Wideband Ale - The Next Generation of HF

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Presented at the 2016 Nordic HF Radio Conference HF ‘16, August 2016, Fårö, Sweden.


Eric E. Johnson
Professor Emeritus
Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces NM, USA
[email protected]


To break the capacity barrier holding back HF from being seamlessly integrated with IP based
networks, two developments are needed. First, a modulation method that achieves substan-
tially higher data rates. Second, a link establishment mechanism that adaptively manages
these wideband waveforms to use dynamically available spectrum while linking quickly to
support TCP/IP communication. Wideband waveforms have been addressed in the recent re-
leases of US MIL-STD-188-110 and US MIL-STD-188-141. This paper describes the devel-
opment and capabilities of WBHF and Wideband ALE (WALE).


There’s an old saying the computer architecture community, referring to the interface between
the processor and memory: “Throughput is easy (just add more pins); latency is hard.” HF
data communications faces a similar situation: we can get more throughput by increasing the
channel bandwidth (if spectrum is available). However, reducing a major component of la-
tency, link setup, is harder. We’ll address both of these in this paper.


For decades, HF radio offered only low data rates, limited both by technology and the conven-
tion of allocating HF spectrum only in 3 kHz channels. By the beginning of the 21st century,
signal processing technology supported 9600 bps in 3 kHz fading channels, but it was clear
that further increases in data rate would require wider channels. Wideband HF (WBHF) data
waveforms were standardized in US MIL-STD-188-110C in 2011, updated in 2012. In this
section we review the capabilities of the WBHF data waveforms.


The higher data rates available with WBHF waveforms benefit any applications that must
convey large amounts of data over HF channels. Of special interest, though, are applications
that were not practical for HF channels before the WBHF era. A number of these were ana-
lyzed during the development of WBHF technology [1], including the possibility of sending
real-time video over HF channels. In 2009, we had only estimates of WBHF performance.
For this paper, we revisit an exciting new capability, the possibility of downlinking video
from unmanned aerial systems (UAS), this time using actual WBHF specs.

We will again use H.264 compressed video streams (15 frames per second at a resolution of
160 x 120), sent via WBHF waveforms robust enough for skywave channels (Table 1). The

H.264 compression application is assumed to packetize the video stream to match the frame
size used by the MAC layer (e.g., 300 bytes) to limit corruption of the video due to packet
losses. If we allow a 1% packet loss rate, we can tolerate a bit error rate of around 3x10-6.

As an interesting application for our video downlink study, we analyze a UAS flying in the
South China Sea and returning video via WBHF to a receiving site near Subic Bay in the
Philippines (Figure 1).

Figure 1. UAS Video Downlink via WBHF in South China Sea

As in the 2009 paper, we assume that the UAV carries a 1 kW HF transmitter. Current mili-
tary UAS airframes (e.g., MQ-1B Predator or MQ-9 Reaper) are similar in size to small civil-
ian aircraft (e.g., Cessna 172). Thus we would expect a UAS to have HF transmitting effi-
ciency similar to the “Small aircraft” in Maslin’s Figure 7.1 [2]: i.e., quite poor at lower HF
frequencies, improving to about –5 dB at 8 MHz and above.

The receiving antenna is assumed to be a log-periodic with 12 dBi gain, sited on one of the
undeveloped seaside mountains near Subic Bay in the Philippines for low manmade noise.
The path length to the vicinity of the Spratley Islands is about 462 nmi (856 km).

MIL-STD-188-110C Notice 1 [3] Table D-LII, specifies the required SNR for 10-5 BER in an
ITU-R “Poor” channel. Adding 1 dB to these values to achieve 3x10-6 BER, the SNR re-
quirements for waveforms of interest in a 24 kHz channel would be as listed in Table 1.

Table 1. SNR Requirements for 3x10-6 BER in 24 kHz Fading Channels

Data Rate (bps) 24 kHz SNR Required

51,200 24

38,400 20

25,600 15

A VOACAP plot of propagation for our link in September with SSN 70, is shown in Figure 2.
(Other months/solar activity are similar.) The data rates available could support live video
from the UAS all day, though the challenges of the pre-dawn hours might reduce the achiev-
able data rate then to only 19.2 kbps.

