric programming,conversion of NLP as a sequence of LP/ geometric
Dynamic programming: Dynamic programmingconversion of NLP as a sequence of LP/ Dynamicprogramming
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Spunt, “Optimum Structural Design”- Prentice Hall
2. S.S. Rao, “Optimization – Theory and Practice”- Wiley Eastern Ltd.
3. Uri Krisch, “Optimum Structural Design”- McGraw Hill
4. Richard Bronson, “Operation Research”- Schaum’s Outline Series
5. Bhavikatti S.S.- “Structural optimization using sequential linearprogramming”- Vikas publishing house

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1Analysis of industrial building for Gravity and Windload. Analysis and design of framing components
namely, girders, trusses, gable frames
Module -2 Analysis and design of gantry column (steppedcolumn / column with bracket), purlins, girts,bracings
including all connections.
Module -3 Analysis of transmission line towers for wind load anddesign of towers including all connections.
Module -4 Forms of light gauge sections, Effective widthcomputation of unstiffened, stiffened, multiplestiffened
compression elements of cold formed lightgauge sections. Concept of local buckling of thinelements. Limiting width to
thickness ratio. Postbuckling strength.
Module -5. Concept of Pre- engineered buildings, Design ofcompression and tension members of cold formedlight gauge
sections, Design of flexural members(Laterally restrained / laterally unrestrained).
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Bureau of Indian Standards, IS800-2007, IS875-1987, IS-801-1975.Steel Tables, SP 6 (1) – 1984
2. N Subramanian- “Design of Steel Structure” oxford University Press
3. B.C. Punmia, A.K. Jain “Design of Steel Structures”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi.
4. Ramchandra and VirendraGehlot “ Design of Steel Structures “ Vol 1 andVol.2, Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur
5. Duggal “Limit State Design of Steel Structures” TMH

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction – Environment and its interaction with human activities. Environmental
imbalances, basic concepts of E.I.A., Element of E.I.A. Environmental attributes, Indicators – Screening
and Scoping Environmental Impact Statement (E.I.S).
Module -2 Environmental Setting – Environmental Inventory, environmental indicators – Parameters,
Indicators for terrestrial subsystems, Indicators for aquatic subsystems, socio-economic indicators,
indicators for health and nutrition.
Module -3 Environmental Impact Assessment methodologies – Important consideration for choosing a
methodology ; categorization of methodologies. Review criteria, Environmental Management
Plan(EMP). Step by step procedure for preparing on E.I.A. Prediction and Assessmentof Impacts on the
Air Environment, on the surface water environment, on vegetation & wild life.
Module -4 Public participation in Environmental Decision making, practical consideration in preparing
EIA and Statements, salient features of project activity.
Prediction and Assessment of impacts on soil and ground water environment; On the biological
environment, on the socio –economic environment.
Prediction and Assessment of impacts on the cultural environment. Decision methods for evaluation of
alternatives, public participation.
Module -5. Environmental Audit – Environmental legislation, objectives Environmental Audit, types,
audit protocol, evaluation of audit data and preparation of audit report.
Preparation of Impact Assessment for some industries and case studies – standard and mandatory
requirements.EIA for various civil engineering projects.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Canter L.W. Mc. Graw Hill Publication Publication Co., 1st Edition 1996
2. Jain, R.K. , Urban, L.V. Stray, G.S. “Environmental Impact Analysis” Van Nastrand Reinhold
Company, 2nd Edition, 2004
3. Anjaneyulu, VallManickam., Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies, B.S.Publications, 1st
Edition, 2000
4. Ran J.G. & Wooten, D.C., Environmental Impact Assessment” McGraw Hill PublicationCompany, 2nd
Edition, 1999
5. Methodologies, Guidelines for the integrated Environmental evaluation of water
ResourcesDevelopment, UNESCO/UNEP, Paris, 1990.
6. Betty Bowers Mariott, “A Practical Guide on EnvironmentImpact Assessment”

