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Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate

Sanjay Patole

Nutrition for the Preterm

A Clinical Perspective

Sanjay Patole
Neonatal Paediatrics
KEM Hospital for Women
Perth, WA

ISBN 978-94-007-6811-6 ISBN 978-94-007-6812-3 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3
Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York

Library of Congress Control Number: 2013942385

© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

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Survival of extremely preterm neonates (gestation within

28 weeks from birth) has improved significantly follow-
ing the advances in neonatal intensive care. Extra uterine
growth restriction is a serious issue in this population.
Nutritional exposures during this critical period in life in-
fluence the individual’s risk of disease throughout life. Nu-
tritional deficit and poor growth are associated with long
term neurodevelopmental impairment, short stature and
metabolic disorders in extremely preterm neonates. Opti-
mising nutrition in the early postnatal life of the preterm
neonate is therefore a priority. However this is easier said than done, considering the
frequency of feed intolerance, fear of necrotising enterocolitis and the hesitancy in
adopting an aggressive approach to parenteral nutrition in this population.
Some of the finest researchers in the field have come together to provide the
clinical perspective on the A to Z of nutrition in the preterm neonate in simple and
clear fashion in this book. I am grateful to all authors for their valuable contributions,
the quality of which reflects their expertise as clinicians and researchers. The topics
that are covered range from the developmental physiology of the gastrointestinal tract,
to aggressive enteral and parenteral nutrition, and feeding under special conditions
such as intrauterine growth restriction and chronic lung disease. I hope that with
its practical approach this book will be useful for everyone involved in neonatal
intensive care and also for those aiming for an academic career in this field.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Springer and their publishing
editor Thijs van Vlijmen, for encouragement and support in getting this unique book
published in a remarkably short period. I hope the readers appreciate the purpose
and the passion behind this book.

Centre for Neonatal Research and Education, Sanjay Patole

University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia MBBS, MD, DCH,
Department of Neonatal Paediatrics,
King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women,
374 Bagot Road, Subiaco, City of Perth,
WA 6008, Australia
[email protected] v

Part I Developmental Physiology of the GIT and Feed Intolerance

1 Developmental Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Feed

Intolerance in Preterm Neonates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Sanjay Patole

Part II Enteral Nutrition

2 Minimal Enteral Feeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Olachi Mezu-Ndubuisi and Akhil Maheshwari

3 Strategies for Managing Feed Intolerance in Preterm Neonates . . . . . . 47

Sanjay Patole

4 Prevention and Treatment of Necrotising Enterocolitis in Preterm

Neonates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Sanjay Patole

5 Aggressive Enteral Nutrition in Preterm Neonates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Sanjay Patole

6 Metabolic Bone Disease of Prematurity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

Suresh Birajdar, Mary Sharp and Sanjay Patole

7 Gastro-Esophageal Reflux in Neonatology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

Keith J. Barrington

8 Breast Milk Additives and Infant Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

Jill Sherriff and Gemma McLeod

9 Post-Discharge Nutrition for High-Risk Preterm Neonates . . . . . . . . . . 173

Gemma McLeod, Jill Sherriff and Sanjay Patole

viii Contents

Part III Parenteral Nutrition

10 The History, Principles, and Practice of Parenteral Nutrition

in Preterm Neonates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Stanley J. Dudrick and Alpin D. Malkan

11 Intravenous Lipids in Neonates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215

Girish Deshpande and Rajesh Maheshwari

12 Amino Acids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

Hester Vlaardingerbroek and Johannes B. van Goudoever

13 Aggressive Parenteral Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253

Karen Simmer

Part IV Catch up Growth/Developmental Origin of Adult Diseases

14 Catch up Growth and the Developmental Origins of Health

and Disease (DOHaD) in Preterm Infants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Nicholas D. Embleton, Claire L. Wood and Robert J. Tinnion

Part V Monitoring Growth and Development

15 Growth Monitoring of Preterm Infants During Stay in the

Neonatal Unit and into Early Childhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
Shripada Rao

Part VI Breast Milk, Breast Feeding, and Donor Milk Banks

16 Role of Breast Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311

Jacqueline C. Kent, Lukas Christen, Foteini Hassiotou
and Peter E. Hartmann

17 Breastfeeding the Preterm Infant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337

Perrella Sharon, Boss Melinda and Geddes Donna

18 Donor Human Milk Banking in Neonatal Intensive Care . . . . . . . . . . . 367

Ben T Hartmann and Lukas Christen

Part VII Nutrition in Specific Conditions

19 Feeding the Preterm Neonate with Intra Uterine

Growth Restriction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
Flavia Indrio, Luca Maggio and Francesco Raimondi
Contents ix

20 Nutrition in Intestinal Failure/Short Bowel Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405

Jatinder Bhatia and Cynthia Mundy

21 Nutrition in Preterm Infants with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia . . . . 421

Noa Ofek Shlomai and Sanjay Patole

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441

Sanjay Patole Centre for Neonatal Research and Education, University of Western
Australia, City of Perth, WA 6008, Australia
Department of Neonatal Paediatrics, KEM Hospital for Women, 374 Bagot Road,
Subiaco, City of Perth, WA 6008, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
James Cook University, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine/Anton Breinl
Centre, Townsville, Queensland 4811, Australia
Akhil Maheshwari Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Intermediate Care Nursery,
University of Illinois at Chicago, 840 S Wood St, CSB 1257, 60612 Chicago, IL,
e-mail: [email protected]
Olachi Mezu-Ndubuisi Fellow in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, University of
Illinois at Chicago, 840 S Wood St, CSB 1257, 60612 Chicago, IL, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
Suresh Birajdar Department of Neonatal Paediatrics, King Edward Memorial
Hospital for Women, 374 Bagot Road, Subiaco, City of Perth 6008, Western
Australia, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
Mary Sharp Department of Neonatal Paediatrics, King Edward Memorial Hospi-
tal for Women, 374 Bagot Road, Subiaco, City of Perth 6008, Western Australia,
Centre for Neonatal Research and Education, University of Western Australia, Perth,
Western Australia, Australia
Keith J. Barrington Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte Justine, Department
of Pediatrics, University of Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]

xii Contributors

Jill Sherriff School of Public Health, Curtin University, City of Perth, WA,
e-mail: [email protected]
Gemma McLeod Department of Neonatal Paediatrics, King Edward Memorial
Hospital, 374 Bagot Road, Subiaco, City of Perth, Australia
e-mail:[email protected]
School of Paediatrics and Child Health, The University of Western Australia,
Crawley, Australia
Stanley J. Dudrick Department of Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine,
New Haven, CT, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
Alpin D. Malkan Danbury Hospital, University of Vermont School of Medicine,
Danbury, CT, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
Girish Deshpande Department of Neonatology, Nepean Hospital Sydney, Penrith,
e-mail: [email protected]
Sydney Medical School Nepean, University of Sydney, Penrith, Australia
Rajesh Maheshwari Department of Neonatology, Westmead Hospital, Sydney,
Hester Vlaardingerbroek Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology,
Erasmus MC—Sophia Children’s Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
e-mail: [email protected]
Johannes B. van Goudoever Department of Pediatrics, Emma Children’s Hospi-
tal—AMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Pediatrics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Nether-
Karen Simmer King Edward Memorial and Princess Margaret Hospitals, The
University of Western Australia, M550, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA 6009,
e-mail: [email protected]
Nicholas D. Embleton Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Royal Victoria
Infirmary, Richardson Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4LP, Newcastle, UK
e-mail: [email protected]
Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle University, Royal Victoria Infirmary,
Richardson Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4LP, Newcastle, UK
Claire L. Wood Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Royal Victoria
Infirmary, Richardson Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4LP, Newcastle, UK
Contributors xiii

Robert J. Tinnion Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Royal Victoria

Infirmary, Richardson Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4LP, Newcastle, UK
Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle University, Royal Victoria Infirmary,
Richardson Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4LP, Newcastle, UK
Shripada Rao Centre for Neonatal Research and Education, School of Paediatrics
and Child Health, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
Department of Neonatal Paediatrics, King Edward Memorial, Perth, Western
Department of Neonatal Paediatrics, Princess Margaret Hospitals, Perth, Western
e-mail: [email protected]
Jacqueline C. Kent Hartmann Human Lactation Research Group, School of Chem-
istry and Biochemistry, The University of Western Australia, M310, 35 Stirling
Highway, Crawley, 6009 WA, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
Lukas Christen Hartmann Human Lactation Research Group, School of Chemistry
and Biochemistry, The University of Western Australia, M310, 35 Stirling Highway,
Crawley, 6009 WA, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
Foteini Hassiotou Hartmann Human Lactation Research Group, School of Chem-
istry and Biochemistry, The University of Western Australia, M310, 35 Stirling
Highway, Crawley, 6009 WA, Australia
School of Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology, The University of Western
Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, 6009 Crawley, WA , Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
Peter E. Hartmann Hartmann Human Lactation Research Group, School of Chem-
istry and Biochemistry, The University of Western Australia, M310, 35 Stirling
Highway, Crawley, 6009 WA, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
Perrella Sharon School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Western
Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley 6009, Perth, Australia
Boss Melinda School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Western
Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley 6009, Perth, Australia
Geddes Donna School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Western
Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley 6009, Perth, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
xiv Contributors

Ben T Hartmann PREM Milk Bank, Neonatology Clinical Care Unit, 1st Floor
Block A King Edward Memorial Hospital, Bagot Rd, Subiaco 6008, Western
Australia, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
Centre for Neonatal Research and Education, The University of Western Australia,
M550, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, Perth 6009, Western Australia, Australia
Lukas Christen School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Western
Australia, M310, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley 6009, Western Australia, Australia
Carag AG, Bahnhofstrasse 9, CH-6340 Baar, Switzerland
Francesco Raimondi Department of Medical Translational Medicine, Università
“Federico II”, Via Pansini 5, 80131 Naples, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
Flavia Indrio Department of Pediatrics, University of Bari, Bari, Italy
Luca Maggio Division of Neonatology, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore,
Rome, Italy
Jatinder Bhatia Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, Georgia
Regents University, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
Cynthia Mundy Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, Georgia
Regents University, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
Noa Ofek Shlomai Centre for Neonatal Research and Education, University of
Western Australia, Perth, Australia
Department of Neonatology, Hadassah Medical Centre and Hebrew University,
Jerusalem, Israel
Part I
Developmental Physiology of the GIT
and Feed Intolerance
Chapter 1
Developmental Physiology of the
Gastrointestinal Tract and Feed Intolerance
in Preterm Neonates

Sanjay Patole

Abstract Manifestations of gastrointestinal hypomotility such as large/bile stained

gastric residuals, abdominal distension, and vomiting, are very common in the first
few weeks of life in preterm neonates, especially those with gestation under 28 weeks
at birth, and are often interpreted as “feed intolerance”. Necrotising enterocolitis
(NEC) is a potentially disastrous illness with significant mortality, and morbidity
including long term neurodevelopmental impairment, in this population. The sci-
entific basis for the diagnosis and interpretation of signs of feed intolerance is not
clear. Inability to differentiate manifestations of ileus of prematurity from those of
early (Stage I) NEC is the single most important reason for frequently withholding
enteral nutrition in preterm neonates. The decision to start, continue, upgrade or
stop enteral feeds in extremely preterm neonates continues to be based on poorly
understood clinical parameters such as volume and colour of gastric residuals, and
abdominal distension. This chapter reviews the developmental physiology of the
gastrointestinal tract and the clinical studies on the significance and/or management
of the various manifestations of feed intolerance in extremely preterm neonates. The
need for further research on this important clinical issue is emphasised considering
the fact that suboptimal nutrition due to the frequent withholding of enteral feeds
increases the risk of postnatal growth restriction in extremely preterm neonates.

Key Points
• Manifestations of gastrointestinal hypomotility such as large/bile stained gastric
residuals, abdominal distension, and vomiting, are very common in the first few
weeks of life in extremely preterm (gestation < 28 weeks) neonates, and are
interpreted as feed intolerance.

S. Patole ()
Centre for Neonatal Research and Education, University of Western Australia,
City of Perth, WA 6008, Australia
Department of Neonatal Paediatrics, KEM Hospital for Women,
374 Bagot Road, Subiaco, City of Perth, WA 6008, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
James Cook University, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine/Anton Breinl Centre,
Townsville, Queensland 4811, Australia

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 3

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3_1, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
4 S. Patole

• Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) is a potentially disastrous illness with significant

mortality, and morbidity including long term neurodevelopmental impairment, in
extremely preterm neonates.
• The scientific basis for the diagnosis and interpretation of signs of feed intolerance
is not clear. Inability to differentiate manifestations of ileus of prematurity from
those of early (Stage I) NEC is the single most important reason for frequently
withholding enteral nutrition in preterm neonates.
• Understanding the developmental physiology and maturation of the gastrointesti-
nal tract is necessary to avoid/minimise the frequent withholding of feeds based
on poorly understood clinical parameters (e.g., volume and colour of gastric
residuals) in extremely preterm neonates.
• Recent advances in the understanding of molecular and biochemical pathways in
neonatal diseases may lead to the discovery of new biomarkers for differentiating
early NEC from feed intolerance of prematurity.
Nutrition per se is known to affect the growth and development of the gastrointestinal
(GI) tract at many stages of development including fetal and neonatal life [1]. At birth,
the mammalian GI tract has to shift from fetal parenteral nutrition via the placenta to
enteral nutrition in the neonate. The GI tract therefore undergoes enhanced growth
as well as morphological and functional differentiation in the perinatal period. The
fetal GIT elongates 1,000-fold from the 5th to the 40th week of gestation, doubling
in length in the last 15 weeks of gestation, measuring to a mean of 275 cm at birth
[2]. A complex interplay of local, systemic and luminal factors influence this pro-
grammed developmental maturation [3]. Regulatory neural-hormonal mechanisms
control the expression of the genetic endowment at various stages in GI development
[4]. For example the administration of glucocorticoids or thyroxine is known to
cause early appearance of enzymes within the intestine. Other hormones involved in
the regulation of GI development include cholecystokinin, gastrin, secretin, insulin,
insulin-like growth factors, and epidermal growth factor [4]. Bryant et al. [5] have
demonstrated that the secretion of gastrin, secretin, motilin, GIP, enteroglucagon,
neurotensin, somatostatin, and VIP follows an adult pattern by 20 weeks of ges-
tation. By 20 weeks of gestation, the anatomic differentiation of the fetal GI tract
progresses to the extent that it resembles that of a newborn. Secretory and absorptive
functions, however, develop at different rates. Active glucose transport systems are
present at 17 weeks gestation [6]. Peptidase activities develop by 11 weeks and in-
crease around 23 weeks [7]. The small intestinal villi are already formed at 16 weeks
but the intestinal absorptive process is only partially available prior to 26 weeks of
gestation [7]. Many different types of cells exist in the intestine including the ab-
sorptive epithelium, Paneth cells (involved in innate immunity), goblet cells (mucus
secretion), and cells of the intestinal neuroendocrine and immune system. The turn
over (mitotic division in the crypt-migration to the tip of the villus-differentiation
to become actively absorbing cells-sloughing off from the tip of the villus into the
intestinal lumen) time of the intestinal epithelial cells in infants has been proposed
to be about 96 h [2]. Gastric and pancreatic secretion is only basal and can be stim-
ulated only partially even in the full-term newborn. The first traces of gastric acid
1 Developmental Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Feed . . . 5

appear at 4–5 months of gestation [8] despite the presence of parietal cells in the
11th week of gestation [9, 10]. Gastric activity is known to decrease within several
hours after birth [11–14]. The secretion of gastric acid is limited in very low birth
weight (VLBW) neonates with the intragastric pH remaining at ∼5.5–7.0 and resis-
tant to pentagastrin in the first 24–48 h after birth [2]. Both basal and pentagastrin
stimulated acid secretion doubles from the first to the fourth week of postnatal life
in preterm neonates [2].

1 Digestion and Absorption of Proteins, Lipids,

and Carbohydrates

1.1 Proteins

Levels of enzymes such as pepsin which are essential for protein digestion are low
and developed fully only by 3–8 months after birth [2]. Protein hydrolysis and ab-
sorption occurs in three phases: gastric, pancreatic, and intestinal. The gastric phase
requires presence of an acid environment and the gastric protease-pepsin and breaks
down proteins to polypeptides within-terminal amino acids. Pepsin activity increases
significantly from the 28th to the 40th week of gestation [15]. It is not known whether
asynchrony exists in the development of gastric acid secretion and pepsin activity;
however the mean pH achieved while feeding the newborn is estimated to exceed
the pH optimum for pepsin for pepsin activity [16–18]. It is therefore suggested that
the ability of neonates to digest proteins may be compromised. Pancreatic proteases
are added in the duodenum and have a pH optimum near neutral and depend on
bicarbonate buffering of the duodenal contents for their effectiveness. Pancreatic en-
zyme tissue activity becomes detectable at about 12 weeks gestation and pancreatic
secretion starts at the beginning of the 20th week of gestation [19]. The enzyme
enterokinase is secreted after stimulation of the upper small intestine by food and
catalyses the activation of trypsinogen to trypsin which further activates several other
enzymes (proteases) that are essential for digestion of proteins [18, 19]. Enterokinase
levels are detectable but low at 24 weeks of gestation and reach only 25 % of that
in adults at term indicating a limited capacity to digest proteins, and may result in
the passage of unbroken larger antigens/microorganisms in to the intestinal lumen
[18, 19]. Hydrolysis of starch is limited in preterm neonates considering the limita-
tions imposed by pancreatic deficiency. There is no clear evidence on the advantages
of commercially available formulas containing hydrolysed starch. It is important to
note that the osmolality of the formula rises as the degree of hydrolysis increases.

1.2 Lipids

The digestion and absorption of lipids occurs in three phrases as described by

Watkins, the intraluminal phase, the mucosal phase, and the transport or the delivery
6 S. Patole

phase [20]. In the intraluminal phase, triglycerides are converted into monoglyc-
erides and free fatty acids by lingual and pancreatic lipases. In the mucosal phase,
the free fatty acids and monoglycerides reesterify to form triglycerides, which then
interact with phospholipids, cholesterol esters, cholesterol, and lipoproteins to form
chylomicrons and very low-density lipoproteins. In the transport phase these sub-
stances are transported from the enterocyte and diffuse to lacteals, where they travel
via the thoracic duct to reach the hepatic venous system via the vena cava [20].
Several lipases like human milk secreted lipase, and lingual, gastric, pancreatic, and
epithelial lipases are essential for the hydrolysis of fatty acids from glycerol [21].
Pancreatic secretion of lipase and bile acid secretion is low in preterm neonates [21].
The intraluminal lipase levels have been reported to be 5 % of those in term neonates
and 5 % of those in adult [22]. Both term and preterm neonates have been reported to
have a lower bile acid pool [23]. The average intraduodenal bile acid concentration of
the preterm neonate is < 2 mmol/L compared with 5 and 8 mmol/L in term neonates
and adults respectively [24]. The solubilisation and absorption of long chain fatty
acids is most susceptible as it depends on bile acids [2]. The process of assimilation
of medium chain fatty acids does not involve re-esterification and chylomicron for-
mation as in the case of long chain fatty acids. They are also absorbed directly in to
the portal venous circulation compared with the chylomicrons formed from the long
chain fatty acids, which enter the lymphatic circulation [2]. Feeding with medium
chain fatty acids is thus preferred in conditions such as chylothorax where lymphatic
obstruction is suspected. The n-3 and n-6 essential fatty acids alpha linolenic acid and
linoleic acid are the precursors of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA)
such as docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid [25]. These fatty acids are found
in high proportions in the structural lipids of cell membranes, particularly those of the
central nervous system. Based on the fact that their accretion primarily occurs during
the last trimester of pregnancy and the first year of life, LCPUFA were proposed as
essential nutrients for preterm neonates who may not be able to synthesise sufficient
amounts of LCPUFA to satisfy the needs of the developing brain and retina. Results
of a systematic review and meta analysis however indicate that supplementation of
formula with LCPUFA has no long-term beneficial or adverse effects on growth in
preterm neonates [25].

1.3 Carbohydrates

The processes for digestion and absorption of carbohydrates develop in a well-defined

sequence during the fetal life [2]. Mucosal enzymes involved in the digestion of
carbohydrates (“disaccharides”) are located in the brush border membrane of the
mature enterocyte of the small intestine [26]. Disaccharidases are present by 8 weeks
and their concentration increases around 14 weeks progressing steadily to term values
[27, 28]. The major disaccharides in the human intestine include lactase, sucrase,
and maltase. Sucrase, maltase, and isomaltase are fully active in preterm neonates
[2]. However lactase activity is low and matures from 24 week onwards [2]. Lactase,
1 Developmental Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Feed . . . 7

sucrase, maltase, isomaltase, and glucomylase reach mature levels at term [2]. It
takes many months for pancreatic amylase to reach adult levels in preterm as well as
full term neonates. Clinically significant lactose intolerance is uncommon in preterm
neonates despite the low lactase levels. Early initiation of enteral feeding has been
shown to increase the activity of intestinal lactase which is a marker of intestinal
maturity in preterm neonates. The role of concentration of lactose in manifestations of
lactose intolerance is not clear [28]. Auricchio et al. [29] have estimated that between
2 and 3 months of gestation, 2.05 g maltose, 0.02 g sucrose, 0.02 g isomaltose, and
0.01 g lactose can be hydrolysed in 24 h by the fetus and newborn. They also proposed
that at term the newborn should be able to hydrolyse 107-gram maltose, 72-gram
sucrose, 46-gram isomaltose, and 60-gram lactose [29]. Other investigators report
that maltase and sucrase are present at 12 weeks and reach 70 % of their adult values
by 14 weeks, whereas lactase is present at 50 % of adult values at 14 weeks of
gestation [30]. These findings are consistent with the fact that even very preterm
neonates are known to tolerate feeding with breast milk, which has high levels of
lactose. Feeding non-lactose-containing formulas to preterm neonates may therefore
be unnecessary especially as the volume of enteral feeds in the early postnatal life
is low in preterm neonates. It is important to note that most of the lactase activity
occurs at the mid to upper part of the intestinal microvillus and it usually is the first
enzyme to be lost and the last to be regenerated fully [2]. Monosaccharide transport
has been documented as early as the 10th week of gestation [31–33]. The transport
of glucose and galactose is an active process that depends on brush border protein
carriers, ATP, and intracellular sodium. Fructose transport however occurs by an
energy dependent-facilitated diffusion [31–33].

1.4 Immunological Function

Spencer et al. reported that the immaturity of intestinal immunological function in

preterm neonates may be due to the differences in subpopulations of T-lymphocytes
in the fetal intestines and later in life [34]. The secretary component of IgA can be
detected by 16 weeks. A systemic immune response to food antigen can develop
only after 35 weeks gestation [35]. Peristalsis protects the small intestine from bac-
terial overgrowth [17]. The immaturity of the enterocyte affects the pathogenicity of
the invading pathogens [36]. Neonates are thus prone to GI infections due to their
relatively deficient intestinal immune function. The level of secretory IgA is known
to increase slowly during the first month of life. Uptake of macromolecules may
sensitise neonates to allergens may also allow for passive absorption of maternal
antibodies in breast milk [37]. Gastric acid provides a barrier to microorganisms. It
therefore not surprising that the incidence of sepsis has been reported to be high in
critically ill patients treated with histamine blockers [38].
8 S. Patole

1.5 Motor Function

Feeding requires effective coordination of sucking, swallowing, gastric emptying,

and intestinal motility. Rudimentary muscle layers are first seen at 6 weeks’gestation;
the muscularis mucosa is fully developed between 17 and 20 weeks coinciding with
the development of the neuronal structures of the submucosal plexus of Meissner and
the myenteric plexus of Auerbach [35, 39]. Contractions of the smooth muscle of
the gut are coordinated by this “enteric nervous system”, which is capable of reflex
control of the GIT independent of the central nervous system. The interstitial cells of
Cajal located along the submucosal and myenteric surface of the gut circular muscle
function as the pacemaker cells of the gut by generating a basic electrical rhythm/slow
wave activity [40, 41]. Delayed maturation of the interstitial cells of Cajal has been
documented as a cause of transient intestinal pseudo-obstruction in two preterm
neonates [42]. Yoo et al. [43] have reported that delayed maturation of these cells
could be a cause of meconium obstruction in neonates without cystic fibrosis.

1.6 Suck and Swallow

The fetus swallows about 450 ml/day of the amniotic fluid that is rich in nutrient and
growth factors [44]. Sudden interruption of this process at birth may have adverse
effects on further development and maturation of GI tract if postnatal nutrition is
not adequate. Sucking and swallowing movements have been observed as early as
12 weeks of gestation [44]. Presence of the swallowing reflex at 31 weeks of fetal
life was documented as early as in 1963 [44]. However effective sucking and swal-
lowing is noted only around 34 weeks of gestation [45]. Early non-nutritive sucking
movements may help in establishing feed tolerance and are affected by factors like
maternal sedation, flow rate of milk, and length of feeding experience [46, 47].
Oesophageal peristalsis is poorly coordinated until 32 weeks of gestation and coor-
dinated contractions are not present until several days after birth [48]. More recent
studies have documented coordinated peristalsis even in preterm neonates [49].
Overall despite the somewhat immature oesophageal neuromuscular activity, peri-
staltic function is adequate for propulsion of a liquid bolus from the pharynx in to the
stomach in preterm neonates. The high incidence of gastroesophageal reflux (GER)
in preterm neonates is explained by their lower oesophageal pressure (∼4 cm H2 O
versus 28 cm H2 O) compared with full term neonates neonates [2]. Delayed gastric
emptying is another mechanical factor that is related to GER in preterm neonates [2].

1.7 Gastric Emptying

Gastric emptying has been shown to be slower in preterm neonates, developing ap-
propriately from 32 week onwards [50]. Preterm neonates at 27–28 weeks’ gestation
1 Developmental Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Feed . . . 9

have been shown to generate only 20–25 % of the pressure that the term neonate can
generate at the gastric antrum [51]. However data on extremely preterm neonates
is not available. The gastric emptying half time in stable neonates weighing around
2 kg has been reported to be 17–100 min (mean: 56 min) [52]. The estimated gastric
volume emptied/body surface area per hour ranged from 8.4 to 39.2 ml/0.1m2 × h
(mean: 19.1 ml/0.1m2 × h) in this study [52]. In term neonates, 10 % dextrose feed-
ings empty in a pattern similar to adults, with an initial rapid phase followed by
more gradual emptying [53]. A similar pattern of gastric emptying is also observed
in preterm neonates fed human breast milk at 33–38 weeks’ postconceptual age.
However a more linear pattern is observed when these neonates are fed a formula
[53]. In term neonates glucose-containing solutions empty more slowly than equiv-
alent volumes of water. Starch feedings however empty at a rate similar to water,
[55, 56] probably due to the slow hydrolysis related to the low amylase concen-
trations in neonates [57]. Increasing caloric density (from 0.2 to 0.66 cal/ml) has
also been shown to decrease gastric emptying [58–60]. Results of the studies by
Siegel et al. [58–60] show that the quantity of calories delivered into the duodenum
from the stomach increased with concentrated formula despite the reduced gastric
emptying at higher caloric density. Medium chain triglycerides have been shown to
have a less inhibitory effect on gastric emptying in adults compared with long chain
triglycerides. Siegel et al. [58] have reported similar results in preterm neonates.
Other investigators using more reliable methods have not confirmed these results.
Stimulation of duodenal receptors by acid, fat, carbohydrates, tryptophan, or in-
creasing osmolality is known to affect gastric emptying [61, 62]. Rise in osmolality
from 279-to-448 mOsm/kg however has been reported to result in no significant
change in gastric emptying time compared with isocaloric formulas [60]. No data
is available on the ability of duodenal feedback mechanism to control the rate of
gastric emptying in VLBW neonates. Other factors such as formula temperature,
[63] phototherapy [63], position [53], and non-nutritive sucking [64] may also have
an effect on gastric emptying. Gastric emptying is known to decrease in presence
of bilirubin levels of 233–332 mmol/L, improving after resolution of the jaundice
[65]. Nasojejunal feeds, which bypass the stomach, may provide only a temporary
solution to reduced gastric emptying in preterm neonates as the intestinal motility
is also immature [66, 67]. Prokinetic agents such as metoclopramide [68, 69], and
low dose erythromycin [70, 71] have been shown to increase the gastric emptying in
preterm neonates.

1.8 Antral and Duodenal Motility

A cyclical pattern of antral and intestinal contractile activity, called as migrating mo-
tor complex (MMC), progresses from the antrum to the ileum during fasting [72, 73].
In adult humans these MMCs consist of four phases. Phase I consists of no contrac-
tile activity, which is sequentially interrupted by periods of irregular contractions
(phase II), followed by regular contractions at a rate of 3/min in the atrium or 12/min
in the duodenum (phase III), and a brief period of irregular contractions before the
10 S. Patole

return of quiescence (phase IV). The cycle repeats every 45–180 min. The MMC
has been described as housekeeper of the bowel, removing indigestible solids and
bacteria from the upper GIT [73]. This cyclic activity is interrupted by a meal, with
an indistinct pattern of irregular contractions appearing until hours after the meal.
By 34 weeks these complexes are of variable length, with clear intervals and being
increasingly propagated. The mature MMC at this stage has a periodicity of 20–40
min and is interrupted by feeding [5, 74].
Small intestinal peristaltic activity has been documented in the 3–5 month old
human fetus [75]. The degree of antroduodenal coordination improves simultane-
ously towards term [76]. Thus except for the markedly shorter periodicity the MMC
at term gestation is similar to that in adults.
Enteral nutrients have a positive feedback mechanism on intestinal function by
stimulating hormonal production and motor activity. Berseth et al. [77] have docu-
mented that preterm neonates can respond to feeding with an increase in duodenal
pressure wave that is equivalent to term neonates. Berseth et al. [78, 79] have also
documented that early feeding promotes the motor activity in preterm neonates.
Preterm neonates may therefore be able to tolerate enteral feeds despite their imma-
ture fasting motor patterns [77]. Neonates with feed intolerance have been shown
to have less mature patterns of motor activity, with decreased episodes of motor
quiescence and a lack of pattern change after feeding in manometry studies [78, 79].
Feed tolerant neonates on the other hand have more mature and organised motor pat-
tern with a clear increase in motor activity after feeding [79, 79]. Preterm neonates
given hypocaloric feeds have been shown to exhibit a more mature intestinal motility
pattern sooner than their counterparts given water or no enteral feeds [78, 79]. It is
important to note that although these differences vanished once caloric feeds were
established, the early fed neonates had less feed intolerance and were advanced to
full feeds sooner than later-fed neonates. Observations of small intestinal contrac-
tile patterns have also been shown to be useful in predicting feed readiness in term,
asphyxiated neonates [80]. Birth asphyxia has been shown to delay the maturation
of intestinal motility in term neonates [81]. It is also known that intestinal motility
patterns are disturbed in conditions with mucosal damage such as enteritis [82].

1.9 Antroduodenal Motility After Feeding

Gryboski has reported that feeding causes an abrupt onset of contractions in the
duodenum in the term neonate [49]. It was noted that unlike in the adult, clusters
of non-propagating contractions may be observed after feeding, and they have the
same frequencies as those of the gastric (3/min) and duodenal (12/min) MMC [49].
It was shown that the number of antral pressure waves and their amplitude are both
diminished after feeding in preterm and term neonates, and this was in contrast to
adults where these are reported to increase after a feed [49]. It is important to note
that these differences could relate to the differences in methodology including the
type of calories, and method of delivery in adult and neonatal studies.
1 Developmental Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Feed . . . 11

Prokinetics like erythromycin may not be effective in very preterm neonates con-
sidering that motilin receptors are not present until 32 weeks’ gestation. Positive
results from clinical trials however indicate that non-motilin mediated action/s of
erythromycin may be responsible for the enhanced GI motility in neonates at such
earlier gestation [79]. The ability of even small amounts of enteral feeds to enhance
the motor maturity of the GIT could also be additive or responsible for such results
at early gestational ages [79].
Defecation occurs when the fecal bolus passes into the rectum and the internal
sphincter relaxes allowing stool passage [83]. The baseline sphincter pressures are
lower than the adult range in the preterm neonates. The gestational age at which the
relaxation reflex can be documented reliably is controversial. Using a relatively in-
sensitive sleeve device, Ito et al. demonstrated it in neonates at > 39 weeks’ gestation
[83]. Bowes et al. [84] using a standard perfused catheter method, have demonstrated
it in neonates as young as 27 weeks’ gestation.

2 Feed Intolerance in Preterm Neonates

Manifestations of ileus of prematurity such as large/bile stained gastric residuals,

abdominal distension and vomiting, are very common in the first few weeks of
life, and interpreted as feed intolerance in preterm neonates, especially in extremely
preterm neonates with gestation under 28 weeks at birth. Necrotising enterocolitis
(NEC) is a potentially disastrous illness with significant mortality, and morbidity
including long term neurodevelopmental impairment, in this population. Significant
progress has been made in the field of NEC over last few years but the scientific
basis for the diagnosis and interpretation of signs of feed intolerance continues to be
unclear. Inability to differentiate manifestations of ileus of prematurity from those
of early (Stage I) NEC is the commonest reason for frequently withholding enteral
nutrition in preterm neonates. The approach to enteral feeding in extremely preterm
neonates continues to be based on poorly understood clinical parameters such as
volume and colour of gastric residuals, and abdominal distension.

2.1 Gastric Aspirates

The definition and significance of a large/bile stained gastric aspirate is not clear.
Neonatologists therefore often arbitrarily consider different volumes and colours of
gastric aspirate as markers of feed intolerance and/or early NEC. Mihatsch et al.
have studied whether the mean gastric residual volume (GRV) and green gastric
residuals (GR) were significant predictors of feed intolerance in the early enteral
feeding advancement (12 ml/kg/day increments, 12 feeds a day) in extremely low
birth weight (ELBW) neonates [85]. GR were checked before each feeding, and a
GRV up to 2 or 3 ml in infants ≤ 750 g or > 750 g was tolerated respectively. Feeds
12 S. Patole

were reduced or withheld when GRV increased. The colour of GR was assessed as
clear, milky, green-clear, green-cloudy, bloodstained, or hemorrhagic. The median
volume of feeds reached on day 14 (V14) was 103 ml/kg/day (0–166). V14 increased
with an increasing percentage of milky GR, whereas the mean GRV and green colour
did not have a significant effect. The critical GRV seemed to be above 2 ml/3 ml be-
cause there was no significant negative correlation between the mean GRV and V14.
Green GR was not negatively correlated with V14. A GRV of 2 ml failed to identify
neonates who subsequently had delayed times to reach full enteral feeds (FEF). The
authors concluded that green gastric residues should not slow down the increments
of feed volumes in absence of other clinical signs and symptoms [85]. Other inves-
tigators also recommend that gastric residuals are very common in the early days of
life but virtually never associated with NEC, and should not be allowed to interfere
with feeding [85–87]. The safety of such recommendations in relation to NEC re-
mains to be proven. Researchers have used a volume of 50 % of a total 3-h bolus feed
as a marker of bowel pathology, in an attempt to study the significance of the vol-
ume of gastric residuals. However others have not validated these findings [88–91].
Cobb et al. [92] have assessed gastric residuals and their relationship to NEC in very
low birth weight (VLBW) neonates. Their retrospective case-control study compared
51 cases of proven NEC with 102 controls matched for gestation (median: 26 weeks),
birth weight (median: 822 g), race, and sex. The median postnatal age at diagnosis
of NEC was 24 days. Feeding characteristics were recorded for the previous 6 days
for both groups for the corresponding time period of birth. Feeds were started on the
5th day and aimed to increase to the full quota over 10 days (median) in both groups.
The median time to FEF was 13 days in both groups. Neonates who developed NEC
had more gastric residuals. The total residuals as percentage of feeds (primary out-
come) and the average of maximum residuals increased in the NEC group from the
first 3 days to the 3 days before diagnosis of NEC. A similar increase was not noted
for control subjects. The maximum gastric residual [median (25th–75th centiles)]
seemed to be the best predictor for NEC. [Control: 2 ml/feed (0.5–3.5) or 14 % of a
feed (4–33); NEC: 4.5 ml/feed (1.5–9.8) or 40 % of a feed (24–61)] Neonates with
NEC showed an increase in maximum residuals only on the day before the diagnosis
of NEC, indicating that the residuals are probably an early sign of NEC rather than a
predisposing or risk factor. The authors cautioned that the clinical utility of their ob-
servations was limited due to the overlap of study variables with those in the control
group [92]. Other researchers have also advised caution in interpreting these results
[93]. This was mainly in view of the method of selection of the control group that
attempted to exclude neonates who had stage I NEC, and the fact that many preterm
neonates have initial GI dysmotility and feed intolerance due to various reasons but
do not necessarily develop NEC [93]. It was pointed out that by ensuring that controls
had no “feed intolerance”, many neonates who could have had their feeds held for
reasons other than NEC were eliminated thus increasing the reported differences in
gastric residual volumes artificially. This was also the likely reason for the higher
percentage of control group neonates achieving FEF compared with the NEC group
neonates (91 vs 69 %; p = 0.01) [93].
Bertino et al. [94] have reported gastric residuals as a marker of feed intolerance,
and bloody residuals as possibly the best predictor for NEC. In their case-control
1 Developmental Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Feed . . . 13

study, neonates with NEC (cases) were compared with gestation and birth weight
matched controls without NEC. Feed tolerance was assessed by maximum gastric
residual volume, maximum residual as percentage of previous feeding, and resid-
ual appearance. A total of 844 VLBW neonates were admitted during the study
period, with an overall mortality before discharge of 14.6 %. NEC frequency was
2 %. Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) was significantly associated with NEC. Mean
maximum residual from birth to NEC onset, maximum residual as percentage of
the corresponding feed volume, and the percentage of neonates with hemorrhagic
residuals were significantly higher in cases compared with controls [94]. Shulman
et al. [95] have recently studied the relationships of reaching FEF and feed vol-
ume with clinical measures in 50 preterm neonates. Daily total gavage feed intake,
gastric residual volumes (GRVs; mls/day, number of GRVs > 50 % of the pre-
vious feed volume, and number of GRVs > 2 ml/kg), and abdominal distension
were monitored. Repeated measurements of lactase activity, GI permeability, fecal
calprotectin concentration, and gastric emptying were performed. The number of
GRVs > 2 ml/kg tended to decrease with postnatal age (p = 0.06). Lactase activ-
ity and feed volume (ml/kg/day) before achieving FEF were correlated (p = 0.007,
β = 0.164). There was no correlation between feeding outcomes and GRV, GRV
> 50 %, GRV > 2 ml/kg, small bowel/colonic/whole bowel permeability, fecal cal-
protectin concentration, gastric emptying, or abdominal distension. They concluded
that GRV is unreliable in predicting attainment of FEF, and that lactase activity is re-
lated to feed volume [95]. Christensen et al. [96] have studied the antecedents of Bell
stage III NEC using data collected over a period of 7 years. Stage III NEC occurred
in 118 neonates. The earliest recognized antecedents were nonspecific for NEC
(apnea /bradycardia, skin mottling and irritability). These were recorded at 2.8 ± 2.1,
4.5 ± 3.1 and 5.4 ± 3.7 (Mean ± S.D.) h, respectively, before NEC was diagnosed.
The most commonly identified antecedents were blood in the stools, increased ab-
dominal girth and elevated pre-feed gastric residuals or vomiting, identified 2.0 ± 1.9,
2.8 ± 3.1 and 4.9 ± 4.0 h before NEC was diagnosed respectively [96].
It is recommended that gastric residuals be re-fed prior to gavage feeds in preterm
neonates. In a survey of neonatal nurses (N = 75, 26 Respondents) only 2/26 indi-
cated that they did this at least half the time. Many (54 %) indicated that they knew
refeeding residuals benefited preterm neonates, and 58 % selected “doctors in this
hospital do not order” as their rationale for not refeeding [97]. The effect of returning
or discarding gastric residuals, on gastric emptying, feeding, electrolyte, and patient
comfort, has been studied in critically ill adults [98]. In this RCT 125 critically ill pa-
tients were assigned to the “return” or “discard” gastric residual volume (GRV) group.
Feed intolerance indicators, feeding delays and potential complications were stud-
ied. Fluid and electrolyte measures included serum potassium, glycaemia control and
fluid balance. Discomfort was identified by significant changes in vital signs. Patients
in both groups presented similar mean GRV with no significant differences found
(p = 0.111), but patients in the intervention arm showed a lower incidence and sever-
ity of delayed gastric emptying episodes (p = 0.001). Except for hyperglycaemia
there were no significant differences in other outcomes [98]. Hurt and McClave re-
port that the use of GRVs is more of a tradition based on flawed assumptions, which
unfortunately guides the delivery of enteral nutrition in critically ill adult patients
14 S. Patole

[99]. They have reminded that clinicians should not assume that GRVs are an inex-
pensive “poor man’s test” for determining tolerance of enteral nutrition. Large scale
prospective studies are required to develop an evidence based policy for managing
GRVs in preterm neonates [99].

2.2 Abdominal Girth

The definition and interpretation of abdominal distension in preterm neonates is not

clear. Malhotra et al. have measured the gastric residual (GR) volume in 50 healthy
preterm neonates, 38 appropriate-for-dates (AFD), and 12 small-for-dates (SFD) with
28–36 weeks’ gestation [100]. No linear correlation was found between increase in
abdominal girth and GR volume. However, if the increase in abdominal girth was
at least ≥ 2 cm, a GR of ≥ 23 % was observed. They recommended that such an in-
crease in abdominal girth should be taken as warnings to reduce/withhold oral feeds
[100]. Bhatiya et al. [101] have serially measured the abdominal circumference in
27 preterm neonates 1 h before feeding, immediately before and after feeding, and
1 and 2 h after feeding. In some neonates these measurements were repeated for
2 (n = 18) or 3 (n = 3) consecutive days. All 258 measurements were performed by
the same examiner; 124 were also repeated by another examiner (masked to previous
results) to test interobserver reliability. The coefficient of variation of repeated mea-
surements of any one neonate by the same examiner on a single day was 2.7 %; 90 %
of repeated measurements agreed within 1.5 cm, and the interobserver reliability was
0.99. Abdominal circumference positively correlated with birth weight (p = 0.0001)
and time from last defecation (p = 0.0001) and negatively correlated with time from
last feeding (p = 0.04). They concluded that increase in abdominal circumference of
< 1.5 cm occurs normally and, in the absence of other clinical signs, should not be
considered indicative of disease [101].
The significance of abdominal distension with or without bowel loops visible
through the abdominal wall (without other features of intra-abdominal disease) is
unclear, especially in the modern era when early and prolonged use of continuous
positive airway pressure (CPAP) results in intestinal gaseous distension. Currently
there is no evidence to indicate that such benign abdominal distension (CPAP belly)
is a risk factor for NEC in preterm neonates. Whether or not it adversly affects feed
tolerance is not clear [102, 103].

2.3 Passage of Meconium

Experts have commented that apart from poor gastroduodenal coordination and ex-
cessive quiescence in motor activity it is likely that delayed and slow colonic motility
also plays a role in feed intolerance in preterm neonates [104–106]. A delayed stool-
ing pattern, delayed/altered stooling pattern preceding decreased gastroduodenal
1 Developmental Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Feed . . . 15

motility and gastric emptying, and vomiting in bowel obstruction/functional ileus

that is similar to gastric residuals support this assumption [104–106]. Mihatsch et al.
[107] have evaluated the correlation between the timings of the first and the last
stool and feed intolerance in ELBW neonates. Forty one ELBW neonates were fed
following a standardised protocol (day3–14). Bolus feeds were started at 48 h of age
(12 mg/kg/day increments, 12 feeds a day). Gastric residuals up to 2 ml or up to 3 ml
were tolerated for neonates with birth weight ≤ 750 g and > 750 g respectively. No
enemas or laxatives were given during the study. The impact of the time until the
passage of the first (M-1) and the last (M-last) meconium on the feeding volume
on day 14 (V14) was assessed by linear regression analysis. The median (range)
V14, M-1, and M-last were as follows: V14: 99 (0–156) ml/kg, M-1: 31(0.5–77) h,
M-last: 6 (1.4–22) days. The results indicated a significant correlation between feed
tolerance and the time for the last and not the first evacuation of meconium (ie.
V14 increased with decreasing M-last, p < 0.001). These findings were interpreted
as the passage of the first meconium only indicates terminal large bowel function
and total evacuation of the meconium is a far better parameter of feed intolerance.
The investigators suggested that passage of meconium should be considered when
decisions on feeding ELBW neonates are made, and hypothesised if V14 could be
advanced by accelerating passage of meconium [107]. Their hypothesis indicates a
potential role of therapeutic agents accelerating passage of meconium in facilitating
feed tolerance in preterm neonates [108]. Use of glycerine suppositories, prokinetics,
small volume enemas, and gastrograffin upper GI series for evacuating meconium,
meconium plugs is not uncommon in preterm neonates. A survey of enteral feeding
practices for neonates < 32 weeks’ gestation has shown that glycerin suppositories,
and prokinetics were prescribed (“sometimes”, “often”, and “always”) by (30.9 %,
9.1 %, 3.6 %), and (25.9 %, 5.6 %, 0 %) of the Australian neonatologists respectively
[109]. Of those prescribing glycerine suppositories 57.7 and 70.6 % believed that
the suppositories never/rarely helped in establishing regular bowel movements or
diminishing feed intolerance, respectively [109]. These findings are not unexpected
as total evacuation of meconium and feed tolerance requires normal function of both,
the upper as well as lower gastrointestinal tract, and glycerin suppositories do not
have any effect on the right colon and the small bowel [104, 105].

2.4 Vomiting

Vomiting is commonly interpreted as a sign of feed intolerance. However the

frequency, amount, and colour of vomiting that indicates feed intolerance in
preterm neonates is not well specified in the literature [110]. Many researchers
have included vomiting as one of the key measurements of feed intolerance
[14, 15, 17–19, 25, 26, 28, 30] but only Rüdiger et al. [111] have specified it as
severe and Oei et al. [112] required it to occur more than once [110].
16 S. Patole

2.5 Blood in Stools

The presence of occult blood in stools is often interpreted as a significant finding with
regards to early NEC. Abramo et al. have analysed the relationship of occult blood
in stools with the development of NEC in enterally fed neonates (N = 95) with birth
weight under 1800 g [113]. Daily stool specimens were tested for occult blood during
the first 6 weeks of life. Fifty-four (58 %) of the 95 neonates had one or more blood-
positive stools. Six (6.3 %) developed NEC. NEC occurred in only 2/54 neonates
with one or more blood-positive stools vs 4/41 neonates with blood-negative stools.
The presence of occult blood in the stools did not correlate with development of NEC
[113]. Gralton et al. have reported the frequency of occult blood in stools in neonates
hospitalized for a medical problem other than a GI disorder [114]. A total of 180
neonates (Ages: 2 days to 1 year), participated in the study. The majority (77.2 %),
had guiac negative stools during the entire hospitalization, while 22.8 % had guiac
positive stools during part or all of the hospitalization. Since most of those who tested
positive were not receiving a milk-based formula or breast milk, a cause other than
allergic sensitivity or milk-induced enterocolitis was suggested [114]. Pinheiro et al.
[115] have reviewed the routine testing for occult blood and reducing substances in
the stools in neonates. They reported that neither the performance characteristics of
these tests with respect to NEC, nor their indirect impact, were evaluated formally
before widespread adoption into clinical care. The published evidence suggested that
these tests are not useful as diagnostic or screening tools. There was no evidence that
such routine testing predicts NEC or decreases its rate or severity. They pointed out
that the direct costs of these tests are significant, and of a greater concern was their
potential unintended consequences, including the cost of secondary tests, restricted
nutritional intake, and accumulation of distracting, useless data [115].

2.6 Imaging

Abdominal x-rays are often ordered in presence of persistent large and/or bile stained
gastric residuals and abdominal distension, to “rule out NEC” in otherwise well
preterm neonates. The utility of x-rays under such situation is questionable. Di Napoli
et al. have reported the inter-observer reliability (Kappa values) of radiological signs
of NEC. A total of 297 X-rays from 57 neonates were reported independently by
3 paediatric radiologists without having any clinical information about the patients
[116]. The reproducibility of radiographic signs was as follows: 0.55 (p < 0.01)
for diffuse gaseous intestinal distention, 0.22 (p < 0.01) for bowel wall thickening,
0.10 (p < 0.01) for the presence of portal venous gas, and 0.29 (p < 0.01) for pneu-
matosis intestinalis. The agreement for radiographic diagnosis suspected/confirmed
of NEC was 0.31 (p < 0.01). Among the 23 possible combinations of radiographic
signs, the radiologists indicated four profiles that produced a diagnosis of NEC con-
taining, respectively, 2, 3, 4, and 5 signs. It was concluded that clinical information
1 Developmental Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Feed . . . 17

and the presence of more than one radiological sign can reduce the margin of ob-
server’s error that inevitably exists when dealing with a diagnosis as difficult as
NEC [116.]
The Duke Abdominal Assessment Scale (DAAS) is a 10-point numerical scale of
plain film bowel gas pattern findings designed to reflect progression and increase the
certainty of the diagnosis of NEC [117]. Coursey et al. [117] have validated it as a
tool for predicting the severity of disease in neonates with suspected NEC. For every
1-point increase in the DAAS score, patients were statistically significantly more
likely to have severe disease as measured by need for surgical intervention [117].
Hollingworth et al. agree that DAAS provides an objective method for improving
clinical decision making in NEC considering the inherent variability and lack of
consistency in reporting of X-rays [118]. Further research is important to assess
the utility of such scales in minimising the misinterpretation of feed intolerance
of prematurity as early NEC [118]. Investigators have reported the superiority of
abdominal ultrasound (AUS) over x-rays for the diagnosis and monitoring of NEC
[119–123]. However the benefits of AUS seem to be more for the diagnosis and
monitoring of definite (Stage II/III) rather than suspected (Stage I) NEC [124].

2.7 Laboratory Markers

Laboratory parameters such as C-reactive protein (CRP), white cell count, plasma
glucose levels are often used in conjunction with clinical and radiological find-
ings to diagnose early NEC. Hallstrom et al. [125] have reported that a persistent
metabolic acidosis, decreasing platelet count, and increasing blood glucose level on
several successive days might predict a developing NEC, and leukocyte values above
30 × 109 /L, pH under 7.25, and a blood glucose rise by 1.5 mmol/L or more within
24 h predict NEC with intestinal perforation. Pourcyrous et al. reported that a persis-
tently normal CRP makes a diagnosis of NEC unlikely, and that antibiotics should be
stopped and feeds resumed early in such cases [126]. CRP becomes abnormal in stage
II and stage III NEC. In those with NEC, persistently elevated CRP after initiation of
appropriate medical management suggests complications, which may require surgi-
cal intervention [126]. The risk of NEC is highest, and the manifestations of ileus of
prematurity most frequent in extremely preterm neonates with gestation < 28 week
sat birth. This is also the population where a borderline (otherwise insignificant) rise
in CRP, drop in platelets, or rise in plasma glucose is not uncommon. The task of
differentiating feed intolerance from early NEC has been difficult so far considering
the unreliability of the clinical, radiological and conventional laboratory parameters
in diagnosing the illness. However recent advances in the understanding of molecular
and biochemical pathways in neonatal diseases are expected to lead to the discovery
of new biomarkers that may help in resolving these issues [127–129]. As we wait for
such advances, an improved understanding of the development and maturity of the
GI tract in the preterm neonate should help in minimising the frequent withholding
of feeds in extremely preterm neonates due to the fear of NEC, thereby reducing the
risk of postnatal growth restriction [130].
18 S. Patole


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Part II
Enteral Nutrition
Chapter 2
Minimal Enteral Feeding

Olachi Mezu-Ndubuisi and Akhil Maheshwari

Abstract In preterm infants, enteral feeding is often delayed by hours to days after
birth for fear of feeding intolerance due to immaturity, to avoid the accentuation of
hypoxic/ischemic intestinal injury that might have been sustained in utero due to
maternal risk factors such as pre-eclampsia, placental inusufficiency, or chorioam-
nionitis, or after birth due to the presence of cardio respiratory compromise in the
early neonatal period, and as a protective strategy to reduce the risk of necrotizing
enterocolitis. However, some degree of luminal nutrient exposure is essential to pre-
vent intestinal mucosal atrophy. Minimal enteral feeding is a clinical compromise
where small volumes of maternal milk or formula, typically 12–24 mL/kg/day, are
provided to avoid complete enteral fasting for prolonged periods. Although preclin-
ical and observational human studies indicate that minimal enteral feeding is likely
to be beneficial through maturation of gut motility, induction of gut hormones, and
prevention of adverse effects of enteral fasting and parenteral nutrition on the mu-
cosa, randomized clinical trials conducted thus far have not provided conclusive
evidence to confirm these benefits. Current clinical evidence suggests that minimal
enteral feeding is relatively safe and does not increase incidence of NEC. However,
the amount, duration, and the rate of advancement of minimal enteral feeding remain
controversial. There is a need for a large, multi-centric study with pre-defined statis-
tical and clinical definitions to draw strong conclusions. In this chapter, we review
the physiological rationale and appraise the quality of existing evidence to support
minimal enteral feeding in the neonatal intensive care unit.

Key points
• Minimal Enteral Feeding is a way to provide luminal nutrient stimulation to
the immature or vulnerable neonatal gastrointestinal tract to prevent the adverse
effects of prolonged enteral fasting

A. Maheshwari ()
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Intermediate Care Nursery, University of Illinois at Chicago,
840 S Wood St, CSB 1257, 60612 Chicago, IL, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
O. Mezu-Ndubuisi
Fellow in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago,
840 S Wood St, CSB 1257, 60612 Chicago, IL, USA
e-mail: [email protected]

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 27

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3_2, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
28 O. Mezu-Ndubuisi and A. Maheshwari

• Evidence from animal and human studies strongly suggests that minimal enteral
feeding can be beneficial by promoting physiologic gut function, maturation of
gut motility, induction of gut hormones, and prevention of adverse effects of
enteral fasting and TPN dependence on the mucosa
• Evidence strongly suggests that minimal enteral feeding is relatively safe, and
does not increase incidence of NEC
• Amount, duration, and speed of advancement of minimal enteral feeding remains
• There is a need for well-designed research with pre-set statistical and clinical
measures to draw strong conclusions with minimal heterogeneity

1 Introduction

The introduction of enteral feedings is often delayed in very low birth weight (VLBW)
infants due to the fear of poor tolerance in the presence of multi-system dysfunc-
tion, immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract, and the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis
(NEC). However, concerns also remain that gut ‘disuse’ during extended periods of
enteral fasting could delay or alter the postnatal adaptation of the premature intestine
and prolong the need for parenteral nutrition [9, 102]. Minimal enteral feeding is
a compromise alternative where small volumes of maternal milk or formula, typi-
cally 12–24 mL/kg/day, are provided to avoid complete enteral fasting [30]. Minimal
enteral feeding has been described in the literature by various synonyms such as
‘minimal enteral nutrition’, ‘gut priming’ for stimulation of gastrointestinal func-
tion, ‘trophic feedings’ for promotion of gut growth, and ‘hypocaloric feedings’ as
a reminder that minimal enteral feedings are not intended to be the primary or sole
source of nutrient supply.

2 Historical Perspective

Minimal enteral feeding seems to have first appeared in the literature in animal studies
in the 1950’s. In the clinical setting, minimal enteral feeds first found favor in adult
patients after bowel surgery and were used with an intention to promote tolerance
to feeding [16, 35]. Studies in critically-ill and preterm infants started to arise in the
1970’s and 80’s as an intervention to promote gut maturation. The term “minimal
enteral nutrition” was first used in the mid 1980’s by Lucas et al. [14], who showed
that enteral administration of very small quantities of human milk in term and preterm
infants was associated with higher plasma concentrations of gut hormones than in
enterally-fasted infants on parenteral nutrition. Cumulative feeding volumes (since
birth) as small as 12 mL/kg body weight were associated with increased plasma
enteroglucagon, gastrin, and gastric inhibitory peptide, and maximal responses were
obtained with an average total intake of 50 mL/kg. Although larger enteral volumes
2 Minimal Enteral Feeding 29

(still lower than full enteral feeds) were needed to produce a neurotensin or motilin
surge, these findings suggested that minimal enteral feeding could help maintain
mucosal integrity and possibly promote gut maturation in enterally-fasted infants
dependent on parenteral nutrition [14]. In another study at about the same time, Slagle
et al. [59] randomized 46 VLBW infants receiving parenteral nutrition to be either
enterally-fasted or to receive minimal enteral feeding (12 mL/kg/day) from postnatal
day 8 through day 18. After day 18, feedings were increased by 15 mL/kg/day in both
groups. The minimal enteral feeding group showed improved tolerance to feedings,
manifested by fewer days when feedings were withheld or when gastric residuals
totaled more than 10 % of feedings. More infants in the minimal enteral feeding
group achieved enteral intakes of 120 kcal/kg/day by 6 weeks than in the delayed
feeding group (94 % vs. 64 % infants, respectively; p < 0.05). In other early studies,
[2, 41] enteral feedings of 12–24 mL formula/kg/day (4–20 kcal/kg/day) during the
first 8 days in ill VLBW infants was associated with better weight gain, faster decline
in serum bilirubin levels, reduced cholestasis, better tolerance to subsequent larger-
volume feedings, and faster attainment of full enteral feeds than infants who were
enterally-fasted during the same period [64, 79].
The terms ‘gut priming’, ‘trophic feedings’, and ‘hypocaloric feedings’ became
established in the 1990’s as use of minimal enteral feeding was favorably reviewed
in the nutritional management of critically-ill preterm neonates [25]. In the last 2
decades, there has been a gradual paradigm shift from avoiding enteral feeds to
widespread acceptance of minimal enteral feeding as a preferred mode of initiation
of feeding in critically-ill VLBW and extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants.
However, the volume, duration, methods and frequency of feedings vary considerably
between individual centers and with limited evidence, there are no clear guidelines
for practice.

3 Physiological Considerations in Early Introduction

of Enteral Feedings

The developing gastrointestinal tract handles large volumes of amniotic fluid in

utero Starting at 8–11 weeks, the fetus ingests increasing amounts of amniotic
fluid during mid- and later gestation. In the 3rd trimester, the fetus swallows nearly
550 mL/day (range 210–840mL/day) of amniotic fluid [80, 81]. Although amniotic
fluid is largely comprised of water (nearly 98–99 %), its composition varies with
gestation [19]. In the 1st trimester, the osmolality of amniotic fluid is 290 mOsm/kg
and is isotonic to maternal serum. However, as the fetal skin becomes keratinized
and the renal function matures near term, the osmolality of amniotic fluid falls to
255 mOsm/kg. Despite its low caloric density and nutrient content (protein content
∼1 % weight/volume), amniotic fluid is an important source of nutrition for the 3rd
trimester fetus who swallows large volumes (up to 20 % of body weight per day) that
may provide for up to 10–20 % of the daily energy needs [86].
30 O. Mezu-Ndubuisi and A. Maheshwari

Adverse effects of enteral feedings, real and presumed Following preterm birth,
enteral feedings are withheld for a variety of pre- and postnatal reasons. Feed-
ings are frequently withheld to allow the gastrointestinal tract to recover from
actual/presumed ischemic insults that might have occurred in utero due to maternal
pre-eclampsia, chorioamnionitis, placental insufficiency (indicated by the absence
or reversal of umbilical arterial or aortic blood flow on Doppler studies), and fetal
infection. Feedings may also be withheld for postnatal issues, if the infant ‘looks un-
well’, has respiratory distress, persistent patency of the ductus arteriosus, or has had
perinatal hypoxic-ischemia, events that could cause hypoxemia and/or hypotension
and thereby trigger the ‘diving’ reflex, redirecting oxygenated blood away from the
gut and towards vital organs such as the brain, heart, and adrenal glands. Although
some infants with one or more of the above conditions may have truly sustained
intestinal ischemia, most infants who receive presumptive treatment do not show
any clinical signs of intestinal injury. In the absence of reliable biomarkers of in-
testinal ischemia, the care-provider is often left with no choice but to presume the
worst-case scenario in all ‘at-risk’ infants that the gut mucosa needs time to recover
from ischemic injury before enteral feedings can be initiated safely.
Developmental constraints to enteral feeding in the preterm infant Several stud-
ies have investigated the ontogeny of intestinal peristalsis and digestive function.
Although not quite as well-developed as in the term infant, nutrient absorption in
preterm infants is adequate to sustain normal growth [43, 60]. Similarly, with the
exception of lactase activity that matures at about 34 weeks gestation, most digestive
functions are in place by the end of the 2nd trimester [74]. Gastric acid output, bile
synthesis, and exocrine pancreatic function are also considered adequate for digestion
[12, 28, 65, 87]. Preterm infants can also increase their splanchnic blood flow after
feeds, although the immature autoregulatory mechanisms can become overwhelmed
under stress related to hypoxemia, shock, anemia, and transfusions [34, 51, 68].
Immaturity of motor function is a major limitation to successful enteral feeding
in preterm infants. Readiness for oral feeding requires suck-swallow coordination,
which develops at about 32 weeks gestation [56]. Infants born earlier than 32 weeks
are at risk of aspiration of gastric contents into the trachea and lungs during oral
feeding. To avoid recurrent overt or micro-aspirations, most clinicians prefer gavage
as the modality of choice for VLBW infants.
In the gastrointestinal tract, effective propulsion of nutrients requires anterograde
peristaltic contractions that are organized in time and location, and are synchronized
with a relaxation response in segments immediately distal to the contraction wave.
The motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract is regulated by inputs from the
extrinsic nervous system, which includes the parasympathetic and sympathetic
systems, and also from the intrinsic nervous system that is comprised of nerves that
reside solely in the gastrointestinal tract [103]. Although major neural elements are
in place by 15–18 weeks gestation, [96] the motor activity of the gastrointestinal
tract continues to show signs of immaturity until late in the 3rd trimester such
as laxity of the lower esophageal sphincter, delayed gastric emptying, and slow
duodenal-anal transit [7, 97, 103, 109].
2 Minimal Enteral Feeding 31

Prolonged enteral fasting can cause gut mucosal atrophy The absence of food in the
gastrointestinal tract produces mucosal and villous atrophy and decreased expression
of enzymes necessary for digestion and substrate absorption [29, 30]. In experimental
animals, prolonged fasting can clearly cause small intestinal atrophy, loss of villus
height and crypt depth, decreased intestinal weight, and enterocyte apoptosis [26].
The effects of enteral fasting vary with species and are most prominent in rodents,
which can lose up to 50 % of the mucosal mass. Loss of mucosal mass is also seen
in suckling pigs, but is less striking at about 20 %. In humans, the data are less
clear. In critically-ill adults, enteral fasting for as few as 4 days was associated with
decreased villus height and with abnormalities in lactulose-mannitol absorption [98].
In other studies, children with inflammatory bowel disease who were dependent on
parenteral nutrition for 9–12 months showed relatively modest (about 10 %) mucosal
atrophy [1]. The effects of enteral fasting have not been studied in neonates. However,
ingestion of both amniotic fluid in utero as well as feeding after birth are required
for the development of the crypt-villus histoarchitecture, [4, 27, 76, 94] and one can
safely infer that the effects of enteral fasting are not likely to be less pronounced in
infants than in older children and adult subjects.
Enteral fasting is also associated with decreased gut hormonal responses, includ-
ing the hormones and trophic peptides produced in the oral cavity, stomach and the
intestine in response to enteral feeding [32]. A variety of immune deficits can also de-
velop, such as decreased mucosal IgA, increased expression of adhesion molecules,
and leukocyte recruitment, which may increase the risk of mucosal inflammation
[4, 32]. Fasting-related mucosal atrophy may also be directly associated with bac-
terial translocation from the lumen to mesenteric lymph nodes in rodents, although
these findings need confirmation in humans [69].
Association between enteral feedings and necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) Observa-
tional studies indicate that more than 90 % cases of NEC occur in infants who have
received enteral feedings; many cases have a history of recent volume advancement
or re-initiation of enteral feedings after a period of enteral fasting [20, 44]. The
association may have an element of biological plausibility because enteral feeding,
particularly with formula, could alter splanchnic perfusion and increase the risk of
ischemic injury, [108] cause osmotic injury to the mucosa, and in the presence of
undigested substrate in the gut lumen, promote bacterial overgrowth [57, 63]. In
support of these data, in some studies, delayed introduction of enteral feeds beyond
the first few days after birth protected against NEC [44]. Other studies showed that
adoption of standardized, cautious feeding regimens where feeding volume was in-
creased by < 24 mL/kg body weight each day lowered the risk of NEC [95, 105]. In
the neonatal research network of the National Institute of Child Health and Devel-
opment, Centers where enteral feedings were introduced at an earlier postnatal age
and were advanced rapidly showed a higher incidence of NEC than institutions with
more conservative feeding practices [55]. Based on data from these and other ob-
servational studies, most care-providers in neonatology adopted a very conservative
approach to enteral feeding [105].
32 O. Mezu-Ndubuisi and A. Maheshwari

In contrast to observational/anecdotal data, early introduction or rapid advance-

ment of feedings has not been shown to increase the incidence of NEC in randomized
studies. In meta-analysis [70] of 4 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) [2, 12, 41, 52]
comparing infants who received slow advancement of feedings (daily increments of
15–20 mL/kg) vs. those who were advanced rapidly (30–35 mL/kg/day), there was
no difference in the incidence of NEC (typical relative risk (RR): 0.91, 95 % confi-
dence interval (CI): 0.47–1.75) or all-cause mortality (RR: 1.43, 95 % CI: 0.78–2.61).
Infants who had slow rates of feed volume advancement took longer to regain birth
weight (median difference 2–6 days) and to establish full enteral feeding (median
difference 2–5 days). Similarly, the protective effects of delayed introduction of en-
teral feedings, if any, were not detected in RCTs. In meta-analysis [67] of 5 RCTs,
[24, 57, 58, 66, 88] delayed feedings did not reduce the risk of NEC [RR: 0.89, 95 %
CI: 0.58–1.37] or all-cause mortality (RR: 0.93, 95 % CI: 0.53–1.64). Infants who
had delayed introduction of enteral feeds took longer to establish full enteral feeding
(reported median difference 3 days).
Minimal enteral feeding as an alternative to enteral fasting in premature
infants Based on data from physiological and pre-clinical studies, minimal enteral
feeding can stimulate gut motility and gastrointestinal hormone release, reduce the
incidence of dysmotility and feeding intolerance, and thereby reduce the time taken to
reach full enteral feeds. Enteral feedings may also reduce the incidence of complica-
tions associated with enteral fasting such as hyperbilirubinemia (related to increased
enterohepatic circulation of bilirubin) or with parenteral nutrition such as infections
and metabolic complications [107].
In most nurseries, minimal enteral feeding is defined as enteral administration
of 12–24 mL/kg/day of expressed breast milk or formula. If more than 25 % of
the patient’s nutritional needs are administered enterally, the feeding is no longer
considered ‘trophic’. In a 1-kg infant, 20 mL/kg/day of enteral feedings represent
about 5 % of the total volume of amniotic fluid that a gestational age-matched fetus
would ingest each day in utero. Although the preterm gut may be able to handle
larger volumes, minimal feeding strategies limit the feed volumes in view of the
higher osmolality and protein/lipid concentration in milk/formula than amniotic fluid,
which may affect the tolerance to enteral feeding.
Preclinical studies on the effects of enteral fasting Animal studies emphasize
the importance of the first few postnatal weeks as a critical time for the growth and
development of the gastrointestinal tract. In fetal pigs, the small intestine of responds
rapidly to the introduction of oral colostrum or milk formula with large increases
(50–75 %) in intestinal weight, similar to those in preterm and term newborn pigs
receiving sow’s colostrum [18]. This gastrointestinal growth response is not seen
in enterally-fasted newborn piglets maintained on total parenteral nutrition. These
findings are consistent with rapid growth of the small intestine seen in human infants
during the early neonatal period [5, 99].
Kansagra et al. [42] showed that lack of enteral nutrition in piglets led to gut
mucosal atrophy with decreased jejunal mass (34.8 %), villus height (44.4 %), and
villus area (56.1 %) of TPN-fed piglets compared to enterally-fed newborn piglets.
2 Minimal Enteral Feeding 33

Fig. 2.1 Photomicrographs of jejunal tissue sections (hematoxylin and eosin; magnification
62.5 ×) from (a) enterally-fed newborn piglets; and (b) enterally-fasted piglets maintained on
parenteral nutrition. Enteral fasting was associated with mucosal atrophy and loss of villus height
(images courtesy Dr. Douglas Burrin, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas)

The absence of luminal nutrition in the intestine has also been associated with abnor-
mal permeability to macromolecules, compromised barrier function, and eventually,
loss of mucosal integrity [42, 106]. These changes, in turn, increase the risk of
bacterial translocation and gut-derived sepsis [82]. In newborn piglets, gut mucosal
atrophy ensues in the setting of partial/total absence (< 60 % total caloric intake) of
enteral nutrition and is characterized by reduced villus height (Fig. 2.1), decreased
crypt cell proliferation, and increased enterocyte apoptosis [8, 40]. TPN-induced
mucosal atrophy is also associated with lymphocyte activation, [83] increased expres-
sion of adhesion molecules, [23, 48, 53] recruitment of neutrophils, and increased
expression of inflammatory cytokines [13, 29, 89].
Studies from preterm animals show that early initiation of feeds from birth with
animal colostrum results in an enhanced resistance to NEC [29]. Early introduction
of minimal enteral feeding have been shown to promote intestinal motility, peri-
stalsis, and enzymatic activity, augment intestinal blood flow, maintaining intestinal
barrier function, reduction of infections and promoting development of beneficial
gut microflora [11, 39, 54, 100].

4 Clinical Studies on Minimal Enteral Feeding

Minimal enteral feeding vs. enteral fasting in the first week after birth Several
observational studies and clinical trials have examined minimal enteral feeding
(Table 2.1). In 2005, Tyson and Kennedy [46] reviewed 11 studies of minimal
enteral feeding. In 10 studies that compared minimal enteral feeding vs. enteral
fasting, [15, 33, 45, 49, 50, 59, 61, 79, 84, 91] they noted that the minimal
feeding group took fewer days to reach full enteral feeds (weighted mean difference
(WMD) = 2.6 days), had fewer days when feedings were held (WMD = 3.1 days),
and a shorter length of hospital stay (WMD = 11.4 days). There was no effect on

Table 2.1 Minimal enteral feeding: quality of evidence

Authors, Year Description of study Outcome/Results Comments on study design and
quality of evidence
Leaf, 2012 [24] Infants < 35 weeks gestational age, birth weight Full feeds achieved earlier in early feeding Randomized, blinded, all
< 10 percentile, and abnormal antenatal group (median age18 days vs. 21 days) subjects included in analysis.
umbilical artery Doppler randomized to early (hazard ratio: 1.36 [95 % CI 1.11–1.67]).
feeding on day 2 (n = 201) vs. delayed on day No difference in the incidence of NEC.
6 (n = 201).
Mosqueda, 2008 [21] Minimal enteral feeding of expressed breast milk No difference in growth patterns, feeding Randomized, but not blinded
or formula 2 mL every 4 hrs from day 2–7 tolerance, mortality, length of stay, and incomplete follow-up.
(N = 41) vs. enteral fasting (N = 43). Both incidence of sepsis and NEC between
groups received progressive enteral feeds from groups.
day 8, increasing by 10 mL/kg/day.
Van Elburg, 2004 Minimal enteral feeding 0.5–1 mL every 2 h with No difference in feeding tolerance, growth, Randomized, but not blinded
[104] breast milk/preterm formula from day 2–5 incidence of NEC, and postnatal maturation and incomplete follow-up.
(N = 28) vs. enteral fasting (N = 28). Both of gut mucosal permeability as measured by
groups received progressive enteral feeds from lactose: mannitol absorption test.
day 8, increasing by 10 mL/kg/day.
de Pipaon, 2003 [93] Minimal enteral feeding of 10 mL/kg/day on day Intestinal maturation measured as leucine Randomization unbalanced
1, then 20 mL/kg/day through until day 7 uptake by splanchnic tissues. Minimal (larger minimal enteral
(N = 24) vs. enteral fasting for 7 days enteral feeding increasedleucine uptake by feeding group). Not all
(N = 12). the splanchnic tissue. infants included in analysis.
Biochemical outcome.
Mclure, 2000 [84] Minimal enteral feeding group received Minimal enteral feeding group had better Randomized, blinded and all
0.5–1 mL/h breast milk/preterm formula from weight gain and increase in head subjects included in analysis.
day 3 until discontinuation of assisted circumference, fewer episodes of sepsis,
ventilation (N = 48). Control group was decreased duration of parenteral nutrition,
enterally-fasted (N = 52). After ventilation was oxygen use, and length of hospital stay.
stopped, feeds were started at 1 mL/kg/h and
increased by 1 mL/kg/h every 8–12 h
O. Mezu-Ndubuisi and A. Maheshwari
Table 2.1 (continued)
Authors, Year Description of study Outcome/Results Comments on study design and
quality of evidence
Schanler, 1999 [31] Infants 26–30 weeks. Minimal enteral feeding Time to full oral feeding similar in both groups. Randomized with complete
(N = 82) 20 mL/kg/day of expressed breast Minimal enteral feeding associated with follow-up but not blinded.
milk or half-strength preterm formula from day better mineral retention, and shorter intesti-
4–14 after birth vs. enteral fasting (N = 89). nal transit times. Bolus feeding associated
Minimal enteral feeding and fasting groups with less feeding intolerance and better
randomized to continuous vs. bolus feeds. weight gain than the continuous method.
Minimal Enteral Feeding

Becerra et al. 1996 Minimal enteral feeding with breast milk or Minimal enteral feeding group had higher Although all subjects were
[50] preterm formula at 20–25 mL/kg/day (n = 96) early weight gain, less hours of NPO, and included in the analysis,
vs. enteral fasting until 6–8 days post-natal less hyperglycemia than controls. No study was non-blinded and
(N = 94). Also included an arm with “healthy” difference in the number of days to regain the methods of randomization
VLBW infants birth weight, weight on postnatal day 60, were not defined.
NEC, sepsis, and overall mortality.
Troche, 1995 [72] Infants 25–30 wks. Minimal enteral feeding Minimal enteral feeding group required fewer Randomization unclear, not
group received expressed breast milk/standard days to reach full enteral feeds and had blinded and not all subjects
formula from 24 h after birth at a rate of better weight gain. Minimal enteral feeding included in analysis.
0.5–1 mL/h until umbilical artery catheter was was well-tolerated in critically-ill VLBW
removed (N = 16) vs. enteral fasting (N = 13). nfants requiring mechanical ventilation.
Both groups received parenteral nutrition
starting from day 3.
Davey, 1994 [45] Minimal enteral feeding group received 2–5 mL Minimal enteral feeding group had fewer days Randomized and blinded in
every 2 hrs of 1/4 strength formula from 2 days on parenteral nutrition, fewer interruptions radiologic assessment but not
(N = 31) vs. late enteral group which reeived in feedings, fewer sepsis evaluations, and blinded in clinical
feedings from day 5 (N = 31). Both groups had fewer central lines. No difference in weight assessment. Not all patients
same volume of feeds and rate of advancement. gain, NEC, mortality, or age at discharge. were included in analysis.
Meetze, 1992 [62] Minimal enteral feeding group received preterm Minimal enteral feeding group had improved Randomization unclear, not
formula from day 3 at 2.5 mL/kg/day and feeding tolerance after day 20 and a faster blinded and not all subjects
advancing to 22 mL/kg/day on day 14 (N = 22) rise in serum gastrin. No difference in included in analysis.
vs. enteral fasting (N = 25). Both groups weight gain, frequency of feeding
received progressive enteral feeds from day 15. complications.
Table 2.1 (continued)

Authors, Year Description of study Outcome/Results Comments on study design and

quality of evidence
Berseth, 1992 [61] Infants 28–32 weeks on mechanical ventilation. Minimal enteral feeding group tolerated full Although all subjects
Minimal enteral feeding group received a oral feeds sooner, had fewer days of feeding included in analysis, study
standard formula at 24 mL/kg/day from day intolerance, and had shorter length of was non-blinded; methods
3–5 until day 10–14 (N = 14) vs. enteral hospital stay. These infants also showed of randomization not defined.
fasting group (N = 13) that remained NPO more mature motor patterns and higher
until day 10–14. Both groups received plasma levels of gastrin and gastric
150 mL/kg/day total fluids. inhibitory peptide.
Dunn, 1988 [14] Minimal enteral feeding group (N = 19) from 48 Minimal enteral feeding group took fewer days Not randomized, not blinded,
hrs of life at 15–20 mL/kg/day using diluted to reach full enteral feedings, spent less time and not all subjects included
preterm formula vs. enteral fasting (N = 20) under phototherapy, had less cholestasis, in analysis.
until 9 days after birth. and lower peak direct bilirubin levels.
Slagle, 1988 [16] Infants 500–1500g, < 33 weeks. Minimal enteral Minimal enteral feeding group tolerated feeds Randomized, but not blinded
feeding group (N = 22) received 12 mL/kg/d better with fewer days when feedings were and not all subjects included
breast milk feedings from day 8 to day 18 vs. withheld. More infants reached full enteral in analysis.
enteral fasting (N = 24). feedings by 6 weeks.
Khayata, 1987 [67] N = 12, VLBW infants. Minimal enteral feeding No difference in weight gain during the first Methodological details missing
group received standard formula starting at six weeks after birth in abstract; unclear if subjects
< 96 hrs of age at 12 mL/kg/day, increased to randomized; not blinded.
24 mL/kg/day on day 2, 36 mL/kg/day on day
3–5. Late group remained NPO until day 10
and then fed using same schedule.
Ostertag, 1986 [52] Infants< 32 weeks and < 1500 g. Minimal No difference in incidence of NEC Unstated randomization, not
enteral feeding group (N = 18) fed enterally at blinded, but all subjects
1 mL/h, starting with sterile water on day 1 and included in analysis.
progressing to 2.5 % dextrose, 1/2 strength
formula, and full strength formula over 7 days.
Control group stayed NPO for 7 days followed
by progressive enteral feeds increasing by
10 mL/kg/day (N = 20).
O. Mezu-Ndubuisi and A. Maheshwari
2 Minimal Enteral Feeding 37

NEC (RR = 1.16, 95 % CI = 0.75, 1.79); risk difference = 0.02 [−0.03, 0.06]). In
1 study [62] comparing early minimal feeding to progressively increasing feeds,
the minimal feeding group showed a marginally significant reduction in NEC (total
8 cases of NEC; RR = 0.14 [0.02, 1.07]; risk difference = −0.09 [−0.16, −0.01].
The minimal feeding group took longer to reach full enteral feeds (WMD = 13.4
days) and tended to have longer hospital stay (WMD = 11.0).
In 2009, Bombell and McGuire [31] updated the earlier meta-analysis by Tyson
and Kennedy [46]. They included all RCTs of early minimal enteral feeding (milk
volumes up to 24 mL/kg/day introduced before 96 h postnatal age and continued
for until at least one week after birth) vs. a comparable period of enteral fasting in
VLBW infants. Of the 16 trials identified, [6, 21, 33, 49, 50, 59, 61, 62, 72, 73,
79, 84, 88, 91, 101] they excluded 7 studies, [33, 45, 59, 91, 62, 72, 109] some of
which were a part [33, 45, 50, 59, 61] of the previous review by Tyson and Kennedy
[46]. They reviewed data from 9 eligible trials [6, 15, 21, 49, 50, 61, 73, 79, 84]
with a total of 754 infants but did not find strong evidence for benefit from early
minimal enteral feeding. Eight trials examined time to establish full enteral feeding.
In 3 studies, minimal enteral feeding was associated with less time to full enteral
feeds [50, 79, 84]. However, no difference was detected in meta-analysis of 6 trials
that reported means and standard deviation [WMD −0.97 (95 % CI −2.47, 0.53)
days] or in 2 studies [21, 73] reporting median and ranges.
NEC was examined as an outcome measure in all 9 studies. Meta-analysis did
not show a significant effect [RR: 1.07 (95 % CI: 0.67, 1.70); typical risk difference:
0.01 (95 % CI: −0.03, 0.05)]. Two trials reported data for sepsis. McClure et al.
[50] noted fewer episodes of culture-positive sepsis in the minimal feeding group,
whereas Mosqueda et al. [73] did not detect a difference. There was also no effect on
overall mortality (RR: 0.77 (95 % CI: 0.46, 1.30)). Minimal enteral feeding also did
not change the length of hospital stay. No difference was detected in meta-analysis
of 3 trials that reported means and standard deviation [WMD −3.8 (95 % CI: −12.2,
4.5) days] or in 1 trial that reported data as median and range [73].
None of the 9 trials included in the meta-analysis reported a significant difference
in the time to regain birth weight. McClure et al. [61] reported a marginally-
significant increase in weight gain and head circumference in the minimal enteral
feeding group. Similarly, Troche et al. [84] detected a greater increase in weight
to day 30. However, no difference was detected in meta-analysis of 5 trials that re-
ported means and standard deviation [WMD −0.01 (95 % CI −0.96, 0.95) days] or
in 2 trials [21, 73] reporting median and ranges. Long-term growth parameters or
neurodevelopmental outcome were not reported by any of the trials.
In their meta-analysis, Bombell and McGuire [31] detected considerable hetero-
geneity, which may limit the validity of their findings. A major limitation was the
variability in data collection; for instance, it was not clear whether the included tri-
als used pre-specified definitions of “feed intolerance” that mandated interrupting
or ceasing feed volume advancement. Furthermore, the results may be biased by
the exclusion from analysis of infants who developed complications [79, 84]. Other
limitations were lack of clear information on the type of first feeding, formula vs.
breast milk, and low number of extremely low birth weight infants. Although the
benefits of early minimal enteral feeding were not detected in this meta-analysis, an
38 O. Mezu-Ndubuisi and A. Maheshwari

important conclusion was that minimal enteral feeding did not increase the risk of
NEC as compared to the enteral fasting group.
Timing of initiation of minimal enteral feeding The ideal time of initiation of min-
imal enteral feeding is controversial with significant differences between individual
Centers. Whereas ‘early’initiation usually refers to starting feeds on the first postnatal
day, ‘delayed’ initiation typically indicates that feedings may be started on postnatal
day 4–8, or sometimes after day 10, after clinical stabilization of the infant. Clinical
care-providers are often reluctant to start minimal enteral feeding earlier than 6 h
after birth in VLBW infants, particularly when there is a history of perinatal depres-
sion and low Apgar scores, respiratory distress syndrome, hemodynamic instability,
and/or persistent patency of the ductus arteriosus with diversion of blood away from
the gastrointestinal tract. Although a majority of clinicians are now comfortable feed-
ing with an umbilical arterial catheter in place, [75, 93] most are reluctant to start
minimal enteral feeding while the infant is receiving indomethacin as prophylaxis
against intra-ventricular hemorrhage or to treat a patent ductus arteriosus [9].
The benefits of early vs. late initiation of minimal enteral feeding remain unclear.
As discussed in the previous sections, delayed introduction of enteral feedings does
not protect against feeding intolerance, NEC, abnormal gut mucosal permeability,
or prolonged length of hospital stay [21, 39, 44, 58, 66, 67, 72, 104]. The safety of
early, aggressive feeding in high-risk infants was noted in a recent multicentre RCT
by Leaf et al. [66], who enrolled 404 preterm small-for-gestation infants at increased
risk of NEC in view of documented absence/reversal of diastolic blood flow in the
umbilical artery/aorta on antenatal Doppler studies [36]. Subjects were randomized
to an early (started feeding between 24–48 h) or late (between 120 and 144 h after
birth) enteral feeding group. Early enteral feeding group achieved full enteral feeds
at median 18 days (inter-quartile range (IQR) 15–24), compared to median 21 (IQR
19–27) days in the late feeding group; p = 0.003. There was no difference in the
incidence of NEC (all-stage NEC 18 % in early vs. 15 % in the late group; RR: 1.20,
95 % CI: 0.77–1.87; p = 0.42; incidence of NEC stages 2 and 3 was 8 % in both
groups) [66].
Bolus vs. continuous feeding The ideal method for minimal enteral feeding is not
known. There is insufficient evidence to support one style of feeding over another.
Whereas bolus feeding is widely accepted to be more physiological as it mimics the
cyclic release of gut hormones, continuous feeds resemble fetal ingestion of amniotic
fluid [37].
Using open-circuit respiratory calorimetry, Grant and Denne [85] measured en-
ergy expenditure in preterm infants (n = 11) fed the same volume of feeds during
and after either intermittent (5 min) or continuous feeding (over 2–3 h). Energy ex-
penditure was significantly increased after intermittent compared with continuous
feeding (2.18 ± 0.07 kcal/kg/h vs. 2.09 ± 0.05 kcal/kg/h; p < 0.05) [85]. However,
this increased energy expenditure with intermittent feeding has not been shown to
have an adverse effect on growth [3].
Premji and Chessell [78] reviewed data from 7 randomized trials [3, 15, 37, 47, 77,
78, 90, 92] involving 511 infants and found no difference in the time to achieve full
enteral feeds between feeding methods (WMD 2 days; 95 % CI −0.3–3.9), in somatic
2 Minimal Enteral Feeding 39

growth, or in the incidence of NEC. One study [15] noted a trend toward more apneas
in infants fed by the continuous tube feeding method compared to the intermittent
feeding group [mean difference (MD) 14 apneas during study period; 95 % CI −0.2–
28.2]. When data were compared by weight groups, 1 study [77] suggested that
infants with birth weights < 1000 g and 1000–1250 g gained weight faster when fed
by the continuous nasogastric method than by intermittent nasogastric method (MD
2.0 g/day; 95 % CI: 0.5–3.5; MD 2.0 g/day; 95 % CI: 0.2–3.8, respectively). A trend
toward earlier discharge was noted in ELBW infants fed by the continuous feeding
method than intermittent nasogastric feeding (MD −11 days; 95 % CI −21.8 −0.2).
Type of feeds for minimal enteral feeding The question about the ideal trophic feed
needs examination in carefully-designed studies. Theoretically, the ideal trophic feed
should have low osmolality and casein content, and should not increase absorption
of precipitable minerals such as calcium and phosphate until appropriate meconium
clearance [10]. Maternal milk has the added advantage of protective components
such as immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, lysozyme, glycoconjugates, oligosaccharides,
white blood cells, and antibodies that reflect the antigenic repertoire of the mother’s
intestine and respiratory tract [71].
Scahnler et al. [15] showed that early initiation of minimal enteral feeding with
maternal milk, given as intermittent boluses, and in maximum volumes was asso-
ciated with lower morbidity. Although the protective effects of human milk feeds
over formula are well-documented, the maternal milk and formula need rigorous
comparison in the context of the small volumes in minimal enteral feeding. In a
large prospective RCT of early enteral feeding in preterm infants, Lucas and Cole
[22] demonstrated the protective effect of breast milk against NEC (OR: 10.6, 95 %
CI: 3.0–37.3 for confirmed cases, OR: 3.5, 95 % CI: 1.5–8.1 for all cases). They
also showed a protective effect of delaying the introduction of formula feeding. The
importance of exclusive human milk-based diet has been emphasized by two recent
studies. Sullivan et al. randomized preterm infants fed their own mothers’ milk to
receive either (1) pasteurized donor human milk-based human milk fortifier when the
enteral intake was 100 mL/kg and pasteurized donor human milk if no mother’s milk
was available; (2) pasteurized donor human milk-based human milk fortifier when the
enteral intake was 40 mL/kg and pasteurized donor human milk if no mother’s milk
was available; or (3) bovine milk-based human milk fortifier when the enteral intake
was 100 mL/kg/d and preterm formula if no mother’s milk was available. Outcomes
included duration of parenteral nutrition, morbidity, and growth. The groups receiv-
ing an exclusively human milk diet had significantly lower rates of NEC (p = 0.02)
and NEC requiring surgical intervention (p = 0.007). In another study, Jirapaet et al.
[38] studied the effect of human milk vs. formula on NEC and sepsis in VLBW
infants. They started human milk feedings within 24 h of life using a standardized al-
gorithm to identify infants with feeding intolerance. NEC was noted in 3.9 % infants
in the human milk group and in 20 % in the formula group (p = 0.04). There was no
difference in the incidence of late-onset sepsis between the two groups. However,
in VLBW infants, the incidence of late-onset sepsis was 2.1 % (1 in 47) vs. 28.5 %
(2 in 7) in human milk group and the formula group, respectively.
40 O. Mezu-Ndubuisi and A. Maheshwari

Advancement of feeding A consensus approach for advancement of enteral feeds

in preterm infants remains elusive. As discussed in a previous section of this chapter,
several well-designed randomized trials [2, 12, 41, 52] have shown that slow vs. rapid
advancement of feeds may be equally safe [70]. The findings of Berseth et al. [62]
merit careful consideration in this context. They randomized 144 infants to either
receive a trophic feeding regimen (20 mL/kg/day of unfortified human milk or stan-
dard premature formula for 10 days) or receive advancing feedings (fed 20 mL/kg on
postnatal day 1 and advanced 20 mL/kg/day on each day thereafter until 140/mL/kg
was achieved). The advancing feed group showed a cluster of cases of NEC (10 %
versus 1.4 % in minimal enteral feeding group), which prompted the study to close
early. Although the minimal enteral feeding group reached full feeds later than the ad-
vancing volume group, the maturation of intestinal motor patterns and the incidence
of late-onset sepsis and feeding intolerance was similar in both groups.
Overall, current data do not provide evidence that slow advancement of enteral
feed volumes reduces the risk of NEC in VLBW infants. Increasing the volume of
enteral feeds at slow rather than faster rates results in several days’ delay in regaining
birth weight and establishing full enteral feeds but the long term clinical importance
of these effects is unclear. There is a need for additional RCTs to determine how the
rate of daily increment in enteral feed volumes affects clinical outcomes in VLBW
infants. An excellent discussion on this issue can be found in a recent review by
Fallon et al. [17]
Current feeding practices Nutritional practices in preterm infants vary not only
between neonatal units, but also between practitioners within the same unit. In a
recent web-based survey of 127 tertiary neonatal intensive care units in different
countries on different continents, Klingenberg et al. [102] sought to evaluate enteral
feeding practices. Out of 124 units that responded, there was considerable variation
in initiation of enteral feeding within the first 24 h after birth: 43/124 (35 %) if
gestational age (GA) < 25 weeks, 53/124 (43 %) if GA 25–27 weeks and 88/124
(71 %) if GA 28–31 weeks. For infants below 28 weeks’ gestation, breast milk
feedings were initiated early and continuous feedings in Scandanavian units. In
contrast, continuous feedings were rarely used in Australia/New Zealand. Minimal
enteral feeding for 4–5 days was common in Canada, but rare in Scandinavia. Target
enteral feeding volume in a ‘stable’ preterm infant was 140–160 mL/kg/day in most
Canadian units and 161–180 mL/kg/day or higher in units in the other regions. The
survey also revealed marked regional differences in criteria for use and timing when
human milk fortifier was added. There was a wide variation in feeding practices
across units around the world, indicating a need for RCTs to examine key issues and
promote standardization of feeding regimens.

5 Directions for Further Research

There is a need for well-designed, multi-centred RCTs to clarify specific concerns

about minimal enteral feeding. To account for the variability in the current-day NICU
patient populations, only a sufficiently large cohort with adequate representation
2 Minimal Enteral Feeding 41

of high-risk and ELBW infants is likely to be meaningful for variables such as

death or NEC requiring surgical resection before discharge, death before discharge,
prolonged hospital stay, growth restriction, or other major co-morbidities like short
bowel syndrome, and severe neurodevelopmental disability assessed at ≥ 18 months
adjusted age. A well designed large multi-centered RCT should also be able to
address key issues such as the optimal time to start, role of co-morbidities, volumes
suitable for minimal enteral feeding, timing for advancement of feedings, slow vs.
rapid advancement, choice of feed, route of feeding, and so forth. There is a need
for clear definition of outcome variables, particularly for feeding intolerance.
In their systematic review, Tyson et al. [11] identified difficulties in interpretation
of currently published trials of trophic feedings, and proposed several ways to design
a large multicenter trial to answer the deficits in current literature. They argued that
with the sample sizes achievable in major neonatal networks, Bayesian analyses are
likely to provide clear and clinically-useful assessments of the probability of benefit
for all important clinical outcomes resulting from initial feeding regimens for ELBW
infants. They further suggested that the ideal RCT should compare three feeding
regimens: enteral fasting vs. trophic feeding, enteral fasting vs. rapid advancement
of feedings, and slow vs. rapid advancement of feedings in ELBW infants [11].
An appropriate primary question in these studies would be to identify the feeding
regimen that results in the lowest proportion of infants with a composite outcome
of either NEC or death before discharge. The authors estimated that the proposed
sample size needed for such a study would be as large as 3960 patients enrolled over
3 years with outcomes assessed at 2 years for 90 % of infants discharged home.
In summary optimizing nutrition is a vital part of caring for the preterm infant,
but is affected by various innate and external challenges, such as gut and intestinal
immaturity, critical illness and infection, feeding intolerance, and NEC. Minimal
enteral feeding is a promising approach to avoid the adverse effects of prolonged
enteral fasting in critically-ill infants. It is supported by strong physiological and
pre-clinical data but requires further evaluation in the clinical setting with carefully-
designed RCTs.


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Chapter 3
Strategies for Managing Feed Intolerance
in Preterm Neonates

Sanjay Patole

Abstract Optimisation of enteral nutrition in extremely preterm neonates (gestation

under 28 weeks) has become a priority considering that postnatal growth restriction
is a major and almost universal issue in this population. Majority of protein and
energy deficit associated with postnatal growth restriction occurs within the first two
weeks of life. Manifestation of feed intolerance due to ileus of prematurity (e.g.,
abdominal distension, bile stained and/or increased gastric residuals) are also very
common during this critical period in extremely preterm neonates.
Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) is a potentially disastrous illness in preterm very
low birth weight neonates with significant mortality, and morbidity. The outcomes
of NEC are worse in extremely preterm neonates with higher mortality, need for
surgery, and risk of long-term neurodevelopmental impairment after surviving
surgery for the illness.
The inability to differentiate feed intolerance of prematurity from a potentially
disastrous illness like NEC frequently leads to stoppage of enteral feeds during a
critical period of life in extremely preterm neonates. The significant variation in clin-
ical practice reflects the fact that evidence for many of the enteral feeding strategies
for extremely preterm neonates have either inadequate or no sound scientific basis.
Evidence base for current enteral feeding practices for preterm neonates is
reviewed. The proven benefits of well established strategies such as antenatal
glucocorticoids and preferential use of breast milk are emphasised. Newer options
for facilitating feed tolerance such as probiotics and prebiotics are discussed. Areas
for further research are suggested.

Key points
• Postnatal growth restriction (PGR) is a major and almost universal issue in
extremely preterm (EP) neonates.
• Majority of protein and energy deficit associated with PGR occurs within the first
two weeks of life when stoppage of enteral feeds is very common because of the

S. Patole ()
Centre for Neonatal Research and Education, University of Western Australia,
Perth, Australia
Department of Neonatal Paediatrics, KEM Hospital for Women, 374 Bagot Road,
Subiaco, City of Perth, Western Australia 6008, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 47

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3_3, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
48 S. Patole

fear of necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) in presence of manifestations of ileus of

• Many of the enteral feeding practices for EP neonates have either inadequate or
no sound scientific basis.
• Balancing the benefits and risks of aggressive enteral and parenteral nutrition to
optimise growth and development of EP neonates is a difficult task.
• Further research is necessary for finding the optimal method for enteral feeding
of EP neonates, and to evaluate newer options such as probiotics and prebiotics
for facilitating feed tolerance in this high-risk population.
Survival of extremely preterm neonates has increased following the advances in
neonatal intensive care. Optimisation of enteral nutrition in this population has be-
come a priority after the realisation that postnatal growth restriction and failure to
thrive is a major, and almost universal issue in preterm extremely low birth weight
(ELBW: Birth weight < 1,000 g) neonates [1, 2]. It is important to note that the ma-
jority of protein and energy deficit associated with postnatal growth failure occurs
within the first two weeks of life [3, 4].
Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) is a potentially disastrous illness in preterm very
low birth weight (VLBW) neonates with significant mortality, and morbidity in-
cluding protracted feed intolerance, complications of parenteral nutrition, multiple
episodes of sepsis, need for surgery, and survival with short bowel syndrome [5–8].
The incidence (10–12 % vs. 4–6 %) and outcomes (Need for surgery: 20–30 % vs.
40–45 %, Mortality: 25 % vs. 40–45 %) are worse in ELBW compared with VLBW
neonates [9, 10]. Long term neurodevelopmental impairment (NDI) after surviving
surgery for the illness is a serious concern in extremely preterm (gestation < 28
weeks) neonates [11]. Considering the prolonged hospital stay due to complications,
the economic burden of ≥ Stage II NEC is significant [12]. The fear of NEC is
perhaps justified considering its potentially disastrous consequences and lack of a
reliable marker for early diagnosis. This fear, and the inability to differentiate early
NEC from the almost universal manifestations of “feed intolerance” due to ileus of
prematurity in the first few weeks of life makes it very difficult to optimise enteral
nutrition in extremely preterm neonates [13]. Significant variation in feeding prac-
tices reflects the lack of a clear understanding of the pathophysiology of both, feed
intolerance and NEC. Considering the importance of evidence-based practice it is
necessary to know the spectrum of current strategies for preventing/minimising feed
intolerance in preterm neonates and the evidence supporting them.

1 Antenatal Glucocorticoids

The beneficial effects of antenatal glucocorticoids on gastrointestinal maturation and

function include reduced uptake of macromolecules from the mucosa, reduced hep-
atic bacterial translocation [14–18], and increased activity of enzymes like lactase,
maltase, and sucrase [19–21]. A significant reduction in the incidence of NEC fol-
lowing antenatal glucocorticoid therapy was first reported by Bauer et al. [22]. The
3 Strategies for Managing Feed Intolerance in Preterm Neonates 49

effect was more striking on NEC than on respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)—the
desired primary outcome. Later a systematic review of randomised controlled trials
(RCT) by Crowley et al. [23] and the RCT by Halac et al. [24] confirmed that the risk
of NEC was reduced significantly by antenatal glucocorticoid therapy. Results of the
updated (2007) Cochrane systematic review of 21 RCTs (3,885 women and 4,269
infants) confirm that antenatal corticosteroids reduce the risk of neonatal death, and
morbidity including RDS, intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH), and NEC [25]. Cur-
rent guidelines recommend antenatal corticosteroids for mothers in preterm labour
from 24 to 34 weeks’ gestation, but not before 24 weeks due to lack of data [26].
Carlo et al. recently conducted a multicentre (N = 23) cohort study to determine if
antenatal corticosteroid treatment is associated with improved major outcomes for
infants (N = 10,541) born at 22–23 weeks’ gestation [27]. Their results indicate that
the neonatal benefits of antenatal glucocorticoid treatment for death and morbidity
including NEC, likely occur even at limits of viability [27].

