Technology and Tools Description Programming Language You Should Describe

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System Analysis

Problem Statement
You should paste it from synopsis
Programming Language You should describe
NetBeans IDE Frame Work for JAVA / XAMMP for php projects

In computer programming, a software framework is an abstraction in which software

providing generic functionality can be selectively changed by additional user –
written code, thus providing application specific software. A software framework is
a universal, reusable software platform used to develop applications, products and
A software framework includes support programs, compilers, code libraries, tool
sets and application programming interface that bring together all different
components to enable development of a project or solutions.
NetBeans is an integrated development environment (IDE) for developing primarily
with Java, but also with other languages, in particular PHP,C/C++, and HTML5. It
is also an application platform framework for Java desktop applications and others.
NetBeans IDE is written in Java and can run on Windows, OS X, Linux, Solaris and
other platforms supporting a compatible JVM. The NetBeans Platform allows
applications to be developed from a set of modular software components called

Applications based on the NetBeans Platform (including the NetBeans IDE itself)
can be extended by third party developers. NetBeans IDE is an open-source
integrated development environment. NetBeans IDE supports development of all
Java application types (Java SE(including JavaFX), Java ME, web, EJB and mobile
applications) out of the box. Among other features are an Ant based project system,
Maven support,refactorings, version control.

All the functions of the IDE are provided by modules. Each module provides a well
defined function, such as support for the Java language, editing, or support for the
CVS versioning system, and SVN. NetBeans contains all the modules needed for
Java development in a single download, allowing the user to start working

For PHP projects

XAMPP is a free and open-source cross-platform web server solution stack package developed by
Apache Friends,[2] consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MariaDB database, and
interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages.[3][4] Since most actual
web server deployments use the same components as XAMPP, it makes transitioning from a local
test server to a live server possible.

XAMPP's ease of deployment means a WAMP or LAMP stack can be installed quickly and simply
on an operating system by a developer, with the advantage a number of common add-in applications
such as Wordpress and Joomla! can also be installed with similar ease using Bitnami .
Tomcat 6.0 web server
Tomcat is an open source web server developed by Apache Group. Apache Tomcat
is the servlet container that is used in the official Reference Implementation for the
Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies. The Java Servlet and JavaServer
Pages specifications are developed by Sun under the Java Community Process. Web
Servers like Apache Tomcat support only web components while an application
server supports web components as well as business components (BEAs Weblogic,
is one of the popular application server).To develop a web application with
jsp/servlet install any web server like JRun, Tomcat etc to run your application.

Figure 1.3 tomcat webserver

5.1.1 System

A system is a productive get-together of dependent fragments associated together as

showed by plan to finish a specific target. The essential properties of the system are affiliation,
collaboration, blend, dependence and central objectives.

5.1.2 Analysis

System inspection and setup are the two usage of the structure method to manage basic
intuition generally using PCs. To revamp a system the expert must deliberate its segments yield
and inputs, control, processors, feedback and environment.

Structure examination is the methodology by which the originator can get some answers
concerning the present issues, portray inquiries and requirements and surveys the courses of action.
It is attitude about affiliation and the issue it incorporates, set of developments and systems that
help with handling the issues.

5.2 Feasibility Study

The probability of the try is eviscerated in this stage of business proposal is progressive
with an exceptionally wide strategy for the errand and some cost estimations. Amidst structure
inspection the achievability examination of the proposed structure is done. Subsequently it
guarantees that the proposed framework to any of the affiliation. For judgment skills study
examination, a couple understands the veritable essentials for the structure is imperative. There are
three sorts of feasibility study they are

5.2.1 Economical Feasibility

Monetary examination is done to survey the change cost weighed against a conclusive pay
or focal points got from the made structure. The structure made and acquainted will be
extraordinary point of preference with the affiliation. The made structure is worked in the existed
hardware and programming establishment.

5.2.2 Technical Feasibility

Structure is simply critical just in case it can be changed into gen systems that will
encounter the affiliation's particular essential. This test of believability is done to ask whether the
structure will work or not when made and presented, any genuine impediments to use. Regarding
these issues in particular examination there are a couple centers to focus on:

 Changes to procure the structure: Changes in the system are in positive heading, there
should be better customer organization and extended level of profitability.
 Required capacities: Platforms and gadgets used as a piece of this errand are for the most
part used.
 Acceptability: The model of the scheme is kept adequately achievable. So that there should
not be any issue from the customer's viewpoint.

5.2.3 Operational Feasibility

 Question which emerge here are:

 If system is produced and actualized, will that can be utilized?
 Is there any of the adequate backing for this task by the stage on which it is created?
 Test situations where the system may fizzle and strategies to conquest?

Copy from synopsis

The inspiration driving is to find defaults in the errand. The testing is the explanation
behind attempting to discover every lack or deficiency in a working things. It gives the best way
to check the suitability of sections, sub-assemblies and a completed thing. It is the method of
working with the arrangement of confirming that the item framework meets its chucks and the
customer covets and does not miss the mark in an unacceptable way. There are characteristic sorts
of test. Every test category discourses a precise testing need.

