Variante Tarrach de La Francesa
Variante Tarrach de La Francesa
Variante Tarrach de La Francesa
The Tarrasch Variation: The Universal System
Attacking Chess: The French
balances the position from an early How should Black continue now?
stage and White is not given time to The move 8...0-0 looks very risky as
pull off such extravagant knight ma- White’s bishop on d3 is ideally lined up
noeuvres. against the h7-pawn and White has a
number of ways that he would be able
to start an attack against Black’s king.
Game 48 Let’s first think about what is wrong
S.Rublevsky-S.Volkov with White’s set-up. The main thing
European Championship, that we notice is the position of his
Ohrid 2001 knight on d2. At the moment it is block-
ing in the dark-squared bishop and it
1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 Ìd2 Íe7 will take a while to get this knight into
We reach the Universal System via the game. Having a knight on d2 will
an interesting move order. Our usual also make it harder for White to defend
move order would be 3...Ìf6 4 e5 Ìfd7 his d4-pawn, so it makes sense for
5 Íd3 c5 6 c3 Ìc6 7 Ìgf3 Íe7. Black to aim for White’s d-pawn.
4 Ìgf3 Ìf6 5 e5 Ìfd7 6 Íd3 c5 7 c3 There are two main ways that Black
Ìc6 can do this: one is by playing 8...Ëb6
This is the starting point of the and the other is the approach chosen
opening. The first thing you should no- here. The main problem with the im-
tice is that Black does not play the mediate 8...Ëb6 is that White gains an
move ...f6 in this particular line. This is attack after 9 Îe1 cxd4 10 cxd4 Ìxd4
due to the aggressive placement of 11 Ìxd4 Ëxd4 12 Ìf3 Ëb6 13 Ëa4. I
White’s knight on f3. The problem is do not enjoy defending such positions,
that ...f6 can often run into tactics which is why I have gone for a more
based around the move Ìg5. counterattacking option in this book.
8 0-0 8...g5!?
W________W By playing this move Black plans to
[rDb1kDW4] chase White’s knight on c3 away with
[0pDngp0p] ...g5-g4. It will then be possible to cap-
ture the pawn on d4. However, this is a
very double-edged approach as Black
[DW0p)WDW] cannot really consider castling kingside
[WDW)WDWD] anymore because his g-pawn has
[DW)BDNDW] marched up the board. Indeed, the
[P)WHW)P)] game can become very wild and messy
[$WGQDRIW] after this aggressive lunge.
W--------W 9 dxc5!
The Tarrasch Variation: The Universal System
W________W W________W
[rDb1kDW4] [rDb1kDW4]
[0pDngpDp] [0pDWgpDp]
[DW)p)W0W] [DB)pDW0W]
[P)WHW)P)] [P)WHW)P)]
W--------W W--------W
This is White’s best response to I still think that this move is under-
Black’s pawn push. He wants to open rated here. For example:
up the centre as much as possible, so a) 11 b4 0-0 (11...a5!?) 12 Ìd4 Íd7
that he can try to exploit the slightly 13 a4 and now in A.Holst-S.Williams,
exposed nature of Black’s king. Aarhus 1998, I now played 13...e5,
Other options will be looked at in which was okay, but even better would
Giplis-Savchenko towards the end of have been 13...a5! when Black is
the chapter. slightly better.
9...Ìdxe5 b) 11 c4 0-0 12 cxd5 Ëxd5 13 Ìb3
The knight grabs a central pawn. g4 14 Ëxd5 exd5 15 Íxc6 bxc6 16
This makes sense, but it can leave the Ìfd4 Íd7 was fine for Black in
black king open to attack along the e- K.Zalkind-S.Williams, Witley 1999. The
file. two bishops should come into their
Black actually has a number of op- own later on in the game.
tions here and we will look at 9...g4 and 11 Ëe2?!
9...Ìxc5 later on. Too passive. White had a second
10 Íb5?! chance to capture on e5 and he should
Black should be fine after this move. have played 11 Ìxe5!, transposing to
White should play 10 Ìxe5! which we our next game.
will look at next in Rublevsky- 11...Ëc7
Morozevich. Black is getting ready to castle
10...Íd7 queenside when his strong centre and
A move that I used to experiment advanced g-pawn will give him very
with was 10...Ìg6!?. My plan was to good chances.
give some extra protection to my king 12 Îe1
so that I could castle kingside. I also This may also be a slight waste of
wanted to combine this with ...e5. time.
Attacking Chess: The French
The Tarrasch Variation: The Universal System