2 Breast Milk

Human milk has been reported to reduce the incidence of NEC by up to seven fold
compared with formula milk [28]. In this multicenter trial the benefits of breast milk
were noted even as a supplement [28]. The protective effect of breast milk has been
correlated with its anti-inflammatory components (e.g., cytokines, growth factors),
lysozyme, IgG, prebiotic oligosaccharides and probiotics [29–32]. The activity of
acetyl hydrolase (PAF-AH), an enzyme that degrades platelet-activating factor (PAF)
is lower in neonates under 3 weeks of age than at any other time [33]. Considering the
role of PAF in the pathogenesis of NEC the presence of PAF-AH activity may partly
explain the protective effect of breast milk as formula milks don’t contain it [34–38].
High use of breast milk is reported to lower the incidence of NEC, and result in a
mild illness with more survivors [39]. Evidence indicates that freezing or thawing
does not eliminate the benefits of breast milk in reducing the incidence and severity
of NEC, possibly due to the increased anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 at the injury
site [40]. A systematic review and meta analysis has reported that donor human milk
feeding was associated with a significantly reduced risk of NEC [41]. The systematic
review [42] of RCTs indicates that donor breast milk is associated with a lower risk of
NEC and slower growth in the early postnatal period, but the quality of the evidence
is limited. Sullivan et al. have recently evaluated the benefits of an exclusively human
milk-based diet in extremely preterm neonates [43]. Neonates (N = 207) fed mothers’
milk were randomized to 1 of the 3 study groups. Groups HM100 and HM40 received
pasteurized donor human milk-based human milk fortifier when the enteral intake
was 100 and 40 ml/kg/day, respectively, and both groups received pasteurized donor
human milk if no mother’s milk was available. Group BOV received bovine milk-
based human milk fortifier when the enteral intake was 100 ml/kg/day and preterm
formula if no mother’s milk was available. All groups had comparable baseline
demographics, duration of parenteral nutrition, rates of late-onset sepsis, and growth.
50 S. Patole

The groups receiving an exclusively human milk had significantly lower rates of
NEC (p = 0.02) and NEC requiring surgery (p = 0.007) [43]. Meinzen-Derr et al.
have reported that the likelihood of NEC or death after 14 days was decreased by
a factor of 0.83 (95 % CI: 0.72, 0.96) for each 10 % increase in the proportion of
total intake as human milk (HM) in ELBW neonates [44]. Each 100 ml/kg increase
in HM intake during the first 14 days was associated with decreased risk of NEC or
death (Hazard Ratio: 0.87 (95 % CI: 0.77, 0.97). There was a non-significant trend
towards a decreased risk of NEC or death among infants who received 100 % HM as
a proportion to total enteral intake (HM plus formula) [44]. Sisk et al. have reported
that an intake of at least 50 % mother’s milk was associated with fewer days to reach
100 and 150 ml/kg/day of enteral feeds in neonates who weighed ≤ 1,250 g [45]. Sisk
et al. have also reported that enteral feeding containing at least 50 % human milk in
the first 14 days of life was associated with a sixfold decrease in the odds of NEC
[46]. Breast milk alone has not eliminated NEC despite its advantages. Deficiency of
immunologically beneficial components like IL-10, in the very preterm breast milk
(< 30 weeks’ gestation) may explain some of the susceptibility of extremely preterm
neonates to NEC [47]. Emami et al. have recently reported the protective role of
IL-10 in the pathogenesis of NEC in an animal model of the illness [48].

3 Hydrolysed Protein Formula (HPF)

HPF has been shown to accelerate the gastrointestinal transit of formula [49]. Results
of a clinical trial by Mihatsch et al. suggest that HPF may have a role in accelerating
feeding advancement in VLBW neonates [50]. The primary outcome was the time
from initiation to reaching full enteral feeds (FEF: 150 ml/kg/day) in neonates who
received < 10 % human milk (HM) to exclude HM as a confounder. Because the
availability of HM was not predictable at enrolment, all eligible neonates (n = 129)
were randomly assigned to receive HPF or standard preterm formula (SPF) if HM was
unavailable; 87 neonates (HPF = 46, SPF = 41) received < 10 % HM. The baseline
demographic characteristics were comparable. The time to reach FEF was signif-
icantly shorter with HPF feeds [10 (9–27) vs. 12 (9–28) days] [50]. Riezzo et al.
have reported no significant difference in gastric electrical activity, gastric empty-
ing time, and symptoms such as regurgitation and vomiting in preterm neonates fed
standard compared with hydrolysed formula [51]. Maggio et al. have evaluated the
urinary excretion of essential amino acids and weight gain in a small RCT in which
preterm neonates (n = 21) were randomly allocated to feeding with either a HPF or
an ordinary preterm formula [52]. Blood and amino acid concentrations were anal-
ysed before the start and after 14 and 28 days of feeding. Weight gain was slower
in neonates fed the HPF. The renal excretion of essential amino acids was higher on
day 14 days, indicating that the HPF did not have any nutritional advantage [52].
Routine use of HPF in preterm neonates can not be recommended considering the
inadequate and conflciting evidence in this area.
3 Strategies for Managing Feed Intolerance in Preterm Neonates 51

4 Lactase Treated and Low Lactose Feeds

Lactase, the enzyme for digestion and absorption of lactose, is the last of the major
intestinal disaccharidases to develop in preterm neonates. Lactase activity at 26–34
weeks gestation is only 30 % of that at term [53, 54]. Feed intolerance in preterm
neonates may relate to their transient low functional lactase activity [55]. Prolonged
periods of starvation could result in gut mucosal atrophy/damage that primarily
involves injury to the microvillus tip, where lactase is produced [56, 57]. Lactase is
therefore the first enzyme to be lost and the last to recover [58].
Early initiation of human milk feeds is important in preterm neonates as it is
known to increase intestinal lactase activity [59]. Colonic fermentation may explain
why lactose malabsorption manifests more commonly as large gastric residuals or
abdominal distension rather than diarrhea in preterm neonates [60, 61]. Lactase
has been used to hydrolyse lactose to minimize lactose malabsorption in preterm
neonates. Erasmus et al. have studied whether lactase-treated feeds could enhance
weight gain (primary outcome) and feed tolerance in preterm neonates [62]. A total
of 130 preterm neonates of 26–34 weeks post-conceptual age (mean postnatal age
at entry 11 days) were enrolled in this double blind RCT. Lactase treated feeds were
initiated when enteral feeds provided > 75 % of daily intake. The RR for NEC was
not statistically significant: 0.32 (95 % CI: 0.32 (0.01, 7.79); RD: −0.02 (95 % CI:
−0.06, 0.03). Weight gain (mean ± SEM) of the treatment group was significantly
greater (20.4 ± 1.8 g/day vs. 15.5 ± 1.6 g/day, p < 0.05) than that of the control group
on day 10 but not at any other time points. There was no significant effect on feed
intolerance. No adverse effects were noted [62]. The role of lactase treated feeds
in enhancing weight gain without adversely affecting feed tolerance needs to be
studied further in extremely preterm neonates. Griffin et al. have studied whether a
low-lactose formula (LLF, < 5 % lactose) would improve feed intolerance in preterm
neonates [63]. A total of 306 neonates (Gestation: < 36 weeks, Weight: < 1,800 g)
were randomised to either lactose-containing formula (LCF) 24 kcal/oz or a specially
prepared LLF, which was comparable to the LCF except for the replacement of lactose
with maltose. Total 149 neonates were assigned to LCF (99 received only LCF); 152
were assigned to LLF (102 received only LLF). The remaining received LCF or LLF
plus some quantity of human milk or human milk alone. Neonates receiving LLF had
improved enteral caloric intake and weight gain, reached FEF faster, had less gastric
residual, spent less time without oral intake, and had fewer feeds stopped than the
LCF group. The incidence of NEC was too low to draw any conclusions [63].

5 Early Trophic Feeds (ETF)

Feeds are frequently stopped in extremely preterm neonates due to the signs of
feed intolerance and the fear of NEC. Prolonged lack of enteral nutrients diminish
gastrointestinal functional and structural integrity by diminishing hormonal activity,
52 S. Patole

growth of intestinal mucosa, lactase activity, or motor maturation [64]. ETF are there-
fore provided to facilitate gastrointestinal function and maturation to improve feed
tolerance in extremely preterm neonates. In a systematic review, 9 RCTs (N = 754)
of ETF were eligible for meta analysis [65]. ETF was generally started within the
first 3 days of life and continued for various durations. Its volume varied from 12 to
24 cm3 /kg/day. Meta analysis (I2 = 74 %) of 6 trials did not detect a significant effect
on the time to FEF. (WMD = −0.95, 95 % CI: −2.47, 0.53 days) and NEC [RR:
1.07 (95 % CI: 0.67, 1.70), I2 = 0]. It was concluded that the available data could
not exclude important beneficial or harmful effects of ETF, and were insufficient to
guide clinical practice [65].

6 Continuous Versus Intermittent Bolus Feeding

The benefits and risks of feeding preterm VLBW neonates intermittently, typically
over 10–20 min every 1–3 h, or continuously, using an infusion pump, are not clear.
A systematic review and meta analysis of 7 RCTs (N = 511) reports no significant
differences between feeding methods in the time to reach FEF (WMD: 2 days; 95 %
CI −0.3–3.9) [66]. In the subgroup analysis comparing continuous versus intermit-
tent bolus nasogastric feeding the findings remained unchanged (WMD 2 days, 95 %
CI −0.4–4.1). There was no significant difference in the incidence of NEC and so-
matic growth between feeding methods irrespective of tube placement. In a subgroup
analysis, one trial suggested that neonates with birth weight < 1,000 g and between
1,000 and 1,250 g gained weight faster with continuous compared with intermit-
tent nasogastric tube feeds (MD: 2.0 g/day; 95 % CI: 0.5–3.5; MD: 2.0 g/day; 95 %
CI: 0.2–3.8, respectively). A trend toward earlier discharge was noted for ELBW
neonates fed by the continuous versus intermittent nasogastric feeds (MD −11 days;
95 % CI −21.8–−0.2). Small sample sizes, methodologic limitations, inconsisten-
cies in controlling possible confounders, and conflicting results of the trials made it
difficult to make universal recommendations regarding the best tube feeding method
for preterm VLBW neonates [66]. Grant et al. have reported higher rates of energy
expenditure and diet-induced thermogenesis during intermittent versus continuous
feeding in preterm neonates [67]. Energy expenditure was measured by open-circuit
respiratory calorimetry, in 11 preterm neonates on 2 successive days for 5–7 h during
and after intermittent or continuous feeding. Neonates were fed the same quantity
of formula each day, either for 5 min or by continuous drip for 2–3 h, in a random
sequence. There was no diet-induced thermogenesis in response to continuous feed-
ing. However, a peak increase of 15 % over baseline was observed after intermittent
feeding. Overall energy expenditure was significantly higher after intermittent feed-
ing (2.18 ± 0.07 vs. 2.09 ± 0.05 kcal/kg/h; p < 0.05). Mean difference in energy
expenditure between the two feeding modes was 4 % (range: up to 17 %) [67]. The
clinical significance of increased energy efficiency of continuous feeding in ELBW
neonates needs to be evaluated further.
3 Strategies for Managing Feed Intolerance in Preterm Neonates 53

7 Transpyloric Versus Gastric Tube Feeding

McGuire and Evans have conducted a systematic review of RCTs to assess whether
transpyloric versus gastric tube feeding improves feed tolerance, growth and de-
velopment without increasing adverse consequences in preterm neonates [68].
Meta analysis of 9 eligible trials did not indicate evidence of an effect on short
term growth rates. Transpyloric feeding was associated with a greater incidence
(RR: 1.45, 95 % CI: 1.05, 2.09) of gastrointestinal disturbance. There was some evi-
dence that transpyloric feeding increased mortality (RR: 2.46, 95 % CI: 1.36, 4.46).
The authors cautioned that the outcomes of the study that contributed most to this
finding were likely to have been affected by selection bias. No significant differences
were noted in the incidence of NEC and intestinal perforation. Considering the ad-
verse effects, and no evidence of benefits, the authors concluded that transpyloric
feeding cannot be recommended for preterm neonates [68].

8 Early Versus Delayed Initiation of Progressive Enteral Feeds

Delayed enteral feeding could affect the functional adaptation of the gastrointestinal
tract resulting later in feed intolerance in preterm VLBW neonates. A systematic
review by Morgan et al. has identified 5 RCTs (N = 600) dealing with this issue
[69]. The trials defined delayed introduction as later than 5–7 days after birth and
early introduction as within 4 days after birth. Two trials (N = 488) recruited only
growth-restricted neonates with altered Doppler flows. Meta-analyses did not detect
statistically significant effects on the risk of NEC (RR: 0.89, 95 % CI: 0.58–1.37) or
all cause mortality (RR: 1.03, 95 % CI: 0.59–1.78). Neonates with delayed introduc-
tion of enteral feeds took significantly longer to establish FEF (MD: 3 days). Two
trials reported no significant difference in feed intolerance. It was concluded that the
data do not provide evidence that delayed introduction of progressive enteral feeds
reduces the risk of NEC in VLBW neonates. Delaying the introduction of progres-
sive enteral feeds results in several days delay in establishing FEF but the clinical
importance of this effect is unclear [69].

9 Rapid versus Slow Advancement of Feeds

Morgan et al. have conducted a systematic review of RCTs evaluating the effect of
slow compared with fast advancement of enteral feeds on NEC, mortality, and mor-
bidity in VLBW neonates [70]. The review identified 4 RCTs with 496 participants.
Few participants were ELBW or growth restricted. The trials defined slow advance-
ment as daily increments of 15–20 ml/kg and faster advancement as 30–35 ml/kg.
Meta-analyses did not detect statistically significant effects on the risk of NEC
54 S. Patole

(RR: 0.91, 95 % CI: 0.47–1.75) or all cause mortality (RR: 1.43, 95 % CI: 0.78–
2.61). Neonates who had slow rates of feed volume advancement took significantly
longer to regain birth weight (MD: 2–6 days) and to establish FEF (MD: 2–5 days).
Data on feed intolerance was reported in 2 trials. There was no significant difference
in the number of neonates who experienced feed intolerance resulting in interruption
of enteral feeding: RR: 1.35 (95 % CI: 0.89–2.05); RD: 0.10 (95 % CI: −0.04–0.24).
It was concluded that the data did not provide evidence that slow advancement of
enteral feed volume reduces the risk of NEC in VLBW neonates. Advancing en-
teral feed volumes at slow rather than faster rates results in several days delay in
regaining birth weight and establishing FEF but the long term clinical importance of
these effects is unclear [70]. Further trials are needed to determine the ideal rate of
advancement of enteral feeds in preterm, especially ELBW neonates.

10 Body Position and Gastric Emptying

Studies of the effect of body position upon gastric emptying/residuals have shown
inconsistent results [71–75]. Cohen et al. reported that in a trial involving 31
healthy, stable, appropriate for gestational age preterm neonates tolerating FEF of
160 ml/kg/day, the right lateral decubitus position led to significantly less gastric
residuals than the left lateral decubitus position and that prone position led to less
residual than the left lateral decubitus [75]. The amount of gastric residuals 1 h after a
meal appeared to be in the following decreasing order: left, supine, prone, right. After
3 h, there were no significant differences among the four positions in the amount of
gastric residuals [75]. van Wijk et al. have assessed a body-positioning regimen that
promotes gastric emptying and reduces gastroesophageal reflux (GER) by changing
body position 1 h after feeding [76]. Ten healthy preterm neonates [Mean (range)
postmenstrual age: 36 (33–38) weeks] were monitored with combined esophageal
impedance-manometry. Neonates were positioned in the left (LLP) or right (RLP)
lateral position and then gavage-fed. After 1 h, the position was changed to the op-
posite side. Subsequently, all were restudied with reversed order of positioning. The
results indicated that a strategy of RLP for the first postprandial hour, and chang-
ing to LLP thereafter promotes gastric emptying and reduces liquid GER in the late
postprandial period [76]. The applicability of these results to unstable/convalescing
extremely preterm neonates with feed intolerance is questionable.

11 Enteral Feed Temperature

The effect of feed temperature on gastric emptying and feed tolerance is not clear
[77–81]. Anderson et al. have reported no significant differences in the antral or
duodenal motor responses in healthy preterm neonates after feeding with a 4,250
kJ/l formula at 6, 24, and 37 ◦ C [77]. They concluded that thermoreceptors did not
3 Strategies for Managing Feed Intolerance in Preterm Neonates 55

appear to be functional, suggesting that the benefits of feeding warmed formula may
have a limited physiological value in preterm neonates [77]. Gonzales et al. have
reported that warming milk to body temperature may promote greater feed tolerance
in preterm VLBW neonates [78]. Those fed warmer milk (body temperature) had
significantly smaller (6 %) gastric residuals than those fed colder milk (Room tem-
perature: 22 %, Control group: 18 %) [78]. Earlier Eckburg et al. studied the effect
of formula temperature on the thermogenic response to gavage feeding in preterm
neonates [79]. Feeding at room temperature was associated with drop in stomach
temperature by 6.9 ◦ C, in rectal temperature by 0.2 ◦ C, and in mean skin temperature
by 0.6 ◦ C. Metabolic rate increased by 16 % in the first postprandial hour. After feed-
ing formula at body temperature, mean skin temperature fell by 0.2 ◦ C, but stomach
and rectal temperatures did not change appreciably. The metabolic rate rose by 12 %
in the first hour, which was not significantly less than the rise after room temperature
feeding [79]. Despite the methodological and population differences in these studies
it seems that warming the feeds to body temperature may be beneficial for preterm

12 Prokinetics

The manifestations of ileus of prematurity such as abdominal distension, and bile

stained/large gastric residues constitute the common feeding difficulties in preterm
neonates. Gastrointestinal hypomotility could permit bacterial overgrowth, which
may initiate the cascade of events leading to NEC [82]. Ileus is a prominent feature
of NEC. Manometry studies have reported that a single aspect of gastrointestinal
motility, the frequency of contractions was similar in neonates who did and did not
develop NEC [83]. Prokinetics were used fairly frequently in preterm neonates till
recently to overcome their gastrointestinal hypomotility. However a national sur-
vey (2004) has reported that prokinetics such as cisapride and erythromycin were
prescribed only infrequently by Australian neonatologists [84]. These results most
probably reflect the increased awareness of adverse effects such as hypertrophic py-
loric stenosis, and cardiac toxicity. A systematic review (2005) of RCTs has evaluated
the efficacy and safety of erythromycin as a prokinetic agent in preterm neonates [85].
Meta-analysis could not be performed as there was significant heterogeneity between
trials and specific data were either inadequate or not available. It was concluded that
the conflicting results of the 7 trials probably related to the differences in dose, route,
and mode (prophylaxis/rescue) of administration, and duration of treatment, and
in gastrointestinal motor responses in the presence of different feeding conditions
(e.g., fasting vs. fed, intermittent vs. continuous feeds). Influence of gestational
and postnatal ages during erythromycin treatment was also considered important
[85]. Lam and Ng [86] have recently evaluated the studies in this field to determine
whether the use of prokinetics such as erythromycin is beneficial and justified in
preterm neonates [86]. Overall, neither low-dose regimes nor prophylaxis seemed
to be useful. High-dose regimes used as rescue therapy in neonates with established
56 S. Patole

gastrointestinal dysmotility consistently showed clinical benefits. Theoretical risks

such as emergence of antibiotic resistance and abnormal intestinal flora were not fully
evaluated. They concluded that judicious use of high-dose erythromycin as rescue
therapy was probably justifiable in preterm neonates [86]. The need for large RCTs
evaluating newer prokinetics with better safety profile, and the potential benefits of
combining prokinetics with probiotics/prebiotics in preterm neonates has also been
emphasised by Ng [87].

13 Additives and Medications

High osmolality of feeds, reflecting a high concentration of solute particles, has been
implicated in the pathogenesis of NEC [88, 89]. High osmolality of enteral substrate
may also slow gastric emptying. Evidence for direct intestinal mucosal injury due to
hyperosmolar feeds is however limited. The currently recommended range of osmo-
larity of neonatal milk formulae is 246–320 mOsm/kg [90]. Osmolality of human
breast milk is ∼300 mOsm/kg, and that of fully fortified breast milk is just above 400
mOsm/kg. Addition of mineral and vitamin supplements to small volumes of milk
can significantly increase osmolality. Radmacher et al. have measured the osmolality
of common milk-medication combinations administered in neonatal units [91]. Only
Elecare (30 kcal/oz) exceeded American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations
for osmolality. Addition of multivitamins alone increased the osmolality above 400
mOsm/kg H2 O. Sometimes the addition of other medications raised it above 1,000
mOsm/kg H2 O [91].
Significant rise in breast milk osmolality following the addition of a fortifier may
delay gastric emptying [92]. Studies of the effect of human milk fortifier (HMF)
on gastric emptying have shown inconsistent results, possibly due to the small
sample sizes, differences in study design and populations, type of fortifiers, and
inter-observer variations [92–95]. Yigit et al. have recently studied the effect of
a widely used fortifier on gastric emptying in VLBW neonates using a balanced
crossover design [96]. Gastric emptying was determined in the same infant on the
same day with each of the three test feedings (unfortified, half fortified and fully
fortified breast milk) in random order. The antral cross-sectional area was measured
before and immediately after feeding, and then at 10-min intervals until the pre-
feeding value was reached. The average half-emptying time was 49 ± 23 min with
breast milk, 54 ± 29 min with half-fortified breast milk, and 65 ± 36 min with fully
fortified breast milk. The differences between groups were not significant. They
concluded that fortification of breast milk does not play a clinically significant role
in causing feed intolerance in preterm neonates when using the recommended con-
centration of the fortifier [96]. Results of a previous study by Moody et al. support
these findings [95]. Thickened milk feeds are often used in preterm neonates with
GER, and are associated with significantly increased microbial population, entero-
colitis, and neonatal intestinal obstruction and gastric lactobezoar [97, 98]. Clarke
et al. have reported temporal association of thickened feeds with NEC in two ELBW
3 Strategies for Managing Feed Intolerance in Preterm Neonates 57

neonates [99]. The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, USA has recently
suggested a possible association between NEC and a commercial feed thickener in
preterm neonates. Their review in 2011 of 22 cases with exposure revealed a distinct
illness pattern [100]. Enteral theophylline has been shown to delay gastric empty-
ing in preterm neonates [101]. Bonthala et al. have reported that current doses of
mydriatics inhibit duodenal motor activity and delay gastric emptying, possibly ex-
plaining the feeding difficulties in preterm neonates after eye checks for retinopathy
of prematurity [102]. Anecdotal evidence also suggests role of mydriatics and enteral
theophylline in the pathogenesis of NEC [103, 104]. Soraisham et al. have reported
that a single 10 mg/kg intravenous loading dose of caffeine does not cause a signifi-
cant reduction in superior mesenteric artery (SMA) flow velocity and therefore does
not place the preterm gut at increased risk of ischemic injury [105]. Considering their
frequent use in neonatal nurseries, the impact of opioid analgesics like morphine on
feed intolerance is probably underestimated [106]. Prostaglandin inhibitors like in-
domethacin may inhibit gastric emptying [107, 108]. Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
and indomethacin can potentially compromise enteral function in preterm neonates.
Bellander et al. report that tolerance to early human milk feeds is not compromised
by indomethacin in preterm neonates with PDA [109]. Drugs such as indomethacin
and dexamethasone are also associated with focal small bowel perforations (FSBP)
[102–112]. Researchers have suggested that risk factors like gestational age, severity
of illness, infection, and early indomethacin therapy may be synergistic with early
postnatal dexamathasone therapy in causing FSBP [113, 114].

14 Manometry

Low-compliance, continuous-perfusion manometry has been used to monitor neona-

tal antroduodenal motility [115–118]. Manometric studies are useful in develop-
ing optimal feeding methods and predicting feed tolerance in preterm neonates
[117, 118]. Koenig et al. have demonstrated that gastric and transpyloric feeds
as small as 4 ml/kg are equally potent in eliciting an intestinal motor response in
preterm and term neonates and that changes in the caloric density of formula affect
the preterm intestinal motility significantly [116]. Diluted formula may therefore
not be an optimal stimulant for the preterm gut. de Ville et al. have reported that
when preterm neonates are fed by slow intragastric infusion over 120 min, their
duodenal motor responses are more like those observed in adults and their gastric
contents are emptied faster and more completely when compared with rapid bolus
feeds [119]. Berseth et al. have studied motor activity during fasting and feeding
in neonates with and without feed tolerance [120]. Among feed intolerant neonates,
motor quiescence was less pronounced and clustered motor activity significantly
more prominent compared with than in those who tolerated feeds. Neonates who
were initially feed intolerant became feed tolerant coincident with the appearance
of motor activity that was similar to that in neonates who were initially feed tol-
erant. The sensitivity and specificity of manometry to predict feed intolerance was
58 S. Patole

1.0 and 0.13 respectively [120]. Considering its invasive nature and need for a level
of expertise manometry continues to remain a research tool despite its advantages

15 Measurement of SMA Flow

Fang et al. have reported the utility of serial Doppler measurements of SMA flow
velocity after the first enteral feed in predicting early feed tolerance in preterm
neonates [124]. An increase in time averaged SMA mean velocity > 17 % at 60
min after the test feed of 0.5 ml had a sensitivity of 100 % and a specificity of 70 %
for the prediction of early feed tolerance [124]. Pezzati et al. have reported that mean
SMA flow velocity 30 min after the first feed can predict early feed tolerance in
preterm neonates [125]. Bora et al. [126] have reported the utility of serial SMA
flow measurements; especially the 60 min post feed measurement, in predicting feed
intolerance in preterm neonates. Murdoch et al. [127] and Robel-Tillig et al. [128]
have also reported the benefits of measuring SMA flow in monitoring the risk for
feed intolerance and NEC.

16 PDA, Sepsis, and Phototherapy

Both, PDA requiring medical/surgical treatment and sepsis have been reported to
independently influence the time to FEF [129–137]. Berseth et al. have deter-
mined the incidence and causes of delays in reaching FEF in 105 preterm (24–35
weeks’ gestation) neonates [129]. Feed intolerance defined as failure to reach FEF
of 140 ml/kg/day within 10 days of the initiation of feeds occurred in 28 and 49 %
of neonates with gestation 30–35 weeks, and 24–29 weeks, respectively. Although
several variables were associated with delay in reaching FEF, a diagnosis of PDA
or PDA and late onset of sepsis was a significant risk factor. Effects of PDA, in-
domethacin and sepsis per se and their interplay on intestinal perfusion and mucosal
integrity may explain these results [130]. In a clinical trial evaluating the effect of
carboxymethylcellulose, a bulk laxative, the median (interquartile range) time to FEF
was significantly longer [4 (3.3–6.0) vs. 7.5 (4.0–13.8) days, p = 0.01] in neonates
with a PDA requiring medical/surgical treatment versus those without PDA [131].
The “start to FEF” interval has been reported to be the longest in preterm neonates
(≤ 28 weeks’ gestation) with sepsis, followed by that in those with sepsis and PDA,
and in those with PDA alone [132]. Personal belief about feeding in presence of
PDA may affect decisions about ductal ligation in preterm neonates as noted in the
results of a standardised questionnaire survey in the USA [133]. Manifestations of
ileus are frequent in preterm neonates undergoing phototherapy, and could be the
result of photorelaxation of the gastrointestinal smooth muscle [134, 135]. Further
research in this area is needed considering the frequency of PDA, sepsis, and the use
of phototherapy in preterm neonates.
3 Strategies for Managing Feed Intolerance in Preterm Neonates 59

17 Probiotics and Prebiotics

Probiotics are defined as “Live microorganisms which when administered in ade-

quate amounts confer a health benefit on the host” [136]. The most common types
are Lactic acid bacteria and Bifidobacteria. Lactic acid bacteria produce lactic acid
as the result of carbohydrate fermentation. Human milk oligosaccharides (HMO)
which are highly abundant in and unique to human milk, were first discovered as
prebiotic “bifidus factor” serving as metabolic substrate for desired intestinal micro-
biota, providing health benefits for the breast-fed neonate [137]. HMO act as soluble
decoy receptors, prevent pathogen attachment to gut mucosa and lower the risk of
infections. They can also modulate epithelial and immune cell responses, reduce
excessive mucosal leukocyte infiltration and activation, and provide sialic acid as a
potentially essential nutrient for brain development and cognition. A small percent-
age of HMO is believed to be absorbed intact in the small intestine and later excreted
with the urine, opening speculations on possible systemic effects [138].
Prophylactic probiotic supplementation has been shown to significantly reduce the
risk of death and NEC while facilitating feed tolerance in preterm VLBW neonates.
Deshpande et al. [139] reported the first systematic review and meta analysis of RCTs
evaluating the efficacy and safety of any probiotic supplementation (Started within
first 10 days, duration: ≥ 7 days) in preventing ≥ Stage II NEC in preterm VLBW
(gestation < 33 weeks; birth weight < 1,500 g) neonates. A total of 7/12 retrieved
RCTs (N = 1,393) were eligible for inclusion in the analysis. Meta-analysis using a
fixed effects model estimated a significantly lower risk of NEC [RR: 0·36(95 % CI:
0·20, 0·65)] and all cause mortality [RR: 0·47(95 % CI: 0·30, 0·73)] in the probiotic
versus control group. The time to FEF was significantly shorter in the probiotic group
[WMD = −2·74 days (95 % CI: −4·98, −0·51]. The risk of blood culture positive
sepsis did not differ significantly [RR: 0·94 (95 % CI: 0·74, 1·20)] [139]. These
results were supported by their updated conclusive meta analysis, and systematic
reviews by other investigators [140–143]. The beneficial effects of probiotics in
the prevention of NEC are thought to be mediated via various pathways, including
promoting colonisation by commensals and inhibiting pathogens, increasing gut
mucous production, modulating gut mucosal permeability and immune responses,
and protecting against free oxygen radical injury [144].
Indrio et al. have reported that specific probiotic strains can promote feed toler-
ance, improve bowel habits and facilitate gut motility in preterm neonates [145–148].
Thirty preterm neonates were enrolled in their double blind RCT [145]; 10 were
exclusively breast-fed, and the remaining 20 were randomly assigned to either Lac-
tobacillus reuteri ATCC 55730 (1 × 108 colony forming units/day) or placebo for
30 days [145]. Body weight gains/day was similar for all groups, and no adverse
events were recorded. Neonates receiving probiotic had a significant decrease in re-
gurgitation and mean daily crying time and a higher frequency of stools compared
with those receiving placebo. Gastric emptying rate was significantly increased, and
fasting antral area was significantly reduced in neonates receiving L. reuteri and
breast-feeds compared with those receiving placebo [145]. Indrio et al. [146] have
60 S. Patole

also reported that prebiotic oligosaccharides can modulate the electrical activity and
the gastric emptying and may improve the intestinal tolerance of enteral feeding in
preterm neonates. In this double blind RCT the percentage of time in which propa-
gation was detected in the electrogastrography (EGG) signal was twice in neonates
receiving formula with prebiotics compared with formula with placebo, and the gas-
tric half-emptying time was 30 % faster in the prebiotic group than the placebo group
[146]. In another trial [147], cutaneous EGG and gastric emptying was studied in
49 preterm neonates. Seventeen were exclusively breast-fed; 32 were randomly as-
signed to prebiotic-added formula, a probiotic-added formula (L. reuteri: 1 × 108
colony forming units/day), or a formula with placebo for 30 days. After the in-
tervention period, the prebiotic, probiotic, and breast milk groups showed a higher
percentage of EGG slow wave propagation and faster gastric half emptying compared
with the placebo group [147]. Indrio et al. [148] have also shown that in infants with
functional gastroesophageal reflux, L. reuteri DSM 17938 reduces gastric distension,
accelerates gastric emptying, and also reduces the frequency of regurgitation.
Oligosaccharides currently added to infant formula are structurally different from
HMO and therefore likely not functionally equivalent [137, 138]. A systematic re-
view has reported that prebiotic supplemented formula increased stool colony counts
of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in preterm neonates without adversely affecting
weight gain [149].
Delayed evacuation of the thick viscous meconium is thought to play an important
role in feed intolerence in preterm neonates. Westerbeek et al. [150] have studied the
effect of neutral oligosaccharides [small-chain galacto-oligosaccharides/long-chain
fructo-oligosaccharides (scGOS/lcFOS)] in combination with acidic oligosaccha-
rides (pAOS) on stool viscosity, frequency and pH in preterm neonates. Neonates
(N = 113, gestation < 32 weeks and/or birth weight < 1,500 g) were randomly al-
located to either scGOS/lcFOS with pAOS or a placebo. Stool viscosity at day
30 was lower in the prebiotics (16.8N) (3.9–67.8) versus placebo group (26.3N)
(1.3–148.0) (p = 0.03; 95 % CI: −0.80–0.03). There was a trend towards higher stool
frequency in the prebiotics versus placebo group (3.1 ± 0.8 versus 2.8 ± 0.7; 95 %
CI: −0.08–0.52; p = 0.15). Stool pH at day 30 was lower in the in the prebiotics ver-
sus placebo group (5.9 ± 0.6 versus 6.2 ± 0.3, 95 % CI: 0.08–0.53; p = 0.009) [150].
In another RCT, Westerbeek et al. [151] have reported that enteral supplementation
with scGOS/lcFOS/AOS does not significantly reduce the risk of serious infectious
morbidity in preterm (Gestation < 32 weeks) VLBW neonates. However, there was
a trend toward a lower incidence of serious infectious morbidity, especially for in-
fections with endogenous bacteria [151]. Mihatsch et al. [152] had earlier reported
that formula supplementation with GosFos reduced stool viscosity and accelerated
gastrointestinal transport in preterm neonates (gestation 27 (24–31) weeks) on FEF.
No adverse effects were observed. Modi et al. have conducted a multicenter RCT
comparing preterm formula containing 0.8 g/100 ml scGOS/lcFOS in a 9:1 ratio and
an otherwise identical formula, using formula only to augment insufficient maternal
milk supply [153]. Preterm (Gestation < 33 weeks), appropriately grown for gesta-
tional age neonates (N = 160) were randomized within 24 h of birth. There was no
significant difference in the time to reach FEF of 150 ml/kg/day and the proportion of
3 Strategies for Managing Feed Intolerance in Preterm Neonates 61

time between birth and day 28/discharge that a total milk intake of ≥ 150 ml/kg/day
was tolerated. There was also no significant difference in secondary outcomes in-
cluding growth, fecal characteristics, gastrointestinal signs, NEC, and bloodstream
infection. After covariate adjustment, a significant benefit in feed tolerance was
noted from trial formula with increasing immaturity (2.9 % improved tolerance for
a neonate born at 28-week gestation and 9.9 % at 26-week gestation; p < 0.001) but
decreased or no benefit in neonates > 31-week gestation [153]. A pilot double blind
RCT (N = 28) by Riskin et al. suggests the safety of low dose lactulose supplementa-
tion in preterm neonates [154]. Neonates on lactulose had more Lactobacilli-positive
stool cultures that appeared earlier with larger number of colonies, less feed intol-
erance, fewer episodes of late-onset sepsis, lower NEC and be discharged home
earlier. Their nutritional laboratory indices were better, especially calcium and total
protein [154]. The role of probiotic and/or prebiotic supplementation in facilitating
feed tolerance in preterm neonates needs to be evaluated further.

18 Discussion

Developing an optimal enteral feeding strategy for preterm neonates is difficult due
to the lack of a clear understanding of the pathophysiology of NEC and feed intol-
erance due to ileus of prematurity. Most of the current feeding strategies for preterm
neonates, especially those with gestation under 28 weeks, have either inadequate
or no sound scientific basis [155]. Studies of feeding strategies have invariably se-
lected soft-surrogate primary outcomes such as time to FEF, and volume of gastric
residuals rather than NEC. High quality clinical research is needed to understand
the significance of feed intolerance in the context of the developmental physiology
of the gut and the immune system in preterm neonates. Only large, definitive prag-
matic trials will help in developing an optimal method for enteral nutrition, and
understanding whether the benefits of aggressive enteral nutrition can outweigh its
risks such as NEC and altered programming in preterm neonates. Survival free of
long-term NDI will be an ideal primary outcome for such trials. However, recruit-
ing a large number of neonates within a realistic time will be difficult considering
the relatively low incidence of important primary outcomes. Experts have suggested
that Bayesian statistics may help in overcoming this issue [156]. Trials rigorously
assessing the definition, benefits and risks of even simple strategies such as early
trophic feeds will be difficult to conduct as the practice is now well routed. System-
atic reviews have shown that apart from significantly reducing the risk of death and
NEC, probiotics also facilitate enteral feeding in preterm neonates. It is not clear if
improved feed tolerance relates to only selected probiotic strains with specific ef-
fects. Strain selection is an important issue if improvements in nutritional outcomes
other than NEC are selected as primary outcomes. Whether benefits of probiotics
can be further improved by combining them with prebiotic oligosaccharides should
be assessed in future trials. The potential benefits of prebiotic oligosaccharides alone
can be explored in larger RCTs with clinical outcomes. The potential of glycerine
62 S. Patole

Table 3.1 Strategies for 1. Antenatal glucocorticoids

optimising enteral feeding in 2. Breast milk
preterm neonates 3. Hydrolysed protein formula
4. Lactase treated and low lactose feeds
5. Early trophic feeds
6. Continuous versus intermittent bolus feeding
7. Transpyloric versus gastric tube feeding
8. Early versus delayed initiation of progressive
enteral feeds
9. Rapid versus slow advancement of feeds
10. Body position and gastric emptying
11. Enteral feed temperature
12. Prokinetics
13. Additives and medications
14. Manometry
15. Measurement of superior mesenteric artery flow
16. Monitoring in presence of PDA, sepsis, and
17. Probiotics and prebiotics

suppositories or enemas in facilitating evacuation of meconium and improving feed

tolerance could also be evaluated [157, 158].
As new frontiers continue to be explored the proven benefits of simple interven-
tions like antenatal glucocorticoids and preferential use of breast milk must not be
forgotten. The benefits and risks of fortified or supplemented donor breast milk in
preterm neonates need to be assessed in the context of current clinical practices.
Further research on aggressive parenteral nutrition is also essential for optimising
nutrition in preterm neonates. The adverse effects of catch-up growth, especially
in preterm neonates with intrauterine growth restriction also need to be monitored
[159–163] (Table 3.1).


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Chapter 4
Prevention and Treatment of Necrotising
Enterocolitis in Preterm Neonates

Sanjay Patole

Abstract Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) is a potentially disastrous illness in

preterm, especially extremely preterm (gestation under 28 weeks) neonates with
significant mortality, and morbidity including long term neurodevelopmental im-
pairment. With improved survival of neonates at the limits of viability, the size of the
population at risk for NEC has increased in recent years. NEC is a common cause of
death in preterm neonates who survive the first week of life. The estimated annual
economic burden related to NEC is close a billion dollar in the USA. Prevention
and treatment of NEC has thus become a priority. Recent research has improved
the understanding of the role of innate immunity in the pathogenesis of NEC. As
new frontiers like probiotics and lactoferrin continue to be explored, the impact of
well-established simple strategies like antenatal glucocorticoid therapy, and early
and preferential use of breast milk should not be forgotten for primary prevention
of NEC. Clinical research is needed on feed intolerance, safety of minimal enteral
feeds in terms of NEC, and benefits of standardised feeding regimens. Association of
common clinical practices such as red cell transfusions, H2 receptor blockade, undue
prolonged antibiotic treatment, and thickening of feeds with NEC also warrants atten-
tion. Evaluating potential strategies for secondary prophylaxis (e.g., pentoxifylline)
is equally important considering the fact that almost the entire health burden of NEC
is related to progression of the illness from Stage II to Stage III. A package of po-
tentially better practices seems to be the most appropriate strategy for the prevention
and treatment of NEC.

Key points
• The incidence (4–6 %) of necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) has not changed signif-
icantly in preterm very low birth weight (VLBW) neonates despite the advances
in neonatal intensive care.

S. Patole ()
Centre for Neonatal Research and Education, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
Department of Neonatal Paediatrics, KEM Hospital for Women, 374 Bagot Road, Subiaco,
City of Perth, WA 6008, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 71

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3_4, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
72 S. Patole

• Definite (≥ Stage II) NEC continues to have significant mortality (25 %) and
morbidity (e.g., recurrent sepsis, dependence on parenteral nutrition, need for
surgery, and survival with short bowel syndrome) in preterm VLBW neonates.
• Mortality is higher (40–45 %) and long-term neurodevelopmental impairment is
a serious concern in extremely preterm neonates (gestation < 28 weeks) needing
surgery for the illness.
• Antenatal glucocorticoid therapy, early preferential feeding with breast milk,
standardised feeding protocol, and probiotic supplementation are beneficial for
primary prevention of NEC. Exploring strategies for secondary prevention is im-
portant considering that the mortality and morbidity of NEC relates to progression
of the illness from stage II to stage III.
• Improved understanding of the innate immune responses in the preterm neonate
and the molecular and biochemical pathways involved in the illness will help in
developing strategies for prevention, early detection, and treatment of NEC.
Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) is a potentially disastrous illness in preterm neonates,
characterised by inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract [1, 2]. NEC occurs in
6–8 % of preterm (gestation < 32 weeks) very low birth weight (VLBW) neonates
with significant mortality (∼25 %) and morbidity including need for surgery, and
survival with short bowel syndrome (SBS) with protracted feed intolerance, compli-
cations of prolonged dependence on parenteral nutrition, recurrent infections, and
prolonged hospital stay [1, 2]. The incidence (10–12 %), mortality (40–45 %), and
morbidity of NEC including need for surgery, and long-term neurodevelopmental
impairment (NDI) after surviving surgery for the illness is worse in extremely low
birth weight (ELBW) neonates [3, 4]. NEC has become one of the common causes
of death in preterm neonates surviving the first week of life. The economic burden of
NEC is substantial considering the prolonged hospital stay due to many associated
complications. The total cost of caring for NEC affected neonates in the USA is
estimated to be between $ 500 million and $ 1 billion per year [1]. Bisquera et al.
have reported that neonates with NEC were hospitalized 60 days longer than those
without the illness if surgery was required and more than 20 days longer if surgery
was not required [5]. The total mean cost of care over a 5-year period for a child
with the SBS, the most serious complication of NEC, has been estimated to be nearly
$ 1.5 million [5].

1 Pathogenesis of NEC

Despite decades of research, the pathogenesis of NEC remains poorly understood

[6, 7]. However prematurity continues to be accepted as the single most important risk
factor for the illness. Immaturity of the protective mucosal barrier of the gastrointesti-
nal tract and the innate immune system of preterm neonates are considered as the key
factors involved in development and progression of intestinal inflammation in NEC.
The propagation of the inflammatory cascade in NEC is favoured by the fact that the
cytokine balance for preterm neonates is skewed toward inflammation [8]. Nanthaku-
mar et al. have recently proposed a hypothesis attributing the excessive inflammatory
4 Prevention and Treatment of Necrotising Enterocolitis in Preterm Neonates 73

response in NEC to immature expression of innate immune response genes [9]. It

is hypothesized that the injury in NEC begins with a breach in the gut mucosal bar-
rier leading to bacterial translocation across the epithelium, and exacerbation of the
proinflammatory cascade, resulting in the clinical signs of NEC [10]. The breach in
the gut mucosal barrier occurs because of the disruption in the tight junction proteins
(e.g., zonula occludin proteins ZO-1, ZO-2, ZO-3) between the intestinal epithe-
lial cells (IEC), or due to the destruction of these cells by an accelerated apoptosis
through intrinsic and/or extrinsic pathways. The factors involved in the initial gut
mucosal injury include hypoxia, ischemia-reperfusion- free radical generation, tox-
ins from pathogens, and excess short chain fatty acid generation due to the inability
to metabolise large amounts of substrate in the gut. It is currently believed that the
complex interaction between these risk factors rather than one factor per se leads to
the breakdown of the gut mucosal barrier in NEC in preterm neonates [10, 11].
Platelet activating factor (PAF) is an inflammatory mediator that plays an impor-
tant role in the pathogenesis of NEC by inducing IEC apoptosis. PAF induces IEC
apoptosis by causing loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and activation of cas-
pase [12], inhibiting the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B Akt signaling
pathway [13], and inducing intracellular acidosis [14]. The surge of proinflammatory
agents such as PAF, IL-8, IL-6, TNF–α [15–17], and bacterial products triggers a
cascade of inflammatory events including neutrophil activation, increase in vascular
permeability, and release of free oxygen radicals that eventually lead to vasocon-
striction followed by I-R injury. The consequent breakdown of the mucosal barrier
leads to a self-perpetuating vicious cycle resulting in severe NEC, shock, sepsis and,
sometimes, death [18]. IL-8 plays an important role in this process by stimulating
the migration of neutrophils from intravascular to interstitial sites and direct activa-
tion of neutrophils and regulating the expression of neutrophil adhesion molecules
[19–23]. Serum IL-8 levels have been reported to be significantly elevated in severe
NEC [22], and IL-8 mRNA is upregulated throughout the serosa, muscularis, and
intestinal epithelium in the resected specimens from neonates with NEC [14, 23].
Evidence from experimental studies indicates that IL-10 plays a protective role in
the pathogenesis of NEC by attenuating the degree of intestinal inflammation [24].
IL-10 levels have been shown to be low in maternal breast milk of preterm neonates
with NEC [25]. Considering the complex pathogenesis of this multifactorial illness
it is not surprising that prevention and treatment of NEC is a difficult task.

2 Prevention of NEC

2.1 Probiotics

Probiotics are live microbial supplements which offer beneficial effects to the host
when consumed in adequate amounts [26]. Probiotics have been used for preven-
tion of NEC in preterm neonates considering the role of colonisation of the gut by
aberrant, pathogenic flora in the illness [27]. The beneficial effects of probiotics in
74 S. Patole

the prevention of NEC are thought to be mediated via various pathways including
promotion of colonisation by commensals and inhibition of pathogens, reduction of
the intraluminal pH and production of antimicrobial peptides that inhibit growth of
other bacteria [28, 29]. Probiotics also promote mucous production, modulate mu-
cosal permeability and intestinal tight junction function, and increase secretory IgA
production, which are an integral part of the gut’s defence. Other beneficial functions
of probiotics include decreasing adhesion of pathogens and their toxins by producing
a biofilm or producing receptor analogues and competing with pathogens for binding
sites, and displacing pathogens which are already attached to the intestinal surface.
Immature intestinal cells show excessive inflammation when the toll like receptor
(TLR) pathway is activated which has been proposed to be linked to the development
of NEC [28, 29]. Probiotics act via TLRs such as TLR 2 and 4 to produce protec-
tive cytokines (e.g., IL-6) which mediate cell regeneration and inhibit cell apoptosis
[30, 31]. Different probiotics appear to affect TLR expression in different ways [32].
Probitics manipulate immune function to improve anti-pathogen activity, but also
mediate inflammatory responses to pathogens by increasing Th1 cytokine profiles
resulting in increased anti-inflammatory cytokines and decreased inflammatory cy-
tokines [33]. Probiotics can also upregulate TGF β1 signalling which has potent
anti-inflammatory effects [34]. Free radical injury plays a role in the pathogenesis of
NEC as reactive oxygen species are known to disrupt the tight junctions in the gut
epithelium and affect the barrier function [35–38]. Studies have demonstrated that
probiotics can protect against this [39]. Indrio et al. have reported that probiotics pro-
mote feeding tolerance, improve bowel habits and facilitate gastrointestinal motility
in preterm neonates [40, 41]. Such effects of probiotics are expected to be beneficial
in the prevention of NEC considering the role of gut immaturity and dysmotility in
the pathogenesis of the illness.
Hoyas et al. [42] first reported benefits of probiotic supplementation in reducing
the incidence of NEC in preterm neonates. All neonates (N = 1,237) admitted during
the 12 months were given L. acidophilus and B. infantis (250 million each) every
day until they were discharged; 1,282 neonates hospitalized during the previous
year served as historical controls. The demographic and clinical characteristics were
comparable between the groups. There was a significant reduction in the incidence
(Probiotics vs. Control: 34 vs. 85 cases, p < 0.0002) and mortality (14/34 vs. 35/85,
p < 0.005) related to NEC. There were no complications related to probiotic sup-
plementation [42]. Based on these encouraging results many randomised controlled
trials (RCT) were undertaken subsequently. Deshpande et al. [43] reported the first
systematic review of RCTs in this field. Meta analysis of the data from 7 RCTs
(N = 1,393) indicated that prophylactic probiotic supplementation reduces the risk
of definite NEC and all cause mortality significantly in preterm VLBW neonates
without adverse effects while facilitating enteral feeds. The risk of blood culture
positive late onset sepsis (LOS) was not reduced significantly [43]. These results
were later confirmed in their first conclusive updated meta analysis (11 RCTs with
N = 2,176) with trial sequential analysis, and second updated meta analysis (17 RCTs
with N = 3,147) [44, 45]. Their results are also supported by systematic reviews by
other investigators [46–48].
4 Prevention and Treatment of Necrotising Enterocolitis in Preterm Neonates 75

Despite the overwhelming evidence, probiotic supplementation for preterm

neonates is still not adopted by a wider scientific community considering the risk
of antibiotic resistance, probiotic sepsis, altered immune responses in the long run,
and lack of availability of high quality, safe and clinically effective products. Con-
sidering the sample sizes of the trials included in the meta analyses, many believe
that there is still a need for large placebo controlled trials before adopting routine
probiotic supplementation for preterm neonates [49–51]. Others, based on the cur-
rent evidence, believe that probiotics, in general, do reduce the risk of NEC and
death in preterm neonates, and issues such as the optimal strain, dose, and combi-
nations, can be addressed without placebo controlled trials [52, 53]. It is important
to note that adverse effects such as probiotic sepsis, which usually resolves with an-
tibiotics, should be weighed against potential benefits such as reduced risk of death
and a potentially disastrous illness like NEC. Experts argue that for bacteremias
originating from endogenous flora (as in NEC), infection with lactobacilli is prefer-
able over that from potential pathogens such as Klebsiella, Enterobacter, or yeast
[54]. Results of follow up studies are reassuring in the context of long term NDI or
altered immune responses [55–57]. Continued research, and cooperation between
various stakeholders including the industry and regulatory authorities is necessary
to overcome problems in adopting this unique intervention. Availability of a clin-
ically effective inactivated/killed probiotic supplement may be helpful in avoiding
the development and spread of antibiotic resistance, probiotic sepsis, and need for
cold chain maintainence [58].

2.2 Prebiotic Oligosaccharides

Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) are a family of structurally diverse uncon-

jugated glycans that are highly abundant in and unique to human milk [59]. They
were discovered as prebiotic “bifidus factor” that serves as metabolic substrate for
promoting the beneficial gut flora in the breast-fed neonate. HMO serve as soluble
decoy receptors, prevent pathogen attachment to mucosal surfaces and lower the risk
for viral, bacterial and protozoan parasite infections. HMO may modulate epithe-
lial and immune cell responses, reduce excessive mucosal leukocyte infiltration and
activation, and lower the risk of NEC [59]. Results of in vitro studies indicate that
acidic HMO reduce platelet-neutrophil complex formation leading to a decrease in
neutrophil beta 2 integrin expression [60]. The neutral HMO fraction had no effect,
supporting the hypothesis that acidic HMO may serve as anti-inflammatory com-
ponents of human milk and contribute to the lower incidence of NEC in breast-fed
infants [60]. HMO need to be fucosylated and sialylated to reduce selectin-mediated
leukocyte rolling, adhesion, and activation, which may protect breast-fed infants from
excessive immune responses. Evidence indicates that a single HMO that carries not
1 but 2 sialic acids protects neonatal rats from NEC [61]. Jantscher-Krenn et al. have
reported that the HMO disialyllacto-N-tetraose (DSLNT) prevents NEC in neonatal
rats. Rat pups were fed with formula without and with HMO and exposed to episodic
hypoxia [62]. Ileum sections were scored blindly for signs of NEC. Compared to for-
mula alone, pooled HMO significantly improved 96-h survival from 73.1 to 95.0 %
76 S. Patole

and reduced pathology scores from 1.98 ± 1.11–0.44 ± 0.30 (p < 0.001). Within the
pooled HMO, a specific isomer of DSLNT was protective. Galacto-oligosaccharides,
currently added to formula to mimic some of the effects of HMO, had no effect. It
was concluded that, DSLNT could be used to prevent or treat NEC in formula-fed
infants, and its concentration in the mother’s milk could serve as a biomarker to
identify breast-fed infants at risk of developing NEC [62]. Butel et al. have reported
that oligofructose contributes to the protective role of bifidobacteria in experimen-
tal NEC [63]. Based on their results and the fact that oligosaccharides are a major
component of breast milk, they concluded that the addition of oligofructose in for-
mula milks may favour colonisation by a beneficial flora [63]. Srinivasjois et al. have
reported a systematic review of RCTs assessing the efficacy and safety of prebiotic
oligosaccharide supplemented formula in reducing the incidence of NEC and sepsis;
in preterm neonates with gestation ≤ 37 weeks [64]. Only one trial reported that NEC
did not occur in any of the enrolled neonates. Others did not report on NEC or sepsis.
Two trials reported a statistically significant increase in bifidobacterial counts in the
prebiotic supplemented group [64]. Based on the results of recent small/pilot RCTs,
the role of prebiotic supplementation (either alone or in combination with probiotics)
in promoting feed tolerance, reducing the risk of NEC and late onset infections in
preterm neonates needs to be evaluated further in large definitive trials [65–69].

2.3 Lactoferrin

Lactoferrin, a mammalian milk glycoprotein involved in innate immune defences,

has been shown to reduce the risk of LOS in preterm neonates [70, 71]. The benefits
of lactoferrin were noted when it was administered either alone or in combination
with the probiotic strain LGG. In a multicenter RCT, 472 preterm VLBW neonates
were randomly assigned to oral bovine lactoferrin (BLF) 100 mg/day (n = 153), BLF
plus LGG (6 × 109 cfu/day (n = 151), or placebo (n = 168) from birth until day 30
(day 45 for neonates < 1,000 g at birth) [70]. Incidence of LOS was significantly
lower in BLF and BLF plus LGG versus placebo group. NEC ≥ Stage II occurred in
3/153 (1.9 %) of BLF group, 0/151 (0 %) of BLF plus LGG group, and 10/168 (6.0 %)
of control group (BLF vs. Control: p = 0.09, BLF plus LGG vs. Control: p = 0.002).
No adverse effects or intolerances to treatment occurred [70]. Considering the role
of sepsis in the pathogenesis of NEC, and the fact that 30 % of the cases of NEC
are associated with blood culture positive sepsis, the potential of Lactoferrin in
prevention of the illness needs to be evaluated in further large definitive trials [72].

2.4 Standardised Feeding Protocols

Variations in clinical practice have been proposed to be the iatrogenic component of

NEC [73–75]. In a study of biodemographic and clinical correlates of NEC, inter-
centre differences in clinical practice were proposed to be the significant factors
4 Prevention and Treatment of Necrotising Enterocolitis in Preterm Neonates 77

linked to the prevalence of NEC in VLBW neonates [73]. The two centres with the
highest prevalence of NEC had the shortest times required to regain birth weight.
Similarly the centre with the lowest prevalence of NEC had the longest median time
required to regain the birth weight. No other illnesses, including patent ductus arte-
riosus (PDA) and respiratory distress, were significantly different between centres,
strongly suggesting that clinical practices determine the risk of NEC. The centres
that practiced fluid restriction in the management of haemodynamically significant
PDA had higher prevalence of suspected NEC whereas centres practising no fluid
restriction for significant PDA had higher prevalence of definite NEC [73]. Varia-
tions in enteral feeding strategies for preterm neonates have also been reported by
other authors [74, 75]. Considering the consistent reports of a significant and pro-
longed decline in the incidence of NEC following implementation of a SFR it is
very much possible that variations in clinical practice contribute to the incidence
of NEC [76–83]. A systematic review and meta analysis of observational studies
indicates the significant potential of SFRs in reducing the risk of NEC [76]. This
systematic review identified 6 eligible studies (1978–2003) reporting incidence of
≥ Stage II NEC in preterm, LBW neonates before and after implementation of a
SFR. Meta analysis using a random effects model estimated a pooled risk ratio (RR)
of 0.13 (95 % CI: 0.03–0.50). Although all studies showed a lowered risk of NEC
after adopting a SFR, there was a significant heterogeneity (p < 0.001) between
the studies indicating variations in the population characteristics and standards of
neonatal care including feeding practices over a period of 25 years. Repeat analysis
after excluding one of the studies that showed the strongest protective effect of
SFR (RR: 0.03, 95 % CI: 0.004–0.227) indicated a more significant effect be-
cause the lack of heterogeneity resulted in a much lower variance. (RR: 0.71, 95 %
CI: 0.52–0.97, p = 0.03, heterogeneity p = 0.8). Analysis using a fixed effects model
showed almost identical results. Overall the results indicated that any SFR results in
a 29 % (95 % CI: 3–48 %) decrease in the risk of NEC [76]. The benefits of SFR may
relate to the process per se of developing and implementing a SFR that is associated
with an increased awareness and early detection and treatment of NEC. Results of
recent studies also support the importance of SFR as a simple tool for prevention of
NEC by minimising variations in practice [84–86].

2.5 Antenatal Glucocorticoid Therapy

Antenatal exposure to glucocorticoids is known to significantly reduce the risk of

NEC in preterm neonates. Prevention of prematurity, the single most important risk
factor for NEC, has proved to be a difficult task. Maternal glucocorticoid treat-
ment is thus the only tool available in the antenatal period to minimise the risk of
NEC in the preterm neonate. The beneficial effects of antenatal glucocorticoids on
gastrointestinal maturation and function include reduced uptake of macromolecules
from the mucosa, reduced hepatic bacterial translocation, and increased activity of
enzymes like lactase, maltase, and sucrase [87–94]. Nanthakumar et al. have used
human intestinal xenografts to test whether a finite period of steroid responsiveness
78 S. Patole

exists as shown in animal models [95]. Developmental responsiveness was measured

by lactase activity and inflammatory responsiveness by IL-8, IL-6, and monocyte
chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) induction after an endogenous (IL-1) or exogenous
(LPS) proinflammatory stimulus, respectively. Cortisone acetate accelerated the on-
togeny of lactase at 20 week (immature) but the effect was lost by 30 week (mature)
after transplant. Concomitant with accelerated maturation, the IL-8 response to IL-1
and LPS was significantly dampened by glucocorticoid pretreatment in the imma-
ture but not mature xenografts. The excessive activation of IL-8 in the immature
gut was mediated by a prolonged activation of ERK and p38 kinases and nuclear
translocation of NF-B due to low levels of IB. These results indicate the pathways by
which antenatal glucocorticoids administered within the responsive period provide
an effective preventive therapy for NEC by accelerating intestinal maturation [95].
A significant reduction in the incidence of NEC following antenatal glucocorticoid
treatment was first reported by Bauer et al. [96]. The effect was more striking on
NEC than on respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)—the desired primary outcome.
Later a systematic review of RCTs by Crowley et al. and the RCT by Halac et al.
confirmed this benefit of antenatal glucocorticoid treatment [97, 98]. Results of the
updated Cochrane systematic review of 21 RCTs (3,885 women and 4,269 infants)
show that antenatal corticosteroids reduce the risk of neonatal death, and morbidity
including RDS, intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH), and NEC [99]. Current guide-
lines recommend antenatal corticosteroids for mothers in preterm labour from 24
to 34 weeks’ gestation, but not before 24 weeks due to lack of data (ACOG) [100].
However, the results of the multicentre cohort study (N = 10,541) by Carlo et al.
indicate that the neonatal benefits of antenatal glucocorticoid treatment for death
and morbidity including NEC, likely occur even at 22 and 23 weeks [101].

2.6 Breast Milk

Human milk has been reported to reduce the incidence of NEC by up to seven fold
compared with formula milk [102]. The protective effect of breast milk has been
correlated with its anti-inflammatory components (e.g., cytokines, growth factors),
lysozyme, IgG, prebiotic oligosaccharides and probiotics [103–106]. The activity of
acetyl hydrolase (PAF-AH) that degrades PAF is lower in neonates under 3 weeks
of age than at any other time [107]. Considering the role of PAF in the pathogenesis
of NEC the presence of PAF-AH activity may partly explain the protective effect of
breast milk [108–111]. High use of breast milk is reported to lower the incidence of
NEC, and result in a mild illness with more survivors [112]. Evidence indicates that
freezing or thawing does not eliminate the benefits of breast milk in reducing the
incidence and severity of NEC [113]. Systematic reviews report that donor human
milk feeding is associated with a lower risk of NEC [114].
Sullivan et al. have evaluated the benefits of an exclusively human milk-based diet
in extremely preterm neonates [115]. Neonates (N = 207) fed mothers’ milk were
randomized to one of the three study groups. Groups HM100 and HM40 received
pasteurized donor human milk-based human milk fortifier when the enteral intake
4 Prevention and Treatment of Necrotising Enterocolitis in Preterm Neonates 79

was 100 and 40 ml/kg/day, respectively. Both groups received pasteurized donor
human milk if mother’s milk was not available. Group BOV received bovine
milk-based human milk fortifier after reaching enteral intake of 100 ml/kg/day
and preterm formula if mother’s milk was not available. All groups had compa-
rable baseline demographics, duration of parenteral nutrition, rates of LOS, and
growth. The groups receiving an exclusively human milk had significantly lower
rates of NEC (p = 0.02) and NEC requiring surgery (p = 0.007) [115]. Ganap-
athy et al. have evaluated the cost-effectiveness of a 100 % human milk-based
diet in extremely preterm neonates, based on the risks of overall NEC and sur-
gical NEC in the RCT by Sullivan et al. [116]. The adjusted incremental costs
of medical NEC and surgical NEC over and above the average costs incurred for
extremely preterm neonates without NEC, in 2011 US$, were $ 74,004 (95 %
CI: $ 47,051–100,957) and $ 198,040 (95 % CI: $ 159,261–236,819) per neonate, re-
spectively. Extremely preterm neonates fed with 100 % human-milk based products
had lower expected length of stay and total expected costs of hospitalization, result-
ing in net direct savings of 3.9 stay days and $ 8,167.17 (95 % CI: $ 4,405–11,930)
per extremely preterm neonate (p < 0.0001). Costs savings from the donor HMF
strategy were sensitive to price and quantity of donor HMF, percentage reduction in
risk of overall NEC and surgical NEC achieved, and incremental costs of surgical
NEC [116].
Meinzen-Derr et al. have reported that the likelihood of NEC or death after 14
days was decreased by a factor of 0.83 (95 % CI: 0.72, 0.96) for each 10 % increase
in the proportion of total intake as human milk (HM) in ELBW neonates [117]. Each
100 ml/kg increase in HM intake during the first 14 days was associated with de-
creased risk of NEC or death (Hazard Ratio: 0.87; 95 % CI: 0.77, 0.97). There was a
non-significant trend towards a decreased risk of NEC or death among neonates who
received 100 % HM as a proportion to total enteral intake (HM plus formula) [117].
Sisk et al. have reported that an intake of at least 50 % mother’s milk was associated
with fewer days to reach 100 and 150 ml/kg/day of enteral feeds in neonates who
weighed ≤ 1,250 g [118]. Sisk et al. have also reported that enteral feeding contain-
ing at least 50 % human milk in the first 14 days of life was associated with a 6 fold
decrease in the odds of NEC [118]. It is important to note that despite its advan-
tages preferential use of breast milk alone has not eliminated NEC. Deficiency of
immunologically beneficial components like IL-10, in the very preterm breast milk
(< 30 weeks’ gestation) may explain this finding [24, 119].

2.7 Arginine Supplementation

Decreased concentration of nitric oxide (NO) is thought to play a role in the patho-
genesis of NEC [2]. The rationale for arginine supplementation in prevention of NEC
is based on the fact that it can act as a substrate for the production of NO in the tis-
sues. Plasma arginine concentrations have been reported to be low in neonates who
developed NEC [120, 121]. Amin et al. have evaluated the effect of L-arginine supple-
mentation in reducing the incidence of all stages of NEC in preterm neonates [122].
In their double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial, 152 preterm neonates
80 S. Patole

with birth weight ≤ 1,250 g and gestational age ≤ 32 weeks were randomly assigned
to receive either supplemental L-arginine [1.5 mmol/kg/day; n = 75 (Intervention
group A)] or placebo [n = 77 (Control group B)] with oral feeds/parenteral nutrition
during the first 28 days of life. NEC developed in 5 neonates in group A compared
with 21 in group B (p < .001). Arginine intake and plasma arginine concentrations
were similar in both groups at study entry and increased in group A at days 14 and
28. Plasma arginine concentrations were lower in both groups at time of diagnosis
of NEC. Maternal and neonatal demographics, nutrient intake, plasma ammonia and
total and essential amino acid concentrations were not significantly different between
the two groups [122]. Follow up of 132 (95 %) neonates at 36 months adjusted age
showed no significant increase in neurodevelopmental disability in the intervention
group [123]. In neonates given L-arginine, 5/61 (8.1 %) had major neurodevelop-
mental disabilities, defined as the presence of one or more of cerebral palsy, cognitive
delay (cognitive index < 70), bilateral blindness or bilateral hearing loss requiring
hearing aids compared with 9/71 (12.6 %) in the placebo group (RR: 0.64; 95 %
CI: 0.22–1.82; p = 0.40) [123]. The safety and efficacy of arginine in prevention of
NEC in preterm neonates needs to be evaluated in a definitive large trial before this
intervention is adopted.

2.8 Restricted Fluid Intake

A systematic review has reported that restricted water intake significantly increases
postnatal weight loss while significantly reducing the risk of death and morbidities
such as NEC (RR: 0.43, 95 % CI: 0.21–0.87; RD: −0.05, 95 % CI: −0.09 to −0.01),
Numbers needed to treat (NNT): [20; 95 % CI: 11–100] [124]. These findings are
important considering that excess fluid intake has been implicated in the pathogenesis
of NEC [124]. Results of a small case-control study by Morag et al. also indicate that
excessive weight gain could be an early sign of NEC [125]. Preterm neonates (n = 17)
with perforated NEC were matched with 17 neonates matched for birth weight and
gestation. The postnatal age at diagnosis of NEC was identified, and weight changes
as well as clinical and laboratory data were compared for 7 days before to 7 days after
the diagnosis. A significant difference in weight gain was noticed between D1 and
D0. The NEC and control groups gained 5.1 % and 1.2 %, respectively (p = 0.002).
None of the sick infants lost weight on days −1 to D0 [125]. Careful restriction of
water intake while avoiding dehydration and nutrient deprivation may decrease the
risk of NEC without adverse consequences.

2.9 Acidification of Gastric Contents

Preterm neonates are often hypochlorhydric, and enteric, Gram-negative bacteria

often colonize their stomachs, especially after gavage feeds [126, 127]. Acidifying
the feeds to a pH low enough to inhibit gastric bacterial proliferation has been shown
4 Prevention and Treatment of Necrotising Enterocolitis in Preterm Neonates 81

to significantly lower the risk of NEC in preterm neonates [128]. In this double-blind
RCT, supplementation with 0.01–0.02 ml of 1 N HCl/ml of milk was compared to that
with a similar supplement of water. The median gastric pH of the acid supplemented
group was lower (3.0) than the control group (4.0) throughout the study (p < 0.001).
The gastric enteric bacterial colonisation rate and the quantitative bacterial counts
were strongly correlated with gastric pH over 4 (p50.001). Somatic growth rates in
the acid supplemented group were equal to, or higher than those in the control group.
The incidence of NEC was significantly lower (1/34 vs. 8/34, p = 0.02) in the acid
supplemented versus control group neonates [128]. The results of this trial and the
association of H2-blocker therapy with higher incidence of NEC in VLBW neonates
suggest that gastric acid is protective for NEC [129, 130].

3 Treatment of NEC

3.1 Bowel Rest and Broad Spectrum Antibiotics

Stopping milk feeds after the diagnosis of definite NEC allows the bowel to rest
and recover from the inflammation. The duration of bowel rest is however arbitrary,
generally around 1 week and 2–3 weeks for Stage II and advanced (stage III) NEC,
respectively. Broad spectrum antibiotics such as penicillin and gentamycin are pre-
scribed during this period considering the role of sepsis in the pathogenesis of NEC.
Penicillin is often replaced by vancomycin given that coagulase negative staphylo-
cocci (e.g., staphylococcus epidermidis) are the commonest organisms responsible
for LOS in preterm neonates. These organisms are also known to produce an en-
terotoxin that can cause an NEC like illness. Anaerobic cover with metronidazole is
not warranted as a routine unless perforation is suspected (Figs. 4.1 and 4.2). Rou-
tine anaerobic cover with clindamycin does not provide any significant advantage
in terms of prevention of intestinal gangrene/perforation and mortality [131]. More-
over its use in definite NEC has been associated with late onset strictures [131]. The
choice of antibiotics should be based on the local microbial resistance patterns. It is
important to know that pneumatosis intestinalis (Figs. 4.3 and 4.4), the characteristic
finding in definite NEC disappears once milk feeds (the substrate for fermentation
and formation of gas) are stopped and antibiotics are started (pathogens that ferment
the substrate, are eliminated). Early recommencement of milk feeds and avoiding
undue prolonged exposure to antibiotics is important after recovery from the illness
considering the atrophy of the gut in absence of milk, and the elimination of bene-
ficial gut flora, and increased colonisation by pathogens (including fungi) following
the use of broad spectrum antibiotics. Brotschi et al. have compared the effect of
fasting period duration on complication rates in neonates managed conservatively
for Stage II NEC [132]. In a multicentre study, they retrospectively analyzed data
collected by standardized questionnaire on all admissions for NEC over a period
of 6 years. Complication rates were compared after dividing conservatively man-
aged neonates with stage II NEC into two groups (those fasted for < 5 days and
82 S. Patole

Fig. 4.1 Perforation with

pneumoperitonium in
necrotising enterocolitis.
(Courtesy: Dr Vijay Shingde,
Department of Neonatology,
Nepean Hospital, Sydney,

Fig. 4.2 Perforated sigmoid

colon in a preterm neonate
with necrotising enterocolitis.
(Dimensions shown by
comparing with a 3 mm size
bobble on top of pin,
Courtesy: Dr Adrian Charles,
Department of Perinatal
Pathology, KEM Hospital for
Women, Perth, Western

those fasted for > 5 days). Of the 47 conservatively managed neonates, 30 (64 %)
fasted for < 5 days (range 1–4 days) and 17 (36 %) for > 5 days (range 6–16 days).
There were no significant differences for any of the patient characteristics analyzed.
One (3 %) and four (24 %) neonates, respectively, developed post-NEC bowel stric-
ture. One (3 %) and two neonates (12 %) suffered NEC relapse, and none and five
(29 %) developed catheter-related sepsis. Overall, the results indicated that shorter
fasting after NEC appeared to lower morbidity including catheter-related sepsis,
after the acute phase of the illness [132]. There was no benefit in longer fasting
neonates. Bohnhorst et al. have reported their experience with an early initiation of
4 Prevention and Treatment of Necrotising Enterocolitis in Preterm Neonates 83

Fig. 4.3 Extensive

pneumatosis intestinalis with
portal venous gas in
necrotising enterocolitis.
(Courtesy: Dr Vijay Shingde,
Department of Neonatology,
Nepean Hospital, Sydney,

enteral feedings after NEC [133]. Over a 4-year period, all inborn neonates with
Stage ≥ II NEC received enteral feed, increased by 20 ml/kg/day, once no portal
vein gas had been detected on ultrasound for 3 consecutive days (group 1). These
cases were compared with historic controls (group 2). NEC rates were 5 % (26/523)
in the early feeding group and 4 % (18/436) in the comparison group. One early

Fig. 4.4 Intra-operative view of extensive pneumatosis intestinalis. (J Pediatr 2003; 143:543
(Reproduced with permission))
84 S. Patole

feeding neonate and two comparison group neonates died of NEC, whereas 2 and 1,
respectively, had recurrent NEC. Enteral feeds were restarted at a median (range) age
of 4 (3–14) versus 10 (8–22) days after onset of NEC. Early feeding was associated
with shorter median (range) time to reach full enteral feeds [10 (7–31) vs. 19 (9–76)
days, p < .001), a reduced duration of central venous access [13.5 (8–24) vs. 26.0
(8–39) days, p < .01], less catheter-related septicemia (18 % vs. 29 %, p < .01), and
a shorter duration of hospital stay [63 (28–133) vs. 69 (36–150) days], p.05). The
limitations of the study design and the small numbers make it difficult to exclude a
higher risk of recurrence of NEC following such a change in practice [133].

3.2 Abdominal Decompression

Abdominal distension is one of the characteristic signs of NEC. The significance

of compartment syndrome is well known in pediatric and adult patients. However,
it’s potential to further compromise the perfusion of the affected bowel segment/s,
and compromise the ventilation-perfusion by splinting the diaphragm, and impeding
venous return, is probably underestimated in preterm neonates. Young age has been
shown to be associated with a lower threshold for increased intraluminal pressure
(ILP) leading to NEC in experimental studies [134]. Garstin et al. have showed de-
velopment of histological changes consistent with NEC when the intestinal mucosa
was exposed to both increased ILP and decreased pH [135]. Alterations in respi-
ratory status are often the early signs of severe NEC. Dolgin et al. have reported
unexplained changes in the respiratory status requiring increased respiratory support
during the 24 h before clear evidence of severe NEC [136]. The early warning signs
of NEC included decreased oxygenation, tachypnoea, and hypercarbia preceded by
hypocarbia in some cases [136]. These changes could be due to either splinting of the
diaphragm by the distended abdomen, or the inability of the immature respiratory
system to meet the increased metabolic demand due to NEC. Dzakovic et al. have
reported the beneficial effects of bedside PPD in preterm neonates (n = 11) with
severe abdominal distension and increasing ventilatory requirements without free
intraperitoneal air [137]. The mean airway pressure and oxygenation indices showed
a significant improvement after PPD. The final outcome however did not indicate
significant benefits [137].

3.3 Monitoring

Surveillance for sepsis and meningitis is important considering the association of

sepsis with NEC in 30 % of the cases [72]. Fungal sepsis is a significant issue in sur-
gical NEC. Pourcyrous et al. have reported that serum CRP correlates with Stage II
and III NEC and a persistently elevated CRP may be a marker of complications
such as a stricture or an abscess [138]. Hallstrom et al. have reported that persistent
metabolic acidosis, decreasing platelet count, and increasing blood glucose level on
4 Prevention and Treatment of Necrotising Enterocolitis in Preterm Neonates 85

several successive days might predict a developing NEC [139]. Leukocyte counts
> 30 × 109 /l, pH < 7.25, and a rise in blood glucose by ≥ 1.5 mmol/l within 24 h
predicted NEC with intestinal perforation [139]. Severe thrombocytopenia within the
first 3 days after a diagnosis of NEC suggests a higher likelihood of bowel gangrene,
morbidity, and mortality [140]. It is important to note that platelet count cannot
be used in isolation to predict extent of the illness or survival [141]. Monitoring
circulating cytokines (e.g., IL-6) may help in judging the severity of NEC [142].
Srinivasjois et al. have reported that serial changes in CRP and plasma lactate level
may predict progression of definite NEC to surgery or death in preterm neonates
[143]. In their retrospective analysis of data over 6 years, serial changes in CRP,
platelet count, plasma glucose and lactate, within 24 h before and over 72 h after the
diagnosis of NEC, were correlated to progression to surgery or death in neonates with
either medically (Group I) or surgically (Group II) managed NEC. CRP levels were
significantly higher at 72 h in neonates in the surgical versus medical NEC group.
Plasma glucose and lactate levels were significantly higher when compared with the
baseline levels at all time points for both groups. Receiver operator curve analysis
(N = 30) indicated that significant rise in CRP [baseline to 72 h (area under the curve,
AUC: 0.933, p = 0.001)] and in lactate levels [baseline to 48 h (AUC: 0.818,
p = 0.047)] had a strong potential as a predictor for progression to surgery or death
[143]. Results of an earlier (2008) large multicentre prospective, observational study
by Moss et al. indicate that clinical parameters do not adequately predict outcome
in NEC [144]. Comprehensive data on mothers and their neonates with suspected
or definite NEC was analysed. Of 455 neonates analyzed, 192 (42 %) progressed to
severe disease, and 263 (58 %) advanced to full feeds without operation. The vast
majority of the variables studied were not associated with progression to severe dis-
ease. A total of 12 independent predictors for progression were identified, including
only 3 that were not described previously: having a teenaged mother (OR: 3.14; 95 %
CI: 1.45–6.96), receiving cardiac compressions and/or drugs for resuscitation at birth
(OR: 2.51; 95 % CI: 1.17–5.48), and having never received enteral feeds before the
diagnosis (OR: 2.41; 95 % CI: 1.08–5.52). The investigators concluded that further
analysis of clinical parameters alone will not be helpful, and future studies must
focus on advanced biologic parameters in conjunction with clinical findings [144].
Thrombocytopenia is frequent in NEC. Kenton et al. have reported that platelet
transfusions in preterm neonates with NEC may not lower mortality but may increase
morbidity given that platelet transfusions contain a variety of bioactive factors in-
cluding pro-inflammatory cytokines [145]. Neonates who developed SBS and/or
cholestasis had been given a significantly higher number and volume of platelet
transfusions compared with those who did not have such adverse outcomes [145].
Their observations do question the practice of routine platelet transfusions to maintain
the platelet count above an arbitrary level. Red cell transfusions are often required
for the correction of anemia in NEC. A recent systematic review and meta analysis
of observational studies indicates an association of red cell transfusions for anemia
with NEC in preterm neonates [146]. Transfusion associated gut injury (TRAGI) is
probably similar to transfusion associated lung injury (TRALI) in adults. The bene-
fits (improved oxygenation) versus potential risks (e.g., transfusion associated NEC)
of such transfusions in preterm neonate are not clear [146]. Prevention and prompt
86 S. Patole

correction of metabolic derangements (MD) such as hyponatremia, hypotension,

and metabolic acidosis is important. Tepas et al. have reported MD as the best
predictor of mortality (OR: 4.76; 95 % CI: 1.41–16.13, p = 012) in NEC, which sig-
nificantly increased with extending interval between diagnosis to surgery. Neonates
with MD receiving peritoneal drain had a 4-fold increase in mortality (OR: 4.43; 95 %
CI: 1.37–14.29; p = .0126) [147].
Abdominal ultrasound (AUS) may provide advantages over radiography for vi-
sualising portal venous gas (PVG), intra-abdominal echoic free fluid (EFF), bowel
wall thickness and perfusion and be a useful adjuvant for timely surgical intervention
[148]. AUS has been reported to be superior to plain radiography for early detection
of perforation by demonstrating PVG and EFF [149]. Complex ascites with debris
correlated well with gangrene or perforation and predicted mortality [150]. AUS can
easily detect changes in bowel wall thickness and echogenicity, and abdominal aorta
calibre, peak systolic and end-diastolic velocities, and resistive indices in superior
mesenteric artery could facilitate early detection of gut injury in septic neonates with
NEC [151].

3.4 Peritoneal Drainage versus Laparotomy

Peritoneal drainage (PD) is an alternative to laparotomy and resection of the

necrotic/perforated segments as the standard surgical management of NEC or spon-
taneous intestinal perforation (SIP). A systematic review of randomised (RCT) or
quasi-randomised controlled trials has evaluated the benefits and risks of these
procedures as the initial surgical treatment for perforated NEC or SIP in preterm
(< 37 weeks), low birth weight (< 2,500 g) neonates [152]. Only two RCTs met
the eligibility criteria. Overall, no significant differences were seen between the PD
and laparotomy groups regarding the incidence of mortality within 28 days of the
primary procedure (28/90 versus 30/95; RR: 0.99, 95 % CI: 0.64–1.52); mortality by
90 days after the primary procedure (RR: 1.05, 95 % CI: 0.71–1.55) and the num-
ber of infants needing total parenteral nutrition for more than 90 days (RR: 1.18,
95 % CI: 0.72–1.95). Nearly 50 % of the neonates in the PD group could avoid the
need for laparotomy during the study period (44/90 versus 95/96; RR: 0.49, 95 %
CI: 0.39–0.61). One study found that the time to attain full enteral feeds in
ELBW neonates was prolonged in the PD group (mean difference: 20.77, 95 %
CI: 3.62–37.92). The reviewers concluded that the evidence from the two RCTs
suggested no significant benefits or harms of PD over laparotomy. However, due to
the very small sample size, clinically significant differences may have been easily
missed. No firm recommendations could be made. Definitive large multicentre trials
are needed to address this important issue [152].
4 Prevention and Treatment of Necrotising Enterocolitis in Preterm Neonates 87

3.5 Monitoring Long-Term Outcomes

Monitoring long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes is important. Results of a sys-

tematic review of observational studies indicate that survivors of Stage ≥ II NEC
are at risk for long-term NDI, especially if they require surgery for the illness [4].
Eleven nonrandomized studies, including 5 with “matched controls,” were included
in this review. The risk of long-term NDI was significantly higher in the presence
of at least stage II NEC vs. no NEC (OR: 1.82; 95 % CI: 1.46–2.27). Patients with
NEC requiring surgery were at higher risk for NDI vs. those managed medically
(OR: 1.99; 95 % CI: 1.26–3.14). Results of analyses based on study design, follow-
up rate, and year of birth were not statistically significantly different from those of the
overall analysis. Risk of cerebral palsy and cognitive and severe visual impairment
was significantly higher in neonates with NEC [4]. The ORACLE Children Study
has provided school age outcomes following neonatal NEC [153]. The outcomes of
119/157 (77 %) of children following proven or suspected NEC were compared with
those of the remaining 6,496 in this study. NEC was associated with an increased
risk of neonatal death (OR 14.6; 95 % CI: 10.4–20.6). At 7 years, NEC conferred
an increased risk of all grades of impairment. Adjusting for confounders, risks per-
sisted for any Health Utilities Index (HUI-3) defined functional impairment (adjusted
OR: 1.55; 95 % CI: 1.05, 2.29), particularly mild impairment (adjusted OR: 1.61;
95 % CI: 1.03, 2.53) both in all NEC children and in those with proven NEC, which
appeared to be independent. No behavioural or educational associations were con-
firmed. Following NEC, children were more likely to suffer bowel problems than
non-NEC children (adjusted OR: 3.96; 95 % CI: 2.06, 7.61) [149]. Results of the
systematic review by Schulzke et al. and of the follow up of Oracle Children study
emphasise the importance of counselling the parents about the need for long-term
follow up of neonates with Stage ≥ II NEC [4, 153].

3.6 Early Diagnosis and Secondary Prevention

The clinical utility of most of the markers/methods for early diagnosis of NEC is
limited due to either cost, expertise, and accessibility issues or their poor proper-
ties as a diagnostic/screening test [154–157]. Recent evidence indicates that urinary
I-FABP (fatty acid binding protein) and claudin-3 and fecal calprotectin are promis-
ing diagnostic markers for NEC, and urinary I-FABP may also be used to predict
disease severity [158–160]. The potential of neutrophil CD64 expression, and C5a,
a compliment activation product, as biomarkers for NEC needs to be studied fur-
ther [161, 162]. Advances in laparoscopic techniques may help in early diagnosis of
NEC [163]. The results from experimental studies indicate the potential role of im-
munomodulators such as pentoxifylline in secondary prevention of NEC [164]. The
potential of endothelin receptor blockers (e.g., Bosentan) also needs to be evaluated
considering the role of vasoconstriction in the pathogenesis and progression of NEC
88 S. Patole

Table 4.1 Strategies for prevention and treatment of necrotising enterocolitis

Prevention Treatment
Antenatal glucocorticoid therapy Bowel rest and broad spectrum antibiotics
(avoid unduly prolonged bowel rest)
Early preferential feeding with breast milk Abdominal decompression and pain relief
Standardised feeding protocol Surveillance for sepsis, meningitis, and
complications (e.g., perforation, abscess,
and stricture)
Probiotic supplementation Prevention and prompt correction of metabolic
derangements such as hyponatremia,
hypotension, and metabolic acidosis
Restricted fluid intake without compromising Ongoing consultations for timely surgical
nutrition and hydration intervention
Aggressive surveillance and treatment for sepsis Ongoing consultations for timely surgical
Avoiding undue prolonged exposure to
antibiotics, antacids, H2 receptor blockers,
and thickened feeds
Lactoferrin, arginine supplementation (needs
more research)

In summary NEC continues to be a potentially disastrous illness in preterm

neonates with significant mortality and morbidity. Recent research has improved
the understanding of the role of innate immunity in the pathogenesis of NEC [166].
As new frontiers like probiotics and lactoferrin continue to be explored, the impact
of well-established simple strategies like antenatal glucocorticoid therapy, and early
preferential use of breast milk should not be forgotten for primary prevention of
NEC. Evaluating strategies for secondary prophylaxis is equally important as almost
the entire health burden of NEC is related to progression of the illness from Stage
II to Stage III 9 perforation-peritonitis). A package of potentially better practices
seems to be the most appropriate strategy for the prevention and treatment of NEC
(Table 4.1).


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Chapter 5
Aggressive Enteral Nutrition in Preterm

Sanjay Patole

Abstract Extrauterine growth restriction (EUGR) is a serious issue in extremely

preterm (gestation under 28 weeks) neonates. Suboptimal nutrition and growth in
the early postnatal life have been associated with impaired neurodevelopmental
outcomes and growth in this population. Delay in commencing feeds, being too
conservative whilst upgrading feeds, stopping feeds in presence of perceived risk
factors for NEC, and failure to provide optimal balanced protein calorie intake dur-
ing the critical early postnatal life, are the important contributors for EUGR. The
concept of aggressive enteral nutrition has been widely accepted following the reali-
sation of the frequency and consequences of EUGR in extremely preterm neonates. It
is important to note that aggressive enteral nutrition is easier to advocate than practice
considering the inherent limitations imposed on how much and how fast a preterm
neonate can be fed without increasing the risk of NEC or long term adverse effects.
This chapter provides a close scrutiny of the current evidence to assess if the safe
upper limits of various aspects of aggressive enteral feeding of extremely preterm
neonates are well defined and adequately assessed. The evidence for the management
of manifestations of feed intolerance/ileus of prematurity (e.g., abdominal disten-
sion, large/bile stained gastric residuals) is also reviewed and guidelines for further
research are provided.

Key points
• Suboptimal nutrition in the early postnatal life is associated with impaired long
term neurodevelopment and growth in extremely preterm (gestation < 28 weeks)
• Early and aggressive enteral feeding is essential for optimising growth in
extremely preterm neonates.

S. Patole ()
Centre for Neonatal Research and Education,
University of Western Australia,
Perth, Australia
Department of Neonatal Paediatrics,
KEM Hospital for Women, 374 Bagot Road, Subiaco,
City of Perth, WA 6008, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 97

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3_5, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
98 S. Patole

• Evidence for the benefits of early “aggressive” enteral nutrition in preterm

neonates is mostly based on observational studies with risk of bias. They are
also not powered adequately to assess the risk of NEC.
• Cochrane systematic review of randomised controlled trials has not ruled out the
possibility that early trophic feeds may increase the risk of NEC. The definition
and optimal duration of early trophic feeds is also not clear.
• Whilst it is accepted that early enteral feeding is essential, the safe upper limit
of feed increment volume, and daily total milk intake is not clear for extremely
preterm neonates, especially those with intrauterine growth restriction.
• Further research is necessary to understand the significance of the manifestations
of ileus of prematurity and develop reliable biomarkers for early diagnosis of
NEC, to avoid/minimise unnecessary withholding of enteral feeds due to the fear
of the illness.
Extrauterine growth restriction (EUGR) has been reported as a serious issue in ex-
tremely preterm neonates [1]. The long-term consequences of EUGR can not be
overemphasised given that early nutritional status may be related to later morbid-
ity in neonates [1–3]. Nutritional exposures during critical perinatal period have
been shown to influence the individual’s risk of disease throughout life [4–7]. Birth
weight and postnatal growth are known to influence the cognitive development and
intelligence quotient [8–10]. Nutritional deficit and poor growth in very preterm
neonates have been associated with impaired neurodevelopmental outcomes [11–13],
short stature and metabolic disorders [14–16]. Postnatal growth impairment has been
associated with neurological and sensory handicaps and poor school performance
[1, 17, 18].
Clark et al. [1] have evaluated the incidence of EUGR in 24,371 preterm neonates
from 124 American neonatal intensive care units at the time of discharge from the
hospital. EUGR was defined as growth values (weight, length or head circumference)
≤ 10th percentile of intrauterine growth expectation based on estimated postmen-
strual age in preterm (gestation: 23–34 weeks) neonates. The incidence of EUGR
was 28 %, 34 %, and 16 % for weight, length, and head circumference, respectively.
For each growth parameter, the incidence of EUGR increased with decreasing ges-
tation and birth weight. Logistic regression analysis revealed that male gender, need
for assisted ventilation on day 1, a history of necrotising enterocolitis (NEC), need
for respiratory support at 28 days of age, and exposure to steroids during the hos-
pital course were independently associated with EUGR [1]. Sweet et al. [19] have
reported an almost universal pattern of impaired postnatal growth with extremely
poor neurodevelopmental outcome at 2 years of age in preterm neonates. Of the 104
eligible neonates (birth weight ≤ 600 g) 24 survived to discharge, 2 died of chronic
lung disease (CLD) after discharge, and 21 of the remaining 22 neonates returned
for follow-up. Mean birth weight and gestation was 537 (430–600) g and 24 (22–27)
weeks, respectively. At birth, 55 % were below the 10th percentile for birth weight.
At hospital discharge and 2 years of age, 94 % were below the 10th percentile for
weight, length, and head circumference. Nineteen of 21 (90 %) neonates were ab-
normal on neurodevelopmental follow-up [19]. Steward et al. [20] have reported
5 Aggressive Enteral Nutrition in Preterm Neonates 99

that ELBW neonates develop a growth deficit during the first few weeks of life that
not only persists but also worsens during hospitalisation. The discharge weights of
35 ELBW appropriate for gestational age (AGA) neonates were compared with the
median weight of a fetus of comparable gestational age based on an intrauterine
growth reference. Growth velocity (grams/day) was determined. The weight-for-
age z scores decreased significantly between birth and discharge. By discharge,
89 % of the neonates had discharge weights < 10th percentile. The mean discharge
weight was significantly less than the median weight of a fetus of comparable gesta-
tional age. Days to regain birth weight also significantly affected growth outcomes
[20]. Embleton et al. [21] have reported that postnatal malnutrition and growth re-
tardation is an inevitable consequence of currently recommended dietary intakes
(RDIs) in preterm neonates. Daily dietary intakes were prospectively collected in
105 preterm neonates (birth weight ≤ 1,750 g; gestation ≤ 34 weeks) admitted over
a 6-month period. Actual energy and protein intake was subtracted from recom-
mended energy (120 kcal/kg/day) and protein (3 g/kg/day) intakes and nutritional
deficits calculated. Nutrient intakes meeting current RDIs were rarely achieved dur-
ing early life. By the end of the first week, cumulative energy and protein deficits
were 406 ± 92 and 335 ± 86 kcal/kg and 14 ± 3 and 12 ± 4 g/kg in neonates born
≤ 30 and those at ≥ 31 weeks. By the end of the fifth week, cumulative energy and
protein deficits were 813 ± 542 and 382 ± 263 kcal/kg and 23 ± 12 and 13 ± 15 g/kg
and the z scores were −1.14 ± 0.6 and −0.82 ± 0.5 for infants at ≤ 30 and ≥ 31
weeks. Variation in dietary intake accounted for 45 % of the variation in changes
in z score [21]. In a large, prospective multicentre cohort study Ehrenkranz et al.
[22] assessed growth in 1660 neonates (birth weight: 501–1,500 g) admitted by 24 h
of age. Neonates were included if they survived > 7 days and were free of major
congenital anomalies. The results indicated that once birth weight was regained,
weight gain (14.4–16.1 g/kg/day) approximated intrauterine rates. However, at hos-
pital discharge, most neonates born between 24 and 29 weeks’ gestation had not
achieved the median birth weight of the reference fetus at the same postmenstrual
age. AGA neonates who survived to hospital discharge without developing CLD, se-
vere intraventricular hemorrhage, NEC, or late onset-sepsis gained weight faster than
comparable neonates with those morbidities. More rapid weight gain was associated
factors such as an earlier age at the initiation of enteral feeds, and an earlier age at
achievement of full enteral feedings [22]. Radmacher et al. [23] have evaluated the
nutritional intake and subsequent growth and predictors of EUGR in a cohort of 221
ELBW neonates with gestation ≤ 29 weeks. Mean energy and protein intakes during
hospitalisation did not reach recommendations of 120 and 3.0 g/kg/day and in utero
growth rates could not be consistently reached or sustained. Birth weight percentile
score, was highly predictive of EUGR (p < 0.001). When the independent effect of
other predictors of EUGR was considered, only duration of total parenteral nutrition
support (p < 0.001) and head circumference percentile at regaining of birth weight
(p < 0.001) contributed significantly to the prediction of EUGR, once the effect of
birth weight was taken into account [23]. A multicentre study (Cooke et al. [24]) from
a single region in UK has reported that EUGR was universal in preterm neonates
who survived to discharge. The extent of EUGR however varied among units and
100 S. Patole

could not be explained by differences in patient characteristics including the severity

of illness. The findings indicate the importance of variations in nutritional practices
and their impact on neonatal nutrition.
Senterre and Rigo have recently reported that the first week of life is a critical
period to promote growth in preterm neonates and that early nutrition from the first
day of life is essential [25, 26]. Cumulative protein deficit during the first week of
life was the major determinant of the postnatal growth during the first 6 weeks of life
[25]. Their results indicate that the cumulative nutritional deficit may be drastically
reduced in both extremely preterm (gestation < 28 weeks) and very preterm (gesta-
tion: 28–30 weeks) neonates after optimizing nutritional policy during the first weeks
of life, and the postnatal growth restriction could even be prevented [26]. Hanson
et al. [27] have recently reported that changes in nutrition practices including early
aggressive parenteral nutrition, early enteral feedings, trophic feedings, continuous
feeds, protein fortification of 24-cal/oz mother’s own breast milk, and development
of a “feed intolerance” algorithm, improve growth outcomes significantly without
causing adverse effects in VLBW neonates. Implementing the nutrition practice
changes decreased EUGR from 57 % in the pre-implementation group to 28 % in
the post-implementation group (p = 0.01). Weight percentile ranking at gestation
36 weeks’ increased significantly in neonates 1,001–1,500 g, from the 13th to the
27th percentile (p = 0.004 and p = 0.01, respectively). CLD decreased significantly
(p = 0.02). There was no increase in NEC (6 % pre vs 3 % post) or in blood urea
nitrogen. Days of parenteral nutrition and central line use were decreased (p = 0.02
and p = 0.07, respectively) [27].
Considering the overall health burden of EUGR investigators have encouraged
neonatologists to improve their nutritional practice while continuing further research
considering the positive impact of nutrition on growth in extremely preterm neonates
[28–30]. Over the last decade “aggressive” parenteral and enteral nutrition has been
adopted as a strategy to optimise nutrition and reduce the incidence of EUGR in
extremely preterm neonates [31–33]. An aggressive approach to parenteral nutrition
alone may not bridge the gap unless its safety in terms of long-term neurodevelop-
mental outcomes is documented. Focussing only on parenteral nutrition is also not
appropriate considering the risk of gut atrophy in absence of direct tropic effects of
milk on the gut [34]. The policy of aggressive enteral nutrition is however difficult
to practice given our inability to interpret common signs of feed intolerance from a
potentially devastating illness like NEC [35]. Moreover despite the plausible ratio-
nale and suggested benefits even the definition and the benefit/risk ratio of trophic
feeds in extremely preterm neonates is not clear [34]. It is therefore important to
review the evidence indicating the scope of aggressive enteral nutrition in extremely
preterm neonates.

1 Early Trophic Feeds

Evidence indicates that enteral fasting diminishes the functional adaptation of the
immature gut and prolongs the need for parenteral nutrition. Administration of very
small volumes of milk during the first week of life (“early trophic feeds”), may
5 Aggressive Enteral Nutrition in Preterm Neonates 101

promote intestinal maturation, and decrease time to reach full enteral feeds by fa-
cilitating feed tolerance. A systematic review of randomised or quasi-randomised
trials has determined the effect of early trophic feeds versus enteral fasting on feed
tolerance, growth, and the risk of NEC, mortality and other morbidities in VLBW
neonates [34]. Early trophic feeds were defined as milk volumes up to 24 ml/kg/day
introduced before 96 h postnatal age and continued for at least one week after birth.
The nine trials (N = 754) included in the analysis, did not provide any evidence that
early trophic feeds affected feed tolerance or growth rates in VLBW neonates. Meta-
analysis did not detect a statistically significant effect on the incidence of NEC: RR:
1.07 (95 % CI: 0.67, 1.70). It was concluded that the available data cannot exclude
important beneficial or harmful (increased risk of NEC) effects and are insufficient
to guide clinical practice [34]. Considering that the practice of early trophic is well
established, conducting large pragmatic trials to address these issues will be dif-
ficult. Physiologic benefits of early trophic feeds may occur at volumes as low as
< 1 ml/kg/day [36]. Experts suggest that early trophic feeds can be defined as milk
volumes under 10 ml/kg/day, and have pointed out that their optimal duration is not
clear [37]. Given these issues and the significant variations in practice (volume and
type of milk, age at start, and duration) the true effects of early trophic feeds will
probably remain unclear.

2 Early and Aggressive Nutritional Feeds

Irrespective of significant overlap in the range and duration of milk volumes used for
early trophic versus nutritional feeds, it is agreed that early and aggressive enteral
feeding is essential for optimising growth and avoiding the adverse effects of par-
enteral nutrition. Evidence indicates that small volume feeds can be tolerated even
by critically ill neonates. Current approach favours starting enteral feeds as soon as
possible after birth (hour zero) rather than within the first 24–48 h [38]. Such a policy
is easy to adopt when colostrum, and mother’s/donor milk are available. However
the benefits and risks of early feeding with formula milk when mother’s/donor milk
is not available need to be studied. Early aggressive enteral feeding has been shown
to decrease the risk of late onset sepsis and improve nutritional outcomes without
increasing adverse effects in extremely preterm neonates [39, 40].

3 Intrauterine Growth Restriction

Feed intolerance is a common problem in preterm neonates with intrauterine growth

restriction (IUGR) and antenatal altered umbilical Doppler flows (AUDF). A system-
atic review of observational studies (N = 14) has shown that the risk of all stages of
NEC is higher in these neonates (AUDF: 85/659 vs Control: 66/1178, OR: 2.13; 95 %
CI: 1.49–3.03) [41]. The risk of confirmed NEC (6 studies) was also significantly
102 S. Patole

higher (OR: 6.9; 95 % CI: 2.3–20) [41]. Adverse effects of chronic hypoxia on an
immature gut and the increased oxygen demand imposed by enteral feeds relate to the
feeding difficulties and increased risk of NEC in these neonates [41]. Experimental
studies show that hypoxia reduces intestinal blood flow and oxygen delivery through
adrenergic vasoconstriction [42]. Increased oxygen extraction can compensate for a
30 % reduction in gut blood flow, but enteral feeding reduces the ability of oxygen
extraction to compensate for the effects of hypoxia [43, 44]. Metabolic demands of
enteral feeds increase oxygen consumption by the intestine [45]. Investigators have
reported that the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and Coeliac axis flow is signif-
icantly reduced on day one and the recovery in the baseline gut flow is slow during
the first week of life in IUGR neonates. Despite the recovery in baseline SMA and
Coeliac axis blood flow, the dynamic response to the first feed is still impaired in
IUGR neonates [46–48]. It is important to note that even when Doppler variables
are taken into consideration, birthweight remains a predominant risk factor for NEC
[49, 50]. Based on Santulli’s theory for the pathogenesis of NEC (triad of ischaemia,
bacteria, and substrate), and the possibility that prolonging small feeding volumes
early in life may decrease the incidence of NEC, delay in starting and increasing
enteral feeds for the first 5–7 days of life of preterm VLBW neonates became a com-
mon practice [51, 52]. However Mihatsch et al. [53] reported that VLBW neonates
with IUGR, increased antenatal umbilical arterial (UA) resistance, and brain sparing
tolerated enteral feeds as well as appropriate for gestational age VLBW neonates. A
total of 124 inborn VLBW neonates were enrolled in their prospective trial evaluating
early enteral nutrition using a standardized feeding protocol with daily feed incre-
ments of 16 ml/kg. Full enteral feeds (FEF: 150 ml/kg/day) were achieved at 15 days
(12–21 days) of age for all neonates. IUGR [FEF: 14 (12–21) days], increased UA
resistance [FEF: 14 (11–16) days], and brain sparing [FEF: 15 (14–20) days] were
not associated with early feed intolerance [53]. Later Karagianni et al. [50] assessed
the effect of early (≤ 5 days) Vs delayed (≥ 6 days) minimal enteral feeds (MEF) on
the incidence of NEC and feed intolerance in preterm IUGR neonates with abnormal
Dopplers. This was a randomized, non-blinded pilot trial comparing “early” versus
“delayed” MEF in addition to PN within 48 h. A total of 40 neonates received early
[2 (1–5) days] and 41 received delayed [7 (6–14) days] MEF. There was no signif-
icant difference in NEC (p = 0.353) and feeding intolerance (p = 0.533) after early
MEF [50]. Leaf et al. [54] have recently reported the first multicentre randomised
controlled trial evaluating the effects of early versus delayed enteral feeds in preterm
IUGR neonates. Neonates with gestation < 35 weeks, birth weight < 10th centile
and abnormal antenatal UA Doppler waveforms were randomly allocated to early
(day 2) or “late” (day 6) enteral feeds after birth. Feeds were gradually increased
by a feeding protocol with equal rate of increase for both groups. The primary out-
comes included the time to achieve FEF sustained for 72 h and NEC. A total of 404
neonates (median gestation 31 weeks) were enrolled from 54 hospitals in UK and
Ireland. The median age at FEF was 18 vs 21 days in the early versus late group
neonates (HR: 1.36; 95 % CI: 1.11–1.67). All Stage NEC occurred in 18 % versus
15 % in the early versus late groups (RR: 1.2; 95 % CI: 0.77–1.87). Incidence of
Stage II/III NEC was 8 % in both groups. Early feeds resulted in shorter duration of
5 Aggressive Enteral Nutrition in Preterm Neonates 103

TPN and high-dependency care, decreased cholestatic jaundice, and increases SD

score for weight at discharge. It was concluded that early introduction of feeds in
preterm IUGR neonates resulted in earlier achievement of FEF without increasing
the risk of NEC [54]. The applicability of these results to extremely preterm neonates
(gestation < 28 weeks) with IUGR is debatable considering the mean gestation
(31 weeks) of the enrolled neonates, and the small number of neonates (44 vs 42)
with gestation under 29 weeks at birth. The trial was also not adequately powdered
to detect a minimum significant change in incidence of NEC, the real concern in this
high-risk cohort.
Gupta et al. [55] have studied feeding tolerance in the 82/404 growth restricted
preterm infants with gestation < 29 weeks from the ADEPT trial as a subgroup
analysis. Gestation and birth weight were comparable between the early versus late
feeding groups. Both groups started TPN at a median age of 2 days and had central
lines in place for an average of 18 days. Median number of days of feed intolerance
was 7 days in both groups. The early feeding group had significantly more frequent
episodes of intolerance compared with the late feeding group. Birth weight under
600 g, late passage of meconium (> 72 h) and cholestasis were significantly associ-
ated with days of feeding intolerance. The median volume of feeds on first day of
feeding intolerance was similar (9 ml/kg/day) in both groups. The median volume
of feeds tolerated by infants in the first 10 days of life was much lower than the
target volume in the trial. This feed intolerance in early days of life was present in
both early and late feeding group. It was concluded that growth restricted infants
of < 29 weeks’ gestation with abnormal antenatal Dopplers failed to tolerate even
the careful graded feeding regime used in the ADEPT trial. They suggested that this
cohort of infants may require an increased duration of minimal enteral feeds and
slower increments to decrease intolerance and establish full feeds [55]. Overall the
current evidence indicates that delaying enteral feeds is not justified in preterm IUGR
neonates however the optimal safe (with respect to the risk of NEC) feeding protocol
for this population is not clear.

