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Feeling Good

strolled in a wooded area, their levels of the

stress hormone cortisol plummeted almost
16 percent more than when they walked
in an urban environment. And the effects
were quickly apparent: Subjects’ blood
pressure showed improvement after about
15 minutes of the practice. But one of the
biggest benefits may come from breathing
in chemicals called phytoncides, emitted by
trees and plants. Women who logged two
to four hours in a forest on two consecutive
days saw a nearly 40 percent surge in the
activity of cancer-fighting white blood cells,
according to one study. “Phytoncide expo-
sure reduces stress hormones, indirectly in-
creasing the immune system’s ability to kill
tumor cells,” says Tokyo-based researcher
Qing Li, MD, PhD, who has studied shinrin-

The New
yoku. Even if you don’t live near a forest,
studies suggest that just looking at green
space—say, the trees outside your office

Nature Walk
window—helps reduce muscle tension and
blood pressure.
While forest bathing has become a com-
mon practice in Japan, it’s only just begin-
ning to catch on in the United States. Leslie
Japanese researchers have found that leaving the civilized Gernon, 58, who founded a shinrin-yoku
world behind for a few hours could be group in Raleigh, North Carolina, in 2012,
admits that some people might consider
the healthiest thing you do all day. By Nicole Frehsée the walks a silly New Age trend. “Before I
started leading monthly sessions, I thought,
Who’d want to come together to walk in si-
Last July Rebecca Valentine was Your average walk in the park may help lence?” she says. “But people need a break
feeling the way we all have at you relax a little, but shinrin-yoku, devel- from what consumes them. And nature
some point: overworked, dog- oped in Japan in the 1980s, requires parti­ trails are a good place to do that because
tired, and a bit panicky. She had just quit cipants to deliberately engage with nature you also have to watch your step, which
her job as a community outreach coordina- using all five senses. Portions of the walks keeps you present in the moment.”
tor to strike out on her own and open a sou- are often done in silence, and cell phone Veteran wilderness guide Amos Clifford,
venir shop in her hometown of Santa Rosa, use is discouraged. “I encourage walkers to who leads the walks that stressed-out
California. “I knew I’d made the right move, practice deep breathing and to tune in to Rebecca Valentine attends in California,
but I was still freaked out about starting my what sparks their senses, like the texture knows just how healing shinrin-yoku
own business,” she recalls. So when a friend of birch bark or the scent of wild flowers or can be: His blood pressure has dropped
asked her to join him on a guided three- pinecones,” says Mark Ellison, who began 10 points since he began forest bathing.
hour walk in a nearby forest, she agreed, teaching shinrin-yoku classes three years “What we do doesn’t seem in any way extra­
thinking she could use the distraction. This ago at Cabarrus College of Health Sciences ordinary, but the effects are astonishing,”
wasn’t just any hike in the woods, however— in Concord, North Carolina. he says. For Valentine, the walks have be-
Valentine was taking part in a practice By combining mindfulness and spend­ come a sanity saver: “There are some great
called shinrin-yoku, which translates as ing time in nature—two activities that residual benefits. I won’t say everything’s
“forest bathing,” or luxuriating in the woods. have restorative properties on their own— fabulous, but when I leave the trail, I feel
“We really focused on what we were seeing, shinrin-yoku can yield significant health calmer, more reflective, and refreshed. I feel
hearing, and smelling,” says Valentine, 51. “It advantages: A study conducted across 24 like I’m taking care of myself in a way that
helped keep my mind off work.” forests in Japan found that when people has a lasting impact.”

92 oprah.com june 2014

92 5/9/14 2:58 PM

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