Figure 2. VOACAP Predictions for September, SSN 70

(Local Time = UT + 8)


The MIL-STD-188-110C approach to using more than 3 kHz for a logical data channel is
simply to use a wider contiguous channel. The initial set of waveforms was defined for chan-
nels ranging from 3 to 24 kHz; today this approach has been extended for channels up to 48

Since interference from other users (voice or data) could impinge on parts of a WBHF chan-
nel (Figure 3), WBHF waveforms were defined for a range of reduced channel bandwidths, in
3 kHz increments. This supported an adaptive future capability [4] to sense the radio envi-
ronment during link establishment and select a WBHF waveform that will occupy whatever
portion of an allocated channel is actually available at link setup time (Figure 4).

Figure 3. Partial-Band Interferers

Figure 4. WBHF Adapts to Available Spectrum

The WBHF data rates for channel widths up to 24 kHz are listed by Waveform ID (WID) in
Table 2. Waveforms will also be standardized for 30, 36, 42, and 48 kHz channels in the next
revision of the standard, with data rates correspondingly scaled up from those in Table 2.

Table 2. WBHF Data Rates Listed by Waveform ID (WID):
WID Modulation 3 kHz 6 kHz 9 kHz 12 kHz 15 kHz 18 kHz 21 kHz 24 kHz
0 Walsh 75 150 300 300 300 600 300 600
1 BPSK 150 300 600 600 600 1,200 600 1,200
2 BPSK 300 600 1,200 1,200 1,200 2,400 1,200 2,400
3 BPSK 600 1,200 2,400 2,400 2,400 4,800 2,400 4,800
4 BPSK 1,200 2,400 - 4,800 4,800 - 4,800 9,600
5 BPSK 1,600 3,200 4,800 6,400 8,000 9,600 9,600 12,800
6 QPSK 3,200 6,400 9,600 12,800 16,000 19,200 19,200 25,600
7 8PSK 4,800 9,600 14,400 19,200 24,000 28,800 28,800 38,400
8 16QAM 6,400 12,800 19,200 25,600 32,000 38,400 38,400 51,200
9 32QAM 8,000 16,000 24,000 32,000 40,000 48,000 48,000 64,000
10 64QAM 9,600 19,200 28,800 38,400 48,000 57,600 57,600 76,800
11 64QAM 12,000 24,000 36,000 48,000 57,600 72,000 76,800 96,000
12 256QAM 16,000 32,000 48,000 64,000 76,800 90,000 115,200 120,000
13 QPSK 2,400


The speed of the WBHF waveforms enhances the data carrying capabilities of HF links in two
interesting cases:
• Long-running, high-bandwidth applications such as real-time video over HF become
feasible, as seen above.
• Messaging applications can become much more interactive.
In the latter case, however, the time to set up a link can dominate the time to send a packet, so
we will need a faster ALE to achieve the promised efficiency. For sending even moderate-size
files, current ALE technologies have fallen far behind the speed of WBHF. For example,
Figure 5 depicts the approximate time required to transfer the 139 kB map shown in Figure 1
using the WID 10 waveform in various bandwidths, with second-generation (2G) technology
used to set up and manage the data link. (3G ALE is slightly faster.)

Figure 5. Time to Transfer 139 kB using 2G ALE and WBHF

Note that for 12 kHz channels and wider, the time for link setup adds 50%–100% overhead to
the data transfer time; for small Internet messages, the overhead would be even worse.

It’s clear that we need a new wideband ALE (WALE) that both sets up links faster than exist-
ing ALE technology and can select an appropriate data waveform and wideband channel for
use on the links it establishes. The following sections of the paper present a current snapshot
of the WALE (a.k.a. 4G ALE) technology, which is still in development. Be aware that some
features and terminology may change before WALE is standardized1.


The WALE (4G ALE) system uses waveforms derived from the WBHF waveforms for its
transmissions, and draws ideas from both second- and third-generation ALE for its protocols.

