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This document provides a Spanish vocabulary list with English translations and definitions. The vocabulary covers a wide range of everyday words and is intended to help readers understand the context of stories and activities presented in the text.

The vocabulary list is provided to give English equivalents and definitions of Spanish words as they occur in the stories and activities. This is intended to help readers understand the meaning and usage of words in the given contexts.

The vocabulary covers many everyday topics like family, home, school, food, transportation, nature, activities, emotions, and more. There are also words for parts of speech, verb conjugations, and abbreviations used.


This vocabulary provides English equivalents of Spanish words and phrases as they occur within the
context of the stories and activities. The listing contains all the words that appear in the text except
most common determiners, proper names, and most exact cognates. Irregular noun and adjective
plurals are listed as well as selected irregular verb forms. The following abbreviations are also used.

adj. adjective imp. imperfect prep. preposition

adv. adverb ind. obj. indirect object prep. pron. prepositional pronoun
aux. auxiliary inf. infinitive pres. p. present participle
com. command interj. interjection pret. preterite
conj. conjunction interrog. interrogative pron. pronoun
dem. demonstrative m. masculine refl. reflexive
dim. diminutive n. noun rel. relative
dir. obj. direct object neg. negative s. singular
f. feminine obj. object subj. subjunctive
fam. familiar p.p. past participle v. verb
for. formal pl. plural
ger. gerund poss. possessive

A abreviar to reduce, to shorten acarrear to carry

a to, at, by abrigar to shelter acaso maybe, perhaps
abade m. abbot abrigo m. coat; shelter acceso m. access; attack; fit
abajo down; underneath abrir to open; to spread acceso de desesperación
acá abajo here below abrochar to button outburst
boca abajo facedown absceso m. abscess acción f. action; share of stock
calle abajo down the street absolutamente absolutely acechar to watch, to spy on
cuesta abajo downhill absoluto absolute acecho m. lying in wait
de arriba abajo up and down no… en absoluto not at all aceptar to accept
abandonado abandoned abstracción f. concentration; acequia f. irrigation ditch
abandonar to abandon, to desert  abstraction acera f. sidewalk, side of the
abandono m. abandonment abuela f. grandmother street
abanico m. fan abuelita (dear) grandmother acerca about, regarding
abeja f. bee abuelo m. grandfather acercarse to draw near, to
abierto (p.p. abrir) opened abuelito (dear) grandfather approach
abierto (adj.) open abuelos pl. grandparents acerqué (pret. acercar) I
ablandar to soften abuso m. abuse brought near
abolladura f. dent acabar to finish, come to an end me acerqué (pret. acercarse)
abollar to dent acabar de (+ inf.) to finish I approached
abominablemente abominably (+ -ing); to have just (done acertar (ie) to focus; to get it
aborchonado embarrassed something), e.g., acaba de right
abotonarse to button salir he has just left acezante in an anxious way
abra f. valley acabar por (+ inf.) to end up achatado flattened
abrazar to hug, to embrace by (+ -ing) achatar to flatten
abrazo m. embrace acariciar to caress; to cherish achiote m. annato dye

278 Vocabulario ALBUM

ácido m. acid ademán m. gesture agarrotado caught, bound

acierto good choice además besides agarrotar to bind
aclarar to break (day); to clear además de in addition to agazapar to catch; to crouch; to
acomodado placed adentro inside hide
acomodarse to accommodate, pasar para adentro to come in, agencia f. agency
to adjust to enter agitado shaken
acompañado accompanied Pase para adentro. Come in. agitar to agitate, to excite; to
acompañar to accompany, to adiós good-bye strum
escort adiosito (dim. adiós) bye-bye agotado exhausted
aconsejar to advise adivinador prophetic; psychic; agotar to exhaust
acontecimiento m. event; mind reader agradar to please; to be
happening adivinar to guess agreeable (to)
acordarse (ue) de to remember adivino m. fortune teller; guesser agradecer to thank
acorralado cornered adjetivo m. adjective agradecido thankful, grateful;
acortar to shorten admirablemente admirably appreciatively
acosar to assault admiración f. admiration; agradecimiento m. gratitude,
acoso m. harassment wonder thankfulness
acoso escolar m. bullying adorable adorable agrandarse to expand
acostar (ue) to put to bed adorar to adore agredir to attack
acostarse (ue) to go to bed adornado adorned, decorated agregar to add
acostumbrado accustomed adquirir (ie) to acquire; to agrícolo agricultural
acostumbrarse to be accustomed purchase, to buy agridulce bittersweet
acre acrid adrede on purpose agrupado grouped
acreditado distinguished adredemente adv. knowingly agua f. water
actitud f. attitude advenimiento m. arrival aguacero m. heavy shower,
en actitud de mendigar in the advertir (ie,i) to warn; to notice downpour
posture of begging advertirse to become aware aguaitar to wait; to look at
actividad f. activity advirtió (pret. advertir) aguamanil m. washbasin
acto m. ceremony; act noticed; notified; warned aguantar to tolerate, to bear;
actor m. actor aeropuerto m. airport to hold up
actriz f. actress afanarse to work, to busy oneself aguantando holding
actual present, present day afectar to affect; to hurt aguar v. to water
actuar to act afectivo emotional aguardar to wait for
acudir to attend afecto m. affection, fondness; aguardiente m. brandy
acuerdo m. accord; agreement emotion agudo sharp, pointed; acute
estar de acuerdo con to be in afeitarse to shave aguijonear to sting
agreement with aferrarse to seize aguja f. needle; knitting needle
acunar to cradle afiebrado feverish agujereado full of holes
acusar to accuse afirmar to affirm; to brace agujero m. hole
adecuado fitting, suitable afirmativamente affirmatively ahí there, over there
adelantar to advance; to pass afligir to cause pain, to afflict ahí mismo right there
adelante ahead; forward afligirse to worry; to grieve ahijadero m. lambing
¡adelante! (interj.) go ahead! aflorar to fill; to emerge ahijado m. godson
come in! africano African ahogado drowned; muffled
de aquí en adelante from now afuera outside ahora now; presently
on afueras f. pl. suburbs, outskirts ahora mismo right now
más adelante further on; later agachar to lower; to bend down ahora sí certainly now
adelgazar to thin out; to lose agarrar to grasp, to hold on; por ahora for the present
weight to overpower ahorros m. savings
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ahumado smoky alegre happy alrededor m. environs

ahuyentar to drive away alegría f. gaiety, joy a su alrededor all around
aire m. air; demeanor alejar(se) to move aside, to move (himself or herself)
aislar to isolate away; to leave, to go away alrededor de around,
aislarse to seclude oneself, alelado confused, stupid surrounding
to isolate oneself alemán m. German altibajos m. pl. ups and downs;
aislamiento m. isolation alfabetización f. literacy vicissitudes
ajar to fade, to wilt alfiler m. pin altillo m. attic
ajedrez m. chess alfombra f. carpet altivo proud, arrogant
ajeno foreign; another’s alfombrado carpeted alto high, tall; top; loud
ajeno de (adj.) unaware of alforja f. saddlebag a las altas horas very late
ajetreo m. bustle, agitation algo m. something, some en alto in the air; up high
ajuar m. trousseau algo (adv.) somewhat en lo alto at the top
ajustado tight-fitting algodón m. cotton en voz alta aloud
ajustar to adjust algodón de azúcar cotton altura f. height; attitude
al (+ inf.) upon (+ -ing) candy a estas alturas now; at this
ala f. wing alguien someone, somebody juncture
alabar to praise algún (adj. & pron.) some, any alucinante hallucinating
alambrada f. wire fencing alguna vez now and then; alumbrar to light up
alambrado m. wire fence sometimes alumno m. student
alambre m. wire algunas horas a few hours alusión f. allusion; reference
alameda f. tree-lined path alguno some, any; someone alzado constructed
álamo m. poplar alienación f. alienation alzar to lift up, to raise; to
alargar to extend, to hand aliento m. breath; sound construct
something to another alimentar to feed alzarse to rise
alarido m. shout alimento m. nourishment, food amable amiable, kind; lovable;
alarmar to alarm dar alimento to nourish, to gracious; affable
alarmarse to become alarmed feed amado loved
alba f. dawn alisar to smooth, to stroke, amanecer m. dawn, daybreak
albañil m. mason to pet amanecer v. to dawn
albeante white aliviar to alleviate amante m. & f. lover, sweetheart
alborotado agitated alivio m. relief amanar to secure, to fix
alborotar to agitate allá there amar to love
alborozado with merriment allá arriba on top, above amargo bitter
álbum m. album más allá beyond amarillento yellowish
alcalde m. mayor allanar to level; to overcome amarillo yellow
alcance m. reach allí there amarillo canario canary yellow
al alcance m. within reach alma f. soul, heart, spirit amarrar to tie; to moor
alcanfor m. camphor amigas del alma f. best ambiente m. environment,
alcantarilla f. sewer friends atmosphere
alcanzar to reach; to attain partir el alma to break one’s ambientación f. scenery
alcé (pret. alzar) I raised heart ámbito m. atmosphere
alcoba f. bedroom almorzar (ue) to have lunch amilanarse to become terrified
aldea f. village almuerzo m. lunch ambos both
faenas aldeanas f. village alojamiento m. lodging amedrentado frightened
chores alpargata f. hemp sandal amenaza f. threat
aldeano m. villager alquería f. farm amenazar to menace, to threaten
alegrarse to be glad, to rejoice; alquilar to rent amenguar to diminish
to make oneself happy alquiler m. rent americano American
280 Vocabulario ALBUM

ametralladora f. machine gun anillo m. ring apagado faded; turned off

amiga/s f. friend/s me viene como anillo al dedo apagar to extinguish, to put out;
amigo m. friend it fits me like a glove to turn off; to die out; to
amigas del alma f. pl. best animado animated, lively soften colors
friends animal m. animal apalear to beat, to whip
amigo de correrías cohort in animalito m. (dim. animal) dear aparato m. machine
escapades animal aparcería f. partnership
amiguito m. (dim. amigo) dear junta de protección a aparcero m. sharecropper
friend, good friend animalitos society for the aparecer to appear; to show up
amilanarse to become cowed, to protection of animals aparentar to appear, to seem
be intimidated ánimo m. courage aparición f. apparition;
aminorar to lessen dar ánimos to encourage appearance
aminorar la marcha to slow darse ánimo to be encouraged apariencia f. appearance; aspect;
down animar to encourage sign, indication
amistad f. friendship aniquilar to destroy apartar to separate
amito m. (dim. amo) little anoche last night aparte aside; separately; apart
master; beloved master anochecer m. nightfall, dusk aparte de besides
amo m. owner; master anochecer(se) to grow dark apasionado passionate
amohinarse to become annoyed ansia f. longing apear to put down; to help
amor m. love ansiedad f. anxiety dismount
amor propio self-esteem ansiosamente anxiously apearse to get off
amor no correspondido ansioso anxious, worried apenar to hurt
unrequited love ante before, in front of; in the apenas barely
amparar to shelter, to protect presence of apenas murmurado barely
amplio broad anterior former; previous whispering
análisis m. analysis día anterior m. day before apéndice m. appendix
analizar to analyze anteriormente formerly; apersogar to tie (an animal)
anca f. rump; croup previously apesadumbrado anxious,
ancho wide antes before; sooner; earlier mournful
anciana f. elderly woman antes bien on the contrary apesadumbrar to be anxious;
anciano m. elderly man antes de before, in front of to grieve
ancianos the elderly antes de que before apetecible attractive
anda (fam. com. andar) antes que rather than; before apilado piled up
come on anticipado anticipated apiñarse to crowd
anda f. stretcher; litter por anticipado in advance apisonar to trample
andamio m. scaffolding anticipar to anticipate aplastar to crush
andanza f. occurrence, event antigüedad f. antique aplaudir to applaud
andar to walk; to run; to antiguo former; old aplicar to apply
function; to act antorcha f. torch apocado timid
andariego wandering; swift anunciar to announce apoderado m. attorney
de pies muy andariegos very anuncio m. announcement apoderar to take charge
fond of walking añadir to add apoderarse to seize
andén m. railway; platform año m. year apogeo m. height
andrajoso ragged tener… años to be . . . years old aporrear to beat
anestesia f. anesthesia añorado longed-for, beloved aportar to contribute
angustia f. anxiety añoranza f. longing apoyado supported
angustiado distressed añorar to long for, to miss apoyar to lean
angustioso painful, anguished ansiedad f. anxiety; impatience apoyarse to support oneself
anhelante anxious apacible peaceful, placid aprender to learn
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apresurar to hasten, to hurry armar to rig up, to assemble, to asegurar to assure; to secure
apresurarse to hurry put together; to cause asemejarse to resemble
apretado tight; compact; thick armar una to make a row, to asentado set, planted
apretar (ie) to tighten; to cause an altercation asentir (ie, i) to agree
squeeze; armario m. wardrobe asesinar to murder, to assassinate
to press; to clench armazón f. framework asesinato m. murder,
apretar el paso to quicken armonía f. harmony assassination
one’s pace aroma m. aroma así so, thus; like this
aprisa swiftly arquitecto m. architect así es that is how
aprisionar to imprison; to fasten, arrancar to uproot; to pull out; Así mismo. Exactly.
to hold to start asiento m. seat
aprobar (ue) to approve arrastrar to drag along asignar to assign
apropiado appropriate arrebato m. fit, rage asignatura f. work
aprovecharse to make use (of) arreglar to adjust; to arrange; asistir to attend
aproximadamente approximately to settle; to fix; to put in order asomar to show, to appear
aproximarse to move near, arreglarse to adjust; to settle; asombrado astonished, amazed
to approach to arrange; to conform asombro m. astonishment; fright;
apuntar to write down; to aim; arrellanado comfortable surprise
to point arremolinar to whirl aspecto m. aspect
apurado in a hurry arremolinarse to mill around áspero harsh, rough; bitter
apurarse to worry; to hurry arrepentido sorry, penitent aspiradora f. vacuum cleaner
no te apures (fam. neg. com. arrepentimiento m. repentance, aspirar to inhale, to breathe in;
apurarse) don’t worry regret to aspire
aquel (dem. adj.) that arriba up, upward; above, asterisco m. asterisk
aquél (dem. pron.) that (one) upstairs astro m. star
aquello that allá arriba on top, above astucia f. cunning, craftiness
aquí here de arriba abajo up and down astuto astute, sly
de aquí en adelante from escalera arriba upstairs asumir to adopt, to take on
now  on arribar to arrive asustado frightened, scared
de por aquí in the vicinity, arribó (pret. arribar) arrived asustar to frighten, to scare
around here arriendo rent asustarse to become frightened;
por aquí this way; through en arriendo rented to startle
here, here, around here arrimarse to lean against or upon; atado m. bundle
araña f. spider to approach, to draw near atado tied
huevos de araña spider eggs arrodillarse to kneel down atar to tie, to fasten, to bind
árbol m. tree arrogante arrogant; spirited ató su lengua she/he prevented
arbusto m. bush arrojar to throw herself/himself from speaking
arcano mysterious arrojarse to throw oneself atardecer m. late afternoon, early
arder to burn arrollar to wind evening
ardiente burning hot arroyo m. stream; river bed atardecer to draw toward evening
arena f. sand arroz m. rice atemorizar to frighten
arenas movedizas f. arrugado wrinkled atención f. attention
quicksand arrugar to wrinkle llamar la atención to attract
arenga f. political speech arruinar to destroy attention
arenoso sandy arte m. art (pl. las artes f. the arts) prestar atención to pay
argamasa f. mortar artículo m. article attention
argumento m. plot; argument asa f. handle atender (ie) to pay attention; to
aristocrático aristocratic asado roasted attend (to), to take care (of)
arma f. weapon, firearm asalto m. assault, attack atendido attended to
282 Vocabulario ALBUM

aterrar (ie) to pull down; to aventura f. adventure bandera f. flag

destroy aventurilla f. (dim. aventura) bando m. faction, side
atinar to manage; to hit upon; little adventure bañadito (dim. bañado) (nicely)
to find out averiguarlo to check it bathed
atónito astounded, aghast, ávidamente eagerly bañado m. swampy area;
astonished, surprised ayer yesterday marshland
atractivo attractive ayuda f. help bañar(se) to bathe
atraer to attract ayudante m. & f. adjutant, baño m. bath; bathroom
atrapar to trap assistant barba f. beard; chin
atrás back: backward; behind ayudar to help bárbaro savage, barbaric
de atrás back azar m. chance; fate; destiny barbotar to sputter
echar para atrás to throw back juego de azar game of chance barbullar to blabber, to chatter
mucho tiempo atrás a long azotar to whip, to beat barco m. boat
time ago azotea f. flat roof barda f. wall
volverse atrás to go back azúcar m. & f. sugar barra f. arm of a chair; bar; loaf
atravesar (ie) to cross, to go algodón de azúcar cotton barrer to sweep
across candy barrera f. barrier; obstacle
atreverse to dare, to risk roscas de azúcar sugar donuts barrera generacional
atrevido daring azul blue generation gap
atrevimiento m. daring azul mojado intense blue barretero m. miner, drill runner
atribuir to assign; to attribute azul pavo peacock blue barriga f. belly
atributo m. characteristic azul prusia Prussian blue barrio m. quarter; neighborhood,
atropellando knocking down azuloso bluish color district
atroz cruel, atrocious base f. base
aturdido stunned B bastante (adj.) enough
atusar to smooth down babosa f. foolish person (female) bastante (adv.) enough; fairly
audacia f. daring baboso m. foolish person (male) bastar to be enough; to suffice
auditivo relating to the sense baile m. dance bastarle con to be sufficient for
of hearing bajar to lower; to take down; to someone
aullar to howl go down basta de enough of
aullido m. howl, cry bajarse to bend down; to get bastón m. cane
aumentar to increase off; to get down basura f. trash
aun even bajo (adj.) low; short batir(se) to beat, to batter; to
aun cuando although, even if, bajo (adv.) low, softly bear down
even though bajo (prep.) under, beneath bautismo m. baptism
aún still, yet, already bajón m. decline bautizar to baptize
aunque though, although bala f. bullet bayoneta f. bayonet
ausencia f. absence balancear to balance belleza f. beauty
ausente absent balancearse to swing; to roll, belleza encendida fiery beauty
auténtico authentic to rock bello beautiful, fair
automóvil m. automobile balanceo m. balancing; rocking bellota f. acorn
autor m. author balazo m. gunshot bendito blessed; cursed
autora f. author balbucear to stammer beneficio m. benefit, profit
autorial of the author balido m. bleat berza f. cabbage
autoridad f. authority banda f. band; border, edge; besar to kiss
avanzar to advance bank, shore beso m. kiss
ave f. fowl, bird banda sonora f. soundtrack bestia f. beast
avenida f. avenue bandada f. flock Biblia f. Bible
aventajar to be ahead bandeja f. tray biblioteca f. library
ALBUM Vocabulario 283