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction: Materials, classification and properties Structural steel sections and data Behaviorof steel
structures: Steel water tanks, Chimneys and Stacks, Bridge Structures, Building Frames, Steel Space grids.
Module -2 Structural Steel Detailing: Symbols, layout drawings, shop detail drawings, assembly marking.Structural steel
fabrication: Methods - tools, equipment and practices, Punching, Reaming anddrilling, cutting Operations, fittings,
fasteners, bolting, riveting and welding, Assembly,inspection, cleaning, sand blasting and painting: Transportation of
fabricated components,Storage and handling.
Module -3 Erection of steel structures : Erection equipment, erection tools, methods of erection, sectionsequence field
connections, detailing to facilitate erection. Specifications, Estimating and costing steel work. Fire protection of steel
construction Maintenance and repair of steel structures
Module -4 Composite Constructions Introduction to composite construction, basic concepts, types ofcomposite,
Constructions Steel concrete composite, Analysis and of composite beams Compositefloors.
Module -5. Shear connectors: functions & types Steel concrete composite columns, columns subjected toaxial loads and
moments. Encased composite construction of beams and columns, concepts anddesign.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Ramachandra, ‘Design of steel structures’, Standard Book House, New Delhi
2. Bryan E.R., ‘The stressed skin design of steel buildings’
3. Malhotra M.M. ‘Design of Steel Structures’
4. BreskerBoro, ‘Design of steel Structures’
5. Dayaratnam, ‘Design of Steel Structures’.
6. IS:11384, IRC-22
7. Composite Structures, G M Sabnis
8. “Composite Construction, Design for Buildings”, Viest et al., 1997, ASCE/McGraw-Hill, Inc.
9. “Handbook of Structural Steel Connection Design and Details” Edited by Akbar Tamboli,McGraw Hill

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 General Water Balance, Regional Ground Water Balance, Distribution of Subsurface Water, Different Types
of Aquifers, Heterogeneity and Anisotropy, Occurrence of Ground Water in Hydro Geological Formations, Structure and
Types of Wells. –Problems on estimation of basic parameters.
Module -2 Governing Equation of Groundwater Flow in Aquifers. Derivation of General Differential Equations for
Ground Water Flow, Regional Ground Water Problems, Governing Equations for Transient Flow Conditions.
Module -3 Models for Ground Water Analysis: Introduction, Major Applications of Ground water Models, Numerical
Modelling of Groundwater Systems, Groundwater Modelling by the Finite Difference (FD). –Problems. Pollution of
Groundwater: Hydrodynamic Dispersion of Pollutants in Groundwater Environment (Advection dispersion, Molecular
diffusion)Optimization models for management of groundwater quantity and quality.
Module -4 Well Hydraulics: Analysis of Steady Radial Flow Towards a Well in a confined Aquifer, Dupuit Forcheimmer
(DF) Theory of free Surface Flow For Steady Flow in Unconfined Aquifers, Analysis of Steady Radial Flow in Laterally
Stratified Phreatic Aquifers. Problems on well Hydraulics
Module -5. Artificial Recharge: Spreading methods, Induced-recharge method, Recharge-well method, Subsurface dams,
Wastewater discharge, Recharge by urban storm runoff, Case history. Geophysical Methods in Groundwater Exploration,
Introduction, Electrical Resistivity Method, Analytical Derivation for Resistivity in Vertical Electrical Sounding, Seismic
Retraction Method, Determination of Aquifer Thickness, Geologic and Hydrologic methods, Hydrogeologic well
logging, Tracer techniques.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. A. K. Rastogi., Numerical Groundwater Hydrology, Penram International Publishing (India)Pvt.Ltd.2007.
2. Todd D.K. & Mays, L.W., “Ground Water Hydrology”, 3 Ed, Wiley.
3. Raghunath H.M., “Ground Water”, New Age Publishers, 2007.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Effects of Industrial Wastes on sewerage system and sewagetreatment plants and receiving water bodies.
Effects of wasteadditions on physical and chemical properties of soil.Effluent standards and receiving water quality
standards.Different aspects and choices of various disposal alternatives
Module -2 Industrial Waste survey-Process flow charts, condition of wastestream. Material balance, Sampling – Grab,
Composite andintegrated samples. Continuous monitoring – pH, Conductivity,Biomonitoring
Module -3 Pretreatment of Industrial Wastewater – Volume reduction,Strength reduction, Neutralization, Equalization
and Proportion,Removal of Organic and inorganic dissolved solids.Wastewater Treatment in specific industries:
Distrillery, Sugar,Pulp and paper, Cement, Textile, Dairy, Fertilizer, Pesticides,
Module -4 Design of complete treatment system & disposal for industries:Distillery, Diary, Textile, paper and pulp mill
to meet P.C.B.norms.Radio Active Wastes treatment- Low activity and high activityradiation, application of radio active
techniques for wastewatertreatment. Bio-Remediation of contaminated soils
Module -5 Environmental Auditing: Introduction, Cost of Pollution,Environmental audit solutions, Financial and
Managerialopportunities. Criminal and Regulatory liabilities
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Nemerow N.N., “Liquid Waste of industry theories, “Practices and Treatment. AddisonWilley New York.
2. Azad N. S.,– “Industrial Wastewater Management Hand Book” McGraw Hill book Co.,Newyork.
3. Ross R.D. “Industrial Waste Disposal”, Reinhold Environmental Series – New York.
4. Dickinson” Practical Waste Treatment and Disposal Applied Science publication,London.
5. Mahajan,” Pollution control in Process industries”. TMH, New Delhi.
6. Eckenfelder, “Industrial Water pollution Control”- McGraw hill Company, New DelhiAmerican Chemical Society,
Washington D.C. USA
7. Bioremediation books

