Vilaca Chronically Unstable Bodies

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Chronically Unstable Bodies: Reflections on Amazonian Corporalities

Author(s): Aparecida Vilaça

Source: The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol. 11, No. 3 (Sep., 2005), pp.
Published by: Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
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Accessed: 09/05/2014 17:59

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Aparecida Vilac;a
PPGAS ? Museu Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Based on ethnographic material relating to the Wari' (Rondonia, Brazil), this article ques?
tions some of the presuppositions concerning native conceptions of the body present in
contemporary anthropological literature by exploring a central dimension of Amazonian
corporality - one that has been little explored in ethnographic works on the region
its unstable and transformational character. This dimension only becomes evident when
our analysis presumes an expanded notion of humanity - first called to our attention by
authors such as Levy-Bruhl and Leenhardt - that includes not only those beings we think
of as humans, but also other subjectivities such as animals and spirits. Central to the
problem's development is a discussion of the relations between body and soul, humanity
and corporality.


Though it only became a specific research topic from the 1970s onwards, the
human body has held a certain fascination for anthropology since its outset
for two reasons: firstly, owing to its ostensible physical features, it has been
used as a means of classifying different races; and, secondly, owing to the
impact of culture on the way the body's characteristics and potentialities are
seen, it has been assumed to be a naturally given substrate (see Lock 1993:
134; also Conklin 1996: 373). The works of the French sociological school
provide our earliest examples of truly sociological or culturalist approaches to
the body; pioneering texts include Hertz's paper (1973 [1909]) on cultural -
or, more specifically, religious ? aspects involved in the predominance of right-
handedness and Mauss's essay (1985 [1936]) on body techniques.
Rather than provide a historical resume of studies on the body,1 I wish to
recall the work of two authors, also French and both contemporaries of Mauss.
In texts largely forgotten now by anthropology, they call attention to some?
what exceptional aspects of the body that relate to its natural instability rather
than its cultural fabrication. In Lame primitive, published in 1927, Levy-Bruhl
observes: 'He [the primitive] therefore sees no difficulty in metamorphoses
which to us appear utterly incredible: beings can change their size and form
in the blink of an eye' (1996 [1927]: 8).
Leenhardt, in Do Kamo, 2, book inspired by Levy-Bruhl and dedicated to
him, makes similar observations in his description of the Canaque concept of
the human being:

? Royal Anthropological Institute 2005.

J. Roy. anthrop.Inst. (N.S.) 11, 445-464

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Animals, plants and mythic beings have the same claim men have to being considered
kamo, if circumstances cause them to assume a certain humanity (1979 [1947]: 24).

He [kamo] undergoes metamorphoses; he is like a character endowed with sumptuous

wardrobe who perpetually changes costume ... With our own concept of man such a
view is impossible, but it is possible with a broader representation of what is human. For
the Melanesian, a glance, in fact, is enough to give the form of humanity to an animal
(1979 [1947]: 25).

These descriptions will sound familiar to any Americanist, although what

they tell us about a very particular concept of the body has been little explored
in the bibliography directly related to corporality.
My aim in this article is to complement the existing descriptions of Ama?
zonian bodies by focusing on processes and phenomena that involve their
transformation rather than their fabrication - we are clearly faced
by one and the same problem. Indeed, this is revealed by the apparent con?
tradiction between the abundance of indigenous discourses and practices con?
cerning the gradual make-up of the body, and diverging ideas on the way in
- in the blink of an eye, as Levy-
which this carefully fabricated body can
Bruhl puts it - turn into another type of body. This general uncertainty over
forms is a key factor in understanding the concept of body found in the Ama?
zonian region.
The of Leenhardt
evocation was not just designed to introduce an Ama?
zonian theme through Melanesia. Although I shall not embark on any sys?
- or, better,
tematic comparison of the two ethnographic areas, Melanesia
some analyses of Melanesia - will be used in the text as a counterpoint
enabling the highlighting of certain characteristics of Amazonian concepts of

Studies of the body

Though it comprises a problem for Americanists, the body is even more of

an issue for native peoples, who spend a sizeable portion of their daily lives
executing processes they conceive to be linked to the fabrication and con-
trolled transformation of bodies.2 Since the 1970s, Americanist authors have
drawn our attention to the centrality of the body in defining - and differen-
tiating persons and social groups, as well as to the intense use of the body
surface - perforated, painted, tattooed, and decorated - in the circulation of
values. Indeed this theme helped free Americanist ethnology from the exoge-
nous models then in vogue in anthropology, centred on notions of descent,
corporate groups, and the gift economy, in contrast to which the continent s
societies were to appear amorphous
made and lacking in structuring princi?
ples (see Overing 1977; Seeger, Da Matta & Viveiros de Castro 1979). In the
place of corporate descent groups, Amerindians displayed, in the words of
Seeger (1980: 130),'corporeal descent groups', understood as groups of people
related by substances, such as blood, semen, and food. So while classical anthro?
pology supplied us with a notion of social structure as a system of relations
between groups, Amerindians presented us with structural principles based on
a system of relations between bodies (Seeger, Da Matta & Viveiros de Castro
1979: 14). To quote the apt expression of Seeger, Da Matta, and Viveiros de

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Castro,'indigenous socio-logics is based on a physio-logics' (1979: 13).3 More?