bicho m. bug; animal botín m. loot, booty C

mal bicho mischievous creature botón m. button caballeriza f. stable
bien well; readily; very; indeed bracero m. day laborer caballero m. gentleman, sir
hombría de bien honor; honesty brasa f. live coal, red-hot coal caballete m. roof ridge
más bien rather brasero m. brazier caballito m. (dim. caballo) little
venirle a uno bien to be bravo m. brave; fierce; mad horse
becoming; to fit well brazo m. arm caballitos m. pl. merry-go-round
bifurcar to divide, to branch, to breve brief, short caballo m. horse
fork brevemente briefly montar a caballo to ride
bigote m. moustache brillante m. diamond horseback
billete m. ticket; bill brillante (adj.) bright, shining cabaña f. cabin
bilingüismo m. bilingualism verde brillante bright green cabecita f. (dim. cabeza) little
bisabuelos m. pl. great- brillar to shine head
grandparents brillo m. brightness, brilliance cabello m. hair
blanco white cobrar brillo to shine caber to fit
bloque m. block brincar to jump no cabe duda there is no doubt
blusa f. blouse brioso spirited cabestro m. rope
bobo silly brisa f. breeze cabeza f. head
boca f. mouth broma f. joke, jest, fun cabezal m. headrest
boca abajo facedown en broma in jest cabida f. space
bocanada f. huge puff brotar to sprout up; to gush; to cabizbajo head down;
boda f. wedding come forth melancholy
bodega f. grocery store; wine bruja f. witch cabo m. end, tip
vault; cellar, storeroom brujo m. sorcerer al cabo finally, after all
bola f. battlefield; ball bruma f. mist llevar a cabo to carry out,
boleto m. ticket brusco brusque, blunt to accomplish
bolígrafo m. ballpoint pen brutal brutal cacarear to cackle, to crow
bolsillo m. pocket brutísimo extremely coarse, cacerola f. container; pot
bolso m. bag brutish cachete m. punch
bombilla f. lightbulb bucear to dive cacho m. small amount, bit
bombillo m. electric-light globe; buche m. mouthful cachorro m. cub; puppy
lightbulb haga buches gargle cada each, every
bombo m. lottery drum bucle m. ringlet cada vez each time
bombón m. candy buen good (before masculine cada vez más more and more
bondad f. kindness singular nouns) cadena f. chain; leash
bondadoso kind, generous bueno good; kind; well maciza cadena heavy leash
bonito pretty Burdeos Bordeaux cadera f. hip
boquiabierto openmouthed burlar to mock; to deceive caer to fall
borde m. edge, border; side burlarse de to make fun of a mí me caía bien I liked him
hasta los bordes to the brim bullicio m. bustle caer bien to like
bordear to skirt, to border bulto m. shape dejar caer to drop
borrar to erase, to rub out; to burro m. donkey se me caen las cosas things
cross out, to obscure busca f. search fall out
borroso blurry en busca de in search of café m. café; coffee
bosque m. forest woodland buscar to look for; to search caído (p.p. caer) fallen
bostezo m. yawn buscó a tientas he groped for caja f. box
bota f. boot busquen (for. com. buscar) cajita f. (dim. caja) small box
botella f. bottle search, look for cajón m. crate, box
botica f. pharmacy buzón m. letter box calabozo m. prison
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calcular to calculate cana f. gray hair carcajada f. big laugh

calentar (ie) to warm, to heat canario m. canary tirar una carcajada to burst
cálido warm amarillo canario canary yellow into laughter
caliente hot canasta f. basket carcancha f. automobile
calificar to describe canastilla f. (dim. canasta) little carcanchita f. (dim. carcancha)
calladamente silently basket jalopy
callado silent, mysterious cancel m. & f. screen cárcel f. jail, prison
callar to be quiet cancel de tela curtain carente lacking
calle f. street puerta cancel screen door carga f. load
calle abajo down the street canción f. song cargado burdened, loaded
callejuela f. side street, back street canción de cuna f. lullaby cargadores m. pl. suspenders
calma f. calm, calmness canción de la película f. theme cargadores elásticos
calmar to calm, to soothe; to song suspenders
abate temblando una canción cargar to load; to carry; to burden;
calmarse to calm down singing a song to charge; to entrust with
calor m. heat; warmth candente hot cargar con to carry
hacer calor to be hot, to be cansado tired, weary, exhausted, caricia f. caress
warm (weather) worn out caridad f. charity
tener calor to be hot, to be cansancio m. tiredness, fatigue cariño m. love; affection
warm (people) cansar to tire cariñoso affectionate
caluroso warm cansarse to become tired, cariñosamente affectionately
cama f. bed to become weary carnal carnal, sensual
camanchaca f. dense fog cantar to sing carne f. meat, flesh
cámara f. camera cantidad f. quantity, amount carnear to butcher, to slaughter;
cambiar to change; to exchange cantimplora f. canteen to kill
cambiarse de barrio to move cantina f. bar, tavern carnet m. identification card
away cantinela f. ballad, song caro expensive
cambio m. change, alteration canto m. singing carpa f. tent; tarp; awning
en cambio on the other hand cañada f. gully; cattle trail carpeta f. folder; table cover
caminante m. walker cañar m. canefield carrera f. run; race; bet
caminar to walk; to go; to travel, cañón m. cannon; barrel (of a gun) una carrera mal ganada a bet
to journey capa f. layer; cloak unfairly won
caminillo m. (dim. camino) path capaces (s. capaz) capable carretera f. road, highway
camino m. road, way; journey capataz m. foreman; forester carretilla f. small cart, push cart
a medio camino halfway capaz capable carrillos m. pl. cheeks
de camino on the road capitalino relative to the capital carro m. car; wagon, cart
camión m. truck; bus city carta f. letter
camisa f. shirt; slip; gown capítulo m. chapter cartaginense Carthaginian
campamento, m. camp; mining capota f. roof cartera f. wallet
camp capturar to capture cartero m. mailman
campana f. bell cara f. face cartilla f. small cart
campanario m. belltower cara a cara face to face cartón m. cardboard
campanazo m. strike (of a bell) carabina f. carbine, rifle cartucho m. cartridge;
campeón m. champion carácter m. character supermarket bag
campesino m. peasant, farmer característica f. characteristic casa f. house
campito m. (dim. campo) dear caracterizar to characterize casa de placer f. brothel
land; little field carajo m. blast it ir a casa to go home
campo m. field, countryside; ¿qué carajo? what the devil! casado married
camp; land caramelo m. candy casal m. couple
ALBUM Vocabulario 285

casarse to marry, to get married céntrico central chirrido m. chirping; creaking

casco m. miner’s helmet, helmet centro m. downtown; center chispa f. spark
casero homemade ceñido held chiste m. joke
casi almost cerca f. fence chocante startling
casita f. (dim. casa) little house cerca near chocita f. (dim. choza) little hut,
caso m. case; event cerca de near little shack
en todo caso in any case de cerca close by chopera f. grove of black poplar
no hacer caso de to ignore más cercano closer trees
casona f. large house cercanía f. nearby chorro m. spurt, spout
castañetear to chatter cercanías f. pl. surrounding a chorros abundantly, in floods
castaño m. chestnut tree area choza f. hut, shack
castaño (adj.) chestnut-colored cercar to enclose, to surround chucho m. dog (colloquial)
castaño parejo even cerebro m. mind, brain chupada f. puff
chestnut-colored ceremonia f. ceremony chupar to puff
casualidad f. chance, coincidence cerrado closed cicatriz f. scar
catedral f. cathedral cerradura f. lock ciclo m. cycle
catedrático m. professor cerrar (ie) to close ciego blind
católico Catholic a medio cerrar to half-close; cielo m. sky, heavens
catorce fourteen half closed cielorraso m. flat ceiling
caudal m. volume of flow cerro m. hill cien hundred, a hundred, one
caudaloso abundant; large, cerrojo m. bolt; lock hundred
mighty (river) certeza f. certainty cierto certain, sure; true
causa f. cause cerveza f. beer cigarrillo m. cigarette
a causa de because of, on cesar to cease cigarro m. cigarette, cigar
account of cesto m. basket cima f. top
cauteloso cautious chal m. shawl cine m. cinema, movie theater
cautivar to captivate chaleco m. waistcoat, vest guión de cine movie script
cauto cautious champú m. shampoo cineasta m.& f. filmmaker
cayado m. walking stick chamuscado scorched cinegético relating to hunting
cayó (pret. caer) you (for.)/he/ chaqueta f. jacket cinta f. strip, ribbon; tape
she/it fell charco m. pond cintura f. waist
cazar to hunt charlar to talk, to chat; to chatter cinturón m. belt
cebar to stuff; to prime charol m. patent leather circunstancia f. circumstance;
ceder to give up chasco m. trick condition
cegada impossible to see through dar chasco to play a trick circunvecino neighboring
ceja f. eyebrow chica f. girl ciruela f. plum
celajes m. pl. sky with many-hued chico m. boy cisura f. scar; incision
clouds chico (adj.) small cita f. engagement; date;
celeste heavenly chicotazo m. blow with a whip quotation
celos m. pl. jealousy chillar to sizzle; to squeak; to citar to list; to mention
cementerio m. cemetery shriek ciudad f. city
cenar to have supper chillo m. scream ciudadano m. citizen
cenicero m. ashtray chimenea f. fireplace clamar to cry out
ceniza f. ash chiquillo m. (dim. chico) little claramente clearly
miércoles de ceniza Ash child, youngster; lad, little claridad f. clarity, brightness
Wednesday boy claridad de hogar household
centello m. flash chiquitín m. (dim. chico) baby, light
centenar m. hundred infant claro (adj.) clear; indisputable
central central chirriar to chirp claro que sí of course
286 Vocabulario ALBUM

claro (adv.) clearly color m. coloring; complexion; complementar to complement

clase f. classroom; kind, class color completamente completely
sala de clase classroom coloración f. coloring completo complete
clausura f. closure colorado red, reddish por completo completely
clavado driven by colorido colorful cómplice m. & f. accomplice,
clavar to nail; to fix combatir to combat, to fight partner
clavarse to rivet against componente m. component
clave f. key comedia f. comedy comportamiento m. behavior,
clavo m. nail, iron spike comedor m. dining room; cafeteria conduct
clientela f. clients, clientele comején m. termite; wood-fretter comportar to behave, to act
clima m. climate moth composición f. composition
clímax m. climax comentar to comment on; to comprar to buy
coartada f. alibi gossip comprender to understand, to
cobarde m. & f. coward comenzar (ie) to begin, to comprehend
cobardemente (adv.) cowardly commence comprobar to check; to
cobardía f. cowardice comer to eat experience
cobertor m. bedspread dar de comer to feed comprometerse to become
cobrar to recover; to acquire, to comercio m. business engaged
get; to collect; to charge cometer to commit compuesto (p.p. componer)
cobrar brillo to shine comicios m. elections composed
cobrarse simpatía to become comida f. food; meal; supper común common
fond of each other comienzo m. beginning comunal common, communal
cobre m. copper como as, like; how; since comunicar to connect; to
coche m. car a como dé lugar somehow communicate
cocido cooked cómo no why not; of course comunicarse to communicate
cocina f. kitchen como si as if comunidad f. community
cocinar to cook como si le costara as if it were con with
codo m. angle, bend; elbow hard for him con extrañeza with surprise,
coger to grab, to catch; to hold como siempre as always surprisedly
cognado m. cognate tan pronto como as soon as con frecuencia frequently
cojo (pres. coger) I grab cómoda f. bureau, chest of con furia furiously
col f. cabbage drawers con gracejo wittily
cola f. tail cómodamente comfortably con ingenuidad innocently
hacer cola to wait in line cómodo comfortable con lentitud slowly
colchón m. mattress compa m. (compañero) buddy con picardía playfully
colección f. collection compadecer to pity con prisa hurriedly
colegio m. secondary school compadecido pitied con respecto a with regard to
cólera f. anger compadre m. friend; godfather con tal (de) que provided that
colérico irritable compañero m. companion, pal; para con toward
coletazo m. pang; slap of the tail schoolmate; workmate concavidad f. inner space, hollow
colgado hung compañía f. company conceder to concede, to grant;
colgar (ue) to hang, to suspend comparar to compare to agree
colilla f. cigarette butt compartir to share concertarse to go together;
colina f. hill compasión f. compassion, pity to agree on
colmo m. top compasivo sympathetic conciencia f. conscience
Esto es el colmo. This is the competencia f. competition concierto m. concert
limit. competir (i,i) to compete concurso m. competition; (dog)
colocar to place complacerse to take pleasure or show
coloquial colloquial satisfaction (in); to be content condenar to condemn; to convict
ALBUM Vocabulario 287

condensado condensed consentir (ie,i) to consent, to conversación f. conversation

leche condensada condensed allow, to agree darle conversación to converse
milk conserje m. & f. caretaker; with
condición f. condition concierge conversar to converse
condicional conditional consideración f. consideration convertir (ie,e) to convert
conduciendo when at the wheel, consigo with himself/herself/ convertirse (ie,e) to become
driving itself convicción f. conviction
conducir to lead; to drive (a car) consiguiente consequent convivencia f. living together in
confeccionar to make por consiguiente consequently, harmony
confesado confessed therefore copa f. drink
confesar (ie) to confess consiguió (pret. conseguir) was coqueteo m. flirtation
confesión f. confession able to corazón m. heart
confianza f. confidence, trust consistir to consist corbata f. necktie
confina f. limit consistir en to consist of cordal f. wisdom tooth
conflicto m. conflict consola f. console table; corderito m. (dim. cordero) little
conformar to conform; to wall table lamb
comfort constancia f. perseverance, cordero m. lamb
confrontar to bring face to face constancy un costillar de cordero a side
confrontarse con to face, to constante constant of lamb
confront constantemente constantly cordial cordial
confundido confused, constelación f. constellation cordialmente cordially
confounded construcción f. construction cordillera f. mountain range
confundir to confuse construido constructed cordoncillo m. embroidery
confundirse to be mixed up construir to construct córneo of hard material like horn
confusión f. confusion consultar to consult cornisa f. cornice
confuso confused consultorio m. medical office coronación f. coronation,
conmemorar to commemorate contacto m. contact crowning; finishing touch
conmigo with me, with myself contagiado infected corpúsculo m. corpuscle;
conmigo mismo with my own contar (ue) to count; to tell microbe
self contar con to count on corral m. corral, barnyard
conmovedor moving, touching contemplar to contemplate correcto correct
conmover (ue) to move contento happy, content corredizo easily untied
conmoviendo touching contestación f. answer corredor m. corridor
conocer to know; to meet; to be contestar to answer corregir (i,i) to correct
aware of contexto m. context correo (correos) m. mail; post
conocido known; well known contigo with you (fam.), with office
conocimiento m. knowledge yourself echar al correo to mail
conquistador m. conqueror continuación f. continuation correr to run; to slip away
conquistar to conquer continuar to continue correr por to run down
consagrar to consecrate; to continuidad f. continuity correspondencia f.
dedicate continuo continous correspondence
consecuencia f. consequence contra against; toward; facing corresponder to correspond
conseguido achieved contraer to contract corrido m. Mexican folk song;
conseguir (i,i) to obtain, to get; contrastante contrasting embarrassed
to manage contrastar to contrast de corrido quickly by heart
consejo m. counsel, advice; contraste m. contrast corriendo running
council contratista m. & f. contractor corriente f. current, flow
consejo sumarísimo court convencer to convince cortar to cut
martial convenir to agree corto short
288 Vocabulario ALBUM

cortés courteous, polite cruzado crossed cuenta f. bill

cortesía f. courtesy cruzar to cross a la cuenta seemingly,
cortina f. curtain cuaderno m. notebook apparently
corva f. back of the knee cuadra f. block; stable; group of darse cuenta de to realize
cosa f. thing houses por su cuenta on one’s own
cosecha f. harvest cuadradito m. (dim. cuadrado) cuento m. short story
cosquilleo m. tickle little square cuerda f. rope
costa f. (sea) coast cuadrado (adj. & m. n.) square cuerdo sane
costado m. side, flank cuadro m. picture, portrait; cuero m. leather; skin
costalazo m. bump, bang (from square cuerpecillo m. (dim. cuerpo)
falling on side or back) a cuadros plaid little body
costar (ue) to cost; to be cual (adj. & pron.) which cuerpecillos de oro golden
difficult el cual which; who rays
como si le costara as if it were lo cual which cuerpo m. body; matter;
hard for him por lo cual for which reason corporation
costear to go along cuál (interrog. adj. & pron.) cuesta f. hill
costilla f. rib which; what; which one cuesta abajo downhill
costillar m. rib; back cualidad f. characteristic, quality cuestión f. question; quarrel;
un costillar de cordero a side cualquier any; anyone; matter
of lamb whichever por cuestión de because of the
costumbre f. custom, habit cuan as matter of
de costumbre usual cuán how; how much cuidado m. care
cráneo m. head cuando when; although; in case; tener cuidado to be careful
crear to create since cuidar to take care of; to watch
crecer to grow; to increase; to aun cuando even if, even over
rise; to swell; to grow up though, although culebra f. snake
creciente growing cuando más at most culpa f. blame, guilt, fault; sin;
crecimiento m. growth cuando menos at least offense
creencia f. belief cuando quiera whenever tener la culpa to be guilty, to
creer to believe de cuando en cuando from be to blame
crepúsculo m. dusk time to time culpabilidad f. guilt
creyendo (pres. p. creer) cuanto as much as; respecting; as culpable guilty
believing, thinking many culpar to blame, to accuse
creyó (pret. creer) you (for.)/ en cuanto as soon as cultivo m. farming, tillage,
believed, thought en cuanto a with regard to cultivation
criado m. servant cuaresma f. Lent cumplir to become true; to be
criar to bring up, to rear; to cuartel m. barracks fulfilled
nourish; to grow cuarto m. room cumplirse to fulfill oneself
criatura f. creature; child cuarto (adj.) fourth cuna f. cradle
criba f. sieve cuartos (dinero) m. pl. money canción de cuna lullaby
crimen m. crime cubierta f. cover cura m. priest
crin f. mane cubierto covered curar to cure
cristal m. crystal; glass cubierto de sal covered with curiosear to browse
cristalino crystalline salt curiosidad f. curiosity
cristalizado crystallized cubilete m. dice box; box curioso curious; neat; careful
crueldad f. cruelty cuchichear to whisper curso m. course
crujido m. cracking, creaking; cuchillo m. knife curso escolar schoolyear
crunch; rustle cucurucú m. cooing custodia f. custody
crujir to creak cuello m. neck; collar cuyo of which; whose; of whom
ALBUM Vocabulario 289