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 MODULE 1: Environment Definitions and ActsEnvironment definition in Indian law- Different
environmentalprotection legislations- History of Environmental protection in India- Provisions in Indian Penal Code for
Environmental protection-Theconstitutions of India – Union list- State list – Concurrent list -Panchayats and
Municipalities role.
Module -2 Water (prevention & control of Pollution) Act & Air(prevention & control of Pollution) ActWater pollution –
definition – Water (Conservation and protection)Act 1974 – Objectives of Water Act – Legislation to control
waterpollution – Functions of CPCB and SPCB - Local bodies role – Water(prevention & control of pollution) Act 1974
as amended byAmendment Act 1988. Water (prevention and control of pollution)Rules 1975 - Water (prevention &
control of Pollution) Cess Act 1977as amended by Amendment Act 1987 and relevant notifications -Tolerance limits for
effluents discharge and drinking water -Constitution and Resources management and pollution control – Air(prevention
& control of Pollution) Act 1981-Sections of Air(prevention & control of Pollution) Act 19, 20, 21, 22-Penalties -
Ambient air quality standards-Noise and the Laws
Module -3 Environmental (Protection) Act 1986Environment and pollution - definition as per Environmental law-
General powers of Central and state Government under EPA Important Notification in EPA 1986- The Indian Forest Act
1927-Forest Conservation Act 1980 - Wild Life (Protection) Act -Constitution of Pollution Control Boards - Powers,
functions,Accounts, Audit etc. – Equitable remedies for pollution control
Module -4 Municipal Solid Waste Management RulesSolid waste management – Hazardous Wastes (Handling
andManagement) Rules 1998-Bio-medical Wastes (Handling andManagement) Rules 1998-Recyclled plastics
(Manufacture andUsage) Rules, 1999-Municipal Solid Waste Management Act 2003-Rules - E.I.A and Public Hearing-
Eco-labeling-Eco Mark
Module -5 Coastal Regulation Zone Notification and GreenBenchesCoastal Regulation Zone - definition-Importance of
coral reef-Regulation activities in CRZ - The Biological Diversity Act 2002-Biodiversity Rules 2004-The Intellectual
Property Rights (IPR)-NationalEnvironment Appellate Authority –Environmental Tribunal andGreen Benches - Some
Important cases on Environment -International Conventions - Protocols for protection of the Environment
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Constitutional Law of India – J.N. Pandey 1997 (31st Edn.) Central Law Agency Allahabad.
2. Administrative Law U.P.D. Kesari 1998. Universal Book Trade Delhi.
3. Environmental Law H.N. Tiwari, Allahabad Law. Agency 1997.
4. Environmental, A., Divan and Noble M. Environmental Law and Policy in India (cases,
Materials and Statutes) 1991 Tripathi Bombay.
5. Environmental Policy. Forest Policy. Bare Acts – Government Gazette Notification.
6. Environmental Laws of India-C.P.R. Environmental Education Centre.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Environmental Impact of Building Materials Embodiedenergy of materials; impact on the local environment;
toxicity of the material; life cycle assessment.Nature and Source Direct and indirect waste; site types andorigins;
composition; quantity; current recycling/reusepotential of building materials.
Module -2 Construction and Demolition Waste Management PlansInternational good practice; planning requirements;
DoEHLG guidance document; company policy; demolitionplans; site implementation; supplier agreements
sub−contractor management; role of waste managementcontractor; training; auditing; skip management; current
markets; current disposal options; health and safety;reporting to local authorities. Treatment of Constructionand
Demolition Waste, waste permits; waste licenses; wastetransfer facilities; landfills; treatment technologies;hazardous
waste facilities; reporting to EPA
Module -3 Designing for Waste Prevention and Minimisation Waste prevention and minimization; client, contractor and
designer attitudes; proper maintenance of existingbuildings; reuse of existing building structure; designflexibility; design
for reuse and recycling; dimensionalco−ordination and standardization; modular design;material selection and control.
Module -4 Waste Forecasting Tools Application of WRAP's designingout waste tool for buildings and civil engineering;
WRAP net waste tool; BRE SMART Waste; WRAP Site Waste Management Plan Tracker
Module -5 Future developments Potential future markets; ‘smart'materials; use of eco−materials.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Springer,”Recycling and Resource Recovery Engineering”, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (1996)
2. Greg Winkler, “Recycling Construction and Demolition waste: A LEED-BasedToolkit (Green Source) (Google
ebook), Mc Graw Hill Professional
3. V M Tam, Chi Ming Tam, “Reuse of Construction and Demolition Waste inHousing Development”, Nova Science
Publishers, 2008
4. “Current Literature”