3.1.1 WALE Addresses

Among the many changes adopted in 3G ALE compared to 2G was the switch from ASCII
call signs to binary addresses in ALE protocol data units (PDUs). We continue to use binary
addresses in 4G ALE, but have increased the address size to 16 bits. This is to accommodate
a desire to be able to assign fixed addresses not only to all stations active in a network, but to
all stations that could participate in contingency situations. For example, there are over 5,000
aircraft in the USAF, and we would like to be able to assign each one a static WALE address.

3.1.2 Spectrum Management

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) allocates spectrum to services (e.g.,

Ground Mobile) on either a primary or secondary basis. Stations of a particular service are
then assigned frequencies in the allocated spectrum. From the ITU Radio Regulations [5]:
Stations of secondary service:
a) shall not cause harmful interference to stations of primary services to which frequencies
are already assigned or to which frequencies may be assigned at a later date;
b) cannot claim protection from harmful interference from stations of a primary service to
which frequencies are already assigned or may be assigned at a later date;
c) can claim protection, however, from harmful interference from stations of a same or other
secondary service(s) to which frequencies may be assigned at a later date;

Thus, stations using a WBHF channel on a secondary basis (as indicated in the station’s data
fill) must not cause interference to ongoing transmissions on any portion of that channel, and
must therefore restrict their spectrum use for the new link to unoccupied portions of the chan-

The HF Radio Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) was formed in the 1980s to advise the DoD on
emerging developments in HF radio technology. Recently, TAC members developed the WBHF
technology and drafted the WBHF specifications in Appendix D of MIL-STD-188-110C. The TAC
is now engaged in developing and specifying the WALE technology described here, planning to
standardize WALE in the next revision of MIL-STD-188-141.

3.1.3 Equipment Capabilities

4G ALE is intended to be useful for a wide range of applications, including legacy systems
without WBHF modems. For interoperability over such a range of systems, WALE includes
an exchange of Equipment Capability (EC) codes during the link setup handshake (Table 3):

Table 3: Equipment Capabilities Codes

EC Code Max Channel BW WBHF “Block”

0 3 kHz 1

1 12 kHz 2

2 24 kHz 3

3 48 kHz not yet


3.1.3 Sub-channel Vectors

WALE manages contiguous channels up to 48 kHz wide. The state of the channel is de-
scribed using 16-element vectors.
• For 48 kHz-capable equipment (EC = 3), each element refers to a 3-kHz sub-channel.
• Otherwise, each element of the vector refers to a 1.5-kHz sub-channel.

WALE transmissions always use a 3-kHz waveform sent in the upper sideband of a carrier
centered in the assigned WBHF channel (Figure 6). For 48 kHz-capable equipment, element 8
in the vector refers to the sub-channel carrying the WALE transmission; otherwise, the trans-
mission occupies two sub-channels (elements 8 and 9 in Figure 6).

Figure 6. WALE Sub-channel Vector

Two types of sub-channel vectors are sent in WALE PDUs:

• Availability report: carried in a link setup Request to indicate those sub-channels that
the calling station is authorized to use, and that are suitably free of interference. Each
element in the vector is one bit. 0 indicates an available sub-channel.
• Interference report: carried in a link setup Confirm to indicate the level of interference
(compared to the received signal level) measured by the confirming station in each
sub-channel. 0 indicates no interference, 1 indicates a low level of interference, and 3
indicates strong interference (2 is reserved).

3.1.4 WALE Link Setup

Using the WALE protocol, stations will set up a WBHF link via a handshake on a 3 kHz
“calling” channel. WALE link setup requires two or three short transmissions:
• First, the caller sends a WALE Request PDU that identifies the calling and called sta-
tions, the spectrum available to the caller (an Availability Report), its EC, and the type
of traffic it wants to send.
• A called station will then evaluate the interference characteristics of the entire wide-
band channel centered on that calling channel. It will respond with a WALE Confirm,
which includes its EC, a detailed Interference Report, and the SNR measured on the
received transmission.
After this two-way handshake, if the stations are a secondary service on this channel, the
WBHF channel for the link is the largest contiguous range of sub-channels that is assigned
and free of interference at both stations (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Example Computation of WBHF Channel for a Secondary Service

However, if the stations are a primary service on the channel, they can also use portions of the
channel where only a low level of interference is reported by the other station (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Example Computation of WBHF Channel for a Primary Service

After a two-way handshake, then, both stations know which sub-channels should be used for
caller-to-called transmissions, and the caller can immediately begin sending data. In this case,
the called station will use that same WBHF channel for its data link responses.

