Timeline For 1600 Activity

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Date:______________________ Grade 10. Unit . Chapter 1. Assignment 1.

Name: _____________________________

1. Each learner is required to find out at least 8 facts regarding the event they have been given.
2. Each fact should be a complete idea which is fascinating and educational.
3. The facts should be presented in a creative way that is both professional and eye catching.
The facts should be included in “a five paragraph essay” format.
4. Each learner needs to present their event on an A4 piece of black paper folded in half.
5. The front cover – PRINTED on BRIGHT paper – Event and date. On the outside- back cover
a coloured illustration of the event.
a. America - Red b. Africa – Orange
c. Europe – Purple d. Australia – Yellow
e. Asia - Green

Black Plague
kills 75000 in
6. Inside the folded cover write a page essay recording at least 8 - 10 quality facts about the
event. The essay should be recorded IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

7. Underneath the facts record a bibliography of at least 2 references and your full name and

The London
Plague of
In the year 1665 death came calling on the
city of London. Death in the form of plague.
LAYOUT OF FACTS: People called it the Black Death, black for the
colour of the tell-tale lumps that foretold its
 Heading presence in a victim's body, and death for
the inevitable result.
 One full A4 size paper. The plague germs were carried by fleas
which lived as parasites on rats.
 Size font 11 – Arial or Tahoma
Although it had first appeared in Britain in
 or Calibri. 1348, the islands were never totally free of
plague, but it was like an unpleasant
 1.15 line spacing possibility that people just learned to live
with while they got on with their business.