over, rather than an exchange economy alive with objects and commodities
capable of mediating relations and standing for people, the Amazonian region
revealed values that were directly inscribed on bodies via specific forms of
visual and verbal display (Turner 1995: 147).
Interestingly, the attention that Americanists began to show towards the
body seems to have arisen independently of the general interest in the theme
that began to stir in anthropology around the same time (see Viveiros de Castro
2002a: 16). Authors such as Latour (2004) see the interest as relating to, 'on
the one hand, the meeting of feminism, science studies and a fair amount of
Foucault s redescription of subjection, and on the other, the expansion of
bioindustry into all the details of our daily existence' (p. 227). We should also
note the general trend towards the rejection of abstract categories which has
found an important point of support in the widespread conception of the
body as the basic substratum of persons (see Csordas 1999: 186; Lock 1993:
140; Turner 1995: 143-5). It is likewise interesting to observe that a dialogue
between Amerindian ethnology and this literature only took off much later ?
and then in a one-way fashion ? as Americanists used these new theoretical
groundings to analyse their ethnographical data.
In an essay entitled 'The body's career in anthropology', Thomas Csordas
surveys a wide range of anthropological approaches to this topic. Although he
mentions in his introduction that '[tjhe body has especially impinged on the
ethnographic consciousness in regions such as New Guinea and Amazonia'
(1999: 173), he fails to cite a single Amazonian text on the body. Overall,
then, the Amazonian materials seem to have contributed very little to these
new theories concerning the body4
Heavily influenced by Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology and Bourdieu's
theory of practice (see Csordas 1999: 178; Lock 1993: 137), most of these
theories look to overcome the great ontological divide between the West and
the Rest by showing that our bodies are - or at least should be, as they were
in the past ? identical to those of native peoples: that is, 'naturally' mindful
and relational (see Csordas 1990: 31 ff.; Lock 1993: 136; Lock & Scheper-
Hughes 1987: 14, 22, 28 ff; A. Strathern 1999: 8, 41-62). Similarly, theories
deriving from studies in medical anthropology also deconstruct what are
assumed to be exclusively Western dichotomies, such as nature/culture and
body/soul, albeit starting out from equally Western ideas and practices, par?
ticularly those related to the context of the suffering body (Lock 1993; Lock
& Scheper-Hughes 1987; see also McCallum 1996: 365). In all these instances
we can perceive a universalizing aim which Pollock noted in his critique of
the interpretative tool known as 'embodiment', which takes the body 'as the
locus of authentic experience whose "embodied" reality is supposedly hidden
or distorted by such cultural practices as mind/body dualism' (1996: 320, also
n. 2).
Mindful and relational bodies have been described in fme detail for at least
two decades in Amazonian literature, although here this universalizing aim is
absent (see Conklin & Morgan 1996: 659).5 Amazonian ethnographies have
shown how the body is slowly and continuously fabricated 'in a constant flow
involving nutrition, abstention, the application of medicines, body painting,
baptismal rituals, and formal training' (McCallum 1996: 352; 2001: 27).

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Treatments directly applied to the body such as ornamentation, piercing, and

tattooing 'are conceived as being part of normal physiological processes, not
as opposed to them' (McCallum 1996: 350).6
However, as we shall see below, another dimension emerges when we
take into account the 'much wider representation of humanity' evoked by
Leenhardt. This concerns the fact that in Amazonia, as the ethnographic liter?
ature makes abundantly clear, humanity is not restricted to what we conceive
as human beings: animals and spirits may also be human, which means
that humanity is above all a position to be continually defined.

Different bodies

In his studies of Amerindian perspectivism, Viveiros de Castro notes that every

being considered to be human pursues typically human activities, such as
having a family life, performing rituals, drinking beer, and so forth (1996;
1998d; 1998&). Sharing what we may term the same culture, the difference
between them arises from the fact every kind of being sees things in a par?
ticular way due to its different body.
As a reading of various ethnographies reveals, this conception of the body
as the site of differentiation is by no means a phenomenon confined to Ama?
zonia. This suggests a need to re-evaluate the universalizing approach adopted
by the new studies on the body, where, as I pointed out, the human body
appears to be (potentially) the same everywhere. Here we can recall an anec-
dote by Leenhardt which appears to be the best known part of his work if
we judge by its frequent citation in texts discussing the body (Csordas 1999:
174; Le Breton 1995: 17 ff). Chatting with the chief Boesou one day, the mis?
sionary Leenhardt asked whether the novelty brought by whites had been the
notion of the soul. Boesou instantly replied that they had always had the
soul and that the new thing the whites had brought them was the body.
Leenhardt explains this by arguing that this new body was the Western body
insofar as the notion of an individualized body had been completely alien to
Canaque thought (1979 [1947]: 164).
I have no wish to delve into Leenhardt s explanation here since the authors
cited above have already done so. What I want to highlight is the fact that it
was the body (or different conceptions of the body) which was chosen by the
Canaque as the site for differentiating themselves from the whites living along-
side them. This transports us directly to the Amazonian universe, from whence
I extract a very similar dialogue overheard by the anthropologist Peter Gow
(pers. comm. 2001; see also Viveiros de Castro 20026: 140). The topic ofthe
conversation was the effect of boiled water on infant diarrhoea. A Piro child
was suffering from diarrhoea and the teacher instructed the mother to give
her only boiled water to drink. The Piro mother refused, claiming that while
boiled water might have an ameliorative effect on children from the city, it
provokes the opposite in Piro children by actually causing diarrhoea. This, she
explained, is because their bodies are different.7 While one of the aspects of
this difference is the native conception of the body as the site of difference
between beings, a second aspect relates to the difference between the Western
or Euro-American conception of the body and those of natives from

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Amazonia. Commenting on the same anecdote about the Piro mother and
the Peruvian teacher, Viveiros de Castro observes:

The argument that 'our bodies are different' does not express an alternative - and natu?
rally wrong - biologically theory ... or a non-standard imaginary objective biology.What
the Piro argument manifests is a non-biologicalidea of the body ... The argument affirms
that our respective 'bodies' are different, meaning that the Piro and Western conceptsof
the body are divergent, not that our 'biologies' are different. The Piro water anecdote
does not reflect anotherview of the same body, but another concept of the body, whose
underlying dissonance to its 'homonymy' with our own is, precisely, the problem (20026:

If we relegate extra-human phenomena (extra-human in our terms) to

another dimension of analysis, we fmd bodies impregnated with a biological
conception, as body processes continue to occur within a clearly defmed bio?
logical species. The Amazonian material I shall now select will allow us to
discern a body whose existence is fleeting and whose reality lies in the eyes
of others.