However, if the calling station needs to steer transmissions from the called station to a differ-
ent set of sub-channels, it will send its own WALE Confirm to the called station before start-
ing its WBHF data transmission. From this second Confirm PDU in the handshake, the called
station will compute which sub-channels to use for its transmissions to the caller.


3.2.1 4G ALE Word

The 4G protocols use a 96-bit protocol data unit (PDU). As noted above, addresses are 16-bit
binary words, and all PDUs include a 16-bit CRC for error detection. A plan for the WALE
PDUs is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Plan for WALE PDUs

3.2.2 WALE Waveforms

Two interoperable modes are planned for sending these PDUs, both using 3 kHz waveforms:
• The “Fast” WALE waveform is intended for very fast link setup in voice-quality
channels. Derived from the 600 bps WID 3 waveform, FEC puncturing brings the rate
of the Fast WALE waveform to 750 bps.
• The “Deep” WALE waveform is designed for operation in the most challenging chan-
nels, including SNR < 0 dB. It employs a GMSK (constant-envelope) waveform with
Walsh coding, and operates at 75 bps.
The choice between Fast or Deep WALE can be made on a call-by-call basis because receiv-
ers listen for both types of calls. Typically, the Fast WALE waveform is used to set up voice
or high-throughput data links, while Deep WALE is used only when its robustness is needed.

Both waveforms include a 240 ms preamble. With time for Transmit Level Control (TLC)
and Automatic Gain Control (AGC) settling and the preamble, the on-air duration of a Fast
WALE PDU is about 395 ms; the Deep WALE PDU lasts about 1.547 s.


One of the foundations of HF radio automatic link establishment is that stations not in a link
will continuously scan a pool of frequencies listening for calls. A calling station selects a
frequency from that pool for its call.

If the calling station knows the scanning schedule of its desired destination station (synchro-
nous scanning), it can send a very short call on the selected frequency at exactly the time that
the called station will be listening there. However, if stations are scanning asynchronously
the call must much longer so that the called station(s) will encounter it at some point during
the scanning cycle; thus “scanning” calls in asynchronous networks are typically much longer
than synchronous calls.

• 2G ALE systems usually operate in asynchronous scanning mode, and employ scan-
ning calls that can last 10 seconds or more depending on the size of the pool.
• 3G ALE systems normally operate in synchronous mode, with calls lasting about 1 s
after waiting for the called station to dwell on the desired channel.
The time to set up a link using ALE includes a short “listen before transmit” interval to ensure
that the chosen channel is not occupied, followed by the time for the call and one or two addi-
tional short transmissions in a link-setup handshake. Of course, the first attempt may not suc-
ceed, so additional calls and handshakes may be required before the link is available.

WALE offers both synchronous and asynchronous scanning options. In the synchronous
mode, a call is simply a single WALE Request PDU. In an asynchronous call, however, the
Request PDU must be preceded by a scanning call that will capture asynchronously scanning

In a break from previous generations of MIL-STD ALE, the scanning call portion of an asyn-
chronous WALE call is not addressed; that is, the address(es) of the called station(s) are not
sent during the scanning call. Instead, the scanning call consists of repeated “TLC blocks”
(13.3 ms each) or WALE preambles (240 ms) [6].