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 INTRODUCTION:Historical failures of geotechnical structures (finite and infinite slopes,high embankments
such as earthen dams, tunnels, excavations,foundations-shallow and deep, retaining structures etc.), characterizationof
failures, Inadequateness of Limit state design, principles and advantages of Mobilizeable strength design. Numerical
Module -2 TECHNICAL FORENSIC INVESTIGATION: Collection of data, problemcharacterization, development of
failure hypotheses, a realistic back analysis, field observations and performance monitoring, modelling offailure
hypothesis and quality control of formal and technical aspects ofthe work. Numerical Problems.
types of distress, diagnostic tests: field andlaboratory tests, analysis, legal issues such as facts, interpretations,
opinions, negligence
shortcomings in design,inadequate site investigations, unforeseen occurrences and phenomena,shortcomings in
construction; recommendations to limit future occurrenceof failures.
Module -4 CASE HISTORIES:Construction of historic monuments, destruction due to environmentalchanges and
survival of monuments among them, such as leaning towerof Pisa, Egyptian pyramids, tall structural foundations in
Mexico city, prehistoric caves in India etc.,Consideration of geotechnical aspects such as settlement, shear strength,
permeability, slope stability, etc., in construction of survived historicmonuments as well as for the structures which have
collapsed due to the new adjacent constructions or disturbances due to human activities etc.,.Numerical problems
Module -5 . GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING AND LEGAL SYSTEM:Legal conflict of geotechnical failures,
sanctions in the legal code ofconstruction, geotechnical work for documentation of forensic cases; casestudies of legal
conflict of prominent structures (such as landslides, deepexcavations, unexpected settlements of oil tanks, distress in soil
walls,failure due to slow creep of hills etc.)
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. Forensic Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering – Robert W Day (2011)
2. Forensic Geotechnical Engineering – V V S Rao and G L Sivakumar Babu(2013), Springer India
Reference Books:
1. Indo-US Forensic Practices: Investigation Techniques and Technology – Shen En
Chen, R Janardhanan, C Natarajan, Ryan Schmidt (2010), American Society ofCivil Engineers

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Classification of rocks, geological petro graphic and engineering.Index properties of rocks- porosity, density,
permeability, durabilityand slake. Core recovery, RQD and its importance in engineering Stress-strain behaviour, factors
influencing the strength of rock,temperature, confining pressure, strain rates, modes of failures ofrocks.
Module -2 Failure theories of rocks Morh’s hypothesis, Griffith’s Criteria, Mullerl’s extension of griffith’s theory,
elementary theory of crackpropagation, failure of rock by crack propagation, effects of cracksof elastic properties.
Testing of rocks: Laboratory and field test, assessment of in-situstrength
Module -3 Rock Foundation: Shallow and deep investigation for foundationdesign and construction aspect, slope
stability analysis, mode offailures in rock. Design of slopes, excavation in rock andstabilization concepts
Module -4 Strengthening of rocks: Foundation treatment for dams and heavystructures by grouting and rock
reinforcement. Methods andprinciples of grouting, principles of design of rock bolts
Module -5 .Tunnels – Basic terminology and application, site investigations,methods of excavation of tunnels supports
and stabilization,construction control and maintenance, tunnel ventilation, controlof ground water and gasUnderground
Mining; mining methods, planning and design,mining equipments and mining procedures, cause for subsidenceand its
remedial measures
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. Introduction to Rock Mechnaics – Goodman (1976), John Wiley and Sons, NY
2. Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics – J C Jeager and N G W Cook (1976),Chapman and Hall, London
3. Geotechnology –Roberts , Pergamou Press ltd., Oxford
Reference Books:
1. Principles of Engineering Geology and Geotechniques – Krynine and Judd
2. Rock Engineering – Jhon A Franklin and Maurice b Dusseault, McGraw Hill
3. Rock mechanics for Engineers: Varma, B.P, Khanna Publishers
4. Rock mechanics & Design of structures: Obert, L & Duvall, W.I., John Wiley &Sons