The Wari' body

As the starting point for my attempt to identify an Amazonian concept of the

body, I shall turn to my own ethnographic material on the Wari', aTxapakura-
speaking people of Brazilian Amazonia living near the border with Bolivia.
The Wari' term we could translate as body is kwere-, a. substantive that exists
in possessive form only The term, in other words, is invariably accompanied
by a possessive suffix: his-kwere, her-kwere, its-kwere, and so on. The child's body
is gradually formed in the womb from semen or, according to some infor?
mants, from a mixture of semen and menstrual blood. All the men who have
sexual relations with the mother during pregnancy collaborate in making the
one of them - the mother's husband ? assumes
baby, although only usually
paternity Thereafter, this body is continually fabricated through alimentation
and the exchange of substances such as sweat, semen, and vaginal liquids. In
this way, husband and wife become consubstantial; indeed, they often say that
they have the same body Since physical proximity is just as important as con-
substantiality the Wari' usually consider all those who live together or nearby
to be consubstantial kin. In this sense, adopted children are conceived to be
real children. Inversely people very often drop from their list of kin those
genealogical kin with whom they have little contact (see Vilaca 1992; 2000b;
2002). However, it is not just substances which circulate. The Wari' body is
also constituted by affects and memories. Memory, say the Wari', is located in
the body, meaning the constitution of kin is based to a high degree on living
alongside each other day-to-day and on reciprocally bestowed acts of affec-
tion and care.8
However, any deeper understanding of this notion requires us to take into
account the fact that not only human beings possess kwere-. Nor is this
attribute restricted to what we conceive as living entities; stones, water, and
even the wind have kwere-. Consequently, while one of the referents for kwere-
is meat as bodily substance, meaning you can say that you ate the kwere- of

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a game animal, the fact that things like wind have kwere- would seem to imply
more a specific mode of acting - a way of being. So, for example, people
may say that a certain woman is quick to anger because her kwere- is like
this, just as an animal species feeds on one fruit and not another because
of its kwere-. Likewise, the wind blows strongly because the kwere- of the
wind is thus, and rain soaks everything as it passes because of its own specific
kwere-. The term kwere- primarily designates 'a set of affections or ways of
being' (Viveiros de Castro 1996: 128) rather than a physical substrate (see also
Allard 2003: 52; Surralles 2003: 37).
Kwere- comprises, therefore, a kind of body absolutely consistent with the
descriptions of bodies found in the Amazonian literature, although in some
of these works the reading of the data tends to be made back-to-front. In
these we find a substance impregnated with dispositions and affects (mindful
bodies or embodied knowledge) rather than a way of being actualized in
bodily form. This is a key point since it reveals the conceptual interference of
the Western idea of the body as the starting point which is subsequently
As I have shown elsewhere (Vilaca 2002), kin-making activities focused on
the construction and modification of bodies, so well described by American?
ist ethnologists, not only relate to the domestic group but also to this wider
universe of subjectivities including animals and spirits. The couvade and other
abstinence rituals clearly show that human bodies, subject to a continual
process of fabrication, can be attracted by other subjectivities, such as animals,
and transformed into them. Kinship processes involve an implicit dialogue
with non-human subjectivities, indicating their relationship to much wider
cosmological processes. This suggests that the fabrication of the human body
'is based on a negativity: on a negation ofthe possibilities ofthe "non-human"
body' (Viveiros de Castro 1987 [1977]: 32; also see Descola 2001: 108).
The body metamorphosized by these relations is one aspect of that which
the Wari' conceive as the soul, as we shall see below.

In Amazonia humanity is a condition extendable to various types of beings,
while the context of its defmition is always relative. Among the Jivaroan
Achuar described by Anne-Christine Taylor, the category 'we' or 'person' is
defined in opposition to 'they' and its content is variable: it can include spirits
with a human appearance and others with a non-human appearance that
exhibit human behaviour. In other circumstances these same beings do not
fall under the 'we' category (Taylor 1996: 204; 1998: 322-3).9 Among the
Wari', the term wari\ which signifies we, people, human being, is defined pri?
marily in opposition to game animals, and more broadly contrasts with foods
in a general sense, all of which are defined as karawa. Nevertheless, the very
same animals hunted and eaten by the Wari' are also considered human, espe?
? the core
cially since they themselves can act as predators and eaters meaning
ofthe term wari'. Acting as humans and predators, they treat the Wari' as game.
In sum, while - as in the Jivaro case - the defmition of we, person, is con-
textual, in the Wari' case we can observe the potential for a complete over-

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lapping of the two categories. All ? or almost all - prey animals can be people,
depending primarily on their ways of acting.
Although they see jaguars as animals, the Wari' know from their shamans
that jaguars see themselves as humans: that is, as people pursuing a full social
life and endowed with a human appearance. A similar instance among the
Carib of British Guiana, taken from Ahlbrinck's work of 1924, is cited by
Levy-Bruhl as an example of this extended notion of humanity: '[A]nimals
(just as plants and inanimate objects) live and act like humans. In the morning,
the animals go "to work," as the Indians do. The tiger, the snake and all the
other animals leave to go hunting; like the Indians, they must "look after their
family" ...' (Ahlbrinck 1924: 221 in Levy-Bruhl 1996 [1927]: 30).
While the human form is a strong indication of a human being, it may
nonetheless be deceptive.10 It is always best to distrust one's own eyes. An event
which befell some of my Wari' friends provides a perfect example. A child is
invited by her mother to take a trip to the forest. Many days go by as they
walk around and pick fruit. The child is treated normally by her mother until
one day, realizing just how long they have spent away from home, the child
starts to grow suspicious. Looking carefully, she sees a tail discreetly hidden
between her mother's legs. Struck by fear, she cries for help, summoning her
true kin and causing the jaguar to flee, leaving a trail of paw-prints in its wake.
One woman, telling me about this event, said that, after finding her, the girl's
true mother warned her to always distrust other people. Whenever she went
far from home, either with her mother or father, she should take along a brother
or sister as company (in order, I assume, to secure her point of view).11
The question of humanity is so central in Amazonia that the human/non-
human opposition (or predator/prey in the Wari' case) ends up encompassing
all others. It therefore comprises the key idiom for expressing difference in
general (see Vilaca 2000^). To pick one example, gender distinctions in Ama?
zonia tend to be conceived as human-animal or predator-prey oppositions
(Taylor 2000: 314-316; pers. com. 2004). Among the Wari', being a predator
is a central feature of being a man, and the male position is constructed in
opposition to the female. This may operate in a triangular fashion when men
act as providers of game and enemies to be eaten by women, or through direct
opposition when the relation between men and women is conceived as equiv?
alent to the relation between predator and prey (Vilaca 1996a; in press). The
Wari' may refer to the sexual act as the hunting or killing of prey, in sen-
tences such as 'did you shoot her?', 'did you kill her?'The equation between
having sex and eating is widespread throughout Amazonia, and beyond. An
event mentioned by Stephen Hugh-Jones (pers. comm. 2004) highlights this
point. One day during fieldwork among the Tukanoan-speaking Barasana, he
saw a group of brothers leaving a communal house, turning, as they left, to
speak to another who was staying behind. T am going to hunt you a tapir',
said one brother. T am going to hunt you a peccary', said another. When they
returned one of them carried on his back a foreign captive woman, tied up
in the same way as animal prey. She was put on the floor in front of his
brother, who married her. It should be clear that since gender is the outcome
of a relationship and not prior to it, the same applies to the equation between
women and prey As Taylor (2000: 316) reminds us apropos the Achuar, game
is female because it is seduced by men (see Allard 2003: 26).