D de entonces at that time décimo m. tenth

dale constantly de espaldas with one’s back decir to say, to tell
danzar to dance turned decir al oído to whisper
dañar to injure, to harm de frente straight ahead decir palabra to speak
daño m. damage, injury de fuera from outside, on the decir que no to say no
hacer daño to hurt, to harm outside decir que sí to say yes
dar to give de improviso unexpectedly decirse to be called; to say
dar a luz to give birth de inmediato right away oír decir to hear (people) say
dar alimento to feed, to de la mano hand in hand querer decir to mean
nourish de la mañana in the morning decisión f. decision
dar ánimos to encourage de la noche of the night; at declarar to declare, to make
dar chasco to play a trick night known
dar de comer to feed de lado sideways; tilted declinar to decline; to draw to a
dar en to hit upon, to succeed de lado a lado from side to side close
in de lágrimas with tears decretar to decide; to decree
dar fe to bear witness de manera que so that decreto m. command, decree
dar la vuelta to turn around de más extra; for nothing dedicar to dedicate
dar las ocho to be eight de memoria by heart dedicarse to devote oneself
o’clock de momento for a moment dedo m. finger
dar las once to be eleven de noche at night, by night me viene como anillo al dedo
o’clock de nuevo again it fits me like a glove
dar lástima to be pitiful de pérdida en pérdida from punta de los dedos fingertip
dar media vuelta to turn loss to loss defecto m. defect
around de pie standing, firm, steady defender (ie) to defend, to
dar trabajo to be difficult de pies muy andariegos very protect
dar un paso to take a step fond of walking defenderse (ie) to defend
dar una vuelta to turn around; de prisa quickly, hurriedly defensa f. defense
to take a stroll de pronto suddenly definir to define
dar vela to give an excuse de repente suddenly definitivo definitive
dar vuelta to turn over de rodillas on one’s knees deformar to deform
dar vueltas to fuss about; to de sobre on top of degenerar to degenerate
shift back and forth de una vez in one stroke, all at dejar to leave; to let go; to allow,
darle conversación to converse once to let
with de vez en cuando occasionally dejar a uno con un palmo de
darse to give up; to devote de vez en vez once in a while narices to disappoint one of
oneself dé (for. com. dar) give success
darse ánimo to be encouraged debajo beneath dejar caer to drop
darse cuenta de to realize por debajo de underneath dejar de to stop
darse el gusto to give oneself deber m. obligation dejarse to allow oneself
the pleasure, to enjoy deber to have to, ought to; dejó de pedalear you (for.)/he/
darse por satisfecho to to owe she/it stopped pedaling
consent; to be content deber de should, must dejó caer (pret. dejar caer) you
de of, from; about debía ser must have been (for.)/he/she/it dropped
de camino on the road debido due, owed dejo m. hint, trace
de cerca close by debido a due to delantal m. apron
de cuando en cuando from débil weak, feeble, faint delante before, ahead, in front
time to time década decade delante de before, ahead of, in
de enfrente in front of; decidido determined, decided front of
opposite decidir to decide delantero front
290 Vocabulario ALBUM

delgado thin desamparado m. homeless desde since; from; after

delinear to outline, to delineate person desde entonces since then
delito m. crime desaparecer to disappear desde hace horas for hours
demás other desarmar to take apart; to desde hace un tiempo for some
lo demás the rest disarm time now
los demás the others desarrollar(se) to develop; desde lejos from a distance,
demasiado too much; too many to take place; to unroll; to from afar
déme (for. com. dar) give me unfold desde siempre from the
demonio m. devil desarrollo m. development beginning of time
demora f. delay desasosegar (ie) to worry; to desdentado toothless
demorar to delay disturb desear to desire, to wish done
demorar en irse to linger desatar to untie desembocar to come out, to
demorarse to slow down desayunar to have breakfast empty, to flow
denotar to express desayuno m. breakfast desempacar to unpack
denso dense, thick desazonar to upset, to displease desempeñar to perform
dentadura f. set of teeth descalzarse to take off one’s shoes desenlace m. outcome, result,
dentista m. & f. dentist and socks ending
dentro inside; within descansar to rest desensillar to unsaddle
dentro de within descarado brazen, insolent, desenterrado unearthed, dug
por dentro on the inside impudent up, disinterred
deparar to offer descaradamente impudently desentonar to wound someone’s
departamento m. apartment descartar to discard pride; to be out of place
depender de to depend on descargado discharged (empty) deseo m. desire, wish
dependienta f. shop clerk descargar to unload; to desesperación f. desperation
deportivo sporting discharge; to free; to brace acceso de desesperación
depositar to deposit descender (ie) to descend, to outburst
derecha f. right hand; right-hand go down desesperadamente desperately
side descifrar to decipher, to decode desesperado desperate, without
a la derecha right; on the right, descolorido pale hope
to the right desconectar to disconnect desesperanza f. hopelessness
derecho m. right, privilege desconfianza f. lack of desesperarse to become irritated;
derecho (adj.) straight confidence to become annoyed, to
derivar to derive desconocer to be ignorant of, to despair
derramar to spill be unaware of desfilar to parade
derrengar to cripple; to bend desconocido unknown; strange; desfile m. parade
derribar to destroy; to knock unfamiliar desfondado crumbling
down; to shoot descortés rude desgajar to separate
derrocar to overthrow descoyuntar to dislocate; to irse desgajando to separate
derrota f. defeat disjoint oneself
derrumbarse to collapse, to descretar to establish order desganado reluctant, listless
crumble describir to describe desganar to be listless
desabotonar to unbutton descripción f. description desgano m. reluctance
desabrochar to unbutton descubierto discovered, revealed desgarbadamente ungracefully
desacomodado disarranged descubrimiento m. discovery desgarrar to tear
desafiar to challenge descubrir to discover; to reveal, desgracia f. misfortune
desafío m. defiance, challenge to uncover deshacer to undo
desahogo m. comfort descuidado careless; unkempt deshacerse to get rid of
con desahogo comfortably descuido m. carelessness, deshonra f. disgrace
desairar to reject neglect desierto m. desert
ALBUM Vocabulario 291

desierto (adj.) deserted desprender to take off; to me detuve (pret. detenerse) I

desilusión f. disillusionment; emanate stopped
disappointment desprendimiento m. detachment detuvo (pret. detener) you (for.)/
desilusionante disappointing desprevenido unprepared he/she/it detained
desilusionar to disillusion después after, afterward se detuvo (pret. detenerse) you
desintegrarse to disintegrate, to después de after (for.)/he/she/it stopped
break up despuntar to dawn deuda f. debt
desistir to give up destacado outstanding devastador devastating
deslizarse to slide, to slip destacar to stand out; to devolver (ue) to return, to give
deslumbramiento m. dazzle, emphasize back
glare destejer to unravel, to unknit devoto devout, pious, devoted
deslumbrar to dazzle, to blind destemplado disagreeable, di (pret. dar) I gave
desmentir (ie,i) to contradict unpleasant; shrill di (fam. com. decir) say, tell
desmontar to dismantle desteñido faded día m. day
desobedecer to disobey desteñir (i,i) to discolor, to fade de día by day, in the daytime
desocupado free, vacant; desterrar to exile, to banish día anterior day before
unemployed destrabar to unbind, to loosen hoy (en) día nowadays
desolado desolate destraído (distraído) distracted todos los días every day
desollar to skin destreza f. dexterity un día de estos one of these
desosegado upset destripar to gut; to crush, to days
despachar to serve mangle diablo m. devil
despacio slow, slowly; at leisure; destrozar to destroy diálogo m. dialogue
in a low voice destrucción f. destruction diario daily
lo despacio how slowly destruido (p.p. destruir) dibujar to draw
despacito (dim. despacio) destroyed dibujo m. drawing; outline;
(rather) slowly destruir to destroy description
despechar to disgust; to become desvelar to be wakeful, to have dicha f. happiness
disgusted insomnia dicho m. remark
despedida f. farewell; leaving desvelo m. sleeplessness; mejor dicho rather
despedir (i,i) to dismiss watchfulness diciéndome (pres. p. decir)
despedirse (i,i) to take leave; desventaja f. disadvantage telling me
to say goodbye desyerbar to weed dictadura f. dictatorship
despegar to separate, to detach detalle m. detail diente m. tooth
despertar (ie) to awake, to wake detectar to detect diestra f. right hand
up detención f. detention, diestro skilled
despertarse (ie) to wake up detainment diez ten
despiadado pitiless, cruel detener to detain, to stop diferencia f. difference
despidió (pret. despedir) you detenerse to stop; to pause; to diferenciado differentiated
(for.)/he/she/it dismissed linger, to tarry diferenciar to differentiate
se despidió (pret. despedirse) detenidamente attentively, diferenciarse to differ
you (for.)/he/she/it took leave cautiously diferente different
of determinación f. determination difícil difficult
despiojar to delouse, to clean determinado determined; difícilmente with difficulty
oneself of lice specific dificultad f. difficulty
desplegar (ie) to unfold detestar to detest difunto deceased, dead
despliegue m. display, unfolding, detrás behind dignidad f. dignity
deployment detrasito (dim. detrás) right dije (pret. decir) I said
desplomar to collapse behind dijo (pret. decir) you (for.)/he/
desprecio m. disdain, contempt detuve (pret. detener) I detained she/it said, told
292 Vocabulario ALBUM

dile (fam. com. decir) tell him/ displicente casual dolor m. ache; pain; grief,
her disponerse to get ready sorrow
diluirse to fade, to become disponible available dolorido in pain
faded dispuesto ready, prepared; doloroso painful
diminutivo m. diminutive arranged; clever, skillful doméstico domestic
diminuto small, diminutive; disputa f. dispute, fight; dominar to check, to restrain;
minute struggle to master, to control, to
dinamita f. dynamite distancia f. distance dominate
dinero m. money distante distant, remote dominio m. dominion, power;
dio (pret. dar) gave distinguir to distinguish, to control
dios m. god differentiate doncella f. maiden
Dios m. God distinto distinct; different donde where
Dios lo quiera God willing distintos various, several ¿adónde? where?
dique m. reservoir distracción distraction ¿dónde? where?
director m. & f. director; distraer to distract por donde where
principal distraídamente distractedly donjuanesco womanizing
dirigente m. & f. director distraído distracted dorado golden
dirigido directed, addressed; distrajo (pret. distraer) you dormir (ue,u) to sleep, to be
guided (for.)/he/she/it distracted sleeping
dirigir to direct, to lead; to distribución f. distribution dormirse (ue,u) to sleep, to fall
address; to guide; to manage; disuadir to dissuade asleep
to steer diurno daytime un mal dormir a bad night’s
dirigirse to go; to turn disyuntiva f. dilemma sleep
discernir (ie) to discern, to diversión f. diversion; dormitar to doze
distinguish amusement dormitorio m. bedroom
disco m. phonographic record; parque de diversiones dote m. dowry
disk amusement park drama m. drama
discretamente discreetly diverso diverse; different dramático dramatic
disculpa f. excuse diversos several droga f. drug
disculparse to excuse oneself, to divertir (ie,i) to amuse, to duda f. doubt
apologize entertain no cabe duda there is no
discurso m. speech divertirse to enjoy, to doubt
discusión f. discussion have fun sin duda without a doubt,
discutir to discuss dividir to divide certainly
diseño m. design divisar to be invisible; to dudar to doubt, to question;
disfrazar to disguise distinguish to hesitate
disgusto m. displeasure, divorciar(se) to (obtain a) dueña f. owner, proprietress,
annoyance divorce mistress
disimuladamente reservedly, doblaje m. dubbing dueño m. owner, proprietor,
secretly doblar to bend; to turn master
disimular to conceal, to hide doblarse to fold; to double; to dulce sweet; pleasant
disiparse to disappear, to give in; to buckle dulzura f. gentleness,
dissipate doble double sweetness
disminuir to diminish, docena f. dozen duplicar to duplicate
to reduce media docena half dozen, six durante during, while
disminuyendo (ger. disminuir) doctor m. doctor durar to last; to remain
diminishing dólar m. dollar dureza f. harshness; difficulty
disoluto dissolute doler (ue) to ache, to hurt; to duro m. Spanish coin
disparar to shoot, to fire grieve duro (adj.) hard
ALBUM Vocabulario 293

E elegir (i,i) to elect; to choose, to en broma in jest

e and (used for y before i-, hi-) select en busca de in search of
echar to throw; to toss; to cast; to eliminado eliminated en cambio on the other hand
put in; to dismiss; to expel; to elogio m. praise, eulogy en cuanto as soon as
drive away; to lay (eggs) ella she; her; it en cuanto a with regard to
echar a to begin to; to burst out ellas (pl. ella) they; them en especial specially, in
(e.g., crying) ellos (pl. él) they; them particular
echar al correo to mail emanar to emanate, to result en general in general, generally
echar al suelo to tear down from en lo alto at the top
echar flores to toss flowers; to embarazo m. embarrassment; en los ratos during the short
court obstacle; pregnancy time
echar mano a to grab embargo m. embargo en lugar de instead of
echar para atrás to throw sin embargo nevertheless, en medio de in the middle of
back however en ninguna parte nowhere
echarse a to begin embobado fascinated en ratos at times; for short
echárselo to load him on embutir to insert; to pack tightly periods
económico economic embutirse to be crammed; to en realidad really, truly
edad f. age be packed tightly en seco high and dry
Edad Media Middle Ages emigrar to emigrate, to migrate en seguida at once,
la tercera edad f. golden age; emitir to emit; to issue immediately
senior citizenry empacar to pack; to crate en serio seriously
tener la edad para compren- empalizada f. (stockade) fence en tanto in the meantime
der to be old enough to empapado soaked en tren by train
understand empapar to wet, to soak en vano in vain
edificar to build; to edify emparejar to match up en vez de instead of
edificio m. building empecé (pret. empezar) I began enamorado m. lover, sweetheart
educado brought up empedrado m. cobblestone cartas de enamorados love
efectivamente effectively pavement letters
efectivo m. cash empellón m. push, shove enamorado (adj.) in love
efectivos m. pl. troops empeñarse to insist encajar to fit in
efecto m. effect emperatriz f. empress encaje m. lace
en efecto indeed; as a matter empezar (ie) to begin encaminar to go
of fact empiece/empiezo m. beginning encantado enchanted
por efecto de as a result of empleado m. employee encantamiento m. spell
efectos digitales m. pl. digital emplear to employ encantar to enchant, to charm
effects empleo m. job; task encarar to aim
efectos especiales m. pl. special empobrecido poverty-stricken encararse con to confront
effects emprendedor enterprising encarcelado jailed
efímero fleeting, ephemeral emprender to start encarcelamiento m.
¡Eh! Here! empujar to push, to shove imprisonment
ejemplo m. example empujón m. push encargado m. person in charge
ejercicio m. exercise empuñar to grip, to clutch encargo m. assignment; errand
ejército army en in; at; on encarnado incarnate, flesh-
él he; him; it de cuando en cuando from colored; red-faced
elástico elastic time to time encender (ie) to light; to ignite,
cargadores elásticos en actitud de mendigar in the to kindle, to inflame; to start
suspenders posture of begging (a car)
elegante elegant en alto in the air; up high encendido ignited, inflamed
elegido elected en balde in vain encerrado locked up
294 Vocabulario ALBUM

encharcado wet engarzado set entregado delivered; given up;

encía f. gum enhebrado threaded dedicated
encima above, overhead; besides, enjugar (ue) to dry, to wipe entregar to deliver; to give up
in addition enjuto slender entregárselas to give them to
encoger to shrivel, to shrink; to enloquecer to drive mad her
bend over enmarañar to tangle entremezclar to mix
encogerse los hombres to enmarañarse to get involved entretener to enertain
shrug one’s shoulders enmudecer to silence, hush entretenerse (ie) to amuse each
encontrar (ue) to encounter, to enojado mad, angry other; to amuse oneself
meet; to find enojar(se) to get angry entretenimiento m. pastime;
encontrarse (ue) to meet, enorme enormous entertainment
to meet each other; to be enrarecido rarefied entrevistar to interview
situated; to find oneself enredar to hamper, to entangle entristecer to sadden
encontrarse con to come upon enriquecer to enrich entusiasmado enthusiastic
encrespado curled enriquecerse to get rich, to entusiasmo m. enthusiasm
encuentro m. encounter, become rich entusiasta enthusiastic
meeting; clash enrollar to wind; to roll enumerar to list
endemoniado diabolical enrollarse to roll up; to peel off envasado canned; prefabricated
enderezarse to straighten oneself ensabanar to cover envasar to can
up, to stand up ensangrentado gory, bloody envejecer to age
endurecer to harden ensayar to try for enviar to send
endurecido hard; strong; ensayo m. essay envidia f. envy
obstinate enseguida immediately, right envidiable enviable
enebro m. common juniper away envolver (ue) to envelop
enemiga f. hatred, enmity; enemy enseñar to teach envuelto (p.p. envolver)
enemigo m. enemy ensombrecer to darken, to make enveloped
enemigo (adj.) hostile cloudy época f. epoch
energéticamente energetically ensordecedor deafening equilibrar to balance
energía f. energy ensueño m. dream state equivocar to mistake
enfadar to anger entender (ie) to understand equivocarse to make a mistake;
enfadarse to get angry enterar to inform to be wrong, to be mistaken
enfermarse to get sick enterarse de to find out about erguido lifted up
enfermedad f. illness entero m. whole erguir to raise, to lift up
enfiló drove down enterrar (ie) to bury erguirse to straighten up
enfrentamiento m. encounter entibiar to temper; to make erizo m. hedgehog; sea urchin;
enfrentar to face lukewarm spine, spike
enfrente facing, opposite entidad f. entity esbeltez f. slenderness
de enfrente in front of; entonces then esbelto svelte, slim, well-shaped
opposite de entonces at that time escabroso risqué, daring
enfrente a in front of desde entonces since then escasez f. limited nature, scarcity
enfrente de in front of; por entonces around that time escala f. scale
opposite entornado half-open escalar to climb, to scale
enfurecer to enrage, to infuriate entrada f. entrance escalera f. stairs, stairway,
enfurecerse to become furious entraña f. internal organ, entrail; staircase
enganchar to hook insides escalera arriba upstairs
enganchón m. snag entrar to enter escalofrío m. shiver
engañar to deceive entre between, among escalón m. step
engaño m. deception entreabierto half-open escama f. scale (of a fish)
engañoso deceitful entrecortadamente falteringly escándalo m. scandal
ALBUM Vocabulario 295