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Problems of construction of roads in marshy areas and weak / expansivesoils and water- logged - areas.
Various effective measures for solving theproblems, machinery required and method of construction. Control of water
table,capillary rise and seepage flow in road construction. Design and construction offilter drains and capillary cut-off.
Module -2 Methods of strengthening weak foundation soil, acceleration of consolidation andsettlement of compressible
embankment foundation, vertical sand drains -application, design and construction method.
Module -3 Problems in construction of high embankments, stability of foundation andembankment slopes. Stability of
hill slopes, control of erosion.
Module -4 Use of special materials such as geo-synthetics for drainage and in pavementlayers. Use of reinforced earth
retaining walls, Nailing Technique, Techniques ofpavement construction using recycled materials – cold and hot mix
recycling ofbituminous materials.
Module -5 . Special construction techniques - construction techniques of cell filled concretepavements – design,
economics and construction method, and its application. Roadconstruction on desert region and coastal areas, alternative
methods, roadconstruction on high altitudes, hilly and mountainous terrain.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. R.M. Koerner “Designing with Geosynthetics”- 4th Edition Prentice Hall, New Jerssey, 1997.
2. IRC-75 “Guidelines for the design of High embankments”- IRC, 1979.
3. DSIR “Soil Mechanics for Road Engineers”– HMSO, London, 1954.
4. Leonards G.A. “Foundation engineering”- McGraw Hill Book Company, New York, 1962.
5. Cedgreen H.R. “Drainage of highway and airfield pavement”- John Willey and Sons.Inc., NewYork, 1974.
6. G. Kassiff M. Livnet. G. Wisemen “Pavements on Expansive clays”– Jerusalem AcademyPress, Jerusalem. Israel,
7. R.D. Krebs &R.D.Walker “Highway Materials”- McGraw Hill Book House, New York, 1971.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction: Growth of air transport, airport organization and associations,Classifications of airports airfield
components, airport traffic zones and approach areas.
Aircraft Characteristics Related to Airport Design: Components, size turning radius,speed, airport characteristics
Module -2. Airport planning, surveys and Design: Airport Site Selection, Runway length andwidth, sight distances,
longitudinal and transverse grades, runway intersections,taxiways, clearances, aprons, numbering, holding apron, noise
control , Problems.
Module -3 Planning and Design of the Terminal area: Operational concepts, space relationshipsand area requirements,
vehicular traffic and parking at airports.
Capacity and Delay: Factors affecting capacity, Determination of runway capacityrelated to delay, gate capacity, taxiway
Module -4 Airport Grading and Drainage: Grading of airport area, hydrology, design of drainagesystems, construction
methods, layout of surface drainage and subsurface drainagesystem, Problems.
Module -5 . Air Traffic Control and Aids: Runways and taxiways markings, day and night landingaids, airport lighting,
ILS and other associated aids.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. “Planning and Design of Airports” - Robert Horenjeff, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill Book Co.
2. “Airport Engineering”- G. Glushkov, V.Babkov, Mir Publuishers, Moscow.
3. “Airport Planning and Design”- Khanna, Arora and Jain, Nem Chand and Bros., Roorkee
4. Harry.R.Cedergern. “Drainage of Airfield pavements”- John Wiley and Sons.
5. Virender Kumar and Satish Chandra, “Airport Planning and Design”- Galotia Publication press.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction: Historical Developments, Site Selectionfor Bridges, Classification of Bridges Forces on
Bridges. Bridge substructures: Abutments, piers andwing walls Balanced Cantilever Bridge: Introductionand
proportioning of components, Design of simplysupported portion and design of cantilever portion,design of articulation
Module -2..Box Culvert: Different Loading Cases IRC Class AATracked, Wheeled and Class A Loading, working out
the worst combination of loading, MomentDistribution, Calculation of BM & SF, StructuralDesign of Slab Culvert, with
Reinforcement Details.
Module -3 T Beam Bridge Slab Design: Proportioning ofComponents Analysis of interior Slab & CantileverSlab Using
IRC Class AA Tracked, Wheeled Class ALoading, Structural Design of Slab, withReinforcement Detail. T BeamBridge
Cross GirderDesign: Analysis of Cross Girder for Dead Load & LiveLoad Using IRC Class AA Tracked, Wheeled Class
ALoading A Loads, Structural Design of Beam, withReinforcement Detail.
Module -4 T Beam Bridge Main Girder Design: Analysis of MainGirder for Dead Load & Live Load Using IRC Class
AA Tracked, Wheeled Class A Loading UsingCOURBON’S Method, Analysis of Main Girder UsingHENDRY-
JAEGER and MORICE-LITTLE Method forIRC Class AA Tracked vehicle only, BM & SF for different loads,
Structural Design of Main Girder WithReinforcement Details
Module -5 .PSC Bridges: Introduction to Pre and Post Tensioning,Proportioning of Components, Analysis and
StructuralDesign of Slab, Analysis of Main Girder usingCOURBON’s Method for IRC Class AA tracked vehicle,
Calculation of pre-stressing force, cable profile andcalculation of stresses, Design of End block anddetailing of main
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. “Essentials of Bridge Engineering”- D Johnson Victor, Oxford & IBH PublishingCo New Delhi
2. “Design of Bridges”- N Krishna Raju, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co New Delhi
3. “Principles and Practice of Bridge Engineering”- S P BindraDhanpat Rai & SonsNew Delhi
4. IRC 6 – 1966 “Standard Specifications And Code Of Practice For Road Bridges”-Section II Loads and Stresses, The
Indian Road Congress New Delhi
5. IRC 21 – 1966 “Standard Specifications And Code Of Practice For RoadBridges”-Section III Cement Concrete (Plain
and reinforced) The Indian RoadCongress New Delhi
6. IS 456 – 2000 “Indian Standard Plain and Reinforced Concrete Code ofPractice”- (Fourth Revision) BIS New Delhi
7. IS 1343 – “Indian Standard Prestressed Concrete Code of Practice”- BIS NewDelhi
8. Raina V.K., “Concrete Bridge Practice”- Tata McGraw Hill
9. Bakht B &Jaeggar, “Bridge Analysis Simplified”- McGraw Hill
10. Ponnuswamy. S, “Bridge Engineering”- Tata McGraw Hill.
11. Derrick Beckett, “An Introduction to Structural Design of ConcreteBridges”- Surrey University Press