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The comparison with Melanesia made by some authors proves valuable in

highlighting this point, since there it is precisely gender which is used as an
idiom to express difference. The relation of humans with non-humans and
particularly with animals 'may be as central to the understanding of Amazon?
ian sociability, as are gender distinctions to the construction of Melanesian
identity' (Descola 2001: 108; see also Viveiros de Castro 2002a: 444, n. 7).12
Marilyn Strathern stresses the same point in relation to Melanesia:

[H]umanity, and thus a division between humans and others, is not the principal onto?
logical axis. I do not think that the difference between 'spirit' and 'animal' or 'human'
has been the archetype for perspectival traffic in the Amazonian sense. Rather, it is persons
who offer perspectives on one another. By this I mean that the significant lines are inter?
nal, between human beings as distinctive social entities, that is, between types or kinds,
distinguished by their relationships with one another. That is why gender, as a means
of reification, giving a form to persons, has figured so prominently in Melanesian
anthropology (1999: 252-3).

As we shall see later, this implies different processes of body objectification:

while in Melanesia people work to construct gendered bodies, in Amazonia
what are objectified are specific human bodies.

Bodies and souls

The Wari' define as human or potentially human all beings possessing jam-,
a term which I have translated elsewhere as soul or spirit. However, unlike
other Amazonian peoples, they do not conceive any necessary relation
between jam- and a vital principle. There are living beings without jam-,
such as spider monkeys, for example, who lost it after they had stolen some
Wari' women (see Vilaca 1992).We could say that no living being, when acting
in an ordinary manner, has jam-. For the Wari', jam- implies the capacity to
jamu, a verb which means to transform, especially in the sense of an extra-
ordinary action. Hence, when people say that a particular animal jamu-ed,
they mean it acted as a human, shooting and killing a Wari' (an event which
appears to Wari' eyes as the victim's sickening and death). Similarly, the shaman
jamu-s when he acts together with his animal partners, perceiving them and
being perceived by them as a similar.13 Jamu therefore indicates a capacity to
change affection and to adopt other habits, thus enabling the person to be
perceived as a similar by other types of beings.14 This focus on a metamor-
phic capacity as a central feature of humanity is not exclusive to the Wari'.
Indeed, Ingold makes a similar observation concerning the Ojibwa: '[T]his
capacity of metamorphosis is one of the key aspects of being a person' (2000:
91). The Wari' soul, like the Melanesian mana or imunu, is 'a quality or a set
of qualities, rather than a thing' (Williams 1923: 362-63, cited in Levy-Bruhl
1996 [1927]: 5).
It seems evident that we cannot speak of the body without speaking of the
soul, as various Amazonianists have shown (see Conklin 1996: 375). However,
the reason, at least for the Wari' with whom I have been working, seems to
be not that the soul gives this body feelings, thoughts, and consciousness, but
that it gives it instahility. This is conceived as a capacity typical to humanity

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which must be controlled since transformation may always be the result of

the agency of other subjects rather than ego's desire (such as the processes of
illness conceived by the Wari' as the capture of the soul by animals wishing
to make the victim into kin: see Vilaca 2002). This idea of controlling an
intrinsic (or even innate) capacity for transformation is present in many Ama?
zonian ethnographies, ?
taking the form of procedures primarily prophylac-
tic or healing - for impeding the souls departure or for fixing the soul within
the body (Riviere 1974: 431-3).
For the Wari', the souls relationship to the body is at once symmetric and
asymmetric. Considered as a capacity, that is, the potential to adopt an indef-
inite number of body forms, the souls relation to the body is equivalent to
the relation between the single and the multiple ? hence
However, since this capacity is always, from an outsiders perspective, actual-
ized as a specific body, we can also state that the soul is symmetrical to the
Adapting a concept used by Marilyn Strathern (1988) in her analysis of
Melanesian ethnography, we could say that while Melanesia reveals dividuals
conceived as male and female, in Amazonia we are faced with dividuals
conceived as human and non-human (or body and soul). But, as for Melane?
sia ? when we consider that 'gender difference is not trivial ... the crucial dif?
ference was that between same-sex and cross-sex relations' (M. Strathern 1999:
253; 2001) ? the of dividual carries within it a latent asymmetry
concept If,
as we saw, the soul is another body, or a body seen from the perspective of
the Other, it is also a capacity (or an adjective) in opposition to the body as
a realization (or a substantive). Thus we have a pair composed, on one hand,
by a single term and, on the other, by an infinite multiplicity of terms. We
can also perceive this pair fractally: the soul is always decomposable into a
body aspect and a soul aspect (as same-sex relations can contain cross-sex rela?
tions in Melanesia).15 With this in mind we can comprehend the prophylatic
procedures mentioned above as an eclipsing of the soul, just as in Melanesia
it is necessary for one of the genders (or one kind of relation) to be eclipsed
for a person to be able to enter into a new relationship (M. Strathern 1988;
see also Gell 1999). In other words, the potential for metamorphosis has to
be annulled in order for a specific humanity to be defmed. Hence, the Wari'
insist that healthy and active people do not have a soul (jam-).
The aspect of the soul as an actualization of the body in another world
(which means within another set of relations) is evident in the association the
Wari' make between soul, shadow, reflection, and traces left by the body, all
named in an identical manner: jam- (also see Conklin 2001: 258 n. 9). This
association is not restricted to the Wari' and is, in fact, widespread. Lima (1995:
139-40) tells us that another Amazonian people, the Juruna, call both the soul
and the shadow or reflection dwi; among the Arawete, Viveiros de Castro
(1986: 514; 1992) reports that i is the term for shadow, image, reproductions
(such as the recording of a voice, for example), as well as being the term for
vital principle.16 These authors, as well as myself (see Vilaca 1992), did not
draw any further conclusions from this fact, and chose not to associate the
term's different referents, taking the soul, as a principle of subjectification, and
the shadow to be essentially distinct.17 However, it now seems to me that the
homonymy between the principle of subjectification/transformation and the