escapada f. escape, escapade a eso de around espumarajos f. pl. froth

escapar to free, to save; to escape, eso sí that indeed esqueleto m. skeleton
to flee por eso therefore, for that esquina f. corner
escaparse to escape, to flee; to reason esquivo elusive
run away espacio m. space esta (dem. adj.) this
escaparate m. display cabinet espacioso spacious a estas alturas now; at this
escarcha f. gold glitter; frost; espalda f. back juncture
textured paint a espaldas nuestras at our establecer to establish
escarpado steep backs establecimiento m. establishment
escarrancado sitting astride de espaldas with his back; on establo m. stable
escasez f. limited nature one’s back estación f. season; station
escena f. scene espantar to frighten; to shake off; estacionar(se) to park; to station
escenario m. stage, scene; to scare estadio m. stadium
scenario espanto m. fright; terror; threat estado m. state
escoba f. broom espantoso frightening, terrifying golpe de estado m. coup d’état
escoger to select, to choose, to español m. Spanish (language) estadounidense m. & f.
pick out su español mocho his broken American
escolar scholastic Spanish estafar to swindle
curso escolar schoolyear esparcir to scatter estallar to burst, to explode
escollo m. obstacle, danger; reef espartillo m. feather grass estallido m. explosion
escombros m. pl. debris esparto m. esparto grass; wicker, estampa f. engraving
esconder to hide cane estampida f. stampede
escondido hidden especial special estampido m. crash; explosion
a escondidas covertly en especial specially, in estampilla f. postage stamp
escondite m. hiding place particular estancado suspended; stagnant
escopeta f. gun, shotgun especie f. kind estandarte m. standard, flag
escopetazo m. gunshot específico specific estar to be
escribir to write espectacular spectacular estar de acuerdo con to be in
escritor m. writer (male) espectador m. viewer agreement with
escritora f. writer (female) espejismo m. mirage estar de visita to be visiting
escritorio m. desk espejo m. mirror estar de vuelta to be back
escritura f. writing espera f. wait, waiting estar en to be in on
escrúpulo scruple, doubt sala de espera waiting room estar harto de to be fed up with
sin escrúpulo without remorse salita de espera small waiting estatua f. statue
escuchar to listen to; to hear room estatura f. stature
escudarse to protect oneself esperado expected este (dem. adj.) this
escudriñar to examine esperanza f. hope éste (dem. pron.) this (one); the
escuela f. school esperar to hope; to wait for; to latter
esculpir to sculpt expect este m. east
escupidera f. spittoon espesarse to become thick, to estela f. trail
escurrirse to escape, to slip away thicken estereotipo m. stereotype
ese (dem. adj.) that espeso thick estero m. stream
ése (dem. pron.) that (one); the espinudo thorny estilístico stylistic
former espíritu m. spirit; mind estilo m. style
esforzado strong esposa f. wife, spouse estirar to stretch
esforzarse to force oneself esposo m. spouse, husband esto this
esfuerzo m. effort espuela f. spur un día de estos one of these
esmeralda f. emerald espuma f. foam days
eso that espumadera f. colander estómago m. stomach
296 Vocabulario ALBUM

estorbar to hinder excusarse to excuse oneself; to facilitar to help

estorbarse to get in each apologize faena f. task
other’s way exigir to demand, to require falda f. skirt
estrechar to hold existencia f. existence fallar to fail
estrecho tight, narrow existir to exist falta f. fault; lack
estrecho m. strait éxito m. success faltar to be lacking, to be wanting;
estrella f. star; ferris wheel expansión f. expansion to be absent; to falter; to fail;
estrellado star-filled experiencia f. experience not to fulfill one’s promise
estremecer to tremble experimentar to experience, fama f. fame, renown
estremecerse to shudder; to to undergo; to feel; to test familia f. family
tremble explicación f. explanation familiar (adj.) familiar; of the
estremecimiento m. shudder explicar to explain family
estrenar to open, to release explicarse to explain oneself; familiares  family members
(a film) to speak one’s mind famoso famous
estreno m. opening, premiere explique (for. com. explicar) fantasía f. fantasy; fancy
estrepitosamente noisily explain fantasma m. phantom, ghost
estrés m. stress explosión f. explosion, outburst fantástico fantastic
estresado stressed exponer to expose; to explain farol m. lamp; streetlight
estridencia f. stridence exposición f. exposition, fase f. phase
estrofa f. stanza arrangement fastidiado annoyed
estropear to spoil expresión f. expression fastidiar to bother; to annoy
estropicio m. destruction extensivo extensive fatiga f. weariness, tiredness
estructura f. structure exterior exterior, outer favor m. favor
estuche m. case exteriores m. locations por favor please
estudiar to study exterminar to exterminate favorito favorite
estudio m. study, studio exterminarse to exterminate faya f. black ribbon typically
estúpido stupid each other used on shoes
estuve (pret. estar) I was extinción f. extinction fe f. faith
estuviéramos (imp. subj. estar) extinguido extinguished dar fe to bear witness
we were extinguir to extinguish fecha f. date, day
etapa f. stage extraer to extract; to pull out fecundar to fertilize
eternidad f. eternity extranjero strange; foreign fecundidad f. fruitfulness,
eterno eternal extrañado surprised fecundity
Europa f. Europe extrañar to miss federal federal
evidente evident; plain extrañarse to marvel; to seem felices (pl. feliz) happy
evitar to avoid strange felicidad f. happiness
evocar to evoke extrañeza f. surprise morirse de felicidad to be
exactamente exactly extraño strange extremely happy
exacto exact extremadamente extremely feliz happy; lucky; felicitous
exagerar to exaggerate extremarse to take special pains felizmente happily
exaltado extreme; exalted femenino feminine
examen m. exam F fenómeno m. phenomenon
examinar to examine; to inspect fábrica f. factory feo ugly
excelente excellent fábula f. fable feroz fierce
excepción f. exception facciones f. pl. facial features festín m. banquet
exceso m. excess fachada f. facade, front (of a fiambre m. cold cuts
excitación f. uneasiness building) fiar to guarantee
excitado uneasy, agitated fácil easy ficticio fictitious
exclamar to exclaim fácilmente easily fideo m. noodle
ALBUM Vocabulario 297

fiel faithful fondo m. bottom, depth; frotar to rub

fiesta f. party; holiday background; backyard, rear fruncir to pucker
figura f. shape, figure (of a house); rear, back frustración f. frustration
figurar to figure en fondo in essence frustrado frustrated
fijamente intently fondos m. pl. funds fruta f. fruit
fijarse (en) to notice forastero m. stranger fruto m. fruit
fíjate (fam. com. fijarse) notice forcejar/forcejear to struggle fuego m. fire; light
fijeza f. steady gaze forma f. form fuente f. fountain; source; platter
fijo fixed; firm; solid formar to form fuera (imp. subj. ser) were
fila f. row formarse to grow fuera outside; off; away
filatélico philatelic, pertaining to formularios m. pl. forms de fuera from outside, on the
stamp collecting fornido husky, sturdy, robust outside
filosofía f. philosophy Foro Trajano Trajan’s Forum fuerte strong; hard; loud; heavy
filosófico philosophical fortificar to fortify, to strengthen fuerza f. force; strength; power
film(e) m. film forzar (ue) to force a la fuerza forcibly
filmar to film fosforescente phosphorescent aspiró con fuerzas you (for.)/
fin m. end; aim; purpose foto f. photo he/she/it breathed deeply
a fin de in order to fotografía f. photograph; sus fuerzas his own strength
a fines de at the end of photography fuese (imp. subj. ser) were
al fin at last fragmentar to reduce to frag- fuesen (imp. subj. ser) were
fin de semana weekend ments fuga f. escape
por fin at last francés French fugaces (pl. fugaz) fleeting
final m. end franquear to open the way fugarse to flee, to escape
finalmente finally frase f. phrase; sentence; idiom fugaz fleeting
finca f. farm fraternizar to fraternize fulano m. so-and-so
fingir to feign, to pretend frecuencia f. frequency función f. function
fino fine, delicate; elegant con frecuencia frequently funcionar to function, to work
finquita f. (dim. finca) little frecuente frequent fundar to establish
ranch frente m. front, front line; facade furia f. fury, rage
firma f. signature frente f. brow; forehead; face con furia furiously
firmar to sign frente in front of furioso furious
firme firm de frente straight ahead, furtivo furtive, stealthy
firmeza f. firmness directly fusil m. rifle
física f. physics frente a in front of; compared fusilamiento m. shooting;
físico physical with; faced with execution
flamenco Flemish fresa f. strawberry; dentist’s drill fusilar to shoot, to execute
flechar to wound with an arrow; fresco m. coolness fustigar to whip through
to pierce fresco (adj.) fresh, cool fútbol m. soccer
fleco m. fringe; speck fríamente coldly, rigidly, coolly futuro m. future
flemático phlegmatic, sluggish frijol m. bean
flequillo m. bang, fringe frío m. cold G
flojedad f. weakness hacer frío to be cold (weather) gabardina f. raincoat
flojo limp; weak; lazy tener frío to be cold (people) gabinete m. office; cabinet
flor f. flower frío (adj.) cold; dull; weak gala f. gala
floral floral frito fried de gala full-dress
florido flowery fritura f. fritter galería f. corridor
flotador m. floater frondoso leafy galón m. trimming, braiding;
fogata f. bonfire; campfire frontera f. border gallon
follaje m. folliage fronterizo (adj.) border galopar to gallop
298 Vocabulario ALBUM

galope m. gallop gloria f. glory grave grave, serious

galvanizar to galvanize gobelino m. French tapestry grieta f. crevice, fissure
gallina f. hen gobierno m. government gringa f. non-Hispanic
gallinazo m. buzzard gofio m. roasted maize, roasted American, United States
gana f. desire cornmeal female
de mala gana reluctantly golondrina f. swallow (bird) gringo m. non-Hispanic
tener ganas de to feel like golosina f. delicacy; goody, treat American, United States male
ganado m. flock; cattle goloso sweet-toothed, eager gris gray
ganador (adj.) winning golpe m. blow, stroke, hit, knock gritar to shout
ganar to earn; to win; to win de golpe suddenly grito m. shout, cry, scream
over; to gain golpe de estado m. coup d’état, grueso big; thick; heavy
garaje m. garage overthrow gruñir to growl
garantizar to guarantee golpear to hit grupa f. hindquarters
garganta f. throat golpecito m. (dim. golpe) tap grupo m. group
garza f. heron gordo fat; heavy; rash gualicho m. evil spell
gastado run down, worn out gorjear to gurgle; to warble guapo handsome
gastar to spend; to waste; to gorra f. cap guardar to guard, to watch over;
wear out gorro m. cap to protect; to put away; to
gatillo m. dentist’s forceps; gota f. drop save, to keep; to put; to show;
trigger gotear to drip to observe
gato m. cat gotera f. leak guardar memoria to remember
gaucho m. herdsman; skilled gótico Gothic guardar silencio to remain
horseman gozar to enjoy, to delight in silent
gaveta f. drawer gozne m. hinge guardia f. guard
gemir to moan grabar to engrave güero blond
genealogía f. genealogy grabárselo en la memoria to guerra f. war
generación f. generation memorize it guerrera f. tunic
generacional generational gracejo m. wit guerrero m. warrior
barrera generacional genera- con gracejo wittily guiño m. wink
tion gap gracia f. grace guión m. script
general (adj. & m. n.) general gracioso witty, amusing; graceful; guión de cine movie script
colector general tax collector pleasing guionista m. & f. script writer
en general in general, generally grado m. degree; grade, class guiso m. stew
por lo general generally pasar de grado to be promoted gustar to be pleasing
generalmente generally a grade level gustar de to like to, to take
género m. gender; genre gradualmente gradually pleasure in
generosidad f. generosity gran great, large (before mascu- gustativo relating to the sense of
generoso generous line singular) taste
Génesis m. Genesis grande big, large; great gusto m. taste; like; pleasure
gente f. people, folks; race; nation grandeza f. grandeur a gusto content, happy
gerundio m. gerund granizo m. hail darle gusto to please
gesto m. gesture granja f. farm darse el gusto to give oneself
gigante giant granjero m. farmer the pleasure, to enjoy
gigantesco gigantic grano m. grain
girar to roll; to turn grasa f. fat, grease H
gitano m. gypsy gratificación payment haber (aux. v.) to have
glacial icy gratis free haber de (+ inf.) to be to (do
respiraba un olor glacial your gratitud f. gratitude something); to have to (do
(for.)/his/her/its breath was icy grato pleasant something)
ALBUM Vocabulario 299

había que (+ inf.) one had to (do hasta until; to; as far as; even hierro m. iron
something) hasta que until pulmón de hierro (in Puerto
había there was, there were hay there is, there are Rico) m. iron lung machine
habichuela bean haz m. bundle hija f. daughter
habitación f. room; dwelling, haz (fam. com. hacer) do hijo m. son
residence haz por oír try to hear hijos m. pl. children; descen-
habitante m. & f. inhabitant he here is dants
habitar to inhabit hebra f. thread hilera f. row
habituado accustomed hechizado bewitched, hilito m. (dim. hilo) little thread
habituar to accustom enchanted hilo m. thread, wire
hablar to speak hechizo m. spell hinchado swollen, puffed up
habría que ver we would just hecho m. fact, event hinchar to swell
have to see hecho (p.p. hacer) made; done; hirmán (hermana) f. sister
hacer to make; to do transformed hirsuto hairy
desde hace horas for hours helado m. ice cream cejas hirsutas f. hairy brows
hace (+ time) (time) ago, for helado (adj.) frozen; icy hispano Hispanic
(time) helar (ie) to freeze histeria f. hysteria
hace rato a little while ago helarse (ie) to freeze, to historia f. history; story
hacer calor to be hot, to be harden histórico historical
warm (weather) hembra f. female hito m. guidepost, milestone
hacer daño to hurt, to harm heno m. hay de hito en hito squarely,
hacer de to act, to perform pilas de heno haystacks directly
hacer el papel to play the role heráldico heraldic hizo (pret. hacer) you (for.)/he/
hacer frío to be cold (weather) rama heráldica noble lineage she/it made, did
hacer mal tiempo to have bad heredar to inherit se me hizo un nudo I got a
weather, to be bad weather herencia f. inheritance lump
hacer preguntas to ask questions herida f. wound hocico m. snout
hacer ruido to be noisy herido hurt, wounded hogar m. fireplace, hearth; home
hacer un viaje to take a trip herir (ie,i) to wound claridad de hogar household
hacerse to become, to turn into hermana f. sister light
hacía rato for quite a while hermanito m. (dim. hermano) hoguera f. bonfire
haga buches gargle little brother hoja f. leaf; sheet of paper; page;
hecho (p.p. hacer) done, made hermano m. brother lid
mandar hacer to have made hermanos m. pl. brothers; hojear to turn the pages of; to
no hacer caso de to ignore siblings browse
hacia toward, in the direction of hermoso beautiful, lovely; holganza f. freeloading
volverse atrás to go back handsome hombre m. man
hada f. fairy hermosura f. beauty hombrecito m. (dim. hombre)
haga (for. com. hacer) make héroe m. hero little man
haga buches gargle herrado shod hombría f. manliness
¡Hala! Pull! hervido (p.p. hervir) boiled hombría de bien honor;
hallar to find hervir (ie,i) to boil honesty
hambre f. hunger Hesperidina Hesperidin (a white hombro m. shoulder
pasar hambre to be hungry crystalline glucoside found in al hombro on their backs
tener hambre to be hungry citrus fruit) encogerse los hombres to
harén m. harem (of mares) hice (pret. hacer) I made; shrug one’s shoulders
harina f. flour I did homicidio m. homicide
harto tired, fed up hielo m. ice hondo deep
estar harto de to be fed up with hierba f. grass honor m. honor
300 Vocabulario ALBUM

