100:01:51,359 --> 00:01:56,920Open Defne! Something was wrong. Open!100:01:5,0 --> 00:02:00,60"t was #e$%a, somethingm&st ha'e happene(.100:02:30,00 --> 00:02:33,0)*ro+%em of onfession)100:03:00,199 --> 00:03:02,199opra!100:03:1,/19 --> 00:03:15,59#e$%a100:03:1/,560 --> 00:03:19,560hat happene(100:03:20,/0 --> 00:03:22,/0hat happene( Something happene(100:03:25,919 --> 00:03:2/,919o& hate( me100:03:31,159 --> 00:03:3,39aa... " forga'e. " forga'e $o& opra100:03:35,139 --> 00:03:39,9054an $o& arg&e in the morning ea%%$4ome on, %ets go (own.100:03:39,91 --> 00:03:3,5078nar ome with me, "wi%% te%% $o& something.100:03:3,/0 --> 00:03:9,10 Defne, m$ (ear $o&, " woe &pin the morning, forgi'e the hi%(.100:03:5/,/0 --> 00:03:59,/04ome on, what are $o& stan(ing for100:0:15,139 --> 00:0:1/,//9o& a%most fe%% +a, (i(
$o& notie a%ina ras100:0:1,399 --> 00:0:20,399" a%most fe%% in again, (i($o& notie Defne ;ar&t<&100:0:21,360 --> 00:0:26,560his is the pro'er+: )One wi%% s&ee(, theother wi%% s&ee(, an( the thir( time...100:0:30,339 --> 00:0:31,5/9hat were $o& sa$ing100:0:32,259 --> 00:0:33,399Di( " sa$ something100:0:3,620 --> 00:0:3/,560o& ta%e( a+o&t what mighthappen the thir( time100:0:39,/20 --> 00:0:1,/20n( $es, " was ra'ing a+o&t st&pi(it$100:0:2,699 --> 00:0:6,339" rea%%$ now a few wor(s that $o& ansa$ an( it wi%% not +e ra'ing st&pi(100:0:6,/59 --> 00:0:,599hat are some wor(s100:0:,920 --> 00:0:50,920he wor(s $o& sai( when $o&tho&ght $o& were as%eep100:0:53,120 --> 00:0:56,165e p&t a onfession to himse%f! " wi%%not +e m$ (ear to sa$ an$ (enominations!100:0:56,1// --> 00:0:59,120=oo( morning, i'i m$ (ear! here areno (enominations! o! ?orget a+o&t it!100:0:59,500 --> 00:05:03,5/9" wi%% not forget what $o& sai(. ;&(($for a moment. o& onfess Defne!1
00:05:03,/9 --> 00:05:05,/9" wi%% not onfess! " wi%% not onfess!100:05:05,/9 --> 00:05:0/,300re $o& a st&++orn gir%100:05:0/,/9 --> 00:05:09,519here is st&++ornness100:05:10,639 --> 00:05:12,639"m st&++orn, too. hats going to +e100:05:13,00 --> 00:05:15,00@$ st&++ornness wi%%+eat $o&r st&++ornness.100:05:21,660 --> 00:05:23,10;&t &st (o not %oo %ie that.100:05:23,319 --> 00:05:2,319ow not to %oo100:05:2,319 --> 00:05:25,560"n this wa$:100:05:2,2/9 --> 00:05:30,039"s that how " %oo100:05:30,959 --> 00:05:32,319"t wi%% +e har( for $o&100:05:32,319 --> 00:05:3,060"f " were in $o&r p%ae, " wo&%(fa%% in %o'e with that %oo100:05:3/,0/9 --> 00:05:1,59*ietro (own - opra. A'en %ower - 78nar,an( $o& are sti%% swinging in the %o&(s!100:05:2,0/9 --> 00:05:,91n( (o not ta% - "m sti%% a%i'e,$o& sho&%( get &p an( go from100:05:,930 --> 00:05:/,560here! n( he is sti%% ta%inga+o&t faith an( st&++ornness!
100:05:/,560 --> 00:05:50,95"t sho&%( +e thrown in +etween;ar&t<&, %et there +e something100:05:50,50/ --> 00:05:52,939to +e! ;&t no, m$ onsiene(oes not %et me (o it!100:05:56,/9 --> 00:06:01,25" am s&re that ;arra op& +&rns theright ear, an( ;arna e%a is %eft!100:06:01,3/ --> 00:06:05,539ow, when " get (resse(, "%% r&nawa$ an( sa'e m$ %ife again!100:06:09,99 --> 00:06:11,99" now m$ frien(, shewi%% ons&me m$ %ife.100:0/:20,39 --> 00:0/:23,//9ime for a p%an. Sa$$o&%% +e in the room.100:0/:23,39 --> 00:0/:25,359" wi%% +e in the room ..100:0/:25,920 --> 00:0/:2,160Son, wh$100:0/:2,199 --> 00:0/:32,99 sma%% sreen on this ta+%et. "want to p%a$ on the +ig sreen.100:0/:32,99 --> 00:0/:3/,630#ets go nephew, "%% arr$ $o&.hen " wi%% go to100:0/:3/,62 --> 00:0/:2,199the ras 4ompan$. e nee(to (is&ss the matter.100:0/:2,/0 --> 00:0/:,220o the ras1