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shadow implies that the soul is actualized as a body in another world, very
often conceived as a world in negative, exactly like that of the shadow. The
Wari', as well as a number of other peoples, say the world ofthe spirits expe?
riences night when it is day in the world of the living, and vice versa. This
suggests that the light/dark contrast involved in the perception of the body
and its shadow may in fact help us to understand the body/soul relation. This
brings us to Viveiros de Castro s suggestion (2002a: 419-20; 444) that we can
take the relation between soul and body as analogous to the relation between
figure and ground explored in Gestalt studies. The author notes that this per?
spectival reversal is central to Amazonian thought, reminding us of Guss's
analysis of Yekuana basketry (Guss 1989), where figure/ground reversal, in
light/dark form, is highly elaborated as it is in various textile and body paint?
ing patterns. It is worth exploring this point further.
Wari' shamans say that during their process of initiation their eyes become
strange. Walking in the forest, they see a peccary. Suddenly it transforms into
a deer, then into an agouti, then into a paca. They explain that this oscilla-
tion is due to the fact these animals are all human and hence similar to each
other. The shaman sees the soul of the animal, which turns him into a lousy
hunter, since by seeing the animal as a person he finds himself unable to kill
it. The reverse also occurs: the shaman may see a fellow Wari' as animal prey
and kill him. The Wari' say that various people killed in jaguar attacks were
actually killed by shamans; what the victims saw as a jaguar was actually the
shaman's soul. Hence animal or human appearance depends primarily on the
eyes of the person who is looking. Naming the appearance's body or soul
depends on the way in which the observer perceives its activity: when ordi?
nary, it is said to be a body; when extraordinary (involving what appears from
his/her point of view as transformation), it is called soul.
This perspectival oscillation is not limited to shamans. It may befall any
person and is taken as a constant risk by the Wari' and other Amazonian
peoples. A hunter in the forest meets someone and goes to his or her house,
discovering only later that he or she is not a similar, but an animal, a spirit,
or someone who has died. Very often this fact is betrayed by observing some
in the form ? as in the of the
peculiarity person's story jaguar kidnapping
above ? or, more frequently, by suddenly perceiving the strange habits of this
person and his or her companions, who may eat worms, claiming they are
animal meat, or sleep in trees, claiming they are lying in hammocks, and so
on. Perceiving this bizarre behaviour, the hunter finds a way of escaping and
returns home. However, if he is capable of seeing the people as perfect simi-
lars and perceiving their habits as analogous to his own, he will have been
them ? he has turned into their similar. Should he now
captured by meaning
wish to return home, he will no longer be recognized by his own people but
will be taken for an animal, a dead person, or a spirit. Here commensality
plays a central role, not simply because the same food makes similar bodies
but because being able to share food is an important sign of perspectival iden?
tity. Those who eat together are above all confirming that they share like
points of view, which is the opposite to what happens with those who eat
each other.
This becomes clear in Wari' funerary cannibalism, where affines and con-
sanguines are differentiated by the inability of the latter to eat one of their

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dead, whom they do not see as a corpse, associated by the Wari' with animal
- as kin. The essential function of affmes eating the corpse
prey, but as people
in the ritual is to impose their point of view on the dead person's kin, forcing
them to recognize the person's death and thereby differentiate themselves from
the deceased via a predator-prey opposition, equivalent for the Wari' to the
opposition between the living and the dead. Wari' funerary cannibalism is pri?
marily a question of acquiring or imposing a point of view, a perspective. A
dead person's consanguines can only adopt this some time later: this occurs
in a ritual marking the end of mourning, when the consanguines mourn over
roasted animal prey as if it was their dead relative, and, together with the
affmes who ate the corpse, eat the prey (which, the affmes call explicitly
'corpse'). Here there is no idea of a substance, memory, affect, or capacity of
the deceased to be incorporated by the eaters - a situation that equally applies
to warfare cannibalism, when the victim is eaten so as to mark his or her
animal (non-human) nature. The one who eats constitutes him/herself as
human (see Vilaca 2000^).
In an article on the Juruna concept of body, Lima raises a series of inter?
esting points and states that the soul is the body seen from another perspec?
tive. In her words: Tf a spirit sees me, it only sees an aspect of myself that I
am unable to see: my soul, which represents my whole body for it, my whole
person ... Body and soul ... are relations or positions, or indeed perspectives'
(2002: 12). Precisely the same point can be made in relation to the Wari' with
the detail that, from ego's point of view, her own soul - invisible to herself
- is also conceived as a quality that, in contrast to the body, identifies it with
all other subjects. This quality is connected to a specific property of bodily
transformation ? the to new as a means
namely capacity adopt appearances
of acting within new relationships. From the point of view of others, however,
the person's soul is an actualization of a body which these other people see
in a specific manner, radically distinct (if they are another kind of people)
from the way in which the person sees herself.

On objects

The multiplicity of perspectives does not affect only what people conceive as
persons, but also 'non-persons like rocks, water, air or smoke, which appear
to possess an existence of their own, a nature irreducible and indifferent to
relations' (Lima 2002: 13).
As Viveiros de Castro comments in relation to Casevitz's analysis of Mat-
siguenga cosmology, 'what seems to be happening in Amerindian perspec?
tivism is that substances named by substantives like "fish", "snake", "hammock"
or "canoe" are somehow used as if they were relational pointers' (1998k 51;
see also 2002d: 382-7). They can be compared to kinship terms: 'You are a
father only because there is another person whose father you are: fatherhood
is a relation ... something would be "fish" only by virtue of someone else
whose fish it is' (1998k 51). Hence propositions such as 'people are monkeys
to jaguars', examples of which abound in Amazonian ethnographies, are 'of
the same nature as a proposition such as: "my uncle is grandfather to my son"'
(Lima 2002: 15). So, 'if I am alive, a peacock bass is a fish; if I am dead, a

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peacock bass is a corpse. If I am a woman, the brother of my mother is grand?