4 Rapid Advancement of Feeds

At start a volume of 20–25 ml/kg/day of nutritional feeds is generally considered

safe for infants < 32 weeks’ gestation [52]. Incremental volumes in various studies
have been between 10–35 ml/kg/day in neonates with birth weight ≤ 750–1,500 g
and gestation up to 33 weeks [56]. None includes significant number of neonates
with gestation under 28 weeks with or without IUGR [56]. A systematic review has
assessed the effect of slow rates (up to 24 ml/kg/day) of feed advancement on the
incidence of NEC, mortality and other morbidities in VLBW neonates [56]. The
review identified 4 RCTs (N = 496) with few ELBW and IUGR neonates. The trials
defined slow advancement as daily increments of 15–20 ml/kg and faster advance-
ment as 30–35 ml/kg. Meta-analyses did not detect statistically significant effects on
the risk of NEC (RR: 0.91, 95 % CI: 0.47–1.75) or all cause mortality (RR: 1.43,
104 S. Patole

95 % CI: 0.78–2.61). neonates who had slow rates of feed volume advancement took
significantly longer to regain birth weight [Median difference 2–6 days] and to es-
tablish full enteral feeding [reported median difference 2–5 days]. It was concluded
that the current data do not provide evidence that slow advancement of enteral feed
volumes reduces the risk of NEC in VLBW neonates [56]. Pending large pragmatic
trials, the safe upper limit of daily increment volume, especially for ELBW and/or
IUGR neonates remains unclear.

5 Higher Daily Total Volume of Enteral Feeds

Kuschel et al. [57] have reported the results of their RCT assessing the effects of
a higher daily milk intake. Preterm neonates (Gestation < 30 weeks, N = 44), who
reached FEF were randomized to remain on 150 ml/kg/day (A Group) or increase
to 200 ml/kg/day (B Group). Primary outcome was growth at 35 weeks corrected
gestational age (CGA). The groups were comparable at baseline but there was a trend
for A group neonates to be lighter (895 vs 1,020 g, p = 0.27). There was a significant
cross over: Group A: 43 % vs Group B: 54 %. B group had better weight gain/day
(16.7 vs 15.2 g/kg/day, p = 0.047), and better weight (2,020 vs 1,885 g, p = 0.014),
and greater arm fat area (282 vs 218 mm2 , p = 0.009) at 35 weeks CGA. There was
no effect on length and head circumference. There was no significant difference in
any growth parameters at 1 year. Morbidity was not different between the groups
[57]. The significant crossover rates and the possibility that the weight gain related
significantly to fat deposition are worrisome findings in this trial. Thomas et al. [58]
have recently reported a RCT comparing two enteral feeding volumes in VLBW
neonates in a resource poor set up where poor post-natal growth of preterm neonates
is common and fortification is not available. A total of 64 VLBW neonates, once
they reached full feeds, were randomised to either continue feeds at 200 ml/kg/day
(standard volume) or increase to 300 ml/kg/day (high volume) of expressed breast
milk. There was a significantly higher daily weight gain in the high-volume group as
compared to the standard volume group (24.9 vs. 18.7 g/kg/day, p < 0.0001) without
increasing any adverse effects such as feed intolerance, NEC, patent ductus arteriosus
(PDA), or sepsis [58]. The small sample size and the gestation of enrolled neonates
limits the applicability of these results to extremely preterm neonates in other set
ups. Pending further research attention to provision of optimal protein calorie ratio
rather than excess calories alone is important.

6 Feeding in Presence of PDA, Sepsis, and Umbilical Catheters

Both, hemodynamically significant PDA and its treatment with indomethacin are
associated with NEC in preterm neonates [59, 60]. Berseth et al. [61] have analysed
feeding outcomes in 105 preterm neonates (24–35 weeks’ gestation) to determine the
5 Aggressive Enteral Nutrition in Preterm Neonates 105

incidence and causes of delays in reaching full enteral feeds (FEF: 140 ml/kg/day).
Feed intolerance, defined as failure to reach FEF within 10 days of starting feeds,
occurred in 13/46 (28 %) neonates with 30–35 weeks’ gestation and in 29/59 (49 %)
of those with 24–29 weeks’ gestation. Although several factors were associated with
delays in reaching FEF, a diagnosis of PDA, or PDA and late onset sepsis (after
day 3), was a major risk factor [61]. Patole et al. [62] have reported the results of
a clinical trial of prophylactic carboxymethylcellulose in reducing the time to FEF
in neonates with < 32 weeks’ gestation. The only variable showing any independent
influence on the time to FEF, irrespective of the allocation to cellulose or placebo,
was the presence of a significant PDA. The median (interquartile range) time to FEF
was significantly longer [7.5 (4.0–13.8) vs. 4 (3.3–6.0) days, p = 0.01] in neonates
with significant PDA than in neonates with no PDA [62]. Patole et al. [63] have
also reported PDA, especially PDA with sepsis, as a risk factor for feed intolerance
in preterm neonates. In their study, the start to full feeds interval was found to be
longest in preterm neonates (≤ 28 weeks’ gestation) with sepsis, followed by that
in preterm neonates with sepsis and PDA, and in those with PDA alone [63]. A
systematic review of observational studies has also raised the possibility that enteral
feeding in the presence of significant PDA alone or PDA and sepsis may be related
to NEC [64]. Adverse effects of PDA, cyclooxygenase inhibitors (e.g., indometacin,
ibuprofen), and sepsis per se on intestinal perfusion and mucosal integrity as well
as their interplay may explain such results. Considering the inability to differentiate
between feed intolerance and early NEC, reluctance to feed during treatment of
hemodynamically significant PDA and/or sepsis is common. In a national survey
of Australian neonatologists, 56.6 % agreed that a significant PDA should be closed
before initiating feeds [65]. Bellander et al. [66] have reported that tolerance to
early human milk is not compromised by indometacin in preterm neonates with
PDA. However, it is difficult to draw clear conclusions from their study, especially
in terms of NEC, given the limitations of their study design and small sample size.
Feeds are often not commenced, upgraded in presence of umbilical vascular catheters
due to the risk of impaired gut perfusion. Davey et al. [67] have studied the frequency
of feeding problems and NEC between a group of preterm neonates who received
early enteral feeds while low umbilical artery catheters (LUACs) were in place, and
a late group who were not fed until 24 h after removal of LUACs. Twenty-nine stable
preterm neonates (Gestation: 28.5 ± 3.0 SD weeks) received early enteral feed at a
median of 2 days while a LUAC was in place; 31 (Gestation: 28.6 ± 2.7 SD weeks)
received late enteral feed at a median of 5 days of age, 24 h after the removal of the
LUAC. There were no significant differences in the baseline characteristics, and the
incidence of gastric residuals and abdominal distension between the two groups. The
early feeding group had significantly fewer percutaneous central venous catheters,
evaluations for sepsis, and episodes of receiving nothing by mouth. The early-fed
group neonates received parenteral nutrition for a median of 13 days versus 30 days
for the late-fed group (p = 0.0028). The incidence of NEC was 2 vs 4 cases in the
early versus late group [67]. Pending large pragmatic trials with NEC as the primary
outcome, balancing the benefits versus risks of an aggressive approach to feeding in
presence of PDA, sepsis, and unmbilical catheters is difficult.
106 S. Patole

7 Facilitating Meconium Evacuation

Apart from poor gastroduodenal coordination and excessive quiescence in motor

activity it is likely that delayed and slow colonic motility also plays a role in feed
intolerance in preterm neonates [68]. Mihatsch et al. [69] have evaluated the correla-
tion between the timings of the first and the last stool and feed intolerance in ELBW
neonates. Forty one ELBW neonates were fed following a standardised protocol (day
3–14). Bolus gavage feeds were started at 48 h of age (12 mg/kg/day increments, 12
feeds a day). Gastric residuals up to 2 ml or up to 3 ml were tolerated for neonates
with birth weight ≤ 750 g and > 750 g, respectively. No enemas or laxatives were
given during the study. The impact of the time until the passage of the first (M-1)
and the last (M-last) meconium on the feeding volume on day 14 (V14) was as-
sessed by linear regression analysis. The median (range) V14, M-1, and M-last were
as follows: V14: 99 (0–156) ml/kg, M-1: 31(0.5–77) h, M-last: 6 (1.4–22) days.
There was a significant correlation between feed tolerance and the time for the last
and not the first evacuation of meconium (i.e., V14 increased with decreasing M-last,
p < 0.001). These findings were interpreted as the passage of the first meconium only
indicates terminal large bowel function and total evacuation of the meconium is a far
better parameter of feed intolerance. The authors suggested that passage of meco-
nium should be considered when decisions on feeding ELBW neonates are made,
and hypothesised if V14 could be advanced by accelerating passage of meconium
[69]. Their hypothesis indicates a potential role of therapeutic agents accelerating
passage of meconium in facilitating feed tolerance in preterm neonates. Use of glyc-
erine suppositories and small volume enemas, for evacuating meconium, meconium
plugs is not uncommon in preterm neonates [65]. It is however important to note that
total evacuation of meconium and feed tolerance requires normal function of both,
the upper as well as lower gastrointestinal tract, and glycerin suppositories do not
have any effect on the right colon and the small bowel. Shim et al. [70] have recently
reported a small observational study (n = 58) in preterm VLBW neonates to assess
the benefits of glycerin enema (1 ml/kg every 12–24 h) starting within 24 h after birth
and continued till meconium passage was complete. Compared to the control group,
the study group neonates achieved FEF faster (HR: 2.9; 95 % CI: 1.8–4.8). This
effect was more defined in ELBW neonates (HR = 4.6; 95 % CI = 1.9–11.1). Study
group neonates also passed first meconium earlier than control group (1.4 v/s 3.7
days; p < 0.001), and had significantly less culture positive sepsis (7.7 v/s 27.8 %,
p = 0.02) [70]. Khadr et al. [71] have assessed the benefits of regular glycerin sup-
positories in preterm neonates in a small (n = 54) open RCT. The intervention was
started from 24 h of age, and continued for 10 days. The median time to FEF was
1.6 days shorter in study group, but not statistically significant: [7.4 (4.6–30.9) vs
9.0 (4.4–13.3) days, p = 0.780; 95 % CI: −1.917, 2.166]. Passage of first meconium
occurred earlier in study group than controls (day 2 vs. day 4, p = 0.016) [71]. Small
sample sizes and limitations of the design make it difficult to draw conclusions from
these studies.
5 Aggressive Enteral Nutrition in Preterm Neonates 107

8 Feeding in Presence of Gastric Residuals

The significance of the volume and colour of gastric residuals in preterm neonates
is not clear. Gastric aspirate volume above 30 or 50 % of feeds over previous 4 h is
generally considered as abnormal [65]. Rising aspirate volume is reported to correlate
with development of NEC in high-risk neonates [72, 73]. Bile stained (various shades
of green or yellow) gastric residuals are considered as indicators of feed intolerance
or early NEC. Considering the fear of NEC feeds are often not commenced or stopped
in presence of abnormal gastric residuals. It is important to note that the frequency
and need for monitoring gastric aspirates is not evidence based and that the aspirate
volume and colour is affected by many variables. Bile stained gastric residuals are
very common in the first few weeks of life in extremely preterm neonates, and
should not be a contraindication to feeds if clinical examination is otherwise normal
[74]. Persistence with at least small volume of milk feeds is expected to overcome
the ileus of prematurity under such situation. Mihatsch et al. [74] have reported
an observational study in 99 LBW neonates fed following a standardised feeding
regime (day 3–14). Feeds were started at 48 h of age (12 ml/kg/day increments,
2 h feeds). Gastric residuals (GR) were checked before each feeding, and a GR
volumes (GRV) up to 2 ml/3 ml in infants ≤ 750 g/ > 750 g was tolerated. In cases
of increased GRV, feeds were reduced or withheld. The colour of GR was assessed
as clear, milky, green-clear, green-cloudy, blood-stained, or hemorrhagic. Multiple
regression analysis was used to study the effect of the mean GRV and the colour
of GR on the feed volume on D14 (V14). The median V14 was 103 ml/kg/day (0–
166). V14 increased with increasing percentage of milky GR, whereas the mean
GRV and the green colour did not have a significant effect. It was concluded that
early feeds could be established in ELBW neonates. The critical GRV seemed to
be > 2 ml/3 ml as there was no significant negative correlation between the mean
GRV and V14. Green GRs were not negatively correlated with V14 and should not
slow down feed volumes in absence of other signs and symptoms [74]. Overall the
current evidence indicates giving undue importance to abnormal gastric residuals is
probably not justified if an aggressive approach to enteral nutrition is to be adopted
provided the clinical examination is normal. Large pragmatic trials are needed to
address this important issue.

9 Probiotics and Prebiotics

Indrio et al. [75–77] have reported that specific probiotic strains can promote feed
tolerance, improve bowel habits and facilitate gut motility in preterm neonates. Thirty
preterm neonates were enrolled in their double blind RCT; 10 were exclusively breast-
fed, and the remaining 20 were randomly assigned to either Lactobacillus reuteri
ATCC 55730 (1 × 108 colony forming units/day) or placebo for 30 days [75]. Body
weight gains/day was similar for all groups, and no adverse events were recorded.
Neonates receiving probiotic had a significant decrease in regurgitation and mean
108 S. Patole

daily crying time and a higher frequency of stools compared with those receiving
placebo. Gastric emptying rate was significantly increased, and fasting antral area
was significantly reduced in neonates receiving L. reuteri and breast-feeds compared
with those receiving placebo [75]. Indrio et al. [76] have also reported that prebiotic
oligosaccharides can modulate the electrical activity and the gastric emptying and
may improve the intestinal tolerance of enteral feeding in preterm neonates. In this
double blind RCT the percentage of time in which propagation was detected in
the electrogastrography (EGG) signal was twice in neonates receiving formula with
prebiotics compared with formula with placebo, and the gastric half-emptying time
was 30 % faster in the prebiotic group than the placebo group [76]. In another trial
(Indrio et al. [77]), cutaneous EGG and gastric emptying was studied in 49 preterm
neonates. A total of 17 were exclusively breast-fed; 32 were randomly assigned
to prebiotic-added formula, a probiotic-added formula (L. reuteri: 1 × 108 colony
forming units/day), or a formula with placebo for 30 days. After the intervention
period, the prebiotic, probiotic, and breast milk groups showed a higher percentage
of EGG slow wave propagation and faster gastric half emptying compared with the
placebo group [77].
Apart from hypomotility of the gut, high viscosity of meconium is thought to
contribute to delayed passage of meconium and feed intolerence in preterm neonates.
Westerbeek et al. [78] have studied the effect of neutral oligosaccharides [small-
chain galacto-oligosaccharides/long-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (scGOS/lcFOS)]
in combination with acidic oligosaccharides (pAOS) on stool viscosity, frequency
and pH in preterm neonates. Neonates (N = 113, gestation < 32 weeks and/or birth
weight < 1,500 g) were randomly allocated to either scGOS/lcFOS with pAOS or
a placebo. Stool viscosity at day 30 was lower in the prebiotics (16.8N) (3.9–67.8)
versus placebo group (26.3N) (1.3–148.0) (p = 0.03; 95 % CI: −0.80–0.03). There
was a trend towards higher stool frequency in the prebiotics versus placebo group
(3.1 ± 0.8 versus 2.8 ± 0.7; 95 % CI: −0.08–0.52; p = 0.15). Stool pH at day 30 was
lower in the in the prebiotics versus placebo group (5.9 ± 0.6 versus 6.2 ± 0.3, 95 %
CI: 0.08–0.53; p = 0.009) [78]. Mihatsch et al. [79] have also reported that formula
supplementation with GosFos reduced stool viscosity and accelerated gastrointestinal
transport in preterm neonates (gestation 27 (24–31) weeks) on FEF. No adverse
effects were observed. Modi et al. [80] have conducted a multicenter RCT comparing
preterm formula containing 0.8 g/100 ml scGOS/lcFOS in a 9:1 ratio and an otherwise
identical formula, using formula only to augment insufficient maternal milk supply.
Preterm (Gestation < 33 weeks), appropriately grown for gestational age neonates
(N = 160) were randomized within 24 h of birth. There was no significant difference
in the time to reach FEF of 150 ml/kg/day and the proportion of time between birth
and day 28/discharge that a total milk intake of ≥ 150 ml/kg/day was tolerated. There
was also no significant difference in secondary outcomes including growth, NEC, and
bloodstream infections. A significant benefit in feed tolerance was noted from trial
formula with increasing immaturity (2.9 % improved tolerance for a neonate born at
28-week gestation and 9.9 % at 26-week gestation; p < 0.001) but decreased or no
benefit in neonates > 31 week gestation [80]. A pilot double blind RCT (N = 28) by
Riskin et al. [81] suggests the safety of low dose lactulose supplementation in preterm
5 Aggressive Enteral Nutrition in Preterm Neonates 109

neonates. Neonates on lactulose had more Lactobacilli-positive stool cultures that

appeared earlier with larger number of colonies, less feed intolerance, fewer episodes
of late-onset sepsis, lower NEC and be discharged home earlier. Their nutritional
laboratory indices were better; especially calcium and total protein [81]. The role of
probiotic and/or prebiotics in facilitating feed tolerance in preterm neonates needs
to be evaluated further.

10 Discussion

The concept of aggressive enteral nutrition has been widely accepted following the
realisation of the frequency and consequences of EUGR in preterm neonates. Delay
in commencing feeds, being too conservative whilst upgrading feeds, stopping feeds
in presence of perceived risk factors for NEC, and failure to provide optimal bal-
anced protein calorie intake during the critical early postnatal life, are the important
contributors for EUGR. It is important to note that aggressive enteral nutrition is
easier to advocate than practice considering the inherent limitations imposed on how
much and how fast a preterm neonate can be fed without increasing the risk of NEC
or long term adverse effects. A close scrutiny of the current evidence indicates that
the safe upper limits of various aspects of aggressive enteral feeding of extremely
preterm neonates are either poorly defined or inadequately assessed. Even the defi-
nition and safety of early trophic feeds in terms of an increased risk of NEC is not
clear. Not many studies include enough number of extremely preterm neonates who
are at the highest risk of NEC. Most of the recent studies reporting benefits of early
aggressive enteral nutrition are observational in nature with high probability of bias
[82–84]. Results of the large retrospective cohort study showed that earlier initiation
of enteral nutrition was associated with lower risk of late-onset bacteremia only in
most mature VLBW infants (i.e., ≥ 28 and < 32 weeks) [82]. Generating evidence
from high quality definitive RCTs in extremely preterm neonates to address current
gaps in knowledge is difficult considering the low incidence of NEC that necessitates
large sample sizes. The long list of gaps in the knowledge also means conducting
a definitive pragmatic trial to address each one of the issues is not practical. Fac-
torial trials, cluster randomised trials, or the use of Bayesian statistics may help in
overcoming this difficulty [85]. The need for follow up studies to assess the long
term consequences of neonatal feeding strategies can not be overemphasised [86].
Pending further research what can be realistically achieved in terms of aggressive
enteral nutrition for extremely preterm neonates is rather limited in the context of
current evidence. However it is time to question an unduly conservative approach to
enteral feeding that is not evidence based either.
110 S. Patole


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Chapter 6
Metabolic Bone Disease of Prematurity

Suresh Birajdar, Mary Sharp and Sanjay Patole

Abstract Metabolic bone disease (MBD) is a significant complication that com-

monly affects extremely preterm (Gestation under 28 weeks) or very low birth weight
(Birth weight under 1,500 g) infants. Reduced bone mineralization is the pathog-
nomonic feature of MBD. Many hormonal and nutritional factors contribute to its
pathogenesis. Conditions such as bronchopulmonary dysplasia, necrotising entero-
colitis, and medications such as glucocorticoids and loop diuretics increase the risk.
MBD is often asymptomatic and can present with failure to wean off the ventila-
tor and/or long bone and rib fractures. Serum phosphate and alkaline phosphatase
levels can help in early diagnosis but lack sensitivity and specificity. Plain X-rays
of bones have low sensitivity because significant demineralization needs to occur
before the diagnostic changes become visible. Dual Energy X ray absorptiometry
(DEXA) is a more specific and sensitive diagnostic tool but it is not portable and in-
volves increased radiation exposure to the infant. Early enteral feeding, fortification
of preterm human milk with calcium, phosphorus and supplementation of vitamin
D have an important role in the prevention of MBD. Current evidence suggests that
MBD can reduce bone mineral contents and height in childhood but may not affect
eventual adult height and bone mineralization. However there are uncertainties about
its role in development of osteoporosis in adulthood. Future research is required to
evaluate the long term outcomes such as the risk of fractures and skeletal deformities
following MBD, and the role of systematic physical activity programs and maternal
vitamin D deficiency in the condition.

Key points
• Metabolic bone disease (MBD) of prematurity is a morbid condition affecting
mainly extremely preterm or very low birth weight neonates.

S. Birajdar () · M. Sharp · S. Patole

Department of Neonatal Paediatrics, King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women,
374 Bagot Road, Subiaco, City of Perth 6008, Western Australia, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Sharp · S. Patole
Centre for Neonatal Research and Education, University of Western Australia,
Perth, Western Australia, Australia

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 115

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3_6, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
116 S. Birajdar et al.

• Reduced bone mineralization, the pathognomonic feature of MBD, occurs due to

insufficient dietary intake of bone minerals.
• MBD is often asymptomatic and there is no gold standard investigation for its
• Optimisation of nutritional intake especially proteins and minerals can help in
prevention of MBD.

1 Introduction

The third trimester of pregnancy is the period for the greatest fetal mineral accre-
tion [1]. A fetus born at 24 weeks of gestation has total body calcium content only
10–15 % of its value at term. Preterm birth thus denies the opportunity to the infant
for mineral accretion. The nutritional needs of preterm infants in the early postna-
tal period are mostly provided via parenteral route considering their intolerance to
significant volume of milk feeds and supplements. However this route cannot match
the significant transplacental supply of essential nutrients and bone minerals (e.g.,
calcium and phosphorus) that the fetus receives [2]. Providing the required intake
of calcium and phosphorus is especially difficult given the complex bioavailability
and pharmacological properties of these bone minerals. The resultant inadequate
bone mineralization has been labelled as osteopenia of prematurity or more recently,
metabolic bone disease of prematurity (MBD) [1, 3]. Considering its insidious course
MBD is often diagnosed late when it manifests with complications such as fracture
of the bone. The survival of extremely preterm (gestation under 28 weeks) infants
has improved following the recent advances in neonatal intensive care, increasing
the absolute number of those who are at high risk for MBD. A clear understanding of
the epidemiology and pathogenesis of MBD in preterm infants is therefore necessary
for its prevention and optimal management.

2 Epidemiology and Health Burden

The incidence of MBD has been reported to vary from 3.4 % to 30 % in the studies
from 1990s [4] whereas earlier studies have reported it to be high as up to 55 %
in extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants [5]. The few recent reports indicate
that the incidence of MBD in preterm infants is declining following the advances in
nutritional care [6, 7]. MBD predominantly affects preterm (gestation < 32 weeks)
very low birth weight (birth weight < 1,500 g) infants [8, 9]. Those exposed to
prolonged parenteral nutrition (PN), sepsis, prolonged immobility and medications
such as steroid and diuretics are at a higher risk. The morbidity of MBD is significant
and includes reduced bone mineralization, abnormal bone remodeling and fractures.
Rib fractures can prolong mechanical ventilation and make successful extubation
difficult [9, 10]. The long term potential adverse effects include fractures in infancy
6 Metabolic Bone Disease of Prematurity 117

and reduced childhood height [11]. However no effect on adult height has been
demonstrated [12].

3 Pathophysiology

3.1 Intrauterine Bone Formation and Mineral Metabolism

A detailed discussion on the development of fetal and neonatal bones is beyond the
scope of this chapter. It is described in great detail by Rigo et al. [13]. The process
of bone formation and mineralization is influenced by multiple factors. An adequate
supply of protein and energy is required for collagen matrix synthesis whereas an
adequate calcium and phosphorus supply is necessary for bone mineralization [14].
Calciotropic hormones such as parathyroid hormone (PTH), parathyroid hormone
related protein (PTHrP), 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25 (OH)2 D) and calcitonin
maintain calcium, phosphorus and magnesium homeostasis by modulating their
physiological effects on each other and on target organs such as kidney, intestine
and bone [15]. Other factors such as growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor
1, cortisol and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) can also affect secretion or function of
calciotropic hormones and eventually mineral homeostasis [13, 16, 17].
The fetus receives most of the essential nutrients through placenta. Calcium is
transported across placenta by high affinity calcium pump. PTHrP and PTH facilitate
the transplacental transport of calcium and magnesium to the fetus [18, 19]. PTH
stimulates 25 (OH) D to bind to placental calcium receptor to promote calcium
transport to the fetus. PTH also increases the phosphorus flux. PTHrP regulates foetal
bone growth by stimulating foetal growth plate chondrocytes and cartilage specific
proteoglycans that modulate bone mineralization [20]. The net effect of the placental
active transport and hormonal influences makes the fetus relatively hypercalcemic
in comparison with its mother [18]. This relative hypercalcemia results in high fetal
calcitonin levels and consequently reduces the biological activity of osteoclasts. Thus
bone remodeling in the fetus favors bone formation [19].

3.2 Vitamin D Metabolism and its Role in Bone Development

The generic term “Vitamin D” denotes the precursors and metabolites of the
vitamin including ergocalciferol (vitamin D2), cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), 25-
Hydroxyvitamin D (25 (OH) D)—the most abundant metabolite in the circulation
and an useful index of vitamin D reserve, and the active hormone 1,25 (OH)2 D
(calcitriol) formed after further hydroxylation of 25 (OH) D in the kidneys [17, 21].
The fetus receives vitamin D from the placenta. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D [25 (OH) D]
crosses placenta and gets hydroxylated to 1,25 (OH)2 D in the fetal kidney [19]. The
process of renal hydroxylation of vitamin D develops by 26 weeks of gestation [22].
118 S. Birajdar et al.

Calcitriol is active in bone remodeling process and calcium homeostasis. It remains

unclear whether fetal or maternal vitamin D directly influences neonatal or childhood
bone mass. Animal studies have reported that offspring of vitamin D deficient rats or
1-hydroxylase null pigs have normal skeletal length, morphology and bone mineral
contents [23–25]. Additionally, placental transfer of calcium has been shown to be
adequate in absence of vitamin D [26, 27]. Collectively these studies indicate that
vitamin D or its receptor are not essential for fetal calcium homeostasis, skeletal
development, and mineralization [20]. However an observational study has reported
that maternal serum vitamin D levels under 27.5 mmol/L was associated with lower
bone mineral content in offspring at 9 years of age [28]. Confounding factors such
as maternal obesity, poor diet and poor antenatal care that may influence childhood
bone mineral content were unaccounted for in this study. Other investigators have
also hypothesised that apart from low birth weight and length, maternal low vitamin
D levels modulate intrauterine bone mineral acquisition and program childhood peak
bone mass and the risk of fractures in osteoporotic bones in adult life [29]. This hy-
pothesis has led to the recommendation of vitamin D supplementation in mothers
with serum 25(OH) D level under 25 nmol/L [21, 29, 30]. It is important to note that
there is no high quality evidence to support this recommendation. Supplementation
of vitamin D in excess amounts is not without adverse effect, as it is a fat-soluble
vitamin that can be stored in body for a long time [31].

3.3 Postnatal Bone Mineralization in Preterm Infants

Fetal skeletal mineralization occurs late in pregnancy. Between 24 weeks of gesta-

tion and term, the fetus accrues approximately 80 % of calcium, phosphorus and
magnesium [1]. Preterm infants therefore miss in part or completely the period of
greatest mineral accretion. They are also susceptible to hypocalcaemia because of
abrupt stoppage of transplacental mineral supply after umbilical cord clamping. The
relatively high plasma calcitonin levels and an immature response to increase in
plasma PTH concentration also increases the risk of hypocalcaemia [32]. Together
these factors put newborn infants in a state favoring bone resorption rather than de-
position [33]. The situation is further compounded by the difficulties in ensuring an
adequate mineral intake during the neonatal period particularly in the smallest, and
the sickest infants [34].
Postnatal bone mineralization needs adequate levels of minerals such as calcium
and phosphorus and vitamin D. Dietary calcium is absorbed in the small intestine
by both active and passive transports. Vitamin D is essential for active absorption of
calcium [21]. Other factors affecting calcium absorption in preterm infants include
the source of calcium (human milk or preterm formula), type of calcium salt, and the
amount and type of fat in the diet. Infants fed on exclusive human milk absorb 60 % of
the total dietary calcium [35]. Up to 80–90 % of the dietary phosphorus is absorbed
through the intestines and the process of absorption is independent of vitamin D.
The absolute amount of dietary phosphorus and relative concentrations of calcium
6 Metabolic Bone Disease of Prematurity 119

and phosphorus influence the net phosphorus absorption. An excess concentration

of either one reduces the absorption of the other [35].
Gastrointestinal conditions such as necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) and short
bowel syndrome can cause restricted enteral feeding, prolonged PN and reduced
absorption of minerals, predisposing the preterm infant to MBD [21].
Renal immaturity of preterm neonates plays an important role in the pathogenesis
of MBD. In adults and children almost all-urinary Ca is reabsorbed through the renal
tubule. However this reabsorption does not occur in preterm infants who have a
tendency to excrete high amount of calcium through urine [35]. Preterm infants also
have low urinary threshold for phosphate excretion, even in presence of low serum
levels. The hypercalciuria is increased by concomitant hypophosphatemia [36].
Associated comorbidities such as bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) can in-
crease the risk of MBD in preterm infants. Infants with BPD are often fluid restricted
and have higher energy expenditure. As a result they have an inadequate supply of nu-
trients required for bone growth. Infants treated with loop diuretics (e.g., Furosemide)
and caffeine have increased urinary calcium losses [37]. The use of corticosteroids in
the treatment of BPD has been associated with increased MBD. In vitro studies have
shown that corticosteroids can suppress human osteoblastic cell function and DNA
synthesis [38]. Infants treated with dexamethasone are reported to have low bone
mineral content as measured by Dual Energy X ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) [39].
Dexamethasone treatment for BPD has also been associated with reduced mark-
ers for bone formation (Bone specific alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin) and
increased markers for bone resorption (urinary deoxypyridinoline) [40] (Table 6.1,
6.2) (Fig. 6.1, 6.2).

4 Mechanical Factors Contributing to MBD

Mechanical factors play an important role in fetal mineral accretion. The regular fetal
kicks against the uterine wall represent an intrauterine form of resistance training that
increases osteoblast activity and helps in bone growth and remodeling [41]. Several
studies have demonstrated that physical activity increases bone density in children,
adolescents and adults [42–44]. Lack of activity is known to result in bone resorption
and decreased bone mineral density [45, 46]. The prolonged period of hospitalization
of preterm infants without physical stimulation may contribute to bone demineraliza-
tion. The preterm infant is usually hypotonic and its spontaneous movements do not
meet any resistance as in utero against uterine wall. This leads to less bone loading
and less new bone formation [41]. Congenital neuromuscular disorders, sepsis and
use of paralytic agents are often associated with prolonged periods of immobility
resulting in bone resorption, hypercalciuria, and demineralization [47].
120 S. Birajdar et al.

Table 6.1 Risk factors for MBD of prematurity

Gestational age under 28 weeks
Very low birth weight (birth weight under 1,500 g)
Feeding practices
Delayed feeding/restricted feeds
Unfortified human milk
Inadequate dietary supplements
Lack of mechanical stimulation
Syndromic causes
Spina bifida
Gastrointestinal/surgical conditions requiring prolonged parenteral nutrition
Necrotizing enterocolitis
Short bowel syndrome
Congenital gastrointestinal tract anomalies
Maternal and placental pathologies
Intrauterine growth restriction
Magnesium sulphate therapy
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Vitamin D deficiency

5 Clinical Features and Diagnosis

MBD is usually an asymptomatic disease. Clinical manifestations are often non-

specific and appear between the 6th and 12th postnatal week [48]. Undiagnosed
MBD can present with failure to wean off the ventilator and bone fractures [8, 49].
Sometimes it is incidentally detected on routine chest or abdominal radiographs.
There are no definitive diagnostic criteria for MBD in preterm infants. Osteopenia
conventionally implies that there is reduced bone mass. Historically plain radiographs
of long bones have been used to define the extent of MBD (Table 6.3) [50]. The in-
terpretation of reduced bone mass on plain radiographs is very subjective [3, 51]. In
1994 the World Health Organisation established the criteria for diagnosis of osteope-
nia as reduced bone mineral density (BMD) below 1 standard deviation from normal
[52]. Since the term osteopenia now has a specific quantitative definition, its general
use in the context of MBD in preterm infants is best avoided. The diagnosis of MBD
involves clinical signs, radiological findings, biochemical markers and measurement
of bone mineral content (BMC).
There are no screening tests that have high sensitivity and specificity. Nevertheless
serial screening of at risk infants is suggested by some authors. Screening starting as
6 Metabolic Bone Disease of Prematurity 121

Table 6.2 Biochemical markers for MBD in preterm infants

Biochemical Changes in Advantages Limitations
Parameter MBD
Serum ALP Not specific/sensitive

Bone ALP Increased Easy availability Poor correlation with


Serum Calcium Normal,

increased or
decreased Easy availability Poor sensitivity and
Serum Phosphorus Decreased

Urinary Ca and Ph Decreased or Non invasive, Difficult to interpret

Normal easy to perform

Urinary pyridinoline Increased Not widely available

and deoxypyridinoline Marker of bone
turnover than

Procollagen type I C- - Indicates Not widely available

terminal prepetide osteoblastic
(PICP) activity

Fig. 6.1 X-ray of the lower

limb at 12 weeks after birth in
a preterm (gestation
28 weeks) infant with
gastroschisis and chronic lung
disease. Note the severe
demineralization and cortical
thinning of long bones. The
infant received long term
parenteral nutrition for short
bowel syndrome, and required
prolonged ventilation, and
treatment with furosemide
and dexamethasone
122 S. Birajdar et al.

Fig. 6.2 (a) X-ray of the forearm bone in a preterm (gestation 26 weeks) infant with intestinal
atresia requiring prolonged parenteral nutrition and chronic lung disease requiring treatment with
furosemide and dexamethasone. Note demineralization of bone matrix and thin cortex along with
fracture of humerus. (b) X-ray showing healing of the fracture and improved mineralization after
2 weeks of increasing oral intake and supplementation with calcium and phosphate

Table 6.3 Radiological grading of metabolic bone disease (MBD) in preterm infants [50]
Grade of MBD X-ray changes
Normal (Grade 0) Normal density of bone cortex
Grade 1 Thinning of cortex
Increased submetaphyseal lucency
Grade 2 Irregularity and fraying of metaphyses
Splaying and cupping: signs of rickets
Grade 3 Changes of rickets with bone fractures

early as 3 weeks of postnatal age in extremely preterm and low birth weight infants
can help in the diagnosis of MBD in asymptomatic infants [53].

5.1 Biochemical Markers

There is no gold standard biochemical marker to diagnose MBD in preterm infants.

Various serum and urinary parameters are used as indicators of MBD (Table 6.2).
The typical findings include normal serum calcium; low serum phosphate and high
serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) concentrations. Increasing serum ALP levels have
been associated with increased risk of MBD. Serum ALP value above 700 IU/L at 3
weeks postnatal age in ex preterm infants has been proposed as an indicator of MBD
(sensitivity 73 % and specificity 74 %, positive likelihood ratio 2.79, negative likeli-
hood ratio 0.369) [53]. The sensitivity and specificity of detection of MBD increased
to 100 % and 97 %, respectively when high serum ALP values (above 900 IU/L)
were combined with low serum inorganic phosphorus (under 1.8 mmol/mL) [54].
Alkaline phosphatase can come into serum from different sources like bone, liver
and placenta. BALP, an isoenzyme of ALP originating from bones has been studied
6 Metabolic Bone Disease of Prematurity 123

as a more specific marker of bone turnover and demineralization [55]. However re-
cent studies have showed that total ALP had a highly positive relation with BALP
from 3 weeks to 17 weeks post-natal age and BALP provided no additional bene-
fit in early detection of MBD [54]. Biochemical markers have been shown to have
poor correlation with more specific radiological markers such as Dual-Energy X-ray
absorptiometry (DEXA), Quantitative ultrasound and X ray of bones [54, 56–59].
Transient rise in serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) has been reported in response
to hypocalcemia early in the course of MBD of prematurity [60]. It may be secondary
to associated vitamin D deficiency and inadequate dietary intake of calcium. More
studies are needed to know the exact incidence of secondary hyperparathyroidism in
MBD of prematurity.
Urinary excretion of calcium and phosphate has been suggested as an indicator
of bone mineral storage. A high urinary concentration of calcium and phosphorus
(1–2 mmol/L of each) can indicate surplus of both minerals that may be enough for
adequate bone mineralization [61]. However urinary calcium and phosphorus con-
centrations depend on a complex interaction between intake, absorption, retention,
losses via faeces and sweat, as well as renal function and water balance. The low
renal phosphate threshold in preterm infants results in urinary excretion of phosphate
despite a low serum phosphate concentration [62]. These factors make interpretation
of urinary phosphate excretion pattern even more difficult.
Urinary excretion of markers of bone turnover may be used to assess changes
in the skeletal system. Degradation products of type-1 collagen, pyridinoline and
deoxypyridinoline (DPD) can be excreted in excess quantity during periods of bone
turnover [63]. However interpretation of these findings is difficult as they reflect
either bone formation or bone resorption. There is no significant correlation between
collagen cross-link excretion and bone mineral density [64]. The serum levels of
C-terminal propeptide of type I collagen (PICP), which indicates osteoblast activity,
have been proposed to be good surrogate markers for bone mineralization in preterm
infants [38]. However there is lack of normative data in preterm infants.

5.2 Radiological Features

Early radiological appearance of MBD is characterized by reduced bone density of

the metaphyses of long bones. With more severe disease, the changes become more
pronounced, showing demineralization or frank osteomalacia and rickets with loss
of zone of provisional calcification and fraying of metaphyses [50]. The evidence
of osteopenia is best seen in areas of rapid bone growth such as the wrist and knee.
However these areas are seldom available routinely for evaluation. It is therefore
important to carefully inspect the proximal humerus and the hip while assessing
chest and abdominal X-rays [65]. It is important to note that a significant amount
of reduction (20–50 %) in bone mineral density is required to detect these changes
on conventional X-rays [66, 67]. Dual Energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is a
more specific and sensitive tool to evaluate bone mineralization in infants and young
children [68, 69]. However it is not portable, involves increased radiation exposure
124 S. Birajdar et al.

to the infant, and interpretation of the results are influenced by movement artifact
[68–70]. Quantitative ultrasound (QS) has been used as a tool to assess bone heath in
adults as well as in infants, by measuring the cortical thickness, elasticity and bone
architecture. This modality has the advantage of being portable, low cost and not
involving radiation exposure [57, 71]. QS can identify the changes in bone mineral
accretion after preterm birth and subsequent increase in cortical porosity and bone,
but has no correlation with markers of bone resorption [72]. In absence of data
supporting its ability to predict changes of MBD or fracture in preterm infants, QS
continues to remains a research tool [58, 71].

6 Prevention of MBD of Prematurity

6.1 Supplementation of Minerals and Vitamins

Postnatal supplementation of minerals and vitamins has an important role in pre-

vention of MBD of prematurity. Current recommendations for daily requirements
are as follows: (1) Calcium (mg/kg/day): Enteral: 120–140, Parenteral: 60–90 (2)
Phosphate (mg/kg/day): Enteral: 60–90, Parenteral: 40–70 (3) Vitamin D (IU/day):
Enteral: 800–1,000, Parenteral: 400 [73, 74]

6.1.1 Supplementation of Minerals Through PN

Many extremely preterm VLBW infants are solely dependent on PN for mineral and
energy supply during the first few days after birth, as oral feeds are not tolerated well.
Due to their high requirements of minerals [74], neither the standard PN solutions
nor the enteral intake can safely deliver the amounts of calcium and phosphorus
necessary to match intrauterine accretion in extremely preterm infants [75, 76].
Increasing concentrations of calcium and phosphate in PN can result in calcium
phosphate precipitation [77]. The presence of large calcium phosphate crystals may
occlude pulmonary arterioles leading to life threatening consequences such as acute
respiratory distress, pulmonary embolus, interstitial pneumonitis, thrombosis and
catheter occlusion [77–79]. The solubility of calcium and phosphorus is affected by
many factors including the concentration of calcium and phosphorus itself, glucose;
and amino acid concentration and temperature and pH of the PN solution [75, 80].
The higher the concentration of glucose and amino acids in the PN, the greater the
amount of calcium and phosphorus that can be mixed in the solutions without causing
precipitation [81, 82]. Addition of L-cysteine hydrochloride can reduce pH of the PN
solution, which in turn can promote compatibility of calcium and phosphorus [81].
Formulations of PN solution containing glycerophoshate and monobasic phosphate
allow delivery of greater amounts of calcium and phosphorus without precipitation
[76, 80, 83]. Addition of calcium and phosphorus in a ratio of 1.7:1 in parenteral
solutions has been suggested for balanced retention of both minerals [84, 85].
6 Metabolic Bone Disease of Prematurity 125

6.1.2 Supplementation of Minerals Through Enteral Feeding

Supplementation of minerals through PN cannot achieve optimal calcium and phos-

phorus retention. Supplementation of minerals through enteral feeding is therefore of
paramount importance. Once oral feeds are started, these infants can get the nutrients
from either mother’s milk or pasteurized donor human milk or from preterm for-
mula. Historically these mineral supplements have been provided by direct addition
to breast milk, or via preterm formula or fortified breast milk.
Unfortified human milk is known to have low nutritional value for extremely
preterm infant, which includes low calcium and phosphorus levels [2, 86–88]. The
exclusive feeding of unfortified human milk in extremely preterm infants has been
associated with poor rates of growth and nutritional deficiencies [89]. Compared to
preterm formula, infants fed with unfortified breast milk have increased incidence
of MBD [88, 90]. Human milk fortification is therefore very commonly undertaken
to provide extra supply of the much-needed nutrients to this high-risk population of
neonates. Studies have shown that fortification of preterm human milk with calcium,
phosphorus and protein improves the bone mineralization and growth comparable to
preterm formula in low birth weight infants. However insufficient data is available
for evaluating long term neurodevelopment and growth [91, 92] or for assessing
complications of MBD such as fractures.
Even though human milk contains less calcium and phosphorus than formula, it
is postulated to have higher bioavailability [93]. In preterm infants fed human milk,
60–70 % of calcium is absorbed compared to 35–60 % for preterm formulas [35]. Still
a significant positive association was found between the neonatal intake of human
milk in preterm infants and whole-body skeletal size and bone mineral content at 5
years of age. This apparent beneficial effect of human milk is hypothesized to be due
to nonnutritive factors in human milk [12].
The dietary absorption of calcium can be variable depending on the availability
of vitamin D and dietary sources. Daily oral vitamin D supplementation (800–1,000
IU/day) [73] is recommended in all preterm infants, as they are deficient of it. Fur-
thermore, breast milk is a poor source of vitamin D [94], which plays an important
role in maintaining bone mineral-hormonal milieu. The type of salt used in cal-
cium supplements also affects its absorption (e.g., calcium glycerophosphate used
in human milk fortifier has high calcium retention rate up to 90 mg/kg/day) [14].
Direct addition of calcium and phosphorus to milk is not preferable as they can
precipitate and may result in decreased absorption. Preterm formulas containing high
amount of calcium can result in increased faecal calcium excretion, increased stool
hardness and decreased gastrointestinal transit time resulting in increased risk of
NEC [35].
Minimal enteral feedings (MEF), i.e., feeds between 12 and 24 mL/kg/day, started
as early as day 1 of life, have been shown to improve calcium retention, lower alkaline
phosphatase levels and increase bone mineral content, compared to infants who were
not fed or received only PN [95–97]. Even though MEF increases bone mineral
content in preterm infants, they remain osteopenic compared to term infants. Further
126 S. Birajdar et al.

research is needed to establish the safety of aggressive MEF in critically sick preterm
infants and its benefits with respect to long term bone growth and mineralization [96].

6.2 Physical Activity Programs

Minimal handling facilitates stability and minimizes stress in hospitalized preterm

infants. However the resultant inactivity has been proposed to contribute to subop-
timal stimulation of bone metabolism [34]. Physical activity programs (PAP) have
been shown to reduce bone loss and risk of osteoporotic fractures in adults and
children [44, 98, 99]. Based on these benefits PAP have been adopted to improve
bone mineral content in preterm infants. Systematic PAP consists of extension and
flexion, range-of-motion exercises of both the infant’s upper and lower limbs, ad-
ministered for several minutes at a time several times a week for at least two weeks
[68, 100–103]. A systematic review of randomised and quasi-randomised trials has
assessed whether PAP improves bone mineralization and growth and reduce the risk
of fractures in preterm infants [104]. Six small and single centre trials enrolling 169
preterm infants (gestation: 26–34 weeks) were included in this review. All evaluated
daily physical activity for 3.5–4 weeks during initial hospitalization. The method-
ological quality and reporting of all trials was poor. Two trials (N = 55) reported
moderate short-term benefits on bone mineralization at completion of the PAP. The
only trial (N = 20) assessing long-term effects showed no effect of PAP during initial
hospitalization on bone mineralization at 12 months corrected age. Meta-analysis
from three trials (N = 78) demonstrated an effect of PAP on daily weight gain
(WMD 2.77 g/kg/day, 95 % CI 1.62, 3.92). Two trials reported no effect on lin-
ear growth or head growth during the PAP. The authors concluded that the current
evidence does not support the routine PAP in preterm infants, and further trials re-
cruiting infants with a high baseline risk of osteopenia and assessing adverse events
(e.g., fractures, skeletal deformities), and the effects of nutrient intakes are necessary

7 Treatment of MBD in Preterm Infants

Optimisation of nutritional intake through PN and/or enteral feeds is paramount in

the treatment of established MBD in preterm infants. If mineral intake is inadequate
in spite of fortification, an additional oral supplementation of calcium and phosphate
salts is recommended. Monitoring serum levels of phosphorus, calcium and ALP is
necessary to guide replacement of calcium and phosphorus. Review of medications
that predispose to MBD (steroids, diuretics and caffeine) is warranted so that their
doses can be altered. Ongoing surveillance for early detection of fractures and their
standardized management in the form of analgesia, splinting and serial X-rays should
be considered in all cases of MBD with fractures.
6 Metabolic Bone Disease of Prematurity 127

8 Fractures in MBD

Fractures have been reported to occur at variable frequency (1.2–30 %) in preterm

infants. The incidence of fractures is reported to be higher in VLBW infants [8, 49].
It is important to note that such reports are based on retrospective reviews of X
rays done for clinical suspicion of a fracture or following incidental detection. The
true incidence of fractures in preterm infants thus remains unknown. Rib fractures
are commonest amongst all non-traumatic neonatal fractures, most likely due to the
higher frequency of chest X rays as opposed to other radiographs [49, 105]. Rib
fractures have been most commonly associated with infants with MBD who were
extremely sick, septic, ventilated and required high percentage of oxygen [105].
Fractures associated with MBD are usually asymptomatic and except for simple
splinting, specific orthopaedic interventions are not required. This is also partly
related to the presence of satisfactory callus formation at the time of diagnosis and
the increased risk of bone resorption with immobilisation.
Prospective long-term follow up of fractures in VLBW infants with MBD has
shown complete resolution after 6 months with no residual skeletal deformities.
However fractures sustained post discharge from the neonatal intensive care unit
pose a difficult diagnostic dilemma as to whether they are related to MBD or sec-
ondary to non-accidental injury (NAI). Fractures involving multiple sites and ribs,
especially posterior ribs, are classically viewed as highly suspicious of Non Acci-
dental Injury (NAI) [106–108]. Posterior rib fractures from NAI have been thought
to be associated with a shaking injury where infants are squeezed [106, 109, 110].
They have been reported to have positive predictive value as high as 95 % to indicate
NAI [107]. However in preterm babies with MBD, posterior ribs are the commonest
sites for bone fractures. In babies with MBD, rib and long bone fractures can be
noted in first six months of infantile life and can occur post discharge from Neonatal
Intensive Care Units [105]. Ignorance of this knowledge can have medico legal reper-
cussions as attribution the rib fractures to NAI without consideration of pathologies
like congenital rickets, MBD and maternal vitamin D deficiency has recently led to
wrongful persecution of parents for child abuse [111]. The legal fraternity has called
for further research into different aspects of fractures, vitamin D deficiency in mother
and babies under 6 months of age [112].
Like calcium and phosphorus, Copper deficiency can present as metabolic bone
disease in VLBW infants especially those requiring long-term parenteral nutrition.
The radiographic appearances of long bones in Copper deficient infants can mimic
those seen in infants with NAI [113].

9 Nutritional Support for Infants with MBD

After Hospital Discharge

The ideal duration of mineral supplementation in preterm infants is currently un-

known. Considering the underlying pathophysiology of MBD, the supplementation
of minerals till term gestation or weight comparable to normal term infant is logical
128 S. Birajdar et al.

[35]. The supportive data for this strategy is based on the facts that (1) maximum
intrauterine mineral accretion occurs from the third trimester till term [1] (2) com-
plications associated with MBD including fractures usually occur at 2–4 months in
VLBW infants [8, 9] (3) mineral supplementation for shorter duration (6–8 weeks)
has not shown to prevent MBD and fractures in VLBW infants [8]. There are no
published studies assessing the benefits of longer periods of supplemental nutrition
in the preterm infant after discharge from the hospital. Kurl et al. have reported that
extremely preterm infants exclusively breast fed after discharge from hospital had
low bone mineral content, but they had normal catch up growth and weight gain
[114]. Apart from being observational, this study has other limitations including the
fact that the milk intake was not quantitated, and postnatal use of steroid was very
prevalent. Currently there is no sufficient evidence to continue supplementation of
minerals in ex preterm infants that are exclusively breastfed, after hospital discharge.

10 Long-Term Complications

10.1 Adult Height

Preterm infants are known to have lesser than normal height as well as reduced bone
mineral density in their adulthood compared to population references. Suboptimal
early nutrition and energy intake has been considered as preventable cause for this
finding. However dietary interventions in the form of early enteral feeding in preterm
infants have shown to have no significant effect on their peak bone mass or bone
turnover as adults [115]. It is likely that prematurity may influence final height and
bone mass by another unknown mechanism.

10.2 Osteoporosis in Adulthood

There is increasing focus on optimizing the accretion of bone mass during infancy and
childhood to maximize the peak bone mass attained at skeletal maturity [116]. This
has been proposed as a strategy for reducing later osteoporosis in adulthood. Preterm
infants have been followed up to test this hypothesis as they are at the risk of MBD
and have suboptimal bone growth in infancy and early childhood. However studies
suggest that preterm infants may eventually attain a level of bone mineralization in
proportion to their body size [114, 117].

11 Summary and Future Research

Considering that the clinical manifestations of MBD in preterm infants appear very
late and can cause significant morbidity, it is important to identify it early by reg-
ular screening and having a high index of suspicion. Early detection and treatment
6 Metabolic Bone Disease of Prematurity 129

Table 6.4 Guidelines for managing metabolic bone disease (MBD) in preterm infants
Born at less than 28 weeks or with birth weight less than 1,500 g
Infants requiring parenteral nutrition for more than 4 weeks
Infants with prolonged courses of diuretics or steroids
Start at 4 weeks of age and repeat monthly (if normal results) or fortnightly if results are
abnormal until discharge
Alkaline phosphatase, serum phosphate and serum calcium
Consider diagnosis of MBD
Serum ALP greater than 900 IU/L and serum phosphate less than 1.8 mmol/L
Optimize calcium and phosphate intake by fortification of feeds and/or additional phosphate,
calcium and vitamin D supplements
Measure serum ALP, Calcium and phosphate levels weekly till normal levels achieved
Urinary calcium and phosphate measures can be helpful to ensure adequate supplements are

of MBD is especially more important in extremely preterm infants born at gesta-

tional age of 23–26 weeks, who are at the highest risk for the condition (Table 6.4).
MBD appears to be a self-resolving disease in preterm infants, but a period of dem-
ineralization associated with the condition is not acceptable. Although the potential
long-term consequences of MBD on attainment of peak bone mass are not clear at
present, there is definite merit in preventing its short-term consequences to avoid
fractures and improve linear growth.
The role of maternal Vitamin D in bone development and mineralization during
fetal and neonatal life and beyond childhood needs to be explored further. The hy-
pothesis suggesting its influence on intrauterine programming of childhood bone
mass also needs to be studied. Evidence indicates that systematic physical activ-
ity programs may be beneficial in prevention of MBD. Definitive large randomised
controlled trials are necessary to evaluate their safety and efficacy and long-term
outcomes such as fractures and skeletal deformities.


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Chapter 7
Gastro-Esophageal Reflux in Neonatology

Keith J. Barrington

Abstract Gastro-esophageal reflux (GER) is a near universal phenomenon in new-

born infants. Regurgitation is so frequent that its complete absence may be considered
as evidence of inadequate milk intake. GER occurs usually in association with tran-
sient relaxations of the lower esophageal sphincter, which may be triggered by entry
of milk into the stomach, and is not associated with delayed gastric emptying. GER
can be quantified using monitoring techniques which require prolonged presence of
a foreign body in the esophagus. Either just pH (for possible complications related to
acid exposure) monitoring or pH with multiple intraluminal impedance monitoring
are available. Other investigations are rarely helpful. The definitions and diagnostic
criteria of GER disease (GERD) are controversial and there is no consensus regard-
ing which clinical signs may be caused by GER. In particular behavioural changes,
feeding difficulties and significant apnea have not been clearly shown to be increased
in infants with higher frequency of GER episodes, or to be temporally related to them.
Prokinetic agents are ineffective. Anti-acid medications may effectively reduce gas-
tric acid production, but have not been shown to improve clinical symptoms, and
are associated with increased infectious risk, and may reduce the absorption of some
micronutrients. In cases of acid related disease a therapeutic trial may be indicated if
the benefits are thought to outweigh the risks. Reflux spontaneously improves over
time in the preterm infant, but may be prolonged in those with surgical conditions
such as esophageal atresia and diaphragmatic hernia.

Key points
• Gastro-esophageal reflux is universal in newborn infants, but serious clinical
consequences are very unusual.
• There is no clear method to clinically diagnose reflux which is causing clinical
• Documentation of increased numbers and duration of episodes can be done with
prolonged pH monitoring for acid reflux, or with combined multiple intraluminal
impedance and pH monitoring for both acid and non-acid reflux.

K. J. Barrington ()
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte Justine, Department of Pediatrics,
University of Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 135

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3_7, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
136 K. J. Barrington

• There is no proven effective medical therapy for reflux disease. Thickening feeds
has a modest effect on reflux, but is not proven to work in reflux disease, and
other medications are both ineffective and may have side effects.
• Some patients with surgical diagnoses or serious neurologic impairment do have
major clinical consequences of reflux. The only proven effective therapy for them
is surgery.

1 Introduction

Almost all human babies have reflux, regurgitation, possiting, vomiting, or throwing
up. The wide variety of terms (and there are many others) is evidence of the ubiquitous
nature of the phenomenon. Baby mammals take in relatively huge volumes of liquid
nutrition (equivalent to over 15 liters a day if extrapolated to the size of an adult)
and regurgitate some of it. Even when not external and obvious, reflux of stomach
contents into the esophagus (gastro-esophageal reflux-GER) is a nearly universal
phenomenon in the newborn. Preterm and sick newborn infants also may have GER,
and they often have clinical signs and worse outcomes attributed to GER. In some
NICUs a large proportion of preterm infants receive therapy aimed at GER during
their hospitalization, and they may be discharged from hospital while still receiving
these drugs or other interventions.

2 Epidemiology of GER and Objective Diagnosis

The epidemiology of GER and GERD depends on how they are defined. Quantifying
how often GER occurs is done either with pH-metry, continuously measuring the
pH in the esophagus to detect the presence of gastric acid, or with the multiple
intraluminal impedance (MII) technique, which can detect reflux of any pH, and can
also determine the relative height of the reflux in the esophagus [1]. Both techniques
require a foreign body in the esophagus, which might by itself increase the prevalence
of GER episodes.
As mentioned before, some degree of GER is almost universal, and sometimes
it will occur when the gastric pH is acidic. Therefore statistically normal standards
for acid reflux in the lower esophagus have been developed [2]. Usually these de-
pend on detection of a pH < 4 in the lower esophagus; the number of episodes of
pH < 4 per hour, the proportion of time the esophageal pH is < 4, and the aver-
age duration of pH < 4 episodes have all been used as indicators of GER; using
these data various reflux indices have been constructed. The studies which have
tried to define normal values for GER have demonstrated that it is quite unusual
to have no reflux whatsoever, confirming the initial statements introducing this
chapter. In the preterm infant there are fewer normative studies, but they confirm
the universality of GER in the preterm. The small amount of data available shows
7 Gastro-Esophageal Reflux in Neonatology 137

fewer episodes of acid [2] reflux, and shorter total duration of acid exposure of the
esophagus compared to the term infant. How much these data are influenced by
the lower gastric acid production in the preterm is uncertain, but even very preterm
infants produce some gastric acid in the first days of life, and are able to produce
a gastric pH less than 4 shortly after birth [3], so acid reflux should be detectable.
Infants with surgical or neurologic problems who were born at term are appropriately
compared to term normal values from healthy infants.
Clearly, defining GER according to a statistical norm will determine how fre-
quently it occurs, a value above the 90th percentile for the number of episodes of
GER will occur in 10 % of infants. There are several limitations to this type of sta-
tistical definition of GER, mainly that the frequency of reflux and the presence of
symptoms or signs due to reflux are not closely correlated with each other, either in
the newborn or in older infants [4].
In adults the phenomenon of high pH, alkaline, reflux is well recognized, and
may be of clinical importance, whether such non-acid reflux might have clinical
consequences in the newborn is uncertain. Alkaline reflux however appears to be
uncommon in the preterm [5]. More importantly in the newborn the usual feed,
milk, is a reasonably good buffer of acid. This means that episodes of GER occurring
immediately after a feed may not have a low enough pH to drop the esophageal pH
below 4. This has been very well studied by Omari and Davidson [6] who showed
an increase in gastric pH to almost neutral pH within 30 min of a milk feed. They
further demonstrated that by comparing gastric to esophageal pH they could still
detect GER during the period of time that the pH was buffered, but many of those
GER episodes were not associated with a fall of esophageal pH to below 4. Some
investigators have suggested replacing a feed of milk with apple juice for this reason,
apple juice having a mildly acidic pH. However, this too is problematic as apple juice
is not affected by gastric enzymes in the same way as milk, therefore remains very
fluid in the stomach and seems to be much easier to reflux, therefore biasing the
These are some of the reasons behind the development of the MII technique; this
newer technique detects both acid and non-acid reflux. The MII technique requires a
catheter with multiple electrical impedance electrodes to be appropriately placed in
the esophagus an antimony pH electrode is also integrated into the catheter; MII pro-
duces multi-channel recordings which are laborious to interpret, although automated
techniques are being developed. Liquid passing the catheter increases impedance,
whereas air decreases impedance. Therefore the nature, height, and direction of fluid
movements can be described. More recently the baseline impedance value has been
promoted as a way of determining mucosal integrity [7]. Most episodes are detected
by the MII, some by both MII and pH, and relatively rarely an episode of GER can
occur which is detected by the pH probe, but does not satisfy GER criteria by MII
[8]. Normal values for the preterm have been developed. The proportion of GER
which is non-acid, therefore not recognized by pH probe alone has varied between
studies, but is usually at least 50 %.
In the same way as for pH-metry, definitions of abnormal are made on a statistical
basis, so 10 % of infants will have “abnormal” combined MII/pH results beyond the
138 K. J. Barrington

90th percentile. These may be a different 10 % to those defined by pH alone. Again the
major problem with using this statistical definition of GER is the poor association
between reflux frequency or duration and the presence of symptoms attributed to
Other methods of diagnosis have been used. They include short term evaluations
such as a radiographic contrast study, which only informs the caregivers of GER
during the few minutes that the images are taken, an ultrasound study which can be
more prolonged [9] (but is unlikely to last several hours) and can eliminate other
pathologies, or scintigraphic studies, which can determine if the radiolabelled tracer
is detected in the lungs, and therefore are one way of diagnosing pulmonary aspi-
ration, but only aspiration occurring during that particular feed. Finally esophageal
manometry (usually combined with pH monitoring) which is a technique used very
effectively by some groups [10], but requires a great deal of expertise, and a tube that
passes through the lower esophageal sphincter, which may itself increase GER [11].

3 Pathophysiology of GE Reflux

GER is normally prevented by tonic activity of the lower esophageal sphincter.

Relaxations of the LES are required for normal swallowing, but may also occur
spontaneously and are known as “transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations”.
This phenomenon has been well studied in the preterm newborn. Transient LES
relaxations occur between swallows most commonly as a component of reflux
episodes [12], about 3/4 of transient LES relaxations are associated with GER
episodes. The converse is also true, the large majority of GER episodes occur when
there are transient LES relaxations [13, 14]. Such relaxations and reflux episodes
are triggered by milk entering the stomach, even at relatively small volumes that do
not cause significant gastric distension [15]. The horizontal position of the newborn
infant also contributes to the occurrence of GER, and when an infant begins to stand,
and then walk, reflux becomes much less of a clinical problem. LES relaxations are
associated with both acid and non-acid reflux. It was previously thought that gastric
emptying was prolonged in infants experiencing GER, however direct measurement
of gastric emptying has shown no delay in newborn infants with GER [13, 16].

4 GER Disease

Reflux becomes a disease or disorder when the refluxed liquid leads to clinical
consequences of importance, either because of the nature of the liquid (such as in
acid erosive esophagitis) or because of pathophysiologic consequences of responses
to the liquid, such as when liquid is aspirated into the lungs.
Non-acid regurgitation without aspiration is generally of no consequence other
than being messy; however the presence of regurgitations or the suspected presence
7 Gastro-Esophageal Reflux in Neonatology 139

of GER may lead to other investigations to determine whether there is an abnormally

high number of GER episodes. Which pathologic consequences of GER, that is
GERD, actually occur in the newborn, in contrast, has proven so difficult to define in
the neonatal population (see below) that its prevalence is unknown and it is uncertain
what consequences exist.
What disease entities might be triggered by GER, and thus warrant the term
GERD? They might be due to reflux of acid, or reflux of gastric contents with
non-acid-related physiologic consequences.
Serious consequences of reflux in healthy term or preterm infants are rare. Most
clinical signs thought to be associated with GER have been minor. Neurologically
impaired infants with reduced airway protection, on the other hand, may suffer
from recurrent pulmonary aspiration. The presence of regurgitation or a history of
pulmonary aspiration in an infant with neurological compromise warrants an MII
test, and may require therapy, including surgery, to prevent complications. Some
infants with surgical disorders (in particular diaphragmatic hernia [17] or tracheo-
oesophageal fistula [18]) also may have very prominent reflux and may develop
erosive esophagitis.
GERD is so frequent after repair of diaphragmatic hernia that some authorities
have suggested that initial repair of the defect should be accompanied by surgical anti-
reflux measures [19], however, the latest data suggest that the benefits are short-lived,
as clinical signs of reflux decrease by 24 months. Potent acid suppression medications
may well be required for these infants, as most of the reported complications have
been due to acid esophagitis, it is likely that only pH metry is required for diagnosis
and monitoring, rather than MII. After trachea-esophageal fistula/esophageal atresia
repair, esophageal dysmotility is universal. The clinical importance of GER in these
patients in the very long term is only recently being clearly reported.

5 Acid Related

Symptoms of acid related disease in the preterm are unclear. It is uncertain whether
aversion/refusal to feed and signs of discomfort occur during reflux associated with
erosive esophagitis in the preterm, as is occasionally the case in the older infant.
Studies evaluating various clinical signs have not been able to clearly define any,
which are good indicators of the presence of acid esophagitis [20]. Common be-
havioral changes ascribed to GER include grimacing, fussiness, frequent crying or
irritability, feeding refusal or poor progress in establishing oral feeds One study
with combined pH and MII monitoring found that there was no correlation between
symptom scores and findings on objective monitoring, furthermore the timing of
the symptoms which were ascribed to GER by the caregivers bore no relation to
the actual timing of the GER episodes. [21] Feeding difficulties are very frequent
in the former preterm infants approaching term, but to ascribe them to reflux in an
individual case is always questionable. If feeding aversion is thought to be due to
erosive acid related esophagitis, the diagnostic process in an older patient would
140 K. J. Barrington

normally require ph-metry and an esophago-gastroscopy. However endoscopy of the

upper GI is rarely practiced in the small newborn infant, and biopsies have very
rarely been reported, so ph-metry and a therapeutic trial of acid blocking medication
may be considered. Such a therapeutic trial should use a medication which is effec-
tive, safe, of known kinetics, and be time limited with a trial off medication if there
is a clinical response (to confirm that the improvement is not simply coincidental
with increasing maturation), and stopping the medication completely if there is no
response, or if the infant remains free of signs during the trial off period. However it
should be noted that randomized trials of acid blocking medications in supposedly
symptomatic infants have not shown any improvement in clinical signs compared to
placebo [22].

6 Non-Acid Related

6.1 Micro-Aspiration

Frequent aspiration of small quantities of refluxed gastric contents has been suggested
as a risk factor for the development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Chronically
intubated preterm infants often have evidence of gastric fluid aspiration if their en-
dotracheal fluid is examined, looking for extraneous components such as lactose or
pepsin [23], or macrophages that have engulfed the lipid contained in milk that was
aspirated into the lungs. Some older studies suggested that lipid laden macrophages
were indeed more common in endo-tracheal aspirates of infants who went on the
develop BPD, however recent studies have found no association between GER and
BPD [24]. It seems therefore, that although recurrent aspiration is frequent among
ventilated preterm infants, it probably does not relate in a causative fashion to bron-
chopulmonary dysplasia. The studies however are relatively low powered to detect
even a strong association, and further work might clarify this.

6.2 Macro-Aspiration

Macro-aspiration events following large regurgitations do occasionally occur; desat-

uration and bradycardia during airway occlusion may require immediate resuscitation
and direct therapy. These events sometimes occur in preterm infants, or in term infants
with neurological compromise or large regurgitation. Therapy after initial resuscita-
tion is unclear, the role of antibiotics, or of steroids have been suggested, but it is not
clear if any benefit is gained by using them. Recurrent macro-aspiration is clearly an
indication for effective therapy, acid blockade is unlikely to be sufficient and surgery
may be required.
7 Gastro-Esophageal Reflux in Neonatology 141

6.3 Apnea

Recurrent apnea of prematurity has often been considered to be a possible sign

of reflux. The evidence to support this contention is controversial, but generally
negative [25]. Most studies have failed to find any association between reflux and
apnea [26, 27] Although it is possible that in individual cases there is a link between
GER episodes and apneic spells, the preponderance of the evidence suggests that
this is unusual either for acid or non-acid reflux [28–31]. Di Fiore et al have shown
no difference in the frequency of apneas of at least 15 s before, during or after an
episode of GER, they also noted no difference in the characteristics of the apneas
which happened to occur immediately after an episode of GER compared to those
which occurred distant from an episode [32].
Corvaglia and his group in contrast have published a few studies which have con-
sistently reported a significant increase in apnea during the 30 s after GER episodes
[33]. The reason for the difference between their results and most other groups is
uncertain, those authors suggest that Peters’ inability to show a correlation between
GER and apnea is because they only used MII and did not measure distal pH which
is actually inaccurate [34]. They also suggest that Di Fiore’s inability to show such
an association is because they did not use MII and only measured pH, although this
has also now been addressed, a more recent study by their group used combined pH
and MII [35] and also showed no association. There is also no known mechanism
whereby distal acidification of the esophagus could trigger apnea, nor is there one for
non-acid reflux. References which have sometimes been quoted to suggest that such
reflex apnea is a possibility actually refers to laryngeal instillation of liquid, which
leads to apnea while the infant is clearing the liquid [36], in fact the pH of that liquid is
irrelevant to the reflex [37]. In contrast pharyngeal instillation of liquid does not lead
to apneas [38] in either term or preterm infants (or indeed in piglets [39]), and GER
in the preterm does not usually enter the larynx [38]. In contrast acid infusion into the
lower esophagus can cause reflex increases in airway resistance and wheezing in cer-
tain susceptible older individuals, but this is of questionable relevance to apnea in the
preterm. One difference between Corvaglia’s studies and other groups is the inclu-
sion of all apneas over 5 s duration [33]. He has not reported whether more prolonged
apneas, or apneas associated with bradycardia or hypoxia are increased after reflux in
his studies. Other authors have only analyzed apneas of over 10 [35] or over 15 s. So
one possible explanation of the difference could be that very short apneas occur more
frequently immediately after the onset of an episode of GER, but more prolonged sig-
nificant apneas are unrelated to GER. Corvaglia also notes that he measured airflow,
rather than using respiratory inductance, although he does not give enough detail
of methodology to be sure it seems likely that he used a face mask, and prolonged
use of face masks actually change respiratory characteristics. Other groups that have
reported GER related apnea have only reported apneas occurring after an episode
of GER, and there has been no evaluation of the relative incidence of apnea during
non-GER periods, and no description of the apnea monitoring method used [40].
Confirmatory evidence of the relative unimportance of GER as a cause of apnea
is the realization that studies attempting to treat apnea with anti-reflux medication
have been universally unsuccessful (see below).
142 K. J. Barrington

7 Clinical Diagnosis of GERD

Clinical features of GER are uncertain. Although there are beliefs regarding cer-
tain clinical features and their association with GER among various members of
staff in our NICUs, objective assessment of the correlation of the signs with ob-
jective evidence of GER has shown that many episodes of reflux occur without
such signs. Very often signs such as apparent discomfort and crying and so-called
“Reflux-specific behavior” such as regurgitation or spitting, yawning, mouthing, hic-
cupping, sneezing, coughing and gagging, thumb sucking, and head retraction occur
when there is no GER [21]. The only definite clinical sign of reflux is regurgita-
tion. The importance and predictive value of other clinical signs are therefore quite
unclear, and they are unreliable for the diagnosis of GER.
Signs of GERD have not been adequately evaluated in the newborn, and particu-
larly not in the preterm, a study in slightly older infants found that many babies with
no evidence of GER on ph-metry had signs commonly supposed to be associated
with GER, and was unable to define clinical signs that were closely associated with
either abnormal pH-metry or abnormal esophageal biopsy results [41]. Even in older
children the relationship between symptoms and both ph-metry and MII differs enor-
mously according to the scoring system used [4]. Similarly in the former preterm
infants at term, results from the Symptom Severity Index, and the Symptom Index
are quite different [42], this study from Jadcherla and co-workers noted than 50 %
of the GER episodes were not associated with any clinical signs in a group of 30
infants referred for suspected clinically important GER, but he did not report how
many symptoms occurred when the infants were not having reflux.
In summary there is no clear clinical sign, which differentiates between infants
with and without reflux, and no validated scoring system for the newborn infant,
either term or preterm. If GER is clinically suspected to be the cause of clinical signs
in an individual baby then confirmation that the child has an abnormal amount of
reflux can be obtained by combined MII and pH-metry, however, determination of
“excessive” GER does not mean that the child’s clinical signs are necessarily due to
GER. To make such a determination a trial of an effective therapy may be the only

8 Treatment of GERD

8.1 Non-Pharmacological

8.1.1 Positioning

Changing the position of the preterm infant, especially after feeds, can reduce the
number of episodes of GER, specifically placing the infant in a left lateral posi-
tion [43]. There is however, no evidence of efficacy for GERD, such as healing
7 Gastro-Esophageal Reflux in Neonatology 143

of esophagitis. The maneuver might be worthwhile if the baby tolerates the ma-
nipulation involved, and if parents are sufficiently concerned about regurgitation to
warrant it.

8.1.2 Thickening Feeds

Feeds can be thickened in a number of different ways, with gums, cereals, starches
or other agents. The efficacy of this approach is limited, some studies in infants show
no effect, some show a reduction in obvious regurgitation but not esophageal acid
exposure, and some show a reduction in many indices of reflux, both the number
and duration of episodes [44]. Whether these different results are due to different
thickeners, patient population, or monitoring methodology is not clear [44]. Few
studies have been performed in a specifically neonatal population, but one study
showed that thickening feeds with starch [45] was ineffective in a sample of preterm
infants. There is also no evidence of enhanced healing or other clinically important
effects of thickeners in the setting of newborn infants with GERD. Thickening feeds
may not be innocuous. There are reports of interference with the absorption of various
nutrients, increases in cough, and even GI obstruction. Recent case reports suggest
that some thickeners at least (specifically xanthan gum) may be associated with
the development of necrotizing enterocolitis [46, 47]. These reports reinforce the
importance of performing studies in preterm infants, in whom clinical responses and
potential toxicities are unique.

8.1.3 Small Frequent Feeds

Families of older infants with reflux are frequently counseled to give them smaller
more frequent feeding. There is no evidence to support the use of such an intervention
in the newborn. As newborn infants are often fed every 3–4 h in any case, feeding them
more frequently would be a significant burden on their families, or on the nursing
staff in the NICU; evidence of efficacy is therefore essential. A recent observational
study found an association between longer feeding duration and slower flow rate
and fewer episodes of GER [48], but as an observational study causation cannot be

8.2 Pharmacological

8.2.1 Acid Suppression

Suppressing acid production should only be considered if there is evidence of GERD

caused by acid. In particular, evidence of erosive esophagitis. In such a circumstance
the risks of such treatment should be taken into consideration, and acid-blockade
144 K. J. Barrington

should be continued for as short a period as possible. Acid-blockers remove an im-

portant barrier to bacterial and fungal colonization of the preterm infant. Although
there are no large RCTs, several observational studies have demonstrated an as-
sociation between the use of acid suppressants and increased systemic nosocomial
infections, in particular candida infections as well as with necrotizing enterocolitis
[49, 50] and with mortality. This indeed is consistent with findings in older patients
in intensive care and even among asthmatic children, who have more pulmonary in-
fections if randomized to acid suppression [51]. This toxicity has been demonstrated
with both histamine blockers and proton pump inhibitors. So, in view of the paucity
of evidence of benefit, care should always be taken when prescribing these kinds of
agents. In addition, many commonly used agents have unknown pharmacokinetics
in the newborn, and even more particularly the small preterm infant, increasing the
risks of therapeutic misadventures. Histamine receptor blockade is associated in
older infants with numerous side effects, particularly agitation and headache [52].
Acid blockade, most importantly with the more effective proton pump inhibitors,
is known to interfere with calcium absorption, and increases the risk of osteoporotic
fractures in the elderly [53]. The effects of acid blockade on calcium absorption in
the newborn with GER does not appear to have been studied, As preterm infants are
already at risk of reduced bone mineralization and osteopenia of prematurity, and in
particular those preterm infants with BPD or who have had an episode of necrotizing
enterocolitis, are more likely to be treated for GER and are more likely to develop
osteopenia, further caution is advised in prescribing these agents. Gastric acid is also
important for the absorption of iron and vitamin B12, the potential that acid blockade
may interfere with the absorption of these micronutrients has not been adequately
investigated in the newborn [54].
Proton pump inhibitors are more effective in older patients in suppressing acid
production than are H2 blockers. Nevertheless a large placebo controlled randomized
trial in older infants showed no benefit from a PPI in improving symptoms that
were ascribed to GER [55]. This points out the difficulty in clinical diagnosis of
GER and reinforces the need for caution in prescription of drugs that may have
side effects when the diagnosis is unclear. The pharmacodynamics of the PPIs have
also been little studied in the preterm infant. A recent trial showed very ineffective
acid suppression with oral lansoprazole in preterm infants, with a pH that remained
below 2 despite treatment [56]. Oral omeprazole was in contrast shown to effectively
reduce gastric acidity and esophageal acid exposure, in a randomized cross-over
trial, without any effect on apnea, bradycardia, vomiting or behavioral changes
[57]. A randomized cross-over study in older infants showed effective reduction in
esophageal acid exposure, but no improvement in symptoms attributed to GER [22].
In summary although there is some efficacy of histamine receptor blockade and
proton pump inhibitors for reducing gastric acid production, there are significant
risks with either class of medication, particularly in the infant at risk of nosocomial
infections, and no clear evidence that any clinical symptom is benefited by their use.
They should in general be avoided in the newborn.
7 Gastro-Esophageal Reflux in Neonatology 145

8.2.2 Alginates

A mixture of sodium and magnesium alginate is available formulated as Gaviscon,

which also contains sodium bicarbonate, (however it should be noted that Gaviscon
Infant in the USA contains no bicarbonate). When it comes into contact with gastric
acid the alginate precipitates to form a gel. It is thought that this gel is more difficult to
reflux, and the sodium bicarbonate adds an antacid characteristic to the formulation.
The efficacy of this preparation is questionable; some studies have found no effect
on the frequency or duration of GER, one study did show that the height of reflux
was reduced, but the clinical significance of this for treating GERD is uncertain.
A single study with MII/pH methodology in the preterm infant seemed to show a
reduction in acid GER, but not non-acid or overall reflux episodes [58]. Interestingly
another study by the same group found the same changes in GER, with a significant
reduction in acid GER, but no changes in apnea [59].

8.3 Prokinetic Agents

There is little evidence that increasing intestinal motility with medical interventions
improves GER, or GERD. Indeed it could be questioned why this would even be
considered. As gastric emptying is not delayed in infants with GER, and the mech-
anism of GER is closely tied to the occurrence of transient LES relaxations; only if
there were evidence that an agent had a specific effect that reduces LES relaxations
would it be likely to be effective at decreasing GER. It has not been demonstrated
that any agent has such an effect on transient LES relaxations.

8.3.1 Metoclopramide

The most commonly prescribed prokinetic agent currently is metoclopramide, how-

ever, a recent systematic review showed that there is no reliable evidence that
metoclopramide reduces reflux [60]. Metoclopramide is a prokinetic agent which
blocks D2 receptors in the gut and brain; it has a modest effect as an antiemetic agent
in some circumstances due to the cerebral D2 blockade, but there is little evidence of
effect on GER or GERD. Indeed, an increase in gastric contractility from a prokinetic
agent such as metoclopramide without any change in LES function could easily in-
crease reflux. This has actually been shown in one study. Machida et al showed more
reflux episodes during treatment with metoclopramide compared to control periods
in a cross-over study [61]. In addition metoclopramide has extra-pyramidal effects,
leading to a high risk of side effects, and the therapeutic index is narrow.
Wheatley and Kennedy showed in a randomized cross-over study that during
the periods of metoclopramide treatment the babies had more bradycardias than
during the control periods [62]. There are 2 potential explanations for this. Either
reflux causes bradycardias and there are increased numbers of reflux episodes during
146 K. J. Barrington

metoclopramide treatment than during control: or the bradycardic episodes are not
due to reflux, but metoclopramide acts directly to increase these episodes (or it was
just a random effect in a small study).
Indeed there is no evidence of benefit of metoclopramide for reflux in preterm
infants. In a recent systematic review [60] it was noted that there were several pa-
tients (in the minority of studies that reported adverse effects) who had increased
irritability, or other side effects which were potentially of extra-pyramidal origin.
Several commentators have suggested that metoclopramide is contra-indicated as a
GER medication in infants because of the high incidence of side-effects [63]. In older
patients in whom the effects of metoclopramide on GER have been more extensively
investigated, there is little or no efficacy.

8.3.2 Cisapride

Although now removed from the market in most jurisdictions because of a risk of
arrhythmia, associated with prolongation of the QT interval, cisapride may still
be available under special access programs and was for a period one of the most
prescribed medications in neonatal units in the USA. This situation occurred despite
the complete lack of evidence of efficacy or safety in the neonatal population. Even
in older children there is no good evidence of efficacy, the Cochrane review of use
for GER in children, updated in 2010 [64], found no clear evidence of benefit,
despite evidence of publication bias favoring the publication of positive studies. In
addition short term physiologic studies show that cisapride delays gastric emptying
in the preterm infant [65]. There are no controlled data showing a beneficial effect
of cisapride in newborn infants.

8.3.3 Domperidone

This agent is a D2 blocking compound that has been suggested as a therapy for GER.
There are no RCTs showing a beneficial effect of domperidone. On the contrary, one
small blinded cross-over trial showed that indices of reflux as determined by MII
with pH monitoring were worse during dopmeridone treatment compared to during
placebo treatment [66]. Domperidone also has effects at a potassium channel and
prolongs the QT interval [67]. It also may cause extra-pyramidal side effects. It is
not licensed for use in some countries, and does not appear to be licensed for use as
a therapy for GER in any jurisdiction.

8.4 Erythromycin

Erythromycin is a macrolide antibiotic that also has effects on bowel motility. It is

an agonist at motilin receptors and in mature animals and humans is an effective
7 Gastro-Esophageal Reflux in Neonatology 147

prokinetic. The maturation of the motilin receptors is however uncertain. Systematic

review of erythromycin use as a prokinetic to improve feeding tolerance in the new-
born has suggested efficacy, but the most immature infants may not benefit [68]. In
these studies feeding tolerance was often assessed by the volume of gastric aspirate,
and feeding advancement was allowed when aspirate volumes were low. As there is
no known correlation between aspirate volumes and adverse outcomes in the preterm
infant, this methodology is suspect. There has never been a controlled trial of ery-
thromycin for GER, so its use in this situation is very questionable, especially given
the lack of evidence to support the use of other prokinetic agents for treating GER.
In older infants erythromycin use increases the risk of developing pyloric stenosis,
and it may induce arrhythmias. Erythromycin has an effect on the inward potassium
channel known as I(Kr), and prolongs the QT interval on the ECG, increasing the
risk of ventricular tachydysrhythmias, especially in patients with other risk factors.
This potential has not been studied in the newborn.
There is no evidence to support the use of erythromycin for GER in the newborn.

9 Surgery

Fundoplication has been performed for many years as a “definitive” therapy for
GER. A number of different open and laparoscopic surgical techniques have been
described [69]. Because of its invasive nature, surgery has been confined to those
infants whose problems are not controlled by good acid control with PPIs, or those
in whom their clinical problems are not caused by acid, such as in recurrent macro-
aspiration. This may occur in infants with serious neurodevelopmental difficulties.
Although generally considered effective, complications are not infrequent, and some
doubts regarding efficacy have been raised [70]. Laparoscopic fundoplication has
been performed in infants as small as full term neonates, with a complication rate
similar to open techniques.

10 Future Research

There is a clear need to determine if there are any clinical signs which can be used to
diagnose GER or GERD in the newborn. A study to investigate a potential clinical
sign could use a similar methodology to Dr Snel’s publication [21], comparing the
incidence and timing of signs to the findings on objective measures of GER using MII
combined with pH-metry. If signs can be defined, then RCTs, adequately powered to
detect potential complications, could be performed to try and determine for once and
for all if any therapy other than surgery helps to heal GERD, and improve clinical
148 K. J. Barrington

11 Summary

Gastro-esophageal reflux is a common phenomenon in the preterm and term infant.

It is unclear how to diagnose it clinically, and the correlation between GER and any
particular clinical sign is unproven. When increased GER is diagnosed there is no
good quality evidence to support any intervention, rather, all the medications that
have been studied are ineffective in reducing GER, and are associated with potential
or proven side effects. Clear evidence of acid related disease is currently the only
indication for therapy, and in such a clinical situation, proton pump inhibitors could
be given a trial of therapy. More research in this area may assist in developing an
evidence base for rational treatment in the future.


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Chapter 8
Breast Milk Additives and Infant Formula

Jill Sherriff and Gemma McLeod

Abstract Breast milk is recommended for very preterm infants but fortification is
required to increase its nutrient density in order to promote growth and develop-
ment. Even with fortification, those born extremely preterm and those who are fluid
restricted may not achieve intrauterine growth targets. Thus, fortification beyond
routine amounts may be necessary for some infants. Further study is necessary to
determine optimal methods, types and amounts of fortification, as well as upper
limits of osmolality, so as to ensure avoidance of feeding intolerance and necrotiz-
ing enterocolitis whilst achieving appropriate rate of weight gain and accretion of
nutrients. The efficacy of new formulations of fortifiers and infant formulae needs
further study.

Key points
• Breast milk requires fortification to meet the nutrient needs of preterm infants;
monitoring protein intake via blood urea nitrogen to guide fortification looks
• Breast milk fortifiers have variable effects on osmolality of fortified expressed
breast milk.
• Randomised controlled trials are required to assess the efficacy of recently revised
formulations of breast milk fortifier and preterm formulae in the context of their
ability to meet nutritional requirements for growth and effect on osmolality and
feeding intolerance.
• Use of gum-based thickening agents for treatment of regurgitation is associated
with increased risk of necrotising enterocolitis in preterm and term infants.

J. Sherriff ()
School of Public Health, Curtin University, City of Perth, WA, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
G. McLeod
Department of Neonatal Paediatrics, King Edward Memorial Hospital,
374 Bagot Road, Subiaco, City of Perth, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
School of Paediatrics and Child Health,
The University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 153

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3_8, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
154 J. Sherriff and G. McLeod

• Large, longitudinal cohort studies are required to explore the relationship be-
tween early nutrition, catch-up growth, metabolic health and neurodevelopmental
Mother’s own milk (MOM), fresh or frozen, is first recommended for feeding preterm
infants and if unavailable, pasteurized donor milk (DM) is preferred over infant for-
mula (IF) [1]. Whilst the undisputed benefits of feeding breast milk (BM) justify this
recommendation, BM cannot be used as the reference standard for preterm nutrition
because its nutrient content does not meet the estimated needs of the preterm infant.
Fortification is therefore recommended [1], and common practice for infants with
birth weights below 1,500 g. A Cochrane review from 2004 [2] of ten randomized con-
trolled trials (> 600 infants) demonstrated that fortification of expressed breast milk
(EBM) with either a commercial breast milk fortifier (BMF) or at least two individ-
ual components was associated with short-term increases in weight (2.33 g/kg/day;
95 % CI 1.73–2.93, p = 0.00001), length (0.12 cm/week; 95 % CI 0.07–0.18) and
head growth (0.12 cm/week; 95 % CI 0.07–0.16, p = 0.000037, p = 0.00001), in-
creased nitrogen retention and plasma urea levels. The authors of this Cochrane
review conceded that whilst it was unlikely that further studies would be conducted
to ratify the need for fortification, future research was required to compare different
proprietary, multicomponent preparations and evaluate both short- and long-term
outcomes in search of the optimal composition of fortifiers.

1 Limitations of Fortifying Breast Milk

In the past decade, it has become common practice at volumes between 80 and
150 mL/kg/day, to add proprietary, multicomponent BMF to EBM as directed by
manufacturers (some initiate fortification at half strength) [3]. The efficacy of this
practice is complicated by the variable protein and fat content of BM evident between
mothers and across the course of lactation [4] and the differences in composition be-
tween preterm and term milk [5–8] and that of pasteurised DM [9]. In addition, the
concentration of some micronutrients [10] and the fatty acid profile [4], including
long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids incorporated into brain and retinal cell mem-
branes [11], are influenced by maternal diet. These are important considerations when
fortifying milk, as rate of weight gain is dependent on absolute protein and energy
intakes (and presumably a healthy micronutrient status) and the quality of the weight
gain (protein accreted and fat deposited) is dependent on the ratio of protein and
energy (PER) [17]; both must be adapted to preterm infants of different gestational
ages [12]. Despite best efforts, compared to term infants at the equivalent adjusted
age, preterm infants have altered body composition with significantly greater ab-
dominal adipose tissue [13] and intra-hepatocellular lipid (IHCL) [14], a profile that
extends into adult life [15]. Ex-preterm adults have been shown to have significantly
increased whole-body adiposity, altered adipose tissue partitioning, higher systolic
and diastolic blood pressure, and increased IHCL and intra-musculocellular lipid
[15]. The concern is that poor nutrition and subsequent poor postnatal growth and
8 Breast Milk Additives and Infant Formula 155

then acceleration of growth beyond intrauterine and normal term-born rates may be
associated with detrimental metabolic programming that will influence later health
outcomes. Indeed, multiple premorbid biomarkers that have recently been identi-
fied in ex-preterm young adults by Thomas et al. [15] are predictive of risk to later
metabolic health. Of equal concern is the potential association between subopti-
mal preterm nutrition in the early postnatal period and impaired neurodevelopment
[16–18] which may persist into childhood [19] and beyond [20].
In 2006, Arslanoglu et al. [21] turned their attention to fortification design, and
compared the efficacy of an adjustable, EBM fortification feeding regimen (ADJ) to
routine fortification. The level of fortification in theADJ group (n = 16) was upgraded
or downgraded according to the infant’s blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels, either by
using different amounts of a bovine, whey protein powder concentrate (providing an
additional 0.3 g or 0.6 g of protein) or by adjusting the amount of breast milk fortifier
(BMF) that was routinely added (routine: 5 g BMF/100 mL; adjusted range: 2.5–
6.25 g/100 mL), or both. The mean PER was greater in weeks two and three in the
ADJ group and weight and head circumference increased at a faster rate during this
period (weight (g/kg/day): 17.4 vs 14.4, p < 0.01; head circumference (cm/kg/day):
1.4 vs 1.0, p < 0.05).
Retrospective analysis revealed that recommendations for fat and total energy
intakes were met. However, protein content of the fortified milk feeds was consis-
tently lower than was assumed resulting in actual protein intakes being significantly
lower than anticipated (0.5–0.8 g/kg/day) and smaller in the group receiving routine
fortification. Differences in intakes among individual infants ranged from −0.2 to
as much as 1.5 g/kg/day [22]. The mean rate of weight gain achieved by the ADJ
infants reflected that reported for the fetus [23]. This fortification model holds much
promise, but further fine-tuning of the ADJ method is necessary in order to optimise
PER and ensure quality of growth for all infants. Measuring the temporal response of
BUN levels to different levels of fortification will likely be necessary. Incorporating
body composition as a measured outcome in future studies will also be crucial to
determining optimal and safe upper limits of protein fortification and to facilitat-
ing change in current practice. This is pertinent given the 2010 ESPGHAN-CON
commentary [24] suggesting that daily protein intakes as high as 4.5 g/kg and energy
intakes between 110–135 kcal/kg (PER 3.2–4.1) are necessary to achieve growth tar-
gets. Relative to 2005 Guidelines [25], the Committee also recommends substantial
changes to several micronutrient intakes.
Since 2010, the compositions of some proprietary fortifiers have been modified
to better optimize fortification levels; studies are required to evaluate the efficacy of
these revised formulations. Protein and energy fortification beyond that which these
and other formulations are able to provide can be achieved using one or more of the
following options (i) an increased amount of proprietary multicomponent fortifier, (ii)
hind BM, (iii) individual or combined macronutrient components, including protein
powder, glucose polymers, medium chain triglyceride oil, medium chain or long
chain fat emulsions and a carbohydrate/fat blend. Further attention to fortification
with individual micronutrients may be required and of course, the osmolality of feeds
in context of the preterm gut must be considered when exploring optimal upper limits
of fortification.
156 J. Sherriff and G. McLeod

2 Osmolality

Poor motility of the preterm gut limits the volume and osmolality of feeds in order
to avoid feeding intolerance which is characterised by a number of issues including
poor gastric emptying and abdominal distension.
If medications are used, their addition to small volume feeds can contribute to
the osmolality, as does the use of fortification (Table 8.1). Hyperosmolality of feeds
is one of the factors proposed to increase the risk of necrotising enterocolitis (NEC)
[26] and the current recommendation (cited in Pearson et al. [27]) suggests that the
osmolality of enteral feeds should not exceed 450 mOsm/kg. Pearson et al. [27]
reviewed the historical consensus and experimental evidence for this upper limit.
In its simplest terms osmolality (osmolar concentration) is a measure of the num-
ber of particles in a solution. In more technical terms osmolar concentration is the
number of osmoles of solute/kg of solvent. In clinical practice solute concentration
is expressed per litre of solution rather than kg of solvent.
Osmolality can be measured either by the depression of freezing point using an
osmometer (more common) or by vapour pressure. Alternatively it can be calculated
from the following:
1. Non-polar solutes: 1 mol = 1 Osm
2. For salts that dissociate completely to release 2 ions, 1 mol = 2 Osm.
Confusion occurs because there is a difference between solutions measured in a
laboratory and effective in vivo osmolality (tonicity). The latter is a measure of
the movement of H2 O across a semi-permeable membrane. Caffeine, for example
permeates cells freely and while it increases measured osmolality, it has no effect
on tonicity. Srinivasan et al. [28] created a format to calculate the volume of EBM
required as solvent for various additives, an appropriate strategy for salts.
The osmolality of fortified EBM climbs by < 10 % after standing for ∼24 h
(likely due to the amylase activity in BM [29]). Carbohydrate-containing supple-
ments increase the osmolality of milk feeds more than the addition of protein and
fat supplements (Table 8.1). The addition of medications to milk feeds will increase
osmolality but the effect of each on tonicity will depend upon the chemical nature
of each substance.

3 Proprietary Fortifiers

Availability of different brands and compositions of liquid- and powdered-based

BMF is dictated to some extent by regional location. One advantage of powdered
BMF is that there is minimal dilution of EBM [30]. These fortifiers vary in compo-
sition across brands and depending on the brand of fortifier used, add between 1.0 g
and 1.2 g of whole or hydrolysed whey bovine protein, 14–17 kcal/100 mL of EBM,
and as well, additional calcium, phosphate and varying amounts of other vitamins
and minerals. All brands of fortifier fail to meet the Vitamin D guideline, some do not
incorporate all nutrients (e.g., fat, iron, selenium, iodine), and various other nutrients
8 Breast Milk Additives and Infant Formula 157

Table 8.1 Osmolality of milk fortified with different fortifiers (range) and of common medications
Product mOsm/kg H2 O
Pentavite with Vitamin A (Bayer) 8081
Vitamin D Solution (Biological) 3614
Sodium Bicarbonate (AUSPAM) 2071
Calcium carbonate (AUSPAM) 3456
Caffeine BP (AUSPAM) 3307
Ferrous Sulphate (FERRO-LIQUID) 4913
Dexarnethasone (AUSPAM) 16043
Sodium Chloride (KEMH) 1861
Sodium phosphate (KEMH) 627
Cotrimoxazole (Bactrim) (ROCHE) 3956
Nystatin (Omegapharm) 1192
2h 23 h
post preparation
EBM 290 296
Breast milk fortified with human miIk fortifier (as directed) 416–446 423–479
Fortified breast milk and 1.0 g protein supplement 414–453 420–483
Fortified breast milk and 1.0 g protein supplement and 417–455 421–479
1.0 mL long chain fat emulsion
Fortified breast milk and 1.0 g protein supplement and 443–489 455–516
1 g fat/carbohydrate supplement
Fortified breast milk and 1.0 g protein supplement and 437–490 453–509
1 g carbohydrate supplement
Equipment: Model 3320, Osmometer Advanced Instruments, INC.

are limiting, or found in excess at different volume intakes. Based on our estimates,
milk fortified with these products must be fed at least at volumes of 170 mL/kg to
meet the lower range of protein intakes for infants weighing < 1 kg. Achieving these
volumes may be difficult for fluid-restricted preterm infants.
In some brands, fat replaces a portion of the carbohydrate component, thus reduc-
ing final osmolality. It is unclear if this strategy and the use of hydrolysed protein in
place of intact protein have an impact on growth. Carbohydrate is thought to be the
main determinant of growth when protein intake is adequate [31] and use of hydrol-
ysed protein in formula-fed preterm infants to reduce risk of feeding intolerance, has
been associated with slower growth [32].
Mineral compounds of differing solubility are used in the manufacture of breast
milk fortifiers and therefore both nutrient-nutrient interactions and bioavailability
in fortified milk may fluctuate according to the compounds utilised. For example,
calcium gluconate and calcium glycerophosphate are highly soluble salts relative to
calcium phosphate tribasic and calcium carbonate and infants fed the latter in fortified
milk were found to have lower serum concentrations of calcium and phosphorus, and
higher levels of alkaline phosphatase and magnesium, compared to those fed fortifier
containing the soluble calcium salts [30].
Osmolality can be affected by the extent of protein hydrolysis and the sources
and form of the micronutrient component. It should be noted that the osmolality of
fortified feeds may be contingent not only on the choice of fortifier/s and the lapse
158 J. Sherriff and G. McLeod

of time between preparing and then feeding a fortified feed to an infant (Table 8.1),
but also by the amounts of weighed powder that is contained within the human milk
fortifier sachets, which often exceeds the amounts claimed by the manufacturers (by
our calculation, upwards to 22 %).
There is a lack of outcome data on the efficacy of current formulations of BMF
and large, well-designed studies are necessary to determine the safe and optimal
upper limits of fortification that will promote target growth and metabolic health.

4 Protein Supplements

In a recent randomized trial, Miller et al. [33] compared a specially formulated

commercial multicomponent fortifier (1.4 g of protein/100 mL of EBM) with routine
fortifier (1 g protein/100 mL). The former yielded better weight gain in the primary
analysis, but no difference in head circumference and a difference in length was only
demonstrated in the secondary sub-analysis that adjusted for sibling clustering and
gestational age [33], indicating perhaps that a different form, or even more protein
is required and/or that the nutritional issue is more complex than just that of protein.

5 Energy Supplements

5.1 Fat Supplements

Calogen (SHS, Nutricia) is a high energy, water-soluble fat emulsion containing

canola and sunflower oils, provides 0.5 g of fat and 4.5 kcal/mL, is a source of
essential fatty acids (EFA) and at 18 mOsm/kg H2 O, has little effect on osmolality.
Calogen can be added to infant feeds in 1 % increments as tolerated.
Liquigen (SHS, Nutricia) is a white emulsion comprising medium chain triaclyg-
lycerides (MCT) produced by fractionation of coconut oil, and contains no EFA.
Medium chain triaclyglycerides are more easily digested and absorbed. It has an
osmolality of 275 mOsm/kg H2 O, provides 0.5 g of fat and 4.5 kcal/mL and as di-
rected, is suitable for children over 1 year of age and should be introduced slowly
and upgraded over a period of days, according to tolerance.

5.2 Mixed Fat and Carbohydrate Supplement

Doucal (SHS, Nutricia) is a mixed energy supplement, free from gluten, protein and
lactose, containing dried glucose syrup (59 %) and fractionated coconut, safflower
and canola oils (41 %) providing medium (35 %) and long chain triacylglycerides
(65 %). One gram of the off-white, soluble powder provides 5 kcal of energy and
8 Breast Milk Additives and Infant Formula 159

the supplement can be added to breast milk or formula feeds initially in amounts
of 1 g/100 mL and graded daily by 1 % increments up to 3 %, as tolerated. The
carbohydrate in Duocal raises the osmolality of feeds.

