Whereby One Undertakes For A Consideration To Indemnify Another Against Loss, Damage or Liability Arising From An Unknown or Contingent Event

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Philamcare (PHSI) v.

CA and Julita Trinos (2002)  asked for reimbursement of expenses plus

  moral damages and attorneys fees.
Ynares-Santiago, ​J. ● RTC: ​Ruled against the petitioners and
ordered them to pay and reimburse the
I. Facts:   medical and hospital coverage.
● Ernani Trinos (husband of the respondent) ● CA: ​RTC decision affirmed but deleted all
applied for health care coverage with PHSI awards for damages and absolved the
(Philamcare Health Systems Inc.). In the petitioner, Reverente.
question “have you or any of your family  
members ever been treated for high blood II. Issue:  
pressure, heart trouble, diabetes, cancer, ● W/N a healthcare agreement is not an
liver disease, asthma or peptic ulcer? (If Yes, insurance contract and, hence, the
give details)”, he answered NO. “incontestability clause” under the Insurance
● Application was approved for 1 year and in code does not apply. ​NO, a healthcare 
the agreement, he was entitled to avail of agreement is in the nature of a non-life 
hospitalization benefits (ordinary or insurance which is primarily a contract of 
emergency), out-patient benefits, preventive indemnity. 
health care and other out-patient services.  
● The agreement was extended for another III. Rationale: 
year upon termination and the amount of ● Section 2 (1) of the Insurance code defines a
coverage was increased to a max sum of contract of insurance as an ​agreement
75k per disability. whereby one undertakes for a
● During the period of coverage, Ernani consideration to indemnify another
suffered a heart attack and was confined at against loss, damage or liability arising
Manila Medical Center for a month. Julita from an unknown or contingent event.
tried to claim the benefits covered by the ● The following are the elements of an
healthcare agreement but PHSI denied her insurance contract:
claim saying that the agreement was void ○ The insured has an insurable
because of “concealment” regarding Ernani’s interest;
medical history. Allegedly, at the time of the ○ The insured is subject to a risk of
confinement, the doctors at the hospital loss by the happening of the
discovered that he was hypertensive, designated peril;
diabetic, asthmatic--contrary to his answer in ○ The insurer assumes the risk;
the application form. Respondent paid for the ○ Such assumption of risk is part of a
hospitalization herself. general scheme to distribute actual
● Ernani was discharged but then hospitalized losses among a large group of
again at Chinese General Hospital, but persons bearing a similar risk; and
because of financial difficulties, Julita took ○ In consideration of insurers
him home. Shortly, Ernani was brought back promise, the insured pays a
to CGH, but he died the same day. premium.
● July 24, 1990 - respondent filed an action for ● In the case at bar, the insurable interest of
damages against petitioner and its president respondents husband in obtaining the health
(Dr. Benito Reverente) with the RTC. She care agreement was his own health. The
health care agreement was in the nature of membership of the patient and this period
non-life insurance, which is primarily a has already expired.
contract of indemnity. Once the member
incurs hospital, medical or any other IV. Dispositive: ​WHEREFORE, the petition is
expense arising from sickness, injury or DENIED. The assailed decision of the CA is
other stipulated contingent, the health care AFFIRMED.
provider must pay for the same to the extent
agreed upon under the contract.
● As to Ernani’s answer to the question about
his medical history, the SC says that this
depended largely on the opinion of Ernani
rather than fact. What matters here is his
good faith when he answered the form. It is
upon the insurer to prove that there is
fraudulent intent on the part of the insured in
order to warrant recission of the insurance
● Moreover, no rescission was actually made
in this case. Also, the cancellation of health
care agreements as insurance policies
require the concurrence of the ff conditions:
○ Prior notice of cancellation to
○ Notice must be based on the
occurrence after effective date of
the policy of one or more of the
grounds mentioned;
○ Must be in writing, mailed or
delivered to the insured at the
address shown in the policy;
○ Must state the grounds relied upon
provided in Section 64 of the
Insurance Code and upon request
of insured, to furnish facts on which
cancellation is based.
● None of these were fulfilled. SC said that
insurance contracts being contracts of
adhesion, the terms are to be construed
strictly against the party which prepared the
● As to the incontestability, RTC said that
PHSI had 12 months to contest the

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