Using an unaddressed scanning call has interesting consequences:
• The scanning call consists mostly of known bit sequences in short repeating blocks.
This permits rapid detection of a call, and therefore very short scanning dwell times.
While dwells as short as 26.7 ms are theoretically possible, we expect that initial 4G
systems will offer a dwell time of about 200 ms.
• Because the scanning call is unaddressed, all scanning stations are captured and held
until the WALE Request (which contains an address) is received. This is a drawback,
but the short dwell times result in short scanning calls, so this is mitigated.
For example, in an asynchronous network with 10 channels and a scanning dwell time of 200
ms, the time to set up a link using a 2-way handshake is about 3.5 s:

Listen Before Transmit 0.600 s

Scanning Call 1.760
Request PDU 0.368
Link Turnaround 0.200
Confirm PDU 0.395
Link Turnaround 0.200
TOTAL 3.523 s

The linking speed of asynchronous WALE is so fast that WALE will be an attractive upgrade
even for 2G voice networks that don’t need spectrum management for WBHF data. For ex-
ample, consider the large 2G asynchronous voice network that has been used as a benchmark
for each generation of HF ALE (most recently in a MILCOM 2015 paper [7]). In this classic
scenario, a global network of high-power HF stations supports global air traffic, with daily
flights as indicated in Figure 10.

Figure 10. AMC 100 Scenario – Flight Map

TLC time is included in the Scanning Call.

In this “AMC 100” simulation, aircraft fly during local daylight hours, and each crew places
voice calls to the ground network roughly once per hour. The calls last around 5 minutes
each. A performance metric of interest to air crews is how long it takes to get a link.

Updating the results presented at MILCOM to reflect use of a 96-bit WALE PDU, we see that
4G ALE (WALE) links substantially faster than either 2G or 3G ALE. Figure 11 shows the
cumulative fraction of all links established as a function of elapsed time.

Figure 11. Linking Times in Asynchronous Network (AMC 100 Scenario)


The MILCOM 2015 paper [7] discussed an intriguing area of current research in HF radio
link establishment: stations that “stare” at their assigned frequency pool rather than scanning.
This offers the possibility of nearly instantaneous link establishment [8], especially when
WALE is employed.

Scanning operation includes several inherent delays that reduce performance:

• Asynchronous networks require a scanning call long enough to capture scanning re-
• In synchronous networks, the call can be short, but it can’t be sent until the desired re-
ceiver is listening on the selected channel.
• In either case, a listen-before-transmit (LBT) interval is required before placing the
call because the calling station is usually not aware of current channel occupancy.
If ALE receivers stare simultaneously at all of their assigned calling frequencies, rather than
scanning, we eliminate all three of these delays. The first two vanish because a desired re-
ceiver is always available on the selected channel, so the very short WALE call can always be
sent immediately. LBT is no longer needed because a calling radio is always and continu-
ously aware of channel occupancy on all of its assigned channels.

The challenge is, of course, that until recently it was not feasible for HF communications sets
to simultaneously listen on multiple channels. Now, however, Kyynel [9] is offering a radio
that can stare at the HF band, and researchers in Sweden [8] have described a multi-channel
receiver using software-defined radio (SDR) technology.

Repeating the linking time computation from above, but using staring instead of scanning, the
time to set up a link using a 2-way WALE handshake is reduced to less than 1.2 s:

Listen Before Transmit –

Scanning Call –
Request PDU 0.395 s
Link Turnaround 0.200
Confirm PDU 0.395
Link Turnaround 0.200
TOTAL 1.190 s

If we compare linking time in the AMC 100 simulation scenario, we see (Figure 12) that even
in a real-world scenario with fading, noise, and congestion, staring WALE establishes most
links in under 2 s.

Figure 12. AMC 100 Linking Times in Staring vs Scanning Networks

In addition to reducing the time required to set up an HF link, both scanning and staring
WALE can also significantly reduce congestion on HF channels by shortening or eliminating
the scanning call portion of calling and sounding transmissions [7].


3.5.1 Messaging

So far we've illustrated the ability of 4G to operate in the minimalist mode familiar to 3G us-
ers: one quick PDU in each direction will set up a link. Fans of the built-in messaging of 2G,
however, will be pleased to find that the 4G suite offers text messaging similar to 2G Auto-
matic Message Display (AMD), as well as a similar binary message capability.

The message words shown in Figure 9 can each carry up to 8 bytes of a message. Multi-word
messages use the Word Countdown field, which is decremented in each message word sent so
that the count is zero in the final word of the message. Message words can be appended to
any of the Link Setup PDUs by setting the “M” bit in that PDU; that bit is set to indicate that

more words follow. (This eliminates the “last word wait” uncertainty in variable-length 2G

After a link is set up, messages are appended to a One-Way Message Header utility PDU so
that the source and destination addresses are present on each message.