5.3 Glucose Polymers

Carbohydrate supplements provide a readily digestible source of energy in the form

of a neutral flavoured, fine white powder containing maltodextrins. Carbohydrate
supplements are free of protein, fat, lactose, gluten and fibre and have a very low
electrolyte content, provide around 3.8 kcal/g of soluble powder, and can be added
to breast milk or formula feeds when necessary, initially at 1 g powder/100 mL and
then upgrading by 1 % daily increments as tolerated. As mentioned, the addition of
glucose polymers to EBM raises osmolality.

5.4 Breast Milk-Based Fortification

In 1999, Polberger et al. [34] conducted a Swedish multicentre trial where 32 preterm
infants (birth weight: 900 g−1,750 g) were randomised to receive EBM fortified with
breast milk protein (BMP) (n = 16) or a bovine whey protein fortifier (BF) (n = 16)
for a period of 25.1 d ± 7.7 and 22.9 d ± 7, respectively. The BMP concentrate was
derived from the ultra-filtration of defatted, pasteurized DM and consisted of 68 %
protein. The BF provided 1 g protein and 13 kcal/100 mL EBM. Fortification to pro-
vide a targeted protein intake of 3.5 g/kg/day was based on infant weight, volume
intake (150 mL/kg/day to 170 mL/kg/day), feed tolerance and measured protein con-
tent of the milk. A multivitamin preparation and additional calcium, phosphorous
and iron were also provided depending on birth weight and type of fortifier.
Mean protein intake did not differ significantly between groups (BMP:
3.13 g/kg/day ± 0.14, BF: 3.05 g/kg/day ± 0.15) and the bovine whey protein for-
tifier attained similar biochemical and growth outcomes similar to those in infants
exclusively fed breast milk protein.

5.5 Hind Milk

EBM has been fractionated into fore- and hind milk by mothers using either a time
parameter [35] or by observing colour and viscosity change in the pumped milk [36]
and hindmilk, which is significantly more energy dense (1.3-fold) than foremilk, has
successfully been used to increase the energy density of EBM to promote weight
gain in preterm infants [37]. The implication of this practice on body composition
is not known but requires study [37]. Consideration of the higher fat-soluble vita-
min content of hind milk may also be warranted if used in conjunction with newly
formulated fortifiers.
160 J. Sherriff and G. McLeod

6 Selected Vitamins and Minerals

6.1 Vitamin D

The secosteroid hormone version of vitamin D, 1,25 (OH)2 D, plays an undisputed

role in calcium homeostasis and bone mineralization, with an as yet incomplete
understanding of its roles in immune function and long-term health [38]. It is now
recognised that many tissues are capable of forming this active metabolite with
renal formation probably being the source of that which participates in calcium
homeostasis and bone mineralization [39]. This renal hydroxylation at least, develops
by 26 weeks gestation [40], and thus synthesising 1,25 (OH)2 D probably isn’t a
limitation for the preterm infant.
Circulating maternal unbound 25OHD crosses the placenta, and preterm as well
as term infants are born with cord 25OHD levels that are correlated with those of
the mother [39, 41]. Vitamin D status is assessed using the concentration of 25OHD,
and this circulating substrate for hydroxylation represents the neonate’s main store of
vitamin D. Although controversial, the currently recommended value for adequacy
is > 50 nmol/L 25OHD (20 ng/mL) [42]. Novakovic et al. [41], using a classical
twin study design, found that the impact of the maternal 25OHD at 28 weeks on
neonatal heel prick concentrations was far greater than that of genetic factors. There
is a discrepancy between older studies suggesting that neonatal levels are lower than
maternal levels [38] and more recent studies showing that they are higher particularly
when maternal levels are < 50 nmol/L [41]. This discrepancy may relate to changes
in analytical methods as some detect the 3-OH epimer which appears to be higher in
neonates [43].
There is evidence to suggest that several causes of prematurity are linked to poor
maternal vitamin D status [39, 44]. In Australia it is recommended that pregnant
women be screened and those with 25OHD values < 50 nmol/L be supplemented
[45]. McCloskey et al. [46] have warned against the use of unnecessary vitamin D
supplementation (i.e., if 25OHD > 50 nmol/L) in pregnant women, given the lack
of evidence for its safety and the observational evidence that suggests a link with
later asthma and hay fever in the offspring. This is particularly relevant given the
suggestion that the fetus has some capacity to regulate 25OHD levels [43].
The levels of vitamin D in breast milk from vitamin D replete women are generally
low [47], and given that the hospitalised preterm infant will not be in a position to
synthesise any cutaneous vitamin, further dietary vitamin D is required. An intake of
800–1,000 IU/day is recommended [24] which in practice comes from a combination
of sources e.g., fortifier and multivitamin supplement for those being fed breast milk.
Raising 25OHD levels is more efficiently done by supplementing the neonate with
vitamin D than supplementing lactating mothers who have low vitamin D levels [47].
To date the predominant concern for attaining robust vitamin D status in preterm
infants has been in relation to maximising bone mineralisation, for example, in the
preterm infant calcium uptake from the intestine appears to be a combination of 1,25
(OH)2 D-enhanced uptake and passive diffusion [48]. Clearly the immunological
8 Breast Milk Additives and Infant Formula 161

roles of 1,25 (OH)2 D are of paramount importance to the relatively immunocompro-

mised preterm infant but further research is required to determine if higher levels of
vitamin D are required to optimise these functions.

6.2 Calcium and Phosphate

The in utero environment during 3rd trimester fosters extensive bone mineral ac-
cretion. Over this trimester the fetus is increasingly able to maintain higher blood
calcium and phosphorus levels than the mother [49] and is exposed to a high estro-
gen environment which allows for a progressive increase in volumetric bone mineral
density as demonstrated by longitudinal Dual Energy X ray absorptiometry (DEXA)
analysis [50]. After term birth, serum calcium concentrations fall from the high fetal
levels as a consequence of the removal of the transplacental calcium supply. The
parathyroid glands respond to the fall in ionized calcium but it is initially a defi-
cient response [49]. After reaching the low point within the first 48 h, calcium levels
gradually reach adult levels over several days [47]. The reduction in calcium supply
and changed hormonal environment result in a rapid but physiological fall in bone
mineral apparent density over the next 3–4 months which is not associated with an
increase in bone fragility [50].
Preterm birth shortens or even completely removes the unique opportunity for
heightened bone mineralization described above. Furthermore, a preterm infant expe-
riences a delayed PTH response because of the immaturity of the parathyroid glands
[49]. This, together with the relatively poorer absorptive capacity of the preterm in-
fant’s gut, means that early neonatal hypocalcaemia is more likely in preterm babies.
Rigo and Sarterre [50] describe a sharp postnatal decrease in bone mineral apparent
density from birth to discharge. Length and skeletal growth will continue to occur
which contributes further to the reduction in bone density. In contrast to the outcome
in term infants, the sequence of events in preterm infants can result in an increase
in bone fragility and fracture risk, with those born with birth weight under 1,500 g
being particularly vulnerable.
Since the longitudinal DEXA work of Rigo and Senterre [50] it has become ap-
parent that it is not appropriate to expect the preterm infant to match the retention
levels of calcium and phosphorus achieved by the fetus. Furthermore the postnatal
adaptation that occurs regardless of the timing of birth contributes some of the min-
eral requirement and highlights the importance of mechanical stimulation. Thus the
target retention rate of calcium for preterm infants promoted by ESPGHAN [24]
(i.e., 60–90 mg/kg/day retained calcium, assuming adequate protein intake) moved
from that required to match fetal rates to one which suppresses the risk of fracture
and clinical symptoms of osteopenia. When given calcium (100–160 mg/kg/day) and
phosphorus (60–90 mg/kg/day) at these levels, catch-up mineralization seems to oc-
cur so that by 6 months corrected age, spine and total bone mineral density, expressed
in terms of their weight and height, are in the range of term infants. Abrams [51]
highlighted the need for research regarding nutrition requirements for bone health
162 J. Sherriff and G. McLeod

of extremely preterm babies (gestation < 25 week and birth weight < 800 g). Long-
term outcomes, and the influence of maternal vitamin D status, are currently being
Breast milk provides ∼260 mg calcium and 140 mg phosphorus/L in highly
bioavailable forms [51]. Despite the enhanced bioavailability of calcium in particular,
levels in BM do need to be increased with BMF or supplements.

6.3 Iron

Iron is essential to neural development and > 66 % of an infant’s total body iron
is acquired during the final trimester of pregnancy. Thus preterm infants are at
higher risk of iron deficiency anaemia than term infants because of reduced iron,
haemoglobin and ferritin levels at birth, but also because of iron losses due to phle-
botomy (estimated at 6 mg/kg/week in VLBW infants), and increased requirement
for rapid growth (preterm infants double birth weight within ∼2 months). Whilst red
blood cell transfusions, erythropoietin treatment and reasonable uptake of exogenous
sources of iron offset the impact of these factors, iron supplementation and/or blood
transfusions are routinely used to manage anemia of prematurity [52].
In 2010, EPSGHAN recommended a daily iron intake of 2–3 mg/kg (previ-
ous 2005 Consensus guideline was 2–4 mg/kg/day [25]), corresponding to 1.8–
2.7 mg/100 kcal for preterm infants, a dose also reinforced as being adequate by
Mills and Davies [53] in 2012. These authors conducted a Cochrane systematic re-
view of 2,726 low birth weight, predominantly preterm infants from 26 trials to
primarily evaluate the effect of prophylactic enteral iron supplementation on growth
and neurodevelopmental outcomes and secondly, to determine whether iron supple-
mentation resulted in improved haematological parameters and prevention of other
causes of morbidity and mortality. The source and form of iron supplement varied
widely (e.g., ferric ammonium citrate, ferrous sulphate, iron edetate and ferrous
succinate). Mills and Davies concluded that infants who receive iron supplementa-
tion have a slightly higher haemoglobin level, improved iron stores and a lower risk
of developing iron deficiency anaemia, compared to non-supplemented infants. No
haematological benefit from exceeding a 2–3 mg/kg/day supplemental dose of iron
was apparent but the authors determined that further clarity relating to demonstrated
long term neurodevelopmental and growth benefits, and the optimum timing and
duration of iron supplementation, was required.
Breast milk contains about 0.3–0.4 mg/L of elemental iron [54–56]. Gener-
ally, the iron content of preterm formulae, usually ferrous sulphate, ranges from
1.4–1.8 mg/100 mL. Some powdered BMF do not contain iron, but others provide
< 1.7 mg of iron when added as directed to 100 mL of EBM (see Appendix 11). Thus,
at volume intakes between 150–180 mL/kg/day, iron intake from EBM fortified with
a powdered BMF can range from as little as 0.6–0.7 mg/kg/day to 2.6–3.1 mg/kg/day
and in some cases, an iron supplement may be necessary for infants who receive milk
that is fortified with an iron-free fortifier. This needs consideration when applying
8 Breast Milk Additives and Infant Formula 163

the current recommendation for iron [24], which is to commence prophylactic en-
teral iron supplementation (given as a separate iron supplement, in preterm formula
or in fortified EBM) at 2–4 weeks of age for ELBW infants and at 2–6 weeks of
age for VLBW infants. Further supplementation may be required for some infants
(e.g., those receiving erythropoietin treatment), but as the human body lacks any
mechanism for regulated iron excretion, caution must be taken to ensure excessive
iron supplementation does not occur. Iron supplementation should continue after
discharge at least until 6–12 months of age, depending on adequacy of iron intake
once solid diet is commenced.

6.4 Feed Thickener

The process of stomach contents refluxing into the oesophagus is most commonly due
to inappropriate relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphincter and while about half
of healthy infants aged 3–4 months regurgitate at least once a day [57], the condition
occurs more frequently in neonates and at higher rates in those born preterm [58]. The
clinical presentation of neonatal gastroesophageal reflux (GOR), though variable,
classically includes regurgitation, posseting and vomiting and sometimes as well,
haematemesis, respiratory symptoms, apnoeas, recurrent oxygen desaturation and
bradycardias. In 2009, NASPHGN and ESPGHAN [57] jointly recommended that
in addition to parental education, consideration be given to using thickened feeds to
manage uncomplicated, recurrent regurgitation in otherwise healthy infants.
Feed thickening agents have been developed based on indigestible (cellulose,
pectins and gums), and digestible polysaccharides (rice, corn and potato starch).
Feed thickener has been advocated [59] and used in some neonatal nurseries to
thicken breast milk and formula feeds for preterm infants.
A 2002 Cochrane review [58] focusing on full term infants < 28 days and preterm
infants up to 44 weeks post menstrual age did not find any evidence from randomized
studies to support or refute the efficacy of feed thickeners in newborn infants with
GOR. In 2008, Horvath et al. [60] conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis
of 14 RCT evaluating the efficacy of using thickened formula feeds for at least
several days to treat GOR in otherwise healthy infants < 6 months of age. The authors
reported that use of thickened formulas compared with standard formula significantly
increased the percentage of infants with no regurgitation, slightly reduced the number
of daily episodes of regurgitation and vomiting and increased weight gain.
A variety of thickening agents are used to develop proprietary anti-regurgitant
(AR) formulae and when consumed in normal volumes, these products contain a
similar energy density, osmolality, protein, calcium and fatty acid content as standard
formula. Excessive energy intake is potentially a concern with long-term intake of
formula thickened with rice cereal due to its higher energy density. In one study, use
of rice cereal to thicken the feeds of formula-fed infants increased caloric intake by
as much as 25 % and promoted significant gains in weight and length compared to
infants whose regurgitation was managed solely with postural technique [61].
164 J. Sherriff and G. McLeod

The experience of some neonatologists suggests that gum is a more effective

thickener of BM than rice cereal [62]. However, the effects of thickening agents
on metabolic and physiologic responses during infancy have not been adequately
elucidated; some may compromise bioavailability of nutrients, including calcium
[63]. More alarmingly, there is increasing concern that use of gum-based thickening
agents may be linked to fatal NEC. In 1984, Mercier et al. [64] reported a possible
association between intestinal occlusion and a pectin and cellulose-based thickener.
In 2004, Clarke and Robinson [65] described two cases where infants each born 25
weeks gestation who were fully established on enteral feeds with EBM by postnatal
day 12 and 18, respectively, received carob-thickened EBM on postnatal day 12 and
24 with onset of NEC day 26 and 30, followed one day later by death. In May 2011,
the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) became aware of 15 cases of preterm
infants with NEC possibly associated with use of a xanthan gum-based thickener, and
subsequently warned health providers and consumers against the use of the thickener
in preterm infants [66]. The manufacturer of the thickener voluntarily recalled their
product from one of its plants because of a failure to ensure that bacteria of possible
public health significance were destroyed in the manufacturing process at that plant.
Subsequent to this and including those noted by the FDA, Beal et al. [67] described
22 cases (preterm n = 21) where onset of NEC had occurred after infants well es-
tablished on enteral feeds (median: 43 days, range: 18–73 days; EBM and formula
n = 11; formula n = 10; EBM n = 1) began ingesting xanthan-thickened feeds to
manage GOR or feeding dysfunction. Sixteen infants commenced thickened feeds
after 37 week post menstrual age (PMA) and the thickening agent was consumed for
a median of 13 days (range: 1–31 days) prior to NEC onset. The median PMA and
chronological age at NEC onset were 39.7 weeks and 66 days of life, respectively;
14 cases required surgery and 7 infants died.
A set of case series does not prove cause and effect but there is now a growing con-
cern that use of gum thickeners for treatment of GOR in preterm infants may be a risk
for NEC. The authors of these case series identified several mechanisms, extrapolated
from either the rat model or adult human studies, by which gum-based thickeners
might predispose to mucosal injury and NEC: (i) through accumulation of SCFA’s
(produced by bacterial metabolism of the soluble fibres in the gum component) [68],
(ii) bacterial overgrowth and increased enzyme activity [69], (iii) accumulation of
intestinal bile acids [70, 71] and (iv) substantial increases in intraluminal water and
sugars [71].
Notably, the maximum level of carob bean gum (410) or guar gum (412) permitted
as an additive to infant formula in Australia by Food Standards Australian and New
Zealand (FSANZ) [72] is 1,000 mg/L (0.1 g/100 mL). A maximum of 300 mg/L of
carrageenan (407) is permitted as an additive to liquid infant formula. FSANZ do not
permit xanthan gum as an additive to infant formula in Australia. The U.S. FDA [73]
has recently extended its warning against the use of xanthan gum-based thickener to
include all infants and suggests that further study investigating the link between food
thickeners and NEC is necessary. Further investigation evaluating the physiological
dose-response of the preterm gut to ingestion of different thickeners is warranted.
8 Breast Milk Additives and Infant Formula 165

7 Preterm Formula

Early in the 20th century when breast milk was unavailable, it was common practice
to feed preterm infants buttermilk or diluted, boiled cow’s milk with added sugar
and to supplement with orange juice, cod liver oil and iron supplements at 3–4
weeks postnatal age [74]. This artificial feed has been replaced over time with more
complex formulae that commonly have low osmolality and contain whey/casein
protein, glucose polymers, lactose, oligosaccharides, long chain polyunsaturated
fatty acids, MCT, EFA, minerals, fat-soluble vitamins and nucleotides.
In 2002, Klein edited a report by an expert panel of the Life Sciences Research
Office (LSRO) of the American Society of Nutritional Sciences (ASNS) summaris-
ing recommendations for minimum and maximum amounts of protein (2.5–3.6 g/100
kcal) and energy (110–135 kcal/kg/day) and 45 nutrient components of enteral for-
mulas for preterm low-birth-weight infants [75]. This report, together with the 2005
Consensus Nutrition Guidelines [25] and the 2010 ESPGHAN Commentary for
enteral nutrient supply [24] have prompted some companies to reformulate their
preterm products to provide more than the conventional 2–2.5 g protein/100 mL (PER
≤ 3.0 g/100 kcal) and to modify some other components, including micronutrient
In 2006, using a cross-over design, Cooke et al. [76] compared nitrogen balance,
metabolic status and growth in 18 infants fed a standard (3.0 g/100 kcal: RegPro)
and high (3.6 g/100 kcal; HiPro) protein infant formula for a week in a crossover
design. The protein in both formulae was fully hydrolysed bovine whey protein.
Weight gain, paralleled by increased protein accretion, was greater in infants fed the
HiPro formula, growth exceeded intrauterine rates and none of the infants developed
uremia or metabolic acidosis. This study was limited by the small cohort size and the
short duration of the intervention, and clarity is urgently required around longer-term
metabolic health and growth outcomes in ELBW preterm infants fed these formulae
for longer periods of time.

8 Hydrolysed vs Intact Protein

Hydrolysed infant formulae were primarily developed for infants with cow’s milk
allergy and were later adapted for primary allergy prevention, the concept being
that hydrolysation reduces the antigenicity and allergenicity of milk proteins. The
allergenicity of a protein is influenced by its molecular complexity, its solubility and
stability and its concentration; the level to which a protein is hydrolysed depends
upon its degree of exposure to enzymatic hydrolysis, ultra-heating and ultra-filtration
[77]. According to a 2008 AAP clinical report [78], various industry sources have
defined partially hydrolysed (PH) formulae as containing fewer oligopeptides that
have a molecular weight generally of < 5,000 daltons and extensively hydrolysed
(EH) formula as containing only peptides that have a molecular weight < 3,000
166 J. Sherriff and G. McLeod

The Food and Drug Authority determined the relationship between whey partially
hydrolysed formula and the reduced risk of atopic dermatitis as uncertain, and has
required companies to state the following qualified health claim: “very little scientific
evidence suggests that, for healthy infants who are not exclusively breastfed and who
have a family history of allergy, feeding a 100 % Whey-Protein Partially Hydrolysed
infant formula from birth up to 4 months of age instead of a formula containing intact
cow’s milk proteins may reduce the risk of developing atopic dermatitis throughout
the 1st year of life and up to 3 years of age. Partially hydrolysed formulas should
not be fed to infants who are allergic to milk or to infants with existing milk allergy
symptoms” [79].
Preterm infants are known to have increased gut permeability compared with term
infants [80] in the first few days of life, which appears to rapidly adapt after birth,
regardless of gestational age or birth weight [81]. Thus, it seems logical that the risk
of preterm infants developing allergic disease is similar to that of any term infant
who has at least one first-degree relative (parent or sibling) with documented allergic
Preterm infants are considered high risk for developing feeding intolerance and
NEC. Use of hydrolysed, compared to intact protein, in formula-fed term [82] and
preterm infants [83, 84] has been shown to accelerate gastrointestinal transit time
[83] and to accelerate feeding advancement [84]. The degree to which the protein is
hydrolysed may moderate the rate of gastric emptying with increased rates demon-
strated with use of extensively, rather than partially, hydrolysed formula [82]. It is
unclear whether utilization of the hydrolysed protein is compromised by the tendency
towards higher frequency of stools that appear to be generated through its use [83].
Slower weight gain, lower mean change in z-scores for weight and head circum-
ference and higher renal excretion of essential amino acids have been demonstrated
in preterm infants randomized to receive a hydrolysed cow’s milk preterm formula
compared to those who received intact protein [32]. Compensation for these asso-
ciated outcomes is often made by adjusting (increasing) the nitrogen content in the
hydrolysed-protein formula [85]. The benefits or otherwise of feeding a hydrolysed
compared to intact protein formula to preterm infants remain unclear and further
studies with larger groups are needed to.

9 Summary and Future Research

There is a lack of outcome data on the efficacy of current formulations of BMF and
large, well-designed studies are necessary to determine the safe and optimal upper
limits of fortification necessary to promote target growth and metabolic health. Fur-
ther attention to fortification (dose, timing, duration) with individual micronutrients
(e.g., vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus) is required and osmolality of fortifiers and
fortified feeds must be considered when exploring formulations and optimal upper
limits of fortification. The effects of feeding preterm infants hydrolysed vs intact pro-
tein on gut function, nitrogen absorption/retention and growth needs further study.
Alternative methods than those utilising gum-based thickeners for management of
regurgitation in otherwise healthy preterm infants are required.
8 Breast Milk Additives and Infant Formula 167

Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the ongoing support of Professors Karen Simmer
& Peter Hartmann, & the expertise on medications provided by Ms Judith Kristensen.

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Chapter 9
Post-Discharge Nutrition for High-Risk Preterm

Gemma McLeod, Jill Sherriff and Sanjay Patole

Abstract Preterm infants may be nutritionally compromised at discharge, due to

unrecovered early protein and energy deficits accumulated during hospital stay and
because exclusive breastfeeding is not well established prior to going home. The
strategy of enriching breast milk and infant formula to accelerate and catch-up growth
must be weighed against the current evidence relating to these practices and in the
context of the preterm phenotype at discharge, which persists into adulthood and
which differs from that of term-born infants. Commencing the transition from liquid
food to nutrient-dense solid foods and then progressing through a variety of textures
should be considered in the context of gross motor development.

Key points
• Preterm phenotype at discharge differs from that of term babies and identified
pre-morbidity biomarkers suggest that preterm young adults are at increased risk
of later, adverse metabolic complications, compared to term-born peers.
• Use of enriched formula should be carefully considered in light of lack of evidence
for its use and in relation to the preterm phenotype at discharge; it may be that
protein and/or other micronutrients and not energy, are limiting for some infants
after discharge.
• Mothers and babies may need extra support in the home after discharge to facilitate
successful breastfeeding and to avoid its early cessation.

G. McLeod () · J. Sherriff · S. Patole

Department of Neonatal Paediatrics, King Edward Memorial Hospital,
374 Bagot Road, Subiaco, Perth, Western Australia 6008, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
School of Paediatrics and Child Health, The University of Western Australia,
374 Bagot Road, Subiaco, Perth, Western Australia 6008, Australia
J. Sherriff
School of Public Health, Curtin University, Kent Street,
Bentley, Perth, Western Australia 6102, Australia
email: [email protected]
S. Patole
e-mail: [email protected]

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 173

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3_9, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
174 G. McLeod et al.

• Whilst ensuring optimal nutritional intake from liquid diet, a reasonable guide for
the introduction of solids appears to be after at least a corrected age of 3 months,
when gross motor development should enable safe eating.
• High-risk infants may need individualised nutrition support with regular moni-
toring of growth after discharge to ensure adequate nutritional intakes.
• Research is necessary to clarify the optimal length, quantity, and method of pro-
viding supplemental minerals and vitamin D after hospital discharge for preterm
infants, especially for those who are breastfed.
Preterm infants are born with immature organs and compromised immunity and
those born small for gestational age (SGA) and/or growth-restricted are at increased
risk of mortality and morbidity compared to their appropriately grown, gestation-
matched peers [1]. During hospital stay, neurological insults, early sepsis, need
for respiratory support, unstable glucose levels, a patent ductus arteriosus, risk
of necrotising enterocolitis and feeding intolerance impact on prescribed feeding
regimes. More specifically, restricted fluid volumes, increased nutrient require-
ments, pharmacologically-related nutrient losses, and delayed enteral feeding and
milk fortification are frequently encountered. Early nutritional deficits accumulate
[2], resulting in poor postnatal growth, coupled potentially with associated, impaired
neurodevelopment [3–6].
Extra-uterine growth restriction (EUGR), defined as either a decrease in z-score
greater than two standard deviations (SD) between birth and 36 weeks post menstrual
age (PMA) [7] or as a weight below the 10th percentile at 36 weeks PMA [8],
is common in the preterm population [9]. Whilst at least 45 % of its prevalence
has been attributed to nutrition, the true extent of EUGR is difficult to determine,
with variations in its reported prevalence [2, 10–14] likely due to (i) the various
definitions employed to quantify it [7, 8] (ii) the reference populations against which
it is classified [15–19], and (iii) the postnatal ages at which it is assessed.
Avoiding growth restriction in the neonatal intensive care unit with ‘aggressive’
early nutritional strategies, rather than attempting to ‘catch up’growth after discharge
has been the focus of nutrition research and a priority of neonatal clinicians for some
years. Aggressive parenteral nutrition has largely focused on the introduction of
earlier and higher infusions of amino acids (± lipid) than previously administered
[20–23], promoting early, positive nitrogen balance. However, the short- and long-
term risks of this strategy have not been extensively assessed and there is little
evidence to suggest that aggressive parenteral support in the first days of life confers
any long-term benefit.
Unfortunately, recommended early parenteral amino acid intakes of 3.5–
4 g/kg/day and energy intakes of around 90 kcal/kg/day are not always sufficient
to recover the lean mass that very preterm infants lose before recovering birth weight
[24]. Early introduction of trophic enteral feeds, faster achievement of full enteral
feeding, earlier and increased fortification of milk feeds and increased nutrient den-
sity of formula feeds are the latest enteral feeding strategies aimed at encouraging
rates of growth and nutrient accretion that mimics that of the gestational age-matched
fetus, without causing metabolic stress. Unfortunately, reported intakes are often
9 Post-Discharge Nutrition for High-Risk Preterm Neonates 175

lower than expected [25], and despite best efforts to avoid EUGR, preterm infants
are commonly discharged at much earlier gestations than before, with body weights
and lengths far below those typical for healthy, term-born infants. Whilst bone min-
eralization has been shown to normalize in preterm infants between 6 and 12 months
of age, and to reach values similar to term born infants, after adjusting for body size
[26, 27], recent data suggest preterm infants remain smaller than their peers for some
years after discharge [28]. These outcomes are concerning, given the epidemiolog-
ical evidence in term infants at least, that low birth weight [29] and low weight at
one year [30] increases risk of cardiovascular [29] and coronary heart disease [30]
and that low growth rates up to one year are associated with increased prevalence of
known cardiovascular risk factors, including blood pressure [31].

1 Preterm Phenotype at Discharge

It is alarming too that around discharge, preterm infants have altered adiposity
[32–34] and increased intra-hepatocellular lipid [35] compared to their term peers,
a phenotype that persists into adulthood [36]. Thomas et al. [36] measured intra-
hepatocellular (IHCL) and intra-myocellular (IMCL) lipid in 18–27 years olds born
at or below 33 weeks gestation and compared results to those adults of similar age
who were born healthy at term. They found that ex-preterm adults had greater (i)
total and abdominal adipose tissue; (ii) higher blood pressure; and (iii) more ec-
topic lipid. It is highly probable that nutrition contributed to these outcomes as it
has been demonstrated both in animal models [37–39], and clinically in preterm
infants [40–42] that macronutrient composition of the diet influences composition of
weight gain. Notably, potential nutritional determinants of fatty liver in the preterm
infant population include excessive and extended use of parenteral nutrition and car-
bohydrate/lipid rich diet in the face of protein deficiency (i.e., excess energy and
low protein energy ratio-“PER”). There is growing appreciation that composition
of growth must be considered alongside weight, length and head circumference as
measures of nutrition adequacy. This realization has prompted nutrition companies
to alter the formulation of their available fortifiers and formulas and to introduce new
formulas over recent years. Nowadays, when used as directed, human milk fortifiers
double the protein content of human milk, conventional preterm formulae (PTF)
have an energy range from 75–82 kcal and a protein content of 2–2.5 g/100 mL (PER
of < 3) and formula products containing as much as 2.9 g protein per 100 mL (PER
of 3.6) [43] have recently become available on the market. It is unclear if these latest
formulations improve the quality of growth and the metabolic profile of infants in
the short-term and/or if they are efficacious in the long term. What is apparent, is
that they widen even further the gap between hospital and home nutrition as infants
are forced at discharge to transition from fortified milk feeds (estimated PER < 3.0)
and/or PTF (PER ∼2.7–3.6) to unfortified breast milk (estimated PER < 2.0) and/or
term (PER ∼2.2) or ‘enriched’ formula (PER ∼2.5). This transition translates to a
176 G. McLeod et al.

substantial reduction in the amount of protein per unit of energy that infants con-
sume. It seems logical therefore to hypothesise that unhealthy fat deposition (with or
without accompanying accelerated weight gain) and further risk to metabolic health
may result if high-risk preterm infants are fed diets relatively low in protein and
high in energy after discharge. The challenge therefore is to ensure protein and other
nutrient intakes are adequate to promote maintenance, recovery or ‘catch-up’ of lean
mass and nutrient accretion, as pertinent to each infant’s needs after they go home.

2 Post Discharge Nutrition in Preterm Neonates

Seven years ago, The European Society of Paediatric, Gastroenterology, Hepatology

and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) Committee on Nutrition (CON) published a medical po-
sition paper on feeding preterm infants after hospital discharge [44]. The Committee
acknowledged the importance of early nutritional support in influencing long-term
health and development, but noted the difficulty in documenting associated neurode-
velopmental outcomes because genetics, early neurological insults, and chronic lung
disease also impact on neurodevelopment in this population [44]. The Committee
encouraged regular monitoring of weight, length and head circumference (HC) in
hospital and beyond, to assist clinicians in identifying infants with poor growth who
may need additional, individually tailored, nutritional support. The paper classified
four typical, preterm growth patterns observed at discharge (see below) and iden-
tified infants displaying growth patterns two or three as being at increased risk of
long-term growth failure:
1. Appropriate growth for gestational age at birth and discharge (AGA: 10th–90th
percentile; or, within 2 SD of reference median birth weight/length for gestational
2. Appropriate growth for gestational age at birth (AGA) but below reference growth
at discharge (< 10th percentile; > 2 SD below the reference median weight/length
for gestational age);
3. Growth restriction at birth (SGA: < 10th percentile, > 2 SD below the reference
median birth weight/length for gestational age) and discharge weight below refer-
ence growth (< 10th percentile; > 2 SD below the reference median weight/length
for gestational age); and
4. Growth restriction at birth (SGA) and recovery to reference growth by dis-
charge (10th–90th percentile; within 2 SD of reference median weight/length
for gestational age).
However the long-term anthropometric outcomes of preterm infants have been re-
ported differently in other studies, not according to patterns described by ESPGHAN.
For example, a recent, community-based cohort study in the Netherlands followed
preterm infants with gestational age (GA): 25 to < 32 weeks, n = 612, birth weight
(BW): 1,297 ± 362; GA: 32 ≤ 36 weeks, n = 1,123, BW: 2241 ± 467) and a random
sample of term control infants (GA: 38 ≤ 42 weeks, n = 605, BW: 3,549 ± 503)
9 Post-Discharge Nutrition for High-Risk Preterm Neonates 177

from birth to 4 years of age and assessed absolute measurements and distribution
of weight, length and HC, stratified by GA and gender [28]. Thirty percent of the
sample contained multiples of twins (96 %) and some triplets and quadruplets (4 %).
In this study, SGA was defined as weight > 2SD below the mean birth weight for
GA, based on Kloosterman curves (i.e., < 2nd percentile: (preterm SGA: 3.6 %; term
SGA: 2 %). Weight gain was inversely related to GA. Compared with term-born in-
fants, median height and weight of preterm children were lower at all ages and on
the absolute scale, there was no catch up in weight or height. There was however
early catch up in HC, with measurements being similar to term-born infants by one-
year of age. Notably, there was greater variability of growth in boys, suggesting
a greater vulnerability to the complications of preterm birth that influence growth.
Neurodevelopmental outcomes were not measured.
In a British study [45], although some catch up growth was evident, growth re-
striction persisted into school age in children who were born at 25 weeks gestation
or less. Compared with their classmates, they were 1–1.3 SD lower for all growth
parameters. In another study, this time of 1,300 German infants (mean birth weight
and gestation: 1.1 kg, and 29 weeks, respectively), rapid catch-up growth was ob-
served in the first year, followed subsequently by gradual height increases during
preschool age [46]. At 5 years of age, only 14 % of the cohort were > 2 SD below
reference population mean for height; these infants were born of short parents and
had shown slow length gain during infancy.
It is difficult therefore, for clinicians to direct nutritional management of preterm
infants after discharge when there are no clear nutrition recommendations to guide
them and the evidence of poor growth outcomes is so variably reported and inter-
preted. Nash et al. [47] recently highlighted this difficulty, by demonstrating the
potential variance in outcomes obtained when different growth references are em-
ployed to assess growth and development. These authors used both the World Health
Organisation Growth Standards (WHO-GS) and the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention reference growth charts (CDC-RGC) to assess whether the pattern of
growth of AGA very low birth weight (VLBW) infants (n = 289) during the first
18–24 months CA was associated with neurodevelopment. The investigators classi-
fied growth as sustained (change in z-score ≤ 1 SD), decelerated (decline > 1 SD), or
accelerated (incline > 1 SD). Development was assessed using the Bayley Scales of
Infant and Toddler Development–III (BSID-III) at 18–24 months corrected age (CA).
Twice as many VLBW infants were classified as having decelerated weight gain from
birth to 18–24 months CA with the CDC-RGC (35 %), compared with the WHO-GS
(17 %). Using the WHO-GS, (a prescriptive set of growth charts that describe how
term infants should grow under ideal environmental conditions), children with a de-
celerated pattern of weight gain had lower cognitive (10 points), language (6 points)
and motor (4 points) scores than infants with sustained weight gain (p < 0.05), even
after adjustment for morbidities. No association was found using the CDC-RGC.
Notably, infants who had an accelerated pattern of weight gain, assessed using the
WHO-GS (24 %) and CDC-RGC (12 %), had cognitive, language and motor com-
posite scores that did not differ from infants with either sustained or decelerated
patterns of weight gain, suggesting an accelerated pattern of growth in the first
178 G. McLeod et al.

2 years may not be associated with a developmental advantage. The authors con-
cluded that a decelerated pattern of weight gain, determined with the WHO-GS,
but not the CDC-GRC, is associated with poorer neurodevelopment scores on the
BSID-III than a pattern of sustained growth. They hypothesised that many infants
classified as having a decelerated pattern of growth, using the CDC-RGC, were ac-
tually growing at a rate that supported optimal neurodevelopment. It is yet to be
determined if these growth standards are also a more discerning tool for identifying
growth patterns associated with adverse metabolic outcomes.
Global consensus on standardising the reference population against which preterm
growth outcomes are measured (i.e., WHO-GRC) would facilitate data synthesis and
better assist researchers in determining the association between nutrition, postnatal
growth patterns and neurodevelopment and help direct clinicians in their nutritional
management of infants after discharge.
ESPGHAN-CON have directed clinicians to provide additional nutritional support
up until at least 40 weeks PMA and possibly up until about 3 months CA to infants
displaying sub-optimal growth at discharge (i.e., growth patterns two and three) [44].
Specifically, it has been recommended that human milk-fed infants should receive
supplemented human milk (e.g., with human milk fortifier) and formula fed infants
should receive post-discharge formula (PDF).

3 Enriched Human Milk Feeding After Discharge

In 2010, McCormack et al. [48] systematically reviewed the [then] only randomized
trial designed to assess the efficacy of fortifying breast milk after discharge to im-
prove the nutrient intakes of preterm infants [49]. Canadian investigators randomised
39 breast-milk fed infants receiving at least 80 % of feeds as breast milk at discharge
to receive fortification to half of their total daily milk intake (n = 19; birth weight
1253 ± 242; birth gestation weeks: 28.9 ± 1.2) or to continue with unfortified breast
milk feeding (n = 20; birth weight: 1322 ± 332; birth gestation weeks: 29.8 ± 1.7),
from breast or expressed milk, for 12 weeks [49]. They estimated that intervention
infants would receive nutrition similar in content to the amount of protein and energy
provided by a discharge formula.
At 12 months of age, weight gain (p = 0.0035), length (p = 0.001) and head
circumference (infants born ≤ 1,250 g; p < 0.0001) measurements and whole-body
bone mineral content (p = 0.02) were all significantly greater in the infants who
had received fortified human milk. At 4–6 months, their visual acuity was higher
(p = 0.02) [50] and their estimated intakes of calcium (p < 0.0001) and phosphorus
(p < 0.0001) were greater [49]. Notably, their mean energy intake didn’t differ from
that of infants drinking unfortified milk, which suggests that the infants receiving
fortified milk down regulated their intake according to the nutrient density of the
milk—regulating intake to energy density has also been reported in formula-fed
infants [51] and in animal models [39]. As percentage fat mass was not significantly
9 Post-Discharge Nutrition for High-Risk Preterm Neonates 179

different at 12 months PMA, it’s possible that the better growth achieved by the
fortified group was due to higher bone mineral and protein content [52].
The authors of this 2010 Cochrane systematic review concluded that growth was
improved with milk fortification after discharge but that long-term effects on neu-
rodevelopment and growth were unclear. They also cautioned that fortifying breast
milk for breastfed infants is logistically difficult, that it has the potential to interfere
with breastfeeding, and that if researchers plan in the future to conduct further tri-
als of this nature, they will first need to ascertain the degree to which this type of
intervention is supported by mothers [48].
Subsequent to this Cochrane review, Zachariassen et al. [53] reported a Dan-
ish study conducted between July 2004 and August 2008. It involved 207 breast-fed
infants who were randomly assigned shortly before discharge to receive either breast-
feeding without intervention (n = 102) or breastfeeding with intervention (n = 105)
until 4 months CA. The intervention differed from that employed by O’Connor et al.
[49] and consisted of bottle-feeding 20–50 mL/day of expressed mother’s own milk,
fortified with five sachets of human milk fortifier, providing an additional 17.5 kcal
and 1.38 g protein. The remaining infants who were not breastfed (n = 113) were
fed PTF at discharge. Birth gestation and birth weights ranged from 24–32 weeks
and 535–2,255 g, respectively. Weight, length and head circumference (HC) were
primary outcomes with some secondary, biochemical outcomes (i.e., haemoglobin,
serum phosphate and urea). The study had high attrition rates, with 88 % (n = 283)
remaining in their assigned nutrition groups until term, 66 % (n = 211) remaining
in their assigned groups until 2 months CA and only 34 % (n = 108) of the original
cohort still participating in their assigned nutrition groups at 4 months CA (i.e., un-
fortified milk n = 38; fortified milk n = 20; PTF n = 37). On the basis of individual
assessment, term formula (TF) or PTF was introduced in the first two months after
discharge if breastfeeding ceased or needed supplementation, and thereafter, only
TF was used for this purpose. Duration of breastfeeding after term was not influ-
enced by fortification (control: 11.8 ± 7.7 vs. intervention: 10.6 ± 7.5 weeks). Boys
had greater weight, length and HC than girls within all three nutrition groups from
term until 1 year of age. In the intention-to-treat (ITT) analyses, PTF-fed infants
increased significantly more in length and weight z-scores compared with those who
were breastfed. At 2 and 4 months, PTF-fed boys had significantly increased length
z-scores, compared with those who were breastfed, whereas a higher increase in
length z-scores was evident in PTF-fed girls, compared only to breastfed girls who
received no intervention. Furthermore, weight at 2–6 months and HC from term to
4 months were significantly higher in girls in the intervention group, compared to
breastfed controls. A second ‘per protocol’ analysis was conducted in the 211 in-
fants who were participating in the study at 2 months CA. These analyses showed
that PTF-fed infants increased significantly more in length and weight z score until
4 months CA compared with breastfed infants. Preterm formula fed-girls increased
significantly more in weight z-score compared with breast fed-girls at term and in-
creased significantly more in length z-score compared only with breast fed girls who
did not receive the intervention (2–6 months). Since any positive outcomes associ-
ated with fortified breast milk were not observed beyond 6 months CA, the authors
180 G. McLeod et al.

concluded that fortifying mother’s milk after hospital discharge while breastfeeding
very preterm infants did not significantly influence growth parameters at 1 year of
age, compared with unfortified mother’s milk. Perhaps further trials comparing the
efficacy of these two intervention types, with increased levels of fortification, may be
useful; however, lactation and breastfeeding support should be provided for mothers
and high attrition rates should be anticipated.

4 Enriched Formula Feeding After Discharge

The effect of feeding nutrient-enriched formulas to preterm infants after discharge has
frequently been studied [27, 51, 54–64] and often found to improve growth, primar-
ily in males and in infants weighing < 1,251 g [65]. However, in 2012, Young et al.
[66] published the results of a systematic review and meta-analysis of 15 randomised
controlled trials [27, 51, 54, 57–61, 63, 64, 67–75] of varying methodological quality,
exploring the effects of feeding a nutrient-enriched, versus standard TF after preterm
discharge. In these trials, infants were fed ad libitum from one month up to 12 months.
The control feeds (TF) contained < 73 kcal and < 1.8 g protein/100 mL. There were
2 levels of enriched feeds. The energy and protein content of the first (PDF) con-
tained 73–75 or more kcal and > 1.7 g protein/100 mL (n = 10 trials; n = 762 infants).
The second was classified as PTF and contained at least 76 kcal and at least 2.1 g
protein (n = 5 trials; n = 366 infants). The major measured outcomes included
weight, length and HC up to 12–18 months CA. Three trials assessed neurode-
velopmental outcomes at 18 months using Bayley Scales of Infant Development and
one trial assessed Griffith’s Developmental Scales at 6, 9 and 12 months CA. Only at
9 months did the meta-analysis of data from four trials indicate that infants receiving
PDF were significantly heavier [weighted mean difference (WMD): 244 (95 % CI
17–471) g; p = 0.04] and longer [WMD: 7.3 (95 % CI 1.8–12.9) mm; p = 0.009]
than infants fed TF. This effect was not seen before or after 9 months of age and
meta-analyses did not detect any statistically significant differences at 3–4, 6, 9
or 12 months of age in HC measurement. However, a different outcome was seen
in the meta-analyses of PTF versus TF. At 12 [WMD: 540 (95 % CI 255–824) g;
p = 0.0002] and 18 months [WMD: 491 (95 % CI 142–839) g; p = 0.006], meta-
analysis of data from 4 and 2 trials, respectively, found preterm infants fed PTF after
discharge were significantly heavier than controls who were fed TF. At 18 months
[WMD: 11 (95 % CI 1.9–20) mm; p = 0.02], meta-analysis of data from two trials
found a statistically significant higher length in the PTF group than controls fed
TF. Similarly with reference to HC, each meta-analyses of the included trials at 6
[MWD: 5.9 (95 % CI 1.3–10.3) mm; p = 0.01], 9 [MWD: 8.0 (95 % CI 0.9–15.2)
mm; p = 0.03], 12 [MWD: 6.1 (95 % CI 1.1–11.1) mm; p = 0.02] and 18 [MWD: 5.4
(95 % CI 0.7–10.1) mm; p = 0.02] months found statistically larger HC in the PTF
group relative to controls fed TF. Of the four trials that measured neurodevelopmen-
tal outcomes, no differences between groups were evident. The Cochrane reviewers’
9 Post-Discharge Nutrition for High-Risk Preterm Neonates 181

concluded that their findings did not support expert group and consensus recom-
mendations that formula-fed preterm infants should be fed PDF for up to 12 months
post-discharge. However, the reviewers felt that the data did indicate that feeding
with PTF, which is only usually solely available throughout the world for hospital
use, may increase weight, length and HC up to 12–18 months CA. Cautionary re-
marks were made by reviewers about the applicability and interpretation of the review
findings, given the available data were limited by the short duration of follow-up and
by the methodological weaknesses evident in the study designs. They encouraged a
systematic review of all studies that have employed post-discharge nutrition strate-
gies to improve growth of preterm infants and they recommended further research
to determine what PER and which specific nutrients are key to promoting lean mass
and linear growth and to improving developmental outcomes. Since completion of
this meta-analysis, Roggero and colleagues [76] have published the final results of
their RCT. These investigators randomised 207 preterm infants at term-CA to receive
TF (per 100 mL–68 kcal and 1.4 g protein) or PDF (per 100 mL–75 kcal and 2.0 g
protein) up to 6 months CA, using a computer-generated randomization list for AGA
infants (TF: n−64; PDF: n = 59) and another for SGA infants (TF: n = 43; PDF:
n = 41). Thirteen infants (AGA n = 8; SGA n = 5) withdrew and 115 AGA and 79
SGA infants completed the study. Anthropometric parameters and body composition
(measured using an air displacement plethysmograph), were assessed at term and 1,
3 and 6 months CA and anthropometry was again assessed at 12 months CA. Whilst
energy intakes were not different between groups, infants fed PDF had significantly
higher protein intakes than infants fed the TF at each study point (PDF vs TF AGA:
1 month—3.2 vs. 2.5 p < 0.001, 3 months—2.6 vs 2.0 p < 0.001, 6 months—2.6 vs
1.9 p < 0.001; SGA: 1 month—3.3 vs 2.8 p < 0.05, 3 months—2.7 vs 2.2 p < 0.05,
6 months—2.5 vs 2.0 p < 0.05) and their volume intakes were also significantly lower
at 1 and 3 months (and 6 months for SGA infants). No differences in weight and
length SD scores existed between either AGA or SGA group. Mean HC values were
higher in AGA infants receiving PDF at 6 and 12 months, than in AGA infants fed TF
whereas at 6 months, % FM measured using air displacement plethysmography, was
lower. No difference in body composition was detected among SGA infants through
the study. The authors concluded that feeding a PDF to AGA infants for 6 months
after discharge conferred beneficial gains in HC growth and fat-free mass. They
also concluded that the growth pattern of SGA preterm infants was not affected by
feeding a PDF [74]. Perhaps an explanation for this second conclusion could be that
SGA infants require more protein for the same or an even greater period of time than
AGA infants after discharge, to improve growth outcomes. Studies employing latest
formulas with increased protein content (and perhaps other nutrients) are therefore
required to further explore this possibility. Assessing body composition beyond 6
months CA would also be beneficial. These results published by Roggero et al. [76]
need to be included in the next Cochrane update.
In summary, nutritional intakes and growth of all high risk breast and formula
fed preterm infants after discharge should be regularly monitored and nutrients,
including protein, should be supplemented if nutritional status and growth are found
to be sub-optimal. Notably, breastfed preterm infants commonly receive at least an
iron supplement after discharge until solid intake is well-established [77].
182 G. McLeod et al.

5 Feeding Difficulties and Challenges

Feeding difficulties, that potentially develop as a consequence of medical procedures

and treatments administered in the NICU, sometimes continue after discharge and
have the potential to compromise nutritional status and to impact growth. For exam-
ple, oral hypersensitivity and a disorganized suck and swallow have been associated
with laryngeal trauma from prolonged use of endotracheal tubes. Frequent placement
and prolonged use of nasogastric and orogastric tubes is associated with nasal and
pharyngeal irritation, conditioned dysphagia and poor response to sensory input [78].
Learned oral aversions that interfere with feeding progress can stress the parents of
preterm infants who tend to become over-anxious and employ maladaptive strategies
in an attempt to correct the feeding behaviors.
The immediate feeding concern around discharge is that breastfeeding is rarely
well established, and its duration after discharge [79, 80], is lower for preterm than
for term infants [81]. Limited muscle strength and endurance make the task of breast-
feeding very challenging for some infants [82, 83]. Regular follow-up by specialist
health professionals is therefore recommended after discharge to help mothers and
their infants protect breastfeeding in the home whilst ensuring adequate growth and
development. An awareness of infant- and maternal-related factors that influence a
mother’s early decision to cease breastfeeding is important. These include (i) poor
attachment and a disorganised sucking pattern; (ii) a ‘sleepy’ infant who is not in-
terested in the breast; (iii) slow weight gain; (iv) fussy and unsettled behaviour (v)
poor milk supply; (vi) sore cracked nipples, (vii) mastitis, (viii) thrush, (ix) return to
work and (x) lack of support in the home, especially when continuing to express milk
after discharge [82–84]. Other ‘red flags’ that have been identified in the NICU as
being indicative of future early weaning from the breast, include low birth gestation,
low birth weight, extended time to recover birth weight and to reach full feeds, and
most indicative, a protracted nursery stay [79]. In addition to those for whom breast
feeding is not well established, individualised feeding advice after discharge from
specialised members of a multidisciplinary feeding team is strongly encouraged for
infants with chronic lung disease and short gut, for those who have reflux and/or are
slow feeders and for those whose growth is maintaining a downward trajectory at

6 Introduction to Solid Foods

As part of normal development, infants are introduced to solid diet when they’re
unable to consume adequate volume of breast milk or infant formula to meet their
nutritional needs [85]. Starting solids provides an opportunity for infants to practice
their feeding skills at appropriate developmental stages to minimise risk of later feed-
ing problems. It also provides opportunity for infants to touch and play with food
and to be exposed to different flavours, which may promote gradual acceptance of a
wide variety of foods in their diet. Chewing is a skill that is developing from early
9 Post-Discharge Nutrition for High-Risk Preterm Neonates 183

childhood and starting solids begins the progression from liquid to more textured
foods. Delaying timely introduction to solid foods may lead to nutritional compro-
mise and impact on growth. Further, delayed introduction of solids may place an
infant at risk of speech delay, due to under-utilisation of tongue and jaw muscles
[86]. Data are limited and mostly observational studies inform current thinking and
common practices around the introduction of solids for preterm infants.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) [87] recommended in 2001 that mothers
should breast-feed their infants exclusively for the first six months of life and in-
troduce complementary foods thereafter, with continued breast-feeding until at least
twelve months of age. This policy did not differentiate between healthy term infants
and the special needs of preterm infants and those born SGA. More recently, in 2012,
the National Health and Medical Research Council in Australia (NHMRC) [88], re-
leased new infant feeding guidelines for healthy term infants and recommended that
solids should be introduced around six months of age and breastfeeding should con-
tinue until 12 months and beyond, for as long as the mother and child desire. The
NHMRC cautioned that although many of the described principles of infant feeding
could be applied to low birth weight infants, specific medical advice should be sought
for preterm infants and underweight infants. The WHO Global Strategy for Infant
and Child Feeding [89] states that the introduction of complementary foods must
occur when exclusive and frequent breast-feeding can no longer meet the energy and
nutrient needs of the infant and should be provided according to a child’s signals of
satiety and appetite.
In a study investigating the adequacy of protein and energy intakes of preterm
infants with chronic lung disease after discharge, McLeod et al. [84] reported that
mothers (n = 26) introduced solids to their infants at a median corrected age of 3.6
months (range: 2.2–6.0) and a median uncorrected age of 7.0 months (range: 4.0–
8.8). The three main reasons cited by mothers for introducing solids were (i) because
their infant appeared ready, (ii) because it was recommended and/or (iii) to promote
weight gain. Commonly, the first food introduced was rice cereal, with single or
mixed vegetables, fruit and porridge being the alternative first foods. In the majority,
mothers introduced a variety of vegetables and fruits before incorporating meat or
dairy into their infants’ diets. As noted in an earlier review [90], Norris et al. [91]
conducted structured interviews on milk and complementary feeding practices with
217 mothers of 253 (139 males; 114 females) preterm infants from three hospi-
tals in the United Kingdom. The sample population was skewed towards the higher
socio-economic status and older maternal age. Ninety-five percent of the infants were
introduced to complementary foods before four months corrected GA. The mean age
at which solids were introduced from term was 11.5 ± 0.21 weeks (chronological
age: 17.1 ± 0.23 weeks). Formula fed-infants were introduced to solids significantly
earlier than both human milk-fed (11.9 ± 0.49 weeks; p < 0.05) and combined milk-
fed infants (11.9 ± 0.25 weeks; p < 0.005). First foods offered included baby rice
(84.6 %), baby cereal (4.0 %) rusks (3.4 %) vegetables (3.2 %) and fruit (2.8 %),
pureed meat and vegetables (1.2 %) and other dessert, including egg custard (0.8 %).
Morgan et al. [92] retrospectively reviewed data from five prospective randomised
dietary trials involving a mixed group of 1600 infants, including term AGA, term
184 G. McLeod et al.

SGA and preterm infants. These authors found that infants who were introduced
to solids at ≤ 12 weeks were heavier at 12 weeks of age than those who were in-
troduced later. However, by 18 months of age there were no significant differences
in size between the two groups, largely due to catch up growth between 9 and 18
months. No significant effects or interactions from introducing solids were observed
for measured health outcomes, including diarrhea, vomiting, lower respiratory chest
infections, atopy and sleep patterns to 18 months post term. Marriott et al. [93] as-
sessed the effect on growth and iron status in preterm infants of a specially devised
‘introduction to solids’ strategy that recommended early introduction of foods with
a higher energy and protein content than standard milk formula and foods that were
rich sources of iron and zinc, compared with current best practices in infant feeding.
Provided the infant weighed at least 3.5 kg and was at least 13 weeks post-natal age,
the recommendation was to introduce high energy and protein foods as soon as the
infants appeared ready. The preterm ‘early introduction to solids’ strategy signif-
icantly influenced dietary intakes with consequent beneficial effects on growth in
length and iron status. Potential or actual adverse effects of the early intervention
were not discussed in this study.
Generally, evidence is limited and there has been uncertainty by health profes-
sionals as to how best direct families about when to introduce solids to their preterm
infants. Recently however evidence-based guidelines have been published [85, 86],
that underline the importance of good head control for the safe and successful tran-
sition to solid foods [94], and document that their introduction should begin around
4–7 [85] months or 5–8 [86] months of uncorrected age, provided that the infant is at
least 3 months CA (i.e., when gross motor development should enable safe eating).
According to Palmer and Makrides [85], reasonable advice often given to parents of
preterm infants is that children are developmentally ready for solid food when they
have a reduced tongue thrust (protrusion) reflex, can sit in a stable supported posi-
tion, can hold their heads up well, open their mouths, and lean forward towards the
spoon. This is not thought to be the case until at least 3 months after term corrected
age. When commencing solids, it is recommended for otherwise healthy preterm
infants, to begin with high-protein, energy and nutrient-dense, texture appropriate,
solid foods [85]. Indeed, it could be reasonable to adopt the same recommendation
for preterm infants as that recently recommended by the NHMRC for term infants
[88], which is to start with iron-containing foods, including iron-enriched infant ce-
reals, pureed meat, poultry and fish (all sources of haem iron), or cooked tofu and
legumes and then include vegetables, fruits, and dairy products such as full-fat yo-
ghurt, cheese and custard. Solid foods should be of acceptable taste, without added
salt, honey or sugar and be introduced at a rate that suits the infant [88].
Parents of preterm infants are encouraged to be guided by infant cues (e.g., signs
of food refusal; infant keeping mouth closed; turning away when food is offered;
actively spitting food out; becoming distressed when food is offered), and to consider
progressing from puree and mash to minced, lumpy and more textured foods before
9 months uncorrected age. Lack of appearance of teeth is no reason to delay
progression to more textured foods [85].
9 Post-Discharge Nutrition for High-Risk Preterm Neonates 185

Of note, ‘baby-led weaning’ is a term used to describe the philosophy of allowing

term-born infants the independence to take and eat food themselves whenever they’re
ready. This can mean that first foods are quite highly textured. Since preterm infants
may not have achieved the developmental skills to commence with highly textured
foods, it may be necessary (and is encouraged) to first wait until puree and soft foods
are being accepted before this philosophy is integrated into the continued progression
towards accepting the family diet.
In summary, preterm infants are lighter and shorter than term-born infants at dis-
charge and their altered phenotype of increased abdominal adiposity and fatty liver
has been shown to persist into young adulthood, with many preterm adults having
increased levels of both, suggesting they are more at risk of metabolic disease later
in life, relative to their peers. Benefits of accelerating growth to catch up hospital-
accrued nutritional deficits, by using enriched formula feeds to promote appropriate
growth, must be carefully weighed against associated evidence and risks. When tran-
sitioning from hospital to home, nutritional needs of infants after preterm discharge
should be assessed in relation to their medical and clinical history and growth out-
comes. Mothers and babies may need extra support to facilitate and to maximise
duration of exclusive breastfeeding. Motor development of head control is necessary
for safe and successful transition to solid foods and the decision to introduce (at
around 3 months CA) and progress solids needs to be considered in the context of
developmental cues. Infants identified as being at risk of nutritional deficiency may
need individual assessment and multidisciplinary management. Research to clarify
the optimal length, quantity, quality and method of providing nutritional support
after hospital discharge for preterm infants is necessary.

Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the continued support of Professors Karen Simmer
and Peter Hartmann.


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Part III
Parenteral Nutrition
Chapter 10
The History, Principles, and Practice
of Parenteral Nutrition in Preterm Neonates

Stanley J. Dudrick and Alpin D. Malkan

Abstract The history of the successful development of Total Parenteral Nutrition

(TPN), first in beagle puppies in the basic science laboratories, and its subsequent
clinical translations initially to adults, and shortly thereafter, to a newborn infant,
is recounted by the original developer of the techniques, data, and results that have
led to its widespread application and acceptance throughout the world. The prin-
ciples, practices, standards, techniques, observations, technology, and several of
the countless details which were so essential in guiding this dream to reality, are
woven throughout the narrative. The advances and milestones are traced along this
passionate, relentless journey to the present day, when preterm infants are actually
expected to live and thrive. The precision and conscientious attention which are es-
sential to the judicious, safe, efficacious use of TPN in preterm neonates throughout
all aspects of solution formulation and delivery, together with appropriate monitor-
ing and assessment of outcomes, are described and discussed briefly. The multiple
risks and complications associated with this complex life-saving technique are exten-
sively tabulated, with the intention to teach, in order to avoid, prevent, or overcome
them. Moreover, attention has been directed toward pointing out many of the per-
sisting shortcomings of the technique which remain to be prevented, overcome, or
corrected by future research efforts and experiences. Finally, the costs, philosophy,
humanity, and future advancements necessary to apply TPN to the care of preterm
infants in developing countries are stated with optimism and hope.

Key points
• The concept of parenteral nutrition (PN) was advocated and attempted long before
its first successful achievement almost five decades ago.
• The goal of PN is to support nutrition for optimal growth and development of
the infant when the gastrointestinal tract needs time to mature anatomically and
functionally to allow enteral feedings without complications.

S. J. Dudrick ()
Department of Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
A. D. Malkan
Danbury Hospital, University of Vermont School of Medicine, Danbury, CT, USA
e-mail: [email protected]

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 193

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3_10, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
194 S. J. Dudrick and A. D. Malkan

• PN should be started as soon as possible after birth (within 24 h) to mini-

mize weight loss and endogenous protein catabolism, to maximize growth and
development in preterm infants, especially those born under 28 weeks’ gestation.
• Thorough knowledge of its principles and practice is necessary for optimizing the
benefits and minimising/avoiding the risks of PN.

1 Historical Background

It is obvious and generally acknowledged that the best and most physiologic means
for satisfying nutritional requirements is the alimentary tract [1–26]. However, when
its use is significantly compromised or precluded for lengthy periods of time, spe-
cial techniques of nutritional support, including Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN),
are indicated and may become indispensable if the morbidity and mortality of the
precipitating situation or condition, its treatment, its sequelae, and its complications,
are to be minimized or obviated. The concept of feeding patients entirely parenter-
ally by injecting nutrient substances or fluids directly intravenously, was advocated
and attempted long before its first successful achievement almost five decades ago.
The realization of this seemingly fanciful 400 year-old dream initially required cen-
turies of fundamental investigation and discovery, coupled with basic technological
developments and advancements, and judicious clinical applications. Although most
clinicians in the 1950s were aware of the negative impact of starvation on morbidity,
mortality, and outcomes, especially following the horrid experiences during World
War II, only a relatively small percentage of them understood the necessity for pro-
viding adequate nutritional support to their malnourished patients if optimal clinical
results were to be achieved. An even smaller number were aware of the multiple
important contributions by our many predecessors that were the scientific, technical,
and clinical essentials to the eventual development of TPN (Table 10.1) [1]. The
fundamental prerequisites to rational clinical studies and improved results in this
challenging, but vital area are still true today, and are outlined in Table 10.2 [2].
Although currently available knowledge, components and techniques of parenteral
nutritional support have been shown to be utilitarian and life-saving in a wide vari-
ety of clinical conditions, TPN support today is still not ideal [3–13]. Much basic
and clinical investigation remains to be accomplished and must be stimulated, en-
couraged, and supported if this technique is to be perfected in order to achieve the
ultimate goal of providing optimal nutrition to all patients, under all conditions, at
all times.
In the words of the eminent biochemist and nutritionist, Sir David Cuthbertson,
“Lest we forget, I would remind you that we all owe our foetal life till parturition
to the passage of the nutrients we require from the blood vessels of our mothers
into our blood vessels as they traverse the chorionic villi in close relation [14].” It is
an important fundamental fact for us to recall that we all began our lives as human
beings in utero, receiving our nourishment entirely by vein, and we must continue
our quest to attempt to emulate that ideal model of intravenous feeding for the support
of those who might require a period of TPN for sustaining post-natal life, especially
10 The History, Principles, and Practice of Parenteral Nutrition in Preterm Neonates 195

Table 10.1 Milestones in the development of Total Parenteral Nutrition. (Adapted from [1])
Year Accomplishment Investigators
1913 Intravenous infusion of hydrolyzed proteins in animals VanSlyke/Meyer
(dogs) with demonstration of use for nutrition
1915 Intravenous infusion of fat in animals with Murlin/Riche
demonstration of use for nutrition
1924 First continuous intravenous drip infusion of glucose Matas
in humans
1935 First intravenous infusion of cottonseed oil emulsions Holt
in humans
1938 Identification of the essential amino acids and their Rose
requirements in humans
1939 Demonstration of requirements of intravenous amino Elman/Weiner
acids and protein hydrolysates in humans
1940 Demonstration of utilization of crystalline amino acids Shohl/Blackfan/Dennis
infused intravenously in humans
1944 First complete intravenous feeding (water, saline, fat, Helfrick/Abelson
carbohydrate, amino acids) for 5 days in a 5-month
old infant with Hirschsprung’s disease
1945 Development of first polyethylene catheters for Zimmermann
intravenous infusions in humans
1949 Development of first continuous delivery technique for Rhoads/Parkins/Vars
long-term intravenous infusion of nutrients in dogs
1952 First description of percutaneous subclavian Aubaniac
venipuncture to achieve rapid transfusion in severely
injured war victims
1956 Demonstration that intravenous infusion of plasma as Allen/Stemmer/Head
the sole protein source in dogs fed a protein-free diet
orally could support growth
1961 Development of first, safe, standardized, and stable Schuberth/Wretlind
intravenous fat emulsion (soybean oil stabilized by
egg phosphatides)
1966 Demonstration of long-term normal growth and Dudrick/Vars/Rhoads
development in Beagle puppies receiving total
parenteral nutrition by central vein
1967 Infraclavicular, percutaneous subclavian Mogil/DeLaurentis/Rosemond
catheterization for central venous pressure
monitoring in humans
1968 First documentation of normal growth and Dudrick/Wilmore
development in an infant nourished entirely by
central venous total parenteral nutrition
1968 First comprehensive technique for long-term total Dudrick/Wilmore/Vars/Rhoads
parenteral nutrition in human adults and infants

the preterm neonates, whose feeding by this miraculous mechanism ends abruptly
with the clamping and transection of the umbilical cord. The general prerequisites
which had to be met for developing safe and effective TPN are listed in Table 10.3
[2, 15].
Additionally, the requirements for nutrients given intravenously to achieve total
parenteral nutrition had to be determined or estimated from existing oral nutritional
196 S. J. Dudrick and A. D. Malkan

Table 10.2 The fundamental prerequisites to the initial development of TPN [2]
Comprehensive knowledge 1. anatomy and physiology of the circulation
of the: 2. basic biochemical nature of nutrient substrates
3. interrelationships of the nutrient substrates with microbiology,
immunology, asepsis, and antisepsis
Relevant knowledge of the 1. during normal metabolism, growth, and development
complex interactions of 2. under various and/or multiple pathophysiological conditions
nutrient substrates: 3. together with pharmacologic agents and surgical interventions

Table 10.3 The general prerequisites to development of safe and effective TPN [2, 15]
1. To formulate complete parenteral nutrient solutions
2. To concentrate the nutrient substrate components up to 5–6 times isotonicity without
adverse interactions or precipitation in order not to exceed tolerable fluid limitations
3. To demonstrate and maintain the utility and safety of central venous catheterization
4. To demonstrate and maintain the practicality, efficacy, and safety of long-term continuous
central venous infusion of hypertonic nutrient solution
5. To maintain meticulous asepsis and antisepsis throughout the entire continuum of
solution preparation, admixture, and infusion
6. To anticipate, avoid and correct nutritional and metabolic imbalances, derangements, or
adverse reactions

data because precise, comprehensive parenteral nutrient requirements or recommen-

dations were not known or available. The compatibility of the individual components
of the intravenous nutrient regimen had to be determined, assured, and maintained
under a number of variable situations, including a wide range of ambient tempera-
ture changes, exposure to light, time from formulation to infusion, instability during
transportation, duration of shelf life, etc. The risk of infection had to be eliminated,
or minimized to an acceptable level. As the former was probably impossible, in view
of the fact that a foreign body had to be passed through the skin into the blood-
stream and remain in place for prolonged periods of time, the latter was essential.
Pharmaceutical and medical technology companies had to be convinced to develop,
produce, and market the nutrient components and apparatus for safe formulation and
administration of TPN within a reasonably affordable cost. Procedures and tests had
to be established to assess and monitor the safety and efficacy of a TPN program.
Continuous infusion of the solution at a constant rate throughout each 24 h period
had to be maintained in order to ensure the administration of the maximally utilizable
dosages of each of the nutrients in the mixture for the support of cellular metabolism.
This concept was quite different from the usual infusion practices at that time. Fur-
thermore, it was essential to overcome decades of written and verbal expressions
by prominent physicians and scientists that long-term total parenteral nutrition was
either impossible, improbable, impractical, unaffordable, or folly. Plausible funda-
mental evidence to the contrary had to be generated if skepticism and prejudices
were to be neutralized or overcome, and if widespread clinical acceptance was even-
tually to occur. Accordingly, efforts were directed toward designing experiments in
the laboratory to explore and verify the efficacy and safety of TPN with the ultimate
10 The History, Principles, and Practice of Parenteral Nutrition in Preterm Neonates 197

goal of applying clinically to patients, the basic knowledge, skills and techniques
acquired, developed and mastered in animals [2].
The decision to abandon peripheral venous infusion in favor of central venous in-
fusion as the preferred route for providing all required nutrients entirely by vein was a
key factor leading to the successful development and clinical application of TPN. The
quantity of high quality nutrients required to achieve and maintain positive nitrogen
balance and its associated clinical benefits in a critically ill patient or preterm infant
had to be concentrated in a volume of water which could be tolerated without unto-
ward complications. The resulting hypertonic nutrient solutions exceeded the normal
osmolality of the circulating blood approximately six-fold (1,800 mOsm/L) or more.
The infusion of hypertonic solutions of this order of magnitude into peripheral veins
caused an intolerable degree of pain, together with an inevitable and unjustifiable
inflammation of the intima of the vein and damage to the formed elements of the
blood, resulting in inordinately unacceptable phlebitis and thrombophlebitis, and
associated adverse secondary consequences and complications. However, it was dis-
covered and demonstrated in the animal laboratory, and subsequently confirmed in
human subjects and patients, that hypertonic solutions, when infused at a constant
rate over the 24 h of each day through a catheter with its tip in a large central vein,
such as the superior vena cava, were rapidly diluted virtually to iso-osmolarity by the
high blood flow in these major vessels. By titrating the nutrient and water adminis-
tration precisely to the metabolic needs and tolerances of each patient, the nutrients
and the water were removed or extracted from the circulation by the body cell mass
at approximately the rate of infusion, thus avoiding problems of hyperosmolarity,
overhydration, and/or nutrient losses in the urine. Accordingly, the successful de-
velopment of TPN was eventually possible in large part because of the associated
technical advances leading to safe, long-term, central venous access, infusion, and
catheter maintenance [2, 15].
A plan evolved to concentrate the nutrients required for growth and development
of Beagle puppies into the quantity of water the animals could tolerate per day
and infuse the resultant 30 % hypertonic solution (1,800–2,400 mOsm/L) into a
large diameter, high-blood-flow central vein where it could be diluted instantly to
isotonicity [16–19]. Continuous infusion of the nutrient formulation at the maximum
rates of utilization and tolerance, without exceeding renal threshold for the individual
nutrients, was an additional goal of the protocol. An effective, practical infusion
apparatus (which was counterbalanced and utilized a specially designed swivel in
order to permit maximum mobility of the animal in the cage) was engineered, crafted,
and tailored over a period of several months specifically for continuous intravenous
infusions into active, unrestrained puppies [20–23].
During the academic year 1965–1966, six male pedigreed Beagle puppies were
fed entirely by central venous infusion for 72–256 days and compared with their
littermates fed orally [21]. After weaning at eight weeks of age, the puppies were
paired according to their size and weight since birth, housed individually in metal
cages and fed a standard oral diet for four weeks to determine their indigenous growth
rates. At 12 weeks of age, a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) catheter was inserted into an
external jugular vein and advanced into the mid-superior vena cava of one of the
198 S. J. Dudrick and A. D. Malkan

puppies in each pair. The proximal end of the catheter was directed subcutaneously
with a trocar and brought out through a puncture wound in the skin between the
scapulae. A blunt needle was inserted into the catheter and secured to the back of the
animal by a specially-designed stainless steel support apparatus, and an adjustable,
tailored, canvas harness. A counterbalanced, swiveled infusion assembly was con-
nected internally to delivery tubing attached to the catheter by a LuerTM fitting, and
externally from the swivel to the support apparatus on the animal’s back by a modi-
fied speedometer cable which protected the vinyl delivery tubing. A peristaltic pump
anchored to the top of the cage propelled the solution dependably to the animal
below at the desired rate through a 0.22 μ membrane filter attached to the swivel
assembly [24]. This specifically engineered apparatus allowed the animal freedom
of movement within the cage. During the continuous daily infusion over a 21–23 h
period, the animals received the dosages of dextrose, protein hydrolysate, and all
of the vitamins and minerals recommended for growth. In the dietary regimens,
which included intravenous fat, the emulsion was infused separately over a 2–3 h pe-
riod. The puppies were disconnected from the infusion apparatus for the remaining
0.5–1.0 h daily for exercise and recreation. The six puppies fed entirely intravenously
outstripped their control, orally-fed littermates in weight gain and matched them in
skeletal growth, development, and activity for the study periods of 72 days, 100 days
(3 puppies), 235 days, and 256 days. Moreover, no significant differences could be
discerned among the puppies receiving the three experimental diets which differed
primarily in fat content [2, 15].
The two longest-term animals, which were fed for 235 and 256 days, more than
tripled their body weights, and developed comparably to their control littermates. In
both groups, the deciduous teeth were shed and replaced with permanent teeth at the
same time. The intravenously fed animals were just as energetic as the controls, and
demonstrated no obvious abnormalities of their skin, coats, or bony development.
Having thus demonstrated beyond a doubt that it was possible and practical to feed
animals entirely by vein for prolonged periods of time without excessive risks, or
compromises of growth and development potential, attention was directed toward
applying what had been learned in the laboratory to the treatment of human adults
and infants [2, 15].
Subsequently, six severely malnourished patients with chronic, complicated gas-
trointestinal problems were nourished for 15–48 days entirely by vein with a modified
puppy formula [21]. Central venous infusion catheters were maintained in place
safely and effectively, sepsis-free for several weeks [24–26].

2 First TPN Treated Infant

In July 1967, a newborn female infant with near-total small bowel atresia underwent
operative procedures at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia [26–28]. Following
massive intestinal resection, her duodenum had been anastomosed to the terminal
3 cm of ileum; her weight had declined from 5.1 lb at birth to 4.0 lb at 19 days of
10 The History, Principles, and Practice of Parenteral Nutrition in Preterm Neonates 199

age; she appeared catabolic, hypometabolic and moribund; and it was obvious that
she was dying of starvation.
Accordingly, a PVC catheter was inserted via cut-down into her right external
jugular vein, was advanced into her superior vena cava, and the other end was passed
subcutaneously behind her right ear to emerge through the parietal scalp. It was
anticipated theoretically, and based on the puppy experience, that the skin tunnel
would reduce the risks of introducing microorganisms into the circulatory system.
The infant was initially infused cautiously with a basic nutrient mixture contain-
ing hypertonic dextrose, fibrin hydrolysate, electrolytes, and vitamins. Each day
or so, another nutrient was added to the mixture so that if the infant experienced
an adverse reaction related to the formula change, the probable cause would likely
be more apparent. The infusion was delivered continuously by a HarvardTM peri-
staltic pump though a closed intravenous administration system containing an in-line
0.22 μ membrane filter [21]. It was anticipated that the infection rate associated with
an indwelling central venous foreign body inserted percutaneously would be 100 %
if left in place indefinitely, thus, prevention of infection was foremost in this model.
The initial proactive decision was to leave the catheter in situ until the least suggestion
or clinical evidence of infection became manifest. If no other logical explanations
were obvious and/or if signs or symptoms of infection were evident, the blood was
cultured per protocol, the catheter was removed and cultured, and antimicrobial ther-
apy was initiated. Another central venous catheter was inserted, and the intravenous
feeding was continued. Following this plan, catheters were maintained sepsis-free
clinically for 35–40 days by following meticulous, aseptic and antiseptic principles,
and techniques in the insertion and long-term care of the catheters [2, 15].
Total 24 h metabolic balance studies were carried out daily to assist in the evalua-
tion of nutrient utilization and determination of specific metabolic needs to the extent
possible. A nylon net stretched over a specially constructed stainless steel metabolic
bed cradled the child while allowing collection of all urine. Gastric drainage was
easily obtained via the gastrostomy tube. A colostomy bag insured collection of
distal gastrointestinal drainage which occurred as bowel function improved. Serum
hemoglobin and electrolyte determinations, performed by microanalysis techniques,
aided the day-to-day management of the infant using minimal blood volume sam-
ples. Body weight and size, and head size, served as the most important indices
of growth. Bone age was evaluated at the start and conclusion of the study period
with roentgenograms which showed increased bone density and the development of
new epiphyseal areas. Muscular activity, coordination, and behavioral advancement
were noted and recorded by the nursing staff, pediatricians, and a child development
The baby weighed 5.1 lb at birth and 4 lb when the central venous catheter was
inserted. Forty-five days later, she had gained 3.5 lb in weight and had increased
5.5 cm in length. Her head circumference increased by 6.5 cm, and she manifested
normal activity and development for her age [26–28]. Eventually, she was fed for
22 months primarily by vein and achieved a maximum weight of 18.5 lb, during
which she had undergone central venous catheterization via her jugular veins six
times, her saphenous vein once, her cephalic vein once, and her subclavian veins
200 S. J. Dudrick and A. D. Malkan

Table 10.4 Goals of TPN in the preterm infant [34, 35]

1. To support optimal growth and development, particularly neurodevelopment at the rate of a
fetus of the same gestational age, or along a growth curve consistent with the birth
2. “Buying time” for the gastrointestinal tract to mature anatomically and functionally to
allow enteral feedings to be used for optimal support with minimal or without
3. Supporting the immature systems often associated with prematurity, including inadequately
developed lung function requiring intubation and mechanical ventilation, and impaired
immunocompetence manifested by infections, hypothermia, and hypotension
4. Minimising both short-term and long-term early enteral feeding complications including
necrotizing enterocolitis, failure to thrive, and feeding intolerances
5. Maximising the nutritional and metabolic status of the neonate in preparation for surgical
procedures indicated to correct or overcome major congenital anomalies

eight times. Although she eventually died, extraordinary experience was accrued
metabolically and technologically during her management, and her legacy to neonatal
parenteral nutrition is unparalleled [29–31]. From an historical point of view, it
deserves mention that the standard technique for intravenous infusion of blood or
fluid in neonates advocated at that time consisted of hand vein or scalp vein access by
small gauge needles attached to rubber infusion tubing and connected proximally to
a burette and syringe, sometimes fitted externally to a propelling device to maintain
rate and volume control. Sedation was usually essential; the wrists, ankles, and
arm-board were restrained; and the head was often immobilized with sand bags. In
his textbook, “The Surgery of Infancy and Childhood,” Robert Gross stated that,
“This arrangement has been used for more than 25 years at the Children’s Hospital
(Boston), and it has been so satisfactory that we have no desire to change it in any
way [32].” Central venous access for pump infusion was clearly a radical departure
from this long-standing standard of care.

3 Principles and Practices of Neonatal TPN

3.1 Venous Access Sites

The obvious nutritional goal of TPN in the preterm infant, especially the very low
birth weight (VLBW) neonate, less than 1,500 g, is at least five-fold (Table 10.4)
[33–39]. In preterm neonates, TPN can be administered either by peripheral veins
or by central veins, but peripheral infusions cannot provide nutrition substrates suf-
ficient to support growth and development in ELBW infants weighing less than
1,000 g because the osmolarity of the solution given by peripheral veins is limited to
a maximum of 900 milliosmoles per liter. This restriction does not allow delivery of
adequate nutritional support, and coupled with the likelihood that the neonate will
require TPN for more than two weeks, mandates the placement of a central venous
10 The History, Principles, and Practice of Parenteral Nutrition in Preterm Neonates 201

Table 10.5 Recommended daily neonatal TPN requirements [34, 37]

Day 1 2–3 4–7
Total volume (mL/kg/day) 60–100 80–120 120–150
Dextrose (mg/kg/min) 6–8 7–10 11–13
Amino Acids (g/kg/day) 3 3–3.5 3–4
Lipid emulsion (g/kg/day) 0.5–1 1 1–3
Electrolytes None
Potassium (mEq/100 mL TPN) 0.2 0.2
Sodium (mEq/100 mL TPN) 2.6 2.6
Calcium (mmol/100 mL TPN) None 1.2 1.2
Phosphorus (mmol/100 mL TPN) None 1.2 1.2
Magnesium (mg/100 mL TPN) None 6.0 6.0
Zinc (mcg/kg) None 400 400
Trace elements (MTE4) None
Manganese (mcg/kg) 1 1
Selenium (mcg/kg) 2 2
Copper (mcg/kg) 20 20
Chromium (mcg/kg) 0.2 0.2
Vitamins (MVI Pediatric) mL None None 2–5
Cysteine (mg/g Amino Acids) None 40 40
Carnitine∗ None
Heparin (unit/mL TPN) 0.5–1.0 0.5–1.0 0.5–1.0

Added to TPN at 2 weeks at 2–5 mg/kg if no enteral intake

access by established techniques that are available and are well known to neona-
tologists, perinatologists, and pediatric surgeons. The usual initial routes of central
venous catheterization involve the external and internal jugular veins or the saphe-
nofemoral vein approaches. Placement of “permanent” tunneled vascular access can
be facilitated in neonates by ultrasound guidance [35]. Percutaneous, transhepatic,
central venous catheters can be used in neonates or infants with multiple venous
thromboses who require long-term access [36]. An umbilical artery can be used for
access safely for up to 5 days, and the umbilical vein can be used for up to 14 days, if
strict adherence to principles of asepsis and antisepsis are practiced. No data-backed
recommendation can be made for the most preferred site of catheter insertion to
minimize infection risk for a central venous catheter as long as it is tunneled. TPN
catheters should never be used for infusion of other fluids or for blood withdrawal if
maximum sepsis-free longevity of the catheter is to be expected.
TPN should be started as soon as possible after birth (within few hours) to mini-
mize weight loss and endogenous protein catabolism, to maximize growth outcomes
and neurodevelopment, and to minimize adverse outcomes and mortality related to
prematurity (Table 10.5) [34, 37].
A standard pediatric TPN solution can be used cost-effectively, efficaciously, effi-
ciently, and safely in about 80–90 % of neonates; can be formulated in the pharmacy,
protected from light exposure, and refrigerated, preferably for 1–2 days, but max-
imally for up to one week prior to infusion; and can possibly improve patient care
ultimately by being available on a timely basis, and meeting the neonates’ needs
more consistently sooner after birth. Some neonates (10–20 %) may require special
202 S. J. Dudrick and A. D. Malkan

individualized TPN formulations, dictated by their metabolic maturity, congenital

anomalies, other adverse concomitant conditions, early post-natal surgical proce-
dures, etc. Significant cost reductions (up to 38 %) have been achieved by the use of
standardized regimens. However, there are no randomized, controlled trials compar-
ing standardized versus individualized neonatal TPN probably because logistics and
patient safety make this unfeasible in the complex preterm population [38, 39]. On
the other hand, ample evidence justifies the recommendation that amino acids should
be administered optimally as promptly after birth as possible, preferably within 4 h.
A specially formulated pediatric amino acid solution such as TrophAmineTM
should be used in preference to adult amino acid formulations. In addition to be-
ing neonate-specific, it has been shown to promote better nitrogen balance, has a
better essential amino acid to nonessential amino acid ratio, enhances calcium and
phosphate solubility, ameliorates development of cholestasis and hepatocyte pathol-
ogy, and produces an aminogram in the neonate which mimics that of breast-fed
infants. Cysteine is added to the TPN solution at a dose of 40 mg/g of total amino
acids in the daily ration, as it is a semi-essential amino acid in the preterm neonate
[37]. Other amino acids are also likely to be shown to be conditionally or temporarily
essential in the preterm neonates as clinical data accrue in the future.

3.2 Monitoring TPN

Monitoring preterm neonates receiving TPN is essential to adjusting and fine-tuning

the composition and rate of administration of the solution and to the avoidance
of, early discovery of, and prompt, appropriate responses to, nutritional support-
associated complications. Urine glucose should be monitored at least daily, or more
frequently as indicated in some neonates, since glycosuria usually results from hy-
perglycemia of a sufficient level to exceed renal threshold for reabsorption. Together
with daily blood glucose measurements, the infusion composition and/or rate can
be adjusted immediately to maintain the blood sugar concentration in the 50 mg/dL
to 100 mg/dL range. However, if this problem persists, the secondary decrease in
calorie delivery may result in failure to thrive, or insufficient non-protein calories
to allow endogenous and exogenous protein moieties to maintain synthetic and an-
abolic functions while being catabolized for energy and thermal production. In some
neonates, it may be necessary to initiate a continuous simultaneous infusion of insulin
(0.1–1.0 unit/mL) in half-strength saline at 0.01–0.1 unit/kg/h, after a loading dose
of 0.1 unit/kg is infused over 15–20 min. Blood glucose levels should be determined
frequently, and the TPN and insulin infusion rates should be adjusted to each other as
required to maintain normoglycemia. The supplemental insulin infusion should be
discontinued when the blood glucose is less than 100 mg/dL, and the blood glucose
level can be expected to continue to drift downward (because the half-life of insulin
is longer than the half-life of glucose), but should never be allowed to drop below
45 mg/dL.
10 The History, Principles, and Practice of Parenteral Nutrition in Preterm Neonates 203

Serum electrolytes, i.e., sodium, potassium, chloride, and bicarbonate are deter-
mined daily until stable, and as indicated thereafter, and their dosages in the TPN
are adjusted accordingly. Blood urea nitrogen is determined initially, and weekly
thereafter. It is a nonspecific marker of amino acid and protein metabolism and ad-
ministration, which may be low as a result of inadequate provision of amino acids,
or may be high as a result of amino acid infusion in excess of metabolic capacity for
utilization for synthesis.
Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, creatinine, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase,
and alanine and aspartate aminotransferases are obtained in one week and then at
weekly or biweekly intervals as indicated or desired. Creatinine is primarily a mea-
sure of renal function and dictates modulation of TPN components that require renal
excretion. The liver function tests may indicate cholestasis or other hepatic cellular
dysfunction. The divalent cation levels will help adjust and fine-tune their infusion
dosages. Serum triglyceride, prealbumin, albumin, and total protein levels, as well
as erythrocyte, leukocyte, and lymphocyte counts may provide some specific addi-
tional aids in nutritional assessment, but are not ordinarily the highest priority in the
evaluation of early nutritional support of the preterm neonate. Finally, many other
additional factors may be monitored in the course of approved, rational, logical clin-
ical studies, which may provide useful knowledge to the field of neonatal nutritional
support in the future.

4 Prevention and Treatment of Complications Related

to TPN

4.1 Catheter-Related Blood Stream Infection (CRBSI)

It is well recognized and respected that central venous catheter or line infection is
the most serious, expensive, and life-threatening complication of TPN, and that the
most constant, conscientious vigilance and persistent, meticulous care and attention
to the established principles and practices of asepsis and antisepsis in the insertion
and continuous, comprehensive maintenance of the catheter and the attached feed-
ing “lifeline” are mandatory for the accomplishment of optimally safe and effective
nutritional and metabolic management, and desired outcomes of these precarious,
vulnerable patients [40]. The implication of increased morbidity and mortality asso-
ciated with sepsis in this high risk population has led to recommendations including
appropriate systemic antibiotic treatment as well as the use of various antibiotic
or ethanol lock techniques [84–86]. However, no single or combination antibiotic
regimen for the prevention or treatment of CRBSI has been uniformly successful
in the management of this vexing problem. The most prudent and proven current
practice recommendations are to follow the guidelines for the prevention and treat-
ment of intravascular catheter-related infections established and updated regularly
by the Center for Disease Control [40]. The catheter lock is a technique by which an
204 S. J. Dudrick and A. D. Malkan

antimicrobial solution is used to fill a catheter lumen for a period of time while the
catheter is idle. Various antimicrobial locks including vancomycin, ciprofloxacin,
gentamicin, and amphotericin B, usually together with heparin, have been studied
for prevention of Catheter-Related Blood Stream Infections (CRBSI) with variable
efficacy reported between 30–100 % [87] (Table 10.6).
Recently, attention has concentrated on ethanol locks because it is rapidly bac-
tericidal and fungicidal, and resistance is not a concern [88]. However, recently
published guidelines by the Infectious Diseases Society of America state that there
are still insufficient data to recommend ethanol lock for the treatment of CRBSI and
continue to recommend the use of antibiotic locks instead, especially in patients with
long-term catheters who have a history of multiple CRBSI despite maximal adher-
ence to aseptic technique [40]. On the other hand, the incidence of line infection in
neonates can be relatively low, secondary to the dedication, expertise, perseverance,
professionalism, and character of the neonatology, perinatology, and pediatric health
care teams. Nonetheless, the threat is, and will always be, present to challenge and
test the talent, determination, and mettle of this special group of caregivers who
choose to provide optimal nutrition support, especially TPN, to preterm neonates in
order to give them not only the best chance for life, but also for the best possible
quality of life.

4.2 The Risks and Benefits of Peripheral Infusion Catheters

The sine qua non for the successful development of TPN was the abandonment of
peripheral venous infusion in favor of central venous infusion [41–49, 89]. All known
attempts to meet nutritional requirements intravenously throughout multiple previous
decades failed primarily because of the inadequacy of the peripheral venous system
to tolerate the necessarily hyperosmolar nutrient substrates. Nonetheless, clinicians
who do not follow the established principles of securing central venous access sub-
ject the patient to myriad complications related to inadequate catheter placement,
position, safety and security. Some of the complications reported in the literature
include thrombophlebitis [89], extravasation [41, 42], phrenic nerve injury [43],
hemidiaphragmatic paralysis [44], chylothorax [45], liver erosion [46], hydrocoele
and periorchitis [47], cardiac tamponade [48], and pleural effusion [49]. Peripheral
parenteral nutrition (PPN) is often used in situations in which central venous access is
deemed difficult or impossible; in patients with recurrent central venous catheter sep-
sis; in patients with thrombocytopenia; and for the short-term as a supplement until
adequate enteral feeding goals can be achieved [89]. The most frequently perceived
benefit of PPN is the relative ease in establishing peripheral venous access, which
may prevent delays in establishing indicated nutrition support [89]. The conflicting
recommendations from various organizations continue to complicate the literature
and confuse practitioners [89]. Either more, controlled, rational studies in this area
should be carried out, or this technique should be used only when absolutely no other
possible choice of central venous access exists.
10 The History, Principles, and Practice of Parenteral Nutrition in Preterm Neonates 205

Table 10.6 Complications associated with TPN in the preterm neonate

1. Catheter related issues [40–49] A. Catheter-related blood stream infection (CRBSI) [40]
a. Migration of skin organisms into and along the
catheter tract
b. Direct contamination of the catheter by personnel,
devices, fluids
c. Hematogenous (metastatic) seeding from another
infection source
d. Direct contamination of the infusate in preparation
and handling
B. Others [41–49]
a. Extravasation [41, 42]
b. Phrenic nerve injury [43]
c. Hemidiaphragmatic paralysis [44]
d. Chylothorax [45]
e. Liver erosion [46]
f. Hydrocoele and periorchitis [47]
g. Cardiac tamponade [48]
h. Pleural effusion [49]
2. Hyperglycemia [50–53] A. Usually occurs when dextrose infusion rate exceeds
the glucose production rate (GPR) of healthy
neonates (6–8 mg/kg/min) [51]
B. Routine, early, continuous insulin infusion not
recommended [52]
C. Insulin infusion only when other methods of glucose
control (reduction of dextrose infusion rate,
elimination of medications predisposing neonates to
hyperglycemia, correction of underlying causes of
hyperglycemia, such as sepsis, etc) fail [53]
3. Parenteral Nutrition Associated A. Incidence increases with length of TPN therapy [54]
Liver Disease (PNALD) [54–58] B. Early enteral feeding remains the main factor for
prevention [55]
C. Fat emulsions providing omega-3 fatty acids from
fish oil may prevent and/or reverse PNALD [56]
D. Amino acid imbalance leading to hepatic
dysfunction. Cysteine and/or taurine (semi-essential
amino acids) deficiency, especially together with
excessive methionine [57]
E. Oxidative injury through the loss of antioxidant
vitamins and the generation of oxidant products such
as: hydrogen peroxide, lipid peroxides, ascorbyl
peroxide, and aldehydes can all be generated in TPN
solutions exposed to light which results in
overproduction of free radicals [58]
F. DHEP (di-2-ethylhexylphthalate) toxicity [59]
DHEP is an industrially-added plasticizer found in
polyvinylchloride (PVC) which increases oxidative
stress, cholestasis, and toxicity, especially in preterm
neonates. Changing to PVC-free infusion systems
decreases these toxicities
206 S. J. Dudrick and A. D. Malkan

Table 10.6 (continued)

4. Aluminum toxicity [60–64] A. Preterm neonates receiving long-term TPN are at

highest risk [61, 62]
B. Aluminum is present in TPN components and can
leach from some glass [63, 64]
C. Toxicity includes encephalopathy, dementia,
impaired neurologic development, bone pain,
osteopenia, osteomalacia, microcytic anemia, and
D. Neonatal aluminum exposure may result in long-
term (adolescent) impairment of mineralization of
long bones, lumbar spine, hip bones, and impaired
Bailey Mental Development Index [61, 62]
5. Trace element deficiencies [65–77] A. Currently, no known or proven ideal trace element
mix [65]
B. Selenium is required for glutathione peroxidase
synthesis [66]
C. Selenium deficiency can result in myocardial
disorders (Keshan Disease, skeletal muscle
disorders, erythrocyte macrocytosis, finger-nail bed
abnormalities, and pseudoalbinism [67–70]
D. Zinc is required for protein synthesis and nucleic
acid, carbonic anhydrase, and alkaline phosphatase
metabolism; earliest detectable feature in neonates is
decline in growth velocity [71]
E. Zinc deficiency impairs innate and acquired
immunity [72]
F. Severe zinc deficiency causes bullous pustular
dermatitis, alopecia, diarrhea, emotional disorder,
weight loss, hypogonadism in males, neurosensory
disorders, healing problems [73]
G. Copper is an essential component of superoxide
dismutase, cytochrome oxidase, lysyloxidase, and
ceruloplasmin [74]
H. Early copper deficiencies include neutropenia,
osteoporosis, and microcytic anemia which is
resistant to iron [75]
I. Long-term copper deficiencies include neurological
abnormalities, anorexia, failure to thrive [76]
J. Chromium is a cofactor for insulin, facilitating its
initial attachment to peripheral receptors
K. Chromium deficiency is associated with
carbohydrate intolerance, abnormally high insulin
requirement, low respiratory quotient, weight loss,
and peripheral neuropathy [77]
L. Manganese is a cofactor for several enzyme systems
M. Manganese deficiency can cause impaired skeletal
muscle development and ataxia [77]
N. Molybdenum is an enzyme cofactor for xanthine
oxidase (involved in purine metabolism) and for
sulfite oxidase
O. Molybdenum deficiency is associated with
tachycardia, tachypnea, vomiting, central scotomas,
and coma [77]
10 The History, Principles, and Practice of Parenteral Nutrition in Preterm Neonates 207

Table 10.6 (continued)

6. Vitamin deficiencies are rare and

are discussed in the text [77]
7. Refeeding Syndrome [78] A. A potentially lethal condition characterized by
severe electrolyte and fluid shifts associated with
metabolic abnormalities in severely malnourished
infants undergoing overly aggressive nutritional
support orally, enterally, or by TPN
B. Can be prevented or reversed by reducing feeding
quantity and rate, and/or by providing higher doses
of phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium [78]
8. Choline Deficiency [79, 80] A. Precursor for phospholipid (cell membrane)
synthesis [79]
B. Deficiency associated with hepatic morphologic
(steatosis) and hepatic aminotransferase
abnormalities in long-term TPN [80]
C. Parenteral choline is not available in the United
States, thus limiting its use in clinical neonatology
9. Glutamine [81–83] A. The most abundant amino acid in plasma and human
milk, however, is not included in TPN solutions
because of its instability in solution [81]
B. Can be given in TPN as a dipeptide, alanyl-glutamine,
but is not available for intravenous use in the United
C. An essential fuel for enterocytes, leukocytes, cell
division, acid-base balance, and for renal handling of
ammonia [82]
D. Double blind, randomized, controlled trial showed
that glutamine added to TPN did not improve
outcome in preterm neonates [83]

5 Extravasation Injury

In a series of 1,800 intravenous extravasations, only 2.2 % resulted in skin injury,

and none required a skin graft [90]. Conservative management, which is the main-
stay of treatment in 98 % of extravasation injuries, includes: first aspirating and
then removing the catheter, not inserting a new catheter anywhere in the affected
extremity, elevating the limb above the level of the heart, splinting the extremity in
a position of function, and serial examinations over the first 48 h after injury. Ice
or heat applications are controversial because they may exacerbate the injury, and
their use is neither safe nor justified. The most important maneuver to eliminate the
extravasated fluid is to elevate the affected extremity. The use of antidotes such as:
hyaluronidase, phentolamine, and nitroglycerin after intravenous extravasation in-
jury is also controversial, and their use is generally not recommended. Randomized,
prospective studies on the efficacy of antidotes in extravasation injuries in neonates
are not available [90]. Elevate the limb and protect it from additional interventional
208 S. J. Dudrick and A. D. Malkan

6 Photo-Oxidative Injury, Light Exposure and Light Protection

Preterm neonates are more vulnerable to oxidative stress because of their exposure
to highly hyperoxic environments, and their immature antioxidant systems which
can play a significant role in a number of morbid conditions including: chronic
lung diseases, respiratory distress syndrome, retinopathy of prematurity, intracra-
nial hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis, and parenteral nutrition associated liver
disease (PNALD) [91, 92]. Lipid peroxide and hydrogen peroxide are generated in
light exposed TPN, and light sensitized riboflavin present in parenteral multivita-
min (MVI) preparation catalyzes electron transfer between electron donors, such as
vitamin C, dissolved lipids and oxygen, and amino acids in the TPN [92]. Other
light sensitive vitamins in TPN include vitamins A and K. Compounded TPN solu-
tion to which MVI is added more than 24 h prior to administration and preserved
in a refrigerator under 500 lux or stronger light strength potentially can lose about
10 % of their light-sensitive components. Reusable, opaque, light-protection covers
are recommended to help preserve the integrity of the TPN solution. With use of
triple or quadruple chamber TPN bags, together with the opaque light-protection
cover, all light-sensitive components were maintained at 90 % or higher levels up to
7 days after squeezing the bag and activating the components. However, without the
light protection cover, all light sensitive components could be maintained at 90 % or
higher levels only for 24 h.

6.1 Changing TPN Solution Bags

The current acceptable standard of care mandates that all TPN solution bags are
replaced every 24 h to minimize deterioration and untoward chemical interactions.

7 Parenteral Nutrition Associated Liver Disease (PNALD)

The cause of PNALD, also known as intestinal failure associated liver disease
(IFALD), is complex, multifactorial and poorly understood [93]. Some evidence
exists that certain components of TPN may be harmful, but bacterial endotoxins and
the lack of enteral feeding are also believed to play significant roles in its devel-
opment. Severe and progressive liver disease is more common in neonates than in
adults, which suggests that the liver disease in neonates may have a pathophysiology
different from that of adults, or that the neonatal liver may be more susceptible to
injury. Established risk factors associated with PNALD include: prematurity, low
birth weight, prolonged duration of TPN, intestinal stasis with bacterial overgrowth,
early and/or recurrent catheter-related sepsis, and a diagnosis of gastroschisis or
jejunal atresia. Preventative strategies include: early institution of enteral feedings,
early weaning and cycling of TPN, and reduction in the dose of lipid emulsions
10 The History, Principles, and Practice of Parenteral Nutrition in Preterm Neonates 209

administered with TPN. Recent work also shows the efficacy of fish oil-based lipid
emulsions containing omega-3 fatty acids in the possible prevention and/or treatment
of PNALD (Table 10.6).

8 TPN Alternatives, Costs, and Future Use

in Developing Nations

The use of a standardized TPN regimen instead of a specially, individually-

formulated regimen has resulted in reduction in TPN costs by nearly 30 % [39, 94].
Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the costs of TPN differ among countries,
but that a major portion of these expenditures can be attributed to reimbursements
for staff services. In providing TPN for children less than 2 years of age, an analysis
showed that the average cost per bag (25 % for nutrients, 18 % for supplies, 54 % for
wages, 3 % for equipment) ranged between 60 and 90 € among the member nations
in the European Union [94]. Specially prepackaged, sterile, multiple-compartment
plastic bags designed specifically to contain and separate the required neonatal TPN
components (in order to prevent or minimize possible chemical interactions of the
nutrient substrates), can be readily transported, stored, and made available anywhere
in the world. Immediately prior to infusion, the caregiver can simply squeeze the
plastic bag sufficiently to cause the internal separating membranes of the compart-
ments to rupture, allowing the nutrient components to be mixed within the bag and
delivered intravenously to the infant. As with all medical innovations, the initial costs
will likely be high (and probably prohibitively so, in under-developed countries), but
will eventually become more affordable, cost-effective, and safer, while facilitating
broader application of TPN by greatly simplifying the process at the bedside, and
greatly reducing labor costs and the need for expensive special pharmacy formula-
tion apparatus. However, the ultimate success of an ambitious, potentially life-saving
endeavor of this magnitude will be dependent primarily upon the interest, generosity,
ethics, morals, and humanity of the citizenry of the economically more advantaged
nations. Finally, our future behavior in caring for our less fortunate neighbors in such
matters will define and reveal our true character.


