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Original Article

A study on clinical attachment loss and gingival

inflammation as etiologic factors in pathologic tooth
S Rohatgi, SC Narula1, RK Sharma1, S Tewari1, P Bansal
Department of Periodontics, Sudha Rustagi College of Dental Sciences and Research, Faridabad, 1Govt. Dental College,
Rohtak, Haryana, India.

Background: Several etiologic factors have been listed for pathologic migration of periodontally involved teeth based
mainly on clinical observations with scarce scientific evidence. Present study was carried out to find out relationship of
clinical attachment loss and gingival inflammation with pathologic tooth migration.
Materials and Methods: A total of 37 patients having 50 pairs of migrated and non-migrated contralateral teeth were
taken into consideration.
Results: Mean total attachment loss per tooth in migrated and non migrated tooth is 13.32 ± 0.74 S.E. and 8.34 ±
0.58 S.E., respectively (P < 0.001), which reveals a positive correlation. There seems to be an association between
frequency of migration and severity of attachment loss since highest percentage of migrations were seen in maximum
total attachment loss group. Relationship could not be established between severity of attachment loss and severity
of migration for which more data may be required. Also, it was seen that gingival index was significantly higher in
migrated group.
Conclusion: Findings suggest that there exists a direct relationship between pathologic migration and clinical attachment
loss as well as gingival inflammation.
Clinical relevance: Results emphasize the importance of early treatment of periodontitis to curb inflammation, which
seems to be more important since it is completely reversible, and attachment loss also in order to prevent unaesthetic
complications. Moreover bleeding along with recent change in position of teeth should be considered as important
sign of active, moderate to severe periodontal disease by general dentists and hygienists so that they can refer for
specialist consultation.

Key words: Clinical attachment loss, pathologic tooth migration, periodontal disease

Date of Acceptance: 06-Apr-2011

Introduction disease there is reduction in the surface area of attachment

apparatus supporting and maintaining normal position of
Pathologic tooth migration is defined as the movement tooth. Furthermore, inflammatory alterations affect the
of a tooth out of its natural position usually as a result quality of remaining supporting structure thereby making
of periodontal disease.[1] Two major factors play a role in the tooth less adaptive to tensile forces and promote
maintaining the normal tooth position, health and normal pathologic migration.
height of periodontium, and the forces exerted on teeth
that include forces of occlusion and pressure from lips, Access this article online
cheeks and tongue.[2] With the presence of periodontal Quick Response Code:

Address for correspondence:

DOI: 10.4103/1119-3077.91754
Dr. Sumidha Rohatgi,
Department of Periodontics, Sudha Rustagi College of Dental
Sciences and Research, Faridabad, Haryana, India. PMID: 22248948
E-mail: [email protected]

Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice • Oct-Dec 2011 • Vol 14 • Issue 4 449

Rohatgi, et al.: Pathologic tooth migration

The prevalence of pathologic migration is not known

precisely but has been reported to be between 30.03% and
55.8%[3-6] in various studies. It may manifest in the form
of incisor flaring, diastema formation, rotation, extrusion,
tipping into edentulous spaces or a combination of any of

The etiology of pathologic tooth migration is multifactorial

as well as complex[3] that includes periodontal attachment
loss, [7,8] inflamed tissues, [9,10] bone loss, [5-7] occlusal
factors,[11,12] loss of teeth without replacement,[5,13] labial
frenum, and iatrogenic dentistry. Specific behaviors
associated with it include bruxism, tongue thrusting, lip
and finger sucking habits and playing of wind instruments.[3]