hora f. hour; time ignorar not to pay attention to; inclinar to bend
a las altas horas late at night to be unaware of inclinarse to bend, to bow
a primera hora first thing in igual equal incluso even
the morning igual que equal to incómodamente uncomfortably
¿a qué hora? at what time? ijar m. buttock inconformidad f. nonconformity;
algunas horas a few hours ijares m. pl. flanks impatience
desde hace horas for hours iluminación f. illumination inconsciente unconscious
largas horas extended hours iluminado illuminated inconveniente m. obstacle;
hornear to bake in an oven ilusión f. illusion objection
horno m. oven ilustrar to illustrate inconveniente (adj.)
horrorizado horrified imagen f. image inconvenient; improper
hosco sullen imaginación f. imagination incorporarse to sit up
hospitalidad f. hospitality imaginado imagined incorrecto incorrect
hostigar to harass imaginarse to imagine incrédulo incredulous,
hoy today imborrable unchangeable unbelieving
hoy (en) día nowadays impaciencia f. impatience increíble incredible
hoyo m. indentation impacientar to make (someone) indagar to inquire
hubiera (imp. subj. haber) had impatient indeciso indecisive; vague;
hubiese (imp. subj. haber) had impacientarse to get impatient questioning
hubo (pret. haber) there was, impaciente impatient independencia f. independence
there were impávido undaunted independientemente
hueco hollow, empty imperfecto m. imperfect independently
huella f. track imperio m. empire indicado appropriate
huerta f. orchard, large vegetable impertinente impertinent indicar to indicate
garden implicar to imply indicativo m. indicative
huerto m. small garden, small importancia f. importance indiferente indifferent
orchard importante important, significant índole type, sort
hueso m. bone importar to be important indomable unbreakable,
huevo m. egg no importa qué anything indomitable
huevos de araña spider eggs imposible impossible indudable doubtless; inevitable
huir to flee impreciso indefinite, vague inesperado unexpected
humano human impregnar to impregnate, to fill inexorablemente relentlessly
humareda f. cloud of smoke impresión f. impression inexpresado unexpressed
humear to steam impresionar to impress inexpresivo inexpressive
humedecer to dampen, impresionante impressive inextinguible inextinguishable
to moisten, to wet improvisado sudden; new infancia f. childhood, infancy
húmedo humid improviso unexpected, infantil infant, infantile
humilde humble unforeseen infelicidad f. misery, unhappiness
humillar to humiliate de improviso unexpectedly infeliz unhappy
humo m. smoke improvisto unexpected ¡Infeliz de mí! Wretched me!
hundir to submerge; to crush; impulsar to impel, to drive inferior inferior; lower
to sag impulso m. impulse inferir (ie,i) to infer
huracán hurricane inauguración f. inauguration infierno m. hell
incendiado set on fire infiltrar to infiltrate
I incendio m. fire infinitivo m. infinitive
idea f. idea incidente m. incident infinito (adj.) infinite
idílico idyllic inclemente inclement, infinito (adv.) greatly
ídolo m. idol unfavorable inflamarse to become swollen, to
iglesia f. church inclinado leaning, bent become inflamed
ALBUM Vocabulario 301

influencia f. influence intención f. intention que se vaya that you (for.)/he/

informar to inform intencionadamente intentionally she/it go away
informe shapeless, formless intencionado deliberate; vámonos let’s go
infranqueable insurmountable knowing; loaded vete (fam. com. irse) go away
ingeniero m. engineer intensidad f. intensity ira f. anger
ingenuidad f. candor; unaffected intenso intense irguió (pret. erguir) you (for.)/he/
simplicity intentar to try she/it put up straight;
con ingenuidad innocently intercalar to include, to straightened
inglés English intersperse se irguió (pret. erguirse) you
inhóspita unwelcoming intercambio m. interchange (for.)/he/she/it stood erect
iniciar to initiate interés m. interest ironía f. irony
injuriar to insult interesado self-interested irradiar to give off
injusto unjust interesar to interest irregular irregular
inmediatamente immediately interesar por to be interested in irresistible irresistible
inmediato immediate intereses m. pl. (interés) irritante irritating
de inmediato right away interests; property irritar to irritate
inmenso big, immense interior m. inside irrumpir to burst in
inmigración f. immigration interponerse to intervene, to itálica italic
inmigrante m. & f. immigrant intercede, to get in the way izquierda f. left hand; left-hand
inmóvil motionless interpretación f. interpretation side
inmune immune interpretar to interpret a la izquierda left, on the left,
inmutarse to get perturbed intérprete m. & f. actor, to the left
inocente innocent performer
inquietante restless; unsettling interrogación f. question mark; J
inquieto restless, uneasy; worried inquiry ¡Ja! (interj.) Ha!
inquirir (ie,i) to inquire, to interrumpir to interrupt jadeante panting
investigate intervenir to intervene, to jalar to pull
inquisición f. inquisition mediate jalar del brazo to pull by the arm
insecto m. insect íntimo intimate; close jamás never
insensible insensitive intrusión f. intrusion jáquima f. halter
inservible useless inusitado unusual jardín m. garden
insistencia f. insistence inútil useless jardincito m. (dim. jardín) little
insistir to insist inutilmente uselessly, to no avail garden
insolencia f. insolence, invadir to invade jarra f. jar
impudence inválido handicapped jefe m. & f. chief; boss; leader
insolente insolent, impudent inventar to invent, to concoct jerarca m. head
insólito unusual invernar (ie) to winter jerarquía f. hierarchy
insomnio m. insomnia invicto unconquered jinete m. cavalry rider; horseman
inspección f. inspection invierno m. winter jocote m. plum
instalar to install invisible invisible joven m. & f. youth, young
instante m. instant invitar to invite person
instintivamente instinctively inyección f. injection joven (adj.) young
institutriz f. governess ir to go joya f. jewel
insultar to insult ir a (+ inf.) to be going to (do joyas f. pl. jewelry, jewels
insulto m. insult something) joyería f. jewelry store
integrar to incorporate, include ir a casa to go home jubilarse to retire
inteligencia f. intelligence irse to go away judías secas f. dried beans
inteligente intelligent irse desgajando to separate juego m. game
intemperie f. outdoors oneself juego de azar game of chance
302 Vocabulario ALBUM

jugar (ue) to play lado m. side; direction lavadero m. laundry shed

jugar a las muñecas to play al lado next to; to the side lavar(se) to wash
with dolls de lado tilted lazo m. rope; tie, bond
juguete m. toy de lado a lado from side to side lealtad f. loyalty
juguetear to toy; to frolic, to de un lado from one side leche f. milk
dally ladrar to bark leche condensada condensed
junco m. rush, reed no oyes ladrar you don’t hear milk
junta f. group barking lecho m. bed
junta de protección a animali- ladrido m. bark, barking lector m. reader (male)
tos society for the protection ladrillo m. brick lectora f. reader (female)
of animals ladrón m. thief lectura f. reading
juntar to join lagarto m. alligator leer to read
juntarse to assemble lago m. lake lejanía f. distance: distant place
junto joined; united lágrima f. tear lejano remote, distant
junto (adv.) together; at the same de lágrimas with tears lejos far, far away
time laguna f. small lake a lo lejos in the distance
junto a near, close to, next to lamentablemente unfortunately desde lejos from a distance,
junto con along with, together lamentación f. sorrow; mourning from afar
with lamentar to mourn lengua f. tongue; language
juntos together lamer to lick ató su lengua she/he prevented
jurar to swear; to promise upon lámpara f. lamp herself/himself from speaking
an oath; to take an oath lana f. wool lenguaje m. language
juramento m. oath lanchita f. small boat lentamente slowly
justamente exactly, precisely langosta f. locust; lobster lentitud f. slowness
justicia f. justice lanza f. spear con lentitud slowly
justicieramente strictly; fairly lanzar to hurl; to fling; to release lento slow
justificar(se) to justify lanzarse to plunge leña f. firewood
justo just, equitable, fair; exact lapicera f. fountain pen levantado raised
veinte justos exactly twenty lapicero m. pencil; mechanical levantar to raise, to lift, to elevate
juventud f. youth pencil with an adjustable lead levantarse to stand up, to get
juzgar to judge lápiz m. pencil up; to straighten up
lápiz de labios m. lipstick leve light
K largarse to leave ley f. law
kiosco m. kiosk largo long, extended leyenda f. legend
a lo largo (de) along, leyendo (pres. p. leer) reading
L throughout leyera (imp. subj. leer) I read
la the; her; it; you (for.) lasitud f. weariness leyó (pret. leer) you (for.)/he/she
labio m. lip lástima f. pity; sorrow read
mordiéndose los labios biting dar lástima to be pitiful liado rolled up
his/her lips tener lástima to take pity, liberar to free, to liberate
labor f. labor, task to feel compassion libertad f. liberty, freedom
labranza f. farming lastimar to bruise; to hurt; libre free
tierra de labranza farming to injure librería f. bookstore
land lastimero plaintive libro m. book
labriego m. farmer, peasant lata f. tin, tin can libro de ventas m. salesbook
lacio straight lateral side licor m. liquor
lacito m. (dim. lazo) little tie latigazo m. lash, whiplash lienzo m. canvas
ladera f. hillside látigo m. whip toldo de lienzo m. canvas
ladino astute latir to beat (a heart) awning
ALBUM Vocabulario 303

ligeramente slightly llenadero m. container; bottom en lugar de instead of

ligero light no tenías llenadero you tener lugar to take place
lila lilac couldn’t be filled lúgubre lugubrious, mournful
limeño (adj.) from Lima, Peru llenar to fill lujo m. luxury, extravagance
limitar to limit se me llenaron los ojos my de lujo luxurious, extravagant
limonada f. lemonade eyes filled up luminoso luminous, bright
limpia f. clean; cleansing lleno full; plenty puntos luminosos bright
limpiar to clean; to wipe llevar to take; to lead to; to wear; mirrors
limpiecito (dim. limpio) quite to have luna f. moon
clean llevar a cabo to carry out, la luna venía saliendo the
limpieza f. cleaning to accomplish moon was coming out
limpio clean llevar preso to take prisoner luna de miel honeymoon
lindante bordering llevarse to get along; to take; lunes m. Monday
lindar to adjoin; to border to carry; to put lúpulo m. (botanical) hops
linde m. boundary, border llevarse la suerte to be lucky lustroso shining
lindo pretty, nice; fine; perfect llorar to weep (over), to mourn, luz f. light, lighting
línea f. line to lament; to cry a la luz in the light
línea a línea line by line lloriquear to cry a media luz half lit
linterna f. lantern llorón m. cry baby dar a luz to give birth
liquidación f. liquidation, sale lloroso tearful
lírico lyric llover (ue) to rain M
lista f. list lluvia f. rain macho male; strong
pasar la lista to take roll lo the; him, it; you (for.) macizo solid; massive
listo clever, sharp; quick, alert; lo de about maciza cadena heavy leash
ready lo demás the rest macramé m. macramé (coarse
literalmente literally lo mismo just the same; the material tied into decorative
literario literary same thing geometric designs through
literatura f. literature lo que that which, what special knots)
litro m. liter lo que sea whatever it might be madama f. a flowering plant
living m. living room los demás the others madeja f. skein
llama f. flame loción f. lotion madera f. wood
llamada f. call loco mad, crazy madero m. board
llamar to call; to name; to invoke; locura f. insanity; folly madrastra f. stepmother
to attract lodo m. mud madre f. mother
llamar la atención to attract lograr to get, to obtain; to madrina m. godmother
llamarse to be called; to be achieve, to attain madrugada f. early morning,
named logro m. achievement dawn
llamarada f. flare loma f. small hill, hillock madrugador m. early riser
llano m. plain lomo m. back madurez f. maturity
llanto m. weeping loza f. porcelain; crockery maduro ripe
llanura f. smoothness; plains lozano abundant; lush maestra f. teacher
llave f. key lucha f. fight; quarrel; struggle maestranza f. work area; riding
llegada f. arrival luchar to struggle club; artillery repair shop
llegar to arrive luciente shining, bright maestro m. teacher
al llegar upon arriving lucir to show off; to show up; to mágico magical
llegar a (+ inf.) to go as far as; look magullar to bruise
to (do something); to succeed luego later, afterward maíz m. corn
in (+ -ing) lugar m. place majada f. fold
llegue (pres. subj. llegar) arrive a como dé lugar somehow majestuoso majestic
304 Vocabulario ALBUM

mal m. evil; harm manguera f. (garden) hose marinero m. sailor

mal (adj. & adv.) bad manifestación f. public demon- mármol m. marble
maldad f. wickedness, evil stration; manifestation martillar to hammer
maldecido cursed manifestar (ie) to show, to martillazo m. blow with a
maldecir to curse manifest hammer
maldición f. curse mano f. hand mas (conj.) but
maldito wicked, damned; de la mano hand in hand más (adv.) more, most
wretched echar mano a to grab a más de besides, in addition to
¡Maldita sea! Dammit! pedir la mano to ask for (her) cuando más at most
malhumorado in a bad mood hand in marriage de más extra; for nothing
malicia f. suspicion, malice; manso gentle más adelante further on; later
wickedness manta f. poncho; blanket más allá beyond
malicioso malicious; wicked mantener to support más bien rather
maligno evil mantenerse to remain más de (+ number) more than
malísimo extremely bad mantequilla f. butter (+ number)
malnutrido malnourished mantequilla recién batida f. más no poder to the utmost
malo bad; evil; ill; poor; naughty freshly made butter más que more than
malos pasos bad ways manzana f. apple más tarde later
por malo que no matter how maña f. skill más temprano earlier
bad mañana f. tomorrow; morning nada más nothing more
maltrecho battered, worn de la mañana in the morning no poder más to be no longer
malva purple, mauve por la mañana in the morning able to stand something
mamá f. mom, mama todas las mañanas every masa f. mass
manada f. herd morning mascota f. mascot; pet
manantial m. spring, fountain; mañanita f. bed jacket masculino male; masculine
source mapa m. map masticar to chew
mancar to maim maquillaje m. makeup matador m. killer
mancha f. stain máquina f. machine matar to kill
manchado stained; clouded maquinal machine-like matanza f. killing, slaughter
manchar to spot; to stain; to maquinaria f. machinery mate m. South American tea
cloud maquinista m. & f. machinist material m. material
mandado m. errand mar m. sea matica f. (dim. mata) little plant
mandados m. groceries maravilla f. marvel matices m. pl. (s. matiz) tints,
mandar to command, to order; maravillar to astonish shades, hues
to send maravilloso wonderful, matinal matutinal, morning
mandar hacer to have made marvellous matiz m. tint, shade, hue
mandato m. command marca f. mark; make, brand matricular to enroll
mandíbula f. jaw marcar to mark matrimonio m. matrimony,
manecita f. (dim. mano) little marcha f. course; march marriage
hand marchar to march; to run; to matrona f. matron
manejar to drive; to manage; to work; to leave; to progress maullar to meow
direct marcharse to leave, to go away mayólica f. majolica ware,
manera f. manner, way marchito tired; withered enameled tile
a la manera de in the manner marco m. frame; setting, mayor older; larger; greater;
of; like backdrop oldest; largest; greatest
a manera de in the form of mareado nauseated, sick de mayor a menor from largest
de manera que so that margen f. border; area to smallest
de todas maneras anyway marido m. husband misa mayor High Mass
manga f. sleeve marina f. Navy mayordomo m. estate manager
ALBUM Vocabulario 305

mayoría f. majority mendigar to beg miedo m. fear, dread

mecánico mechanical en actitud de mendigar in the tener miedo to be afraid
mecer to rock posture of begging miel f. honey
medalla f. medal menor smaller; younger; slight; luna de miel f. honeymoon
medallón m. medallion less; smallest; youngest; least mientras while; whereas
media f. stocking; half-past (when de mayor a menor from largest mientras que while; whereas
used with time expressions) to smallest mientras tanto meanwhile
medias f. pl. socks; stockings menos less, least; fewer; fewest; miércoles m. Wednesday
medicina f. medicine except for miércoles de ceniza Ash
médico m. physician, doctor a lo menos at least Wednesday
médico (adj.) medical al menos at least migas f. pl. crumbs
medida f. measure cuando menos at least Miguel Ángel Michelangelo
a medida que in proportion menos que less than mil thousand, a thousand, one
to, as por lo menos at least thousand
medidor de luz m. electricity venidos a menos come to milagro m. miracle
meter nothing milagroso miraculous
medio half; middle mensaje m. message militar military
de por medio between mente f. mind milla f. mile
Edad Media Middle Ages mentir (ie,i) to lie, to speak millar m. thousand
en medio de in the middle of falsely millón m. million
media docena half dozen; six menudo minute, tiny mimado spoiled, pampered
media luz half lit mercader m. merchant mimbre m. willow twig
medio camino halfway mercadería f. merchandise mina f. mine
medio cerrar half closed, to mercancía f. merchandise mineral m. mineral; mine
half-close mercería f. notions store, minero m. miner
por medio de by means of haberdashery minero (adj.) mining
mediodía m. midday, noon merecer to deserve, to merit mintiendo (pres. p. mentir) lying
medir (i,i) to measure merecido deserved minuciosamente minutely
medirse to size each other up merienda f. snack; small meal minuto m. minute
meditación f. meditation merodear to pillage mío (poss. adj. & pron.) mine
meditar to meditate merqué (compré) I bought mirada f. glance, look, gaze
medroso frightened mes m. month mirar to look (at); to face; to watch
mejilla f. cheek mesa f. table mirar de reojo to look askance
mejor (adj.) better; best; highest mesarse to pull out (hair) mirra f. myrrh
a lo mejor perhaps, maybe meseta f. plateau misa f. mass, Catholic church
mejor (adv.) better; best metáfora f. metaphor service
mejor dicho rather metálico metal, metallic misa mayor High Mass
mejorar to improve meter to put in, to insert; to put mísero very poor
melancolía f. melancholy; gloom meterse to interfere; to choose miseria f. poverty
mella f. scratch (a profession); to put oneself; mismo same, similar; self; itself
memoria f. memory; account, to enter ahí mismo right there
record metro m. meter; subway ahora mismo right now
de memoria by heart mexicano Mexican Así mismo. Exactly.
grabárselo en la memoria to mezcla f. mixture conmigo mismo with my own
memorize it mezclar to mix self
guardar memoria to mi (poss. adj.) my Es la misma vaina. It’s the
remember mí (obj. of prep.) me same thing.
memorizar to memorize mí mismo myself lo mismo just the same; the
mencionar to mention Infeliz de mí! Wretched me! same thing
306 Vocabulario ALBUM