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Chapter 11
Intravenous Lipids in Neonates

Girish Deshpande and Rajesh Maheshwari

Abstract Postnatal growth restriction remains a major issue in high risk preterm
neonates and term surgical neonates. Compared to other fields of medicine, devel-
opment of intravenous lipid emulsion (LE) is quite recent. The first stable LE was
introduced in 1960s. Currently typical soybean oil based LE remains the most com-
monly used intravenous LE in neonatal units. However there are still concerns about
the adverse effects of soybean oil LE on immune system, liver metabolism and pul-
monary physiology. The risk of infections may also be higher. Newer intravenous
LEs are developed from various sources including olive oil, fish oil and combina-
tions of various oils. Although, the newer LEs have potential short-term benefits
with regards to laboratory markers such as peroxidation and cytokines as compared
to typical soybean oil based LE, there is a lack of data on clinical outcomes and
long term effects. This chapter reviews the history and chemistry of and the current
evidence for typical soybean oil based LEs. The newer LEs and the data supporting
their use in preterm and term neonates are also reviewed.

LEs Lipid Emulsions

OO Olive oil
FO Fish oil
SO Soy oil
EFA Essential fatty acids
PUFA Polyunsaturated fatty acids
LA linoleic acid
ALA alpha linolenic acid
LC-PUFAs Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids
MCT Medium chain triglycerides
DHA Docosahexaenoic acid
AA Aarachidonic acid
EPA Eicosapentaenoic acid

G. Deshpande ()
Department of Neonatology, Nepean Hospital Sydney, Penrith, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
Sydney Medical School Nepean, University of Sydney, Penrith, Australia
R. Maheshwari
Department of Neonatology, Westmead Hospital, Sydney, Australia

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 215

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3_11, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
216 G. Deshpande and R. Maheshwari

Key points
• Intravenous lipid emulsions (LEs) have an established role in promoting growth
and preventing essential fatty acid deficiency in neonates.
• Almost 50 years ago intravenous LEs were introduced to the medical field. Till
date, most of the research has involved typical soybean oil based LEs
• The development of new LEs is focused on reducing the proportion of omega-6
PUFA rich soybean oil in the emulsion, and replace it with olive oil or fish oil.
• Newer LEs are known to have short-term benefits such as reduced lipid peroxi-
dation and inflammation. Fish oil based LEs have been shown to be effective in
the prevention and treatment of intestinal failure associated liver disease.
• There is a paucity of data on clinical and long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes
from studies involving newer LEs. Further research is required to address these
gaps in knowledge.
• Based on the current data, we are unable to recommend a specific type of LE.

1 Introduction

The survival of high-risk neonates has improved significantly since the introduction
of antenatal glucocorticoids and postnatal surfactant therapy. It is well recognized
that early postnatal nutrition plays a critical role in later neurocognitive development
[1, 2]. Feed intolerance though, is a common issue in extremely preterm neonates.
In this population, early enteral feeding is often limited by the immaturity of gas-
trointestinal motor function; manifested principally as delayed gastric emptying,
gastro-oesophageal reflux, abdominal distension, and infrequent stooling. In ad-
dition, it takes a long time to establish enteral feeding in neonates with surgical
conditions such as gastroschisis, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), intestinal atresias
and short-bowel syndrome. Therefore, long-term support with parenteral nutrition
(PN) is crucial for this population of neonates to provide optimal nutrition at a critical
stage of somatic and cerebral development.
Intravenous lipid emulsions (LEs) have been in use for almost 50 years and are
an integral component of parenteral nutrition regimes [3]. The principal roles of
lipids include energy provision, and supply of essential fatty acids (EFA), long chain
polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) and fat-soluble vitamins.

2 History of Intravenous Lipids

After many earlier attempts by scientists in the United States and Japan at mak-
ing a safe LE, Schuberth and Wretlind were the first to develop a nontoxic and
readily available LE. They introduced Intralipid in 1961 [4]. After many years of
experiments, they found that an emulsion prepared from soybean oil and egg yolk
phospholipids used as an emulsifier, could be safely infused [5]. Commercialization
was possible by working cooperatively with the Vitrum Company in Stockholm, a
11 Intravenous Lipids in Neonates 217

family-owned enterprise committed to the concept of total parenteral nutrition (TPN).

One of the earliest papers describing use of PN in a neonate was published in 1968 by
Wilmore and Dudrick in which a neonate with short bowel syndrome was supported
with PN for 44 days [6]. Their solution however did not contain any lipids. In 1972,
Coran published his experience of using PN including intralipid in 32 post-operative
neonates, 26 of whom survived [7]. Cashore et al. [8] described their experience of
using PN with intralipid in 23 very low birth weight (VLBW) infants, 19 of whom
survived. Since these earlier studies, intravenous LEs have been used worldwide for
neonatal population.

3 Intravenous Lipids as Source of Energy

As excessive fluid administration is associated with adverse outcomes, the high

energy density (∼9 Kcal per gm) of lipids makes it feasible to provide calories with
lesser volumes [9]. Intravenous lipid emulsion is a good source of energy, and in fact,
provision of some of the energy in the form of lipid is preferable over carbohydrate
as the sole energy substrate [10]. In stable infants aged 1.5–6 months, Bresson et al.
[11] found that amino acid oxidation and protein breakdown were significantly lower
when lipids provided 50 % of non-protein calories than when glucose alone served as
energy substrate. Lipids are also isotonic with plasma and suitable for administration
through a peripheral vein as opposed to a concentrated glucose solutions [12]. There
is some evidence that in cases of peripheral PN, using lipids improves duration of
venous patency [13].

4 Intravenous Lipids as Source of EFAs

Intravenous LEs are the only source of EFAs like Linoleic Acid (LA) and
alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) for the parentally fed neonates. Friedman et al. [14] were
the first to report rapid onset of EFA deficiency in preterm neonates maintained on
lipid-free PN. Neonates developing EFA deficiency the earliest were also the smallest
and did so by second day. Many other studies have also reported evidence of bio-
chemical deficiency of EFA in preterm infants given fat free PN [15–17]. It is well
known that EFA deficiency may lead to dermatitis, growth failure, coagulopathy and
increased susceptibility to infections [18]. Tomsits et al. [19] have reported increased
auto-oxidative susceptibility of erythrocytes in preterm VLBW neonates with EFA
deficiency. EFA deficiencies can be easily prevented with introduction of as little as
0.5–1 g/kg/day lipid infusion as part of PN [19, 20]. The importance of LC-PUFA
for the development of the brain and retina has been well recognized, particularly in
preterm neonates [21]. Neonates are not capable of forming sufficient quantities of
LC-PUFA from the respective precursor fatty acids (LA and ALA) and thus depend
on an exogenous source of LC-PUFA. Intravenous LEs contain small amounts of
these fatty acids as part of the egg phospholipid used as a stabilizer [22].
218 G. Deshpande and R. Maheshwari

Table 11.1 Oil combinations used to formulate currently available lipid emulsions
Intralipid Lipofundin Lipoplus SMOFlipid Clinoleic Omegaven
Soybean oil 100 50 40 30 20 0
Olive oil 0 0 0 25 80 0
MCT 0 50 50 30 0 0
Fish oil 0 0 10 15 0 100
MCT Medium chain triglycerides, Data expressed as percentage of lipid

5 Chemistry of Intravenous Lipids

Intravenous LEs are oil-in-water emulsions consisting of one or more triglyceride-

containing oils, a phospholipid emulsifier and glycerine to adjust tonicity. The types
of oil(s) currently used vary both in terms of the source (plant, marine) and carbon
chain length [3]. Examples of plant oil include soybean oil and olive oil while marine
oil includes fish oil. Table 11.1 gives details of the oil combinations used to formulate
currently available lipid emulsions [23].
The fatty acid (FA) component of LEs can be classified according to the size
of their carbon chain (Short: up to 4 carbon atoms; Medium: 6–12 carbon atoms;
Long :> 12 carbon atoms); their degree of unsaturation (no double bonds: saturated;
1 double bond: monounsaturated; 2 or more double bonds: polyunsaturated); and
the location of the first double bond, counted starting from their methyl end (first
double bond in the 9th carbon atom: ω-9; in the 6th carbon atom: ω-6; and in the 3rd
carbon atom: ω-3) [24]. The traditional LE like Intralipid is derived from soybean
oil and is rich in long chain triglycerides (LCT). It is also rich in ω-6 PUFA with a
ω-6/ω-3 ratio of 7:1.
Phospholipid emulsifiers such as egg phosphatide used in intravenous LEs produce
a barrier to prevent coalescence of oil droplets dispersed in the internal phase of the
emulsion. The purpose of the emulsifying agent is to keep the mean particle size
< 0.5μ, with a large diameter (> 5μ) tail of < 0.05 % [25].

6 Metabolism and Clearance of Intravenous Lipids

Intravenous LEs are designed to be similar to endogenous chylomicrons [26]. Their

plasma clearance is dependent on the activity of lipoprotein lipase in the capillary
endothelial cells. This enzyme hydrolyses triglycerides releasing free fatty acids,
glycerine and phospholipids. Other factors which affect the plasma clearance of in-
travenous LEs include the phospholipid content (10 vs 20 % LEs), particle size and
infusion rate. The phospholipid content of the 10 and 20 % formulations is the same;
therefore, there is proportionally more free phospholipid available in the 10 % formu-
lation. Free phospholipids interfere with lipoprotein lipase activity thereby decreas-
ing lipid clearance and increasing the potential for adverse effects. Clearance of 20 %
LEs is faster than that of 10 % solution due to its relatively lower concentration of
11 Intravenous Lipids in Neonates 219

free phospholipids and its larger particle size [27]. This reduces the risk of dys-
lipoproteinemia characterized by elevation of serum cholesterol and phospholipids
and hence most of the modern lipids are prepared as 20 %.
The infusion rate is the other factor determining plasma clearance of LEs. An early
study cautioned against exceeding an infusion rate of 0.15 g/kg/h in appropriate for
gestational age (AGA) neonates [28]. A slower infusion may be required for small
for gestational age (SGA) neonates.
After plasma clearance, metabolic fate of the free fatty acids depends on the
source oil. Soybean oil consists predominantly of long-chain triglycerides (LCT).
LCTs require carnitine dependent co-transport system to enter mitochondria for
beta oxidation. Medium chain triglycerides (MCT) on the other hand get oxidized
independent of the carnitine system.
Whilst ‘all in one’ (AIO) solutions are popular for adult PN, the intravenous
lipids must be infused separately in preterm infants who have extra requirements
for calcium and phosphate for skeletal mineralization. In order to achieve maximal
solubility of calcium and phosphate, an acidic pH of the PN solution is necessary.
Addition of the LE raises the pH and carries the risk of precipitation of calcium and
phosphate. This may result in catheter occlusion and pneumonitis [29].

7 Intravenous Lipid Administration and Monitoring

Lipids should contribute 30–40 % of total non-protein calories but should not exceed
60 % to avoid ketogenesis. Although LEs are available in 10 %, 20 % and 30 %
strengths, the recommended concentration is 20 % rather than 10 % solution to avoid
dyslipoproteinemia as mentioned earlier. The 30 % emulsion is administered as an
AIO solution and cannot be given alone via a peripheral vein. As AIO solution
is not recommended for preterm infants, 30 % solution is not used in the neonatal
population. Currently there is no clear consensus for initial lipid dose and increments
in the first week of life [30]. Drenckpohl et al. [31] compared high- versus low- dose
intravenous lipids in 110 preterm neonates (birth weight 750–1,500 g). Neonates
in the high-dose group received 2 g/kg/day of lipid emulsions as a starting dose
compared with 0.5 g/kg/day in the control group. Intravenous lipid emulsions were
increased by 0.5 g/kg/day increments up to 3 g/kg/day in both groups. Infants in
the experimental group had better energy intake, higher serum triglyceride levels,
decreased initial weight loss, and better clinical outcomes in terms of reduction
in NEC and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) compared with infants in the control
group. Another randomised study compared early aggressive initiation of PN (starting
amino acids at 3.5 g/kg/day and 20 % intralipid at 3 g/kg/day within 1 h of birth in
ventilated preterm infants) with later initiation (at 48 h of age) [32]. The study results
showed that aggressive intake of protein and lipids could be tolerated immediately
after birth by VLBW infants. Earlier initiation also significantly increased positive
nitrogen balance and caloric intake, without increasing the risk of metabolic acidosis,
hypercholesterolemia, or hypertriglyceridemia. Current evidence-based guidelines
220 G. Deshpande and R. Maheshwari

for VLBW neonates recommend starting lipid emulsion within the first 24–30 h of
birth at 0.5–1 g/kg/day (to avoid EFA deficiency) and advancing to 3–3.5 g/kg/day
in a stepwise manner [33].
Intravenous lipid should be infused over 24 h whenever possible. Continuous
intravenous lipid infusions (24 h/day) are better tolerated than are intermittent infu-
sions (8–16 h/day) with less fluctuation and lower concentrations of plasma lipids,
especially at higher rates of infusion [34, 35].
Intravenous lipid emulsions such as Intralipid are compatible with vitamin solu-
tions (both fat and water soluble vitamins e.g., Vitalipid N Infant and Soluvit N). No
other medications should be added to lipid emulsions as their compatibility is not
Tolerance of lipid emulsions could be reduced in extremely preterm neonates with
birth weight less than 1,000 g [36]. Hyperlipidemia can cause pulmonary dysfunction
including haemorrhage, liver damage and coagulopathy. Nephelometry for measur-
ing lipid level and measurement of triglyceride level have been used as monitoring
techniques in an attempt to prevent hyperlipidemia [37]. However earlier studies sug-
gested that the neonates receiving intravenous fat emulsions cannot be monitored by
nephelometry alone and adequate monitoring requires measurement of specific lipid
fractions [37]. The American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN)
recommends discontinuing lipid emulsion if triglyceride level rises above 200 mg/dl
and then restarting at 0.5–1 g/kg/day [38]. The European Society of Pediatric Gas-
troenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) recommends reduction of the
lipid emulsion dose if serum triglyceride level rises above 250 mg/dl [39]. There is
no clear consensus about the frequency of triglyceride monitoring and many neona-
tal units do not routinely monitor these levels in neonates. However considering the
poor tolerance of intravenous LEs in extremely preterm neonates (< 1,000 g birth
weight) and critically ill neonates, it may be helpful to monitor the triglyceride levels
in there selected group of neonates [36].

8 Clinical Effects of Intravenous Lipid Emulsions

8.1 Desirable Effects

8.1.1 Growth

Use of intravenous LEs as part of PN in neonates has helped in supplying the required
energy to mimic fetal growth. Earlier studies using intravenous lipids combined with
PN showed good early postnatal growth in VLBW neonates [8]. As the parenteral
energy requirements for VLBW neonates’ growth is 90–95 Kcal/kg/day, addition
of lipids is mandatory to achieve this figure as there are limits to protein and car-
bohydrate intakes to avoid azotemia and hyperglycaemia respectively. Coran et al.
[7] have documented positive nitrogen balance and good growth in a group of post-
surgical neonates with their use of PN including lipids. Also, a prospective study of
11 Intravenous Lipids in Neonates 221

peripheral PN use in 45 neonatal and paediatric surgical patients (where lipids pro-
vided a major portion of the daily calories) showed that all neonates gained weight
during the study period.

8.1.2 Provision of EFAs

After documenting that EFA deficiency can develop rapidly in preterm neonates
on fat-free PN [40], the same group of researchers have also documented that saf-
flower oil based LE administration providing linoleic acid at 2–4 % of the estimated
calorie requirement or 5–10 % of the actual caloric intake prevented any significant
changes in EFA status [20]. Earlier experiments of using soybean oil emulsion at
0.5–2.0 g/kg/day in neonates documented the normal level of essential fatty acid
status [41]. Similarly in preterm neonates, two prospective studies showed that EFA
deficiency could be prevented by 0.5–1 g/kg/day of intravenous lipids [16–17]. All
these studies prove beyond doubt that EFA deficiency could be easily prevented by
a very small dose of intravenous LEs at 0.5–1 g/kg/day.

8.1.3 Provision of LC-PUFA

Role of LC-PUFA (e.g., docosahexaenoic acid-DHA) is recognized in the devel-

opment of neurological tissues including brain and retina. In humans, DHA is
synthesized from its precursor alpha linolenic acid (ALA). For preterm neonates,
DHA is a semi-essential nutrient as the efficiency of DHA synthesis from ALA is
reduced. Unfortunately, standard soybean oil based LEs do not contain LC-PUFA
except in small amounts as part of the egg phospholipid used as a stabilizer. As 10 %
intralipid contains more phospholipids as compared to 20 % solution, Morris et al.
[42] conducted a piglet study to see if 10 % intralipid would improve DHA delivery.
Whilst the plasma levels of the DHA were improved in the group receiving 10 vs
20 % intralipid, there was no difference in the DHA levels in RBCs, liver or cerebral
cortex. Hence, they concluded that infusion of additional phospholipid is an ineffec-
tive strategy for increasing DHA delivery to piglet tissues. Recent evidence suggests
the possibility of improved levels of DHA with fish oil based LEs in VLBW neonates
[43]. Similar results were also documented in high risk PN dependent children by
Le et al. [44].

8.2 Undesirable Effects

A multitude of adverse effects have been described with the use of intravenous LEs.
As soybean oil based LEs have been the oldest and most studied preparation, these
effects have mainly been described with the use of soybean oil based LEs. These are
summarised below.
222 G. Deshpande and R. Maheshwari

8.2.1 Pulmonary Effects

In a study by Periera et al. [45], the risk of hyperlipidemia and reduced oxygenation in
small preterm neonates receiving intravenous LEs was significantly more compared
to term or near term neonates in the first week of life. They have also shown that
there were no changes in other lung function parameters and the capacity to tolerate
intravenous fats was enhanced after the first week of life. However it is important to
note that the lipid emulsion was infused over relatively short (4-h) period of time in
this study.
There are two mechanisms put forward to explain the hypoxemia. One of
these relates to the presence of lipid microemboli in pulmonary capillaries causing
ventilation-perfusion imbalance. Many studies have shown presence of fat embolism
in pulmonary capillaries in autopsy specimens from infants who received lipid infu-
sions [46–48]. However, some scientists have questioned whether it is a post-mortem
artefact [49]. The other mechanism relates to fat metabolism leading to production
of prostaglandins which may have dilating or constricting effect on pulmonary vas-
cular tone leading to ventilation-perfusion mismatch. Hageman et al. [50] showed
that intralipid infusion in lung-damaged rabbits increased pulmonary production of
vasodilating prostaglandins and associated hypoxemia, presumably caused by an
unblocking of hypoxic vasoconstriction and resultant increase in intrapulmonary
right-to-left shunt. In an echocardiographic study, Lloyd et al. [51] showed increase
in pulmonary vascular resistance with intralipid infusion in preterm infants. Signifi-
cance of this was unclear as no adverse clinical effects were observed. However, all
infants were relatively stable to begin with and the authors suggest caution in using
lipids in infants with pulmonary hypertension and perinatal asphyxia. On the other
hand, Brans et al. [52] found no deleterious effect on blood pH and alveolar-arterial
oxygen difference in VLBW neonates when they infused up to 4 g/kg/day of lipids
over a longer period of time ranging from 16 to 24 h. This is one of the basis of
current recommendation from ASPEN and ESPGHAN to infuse lipid over 24 h to
avoid overloading the clearance mechanisms.
Some studies from pre-surfactant era have associated early introduction of par-
enteral lipids with increased incidence of chronic lung disease (CLD) [53, 54]. In
a randomised study, early vs. late introduction of lipids found no significant differ-
ence in the incidence of CLD between ‘early’ (intralipid started at < 12 h of age)
and ‘late’ (no lipid in first week of life) lipid groups [55]. Alarmingly, they found in-
creased incidence of pulmonary haemorrhage and mortality in the subgroup weighing
600–800 g allocated to early lipid administration. However, the number of mothers
who received antenatal steroids was significantly lower in this group introducing
a potential bias. A Cochrane review including two studies involving a total of 193
preterm infants found no significant difference in incidence of CLD between ‘early’
(lipid started at ≤ 5 days of age) and ‘no early’ (lipid started at 6–14 days of age)
lipid groups [30, 56, 57].
11 Intravenous Lipids in Neonates 223

8.2.2 Effect on Free Bilirubin

There has been a theoretical concern that the use of intravenous LEs may be hazardous
in jaundiced neonates as the free fatty acids (FFA) released during lipid metabolism
can displace bilirubin from albumin-binding sites, producing free bilirubin and thus
increasing the risk of encephalopathy [58]. Studies have shown that FFA do not begin
to displace bilirubin from albumin until the FFA/albumin molar ratio is > 6 in vivo
(60) and > 4 in vitro [58–60]. Hence, in a neonate with severe unconjugated jaundice
receiving intravenous lipids, it is advisable to follow FFA/albumin molar ratio and
to adjust the dose of lipids to keep it < 6 [58].

8.2.3 Hepatic Effects

Prolonged use of PN in neonates can lead to parenteral nutrition associated liver dis-
ease (PNALD) manifested by elevated direct bilirubin levels which has the potential
to progress to hepatic failure. There is evidence that PNALD may be in part due to
the phytosterols derived from soy oils in the lipid emulsions [61]. This has led to
interest in study of fish oil based lipid emulsions in an attempt to reduce PNALD.
The evidence regarding this will be summarised in the next section.

8.2.4 Effect on Platelet Counts

There are some reports of thrombocytopenia in association with the use of intravenous
LEs. In a letter to the editor, Lipson et al. [62] reported the occurrence of throm-
bocytopenia with a temporal relationship to intralipid administration in a neonate
with gastroschisis. The authors had excluded sepsis, disseminated intravascular co-
agulation and bone marrow aplasia. However a large study (n = 180) in paediatric
population receiving intralipid infusion did not find any evidence of thrombocytope-
nia [63]. A small prospective study by Goulet et al. [64] did find the evidence of
reduction in platelet life span in 7 children on long term (3–18 mo) PN (including in-
tralipid). All these children had recurrent thrombocytopenia. They hypothesized that
long term administration of intravenous fat leads to hyperactivation of monocyte-
macrophage system. Thus it seems that there may be some adverse effect of infusion
of typical soybean oil based LEs (e.g., Intralipid) on platelet counts when employed
for long periods.

8.2.5 Peroxide Formation

The omega-6 fatty acids in the soybean based LEs are highly susceptible to peroxida-
tion due to presence of excess carbon double bonds and lead to peroxide formation.
These can alter arachidonic acid metabolism or react to form organic free radicals
which can lead to damage to plasma membranes. These free radicals have been linked
224 G. Deshpande and R. Maheshwari

to various morbidities of prematurity e.g., CLD, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

and NEC [23]. Earlier studies in preterm neonates using exclusive soybean oil based
LEs have shown high levels of peroxide levels [65]. Neuzil et al. [66] have stud-
ied the formation of hydroperoxides with the exposure of intralipid to ambient and
phototherapy lights. They have concluded that intralipid is highly susceptible to ox-
idation and that elevated levels of oxidized lipids can be formed during its clinical
use, especially when intralipid infusion is combined with phototherapy. Silvers et al.
[67] were able to show reduction in lipid peroxidation with the use of multivitamin
preparation when intralipid was delivered via dark delivery tubing and recommended
this method for routine use. While photoprotection is universally considered to be
beneficial in reducing lipid peroxidation, there is some literature suggesting that mul-
tivitamin preparations are contributory to the oxidative stress [68, 69]. In summary,
protection of intravenous lipid solutions from ambient and phototherapy lights by
using dark delivery tubing is recommended to reduce lipid peroxidation.

8.2.6 Effect on Immune Function

LEs influence immune cell functions at various levels including cell membrane prop-
erties, phagocytosis and production of bioactive substances such as prostaglandins
and leukotrienes [25, 70]. Fatty acids with multiple double bonds (omega-6 fatty
acids) serve as precursors to eicosanoids which include prostaglandins, leukotrienes,
thromboxanes and prostacyclins. These substances have powerful effects on platelet
aggregation, vascular function, smooth muscle activity and inflammatory cascade.
Typical soybean oil based LEs have been reported to lead to impaired bacterial
clearance in mice and inhibition of chemotaxis of human neutrophils in vitro [71].
There is evidence that the bactericidal activity against coagulase negative staphylo-
cocci is impaired in neonates receiving long-term PN [72]. One of the mechanisms
put forward is the administration of lipid emulsions containing LCTs which results
in the depletion of host defense mechanisms, particularly in neutrophilic bactericidal
activity and migration. Waitzberg et al. [73] have reported moderate decrease in neu-
trophilic bactericidal activity with the use of lipid emulsions. Powell et al. [74] have
reported M. furfur sepsis in 5 infants receiving intravenous fats. The authors’ hypoth-
esized that the origin of the infection appeared to have been through colonization of
the Broviac catheters in the presence of lipid infusions. On the other hand, it has been
reported that LEs can influence immunostimulatory properties with augmentation in
peripheral T cell subsets, antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity and interleukin 2
production [75]. Similarly, Palmblad et al. [76] also could not detect any impairment
of neutrophilic migration or bactericidal function with the use of intralipid.
LEs can also influence immune function through the incorporation of their fatty
acids in the membrane phospholipids of the immunologic cells [24]. In addition; ω-3
and ω-6 PUFA participate directly in the inflammatory immune responses, serving as
a substrate for eicosanoid synthesis. Arachidonic acid (ω-6 PUFA) is a substrate for
11 Intravenous Lipids in Neonates 225

pro-inflammatory prostaglandins, leukotrienes and thromboxanes. The ability of ω-3

PUFA to compete with ω-6 PUFA for eicosanoid synthesis constitutes a key point
in its anti-inflammatory properties which are well established [24]. There is still a
controversy about whether ω-3 fatty acids can impair immunologic functions such
as phagocytosis, chemotaxis and respiratory burst, thereby increasing susceptibility
to infections. Virella et al. [77] have reported inhibitory effects of fish oil extracts
and eicosapentanoic acid on phagocytic and humoral responses. However, in a more
recent study, ω-3 PUFA did not alter the functional activity of neutrophils, monocytes
or lymphocytes [78].
It is recognized that excess of either ω-6 or ω-3 PUFA in parenteral LE could be
immunosuppressive, whereas immune response can be maintained by LE infusion
with an appropriate ω-3/ω-6 ratio. Grimm et al. [79] have reported no immunosup-
pressive effect at a ω-3/ω-6 ratio of 1:2.1 in their study. Soybean oil based LE (e.g.,
intralipid) has ω-3/ω-6 ratio of 1:7 and this could be one reason for its inhibitory
effects on lymphocyte, macrophage and neutrophils function.
There is also evidence regarding impaired fat utilization in parenterally fed low-
birth-weight (LBW) infants suffering from sepsis [80]. Triglycerides and free fatty
acid levels rose sharply in septic LBW infants once the dose of lipids was increased
from 2 to 3 g/kg/day. Hence, the authors advised to use lipid dosages not exceeding
2 g/kg/day in septic LBW infants. These observations have fuelled the research into
newer lipid emulsions whereby proportion of soybean oil is reduced curtailing ω-6
PUFA and providing other types of fatty acids with increased amount of ω-3 PUFA
or monounsaturated fatty acids.

8.3 Newer Lipid Emulsions

8.3.1 Olive Oil Based LEs (OO)

In order to reduce the content of omega-6 rich soybean oil (SO), predominantly olive
oil based LEs have been developed [(Clinoleic Baxter Pharmaceuticals contains
predominantly OO (OO:SO ratio of 4:1)]. OO based LEs contain higher levels of
monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) which are potentially more resistant to free
radical attack and have additional anti-inflammatory properties which could be ben-
eficial [24]. It has been proposed that use of an OO lipid emulsion may be as efficient
as standard SO lipid emulsion in supplying EFA and LC-PUFAs including DHA and
arachidonic acid (AA), but at the same time provide the added benefit of attenuating
potential oxidation injury [81, 82].
Recently published two RCTs in preterm and near term neonates have established
the safety of OO based LEs [83, 84]. As compared to traditional soybean oil based
LEs, theoretically OO emulsions have the potential to reduce the oxidative stress
while enhancing the anti-inflammatory effects due to their high MUFA content.
The short term results in the 3 RCTs in preterm and term neonates did not show any
significant difference in oxidative stress compared to standard SO emulsion [83–85].
226 G. Deshpande and R. Maheshwari

OO based LEs are rich in MUFAs which are potentially immune-neutral. In a

RCT in preterm neonates (< 32 weeks, < 1500 g) Gawecka et al. [86] have com-
pared the inflammatory effects between SO and OO based LEs by evaluating markers
including tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukins (IL-6, IL-10). Base-
line cytokine levels were comparable in the two groups; however pro-inflammatory
cytokine levels (IL-6) were significantly higher in the SO group. Other secondary
outcomes including the incidence of CLD, NEC, and ROP were similar in both
groups. Currently there are no studies documenting long term immunological and
neurodevelopmental outcomes of using OO based LEs in preterm and term neonates.

8.3.2 Fish Oil Based LEs (FO)

FO based LEs are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are known for their anti-
inflammatory properties [87]. Currently FO based LEs are available in various
preparations (Table 11.1). Safety of various types of FO based LEs has been well
established [18, 19].
Considering FO based LE have predominant ω-3 fatty acids, there is a concern
about EFA deficiency in neonates fed 100 % FO based LE like Omegaven. It is
usually recommended to be used along with SO based LEs which are rich in ω-6
fatty acids rich in LA. A prospective cohort study by de Meijer et al. [18] has assessed
EFA and growth status of 10 preterm and near term neonates who were exclusively
given 100 % FO based LE (Omegaven) for treatment PN induced cholestasis. Their
results showed no evidence of EFA deficiency in preterm or near term neonates.
Newer FO based LEs like SMOFLipid have potential to reduce lipid perox-
idation due to the presence of MCTs, and an appropriate amount of antioxidant
alpha-tocopherol and MUFAs [88]. In a study by Skouroliakou et al. [89], 38 preterm
neonates (Gestation < 32 weeks, Birth weight < 1500 g) were randomized to receive
SMOFlipid emulsion or pure SO based LE (Intralipid) for at least 7 days. Significant
reduction in oxidative stress in the SMOFlipid group was documented by a signif-
icant rise in alpha-tocopherol and total anti-oxidant potential levels compared with
standard LE.
FO based LEs are rich source of ω-3 LC-PUFAs including DHA and
eicospentaenoic acid (EPA) with associated anti-inflammatory properties [25]. The
eicosanoids produced from ω-3 LC-PUFAs are less inflammatory compared to those
originating from ω-6 LCPUFAs [90]. Although none of the neonatal studies have
documented specific immunological effects of FO based LEs, several adult and ani-
mal studies have reported benefits in terms of anti-inflammatory effects in critically
ill/septic patients [91–93].
Role of FO based LEs in neonates and paediatric patients with intestinal failure
associated liver disease has been well established [94]. In a recent cohort study, inves-
tigators have compared the safety and efficacy of a 100 % FO based LE (Omegaven)
in 18 ex preterm neonates with short-bowel syndrome who developed cholestasis
(serum conjugated bilirubin > 2 mg/dL) while receiving SO LE with those from
a historical cohort of 21 infants with short-bowel syndrome who also developed
11 Intravenous Lipids in Neonates 227

cholestasis while receiving SO LE [94]. Participants who received FO–based LE

experienced reversal of cholestasis 4.8 times faster than those who received SO LE.
Similar results were reported by two other recent studies [95, 96].

9 Summary

Since introduction of the first stable intravenous LE 50 years ago, soybean oil based
LE remains most studied intravenous LE. Newer LEs prepared from olive oil and
fish oil or other combinations may have short-term benefits in terms of reducing
lipid peroxidation and inflammation. Additionally, newer FO based LEs have shown
benefits in the treatment of intestinal failure associated liver disease. However, at this
stage it is not clear if there are any long term benefits of introducing costly newer LEs
in preterm neonates and other high risk populations such as neonates with surgical
conditions. Further research is needed in terms of large RCTs comparing the short
as well as long term benefits and risks of different preparations of newer LEs.

Conflict of interests None


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11 Intravenous Lipids in Neonates 231

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Chapter 12
Amino Acids

Hester Vlaardingerbroek and Johannes B. van Goudoever

Abstract Neonatologists’ultimate goal is to achieve a functional outcome in preterm

infants that is comparable to outcomes in healthy term-born infants. Current guide-
lines recommend the initiation of amino acid administration as soon as possible in
the first postnatal day at a dose of 2–3 g/kg/day. Within the next few days, amino
acid intake should be increased to a maximum amount of 4 g/kg/day. However, actual
intakes are still lower than target intakes in many neonatal intensive care units world-
wide. Subsequently, many preterm infants fail to grow well, which is associated with
long-term consequences with regard to growth and neurodevelopment. While most
studies on early amino acid administration show beneficial effects predominantly on
short-term outcomes, some studies also warn of adverse effects, especially in ex-
tremely immature and extremely low birth weight infants. Future studies should be
directed towards elucidating the long-term anthropometric and neurodevelopmental
outcomes of early (high dose) amino acid administration.

Key Points
• Functional outcomes in preterm infants are related to protein quantity and quality
during the first few weeks of life.
• In most neonatal intensive care units, target intakes of amino acids are not reached
within the first days of life, resulting in suboptimal growth that may subsequently
affect neurodevelopmental outcome.
• Several studies provide strong evidence of the beneficial effects of administering
2–3 g amino acids/kg/day from birth onwards on nitrogen balance and growth in
the average preterm infant.
• The supplementation of high doses of amino acids of approximately 4 g/kg/day
should be prescribed with caution in the most immature group of infants (< 26
weeks gestational age) and in those who were severely growth-restricted in utero.

H. Vlaardingerbroek ()
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology,
Erasmus MC—Sophia Children’s Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
e-mail: [email protected]
J. B. van Goudoever
Department of Pediatrics, Emma Children’s Hospital—AMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Pediatrics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 233

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3_12, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
234 H. Vlaardingerbroek and J. B. van Goudoever

Malnutrition during the critical stages of the development of prematurely born infants
is associated with long-lasting negative effects on growth [1] and neurodevelopment
[2], at least through school age and possibly also into adulthood [3]. Postnatal growth
retardation is mainly caused by the insufficient administration of protein and calo-
ries that do not meet the requirements for achieving a growth velocity similar to
fetal rates [4]. Clinical problems that preterm infants experience, especially during
the first several days of life, prevent the meeting of nutritional needs; these needs
are also not given the highest priority. As a result, postnatal growth failure is one of
the most commonly observed morbidities in very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) infants
[5–7]. Regrettably, the incidence of postnatal growth failure has not declined much
during the last decades [6, 8]. When energy intake is not limited, proteins are pivotal
to achieving adequate growth [9, 10]. The first week resting energy expenditure is ap-
proximately 30–35 kcal/kg/day, so protein is frequently the only limiting nutritional
factor [11].
Proteins are polymers of 20 different amino acids, which are nitrogen-containing
molecules. These 20 different amino acids are called α-amino acids. The order of
the various amino acids in a protein is defined after translation from the DNA. The
β-amino acids (e.g., taurine) and γ-amino acids (e.g., hydroxyl-proline) cannot be
incorporated into proteins, but have important intracellular functions as individual
acting amino acids. The α-amino acids can be divided into essential and non-essential
amino acids, depending on whether they are completely derived from the diet,
or whether they can be produced endogenously from other substrates in sufficient
amounts. Classically, isoleucine, leucine, valine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine,
threonine, tryptophan, and histidine are considered essential amino acids for adults.
However, several metabolic processes are not fully developed in preterm and term in-
fants. Therefore, for the infant, the following amino acids are conditionally essential:
arginine, glutamine, glycine, proline, taurine, and tyrosine. Cysteine was historically
defined as conditionally essential, but recent studies have demonstrated that this is
not the case for enterally fed infants [12, 13]. Amino acids can also be divided by their
chemical characteristics: leucine, isoleucine, and valine are branched-chain amino
acids; phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan are aromatic amino acids; methion-
ine and cysteine are sulphur-containing amino acids; serine and threonine contain
a hydroxyl (or alcohol) group; glutamine and asparagines are acidic; and lysine,
histidine, and arginine are basic amino acids.
Almost all proteins undergo a continuous process of synthesis and breakdown
to guarantee their optimal function. Protein breakdown releases amino acids during
fasting, removes defective proteins after erroneous translation of after (oxidative)
damage. Protein breakdown can also occur to release certain indispensible amino
acids that are highly needed but not available otherwise, to provide these amino
acids for the synthesis of other proteins. Excess amounts of glucose and fatty acids
can be stored in the body as glycogen and fat, respectively. However, no storage pool
exists for individual amino acids. Therefore, an excess amount of individual amino
acids that are not needed for protein synthesis cannot be stored separately. Similarly,
specific amino acids that are insufficiently available for synthesis of certain proteins
cannot be released selectively from some other protein. To avoid aminoacidemia, the
12 Amino Acids 235

only metabolic fate of an amino acid that is available in excess amounts is, therefore,
degradation into ammonia (later converted into urea) and a carbon skeleton that can
either be oxidized to yield energy or used for glucose synthesis.

1 Approaches to Determine Amino Acid Requirements

for Preterm Infants

Different approaches can be used to determine the adequate requirements for amino
acids in preterm infants. First, the intake of the fetus of a similar gestational age
can be regarded as suitable. However, following preterm birth, the continuous nutri-
tional supply ceases abruptly, and the infant is immediately challenged by the sudden
change from a usually well-fed state in utero to the extra-uterine environment, which
has very different physical and physiological properties. At birth, most preterm in-
fants are ill, requiring ventilatory support, antibiotic therapy and, sometimes, cardiac
support. It is likely that amino acid requirements are influenced by these conditions.
Second, the requirement can be based on the factorial approach. The factorial ap-
proach combines the estimated growth rate of a fetus of a certain gestational age
with the composition of newly formed tissue. However, the data on the composition
of fetal tissue were derived a very long time ago (early twentieth century onwards)
from carcasses of deceased fetuses, with little or no knowledge of the condition of
the mothers or their fetuses. Third, the requirement can be based on the composition
of human milk. Human milk is highly variable in quantity and composition, not only
between feeds but also within a feeding. Thus, the latter two approaches are not
likely to provide preterm infants’ real requirements for all nutrients.
From a biochemical standpoint, amino acid requirements are mainly determined
by the rate of net protein synthesis, which depends on the availability of rate-limiting
amino acids [14] and on the obligatory oxidation rate. The utilization of the amino
acid supply for protein synthesis depends on sufficient energy intake, and often, an
energy supply of 30–40 kcal per 1 g amino acids is recommended [14]. Methods
to assess the adequacy of amino acid intake include anthropometry (weight and
length gain), nitrogen balance, metabolic indices (e.g., amino acid concentration,
albumin, pre-albumin, total protein concentrations, plasma urea concentration, and
metabolic acidosis), whole-body nitrogen kinetics, specific amino acid kinetics and
the indicator amino acid method [14]. To determine the requirements for individual
amino acids, the indicator amino acid method is an accurate and fast method. For
estimations of the total amino acid requirement, the most widely used method is
the amount needed to achieve a positive nitrogen balance. As summarized in the
ESPGHAN guidelines, a minimum amino acid intake of 1.5 g/kg/day is necessary
to prevent a negative nitrogen balance [14]. Higher intakes are needed to achieve
physiological protein accretion.
236 H. Vlaardingerbroek and J. B. van Goudoever

2 Fetal Requirement and Metabolism

Information regarding fetal protein requirements and metabolism is limited, and

most of it originates from animal studies, particularly studies of fetal sheep. Under
physiological conditions in pregnant ewes, the fetal amino acid uptake exceeds the
amount required for protein synthesis. Excess amino acids are oxidized and con-
tribute considerably to fetal energy generation [15, 16]. These quantitative balance
studies require blood sampling from both the venous and arterial umbilical vessels
and the measurement of flow rates. In humans, these activities can only be performed
safely around birth. Chien et al. [17] and Van den Akker et al. [18, 19] undertook
human studies on fetal leucine, valine, phenylalanine and tyrosine kinetics at the
time of elective cesarean section. These authors reported that the amino acid uptake
exceeded the amount that would be necessary for net protein accretion, indicating
that the human fetus also oxidizes amino acids to generate energy. In addition, a
portion of the surplus of phenylalanine was hydroxylated to tyrosine, indicating that
tyrosine can be considered a non-essential amino acid under normal conditions [19].
Thus, similarities were found in the way the ovine and the human fetus utilize the
available amino acids for ongoing metabolism and growth. The protein requirements
for fetal growth have been estimated at 3.5–4 g/kg/day [20]. However, these require-
ments should be interpreted with caution as they rely only on phenylalanine, tyrosine,
valine, and leucine kinetics.

3 Amino Acids for the Preterm Infant, a Historical Perspective

The immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract prevents its use; therefore, preterm in-
fants are mainly dependent on parenteral nutrition during the first week of life. When
the infant receives only glucose after birth, obligatory nitrogen losses are not com-
pensated for, which results in a catabolic state. In that situation, the estimated protein
loss amounts to 1 % of the endogenous body protein per day [21, 22]. The resulting
protein deficit may be difficult if not impossible to recoup, resulting in suboptimal
growth and development.
The first report on parenteral amino acid administration dates from 1939. Positive
nitrogen balances were obtained by parenteral administration of hydrolyzed casein.
However, many complications were described, most prominently a marked elevation
of body temperature [23]. More successful was the report of Helfrick and Abelson in
1944 where a marasmic infant received total parenteral nutrition for five consecutive
days as the only nutrition source [24]. In the early 1970s, the routine use of parenteral
nutrition in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) was implemented. Soon after the
implementation of these solutions, various metabolic disturbances, such as hyperam-
monemia and acidosis, were reported [25, 26]. Preterm infants were not given amino
acid solutions during the first postnatal days under the assumption that they could not
tolerate these solutions. Later studies demonstrated that these complications were
12 Amino Acids 237

likely the result of the manufacturing method and the composition of the amino acid
solutions [27]. From then on, crystalline amino acid solutions have been modified to
reduce the risk of complications [28]. Nevertheless, fear of metabolic derangements
is still firmly rooted in clinical practice.

4 Timing and Amount of Amino Acid Administration

In early studies of parenteral amino acid administration to preterm infants, amino acid
administration was initiated several days after birth [29, 30]. Over the last decades,
multiple studies have demonstrated that earlier parenteral amino acid administration
(with starting doses of 1.0–2.5 g/kg/day) can reverse a negative nitrogen or stable
isotope balance, which is indicative of protein accretion and thus growth, even at
a low caloric intake [28, 30–34]. This treatment also increases plasma amino acid
concentrations [31, 33] and has been associated with improved neurodevelopmental
outcomes compared to infants who received no amino acids during the first postnatal
days [2].
Recent studies have focused on the initiation of amino acid infusion at high doses
within 24 h after birth in conjunction with the infusion of glucose and sometimes
lipids. In agreement with previous studies, using high dose amino acids on day one
of life reverses the negative nitrogen balance to a positive balance and thus induces
anabolism (Table 12.1, [35–37]).
In the study of Ibrahim et al. [35] 32 ventilator-dependent preterm infants
were prospectively randomized to 3.5 g amino acids/kg/day plus 3 g lipid/kg/day,
starting within 1 h after birth, or to only glucose during the first 48 h of life, fol-
lowed by 2 g amino acids/kg/day and 0.5 g lipid/kg/day. In the latter group amino
acids and lipids were each increased by 0.5 g/kg/day to a maximum of 3.5 and
3 g/kg/day, respectively. Nitrogen balances were significantly higher in the early
amino acid and lipid group compared to the late initiation group (385 ± 20 mg/kg/day
vs 203 ± 21 mg/kg/day, P < 0.001). Weight gain and plasma biochemistry concen-
trations during the first seven days of life were similar between both groups. Te
Braake et al. [36] randomly assigned 135 VLBW infants to 2.4 g amino acids/kg/day
from birth onwards or to only glucose during the first two days, followed by 1.2 g
amino acids/kg/day and increased to 2.4 g/kg/day on day 3. Nitrogen balances were
significantly higher in the early amino acid group compared to the late initiation
group (145 ± 104 vs − 84 ± 70, P < 0.05). Days to regain birth weight were not
different between groups. Plasma urea concentrations on day 2 were higher in the
early amino acid group, while blood gas base excess and bicarbonate concentrations
were lower. However, these biochemical differences had no clinical influence. In
the study of Thureen et al. [37] 28 infants with a birth weight below 1,300 g were
randomly assigned to 3 g amino acids/kg/day vs 1 g/kg/day at a mean age 52 ± 3 h of
life. After a minimum of 12 h of parenteral nutrition, nitrogen balances were signif-
icantly higher in the high amino acid group (186 ± 93 vs − 42 ± 63, P < 0.00005).
Table 12.1 Summary of most recent randomized controlled trials and cohort studies on the effect of early and higher dose amino acid administration on

nitrogen balance and growth until discharge home

First author, Design Population n Study nutrition Nitrogen balance Regain birth Weight gain in first Weight at
year, reference (mg/kg/day) weight (day) 28 days (g/kg/day) discharge home
Blanco [39, 56] RCT Birth weight 32 0.5–3 g AA/kg/day ND ND 10.8 ± 4.2 vs Weight z-scores:
<1,000 g vs 2–4 g 12.2 ± 4.6a , − 1.0 ± 0.4 vs
AA/kg/day P = 0.4 −0.8 ± 0.4,
P > 0.05
Clark [38] RCT Gestational age 122 1.5–3.5 g AA/kg/day ND ND 12.9 (9.4–14.9) vs ND
23–29 6/7 vs 1.0–2.5 AA 11.4 (7.2–14.9)c ,
weeks g/kg/day P = 0.6
Kashyap [40] RCT Birth weight 4 g AA/kg/day vs 3 g ND 10 vs 12.3b , ND ND
<1,250 g AA/kg/day P < 0.05
Te Braake [36] RCT Birth weight 135 2.4 g AA/kg/day 145 ± 104 vs 8 (2–25) vs 10 ND ND
<1,500 g < 2 h after birth − 84 ± 70, (2–26)d ,
vs only glucose P < 0.05 (day 2) P = 0.286
during first 48 h
Ibrahim [35] RCT Gestational age 32 3.5 g AA/kg/day 384 ± 78 vs ND ND ND
24–32 weeks, + 3 g lipid/kg/day − 203 ± 78,
birth weight starting < 1 h P < 0.05 (day 1)
501–1,250 g after birth vs only
glucose during
first 48 h
Thureen [37] RCT Birth weight 28 3 g AA/kg/day vs 1 g 186 ± 93 ND ND ND
<1,300 g AA/kg/day vs − 42 ± 63,
P < 0.00005
(day 2)
Wilson [55] RCT Birth weight 125 Start amino acids ND 9 (6–11) vs 12 Percentage of
<1,500 g < 12 h vs on day (9–17)d , infants with
3, start lipid on P < 0.001 weight < 10th
day 2 vs day 5, percentile:
early minimal 59 % vs 82 %,
H. Vlaardingerbroek and J. B. van Goudoever

enteral feeding P < 0.05

Table 12.1 (continued)
First author, Design Population n Study nutrition Nitrogen balance Regain birth Weight gain in first Weight at
year, reference (mg/kg/day) weight (day) 28 days (g/kg/day) discharge home
Geary [54] Cohort Birth weight 163 AA at 3 g/kg/day ND 12 ± 5 vs 16 ± 6, ND Percentage of
≤1,000 g on day 2 in com- P < 0.0001 infants with
12 Amino Acids

bination with sur- postnatal

factant at delivery growth
followed by CPAP, failure: 18 %
and decreased vs 48 %,
oxygen exposure P < 0.003
vs slow stepwise
increase of AA
Dinerstein [4] Cohort Birth weight 182 AA immediately ND 10 (1–21) vs 16 ND Percentage of
750–1,500 g after birth at (1–29)d , infants with
1.5–4 g/kg/day vs P < 0.001 postnatal
AA from day 3 growth
onwards at failure: 53 %
0.5–3 g/kg/day vs 77 %,
P = 0.005
Kotsopoulos Cohort Gestational age 108 AA immediately ND 11 ± 4 vs 13 ± 4, 1.6 ± 2.0 vs Percentage of
[45] <28 weeks after stabilization P = 0.050 1.7 ± 1.7, infants with
1.5–4 g/kg/day vs P = 0.834 weight < 10th
after 12–30 h percentile:
(1–3.5 g 43 % vs 52 %,
AA/kg/day) P = 0.680
AA amino acid, ND no data
Mean ± SD (all such values)
SD was not presented and could not be calculated from available data
Median (IQR)
Median (range)
240 H. Vlaardingerbroek and J. B. van Goudoever

Biochemistry was not different between groups. In addition, the plasma concentra-
tions of all essential amino acids and of most non-essential amino acids increase with
early amino acid administration and are more in accordance with reference ranges
from healthy fetuses or breast-fed term infants [36, 37]. The side effects observed
with early high dose amino acid infusion, such as increased mean peak serum indi-
rect bilirubin, lower base excess, lower concentrations of bicarbonate, and increased
blood urea nitrogen, do not have short term clinical implications [35, 36]. Some
remarks can be made about the studies presented. The target dose of amino acid
administration (2.4–4.0 g/kg/day) was usually not reached before the third day of
life because most of these studies started at a lower dose (1.5–2.0 g/kg/day) with a
daily stepwise increase [37–39]. In addition to the amounts infused, the amino acid
solutions used differed between the studies as well; the studies performed in the USA
used TrophAmine (plus cysteine) or Aminosyn PF [35, 37–40], whereas in Europe,
Primene (not available in the USA) was used [36]. The difference between the amino
acid solutions is described in more detail in the protein quality section. Overall, the
studies with early high-dose amino acid administration show good efficacy during
short-term follow-up without major side effects.

5 Composition of Amino Acid Solutions

As stated above, amino acids can be divided into essential and non-essential amino
acids, depending on whether they are completely derived from the diet or whether
they can be produced endogenously from other substrates in sufficient amounts. All
proteins have a fixed sequence of amino acid residues after DNA translation. The rate
of protein synthesis is determined by the first limiting amino acid in the cytoplasmic
compartment. An insufficient availability of a (conditionally) essential amino acid
may result in increased protein breakdown to provide sufficient amounts of the (con-
ditionally) essential amino acids needed for protein synthesis. The capacity of infants
to regulate amino acid concentrations is probably limited because of their immature
kidney and liver function. Therefore, not only the quantity but also the quality (i.e.,
the composition) of the amino acid supply is crucial for achieving optimal growth
and development. The overall quality of available parenteral amino acid mixtures is
probably not adequate because individual requirements for parenterally fed preterm
infants are not known, except for tyrosine [41]. The lack of knowledge regarding the
“optimal” amino acid pattern in parenteral solutions is clearly demonstrated by the
diversity in the composition of current pediatric amino acid solutions (Table 12.2).
Trophamine was originally formulated to match the plasma amino acid concentra-
tions of healthy, term, breast-fed infants. The composition of Primene is derived
from fetal and neonatal cord blood concentrations. Due to insolubility or instability
in solution, these mixtures contain low amounts of or lack the conditionally essen-
tial amino acids tyrosine, glutamine, and often cysteine, although cysteine is often
supplemented separately [3]. As stated above, the availability of amino acids below
the requirement may result in increased proteolysis of endogenous proteins and/or
in increased irreversible oxidation of all other amino acids.
Table 12.2 Amino acid concentrations of commercially available parenteral amino acid solutions (g/100 g amino acids)
Product (% amino acids) (manufacturer)
Aminosyn Aminosyn-PF Aminoven FreAmine III Novamine Primene Travasol TrophAmine Vaminolact
(10 %) (10 %) (10 %) (10 %) (10 %) (10 %) (10 %) (10 %) (6.5 %)
12 Amino Acids

(Hospira) (Hospira) (Fresenius Kabi) (B. Braun) (Hospira) (Baxter) (Baxter) (B. Braun) (Fresenius Kabi)
Ile 7.3 7.6 5.0 6.9 5.0 6.7 6.0 8.2 5.5
Leu 9.5 11.9 7.4 9.1 6.9 9.9 7.3 14.0 10.8
Val 8.1 6.6 6.2 6.6 6.7 7.6 5.8 7.8 5.5
Lys 7.3 6.8 9.3 7.3 7.9 10.9 5.8 8.2 8.6
Met 4.0 1.8 4.3 5.3 5.0 2.4 4.0 3.4 2.0
Phe 4.7 4.3 5.1 5.6 6.9 4.2 5.6 4.8 4.2
Thr 5.2 5.1 4.4 4.0 5.0 3.7 4.2 4.2 5.5
Trp 1.6 1.8 2.0 1.5 1.7 2.0 1.8 2.0 2.2
His 3.0 3.1 3.0 2.8 6.0 3.8 4.8 4.8 3.2
Conditionally essential
Cys 0 0 0 0 0 1.9 0 0.1 1.5
Tyr 0.9 0.6 0.4 0 0.3 0.9 0.4 2.3a 0.8
Arg 9.9 12.3 12.0 9.5 9.8 8.4 11.2 12.2 6.3
Glu 0 8.2 0 0 5.0 9.9 0 5.0 10.9
Gly 12.9 3.9 11.0 14.0 6.9 4.0 10.3 3.6 3.2
Pro 8.7 8.1 11.2 11.2 6.0 3.0 6.8 6.8 8.6
Tau 0 0.7 1.0 0 0 0.6 0 0.2 0.5
Ala 12.9 7.0 14.0 7.1 14.5 7.9 20.7 5.4 9.7
Asp 0 5.3 0 0 0 6.0 0 3.2 6.3
Ser 4.2 5.0 6.5 5.9 3.9 4.0 5.0 3.8 5.8
Supplied as L-tyrosine (0.7 g/100 g amino acids) and N-acetyl-tyrosine (1.6 g/100 g amino acids)
242 H. Vlaardingerbroek and J. B. van Goudoever

6 Safety of Early Amino Acid Administration

The safety of amino acid administration is generally based on biochemical parame-

ters such as pH, urea and ammonia concentrations and concentrations of potentially
neurotoxic amino acids. However, none of these parameters are specific to amino
acid intolerance [22, 42], and they are also influenced by the general clinical status
of the neonate [43]. Elevated urea concentration in the extremely low birth weight
infant may reflect an appropriate amount of amino acid oxidation and not protein
intolerance [37]. Cohort studies with 92–188 infants per study did not find an asso-
ciation between plasma urea nitrogen and protein intake [44–48]. Conflicting results
were obtained with regard to urea concentrations and the amount of amino acids in-
fused [30, 35–40]. In the study of Blanco et al., high-dose amino acid infusion (up to
4 g/kg/day on day 3 of life) was discontinued in six out of 30 preterm infants because
they showed elevated urea concentrations peaking at 101 mg N/dL (∼ 36 mmol/L)
[39]. Four of these infants, born at 23 weeks gestation, were extremely ill and died
within 7 days. No causal relationship between high urea concentrations and death was
demonstrated. In addition, the mean peak ammonia concentration in the deceased
infants (103 μmol/L) was in the upper range of the reference values [49, 50].
Overall, the evidence suggests that elevations in the urea concentration per se
should not lead to postponing the initiation of amino acids or decreasing the amounts
of amino acids in preterm infants. In addition, none of the studies with early amino
acid infusion have reported metabolic acidosis, hyperaminoacidemia, or, when
measured, ammonemia concentrations, above the reference values [28–34].

7 Benefits of Early Amino Acid Administration

After birth the transplacental supply stops abruptly while metabolic demands increase
significantly. Therefore, preterm birth has to be acknowledged as a nutritional emer-
gency in which minutes and not days matter when it comes to providing nutrition
immediately after birth.
For neonatologists, the ultimate goal of feeding preterm infants is to improve
the outcomes for these infants to a level that is comparable to the outcomes for
healthy term-born infants. That is, the goal is a postnatal growth rate that duplicates
the fetal growth rate and a functional outcome similar to that of healthy term-born
infants, as stated by the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Nutrition
and the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nu-
trition (ESPGHAN) Committee on Nutrition [3, 51, 52]. Studies on early amino
acid administration have mainly investigated its effect in the direct postnatal phase;
only a few studies have investigated medium- or long-term outcome parameters. In
general, outcomes can be based on several criteria, such as postnatal growth, the
incidence of neonatal morbidities, the duration of the hospital stay, and neurode-
velopmental parameters. Long-term metabolic and endocrine outcome parameters
following intervention parenteral nutrition trials have rarely been in the scope of
these investigations.
12 Amino Acids 243

8 Short Term Outcomes and Benefits

Observational studies and a few randomized clinical trials overwhelmingly support

the short-term efficacy of early amino acids in reversing protein loss; Denne and
Poindexter [22] and Kashyap provide excellent reviews of these studies [43]. Most
observational studies [45, 53, 54] and randomized clinical trials using high doses
of parenterally administered amino acids [40] or combined parenteral and enteral
administration [4, 55] demonstrate improved growth at hospital discharge or 36
weeks postmenstrual age, while others do not (Table 12.1) [38, 39].
In the study of Kasyap et al. [40] appropriate for gestational age infants with a birth
weight below 1,250 g were randomized to 4 g amino acids/kg/day or to 3 g amino
acids/kg/day. Higher amino acid administration resulted in earlier regain of birth
weight (10 vs 12.3 days, P < 0.05). Plasma urea concentrations were not different
between groups. Wilson et al. [55] randomly allocated 125 VLBW infants to 0.5 g
amino acids/kg/day within 12 h after birth, with a stepwise increase to 3.5 g/kg/day,
together with initiation of lipids on day 2, and early minimal enteral feeding or
to 1 g amino acids/kg/day (target 2.5 g/kg/day) on day 3 together with initiation
of lipids on day 5. Infants in the early amino acid group regained birth weight
sooner (9 (6–11) vs 12 (9–17) day, P < 0.001) and had improved growth at discharge
home. Survival and the incidence of common neonatal morbidities were similar
between groups. Clark et al. [38] randomly assigned 122 preterm infants (23–29
6/7 week gestational age) to 1.5 g amino acids/kg/day (target 3.5 g/kg/day) or to
1.0 g amino acids/kg/day (target 2.5 g/kg/day). Weight gain until day 28 of birth and
incidence of secondary morbidities were not different between groups. On day seven
concentrations of several amino acids and plasma urea nitrogen were higher in the
higher amino acid group. In the study of Blanco et al. [39] 62 extremely low birth
weight infants (birth weight < 1,000 g) were allocated to 2 g amino acids/kg/day and
a target intake of 4 g/kg/day or to 0.5 g/kg/day with a target of 3 g/kg/day. Weight
gain at day 28 of life or at discharge home were not different between groups [56].
In the historical cohort study of Geary et al. [54] the era before and after three
early management practice changes—early parenteral amino acids at 3 g/kg/day,
surfactant at delivery followed by immediate extubation to nasal continuous positive
airway pressure, and decreased oxygen exposure—were compared. Infants in the
era after these changes regained birth weight sooner, maintained appropriate size for
weight at 36 weeks and had less morbidity associated with poor long-term outcome.
Dinerstein et al. [4] compared a cohort of 117 VLBW infants receiving amino acids
at 1.5 g/kg/day (target 4 g/kg/day), 0.5 g lipids/kg/day (target 3.5 g/kg/day), 5.6 mg
glucose/kg/min (target 13 mg/kg/day), and enteral feeding on day 1, with a historical
cohort of 65 VLBW infants conservatively fed. In the more aggressively fed cohort
infants regained birth weight sooner (10 (1–21) vs 16 (1–29), P < 0.001) and there
was a 66 % reduction in the risk of postnatal malnutrition at 40 weeks corrected
age (OR 0.34; 95 % CI 0.17–0.67). Kotsopoulos et al. [45] compared a cohort of
early amino acid administration (1.5 g/kg/day immediately after stabilization, target
of 4 g/kg/day) to a historical cohort where amino acids were initiated after 12–30 h at
244 H. Vlaardingerbroek and J. B. van Goudoever

1 g/kg/day (target 3.5 g/kg/day). Infants in the early amino acid cohort regained birth
weight more quickly; growth until day 28 or discharge home and neonatal outcomes
were not different between groups.
In addition to these effects, early amino acid administration also has beneficial
effects on the synthesis of specific proteins. For example, Van den Akker et al. [57]
reported an up-regulation of albumin synthesis with the infusion of 2.4 g amino
acids/kg/day from birth onwards. However, and despite the increased albumin syn-
thesis rates (median of 225 mg/kg/day vs 170 mg/kg/day), albumin concentrations
remained low, and the albumin synthesis rates in preterm infants were still lower
than those measured in utero in fetuses between 28 and 35 weeks gestation (median
290 mg/kg/day) [58]. Early amino acid administration is also beneficial in that it
raises the concentration and absolute synthesis rates of glutathione, the major in-
tracellular anti-oxidant (10 ± 3 mg/kg/day with 2.4 g amino acids/kg/day from birth
onwards vs 6.5 ± 1.8 mg/kg/day without amino acid administration during the first
two days) [59]. The postnatal depletion of glutathione can partially be reversed with
early amino administration.

9 Long Term Outcomes and Benefits

Beneficial long-term effects on neurodevelopment have been difficult to prove be-

cause nutrition is only one of the many variables determining neurodevelopment.
Disease itself might also negatively affect nutritional intake, and on average, the
time on total parenteral nutrition is usually limited to periods of less than a week.
Studies have shown that proteins are critical to the development of neurological
functions and that malnutrition can alter neuronal density [60–62]. The relation-
ship between postnatal growth and neurodevelopment has been illustrated in several
studies [63–66]. In a large observational study of 613 infants born at < 30 weeks
gestation, weight and body mass index gains to term age were associated with bet-
ter psychomotor developmental outcomes at 18 months corrected age [67]. In that
study, the results were adjusted for various confounding factors such as neonatal
morbidities, the administration postnatal steroids and parental education. In another
cohort study of 219 VLBW infants (< 1,250 g), the postnatal growth pattern during
the first nine months, rather than weight status at birth, was significantly associated
with neurological outcomes at two years of age, also after adjusting for several mor-
bidities [64]. In addition, a preterm infant’s growth rate in the NICU (the first few
weeks of life) was correlated with neurodevelopment and growth outcome as well, as
was demonstrated in a cohort of 500 ELBW infants [63]. Neurocognitive outcomes
at ages five to eight were also shown to be associated with in-hospital weight gain
and post-discharge head circumference growth in VLBW infants [65, 66].
Longer and more precise follow-up is available for trials using enteral nutrient
interventions. The trial by Lucas et al., in which four weeks of an enriched formula
instead of a standard formula supplemented to preterm infants led to an improved
neurodevelopmental outcome at 18 months corrected age, is well-known [68]. At
12 Amino Acids 245

7.5 years of age, the cognitive development was still better in this group [69]. A
subset of the original cohort was re-evaluated between 15 and 19 years of age. Those
who received the enriched formula during the first month of life had higher verbal
IQ scores as well as larger caudate nucleus volumes on magnetic resonance imaging
(the latter in boys only) [70, 71]. Recent randomized trials of a higher protein plus
energy intake during the first month [72] or year [73] of life resulted in improved
developmental scores at three months but not at nine months corrected age [72] and
increased occipitofrontal circumference and axonal diameters in the corticospinal
tract [73]. The value of developmental tests at such a young age is, however, doubtful.
To date, studies investigating the effect of high dose parenteral amino acid admin-
istration to preterm infants have not exceeded two years’ follow-up. Poindexter et al.
retrospectively investigated the effects of having received ≥ 3 g amino acid/kg/day
within the first five days of life in infants with birth weights below 1,000 g. At 36
weeks postmenstrual age, those who had received ≥ 3 g amino acid/kg/day showed
better weight, length and head circumference compared to those who had not. How-
ever, at 18 months corrected age, the effects on length and weight disappeared,
whereas the effects on head circumference only remained in boys; there were no
effects on neurodevelopment (Table 12.3) [74]. Potentially harmful effects of early
high-dose amino acid administration are reported in the follow-up study by Blanco
et al. [39] That study showed that extremely preterm infants who received a high-
dose infusion of amino acids (up to 4.0 g amino acids/kg/day on day 3 (n = 32)) had
lower long-term anthropometric measurements and lower cognitive development at
18 months corrected gestational age compared to those who had not. However, at
two years corrected age, cognitive development was no longer significantly different
between the groups. In addition, plasma amino acid concentrations were negatively
correlated with neurodevelopmental scores. Although only 63 % of surviving infants
were studied at follow-up, and although the study was clearly underpowered for neu-
rodevelopmental or growth outcomes (n = 32 infants), it indicates that neonatologists
should be cautious regarding the early administration of high doses of amino acids,
especially to the most immature (< 25 weeks GA) and extremely low birth weight
(ELBW, BW < 1,000 g) infants. In contrast to the study by Blanco et al., Stephens
et al. showed that the Mental Development Index scores were associated with in-
creases of 8.2 and 4.6 points, respectively, for every extra single g protein/kg/day or
every extra 10 kcal/kg/day they received during the first week of life in a retrospective
study in ELBW infants [2]. Nutritional intakes during the following weeks of life
were not associated with neurocognitive outcome, indicating a very short window
of opportunity to improve outcome.
In summary, most of the studies on long-term development indicate that the first
few days of life might provide a critical window and that nutrition should be part of
immediate care in the preterm born infant.

Table 12.3 Summary of most recent randomized controlled trials on the effect of early and higher dose amino acid administration on weight gain
and mental development at 18–24 months corrected age
First author, Design Population n Intervention Age at Growth MDI
year, reference follow-up
Blanco [56] RCT Gestational age 32 0.5–3 g AA/kg/day 18 mo CA 24 mo Weight z-score: 73 ± 15 vs
> 24 weeks, birth vs 2–4 g CA − 0.5 ± 0.5 vs 84 ± 11,
weight < 1,000 g AA/kg/day − 1.5 ± 0.5a , P = 0.03
P < 0.01 57 ± 11 vs
Weight z-score: 63 ± 13,
− 0.5 ± 0.5 vs P = 0.2
− 1.5 ± 0.5,
P < 0.01
Poindexter [74] RCT, subgroup Birth weight 1,018 ≥ 3 g AA/kg/day 18 mo CA Weight < 5th 78.1 ± 16.1 vs
analysis 401–1,000 g within the first percentile: 79.0 ± 18.02,
five days of life Adjusted odds P = 0.39
vs < 3 g/kg/day ratio 1.1
within first five (0.7–1.6)
mo CA months corrected age, MDI mental developmental index
Mean ± SD (all such values)
H. Vlaardingerbroek and J. B. van Goudoever
12 Amino Acids 247

Table 12.4 Recommendations for parenteral amino acid intake in preterm infants
Reference Initiation of Starting dose Target dose
amino acids in g/kg/day in g/kg/day
Simmer [76] First postnatal day 2 –
Ehrenkranz [75] Within hours after birth 3 4
ESPGHAN committee, First postnatal day Minimum of 1.5 Maximum of 4
Koletzko [14]

10 Current Guidelines and Current Practices

The current guidelines for amino acid intake in preterm infants, which are mainly
based on small studies and expert opinion, are summarized in Table 12.4. According
to these guidelines, amino acids should be started at the first postnatal day and
preferably within hours after birth. Starting doses of 2–3 g/kg/day are recommended,
with increases to a maximum dose of 4 g/kg/day over the next few days [14, 75, 76].
Despite the current recommendations, the administration of parenteral nutrition
still varies widely between NICUs and countries. Most NICUs start amino acid
infusion in preterm infants between 0 and 36 h postnatally [77, 78] Starting doses
vary widely, from as low as 0.5–1.0 g/kg/day up to 3.5 g/kg/day. Some NICUs apply
a stepwise procedure to reach the target dose of amino acids (3.0–4.0 g/kg/day)
[78, 79], However, the preference for a stepwise procedure is purely anecdotal and
is based on fluid limitations, worries about intolerance, and fear of hyperglycemia
in case of mixed glucose/amino acid solutions. In addition, several audit studies
show that the actual intake of amino acids is not in accordance with international
guidelines [77–82]. As a result, most preterm infants still have a significant protein
deficit during early postnatal life.

11 Conclusions and Future Directions

The present data provide strong evidence for the beneficial effects of the administra-
tion of 2–3 g amino acids/kg/day from birth onwards in the average preterm infants
on nitrogen balances, growth, and neurodevelopment. However, we should be cau-
tious with the most immature group of infants (< 26 weeks GA) and those that are
severely growth-restricted in utero when administering high doses of protein (ap-
proximately 4 g/kg/day). Improvements in the composition of amino acids to make
the formulas more in accordance with nutritional needs for individual amino acids
might overcome potential problems, at least partly.
Future research should be directed towards elucidating the long-term anthropo-
metric metabolic, endocrine and neurodevelopmental outcomes of early (high dose)
amino acid administration. Strategies to increase weight gain, from preterm birth
to term age and beyond, have been shown to be associated with improved neurode-
velopment. In contrast to this period until term age, clinicians should be alert for
248 H. Vlaardingerbroek and J. B. van Goudoever

excess weight for length gain in early infancy (beyond term age), as this has been
associated with later overweight [83] and higher blood pressure [84], and it has not
been associated with improved neurodevelopment [67].
Little is known about the metabolic impact and special nutritional needs in cases
of particular diseases and conditions, such as chronic lung disease or being born small
for gestational age. Future studies in these infants may lead to more individualized,
finely tuned nutritional protocols designed for preterm infants.


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252 H. Vlaardingerbroek and J. B. van Goudoever

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Chapter 13
Aggressive Parenteral Nutrition

Karen Simmer

Abstract Aggressive parenteral nutrition (PN) after preterm birth is commenced

on day one with the aim of matching fetal growth rate and body composition. The
aim of aggressive PN is to reduce the incidence and severity of ex-utero growth
retardation (EUGR). EUGR is currently common in extremely low birth weight
(ELBW) infants and is associated with co-morbidities including developmental delay
and adult coronary artery disease.
Parenteral amino acids at 1.5 g/kg/day is required to prevent negative nitrogen
balance and 3.5 g/kg/day for positive nitrogen balance similar to that in-utero. Ran-
domised controlled trials provide further evidence that an aggressive nutritional
regime can minimise the large protein deficit most ELBW babies incur, and re-
duce the rate of EUGR. Preventing EUGR avoids the risk of catch-up growth and
associated long-term health sequelae. Improving energy and protein intakes in week
1 is associated with better developmental outcomes of ELBW infants.
For preterm infants, it is recommended that parenteral amino acids solutions
with profiles to mimic fetal aminogram, be started on day 1. Provision of adequate
non-protein calories is necessary to prevent oxidation and facilitate protein synthe-
sis. Early intravenous lipid is safe and an optimal fat blend should be chosen to
improve long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LCPUFA) status, reduce lipid per-
oxidation and maintain immune function. Nutritional intake by day 5 should be
3–4 g/kg/day protein and ≥ 100 kcal/kg/day. Growth and body composition should
be analysed with long-term health and developmental outcomes to guide future
nutritional interventions within the preterm period.

Key points
• Extra-uterine growth retardation (EUGR) is common after very preterm birth and
is associated with adverse neurological and metabolic outcomes.

K. Simmer ()
King Edward Memorial and Princess Margaret Hospitals,
The University of Western Australia, M550, 35 Stirling Highway,
Crawley, WA 6009, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 253

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3_13, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
254 K. Simmer

• Aggressive parenteral nutrition (PN) is defined as PN commenced within hours of

birth and graded up early to meet recommended intakes with the aim of meeting
fetal accretion rates, growth and body composition.
• Aggressive PN will reduce the incidence and severity of EUGR.
• The amino acid solution and lipid emulsion need be chosen carefully to avoid
toxicity and inflammation. Randomised controlled trials need to assess refine-
ments of aggressive PN aimed at improving short and long-term growth health
and development.
• Standardised PN using pre-prepared bags provides high early nutrient intakes
compared with individually prescribed PN. Neonates can tolerate some variation
in intake and standardized PN appears safe.
• Long-term follow up of very preterm infants should include measures of cardio-
vascular health and insulin resistance. Optimal growth targets are likely to vary
depending on clinical outcome of interest.

1 Preterm Birth and Optimal Nutrition

The rate of preterm birth has increased over the last few years with over 8 % of
births in Australia and almost 13 % in the US occurring prematurely. Survival of
very preterm infants continues to improve and is currently > 95 % from 28 weeks
gestation and > 80 % from 24 weeks gestation in Western Australia [1]. Approx-
imately10 % of preterm infants have some long-term developmental needs and a
significant proportion is at increased risk of adult respiratory and cardiovascular
disease. Adverse outcomes include abnormalities associated with insulin sensitiv-
ity, lipid metabolism, blood pressure and fat distribution. Ex-preterm infants have
reduced insulin sensitivity in childhood after being exposed to adverse nutritional
environment while in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) [2–4]. Preterm infants
have increased percent body fat and reduced lean muscle mass secondary to protein
deficits in early life after preterm birth. Their distribution of fatty tissues is different
with increased abdominal fat and increased intrahepatic fat (Fig. 13.1) [5, 6].
Poor early postnatal growth is associated with adverse neurodevelopmental out-
comes. Ehrenkraz et al. (2006) followed 495 infants with BW 501–1,000 g to 18–22
months as part of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
(NICHD) Neonatal Research Network. Infants were divided into weight gain quar-
tiles for in-hospital growth velocity rates with the lowest being 12 g/kg/week and
the highest 21 g/kg/week. Bivariate analysis demonstrated that as the rate of weight
gain increased, the incidence of cerebral palsy, abnormal neurological examination,
neurodevelopmental impairment and need for rehospitalization, fell significantly [7].
The early weeks of life present an opportunity to reduce the co-morbidities as-
sociated with preterm birth by the provision of optimal nutrition. Preventing EUGR
may reduce the risk of many of these adverse outcomes. The risk of developing
non communicable diseases such as type 2 diabetes appears to be modified by early
nutrition especially protein and this is referred to as epigenetic programming.
13 Aggressive Parenteral Nutrition 255

Fig. 13.1 Extremely preterm

(gestation 24 weeks) infant on
ventilatory support in an

Nutritional strategies, once infants become protein deficient and growth retarded,
may differ depending on the target outcome with the possibility that catch up growth
may lead to better neurodevelopmental outcomes but more metabolic disease. For
example, Regan et al. (2006) found that ex-preterm who were protein deficient in
the neonatal period had decreased insulin sensitivity compared with term controls
and those with the greatest catch-up weight gains had the lowest insulin sensitivities
[8]. Animal models suggest that if you are born lean, better health outcomes may
be achieved if you remain lean. Mice fed nutrient-enriched diets to achieve catch-up
growth in early life have reduced longevity [9]. Possible mechanisms suggested by
the investigators include accelerated shortening of chromosomal telomeres.

2 Aggressive Parenteral Nutrition (PN)

Aggressive PN implies that amino acids are started earlier and at higher doses than
was routine clinical practice. The rationale is based on fetal accretion rates and
evidence of improved nitrogen balance and safety. The aim is to reduce the incidence
and severity of extra-uterine growth retardation (EUGR).
Early aggressive nutrition for extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants is
usually defined as PN from the first day of life increasing to provide full nutrient re-
quirements before day 5. The definition often includes minimal enteral feeding, and
early grading to full enteral feeds with fortification of human milk. Early aggressive
nutrition has become a priority in the NICU with recognition of the high incidence of
EUGR and the increasing evidence that EUGR is associated with long-term growth
and developmental problems [10–12].


EUGR is defined as a discharge weight of less than the 10th percentile. Until recently,
the incidence of EUGR in ELBW infants has been very high and inversely correlated
with gestational age. Clark et al. (2003) demonstrated for very preterm infants in
256 K. Simmer

the U.S, the difference between weight gain in the first 28 days and estimated fetal
growth was large with fetal weight gain nearly double that ex-utero [10]. Dusick et al.
(2003) reported, using NICHD data in the U.S, that 97 % of very low birth weight
(VLBW) infants have EUGR at discharge and 40 % of these infants still weigh less
than the 10th percentile at one and a half years of age [11]. In WA, for infants born
at < 28 weeks gestation in 2009–2010, the incidence of EUGR was 50 %.
Embleton et al. (2001) demonstrated cumulative deficits in enteral energy and
protein intakes in infants born ≤ 30 weeks’ gestation, amounting to a mean energy
deficit of 813 kcal/kg and a protein deficit of 23 g/kg by the end of the 5th postnatal
week. By an equivalent postnatal age, older infants also accrued an energy and protein
deficit of around 382 kcal/kg and 13 g/kg, respectively. Feeding at 120 kcal/kg/day
and 3.0 g protein/kg/day after the first few weeks of life did not correct these deficits
by discharge [13].
Preventing nutritional deficits is the focus of contemporary neonatal practice.
Senterre and Rigo (2011) in a prospective non-randomised consecutive observa-
tional study in 102 infants with birthweight < 1250 g demonstrated that postnatal
growth reduction can be dramatically reduced if nutritional protocols were opti-
mized to meet recent RDI. Mean intake in week one was 3.2 g/kg/day amino acids
and 80 kcal/kg/day. They used a standardised PN solution prepared by their hospital
pharmacy 2.7 g amino acids and 12 g dextrose/100 ml with electrolytes and minerals.
They report a similar proportion of EUGR in their population as was growth-retarded
at birth (20 %) [14].
The amount and ratio of macronutrients given to preterm infants often differ from
that in-utero which might explain some of the observed differences in body compo-
sition between term and preterm infants at term. During the later half of pregnancy,
it is estimated that the placenta transfers to the fetus 3.6–4.8 g/kg/day protein and
12–14 g/kg/day glucose. In-utero uptake by the fetus exceeds the amount needed
for protein accretion and the excess is oxidized to produce energy. The total fetal
requirement for fatty acids at mid-gestation is 1 g/kg/day suggesting that oxidation
of fatty acids for energy is relatively unimportant in fetal life [15]. Conversely, the
infant born preterm is initially fed glucose intravenously often at concentrations
higher than can be metabolized. Amino acid solutions are infused but often at low
initial rates and initiation of lipid emulsion may be delayed with final infusion rates
at 3.0–3.5 g/kg/day exceed in utero rates of fatty acid uptake.

4 Provision of Protein and Energy—Evidence

and Guidelines

It has long been known that PN in the first 24 h improves the early nutrition of
sick preterm infants [16]. However, the incidence, severity and consequences of
inadequate nutrition have been increasingly recognized especially with the improved
survival of very immature infants.
13 Aggressive Parenteral Nutrition 257

5 Protein

At least 1.5 g/kg/day parenterally is required for the newborn to prevent negative
nitrogen balance. If a 26 weeks gestational newborn receives only 10 % dextrose
in the first week of life, he will develop a 25 % body protein deficit by the end of
the first week [17]. This deficit is difficult to compensate and will likely influence
future health.
Provision of parenteral amino acids at 3 g/kg/day by day 5 of life will reduce the
incidence of EUGR and of sub-optimal head growth at 18 months. This relatively
high protein intake is well tolerated with plasma amino acids within the reference
range [18, 19].
Others have demonstrated that for every additional 1 g/kg/day protein intake in
week one, there is an associated 8 point increase in mental developmental index on
the Bayley Scale of Infant Development [20].
Thureen et al. (2003) using isotope infusions and indirect calorimetry measure-
ments demonstrated that very preterm infants tolerate infusions of 3 g/kg/day early
in life with plasma amino acid levels similar to the fetus and with improved protein
accretion and nitrogen balance (185.6 vs. − 41.6 mg N/kg/day day 2) compared
with those receiving 1 g/kg/day [21]. The outcomes were primarily achieved by
increased protein synthesis rather than proteolysis and appeared well tolerated in
the first days of life.
Ibrahim et al. (2004) infused 16 infants with glucose and 3.5 g amino acids and
3.0 g lipid/kg/day within 2 h of birth and compared nitrogen balance and related
metabolic indices with infants who only received glucose for the first 48-h of life.
Nitrogen balance was positive with the high amino acid infusion without relevant
clinical implications on day one of life, compared with control infants, who were in
negative balance (400 vs. − 180 mg N/kg/day) [22].
Te Braake et al. (2005) randomised 135 infants to receive either glucose and 2.4 g
AA/kg/day from birth onward (n = 66) or solely glucose during the first day with
a stepwise increase in AA intake to 2.4 g AA/kg/day on day 3 (n = 69). Lipid was
introduced on day two to both groups. Age to regain birth weight was not statistically
different, but nitrogen balance on day two was improved in the infants receiving early
amino acids (145 vs. − 84 mg N/kg/day) [23].
Clark et al. (2007) compared high and low dose of early PN in 122 infants with
gestational ages between 23 and 29 weeks. The low dose group started 1 g/kg of
amino acids on day 1 and increased to 2.5 g/kg/day by day 4, the high dose groups
started at 1.5 g/kg and increased to 3.5 g/kg/day by day 3. Both doses were found
to be safe but their difference in growth over the first 4 weeks of life was not
significant. They concluded that increasing the dose of protein without additional
energy did not significantly increase growth and that the quality and quantity of
amino acids for the very preterm infants required further research [24]. The paper
received some criticism included that from van den Akker et al. [25]. This latter
group has performed detailed studies using stable isotopes techniques to determine
that albumin is synthesized at very high rates in the preterm fetuses compared with
258 K. Simmer

matured fetuses and they believe protein intakes higher than 3 g/kg/day should be
more beneficial for preterm infants [26].
Provision of non protein calories is important, aiming at protein to energy ratios
at around 3 g/100 kcal, but the relationship is curvilinear with most effect at about
60 kcal/kg/day. Protein intake by contrast is likely to be associated with increased
protein accretion at every level of protein intake. Embleton (2007) reviewed ran-
domised clinical trials comparing high versus low dose of parenteral amino acids
and demonstrated a linear relationship with a plateau yet to be reached. He con-
cluded that 3.5 g/kg/day in the first week was safe but further trials are needed to
determine if more is safe and of benefit [27].
In summary, the evidence to date suggests that introducing amino acids on day
1 is beneficial in the short-term [21–24, 28, 29]. However, there is still a delay
in implementation to clinical practice with some neonatologists remaining cautious
about high early protein intake. An editorial in the Journal of Perinatology comments
on this practice of iatrogenic malnutrition with the title “Is it time to stop starving
premature infants?” [30]. Cohort studies suggest better neurodevelopment and head
growth [19, 20]. High doses, although increasing nitrogen retention, have not been
demonstrated to improve growth but data is limited and there have been few long
term studies.

6 Carbohydrate

ELBW infants have limited glucose tolerance, although providing amino acids will
increase endogenous insulin secretion. Maximum glucose oxidation in preterm in-
fants is 8.3 mg/kg/min or 12 g/kg/day [28]. The upper rate of glucose administration
is determined by glucose oxidative capacity for energy production and glycogen
deposition and is influenced by gestational age and clinical condition, and may
range from 7–12 mg/kg/min. Hyperglycaemia is common after preterm birth, pos-
sibly related to surges in catecholamines, decrease in insulin production and insulin
resistance. Hyperglycaemia is associated with death, IVH, sepsis and death. Exces-
sive glucose intakes may increase carbon dioxide production and exacerbate chronic
lung disease. Treatment with insulin is not recommended as it offers no clinical ben-
efit and insulin infusions are associated with risk of hypoglycaemia and associated
morbidity [31].

7 Lipid

Lipid is a useful source of energy and the Cochrane Review concludes that early lipid
is safe [32]. Lipid can be started on day 1 or 2 at 1 g/kg/day and the recommended
upper limits for preterm and term infants are 3 and 4 g/kg/day, respectively [28].
13 Aggressive Parenteral Nutrition 259

8 Guidelines

Given the wide recognition of the high incidence and risk of EUGR, nutritional
guidelines for ELBW infants have been revised with consideration of the fetal refer-
ence related to lean body mass and protein gain. Recommendations include protein
1.5–2 g/kg/day grading to 3.5–4.4 g/kg/day; energy as tolerated to 120 kcal/kg/day
(resting metabolic rate 40–60 kcal and 45–65 kcal for growth with variable additional
requirements based on activity, thermogenesis); glucose 4–6 mg/kg/min grading to
12 mg/kg/min; fat 1–2 g/kg/day grading to 3–3.5 g/kg/day; Na 3.5 mmol/kg/day; Ca
1.3–3 and P 1–2.3 mmol/kg/day; vitamin and mineral supplementation including vi-
tamin A 700–1,500 IU/kg/day, vitamin D40–160 IU/kg/day, and Se 2–4 μg/kg/day,
Zn 400–500 μg/kg/day and Iodine 1 μg/kg/day. Lipid should be started early as no
harm has been demonstrated [32] and no later than day 3 of PN [28].

9 Monitoring of PN Includes

1. Na, K, Cl, HCO2 and PGL at least daily. Definition of hypoglycaemia is < 2.6
mmol/l and hyperglycaemia, > 10 mmo/l or lower if glycosuria. Ca, P and Mg
twice a week until stable;
2. Urea daily to twice weekly (amino acids can serve as a significant energy source
beyond the requirements for protein accretion in the ELBW infant, an elevated
urea concentration may reflect an acceptable metabolic by-product rather than
protein intolerance);
3. Plasma TG aiming weekly at 150–250 mg/dl (2.8 mmol/l) but this is not routine
practice in many NICU where plasma TG are ordered only when lipaemic serum
noted. PN lipid clearance is determined by lipoprotein lipase, hepatic lipase and
lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase. When lipid infusion rate exceeds hydrolysis
rate, concentrations of plasma triglycerides and free fatty acids increase;
4. If PN is required for more than a few weeks, weekly liver function tests and
monthly bone bloods (Alk Phos, Ca, P) should be measured;
5. Catheter-related sepsis is a constant concern during PN and routine CRP
measurements are used in some units to detect late-onset sepsis early;
6. Daily weight; and weekly length and head circumference measurements. Ideally
some measurement of body composition should be documented prior to discharge
(peapod air displacement plethysmography or electrical impedence, or skin fold
thickness by calipers or ultrasound).

10 Choice of Amino Acid Solutions

Historically the use of amino acid preparations not designed for preterm infants had
resulted in metabolic acidosis and hyperammonemia, and this history is associated
with the reluctance of some clinicians to use parenteral protein early.
260 K. Simmer

Amino acids delivered parenterally do not undergo the same extent of enteric and
hepatic metabolism as amino acids delivered enterally, including conversion to other
amino acids (e.g., glutamate to arginine; phenylalanine to tyrosine; methionine to
cysteine) and thus, higher amounts of these constituents are required in parenteral
solutions. TrophAmine (B Braun) is designed to achieve plasma amino acid levels
of healthy 30 day old breastfed infants [33]. Other amino acid preparations attempt
to mimic amino acid concentrations in either the mid-trimester fetus or cord blood
of preterm or term infants. These relatively new preparations avoid the previous
reported high levels of phenylalanine and tyrosine and improve clinical outcomes.
Currently, in Western Australia, we use Primene which was designed by Rigo
et al. [34] and contains less phenylalanine and methionine than solutions formulated
for children and adults. Primene also contains taurine and ornithine. McIntosh et al.
(1990) initially demonstrated that this new amino acids solution was well tolerated by
very preterm infants with plasma amino acid levels within the fetal reference range
and higher protein intakes improving nitrogen balance [35]. McIntosh and Mitchell
(1990) conducted a randomised controlled trial of Primene compared with the stan-
dard amino acid solution in the UK and Australia at the time (Vamin, Fresenius Kabi)
and confirmed the fetal aminogram with Primene but reported increased mortality
in the Vamin group. They believed that the poor outcome in the Vamin group may
be related to the toxic levels of phenylalanine and tyrosine which are known to be
neuro-toxic and hepatotoxic [36].

11 Choice of Lipid Emulsion

Choice of intravenous lipid is important as the composition influences peroxidation

and fatty acid metabolism. Fatty acids are biologically active and influence gene
expression, signal transduction pathways and cellular responses, and are precursors
of important long chain fatty acids such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which may
be important for brain development. Lipid emulsions currently available for neonates
have been recently reviewed by Deshpande and Simmer [37].
The optimal blend of lipid for PN needs to provide essential fatty acids, maintain
LC PUFA and immune function and reduce lipid peroxidation. Historically, the only
intravenous lipid available in most countries has been based on soybean oil (omega 6
PUFAs rich in linoleic acid (LA) and double bonds which are particularly susceptible
to peroxidation and the production of toxic hyper-peroxides). More recently, lipid
emulsions have become available containing blends of soy and olive oils (Clinoleic,
Baxter) and blends of soy, medium chain triglycerides, olive and fish oils (SMOF,
Fresenius Kabi) (Table 13.1). Omega 6 fatty acids (soy oil) are generally thought of
as inflammatory, omega 9 (olive oil) as immune-neutral and omega 3 (fish oil) as
anti-inflammatory. From studies in older children, we also know that the infusion of
fish oil may reverse the cholestasis associated with parenteral nutrition [38].
We conducted two randomised controlled trials (RCT) of lipid emulsions in very
preterm infants (Gestation < 30 weeks). In the first, soil oil (SO Intralipid) v olive
13 Aggressive Parenteral Nutrition 261

Table 13.1 Content of lipid emulsions

Soybean oil 100 % 20 % 30 %
Coconut oil (MCT) – – 30 %
Olive oil – 80 % 25 %
Fish oil – – 15 %
Egg. phospholipid g % 1.2 1.2 1.2
α-tocopherol μg/ml 14.5 30.3 200
Linoleic (C18:2n −6) % fatty acids 50 17.2 37.2
Arachadonic (C20:4n −6) % fatty acids 0.3 0.5 1.0
Alpha-linoleic (C18:3n −3) % fatty acids 7.0 2.3 4.7
Eccosapentanoic EPA (C20:5n −3) % fatty acids – – 4.7
Docosahexaenoic DHA (C22:6n −3) % fatty acids 0.34 0.5 4.4
SO (Soy oil, Intralipid), OL (Olive oil, Clinoleic) and SMOF (Soy/MCT/Olive/Fish oil)

oil (OL Clinoleic) RCT, we hypothesised that infants in the OL group would have
improved DHA status due to lower LA intake reducing inhibition of metabolism
of n-3 LCPUFA. We also hypothesized that infants in the OL group would have
reduced peroxidation as measured by F2 isoprostanes due to replacing some PUFA
with mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). However, we found that both groups
had similar and significant decreases in plasma and red blood cell (RBC) DHA and
in plasma F2 isoprostane levels. Patients in the OL group had a fatty acid profile
more comparable to human milk-fed preterm infants and tolerated a higher glucose
load [39]. The lower glucose tolerance in the intralipid group is partly explained by
the fact that soy oil lipid emulsions are thought to enhance glucose production via
gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis [40].
Our second RCT in infant < 30 weeks’ gestation was of OL v SMOF. SMOF
contains a good source of essential fatty acids, energy, MUFAs, omega 3 fatty acids
including eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and DHA, and is supplemented with an an-
tioxidant, alpha tocopherol. We found increased RBC EPA, reduced peroxidation
(plasma F2 isoprostanes) and increased plasma vitamin E levels in the SMOF ver-
sus OL group and the end of the seven day intervention. Surprisingly, there was no
difference in RBC DHA levels between the groups (Deshpande G et al., in press).
RBC fatty acid levels of very preterm infants after a week of lipid emulsions in
these two neonatal RCTs are summarized in Table 13.2.
We conducted a similar RCT (SMOF v OL) in infants > 34 weeks gestation and
demonstrated increased RBC DHA and EPA levels and reduced F2 isoprostanes with
SMOF v OL (Deshpande G et al., in press).
The lack of increase in RBC DHA with SMOF in very preterm infants (< 30
weeks) is difficult to explain. The same protocol in the more mature infants resulted in
the expected result of increased DHA levels. One interpretation of the different results
in different gestational age groups using the same protocol is that very immature
infants may need even more DHA and this is consistent with previous clinical trials
of DHA supplements [41].
In summary, OL may be preferable to SO in preterm infants because its use
avoids impairment of immune function and depletion of long chain omega-6 PUFA
262 K. Simmer

Table 13.2 RBC % fatty acids after one week of lipid emulsion in infants < 30 weeks gestation
OL (n = 24) SO (n = 21)
LA C18:2n −6 8.84 (3.27) 13.40 (5.54) P = 0.001
AA C20:4n −6 8.12 (4.09) 7.70 (4.40)
DHA C22:6n −3 2.62 (1.26) 2.14 (1.39)
OL (n = 15) SMOF (n = 15)
LA C18:2n −6 10.19 (2.74) 11.53 (2.57)
AA C20:4n −6 13.59 (3.44) 12.77 (2.33)
EPA C20:5n −3 1.07 (0.38) 2.29 (0.81) P = 0.001
DHA C22:6n −3 3.91 (1.18) 4.39 (0.73)
OL: Olive oil, SO: Soy oil, SMOF: Soy/MCT/Olive/Fish oil

derivatives, decreases the possibility of oxidative stress, has advantages for glucose
metabolism and is safe and well tolerated [42]. SMOF provides a fast source of energy
comparatively, less immunological influence and may reduce cholestasis although
data from very preterm infants remains limited.

12 Preparations and Cost: Standardized v Individually

Prescribed PN

Traditionally in NICU, individual prescriptions for neonatal PN were written every

24 h. In recent years, the safety of hanging bags for 48 h has been demonstrated. One
problem with individually prescribed PN (IPN) is the relative unavailability on the
first day and opportunity for errors and under nutrition. The process encourages trivial
adjustments and often results in inadequate protein intake. Standardised parenteral
nutrition (SPN) using pre-prepared bags is used commonly in adult medicine and
recently also in neonatal units. Large units prepare standardised packs in-house,
smaller units order from commercial sources. With the recognition that neonates
can tolerate some variation in intake and require relatively high amounts of protein
and energy, it is acknowledged that optimal standardised solutions, or at least a few
options, may be sufficient. Specific standardised packs can be ordered as in many
Australian States, commercial company or industry can manufacture ideal solutions
based on reaching recommended intakes.
Lenclen et al. (2006) performed a retrospective case controlled study in France
when changing from IPN to SPN (20 per group < 32 weeks gestational age). SPN pro-
vided higher earlier intakes of amino acids and glucose and better calcium phosphate
ratio [43]. Similarly Iacobelli et al. (2010) in France prospectively evaluated SPN and
IPN (n = 67 and 40 < 33 weeks’ gestation) and found higher intakes of amino acids
and energy in SPN group associated with reduced early weight loss [44]. Conversely,
Smolkin et al. (2009) is a case-controlled study (70 infants per group VLBW infants)
in Israel found that infants received IPN, not SPN, was optimal for growth [45].
The immediate benefit of SPN is that it can be commenced within an hour of birth.
“Starter packs” containing dextrose and amino acids have a shelf life of 40 days and
13 Aggressive Parenteral Nutrition 263

formulated to provide up to 2 g/kg/day. SPN as compared with IPN is increasingly

preferred from a cost and safety view. Whether SPN is prepared in-house or ordered
commercially depends on the quantity required. Collaboration between neonatal
units in the same region, increasing the orders for specific SPN bags, may lead to
greater efficiencies.
In the NICU in Western Australia, starter packs of PN which contain 2 g of amino
acids per 100 ml of 5 and 7.5 % dextrose are immediately available (as bags have a
shelf life of 40 days). Patients < 32 weeks gestation receive this solution within the
first hour of birth. Patients generally receive only 1–1.5 g/kg/day over the first day
as multiple other infusions contribute to daily fluid intake. Decision not to increase
further the amino acid concentration in starter bags was influenced by the RCT of
Clark et al. (2007) [24]. From day 2, standardized bags are used with 2 or 3 g amino
acid/100 ml 4–14 % dextrose with 4 mmol Na, 1 mmol K, 0.75 mmol Ca, 0.25 mmol
Mg, 0.75 mmol P, 3.23 mmol Cl and 3 mmol acetate/100 ml. Ca and P solubility
issues are related to pH, temperature, amino acids and other components in PN.
Aluminium contamination of some forms of electrolytes is a concern as aluminium
can accumulate in the preterm infants and is associated with anaemia, neurotoxicity
and bone disease. Part of the chloride is replaced with acetate to avoid hyperchlo-
raemic metabolic acidosis [46]. Trace element solution (Biomed) at 1 ml/kg/day and
heparin at 0.5 U/ml are added. Clinoleic or SMOF emulsions are started on day 2 at
1 g/kg/day and increased to 3–3.5 g/kg/day. Fat and water soluble vitamins are added
to the lipid emulsions to meet RNI (Vitalipid N and Soluvit N). PN bags are hung for
48 h rather than 24 h bags to save costs with no increased risk of infection, Lipid is
prepared in amber-coloured 50 ml syringes which provide 36 ml 20 % Clinoleic, Vi-
talipid N 10 % 11.2 ml and Soluvit N 2.8 ml) with shelf life of 8 days, which provide
3 g/kg/day of fat at 15 ml/kg/day.
In other states in Australia, many NICUs collaborate to order a limited num-
ber of PN bags from one commercial supplier. With collaboration, the composition
of PN bags ordered changed from over 60 formulae to three, thus reducing cost.
In large NICUs (80–100 bed), standardized bags are prepared “in-house” which
further reduces the cost. An alternate approach used in the NICU in Auckland,
New Zealand, ensure full nutrient requirements are met, is to deliver total PN
in a small volume (30 ml) and the remaining fluid intake adjusted as required
Recently, Rigo et al. (2012) assessed a multi-chamber ready-to-use solution in
113 preterm infants enrolled in a multicentre prospective non-comparative study
in Belgium [47]. The pack contained three chambers with the third lipid chamber
being optional to activate. The solution contained 3.1 g amino acids, 13.3 g dex-
trose and 2.5 g lipid/100 ml. The benefits are thought to be sterility, longer shelf life
and increased likelihood of delivering required nutrition early. To improve stability
and reduce peroxidation, vitamins and trace elements were added by the hospital
pharmacy, and frequently electrolyte supplementation was requested by physi-
cians (43 %). However, the PN was well tolerated and increased nutritional intakes
(> 2.5 g/kg/day amino acids and > 75 kcal/kg/day in the first week. This preparation
is available commercially in some countries (Baxter Healthcare, Switzerland).
264 K. Simmer

13 Conclusion and Future Directions

Preterm infants require more aggressive nutrition than paediatric patients and spe-
cialized specific programs for their PN should exist in all perinatal and paediatric
tertiary centres. Standardised PN is likely to deliver nutrient safely, effectively and
efficiently, often with cost savings, and should be considered in all units.
RCT evaluation of high parenteral protein intakes aimed at preventing EUGR
are required with long-term follow-up of neurodevelopment and metabolic health.
Increasing lean mass and reducing adiposity should be achievable. Further research
into understanding the mechanism behind programming of adverse metabolic out-
comes should lead to a real improvement of long-term health of adults born preterm
without compromising neurological outcomes.
Getting the macronutrient right is a good start. Future research need to address the
optimal quality of nutrition, including influence on outcomes directly and indirectly
through epigenetic regulation of the genome. Future studies of preterm infants need to
consider nutritional interventions and epigenetic changes with longer term outcomes.
Recent research has focused on LCPUFA as inflammation is core to many out-
comes. Similarly, the effect of vitamin A on the incidence and severity of chronic lung
disease needs more work and sourcing appropriate preparation for clinical practice
is an ongoing important area, as barriers remain to translate current evidence into
practice in preterm patients requiring prolonged PN. Future research into osteopenia
of prematurity (metabolic bone disease) with fractures needs to evaluate components
of PN that are soluble at high doses, safe and effective in preventing bone disease in
this high risk population.
Very preterm patients are surviving to live long and productive lives. They may
suffer the adverse events of relative malnutrition in the preterm period if action
is not taken now. The optimal postnatal growth trajectory may differ for different
target outcomes, sometimes referred to as the neuro-metabolic trade-off. The balance
between the short and long term benefits and risks of rapid catch up growth has also
been referred to as the catch-up dilemma [48]. Meticulous attention to providing
optimal nutrition in the preterm period will reduce EUGR, catch-up growth and
long-term metabolic derangements.

Acknowledgement The author would like to thank Ms Judith Kristensen, Pharmacy, King Edward
Memorial Hospital for reviewing the manuscript.


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Part IV
Catch up Growth/Developmental
Origin of Adult Diseases
Chapter 14
Catch up Growth and the Developmental
Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) in
Preterm Infants

Nicholas D. Embleton, Claire L. Wood and Robert J. Tinnion

Abstract Preterm infants are vulnerable to the effects of malnutrition in both the
pre- and post-discharge period. On-going illness and immaturity result in a delay
in the establishment of adequate nutrition. During this period, cumulative nutrient
deficits are accrued and growth is poor. The majority of preterm infants are discharged
with a weight lower than their birth centile, indicative of poor growth. Nutrition has
the potential to promote catch-up growth, although growth acceleration in some
situations is associated with increased risk of metabolic problems in the longer term.
Controlled trial data show that early nutrient intakes may ‘programme’ a range of
long term metabolic outcomes. The Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
(DOHaD) theory amalgamates many areas of scientific study and encompasses a
wide range of diverse disciplines from epidemiology to molecular biology. The
mechanisms linking early growth to later outcomes include permanent structural
changes, accelerated cellular ageing and epigenetic mechanisms. There are data to
link faster early growth with decreased insulin sensitivity in children born preterm,
but many other long-term effects do not demonstrate consistent associations with
early growth. Despite such potential metabolic concerns, the current data suggest
that promoting improved nutrient intake and catch up growth in the pre- and post-
discharge period is likely to result in better neurocognitive outcomes.

