Lesson Plan

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IH Madrid CELTA Lesson Plan 2019

Name MARIA VICTORIA MERMOZ Lesson TP Nº3 Length 45 mins

Date 04/05/19 Level A2 Students

Main aim(s) for the students: Systems X Skills 

By the end of this lesson, students will have practised speaking in groups discussing their opinions
about feelings at a certain stage of their lives. They will have also listened to a podcast about feelings.
They will have practised listening for gist and listening for specific information.

Subsidiary aim(s) for the students: Systems  Skills x

By the end of this lesson, students will be familiar enough with feelings vocabulary to be able to talk
about them. They will be able to practise the vocabulary taught by the previous teacher and will be able
to reinforce the pronunciation with the listening activity.

Personal aims: Look back at previous tutor feedback to remind yourself of areas to work on. Make sure they are relevant to
this lesson.
Instructions do your example together using the slide before giving the handout to ensure you have
everyone’s attention and so that students don’t work ahead
Timing/pace try to move the earlier stages along to allow more time for practice
Eliciting and checking understanding – ask questions to elicit and check understanding more
Timetable fit: How your 45 minutes connect to the teacher before you and/or after you. Occasionally the connection might
refer to the previous week’s lessons.
The teacher before me will be working with feelings vocabulary
The teacher after me will be working with too and enough

What you assume your students already know: e.g. Will the language be new to the students or will it be revision?
Language: I assume students will know the use of present and future will when discussing feelings in
future circumstances
Topic: I assume students will be able to talk about different stages in their lives

Resources: Include coursebook material, language reference books and any other additional resources.
Students coursebook: face to face, Chris Redstone & Gillie Cunningham 2 nd edition
Grammar and/or vocabulary references:

Problems that students may have with the tasks Solution
Anything non-language related that you are worried about with tasks Example solution: Break the listening into sections and give
or activities. Tick the boxes below and/or state other practical students time to compare between sections.
problems you anticipate. Your text
1. There will be latecomers  3. I’ll repeat the listening a third time
2. There will be fast finishers  4. If needed I’ll split the listening into two parts:
3. Students don’t find the answers to the the woman’s part, discuss the answers together
reading/listening task x and then the man’s part and discuss the answers
4. The listening is too long x together

Anything else?

Language Analysis - GRAMMAR

Model sentence and meaning: taken out from the listening

She feels quite depressed
I’m just pleased
I’m usually too tired

How you are going to convey meaning and problems students may have:
Meaning will be conveyed through the context of the listening and some questions to focus
students. Students may think that –ing ending adjective would be possible. In this case I will
write two examples:
1.He’s a depressing person. He is always talking about problems
2. He’s depressed because he hasn’t passed the exam
Ccq: 1. Is it permanent? Yes
Is it part of his personality? Yes
2. Is he always depressed or just because he didn’t pass the exam? He didn’t pass the
Is it permanent or temporal? temporal

How the structure is formed and problems the students may have:
The -ed for adjective together with the verb to be/feel is used to describe a temporal feeling
S+be/feel+-ed adjective. Students may use the wrong form for temporal feelings: He’s quite

How the structure is pronounced and problems the students may have:

I’m just pleased

/dʒʌst/ / pliːzd/
Students may pronounce just / ʃast/ . I’ll make them practise the /dʒ/ sound drilling chorally
and individually with other examples such as: general, joy, Japanese, joke

Language Analysis – VOCABULARY

Item & meaning Convey meaning Form Pronunciation

& anticipated problems & problems & problems

Feeling lonely Feeling unhappy because you are Chunk of words Feeling lonely
not with other people. Sometimes formed by a verb /fiːlɪŋ ləʊnlɪ/
students confuse it with alone. I and an adjective Problems with the
may draw a person on an island /iː/ sound, can be
and a sad person surrounded by confused for /ɪ/
people. The first person is alone
but the second is sad because he
feels lonely, even when he is with

Moving house To leave your home in order to live Chunk of words Moving house
in a new one. Meaning problem. formed by a verb /muːvɪŋ haʊs/
Ccq: is it permanent? Yes and a noun Problems with the
Are you going to live in another /uː/ sound that
house? Yes can be confused by
the /ʊ/ sound

Stage/Interaction: Procedure: Aim: Time:
What they are doing (focus of each How they are doing it. Include your instructions Why they are doing it
section, e.g. Focus on Meaning & and what you will be doing e.g. monitoring.
if they’re working alone/in pairs
Lead-in Show a slide with a photo of a To practise what they have been
(whole class) baby and the following question: learning with the previous
What’s the best age to have teacher and engage them to the
children? Why? Elicit the answer incoming topic.

With the previous question as an To activate pre-existing

Feedback example I’ll show a slide with the knowledge of feelings
(pairs) rest of the questions: vocabulary and the topic of the
How does your life change when listening
you have your first baby?
Do you know people with babies
or young children? Tell other
students about them
Do you ever look after children
for friends or someone in your
family? Do you like doing it? Why?
why not?

Feedback Ask a student what the other has To raise awareness of useful
(whole class) said. language

Initial listening I’ll show them a slide with a To enable students to listen for
couple with their baby. The gist and check if their
picture also shows the names of assumptions were right or not
each person.
How do you think the parents feel
with their first baby? Why?
I’ll write some answers on the wb
I’ll make them listen to the couple
about their feelings and check
their assumptions
Listening for detail I’ll show them a slide with the To enable students to listen for
(individual) following activity: detail.
Listen and tick the things Anna
and Martin talk about (face to
face cb exercise 4 page 72)

Feedback I’ll ask them to check the results To allow fluency practice on the
(pairs) in pairs. topic of the listening

Feedback I’ll ask them to correct together To encourage sharing and good
(whole class) class dynamics
Reaction I’ll show them a slide with the To provide fluency practice and
(pairs) following question: an opportunity to react to the
How would you feel in the content and personalise the
following situations? theme.
1. you lost your job
2. you worked for 12 hours
3. you won the lottery
4. you’ve just had your first baby
5.you are moving house
Discuss in pairs.

Feedback I’ll ask them to share what their To round off the listening stage
(whole class) partners have said

Correction I’ll write some mistakes made in To raise awareness of learner

the lesson on the wb and discuss errors and upgrade their
them with the students language

Tutor comment:

Tutor signature: Date:

Think about your lesson, look at your lesson plan and complete the questions below

Look at the aims of your lesson and assess to what extent they were achieved.
Fully  Mainly  Partially  Not sufficiently 
Your text here

What prevented all aims being fully achieved?

Your text here

Did the students learn anything new and/or develop any skills? What evidence do you have?
Your text here

How much of a part did the students play in the lesson? Were they interested/challenged?
Your text here

If you were to teach the lesson again, what would you do differently?
Your text here

Considering your personal aims for this lesson in what areas do you feel you are making
Your text here

After this lesson, what areas do you feel you need to work on most for your next lesson?
Your Text here

Tutor comment:

Tutor signature: Date:

Scan or attach here anything the students use including the part of the coursebook in your lesson.

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