mí mismo myself montuno rustic multiplicar to multiply

sí misma herself monumento m. monument multitud f. multitude
yo mismo myself moño m. bun, chignon (hairstyle) mundo m. world
míster m. Mr., mister moral moral municipio m. town
misterio m. mystery moraleja f. moral (of a story) muñeca f. wrist; doll
misterioso mysterious morder (ue) to bite; to pierce muñeco m. puppet; male doll;
mitad f. half moreno brunette; dark mannequin
mito m. myth morir(se) (ue,u) to die muñeco de peluche stuffed
mocetón strapping lad morirse de felicidad to be animal
mocho blunt; flat extremely happy murciélago m. bat
su español mocho your (for.)/ mortificación f. mortification murió (pret. morir) died
his/her broken Spanish mortificado mortified murmurar to whisper, to
mociña (muchacha) f. girl mosaico m. mosaic murmur
mocito m. (dim. mozo) little boy mostrador m. store counter apenas murmurado barely
moda f. fashion mostrar (ue) to show, to exhibit whispering
modelar to model, to form motivar to motivate, to drive muro m. wall
modernista m. modernist motivo m. motive; reason; musa f. muse
modesto modest grounds músculo m. muscle
modificar to modify motor m. motor museable a museum piece
modo m. mood; mode; way, movedizo moving, shifting música f. music
manner mover (ue) to move; to stir up musical musical
de este modo in this way moverse (ue) to move; to be muslo m. thigh
de tal modo que so much so moved mustio melancholy, sad, wilted
that; in such a way that movimiento m. movement mutuamente mutually
de un modo que with the result mozo m. boy, waiter; servant mutuo mutual
that muchacha f. girl; servant, maid muy very
mojado wet muchacho m. boy; servant
azul mojado intense blue muchedumbre f. multitude, N
mojar to wet, to moisten crowd na’ (nada) nothing
mojarse to get wet muchísimo very much nacer to be born
molde m. mold, cast mucho much, a lot of, a lot nacido born
mole m. mass muchas veces often nacimiento m. birth
molestar to disturb; to bother, to mudada f. move, moving nada f. nothing
annoy; to tire (residence) nada más nothing more
molestia f. hardship, bother mudado moved (residence) nadar to swim
molesto bothersome mudanza f. move (residence) nadie no one
molino m. mill mudarse to move (residence) naftalina f. naphthalene
momento m. moment mudo dumb, mute; silent narices f. pl. (nariz) noses
a partir de ese momento from muebles m. pl. furniture dejar a uno con un palmo de
that moment on muela f. tooth narices to disappoint one of
al momento immediately muellemente smoothly success
de momento for a moment muerte f. death nariz f. nose
moneda f. coin, money muerto dead narración f. narration
montaña f. mountain muestrario m. display case narración corta f. short
montar mount; to ride mugir to moo narrative
montar a caballo to ride mujer f. woman; wife narrador m. narrator
horseback mujeriego m. ladies’ man, narradora f. narrator
monte m. mountain, mount womanizer narrar to narrate
montón m. heap, pile mulo m. mule natal natal, native
ALBUM Vocabulario 307

natalicio m. birthday noche f. night; darkness nuevo new

natural natural a la noche tonight de nuevo again
naturaleza f. nature; disposition, de la noche of the night; at nuez f. walnut, nut
temperament night número m. number; size
naturalmente naturally de noche at night, by night nunca never
navaja f. knife por la noche at night nupcial bridal
neblina f. fog nombrar to name, to appoint nutrir to nourish, to feed
necesario necessary nombre m. name; fame; reputa-
necesitado needy tion Ñ
necesitar to need noreste m. northeast ñapa f. bonus
necio stupid, foolish normal normal
negar (ie) to deny noroeste m. northwest O
negocio m. business; affair norte m. north o or
negro black norte (adj.) northern objeto m. object
negruzco blackish norteamericano m. North obligación f. obligation
nena f. my little one, girl American obligar to oblige
nerviosísimo extremely nosotros we; us; ourselves obra f. work
nervous nostalgia f. nostalgia obras de restauración
nervioso nervous nota f. grade, mark renovation work
nevado snow-covered sacar las mejores notas to get obrero (adj. & m. n.) worker
ni neither, nor the best grades o(b)scuridad f. obscurity;
ni siquiera not even notable noteworthy darkness
nido m. nest notar to notice, to note o(b)scuro dark; obscure
niebla f. fog noticia f. news; notice; obsequiar to give, to present
niegues (fam. neg. subj. negar) information with; to offer
deny novedad f. novelty; new book observación f. observation
nieta f. granddaughter novela f. novel observar to observe
nieto m. grandson novelero fond of fiction obsesionar to obsess
nietos m. pl. grandchildren novelesco novelistic obstáculo m. obstacle,
nimio minor novia f. fiancée; bride; hindrance
ninguén (ninguno) nobody sweetheart obstinación f. stubbornness
ningún no, not any (before noviazgo m. engagement, obstinado obstinate, stubborn
masculine singular nouns) betrothal ocasión f. occasion, opportunity
ninguno (adj. & pron.) no, not noviciado m. novitiate occidental western
any; none; neither; neither novidá (novedad) f. novelty ocultar to hide, to conceal
one novio m. fiancée; bridegroom; oculto hidden
en ninguna parte nowhere sweetheart ocupar to occupy
niña f. girl nube f. cloud ocurrir(se) to occur
niñez f. childhood nublado clouded se me ha ocurrido it has
niño m. child; boy nublar to cloud occurred to me
niños m. pl. children nuca f. nape of the neck se nos ocurrió it occurred to us
níquel m. nickel nudo m. knot odiado hated
nivel m. level se me hizo un nudo I got a odiar to hate
no no lump odio m. hatred
decir que no to say no nueces f. pl. (s. nuez) walnuts, odioso hateful
no es nada you are welcome nuts ofensa f. offense
no obstante nevertheless nuestro our oficina f. office
si no otherwise nuevamente again oficio m. trade; function
noble noble; generous nuevas f. pl. news ofrecer to offer, to present
308 Vocabulario ALBUM

ofrenda f. offering oración f. sentence país m. country

ofuscado agitated ordenar to order, to command; to paja f. straw
oído m. hearing; ear put in an order el techo de paja thatched roof
decir al oído to whisper ordinariamente ordinarily pájaro m. bird
oigo (pres. oír) I hear ordinario ordinary; normal palabra f. word
oír to hear; to listen oreja f. ear decir palabra to speak
haz por oír try to hear organización f. organization palacio m. palace
no oyes ladrar you don’t hear organizar to organize palangana f. washbasin
oí gritar I heard (them) call out orgullo m. pride palanquero m. pile driver
oír (+ inf.) to hear (+ -ing) orgulloso proud palidecer to grow pale
oír decir to hear (people) say oriental eastern palidez f. paleness
ojalá would that; I hope Banda Oriental Uruguay pálido pale, pallid
ojeada f. glance oriente m. East palito m. (dim. palo) little stick
ojera f. circle under the eye origen m. origin palma f. palm
ojillo m. (dim. ojo) little eye originalidad f. originality palmada f. pat, slap
ojo m. eye orilla f. bank, shore palmo m. span of the hand,
no pegar el ojo not to sleep a orinar to urinate about nine inches
wink oro m. gold dejar a uno con un palmo de
se me llenaron los ojos my cuerpecillos de oro golden narices to disappoint one of
eyes filled up rays success
ola f. wave ortografía f. spelling palmo a palmo inch by inch
olfatear to sniff oscurecer to darken, to grow palo m. stick; post; pole
olfato m. sense of smell dark; to dim paloma f. dove
olfatorio olfactory, relating to the oscuridad f. darkness palpable palpable, tangible
sense of smell oscuro dark, obscure palpar to touch
oliente pungent-smelling oso m. bear palpitante palpitating, burning
olivo olive tree oteando straining pampa f. pampas, plains
verde olivo olive green otoñal autumnal pan m. bread
olla f. big cooking pot otro other, another barra de pan loaf of bread
ollita f. (dim. olla) little pot otra vez again panorama m. panorama
olor m. odor, fragrance, smell una y otra vez repeatedly pantalón m. pants, trousers
respiraba un olor glacial your oveja f. ewe, female sheep pantalla f. screen
(for.)/his/her/its breath was ovillo m. skein, wound, or pantufla f. slipper
icy entangled thread panza f. belly
oloroso delicious-smelling oye (fam. com. oír) listen pañoleta f. triangular shawl
olvidado forgotten oyendo (pres. p. oír) hearing pañuelo m. handkerchief; shawl
olvidar(se) to forget oyó (pret. oír) heard papa f. potato
olvido m. forgetfulness; oblivion papá m. dad, papa
onza f. ounce P papagayo m. parrot
opaco opaque pabellón m. pavilion area papel m. paper; role
operación f. operation pacer to graze desempeñar un papel to
operar to operate paciente patient perform a role
opinar to think; to have an opin- pacto m. agreement, pact hacer el papel to play the role
ion; to pass judgment padre m. father par m. pair
opinión f. opinion padres pl. parents para for, in order to
opíparamente splendidly padrino m. godfather para con toward
oprimir to press; to oppress pagar to pay, to pay back; to treat ¿para qué? for what reason?
optimista m. & f. optimist página f. page para que so that
opuesto opposite paisaje m. landscape para siempre forever
ALBUM Vocabulario 309

parabellum m. pistol pasado m. past pecho m. chest, breast; heart

parada f. parade pasado past; gone by; done, daba pecho was nursing
paradero m. whereabouts spent; passed salírsele del pecho to leap out
paraíso m. paradise pasador m. bolt from your (for.)/his/her chest
parálisis f. paralysis pasar to pass; to happen; to pedal m. pedal
paralítico paralytic spend time; to move pedalear (en) to pedal; to pump
paralizado paralyzed pasar de grado to be promoted dejó de pedalear you (for.)/he/
parapetarse to shelter oneself a grade level she stopped pedaling
pararse to stop; to stand pasar hambre to be hungry pedazo m. piece
¡Pardiez! Good Lord! pasar la lista to take roll pedido requested
pardo brown pasar para adentro to come in pedigree m. pedigree
parecer to seem pasarse to pass pedir (i,i) to ask for; to beg; to
al parecer apparently Pase por adentro. Come in. solicit
parecerse a to resemble, to look pascua f. Easter pedir la mano to ask for (her)
alike pasear to move slowly hand in marriage
parecido like, alike; similar pasearse to stroll; to pace pedregullo m. gravel
pared f. wall paseo m. walk pegar to hit, to strike, to beat,
paredón m. thick wall pasillo m. corridor to slap; to press; to stick; to
pareja f. pair, couple pasión f. passion paste; to fasten
parejo even; smooth pasmar to amaze, to stun no pegar el ojo not to sleep a
paréntesis m. parenthesis me pasmé I was astonished wink
pariente m. relative paso m. step, footstep; pace te pega un tiro he/she will
parlanchino talkative, jabbering aflojar el paso to slow down shoot you
párpados m. pl. eyelids apretar el paso to quicken one’s pegado glued
parque m. park; ammunition, pace peinado combed
arms dar un paso to take a step peinado m. hairstyle
parque de diversiones malos pasos bad ways peinarse to comb one’s hair
amusement park pastar to graze pelado bald, hairless
parra f. grapevine pastel m. pastry; cake pelaje m. fur
párrafo m. paragraph pasto m. pasture; grass peldaño m. step
parroquia f. parish pastor m. shepherd pelear to fight; to struggle; to
parte f. part, share; side perro pastor shepherd dog quarrel
a todas partes everywhere pata f. paw película f. movie
en ninguna parte nowhere patente patent, evident, clear peligro m. danger
la parte que a uno le toca to paterno paternal peligroso dangerous
pertain to, to concern; to fall patio m. patio, yard, courtyard pelirrojo redhead
to the lot of; to be the turn of patria f. homeland, country pelo m. hair
por otra parte on the other patriótico patriotic pelotón m. squad
hand, in addition paulatinamente slowly; peluche f. plush
Partenón m. Parthenon (temple gradually muñeco de peluche stuffed
in Athens, Greece) pausa f. pause animal
participar to participate pava f. kettle pellejo m. skin, pelt
participio m. participle pavita f. (dim. pava) little kettle pena f. pain; shame; sorrow; pity
partidario m. supporter pavo m. turkey; fool Toque sin pena. Don’t hesitate
partir to divide; to share; to azul pavo peacock blue to knock.
depart; to shatter pavo real peacock valer la pena to be worthwhile
a partir de starting with pavor m. fear penacho m. plume ornament
partir el alma to break one’s paz f. peace pendiente f. slope; earring
heart peces m. pl. (s. pez) fish penetrar to penetrate; to enter
310 Vocabulario ALBUM

penoso painful personaje m. personage; charac- piedra f. rock, stone

pensado planned ter (in a literary work) piel f. skin; leather
pensamiento m. thought personalidad f. personality pierna f. leg
pensar (ie) to think; to intend to, personificación f. personification estirando las piernas
to plan perspectiva f. perspective stretching his legs
pensar de to think of (to offer pertenecer to belong pieza f. piece; room
an opinion of) pertenencias f. pl. belongings pila f. pile, heap
pensar en to think of (to turn peruano Peruvian pimpollo m. sapling
one’s thoughts to); to think perverso perverted; wicked pintado painted, portrayed,
about pesadilla f. nightmare depicted
pensativo pensive, thoughtful pesado heavy, harsh; tiresome pintar to paint; to hang around
penumbra f. darkness pesar m. sorrow, regret pintarse to depict, to describe
peor (adj. & adv.) worse; worst a pesar de in spite of pinza f. tong
pequeñez f. smallness pescador m. fisherman pipa f. pipe
pequeño m. little one, child pescar to fish a pipa of a pipe
pequeño small, little pescuezo m. neck pique m. trail
percatar to perceive; to realize pesimista m. & f. pessimist piropo m. compliment
perder (ie) to lose; to fade peso m. weight; burden; monetary pisar to step on; to pound, to
perder de vista to lose sight of unit in some Latin American beat; to walk
pérdida f. loss countries pisó tierra landed
de pérdida en pérdida from pestañear to blink piso m. floor; apartment
loss to loss petardos m. pl. firecrackers pistola f. pistol
perdido lost petróleo m. oil pistoletazos m. pl. gunshots
perdón m. forgiveness pez m. fish pitada f. whistle, toot
perdonar to pardon, to forgive pezuña f. hoof pitillera f. cigarette case
perdulario dissolute piano m. piano pizcador m. picker
perdurar to last piapiá (papá) m. father pizcar to pick
perfección f. perfection picada f. trail placentero pleasant
perfecto perfect picado bitten placer m. pleasure
presente perfecto present picar to poke; to puncture; to plana f. page; side (of a sheet)
perfect chop; to pick plano m. plan
perfil m. profile picardía f. slyness, cunning plano de la casa m. floor plan
perfumar to perfume pico m. small quantity; pickax primer plano m. close up
perico m. parakeet pida (pres. subj. pedir) ask, segundo plano m. medium shot
periodista m & f. journalist request plantado fixed, placed
periódico m. newspaper pidiendo (pres. p. pedir) asking, plantear to propose
perla f. pearl begging plata f. silver; money
permanecer to remain pidió (pret. pedir) asked for, plateado silvered; silvery
permanente permanent requested platicar to talk
permanentemente permanently pie m. foot, base, bottom; caption plato m. dish, plate
permitir to permit, to allow de pie standing, firm, steady playa f. beach
pero but de pies muy andariegos very plaza f. plaza; public square
perogrullada f. nonsense fond of walking plazo m. time
perplejo puzzled, perplexed ponerse de pie to stand up plegar to fold
perro m. dog; vermin tenerse en pie to remain plenitud f. fullness, plenitude
perro pastor shepherd dog standing pleno full, complete
persecución f. persecution piedad f. pity, mercy; piety en pleno in the middle of
persistir to persist, to continue piedad f. Pietá (statue by plomo m. lead
persona f. person Michelangelo) a plomo vertically; directly
ALBUM Vocabulario 311

pluma f. feather por through, over; by, by means posadero m. innkeeper

plumero m. feather duster of; during; in; per; for posar to perch
poblador m. settler de por aquí in the vicinity, poseer to own
población f. population around here posesión f. possession
poblar to populate, to inhabit por ahora for the present posibilidad f. possibility
pobre poor por anticipado in advance posible possible
Pobre de ti. You poor thing. por aquí this way; through posición f. position; status
pobreza f. poverty here; here; around here poste m. pole
poco little, small por completo completely posterior back; after
al poco rato in a little while por consiguiente consequently; postigo m. shutter; gate
poco a poco little by little therefore postizo false
pocos few por cuestión de because of the póstumo posthumous
ser poco to be of little matter of pote m. can, jar
importance por dentro on the inside potencia f. power
un poco (de) a little por efecto de as a result of potrero m. fenced pasture
poder m. power por ejemplo for example poyo m. stone seat or bench
poder (ue) to be able, can por entonces around that time pozo m. well; pit
a más no poder to the por eso for that reason, preceder to precede
utmost therefore precepto m. precept
no poder más to be no longer por favor please precio m. price
able to stand (something) por fin at last precipitadamente hastily
poder con to be able to bear, por la mañana in the morning precipitado precipitate, hasty,
to manage por la noche at night rash
poderío m. power por lo general generally preciso necessary
poderoso powerful por lo tanto for that reason precoz precocious
poeta m. & f. poet por malo que no matter how predicar to preach
póker m. poker bad predilecto favorite
policía f. police por medio de by means of preferible preferable
policial police por primera vez for the first preferido preferred
poltrona f. easy chair time preferir (ie,i) to prefer
polvera f. powder-box, compact ¿por qué? why? pregonar to hawk, to peddle
polvo m. dust por supuesto of course pregonero m. town crier
polvoriento dusty por teléfono by telephone pregunta f. question
pomo m. flask por última vez for the hacer preguntas to ask
poner to put, to place; to set (the last time questions
table); to add; to make, to porcelana f. porcelain preguntar to ask a question; to
cause; to become porcentaje m. percentage ask
al ponerse el sol at sunset porche m. porch, portico premiado prizewinning
ponerse to become pordiosero m. beggar premio m. prize
ponerse a (+ inf.) to begin to pormenor m. detail prenda f. article of clothing or
(do something) porque because jewelry
ponerse colorado to get red in porque si because if prender to grasp, to catch; to
the face portal m. hallway, entrance fasten; to begin
ponerse de pie to stand up porte m. bearing prendido fastened, filled
póngase (for. com. ponerse) portento m. portent preocupación f. preoccupation;
put yourself portuario (adj.) port worry
se puso a you (for.)/he/she/it porvenir m. future preocupado worried
began to posada f. inn; lodging preocupar to preoccupy
poniente m. west posadera f. innkeeper preocuparse to worry
312 Vocabulario ALBUM