Key Points
• Early nutrition affects cognition and metabolic function in later life through a
range of mechanisms
• Preterm infants are at risk of poor nutritional status which may result in worse
cognitive outcome
• Nutritional status (a composite of health status, requirements and demands) is not
solely determined by nutrient intake

N. D. Embleton () · C. L. Wood · R. J. Tinnion

Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Royal Victoria Infirmary,
Richardson Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4LP, Newcastle, UK
e-mail: [email protected]
N. D. Embleton · R. J. Tinnion
Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle University,
Royal Victoria Infirmary, Richardson Road, Newcastle upon Tyne
NE1 4LP, Newcastle, UK

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 269

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3_14, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
270 N. D. Embleton et al.

• Growth acceleration or catch up growth may increase the risk of longer term
metabolic harm in term infants, but the data in preterm infants are unclear
• Strong efforts must be taken to maximise the receipt of mother’s own breast milk,
both pre- and post-hospital discharge
• It is unclear whether post-discharge formula enrichment results in longer term

1 Nutritional Vulnerability in Preterm Infants

Survival rates for infants born preterm have increased dramatically over the last three
decades. This is likely to be attributable in part to better nutritional management.
Closer attention is now being paid to longer-term outcomes, and in particular to their
relationship with early growth and nutrient provision. In most neonatal intensive care
units (NICUs) in developed countries, a survival rate in excess of 50 % is typically
achieved for infants born at 24 weeks gestation, many of whom are born at a weight
of around 500–750 g. Body composition studies provide data for the ‘reference fetus’
[1]. These show that a 24 week infant is composed of approximately 90 % water—
at 500 g this means there is then just 50 g of ‘dry’ tissue, primarily protein and a
tiny amount of mineral and lipid in neural structures and cell membranes. There
are no fat stores or other tissues that could be considered dedicated energy stores.
Basal metabolic rate calculated using calorimetry is around 50 kcal/kg/day in preterm
infants, and energy requirements for the additional demands of common neonatal
co-morbidities such as sepsis and respiratory distress syndrome may be substantial
[2, 3]. Without sufficient exogenous energy the infants must use their own lean tissue
to provide energy [4, 5]. Catabolism of lean tissue (mainly muscle and organs such
as liver) will result in functional compromise—respiratory and diaphragm muscle
function will be less effective, and synthesis of essential proteins may be impaired.
To support homeostasis and maximise function whilst enteral feeds are estab-
lished, parenteral nutrition (PN) is now considered standard care for extremely low
birth weight (ELBW) infants [6]. Although a degree of weight loss is inevitable (be-
cause of loss of extracellular water), nutritional management aims to minimise or
avoid catabolism, and support and optimise growth from the first few postnatal days.
In recent years though, concerns have been raised around whether growth promo-
tion in these infants may be harmful, and whether ‘aggressive’ nutritional practices
results in later metabolic harm in preterm infants [7, 8]. This is largely based on an
extrapolation of data from studies in term babies (of whom some had in-utero growth
restriction) within the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) hy-
pothesis. Extrapolation to the unique situation of prematurity is not straightforward.
There is some limited data in preterm babies demonstrating associations between
early nutrient provision and later metabolic outcomes [8–11], but this needs to be
considered in the context of the clear neurocognitive advantages of optimising early
14 Catch up Growth and the Developmental Origins of Health . . . 271

2 Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD)

DOHaD is a relatively new and immensely exciting discipline but has its roots in
work performed more than half a century ago. Animal studies in the 1950s showed
relationships between early growth and later outcomes. The classic cross-fostering
rat studies of McCance, Widdowson and others [12] set the foundations for the
study of early life nutrition. These studies showed that nutrient deprivation in very
early postnatal life permanently affected growth potential, whereas later nutrient
deprivation (after weaning) seemed not to result in permanent growth restriction.
Over the next 2–3 decades various human studies suggested a link between growth
in early life (both fetal and infant) and later metabolic outcomes. However, the
discipline now amalgamated under the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
(DOHaD) umbrella did not receive widespread attention until the late 1980s and early
1990s when Barker et al. [13–20] showed consistent and large associations between
birth weight and later risk of diabetes and cardiovascular health. This data was
primarily epidemiological and focused on the relationship with birthweight, used as
a proxy for fetal growth. The impact in scientific terms of these studies was immense
such that the phenomenon was originally referred to as the ‘Barker hypothesis’, and
subsequently the ‘Fetal Origins of Adult Disease’ [18]. It became apparent, however,
that these mechanisms and effects were not restricted to fetal life and that nutrition
and growth in infancy (and perhaps in later childhood) were also crucial, leading to
the incorporation of elements of evolutionary biology and the adoption of the term
DOHaD [21].
Barker’s early work showed that term infants with lower birthweight had increased
adult risk of type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease. There was also an apparent
association with size at 1 year of age, again suggesting benefits of greater infant
weight gain [13]. These findings have been replicated in studies conducted world-
wide. Whilst the precise interpretation of these findings are still the subject of much
debate, and the magnitude of the effect might still be less than lifestyle factors (e.g.,
smoking, diet etc.), it is important to appreciate that these epidemiological data pri-
marily relate to term born infants. However, conflicting data do exist. More recent
prospective, longitudinal cohort studies have failed to demonstrate a consistent role
of the gestational environment or early postnatal growth in later insulin sensitivity
in childhood [22]. Whether effects will appear later in life remains to be seen.
Birthweight in terms of the DOHaD hypothesis is important because it is a proxy
for fetal growth. However, babies born with equivalent birth weights might have
been exposed to very different in-utero nutritional environments. Fetuses with in-
utero growth restriction (IUGR) are born at a lower weight than they would have
been had pregnancy proceeded without problem, but there will never be any way
of knowing what the ‘appropriate’ birthweight might have been for any individual.
Given the relationship between the environment and genes, it is not even possible
to imply that a ‘genetically determined’ birthweight exists for any single individual.
IUGR implies fetal growth impairment, and although many infants born IUGR are
also born small for gestational age (SGA) the terms are not synonymous. Birthweight
272 N. D. Embleton et al.

is an extremely accurate ‘spot’ measurement, but not necessarily a reliable indicator

of fetal growth patterns.
Early life nutrition may affect later growth and disease through a variety of mech-
anisms including permanent structural change, clonal selection, accelerated cellular
ageing, changes to homeostatic or endocrine systems (e.g., onset of puberty, or ap-
petite control) and programming effects. There are a myriad of molecular processes
involved that might explain the subsequent ‘programming’ effects of early growth,
many of which have yet to be fully elucidated, but it seems likely that a substan-
tial number of these will involve epigenetic processes [23]. It is not completely
clear why early growth restriction results in adverse sequelae in later life, but, in
its broadest sense, adaptations to a poor nutrient environment are probably made to
attempt to maximise early and continuing survival to reproductive age [21, 24, 25].
Insulin resistance, higher blood pressure and decreased formation of comparatively
‘energy-expensive’ lean tissues are the ‘trade-offs’ made to help promote survival to
reproductive age, even if this results in adverse, later-life outcomes. It is now clear
that preterm birth is associated with increased risks of adverse metabolic outcomes.
However, there are limited data to show that nutritional care during NICU stay for
preterm infants increase those metabolic risks except perhaps during the first 2 weeks
of life.

3 Early Nutrition and Growth

3.1 Parenteral Nutrition

The use of PN in infancy was first described in the late 1960s, and it has been widely
used in preterm infants for the last 2–3 decades. Although there is little evidence of
long-term neuro developmental benefit and the evidence base is still not substantial,
studies in preterm infants have helped refine compositional requirements. PN is
often introduced gradually because of concerns around metabolic tolerance despite
few data to substantiate those concerns. Gradual introduction of PN (and enteral
feeds) mean that ongoing requirements are not met, so each day a ‘nutrient deficit’
is accrued [26]. Over time the cumulative nutrient deficit might be substantial. It has
been calculated that by the end of the 2nd postnatal week the protein deficit was such
that only around 40 % of nutrient requirements was met during that period. Nutrient
deficits are closely associated with growth failure, but probably only explain around
half of the association between weight gain and intake [26].
A key study by Wilson et al. [27] showed that early ‘aggressive’ PN resulted
in improved growth. Many would now consider the term ‘aggressive’ as a mis-
nomer: even in this study intakes failed to match recommended intakes as suggested
by the European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
(ESPGHAN) [28, 29]. Most authorities recommend immediate commencement of
at least 2–3 g/kg/day (protein equivalent) of amino acids, and similar amounts of in-
travenous lipid [6, 28, 30]. Despite these recommendations most NICUs still fail to
14 Catch up Growth and the Developmental Origins of Health . . . 273

Table 14.1 Potential adverse longer term effects of early parenteral nutrition
Concern Potential adverse effect (example)
Sub-optimal amino acid composition in PN PAA peaks may cause neuronal injury [34–36]
solution causing abnormal plasma amino
acid (PAA) profile
Aluminium contamination of PN solution in Decreased bone mass in preterm born
manufacturing process adolescents [37]
Worse neurodevelopmental outcome [38]
Excess energy supplied from, and sub-optimal Abnormal aortic and myocardial function in
fatty acid blend of intravenous lipids young adults born preterm [39]

achieve those intakes and early growth is poor [31] although recent reports suggest
some progress in limiting early growth failure [32]. The long-term impact of this
early growth failure remains to be elucidated as few studies have been adequately
powered to look at the long-term effects of early growth failure.
There are few studies to demonstrate the benefits of increased nutrient provision
in the first few days but data do exist. In an observational study Stephens et al. [33]
showed that first week intakes of protein and energy in preterm infants < 1000 g
were closely related to developmental outcome at 18 months corrected age using the
Bayley Scale of Infant Development (BSID). Each additional 10 kcal/kg intake was
associated with a 4.6 point increase in Mental Development Index (MDI), and each
1 g/kg protein intake associated with an 8.2 point increase in MDI at 18 months. The
apparent benefit of increased protein and calorie intakes was restricted to the first
week but remained highly significant even after adjustment for likely confounders
such as gestation, sex, parental education and illness severity. These are observational
data but strongly argue against nutrient restriction in early postnatal life. However,
some PN studies show inconsistent effects and concern remains around the potential
for high peaks of specific amino acids to be associated with worse developmental
outcome [34].
Most extremely low birth-weight (ELBW, < 1250 g) infants are likely to benefit
from early PN, but it is unclear what weight cut-off should be used to guide the
initiation of PN that most appropriately balances the nutritional benefits of PN against
the known risks and complications. There are many short-term risks associated with
PN use such as central venous line complications (e.g., sepsis, line mis-placement
etc.), and PN associated cholestasis. Longer term DOHaD-type effects may also
exist relating to the tissue-specific effects of the composition of early PN solutions
(see Table 14.1).
Unfortunately it is difficult to avoid many of these risks. Although aluminium-
free PN solutions could be made available and amino acid combinations could be
improved, this requires consideration of cost/benefit ratio, and clinicians to work
with industry to develop and design better solutions. Intravenous lipid is essential
for both delivery of essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins, and as a means
of providing sufficient caloric intake without excess carbohydrate. Fatty acids are
key components of cell membranes and neural structures and changes in supply may
274 N. D. Embleton et al.

affect a range of outcomes, especially in sick infants. The high content of omega-
6 present in soybean predominant oil emulsions may be associated with increased
production of vasoactive prostanoids and an increased inflammatory state. Newer
lipid solutions based on combinations of fish and olive oils, and other sources, may
result in better outcome. However, these have generally been developed as a response
to the pro-inflammatory concerns in other population groups (e.g., adults) rather than
being specifically designed, for example, to improve cognitive outcome in preterm
infants. Although concerns exist, there may be no alternative to accepting some
adverse vascular outcomes at present. Similar to many areas of nutrition for preterm
infants, it should now be clear that a compromise needs to be attained between the
positive nutritional benefits, and the risks of short term harm (e.g., from central
venous catheters) and longer term adverse metabolic programming.

3.2 Feeding in the First Two Weeks and Later Outcomes

Despite potential neurodevelopmental advantages of early nutrient intakes from PN

there are some data showing adverse metabolic effects of early growth promotion.
Few studies have tracked preterm infants into adolescence or early adulthood, but
such data are required if we are to interpret the longer term impacts of early nutrition.
Whilst there is now a large body of literature demonstrating the increased incidence
of insulin resistance, altered body composition, higher blood pressure, and earlier
onset of puberty in children or adults born preterm, it is largely observational in
nature and does not specifically examine these outcomes in relation to early growth.
Observational data where the analyses have been adequately adjusted for the presence
of confounding and interacting variables are important sources of data. However, all
observational data suffer from the risks of reverse causation: it is possible that the
apparent association of improved nutrient intakes with better neurodevelopmental
outcome is due to something inherently different in the infants who benefit. Perhaps
infants were more ‘healthy’ in some other way that allowed them to tolerate greater
nutrient intakes and thus gain a neurodevelopmental advantage. In growth terms, it
is possible that infants with specific genetic differences resulting in differing gene
expression, transcription and protein production are those who grow fastest but also
have the highest risk of insulin resistance. Disentangling nutrient effects from growth
effects is not easy in retrospective studies.
Controlled, prospective studies are required to be certain of the direction of effect
between early exposures such as weight gain or nutrient intakes, and later outcomes.
In a series of seminal studies Lucas, Singhal and Fewtrell et al. [8, 10, 40, 47] have
demonstrated longer term metabolic effects in a cohort of children born preterm
and related this to specific epochs of growth. A detailed critique of these important
studies is beyond the scope of this chapter, but the data are virtually unique in terms
of their relevance to DOHaD in individuals born preterm. Two of the most important
findings relate to insulin resistance and vascular health in 13–16 year old children
who were born preterm (average birthweight ∼ 1.4 kg, gestation ∼ 31 weeks). The
14 Catch up Growth and the Developmental Origins of Health . . . 275

cohort was divided into quartiles of weight gain (or loss) in the first 2 weeks. Fasting
32–33 split pro-insulin was used as a measure of insulin resistance in adolescence
and showed 20 % higher levels in children who received a nutrient enriched diet
versus those on a lower nutrient diet (7.2 vs. 5.9 pmol p = 0.01) [10]. Insulin levels
also demonstrated a step-wise increase associated with more positive weight gain:
children born preterm with higher rates of weight gain in just the first two postnatal
weeks appeared to be more insulin resistant independent of birthweight, gestation and
other relevant neonatal factors. Interestingly, a control group of children who were
healthy and born at term had similar fasting 32–33 split pro-insulin concentrations
(6.9 pmol) to the nutrient enriched group. Although a partly semantic argument, this
could be interpreted as an advantage to early nutrient or growth restriction, rather
than a disadvantage to nutrient enrichment.
In the same cohort and using the same quartiles of early weight gain, flow mediated
brachial artery dilatation (FMD) assessed by high-resolution vascular ultrasound was
used as a measure of vascular health. Higher FMD indicates more ‘elastic’ vessels
associated with vascular health. Greater weight gain or linear growth in the first 2
weeks was associated with lower FMD independent of birthweight and other likely
confounders. FMD was 4 % lower in adolescents with the highest rates of weight gain,
a level of adverse effect similar to that seen for insulin dependent diabetes or smoking
in adults. Similar to the data on insulin resistance, there were no differences in FMD
between those in the highest weight gain group and term controls. Interestingly,
although this study showed a similar step-wise association between early weight gain
and later vascular health, there were no group differences between those receiving
enriched versus standard diets. The interpretation of whether these are then ‘catch up
growth’ effects or ‘nutrient’ effects remain uncertain. These data are important, but
do not suggest that deliberate restriction of nutrient intake in preterm infants is the
optimal strategy. Both 32–33 split pro-insulin and FMD are biomarkers rather than
disease per se, so we cannot be certain of the true longer term morbidity associated
with early patterns of growth. These data relate to a subset of the original studies,
and it is also possible that these effects may change over time, becoming either more
or less important during the life course.
Furthermore, it is important to re-emphasise that these data relate to weight gain in
the first 2 postnatal weeks only. Analyses of other time epochs, for example change
in weight between 2 weeks and discharge, did not show an association with later
outcomes. Whether data will emerge in the future that demonstrate an association
between later growth in the pre-discharge period and increased metabolic risks re-
mains uncertain, but even then, consideration of the neurodevelopmental effects must
remain. It seems inevitable that because the mechanisms that operate within a DO-
HaD context are designed to maximise reproductive fitness (in a Darwinian sense),
compromises will always exist. There is unlikely, therefore, to be a strategy that
enables both maximal brain development and optimal long-term metabolic health in
preterm infants.
In healthy term born infants there appear to be no data suggesting better cognitive
outcome from more rapid growth in early life, in which case avoiding early growth
acceleration may be advantageous. In a comprehensive systematic review of the
276 N. D. Embleton et al.

literature combined with data from the large Avon Longitudinal Study on Parents
and Children (ALSPAC) there was no association between rapid weight or length
gain and intelligence quotient (IQ) measurements at 4 or 8 years after adjustment
for potential confounders in term born appropriately grown infants [48]. Indeed,
there is an increasing body of evidence linking early infant growth acceleration with
later obesity [49, 50]. In a study (n = 299) of SGA (< 10th centile) term infants
randomised to a standard or nutrient enriched diet, weight gain was greater in those
on enriched formula [51]. BSID scores did not differ at 18 months of age, but were
4.6 points lower at 9 months in the enriched group with a greater disadvantage in
girls than in boys [44]. A control group of breast fed infants showed the highest BSID

4 Catch up Growth or Growth Acceleration?

Several authors have used the terms growth acceleration and catch up growth inter-
changeably and there is no consensus on definition. For the purpose of this chapter,
growth acceleration is used to describe the phenomena where weight (or length)
accelerates upwards from the birth centile. Typically, this is seen in term infants fed
formula rather than breast milk over the first few days. Whether this is an effect of ex-
cess volume intake (breast fed term infants typically only consume 20–40 ml/kg/day
over the first 1–2 days, compared to 60–80 ml/kg/day in formula fed infants) or excess
protein intake is unclear. Higher levels of protein in infant formula were designed
to compensate for differences in amino acid composition, but there is now evidence
that higher protein intakes may ‘drive’ growth [52] perhaps via stimulation of insulin
like growth factors (IGF).
Catch up growth is used to describe the increase in weight (or length) gain ve-
locity demonstrated after a period of nutrient restriction. Preterm infants discharged
on nutrient enriched formula demonstrate an upward crossing of centiles to regain
birth centile. Whether growth acceleration and catch up are the same processes at a
cellular level, and result in the same outcomes is unclear. However, it is clear that
the catch up observed in preterm infants following discharge is occurring at a very
different phase in the life course compared to term infants after birth, so it seems
likely that the long term consequences will be different [53].

5 Nutrition Prior to Hospital Discharge and Long Term


After the first 2 weeks of postnatal life there are no current data to show a metabolic
advantage of slower growth pre-discharge. Although fetal growth curves and rates of
weight gain have been proposed as the most appropriate growth reference for infants
born preterm, a consensus does not exist. It is however, uncertain what data could
14 Catch up Growth and the Developmental Origins of Health . . . 277

be used to determine the optimal growth pattern; so most authors and professional
bodies continue to make comparisons to in-utero or fetal references. Because preterm
delivery is frequently the end result of a compromised pregnancy (by for example,
pregnancy induced hypertension, or placental insufficiency etc.) birth weights of
infants born preterm are generally less than equivalent in-utero fetal weights. On
average infants will need to gain weight at around 15–17 g/kg/day to remain on the
same centile position on a weight chart. Weight gain though, is not the same as
growth. Growth implies an increase in all relevant auxological parameters (weight,
length and head circumference) whilst maintaining appropriate body composition
(see later).
Despite the uncertainties and a focus on the use of PN in the scientific literature,
preterm babies receive far more nutrition via the enteral route. Enteral nutrition
is always preferable. The relationship between feeding and NEC is complex and
although large trials will be needed, few exist [54]. A recent large study in preterm
infants at high risk of NEC (< 35 weeks gestation, < 10th centile for weight and
with antenatal ultrasound evidence of fetal growth restriction) randomised over 400
infants to either early or delayed feeds [55]. It showed no overall benefit to delaying
feed introduction and no consistent effect on NEC, but significantly less cholestasis
in the early feeding group. Although other similar studies show inconsistent effects,
many NICUs now aim to initiate enteral feeds with breast milk from day 1 [56]. This
practice is likely to both limit the duration and therefore the long term metabolic
risks associated with PN, and accrue the maximum metabolic benefits of breast milk.
Breast milk demonstrates a dose-exposure effect i.e., both increased intake volume
and duration show associations with improved outcomes for metabolic health, so any
strategy that increases receipt of breast milk is likely to be beneficial [57]. A recent
study has shown that breast milk intake, despite a lower nutrient density than most
formula, was the most important factor in determining bone mass in early adulthood
[41]. Two key practical messages from this chapter then, are that 1) strong efforts
must be taken to maximise the supply of mother’s own breast milk, and 2) that
nutritional status (a composite of health status, requirements and demands) is not
solely determined by nutrient intake.

6 Nutrition and Longer Term Neurocognitive Outcome

Long-term follow up of controlled trials of nutrient interventions in early life pro-

vide the strongest data showing that improving intakes results in better cognition.
Numerous observational studies show similar strong associations between nutrient
intake and/or measures of growth e.g., weight gain, and later neurodevelopmental
outcome, but even well designed studies risk bias from residual confounding. Recent
data demonstrate the possibility of biological correlates that link early nutrition and
later cognition, with studies suggesting that the caudate nucleus in particular might be
vulnerable to under nutrition in preterm babies in early postnatal life [58–60]. Brain
278 N. D. Embleton et al.

growth is especially rapid during the third trimester when brain volume doubles, cor-
tical gray matter increases four-fold and there are dramatic increases in sub-cortical
gray matter and basal ganglia [58]. There are also dramatic increases in folding and
gyrification, and a range of brain ontogenetic events are occurring at different times,
so the long term brain effects of adverse exposures such as malnutrition will differ
depending on timing and severity [61]. The data from animal studies, our knowledge
of human brain biology, and long term follow up of controlled trials strongly argue
against nutrient restriction in preterm babies in early life.

7 Nutrition and Body Composition—Longer Term


Fetal growth in humans is different from many other species with term infants having
substantially more fat mass (around 15 %) compared to many other mammals. How-
ever, whilst there is limited fat accumulation in the fetus in the late 2nd and early 3rd
trimester, most preterm infants ex-utero demonstrate much greater fat accumulation
than in-utero peers. Fat provides mechanical support or protection, and provides
thermal insulation in an ex-utero environment. It is difficult to determine the most
appropriate pattern of fat deposition in preterm infants [62]. There is little data show-
ing how catch up growth affects body composition, but some studies have provided
important data. Higher protein:energy ratios are associated with greater lean mass
deposition, and inappropriately high energy intakes are associated with markers of
excess fat deposition [3]. It is difficult to be certain what standard or reference of
lean and fat mass accretion to use in ex-utero preterm infants. However, current data
suggests that higher protein:energy ratios (around 3.6 g per 100 kcal compared to 3 g
per 100 kcal) [5, 63, 64] of feeds (either preterm formula, or fortified breast milk)
are needed to meet protein requirements without providing excess energy (that might
simply be deposited as fat) in ELBW preterm infants.
Accurate and precise measurement of fat mass in preterm infants is technically
complicated especially prior to hospital discharge. Whilst Dual X-ray Absorptiom-
etry (DXA) scanning is widely used there are numerous assumptions and variables
used in the algorithms that mean it might not always provide an accurate figure,
although in research studies it appears to provide a robust measure [65]. DXA scan-
ning cannot reliably distinguish between subcutaneous and intra-abdominal fat, and
cannot determine fat deposition within organs. Magnetic resonance scanning might
provide a more accurate measure than DXA and can also provide data on intrahep-
atic lipid [66]. The few published studies show that preterm babies exhibit aberrant
adiposity at discharge [66] and in later life, [67] but there are limited data to enable
determination of how nutrient intakes influence these longer term phenotypes or how
these effects may be modulated by catch up growth. Indeed, nutritional factors failed
to explain a significant proportion of the variation, and authors suggested that fat
deposition might reflect an altered response to stress [66].
14 Catch up Growth and the Developmental Origins of Health . . . 279

8 Nutrition and Catch up in the Post-Discharge Period:

Practical Recommendations

Preterm infants are typically discharged at around 36–37 weeks corrected gesta-
tion. At this stage, many are below the 10th centile for weight and length, and the
majority are below their birth centile [31, 68]. Discharge is largely determined by
non-nutritional factors: most babies who are able to maintain their temperature and
feed by bottle or breast can be safely discharged. However, an ability to ‘demand-
feed’ does not mean that these babies no longer require nutritional management
[69, 70]. There is no evidence to suggest any advantage to formula feeding post-
discharge compared to supporting continued breast feeding. If babies are breast fed
post-discharge, they are likely to require supplemental iron and vitamin D [71] and
possibly vitamin K.

8.1 Supporting Breast Feeding After Discharge

Continuing to breast feed babies, even if they have reduced weight-gain trajectory
compared with those given formula milk, is likely to be associated with long term
metabolic and cognitive advantage. The minimum rate of weight gain that is ‘ac-
ceptable’ has never been subject to meaningful study. Whilst interpretation of growth
requires other measures, linear growth is often not reliably measured in non-hospital
settings so weight gain is most useful in a practical sense. Weight gain of at least
20 g/day in an otherwise healthy breast fed preterm infant post-discharge is probably
acceptable. If weight gain is poor, or anticipated to be sub-optimal after discharge
then addition of a breast milk fortifier is possible and might promote catch up growth.
Despite this being suggested by ESPHGAN, [72] there is scant evidence to support
such an approach, and in most countries there are no commercially available products
designed for the post-discharge setting. Two recent controlled studies provide useful
data but both used different strategies and provide conflicting data on benefit [73, 74].
One small study suggested the possibility of growth advantages at 12 months cor-
rected age, higher bone mineral density, and better visual outcomes [75, 76]. Whilst
the data are too limited to make firm recommendations, there might be a role for
fortifiers post-discharge especially if, they provide greater maternal reassurance to
continue breast feeding [77].

8.2 Post-Discharge Formula Enrichment

Enriched formulas following discharge may improve growth, but a recent Cochrane
review suggested the data were equivocal [77, 78]. However, several studies showed
enhanced growth in the intervention groups (compared to control infants receiving
280 N. D. Embleton et al.

a term formula) with the exception of one study which appears to show an opposite
effect [79]. Close examination of some of the studies show that many infants demon-
strate quite marked catch up growth [43, 63, 80–84]. This effect is most marked
in the first few weeks, with catch up peaking around a corrected age of term, and
declining towards 3 months corrected age which may coincide with the introduction
of weaning foods [80]. Growth differences for those continued on a preterm for-
mula were usually greater in boys than girls. None of the studies showed any clear
neurodevelopmental advantage [43, 80].
Detailed examination in our studies showed that infants discharged on a term
formula consumed greater intake volumes than those on preterm formula. This meant
that both groups had virtually identical caloric intake [81]. This suggests a number
of important interpretations. Firstly, any group differences in growth were not due to
energy, and are most likely due to the higher levels of protein intake (because protein:
energy ratio differed). The corollary of this is that simply increasing caloric density of
feeds in a post-discharge preterm baby feeding on demand may not result in improved
nutrient intake; indeed it might reduce nutrient intake if it results in lower volumes
consumed. Secondly, it appears that such infants may primarily regulate intake based
on calories, so the intake of every other nutrient depends on the ratio with energy
intake, and not the density per unit volume. Assessment of body composition using
Dual X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) showed that there were no group differences
in percent fat mass (%FM) [65] so the greater rates of weight gain in the group
maintained on preterm formula were not accompanied by excess FM deposition.
The lack of a group difference in developmental outcome in this and other similar
trials is perhaps not surprising as the Bayley Scale of Infant Development (BSID)
provides a global assessment of neurodevelopment. It was not designed to precisely
assess cognitive function in infancy and might not be the optimal tool to assess the
neurocognitive effects of nutritional interventions [85]. Similarly, and perhaps more
importantly, a difference in brain growth might only be expected where there is a
major lack of key nutrients; a slowing in the rate of somatic growth is likely to occur
before a decrease in brain growth. Energy is likely to be the primary limiting nutrient
for brain growth in the post-discharge period—if babies are feeding ad-libitum and
up-regulating their intake to account for differences in nutrient density i.e., they are
consuming the calories their brain ‘needs’, then brain effects are unlikely. Current
data strongly suggest that inadequate protein intake is a key limiting nutrient in the
first few postnatal weeks in preterm infants, but it is likely that following discharge
lower protein intakes and protein:energy ratios (than needed between 24 and 36 weeks
corrected age) might still support optimal brain growth. Higher protein:energy ratios
(such as those in preterm or post-discharge formula) might be beneficial for catch
up somatic growth and improved bone mineral density (BMD), even if they have no
apparent benefit on neurodevelopment.
A recent study from Chile reported a historical cohort comparison between preterm
infants discharged on term compared to preterm formula [86]. There were no differ-
ences in BMD or lean mass (LM) at 1 and 2 years, although total FM was lower in the
post-discharge formula (PDF) group at 2 years (19.3 vs. 21.7 %, p < 0.01). Fasting
insulin was also lower in the PDF group at 2 years (13.6 vs. 26.4 mI U/L, p < 0.001)
14 Catch up Growth and the Developmental Origins of Health . . . 281

suggestive, perhaps, of metabolic benefit. Whilst the authors ascribed these potential
benefits to the higher levels of DHA in the PDF [86], they might be secondary to
higher protein intakes, or more appropriate protein:energy ratios.
Whilst there are animal data showing association between catch up growth,
or growth acceleration [21], and later metabolic harm, humans differ from other
mammals in many respects, most importantly in respect to brain size, growth and
differentiation [87–91]. Few studies have considered metabolic and cognitive out-
comes together, especially in the post-discharge period. In a post-hoc analysis of a
data set of 911 infants born < 37 weeks gestation and < 2.5 kg, weight gain between
term, 4 and 12 months corrected age was compared to blood pressure (BP) measured
at 6.5 years of age, and cognition using Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
(WISC III) at 8 years [92]. After adjusting for child gender, age, and race and mater-
nal education, income, age, IQ, and smoking, for each standard deviation score of
additional weight gain from term to 12 months, systolic BP was 0.7 mmHg higher
and WISC-III total score was 1.9 points higher. Interestingly, the marginal increase in
BP was not noted in infants born < 32 weeks gestation. Overall, the authors conclude
that the modest neurodevelopmental advantages of more rapid weight gain in infancy
were only associated with small BP-related effects. It is unclear how such changes
may ‘track’ into later life. Effect sizes and clinical relevance may change over time.
As this study was in relatively mature preterm infants it is not clear whether the
cognitive advantages would be similar, greater or lesser in a more high risk group,
and whether a similar level of metabolic ‘trade off’ would be observed.
A multitude of other nutrient and non-nutrient related processes might be impor-
tant in the relationship between feeding and DOHaD outcomes in preterm infants.
Individual nutrients that are likely to be of specific importance in determining
long term outcomes include long chain fatty acids (especially DHA) [93], specific
amino acids such as taurine [94], and non-protein nitrogenous compounds such as
nucleotides [95]. There is also increasing evidence to support a role of the gastroin-
testinal microbiota in determining long-term outcomes, and for a role in chronic
disease in adulthood, especially obesity [96].

9 Insulin Sensitivity and Catch up Growth in Preterm Infants

The ‘metabolic syndrome’ involves many biological systems [67], but insulin sensi-
tivity or resistance is perhaps the area subject to the most detailed study in later life.
Adults who were born preterm appear to be at a higher risk for type 2 diabetes in
later life [97]. Studies examining the influence of birth weight on later health consis-
tently show that in low birthweight born adults, there is decreased insulin sensitivity
[98, 99], often combined with other features which contribute to the metabolic syn-
drome such as reduced glucose tolerance [98], hypertension, hyperlipidaemia and
disordered postprandial physiology. There have been direct measurements of insulin
sensitivity and glucose homeostasis in subjects born preterm, although studies have
used different measures and methods that vary partly because of the participants’ age
at study (Table 14.2).
282 N. D. Embleton et al.

Table 14.2 Abnormal

Decreased insulin sensitivity and increased type 2 diabetes
metabolic biomarkers and
Increased cardiovascular disease markers: hypertension, vascular
outcomes in children or
‘stiffness’ and hyperlipidaemia
adults born preterm
Changes in body composition: reduced bone mineral density;
abnormal adipose tissue partitioning
Changes to biological control systems: earlier onset of puberty;
altered response to stress

Most studies show that body composition at the time of study has a strong effect
on measured insulin sensitivity [100] or glucose tolerance [100–106]. Children and
adults with a higher BMI, increased body fat and/or truncal fat had worse glucose
processing than their peers. There is some evidence that preterm infants who demon-
strate increased growth might have altered insulin sensitivity compared to their peers.
Increased height and weight standard deviation score (SDS or Z score) in infancy
and early childhood [107–109] are associated with decreased insulin sensitivity in
some studies. In addition to the data of Singhal et al. [110] linking higher weight
gain in the first two weeks of life to later insulin resistance there are other data show-
ing similar associations, but most are observational and subject to the possibility of
confounding and reverse causation. Associations between greater weight gain and
insulin resistance or higher serum glucose level were seen in a variety of epochs: birth
to term [98], weeks 4–6 of life [111] birth to 9–12 years [106], and 2–21 years of age
[108]. By contrast, in one study, preterm infants who were small for gestational age
(SGA) who displayed appropriate catch-up growth showed less insulin resistance
than term born SGA children when measured between 2 and 8 years old [112]. This
emphasises that the mechanisms operating in preterm infants ex-utero are likely to
differ from those born at term, and that catch up growth may have metabolic benefits
for some preterm infants.
Insulin may play a direct role both as a neonatal growth factor in exaggerated
(disordered) catch-up growth, and through additional pathways leading to metabolic
problems in later life. Some studies appear to show an apparent beneficial effect
of some growth restraint in either the prenatal (i.e., being SGA) or postnatal period
(with less catch-up growth) with improved insulin sensitivity compared to those born
AGA as young adults. The majority of studies suggest that preterm infants are, as a
group, less insulin sensitive than term controls although in some gestational age was
only significant when considered along with birth weight [113]. Some studies did not
find an association with insulin sensitivity and gestation [101, 114], and differences
between preterm infants who were SGA and AGA are not consistent. Some found no
difference in insulin sensitivity between AGA and SGA preterm infants in the first
week of life [115], and others also failed to find differences in children [104, 107, 112]
and adults [98] between SGA and AGA preterm born subjects.
Some of the inter-study variation may be due to heterogeneity of methods of testing
and modelling, and may reflect population differences in early nutritional and growth
exposures. Many follow up studies include children who are pubertal, a period where
increased insulin resistance is frequently observed. This may complicate comparisons
with term born peers because pubertal onset also seems earlier in preterm children
14 Catch up Growth and the Developmental Origins of Health . . . 283

Table 14.3 Examples of mechanisms linking early growth and nutrition to later outcomes in preterm
Mechanism Examples Potential outcome
Permanent structural change Decreased pancreatic beta cell Type II diabetes
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia Chronic obstructive pulmonary
Changes to control systems Earlier onset of puberty Decreased final adult height
Accelerated cellular ageing Oxidative stress effects leading Range of chronic diseases
to telomere shortening
Epigenetic mechanisms DNA methylation Increased obesity

[116], but there are no current data to show how this might be modulated by catch up
growth. Failure to observe a significant association between early growth (including
catch up) and insulin resistance at some later point in time, does not exclude the
possibility of effects later in the life course. Until the last 2–3 decades infants born
< 28 weeks gestation rarely survived, so we simply do not know the full picture.
Insulin sensitivity should also be considered a biomarker, and not a disease per se.
The specific level of insulin sensitivity in childhood that has the highest predictive
value for later disease (type 2 diabetes) may differ between those born preterm and
term. Because of the life course nature of many DOHaD effects most studies do in
fact, concentrate on biomarkers (and especially in preterm infants), despite the many
pitfalls in interpretation [117].

10 Mechanisms Linking Catch up Growth and Later

Metabolic Health (Table 14.3)

Early growth and nutritional exposures may have long term consequences due to a
number of mechanisms including permanent structural changes, alterations to cellu-
lar ageing and/or longer term ‘programming’ effects (see table, based on references
[118, 119]). Many of the programming effects may be modulated by epigenetic
mechanisms such as DNA methylation and histone acetylation [23, 120]. These pro-
cesses do not alter the nucleotide sequence in DNA, but result in differences in gene
expression and transcription, and may also involve post-transcriptional effects on
other processes such as protein translation. Early life growth and nutritional expo-
sures appear to affect the ‘cellular memory’ and result in differences in later life
phenotypes. Most of this work is still in the early stages but exciting data are already
In one study, methylation status of five key genes in umbilical cord blood had a
strong association with measures of adiposity in term born infants at age 9 years,
suggesting that a substantial amount of the variation in metabolic outcomes might be
determined prenatally [121]. In other studies, differences in the methylation status
of a specific candidate gene, TACSTD2, in adolescent children born preterm were
284 N. D. Embleton et al.

correlated with measures of early catch up growth and later phenotype (obesity)
[122]. Several other gene candidates show differences in expression [123] and might
be worthy of exploration [124]. Although reverse causation or confounding poses a
major challenge when interpreting epigenetic data, especially in life course studies
examining the effects of early catch up growth, a variation of Mendelian randomisa-
tion applied to the data may elucidate the direction of effect [123, 125]. In the study
previously mentioned, the lack of an association between fat mass and a methylation
proxy single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) suggested that the association between
TACSTD2 methylation was non-causal. However, the identified methylation patterns
might still be useful predictors of later obesity [122]. The next decade will likely see
a dramatic increase in the number of epigenetic studies that attempt to link early life
effects to later outcomes.

11 Conclusion

Preterm infants are nutritionally vulnerable, and despite concerns surrounding longer
term metabolic outcomes, the focus must be on optimising early health and neurocog-
nitive outcomes. Preterm infants are at increased risk of a number of later life chronic
diseases but there are no data to suggest that deliberate nutrient restriction will im-
prove overall health outcomes. Whilst there are only a limited number of controlled
studies, the current data argue in favour of early commencement of PN including
amino acids and intravenous lipids, with the aim of achieving recommended intakes
within the first few days. Early commencement of enteral feeds and the promotion of
breast milk is important, with the use of fortifiers or formulas designed to meet nutri-
ent requirements, and the use of supplemental vitamins and micronutrients over the
first few postnatal weeks. After hospital discharge, nutritional management will still
affect long-term outcomes and there should be continued support for breast milk. In
the absence of breast milk, the role of specialised formula adapted for post-discharge
feeding remains controversial and long term follow up studies are needed.


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Part V
Monitoring Growth and Development
Chapter 15
Growth Monitoring of Preterm Infants During
Stay in the Neonatal Unit and into Early

Shripada Rao

Abstract Monitoring growth is important in preterm infants as they are at a high

risk for postnatal growth restriction which can lead to impaired long term growth
and neurodevelopment. In the absence of better charts, intrauterine growth charts
are recommended by leading professional paediatric organisations for monitoring
the growth of preterm infants. The aim when caring for preterm infants is to at least
match the growth velocity from published best postnatal growth charts and strive
towards reaching ideal growth velocities from intrauterine growth charts. The Fenton
chart appears to be suitable for monitoring growth of preterm infants during their
stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Recently, Fenton charts have been
updated using the WHO 2006 charts for the 40–50 weeks’ post conception age group.
Once a post-conception age of 40 weeks is reached, the WHO 2006 growth charts
can be used for monitoring ongoing growth. The ongoing “Intergrowth-21st study”
has the potential to overcome the deficiencies of all current growth charts. It will
enable the establishment of prescriptive growth charts for monitoring the growth of
preterm infants during and beyond their NICU stay into early childhood. Care should
be taken to avoid excessive catch up growth which is associated with increased risk
of diabetes, hypertension, and obesity in later life.

Key points
1. Growth charts are essential for defining health and nutritional status and early
detection and management of growth disorders in infants and children.
2. Growth monitoring is especially important in preterm infants as they are at a high
risk for postnatal growth restriction which can lead to impaired long term growth
and neurodevelopment.

S. Rao ()
Centre for Neonatal Research and Education, School of Paediatrics and Child Health,
University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
Department of Neonatal Paediatrics, King Edward Memorial, Perth, Western Australia
Department of Neonatal Paediatrics, Princess Margaret Hospitals, Perth, Western Australia
e-mail: [email protected]

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 293

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3_15, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
294 S. Rao

3. A ‘standard’ chart that represents the ideal healthy growth of a population is

prescriptive whereas a ‘reference’ chart that describes the population without
making claims about the health of its sample is descriptive in nature.
4. In the absence of ideal growth charts, intrauterine growth charts are considered
suitable for monitoring the growth of preterm infants until they reach term.
5. In the absence of ideal charts, the WHO 2006 growth charts may be used for
monitoring the growth of ex-preterm infants.
6. The International Fetal and Newborn Growth Consortium study is designed to
produce a set of international standards (normative charts for fetal growth, birth
weight for gestational age and postnatal growth of preterm infants) for clinical
applications and monitoring trends in populations.
Disturbances in health and nutrition, regardless of their aetiology, almost always
affect growth [1]. Hence, growth assessment using growth charts is a useful tool for
defining health and nutritional status in children [2]. Growth monitoring helps to
improve nutrition, educate the care givers, and enables early detection and referral
for conditions manifested by growth disorders [3]. The most common measurements
for evaluating growth are weight, length/height, head circumference and body mass
index. Growth monitoring of preterm infants is even more important because, as
described below, many studies have shown that (a) preterm infants suffer from post-
natal growth restriction and (b) postnatal growth restriction is associated with long
term adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes.

1 Preterm Infants Suffer from Postnatal Growth Restriction

1.1 In a retrospective longitudinal cohort study, Horemuzova et al. (Sweden) eval-

uated the physical growth of all infants born before 26+0 weeks of gestation and
surviving to full-term age (n = 162), admitted to the NICU of Karolinska Hospital
between January 1990 and December 2002 [4]. Body weight was recorded daily,
head circumference (HC) weekly and length twice a month. The majority of the
infants showed a pronounced postnatal growth restriction for all growth variables
with increasing deviation from the reference with age. At discharge from NICU,
75 % of those initially appropriate for gestational age (AGA) infants were below
− 2 standard deviation scores for at least one of the body size variables [4].
1.2 In a retrospective cohort study [5], 101 children with a BW ≤ 750 g, born
between 1996 and 2005 in the University Hospital Utrecht, The Netherlands, were
followed until 5.5 years. Height, weight, occipital-frontal circumference at birth, 15
months and 2 years corrected age and 3.5 and 5.5 years were measured. Between
birth and 5.5 years catch-up growth in height, weight for height, weight and OFC
was seen in 72.2, 55.2, 28.6 and 68.9 % respectively of the small for gestational age
(SGA) infants. For AGA infants they found substantial catch-down growth in height
(15.4 %) and weight (33.8 %).
15 Growth Monitoring of Preterm Infants During Stay . . . 295

2 Physical Growth and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes

in Preterm Infants

2.1 Association Between Postnatal Growth During NICU Stay

and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes

1. Ehrenkranz et al. [6] assessed the predictive value of in-hospital growth velocity on
neurodevelopmental and growth outcomes at 18–22 months post-conceptional age
among extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants (501–1,000 g). Of the 600 dis-
charged infants, 495 (83 %) were evaluated at a corrected age (CA) of 18–22 months.
As the rate of weight gain increased from 12.0 to 21.2 g/kg per day, there was de-
crease in the incidence of cerebral palsy, Mental Developmental Index (MDI) < 70
and Psychomotor Developmental Index (PDI) < 70 on Bayley Scale of Infant Devel-
opment (BSID), abnormal neurologic examination, neurodevelopmental impairment,
and need for rehospitalisation. Similar findings were observed in relation to the rate
of head circumference growth. They concluded that the growth velocity during an
ELBW infant’s NICU hospitalisation exerts a significant and possibly independent
effect on neurodevelopmental and growth outcomes at 18–22 months of CA.
2. Franz et al. [7] evaluated the neurological outcomes of a total of 219 of 263
(83 %) long-term survivors at a median corrected age of 5.4 years. Increasing SD
scores for weight and head circumference from birth to discharge were associated
with a reduced risk for an abnormal neurologic examination.
3. Shah et al. [8] aimed to identify measure of postnatal growth failure associated
with long-term outcome in preterm infants born at < 28 weeks’ gestation. Four
measures of defining postnatal growth failure at 36 weeks corrected gestational age:
(1) weight < 10th centile, (2) weight < 3rd centile, (3) z score difference from birth
> 1 and, (4) z score difference from birth > 2; were compared for their predictive
values and strength of association with adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes at
18–24 months.
Postnatal growth failure defined as a decrease in z score of > 2 between birth and
36 weeks corrected gestational age had the best predictive values compared to other
postnatal growth failure measures. However, it was significantly associated with PDI
(p = 0.006) but not with MDI (p = 0.379). Postnatal growth failure defined by z score
change influenced psychomotor but not mental tasks in this cohort.

2.2 Association Between Post-Discharge Growth and

Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Preterm Infants

1) Ramel et al. [9] reported that pre- and post-discharge linear growth suppression in
very low birth weight (VLBW: Birth weight < 1,500 g) infants was negatively asso-
ciated with developmental outcomes at 24 months CA. In their retrospective study,
296 S. Rao

weight, recumbent length and head circumference were recorded at birth, hospi-
tal discharge and at 4, 12 and 24 months CA in 62 VLBW infants. Standardized
Z-scores for weight (WZ), length (LZ) and head circumference (HCZ) were calcu-
lated. Twenty-four-month neurodevelopmental function was analysed as a function
of growth status. Controlling for WZ and HCZ at each age, lower LZ at 4 and
12 months CA was associated with lower cognitive function scores at 24 months CA
(p ≤ 0.03).
2) Ghods et al. [10] conducted a retrospective cohort study to determine whether
head circumference (HC) catch-up is associated with improved neurocognitive de-
velopment. 179 preterm very low birth weight (VLBW) (Birth weight ≤ 1,500 g)
infants were followed to the age of 5.5 years. The association between HC catch-
up and neurodevelopmental outcome was assessed and perinatal risk factors, infant
characteristics and nutritional practices associated with HC catch-up were deter-
mined. HC catch-up occurred in 59 (34 %) infants and was positively correlated with
neurodevelopmental outcome. They concluded that among preterm VLBW infants,
there is a close relation between HC growth and neurodevelopmental outcome.
3) Powers et al. [11] assessed the post-discharge growth and developmental
progress of 135 VLBW preterm infants in a predominantly Hispanic population
and reported that failure to thrive and microcephaly increased neurodevelopmental
impairment risk at 3 years of age regardless of gestational age.
4) Kan et al. [12] aimed to determine the associations between weight and head
circumference, at birth and postnatally, with cognitive, academic and motor outcomes
at age 8 years for very preterm children free of neurosensory impairment. 179 very
preterm infants (gestational age < 28 weeks) born in 1991 and 1992 who were free
of neurosensory impairment were included in the study. At 8 years of age children
had cognitive, academic and motor assessments. Weight and head circumference
data were collected at birth, at the time of discharge (weight only), at 2 years of age
and at 8 years of age, and growth restriction was calculated using Z-scores (standard
deviation scores) relative to the expected mean for age using the British 1990 growth
reference charts [13]. Weight at any age was mostly unrelated to any outcomes.
While head circumference at birth was not related to school-aged outcomes, smaller
head circumferences at ages 2 and 8 years were associated with poorer performance
in most outcome measures. Catch-up growth in weight in early childhood was not
associated with 8-year outcomes.
5) Latal-Hajnal [14] studied the significance of growth status at birth and postnatal
growth on neurodevelopmental outcome in VLBW infants. Growth and neurodevel-
opment were examined in 219 VLBW (< 1,250 g) children, 94 small for gestational
age (SGA) (< 10th percentile) and 125 appropriate for gestational age (AGA) (> 10th
percentile). Outcome at age 2 was assessed with the Bayley Scales of Infant Develop-
ment MDI, PDI and a standardized neurologic examination. After adjustment for co
variables including cerebral palsy (CP), SGA children with weight < 10th percentile
at age 2 had lower mean PDI than SGA children with catch-up growth to weight
> 10th percentile (mean [SD], 89.9 [17.4] versus 101.8 [14.5]; p < .001). AGA chil-
dren with catch-down growth (weight < 10th percentile at age 2) were, independent
of CP, more likely to have lower mean MDI (94.9 vs. 101.7, p = .05) and PDI (81.9
15 Growth Monitoring of Preterm Infants During Stay . . . 297

vs. 95.1; p < .001) than AGA children remaining > 10th percentile at age 2. They
also more frequently had severe CP (22.9 % vs. 1.2 %; p = .008). They concluded
that in VLBW children, the course of postnatal growth rather than the appropriateness
of weight for gestational age at birth determines later neurodevelopmental outcome.
6) Casey et al. [15] assessed the 8-year growth, cognitive, behavioural status,
health status, and academic achievement in low birth weight preterm infants who
had failure to thrive only, were SGA only, had failure to thrive plus were SGA, or
had normal growth. A total of 985 infants received standardized evaluations to age 8;
180 infants met the criteria for failure to thrive between 4 and 36 months’ gestational
corrected age. The following outcome variables were collected at age 8: growth,
cognitive, behavioural status, health status, and academic achievement. Multivariate
analyses were performed among the 4 growth groups on all 8-year outcome vari-
ables. Children who both were SGA and had failure to thrive were the smallest in
all growth variables at age 8, and they also demonstrated the lowest cognitive and
academic achievement scores. The children with failure to thrive only were signif-
icantly smaller than the children with normal growth in all growth variables and
had significantly lower IQ scores. Those who were SGA only did not differ from
those with normal growth in any cognitive or academic achievement measures. There
were no differences among the 4 groups in behavioural status or general health status.
They concluded that low birth weight preterm infants who develop postnatal growth
problems, particularly when associated with prenatal growth problems, demonstrate
lower physical size, cognitive scores, and academic achievement at age 8 years.

3 Types of Growth Charts

A ‘standard’ chart represents the ideal healthy growth of a population and hence is
of prescriptive nature. To derive such ideal healthy growth charts, the study popula-
tion should be from a cohort of infants born to healthy mothers with uncomplicated
pregnancy and delivery. In addition, the study infants should be raised under op-
timal environmental conditions including breastfeeding, immunisations and follow
recommended dietary practices. The study infants should be free from any disease
that could hinder growth. Longitudinal follow up and measurement of anthropom-
etry of such infants will help derive the ‘standard’ growth charts which will be of
prescriptive nature. The WHO 2006 growth charts (term infants) are standard growth
In contrast, a ‘reference’ chart describes the population without making claims
about the health of its sample and hence is descriptive in nature [16–18] (Table 15.1).
The ‘reference’ charts are derived by measuring the anthropometry of a sample of
infants and children at various ages and plotting them on graph. The sample is thus
cross-sectional rather than longitudinal. In addition, health of the children in the
study population is not taken into consideration. Majority of the currently available
growth charts in full term infants and children are ‘reference’ charts.
298 S. Rao

Table 15.1 Differences between reference and standard charts

Reference charts Standard charts
Simply describe the growth of a population Provide guidance on how a child should grow;
without taking into consideration the health not just how a child is growing
of the population
Based on cross sectional data; relatively easy to Based on prospective and longitudinal
acquire large sample size monitoring of healthy growth; difficult to
acquire large sample size
Increase in incidence of childhood obesity Have the potential to identify overweight and
means future descriptive charts will enable obesity early, which can help bring in early
more children to be classified as normal even interventions
though overweight/obese
Have the potential to over diagnose under Have the potential to avoid over diagnosis of
nutrition, which in turn can lead to under nutrition
unnecessary overfeeding

4 Types of Growth Charts Currently Available for Preterm

Infants During Stay in the Neonatal Unit

4.1 Standard Charts

At present, there are no prescriptive standard growth charts available for preterm
infants. Theoretically speaking, infants born prematurely should continue to grow at
intrauterine rates until they reach term. The American Academy of Pediatrics [17]
and Canadian Pediatric society [18] recommend intra uterine growth rates as the
ideal growth of preterm infants.

4.1.1 Considered Being, But Not Really “Intra Uterine Growth”

Charts (Table 15.2)

There are more than 25 studies reporting on ‘intrauterine growth charts’. These have
been best summarized by Karna et al. [19].
Until recently, Lubchenko [20] and Babson und Benda [21] charts were commonly
used in many neonatal units around the world. Fenton et al. [22] updated the Bab-
son and Benda growth charts to develop contemporary ‘intrauterine growth charts’.
Using preset criteria, three recent large population based surveys of birth weight
for gestational age were identified. The Canadian study by Kramer [23] which had a
sample size of 676,605 infants delivered between 22–43 weeks was used for updating
the intrauterine weight section. Two large studies from Sweden [24] and Australia
[25] were used to update the intrauterine head circumference and length section. The
data were averaged together using a weighted average based on total sample size to
derive the 3rd, 10th, 50th, 95th and 97th percentiles and create one growth chart.
CDC 2000 growth charts were used to generate the growth charts from corrected
gestation of 40 weeks onwards. The Fenton chart appears to be useful in monitoring
the growth of preterm infants during their NICU stay. It is used by many North
15 Growth Monitoring of Preterm Infants During Stay . . . 299

American, European and Australian centres. Recently Olsen et al. have published
growth charts for New intrauterine growth charts based on United States data [26]
and it will be useful if Fenton charts are updated incorporating this new information
from USA. The latest updated Fenton charts have used WHO 2006 growth charts
instead of CDC 2000 charts to generate growth charts from post-conceptional age of
40 weeks until 10 weeks post term (BMC Pediatrics, 2013, 13:59).
Inherent issues with intrauterine growth charts Even though they are called “in-
trauterine” charts, they are in fact cross sectional data derived from anthropometry
measured at birth on preterm infants delivered at various gestations. It is well known
that fetuses delivered prematurely may not have reached full growth potential due
various maternal/fetal morbidities and hence do not reflect the “ideal” growth. Also,
these charts do not take into consideration, the normal 5–8 % weight loss that occurs
in healthy preterm infants in the first week of life.

4.1.2 ‘Fetal Growth Charts’ (Table 15.2)

Strictly speaking, only charts derived from longitudinal studies should be called
growth charts, growth being a process extended over time [27]. Hence it may appear
logical that ideal ‘intrauterine growth charts’ should be derived from serial and longi-
tudinal assessment of physical parameters of weight, length and head circumference
using fetal ultrasound technique [28]. However, the drawback of this method is that
fetal ultrasound is not very accurate in predicting the fetal weight. A systematic re-
view which analysed data from 58 articles over 28 years found wide variability in
diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound examination in predicting the fetal weight. Overall
only 62 % (8,895/14,384) of the sonographic predictions were within 10 % of the
actual weight. The accuracy was affected significantly by the time interval between
examination and delivery, person doing the sonography (registered diagnostic medi-
cal sonographers had better accuracy than physicians or residents), and the gestation
at assessment (assessment closer to term were more accurate compared to preterm
patients) [29].
Another systematic review came to similar conclusions. The reviewers searched
four important databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, ZETOC, and The Cochrane Li-
brary). Studies including the estimation of fetal weight by 11 different research
groups using different formulas were included in the review. No preferred method
for the ultrasound estimation of fetal weight emerged from their review. They found
that the size of the random errors was quite wide, with 95 % confidence intervals
exceeding 14 % of birth weight in all studies. They concluded that the accuracy of
EFW using fetal ultrasound is compromised by large intra- and inter-observer vari-
ability and efforts must be made to minimise this variability if EFW is to be clinically
useful [30]. In addition, maternal morbidities can result in fetal growth restriction,
which in turn can result in non- ideal growth charts.
In view of such limitations, fetal weight charts derived from the currently avail-
able ultrasound technology may not be appropriate for use as ideal postnatal growth
300 S. Rao

of preterm infants. However, recent advances in technology have resulted in more

frequent use of 3-D ultrasound for fetal biometry measurements. Chan et al. [31]
in a prospective study compared the inter- and intra-observer variation of fetal bio-
metric measurements utilising two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D)
ultrasound imaging. Three pairs of doctors trained in sonography evaluated sin-
gleton pregnancies in the mid-trimester. Measurements of the biparietal diameter
(BPD), head circumference (HC), abdominal circumference (AC), and femur length
(FL) were taken in duplicate by each doctor using 2D imaging and then again us-
ing 3D volume data sets. Each set of paired doctors evaluated 12 patients. Inter-
and intra-observer variations were calculated as the SD of the difference between
paired measurements performed by the doctor pairs and by the individual doctors,
respectively. Bland–Altman plots were used to visually compare measurement bias
and agreement by 2D and 3D methods. The intra-observer variation of HC, AC,
and FL was significantly lower for 3D compared with 2D ultrasound. Inter-observer
variation was not significantly different when measured with 2D and 3D ultrasound,
with the exception of FL, which was lower when measured with 3D ultrasound. They
concluded that the use of 3D ultrasound significantly reduces intra-observer varia-
tion for HC, AC, and FL and reduces inter-observer variation for FL [31]. Schild
et al. [32] in a prospective cohort study, obtained biometric data of 150 singleton
fetuses weighing ≤ 1,600 g at birth by sonographic examination within 1 week be-
fore delivery. Exclusion criteria were multiple pregnancy, intrauterine death as well
as major structural or chromosomal anomalies. Their new formula was compared
with currently available equations for estimating weight in the preterm fetuses. They
concluded that in fetuses weighing ≤ 1,600 g at birth, the new formula using 3D
ultrasound is superior to weight estimation by traditional formulae using 2D mea-
surements [32]. These data indicate that 3D ultrasonography may have the potential
to be a more accurate measure of fetal anthropometry than the traditional 2D ultra-
sounds. If these preliminary promising findings are proven correct in multiple large
studies, intrauterine growth curves derived from such method may have the potential
to be used as ideal growth curves for monitoring preterm infants after birth.

4.2 Postnatal ‘Reference’ Growth Charts (Table 15.2)

Many reference charts that describe the actual longitudinal growth of preterm infants
during the course of their stay in the NICU have been published [33, 34]. If these
reference charts are used to monitor the ongoing growth of preterm infants, extra-
uterine growth retardation would be considered as normal. Hence they are not ideal
for monitoring the growth of preterm infants. However, these charts give an idea of
what can be achieved with the available resources and limits set by the morbidities
of prematurity and can be used to compare the growth of preterm infants between
different units.
15 Growth Monitoring of Preterm Infants During Stay . . . 301

Table 15.2 Growth charts for monitoring preterm infant growth until term
Intrauterine growth charts Fetal growth charts Postnatal growth charts
Not really intrauterine. Based Based on longitudinal Describe the growth of preterm
on cross sectional data assessment of healthy fetal infants, without taking into
derived from anthropometry growth; truly intrauterine consideration morbidities of
measured at birth on prematurity; descriptive and
preterm infants delivered at not prescriptive
various gestations.
Recommended by American Ultrasound measurement of Useful for comparing different
Academy of Pediatrics and fetal anthropometry is units
Canadian Pediatric society; subject to wide
Commonly used charts interpersonal variability;
Fetal ultrasound is not very
accurate in estimating fetal

5 A Note of Caution While Aiming to Achieve the Perfect

Intrauterine Growth Rates

Even though the intra uterine growth charts may appear idealistic goals, one needs to
decide if it is really feasible and safe to attain those parameters. Any attempts to pro-
mote physical growth by aggressive enteral and parenteral nutrition may potentially
harm the sick preterm infant. Rapid increases in enteral feeding are known risk factor
for necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) [35]. In ELBW infants, higher fluid intake and
less weight loss during the first 10 days of life are associated with an increased risk
of death and BPD [36, 37]. In addition excessive catch up growth in early neonatal
period for may result in adverse cardiovascular outcomes later in life. Finken et al.
[38] and Euser et al. [39] found that in subjects born very preterm, rapid infancy
weight gain until 3 months was associated with trend towards higher insulin levels
at 19 years. They also concluded that rapid weight gain in both infancy and early
childhood is a risk factor for adult adiposity and obesity. Similar concerns have been
raised by other investigators [40, 41].

6 Growth Charts to Monitor Preterm Infants from

Post-Conception Age of 40 Weeks into Early Childhood

Until recently, many countries used the growth charts released by Centers for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention (CDC 2000) for monitoring the growth of term infants
and children. The same charts are usually used for ongoing growth monitoring of
preterm infants after reaching post conceptional age of 40 weeks. The inherent prob-
lem with the CDC 2000 and similar charts is that they are ‘reference’ charts, which
simply describe the sample population without making any claims about the health
302 S. Rao

of the sample. Because of various environmental and lifestyle influences, the preva-
lence of overweight in children and adolescents has increased markedly over the
past few decades. Hence, any new reference charts, which are derived from such
population of overweight children, would accept these abnormally high weights-
for-age as normal [42, 43]. Use of such charts would also result in more children
being wrongly and frequently diagnosed as underweight resulting in unnecessary
nutritional supplementation and may contribute to obesity and associated morbidities.
To some extent, the CDC 2000 growth charts addressed this by excluding the data
derived from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
III for children 6 years of age for weight-for-age and body mass index (BMI)- for-
age charts. This was carried out because they had identified that compared with the
NHANES II (1976–1980), the NHANES III (1988–1994) children were of higher
weight-for-age [44]. Despite this adjustment, the 97th and the 99.9th percentile charts
(+ 2 and + 3 z-scores) are located very high on the CDC weight-for-age and BMI-
for-age charts, meaning that fewer overweight and obese children and adolescents are
identified as such because the norms have been raised. The lower centiles have also
been shifted upwards, leading to overestimation of under nutrition, and thus advice
leading to overfeeding [45]; also, precautions that were taken by the CDC cannot
be confidently expected from innumerable number of ‘reference’ charts which are
being published regularly from different countries all over the world.
To overcome the problems inherent with ‘reference’ charts, with a complete
change in philosophy, the World Health Organization (WHO) conducted the Multi-
centre Growth Reference Study (MGRS) in order to establish the ‘standard’ growth
charts for children between 0 and 6 years [46]. The MGRS was conducted between
1997 and 2003 in 6 countries from diverse geographical regions: Brazil, Ghana,
India, Norway, Oman and the United States. The study combined a longitudinal
follow-up of 882 infants from birth to 24 months with a cross-sectional component
of 6,669 children aged 18–71 months. The study populations lived in socioeconomic
conditions favourable to growth. The individual inclusion criteria for the longitu-
dinal component were: no known health or environmental constraints to growth,
mothers willing to follow MGRS feeding recommendations (i.e., exclusive or pre-
dominant breastfeeding for at least 4 months, introduction of complementary foods
by 6 months of age and continued breastfeeding to at least 12 months of age), no ma-
ternal smoking before and after delivery, single-term birth and absence of significant
morbidity. The eligibility criteria for the cross-sectional component were the same as
those for the longitudinal component with the exception of infant feeding practices.
A minimum of 3 months of any breastfeeding was required for participants in the
study’s cross-sectional component. Weight-for-age, length/height-for-age, weight-
for-length/height and body mass index-for-age percentile and Z-score values were
generated for boys and girls aged 0–60 months. The pooled sample from the 6
participating countries allowed the development of a truly international reference.
The standards explicitly identify breastfeeding as the biological norm and estab-
lish the breastfed child as the normative model for growth and development. They
also demonstrate that healthy children from around the world who are raised in
healthy environments and follow recommended feeding practices have strikingly
15 Growth Monitoring of Preterm Infants During Stay . . . 303

Table 15.3 Rationale for 1 Based on exclusively or predominantly breastfed

advocating WHO 2006 babies
(0–2 years) growth charts for 2 Study population (both mother and baby) were in
post discharge monitoring optimal health enabling optimal growth
of preterm infants 3 Study population quite recent: 1996–2003
4 Study population was from multiple countries and
multiple ethnicities
5 Sophisticated statistical analyses
6 Multiple and longitudinal measurements of the
infants growth parameters
7 Conceptually, better than the other currently
available charts

similar patterns of growth. In addition, to establish ‘standard’ prescriptive charts for

older children and adolescents, the WHO reconstructed the 1977 National Center for
Health Statistics (NCHS)/WHO growth reference using state-of-the-art statistical
methods. The 1977 growth references were used because they were from a popu-
lation prior to the occurrence of the current epidemic of childhood obesity. These
new charts were released by the WHO in 2007 for general use [47]. These charts are
recommendations for how children should grow. More than 125 countries including
UK, USA, Canada and New Zealand have started using the WHO growth charts for
full term infants [48] (Table 15.3).
The full set of tables and charts are available on the WHO website
( together with tools such as software and training
Since their publication, many studies have shown the usefulness of WHO growth
charts in predicting obesity and other cardiovascular morbidities.
De Onis et al. [49] examined the association between cardiovascular risk and child-
hood overweight and obesity using the BMI cut-offs recommended by the WHO.
Children were classified as normal weight, overweight and obese according to the
WHO BMI-for-age reference. Blood pressure, lipids, glucose, insulin, homeostasis
model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and uric acid levels were compared
across BMI groups. The subjects were children (n 149) aged 8–18 years. About 37, 22
and 41 % of children were classified respectively as normal weight, overweight and
obese. Obese children were 10·6 times more likely than normal-weight children to
have hypertension; OR for other associations were 60·2 (high insulin), 39·5 (HOMA-
IR), 27·9 (TAG), 16·0 (low HDL-cholesterol), 4·3 (LDL-cholesterol) and 3·6 (uric
acid). Overweight children were more likely than normal-weight children to have
hypertension (OR = 3·5), high insulin (OR = 28·2), high HOMA-IR (OR = 23·3)
and high TAG (OR = 16·1). Nearly 92 and 57 % of the obese and overweight chil-
dren, respectively, had one or more risk factor. They concluded that obesity and
overweight defined using the WHO BMI-for-age cut-offs identified children with
higher metabolic and vascular risk.
Shields et al. [50] compared prevalence estimates of excess weight among Cana-
dian children and youth according to three sets of body mass index (BMI) reference
304 S. Rao

cut-points. The cut-points were based on growth curves generated by the WHO,
the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF), and the CDC (USA). Prevalence es-
timates of overweight and obesity were produced for 2- to 17-year-olds using the
three sets of BMI cut-points. Estimates were based on data from 8,661 respondents
from the 2004 Canadian Community Health Survey and 1,840 respondents from the
1978/1979 Canada Health Survey. In both surveys, the height and weight of chil-
dren were measured. They found that 2004 prevalence estimate for the combined
overweight/obese category was higher (35 %) when based on the WHO cut-points
compared with the IOTF (26 %) or CDC (28 %) cut-points. Estimates of the preva-
lence of obesity were similar based on WHO and CDC cut-points (13 %), but lower
when based on IOTF cut-points (8 %).
In the absence of other ideal growth charts, it is appropriate to use the WHO
growth charts to monitor the ongoing growth of preterm infants after reaching post-
conceptional age of 40 weeks.

6.1 Evidence Supporting the Use of WHO 2006 Growth Charts

for Monitoring Preterm Infants After Discharge

Nash et al. [51] aimed to determine whether the pattern of growth of very low birth
weight (VLBW) infants during the first 2 years, assessed using the WHO-GS or
the traditional Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reference growth charts
(CDC-RGC), is associated with neurodevelopment [51]. Pattern of weight, length,
and head circumference gain of appropriate-for-gestation VLBW preterm infants
(n = 289) from birth to 18–24 months corrected age was classified, using the WHO-
GS and CDC-RGC, as sustained (change in Z-score ≤ 1 SD), decelerated (decline > 1
SD), or accelerated (incline > 1 SD). Development was assessed using the Bayley
Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (BSID)-III at 18–24 months corrected
age. Using the WHO-GS, children with a decelerated pattern of weight gain had
lower cognitive (10 points), language (6 points), and motor (4 points) scores than
infants with sustained weight gain (p< 0.05), even after adjustment for morbidities.
No association was found using the CDC-RGC. They concluded that a decelerated
pattern of weight gain, determined with the WHO-GS, but not the CDC-GRC, is
associated with poorer neurodevelopment scores on the BSID-III than a pattern of
sustained growth [51].
Belfort et al. [52] aimed to identify sensitive periods of postnatal growth for
preterm infants relative to neurodevelopment at 18 months’ corrected age. They
studied 613 infants born at < 33 weeks’ gestation who participated in the DHA for
Improvement of Neurodevelopmental Outcome (DINO) trial. They calculated linear
slopes of growth in weight, length, BMI, and head circumference from 1 week of age
to term (40 weeks’ postmenstrual age), term to 4 months, and 4–12 months using the
WHO growth charts, and estimated their associations with Bayley Scales of Infant
Development, 2nd Edition, MDI and PDI in linear regression. The median gestational
age was 30 weeks. Mean ± SD MDI was 94 ± 16, and PDI was 93 ± 16. From 1 week
15 Growth Monitoring of Preterm Infants During Stay . . . 305

to term, greater weight gain (2.4 MDI points per z score [95 % confidence interval
(CI): 0.8–3.9]; 2.7 PDI points [95 % CI: 1.2–0.2]), BMI gain (1.7 MDI points [95 %
CI: 0.4–3.1]; 2.5 PDI points [95 % CI: 1.2–3.9]), and head growth (1.4 MDI points
[95 % CI: − 0.0–2.8]; 2.5 PDI points [95 % CI: 1.2–3.9]) were associated with higher
scores. From term to 4 months, greater weight gain (1.7 points [95 % CI: 0.2–3.1])
and linear growth (2.0 points [95 % CI: 0.7–3.2]) were associated with higher PDI.
From 4 to 12 months, none of the growth measures was associated with MDI or
PDI score. They concluded that in preterm infants, greater weight and BMI gain to
term were associated with better neurodevelopmental outcomes. After term, greater
weight gain was also associated with better outcomes, but increasing weight out of
proportion to length did not confer additional benefit.

7 Future Research

As discussed above, neither “intrauterine growth charts” nor “fetal growth charts” nor
“postnatal growth charts” are suitable for monitoring the growth of preterm infants
till they become term. Similarly, CDC 2000 and WHO 2006 growth charts are also
not ideal for monitoring the growth of ex-preterm infants.
In order to establish normative growth charts, the Inter Growth 21st study has been
commenced by the International Fetal and Newborn Growth Consortium [53, 54].
The goal is to develop new “prescriptive” standards describing normal fetal and
preterm neonatal growth over time and newborn nutritional status, and to relate
these to neonatal health risk.
The primary objective is to produce a set of international Fetal and Newborn
Growth Standards (fetal growth, birth weight for gestational age and postnatal growth
of preterm infants) for practical applications in clinical use and for monitoring trends
in populations.
The study aims to recruit 4,500 healthy women aged 18–35, who had regular
menstrual cycles and conceived spontaneously and do not have major health issues
and practice healthy lifestyles. Study participant women are being recruited from
9 countries across five continents. They undergo 6 scans in addition to the initial
dating scans. They are scheduled at 5 weekly intervals: 14–18 weeks, 19–23 weeks,
24–28 weeks, 29–33 weeks, 34–38 weeks and 39–42 weeks. Apart from the addi-
tional scans, they receive the standardized antenatal care. Based on expected 9 % rate
of prematurity, it is expected that around 360 infants would be born to these mothers
(26–37 weeks gestation). Their longitudinal growth will be monitored for 8 months.
This would include measuring weight, length and head circumference every 2 weeks
for the first 8 weeks and then monthly until 8 months after birth. Those suffering
from death or serious morbidities of prematurity such as NEC will be excluded. This
study will enable the derivation of prescriptive intrauterine growth charts as well as
postnatal growth charts from a diverse population across five continents.
306 S. Rao


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Part VI
Breast Milk, Breast Feeding, and Donor
Milk Banks
Chapter 16
Role of Breast Milk

Jacqueline C. Kent, Lukas Christen, Foteini Hassiotou

and Peter E. Hartmann

Abstract Breast milk provides all the necessary macronutrients (fat, protein and
carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, bioactive molecules) at con-
centrations that completely support the growth and development of the term infant for
the first six months of life. This is underlined by the fact that growth charts produced
by the World Health Organization are developed from data only from exclusively
breastfed infants. In addition to its function as a source of nutrition, breast milk
contains multiple components that provide the infant with protection from infection
before its own defence mechanisms are fully developed. The rates of infection in
exclusively breastfed infants are lower compared to infants fed artificial formula,
not only in the developing world where standards of hygiene are less than ideal, but
also in first world countries. Breast milk continues to provide both nutrients and
protection from infection for at least the first year of life as complementary foods are
introduced. Ongoing research continues to elucidate the beneficial effects of breast
Although there has been no evolutionary pressure for the breast milk of mothers
of preterm infants to adapt to the requirements of these vulnerable infants, preterm
milk, at least initially, shows differences from term milk that are advantageous for the
growth and development of the preterm infant. Additionally, the immune protective
factors in breast milk have been shown to have a significant effect on decreasing the
number of infections suffered by the preterm infant.

J. C. Kent () · L. Christen · F. Hassiotou · P. E. Hartmann

Hartmann Human Lactation Research Group,
School of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
The University of Western Australia, M310,
35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, 6009 WA, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
L. Christen
e-mail: [email protected]
P. E. Hartmann
e-mail: [email protected]
F. Hassiotou
School of Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology,
The University of Western Australia,
35 Stirling Highway, 6009 Crawley, WA , Australia
e-mail: [email protected]

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 311

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3_16, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
312 J. C. Kent et al.

Key points
• contains macronutrients (fat, protein and carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vi-
tamins, minerals, bioactive molecules) in ideal amounts for optimal growth and
development of term infants
• contains immunomodulatory biomolecules (immunoglobulins, lactoferrin,
lysozyme, cytokines) and maternal immune cells that protect the infant, whether
term or preterm, from pathogens in its particular environment and supports the
infant’s immature immune system
• contains a hierarchy of cells, from stem cells to progenitor cells to more
differentiated cells, that may be involved in optimal development of the infant
• requires targeted fortification for preterm infants

1 Introduction

The World Health Organization recommends that mothers worldwide exclusively

breastfeed their infants for the first six months of life, with breastfeeding to be con-
tinued into and beyond the second year [1]. As the sole source of food for term infants,
breast milk contains not only adequate nutritional components (fat, lactose, protein
and micronutrients) at concentrations that support optimal growth of the human in-
fant, but also biochemical and cellular components that allow optimal development
of the infant and provide protection from infection. The components of breast milk
are either synthesized by the lactocytes in the secretory tissue of the breast from sub-
strates in the blood, or are selectively and actively transported from the blood through
the lactocytes to the milk [2]. Compared with mothers of term infants, mothers of
preterm infants produce breast milk with a slightly different composition, however,
breast milk is also recommended for preterm infants [3, 4]. The different composition
of preterm milk compared to term milk and the variations between milks of preterm
mothers may be reflective of the developmental stage of the breast of the preterm

2 Nutrition

Breast milk provides all the necessary macronutrients (fat, protein and carbohydrates)
and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, bioactive molecules) at concentrations that
completely support the growth and development of the term infant for the first six
months of life (Fig. 16.1). The fats are in the form of emulsified globules coated with
a lipid bilayer membrane; some proteins and minerals are in colloidal dispersion as
micelles; and the remainder of the proteins and minerals and all the carbohydrates
in true solution.
16 Role of Breast Milk 313

Average quanty Per 100 mL

Energy 320 kJ

Protein - Total 1.0 g

- Casein 0.4 g

- Whey proteins 0.6 g

Fat - Total 4.1 g

- Saturated 1.6 g

- Monounsaturated 1.4 g

- Polyunsaturated 0.6 g

Carbohydrates - Total 8.0 g

- Lactose 6.0 g

- Oligosaccharides 2.0 g

Minerals and trace elements

- Sodium 21 mg

- Potassium 54 mg

- Chloride 45 mg

- Calcium 25 mg

- Magnesium 3 mg

- Phosphate 15 mg

- Iron 51 μg

- Zinc 200 μg

- Copper 30 μg

- Manganese 0.4 μg

- Selenium 0.2 μg

- Iodine 8.1 μg

- Fluoride 1.0 μg

Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, D, E and K

Live stem cells, lactocytes and leukocytes 1x106 – 9x108

Fig. 16.1 Contents of breast milk nutrition information (servings per package unlimited; serving
size variable (up to 240 mL))
314 J. C. Kent et al.

3 Fat

Breast milk fat provides 50–60 % of the caloric intake of the term infant [5]. The
average fat content of milk is 41 g/L, but this ranges between 22 and 62 g/L both
within and between mothers [6]. The total fat content of the milk is largely indepen-
dent of the mother’s diet [5], but varies in the short term with the degree of fullness
of the breast when the milk sample is collected [7]. The emulsified fat globules are
secreted by the lactocytes and consist of a milk fat globule membrane surround-
ing a core. The milk fat globule membrane is a lipid bilayer membrane similar
to the apical membrane of the lactocyte and comprises phospholipids, cholesterol,
glycolipids, proteins (including butyrophilin and xanthine oxidoreductase), and gly-
coproteins (including mucin and lactadherin). Over 98 % of the lipid in the core is
in the form of triacylglycerols (TAG). The remainder are phospholipids, sterols and
sterol esters, and non-esterified fatty acids (free fatty acids) [5]. The triacylglyc-
erols are composed of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids esterified to a glycerol
backbone [8, 9]. The fatty acids are short chain fatty acids (SCFA, < 10-carbon
chain), medium chain fatty acids (MCFA, 10- to 14-carbon chain) that are synthe-
sized within the lactocyte, long chain fatty acids (LCFA, 16- to 24-carbon chain), and
long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) including the omega-3 fatty acid
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and the omega-6 fatty acid arachidonic acid (AA) that
are derived from the blood. LCFA comprise 85 % of the fatty acids, MCFA comprise
13 % by weight of the fatty acids, while the remainder are SCFA. The mean concen-
tration of DHA in breast milk is 0.32 % (range: 0.06–1.4 %) and that of AA is 0.47 %
(range: 0.24–1.0 %) [10].
The roles of DHA and AA in infant nutrition are of particular importance because
they accumulate specifically in the membrane lipids of the brain and retina, where
they are important for visual and neural function [11]. Infants fed breast milk have
been shown to have higher plasma concentrations of DHA and AA, higher DHA
levels in the brain cortex, cerebral grey and white matter compared to infants fed
artificial formula not containing LCPUFA [12]. The visual function of infants fed
breast milk is enhanced compared with infants fed artificial formula provided the
breast milk DHA concentration is not low (≤ 0.15 %) [12]. In addition, infants fed
breast milk have a higher IQ than infants fed artificial formula, and this effect persists
up to 15 years of age, after adjustment for confounding factors [12]. This may be
related to the unique fatty acid composition of human milk compared to cow’s milk,
which is the basis for infant formulas.
In contrast with the total fat content, the fatty acid composition of breast milk is
affected by the mother’s diet [13–15]. In particular, the milk of mothers consuming
a low-fat high-carbohydrate diet has a higher concentration of MCFA, the milk of
mothers who consume a low-omega-3 fatty acid diet contains a lower concentration
of DHA, while the milk of mothers who consume a diet high in fish contains a high
concentration of DHA [11].
16 Role of Breast Milk 315

3.1 Preterm

During the last trimester of gestation the foetus develops adipose tissue and there
is extensive brain growth, associated with 80 % of the intrauterine accumulation of
DHA and AA [12]. Thus, the provision of LCPUFA via the placenta is critical for the
infant [16]. Preterm birth interrupts the supply of nutrients from the placenta so the
nutrition of preterm infants by parenteral, enteral and/or oral feeding (depending on
the degree of prematurity) is, therefore, of particular importance. The milk of mothers
of preterm infants is 20–30 % higher in total energy and lipid content [17] and contains
higher proportions of MCFA compared to that of mothers of term infants [18], with
the proportion of MCFA being inversely related to the gestational age at delivery
[19]. In addition, a greater proportion of LCFA, including DHA and AA, has been
reported in preterm milk [20, 21], with values of DHA in preterm milk ranging from
0.21 to 0.36 %, and values of AA in preterm milk ranging from 0.36 to 0.91 % [20].
There have been several studies on the supplementation of artificial formula with
LCPUFA for preterm infants [22]. Addition of 0.4 % DHA and 0.6 % AA to artificial
formula has been shown to result in infant LCPUFA status comparable to that of
infants fed breast milk. Preterm infants receiving this supplemented formula have
shown improved visual attention and global cognitive development compared with
preterm infants receiving unsupplemented formula [12].
Although the effect of supplementation of artificial formula with LCPUFA on the
growth of preterm infants is equivocal, a recent study that fed very-low-birthweight
infants with DHA and AA-supplemented formula up to 92 weeks post-gestational
age showed better growth and development scores than those fed unsupplemented
artificial formula [23].

3.2 Digestion

Hydrolysis of the TAG begins in the infant’s stomach by lingual and gastric lipases.
These lipases appear before 26 weeks’ gestation and are therefore active in both term
and preterm infants [24]. In the duodenum, gastric lipase is inactivated by the in-
fant pancreatic proteases (trypsin and chymotrypsin). Further hydrolysis of the TAG
occurs through the actions of pancreatic and breast milk bile salt-stimulated lipase
(BSSL) [5, 25]. Pancreatic lipase hydrolyzes TAG at the first and third positions
on the glycerol backbone, releasing those fatty acids as non-esterified fatty acids
and the fatty acid at the second position as a 2-monoacylglycerol. BSSL hydrolyzes
tri-, di-, and mono-acylglycerols, retinyl esters, cholesteryl esters, and diacylphos-
phatidylglycerols and releases non-esterified fatty acids and glycerol [25, 26]. Fatty
acids commonly located at the second position such as palmitate are more easily ab-
sorbed by infants as 2-monoacylglycerols than as non-esterified fatty acids [27, 28].
This preferential absorption and the high proportion of palmitate esterified to the
2-position of the triacylglycerols in breast milk, compared to bovine milk and veg-
etable oils used to prepare artificial formula, may explain why formula-fed infants
316 J. C. Kent et al.

experience more difficulty absorbing fat from their diet and have higher rates of
constipation than breastfed infants [29].
In preterm infants, breast milk BSSL plays a particularly important role in hydrol-
ysis of TAG [28] because these infants produce less than optimal levels of pancreatic
lipase. The unsaturated fatty acids that are produced are better absorbed by preterm
infants than saturated fatty acids [30]. The importance of breast milk BSSL is shown
by the fact that preterm infants fed pasteurized donor breast milk have a lower fat ab-
sorption and growth rate compared to preterm infants fed mothers’own milk [31, 32],
probably at least partly due to inactivation of BSSL through the thermal pasteuriza-
tion process. In addition, MCFA are better absorbed than LCFA [33] and are an
important source of nutrients and energy for the preterm infant [34]. Therefore, the
higher concentration of MCFAs in the milk of preterm mothers may have a nutritional
advantage for the preterm infant [5].

4 Carbohydrate

4.1 Lactose

The principal carbohydrate in breast milk is lactose. Its concentration in breast milk
has a fairly consistent level of approximately 60 g/L [35] and provides approximately
30–40 % of the energy delivered to the infant [36, 37].

4.2 Preterm

No consistent difference has been reported in the levels of lactose between term
and preterm milks [17, 38–40]. This inconsistency has been attributed to differing
sample collection protocols and large inter-individual variability in milk composition
between mothers [40].

4.3 Digestion

Lactose is digested by lactase in the small intestine of the infant to produce glucose
and galactose, which are then transported to the liver via the hepatic portal vein. In
newborn infants the majority of the glucose passes into the peripheral circulation
and is a substrate for energy production. Of the galactose, 94 % is absorbed by the
liver where it is phosphorylated by galactokinase to glucose-1-phosphate. Half is
then converted to glucose and the other half is further metabolized to replenish liver
glycogen stores [41].
16 Role of Breast Milk 317

Normally, lactase activity increases during the third trimester, and therefore, lac-
tose malabsorption is a risk factor for very preterm infants. However, it has been
shown that infants born at < 30 weeks gestation show increasing lactase activity
between 34 weeks and 37 weeks post-gestational age [42].

4.4 Human Milk Oligosaccharides

Human milk oligosaccharides (HMO) are the third largest solid component in
breast milk, after lactose and triacylglycerols, with a concentration of 20–25 g/L
in colostrum, declining to 5–20 g/L in mature breast milk [43]. Oligosaccharides
are complex carbohydrates that range in length from 3 to 10 monosaccharides and
comprise combinations of glucose, galactose, N-acetylglucosamine, fucose, sialic
acid and lactose, with lactose often found at the reducing end. There are over 200
different oligosaccharides and extreme diversity in the oligosaccharide content of
breast milk, with milk from different mothers containing as few as 23 and as many
as 130 different oligosaccharides [44]. HMO are predominantly neutral, with only
10 % being acidic [45]. The pattern of oligosaccharides in the milk depends on the
mother’s secretor (Se) and Lewis (Le) status [46]. The secretor gene codes for α1,2
fucosyl transferase and the Lewis gene codes for α1,3/4 fucosyl transferase [47].
Therefore the milk of Se + Le + mothers (approximately 69 % of Caucasians) con-
tains HMO with α1,2, α1,3, and α1,4 linked fucosyl residues; while the milk of
Se-Le + mothers (approximately 20 % of Caucasians) contains HMO with no α1,2
linkages; and the milk of most of the remaining mothers with an active secretor gene
and an inactive Lewis gene (Se + Le-) contains HMO with no α1,4 linkages [46].
Preterm milk from Se + Le + mothers contains higher concentrations of HMO than
that of both the other genetic groups and term mothers and remains at or above 20 g/L
for at least the first month of lactation.
HMO are largely resistant to digestion in the stomach and small intestine and are
excreted in the infant’s faeces [43]. Supplementation of formula-fed preterm infants
with neutral HMO, with or without the addition of acidic HMO, in concentrations
similar to those of breast milk reduces stool viscosity [48]. A small amount (∼ 1 %)
of HMO is absorbed in the intestine and appears in the infant’s urine [43] but the
significance of this is as yet unknown. It is also possible that HMO, as a rich source of
sialic acid, assists brain development of the neonate and contributes to the intellectual
development of breastfed infants. Therefore, despite their high concentration HMO
are not likely to be a major energy source for the infant. Rather, they have multiple
roles in protection from infection, as described below [43].

5 Protein

Protein provides approximately 8 % of the energy delivered to the infant [49]. Al-
though there is wide variation in the concentration of protein in milk expressed by
individual mothers, the total protein concentration of breast milk is generally higher
318 J. C. Kent et al.

in colostrum (30–70 g/L), before gradually declining to a stable level in mature milk
(7–14 g/L) [39, 50, 51]. The proteins in breast milk can be divided into three dis-
tinct sub groups: caseins, which exist in micellar structures; whey proteins, which are
water-soluble; and the proteins associated with the membrane of the milk fat globule.
In the milk of most mammals, caseins are the major proteins present and the
characteristic white appearance of milk is due to the presence of casein micelles. The
micelles are made up of several casein subunits, calcium phosphate and other ionic
constituents. However, in breast milk casein comprises less than 10 % of the total
protein content in colostrum, 40 % (3.5–5.5 g/L) in mature milk, and roughly 50 % in
late lactation [52]. The low casein content of breast milk results in the formation of a
soft curd in the stomach of the infant that is easily digested and therefore compatible
with frequent feeding which often occurs when infants are fed on demand [53]. The
concentration of casein in bovine milk is 27 g/L [54] (more than 10-fold that of breast
milk) and forms a relatively hard curd that is difficult for infants to digest. Addition of
demineralised whey protein to artificial formula can partially overcome this problem
[55]. Moreover, the low casein content of breast milk is compatible with the low
growth rate of the term infant compared to the young of other species, the milks of
which generally have higher casein contents [56].
The whey proteins constitute the majority of the protein content in breast milk
comprising more than 90 % of the total protein content in colostrum, 60 % in
mature milk, and decreasing to roughly 50 % in late lactation [52]. The whey
proteins comprise principally α-lactalbumin, lactoferrin (lactotransferrin), serum
albumin, enzymes (BSSL, lysozyme), binding proteins (folate-binding protein,
vitamin B12 -binding protein, vitamin D-binding protein, thyroxine-binding protein,
corticosteroid-binding protein), tenascin, macrophage mannose receptor and im-
munoglobulins (secretory IgA, IgG, IgM) [50, 57, 58]. α-Lactalbumin is one of the
major whey proteins of breast milk comprising 10–20 % of the total protein of breast
milk (2–3 g/L) [50, 59]. It is not only a major nutritive protein, with a composition
that is closely matched to the amino acid requirements of infants, but also essential
for the synthesis of lactose.
Most of the milk proteins are synthesized by the rough endoplasmic reticulum
from amino acids derived from the blood. They are then transferred to the Golgi ap-
paratus where phosphorylation and casein micelle formation take place, after which
they are packaged into secretory vesicles and secreted by exocytosis [60]. Other
proteins (albumin, IgA, IgG) are taken up from the blood by endocytosis at the
baso-lateral membrane and transported through the lactocyte. They may be released
directly into the alveolar lumen or secreted with the milk proteins by exocytosis [60].
Non-protein nitrogen comprises 20–25 % of the total nitrogen of breast milk
and includes free amino acids (mainly glutamate and glutamine), carnitine, taurine,
amino sugars, nucleic acids, nucleotides, polyamines, urea and uric acid [61].
Amongst its bioactive factors, breast milk contains cytokines (from the Greek
‘cyto’ = cell and ‘kinos’ = movement), which may be produced by mammary
epithelial cells, breast milk cells, and/or be transported into milk from the maternal
blood circulation [62]. Cytokines are small cell-signalling molecules with a function
in intercellular communication. They can be classified as peptides, proteins or
glycoproteins, and include chemokines, interleukins and interferons. Cytokines
16 Role of Breast Milk 319

have been shown to have primarily immunomodulatory roles, but are also involved
in development [63]. They exert their function by binding to their receptors on the
cell surface, which stimulates a cascade of intracellular events that regulate gene
expression and alter cell function. Thus, the presence of cytokines in breast milk
suggests their involvement in early infant development and protection. It has been
suggested that breast milk cytokines survive the gastrointestinal tract of the infant
[64] which brings forward the hypothesis of passage to the systemic circulation and
transfer to various organs, where they may exert their functions.
Thus, although it is established that breast milk contains a variety of cytokines,
inter- and intra-individual variability in their abundance have been observed. Factors
influencing this variability, such as gestational age at birth, the stage of lactation, the
degree of fullness of the breast, maternal diet, and maternal and/or infant infection,
still remain unclear [62]. Inconsistency of sampling and measurement protocols may
in part explain the observed variation [62]. A recent preliminary study demonstrated
an increase in breast milk proinflammatory cytokines with increasing physical exer-
cise, suggesting a link with caloric expenditure, which merits further investigation
[65]. Future studies should address intra- and inter-individual factors that may in-
fluence milk cytokine concentrations, which may provide further insight into the
roles of these molecules both in the lactating breast and for the breastfed infant.
This may allow improvement of the current recommendations for the nutrition of the
preterm infant. Importantly, accurate and reliable techniques and protocols must be
developed for measuring breast milk cytokines and for the sampling of milk for this
purpose, which is not currently standardised.

5.1 Preterm

The most consistently reported difference between preterm milk and term milk is
in the protein fraction. Many studies have shown that there are 15–20 % higher lev-
els of total protein in preterm milk compared with term milk [17, 38, 39, 66, 67],
although this finding was not universal [68]. Individual proteins do not show con-
sistent differences between preterm milk and term milk. Epidermal growth factor
and sIgA levels are higher in preterm milk [69, 70]. However, leptin (which regu-
lates appetite) is present at lower concentrations in preterm milk compared to term
milk [71], and other proteins appear to be unrelated to gestational age [72]. For the
majority of studies reporting a significant effect of gestational age upon breast milk,
the greatest compositional differences were found early in lactation. After a month
of lactation, the differences between preterm and term milk appear to become much
less pronounced.

5.2 Digestion

The digestive enzyme chymosin in the infant stomach cleaves a specific bond in
κ-casein which destroys the micellar structure and causes casein to aggregate in the
320 J. C. Kent et al.

stomach to form soft curds [73]. Pepsin in the stomach then hydrolyzes large pro-
tein molecules. In the small intestine, the action of enzymes such as trypsin and
chymotrypsin produces small peptide fragments and amino acids that are absorbed
by the intestinal mucosa. The casein is not only a nutritive protein per se, but the
formation of phosphopeptides during digestion keeps the calcium soluble and facil-
itates its absorption. This allows significant amounts of calcium and phosphate to be
transferred to the infant [74].

6 Micronutrients: Vitamins and Minerals

In addition to macronutrients, breast milk provides fat-soluble vitamins, water-

soluble vitamins, minerals and trace minerals for the infant [61]. Unlike the macronu-
trients, the concentration in breast milk of many of these micronutrients is dependent
on the mother’s diet, and it is therefore critical that mothers consume a diet adequate
in micronutrients, in particular thiamin, riboflavin, vitamins B-6 and B-12, vitamin
A, iron and iodine [75, 76].

6.1 Calcium, Phosphate and Magnesium

The total calcium and phosphate concentrations in breast milk are 250 mg/L and
150 mg/L, respectively, and are independent of maternal dietary intake [76]. The
calcium phosphate is maintained in a stable form in milk as an essential component
of casein micelles. Calcium and phosphate are essential for bone mineralization, and
the concentrations in breast milk are normally sufficient for bone mineralization of
the term infant, providing vitamin D levels are adequate.
During pregnancy, the majority of bone mineralization occurs during the
third trimester, when the accretion rates are 100–120 mg/kg/day for calcium and
50–65 mg/kg/day for phosphate [77]. Preterm infants have a significant risk of os-
teopenia of prematurity (decreased bone mineral content) that may lead to rickets
(radiological evidence of bone demineralization). When preterm infants are breast-
fed 40 %, are affected by osteopenia of prematurity [78]. Preterm milk has a calcium
concentration that is equal to or lower than term milk [66, 79, 80] and bone mineral-
ization of preterm infants fed breast milk that is not supplemented with calcium and
phosphorus is lower than the intrauterine rate. Therefore, breast milk for preterm in-
fants requires fortification with calcium and phosphorus [81]. Intrauterine accretion
rates for calcium and phosphorus can be achieved when preterm infants are fed breast
milk supplemented with calcium gluconate-glycerophosphate [80]. Recommenda-
tions for calcium and phosphorus contents of preterm formulas range between 70
and 160 mg of calcium per 100 kcal, and between 50 and 108 mg of phosphorus per
100 kcal [82]. Although it is not clear whether supplementation of breast milk with
magnesium is required, a low level of 6–12 mg per 100 kcal has been recommended
[80, 82, 83].
16 Role of Breast Milk 321

6.2 Vitamin D

Adequate vitamin D is critical for the absorption of calcium from the diet. Newborn
infants initially depend on vitamin D transferred across the placenta to meet require-
ments in early life. Breast milk normally has a very low concentration of vitamin
D, but this can be increased by maternal vitamin D supplementation [84]. Thus, the
vitamin D status of breastfed infants is determined by that of their mothers during
pregnancy and lactation and by their own skin vitamin D synthesis [85]. Some infants
are still presenting with rickets, particularly those with higher skin pigmentation and
receiving insufficient exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D administration (2,000–10,000
IU daily) has been shown to be effective in healing of the rickets [86].

6.3 Trace Elements

Trace elements in breast milk include copper, zinc, barium, cadmium, cesium,
cobalt, cerium, lanthanum, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, lead, rubidium, tin,
strontium, and these show a high bioavailability [87]. During the first 8 weeks post-
partum, preterm milk has a lower concentration of lead, but there are no consistent
differences in the other elements [79]. The selenium, zinc and manganese concen-
trations of preterm milk are adequate, but the copper concentrations are lower than
recommended [88].

7 Protection

The immune system of the infant, and in particular the preterm infant, is immature
and receives significant protection from infection via breast milk. This has been
demonstrated not only in countries where hygiene is less than optimal, but also in
first-world countries with adequate hygiene standards [89].

8 Fat

The fat in breast milk has a major protective role, in addition to its nutritional value.
Both the milk fat globule membrane [90] and the core components of the milk fat
globule can provide protection against microorganisms.
Glycoproteins and glycolipids in the milk fat globule membrane in breast milk
have been found to provide protection against several enteropathogens, predomi-
nantly through acting as soluble receptor homologues that inhibit the binding of
pathogens to their host receptors. The glycoproteins, mucin and lactadherin, have
been shown to protect against rotavirus and E. coli binding, respectively [91, 92].
They are resistant to conditions in the newborn’s stomach and maintain their structure
and function even at low pH and in the presence of pepsin [91, 93]. The membrane
322 J. C. Kent et al.

protein butyrophilin has been found to play a number of immunomodulatory roles

[94, 95]. Similarly xanthine oxidoreductase is able to synthesize the antimicrobial
radical nitric oxide, which inhibits the growth of E. coli and Salmonella enteritides
[96]. In addition, the membrane glycolipids have been shown to inhibit the toxins
from both Vibrio cholerae and E. coli from binding to their epithelial receptors in
vitro [97].
Some of the products of hydrolysis of the core triacylglycerols by digestive lipases
are able to lyse enveloped viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. The most active products
are the monoacylglycerols and the medium-chain lauric acid and the long chain
linoleic acid and oleic acid [98–102].

9 Carbohydrate

9.1 Oligosaccharides

HMO acts as a prebiotic, promoting intestinal growth of certain beneficial bacteria,

in particular Bifidobacterium longum subsp infantis and B. bifidum [103, 104]. In
addition, HMO are further thought to block binding of enteric bacteria and viruses to
the epithelial cells of the gut. For example, HMO with α1,2 linked fucosyl residues
blocked Campylobacter jejuni binding to the intestinal mucosa of mouse pups and
prevented infection [105]. Also, the milk of Se + Le + mothers blocks binding of
norovirus to its receptor, providing a likely mechanism for the reduced incidence of
norovirus diarrhea in the infants of mothers in this milk group [106, 107].
The incidence of necrotising enterocolitis is lower in breast-fed infants than
formula-fed infants, and this has been attributed to HMO [108]. In a neonatal rat
model, one HMO, a specific isomer of disialyllacto-N-tetraose, in concentrations
within the physiological range reported for human milk, significantly reduced necro-
tising enterocolitis [108]. While the action of HMO reduces the incidence of enteric
infection in both term and preterm infants, the effect is likely to have a stronger impact
on preterm infants due to their greater vulnerability to necrotising enterocolitis [109].

10 Protein

10.1 Casein

Digestion of β-casein yields peptides that show cysteine protease inhibiting activity,
suggesting a possible role in antiseptic and anti-infectious functions through protease
inhibition of bacteria and viruses [110]. In addition, peptides generated from the
digestion of κ-casein possess potent antibacterial activity against both gram-positive
and gram-negative bacteria [111].
16 Role of Breast Milk 323

10.2 α-Lactalbumin

Digestion of α-lactalbumin releases polypeptides with bactericidal properties against

a number of gram-positive bacteria [112]. Furthermore, multimeric α-lactalbumin
has been shown to be lethal to tumour cells while not affecting mature epithelial
cells [113].

10.3 Immunoglobulins

The major immunoglobulin in breast milk is sIgA, with a concentration of 0.5–1.0 g/L
in term milk, while monomeric IgA, IgG and IgM are the minor immunoglobulins
in breast milk [114]. Via the entero-mammary pathway, environmental antigens
ingested by the mother will sensitize cells in the maternal intestine. These cells are
transported via the lymphatic system and blood to the mammary gland and start the
formation of antibodies (sIgA) specific to the pathogens to which the mother and
infant have been exposed [114]. The specific sIgA is consumed by the infant. The
sIgA is resistant to proteolysis in the infant’s intestine and is therefore more able to
persist inside the intestinal tract than other immunoglobulins, boosting the infant’s
immune defence system [115]. Interestingly, the concentration of sIgA is highest in
colostrum, at the time when the infant is most vulnerable to infections because its
own immune system is still immature [116].