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 PlasticityGeneral concept, yield criteria, flow rules for perfectly plastic andstrain hardening materials - simple
applications, Theories offailure. Plasticity models for concrete
Module -2..Linear Elastic Fracture mechanicsBasic modes of fracture, Griffith theory of brittle fracture, Irwin’s
modifications for elastic-plastic materials, theories of linear elasticfracture mechanics, stress intensity factors, fracture
Module -3 Elasto-plastic fracture mechanicsCrack-tip plasticity and in metals. Mixed mode problems andevaluation of
critical fracture parameters
Module -4 Fatigue damage theories,Fatigue test, endurance limit, fatigue fracture under combinedloading, fatigue
controlling factors, cumulative fatigue damageconcepts.
Module -5 . Fracture of ConcreteReview of concrete behaviour in tension and compression, Basicframeworks for
modeling of quasi-brittle materials, discrete crackconcept/Smeared crack concept. FE Concepts and applications.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Valliappan S. "Continuum Mechanics Fundamentals" (1982), Oxford IBH, ND. New Delhi.
2. Broek, D., "Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics", 4th edition,MartinusNijhoff (1987).
3. Venkataraman and Patel “Structural Mechanics with introduction toElasticity and Plasticity” – Mcgraw Hill, 1990.
4. T. L. Anderson, Fracture Mechanics- Fundamentals and Applications,inath. L.S., Advanced Mechanics of Solids, Tata
McGraw-ltd., New Delhi Hill Publishing Co

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1 Introduction, Masonry units, materials and types:History of masonry Characteristics of Brick, stone,
clay block, concrete block, stabilized mud blockmasonry units – strength, modulus of elasticity andwater absorption.
Masonry materials – Classificationand properties of mortars, selection of mortars.
Module -2..Strength of Masonry in Compression: Behaviour of Masonry under compression, strength and elastic
properties, influence of masonry unit and mortarcharacteristics, effect of masonry unit height oncompressive strength,
influence of masonry bondingpatterns on strength, prediction of strength ofmasonry in Indian context, Failure theories
ofmasonry under compression. Effects of slendernessand eccentricity, effect of rate of absorption, effectof curing, effect
of ageing, workmanship oncompressive strength
Module -3 Flexural and shear bond, flexural strength andshear strength: Bond between masonry unit andmortar, tests for
determining flexural and shear bondstrengths, factors affecting bond strength, effect ofbond strength on compressive
strength, orthotropicstrength properties of masonry in flexure, shearstrength of masonry, test procedures for
evaluatingflexural and shear strength
Module -4 Design of load bearing masonry buildings:Permissible compressive stress, stress reduction andshape reduction
factors, increase in permissiblestresses for eccentric vertical and lateral loads,permissible tensile and shear stresses,
Effectiveheight of walls and columns, opening in walls,effective length, effective thickness, slenderness ratio,
eccentricity, load dispersion, arching action, lintels;Wall carrying axial load, eccentric load withdifferent eccentricity
ratios, wall with openings,freestanding wall; Design of load bearing masonry forbuildings up to 3 to 8 storeys using BIS
Module -5 . Earthquake resistant masonry buildings: Behaviour of masonry during earthquakes, concepts and design
procedure for earthquake resistant masonry, BIScodal provisions. Masonry arches, domes and vaults:Components and
classification of masonry arches,domes and vaults, historical buildings, constructionprocedure
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Hendry A.W., “Structural masonry”- Macmillan Education Ltd., 2nd edition
2. Sinha B.P & Davis S.R., “Design of Masonry structures”- E & FN Spon
3. Dayaratnam P, “Brick and Reinforced Brick Structures”- Oxford & IBH
4. Curtin, “Design of Reinforced and Prestressed Masonry”- Thomas Telford
5. Sven Sahlin, “Structural Masonry”-Prentice Hall
6. Jagadish K S, Venkatarama Reddy B V and Nanjunda Rao K S, “AlternativeBuilding Materials and Technologies”-
New Age International, New Delhi &Bangalore
7. IS 1905, BIS, New Delhi.
8. SP20(S&T),New Delhi