3.5.2 Late Net Entry

A special-purpose link setup handshake is provided for stations desiring to enter the network.
The entering station sends a Data Fill Request, which is addressed to a default address
0xFFFF since the entering station may not know a valid address of a station that can provide a
data fill. The entering station selects an address in the range 0xFFxx as its sender address. It
may append a text message to the Fill Request that indicates its call sign (for recording the
mapping of call signs to binary addresses).

The Fill Response takes the place of a WALE Confirm in this handshake, including an Inter-
ference Report that is used to set up a WBHF channel that will carry the data fill message. A
binary message is appended to the Fill Response; this message contains the STANAG 5066
address that will be used in conveying the data fill.

TOD requests similar to the corresponding 3G protocol will also be included in the 4G suite.


Linking protection (LP) is intended to foil unauthorized attempts to interact with automated
radios, either to establish unauthorized links or to interfere with the establishment of legiti-
mate links. LP does not address jamming or similar techniques, which are best countered by
TRANSEC, nor is it intended to replace the COMSEC function of traffic protection. LP pro-
tects the linking function, including related addressing and control information.

The original LP scheme for protecting 2G ALE was developed in the late 1980s, and has been
in use since that time. However, the cryptographic security of the SODARK algorithm used
in 2G and 3G LP has lately come into question, so as part of the 4G project we are revisiting
the LP system design.


Linking protection uses a cryptographic algorithm and secret key to authenticate ALE words
sent over the air. ALE words are encrypted before transmission. A protected ALE receiver
decrypts each incoming transmission and ignores any result that violates the ALE protocol or
error checking. Thus, an adversary who wants to “spoof” a victim receiver must guess a bit
pattern that will pass these checks after decryption. The adversary’s task becomes increas-
ingly difficult as the ALE word size increases.

The requirements applied in the original development of LP are still relevant:

• Transparent to ALE Protocols. The waveforms and protocols must be identical for
the protected and unprotected modes of operation. In particular, LP must not require
the transmission of any additional bits for synchronization or similar purposes.

• Self-Synchronizing: A scanning receiver must be able to acquire crypto sync even if
it arrives on the channel after the start of a scanning call.
• Minimum Impact on Scanning Dwell Time: Scanning receivers should be able to
authenticate incoming calls without needing to scan more slowly.
• Channel- and Time-Varying: Ciphertext produced from identical plaintext should
vary from channel to channel at any time instant, and should also vary periodically on
the same channel, so that protected stations are protected from “tape recorder” attacks.
• Time of Day Tolerance: The LP system must support varying degrees of synchroni-
zation, from wrist-watch accuracy to GPS synchronization.
• Moderate Computational Requirements: The cryptographic algorithm should re-
quire only simple operations.
• Block Algorithm: The algorithm must operate on blocks the same size as ALE PDUs.
The new algorithm must be scalable so that it can be applied to 24-bit ALE words (2G
and 3G Robust LSU), 48 bits (other 3G PDUs), and 96 bits (WALE PDUs).
In light of these requirements, the current LP mechanism seems sound. We just need a drop-
in replacement for the SODARK algorithm.


As a successor to the SODARK algorithm, which has been used in various versions to protect
ALE since 1991, we have adapted Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) techniques to en-
crypt the various PDUs used in 2G, 3G, and 4G ALE. The resulting algorithm, tentatively
named HALFLOOP (one way of pronouncing “HFLP” an acronym for High Frequency radio
Linking Protection), will work on the following block sizes:
• 24 bits (2G ALE words and 3G RLSU PDUs)
• 48 bits (other 3G PDUs)
• 96 bits (4G PDUs)
4.2.1 HALFLOOP Operations

As in AES, the HALFLOOP algorithm operates on a rectangular array of bytes, which is

termed the “state.” The plaintext and ciphertext words of our various ALE PDUs are formed
into state arrays as shown in Figure 13:

Figure 13. HALFLOOP State Arrays

Encryption and decryption involve several “rounds” of applying the following operations to
the state. The operations are illustrated using the HALFLOOP-96 state, but the operations on
smaller arrays are similar.