The movement of teeth without periodontal destruction Figure 1: Non-migrated right maxillary lateral incisor and mi-
grated contra lateral tooth
is called drifting. Hence, attachment loss is the mandatory
prerequisite for pathologic migration to occur either in
isolation or in association with some other listed etiologic as these habits are responsible for migration of tooth to
factor. Is there some threshold value of attachment loss after a varying degree. Teeth with periapical pathology were
which migration starts? Is attachment loss in itself sufficient also excluded since that may also be an additive factor in
to initiate migration or some other factors like severity of pathologic migration. Non replacement of an extracted
attachment loss, number of root surfaces involved, tooth tooth may cause occlusal disturbance, which may lead
type, amount of inflammation, type of occlusion, type of to migration and drifting of teeth. Hence, patients with
habit, etc are more important? There is paucity of scientific a history of extraction were also not a part of the present
data on the relationship of each of these etiologic factors study.
independently with pathologic migration and also on the
Comprehensive oral examination including periodontal
determination of relative importance of each.
charting was performed for all enrolled subjects. Plaque
index by Sillness and Loe, gingival index by Loe and
The aim of the present study was to investigate the
Sillness, clinical attachment loss, probing pocket depth
relationship of pathologic migration with gingival
were recorded.
inflammation and clinical attachment loss, which are
supposed to be the most important etiologic factors.
The 50 diastema sites (migrated teeth) of these 37 patients
were divided into the following groups on the first visit,
Materials and Methods based on the severity of pathologic migration which was
measured by standardized cellotape gauges.[2]
Study population
A total of 45 subjects suffering from localized or generalized • Group I (Gp I) sites measuring 0.1−1 mm
chronic periodontitis with a history of recently formed • Group II (Gp II) sites measuring 1.1−2 mm
diastema in upper or lower anterior segment or noticeable • Group III (Gp III) sites measuring 2.1−3 mm
increase in already existing diastema were selected from the
patients attending the Department of Periodontics, Govt. Fifty pairs of migrated and contra-lateral non-migrated
Dental College, Rohtak. Out of these 37 patients consisting teeth (100 teeth) were grouped according to the total
of 30 females and 7 males fulfilling the following criteria were attachment loss on all the four surfaces (sites) to study
taken into consideration for the present study relationship between severity of attachment loss and
• Presence of pathologic migration and attachment loss pathologic migration.
of >4 mm on at least one surface.
• Presence of homologous tooth with attachment loss of Gp A : Total attachment loss of 4−10 mm
>4 mm but without pathologic migration to be used as Gp B : Total attachment loss of 11−17 mm
control [Figure 1]. Gp C : Total attachment loss of 18−25 mm

Exclusion criteria Probing depth and attachment level measurements using

Pathologic migration in the presence of habits like bruxism, William’s periodontal probe were taken at four sites
tongue thrusting, lip biting, finger sucking and conditions (i.e. mesial, distal, mid buccal, and mid palatal) around
like high frenal attachment were not included in the study each migrated and non-migrated contralateral tooth.
450 Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice • Oct-Dec 2011 • Vol 14 • Issue 4
Rohatgi, et al.: Pathologic tooth migration