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1.Functional Classification of Highway System; Design Controls – Topography, Drivercharacteristics, Vehicle
Characteristics, Traffic, Capacity and Level of Service, Design Speed.Objectives of Geometric Design, Cross Section
Elements: Design specifications; PavementSurface characteristics – Skid Resistance, Road Roughness; Camber,
Objectives, designstandards. Specifications for hill roads.
Module -2. Horizontal Alignment of Roads: Sight Distances – Stopping Sight Distance, Overtaking SightDistance and
Intermediate Sight Distance ; Objectives of horizontal curves; Super elevation;Extra- widening on Curves; Transition
Curves – Objectives and Design. Transition Curve settingmethods, Introduction to MX Roads software.
Module -3. Vertical Alignment of Roads: Gradients – Types of Gradients, Design Standards; VerticalCurves – Summit
Curves, Valley Curves and Design criteria for Vertical Curves; Importance ofSight Distances for Horizontal and Vertical
Curves ; Combination of Vertical and HorizontalCurves – Grade Compensation.
Module -4. Geometric Design of Intersections : Types of Intersections; Design Principles for Intersections;Design of At-
grade Intersections – Channelization, Objectives; Traffic Islands and Designstandards; Rotary Intersection – Concept,
Advantages and Disadvantages; Grade separatedInterchanges – Types, warrants and Design standards.
Module -5 .Miscellaneous Elements: Requirements of Pedestrians; Pedestrian facilities on Urban Roads;Cycle Tracks –
Guidelines and Design standards; Bus bays –Types and Guide lines; Design ofOn-street and Off street Parking facilities
– Guidelines for lay out Design, Traffic Signs andMarkings.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. AASHO, “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways an d Streets', AmericanAssociation of State Highway and
Transportation Officials, Washington D.C.
2. Principles and Practice of Highway Engineering, L.R.Kadiyali and N.B.Lal, Khanna,2007.
3. Khanna S.K. and Justo, C. E. G. `Highway Engineering', Nem Chand and Bros.,2000.
4. DSIR, `Roads in Urban Areas', HMSO, London.
5. Jack E Leish and Associates, `Planning and Design Guide: At-Grade Intersections'.Illinios.
6. Relevant IRC Codes & Publications

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation


Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1. Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) – Definition, Objectives, HistoricalBackground,
Benefits of ITS -ITS Data collection techniques – Detectors, Automatic VehicleLocation (AVL), Automatic Vehicle
Identification (AVI), Geographic Information Systems(GIS), video data collection.
Module -2. Telecommunications in ITS - Information Management, Traffic Management Centres (TMC).Application of
sensors to Traffic management; Traffic flow sensor technologies; Transpondersand Communication systems; Data fusion
at traffic management centres; Sensor plan and specification requirements; Elements of Vehicle Location and Route
Navigation and Guidanceconcepts.
Module -3. ITS functional areas – Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) , Advanced TravelerInformation
Systems (ATIS), Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO), Advanced Vehicle ControlSystems (AVCS), Advanced Public
Transportation Systems (APTS), Advanced RuralTransportation Systems (ARTS).ITS User Needs and Services – Travel
and Traffic management, Public TransportationManagement, Electronic Payment, Commercial Vehicle Operations,
Emergency Management,Advanced Vehicle safety systems, Information Management.
Module -4. ITS Operations – Regional and Project ITS architecture; Concept o f operations; ITS Modelsand Evaluation
Methods; Planning and human factor issues for ITS, Case studies on deploymentplanning and system design and
operation; ITS and safety, ITS and security, ITS as a technologydeployment program, research, development and
business models, ITS planning
Module -5 .ITS applications: Traffic and incident management systems; ITS and sustainable mobility, traveldemand
management, electronic toll collection, ITS and road-pricing.; Transportationnetwork operations; commercial vehicle
operations ; public transportation applications;Automated Highway Systems- Vehicles in Platoons –ITS in World –
Overview of ITSimplementations in developed countries, ITS in developing countries. [Case study]
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Choudury M A and Sadek A, “Fundamentals of Intelligent Transportation Systems Planning”Artech House.
2. Kan Paul Chen, John Miles, “Recommendations for World Road Association (PIARC)” ITSHand Book 2000.
3. Sussman, J. M., “Perspective on ITS”, Artech House Publishers, 2005.
4. US Department of Transportation, “National ITS Architecture Documentation”, 2007 (CDROM).
5. Turban. E and Aronson. J. E, “Decision Support Sys tems and Intelligent Systems”, PrenticeHallDept.