father to my children; if I am a man, he is a cousin to my children' (Lima
2002: 17).
This is precisely what perspectivism is all about. There is no pre-given
natural or objective universe (Viveiros de Castro 2002a: 386). Things, like
persons, are constituted within relations, as the outcome of the latter. If,
however, the relational quality of persons is determined by their soul, does
the same apply to objects and things?
Although the Wari' ? and various other Amerindian peoples
usually state
that things do not possess souls (as a principle of subjectification), I suggest
we can claim that they do, at least in an ideal sense. It is a widespread idea
in Amazonia that human status is potentially attributable to all things when
seen by a carefully trained eye. In other words, the most powerful shamans
are those capable of subjectivizing the entire universe, locating human agency
in things or their surroundings. Indeed the interest of such objects lies in this
agential potential. Consequently, a rock only becomes an object of interest
when it is perceived by someone as a spirit, or as a tool, bench, or other
object associated with a human. A good example is given by Gow (2001: 208-
15) in his analysis of reading among the Piro. A man named Sangama claimed
he could read since he could perceive the paper as a woman who spoke to
him. As Viveiros de Castro has observed (19986), knowledge in Amazonia is
the symmetrical inverse of our scientific knowledge, which identifies its own
procedure as one of maximal and continuous objectification where subjects
must be transformed into molecules in order to be known. The same point
is highlighted by Marilyn Strathern commenting on Haraway's observations
on science:'[W]e imagine that we shall learn more by dismantling those forms
? them to see what are made an
undoing they of, activity always proliferat-
ing, always incomplete' (1992: 86).Confirming this tendency to make room
for a wide-ranging process of subjectification, Wari' shamans fail to agree com-
pletely on which animals have souls (Vilaca 1992). Likewise, various Wari'
mythic accounts suggest that the soul is not a fixed ontological attribute, but
a capacity linked to specific relational contexts. Some objects in fact had souls
and lost them through various kinds of mishap. For example, one myth tells
how the baskets made by women in the past walked by themselves, carrying
the heavy loads of maize by hopping along forest trails. One day two women
were walking in front of a group of these animated baskets when one of the
women turned round and, startled by the comical way in which the baskets
walked, burst out laughing. Deeply offended, the baskets resolved never to act
in such an extraordinary way again. The Wari' add the explanation that the
basket's jam- was extinguished. When a Wari' man came to visit me in Rio
de Janeiro on his first trip to a big city, he saw a large digger at work and
observed, 'Your ancestors were very wise not to laugh at things; that's why
they continue to work by themselves'. According to Peter Riviere (pers.
comm. 2004),Trio arrows were arrow-people, self-propelling subjects that dis-
liked being maltreated. Indeed, a shaman had to visit them and negotiate their
help in the same way shamans deal with animal spirits.
The fact that everything in the world exists only as a perspective also helps
explain the general lack of interest in the origin of body substances shown
by indigenous Amazonians (see Descola 2001: 103). Perspectival oscillation

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means that any fixed determination of substances becomes impossible. The

Wari' know that what blood is depends on who is looking. For jaguars, for
example, blood is beer.

Chronically unstable bodies

Let us return to the theme of the body's instability comprising one of its core
features. In a fascinating article on the Achuar person, Taylor, taking the
context of domestic relations as her initial reference point, observes that sub-
jectivity is 'primarily a matter of refraction; it takes its source in the sense one
has of others' perceptions of self' (1996: 206).18 She goes on to argue that 'if
selfhood as person is a state, it is also by nature a highly unstable one, in so
far as one's inner landscape is shaped by the understanding one has of others'
perceptions of oneself (1996: 207); 'selfhood is textured by intersubjectivity'
(1996: 209). If so, any external imbalance, from death to squabbles, makes the
person vulnerable. This vulnerability frequently translates as illness.
It should be clear, then, that the instability that I have been examining here
is not merely an outcome of extraordinary encounters in the forest but an
intrinsic aspect of the internal relations of the local group or society. Depend-
ing on the other's image of oneself for one's own self-image inevitably pro?
duces a high degree of vulnerability. Taylor suggests that we must look
to understand the means by which one acquires 'a minimally stable sub-
jectivity' (1996: 202), which is an equilibrium necessary, if not for physical
survival, then at least for the reproduction of society. For Taylor this stabiliza-
tion is achieved by means of kinship relations; these allow the construction
of stable self-images in surrounding entities through memories of acts of care
and affection.
Another way of minimizing the extreme anxiety generated by this vulner?
ability is through an encounter with an ancestral spirit, arutam, which offers
the person the image of his or her own future. This leads us back to the typi?
cally Amazonian (or Amerindian, as suggested by Levi-Strauss 1991) dynamic
towards alterity (or alteration) as a way of experiencing the other's point of
view of the self. In fact, according to Taylor, the capacity acquired during the
encounter with the arutam 'hinges on a shift of perspectives: by internalizing
the point of view of the fierce ghost, the mystic is henceforth able to see all
other humans, including his familiars, through the eyes of an enemy' (2002:
464). Likewise, Wari' shamans adopt the point of view of animals to enable
others to acquire an indirect experience of alteration, just as, among some
Tupi-speaking groups such as the Arawete and Parakana, warriors adopt the
enemy s point of view (Fausto 2001; Viveiros de Castro 1986). We can also
comprehend the widespread and well-document ed interest in experiencing
the Westerners' point of view in similar fashion. As Lima says of the Juruna,
their world is a 'type of world in which true knowledge is conditioned not
by the removal of the subject but by its appropriation of a position among
the many existing out there' (2002: 17).
Hence the vulnerability generated by the instability of bodies is resolved in
two ways. The first of these involves the neutralization of the potential for
transformation by means of kin-making as well as through healing and

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prophylactic procedures. The second involves the maximization of this poten?