Interproximal measurements were taken with probe SE), which shows a statistically non-significant difference
angulations as close as possible to the long axis of tooth. between the two. Similarly, Tables 3 and 4 compare mean
of total attachment loss between Gp II and Gp III and Gp I
Probing reliability and III, respectively, with results showing a non-significant
Clinical attachment loss measurements were taken difference in both the comparisons. Thus a positive
with a William’s periodontal probe by two examiners correlation could not be established between severity of
simultaneously who were blinded to each other’s results. attachment loss and severity of migration.
Total attachment loss around each pair of migrated and
non-migrated contralateral tooth was taken. Results showed Relationship of migrated and non-migrated teeth with
a standard deviation of 0.674 ± 0.067SE. severity of attachment loss has been compared in Table
5. Since the calculated value of χ 2 i.e. 11.87 (Chi
Results square test) is higher than the table value at 1% level
of significance, P < 0.01 and it can be concluded that
Fifty pairs of migrated and non-migrated teeth in a subset there is an association between frequency of migration
of 37 patients were compared for attachment levels. and severity of attachment loss.
Relationship of mean of total attachment loss in migrated
and non-migrated teeth has been evaluated in Table 1. Gingival inflammation and pressure from granulation tissue
Mean total attachment loss in migrated teeth is 13.32 in pocket as an etiologic factor has also been stressed in the
+ 0.74 S.E., which is significantly higher than an mean literature. Table 6 compares mean gingival index of both
total attachment loss of 8.34 ± 0.58 SE in non-migrated the groups, which show a significant difference between
teeth as shown in Figure 2 (P < 0.001, paired t test). This both the groups. This implies that mean gingival index was
reveals a positive correlation between attachment loss significantly higher in migrated teeth.
and migration.
There was a non-significant correlation between severity of
attachment loss and severity of migration with correlation Results reveal that teeth affected by migration had
coefficient of 0.149 (pearson product moment correlation significantly more attachment loss than contra lateral teeth
coefficient). Table 2 compared the mean of total attachment without migration [Table 1], which is in accordance with
loss in GpI (12.1176 ± 1.17 SE) and GpII (14.5 ± 1.36 earlier study by Towfighi et al.,[3] that studied 75 pairs of
migrated and contra lateral non migrated teeth. The mean
14 attachment loss of migrated teeth (4.79 ± 0.28 mm) was
significantly greater than control teeth (3.21 ± 0.18 mm)
Mean Attachment Loss

10 in that study which is quite comparable to our results. Since
the etiology of migration is multifactorial, using the same
patient as a control may be more accurate means of studying
these factors, as the factors which influence tooth position
would remain relatively comparable within an individual.
It may here be deduced that pathologic migration initiates
0 after clinical attachment loss exceeds a threshold value.
Migrated teeth Non-migrated teeth
Literature demonstrates that tooth drifts in a direction
Mean attachment loss Standard Error
diametrically opposite to the site exhibiting most severe
Figure 2: Mean of total attachment loss and standard error in destruction[3,6] except in cases of facial pockets where
migrated and non-migrated teeth investigated direction of movement is same. This study included patients
with recently formed diastema or increase in existing
Table 1: Comparison of mean total attachment loss in diastema, the precise reason for formation of which is
migrated and non-migrated teeth unknown and may be rotation, flaring, extrusion, tipping and
Variable Migrated Non- t P
most commonly a combination of all. So the exact direction
teeth migrated of migration cannot be determined objectively. The decision
(n = 50) teeth of adding attachment loss at four sites and calculating a
(n = 50) mean attachment loss thus seemed to be most prudent.
Mean attachment loss 13.32 8.34 5.262 ****
Standard deviation 5.235 4.168 Total clinical attachment loss on migrated teeth versus
Standard error 0.7403 0.5894 that on contralateral non-migrated teeth showed a mean
****Significant at 0.001 difference of 4.98 mm in our study. This difference was

Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice • Oct-Dec 2011 • Vol 14 • Issue 4 451