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1. Introduction: Radiative forcing, Earth Albedo, Irradiance, Energy budget. Scientificprinciples- warming earth
and Principle of thermodynamics
Module -2. Green-House Effect as a Natural Phenomenon, Green House Gases GHGs) andtheir Emission Sources and
sinks of C02, Methane, Nitrous oxides, carbon cycledisequilibrium, Global Warming Potential (GWP) of GHGs
Characterization & Classification of atmospheric pollutants,–description and applicationof point, line and areal sources.
Module -3. Climate change- Climate change trends. Components of climate change process, Ozonelayer depletion and its
Impacts of climate change: Global and India, Temperature Rise, Sea Level rise, CoastalErosion and landslides, Coastal
Flooding, Wetlands and Estuaries loss Impact of oceancurrent on global climate, EL-NINO & LA-NINA effects
Module -4. Kyoto Protocol: Importance, Significance and its role in Climate Change
Carbon Trading - Mechanisms, Various Models (Indian) Global and Indian Scenario
Module -5 .Cleaner Development Mechanisms: Various Projects related to CO2 EmissionReduction.
Alternatives of Carbon Sequestration: Conventional and non-conventional techniques ,Role of Countries and Citizens in
Containing Global Warming
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Barry R.G., and Chorley R.L., “Atmosphere, Weather and Climate”, 4th Edition, ELBSPublication.
2. Bolin B., “Carbon Cycle Modelling”, John Wiley and Sons Publications.
3. Corell R.W., and Anderson P.A., “Global Environmental Change”, SpringlerVerlog Publishers.
4. Francis D., “Global Warming: The Science and Climate Change”, Oxford University Press.
5. Frame B., Medury Y., and Joshi Y., “Global Climate Change: Science, Impact and Responses”.
6. Linden E.,, “The Winds of Change: Climate, Weather and the Destruction of Civilizations”,Simon and Schuster
7. MintzerI.M.,“Confronting Climate Change, Risks, Implications and Responses”, CambridgeUniversity Press.
8. Srivatsava A.K., “Global Warming”, APH Publications.
9. Wyman R.L., “Global Climate Change and Life on Earth”, Chapman and Hall Publications.
10. Yadav, Chander and Bhan, “Global Warming: India’s Response and Strategy”, RPH Publications

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
PhD Coursework Courses – 2018 (Civil Engineering)
As per 2017 Regulation
Exam Hours:03 Exam Marks:100
Module -1. Introduction, need for soft computing techniques, components of soft computing
Module -2. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), types of ANN and learning algorithms, tasks performed by ANNBasic
concepts of feed forward neural networks, perceptron learning rule, back propagation learning algorithm,application of
feed forward ANN for function approximation and prediction, limitations of feed forward neuralnetworks, applications
of feed forward neural networks in Hydrology, Water Resources and EnvironmentalEngineering
Module -3.Hebbian learning and Hopfield networks, pattern association, radial basis function networks, Kohonen
networks and self organisation maps, applications of ANN in pattern classification.
Module -4. Information and uncertainty, Chance versus ambiguity, Classical sets and fuzzy sets, Logic and reasoning,
Fuzzy set operations and fuzzy relations, Membership Functions, fuzzy numbers and fuzzy arithmetic.
Module -5 . Fuzzy Systems, fuzzy relations, fuzzy inference systems, Decision Making with Fuzzy Information, Fuzzy
Classification and Pattern Recognition, Neuro-Fuzzy SystemsEvolutionary computing, concepts of genetic algorithm,
components of genetic algorithm, Hybrid softcomputing techniques, Applications in Civil Engineering
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Haykin, Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi, 2008
2. Jang, J.R, Sun Chuen-tsai, and MizutaniEiji, Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing: A Computational Approach to
and Machine Intelligence, PHI Learning, 2009
3. Rajasekaran, S., and VijayalakshmiPai, G.A., Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithms – Synthesis
andApplications, Prentice-Hall India, New Delhi, 2003


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