10.4 Lactoferrin

Breast milk has a high lactoferrin concentration with about 9.7 g/L in colostrum
and 2.9 g/L in mature milk [68]. In vivo studies have shown a protective effect of
lactoferrin against many different types of infections [117–119]. Lactoferrin is an
iron-binding protein that acts as a bacteriostatic by competing with iron-dependent
pathogens for iron [120]. More recent research shows also that lactoferrin binds to the
lipid-A portion of lipopolysaccharide on the cell surface, disrupting the bacterial cell
membrane [121]. Furthermore, lactoferrin inhibits adherence and invasion of bacteria
into mammalian cells. Although the effect of lactoferrin on enteric viruses such as
rotavirus is not yet fully understood, it has been suggested that lactoferrin blocks
viral attachment of feline calicivirus and prevents adenovirus replication [122].
Several activities of lactoferrin other than its primary defence against microbial
and viral infections have also been described. Lactoferrin has several enzymatic activ-
ities such as phosphatase and malto-oligosaccharide hydrolysis. Additionally, there
is evidence that it acts as the major deoxyribonuclease, ribonuclease and adenosine
triphosphatase of breast milk [123]. Furthermore, lactoferrin inhibits iron-dependent
lipid peroxidation, immunomodulation and cell growth regulation [124–126]. It also
324 J. C. Kent et al.

binds to DNA and the binding to specific regions of the DNA drives gene transcrip-
tion and could account for a second level of defense against invading organisms
[127, 128]. Lactoferrin is an activator of natural killer cells and has an anti-tumour
activity [129, 130].
Digestion of lactoferrin in the stomach releases lactoferricin, which not only has
antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal activities but also is capable of stimulating
the immune system and neutralizing endotoxin [131].

10.5 Lysozyme

The concentration of lysozyme in breast milk is 0.05–0.25 g/L, which is around 3,000
times higher than in bovine milk [132]. Lysozyme contributes to the bacteriostatic
properties of milk, however, in vivo evidence for its immunological function in
the infant is still not yet available. Lysozyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of specific
bonds between N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid in the cell walls of
most gram-positive bacteria resulting in lysis [133]. Furthermore, an in vitro study
showed that in the presence of lactoferrin, lysozyme is not only bacteriostatic, but
also bactericidal and can kill some gram-negative bacteria. The mechanism of action
is not fully understood but it has been suggested that following alteration of the
gram-negative outer cell membrane by lactoferrin, lysozyme is able to break down
the inner membrane, ultimately killing the bacteria [134]. Lysozyme also shows anti-
HIV activity in vitro [135]. The mechanism is not fully understood but lysozyme may
act on the free virus and not on the cell-associated virus [74]. Additionally, lysozyme,
lactoferrin and sIgA, particularly in the absence of iron, will lyse amoebas [136].
Further research on this is warranted.

10.6 Cytokines

A recent preliminary study demonstrated a response of breast milk cytokines, such

as IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-17A, IFN-γ and TNF-α, to certain maternal and/or
infant infections [137]. Immune cells in breast milk relate to maternal and infant
infections, but further work is needed to establish the infection-specific response of
breast milk cytokines and their roles in protecting the breastfed infant. These roles
could range from anti-inflammatory actions, to regulating other cytokines and/or
immunoglobulins, to controlling immune and epithelial cell maturation, to indirectly
protecting cell surfaces and tissues against damage [62, 138, 139].
For example, IFN-γ is an immunomodulatory cytokine present in colostrum and
mature breast milk, which regulates immune cell maturation, and has been suggested
to be involved in the protective role of breast milk feeding against allergies [62, 140].
TGF-β is another cytokine with immunomodulatory functions present in varying
levels in colostrum and mature breast milk [62], which is thought to act as an initiator
of IgA production in neonates [138]. At the same time, TGF-β has been shown to
16 Role of Breast Milk 325

prevent atopic disease in breastfed infants [141]. TNF-α is a cytokine involved in

systemic inflammation, which is believed to have immunologic functions both in
the lactating breast and in the breastfed infant, with studies showing that it may be
slightly higher in colostrum than in mature breast milk [62] and that it responds to
infections of the breastfeeding dyad [137].
Cytokines of the interleukin family are also present in colostrum and breast milk
at varying levels, and have either inflammatory or anti-inflammatory functions. IL-1β
is an inflammatory cytokine that is also involved in cell proliferation, differentiation
and apoptosis [142], and has been shown to be produced by breast milk cells [143].
IL-4 is antagonistic to IFN-γ and may decrease from colostrum to mature breast
milk [62]. IL-6 is an anti-inflammatory breast milk cytokine that appears to be very
responsive to maternal and/or infant infections [137] and is known to be involved in
the activation of the acute phase of the immune response [144].

10.7 Preterm

Infants who are born preterm miss out on the transplacental transfer of maternal
immunoglobulins that occurs after 34 weeks of gestation. The immune system of
preterm infants is immature and unable to produce sufficient immunoglobulins [145].
The sIgA in breast milk is, therefore, particularly important to assist in protecting
the preterm infant from infections. These infants are likely to benefit from the higher
concentrations of sIgA that are found in preterm milk compared with to term milk
The lactoferrin concentration of the colostrum of preterm mothers is 5.8 g/L,
which is lower than that of the colostrum of term mothers (9.7 g/L). However, as
the preterm milk matures, the concentration decreases only slightly to 4.6 g/L. A
study of VLBW and ELBW neonates showed that the supplementation of breast
milk with bovine lactoferrin (bLF) reduced the incidence of an episode of late-onset
sepsis [146]. The effect was seen in gram-positive bacterial and in fungal late-onset
sepsis but was not statistically significant for gram-negative bacterial sepsis. Overall
late-onset sepsis occurred in the bLF group less frequently (5.9 %) compared to
the control group (17.3 %). Gram-positive bacterial, gram-negative bacterial and
fungal sepsis occurred less frequently in the bLF group (1.3 %, 4.6 % and 0 %,
respectively) than in the control group (7.7 %, 10.1 % and 5.4 %, respectively) [147].
Additionally, the supplementation of breast milk with bLF commencing within the
first 72 h of life reduced the incidence of invasive fungal infections in VLBW neonates
[148]. Although fungal colonization in the bLF-supplemented group was 17.6 %
compared to the placebo group with 18.5 %, an invasive fungal infection occurred
in the bLF-supplemented group less frequently (0.7 %) compared to the placebo
group (7.7 %). This demonstrates that bLF acts later in the process of the fungus-
host interaction and prevents progressing from colonisation to infection. The study
claims that the supplementation of bLF has the same impact on prevention of invasive
fungal infections as the prophylactic application of fluconazole [148].
326 J. C. Kent et al.

Fig. 16.2 Total cells isolated

from freshly expressed breast
milk. Trypan blue exclusion
was used to discriminate
between dead/dying cells
(dark) and viable cells (the

The concentration of lysozyme in preterm milk is similar to that in term milk

[149]. Xanthine oxidoreductase and macrophage mannose receptor concentrations
are lower in preterm compared with term milk, and the concentrations decrease
further during lactation [58].

11 Cells in Breast Milk

In addition to biochemical components, breast milk contains maternal cells

(Fig. 16.2). These include blood-derived leukocytes as well as cells of the mammary
epithelium. Recent evidence supports a clear link between the leukocyte content of
mature breast milk and maternal/infant infections. A longitudinal study analyzing
colostrum and breast milk from breastfeeding dyads when they were healthy and
when either the mother or the infant or both had an infection showed that although
colostrum normally contains a significant proportion of leukocytes (13–70 % of total
milk cells), mature breast milk from healthy dyads contains very few leukocytes
(0–2 %) [150]. However, general or organ-specific infection of the mother and/or the
infant was associated with a significant increase in the leukocyte content of mature
breast milk, which returned to a low baseline level upon recovery from the infec-
tion. Interestingly, the response of milk leukocyte content to infection was observed
also when only the infant had an infection and the mother was asymptomatic, and
was rapid, and more consistent than either the immunoglobulin or lactoferrin milk
response. This now suggests the use of breast milk leukocytes as a marker of the
health status of both the lactating breast and the breastfeeding infant, and calls for
investigation of the normal range of leukocytes in preterm milk, and the specific
protective benefits they may provide to the preterm infant. In this connection, breast
milk leukocytes may provide protection against NEC to the preterm infant, which
needs further investigation.
16 Role of Breast Milk 327

In contrast to leukocytes, the total cell content of breast milk does not appear to
significantly change with infections of the dyad with the exception of maternal breast
infections [150]. The observed variability in the response of the total breast milk cell
content to infection may be related to non-standardisation of sampling protocols,
which have not usually considered the degree of breast fullness at each collection
time point. Ongoing research is demonstrating that the cellular content of breast milk
is dynamic, changing in response to infant feeding and breast drainage [151]. It has
been previously known that pre-feed milk (from fuller breasts) has lower cell content
than post-feed milk (from emptier breasts) [152]. Expanding on this, Hassiotou et al.
[151] recently demonstrated that the maximum breast milk cell content can be seen
within 30 min post-feeding. This has been so far shown for feeds where a milk
volume of approximately 50 mL or more has been removed. Similar results were
reported for breast milk fat content, suggesting a common or associated mechanism
controlling both the cell and the fat content of breast milk. These findings can now
be used to both standardize milk collection protocols in lactation studies and as a
basis for improvement of the nutrition of preterm infants.
In addition to short-term changes associated with the degree of breast fullness and
milk removal, the milk cellular content and composition also seems to be changing
during the course of lactation, suggesting that it is reflective of modifications that
occur in the mammary epithelium during lactation [153]. The latter is consistent with
the notion that breastfeeding and lactation effect permanent changes in the breast,
which have also been related to reduced breast cancer risk in the long term [154].
These changes are not yet known and merit further investigation.
Thus, it becomes evident that leukocytes are not the predominant cell population
in mature breast milk from healthy dyads. The remaining milk cells are thought to
be of mammary epithelial origin, although one cannot exclude the presence of other
blood-derived cells in breast milk, such as hematopoietic stem cells or red blood
cells [153]. Mammary epithelial cells end up in breast milk through the mechanical
shear forces generated during breastfeeding/breast milk expression and/or via cell
migration and turnover [155]. In either case, they originate from the mammary
epithelium of the lactating breast, which contains an array of epithelial cell types,
representing different developmental stages. These range from early-stage mammary
stem cells, to progenitor cells, to the more differentiated myoepithelial cells and
lactocytes, all of which can be seen in breast milk [153, 155–157]. Indeed, recent
work has identified the presence of stem cells in breast milk and has also demonstrated
a breast milk cellular hierarchy characteristic of the fully mature mammary gland
[155–157]. A population of these stem cells has the potential to differentiate not
only into the different mammary epithelial lineages under mammary differentiation
conditions in vitro, but also into other cell types in corresponding microenvironments,
such as bone cells, brain cells, liver cells, pancreatic beta cells, and heart cells [155].
This new discovery opens new avenues for exploration of the potential of breast milk-
derived stem cells to be used in regenerative medicine, particularly given that they
are not tumorigenic [155]. It also generates many other questions to be addressed,
such as the potential function of breast milk stem cells for the breastfed infant, in
which they may play important developmental roles.
328 J. C. Kent et al.

Although the role of breast milk stem cells for either the term or the preterm infant
has not yet been explored, it can be postulated that both these cells and regulatory
components they produce, such as microRNAs, may pass unharmed through the
gastrointestinal tract of the infant and enter the blood circulation, from which they
can be transported to distant sites, assisting in tissue development [155, 158]. This has
indeed been demonstrated for milk leukocytes in animals, including primate models
[159, 160], and is thus conceivable that it also occurs in humans for other milk cells,
such as the stem cells. This natural process of transfer of cells and genetic material
from the mother to the infant via breastfeeding may be particularly important for the
preterm infant, whose tissues are not as developed as those of the term newborn. In
addition, breast milk stem cells could be used as a natural stem cell therapy for the
treatment of fatal neonate diseases, such as chronic lung disease or hepatic steatosis.
Therefore, the discovery of stem cells in breast milk now opens new avenues for
improving the current understanding of developmental programming associated with
breast milk feeding, and how the latter can be adjusted to provide maximal support for
the survival and optimal growth of the preterm infant. In this connection, the effects
of breast milk preservation and storage, such as pasteurisation and freezing, on cell
activity need to be examined and taken into account when considering methods of
breast milk preparation for the preterm infant.

12 Summary

Breast milk alone can meet the nutrient needs of term infants during the first 6
months, with the possible exception of vitamin D in certain populations and iron
in infants of relatively low birth weight [161]. For preterm infants, the nutritional
benefits of feeding breast milk, in terms of protein digestion, amino and fatty acid
patterns, fat absorption, and lactose digestion and gastrointestinal function are rec-
ognized. Although the optimum nutrition of preterm infants is unknown, it has been
demonstrated that breast milk for preterm infants needs to be supplemented with
calcium and phosphorus, while protein and sodium supplements may also be needed
[80]. Research is needed to determine the precise quantity of nutrients to be added
as supplements [162].
Compared with preterm formula, the feeding of fortified breast milk may provide
significant protection to the preterm infant from infection and NEC. The potential
stimulation of an enteromammary pathway through skin-to-skin contact provides
species-specific antimicrobial protection for preterm infants, including nosocomial
pathogens [162]. Thus, for preterm infants, neonatal centers should encourage the
feeding of fortified breast milk, together with skin-to-skin contact, as reasonable
methods to enhance milk production while potentially facilitating the development
of an enteromammary response [162]. Facilitation of feeding of a mother’s own milk
should be adopted by neonatal units [163].
16 Role of Breast Milk 329

Acknowledgments PEH, FH and JCK are recipients of an unrestricted research grant from Medela
AG (Switzerland). LC receives scholarship support from Carag AG (Switzerland). FH also received
scholarship support from the Women and Infants Research Foundation, Western Australia.


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Chapter 17
Breastfeeding the Preterm Infant

Perrella Sharon, Boss Melinda and Geddes Donna

Abstract Based on the evidence for its short and long term benefits, full breast-
feeding is the optimal aim for the preterm infant-mother dyad. The preterm infant’s
transition to full oral feeding is frequently complicated by neurological and devel-
opmental immaturity as well as accompanying co-morbidities. Currently there is
limited evidence available to guide feeding strategies for these infants, and few val-
idated diagnostic tools available to assist health professionals in assessing feeding
progress for these infants. The current knowledge of breastfeeding the preterm infant
is summarised in this chapter. We look forward to more research elucidating the most
effective means of achieving and sustaining full breastfeeding in this population.

Keywords Breast/breastfeeding · Breast milk · Lactation · Preterm · Premature ·

Infant · Feeding · Suck/ing · Swallow/ing · Breathing · Respiration · Breast expression

Key points
• Early and frequent expression of milk improves milk production.
• Preterm infants are at high risk of feeding difficulties.
• Frequent feeding at the breast improves breastfeeding outcomes.
• Infant feeding efficiency and effectiveness improves with increased ability to
create a vacuum.
• Breastfeeding support is often required post discharge to achieve full breastfeed-

1 Introduction

Breastfeeding is a multi-dimensional relationship between the mother and infant with

a wide range of factors contributing to its establishment and continuation [1]. These
include nutritional, biological, psychological, demographic, cultural and social com-
ponents (Table 17.1). For breastfeeding to be biologically successful it is essential

P. Sharon () · B. Melinda · G. Donna

School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Western Australia,
35 Stirling Highway, Crawley 6009, Perth, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 337

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3_17, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
338 P. Sharon et al.

Table 17.1 Factors implicated in breastfeeding duration. (Adapted from Thulier and Mercer [172])
Variable Association with breastfeeding
Race Asian, White, Hispanic and Black women ranked in order of
success (US)
Age Increased age is positively associated with breastfeeding
Martial status Married women have higher rates and duration of
Level of education Higher levels of education associated with higher rates and
duration of breastfeeding
Socioeconomic status Women of lower socioeconomic status are less likely to feed
and for shorter periods
Insufficient milk supply Real and perceived insufficient milk supply is strongly
associated with early weaning
Infant health Mothers of sick or preterm infants are at high risk of early
Maternal obesity Obese women are more likely to terminate breastfeeding
earlier than women within the normal weight range
Physical challenges Pain and disruption of feeding due to sore nipples,
engorgement, blocked ducts are common reason for
weaning within the first 6 weeks postpartum
Maternal smoking Maternal smoking is negatively associated with duration of
Parity Generally multiparity and previous breastfeeding experience
(more than 4 months) is associated with longer
breastfeeding durations
Mode of delivery Some studies show a negative association between caesarean
section delivery and breastfeeding duration and others show
no effect
Maternal work Generally paid work has been associated with lower
breastfeeding duration however the hours of work may have
an impact
Support from significant Studies are limited to the father’s support and lactation
others education, which has been shown to have a positive effect
on duration of breastfeeding
There are indications that high stress marital relationships and
responsibility for most home/family tasks have a negative
impact on duration of breastfeeding
Peer support tends to be more effective than professional
support. Inconsistent advice/support is implicated in early
Professional support Prenatal educational support may or may not improve
breastfeeding rates
Appropriate professional support postpartum has a positive
influence on breastfeeding duration
Prenatal maternal intention Intention to breastfeed is related to longer durations of
Maternal value of Both maternal interest and confidence in feeding are
breastfeeding and associated with longer breastfeeding duration
17 Breastfeeding the Preterm Infant 339

that the infant removes adequate amounts of breast milk to ensure optimal infant
growth and continuing stimulation of milk synthesis [2, 3]. Furthermore, safe and
efficient feeding requires adequate coordination of sucking, swallowing and breath-
ing [4–6]. Many preterm infants encounter feeding difficulties, due to neurological
and developmental immaturity which may be further compounded by co-morbidities.
Generally, ‘late preterm’ infants born at 35–37 weeks’ gestation experience a rela-
tively short period of feeding difficulties that may be impacted by conditions such as
respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) before transitioning to full breastfeeding prior
to discharge. The feeding trajectory of very preterm infants (born < 33 weeks) is
more likely to be impacted by immaturity and co-morbidities such as chronic lung
disease, intracranial haemorrhage and anaemia. For all preterm infants, feeding sup-
port should be focused toward breastfeeding as the best possible outcome for the
mother and infant.

2 Milk Production

2.1 Initiation

The initiation of lactation (secretory activation) is triggered by the withdrawal of pro-

gesterone after the delivery of the placenta and therefore observed 30–40 h after birth
[7]. Other hormones necessary for secretory activation include prolactin, insulin and
cortisol [8] and are permissive rather than a trigger for initiation. Secretory activation
is tightly coupled to the birth to ensure adequate provision of nutrition and perhaps
more importantly for infant protection. Colostrum is produced prior to the closure
of paracellular pathways allowing the transfer of high molecular weight molecules.
This results in a fluid rich in anti-inflammatory and anti-infective components simi-
lar to those in amniotic fluid and appears to impact the digestive system enormously
stimulating rapid growth of the intestinal mucosa and inducing the secretion of di-
gestive enzymes [9]. Colostrum contains high concentrations of lactoferrin, sIgA,
oligosaccharides, antioxidants and growth factors. Women who deliver preterm pro-
duce colostrum with the highest concentration of immunoprotective components for
longer periods than mothers of term infants [9].
Mothers of preterm infants that exclusively express their milk may experience
a delay in initiation and tend to produce less milk at secretory activation than
breastfeeding mothers of term infants [10, 11]. The reason for delay and low milk
production in preterm mothers is unclear however factors such as maternal Type 1
diabetes and obesity, maternal medications, mode of delivery, anaesthetic agents,
maternal-infant separation, maternal stress and frequency of pumping have been
implicated [12].
Mean milk output (37–169 mL/day) for a pump dependent preterm mother in
the first 2 days is similar to volumes taken by the term infant [13]. However at
day 5 milk productions of women that delivered at 31–35 weeks’ gestation ranged
from 20–550 mL/day [14] compared to 240–560 mL/day produced by the full term
340 P. Sharon et al.

breastfeeding mother at the same time point [15]. By the 2nd week of lactation a
preterm mother pumps 350–500 mL/day [16–19] whereas term infants receive 500–
1,000 mL/day [20]. Pumping studies show that milk production in the preterm mother
tends to be maintained around 340–640 mL/day [16, 21] rather than increase over

2.2 Control of Milk Production

For the breastfeeding term infant breast milk production generally matches infant
demand during established lactation [22]. The amount of milk stored within the
breast determines the rate of milk synthesis i.e., a full breast has a lower rate of
synthesis compared to a breast drained of milk [23]. It is assumed that the rate of
milk synthesis is controlled by the accumulation of a protein called the feedback
inhibitor of lactation (FIL) [24]. The rate of synthesis fluctuates in term breastfed
infants due to variable feed volumes. Term mothers have been shown to increase milk
production by expressing the remaining milk after breastfeeds [25]. Thus complete
drainage of the breast is essential for the pump dependent preterm mother in order to
increase milk synthesis and production. Other factors that influence milk production
and recommended management are shown in Table 17.2.

3 Milk Ejection

Breast milk is synthesized and stored mainly within the alveoli of the breast. The
milk ejection reflex makes milk available to be removed by either the infant or ex-
pressing. This reflex is critical as little milk is removed from the breast in its absence
[26]. Stimulation of the nipple conveys nervous impulses to the hypothalamus which
stimulate the posterior pituitary gland to release oxytocin into the bloodstream. Oxy-
tocin binds to receptors on the myoepithelial cells surrounding the alveoli causing
them to contract thereby forcing milk into the milk ducts. The milk ducts expand and
intra-ductal pressure increases further facilitating removal of milk by the infant or
pump [26, 27]. The milk ejection reflex can be conditioned and often mothers eject
in response to the sight or cries of their infant [28]. Stress has a detrimental effect by
limiting the amount of oxytocin released and thereby reducing the amount of milk
delivered to the infant [29] or removed by the pump [30]. The preterm mother is
subject to considerable amounts of stress and therefore efforts should be made to
reduce its levels. Pumping at the infant’s bedside has been shown to be beneficial for
milk production although some mothers prefer privacy. Whichever is more comfort-
able for the mother is the most conducive to milk ejection. Relaxation techniques
such as massage and listening to music have also been shown to increase milk output
[30, 31].
17 Breastfeeding the Preterm Infant 341

Table 17.2 Factors known to affect milk production and the recommended management
Factors affecting milk production Recommended management
Retained placental fragments Surgical removal of fragments to decrease
maternal blood progesterone levels
Delayed initiation of lactation Early removal of colostrum and subsequent
frequent pumping
Use of a variable pumping pattern
Massage prior to pumping
Low prolactin levels Prescribed galactogogues such as domperidone
Interruption of mammary development Increase frequency of pumping with/without
Ineffective breast emptying: Instruction in effective breast
Engorgement pumping—duration of pumping, appropriate
Blocked ducts vacuum levels, simultaneous pumping and
Mastitis breast massage both prior to during pumping
Infrequent pumping (< 5 expressions/day) Increase number of expressions per day,
simultaneous pumping
Maternal infant separation Increase frequency and duration of skin-to-skin
Poor positioning and attachment Ensure breast is relatively full to improve milk
Experimentation with techniques to provide
support for the infant’s weak neck and facial
Deformation of the breast to assist the baby to
Breast massage to encourage milk flow whilst
Dysfunctional suck (incl. inability to create Use of nipple shield
adequate vacuum and poor coordination)
Feeding from a less full breast
Maternal breast anomalies: More frequent and effective pumping
Primary hypoplasia Consideration of galactogogues
Post radiation
Scarring from breast surgery, trauma, nipple
Post severe abscess
Stress and fatigue Pumping at the bedside or in a relaxed place
Drugs: Avoid known medications that affect milk
Alcohol, opiates production Timing and dosage of drugs in
Pseudoephedrine relation to breastfeeding/expression may
limit effects on the infant

4 Expression of Breast Milk

The relationship between the health and cost benefits of human milk is dose dependent
in that the greatest benefits are associated with higher doses [9, 32]. Many preterm
infants cannot breastfeed in the weeks following birth and their mothers are dependent
on a breast pump to initiate and establish lactation. Unfortunately many women
struggle to produce a full milk supply [9, 11, 21]. Early and frequent breast milk
342 P. Sharon et al.

expression is critical to the initiation of lactation after preterm birth with frequency of
expressions positively correlated with milk volume [33]. Mothers expressing fewer
than 6 times/day produce lower daily milk volumes than women expressing more
frequently [18]. This effect is consistent with the short-term control of milk synthesis
in that extended intervals between expressions slow the rate of milk synthesis. Despite
current recommendations to pump 8–10 times/day most women pump 6 times/day
on average [34].
Simultaneous (double) pumping has been shown to extract greater volumes of
milk compared to sequential (single) pumping in mothers of preterm [35, 36] and
term infants [37] with the advantage of halving pumping time. Pumping at the in-
fant’s bedside or in a relaxed environment may also be conducive to better pumping
performance [38] by decreasing maternal stress thereby facilitating milk ejection.
Other factors have been shown to promote milk production in mothers of preterm
infants. Skin-to-skin contact not only stimulates milk production but also extends the
breastfeeding duration [34, 39–41]. Non-nutritive sucking at the breast is thought to
stimulate the maternal release of prolactin and oxytocin and have a positive effect on
milk production [42]. More recently two additional interventions have been reported
to have a positive effect on milk expression. One study compared the effects of a
standard 2-phase pumping pattern on a hospital grade electric breast pump with a
pumping pattern similar to that of the breastfeeding infant in the first 3 postnatal days
on milk production in mothers of preterm infants. Mothers who used the ‘newborn’
pumping pattern produced significantly more milk from day 6–14 than mothers using
the standard pumping pattern [17]. The inclusion of breast massage/expression during
pumping is also effective in increasing milk volume [43, 44] and caloric content [45].

5 Physiology of Oral Feeding

Due to neurological and motor immaturity preterm infants are at risk for feeding diffi-
culties particularly those with underlying complications such as gastro-oesophageal
reflux, chronic respiratory disease [46] and neurological impairment [47]. Attain-
ment of full oral feeding is often the sole unmet criteria that delays discharge [48].
A fundamental knowledge of the physiology of feeding is therefore essential to de-
velop interventions that support the preterm infant as well as minimise long term
behavioural eating disorders [49, 50].

6 Intragastric Tube Feeding

Preterm infants are often fed via a nasogastric or orogastric feeding tube as they tran-
sition to full oral feeds. Supplementation of breastfeeds via a tube is associated with
higher rates of breastfeeding [51] compared to bottle-feeding at discharge. However
the presence of the feeding tube also impacts bottle-feeds resulting in lower minute
17 Breastfeeding the Preterm Infant 343

ventilation, tidal volume, heart rate and oxygen saturation accompanied by more
prolonged desaturations [52, 53] compared to feeding without the tube in situ [53].
Pacifiers are often used during tube feeding although evidence of positive effects is
conflicting. Positive influences such as increased intestinal transit time, rapid weight
gain [54] and calmer behavioural state [55] have been demonstrated. A Cochrane
review did not find a consistent benefit of non-nutritive sucking although a reduction
in transition time from tube to bottle-feeds and improved bottle-feeding performance
was noted. Rapid progression to full feeds is highly desirable as prolonged tube feed-
ing is associated with poor sucking ability and increased risk of feeding problems
[56–58]. Oro-gastric tubes have also been shown to cause deep palatal grooves, high
arched palates, lip or gum clefts, laryngeal trauma and subglottic stenosis that can
impede successful oral feeding and increase later dental complications [58]. This
transition process may be further complicated and protracted due to serious illness
or the necessity to deliver frequent feeds [59].

7 Readiness for Oral Feeding

Many NICUs use corrected gestational age [46] or infant weight as criteria for initi-
ating oral feeding with infant behaviour as an additional indicator of readiness [60].
Others have employed a developmental assessment approach where recognition of
the behavioural organization of the infant is considered to be reflective of central
nervous system maturation [61]. This approach that utilises the assessment of infant
alertness and the ability to maintain this state as a cue to begin oral feeding, has been
shown to decrease the duration of parenteral nutrition and transition to oral feeding
[62]. Feeding readiness behaviours such as mouthing, hand sucking, tongue sucking,
hand to mouth and hand swipes are also predictive of feeding efficiency [63]. More
recently others have taken similar approaches to encourage earlier oral feeding [64].
Thoyre et al. [65] investigated the use of a co-regulated approach, involving acoustic
enhancement of infant breathing and swallowing during feeding allowing identifica-
tion of signature feeding patterns thereby promoting individualised feeding support.
They found that the person feeding the infant was more responsive to the infant
leading to improved infant behavioural state and physiological responses (e.g., less
time in a desaturated state). Nyqvist however recommends that breastfeeding can be
initiated by facilitating competence of the infant rather than assessing readiness for
oral feeding [59].

8 Initiation and Establishment of Breastfeeding

Once the infant has demonstrated the ability to successfully attach to the breast, the
mother is encouraged to offer breastfeeds daily, increasing in frequency in response
to the infant’s growing alertness, stamina and ability to feed. Until the infant is able
344 P. Sharon et al.

to suck two consecutive oral feeds, alternating breastfeeds with interim measures
such as intra-gastric tube feeding provides the opportunity for infant rest between
breastfeeds. However the challenges of travel and family commitments make this
difficult for some mothers. Hospital facilities allowing the parents to stay with their
infant are conducive to achieving breastfeeding rapidly. Parent involvement in infant
care is acknowledged to be integral to both the smooth transition of feeding and
settling into family life [66].
Full oral feeding is a criterion for discharge for most neonatal nurseries therefore
many preterm infants receive a combination of breast and bottle feeds, with full
breastfeeding achieved in the weeks following discharge home. Complementary
feeds are necessary as most very preterm infants are discharged before reaching full
term and breastfeeding at discharge is often inefficient in that adequate feed volumes
are not consistently taken [67]. Breastfeeding support is essential during the nursery
stay and beyond discharge to guide families in the transition to full breastfeeding

9 Breastfeeding

Defining the normal breastfeeding relationship provides a framework by which suc-

cess can be measured. For the term breastfeeding relationship the 4 key factors that
are considered critical to success are:
1. Breastfeeding provides a comfortable (absence of pain/discomfort) and satisfying
nurturing experience for both the mother and her infant.
2. Breastfeeding provides optimal nutrition (adequate milk supply) for normal infant
3. Breastfeeding provides innate immune protection and facilitates optimum infant
4. Breastfeeding facilitates a mutually beneficial physical, cognitive and emotional
interaction for mother and infant.
Considering the preterm infant’s immaturity, breastfeeding is often difficult and
presents a challenge to their caretakers. Nevertheless the aim is to improve the infant’s
functional sucking skills by enhancing neurological and motor development to attain
full breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding requires a complex interaction and coordination of the jaw, hyoid
bone, tongue, palate, pharynx and, larynx to coordinate rhythmic patterns of infant
sucking, swallowing and breathing [69, 70]. Humans exhibit two types of sucking
patterns, nutritive sucking (NS), where milk is consumed in long bursts with short
rest periods [4]; and non-nutritive sucking (NNS) which is characterised by a series
of regulated burst and rest periods with little removal of milk [4].
Tongue function is of major importance during infant sucking as it is integral
to both the removal of milk from the breast and its safe clearance from the oral
cavity [71], yet exactly how the tongue functions during sucking is often the subject
17 Breastfeeding the Preterm Infant 345

Fig. 17.1 Sagittal ultrasound images of a breastfeeding term infant. AT -anterior tongue, MT —mid
tongue, PT —posterior tongue, HP—hard palate, SP-soft palate, HSPJ—hard soft palate junction,
NB-nipple base. (a) tongue up—note the tongue is in apposition with the hard and soft palate.
(b) tongue down—as the tongue lowers vacuum increases, the nipple expands evenly and moves
towards the HSPJ and milk flows into the oral cavity

of considerable debate. Two theories describing the sucking mechanism exist: the
Stripping Action theory [72, 73] and the Vacuum theory [74].
The Stripping Action theory suggests that compression of the breast by the
superior ridge of the infant’s mandible followed by a peristaltic tongue movement
squeezes milk from the nipple [73]. This hypothesis was based on the presence
of lactiferous sinuses that were believed to hold significant milk volumes. Recent
studies show that the main milk ducts are small, not holding large amounts of milk
[75, 76]. Negative intra-oral pressure created by depression of the posterior tongue
is secondary and believed to allow refilling of the sinuses with milk.
The Vacuum theory of milk removal suggests that the creation of an intra-oral vac-
uum is the primary mechanism of milk removal [74]. Intra-oral vacuum is generated
by the movement of the tongue downwards away from the palate to create a negative
pressure resulting in milk flow. More evidence is rapidly accumulating emphasising
the importance of adequate vacuum for effective feeding in preterm infants, infants
with bronchopulmonary disease and cleft lip and palate infants. Recent ultrasound
studies have not shown marked peristaltic tongue actions during the milk removal
phase of the suck cycle during breastfeeding (Fig. 17.1) [77–79].

10 Nipple Shields

Full breastfeeding in the preterm infant is often hindered by immature feeding skills
and reduced energy levels manifested by difficulty in achieving and sustaining at-
tachment to the breast, very short suck bursts and falling asleep after a short time.
Nipple shields were originally designed to assist breastfeeding in women with in-
verted nipples or nipple pain but are often employed to enable the preterm infant
346 P. Sharon et al.

Fig. 17.2 Preterm infant

feeding with a nipple shield.
Copyright Medela AG
reprinted with permission

to attach to the breast and improve milk transfer. Meier demonstrated a significant
increase in mean milk intake with the nipple shield compared to without (3.9 vs.
18.4 mL). Although the long-term effect of nipple shields is not established, Meier’s
data suggest that they do not decrease duration of breastfeeding in preterm infants
The shield should be fitted so that the nipple fits the shield easily and positioned
so that the cut out is placed where the infant’s nose will be when feeding. A little
sterile water or expressed breast milk expressed onto the shield facilitates attachment
to the skin of the breast. As the infant opens his/her mouth the shield is gently guided
over the tongue without forcing it into the mouth. The hand supporting the infant’s
head can be used to guide the infant onto the shield so that his/her nose is almost
touching the breast. The aim is to have the infant’s mouth opened wide so that the
lips are close to the base of the shield (Fig. 17.2). Compression of the breast during
feeding will help to improve milk removal.

11 Bottle-Feeding

Bottle-feeding is not physiologically equivalent to breastfeeding and therefore not

generally encouraged as a replacement of the breast. Bottle-feeding provides fixed
feed volumes at regular intervals, which is not conducive to establishing or main-
taining breastfeeding during which the mother responds to the infant’s feeding cues
and differing milk volumes are taken at each feeding depending on infant satiety
and availability of milk. There are concerns that ‘nipple confusion’ may occur when
bottle-feeding is introduced despite little evidence of its existence.
It is important to note that the delivery of milk via a bottle is markedly different to
that from the breast. Milk is not available from the breast unless milk ejection occurs.
Milk ejection is a transient process (∼ 2 min in duration) and milk flow increases
sharply followed by a gradual decrease until the next milk ejection. Multiple milk
ejections are common during breastfeeding and pumping and represent the amount
17 Breastfeeding the Preterm Infant 347

of time milk available for removal [26, 27]. In contrast bottles deliver milk freely
under the influence of gravity and milk flow rate is governed by the size of the hole
at the end of the teat. Different tongue movements have been demonstrated on teats
of different flow rates [81]. Further facial muscles are engaged differently during
bottle-feeding compared to breastfeeding [82]. Vacuums applied by term infants
during breastfeeding are approximately twice that applied to bottles. This may be
because the nipple must be elongated and positioned optimally to enable successful
removal and control of the oral bolus or it may be a reflection of the variable milk
flow rates during breastfeeding.
Bottle-feeding is still implemented as the preferred alternative to intra-gastric tube
feeding when the preterm infant is able to suck feeds, in the absence of the mother
and to supplement breastfeeding as it is being established. Bottle feeding is more
efficient and delivers larger quantities of milk per feed compared to the breast [83],
however breastfeeding success has been achieved by the routine measurement of
milk intake by test weighing infants with an accurate scale before full breastfeeding
has been established.
When choosing to bottle-feed the preterm infant there is some debate on the most
suitable type of teat. No universal type of teat has been identified yet and this may be
due to the infant’s ability to adapt and modify their sucking to maintain a desirable rate
of transfer that is conducive to good suck-swallow-breathe coordination [84]. Fucile
et al. however demonstrated that for VLBW infants a controlled-flow vacuum-free
bottle system improved feed volumes and rate of milk transfer, reduced feed duration
and infants tolerated faster milk flow rates compared to a standard bottle [85].

12 Alternative Methods of Supplementation

Whilst bottle-feeding is perhaps the most common form of supplementation to breast-

feeding, several alternatives exist. Cup feeding is used in some nurseries to avoid
nipple confusion. Different types of vessels are used and can be effective, depending
on the care giver’s experience. In some settings a significant spillage of milk has
been reported, with infants receiving reduced volumes [86] whereas, others have
shown more positive effects such as less desaturation episodes and a greater inci-
dence of breastfeeding at 3 months compared to bottle-feeding [87]. Supplemental
feeding systems can be employed and consist of two feeding tubes connected to a
milk reservoir. The feeding tubes are taped alongside the nipple allowing supplemen-
tation while the infant is breastfeeding. Finger feeding is also an option particularly
in cases where the infant is not able to suck at the breast. A feeding tube is taped to
the finger and connected to a milk-filled syringe or reservoir and the infant siphons
the milk while sucking on the mother’s finger. It is believed that this method reduces
nipple confusion however little data is available other than one study that showed an
increase in breastfeeding rates at discharge [88]. The advantages and disadvantages
of these techniques are summarised in Table 17.3.
348 P. Sharon et al.

Table 17.3 Advantages and disadvantages of alternative feeding methods to breastfeeding for
preterm infants
Feeding method Advantages Disadvantages
Supplemental feeding Oral-tactile experiences are at the Cumbersome equipment may
systems breast reduce maternal
Less opportunity to develop nipple Flow rate may be difficult to
confusion adjust
Increased opportunity to develop Infant sensitivity to the
breastfeeding skills feeding tube
Stimulation of mother’s nipples to Difficulty achieving optimal
promote milk production breastfeeding position and
attachment to the breast
whilst positioning the tube
for good milk flow
Finger feeding Believed to reduce nipple confusion Reduced gape of the
as the infant sucks milk mouth—conditioning may
be problematic for
breastfeeding where the
mouth should be opened
Potential to encourage improved The lack of elasticity of the
tongue movements finger compared to the
nipple and the lack of
necessity to hold the finger
in position in the mouth
may not be conducive to
Cup feeding Lapping of milk improves Potential risk of aspiration
co-ordination of swallowing and with poor technique
Potential to avoid nipple confusion Longer feed times
Increased oxygenation and reduced Milk wastage due to milk
energy expenditure due to the spilt during feeding and
slower pace of feeding difficulty assessing volume
consumed by the infant
Possible breast refusal related
long term cup feeding
Bottle-feeding Ease of feeding compared to the Ease of this method may
breast (vacuum applied is lower diminish motivation to
than that applied during breastfeed particularly due
breastfeeding) to the confidence that the
prescribed amount of milk
is actually delivered to the
Large variation in teat shapes, sizes
and flow rates which gives
flexibility in choice to match the
infant’s feeding ability
17 Breastfeeding the Preterm Infant 349

13 Suck-Swallow-Breathe Coordination

Suck-swallow-breathe (SSB) co-ordination is one of the most complex tasks required

of the infant and is therefore often underdeveloped and a major impediment to oral
feeding in the preterm infant. No studies have precisely described the temporal rela-
tionship of SSB co-ordination for either breast or bottle-feeding. Often oral feeding
is not initiated before 32 weeks and sometimes as late as 34–36 weeks based on
the premise that SSB co-ordination is poor before 34 weeks. Few studies exist doc-
umenting the maturation of the SSB reflex. Mizuno and Ueda showed significant
maturation between 33 and 36 weeks gestation in a cohort of infants 32–36 weeks’
gestation [89]. Lau tracked maturation in infants from 34 to 42 weeks’ post menstrual
age and their results suggest that good SSB coordination is reliant on two factors; a
consistent suck-swallow ratio of 1:1 or 2:1 and timing of the swallow during a safe
point in the respiratory cycle which is at the beginning of either the inspiration or
expiration [90]. It should be noted that these studies have not been performed on
breastfeeding preterm infants where milk is ejected from the breast in a sporadic
fashion with variable rates of milk flow. Research in this area is urgently required to
provide a basis for supporting breastfeeding.

14 Interventions to Enhance Feeding

In recent years a number of studies have attempted to accelerate maturation of oral

feeding by providing different types of stimulation. Fucile et al. [91] applied oral
or non-oral stimulation, or a combination of both, to enhance feeding performance.
The oral intervention consisted of NNS for 3 min with a pacifier and two sessions of
stroking of the cheeks, lips, gums and tongue for 12 min [92]. Non-oral stimulation
comprised of two sessions of stroking the head, neck, back, arms and legs (10 min)
and passive movement of the limbs (5 min) [93]. All three interventions improved
the effectiveness and efficiency of feeding as measured by volume taken in 5 min,
total volume taken, rate of transfer of milk (mL/min), and time taken to transition to
oral feeding. It is important to note that sensorimotor stimulation remote from the
oral area has beneficial effects on feeding reflecting the multifaceted dimensions of
feeding involving the neurological, cardiorespiratory and gastrointestinal systems.
Further in an extension of this study protocol to examine the effects of oral and
non-oral interventions on SSB coordination it was found that oral stimulation alone
improved sucking and expression amplitudes and swallow-respiration coordination
was improved for all three groups (oral, non-oral and combined) [94].
In the majority of the studies designed to promote oral feeding the researchers or
hospital staff have carried out the intervention. Furthermore assessments of feeding
performance have been made exclusively on bottle-feeds. In the context of supporting
breastfeeding it is logical to involve the mother in any intervention that might promote
oral feeding. A small pilot study endeavoured to do so and the intervention group
achieved full oral feeds 3 days earlier than the control group, were discharged 5
350 P. Sharon et al.

days earlier and had significant improvement in oral motor function as assessed by
Neonatal Oral Motor Assessment Score (NOMAS). No details were provided on the
effect on breastfeeding for these infants. However these results are encouraging in
that developmental interventions can be implemented effectively by a parent or carer
in a family centred approach [95].
Effective SSB coordination is essential to avoid aspiration. While NNS sucking
is considered reflective of sucking skills it is not necessarily indicative of a well
coordinated swallow [90]. Patterned orocutaneous simulation or entrainment has
been shown to be beneficial in enhancing oral feeding skills beyond that expected by
maturation alone particularly in infants with sucking difficulties and those with RDS
[96, 97]. This approach is centered on the effect of sensory neural activity during the
critical periods of late gestation and early infancy in the development of ororhythmic
and deglutition networks [98, 99]. A pacifier is actively controlled to produce a
burst-pause pattern similar to NNS bursts measured in infants and the stimulation
of the oral mechanoreceptors imputing into the trigeminal system primes swallow
circuits and improves development of orofacial motor control [100].

15 Opportunity to Feed

Several studies have confirmed that increasing the opportunity to feed results in
significant improvements in sucking parameters such as increased suck bursts and
sucking rates [101, 102] and a shorter time to full oral feeds [103–105]. Whilst bottle-
feeding at the same frequency of breastfeeding is more efficient and effective it is
possible that the infant is more able to coordinate sucking, swallowing and breathing
at the breast [83] which is reflected in better oxygen saturation levels [106]. Sucking
at an empty breast at less than 32 weeks [38] has been promoted based on the
benefits of NNS at a pacifier [107]. Semi demand feeding however has been shown
to promote the age at which full breastfeeding is attained in VLBW infants [108].
Furthermore there is evidence that the introduction of oral feeds should be based
on cardiorespiratory stability rather than weight, age or maturational development
[109]. The addition of frequent skin-to-skin contact increases the exposure of the
infant to the breast and encourages more frequent attempts at breastfeeding leading
to greater rates of exclusive breastfeeding [110].

16 Assessments of Feeding

The majority of specific feeding assessments have been developed for the bottle-fed
preterm infant. Only a few are specifically designed for breastfeeding. These assess-
ments aim to provide a valid means of monitoring feeding development facilitating
both the design and the monitoring of interventions. All published feeding assess-
ments for preterm infants lack adequate psychometric testing due to the difficulty
17 Breastfeeding the Preterm Infant 351

in standardising clinical assessments. More objective measures are likely to be less

affected by observer error. Research in this area is only beginning to emerge.
The Neonatal Oral Motor Assessment Score (NOMAS) was designed to catego-
rize oral-motor patterns conducive to poor feeding. Results pertaining to the validity
of the scale are mixed in that while da Costa showed satisfactory intra-rater reliabil-
ity, inter-rater reliability was fair. A recent study reported that NOMAS was a poor
predictor of the timing of full oral feeding compared to baseline measures such as
gestation, birth weight and efficiency of first feeding [111]. Da Costa et al used NO-
MAS to assess sucking longitudinally in term breastfed and bottle-fed infants. Most
of the disorganised episodes of sucking were observed in bottle-fed infants [112].
They also employed NOMAS to show that small for gestational age preterm infants
tend to reach mature sucking patterns at term corrected age [113] and that infants
with bronchopulmonary dysplasia often have difficulty coordinating swallowing and
breathing even at term corrected age [114].
The Infant Breastfeeding Assessment Tool (IBFAT) [115, 116] subjectively as-
sesses infant behaviour, attachment, effective feeding and mother’s experience of
feeding. When evaluated for use in VLBW preterm infants, IBFAT had variable re-
liability and lacked predictive validity, and scores were weakly associated with milk
intake [117]. The inability to differentiate between adequate and inadequate milk
intake at the breast somewhat limits the usefulness of IBFAT.
Preterm Infant Breastfeeding Behavior Scale (PIBBS) [64] assesses infant be-
haviour, attachment, sucking bursts and swallowing. Inter-rater reliability between
health professionals is adequate but poor between mothers and health professionals.
Drawbacks are lack of differentiation between low and adequate milk transfer.
The Early Feeding Skills assessment (EFS) focuses on assessment skills specific
to feeding including the ability to remain engaged, organisation of oral motor move-
ments, SSB coordination and the maintenance of physiological stability [118]. EFS
consists of a 36 item checklist divided into 3 parts. The first measures oral feeding
readiness, the second oral feeding skill, and the third oral feeding recovery. This
assessment has not been validated.
Test weighing before and after breastfeeding to determine infant milk intake,
has been validated in preterm infants [119] and is more accurate and reliable than
clinical indices [120]. It has proven successful in several settings and increases the
mother’s confidence as infant milk intakes progressively increase [59]. One study
found that infants who were test weighed reached exclusive breastfeeding faster than
those assessed ‘clinically’ suggesting that this technique has value in grading the
reduction of supplementation as breastfeeding is established [121]. Mothers that test
weighed their preterm infants at home experienced less stress and anxiety about their
breastfeeding despite similar infant weight gains to those infants that were not test
weighed [122].
352 P. Sharon et al.

17 Maternal Breastfeeding Difficulties

17.1 Pain/Discomfort

Maternal pain or discomfort is one of the most common reasons cited for early wean-
ing [123, 124] and many term mothers experience nipple tenderness in the first few
days of breastfeeding [33]. Most preterm mothers are pump-dependent at least ini-
tially and pain and/or trauma to the nipples may also occur during pumping. Pain is
known to interfere with the milk ejection reflex and potentially decrease the volumes
of milk expressed which may inhibit milk synthesis to the point where the mother
is not reaching her full milk production potential. Methods of expression may influ-
ence the level of pain experienced by mothers. A Japanese study has shown that more
preterm mothers experience pain during manual expression compared to pumping
(Symphony, Medela AG) in the first 48 h postpartum [125], in contrast to a study
of term mothers where manual expression tended to be more comfortable (Ameda,
Illinois, USA) [126]. Differing milk expression practices and pumping equipment
may account for the differences observed. Differences in the vacuum patterns ap-
plied by different electric pumps also influence comfort as well as effectiveness and
efficiency of pumping [127].
More commonly, pumping practice is thought to be the main cause of sore nipples.
Breast shields that are too small, particularly for those women with large or wide
nipples are considered problematic due to excessive friction of the nipple against the
shield tunnel [128]. Sore nipples have also been attributed to too high a pumping
vacuum. Recommendations include increasing the vacuum level until it becomes
uncomfortable and then reducing it until comfort is achieved and further reducing
the vacuum during the pumping session if it becomes uncomfortable again [128, 129].
The pump should be switched off prior to removing the shield. If trauma occurs, there
is a risk of bacterial infection and subsequent mastitis. Manual or hand expression
is therefore often used for some time to facilitate healing [128].

17.2 Engorgement

Breast fullness is common in the post-partum period during secretory activation in

mothers of term infants, but may be variable following preterm birth as initiation is
often delayed [8, 11]. Engorgement can be considered from pathological and phys-
iological perspectives. Pathological engorgement is characterised by complications
such as bilateral, uniformly distended, firm, painful [130], shiny, warm breasts with
or without a low-grade fever caused by vascular engorgement and early onset of milk
production. Oedema occurs secondary to swelling and obstruction of the lymphatic
drainage [130]. General consensus is that engorgement can be prevented by frequent,
effective breast drainage. Cold packs and simple analgesics such as paracetamol or
ibuprofen may assist in pain management.
17 Breastfeeding the Preterm Infant 353

17.3 Blocked Duct/s

Blocked milk ducts manifest as a tender breast lump that varies from the size of a
pea to a large wedge-shaped area [131] without accompanying systemic illness or
inflammation. Although causes are not well established they have been associated
with delayed breast emptying, mechanical restriction (e.g., bras), duct disruption
(e.g., previous surgery, tumour) and low-grade infection [132]. Elimination of any
mechanical obstructions, frequent breast emptying [133], gentle massage of the lump
towards the nipple whilst baby feeds or when pumping with pain relief such as cold
packs and simple analgesics suitable for lactation (e.g., paracetamol, ibuprofen)
often remedy the problem. In cases of chronic obstruction therapeutic ultrasound
may help. However no systematic studies have assessed its effectiveness compared
to conservative treatment apart from a small pilot study that has shown no difference
between the two treatments [134].

17.4 Mastitis

Mastitis is characterised by localised breast inflammation that is either non-infective

or infective. Symptoms of non-infective mastitis include pain, swelling, heat and red-
ness at the site, without fever and are often attributed to milk stasis [135]. Features of
infective mastitis include rapid onset, fever > 38◦ C, chills and flu-like myalgia [136].
A temporary reduction in milk production may be experienced [137]. Risk factors for
mastitis include damaged nipples, milk stasis (e.g., blocked duct), maternal stress or
fatigue and maternal or infant illness [138]. Early treatment is important to prevent
recurrence and/or breast abscess [135].
Management of non-infective mastitis is identical to that for a blocked duct.
If symptoms have not resolved after 12 h or fever and/or acute illness has en-
sued, treatment for infective mastitis should commence [135]. Identification of the
causative pathogen by nipple swabs and breast milk culture is recommended as well
as immediate commencement of a 10–14 days course of appropriate antibiotics for
Staphylococcus aureus (most common cause) [138–140]. Whilst there is a plethora
of research into mastitis in species such as the cow, investigation of the incidence
and impact of mastitis is largely restricted to mothers of term infants despite the
importance of breast milk for the preterm infant [141].

17.5 Breast Abscess

Breast abscess presents as a mobile, tender, palpable mass usually accompanied by

fever and malaise [140]. Most are caused by S. aureus although the incidence of
methicillin-resistant S. aureus is increasing [142]. Ultrasound is utilized to confirm
diagnosis and plan treatment [131]. Initial management involves drainage by needle
354 P. Sharon et al.

aspiration and appropriate antibiotic therapy. However large (> 3 cm) recurrent or
multiple abscesses may require surgical incision and drainage [140].

18 Infant Problems Impacting on Breastfeeding

18.1 Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a chronic pulmonary disease that develops

as a result of initial injury to the lung and ensuing treatment of the injury. BPD is
typically preceded by positive pressure ventilation in the early postnatal period and
is characterised by supplemental oxygen and abnormal respiratory function beyond
28 days of age, accompanied by diffuse lung changes on chest x-ray [143]. The
incidence of BPD is higher in VLBW infants with approximately 50 % of infants
weight under 1,000 g at birth developing BPD [144]. Feeding difficulties are very
common with increasing severity of BPD and include lower intra-oral vacuums,
sucking frequency and short suck burst durations resulting in low feeding efficiency
during bottle-feeding [145]. Decreased feeding endurance and efficiency is attributed
to the increased energy expenditure for respiration and poor coordination [146].
Low oxygenation saturation levels and growth delay tend to persist into infancy
(up to 6 months corrected age) for those with severe BPD [147]. Bronchodilators
administered prior to feeding may increase pulmonary compliance and lower airway
resistance making it easier for the infant to breathe during feeding, and supplemental
oxygen during feeding is also beneficial [148]. Infants with BPD that are discharged
home with supplemental oxygen have demonstrated improved weight gains [149].

18.2 Ankyloglossia (Tongue-Tie)

Ankyloglossia is typically characterised by a sublingual frenulum that changes the

appearance and/or function of the infant’s tongue. The frenulum is short, lacks elas-
ticity or the attachment to the inferior surface of the tongue is too distal (Fig. 17.3).
Severity varies between infants and ankyloglossia has been associated with infant
feeding difficulties, speech problems, poor dental hygiene, orthodontic and mandibu-
lar abnormalities and psychological problems [150–152]. Complications related to
feeding such as nipple pain and/or trauma, prolonged feeding times, problems main-
taining attachment to the breast, and poor milk transfer with subsequent slow infant
weight gain have been documented [153, 154]. Frenotomy, the surgical release
of the frenulum, restores movement of the tongue (Fig. 17.4) with a marked im-
provement in breastfeeding performance [151,155–157]. There are few risks to the
procedure that can be performed without a general anaesthetic on infants under the
age of 6 months. Excessive bleeding is the main risk if the large blood vessel is cut.
17 Breastfeeding the Preterm Infant 355

Fig. 17.3 Classical

presentation of an infant with
ankyloglossia. Note the short
frenulum and heart shaped

Despite lack of evidence that frenotomy is detrimental controversy still exists over
treatment of tongue-tie and is most likely due to the lack of a universally agreed
definition and a diagnostic tool to assess the degree to which ankyloglossia im-
pairs breastfeeding [158]. The impact of ankyloglossia on feeding in the preterm
infant has not been investigated yet. Given that many preterm infants are weak, have

Fig. 17.4 Sagittal ultrasound images pre and post frenotomy of an infant with ankyloglossia.
(a) Tongue up pre frenotomy—note the compression of the nipple base (b) Tongue up post
frenotomy—the nipple has a even shape (c) Tongue down pre frenotomy—the compression be-
comes excessive when the tongue is lowered (d) Tongue down post frenotomy—no compression
of the base of the nipple and even expansion of the nipple allowing better milk flow
356 P. Sharon et al.

respiratory problems, are developmentally immature and face more feeding diffi-
culties than the term infant, ankyloglossia may restrict tongue function enough to
compromise feeding even further. It seems ankyloglossia did not present as readily as
an impediment to feeding when breastfeeding rates were at their lowest possibly due
to the difference in the delivery of milk between the breast and bottle. The preterm
infant is discharged when full suck feeds are achieved often feeding from both the
breast and bottle. Mixed feeding methods increases the possibility that breastfeeding
difficulties associated with ankyloglossia may not be detected until breastfeeding
frequency is increased, often after discharge home.

18.3 Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux

Gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR) is a normal physiologic event that occurs fre-

quently in healthy term infants and therapy is not necessary if there are no
complications [159]. Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) is diagnosed when
symptoms cause difficulty or complications. Clinical signs of GORD in preterm in-
fants include frequent vomiting, effortless regurgitation, and occasional pulmonary
aspiration. Signs may be subtle with apnoeas and bradycardias being attributed to
GORD although there is a lack of firm supporting evidence [160, 161]. Despite this
some studies have shown the cessation of apnoeas following treatment of GORD
[162, 163]. In the preterm infant GORD presents even more diagnostic and thera-
peutic challenges due to the lack of accurate diagnostic tests. The non-availability of
such tests has further compromised progress of research in this population.
Oesophageal pH monitoring is generally considered the gold standard diagnostic
test for GORD in preterm infants but only measures acid reflux. Multiple intra-
luminal electrical impedance monitoring detects both acid and non-acid reflux and
the multiple detection sites confirm the direction of the bolus [164]. Contrast imaging
is not considered accurate for detection of all GORD and oesophageal ultrasound
has not been validated in this population. Isotope scintigraphy is rarely employed
clinically [161].
Management of GORD often includes a combination of strategies such as prone
or left lateral positioning of the infant [165–167], elevation of the head of the cot,
increasing feed frequency and reduced feed volumes. Whilst thickeners are perceived
to have a beneficial effect there is little evidence to support this thus a trial of thickened
feeds is considered reasonable provided there are no symptoms of feed intolerance
[161]. Recent evidence suggests that the effectiveness of proton pump inhibitors to
suppress acid production is questionable. These therapies may predispose to enteric
and respiratory infections by interfering with defence against pathogens provided
by the acidic stomach environment particularly in the preterm infant and therefore
should be used only for infants with acid-induced disease [168, 169].
Prokinetic agents (metoclopramide, domperidone, cisapride) have been used in
the past however potential side effects such as cardiac arrhythmias outweigh po-
tential benefits. Gastric-acid buffering agents, and alginate or sucralfate are not
17 Breastfeeding the Preterm Infant 357

Fig. 17.5 Infant with a cleft of the soft palate. Vacuum and respiratory traces of the infant feeding
from a bottle. The top trace shows the inability to produce a vacuum during bottle-feeding. The
lower trace shows good rhythmical respiration and swallowing

recommended for long-term use. Surgery is considered only in exceptional circum-

stances where medical treatments fail, neurological compromise suggests that reflux
will not resolve spontaneously and there is significant recurrent pulmonary aspiration

18.4 Cleft Lip/Palate

Cleft lip occurs due to incomplete fusion of the upper lip (5th week gestation) whereas
failure of growth and fusion of the midline palate (7–8 weeks gestation) results in
a cleft palate. Both cleft lip and cleft palate occur in isolation or together, can be
unilateral or bilateral and vary enormously in their severity. Submucosal clefts of the
palate are the least severe where the mucosal surface is intact but the muscles have
not closed across the velum. Typical cleft palates are completely open and are often
U or V shaped. The incidence of cleft lip and/or palate is approximately 1 in 600
live births and may be associated with other congenital anomalies in up to 40 % of
infants. Feeding for cleft infants can be a major hurdle, or less so depending on the
severity of the cleft. Feeding problems include poor sucking, low milk intake, long
feed durations, nasal regurgitation, choking/gagging and increased air intake.
Cleft lip: The ability to feed effectively depends mainly on the ability to maintain
a seal with the breast and generate sufficient vacuum. This will vary between infants
however small cleft lips can often be assisted by repositioning the breast to fill the
cleft, enabling maintenance of the attachment.
Cleft palate: Frequently the infant with cleft palate is unable to generate
any/adequate vacuum to effectively remove milk from the breast unless the cleft
is small or posterior. Further the absence of an opposing surface makes compression
movements ineffective (Fig. 17.5). However the ability to produce compression with
the jaws and tongue may facilitate bottle-feeding in these infants. If the cleft is very
anterior, the breast or a thin silicone nipple shield may seal it. If the cleft is too large
or extends too far into the palate an obturator is made to cover the cleft and assist
during feeding [170]. There is some evidence that a few infants are able to transfer
358 P. Sharon et al.

milk from the breast but the mechanism is unknown. Holding the infant firmly be-
tween the shoulders and then guiding and holding the breast in the infant’s mouth
assists breastfeeding. The mother can then manually compress the breast expressing
milk directly into the infant’s mouth [170].

18.5 Micrognathia and Pierre-Robin Malformation Sequence

Micrognathia is defined as a small or posteriorly placed mandible giving the ap-

pearance of a receding chin. The tongue is often posteriorly positioned increasing
the possibility of obstructing the pharyngeal airway. The tongue can be restricted
with limited elevation of the mid to posterior portion [170]. The combination of mi-
crognathia, cleft palate and upper airway obstruction is referred to as Pierre-Robin
Malformation Sequence. The degree of structural and functional impairment will
influence the feeding method most appropriate for the infant. Nipple shields may
assist the infant in maintaining attachment to the breast. Breastfeeding positions that
encourage head and neck extension such as an asymmetrical latch, side lying and
prone positioning (to manage milk flow) may be useful [170]. Infants with a short
tongue may apply excessive compression to the nipple causing vasospasm charac-
terised by specific tri or biphasic nipple colour changes (white, purple, red) along
with intense pain [171]. If compression cannot be minimised pharmacologic treat-
ment with calcium channel blockers may reduce pain associated with vasospasm
A myriad of factors have the potential to affect the breastfeeding success of the
preterm infant that have not been discussed here such as cardiac abnormalities. Often
the assessment and support of breastfeeding in difficult cases requires a multidisci-
plinary team (e.g., speech pathology, lactation consultant, physiotherapy) working
with the neonatologist to achieve the best possible outcome. More research is critical
in this area to assist clinicians in providing the best possible care at a critical period
that has both short and long term effects on the mother’s and infant’s health.

Acknowledgments M Boss and D Geddes receive salaries from an unrestricted research grant
provided by Medela AG. S Perrella also receives a partial PhD scholarship from Medela AG.


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Chapter 18
Donor Human Milk Banking in Neonatal
Intensive Care

Ben T Hartmann and Lukas Christen

Abstract Donor human milk banking has been practiced for over 100 years and is
used where a mother’s own milk is unavailable for her infant. With this historical
practice has come evidence for the clinical use of pasteurised donor human milk
(PDHM) primarily to reduce the risk of necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) in the preterm
very low birth weight infant. However, clinicians are not universal in their support
for the use of donor human milk in these at risk patients. Some remain unconvinced
at the evidence for benefit and some may remain concerned regarding the safety
of the product. These safety concerns can only be addressed through the proper
management of donor human milk banking. This chapter reviews the current evidence
for the use of pasteurised donor human milk and examines how recent developments
in management practice in human milk banking are addressing these concerns. When
a mother’s own milk is unavailable, PDHM remains a viable feeding option where an
infant is at risk of NEC. With an ongoing focus on safety in practice and demonstration
of benefits through research, donor human milk banking may remain relevant for
another 100 years.

Key Points
• Donor human milk banking has a +100 year history in clinical practice
• Current evidence supports the use of pasteurised donor human milk in preterm
very-low birth weight infants to reduce the risk of necrotising enterocolitis when

B. T. Hartmann ()
PREM Milk Bank, Neonatology Clinical Care Unit,
1st Floor Block A King Edward Memorial Hospital,
Bagot Rd, Subiaco 6008, Western Australia, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
Centre for Neonatal Research and Education,
The University of Western Australia, M550, 35 Stirling Highway,
Crawley, Perth 6009, Western Australia, Australia
L. Christen
School of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
University of Western Australia, M310, 35 Stirling Highway,
Crawley 6009, Western Australia, Australia
Carag AG, Bahnhofstrasse 9, CH-6340 Baar, Switzerland

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 367

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3_18, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
368 B. T. Hartmann and L. Christen

mother’s milk is unavailable. In this context donor human milk banking is cost
• Donor human milk banks should be managed to minimise viral/microbiological/
chemical risks to the recipient population
• Practice of donor human milk banking is currently not standardised internationally
• International practice may benefit with the development of ‘quality principles’
and standard risk assessment methodologies under which these principles can be

1 Introduction

For the human mammal it is biologically normal for the infant to receive milk from
its own mother as its first nutrition and as an integral part of its acquired immune
system. This incredibly simple biological statement of fact is complicated by the
availability of artificial formula milks offering a ‘choice’ of feeding for parents and
in situations where a mother is unable to initiate and sustain lactation for a variety of
reasons. It is further complicated during the clinical nutritional management of the
preterm infant, where enteral feeding itself is not the biological norm.

2 History of Donor Human Milk Banking

Historically, the use of alternative feeding options for infants has been required when
a mother’s own milk is not available. In 1886 Professor Theodor Escherich published
his post-doctoral thesis on the intestinal bacteria in sucklings [1]. As well as the re-
sulting identification of the bacterium that now bears his name, Escherichia coli,
these studies led to his strong views on the value of breastfeeding [2] and in 1902
he was appointed the Chair of Pediatrics at the University of Vienna and Director
of the St Anna Children’s Hospital. Professor Escherich demonstrated a dedication
to the social welfare of children through the establishment of an infant welfare so-
ciety (Säuglingsschutz) and modernised the St Anna Children’s Hospital through
the design and construction of clinics, laboratories and in the hospital basement, a
milk kitchen and milk depot [2]. Although records are not clear on this matter, it
is suggested that this milk depot and milk kitchen represents the establishment of
the first ‘formal’ donor human milk (DHM) bank. This first bank began operation in
Vienna in 1909 [3].
In North America, donor human milk banking began in 1910 in the Boston Float-
ing Hospital and was established by Francis Parkman Denny, a physician at the
Massachusetts Infant Asylum [4]. In contrast to the contemporary practice of wet-
nursing, a method was developed for the collection of milk from mothers in the
community. Similarly to the process in Vienna, this separation of the product from
its producer meant that more than one infant could be fed from the same donor’s milk
[4]. Mothers donating to the milk bank underwent a physical exam were screened
for tuberculosis, syphilis and other contagious diseases. Once collected, milk was
strained, pooled, boiled for one minute before being cooled and rebottled [4].
18 Donor Human Milk Banking in Neonatal Intensive Care 369

With what could be considered reasonably minor modifications, milk banking

has continued in a similar manner until today. In more recent history, the focus of
milk banking has become the very low birth weight (VLBW) preterm infant. Neona-
tologists continue to make considerable progress in life supporting techniques for
preterm infants, particularly in the treatment and prevention of respiratory disorders
leading to higher neonatal survival rates at the extremes of preterm delivery [5].
These infants may be considered a ‘nutritional emergency’ and have necessitated
the provision of nutrition that is adequate and as ‘natural’ as possible [6]. This has
resulted in the re-emergence of donor human milk banking in evidence based clinical
practice in neonatal intensive care. However, in a broader context this re-emergence
has occurred at a time when it is known that there is a low risk that HIV and some
other viruses may be transmitted via human milk. The discovery of HIV in human
milk in the mid 1980’s resulted in a dramatic decline in milk banking around the
world and in some countries, such as Australia, human milk banking completely
ceased [7]. As contemporary human milk banking has been re-established in this
context there has been an increasing focus on appropriate quality management prac-
tices aligned with practices in the food industry and donor tissue and blood banking
[5]. This chapter will focus on the practice of human milk banking in contemporary
neonatal intensive care in this country (Australia). Descriptions of practice that are
included are illustrative of what is recommended in Australia, but not provided as
an example of the only appropriate milk banking practice. This remains a discussion
that is relevant internationally as this chapter does not seek to define a single practice
of milk banking, but does endeavour to begin to define quality outcomes that could
form the basis for international guidelines for human milk banking. It should be
the goal of contemporary human milk banking to define internationally consistent
quality assurance objectives or quality principles, even where practice may vary.

3 Clinical Indications for Using Pasteurised Donor

Human Milk (PDHM) for the Preterm Infant

When a mother’s own milk is unavailable for her preterm infant there are currently
only two enteral feeding options available to clinicians. The infant may be fed donor
human milk (which in contemporary human milk banking is usually pasteurised) or
artificial formula milks which are derived from a variety of plant and animal sources
but primarily of bovine origin.

4 Benefits of PDHM

4.1 Necrotising Enterocolitis (NEC)

NEC is the most common gastrointestinal emergency in preterm infants [8]. Although
the pathophysiology is not well understood, it is clear that prematurity is the single
most important risk factor for the illness. However, a wide range of risk factors
370 B. T. Hartmann and L. Christen

including hypoxia, artificial infant formula feeding, sepsis and ischemic-reperfusion

injury contribute to the inflammatory cascade that leads to NEC [8]. The overall
mortality related to NEC in VLBW infants remains around 20–30 %, but approaches
50 % in extremely preterm infants and those requiring surgery for the illness [8, 9].
As such, NEC remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in extremely
preterm infants. It has been reported that NEC significantly prolongs the length
of hospital stay (by as long as 6 months) and is associated with an increase in
significant long-term neurodevelopmental impairment [8, 10]. Recent systematic
reviews also suggest that the risk of cerebral palsy, visual, cognitive, and psychomotor
impairment are all significantly increased in infants surviving NEC when compared to
infants of a similar age and gestation without the disease [10, 11]. Need for surgery
further increases the risk of adverse outcomes. An American study published in
2002 quantified the economic impact of NEC on the community as a whole [12]. On
average a survivor of medical NEC spent an extra 22 days in hospital, incurring extra
charges of US$73,700, while a survivor of surgical NEC spent an additional 2 months
in hospital, incurring extra charges of US$186,200. The authors concluded that the
yearly additional hospital charges were US$6.5 million in total, or US$216,666 per
survivor. These costs may differ internationally, but clearly NEC has a major cost
impact on health care.
A recent systematic review, including a small number of trials (five trials includ-
ing 816 participants), has indicated that providing formula to preterm, particularly
VLBW (Birth weight ≤ 1,500 g) infants, when compared to donor breast milk in-
creases their risk of NEC, Relative risk: 2.5 (95 % Confidence interval: 1.2, 5.1)
[13]. It was concluded that providing PDHM reduces the risk of NEC [13, 14]. The
reviewers suggested that one extra case of NEC will occur in every 33 infants who
receive artificial infant formula [13]. The most recent randomised control trial (RCT)
was not included in this meta-analysis [15]. It assessed the effect of an exclusively
human milk based diet on clinical outcomes including NEC. In this multi-centre
trial preterm infants (birth weight 500–1,250 g) receiving their mothers’ milk were
randomised to one of three groups (HM100, HM40 and BOV). Groups HM100
and HM40 received a PDHM based fortifier (commercially available in the US)
when enteral intakes reached 100 ml/kg/day and 40 ml/kg/day, respectively and both
groups received PDHM if mothers milk was unavailable. The BOV group received
a cow’s milk based human milk fortifier when the enteral intake was 100 ml/kg/day
and preterm infant formula was given if mothers milk was unavailable. The groups
receiving an exclusively human milk diet showed a significantly lower rate of NEC
and NEC requiring surgical intervention compared with the BOV group. The rates of
NEC in the HM40, HM100 and BOV groups were 1.7 %, 3.2 % and 15.3 %, respec-
tively. It is important to note that the BOV group is most representative of standard
clinical practice in Australian neonatal intensive care units (NICU), the majority of
which do not have access to PDHM. However, it should also be noted that the rate
of NEC (15.3 %) in the BOV group was almost 4 times higher than rates of NEC
(VLBW: 3.8 %) observed in a retrospective analysis in an Australian NICU without a
donor human milk bank at the time [9]. It is unclear why the rates reported in the US
study are substantially higher, but historically the US does have higher incidence of
18 Donor Human Milk Banking in Neonatal Intensive Care 371

NEC particularly when compared to Japan and many Northern European countries
[16]. Despite the limitations, it is clear that the current evidence supports the use of
PDHM as an alternative to artificial infant formula to reduce the incidence of NEC,
an illness with substantial public health burden.

4.2 Infection

NEC remains the most commonly examined clinical indication for the use of PDHM
however studies have demonstrated other benefits. A recent systematic review [17]
has reported there was a protective effect of human milk against infection in preterm
infants. However, it should be noted that although many of these studies included the
use of DHM, they were not designed to allow its effect to be distinguished from the
overall benefits of human milk. There are however, sound physiological and clinical
reasons to suggest there may be a reduction in the incidence of infection when DHM
is provided as an alternative to artificial infant formula. PDHM retains most of the
immunological components which provide benefits to the acquired immune system
of a neonate [18]. As such, these components are thought to provide some protection
against infection in the neonatal period.

4.3 Chronic Lung Disease

A recent study has reported that DHM reduces the risk of chronic lung disease
in preterm infants, compared to preterm artificial infant formula when used as a
substitute for mothers own milk [19]. Preterm infants of mothers who intended to
breastfeed were randomised to receive either PDHM or artificial infant formula if
there was insufficient mothers’ own milk. Unfortunately, analysis of the study was
confounded as 21 % of the infants in the donor milk group were switched to artificial
formula during the course of the study (at the clinician’s discretion for reasons of
poor growth). But these infants remained classified as ‘donor milk’ in the subsequent

4.4 Long Term Follow-Up

In addition to the short-term clinical benefits of PDHM, long-term follow-up of

RCTs conducted in the 1980’s in the UK has shown benefits in adolescence of
providing PDHM versus artificial infant formula to preterm infants. This large study
randomised infants born at less than 32 weeks’ gestation to two trials, one (Trial 1)
comparing PDHM to preterm infant formula and one (Trial 2) comparing standard
term formula to preterm formula when each feed type was provided as a sole diet or
372 B. T. Hartmann and L. Christen

as supplements when a mother’s own milk was unavailable [20]. Of 926 infants, 216
have been followed to 13–16 years of age. Adolescents who had received PDHM
have shown lower mean arterial blood pressure, a lipoprotein profile demonstrating
a lower likelihood of atherosclerosis and better insulin resistance than those who
had received preterm infant formula [20–22]. Due to the changes in practice since
these trials were conducted there are questions regarding the relevance of this study.
However, it does represent clear evidence that early nutrition has long lasting benefits
to infants who are born preterm. Such long-term follow-up studies are important
considering the current focus on optimising nutrition in the first weeks and months
of life. The potential for donor human milk banking to contribute to this area should
not be discounted.

4.5 Breastfeeding Support

Anecdotally, it has been suggested that, when a mother’s own milk is insufficient for
her preterm infant, supplementing her supply with DHM while she works to increase
her supply, is supportive of her breastfeeding in the longer term. The recent estab-
lishment of a donor human milk bank at King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEMH)
in Perth, Western Australia has allowed an examination of this issue. Due to the
well-documented benefits to preterm infants of receiving their own mother’s milk,
clinicians are extremely supportive and encouraging of mothers to provide their own
breast milk. At KEMH NICU, this has resulted in very high breastfeeding initiation
rates (close to 98 %—from recent clinical audit data). Although many mothers of
preterm infants are successful at providing enough breast milk for their infant, many
still struggle to reach a full lactation. Many of these mothers will continue to pro-
vide some breast milk for their infant and supplement the remaining requirement.
In 2006, prior to the establishment of the donor human milk bank at KEMH, ex-
clusive breastfeeding rate at discharge, and the breast milk feeding rate (any or all
breast milk feeds) at discharge, were examined from a review of medical records
in those infants born less than 30 weeks (and subsequently at high risk of NEC).
The exclusive breastfeeding rate in these women was 53 %. In a similar time period,
once the donor milk bank had been established (2008) the exclusive breastfeeding
rate was 65 %. Although showing a slight trend to an increase, this difference was
not statistically significant. When data was excluded from mothers who were able to
provide sufficient breast milk to entirely meet their infants needs during hospitalisa-
tion, and those who did not provide any breast milk (i.e., the subgroup who intended
to breastfeed but required some supplementation), there was a striking increase in
the percentage of mothers providing any breast milk at discharge during the period
when DHM was available as a feeding option. Prior to the donor milk bank, when
their milk was supplemented with artificial infant formula, only 30 % of these women
were still providing breast milk at discharge. When PDHM was available and used
as a supplemental feed, 70 % of these women were providing some or all of their
18 Donor Human Milk Banking in Neonatal Intensive Care 373

infant’s breast milk needs at discharge. This outcome is certainly beneficial in terms
of meeting breastfeeding outcomes after preterm birth. It is also likely that there are
short and long term clinical benefits to increasing the amount of mother’s own milk
provided to extremely premature infants.

5 Concerns Regarding the Use of PDHM in

the Preterm Infant

5.1 Poor Growth

‘Poor growth’ is an outcome that is associated with the use of PDHM (and in fact
mothers own milk) in preterm infants when compared to artificial infant formula. In
addition to the finding that PDHM reduces the risk of NEC, the recent systematic
review [13] also concludes that decreased short term growth is associated with DHM
use when compared to artificial infant formula, but there is no evidence to suggest
there is an adverse effect on long-term growth or development. The significance of
this outcome is hard to discern as only one of the studies included in the meta-analysis
compared DHM with additional nutrient fortification, as is routinely conducted in
current clinical practice. It has also only recently become technically and practically
possible to routinely measure human milk composition in the neonatal unit [23]. It is
reasonable to suggest that current practice and recent advances may allow clinicians
to better manage human milk in general, when managing the nutritional needs of
preterm infants.

5.2 Evidence for Benefit and Changing Clinical Practice

Current practice of donor milk banking is guided by systematic reviews of clinical

trials conducted over a long time period (in this case over 20 years). There are valid
concerns that conclusions drawn from these trials are no longer relevant considering
the changes in clinical practice over such a long period. For example, the formula-
tion of preterm-specific infant formulas has developed significantly since many of
these trials took place. It may well be that the risk of NEC associated with formula
is reduced with the newer preparations. However, it should also be noted that im-
proved standards of care across this time period have resulted in increased survival
of extremely preterm infants who are at high risk for NEC [8]. Considering that it
is unethical to truly randomise a study population to feeding with breast milk or
an artificial formula irrespective of the maternal intention to breastfeed, conclusive
high quality evidence (RCTs) in support of PDHM use in preterm infants is unlikely
and it may be necessary to focus on collecting other physiological measures [7]. Al-
though many questions remain, on balance, the available evidence supports the use of
374 B. T. Hartmann and L. Christen

PDHM in preterm infants when mothers’ own milk is unavailable. It must be noted
that outside this high risk group of infants there is currently little evidence of the
benefit of routinely providing PDHM when there is insufficient maternal breast milk.

6 Contemporary Human Milk Banking

6.1 Definition

It is necessary to clarify that current discussions of milk banking often confuse two
public health issues: the clinical use of PDHM in neonatal intensive care where there
is an evidence based need as discussed above; and various forms of informal/formal
milk sharing that are gaining prominence in the media and the society in general.
In the Australian context, where the re-establishment of contemporary human milk
banking as a clinical service in NICUs is a recent development, we advocate the
following definition of DHM banking as distinct from wet nursing, informal milk
sharing, commercial milk sharing and non-evidence based use of PDHM, which are
separate practices.‘A DHM bank collects, stores, processes and dispenses donated
human milk. DHM is excess human milk provided by a mother for use by a recipient
that is not the mother’s own baby. This recipient is a hospitalised, preterm or ill
infant. The human milk is donated on a voluntary, non-remunerated basis. DHM
should only be provided based on the clinical need of the recipient, and it is an
alternative to infant formula for special needs infants, and not a substitute for the
mother’s own milk’. This definition then enables the development and description of
a service and process that manages the inherent clinical risks in the context of the
described recipient. It is important to note that this description of milk banking is
relevant in the Australian context but may differ internationally where the recipient
and risk environment may vary.

7 Quality Management in Donor Human Milk Banking

Given the documented risks of potential viral transmission through breast milk,
contemporary DHM banking practice bears similarities to both donor tissue and blood
banking. Also given the risk that improper handling and storage may result in bacterial
risks similar to other food products, it is now common to see risk management
practices that are common in the food industry employed in milk banking [5]. During
the recent re-establishment of DHM banking in Australia it became evident that
hazard management methodologies used commonly in the food industry such as those
meeting the Codex HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) requirements,
provided a sound framework for the development of a quality assurance programme
for DHM banking. These methodologies have also been used by other milk banks
and are now a requirement in many human milk banking guidelines [24, 25].
18 Donor Human Milk Banking in Neonatal Intensive Care 375

Table 18.1 The 12 steps of CODEX HACCP (hazard analysis critical control point)
1. Assemble a multidisciplinary HACCP team
2. Describe product/process
3. Identify the intended use/consumer
4. Construct flow diagram of process steps
5. On-site verification of flow diagram
6. List potential hazards for each process step, conduct hazard analysis and determine control
7. Determine Critical Control Points (CCP’s)
8. Establish Critical Limits for each CCP
9. Establish a monitoring system for each CCP
10. Establish corrective actions for deviations from critical limits
11. Establish verification procedures
12. Establish record keeping and documentation system

7.1 Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point

HACCP aims to ensure food safety for the consumer and is a system that was devel-
oped by NASA in the 1950’s to ensure the safety of food for the US space programme
[25]. It is a system to identify, evaluate and control hazards that are significant for
food safety [5]. The 12 steps in the application of a HACCP programme are shown
in Table 18.1 [5, 25]. The scope of a HACCP plan usually only covers the receipt of
raw product from the donor through to dispensing to the nursery (see Fig. 18.1 for
an example milk bank workflow modified from that used in the PREM Bank). It is
therefore necessary for milk banks to develop appropriate guidelines for the screen-
ing of donors, hygienic collection of milk, prioritisation of recipients and obtaining
informed consent for recipients. We have previously published a description of our
evidence-based guidelines for milk banking in Australia [5] and there are many other
published guidelines describing practice in other countries (see [24–26] for recent
examples). The application of the stepwise approach of HACCP combined with for-
mal risk assessment methodologies adapted from AS/NZS 4360:2004 (Australian
risk assessment standard) provided a systematic approach to the safe development
of a milk banking process in Australia.

8 Donor Selection and Recruitment

Since the first establishment of DHM banking, descriptions of the service provided
demonstrate that selection of the donor to ensure ‘quality’ of the donated milk has
been a fundamental premise of milk banking [4]. This has not changed and it has
recently been summarised in the statement ‘Donor selection has the aim of identifying
the conditions contraindicating the donation, not only in the interest of the receiver
but also in the interest of the donor herself and her own infant’ [25]. This statement
broadly demonstrates the quality management principle that most milk banks apply to
376 B. T. Hartmann and L. Christen

Fig. 18.1 An example workflow (PREM Bank)

18 Donor Human Milk Banking in Neonatal Intensive Care 377

the development of donor selection criteria. The risks that may be managed by these
procedures include: (1) the potential transmission of infectious agents through human
milk (e.g., viral, prion, bacterial) (2) the potential presence of pharmacologically
active compounds in human milk at a level that may present risk to the recipient
(e.g., medications, illegal drugs, alcohol, caffeine, herbal therapies) (3) lifestyle
choices that may result in undesirable compositional changes in human milk (e.g.,
a strict vegan diet may cause vitamin B-12 deficiency) [27]. (4) That a donor’s own
milk supply may not be sufficient to meet her infants need in addition to donation.
In most cases, the response to managing these risks internationally has been
for milk banks to adopt medical history collection and serology screening require-
ments that meet the local standards required during human tissue and blood donation
[5, 24–26], although with additional requirements specific to human milk bank-
ing. DHM banks will also provide equipment, appropriate instruction and ongoing
advice and support to donors for the proper collection of their expressed milk. How-
ever, it should be noted that where collection occurs in an uncontrolled environment
(for example in the donor’s home) it is not sufficient to rely on collection instruction
to ensure hygienic collection and storage. Procedures (testing and processing) must
be conducted by the milk bank to ensure appropriate safety of the product. When
comparing human milk banking practices internationally it is clearly unlikely that
donor screening and recruitment guidelines can be developed that are universally ap-
plicable in every milk bank. In current milk banking practice it is the responsibility
of the milk bank itself, national associations of milk banks or regulators to identify
local risks and appropriate management policies.

9 Effects of Processing and Storage on Human Milk

Although the risks associated with the donor population and the raw product vary
internationally, the identifiable risks and effects of the storage and processing steps
in milk banking are universally identifiable and have been the subject of research.
Donated human milk will potentially experience a number of different storage tem-
peratures when stored by the donor mother, stored at the milk bank, during processing
and during dispensing and feeding. The storage conditions and thermal processing
steps may affect bacterial content of human milk and change may be observed in
some milk constituents. A milk bank process must be designed to minimise detri-
mental thermally induced changes to human milk components and ensure bacterial
growth is minimised.

9.1 Storage at Room Temperature (20–25 ◦ C)

The protein β-casein is hydrolysed to just 35 % when human milk is stored at 25 ◦ C

for 72 h. Stored with the same conditions the immuno-proteins, sIgA and lactoferrin
do not change significantly. Bile salt stimulated lipase, which is responsible for
378 B. T. Hartmann and L. Christen

hydrolysis of triacylglycerols, decreases to 65 % activity in 4 h but after that remains

stable on that level until 72 h of storage [28]. Human milk remains stable for 3–4 h at
room temperature. After that, a significant decrease in protein, lactose and pH occurs.
Additionally, the microbial content increases significantly after 3 h of storage [29, 30]
and therefore immediate refrigeration is usually recommended when collecting for
human milk banks.

9.2 Storage in the Refrigerator (4 ◦ C)

No significant changes have been observed in osmolality, concentration of serum

IgA, lactoferrin and fat during refrigerated storage for 96 h [31]. White blood cell
count was observed to decrease by 20 % and total protein by 5 %. Total free fatty acid
concentration increased threefold during that time [31]. It has been demonstrated that
bacterial growth in expressed human milk does not significantly occur when stored
at 4 ◦ C for up to 48 h [32].

9.3 Storage in the Freezer (−20 ◦ C)

Lawrence [33] has reported that human milk can be stored safely at −20 ◦ C for
12 months. Immuno-protective constituents, lipase, amylase and lactose were sta-
ble and no bacterial growth was observed with those storage conditions. The only
changes were in the cell count and activity, loss of lactoperoxidase activity and some
alteration in the milk lipid composition, i.e., decrease in triacylglycerol with a free
fatty acid increase [33, 34]. For this reason, many milk banks limit frozen storage of
unpasteurised human milk to 3 months during which time the action of milk lipases
is minimal [25].

9.4 Storage at Increased Temperature (∼38 ◦ C)

The optimal temperature (37 ◦ C) for multiplication of most bacteria found in human
milk. Hamosh et al. [30] have therefore suggested that it is inappropriate to store
human milk at 38 ◦ C for even 4 h. However, just a minimal reduction of total protein
was observed when human milk was stored at 38 ◦ C for 24 h. These authors also
suggest the activity of lipase and amylase was unaffected under these storage condi-
tions [30]. However, other researchers have reported that lipase activity is decreased
within 4 h of storage at this temperature [28]. Nonetheless, to maintain cold chain
during milk banking most international recommendations minimise the time human
milk is stored above −20 ◦ C, and milk is only exposed to higher temperatures where
processing steps are specifically designed to reduce bacterial content to acceptable
levels, for example, where DHM is pasteurised [5, 24–26].
18 Donor Human Milk Banking in Neonatal Intensive Care 379

9.5 Selection of Storage Container

The storage container utilised by the milk bank must allow ease of handling (aseptic
transfers, integrity during freeze/thaw cycle etc.) and should not pose chemical or
physical risk to the product. Glass is often avoided within a food process due to its
fragility and ability to chip, however it is chemically inert (with respect to milk)
and is easily reused with sterilisation by thermal means. Plastic containers are often
utilised during milk banking. The adherent properties of human milk fat and protein
are well known, and selection of appropriate materials is required to ensure milk
macronutrient composition is not altered and that chemicals utilised during plastic
manufacture do not leach into product.

9.6 The Effect of Pasteurisation on DHM

Pasteurisation is a process where food, usually a liquid, is treated making the prod-
uct safe for consumption and increasing its shelf life. Heat treatments are the most
common pasteurisation methods but alternative treatments such as ultrasound or irra-
diation are emerging in the food industry and could improve the quality of pasteurised
donor human milk.

10 Thermal Pasteurisation

The most common forms of pasteurisation are low-temperature, long-time (LTLT)

and high-temperature, short time (HTST) methods. Both treatments are equivalent
in destroying the most heat resistant of the non-spore-forming pathogenic organisms
Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Coxiella burnetii [35]. Treatments at ultrahigh
temperatures (UHT) where milk is treated higher than 135 ◦ C for very short time
(1–2 s) must be distinguished from pasteurisation.
Holder pasteurisation is the heat preservation method that is most widely em-
ployed in human milk banks around the world. Human milk is heated in a water
bath and held at 62.5 ◦ C for 30 min [5, 24–26]. This treatment is capable of a
5-log10 reduction of bacteria including Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis,
Enterobacter cloacae, Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus [18]. However,
bioactive proteins are only partially preserved during this process. For example,
72 % of sIgA, 22 % of lactoferrin and 39 % of lysozyme were retained after Holder
pasteurisation. Furthermore, bile salt stimulated lipase (BSSL) was reported to be
lost completely [18, 36, 37].
Various attempts have been made to optimise heat treatment in human milk bank-
ing. Wills et al. [38] have suggested reducing the hold time to 5 min at 62.5 ◦ C to
significantly increase the retention of immunological proteins while still maintaining
an adequate reduction of bacteria commonly found in human milk. These authors also
suggest the possibility of reducing the treatment temperature to 56 ◦ C for a 15 min
hold time. This treatment method would increase the retention of immunological
proteins to above 90 % while still reducing inoculated organisms by 99 % [38].
380 B. T. Hartmann and L. Christen

Czank et al. [18] provided a similar ‘optimisation’of the heat treatment of DHM. It
was found that treatment at 57 ◦ C for 30 min resulted in a retention of the major human
milk immunological proteins greater than 90 % while maintaining a reduction in the
common bacteria found in human milk of 99.9 % [18]. However, treatment at 62.5 ◦ C
for 30 min is still recommended by most international milk banking guidelines. As it
is the most common method employed, Table 18.2 summarises the effect of holder
pasteurisation and frozen storage on various human milk components and properties.
Holder pasteurisation has also been demonstrated to inactivate viruses of relevance
due to their possible presence in human milk and their transmission risk to the preterm
infant. This has been demonstrated for HIV 1 [39], HTLV1 [40] and CMV [41]. In
most milk banks a Holder pasteurisation step is also retained to ensure that, should
donor screening fail and a potentially infectious donation enter the milk bank product
stream, the pasteurisation step would protect recipients from risk of exposure.
There has been recent interest in HTST or Flash pasteurisation of human milk,
where the product is heated to 72 ◦ C for 15 s. This is the preferred heat treatment in the
dairy industry due to its lower energy consumption and due to the better colour and
flavour preservation characteristics when compared to LTLT pasteurisation. How-
ever reported results are mixed. Goldblum et al. [42] have reported a reduction of
microbial contamination without destroying the unique nutritional and immunologic
qualities of human milk with the HTST method. Bile salt stimulated lipase was in-
activated completely, but lactoferrin, secretory IgA and serum IgA antibody activity
were not changed [42]. Other studies found a significant reduction of immunological
proteins with the HTST method [43, 44]. Interestingly, Dhar et al. [45] have demon-
strated retention of immunoglobulins when milk was treated at different flow rates.
It was concluded that the difference in immunological protein retention in various
studies may be due to differing thermal transfer conditions in different types of the
heating apparatus, and/or differing sample volume (presumably also altering thermal
exchange kinetics) [45].
The above thermal methods define both temperature and hold time parameters.
Milk banking processes must therefore be developed to ensure that product is exposed
to these specified conditions. Reference to the earlier description of HACCP method-
ology (refer to steps 9–12 Table 18.1) will demonstrate how the HACCP process can
be used to ensure that a selected pasteurisation method is applied consistently to all
product handled by the milk bank. Appropriate record keeping, calibration of equip-
ment and quarantining of product through various process stages (see Fig. 18.1) must
be part of this process, and in its proper application, HACCP can provide confidence
to clinicians that consistently and demonstrably safe product can be provided by a
human milk bank.

11 Ultrasound

Treatments with power-ultrasound (20–100 kHz) are an emerging technology for

the preservation of food [46–48]. Power-ultrasound creates cavitation i.e., the for-
mation, growth and implosive collapse of bubbles in liquids. During the collapse
of these bubbles, localised hot spots occur with temperatures approaching 5,000 ◦ C,
18 Donor Human Milk Banking in Neonatal Intensive Care 381

Table 18.2 Breast milk components and the effect of holder pasteurisation and storage. (Adapted
from [63, 64])
Component Finding
Immunological proteins
IgA, sIgA 0–48 % reduction
IgG 34 % reduction
IgM 100 % reduction
Lactoferrin 57–80 % reduction
Lysozyme 0–60 % reduction
Amylase 15 % reduced activity
Bile salt stimulated lipase 100 % reduction
Lipoprotein lipase 100 % reduction
Total fats No effects
C14:1–C24:1 No effects
C8:0–C24:0 No effects
n−3, n−6 PUFA No effects
AA, DHA No effects
Linoleic, linolenic Reduced
Free fatty acids 80 % increase
Vitamin A No effect
Vitamin C 36 % reduced
Vitamin B2 No effect
Vitamin B6 15 % reduced
Vitamin B9 31 % reduced
Vitamin B12 No effect
Vitamin D No effect
Vitamin E No effect
Epidermal growth factor No effect
Erythropoeitin Significantly reduced
IGF-1, IGF-2, IGF-BP2, 3 7–39 % reduction
IL-10 Significantly reduced (maintained effect on
T-cell proliferation)
TGF-α, TGF-β No effect
B-cells, T-cells 100 % reduction
Lymphocytes 100 % reduction
Trace elements
Calcium No effects
Copper 0–9 % reduction
Iron 0–15 % reduction
Magnesium No effect
Phosphorus No effect
Potassium No effect
Sodium No effect
Zinc No effect
Other components/ Properties
Lactose No effect
382 B. T. Hartmann and L. Christen

Table 18.2 (continued)

Component Finding
Oligosaccharides No effect
Mannose-binding lectin No effect
Lactate 7 % reduced
Lysine Significantly reduced
CD14 (soluble) 88 % reduction
Escherichia coli inhibition 26 % reduced

pressures of about 50 MPa but a lifetime of a few microseconds [49]. The pressure
changes resulting from these implosions create shock waves that disrupt the cellular
membranes of bacteria resulting in cell lysis [50, 51].
Studies on bovine milk and fruit juices have shown that ultrasound treatment can
eliminate various food-borne pathogens in a similar manner to thermal pasteurisation
methods [52]. The synergistic effects of power-ultrasound in combination with other
processing technologies have also been used to optimise food quality or to reduce
the treatment time and energy [53–55]. There are few studies of these methods using
human milk, however, ultrasound combined with temperature treatment (thermo-
ultrasonic treatment) of human milk has been shown to inactivate Escherichia coli and
Staphylococcus epidermidis with a greater retention of sIgA, lysozyme, lactoferrin
and BSSL than with Holder pasteurisation [56]. However, some loss of these proteins
appears unavoidable with any thermally based method.

12 Ultraviolet Irradiation

There are very few non-thermal pasteurisation methodologies that may be useful
in human milk banking. However, one possibility that has been used by the food
industry is ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet (UV) is part of the electromagnetic spectrum
and subdivided by wavelength into UV-A (320–400 nm), UV-B (280–320 nm), UV-C
(200–280 nm) and Vacuum-UV (100–200 nm). UV-C in the range of 250 and 270 nm
has the most germicidal effect and is capable of destroying micro-organisms such
as bacteria, viruses, protozoa, yeasts, moulds and algae [35, 57]. At this wavelength
the DNA bases, mainly pyrimidine and purine, absorb the UV-C energy promoting
chemical reactions. Common products of these reactions are pyrimidine dimers,
other pyrimidine adducts, pyrimidine hydrates, and in addition, this may involve
cross-linkages with proteins and on rare occasions breakage of the micro-organism’s
DNA [58]. In the food industry, UV-C is commonly used in surface sterilisation
of fruits and vegetables and in the treatment of drinking water. The penetration
depth of UV-C in liquid depends on solubility, density and turbidity of the liquid
[59–61]. UV-C treatment of opaque liquids such as human milk is therefore difficult
due to its macronutrient content. Keyser et al. [62] have showed in a study that with
a turbulent flow of fruit juice around a UV-C source the penetration problem can be
solved and the UV-C treatment can be applied to opaque liquid. Validation of the
18 Donor Human Milk Banking in Neonatal Intensive Care 383

Table 18.3 Composition of PDHM dispensed from PREM Bank [all values mean (SD)]
Fat (g/100 ml) Protein Lactose Calories
(g/100 ml) (g/100 ml) (kcal/100 ml)
Audit 1 4.16 (0.90) 1.35 (0.33) 6.71 (0.60) 69.7
Audit 2 3.71 (0.90) 1.03 (0.22) 7.17 (0.22) 66.7

potential of this method is underway, and it may provide a novel method for removing
microorganisms from human milk at ambient temperature reducing the potential for
damage to the bioactive proteins in human milk.

13 Composition of DHM

The human milk banking process itself (selection and pooling of donors, freeze/thaw
cycles, storage container selection etc.) may cause minor changes in milk com-
position. This will result in variable composition of the product supplied to the
preterm infant and may be at least partly responsible for the poor growth observed
and discussed previously.
During the operation of the PREM Bank it has not been practically feasible to
routinely measure macronutrient composition of donated milk. However, two audits
have been conducted (Table 18.3). The first monitored the composition of the first
50 batches of DHM processed by the PREM Bank when it was first established. The
second monitored composition during a 3 month period in 2011 when the PREM
Bank was operating at a much higher capacity. Most DHM in audit 1 was donated
by mothers of preterm infants early in lactation, whereas during audit 2 there was
a higher proportion of mothers of term infants or with established lactation. This
may have been responsible for changes in the mean composition. However, the stan-
dard deviations, particularly with respect to fat and protein composition during both
audits, demonstrate the broader issue that composition between batches of DHM is
extremely variable. Relatively simple techniques (mid infrared) for the determination
of macronutrient composition of human milk utilising small sample volume and rapid
turnaround are becoming available [23] and are being applied to examination of these
nutritional changes resulting from human milk banking practices. Future research
may elucidate other technologies that allow the manipulation of the macronutrient
composition of DHM to reduce batch variability and target the nutritional needs of
preterm infants. However, in the short term, measurement of composition and appro-
priate fortification allow more appropriate nutritional management of donor human
milk for the preterm infant.
384 B. T. Hartmann and L. Christen

14 Conclusions

The current evidence, on balance, supports the use of PDHM to reduce the risk
of NEC in the preterm, VLBW, when a mother’s own milk is unavailable [13].
However, universal support for donor human milk banking from clinicians is not
evident. This may be in part to concerns about the safety of the process and the
ability of milk banks to manage the low but real risks associated with milk donation.
There has been a recent focus in contemporary human milk banking on addressing
these concerns through the application of appropriate management practices used in
similar industries, as discussed at length in this chapter, and considerable progress
has been made in this regard. Milk bank adherence to consistent international practice
may also serve to give clinicians confidence in the safety of the process and the quality
of the product for their patient. However, the differing risk environments, particularly
related to donor screening, probably make this goal unachievable. It may however
be possible for donor human milk banks to define uniform quality principles, so that
product quality can be assured, while local practices vary to meet local needs and
manage local risks. With the emergence of donor human milk banks in the developing
world this is also a relevant consideration. In these projects the definition of milk
banking is broader than simply in the NICU, and milk banking is used to support
and encourage breastfeeding (where local breastfeeding rates are low), to provide
a safer alternative to infant formula (where infant mortality due to gastrointestinal
disorders is endemically high) and even to provide a processing (pasteurisation) of
an HIV positive mothers’ own milk to be safely provided to her own infant. However,
milk banking should still provide the safe provision of appropriate nutrition in these
circumstances and development of these projects is recognising this need.
In addition to quality principles, a systematic methodology will be required to
assess the risk of various milk bank processes in their local context. HACCP is now
commonly used in milk banking and it would seem that this stepwise and systematic
methodology, which is internationally recognised, could be modified by milk banks
to assess other milk banking quality assurance decisions that fall outside its usual
scope. This may also provide a risk assessment methodology that can be uniformly
applied to milk banking, both in NICU and in projects in the developing world.
It is reasonable to suggest, when examining descriptions of the first establishment
of milk banks that practice and technologies have not progressed far in its 100 plus
year history. There are enormous opportunities to progress milk banking practices
and technologies, and it will be the responsibility of human milk banks to validate the
safety and efficacy of these technologies. An additional benefit of the development
of a risk-based approach to milk banking could also be to provide a mechanism to
introduce changes in practice in a systematically and safely managed manner.

Acknowledgement We acknowledge Dr Pieter Koorts for his review and comments on the section
“Clinical indications for the use of PDHM for the preterm infant”.
18 Donor Human Milk Banking in Neonatal Intensive Care 385


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Part VII
Nutrition in Specific Conditions
Chapter 19
Feeding the Preterm Neonate with Intrauterine
Growth Restriction

Flavia Indrio, Luca Maggio and Francesco Raimondi

Abstract Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is the failure to achieve the ge-
netically predetermined growth potential and may be caused by fetal, maternal,
placental, and external factors. IUGR is associated with significant perinatal mortal-
ity and morbidity and adverse long-term outcomes, in preterm, especially extremely
preterm infants with gestation under 28 weeks at birth. Optimal enteral feeding is
crucial in this population as suboptimal nutrition during a critical phase of postnatal
life is associated with a negative impact on long term neurodevelopment. However,
enteral nutrition is a difficult issue in these infants considering the adverse effects of
chronic hypoxia on the fetal gastrointestinal tract, and the inherent susceptibility of
this high-risk population to a potentially devastating illness such as necrotising ente-
rocolitis (NEC). Signs of feeding intolerance such as abdominal distension, large/bile
stained gastric residuals are almost universal in the first week or two in extremely
preterm IUGR infants and are difficult to differentiate from early NEC. This is also
the period when suboptimal nutrition constitutes a nutritional emergency. Animal
data associate IUGR with reduced intestinal weight (proportionate to body weight),
length and wall thickness, and reduced villous height and crypt depth at the micro-
scopic level. Initial observations on a distinct gut colonization pattern may also be
relevant to the specific health hazards in this population. This chapter reviews the
current strategies for enteral feeding, and the potential long term adverse effects of
catch up growth (e.g., increased risk of obesity, hypertension and diabetes mellitus)
in the preterm infant with IUGR.