Rohatgi, et al.: Pathologic tooth migration

calculated to be average 1.245 mm (13.32 mm – 8.34 mm/ Table 6 which compares mean gingival indices in both groups
4) on a single surface comparable to mean attachment loss shows significantly more inflammation in migrated teeth.
difference of 1.58 mm in Towfighi[2] study. But it is difficult to say whether inflammation is cause of
migration or consequence of migration due to opening of
Relationship of mean attachment loss per tooth and contact.
severity of migration could not be established since the
difference between mean attachment loss in GpI, GpII, and Similarly in a study by Martinez Canut P et al.,[6] the
GpIII was not statistically significant [Tables 2-4]. Further relationship of pathologic tooth migration with factors like
investigation needs to be done on this point with a greater bone loss, tooth loss and gingival inflammation was seen.
sample size. The odds ratio indicated that probability of pathologic
tooth migration increased between 2.95 to 7.97 times as
Relationship between severity of attachment loss and bone loss increased.
frequency of migration was compared [Table 5]. It can
be clearly seen that out of 50 non-migrated teeth, a Another study by Costa[5] also shows similar results in which
major fraction i.e. 35 teeth fall in the group of least it was observed that anterior teeth with pathologic migration
severe attachment loss, i.e. GpA. On the other hand presented greater attachment loss and bone loss than
out of 50 migrated teeth almost half fall in the group non-migrated teeth. Although patient factor was kept
of moderately severe attachment loss, i.e., GpB and 7 constant but tooth type (and hence tooth size and
in the GpC. Results are statistically significant at level position and root surface area) was not constant as against
of P < 0.01. Results are in accordance with the general our study in which tooth type was also kept stable by
notion that frequency of pathologic migration increases including contralateral non migrated teeth as done by
after clinical attachment loss exceeds a threshold value. Towfighi.[3]
In Gp A 35.1%,Gp B 63.1%, and Gp C 87.5% showed
migration which authenticates the fact that more is the One of the limitations of our study was subjective nature
total attachment loss more are the chances of migration of determining whether the control teeth had any type of
of tooth keeping all other patient factors constant by displacement or not. For this purpose an ideal arch form
taking same patient as control also. was estimated within patient’s arch and if any type of
displacements were noted in control teeth, the patients
were not included in this study. Moreover manual probing
Table 2: Comparison of mean total attachment loss in was used for measurements whose error is often regarded
GpI and GpII as ±1.00 mm.[14] Probing depth, probing force, probe
Variable GpI GpII t P angulation, state of tissue health, and tooth types and
(n = 17) (n = 18) surfaces affect variability in repeated measurements.[2]
Mean attachment loss 12.1176 14.5 -1.317 NS Having two examiners to ensure probing reproducibility
Standard deviation 4.8332 5.793 showed a very low standard deviation of 0.674 mm, which
Standard error 1.1722 1.3654 is quite less then error limit for manual probing.
NS- Not significant

Table 3: Comparison of mean total attachment loss in Table 5: Comparison of number of migrated and non
GpII and GpIII migrated teeth in Gp A, Gp B and Gp C
Variable Migrated Non-migrated χ2 P
Variable GpII GpIII t P
teeth teeth
(n = 18) (n = 14)
GpA 19 35 11.87 **
Mean total attachment loss 14.500 13.500 0.510 NS
GpB 24 14
Standard deviation 5.793 5.0952
GpC 7 1
Standard error 1.3654 1.3618
Total 50 50
NS- Not significant
**Significant at 0.01

Table 4: Comparison of mean total attachment loss in

GpI and GpIII Table 6: Mean and standard deviation of Gingival
index (Loe and Silness) in migrated and non-migrated
Variable GI GIII t P teeth
(n = 17) (n = 14)
Variable Migrated Non-migrated A P
Mean total attachment loss 12.1176 13.500 0.773 NS
teeth teeth
Standard deviation 4.8332 5.0952
Standard error 1.1722 1.3618 Mean S.D Mean S.D
NS- Not significant GI 2.02 1.858 1.25 0.010 0.4982 0.0036

452 Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice • Oct-Dec 2011 • Vol 14 • Issue 4

Rohatgi, et al.: Pathologic tooth migration

Further research work can be done on analyzing relationship correction of pathologic migration with periodontal therapy. Quintessence
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importance of all etiologic factors is known.
How to cite this article: Rohatgi S, Narula SC, Sharma RK,
References Tewari S, Bansal P. A study on clinical attachment loss and
gingival inflammation as etiologic factors in pathologic tooth
1. Glossary of Periodontal Terms. 3rd ed. American Academy of Periodontology;
migration. Niger J Clin Pract 2011;14:449-53.
2. Rohatgi S, Narula SC, Sharma RK, Tewari S, Bansal P. Clinical evaluation of Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.

Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice • Oct-Dec 2011 • Vol 14 • Issue 4 453

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