www. The Black plague.com. Search 2 Jan 2013

Name and Surname. Grade 10X

1. 1100 Timbuktu established in present day Mali.
Bantu, Arab and Indian cultures blend and form the Swahili civilisation on
2. 1100-1500
East coast of Africa.
Until 1450, the dominant kingdom in southern Africa was Great
Zimbabwe. The stone buildings there were the largest of many
Between 1100 zimbabwes, or stone-built enclosures, in south eastern Africa at the
and 1400 time. Great Zimbabwe was the centre of an empire which covered
much of the central area of the modern state of Zimbabwe. It was
built over a period of 300 years by ancestors of the Shona people.
4. 1320 - 1350 The first cannons and fire arms are used.
5. 1368 Ming dynasty begins.
6. 1350 European Renaissance begins.
7. 1405-1433 Seven great sea voyages from Ming China captained by Zheng He.
8. 1416 Chinese court moves from Nanjing to Beijing by the ruler, Yung-lo.
9. 1433 All sea voyages forbidden in Ming China.
10. 1441 Portuguese sell the first slaves in Madrid, Spain.
11. 1452 Gutenberg printed the first book, the Bible in Germany in 1452.
12. 1453 End of the Hundred Year War between England and France.
The Ottoman empire’s forces conquered the Byzantine capital of
13. 1453
14. 1468 Sonni Ali captures Timbuktu
15. 1473 Sonni Ali captures Djenné.
16. 1483 Babur ‘The Tiger’, first Mughal ruler is born.
17. 1485 Henry Tudor unites England.
Italian explorer Christopher Columbus asks Queen Isabella of Spain to fund
18. 1486
his voyage of exploration to find a new route to the East.
19. 1487-1488 Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias sails around the Cape.
20. 1492 Christopher Columbus sets sail for China by going westward.
Vasco da Gama rounds the Cape and reaches India. He names Natal after
21. 1498
the Portuguese word for Christmas day.
22. 1493-1528 Askia Muhammed Touré seizes power in Songhai.
The Inquisition reached its height in Spain during the days of King Ferdinand
23. Late 1400’s
and Queen Isabella.
First black slaves from Africa are brought to the Spanish colony of Santo
24. 1501
25. 1503 Leonardo da Vinci Paints the Mona Lisa.
26. 1506 Alfonso I becomes king of the Kongo.
27. 1509 Henry VIII ascends to the English Throne.
28. 1509 Michelangelo paints the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
Francisco de Almeida, the Portuguese Viceroy of India is murdered on the
29. 1510
beach at Cape Town (together with 63 others) by the Khoikhoi (Hottentots).
30. 1516 Coffee first imported to Europe.
Martin Luther posts his 95 theses denouncing church abuses on church door
31. 1517
in Wittenberg—start of the Reformation in Germany.
Aztec King, Montezuma welcomes the Spanish to his city thinking that the
32. 1519
Aztec god Queztlcoatl had returned.
33. 1521 Spanish explorer Cortés defeats the Aztecs.
The daughter of emperor Babur named Gulbadan Begum is born. She wrote
34. 1523
the Humayan Nama.
35. 1531-1535 Francisco Pizarro conquers the Inca Empire.
36. 1536 Henry VIII executes his second wife Anne Boleyn.
The oldest society in the world, the Aborigines of Australia continue to live in
37. 1540
Australia undisturbed by any outside world contact.
John Knox leads the Reformation in Scotland, establishes the Presbyterian
38. 1541
Publication of On the Revolution of Heavenly Bodies by Polish scholar
39. 1543 Nicolaus Copernicus—giving his theory that the earth revolves around the
Ivan IV (“the Terrible”) crowned as czar of Russia, begins conquest of
Astrakhan and Kazan (1552), battles nobles (boyars) for power (1564), kills
40. 1547
his son (1580), dies, and is succeeded by his weak and feeble-minded son,
Fyodor I.
41. 1553 Roman Catholicism restored in England by Queen Mary I.
42. 1556 Akbar becomes the ruler of the Mughal India at the age of 13.
Persecution of Huguenots in France stopped by Edict of Orleans. French
religious wars begin again with massacre of Huguenots at Vassy. St.
43. 1561 Bartholomew's Day Massacre—thousands of Huguenots murdered (1572).
Amnesty granted (1573). Persecution continues periodically until Edict of
Nantes (1598) gives Huguenots religious freedom (until 1685).
Queen Amina became queen of Zaria, a city that was part of the Songhai
44. 1576
Francis Drake returns to England after circumnavigating the globe; knighted
45. 1577
by Queen Elizabeth I
46. 1587 Mary, Queen of Scots, executed for treason by order of Queen Elizabeth I.
47. 1591 The Morroccans conquer the Songhai Empire.
48. 1593 The wife of emperor Shah Jahan, called Mumtaz ul-zamani is born.
49. 1595 First Dutch expedition rounds the Cape.
50. 1605 Jahangir becomes the leader of the Mughal Empire.
Jamestown, Virginia, established—first permanent English colony on
51. 1607 American mainland. Pocahontas, daughter of Chief Powhatan, saves life of
John Smith.
52. 1610 Galileo sees the moons of Jupiter through his telescope.
53. 1615 Sir Thomas Rae, the British ambassador to India meets Jahangir in India.
The North American natives, Wampanoag suffer from an epidemic after their
54. 1616
contact with British colonists.
55. 1619 A Dutch ship brings the first African slaves to British North America.
56. 1623 New Netherlands founded by Dutch West India Company.
Inquisition forces Galileo (astronomer) to recant his belief in Copernican
57. 1633
58. 1631 Construction begins on the Taj Mahal.
English Civil War. Cavaliers, supporters of Charles I, against Roundheads,
59. 1642
parliamentary forces.
60. 1642 Rembrandt paints his Night Watch.
61. 1644 End of the Ming Dynasty. Begining of the Qing dynasty.
The number of African Slaves in South America had reached its peak of
62. 1646
approximately 35 000.
End of the Thirty Years' War. German population about half of what it was in
63. 1648
1618 because of war and pestilence.
64. 1652 Jan van Riebeeck arrives at the Cape to establish a refreshment station.
65. 1658 Shah Jahan imprisoned by Aurangzeb, his son.
66. 1658 First Dutch slave shipment arrives at the Cape from Angola.
Louis XIV begins personal rule as absolute monarch; starts to build
67. 1661
68. 1664 Isaac Newton's experiments with gravity.
69. 1665 Black Plague kills 75 000 people in London.
70. 1666 Great Fire in London
71. 1675 King Philip’s War begins between the Wampanoags and British colonists
War of European powers against the Turks (to 1699). Vienna withstands
72. 1683
three-month Turkish siege; high point of Turkish advance in Europe.
Peter the Great becomes Czar of Russia—attempts to westernize nation and
73. 1689
build Russia as a military power.
Beginning of the French and Indian Wars (to 1763), campaigns in America
74. 1689 linked to a series of wars between France and England for domination of
75. 1770 James Cook claims the East coast of Australia in the name of Britain.
76. 1347 Bubonic Plague first arrives in Europe
Ottoman army under Murad I defeats Byzantine army at battle of
77. 1371
Chernomen; Ottomans conquer most of the Balkans
Last pagan ruler in Europe, Jogalia of Lithuania, converts to Christianity;
78. 1386
Foundation of Polish-Lithuanian dynastic union
79. 1408 Windmills in Holland
80. 1438 Beginnings of printing in Europe
81. 1450 Florence becomes center of Italian Renaissance
82. 1455 Pope gives approval to the slave trade
83. 1478 Pope Sixtus IV ratifies the Spanish Inquisition
84. 1508 Michelangelo paints the Sistine Chapel
85. 1549 Christianity reaches Japan
86. 1559 Queen Elizabeth coroneted
87. 1567 Rio de Janeiro founded
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre begins in France; Thousands of Calvinist
88. 1572
Huguenots killed throughout France
89. 1581 Cossacks conquer Siberia
English attempt to establish colony on Roanoke Island; All colonists
90. 1584
91. 1600 Shakespeare's Hamlet
92. 1602 Dutch East India Company founded
93. 1616 Blood circulation discovered
94. 1630 Puritans found Boston
Abel Tasman makes landfall in the Macquarie Harbour area in the island now
95. 1642
known after him, Tasmania
96. 1692 Salem witch trials

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