preparar to prepare prisa f. haste, rush, urgency proteger to protect

prepararse to prepareoneself con prisa hurriedly protesta f. protest
preparativo m. preparation de prisa quickly, hurriedly protestar to protest
prepotente high-handed, prisión f. imprisonment; prison provisión f. provision; supply,
powerful privado private stock
prescindir to do without, to omit probable probable provocar to provoke
presencia f. presence probablemente probably proyección f. projection
presentar to present, to show; to probar (ue) to try, to taste proximidad f. proximity
introduce probarse (ue) to try on próximo next; near; neighboring;
presentarse to present oneself; problema m. problem close
to appear, to show up procurar to try; to obtain Prusia Prussia
presente present, actual producir to produce; to bring azul prusia Prussian blue
presente perfecto present forth púa f. sharp point, prick
perfect productor m. producer (male) público m. public
presentir (ie,i) to have a premo- productora f. producer (female) pude (pret. poder) I was able, I
nition of, to suspect produjo (pret. producir) you could
presión f. pressure (for.)/he/she/it produced pudrir to rot
presión de grupo peer profesión f. profession pueblo m. town; people
pressure profesor m. professor puente m. bridge
preso imprisoned profundo deep, profound; great puerco m. pig
llevar preso to take prisoner progenitor m. parent puerta f. door; gate
prestar to loan, to lend prohibido forbidden puerta cancel screen door
prestar atención to pay prohibir to forbid puertecilla f. (dim. puerta) little
attention prójimo m. neighbor door; gate
prestigio m. prestige prometer to promise; to offer puertorriqueño m. Puerto
presunto presumed, assumed promontorio m. high ground Rican
pretender to pretend, to claim prontamente promptly pues then; well
pretendiente m. suitor pronto quick, fast; ready, soon puesto m. stall, stand
pretérito m. preterite de pronto suddenly puesto (p.p. poner) put, placed;
pretexto m. pretext tan pronto como as soon as focused
pretil m. walk; edge pronunciación f. pronunciation llevar puesto to wear
prevenido alert, vigilant propietario m. owner puesto m. booth; place; spot
prevenir to prevent propio proper, suitable; pulgada f. inch
prima f. cousin one’s own pulido polished
primer first (before masculine amor propio self-esteem pulir to polish, to finish, to give
singular nouns) propia vida life itself polish to
primer plano m. close up proponer to propose pullover m. pullover
primera first, first of all proporcionar to provide pulmón m. lung
a primera hora first thing in propuso (pret. proponer) you pulmón de hierro (in Puerto
the morning (for.)/he/she/it proposed Rico) iron lung machine
por primera vez for the first proseguir (i,i) to continue pulsera f. bracelet
time prosiguió (pret. proseguir) you reloj pulsera m. wristwatch
primero m. first (one) (for.)/he/she/it continued puna f. cold mountain wind;
primitivo primitive protagonista m. & f. protagonist breathing difficulty
primo m. cousin protección f. protection punta f. point
princesa f. princess junta de protección a animali- puntiagudo sharp, pointed
principio m. start, beginning; tos society for the protection punta f. end; tip; point, toe of
principle of animals shoes
al principio in the beginning protector protective punta de los dedos fingertips
ALBUM Vocabulario 313

punto m. point; stitch quemar to burn raramente strangely; rarely

a punto de on the point of, querer (ie) to wish, to want; to raro rare; strange
about to love, to desire rascar to scratch
al punto instantly querer decir to mean rascarse to scratch oneself
punto de vista point of view quiebre m. crack; failure rasgo m. characteristic
puntos luminosos bright quien (rel. pron.) who, whom rastro m. trace
mirrors quién (interrog. pron.) who, rata f. rat
puntual punctual whom rato m. short time; little while;
puñado m. handful quiera (pres. subj. querer) want period of time
puñal m. dagger cuando quiera whenever a ratos from time to time
puñetazo m. blow with the fist quieras (pres. subj. querer) you al poco rato in a little while
puño m. fist may wish en los ratos during the short
pupila f. pupil (eye) quieto quiet, calm, still, tranquil times
pupitre m. desk quietud f. quiet, calm, stillness en ratos at times, for short
puro pure; sheer; clear; outright; quise (pret. querer) I wanted periods
out and out quisieras (imp. subj. querer) hace rato a little while ago
púrpura f. purple in color would you like hacía rato for quite a while
puse (pret. poner) I put, I placed; quiso (pret. querer) you (for.)/ un rato a while
I pitched (a tent), I set up (a he/she/it wanted ratón m. mouse
tent) quitar to remove, to take off; to raudamente swiftly
pusieron (pret. poner) you (pl.)/ rob, to take away raya f. stripe
they put, placed quizás perhaps a rayas striped
puyar to jab (with a needle) rayar to draw lines; to dawn, to
R begin (the day)
Q rabia f. rage, anger rayo m. beam, ray; thunderbolt
que that which; who, whom rabioso bad-tempered, rabid, raza f. lineage, race
el que he who mad, raging, furious razón f. reason
más que more than rabito m. (dim. rabo) little tail tener razón to be correct
¿por qué? why? rabo m. tail razonable reasonable
por qué why racha f. gust of wind; spell, luck reaccionar to react
sino que (conj.) but mala racha bad spell real m. Spanish silver coin used
¡qué! (interj.) what! what a! how! racimo m. bunch in colonial times
quebradizo brittle radio m. radius realidad f. reality; truth
quebrantado broken ráfaga f. flash; gust of wind en realidad really, truly,
quebrar (ie) to break raíz f. root (raíces) realista realistic
quedar to be left, to end up; to be rajar to crack realizar to accomplish
located ralo thin realmente really
quedarle ajustado to fit rama f. branch, bough reanudar to renew, to resume
quedarse to stay, to remain rama heráldica noble lineage reaparecer to reappear
quedarse con to keep ramilla f. small branch reavivar to revive
quedito (dim. quedo) very quiet ramita f. small branch rebelarse to rebel
quedo quiet, still; gentle rancho m. ranch rebosar to overflow
quehacer m. chore rango m. rank, status rebozar to baste, to muffle
queja f. moan; complaint rapaza f. girl rebullirse to stir, to begin to
quejarse to complain rápidamente rapidly move
quejido m. groan rapidez f. rapidity recargado resting
quejumbroso sighing; rápido rapid recargar to reload; to shift
complaining lo rápido how quickly recargarse to lean
quemado burned raquítico sparse, flimsy recelar to suspect
314 Vocabulario ALBUM

recelo m. fear, suspicion reemplazar to replace remolino m. whirl, flurry;

receloso fearful, distrustful, referencia f. reference whirlpool
suspicious reflejar to reflect remorderse (ue) to feel remorse
rechazar to reject reflejarse to reflect, to be remordimiento m. remorse
rechoncho chubby reflected remozado rejuvenated
recibir to receive reflejo m. reflection remozar to rejuvenate
recién recently, just, newly reflexión f. reflection rencor m. rancor
recientemente recently reflexionar to reflect rendija f. crack
recíproco reciprocal reflorecer to reflourish, to renovación f. renovation
recitar to recite blossom again renovado renewed
reclamar to claim refrán m. proverb, saying renunciar to renounce; to reject;
recluir to shut away refresco m. refreshment to forego
recobrar to recover refriega f. skirmish renunciar a (+ inf.) to
recoger to gather, to collect, to refulgente brilliant renounce (doing something)
pick up regalar to give, to present as a reojo m. contempt
recomendar (ie) to recommend gift reparar to repair, to restore; to
recomenzar (ie) to begin again regañar to scold; to quarrel notice
recompensa f. compensation, regarse to be spread repartir to distribute
return regato m. stream reparto m. casting
reconfortante comforting regentar to run, to govern repasar to go over
reconfortar to comfort, to regido ruled, governed repaso m. revision; review
encourage regocijo m. happiness repente m. sudden outburst
reconocer to recognize; to admit; regresar to return; to go back de repente suddenly
to acknowledge regreso m. return repetidamente repeatedly
reconocimiento m. recognition; reinar to reign repetido repeated
acknowledgment reino m. kingdom repetidas veces repeatedly
reconvenir to reprimand, to reír (i,i) to laugh repetir (i,i) to repeat
reproach, to rebuke reja f. iron gate repitiendo (pres. p. repetir)
recordar (ue) to remember rejilla f. lattice; cane work repeating
recorrer to run over, to examine; relación f. relationship replicar to reply, to answer
to pass through relacionar to relate reponer to regain, to restore, to
recortar to trim, to shorten; to relampaguear to flash (as with recover; to reply
outline lightning) reposado restful
recostado reclining, reclined relatar to relate, to tell reposar to rest
recostar (ue) to lean back relato m. story representación f. performance;
recostarse (ue) to lean, to lie releer to reread representation
against religión f. religion representar to represent; to
recreo m. recreation; recess reloj m. clock, watch perform; to act (a part)
rectamente directly reloj pulsera wristwatch reprimir to repress
recuerdo m. memory relucir to shine reprochar to reproach
recular to back up remar to row reproche m. blame
recuperar to recuperate rematar to top off, to crown repuesto (p.p. reponer) reinstated
recurso m. resource remedio m. remedy; choice repuso (pret. reponer) you (for.)/
red f. screen; net; network sin remedio without help, he/she/it replied
redoblar to redouble without a solution; without requebrada courted, wooed
redoble m. repeating; beating fail requisito m. requirement,
redondo round remendado mended, patched requisite
reducido reduced remojar to soak resaltar to stand out; to jut out
reducir to reduce remolinar to whirl about, to spin resbalar to slip; to glide
ALBUM Vocabulario 315

rescoldo m. ember retirar to retire; to hold; to pull rizar to curl

reseco dry, parched back robar to rob
reses m. pl. cattle retirarse to withdraw, to roble m. oak
residuo m. residue retreat; to leave robo m. robbery, theft
resignar to resign reto m. challenge roca f. rock
resistencia f. resistance retorcerse (ue) to wring, to twist; roce m. friction, contact; touch
resistir to resist to writhe rodar (ue) to roll; to revolve; to
resolana f. patio retorno m. return film
resolver (ue) to resolve; to solve, retratar to portray; to describe rodeado surrounded
to decide on retrato m. portrait; photograph; rodeado de surrounded by
resonancia f. resonance picture rodear to surround; to go
resorte m. spring retroceder to turn back, to go around; to encircle
sillón de resortes m. padded backward rodearse to turn, to twist, to
dental stool retumbar to echo, to resound toss about
respaldo m. back (of a chair) retuvieron (pret. retener) you rodeo m. campsite
respecto m. relation; proportion, (pl.)/they held, retained rodilla f. knee
respect reunido gathered de rodillas on one’s knees,
con respecto a with regard to reunir to gather, to assemble, to kneeling
respecto a considering; with meet roer to gnaw, to bite
regard to revelar to reveal rogar (ue) to implore, to entreat;
respetable respectable revés m. reverse to request
respeto m. respect revisar to inspect, to examine roído gnawed; corroded;
respirar to breathe revista f. magazine damaged, destroyed
respiraba un olor glacial his revivir to revive; to relive rojo red
breath was icy revolución f. revolution rollo m. roll
resplandor m. brightness revolcar (ue) to roll around romance m. ballad; verse
responder to answer, to respond revolver (ue) to toss and turn rombo m. rhombus
responsabilidad f. responsibility revólver m. revolver romper to break; to crack
respuesta f. answer revuelta f. revolt nos rompimos la cabeza we
restañar to stop the flow of revuelto tangled, messy racked our brains
restauración f. restoration, rey m. king rompió (pret. romper) you (for.)/
renovation rezar to pray he/she/it broke
restaurado restored, repaired riachuelo m. brook rompió a sollozar you (for.)/
restaurar to restore; to repair ribazo m. steep bank he/she began to sob
resto m. rest, remainder rico rich; wealthy; delicious; ronda f. round
restos pl. remains exquisite rondar to make the rounds of; to
restricción f. restriction riego m. irrigation encircle
resuelto resolute, determined rienda f. rein ropa f. clothing
resultado m. result rifle m. rifle rosa f. rose
resultar to turn out to be rígidamente rigidly, strictly rosal m. rosebush
resumen m. summary rígido rigid, stiff rosca f. twist, spiral
resumir to summarize rigor m. harshness roscas de azúcar sugar
resurgir to resurge, to reappear rincón m. corner donuts
retacar to fill up riñón m. kidney rostro m. face
retardar to delay río m. river roto (p.p. romper) broken
retazo m. fragment riqueza f. wealth, richness rubio blond
retener to stop, to withhold risa f. laughter rubor m. flush, blush
retenes m. reinforcements risueño cheerful rudo rough, uneducated,
retirado distant, remote rivalidad f. rivalry unpolished, crude
316 Vocabulario ALBUM

rueda f. wheel sala f. hall; drawing room; living sé (pres. saber) I know
silla de ruedas f. wheelchair room; room Sea. (pres. subj. ser) So be it.
rugir to growl; to roar sala de clase classroom secamente dryly
ruido m. noise sala de espera waiting room secar to dry, to wipe dry
hacer ruido to be noisy salamandra f. salamander secarse to dry; to dry oneself, to
ruina f. ruin salida f. exit get dry; to wither
rumbo m. bearing, course, salida del sol sunrise seco dry
direction salido emerged en seco high and dry
rumbo a bound for, in the salir to leave, to go out, to come secretamente secretly
direction of out; to go away, to depart; to secreto m. whispering; secret
rumor m. rumor result, to turn out secreto (adj.) secret
rural rural la luna venía saliendo the secundaria f. secondary school
rutilante shining moon was coming out secundario secondary
rutina f. routine salírsele del pecho to leap out sed f. thirst
from your (for.)/his/her chest tener sed to be thirsty
S salita f. (dim. sala) little room seda f. silk
sábado m. Saturday salita de espera small waiting seguida f. series, succession;
los sábados on Saturdays room following
sabedor informed, knowing salón m. drawing room en seguida (enseguida) at
saber to know; to know how to saltar to jump; to leap, to hop; to once, immediately
sabiduría f. wisdom; knowledge burst; to crack seguido successive
sabor m. flavor saltar a to jump into seguido de followed by
saborear to savor salto m. jump, leap, bound seguidor m. follower
sabroso delicious, tasty de un salto in a flash seguir (i,i) to follow; to pursue;
sacar to get, to obtain; to pull saludo m. salute; greeting to continue
out, to take out, to remove, to salvar to save seguir (+ ger.) to keep on
extract; to pull up; to draw to; salvo except, save (doing something)
to win San Martín Saint Martin según according to; as
sacar el gordo to win first prize sangre f. blood segundo second
sacar el premio to win the sano healthy de segunda secondhand
prize santo m. saint seguramente surely, certainly
sacar la lotería to win the santo holy seguridad f. security, safety
lottery Viernes Santo Good Friday seguro sure, certain; secure; safe;
sacar las mejores notas to get sarnoso mangy reliable; constant
the best grades sartén f. frying pan sello m. postage stamp
sacar notas to get grades satín m. satin semana f. week
saciar to sate; to slake sátira f. satire fin de semana weekend
saco m. sack, bag satisfacción f. satisfaction sembrado planted
sacrificio m. sacrifice satisfacer (se) to satisfy sembrar (ie) to sow, to seed, to
sacudida f. shake, jolt satisfaga (pres. subj. satisfacer) plant
sacudido shaking; shaken, satisfy semi semi, half
dusted off satisfecho satisfied semilla f. seed
sacudir to shake; to shake off darse por satisfecho to semítico Semitic
sacudirse to shake, to move consent; to be content sencillo simple
sacudón m. jerk, jolt saya f. skirt; petticoat senda f. path
sagaz shrewd se (impersonal) one; you; they sendero m. path
sal f. salt se (refl. pron.) yourself (for.); seno m. bosom, breast
cubierto de sal covered with himself; herself; oneself; sensación f. sensation
salt themselves sensual sensual
ALBUM Vocabulario 317

sentado seated servir (i,i) to serve silla de ruedas wheelchair

sentar (ie) to seat; to settle; to fit no se servía de ella he wasn’t silla voladora flying chair
sentarse (ie) to sit, to sit down; using (an amusement park ride)
to sit down to; to settle servir de to serve as sillón m. armchair; chair; throne
sentido m. sense; meaning servirse to use sillón de resortes dental stool
sentido (adj.) felt; deeply felt; sesión m. session silvestre wooded; wild
sensitive seto m. hedge simbolizar to symbolize
sentimental sentimental severo severe símbolo m. symbol
sentimiento m. sentiment; sexto sixth simpatía f. affection, attachment,
feeling; sorrow, regret si if liking, friendliness
sentir (ie,i) to feel; to be or feel como si as if cobrarse simpatía to become
sorry for; to hear; to sense, to como si le costara as if it were fond of each other
perceive hard for him simpático nice, congenial
sentirse (ie,i) to feel; to feel porque si because if simple simple
oneself to be; to be resentful; si no otherwise simplificar to simplify
to crack sí yes; indeed, itself sin without
señal f. signal, sign ahora sí certainly now sin duda without a doubt,
señalado scarred decir que sí to say yes certainly
señalar to point out; to point; to eso sí that indeed sin embargo however;
show; to signal; to mark por sí solo by itself nevertheless
señas f. pl. address sí misma herself sin remedio without help,
señor m. Lord; sir, gentleman, sí mismo oneself/yourself/ without a solution; without fail
Mr.; owner himself sin siquiera without even
señora f. madam, Mrs.; lady sobre sí self-possessed toque sin pena don’t hesitate
sepa (pres. subj. saber) know siembra f. sowing; sown field to knock
separación f. separation siempre always sincero sincere
separado separated como siempre as always sinfonía f. symphony
separar to separate desde siempre from the siniestra f. left hand
sepulcro m. sepulcher, tomb; beginning of time sino but
grave para siempre forever sino que but
séquese (for. com. secarse) dry sierra f. mountain range sintiendo (pres. p. sentir) feeling
sequía f. drought siesta f. afternoon nap, siesta sinuoso winding
sequoia f. sequoia (tree) siete seven siquiera even; at least
ser m. being; essence; life siga (for. com. seguir) follow; ni siquiera not even
ser humano m. human being continue sin siquiera without even
ser to be siglo m. century siquiera (conj.) although, even
ser de to belong to; to be made significado m. significance; though
of; to be from meaning sirena f. siren
ser poco to be of little significar to signify, to mean sirvienta f. servant
importance siguiendo (pres. p. seguir) sisear to hiss
serie f. series continuing sitio m. place, spot, location;
seriecito (dim. serio) pretty siguiente following, next room
serious silbar to whisle situación f. situation
serio serious; reliable; firm; silbido m. whistle situado situated, located
strong silencio m. silence situar to situate, to locate
en serio seriously guardar silencio to remain sobrar to remain
serpiente f. serpent, snake silent sobre above, on, about
serranías f. mountain valleys silencioso silent de sobre on top of
servicio m. service silla f. seat, chair; saddle sobre sí self-possessed
318 Vocabulario ALBUM