• SubBytes uses an 8-bit S-box (substitution transformation) originally designed for

Rijndael. (This is similar to the substitution operation in the SODARK algorithm, but
uses a different S-box.) The Rijndael S-box was specifically designed to be resistant to
linear and differential cryptanalysis.

Figure 14. HALFLOOP SubBytes

• RotateRows rotates the rows of the state to the left by different numbers of bit positions.

Figure 15. HALFLOOP RotateRows

• MixColumns combines the bytes in each column using an invertible linear transformation:
each column is treated as a polynomial over GF(28) and is then multiplied modulo x4+1
with a fixed polynomial. For HALFLOOP-96, we have four bytes in the column, and can
use the Rijndael 4-term polynomial c(x) = 3x3 + x2 + x + 2. The smaller arrays have only
three bytes per column, so a 3-term polynomial is needed; we use c(x) = x2 + 2x + 9.

Figure 16. HALFLOOP MixColumns

• AddRoundKey adds (modulo-2) one byte of subkey with each byte of the state. The sub-
key for each round is generated from the main key using a key schedule (see 4.2.2 below).

Figure 17. HALFLOOP AddRoundKey

The number of rounds to be used in each variant of the HALFLOOP algorithm hasn’t yet
been finalized, but all of the HALFLOOP variants are likely to use ten rounds, as in AES-128.

4.2.2 HALFLOOP Key Schedule

In general, a key schedule is employed to expand the main key via cryptographic transforma-
tions to produce a longer keystream. That keystream is then partitioned for use in the iterative
rounds of the algorithm. Of course, the security of the system depends upon the length of the
key before expansion.

One of the shortcomings of the SODARK algorithm was that it used a short key, 56 bits,
which was deemed adequate in the late 1980s since it matched the key length of the Data En-
cryption Standard (DES) of that era. For HALFLOOP, we will use the same keying system as
AES, whose key sizes range from 128 to 256 bits. The US Government has determined that
any of these key sizes is “sufficient to protect classified information up to the SECRET level”
[10] after the implementation is reviewed by cognizant authorities. For HF linking protection,
a 128-bit key should therefore be adequate.

The HALFLOOP key schedule is derived from the Rijndael/AES key schedule. The only
modification is that a “seed” that contains a word number, the current time-of-day and the
frequency of a protected transmission is added modulo-2 (exclusive-OR) to the first 64 bits of
the main key before that key is expanded.

4.2.3 4G Linking Protection

Unlike previous generations of HF ALE, the scanning call portion of asynchronous-mode

WALE calls does not contain station addresses, so the scanning call portion of asynchronous-
mode WALE calls is not encrypted.

Link setup PDUs are encrypted using the HALFLOOP algorithm. In the seed, the word num-
ber is always 0 in a Request (1-way or 2-way), 1 in a Confirm from the called station, 2 in a
Confirm from the calling station, and 3 in a Terminate.


In this paper, we have described the emerging fourth generation of HF radio data communica-
tions technology. The WBHF waveforms increase available data bandwidths in HF channels
up to 240,000 bps (in 48 kHz channels). Setting up and managing WBHF links will use the
new WALE protocol, which dynamically adapts the use of wideband channels to avoid inter-
ference and optimize throughput.

WALE is capable of setting up links so quickly (1 to 2 s) that we can contemplate using and
releasing HF channels efficiently even for short text messages, as well as for streaming and
interactive Internet applications.


[1] E.E. Johnson, “Performance Envelope of Broadband HF Data Waveforms,” Proceed-

ings of MILCOM 2009, IEEE.

[2] N. Maslin, Figure 7.1 “Frequency dependence of aircraft antenna efficiencies,” in HF

Communications: A Systems Approach, Plenum Press, London, 1987.

[3] MIL-STD-188-110C w/Change 1, Interoperability and Performance Standards for

Data Modems, US Department of Defense, 3 January 2012.

[4] W. Furman, E. Koski, and J. Nieto, “Design Concepts for a Wideband HF ALE Capa-
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