tial through a continual experiencing of one's own jam-/soul from the view?
point of the other.
It is worth remarking, though, that this involves acquiring a minimum of
stability and not a complete stability. As Viveiros de Castro has already observed
(1996; 1998a; 2002a: 391), metamorphosis is something that haunts the native
imagination. Hence, although making kinship is a way of ensuring forms, if
we consider that kin are made out of others, there always exists a latent pos?
- that is, of kin
sibility of alteration revealing themselves to be as they were
or as they really are. Alterity, not identity, is the default state in Amazonia (see
Viveiros de Castro 2000; 2001). Although the episode with the jaguar-mother
recounted above concerns a jaguar metamorphosizing into a mother (and not
the inverse), it suggests precisely the jaguarness of mothers and highlights the
anxiety concerning relationships that is identified by Taylor. I would also note
that the child only saw the jaguar as a mother because it acted as such, invit-
ing her to walk in the forest and taking care of her in just the same way as
a mother would a child. The jaguar form emerges at the moment in which
the child starts to suspect the behaviour of this mother, who stays much too
long in the forest, apparently forgetting her other children left behind in the
village. The form (or perception) is defined by the relation, and not vice
One last point - and this brings us back to the literature on the body ?
concerns the idea that any totalization of the body is impossible. Taylor writes
that 'in sum, divided throughout their existence between a multitude of
donors or fabricators, these chronically unstable and forever partible body-
persons are doomed moreover to a state of intrinsic non-achievement, lacking
an adequate conceptual space for their totalization' (1998: 318). This strikes
me as a crucial point; it suggests that the split ? since positional ? character
of bodies is one of their central features. This factor differentiates them, for
example, from the body formulated in phenomenological approaches, which,
although equally the source of all perception, exists as the sum of these per?
ceptions. Merleau-Ponty observes about the object of perception that 'it is
given as the infinite sum of an indefinite series of perspectival views in each
of which the object is given, but in none of which it is given exhaustively'
(1964: 15, cited in Csordas 1990: 35). This echoes a similar observation by
Haraway, who proposes swapping the relativist view for the recognition
of location and hence 'accepting the interpretative consequences of being
in a - the of relatedness,
grounded particular standpoint consequences partial
grasp of any situation, and imperfect communication' (1991: 197-8, cited in
Csordas 1999: 180). This too suggests the possibility of totalization through
the sum of partialites.20 By contrast, in Amazonian perspectivism the different
perspectives do not add up; they are neither complementary nor equivalent.
As Lima observes in relation to Juruna cosmology,

[A]lien perspectives are not, in theory, less true than the human perspective ... however,
this does not mean they are equivalent or symmetrical, as they appear to us when we
reduce this cosmology to a known world. Given that this is above all a lived world, and
given that human existence here appears primarily as a human struggle, the relation
between two or more perspectives is necessarily asymmetric. Or in other words, one

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perspective effectively imposes itself on the other as a perspective with a superior truth
value. Hence, this implies a hierarchy that is only ever defmed a posteriori (2002: 19).


I began this article by pointing out the asymmetry in the dialogue between
the anthropological literature on the body, developed from the 1970s onwards,
and the literature on indigenous groups of lowland South America dealing
with the same theme. I was surprised that the authors specifically discussing
the body have ignored the Americanist texts produced over the last few
decades (many of them in English, our 'lingua franca') that highlight the cen?
trality of the notion of the body in the economy of indigenous thought. The
Amazonian data present in these ethnographies provide perfect illustrations of
the 'mindful bodies' so widely evoked by these authors, especially since these
same concepts have been broadly used by Amazonianists looking to engage
with this literature in texts directly focused on the theme of the body.
However, there is an important difference in the analyses undertaken by
these two sets of texts. The literature of a generalizing kind (with no nega?
tive connotation intended) manifests a tendency towards universalization,
looking to demonstrate how our own (Euro-American) bodies are, or should
be, like those of about kind of native ? that is, equally 'mindful'
just every
and relational. The Amazonian literature, on the other hand, tends to accen-
tuate precisely the difference between bodies. This is not simply a question of
distinct discursive strategies since the authors show that we are faced with dis?
tinct concepts and that this is the perspective adopted by indigenous peoples
(and not only Amazonian groups, as the example of the Canaque chief tells
us) who insist on locating the difference between beings in their bodies.
The central issue discussed in this article is internal to tropical American-
ism, although it refers to the categories used to think the body borrowed from
the generalizing literature (itself heavily influenced by Merleau-Ponty s phe-
nomenology and Bourdieu's theory of practice). I have tried to show that the
works on Amazonian groups, closely in tune with this literature, tend to
emphasize the processes of making bodies, without giving due importance to
the processes of transformation described in this text. I suggest that this is
perhaps because they challenge the understanding of the body founded on a
biological substrate underlying these analyses. I am not referring to genetic
concepts; indeed, these works emphatically demonstrate that substances trans-
mitted through conception are less important than or at most equally impor?
tant to those acquired and exchanged through social practice, thus asserting
that the body is not given at birth but made throughout life. What I refer to
here as a biological notion of the body relates above all to its proximity to a
notion of humanity defmed by the biological concept of species rather than
the indigenous concept of the human. Hence although the idea of a body
under continual fabrication contains in itself the notion of transformation,
when this dimension is explored the ethnographic focus is generally restricted
to the universe of those we conceive as humans.
Here we have seen that an appreciation of the indigenous point of view
on humanity ? which ceases to be a a to be
category in becoming position

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- a radically dif?
occupied alternately by different types of beings produces
ferent analysis in which processes of transformation become pre-eminent and
where the instability of the body and the impossibility of its totalization
emerge as central dimensions.