sobre m. envelope sonriendo (pres. p. sonreír) sucumbir to succumb, to yield

sobresalir to project; to hang out; smiling sudar to sweat
to stand out, to excel sonrió (pret. sonreír) you (for.)/ sudor m. sweat
sobresaltado startled, shocked he/she smiled sudoroso sweaty
sobresaltarse to be startled, to be sonrisa f. smile suegro m. father-in-law
frightened soñar (ue) to dream suegra f. mother-in-law
sobresalto m. fright, scare soñar con to dream of suela f. tanned leather
sobretodo m. overcoat soñar en alta voz to talk in sueldo m. salary
sobrevivir to survive (one’s) sleep soler (ue) to tend to, to be in the
sobrino m. nephew sopa f. soup habit of
social social soplar to blow suelo m. floor, ground
sociedad f. society sopor m. lethargy echar al suelo to tear down
soeces (pl. soez) dirty, vulgar soportar to bear; to hold up; to suelta (fam. com. soltar) untie
sofá m. sofa endure, to tolerate suelto loose; free
sofocar to choke; to suffocate; to sorber to sip, to soak up tierra suelta dirt
stifle sorbo m. sip sueño m. sleep, dream
sofoco m. suffocation; sórdido sordid tener sueño to be sleepy
oppression sordo deaf; dull; muffled suerte f. luck; fortune; fate
sol m. sun sorna f. sarcasm llevarse la suerte to be lucky
al ponerse el sol at sunset sorprender to surprise tocar la mala suerte to suffer
salida del sol sunrise sorprendido surprised bad luck
solamente only sorpresa f. surprise sufijo m. suffix
solar m. lot, ground-plot sorpresivo unexpected sufrimiento m. suffering
soldado m. soldier sorteo m. drawing sufrir to suffer
soledad f. loneliness, solitude sortija f. engagement ring sujetar to subject, to keep; to
soliloquio m. soliloquy sosegado calm hold fast; to fasten, to hold
solitaria f. tapeworm sosegar to calm down
solitario solitary, lonely sosiego m. quiet, calm sumarísimo swift, expeditious
sollozar to sob sospechar to suspect consejo sumarísimo court
rompió a sollozar you (for.)/ sostén m. support martial
he/she began to sob sostener to support, to hold up; sumergir to submerge
sollozo m. sob to sustain sumideros m. pl. sewage drains
solo (adj.) alone, sole; lonely sostenerse to support sumir to sink
por sí solo by itself soy (pres. ser) I am supe, supo (pret. saber) found
sólo (adv.) only lo soy I am out, became aware
soltar (ue) to let out, to release; suave suave, smooth, soft; gentle, superar to overcome
to untie mild, meek superficie f. surface
soltero unmarried suavemente softly suplicante imploring
tío solterón m. bachelor uncle subir to raise, to lift; to carry up; suplicar to implore
sombra f. shade; shadow; dark- to go up; to alight; to climb suponer to suppose
ness; ghost subirse to rise por supuesto of course
sombrero m. hat súbito sudden superviviente m. & f. survivor
sombrío dark subjuntivo m. subjunctive sur south
sonaja f. rattle sublevarse to revolt surcado furrowed
sonámbulo m. sleepwalker subsistir to exist surcar to furrow
sonar (ue) to ring, to sound subtítulo m. subtitle surco m. row, furrow
sonar a to sound like suceder to happen sureste (adj. & m.n.) southeast
sonido m. sound suceso m. event surgir to arise
sonreír (i,i) to smile sucio dirty surtidor m. jet stream
ALBUM Vocabulario 319

suspender to suspend tarde f. afternoon; evening temprano early

suspirar to sigh todas las tardes every after- tenaza f. tong
suspiro m. sigh noon tender (ie) to offer; to stretch
sustancioso substantial tarde (adj.) late out; to extend
sustantivo m. noun ya era tarde it was already too tenderete m. stall
sustentar to support late tener to have; to consider
sustituir to substitute; to replace tarde (adv.) late; too late no tenías llenadero you
susto m. fright más tarde later couldn’t be filled
susurrar to whisper tardío tardy, late tener ... años to be . . . years
susurro m. whisper tardísimo extremely late old
sutil (or sútil) subtle tarea f. job; task tener calor to be hot or warm
suyo yours (for.); his; hers; theirs; tarima f. platform (people)
your own (for.); his own; her tarjeta f. card tener cuidado to be careful
own; their own tartana f. round-topped, tener frío to be cold (people)
two-wheeled carriage tener ganas de to feel like
T tasa f. rate tener hambre to be hungry
tabaco m. tobacco taza f. cup tener la bondad to be so kind
tabernero m. bartender teatro m. theater (as to); please
tabla f. table; list; board; index; técnica f. technique tener la culpa to be to blame,
plank techo m. ceiling; roof to be guilty
taburete m. stool teja f. tile; roof tile tener la edad para comprender
táctil tactile, relating to touch tejabán m. roofed house to be old enough to
tacto m. tact, touch; dexterity tejado m. roof understand
tal such, so, as tejer to knit tener lástima to take pity; to
con tal (de) que provided that tejido m. knitting; tissue feel compassion
de tal modo que so much so tela f. cloth; web tener lugar to take place
that cancel de tela curtain tener miedo to be afraid
tal vez perhaps telaraña f. spiderweb tener que (+ inf.) to have to
talón m. heel teléfono m. telephone (do something)
tambaleante wavering por teléfono by telephone tener que ver con to have to do
tambalearse to sway, to stagger telescopio m. telescope with
también also televisión f. television tener razón to be correct
tampoco neither, not either tema m. theme, subject tener sed to be thirsty
tan so; as; such temblar (ie) to tremble, to shake, tener sueño to be sleepy
tan pronto como as soon as to quiver tenerse en pie to remain
possible; as soon as temblete m. aspen standing
tanto so much; as many; so temblor m. tremor, shaking, tenido (p.p. tener) had; held
many; so long trembling tenido por considered as
en tanto in the meantime tembloroso trembling teniente m. lieutenant
mientras tanto meanwhile temer to fear tenis m. tennis
por lo tanto for that reason temido feared tensión f. tension
un tanto somewhat temor m. fear tentación f. temptation
tapa f. cover temperatura f. temperature tentar (ie) to tempt
tapar to cover tempestad f. storm tenue tenuous, delicate
tapia f. wall templado mild teñir (i,i) to dye, to stain
tapiz m. tapestry temporada f. season tercer third
tardar to delay temporal temporal la tercera edad f. golden age;
tardar en (+ inf.) to delay in tempranito (dim. temprano) senior citizenry
tardarse to be delayed very early tercio m. third
320 Vocabulario ALBUM

terciopelo m. velvet timbre m. doorbell tolerancia f. tolerance

terciopeloso (terciopelado) tímidamente timidly tolerante tolerant
velvety timidez f. cowardice, timidness toma f. shot
terminado finished tinaja f. large earthen jar tomado taken, seized, captured,
terminantemente positively, tinta f. ink taken over
categorically tintero m. inkwell tomar to take; to get; to seize;
terminar to finish, to end tío m. uncle to take on; to catch; to have
término m. term tipo m. type (food or drink); to drink
ternura f. tenderness tiranía f. tyranny tono m. tone
terraplén m. terrace, embank- tirano m. tyrant tonto silly, foolish
ment tirante (adj.) tightened topar (con) to run into, to
terrateniente m. landowner tirantes m. pl. suspenders encounter
terrenal earthy; earthly tirar to abandon; to throw away; toque (for. com. tocar) knock;
terrenito m. small plot of land to cast; to pull touch
terreno m. land, soil; field, tirar del brazo to pull by the Toque sin pena. Don’t hesitate
terrain arm to knock.
terrible terrible tirar una carcajada to burst torcido twisted, bent
terriblemente terribly into laughter torcidos turned in
terrón m. lump tirarse to throw oneself tormenta f. storm
terso smooth tiro m. shot tormento m. pain
tesoro m. treasure a tiro within range tornar to return
testarudo stubborn te pega un tiro he/she will tornarse to become
testigo m. witness shoot you torpe stupid, clumsy
tez f. face tironear to pull, to tug torpor m. numbness
ti you (fam. s.); thee título m. title; degree torre f. tower
Pobre de ti. You poor thing. títulos de crédito credits torta f. mine pit
tía f. aunt tobillo m. ankle tortilla f. tortilla; omelet (Spain)
tibieza f. lukewarmness; coolness tocable relating to the sense of tortura f. torture
tibio tepid; lukewarm, warmish touch toser to cough
tiempo m. time; tense; weather tocar to touch; to touch on; to tozudo stubborn
al mismo tiempo at the same feel; to ring; to toll; to strike; traba f. feminine barrette
time to play an instrument; to trabajador m. worker
al poco tiempo in a short time come to know; to suffer trabajar to work; to till
desde hace un tiempo for some la parte que a uno le toca to trabajo m. work, job
time now pertain to, to concern; to fall dar trabajo to be difficult
hacer mal tiempo to have bad to the lot of, to be the turn of trabajosamente laboriously, with
weather tocar la mala suerte to suffer difficulty
tienda f. store bad luck trabar to seize, to grab; to lock
tienta f. probe todavía still, yet; already trabitas f. pl. small hair barrettes
buscó a tientas you (for.)/he/ todavía no not yet tradición f. tradition
she/it groped for todo all; everything traducir to translate
tiento m. halter, strap de todas maneras anyway tradúzcalo (traduzca: for. com.
tierno soft; fresh; tender en todo caso in any case traducir) translate it
tierra f. ground, earth, land; dust todas las mañanas every traer to bring; to cause; to lead
pisó tierra landed morning tragar to swallow
tierra de labranza farming todas las tardes every de un trago in a single gulp
land afternoon traicionar to betray
tierra suelta dirt todos los días every day traído (p.p. traer) brought
tieso stiff toldo m. awning traje m. suit
ALBUM Vocabulario 321

trajeado dressed trazar to trace U

mal trajeados poorly dressed trébol m. clover u or, either (before words
trajeron (pret. traer) you (pl.)/ trecho m. space; lapse beginning with o- or ho-)
they brought a trechos by intervals último last, latest; final; excellent;
trajinar to traipse; to deceive; to trémulo trembling superior
poke around tren m. train por última vez for the last time
trajo (pret. traer) you (for.)/he/ en tren by train ultrajar to insult; to abuse, to
she/it brought trenza f. braid offend
trama f. plot; story line trepar(se) to climb up umbral m. doorway, threshold
trampa f. trap tribu f. tribe uncir to harness
trance m. moment tribuna f. tribune; platform únicamente only
tranquilamente tranquilly, tricota f. turtleneck sweater único only, sole; unique
calmly trincheras f. pl. trenches uniformado uniformed
tranquilidad f. tranquillity triste sad uniforme m. uniform
tranquilo tranquil, calm tristemente sadly unir to unite
transcurrir to pass, to elapse tristeza f. sadness, gloominess universidad f. university
transformación f. change; triunfador m. victorious, unos some; a pair of
transformation triumphant uña f. fingernail
transformar to transform triunfar to triumph urbe f. city
transformarse to be triunfo m. triumph urgente urgent
transformed trocear to cut up usado used
transparencia f. transparency trompeta f. trumpet usar to use; to wear
transparente transparent tropa f. troop usted you (for.)
tranvía f. streetcar tropezar (ie) to stumble over, útil useful
trapo m. rag to trip over, to run into; to utilidad f. utility, usefulness
tras after; behind stumble; to stumble upon utilizar to utilize
trascurso m. course tropezar con to bump into; to uva f. grape
trasero hind, back come upon, to stumble
trasformar to transform upon V
trasmitir (transmitir) to tropezón m. stumble
vaca f. cow; cowhide
transmit a tropezones stumbling;
vacaciones f. pl. vacation
trasquila f. shearing falteringly
de vacaciones on vacation
trasporte (transporte) m. trote m. trot
vacilante vacillating, hesitating
transport al trote at a trot; hastily,
vacilar to vacillate, to hesitate
trastes m. pl. dishes, pots and hurriedly
vacío m. emptiness
pans trotecillo m. (dim. trote) little
vacío empty
tratar to handle, to deal with; trot
vacuna f. vaccination
to treat trozo m. piece
vagabundo m. vagabond
tratar de ( + inf.) to try to (do tú you (fam.); thou
vagamente vaguely
something) tucán m. toucan
vagar to wander
tratarse to be concerned with tuerto blind in one eye
vagido m. wail (especially of a
tratarse de to have to do with, turbar to perturb; to embarrass
newborn child)
to be about turbio cloudy, misty; muddy
vago vague, obscure
tratase de (imp. subj. tratar) tuve (pret. tener) I had
vaina f. pod; husk; thing
were dealing with tuviera (imp. subj. tener) had
Es la misma vaina. It’s the
través m. inclination to one side, tuvieron (pret. tener) had
same thing.
bias; adversity tuvimos (pret. tener) we had
vainita f. (dim. vaina) little pod
a través de across, through tuvo (pret. tener) had
valedor m. valiant one
trayendo (pres. p. traer) bringing tuyo (fam. s. pron.) yours
322 Vocabulario ALBUM

valentía f. courage vencer to conquer; to expire vereda f. trail, path

valer to have worth; to be vendedora f. seller vergüenza f. shame
worthy; to be worth; to be vender to sell verídico true
valuable venerado venerated verja f. fence, grating
valer la pena to be worthwhile vengan a (fam. com. venir) come verso m. verse, line of poetry
valga (pres. subj. valer) is worthy venganza f. revenge, vengeance vestido dressed
válido able venir (ie) to come vestir(se) (i,i) to dress
valiente valiant, brave me viene como anillo al dedo vestuario m. costume
valija f. suitcase, valise it fits me like a glove veta f. vein (of a mineral)
valioso valuable venidas a menos made useless vete (fam. com. irse) go away
valle m. valley venir a que to come with the vez f. time, occasion; turn
valor m. value; worth; courage; purpose that, to come so that a la vez at the same time
price venirle a uno bien to be a su vez in turn; on your (for.)/
vanamente vainly becoming; to fit well his/her part
vano m. opening venta f. sale a veces sometimes
vano vain ventaja f. advantage alguna vez now and then
en vano in vain ventajoso advantageous cada vez each time
vaporoso cloudy ventana f. window cada vez más more and more
vaquero m. ranchhand; cowboy ventanal m. large window de una vez in one stroke, all at
vario various, varied ventanilla f. window (of a ticket once
varios several office) de vez en cuando occasionally
varón m. male, man vente (fam. com. venirse) come, de vez en vez once in a while
varonil manly bring yourself en vez de instead of
vaso m. glass ventura f. fortune, happiness otra vez again
vastedad f. vastness ver to see por primera vez for the first
¡Vaya! (interj.) Come on! Well! a ver let’s see time
Come on now! al ver upon seeing por última vez for the last time
vaya (for. com. ir) go al verlas upon seeing them repetidas veces over and over
que se vaya that you (for.)/he/ habría que ver we would just again
she go away have to see tal vez perhaps
veces f. pl. (s. vez) times, tener que ver con to have to una vez once
occasions do with una y otra vez repeatedly
a veces sometimes vera f. edge viaje m. trip, journey
muchas veces often veranear to spend the summer hacer un viaje to take a trip
repetidas veces repeatedly veranillo m. (dim. verano) little vida f. life; livelihood
vecindario m. neighborhood summer vidriera f. glass case
vecino neighboring veranillo de San Martín Indian vidrio m. glass; windowpane
vecino m. neighbor summer vieja f. older woman
veinte justos exactly twenty verano m. summer viejita f. (dim. vieja) dear woman;
vejete m. old man veras f. pl. truth; fact dear wife; older woman
vejez f. old age de veras really, truly viejo m. old man
vela f. candle verbo m. verb viejo old
dar vela to give an excuse verdad f. truth viento m. wind
velador m. night table; night light verdaderamente truly, really vientre m. womb; soul
velar to watch; to stay awake verdadero real, true viernes m. Friday
velo m. veil verde green Viernes Santo Good Friday
ven (fam. com. venir) come verde brillante bright green viese (imp. subj. ver) see
vena f. vein verde olivo olive green vigilancia f. watchfulness,
vencedor m. winner, victor verdugo m. executioner vigilance
ALBUM Vocabulario 323

vigilar to watch over, look after volante m. steering wheel Y

vinito m. (dim. vino) nice wine volar (ue) to fly; to blow up y and
vino m. wine volcán m. volcano ya already: right away; now;
vino (pret. venir) you (for.)/he/ volcar (ue) to overturn finally
she/it came voltear to knock down ya no no longer
viña f. vineyard voluntad f. will, determination; ya que inasmuch as,
violación f. rape good will since
violencia f. violence volver (ue) to return, to come yacer to lie
violento violent back yegua f. mare
virgen f. virgin volver a (+ inf.) to do yendo (pres. p. ir) going
virginidad f. virginity; innocence (something) again yerba f. grass
virilidad f. virility volverse to turn around; yerbabuena f. mint
virreinato m. viceroyalty to return; to turn into, to yerno m. son-in-law
virtud f. virtue become yeso m. plaster
visión f. vision volverse atrás to go back yo pron. I
visita f. visit; visitor, caller vosotros (fam. pl.) you yo mismo myself
vista f. sight; view; vision votación f. voting
perder de vista to lose sight of voz en off f. voiceover Z
punto de vista point of view voz f. voice
zafiro m. sapphire
visto (p.p. ver) seen en voz alta aloud
zaguán m. hall
visual visual vuelta f. turn, twirl
zambullirse to dive
viuda f. widow dar la vuelta to turn around
zángano m. lazy kid
viudo m. widower dar media vuelta to turn
zanja f. trench, ditch
vivaz lively around
zapador m. sapper
viviente alive dar una vuelta to turn around;
zarandeado shaken
vivir to live to take a stroll; to take
zarandear to shake
vivo alive; lively; vivid a drive
zigzagueante zigzagging
vocabulario m. vocabulary dar vuelta to turn over
zinc m. zinc
vocal f. vowel dar vueltas to fuss about; to
zorro m. fox
vocecita f. (dim. voz) little voice shift back and forth
zumbar to buzz
voces f. pl. (s. voz) voices estar de vuelta to be back
zumbido m. buzzing
volador flying vuelto (p.p. volver) returned
zurrón m. game bag
voladura f. explosion vuelva (for. com. volver) return

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