8.1 Types of Testing

1. Unit
2. Integration
3. Functional
4. System
5. White-Box
6. Black-Box
7. Acceptance

8.1.1 Unit Testing of System

Testing fuses the sketch of examinations that endorse that the inner venture reason is
working truly, and that program inputs extensive yields. All inside code and branches ought to be
insisted. It is utilization to test the individual programming unit of an application. Unit testing is
done before breaker. It is the central testing that depends heaps of its change and is intruding.

Unit testing guarantees that each exceptional strategy for a occupational system perform
correctly to the recorded purposes of interest and covers obviously depicted inputs and output

This performs indispensable tests part by part level and test a specific occupational
framework, application, structure course of action. Unit testing is for the most part decided as
mutual code and unit test of the thing lifecycle.
 Test plan and method
 It will be performed physically and practical and will be composed in point of
 Objectives
 Field accesses essentially work properly.
 Folios must be triggered from the recognized link.
 The entrance display, responses must not be late.
 Features
 Link’s should take to the correct page.
 Confirm that the accesses are of the format.
 No same entries should be allowed.


Name of the test

Test Description
Sample Input
Expected Output
Actual result/Remarks
Passed (?)

Name of the test

Test Description
Sample Input
Expected Output
Actual result/Remarks
Passed (?)
Name of the test
Test Description
Sample Input
Expected Output
Actual result/Remarks
Passed (?)

Name of the test

Test Description
Sample Input
Expected Output
Actual result/Remarks
Passed (?)

Name of the test

Test Description
Sample Input
Expected Output
Actual result/Remarks
Passed (?)

Name of the test

Test Description
Sample Input
Expected Output
Actual result/Remarks
Passed (?)
Name of the test
Test Description
Sample Input
Expected Output
Actual result/Remarks
Passed (?)

Name of the test

Test Description
Sample Input
Expected Output
Actual result/Remarks
Passed (?)

Name of the test

Test Description
Sample Input
Expected Output
Actual result/Remarks
Passed (?)

8.1.2 Integration Testing of System

Integration testing is needed to test urged programming sections to grasp whether they truly
continue running as one structure. Exchange off particularly away to uncover the matters that climb
up the mix of pieces. Event driven and it more worried with the critical aftereffect of screens or
fields. This tests show that paying little personality that the pieces were solely satisfaction, as
displayed by tastefully unit testing.

The mix of sections is correct and solid. Programming testing is the testing of two or more
made programming parts on a single stage to go on disillusionments brought on by crossing point
misshapenings. Attempt of testing is to watch that parts or programming application e.g. pieces in
a thing framework or programming application at the association level to interface without lurch.

Mix testing is deliberate to test joined programming portions to make sagacity of whether
they continue running as one framework. Combination testing is especially away to uncover the
issues that rise up out of the mix of sections.

Testing is more stressed with the basic consequence of screens fields. Combination tests
display that in spite of the way that the sections were solely gratification, as showed up by viably
unit testing. Programming blend testing is the coordination testing of two or more joined
programming sections on a lone stage to make frustrations realized by interface disfigurements.

The task that compromise test is to watch that parts or programming application, e.g.
fragments in an item framework or programming application at the association level to interface
without bungle.

Test Results: This test cases is passed successfully. No defects met.

Name of the test

Test Description
Sample Input
Expected Output
Actual result/Remarks
Passed (?)
Table 8.10 Integration Of all Unit Testing

8.1.3 Functional Testing of system

Functional tests gives exact establishes that limits make an effort showed by the
occupational and specific necessities, framework certification, and customer manual. Affiliation
and availability of functional test is revolved around necessities, key limits, or uncommon trials.
Besides, effective allowance identifying with perceive occupational process stream, datafields,
predefined structures, and techniques must be measured for testing. Additional perceived and the
convincing estimation of current tests is determined.
8.1.4 System Testing

This testing ensures that the entire fused programming structure meets necessities. It tests a setup
to ensure known obvious results. An instance of structure testing is the setup arranged structure
blend test. System testing relies on upon technique focusing on pre-driven strategy associations
and blend centers.

8.1.5 White-Box Testing of System

White box testing is a annoying in which the invention analyzer has data of internal mechanisms,
structure and product. It is additionally used to test parts that can't be come to from a discovery

8.1.6 Black-Box Testing of System

Black-Box testing is the attempting the item with unknown data of the internal working, structure
or lingo of the module attempted. Disclosure test, most diverse sorts of tests, must be made from
an indisputable basis record.

8.1.7 Acceptance Testing

This testing is a risky period of interest by the end client. It additionally assurances that the
framework experiences the utilitarian prerequisites.

Test Results: All the trials said above passes effectively. No deformities experienced.

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