Basic Phrases of The Arabic Language

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Basic Phrases of the Arabic Language

Arabic is spoken by roughly 250 million people in close to 25 countries around the world. Considered

as the spiritual language of Islam, it is also spoken as the second language in many Islamic


The Arabic language is also one of the world's oldest living languages and the source of many other

languages. It is divided into 3 main groups:

Classical Arabic: Quran – the holy book of Islam is written in Classical Arabic. It is very ancient and

thus not spoken as a local dialect nor used for day-to-day conversation. It is primarily learnt for

recitation of the Quran.

Classical Arabic:It is a modernized version of Classical Arabic, which is taught in Arab schools. It is

used in news and in modern literature and also by people who speak different varieties of Arabic.

Colloquial Arabic: Egyptian Arabic is the most commonly spoken and understood language among

the variety of other local Arabic languages.

Let us look at some of the basic Arabic phrases:-

Elementary Words
I --- Ana

You --- Inta/inti (m/f)

He --- Huwa

She --- Hiya

We --- Nahnu

They --- Uhum

Yes --- Na’am

No --- La
Ok --- Tayib

What? --- Shoo?

Please --- Min fudluk

Sorry --- Aasef

Later --- Baadin

Now --- Al aan

May be --- Mumkin

Today --- Al yawm

Tomorrow --- Ghadan

Yesterday --- Al bareha

Perfect --- Tamaam

Of course! --- Tabaan!

Everything --- Kull

Big --- Kabeer

Small --- Sagheer

Straight --- Sida

Left --- Yasar

Right --- Yameen

Short Dialogues
What is this? --- Shoo hada?

What is the matter? --- Shoofi mafi?

No problem --- Mafi mushkil

I don’t know --- Ma adhri

How much? --- Kam?

See you later --- Araka/ Araki (to a lady)

Where do you stay --- Ayna taskun?

I do not follow --- La afham

I do not know --- La a’ref

I am hungry --- Ana jae’

I am thirsty --- Ana ‘atshaan

I am lost! --- Adatu tariqi!

Can I help you? --- Hal Mumken mosa’ asaduq?

Can u help me? --- Hal mumken mosa’ adati?

Greetings and Introduction

Hello --- As-salamo alaykum

Hello (response) --- Wa alaykume s-salam

Hi --- Salam

Good morning --- Sabah el Kheer

Good evening --- Masah el kheer

Good night --- Tisbah el kheer

Thank you --- Shukran

Welcome --- Ahlan wa sahlan OR marhaba

Good Luck --- Betaufeeq

How are you --- Kayfa haluk?

Well/Fine, thank you --- Al hamdu lillah/ Ana bikhayr, shukran

What is your name? --- Ma ismuk?

My name is…. --- Esmee….

Where are you from? --- Inta min weyn?

Goodbye --- Ma’asalaamah

Sure/If God wishes --- Inshallah – This phrase is used in several contexts.

Congratulations! --- Mabrook!

Important Words
Bus --- Bas

Car --- Sayyara

Horse --- Hsan

Camel --- Jamal

Taxi --- Tax

Policeman --- Shurta

Bathroom --- Al merhaad

Pharmacy --- Assaidaliah

Telephone --- Hatif

Address --- Onwan

Lane --- Shari'

Contact no. --- Raqam

Metropolis --- Madina

Over here --- Hni

Over there --- Hhnak

Next to --- Yam

Opposite --- M’gabel

Behind --- Wara

Ingress --- Dukhol

Egress --- Khuruj

Traffic police --- Murur

Important Places
Bank --- Masrif

Restaurant --- Mataam

Airport --- Matar

Post Office --- Maktab il bareed

Hospital --- Mustashfa

Police station --- Dar al shurta

Toilets (Gents) --- Hammam (lirrijal)

Toilets (Ladies) --- Hammam (linnisa'a)

Bus stop --- Mokaf al-bas

Days of the Week

Monday --- Idhnayn

Tuesday --- Dhaladh

Wednesday --- Arba'

Thursday --- Khamis

Friday --- Jama'a

Saturday --- As-sabt

Sunday --- Al-had

0 --- Sifr

1 --- Wahed

2 --- Ithnaan

3 --- Thalatha

4 --- Arba'a

5 --- Khamsa

6 --- Sitta

7 --- Sab'a
8 --- Thamania

9 --- Tis'a

10 --- Ashara

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