Preliminary versions of this article were presented at the Department of Social Anthropol?
ogy ofthe University of Cambridge (UK), the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes en Sciences
Sociales (Paris), the Department of Social Anthropology ofthe University of St Andrews (UK)
and the London School of Economics (Latin American Seminars). I am grateful for the com?
ments received from Stephen Hugh-Jones, Marilyn Strathern, Peter Riviere, Eduardo Viveiros
de Castro, Carlos Fausto, Philippe Descola, Anne-Christine Taylor, Peter Gow, Isabella Lepri,
David Rodgers, and Oiara Bonilla. I also thank the anonymous fRAI readers for their helpful
comments and suggestions. Fieldwork among the Wari' was carried out with the support of
the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research and Financiadora de Estudos e
Projetos (Finep).This article was translated into English by David Rodgers.
11 refer specifically to sociological studies. For a review of this literature, see Frank (1990;
1993), Lock & Scheper-Hughes (1987), and especially Lock (1993: 135), who also mentions
classical anthropological works on body symbolism such as those of Mary Douglas (1970). Also
see Conklin and Morgan (1996); Csordas (1994; 1999); Le Breton (1995); Synnot (1993).
2 In the words of
Anne-Christine Taylor, 'the different ways of treating the body appear as
the main tool of indigenous sociology' (1998: 317).
3 For further
developments of this idea, see Vilaca (20006; 2000c) in relation to the Wari'.
The few Amazonian texts most often quoted in these influential works on the body (e.g.
Csordas 1994; Frank 1990; Lock 1993; Lock & Scheper-Hughes 1987) are Gregor (1985),
Christine Hugh-Jones (1979), andTerence Turner (1980; 1995). Lock & Scheper-Hughes (1987)
also cite Maybury-Lewis (1967) and Reichel-Dolmatoff (1971). Some information on the
Bororo and the Yanomami is also included, but with no precise references. Andrew Strathern's
book Body thoughts (1999) does not mention a single Amazonian work.
5A volume of the periodical Medical Anthropology Quarterlyfrom 1996 (10: 3) containing
several articles on the theme of health, sickness, the body, and personhood in Amazonia is a
good example of the discussions about the body in Americanist anthropology over the last few
6The Cashinahua
studied by Kensinger (1995) and McCallum (1989; 1996; 2001), among
other ethnologists, comprise, I think, one of the clearest examples of what the general litera?
ture on the body refers to as 'embodied knowledge'.
See Vilaca (\996a; 20006) for an analysis of the relationship between the Wari' and non-
Indians, conceived by the Wari' as different kinds of peoples due to their possession of differ?
ent bodies. See also Vilaca (19966; 1997; 2003); and see Kelly Luciani (2003) for the Yanomami
8 For further
information on the Wari' body, see Conklin (1996; 2001); Conklin & Morgan
9 See Descola
(2001: 106) and Leenhardt (1979 [1947]: 26) for a very similar presentation of
the Canaque concept of person, kamo.
Writing on the Jivaroan Achuar, Taylor (1996: 317) concludes that the human form is no
guarantee of humanity. See also Taylor (1998: 317; 2002: 462-4). Leenhardt (1979 [1947]: 27)
mentions the same phenomena among the Canaque, remarking on the uncertainty about what
kind of person is actually next to you.
11See note 19
below. Moraes (2004) reports a very similar event from the Alto Xingu, where
two brothers were kidnapped by the deer spirit who pretended to be their cousin.
12As Descola demonstrates in his
article, the evidence suggests that, in contrast to Gregor
andTuzin's proposal (2001), what counts as 'gender' in Melanesia need not necessarily be trans?
lated as 'gender' in Amazonia. The systematic comparison between the two regions, which
has proven to be highly productive, primarily implies a search for something close to what
Leenhardt (1979 [1947]) called 'deep translation'. Also see Stephen Hugh-Jones (2001) for an

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interesting comparative exercise between 'Melanesia' and the Barasana of the Alto Rio
Negro, a region where the concept of gender seems to have a different implication to that of
most of Amazonia, and Marilyn Strathern (1999; 2002), as examples of how an anthropologi?
cal comparison between the two regions might appear.
13Jam-is also the way people act in dreams whose model is the shamanic dream. Shamans
apart, the Wari' usually say that they do not dream. While asleep, people are susceptible to
having their jam- captured by a witch wishing to kill them, or by an animal or dead spirit,
with whom they will live. Also see Fausto (2001) on dreams among the Parakana.
14The Barasana
say that when a person picks up a baby animal to raise it as a pet, he or she
must first east certain spells in order to change the animal's soul (usu) so that it will be able
to live among humans. They say that they make them eat words (S. Hugh-Jones, pers. comm.
15See Viveiros de Castro
(2000; 2001; 2002a: 444) on the Amazonian dividual. On the spe?
cific conception of fractals,see Viveiros de Castro (2002a: 439-40). See also Kelly Luciani (2001)
for the same type of comparisons and for an exploration of the notion of fractality in
16See Da Matta
(1976: 86) on the Apinaye, and Huxley (1980: 212-13) on the Urubu. .
17Viveiros de Castro differentiates 'between a
concept of soul as a representationof the body
and another concept of soul which does not designate a mere image of the body, but the other
of the body. Both these ideas exist and co-exist in indigenous cosmologies' (2000: 28, n. 38,
original emphasis).
18For a further elaboration of these
ideas, see also Taylor (2002: 462-4).
191 thank one of the journal s anonymous readers for prompting me to clarify this point. It
seems tempting to say that rather than being a false mother this jaguar is an ideal mother, since
she dedicates herself so much to the child that she forgets the other children. It is because she
acted as a hyper-mother that the jaguar was identified as such, which permits us to think that
the jaguar is the default state of mothers.
20Csordas underlines this
point by saying that 'the most fruitful definition of the real is that
... of an indefinite series of perspectival views, none of which exhausts the given objects ...
This perspective does not deny that objects are given; as I have emphasized throughout this
essay, the body is in the world from the start' (1990: 38).


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Des corps chroniquement instables : reflexion sur la

corporalite en Amazonie

Sur la base d'un materiel ethnographique recueilli chez les Wari' (Rondonia, Bresil), cet article
remet en question quelques-uns des presupposes de la litterature anthropologique contem-
poraine concernant les conceptions indigenes du corps, en etudiant une composante essen-
tielle de la corporalite des peuples amazoniens, peu evoquee dans les etudes ethnographiques
de l'Amazonie : son caractere instable et transformationnel. Cette dimension n'apparait que
lorsque l'analyse suppose un elargissement de la notion d'humanite (signalee pour la pre-
miere fois a notre attention par Levy-Bruhl et Leenhardt, entre autres) qui inclurait non
seulement les etres que nous considerons comme humains, mais aussi d'autres entites sub-
jectives telles que les animaux et les esprits. L'elaboration de cette problematique est centree
sur la discussion des relations entre le corps et Fame, entre humanite et corporalite.

Aparecida Vilaca is Associate Professor at the Post-Graduate Program in Social Anthropology

at the Museu Nacional of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She is also
researcher of the Nucleo of Indigenous Transformations (Nuti-Pronex) and of the Conselho
Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq), and the author of two books:
Comendo comogente:formas do canibalismoWari' (ANPOCS/Editora da UFRJ, 1992) and Quem
somos nos: os Wari' encontramos Brancos(Editora da UFRJ, in press).

Programade Pbs-Graduacaoem Antropologia Social, Museu Nacional UFRf Quinta da Boa Vista
s/n?, Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brazil, 20940-040. [email protected]

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