Key points
• Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a common pregnancy outcome that
carries significant mortality and morbidity in preterm infants

F. Raimondi ()
Department of Medical Translational Medicine, Università “Federico II”,
Via Pansini 5, 80131 Naples, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
F. Indrio
Department of Pediatrics, University of Bari, Bari, Italy
L. Maggio
Division of Neonatology, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 391

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3_19, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
392 F. Indrio et al.

• IUGR is associated with structural and functional abnormalities of the gastroin-

testinal tract that may be relevant to stunted growth
• It is debated whether IUGR increases the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis in
preterm infants
• Deficient nutrient uptake is associated to poor neurodevelopment in IUGR infants,
and excessive catch up growth is linked to increased risk of metabolic syndrome
• Specific strategies are being evaluated for optimizing the nutrition of the preterm
IUGR infant in the intensive care unit
• Future nutritional strategies will target the optimal growth window to avoid/
minimise the negative outcomes associated with IUGR and catch up growth

1 Introduction

Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a failure to achieve the growth potential

promised by interactions of genetic and epigenetic determinants functioning against
an environment of maternal, fetal, and placental influences [1]. A common definition
is a significant decrease in intrauterine fetal growth as assessed by ultrasound. IUGR
manifests as a variable syndrome of suboptimal growth and body disproportions
rather than a well-defined etiologic entity. Causes for IUGR are diverse and include
aneuploidies, non-aneuploid syndromes, infections, metabolic factors and placental
disorders. IUGR places the fetus and neonate at risk of death or disability in the
perinatal period [2, 3] and predisposes the child to a lifelong increased risk for
hypertension, cardiovascular disorders and renal disease, among others [4].
Reduced fetal growth and small size at birth remain a major cause of morbidity
and mortality in early infancy and childhood throughout the world [5]. In addition,
low birth weight has been associated with increased risk of developing metabolic
syndrome or one of its components (insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, impaired glu-
cose tolerance, type 2 diabetes -DM2- and hypertension), and cardiovascular disease
in adulthood [6–8].
Infant with IUGR maybe small for gestational age (SGA), growing at a slower
than normal rate due to a pathophysiological processes that either limit fetal nutrition
or affect the capacity of the fetus to grow when provided with nutrients.

2 Intestinal Modification in the IUGR Newborn

Little is known about the postnatal effects of IUGR on structural and functional pa-
rameters of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). However, this point appears to be crucial
because the GIT is involved in the first steps of postnatal immune system matura-
tion, in body protection against food allergens and environmental microorganisms
and in nutrient assimilation. Several studies have been performed in animal models
to evaluate the fetal intestine in presence of IUGR. Alterations in intestinal devel-
opment such as impaired nutrient absorption and utilization [9, 10] and structure
19 Feeding the Preterm Neonate with Intrauterine Growth Restriction 393

Table 19.1 Intestinal 1 Reduced intestinal mass

morphological changes 2 Reduced intestinal weight and length
in IUGR 3 Reduced wall thickness
4 Reduced length of the intestinal villi
5 Reduced number of the intestinal villi

atrophy have been reported in the literature. The intestine of neonates with IUGR
has reduced weight (proportionate to body weight), length, wall thickness, villous
height, and crypt depth [11–14].
IUGR delays the normal developmental pattern of a series of intestinal parameters
(increase in ileal mucosa density and villous area). IUGR also results in a relatively
long and thin intestine in both preterm and term neonate. The important GIT changes
in IUGR are summarized in Table 19.1.
IUGR affects intestinal development, regardless of the gestational age [15]. A
recent study has shown that IUGR piglets have a reduced response to feeding prob-
ably due to the combination of prolonged exposure to IUGR stress in utero, higher
energy expenditure to maintain body temperature postnatally, and the differences in
gut microbiota implantation. These factors together contribute greatly to intestinal
structural development. These modifications led to a reduction in the surface area
of exchange of more than 60 % during the first days of life, as estimated by the
combined reduction of small intestinal length, mucosa density, dry matter content
and villous sizes. In contrast, intestinal enzyme activities were not markedly affected
by IUGR from birth to day 5 in full-term IUGR piglets, while they were lower in
preterm IUGR piglets at birth. From these data, the authors concluded that the ef-
fects of IUGR may indeed depend on delivery age (preterm or term). In the same
study the authors have also demonstrated an elevated expression of PEPT1, which
potentially enhanced intestinal transport of bacterial peptides, combined with the
higher density of adherent bacteria and translocation. These changes together may
lead to a decrease in gut barrier function and subsequently could play a role in the
IUGR-related modulation of the immune system via the NF-kB pathway.
More elucidation regarding the molecular mechanisms underlying the intestinal
impaired function in IUGR comes from an elegant study by D’Inca and co-workers
[16]. This study also reports the role of microbiota colonization of the gut in this
risk population. The authors demonstrated that IUGR affected weight and structure
of the intestine and enhanced counts of adherent bacteria. Dynamic variations of
intestinal genes involved in biological processes such as defense system and cell death
were consistent with the IUGR-induced increase in postnatal bacterial challenge.
Therefore, the lower intestinal trophic responses to enteral food introduction in piglets
with IUGR during the early period of life could contribute to growth failure, a well-
known morbidity associated with IUGR, and hamper digestive health in the slightly
longer term. This study demonstrated that the proliferation-apoptosis homeostasis
was affected in the intestine of piglets with IUGR, leading to a reduced surface of
intestinal exchange. Piglets with IUGR possess a thinner intestine and a surface
area of exchange reduced by 40 %, as estimated by the combined reduction of ileal
weight: length ratio and villous sizes. This point appears to be crucial because of the
394 F. Indrio et al.

main role of the intestine in processing dietary molecules into available nutrients for
the organism and in regulating the flux of antigenic materials that participate in the
maturation of the gut-associated lymphoid tissue. Reducing the exchange surface of
the ileum in piglets with IUGR may lead to compromised health [17].
Gut colonization by bacteria and the fermentation activity of the resulting in-
testinal microbiota may be altered in infants who have experienced IUGR compared
with healthy infants because of the effect of IUGR on the small intestine. An al-
tered initial colonization of the gut is likely to affect neonatal gut colonization by
bacteria, which would explain why IUGR predisposes to NEC and induces intesti-
nal microbial dysbiosis throughout adult life. This last assumption arises from the
idea that an intestinal microbiota resembling that present in adults is definitively
structured between birth and the first years of life, which is the time when the gut
evolves from sterility to a highly populated bacterial ecosystem [18]. Another study
by D’Inca [16] investigates whether IUGR alters the intestinal microbiota, especially
the composition and activity of ceco-colonic microbiota from birth to adulthood in
rats. The study considered both the immediate effects [soon after birth (day 5), before
weaning (day 12), at early weaning (day 16), and on completing weaning (day 22)],
and the long-term influences [sexual maturation (day 40) and adult life (day 100)].
The first effect observed was that, for all of the enumerated bacterial groups except
lactobacilli, the number of bacteria either tended to be or was higher in pups with
IUGR compared with control pups at day 5. Conversely, at day 12, the numbers of
total and of some individual bacteria (Bifidobacterium spp, bacteria from clostridial
clusters IV and XIVa) were lower in pups with IUGR than in control pups, indicating
that the extent of bacterial colonization, which dramatically increased between day 5
and day 12 (i.e., from 8.9 to 11.2 log on average), was reduced in pups that had been
subjected to IUGR. Interestingly, this influence particularly affected strict anaerobes,
which are supposed to require lowered oxygen tension and oxidation-reduction po-
tential before being capable of colonizing the gut [18]. Finally, the authors showed
a different pattern of luminal short chain fatty acids (SCFA) probably related to the
different pattern of microbiota and different pattern of orocecal transit time or of food
digestibility in the small intestine. Bacteria metabolites such as SCFA may stimulate
smooth muscle. In the colon they inhibit peristaltic activity and may stimulate tonic
activity. Lastly, SCFA modify upper motility, inducing relaxation of the proximal
stomach, lower esophageal sphincter and reducing gastric emptying via the involving
of GI hormones as polypeptide YY 15. Crosstalk between the digestive nervous and
motor activities, immune related mechanisms and microbiota have been considered
as the main physiologic mechanisms involved. The authors of this study have also
reported difference in the gene expression of SCFA. The expression of some genes
involved in butyrate uptake was decreased at day 22 and luminal butyrate was de-
creased at day 40 in rats that had been subjected to IUGR. Such deficits in butyrate
bioavailability could have a negative influence on the proliferation of colonocytes
and the maintenance of colonic homeostasis by modulating the permeability [19],
modulating the expression of some intestinal transcripts involved in barrier function
[20], and reducing the secretion of mucins [21]. An alteration in the capability of the
microbiota to produce SCFA may result from either the inherent characteristics of
19 Feeding the Preterm Neonate with Intrauterine Growth Restriction 395

Table 19.2 Intestinal 1 Lactase activity maturation

biochemical and microbial 2 Higher expression of the peptide transporter PEPT1
changes in IUGR 3 Expression of the proinflammatory cytokine IL-6
4 Different SCFA concentration in the intestinal lumen
5 Different intestinal microbial colonization

the microbiota or an insufficient or unbalanced provision of substrate. The major bio-

chemical and microbial changes in the intestine in presence of IUGR are summarised
in Table 19.2.
In conclusion, the intestine of IUGR neonates has reduced weight (proportionate
to body weight), length, wall thickness, villous height, and crypt depth. Alterations
in intestinal development such as impaired nutrient absorption and utilization and
structure atrophy could be responsible for higher perinatal mortality and morbidity.
They may also explain the predisposition of these infants to feeding intolerance,
decreased fat absorption, and digestive diseases early in postnatal life.
In IUGR newborns the lower mucosal trophic responses to introduction of enteral
feeds, indicated by the lower density and villous size, could contribute to growth
failure, a well-known morbidity associated with IUGR, and hamper long-term di-
gestive health. This issue appears to be important, because the intestinal barrier is
involved in the first steps of postnatal immune system maturation, body protection
against food allergens and environmental microorganisms, and nutrient assimilation.
The intestinal microbiota is now recognized as playing a key role in numerous
physiological processes, including growth, angiogenesis, optimization of nutrition,
and stimulation of various arms of the innate and adaptive immune systems. There-
fore, any changes in microbiota density, composition, and/or activity are likely to
affect the health of the host. The dysbiosis associated in these risk population could
persist throughout life and drive the intestinal development during the neonatal period
by dynamic modification of gene expression. All these differences in the intestine
of infants with IUGR might be the starting point for investigation of nutritional
strategies that will reduce the incidence of morbidity in these neonates.

3 Are IUGR Neonates at Increased Risk of Necrotizing


Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is the most common surgical emergency affect-

ing the gastrointestinal tract of infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
The incidence of NEC varies from 0.3 to 2.4 infants per 1,000 live births, with
nearly 70 % of cases occurring in infants born at less than 36 weeks of gestation and
up to 7 % of very low birth weight infants. The overall mortality for NEC ranges
from 10 to 50 % and approaches 100 % for infants with the most severe form of
the disease, characterized by extensive necrosis of the intestine leading to intestinal
perforation, peritonitis, bacterial invasion, and sepsis. Despite optimal medical and
396 F. Indrio et al.

surgical management of NEC, infants that recover from disease may still require pro-
longed hospitalization for severe complications (intestinal obstruction, liver failure,
short bowel syndrome), and are at greater risk for growth retardation and long term
neurodevelopmental impairment.
The events that lead to NEC in preterm infants are multifactorial and complex;
the only consistent epidemiologic risk factors for NEC are prematurity and a his-
tory of enteral feeding, which may include a rapid advancement in feeding or high
osmotic strength formula feeding [22]. Recently much attention was focused on
preterm infants with IUGR and abnormal blood flow on antenatal Doppler studies
[23]. Increased placental resistance in the presence of placental failure leads to a
reduction in end diastolic blood flow through the umbilical arteries, progressing to
absent (AEDF) or reversed flow (AREDF) [24]. Fetal adaptation to chronic hypoxia
involves preferential shunting of blood to the brain at the expense of the splanchnic
circulation. It was shown that severe prenatal Doppler abnormalities are associated
with poor fetal outcome [25, 26], but it is still debated if these infants are also at
increased risk for developing NEC. Gut of the IUGR newborns has reduced weight,
proportionate to body weight, length, wall thickness, villous weight, and crypt depth
[10, 27]. Furthermore IUGR is associated with intestinal dysbiosis and alteration of
the proliferation-apoptosis homeostasis which lead to a reduced surface of intestinal
exchange [16]. Moreover, a combination of fetal hypoxia and increased mesenteric
vascular resistance could produce hypoxic-ischaemic injury of the intestine or its
mucosa before birth. Even if direct tissue injury does not occur, prolonged exposure
to these conditions may modulate the development of motor, secretory, and mu-
cosal function so that postnatally the intestine is more susceptible to stasis, abnormal
colonisation, and bacterial invasion.
After birth, it might be expected that any circulatory redistribution would rapidly
resolve because of the normal levels of circulating oxygen; however, investigators
have shown persistent postnatal abnormalities in superior mesenteric artery (SMA)
blood flow velocity in infants who experienced fetal AREDF [28]. Both SMA and
coeliac axis blood flow velocity are considerably reduced on the first day of postna-
tal life and there is a slow recovery in baseline values during the first week of life
[29]. Despite this recovery in baseline SMA blood flow velocity values, the dynamic
response to the first enteral feed is still impaired in IUGR infants [30]. Moreover,
in a prospective cohort study with analysis of Doppler flow velocity waveforms of
splanchnic vessels on the first day of life, the end-diastolic velocity, mean veloc-
ity, and pulsatility index in the SMA, adjusted for gestational age at birth, were
significantly predictive of the risk of NEC [31].
Experimental studies in animals show that hypoxia reduces intestinal blood flow
and oxygen delivery through adrenergic vasoconstriction [32]. Increased oxygen
extraction can compensate for a 30 % reduction in gut blood flow [33], but enteral
feeding reduces the ability of oxygen extraction to compensate for the effects of
hypoxia [34]. The metabolic demands of enteral feeding increase oxygen consump-
tion by the intestine [35]. The combination of antenatal and persisting postnatal
disturbances of gut perfusion, interacting with the metabolic demands of feed-
ing, may adversely affect intestinal tissue oxygenation, combining with stasis and
immunological factors to contribute to the development of NEC.
19 Feeding the Preterm Neonate with Intrauterine Growth Restriction 397

It is still to be confirmed whether SGA infants may be at higher risk for NEC.
The case-control study by Beeby and Jeffrey of 82 infants with NEC revealed a
different spectrum of associated factors for different gestational age groups: while
for infants below 30 weeks gestation formula milk feeding was a significant risk factor
(OR: 4, 95 % CI: 1.1–14.1), for babies of 30–36 weeks the growth retardation was
a significant risk factor: OR: 6 (95 % CI: 1.3–26.8) for birth weight < 10th centile,
and OR: 9 (95 % CI: 1.1–71) for birth weight < 3rd centile [36].
More recently, analysis of the effect of being SGA on outcome of 19.759 singleton
infants born at 25–30 weeks’ gestation and enrolled in the Vermont-Oxford Database
revealed an increased risk of NEC when corrected for significant covariates (OR:
1.27, 95 % CI: 1.05–1.53) [3]. Some studies have demonstrated a closer association
between AEDF or AREDF and NEC, which appears to be independent of other fac-
tors such as degree of growth retardation, prematurity and perinatal asphyxia [37, 38]
while others have not confirmed these findings [39, 40].
A meta-analysis of 14 observational studies has demonstrated an increased inci-
dence of NEC in preterm infants who had exhibited fetal AREDF compared with
controls (OR: 2.13, 95 % CI 1.49–3.03) [41]. Nine of the included studies showed an
excess of NEC in the AREDF infants; eight studies classified NEC using the stricter
definition of radiological or surgical confirmation, of which six showed an excess
of confirmed NEC in the AREDF group. Overall, confirmed NEC was not signif-
icantly increased in these studies (OR: 1.6, 95 % CI: 0.9–2.8), but the six studies
examining confirmed NEC in preterm infants with IUGR showed greatly increased
odds of confirmed NEC in infants with fetal AREDF (OR: 6.9, 95 % CI: 2.3–20). In
many of the studies, fetuses with AREDF required earlier delivery than controls so
it could be argued that the higher risk of NEC in these studies was primarily related
to the lower gestational age and birth weight; nevertheless, the excess of confirmed
NEC was also found in the two series that matched controls for gestation and weight
(OR: 5.5, 95 % CI: 1.1–28) [37, 42]. A more recent study has confirmed the results
of this meta-analysis demonstrating a strong relation between AREDF and subse-
quent development of NEC (OR: 5.88, 95 % CI: 2.41–14.34) also after adjustment
for gestational age at birth (OR: 7.64, 95 % CI: 2.96–19.70) and after adjustment for
birthweight for gestational age z score (OR: 6.72, 95 % CI: 2.23–20.25) [43].
It is important to note that all of the previous studies have examined the role of
umbilical arteries Doppler flows alone. When Manogura et al. [44] investigated this
topic using a more comprehensive fetal Doppler assessment that provided greater
circulatory details (umbilical artery, middle cerebral artery, ductus venosus, and
umbilical vein) the association between NEC and AREDF was lost. In this study
404 neonates with severe IUGR and elevated umbilical artery Doppler indices were
evaluated: more than 40 % of the fetuses were under the 1st percentile corrected
for gestational age at delivery; < 9 % of the fetuses were above the 5th percentile
for birthweight. The multinomial logistic regression with NEC as dependent variable
failed to demonstrate a relationship between placental resistance and the risk of NEC
finding that birth weight and base deficit at birth were the independent risk factor for
NEC. These results have raised some doubts on the reliability of all the evidences
suggesting a causal relationship between NEC and abnormal placental resistance.
398 F. Indrio et al.

As discussed earlier Doppler investigations have been usually confined to single

arterial beds (umbilical and mesenteric); considering the low frequency of NEC,
most of the earlier studies have also been underpowered to detect a minimal but
clinically significant rise in the risk for this illness. Furthermore, most of the worst
AREDV cases would occur at below 28 weeks of gestation so use of multiple regres-
sion analysis is important if the overriding effect of gestational age as an important
confounder is to be assessed. Finally, metabolic status at birth was not taken into
consideration by any of these studies.
In conclusion, it is plausible that placental insufficiency predisposes to, but does
not initiate, the cascade of events that lead to NEC and it is more likely that the
limitations of prematurity define the origins of this disease. Future research about
NEC should focus on the critical transition to neonatal life to identify relevant triggers
in predisposed neonates.

4 Nutritional Strategies for the Clinically Unstable, Growth

Restricted Infant

The idea that the gastrointestinal tract of newborns with IUGR is particularly vulner-
able compared to their AGA controls is widespread among neonatologists although
the evidence is debatable. Mihatsch et al. studied a population of 35 VLBW, growth
restricted neonates compared to 89 AGA controls [45]. Human milk feeding was en-
couraged and standard preterm formula was used when breast milk was not available.
They found no significant difference in the age at starting feeds (4 days with range
2–4 for SGA infants; 3 days with range 2–4 for AGA controls), the time (11 days
with range 9–16 for SGA infants; 12 days with range 10–16 for AGA controls) or the
age (14 days with range 12–21 for SGA infants; 15 days with range 12–21 for AGA
controls), to achieve full enteral feeds (150 ml/kg). However, the relatively small
study population included both symmetrical and asymmetrical growth restricted in-
fants and data on the intrauterine hemodynamic adaptation were available only for
half the enrolled patients. Also, the standardized feeding regimen in the study was
particularly cautious. It dictated milk feedings with increments at a rather slow pace
(16 ml/kg/day) only after bowel cleansing with enemas and initial oral tolerance of
5 % glucose solution. When, as in many NICUs worldwide, a less conservative pro-
tocol is used, the more severely IUGR infants might still show increased feeding
intolerance. Indeed, the delayed introduction of enteral feeding might not be neces-
sary as shown by a recent multicenter randomized controlled trial (ADEPT) on 404
preterm infants with birth weight below 10th centile and abnormal antenatal umbil-
ical artery Doppler waveforms [46]. Infants who were started on enteral feeds on
day of life 2 (“early introduction”) had a shorter duration of parenteral nutrition and
high-dependency care, a lower incidence of cholestatic jaundice and an improved SD
score for weight at discharge compared to the “late introduction” (i.e., day of life 6).
The authors showed a significant advantage (with an average of 3 days) in reaching
full enteral feeding of at least 150 ml/kg for the early introduction group; also there
19 Feeding the Preterm Neonate with Intrauterine Growth Restriction 399

was no difference in NEC occurrence between early and late feeds introduction with
a relative risk of 1.20 (95 % CI: 0.37–3.37) although the study was powered only to
detect a difference of 50 % with a 60 % power. Also, though the median gestation was
31 weeks, only 20 % approximately of the enrolled infants were below 29 weeks,
when the risk of feed intolerance and NEC is expected to be highest. Indeed Gupta
et al. have reported a subgroup analysis on the data from the ADEPT trial to study
feeding tolerance in 82/404 growth restricted preterm infants with gestation < 29
weeks [47]. These infants were randomly allocated to early (commencing feeds at
24–48 h) or late introduction (commencing feeds at 120–144 h) of enteral feeding.
Feeding intolerance was pre- defined and feed volume due to intolerance was altered
or stopped at the clinician’s discretion. Gestation and birth weight were comparable
between the two groups. Both groups started total parenteral nutrition at a median
age of 2 days and had central lines in place for an average of 18 days. Median num-
ber of days of feed intolerance was 7 days in both groups. The early feeding group
had significantly more frequent episodes of intolerance compared to the late group.
Birth weight < 600 g, late passage of meconium (> 72 h) and cholestasis were sig-
nificantly associated with days of feeding intolerance. The median volume of feeds
on first day of feeding intolerance was similar in both groups and was at volumes of
9 ml/kg/day. The median volume of feeds tolerated by infants in the first 10 days of
life was much lower than the target volume in the trial. This feed intolerance in early
days of life was present in both early and late feeding group. It was concluded that
growth restricted infants of < 29 weeks’ gestation with abnormal antenatal Dopplers
failed to tolerate even the careful graded feeding regime used in the ADEPT trial.
The authors suggested that this cohort of infants may require an increased duration
of minimal enteral feeds and slower increments to decrease intolerance and establish
full feeds [47].
Other nutritional interventions have been attempted to control feeding intolerance.
A partially hydrolyzed protein formula (pHPF) has the theoretical advantage to be
more readily digestible and might be a resource in the feeding intolerant preterm in-
fant. Yet, concerns have been expressed on the nutritional adequacy of these special
formulas in the premature baby. Rigo et al. have showed that preterm infants fed
hydrolysed formula had significantly less nitrogen absorption and decreased protein
efficiency compared to controls fed standard preterm formula [48]. A small random-
ized controlled trial has also demonstrated significant higher urinary excretion of
essential amino acids in the group on pHPF for four weeks [49]. Results may be con-
ditioned by several variables: source of protein (whey, casein or different whey:casein
mixtures), the degree of hydrolysis with different amounts of free amino acids and
oligopeptides that can greatly influence intestinal absorption.
The only study where protein formulas with varying degree of hydrolysis were
tried for a prolonged period (12 weeks) in preterm infants (with no IUGR infant
enrolled) did not show any significant nutritional disadvantage in comparison to stan-
dard preterm formula [50]. It was a randomized controlled trial where a total of 61 low
birth weight infants were divided into four groups with different feeding strategies:
extensively hydrolyzed protein formula (eHPF), pHPF, standard preterm formula
and own mother’s fortified breast milk. There were no differences in growth rate
400 F. Indrio et al.

(weight gain, increments in length and head circumference) or in main chemistries

among eHPF, pHPF and standard preterm formula. The small number of infants
enrolled makes it difficult to draw definite conclusions from this study. The data on
actual nutritional intake and nitrogen absorption or retention during the trial was also
not provided.
Mihatsch have reported that a pHPF formula accelerated the feeding advancement
in a VLBW et al population of mixed SGA andAGA neonates when used for the initial
four weeks of life [51]. The median time of parenteral nutrition was significantly
reduced of three days in the hydrolysed formula group and body weight at day
28 was not affected. A subsequent double blind randomized controlled trial using a
special pHPF tailored on the needs of the preterm infant (it was not specified if IUGR
infants were included in the study) failed to confirm these results [52]. However, at
the time of enrolment, the study population was relatively mature (corrected age
32.2 ± 3.2 weeks for control group and 32.2 ± 3.2 weeks for the treatment group;
weight 1,376 ± 200 g for control group and 1419 ± 153 g for treatment group) and
the low incidence of feeding intolerance in this population may contribute to explain
the lack of effect of pHPF.
It is reasonable to conclude that partially, extensively and amino-acid based or
elemental formulas do not have an indication in the routine nutrition of the preterm
AGA or SGA infant. Special formulas might still have a role in the most clinically
unstable populations of IUGR infants. Neonates with extreme degrees of formula
intolerance are a good example.
An amino acid-based formula has been recently compared to standard preterm
formula in a population of VLBW infants with IUGR and signs of marked intol-
erance that had led to withholding enteral feeds [53]. The introduction of the ele-
mental formula was followed by a significant improvement in feeding tolerance as
assessed by the frequency of voluminous (> 5 ml/kg) gastric residuals and mean gas-
tric residual volume. No significant difference between groups was noted in growth,
serum parameters and outcome at discharge, possibly due to the relatively short
duration of the intervention (15.4 ± 12.3 days).

5 Growth of the Stabilized, Growth Restricted Infant:

To Feed or Not to Feed

The observation in historical cohorts of an increased incidence of metabolic syndrome

in formerly IUGR infants reaching adulthood has led to the theory of developmental
programming or developmental origin of health and disease [54]. The insufficient
provision during fetal life of protein and calories induces the fetal metabolism to
adapt. However, the short-term advantage would have a long-term cost. In fact,
fighting IUGR with high protein and energy diets postnatally, while granting faster
growth, leads to greater accretion of fat body mass ultimately leading to the metabolic
syndrome. Pylipow et al. have recently shown that excessive growth in the 16 weeks
after prenatal growth failure is also associated not only with an increased BMI but
also with decreased cognitive scores at the age of 7-years [55].
19 Feeding the Preterm Neonate with Intrauterine Growth Restriction 401

Still, a prolonged undernutrition after birth has been firmly linked to perma-
nent neurological deficits [56]. Casey et al. have evaluated the impact of prenatal
and/or postnatal growth problems in low birth weight preterm infants (n = 985) on
school-age outcomes in an 8-year longitudinal evaluation [56]. All infants received
standardized evaluations to age 8; 180 infants met the criteria for failure to thrive be-
tween 4 and 36 months’ gestational corrected age. Children who failed to thrive had
significant lower IQ scores than controls. Children who had both SGA and failure to
thrive had the lowest cognitive and academic achievement scores [56].
Puzzled by the dilemma “to feed or not to feed”, neonatologists will be looking
for an ideal nutritional window for the catch up growth of the IUGR infant. However,
in order to customize our interventions a we must understand the mechanisms be-
hind developmental programming. Animal models show that maternal malnutrition
or placental insufficiency can permanently alter the expression of genes involved in
glucose homeostasis and glucocorticoid metabolism ultimately changing the pheno-
type [57]. This regulation involves the epigenetic level i.e., the chromatin’s structure
and its association with DNA transcription machinery. A good example comes from
a rat maternal undernutrition model where offspring have selected DNA methylation
changes on histone associated with hepatic IGF1gene. This leads to decreased hep-
atic IGF1-mRNA as well as a phenotype with reduced growth and altered glucose
homeostasis [58].
In conclusion, although the condition of intrauterine growth failure has been
known for a long time, the full appreciation of its postnatal consequences is relatively
recent. We have learnt that both insufficient feeding and aggressive nutrition might
have relevant pitfalls but it is unclear where to draw the line. From a nutritional
standpoint, the optimal composition of parenteral and enteral feeds that meets the
special requirements of infants with IUGR is still to be found. Also, future research
should address specific clinical situations (e.g., the extremely low birth weight infant
with IUGR; the severely feeding intolerant IUGR infant) that are not uncommon and
particularly difficult to manage. Nutritional strategies during NICU admission and
after discharge need to be supported by experimental as well as clinical research in the
context of the current understanding of the pathophysiology of IUGR. Finally, since
the prenatal and postnatal metabolic equilibrium is under genetic and epigenetic
regulation, it will be essential to clarify the mechanisms by which environmental
factors such as nutrition modulate gene transcription levels. Future research in this
direction will likely grant us success in feeding the preterm IUGR infants in a “not
too much, not too fast” fashion.


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Chapter 20
Nutrition in Intestinal Failure/Short Bowel

Jatinder Bhatia and Cynthia Mundy

Abstract Intestinal failure is the critical reduction of functional gut mass below the
minimal amount necessary for adequate digestion and absorption to satisfy body
nutrient and fluid requirements for maintenance and growth in children and adults.
Short-bowel syndrome (SBS) is the most common cause of intestinal failure in in-
fants, and results from surgical resection, congenital defect, or disease-associated
loss of absorption capacity of the gut. It is characterized by the inability to maintain
protein-energy, fluid, electrolyte, or micronutrient balances when on a convention-
ally accepted, normal diet, resulting in dependence on parenteral nutrition (PN).
The duration of PN significantly correlates with the length of residual gut. The most
common cause of SBS (35–50 % of cases) in the neonatal period is necrotizing ente-
rocolitis. The other causes include abdominal wall defects such as gastroschisis, and
omphalocele, midgut volvulus, and intestinal atresia. Approximately, 80 % of SBS
in the paediatric population occurs in the neonatal period. The health burden of SBS
is significant with high mortality (27.5–37.5 %), and morbidity including recurrent
bouts of sepsis needing hospitalisation, prolonged hospital stay, impaired long term
growth and development, and high cost of care. The pathophysiology, mechanisms
of intestinal adaptation, and management of SBS are reviewed.

Key points
• Short-bowel syndrome (SBS) is the most common cause of intestinal failure in in-
fants, and results from surgical resection, congenital defect, or disease-associated
loss of absorption capacity of the gut.
• SBS is characterized by the inability to maintain protein-energy, fluid, elec-
trolyte, or micronutrient balances when on a conventionally accepted, normal
diet, resulting in dependence on parenteral nutrition (PN).
• The health burden of SBS is significant with high mortality (27.5–37.5 %), and
morbidity including recurrent bouts of sepsis, impaired long term growth and
development, prolonged hospital stay, and high cost of care.

J. Bhatia () · C. Mundy

Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, Georgia Regents University,
Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
C. Mundy
e-mail: [email protected]

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 405

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3_20, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
406 J. Bhatia and C. Mundy

• Management of SBS requires careful attention to the pathophysiology, type and

length of the residual bowel, and the intestinal adaptations that follow. An individ-
ualised nutritional strategy to maintain and subsequently promote growth while
minimizing or managing associated complications is the goal.
Short bowel syndrome [SBS] is a clinically complex disorder which results from
a variety of causes leading to alterations in normal anatomic and physiologic func-
tions and is associated with numerous complications including nutritional, infectious,
metabolic and growth. It is difficult to define short bowel syndrome anatomically
since the injury to the gastrointestinal tract can occur at different ages and differ-
ent segments may be affected. Therefore, as suggested by Vanderhoof et al., short
bowel syndrome is defined functionally by malabsorption in the presence of a short-
ened length of small intestine and subsequent inability to maintain an appropriate
nutritional state on a conventional normal diet for age in conjunction with a short-
ened intestine [1]. SBS results in intestinal failure as manifested by an inability to
maintain protein-energy, electrolyte and micronutrient balance. On the other hand,
intestinal failure can occur independent of SBS as a result of intestinal obstruction,
dysmotility, and congenital syndromes of malabsorption. Thus, an infant with SBS
may have intestinal failure, but not all infants with intestinal failure have SBS [2, 3].
The provision of appropriate nutritional support, parenteral and enteral, and intestinal
rehabilitation is an integral and essential part of gastrointestinal disorders in neonates
and children.

1 Pathophysiology and Physiology

The small intestine is completely formed by 20 weeks gestation. Most of its growth
occurs in the third trimester. In early prematurity [< 27 weeks gestation], the average
length of the small intestine is 115 cm. This length increases to approximately 250 cm
with a diameter of 1.5 cm after 35 weeks gestation. More specifically, for the preterm
infant, total small and large bowel length is estimated to be 142 ± 22 cm at 19–27
weeks and 304 ± 44 cm in infants greater than 35 weeks [4]. In contrast, the adult
intestine is 600–800 cm in length and 4 cm in diameter. The mucosal surface area
increases with age allowing absorptive capacity to increase as well. Infants have
950 cm2 of surface area for absorption whereas, adults have 7,500 cm2 [4, 5]. As a
consequence, the infant has a more favorable outcome compared to an adult because
of the ability of the intestine to adapt and grow.
However, mucosal surface is not uniform throughout the small intestine as approx-
imately one-half of the surface is contained within the proximal fourth of the small
intestine. Absorption of fluids and nutrients occurs throughout the length of the small
intestine, with more of it in the proximal bowel. The jejunum has a large absorptive
surface area, long villi and a high concentration of enzymes and transport carrier
proteins. In addition, the jejunum allows free flux of water and electrolytes from
the vascular space to the intraluminal milieu. The duodenum and jejunum are the
main sites for the absorption of carbohydrate, fat and protein. Iron, calcium, copper,
20 Nutrition in Intestinal Failure/Short Bowel Syndrome 407

water and fat-soluble vitamins are also absorbed in the proximal small bowel. The
distal small bowel is involved in the absorption of intrinsic factor bound B12 and the
active transport of bile salts. The jejunum allows rapid flux of water and electrolytes,
whereas the ileum acts as a functional reserve for substances not absorbed proximally,
including efficient water absorption. The ileocecal valve acts to slow transit time of
intestinal contents and bacteria into the ileum. The ileum also produces hormones
that affect gut motility including enteroglucagon and peptide YY. It is therefore im-
portant to underscore the fact that loss of intestine due to disease or surgical resection
will lead to specific losses of nutrients and expectations of absorption and choice of
nutrition would depend on the area of loss. Moreover, bacterial colonization of the
small bowel can reduce absorption of Vitamin B12 , deconjugate bile salts, reduce
bile salt absorption and impair gut function [6, 7]. In SBS, however, small bowel
bacterial overgrowth is common which is associated with malabsorption, and thus
more dependence on parenteral nutrition and subsequent hepatic dysfunction [8].
As stated above, virtually all digestion and absorption is completed in the proximal
small bowel. In the absence of an intact colon, the minimum length estimated to be
required to avoid parenteral nutrition is approximately 100 cm and with a shorter
segment of jejunum, significant malabsorption occurs [9]. Although the ileum is
limited in its capacity to produce chylomicrons, studies have demonstrated that the
ileum has a greater adaptive function to improve absorption in SBS. The intact colon
becomes an important digestive organ with its ability to absorb fluids, electrolytes,
medium-chain triglycerides, short-chain fatty acids [from carbohydrate salvage],
amino acids and calcium [10–13]. Complex carbohydrates, starches and non-starch
polysaccharides are poorly absorbed in the small intestine and pass into the colon
where bacteria can ferment the short chain fatty acids which are then absorbed by
the colonocyte and provide energy [14, 15].
Abnormalities in motility may also be observed after bowel resection. For exam-
ple, gastric emptying is more rapid following ileal resection as is the jejunal transit
time. Presence of the colon does allow some compensation in the transit time. In
addition, motility may decrease with an increase in either small intestinal transit
time or dilatation of the small intestine to allow for more nutrient contact time and
increased surface area. However, this may be associated with increased bacterial
growth as discussed previously.

2 Incidence

The incidence of SBS is approximately 0.02–0.1 % of all live births, 0.5–2 % among
neonates and 0.7 % among very low birth weight infants with 80 % occurring in
the neonatal period [16–18;
short-bowel-syndrome-in-children/abstract/5]. Mortality rates depend on the age
of the infant, the etiology of SBS, presence of infectious complications, hepatic
dysfunction and/ or failure, and is estimated to be between 20 and 40 % [19–22].
Common causes of SBS are listed in Table 20.1 [2, 7].
408 J. Bhatia and C. Mundy

Table 20.1 Common causes Cause Percent infants

of Short Bowel Syndrome
Necrotizing enterocolitis 29
Malrotation with midgut volvulus 27
Multiple intestinal atresias 23
Gastroschisis 10
Aganglionosis 4
Other 7

3 Intestinal Adaptation

The degree to which the intestine adapts after the injury is the key to successful reha-
bilitation and survival. This process, adaptation, allows the intestine to functionally
adapt to receive more nutrients in the face of a limited absorptive capacity [23]. Adap-
tation is characterized by cellular hyperplasia, villus hypertrophy, increased crypt
depth and bowel dilatation [24]. The cell production rate in the crypt is governed by
several factors including cell cycle time; in the human, jejunum cell cycle time is
about 48 h [25]. Starvation, as occurs early in the adaptation process, reduces cell
proliferation and increases cell cycle time [26]. Cell proliferation usually occurs in
the bottom 2/3rd of the crypt and larger this area, the greater the cell production rate.
These processes increase the absorptive surface and take variable periods of time,
perhaps 1–2 years. The process of adaptation also includes changes in carrier proteins
and enzymes on the remaining brush border, changes in motility and growth [24].
According to Jeppesen and Mortensen, therapies should be directed at improving
adaptation to achieve a better state of intestinal function-“hyperadaptation”, reduce
time to reach this state-“accelerated adaptation”, or both [15]. The increased ab-
sorptive surface area does not result in functional improvement immediately. There
appears to be some functional immaturity in the epithelium as evidenced by measure-
ments of lactase, maltase and surcrase. On the other hand, thymidine kinase is often
increased and the functional immaturity gradually changes as absorptive function
improves [27]. Functional adaptation can also occur independently of villus hyper-
plasia. Differences in absorption of glucose and amino acids may also be observed
and changes in nutrient concentration can influence adaptive change. For example,
increasing intake of carbohydrates may result in an increase in glucose transport
without affecting the villus or mucosal mass. Thus, depending on the type of dietary
substrate, the absorption of different substrates will improve.
Factors that influence intestinal adaptation include the residual bowel anatomy
and site, nurtients, growth factors and hormones. For example, recovery from ileal
resection is better than that from jejunal resection because glucagon-like peptide 2
[GLP-2], peptide YY and enetroglucagon promote adaptation and are produced in
the ileum; in addition, they also influence intestinal transit time and gastric emptying
[1, 24] In animal models of SBS, epithelial hyperplasia is observed within 24–48 h
after bowel resection [28–33]. These changes are associated with the expression
of several genes and it is thought that some of these changes may be mediated by
microRNAs [34–37]. The mechanisms associated with intestinal adaptation are not
20 Nutrition in Intestinal Failure/Short Bowel Syndrome 409

Table 20.2 Nutrients that influence intestinal adaptation

Arginine or Reduce intestinal permeability, can enhance intestinal adaptation
Glutamine Reversed intestinal hypoplasia in an animal model [parenteral
supplementation]; important fuel for the enterocyte [but enteral
supplementation in animal models did not demonstrate any benefit]
Triglycerides Enteral supplementation with long-chain triglycerides appears more
beneficial than medium chain triglycerides
Omega-3 fatty acids Beneficial in intestinal adaptation in the small intestine and colon;
additional benefit may include reduction in hepatic dysfunction

completely understood, but the presence of nutrients in the lumen strongly influences
adaptation. Further, intestinal angiogenesis and new blood vessel growth also occurs
as a result of the adaptive process. Multiple growth factors – epidermal growth factor,
transforming growth factor-α, insulin-like growth factor-1, keratinocyte growth fac-
tor and specific proteins- wnt proteins, intestinal oligopeptide transporter [Pept-1],
ghrelin, are all expressed throughout the intestine and have been shown to enhance
intestinal adaptation [38].

4 Nutrient Effects

Early establishment and maintenance of enteral feeding is an important part of in-

testinal rehabilitation. The effect is mediated by growth factors discussed above as
well as by pancreatic and biliary secretions. Patients with SBS have a decreased
bile acid pool as a result of an interruption in enterohepatic circulation; this in turn
leads to fat malabsorption and associated vitamins and thus affects overall nutri-
tional status. Increasing bile acid pool has been shown to have positive effects on
intestinal adaptation [39, 40]. Studies in parenterally fed animals have demonstrated
that adaptation requires enteral feeding and does not occur with parenteral nutrition
alone [41]. Other nutrients that may influence intestinal adaptation are included in
Table 20.2

5 Site of Intestinal Resection

As previously mentioned, the site of bowel resection and the physiology of the
remaining bowel dictate not only function but also the feeding strategy.

5.1 Jejunal Resection

The jejunum plays an extremely important role because of its large absorptive surface;
therefore, resection in this area results in a reduction in absorption. The jejunum
410 J. Bhatia and C. Mundy

adapts to resection by changes in transport and enzyme activity [42]. Increases in

mucosal weight, DNA and protein have been demonstrated in jejunal tissue [43].
The jejunum only responds in a modest fashion to enteral feeds and may require the
concomitant presence of the ileum. Treatment with IGF-1 may also be beneficial
[44]. Another way of looking at the evidence is presented by the Guidelines for
management of patients with a short bowel [45]. These are:
• If less than 100 cm of jejunum remains, parenteral nutrition and fluids likely to
be needed in the long term [Grade B]
• If less than 200 cm of jejunum remains, oral feedings may suffice with a
supplement [Grade B]
• Hypomagnemia is common [Grade C]
• Jejunal output may be decreased by drugs that decrease motility or those that
reduce gastric acid secretion [Grade B]

5.2 Ileal Resection

The ileum is responsible for Vitamin B12 absorption, bound to intrinsic factor. There-
fore, resection can lead to malabsorption and clinical deficiency of Vitamin B12 in
unsupplemented patients. If extensive ileal resection occurs, there is a disruption
in enterohepatic circulation accompanied by bile salt deficiency and subsequent fat
malabsorption. The length of ileum required to maintain or disrupt these functions
are not clearly defined. The bile acid malabsorption leads to an increase in bile acid
production, but increases bile acid passage may result in secretory diarrhea. Further,
malabsorption of bile acids causes excess absorption of oxalate possibly leading to
kidney stone formation. Unabsorbed lipids reaching the ileum can lead to a delay
in gastric emptying possibly mediated by hormones such as peptide YY [46, 47].
Fluids and electrolytes can also be lost due to ileal resection and has implications
for the type of carbohydrates that are subsequently fed. Lastly, the ileum has a much
better adaptive capacity compared to the jeunum.

5.3 Ileocecal Valve

The ileocecal valve helps regulate passage of nutrients and fluid to the colon and its
loss is associated with a longer duration of parenteral nutrition because of a reduc-
tion in intestinal transit time leading to decreased absorption and therefore a greater
dependency on the parenteral route. Its loss is also associated with increased bac-
terial overgrowth [8]. Other risk factors for bacterial overgrowth include surgical
blind loops, intestinal dysmotility, stasis, hypochlorhydria and malnutrition. Bacte-
rial overgrowth also promotes bacterial translocation, lactic acidosis and infections
with enteric organisms.
20 Nutrition in Intestinal Failure/Short Bowel Syndrome 411

5.4 Colon

Given its role in absorption of water, electrolytes and short chain fatty acids, loss of
the colon leads to fluid and electrolyte depletion. The colon does have an adaptive
capacity, but evidence suggests that feeding of an elemental diet may slow the rate
of colonic adaptation [48].

6 Management of SBS

Parenteral nutrition is the cornerstone for the initial management of infants with
SBS and in turn, depending on its duration and dependence, can also contribute to
both morbidity and mortality. Initially, however, the goal should be to maintain fluid
and electrolyte balance and provision of adequate calories to maintain or promote
growth. Patients tend to have large volume losses of fluids and electrolytes and care-
ful measurement of loses and appropriate replacement is of paramount importance.
Appropriate parenteral nutrition including electrolytes requires a multidisciplinary
team approach since prolonged use of parenteral nutrition is associated with hep-
atic dysfunction ranging from cholestasis, steatosis, cholelithiasis to end stage liver
disease. Another issue is the use of lipids as the currently available lipid emulsions
are predominantly soy based with the phytosterols potentially displacing cholesterol
from the lipid pool and increasing the oxidant load. Once liver disease has devel-
oped, “lipid reducing” strategies, providing lipid infusions only 2–3 times per week
or limiting the quantity of infused lipid to 1–2 g/kg/day may be useful to reverse the
disorder. Another potential treatment for PN cholestasis has been the use of fish-oil
based emulsions which in limited, small studies, have been demonstrated to reverse
TPN induced cholestasis when compared to historical controls. In animal models, a
reduction in fat deposits in the liver was observed when intravenous omega-3 fatty
acid emulsion was given [49, 50]. To date, however, no study has demonstrated
prevention of hepatic dysfunction with the use of these fish-oil based emulsions in
infants and children. Once enteral losses have decreased, enteral nutrition is started
as outlined below.
Loss of ileum and a retained functional colon [45]
• May need parenteral nutrition if less than 50 cm small intestine remains [Grade B]
• Need a high carbohydrate low oxalate diet [not usually applicable in infants]
[Grade A]
Enteral nutrition should be provided as soon as possible, for example, after an
ostomy is deemed functional, although the mainstay of nutritional therapy during this
phase of recovery will be parenteral. Enteral feeding promotes intestinal adaptation
and as stated previously, the adaptive process depends on the presence and quality of
enteral nutrients [51]. Enteral nutrition also plays a role in maintaining normal gut
flora and decreasing the incidence of bacterial translocation [52]. Knowing the site
of lesion and loss of intestinal segments involved will help the provider in planning
412 J. Bhatia and C. Mundy

a strategy. For example, fluid replacement along with electrolytes would be a major
initial goal in lesions involving the stomach or proximal small bowel as large volume
losses are common. Infants with SBS may develop hypersecretion of gastric acid
and fluids in variable amounts and for variable times. These in turn, may deactivate
pancreatic enzymes, decrease pH, alter enteral absorption of fats and drugs and
increase fluid losses [53]. Initially, a H2 blocker may be given intravenously to
suppress gastric hypersecretion.
Enteral Nutrition can be provided either by small frequent feedings or by con-
tinuous infusion; the latter has the advantage of “exposing” the intestine to small
quantities of nutrients and as the intestine adapts, the amounts can be increased [54].
A variety of products are available and a particular product should be selected based
on the individual patients’ needs. It should be emphasized that attention be given to
oral feeding even if it is non-nutritive sucking or in very small amounts to avoid the
development of oral aversion that frequently develops in chronically ill or tube fed
The three categories of formulas commonly used are as follows:
1. Cow milk based formulas: Since there may be an increased risk of cow milk
protein allergy or intolerance, it is not uncommon to begin feeds in infants with
SBS with either human milk or semi-elemental formulas.
2. Semi-elemental formulas: The nitrogen source are proteins that have been hy-
drolyzed into oligopeptides of varying lengths, dipeptides and tripeptides. The
latter have specific transport mechanisms and are thought to be absorbed better and
more efficiently than individual amino acids or whole proteins [55, 56]. Casein
hydrolysate formulas stimulate jejunal reabsorption of water and electrolytes.
3. Elemental Formulas: These formulas contain individual amino acids, are low
in fat [especially long-chain triglycerides] and are thought to require minimal
digestive function and cause less stimulation of pancreatic secretions. In many
products, medium-chain triglycerides are the predominant fat source and can be
absorbed in the absence of lipase or bile salts.
In general, malabsorption occurs from a defect in transport of nutrients across the
mucosa as in some disease states [e.g., Crohn’s disease] or due to intra-luminal
defects of absorption as occurs with bile salt deficiency or bacterial overgrowth.
Infants with SBS are considered ideal candidates for semi-elemental and elemental
formulas because of the malabsorption associated with SBS and the benefit of more
efficient absorption. In adults, results of efficacy between these two formulas are
conflicting and will not be discussed here. In children with SBS, no significant
difference in intestinal permeability, energy and nitrogen balance were found when
comparing feedings with hydrolyzed protein vs non hydrolyzed protein [57].

6.1 Protein

The initial feeding of choice is human milk unless it is suspected that the carbohydrate
sources [lactose] may not be tolerated. Once feedings are initiated and advanced,
20 Nutrition in Intestinal Failure/Short Bowel Syndrome 413

Short Bowel Syndrome

Human Milk “Drip Feeds”

Previously Fed Formula Diluted Formulas

> 40% of Intake

Yes No

Ready-To-Feed Formula

Not Tolerated
Elemental Formula
Connued Dumping


Parenteral Pharmacologic Management Anbiocs


Fig. 20.1 Suggested algorithm in feeding infants with short bowels syndrome

careful assessment of output is important. If “dumping” [arbitrarily defined as output

> 40 % input], occurs, the next choice would be a semi-elemental formula which
would be hydrolysates of casein or whey, rationale behind which is the increased risk
of cow milk protein allergy or intolerance to intact cow-milk protein [58, 59]. If these
formulas are not tolerated by the same criteria used above, the next step would be to
use an elemental formula which contains free amino acids. A suggested algorithm is
shown (Fig. 20.1). Some practitioners tend to use diluted formulas to assure tolerance
but this practice is controversial since the feeds may become iso-osmolar when they
reach the proximal bowel.

6.2 Fats

Infants and young children will benefit from a diet relatively high in fat [∼40 %]
given their higher energy needs for growth. In addition, higher fat containing for-
mulas do not present a higher osmotic load and may decrease gut motility. Long
chain triglycerides are not well absorbed in the small intestine making formulas
with medium chain triglycerides a better choice. The latter are also water soluble
and better absorbed in the presence of bile acid or pancreatic insufficiency. There is
some evidence that high proportion of fat in the form of MCT stimulates mucosal
414 J. Bhatia and C. Mundy

adaptation to a lesser degree than feedings that contain long-chain triglycerides [60].
Thus in infants where luminal bile acid concentrations may be decreased due to ileal
resection, a combination of medium and long-chain triglycerides may be preferred
[61]. Malabsorption due to fat will result in steatorrhea, whereas secretory diarrhea
may occur with the loss of the distal ileum. Enterally administered triglycerides and
omega-3 fatty acids as well as parenteral omega-3 fatty acids appear to be beneficial
in inducing adaptation in the small intestine and colon in an animal model [62, 63].

6.3 Carbohydrates

Most infants with SBS do not tolerate high amounts of carbohydrates because of
the increased osmotic load. Lactose may also be poorly absorbed due to relative
lactase deficiency. In patients with an intact colon, a stool pH < 5.5 may indicate
carbohydrate malabsorption with a resultant increase in osmotic diarrhea. In older
infants, if diarrhea persists, addition of fiber to the formula may decrease stool
quantity. Fiber may also play a role in intestinal adaptation by producing short-chain
fatty acids [64]. Starches need to be avoided because they are hydrolyzed in the upper
gastrointestinal tract and produce an osmotic load.
In general, a formula containing a protein hydrolysate, medium chain triglyc-
erides and glucose polymers appears to be a good initial choice for infants with SBS
in the absence of using human milk. In addition, careful attention needs to be paid
to both fat and water soluble vitamins, vitamin B12 [ileal resection] and iron. The
supplementation of iron is important in infants with the loss of proximal bowel. Sup-
plements of copper, zinc and sodium may also be required with extensive diarrhea.
Parenteral nutrition needs to be tapered as enteral nutrition advances.
Pharmacological therapy includes the use of antisecretory agents to reduce
stomal and fecal losses in infants with SBS and antimotility agents and these include:
• H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors: excess gastrin levels
• Cholestyramine: a trial may be warranted if bile salt malabsorption is thought to be
resulting in diarrhea. This resin binds bile acids; however, if bile acid deficiency
is present as in the case of massive ileal resection, this agent may exacerbate
• Loperamide: may be useful in older infants and children, but also may promote
bacterial overgrowth; this may be beneficial in patients with rapid bowel transit
• Octreotide: increases small bowel transit time; limited evidence in infants; fat
malabsorption may occur

6.4 Chronic Complications

As stated previously, careful management and evaluation and treatment of com-

plications of SBS requires a multidisciplinary approach. Complications not only
20 Nutrition in Intestinal Failure/Short Bowel Syndrome 415

are related to the delivery of parenteral nutrients [catheter related] but also to the
development of infectious and metabolic consequences.
Bacterial overgrowth is often unrecognized in neonates. A high concentration
of gastric acid normally limits the number of bacteria entering the small intestine.
Thus, agents that reduce gastric acidity should be used with caution. This is of par-
ticular importance since some clinicians routinely use acid reducing agents after the
placement of feeding gastrostomies. Since SBS involves both interruption in bowel
anatomy and motility, when motility slows, the bowel gets dilated and it is not uncom-
mon for bacterial content of the proximal small intestine to exceed 105 . Reduction in
gut-associated lymphatic tissue may also impair the immune response to the bacteria
[65]. These bacteria deconjugate bile salts resulting in rapid reabsorption of bile
acids thus depleting the bile acid pool; this in turn impairs micellar solubilization
and results in malabsorption of fat and fat-soluble vitamins. Bacterial overgrowth
also causes mucosal inflammation which exacerbates nutrient malabsorption in ad-
dition to competing for B12 ; bacterial overgrowth should be considered when there is
continued malabsorption. Although breath hydrogen determination, aspiration and
testing of small bowel intestinal content and urine indican are used to diagnose bac-
terial overgrowth, these tests are impractical and not used in the neonatal population.
The overgrowth can also be suspected, when in addition to diarrhea, infants mani-
fest d-lactic acidosis or symptoms of colitis. D-lactic acidosis occurs because only
the L-form is well metabolized in humans leaving behind the d-form as both are
produced by the bacteria [66]. Bacterial overgrowth, once suspected is treated with
broad spectrum antibiotics every 2–4 weeks; the usual agents are metronidazole in
combination with trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole or neomycin.
Diarrhea due to excessive fluid secretion also occurs simply as a result of exces-
sive osmotic load in the small intestine due to excessive carbohydrates in the diet.
This may also occur as a result of elevated serum gastrin levels and may respond to
H2 receptor antagonists.
Nutrient Deficiencies largely occur in the case of micronutrients such as min-
erals, trace elements and vitamins. Malabsorption of fat- soluble vitamins, A, D,
and E is common and will require replacement especially in the face of hepatic dys-
function. Iron and zinc deficiencies have also been demonstrated in SBS. The latter
is manifested as low serum zinc in the face of a low serum alkaline phosphatase
level. Since zinc deficiency results in poor growth, it may delay intestinal adaptation
and exogenous zinc may be needed [67]. As previously mentioned, hypomagne-
semia, hypocalcemia, and selenium malabsorption may also be present. Adequate
intakes of calcium, magnesium as well as Vitamin D will assure improvement in
bone mineralization [68].
To improve gut function, ostomy re-feeding has been used with limited success.
The idea is to use the unused portion of the distal gut and also to minimize losses of
GI contents from the proximal gut.
Surgical options which are beyond the scope of this chapter include intestinal
lengthening and/or tailoring [Bianchi or STEP procedure] or a liver-intestine
transplant as these infants often develop severe hepatic dysfunction as well. Hepatic
416 J. Bhatia and C. Mundy

dysfunction and associated complications and treatment strategies are discussed

elsewhere in this text.
Management of SBS requires careful attention to the pathophysiology, resid-
ual bowel and type of bowel present, and the intestinal adaptations that follow. A
nutritional strategy to individualize therapy to maintain and subsequently promote
appropriate growth while minimizing or managing associated complications is the
goal. Regardless of the feeding mode, attention to psychosocial factors including
oral motor and overall development is of paramount importance. Early referral to
speech, occupational and developmental therapists may be helpful for feeding and
social support. Thus, with improvement in parenteral nutrition and nutrient delivery
devices, improvements in enteral formulations, attention to associated complications
and the advent of transplant technology, have all improved outcome in this group of
Until a few decades ago, the prognosis after the development of short gut syn-
drome, was extremely poor for lack of available nutritional strategies. The onset of
parenteral nutrition and its advancements, development of specialized formulas and
adjunctive strategies have changed the prognosis to one of survival [83]. More than
90 % of infants and children survive after extensive bowel resection in the neonatal
period. In a follow up study at 15 years, overall survival was nearly 90 % out of 87
infants followed [84]. It is anticipated that with the advent of small bowel and liver
transplantation, the use of fish oil-containing lipid emulsions and advances in enteral
formulations, that the survival rate could be increased further.


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Chapter 21
Nutrition in Preterm Infants with
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

Noa Ofek Shlomai and Sanjay Patole

Abstract Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a common complication of preterm

birth. Currently most infants developing BPD are extremely preterm infants who de-
velop chronic lung inflammation despite being treated with antenatal steroids, early
surfactant and gentle ventilation. This new form of BPD is caused mainly by prema-
ture arrest of alveolarization, and lung growth, and not predominantly by iatrogenic
lung injury. Undernutrition, specifically insufficient protein intake, has been consid-
ered to play an important role in the pathogenesis of the new BPD. Infants with BPD
have higher energy requirements and oxygen consumption than healthy preterm in-
fants. Nutritional support for preterm infants with BPD includes early and aggressive
parenteral nutrition, high protein and energy intakes, balancing of lipids and carbo-
hydrates and fluid restriction. Protein intakes of 4.5 g/kg/day have been reported to
be well tolerated by preterm infants. Glucose administration is limited by glucose
oxidative capacity, above which glucose is converted into fat in an energy inefficient
process that results in increased basal energy expenditure, oxygen consumption and
CO2 production. Lipids provide essential fatty acids, improve bioavailability of fat-
soluble vitamins, provide energy, and limit conversion of carbohydrates to fat. Recent
studies do not support an association between early lipid administration and BPD.
Enteral feeding difficulties in infants with BPD include inability to tolerate higher
volume of enteral feeds; limitations imposed by fluid restriction, gastroesophageal
reflux, and importantly, delayed suck-swallow maturation, difficulties in feeding-
breathing coordination, and fatigue. The current strategies for parenteral and enteral
nutrition in infants with BPD are reviewed.

S. Patole () · N. Ofek Shlomai

Centre for Neonatal Research and Education, University of Western Australia,
Perth, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
Department of Neonatal Paediatrics, KEM Hospital for Women, 374 Bagot Road,
Subiaco, City of Perth, Western Australia 6008, Perth, Australia
N. Ofek Shlomai
Department of Neonatology, Hadassah Medical Centre and Hebrew University,
Jerusalem, Israel

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 421

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3_21, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
422 N. Ofek Shlomai and S. Patole

Key points
• Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is the most common complication of
extremely preterm infants, caused by premature arrest of lung growth and
• Undernutrition, specifically protein deficiency may play an important role in the
pathogenesis of BPD
• Basal metabolic rate and energy expenditure are higher in preterm infants with
BPD compared with healthy preterm infants
• Early and aggressive nutrition, with fluid restriction, high protein and calories,
and balanced glucose and lipid administration are the mainstay of parenteral and
enteral nutrition in infants with BPD
• Difficulties in enteral feeding of preterm infants with BPD include low tol-
erance, immature suck-swallow mechanisms, immature feeding—breathing
coordination, oral aversion and gastroesophageal reflux
• Postnatal and post discharge growth is generally delayed in preterm infants with
BPD. However, there has been some improvement in the growth of these infants
over the last decade following the appreciation of the role of nutrition in BPD
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is the most common complication of very
preterm birth [1]. It was originally described by Northway and colleagues [2], as
a lung injury resulting from exposure to high oxygen concentration and prolonged
mechanical ventilation in preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS).
The mean gestation and weight at birth of these infants was 34 weeks and 2,400 g,
respectively. BPD was diagnosed and graded by severity of changes such as atelecta-
sis and hyperinflation on chest x-rays [3]. In 1988 it was defined [1, 4] as an ongoing
requirement for oxygen or positive pressure beyond 36 weeks corrected GA. This
disease is described today as the “old BPD” because the epidemiology and patho-
physiology of BPD has changed over years with improved survival of extremely
preterm infants following the advances in neonatal intensive care such as surfactant
therapy, better ventilation techniques, and early preferential use of continuous posi-
tive airway pressure (CPAP) support. The old form of BPD is now infrequent among
infants weighing > 1,200 g or born at > 30 weeks’ gestation. Currently majority of
those developing BPD are extremely preterm (gestation < 28 weeks) infants who de-
velop chronic lung inflammation despite having been treated with antenatal steroids,
early surfactant and gentle ventilation. Some of them have had minimal respiratory
disease in the first few days of life [3]. This severity of this “new BPD” has been clas-
sified based on the level of oxygen requirement at 36 weeks (Mild: Nil, Moderate:
< 30 %, Severe: > 30 % and/or Positive pressure ventilation), provided the infant has
required oxygen beyond the first 28 days of life, and gestation at birth is under 32
weeks. Based on this classification, Stoll et al. [5] have reported that BPD occurred
in 68 % of very low birth weight (VLBW) infants, with 27, 23 and 18 % having mild,
moderate or severe BPD, respectively. Ehrenkranz et al. have reported a similar rate
[6]. Considering 1.5 % live born infants are VLBW [7], the health burden of BPD is
significant. Klinger et al. [8] reported an excess length of hospital stay in infants with
21 Nutrition in Preterm Infants with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia 423

BPD ranging from 26.4 days in infants born < 750 g to 27.7 days in those weighing
over > 1,250 g at birth. Infants with BPD tend to have more short and long term
complications including neurodevelopmental impairment (NDI), lower pulmonary
function, respiratory infections, growth retardation and poor academic achievements
[9–14]. BPD has been reported as a better predictor than infection for late death and
NDI in preterm infants [15]. A recent study has reported that of the four common
morbidities; necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), sepsis, brain injury and BPD, BPD had
the highest economic burden, costing up to 43,312 USD for infants < 750 g [7].

1 Pathophysiology of BPD

RDS, or hyaline membrane disease (HMD) is the most commonly seen acute respi-
ratory disorder in the preterm infant, with an incidence that is directly proportional to
the degree of prematurity [16]. The pulmonary changes in conventional BPD relate
to the volutrauma associated with mechanical ventilation, and free oxygen radical
injury to the preterm lung, that results in chronic inflammation characterized by
airway injury, and heterogeneous areas of atelectasis and hyper-inflation [1, 3, 17].
With improved survival of neonates at the limits of viability, a new variety of BPD
has been noted. It occurs in extremely preterm neonates with mild, or no RDS, that
require minimal respiratory support if any and develops despite antenatal steroids
and gentle respiratory support including continuous positive airway pressure support
(CPAP), and surfactant [17]. The pathological changes in this “new BPD” include
simplified lungs, with larger and fewer alveoli and abnormal pulmonary microvas-
culature [3]. Considering that alveolarization in humans begins at 32–36 weeks of
gestation and continues for several years, the new BPD relates mainly to premature
arrest of lung development and growth and not predominantly to iatrogenic lung in-
jury. It is important to note that both intra and extra uterine processes may contribute
to the arrest of pulmonary alveolarization and growth [3, 4, 17]. Antenatal infection
(chorioamnionitis) induces angiogenesis and an inflammatory profile similar to BPD
in mice [18]. Furthermore, infants exposed to severe chorioamnionitis are reported
to have a reduced response to surfactant and an increased risk of BPD [19]. However
other studies have not reported this correlation [20]. The length of exposure and the
gestation at the time of exposure may play a role in determining the extent of the ef-
fect on lung development. Acute or chronic exposure to oxygen may also contribute
to the development of BPD [21–23]. Mechanical ventilation has been reported to
interfere with lung development in animal models [24]. Furthermore, many have
reported favourable respiratory outcomes with CPAP compared with various modes
of mechanical ventilation [25, 26]. Both antenatal and postnatal corticosteroids in-
hibit alveolarization in animal models [27]. However preterm infants at high risk
for severe BPD may benefit from corticosteroid treatment, despite interference with
alveolarization [28].
424 N. Ofek Shlomai and S. Patole

2 Role of Nutrition in the Pathogenesis of BPD

The pathogenesis of BPD is a complex process, with multiple intra and extrauterine
adverse effects that impair lung maturation and growth. Under nutrition was sug-
gested as a key factor in the BPD pathogenesis as early as 1988 [29]. General under
nutrition, specifically insufficient protein intake may interfere with lung growth and
function by promoting lung growth and adversely affecting remodeling following
injury, tolerance to oxidative stress and resistance to infection [29]. Perinatal mal-
nutrition augments pre and postnatal lung injury and delays lung repair [30, 31].
A large trial from the NICHD demonstrated that preterm infants growing on the
lowest percentiles are more likely to develop BPD [32]. Animal studies support the
hypothesis that nutritional measurements have a crucial impact on the development,
treatment, and prevention of BPD [33, 34]. In an adult rat model, calorie restriction
to 33 % of the normal resulted in a 55 % reduction in alveoli number and a 25 %
reduction in alveolar surface area. Within 72 h of refeeding, alveoli number and
surface area returned to normal [33]. Mataloun et al. have reported that nutritional
restriction resulted in reduced alveolarization in a preterm rabbit model [34], and
a combination of nutritional restriction and hyperoxia further interfered in alveo-
larization [34]. In addition, undernourished newborn mice were more likely to die
and had more microscopic evidence of lung injury following exposure to hyperoxia
than the well fed controls [35]. More specifically, protein deficient rats had increased
mortality with hyperoxia than protein sufficient rats. Supplementation with specific
amino acids; cysteine, cystine and methionine prevented the increased susceptibility
to oxygen [36]. This supports the “multi hit” pathogenesis theory of BPD. The sig-
nificance of adequate nutrition for maintaining pulmonary structure and function in
humans is further supported by the evidence of emphysema in CT’s of patients with
anorexia nervosa [37]. Ong et al. [38] have reported that the lung function (evaluated
by spirometry and normalized for body size) was significantly related to nutritional
indices in boys and girls in rural India. This may be related to early maldevelopment
as it was independent of their stature [39]. Malnutrition can come in different forms;
protein inadequacy, total caloric insufficiency and specific vitamin deficiencies [40].
VLBW infants are at risk for all of these inadequacies. Supplying adequate calories
and protein is especially challenging in infants with BPD as they are fluid restricted
[41]. In a retrospective study of 100 VLBW infants, Wemhoner et al. [42] reported
a trend towards reduced total caloric and protein intake in infants who developed
BPD. There was no difference in carbohydrate intake between babies who eventu-
ally developed BPD and those who did not [42]. In conclusion, nutritional strategies
in preterm infants who are at risk for BPD have the potential to prevent or mini-
mize the severity of lung injury and disease and to contribute to better lung healing.
Understanding the crucial role of adequate nutrition in these infants, and practicing
“lung minded nutrition” can promote adequate lung maturation and growth [43].
21 Nutrition in Preterm Infants with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia 425

3 Metabolic Requirements of the Preterm Infant,

in Sickness and in Health

The main goal of energy accumulation in the preterm infant is to achieve growth
comparable with intra uterine growth rates [44]. A daily energy intake of 120–130
kcal/kg is estimated sufficient to meet the metabolic demands of a healthy premature
infant [45, 46]. Energy expenditure (EE) is the sum of energy required for mainte-
nance, growth, thermoregulation and activity, and it is affected by various factors
including neonatal morbidities, treatments and medications including ventilation
modes, thermal environment etc [44]. In preterm infants, EE is negatively related to
GA, and positively related to intake, postnatal age and weight gain [47, 48]. Sick
preterm infants tend to have increased EE [44]. Various studies have reported in-
fants with BPD to have an up to 25 % increase in EE, which is directly related to
their respiratory status [49–54]. In addition, studies report that treatment with theo-
phylline or caffeine, which is a common treatment in BPD, can cause an additional
rise in EE [55]. Other studies have reported that oxygen consumption was higher
in infants with BPD, more so in non thriving infants [50, 56]. A systematic review
has concluded that there were no RCTs comparing increased versus standard energy
intakes for preterm infants with BPD [57]. In planning a nutritional program for a
preterm infant with BPD, one should bear in mind the higher energy consumption
and therefore metabolic demands of such infants.

4 Parenteral Nutrition (PN) in Infants with BPD

Extremely preterm infants may not reach full feeds until 2–4 weeks of age making
PN essential for the first few weeks of life [58]. The principles of nutritional support
for the preterm infant with BPD include aggressive PN initiation and advancement,
protein and energy intakes to support the best possible growth, balancing of lipids and
carbohydrates, careful fluid management and early initiation of enteral feeds [43].

4.1 Energy Intake

Adequate nutrition is crucial for reducing both the risk and severity of BPD and
the healing of established BPD [42]. The recent European Society of Paediatric
Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGAN) recommendations suggest
a calorie range of 110–135 kcal/day for a healthy preterm infant [46]. Considering
the higher EE of infants with BPD [49–54], It would be reasonable to assume that
these infants could benefit from a higher caloric intake. Results of a retrospective
cohort study of extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants (n = 1,366) indicate that
as total daily energy intake during the first 7 days of life increased in critically ill
infants, the odds of adverse outcomes (e.g., BPD, necrotising enterocolitis, late onset
426 N. Ofek Shlomai and S. Patole

sepsis, neurodevelopmental impairment) decreased by about 2 % for each 1 kcal/kg

of total energy intake [59].

4.2 Fluid Intake

High fluid intakes may contribute to pulmonary oedema by the persistence of the
ductus arteriosus, and accumulation of pulmonary interstitial fluid [60, 61], that
decreases lung compliance, increases need for respiratory support, leading to the
development of BPD [61]. A retrospective analysis of 1,383 ELBW infants, of which
797 developed BPD [62] has reported higher daily fluid intakes and less weight loss
in the first 10 days of life in infants who died or developed BPD. Other studies do not
support this association [63]. However, a recent systematic review of randomized
controlled trials (RCTs) has concluded that restricted fluid intake reduced the risk
of patent ductus arteriosus, necrotizing enterocolitis and there was a trend towards
reduction of BPD [41]. When balancing the fluid intake of an infant with BPD, it
is important to provide appropriate caloric and protein intake in minimum volume
without causing dehydration [46, 61].

4.3 Protein Intake

The goal of protein administration is to match intra uterine growth and support protein
accretion. Amino acids (AA) are essential in maintaining a positive nitrogen balance
to prevent a catabolic state. Certain AA are known to decrease in the first 24 h in
preterm infants (e.g., glutamate, cysteine, isoleucine, leucine, arginine, methionine)
and it is also reported that infants receiving AA have better glucose tolerance [58].
In infants with BPD, protein is required to promote lung growth and development.
Vadivel et al. have reported that L-citrulline and arginine levels were low in rats
exposed to hyperoxia compared with the control rats. Provision of L-citrulline to
these rats with BPD rats has prevented alveolar simplification, preserved lung growth
and prevented pulmonary hypertension [23]. Early administration of intravenous
AA is well tolerated by extremely preterm infants. Potential side effects of early
AA administration include hyperamonemia, azotemia and metabolic acidosis [58].
However, studies [64] show that these don’t occur even when AA intake is as high
as 3 g/kg/day on the first day of life. Current recommendations for protein intake in
VLBW infants are 3.5–4.5 g/kg/day [46, 65].

4.4 Carbohydrate Intake

Glucose is considered the main energy source in PN [43]. However, glucose intake
that exceeds glucose oxidative capacity has been shown to increase basal energy
21 Nutrition in Preterm Infants with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia 427

expenditure and to be converted into fat. The conversion of glucose to fat is an

energy inefficient process that results in an increase in both oxygen consumption
and carbon dioxide (CO2 ) production [43, 66, 67]. This effect is particularly unde-
sirable in preterm infants with lung disease as it increase their work of breathing.
This effect was reported by Yunis et al. who administrated 4 and 12 mg/kg/min in-
travenous glucose on consecutive days to 6 subjects with BPD and 6 controls [66].
Infants with BPD had a significant increase in basal energy expenditure, oxygen
consumption and CO2 production during the glucose loading, while control infants
remained unaffected [66]. The dose of glucose that exceeds glucose oxidative capac-
ity has not been precisely defined in preterm neonates, but it is most probably above
11–13 mg/kg/day [68]. Furthermore, hyperlgycemia is common in extremely preterm
infants and is associated with an increase in morbidity and mortality [69]. A pilot
study has indicated that preterm infants who received early insulin treatment have
improved growth outcomes [70]. In a multicenter trial, Beardsall et al. [71] have as-
signed 195 infants to receive early insulin therapy combined with 20 % intravenous
glucose drip. These were compared to a group of control infants. The early insulin
group had less weight loss during the first day of life, but more episodes of hypo-
glycaemia and a significantly increased mortality at 28 days of age. This trial was
discontinued early due to concerns regarding the increase mortality [71].
Various studies show that using either glucose or lipids as the sole source of
energy results in a metabolic stress and increased oxygen consumption and CO2
production. However, a combination of the two does not result in this adverse effect
and is therefore the recommended regimen for parenteral nutrition [72].

4.5 Lipid Intake

Lipids are an essential component of PN for preterm infants [73]. They provide
essential fatty acids, improve the bioavailability of fat soluble vitamins, help meet
energy goals and limit the conversion of carbohydrates to fat thereby reducing oxygen
consumption and CO2 production [61, 73]. There is substantial evidence supporting
a well balanced early fatty acid supply is essential for growth and visual and cognitive
development [74–76]. The minimal amount of lipids required to avoid essential fatty
acid deficiency, is starting with 0.5–1 g/kg/day and progressing up to 4.8–6.6 g/kg/g
(40–50 % of energy intake) [46].
The role of lipid administration in the development of BPD remains controversial,
with concerns regarding potential adverse effects such as increased pulmonary vas-
cular resistance, impaired pulmonary gas diffusion and free radical injury [58, 61].
Some studies have indicated early administration of parenteral lipids may increase
the risk of BPD and mortality [77–79]. Nevertheless, other studies [80] as well as
a systematic review of studies of early lipid administration [73] have reported that
there was no difference in outcome between early and late lipid administration.
Most commonly used soy bean based lipid emulsions contain high amounts of
linoleic acid, low arachidonic acid and no long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids
428 N. Ofek Shlomai and S. Patole

(LC-PUFA), a combination that is not ideal for neonatal care [81]. In an effort
develop a more appropriate lipid emulsion, Rayyan et al. [82] conducted a prospective
double blind RCT, evaluating the safety, tolerability and efficacy of a lipid emulsion
containing a mixture of medium chain triglycerides and soybean, olive and fish oil
compared to a standard soybean emulsion. They reported that in their study of 53
preterm infants the combined lipid emulsion was both safe and well tolerated and
improved the infant’s fatty acid profile [82]. Similar results were reported by others

5 Enteral Nutrition in Infants with BPD

When infants with BPD reach the convalescent phase of the illness, they continue
to require an extra 20–40 % of energy and optimal protein intake to grow at an
appropriate rate [58, 86]. The caloric requirements of these infants range from 120–
150 kcal/kg/day and may exceed 150 kcal/kg/day in those with severe BPD [58].
Enteral feeding difficulties are common in preterm infants, particularly in those with
BPD. These include inability to tolerate even low volume of enteral feeds, need for
fluid restriction, gastroesophageal reflux (GER) , delayed maturation of sucking and
swallowing mechanisms, difficulties in the coordination of feeding and breathing,
fatigue with enteral feeds, and oral aversion [43]. Achieving a high calorie, high
protein and low volume feeding regimen for optimal growth, is a challenging aspect
of caring for the preterm infant with BPD [58]. Higher protein intake has been
reported to increase growth in formula fed VLBW infants, but there was a concern
regarding the association of higher protein intake and lower IQ scores [87]. Hicks
et al. have compared the growth and calcium absorption in 16 VLBW preterm infants
with BPD, fed 130–150 ml/kg preterm formula (> 24 kcal/oz) or fortified human milk
(FHM) with that in 25 control VLBW infants, fed 150–170 ml/kg 24 kcal/oz preterm
formula or FHM [88]. They reported comparable growth and mineral absorption
between the groups.
Singer et al. [89] have compared feeding behaviours of 141 mother-infant pairs:
55 VLBW infants with BPD, 34 VLBW infants without BPD, and 52 term infants.
Despite increased maternal efforts, infants with BPD took less volume, spent less
time sucking, and spent a greater proportion of time not feeding. VLBW infants with-
out BPD were equivalent to term infants in percentage of time sucking and in volume
ingested and were more likely to take in higher calories than infants with BPD. In
addition, bolus feeding was reported to influence respiratory function in preterm in-
fants [90]. A study comparing the effects of intermittent and continuous feedings on
pulmonary function, has reported that in 24 VLBW infants at 2–4 weeks of age with
a previous diagnosis of RDS, there was a significant decrease in tidal volume, minute
ventilation and dynamic compliance and an increase in pulmonary resistance after
bolus feeds. Pulmonary function remained unchanged after continuous feedings [90].
However, a recent systematic review [91] did not report any significant outcome dif-
ferences in VLBW infants when comparing bolus and continuous feeding regimens.
21 Nutrition in Preterm Infants with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia 429

Fatigue resistant muscle fibers are poorly developed in preterm infants [92]. Inter-
costal and diaphragmatic muscles have been shown to have less type I (slow twitch,
high oxidative) muscle fibers in preterm compared with full term and two year old
infants. Similar findings have also been associated with malnutrition [93]. This has
been hypothesised to contribute to the fatigue in BPD infants trying to concur both
increased work of breathing and feeding [92].
A rapidly accumulating body of evidence suggests that mechanical ventilation,
with its attendant diaphragm muscle inactivity and unloading, is an important cause
of diaphragmatic Dysfunction [94–96].
Animal studies have consistently found that conventional mechanical ventilation
decreases the force-generating capacity of the diaphragm in a time dependent manner
[94, 95]. Although most of this data comes from animal studies and the information
in humans, particularly in the context of current modes of ventilation, is scarce, this
could be an additional factor in fatigue during oral feeds in preterm BPD infants.
Malnutrition also affects ventilatory drive [96]. The interaction of nutrition and ven-
tilatory drive appears to be a direct function of the influence of nutrition on metabolic
rate [97]. A 58 % reduction in the ventilatory response to hypoxia was found in adult
volunteers placed on a balanced 550 kcal/day diet for 10 days. It returned to normal
with refeeding. Furthermore, After a 7 day protein-free diet, a blunted ventilatory
response to carbon dioxide was noted [98].
GER is common (up to 10 %) in preterm infants with BPD [99]. Reasons for this
include transient relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphincter in response to gastric
distension (commonly seen in infants with CPAP), inflammation and bolus feeds
[100]. In a study of 46 VLBW infants with BPD, 50 % (23/46) were reported to have
GER diagnosed by pH monitoring, with the main risk factors for GER as prolonged
tube feeding and feeding intolerance [101]. Other studies have not supported the
association between BPD and GER [102].
The transition from gavage to oral feeds takes an average of 5–10 days [103] in
healthy preterm infants, and an average of 15 days for preterm infants with BPD
[104]. An important aspect of nutritive sucking is coordination of suck, swallow and
respiration [105]. Sucking patterns can be categorized as immature, transitional and
mature, based on rhythm and pauses between sucking bursts [106]. In a retrospec-
tive study comparing 41 preterm infants with BPD with 99 control infants, Tsu-Hsin
et al. have reported that infants with BPD have delayed maturation of sucking patterns
compared to control infants, and take longer to achieve full oral feeds [105]. Other
studies have supported the conclusion that anticipated maturational patterns of suckle
and swallow do not occur in infants with BPD [107–109]. In addition to the immature
suck-swallow pattern, Mizuno et al. [110] have reported that infants with BPD suck
with a weak pressure, resulting in less swallowing. Furthermore, infants with BPD
have a poor swallow-suck-breath coordination, and therefore have frequent desatu-
rations during feeds [103, 107, 110, 111]. A recent study of 86 extremely preterm
infants compared a standard gradual increase in oral feeds to a semi demand method
where the feeding frequency was regulated by the infant’s behavioural and cardio
respiratory signs [112]. It was reported that the semi demand feeding significantly
shortened the time to oral feeds. Barlow et al. have developed a “motorized pacifier
430 N. Ofek Shlomai and S. Patole

(dummy)” which delivers patterned orosensory events, which may train the suck
central pattern generator in infants with disrupted suck-swallow pattern and improve
nutritive sucking [113]. Oral aversion related to endotracheal and suctioning stimuli
is also common in infants with BPD, and needs to be evaluated and treated by a
feeding specialist [114].

6 Special Nutritional Considerations in Preterm Infants

with BPD

6.1 Vitamin A

Vitamin A is necessary for normal pulmonary growth, development and repair [58].
Serum and tissue retinol levels are low in extremely premature infants, and have been
associated with BPD [115]. In a recent systematic review [116] of studies evaluating
the effect of vitamin A supplementation on BPD and death, the reviewers concluded
that vitamin A reduced the odds of oxygen requirement or death at one month of age
(RR 0.93, 95 % CI 0.88–0.99), and there was a trend towards reduction at 36 weeks
(RR 0.91, 95 % CI 0.82–1.00).

6.2 Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects cell membranes from oxidative injuries.

Although some studies have shown a protective effect of vitamin E on preterm lungs
[117], other studies have not supported this conclusion [118]. Low vitamin E levels
have been associated with a higher risk of BPD [119], and vitamin E supplementation
is recommended in preterm infants [58].

6.3 Selenium (Se)

Se and vitamin E act synergistically in the prevention of oxidant injury, and Se defi-
ciency in animal models has been reported to increase the susceptibility to oxidative
lung injury [120]. However, a systematic review of studies evaluating the effect of Se
supplementation reported that Se supplementation did not reduce oxygen dependency
in preterm infants [121].

6.4 Inositol

Inositol is a naturally occurring nutrient required by human cells for growth, differ-
entiation and survival. It promotes maturation of several components of surfactant
21 Nutrition in Preterm Infants with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia 431

and may play a critical role as an antioxidant [58, 86]. Studies in the pre surfactant
era have reported that supplementation with Inositol has reduced BPD [122]. How-
ever, a recent Meta analysis concludes that there was no reduction in the incidence
of BPD at 28 days or 36 weeks GA [123]. This systematic review did however report
reduction in neonatal and infant deaths; severe retinopathy of prematurity and severe
intraventricular haemorrhage [123].

6.5 Glutamine

Glutamine is essential for rapidly dividing cells and is associated with increased levels
of glutathione and may therefore have antioxidant affects [61]. However, a recent
Meta analysis [124] has concluded that neither parenteral or enteral supplementation
with glutamine reduced BPD or mortality in preterm infants.

6.6 N-acetylcysteine and Cysteine

While both of these amino acids posses antioxidant qualities, a Cochrane review of
N-acetylcysteine supplementation [125] has reported no significant reduction in the
risk of death, BPD, and death or BPD.

7 Post Natal Growth in Infants with BPD

Preterm infants with BPD are prone to postnatal growth failure, due to high basal
energy expenditure, fluid restriction, feeding intolerance and medications including
diuretics and post natal steroids[126, 127]. In a randomized blinded nutritional inter-
vention trial, Brunton et al. [128] compared growth outcomes of 32 preterm infants
with BPD fed with standard term formula or high energy (900 kcal/l), high protein,
high mineral formula after 37 weeks corrected GA. They reported that at 3 months
corrected GA the study group had greater length, greater lean mass and greater radial
bone mineralization compared to the control group.
Madden et al. compared growth of infants with BPD over two time periods;
1996–1999 and 2000–2003. The authors concluded that although there was some
improvement in growth outcomes and despite the advances in neonatal care, poor
post natal growth remains a major problem in infants with BPD [129] However, in a
retrospective study of 88 ELBW infants with BPD in 2006–2008, Theile et al. [130]
reported that 73 % of the infants grew at, or above intrauterine rates. The authors
concluded that improved nutritional strategies including the use of calorie and protein
dense milk products (formula or human milk fortifiers), early and aggressive PN and
early enteral feeds [130].
432 N. Ofek Shlomai and S. Patole

8 Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD) in BPD

MBD predominantly affects extremely preterm and VLBW infants [131, 132]. The
risk factors include prolonged PN, sepsis, immobility and medications that increase
mineral losses and bone catabolism. Infants with BPD are at high risk due to their
prolonged ventilation and therefore less mobility, increased use of loop diuretics and
steroid therapy and their tendency for enteral feeding intolerance. On the other hand,
MBD may increase BPD severity by rib fractures, due to reduced bone mineralization
and abnormal bone remodeling, that may prolong mechanical ventilation [133, 134].
Diagnostic and follow up biochemical markers include normal serum calcium; low
serum phosphate and high serum alkaline phosphatase [135]. Neither standard PN
solutions nor the enteral intake can safely deliver the amounts of calcium and phos-
phorus necessary to match intrauterine accretion [131, 136]. High concentrations of
calcium and phosphate in PN can result in calcium phosphate precipitation [134].
Early enteral feeding, fortification of preterm human milk with calcium, phosphorus
and supplementation of vitamin D have an important role in the prevention of MBD
[137], particularly in high risk infants with BPD. In addition, physical activity has
been reported to increase bone mineralization in preterm infants [138]. In cases of
established MBP, additional oral supplementation of calcium and phosphate salts is
recommended [139].

9 Post Discharge Nutrition of Infants with BPD

Up to 67 % of infants with BPD continue to have growth failure after discharge due to
difficulties in ensuring sufficient protein and calorie intake [51, 58]. These include the
infant’s oromotor coordination, occurrence of gagging, GER and vomiting as well
as increased metabolic demands. Even if these infants consume a calorie appropriate
diet for age, they may have relative caloric deficiency [51, 58]. Additional factors
contributing to malnutrition may include an infant’s difficult temperament, lower
socioeconomic status, and developmental problems [140]. Details regarding type
and frequency of feeds, nutritional supplements, food allergies and/or intolerance,
issues with swallowing, vomiting, GER diarrhoea or constipation, and behavioural
problems, should be obtained at every follow-up visit [141]. In addition weight,
length, head circumference and a body mass index should be recorded at every
follow up visit [142]. The nutritional plan should be individualized before discharge
and reviewed regularly. These infants should continue to receive 22 kcal/oz preterm
formula for 6–8 months and low salt and limited volume, high calorie nutrition
may be required. Feeding related hypoxia may also be an issue after discharge from
the hospital [143]. Chronological age may not be a good predictor for initiation of
solid food, as some infants with BPD may achieve these skills later. However, they
often tolerate spoon feeding better than liquids, and foods with thicker consistency
may be swallowed more easily [58]. An occupational therapist should be consulted
for supervised feeding if there is food aversion or respiratory compromise. Many
21 Nutrition in Preterm Infants with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia 433

feeding problems may be related to psychosocial issues and referral to behavioural

psychologist may be beneficial [58].

10 Summary

BPD is the most common morbidity in extremely preterm infants. Current form
of BPD mainly involves arrest of alveolarization, lung development and growth
Malnutrition has an important role in both the pathogenesis and the prevention of
BPD. Early and aggressive PN, providing high calories and high protein in a restricted
volume, and early establishment of enteral feeds are the mainstay of the current
nutritional approach to BPD. Establishing full enteral and full oral nutrition may be
a prolonged process in BPD infants due to issues of intolerance, GER, oral aversion
and delayed maturation of suck, swallow and coordination of breathing. Growth is
an ongoing concern in infants with BPD and should be monitored closely during
hospital stay and even after discharge.


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α-Lactalbumin, 318 Antenatal care, 118

Antenatal glucocorticoid treatment, 62, 77, 216
A benefits of, 48, 78
Abdominal distension, 11, 84 guidelines, 78
Abdominal girth, 13, 14 Antenatal infection, 423
Abdominal ultrasound (AUS), 17, 86 Anthropometry, 181, 235, 297, 299, 300
Abscess, 84 Anti-inflammatory action, 324
Absorption, 39, 51, 123, 125, 143, 144, 315, Anti-reflux treatment, 139, 141
320, 328, 406, 407, 409, 410, 412 Antibiotics, 17, 81, 140
Absorptive function, 4, 408 broad spectrum, 415
Acidosis, 17, 84, 165, 236, 259, 426 Penicillin, 81
Additives, 156 Apnea, 13, 38, 141, 145
incidence of, 141
ADEPT trial, 103, 399
prematurity, 141
Adhesion molecules, expression of, 31
Arginine, 80, 260, 426
Adipose tissue, 154, 175, 315
intake, 80
Advancement of feeding, 40, 41
supplementation, 79
Adverse effects, 8, 55, 74, 75, 100, 105, 109,
Arrest of alveolarization, 433
116, 146, 184, 221, 424, 427
Asepsis practice, 203
Aggressive, 100, 101, 105, 174, 272
Aspiration, 30, 139, 140, 354, 356, 415
Aggressive enteral nutrition, 301
Aggressive feeding, 38 B
Aggressive nutrition, 255, 264, 401 Baby-led weaning, 185
Aggressive parenteral nutrition (PN), 255 Bacterial overgrowth, 7, 31, 55, 164, 208, 407,
Alginates, 145 410, 412, 414, 415
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), 122 Bacterial translocation, incidence of, 411
Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), 217, 221 Basal metabolic rate, 270
Alveolarization, 423, 424 Bayley Scale of Infant Development (BSID),
American Academy of Pediatrics, 56 273, 280, 295
Amino acid infusion, initiation of, 237 Bile stained gastric aspirates, 11
Amino acid intake, guidelines for, 247 Bile synthesis, 30
Amino acids, 5, 50, 124, 174, 234, 235, 242, Birth asphyxia, 10
243, 260, 281, 431 Blocked milk ducts, 353
Ammonia, 235, 242 Blood in stools, 16
Amniotic fluid, 8, 29, 31, 32, 38, 339 Blood pressure, 154, 175, 248, 254, 272, 274,
Amylase, 378 281, 303, 372
Anabolism, 237 Body composition, 154, 155, 159, 181, 256,
Anatomy, 408 259, 274, 278, 280, 282
Antacids, 145 studies, 270

S. Patole (ed.), Nutrition for the Preterm Neonate, 441

DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6812-3, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
442 Index

Body mass index (BMI), 303 Parathyroid hormone related protein

Body position, 54 (PTHrP), 117
Bone formation and mineralization, process Calcium, 39, 61, 109, 117, 118, 123, 126, 156,
of, 117 202, 203, 320, 407
Bone mass, accretion of, 128 absorption, 125
Bone mineral placental transfer, 118
storage indicator, 123 Calcium absorption, 118, 144, 321, 428
Bone mineral content (BMC), 120 Calcium and Phosphate, 123, 219, 320,
Bone mineral density (BMD), 119, 120, 280 432
Bone mineralization, 116, 117, 123, 125, Calcium content, in body, 116
126, 128, 144, 160, 161, 175, 320, Calcium homeostasis, 160
415, 432 Calcium retention level, 161
Bone remodeling Calorimetry, 270
Calcitriol, 118 measurements, 257
Bone remodeling, 432 Carbohydratates
Bottle-feeding, 346, 347 Monosaccharides, 317
Bowel rest, 81 Carbohydrate supplements, 159
BPD Carbohydrates, 6, 9, 312, 407, 408, 410, 414,
development of, 426 415, 425, 427
incidence of, 431 Disaccharides, 6
Brain development, 260, 317 Lactase, 6
Brain growth, 278, 280 Maltase, 6
Breast, 328, 354 Sucrase, 6
Breast abscess, 353 Monosaccharides
Breast milk, 7, 9, 16, 32, 37, 39, 40, 49, Galactose, 7
50, 56, 60, 73, 76, 78, 79, 100, Glucose, 7
104, 125, 159, 160, 162, 165, 175, Oligosaccharides, 317
178, 179, 182, 276, 277, 279, 312, Cardiac toxicity, 55
314–321, 323–328, 339–341, 346, Casein, 39, 236, 413
370, 372–374, 398, 399 hydrolysate, 412
Leukocyte content, 326 micelles, 320
Breast milk (BM), 154 Catabolic state, 236, 426
Breast milk bile salt-stimulated lipase Catch up growth, 128, 177, 184, 255, 264, 275,
(BSSL), 315 276, 278–284, 401
Breast milk stem cells, role of, 328 Catheter-related sepsis, 208
Breastfeeding, 326, 337, 344, 347 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Breathing, 343, 351 (CDC 2000), 301, 305
Broad spectrum antibiotics Central venous catheter sepsis, 203, 204
Gentamycin, 81 Cerebral palsy, 254
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), 119, 422 incidence of, 295
development of, 140 Cholelithiasis, 411
incidence of, 354 Cholestasis, 29, 85, 103, 203, 226, 399, 411
pathophysiology, 422 development, 202
pathophysiology of, 354 PN associated, 273
Butyrophilin, membrane protein, 322 Cholestasis in, 260, 262, 277
Cholestyramine, 414
C Chronic disease, 281, 284
C-reactive protein (CRP), 17 Chronic hypoxia, adverse effects, 102
Calciotropic hormones Chronic lung disease (CLD), 98
1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25 (OH)2D), incidence of, 222
117 Chronic lung disease, risk of, 371
Calcitonin, 117 Chymosin, digestive enzyme, 319
Parathyroid hormone (PTH), 117 Cisapride, 146, 356
Index 443

Cleft lip, 357 α-lactalbumin, 323

incidence of, 357 lactoferrin, 324
Clinical practice, 52, 62, 76, 77, 156, 255, 258, Disialyllacto-N-tetraose (DSLNT), 75, 76
264, 370, 373 Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), 260, 314
Cochrane systematic review, 162 Domperidone, 356
Cognitive Donor human milk, 39, 49, 125, 369, 370, 372
development, 98, 245, 427 management of, 383
outcome, 274, 275, 281 Donor milk (DM), 154
scores, 297, 400 Donor milk bank, 372
Collagen matrix synthesis, 117 Donor screening, 377, 384
Colon, 15, 106, 394, 407, 410, 411, 414 Doppler flows, 53, 397
Combined esophageal impedance- Dual Energy X ray absorptiometry (DEXA),
manometry, 54 119, 161
Compliment activation product, 87 Dual Energy X-ray absorptiometry
Conservative feeding practices, 31 (DEXA), 123
Continuous enteral feeds, 38, 100 Dual-Energy X-ray absorptiometry
Continuous feeding, 38, 40, 52, 428 (DEXA), 278
Continuous positive airway pressure support Duke Abdominal Assessment Scale
(CPAP), 14, 423 (DAAS), 17
Cost of, 16, 72 Dumping, 413
Cow milk based formulae, 412 Duodenal-anal transit, 30
Cow milk protein sensitivity, 166
Crypt depth, 31
Early amino acid administration, studies on,
Crypt-villus histoarchitecture, 31
Cumulative feeding volumes, 28
Early trophic feeds (ETF), 52, 61, 101, 109
Current feeding practices, 40
Early weaning, 182, 394
Cytokine, 33, 49, 72, 74, 85
Echocardiographic study, 222
Cytokines, 318, 324
Echoic free fluid (EFF), 86
Eicosanoid synthesis, 224
D Elemental diet, 411
D-lactic acidosis, 415 Elemental formula, 400, 412, 413
D2 blocking compound End stage liver disease in, 411
Domperidone, 146 Energy, 48, 99, 159, 202, 217, 280, 315
Daily total volume of enteral expenditure of, 38, 52
feeds, 104 intake of, 154, 155, 164, 174, 178, 181,
Definition of, 41, 397 183, 219, 235, 245, 278, 425, 426
Delayed gastric emptying, 8, 13, 30, 216 source, 262, 427
Development, 5, 8, 16, 31, 53, 59, 75, 84, 107, energy
117, 182, 194, 197–199, 234, 240, intake of, 128
244, 302, 315, 319, 328, 344, 373, Energy expenditure (EE), 425
396, 416, 424, 430 Energy needs, 29
Developmental constraints to, 30 Enriched formula, 276, 279
Developmental Origins of Health and Disease feeds, 185
(DOHaD), 270, 271 Enriched human milk, 178
DHA supplements, clinical trials of„ 261 Enteral feeding, 11, 15, 28, 30–32, 38
DHM banking, definition, 374 adverse effects of, 30
Diaphragmatic dysfunction bolus feeding, 38
ventilator induced, 429 history of, 396
Diarrhea, 51, 184, 410, 414, 415 Enteral feeds, 7, 11, 31, 32, 38, 40, 50, 51, 74,
Dietary practices, 297 79, 84–86, 99, 101, 102, 105, 126,
Digestion, 5, 30, 31, 51, 315, 317, 320, 156, 164, 174, 255, 270, 284, 395,
328, 407 398, 400, 401, 428, 433
β-casein, 322 delayed initiation, 53
444 Index

Early initiation, 7, 83, 425 Feed intolerance algorithm

temperature, 54 development of, 100
Enteral formulas, 165 Feed thickener, 57, 163
Enteral nutrition, 4, 11, 14, 32, 48, 61, 100, Feed tolerance, 53, 57, 59
109, 277, 411, 412 Feedback inhibitor of lactation (FIL), 340
Enteric virus Feeding, 5, 10, 31, 52, 167, 277, 343
Rotavirus, 323 assessments, 350
Enzyme, 4–7, 31, 49, 137, 164, 412 formula, 55
Enzymes groups, 103, 104
Lactase, 77 physiology, 342
Maltase, 77 practices, 77
Sucrase, 77 regimen, 428
Epigenetics, 283, 284, 392, 401 strategies, 61
programming, 254 tolerance, 147
regulation, 264 Feeding-breathing coordination, 428, 429
Erosive esophagitis, 139 Feeds, osmolality of, 156
Erythromycin, 9, 56 Fenton chart, 298
Esophageal biopsy, results, 142 Fetal accretion, 255
Esophageal manometry, 138 Fetal growth, 236, 242, 256, 271, 278, 299, 305
Esophagitis, 138, 143 Fetal growth curve, 276
Esophagus reflux, 136 Fetal intestine, 392
Essential fatty acids (EFA), 6, 158, 216, 260, Fetal mineral accretion, 119
261, 273, 427 Fetal reference, 259, 260
Ex-preterm infants, 254, 305 Fetal skeletal mineralization, 118
Excess weight, 248, 303 Fetal tissue, composition of, 235
Extrauterine growth restriction (EUGR), 98 Fetal/Intrauterine, 62, 98, 99, 119, 155, 165,
incidence of, 98, 257 392, 401
Extravasation injury, 207 Fish oil emulsions, 209, 223
Extremely low birth weight (ELBW), 29, Fluid restriction, 77, 428, 431
255, 270 Focal small bowel perforations (FSBP), 57
Extremely preterm, 9, 11, 17, 48, 50, 51, 79, Formula feeding, 39, 279, 370, 396
100, 103, 107, 116, 122, 124, 125, Fortification, 56, 125, 126, 154, 155, 383, 432
129, 216, 220, 370, 423, 426, 429, Fortifiers, 56, 154, 155, 157, 160, 167,
432, 433 279, 284
Extremely preterm infants, 245, 370, 373, 422, Fractures, 118, 120, 126, 127, 129, 144, 432
425, 427 rib fractures, 116
Ribs, 127
Free fatty acids, 6, 219, 223
F Free oxygen radical injury, 59
Fasting-related mucosal atrophy, 31 Full enteral feeds (FEF), 12
Fat, 9, 155, 157, 159, 198, 254, 263, 278, 284, Fundoplication, 147
312, 314, 321, 378, 383, 406, 410, Fungal infection, 325
412, 413
Fat body mass, accretion of, 400 G
Fat malabsorption, 409, 415 Galactose, 316
Fat mass, 178, 278, 280 Gastric aspirates (residuals), 11, 107
Fat mass accretion, 278 Gastric emptying, 8, 9, 15, 54, 56
Fat Supplements, 158 Gastric residual volume (GRV), 11, 13
Fat supplements, 156 Gastric residuals (GR), 11, 107
Calogen, 158 Gastric tube feeding, 53
Feed intolerance, 10–13, 15, 17, 37, 48, 51, Gastro-esophageal reflux (GER), 8, 54, 60,
53, 54, 56–58, 61, 72, 101–103, 105, 136, 137, 147, 148, 428
107, 216, 356, 399 pathophysiology of, 138
role in, 106 Gastrointestinal maturation, 48
Index 445

Gastrointestinal microbiota, 281 hormonal response, 31

Gastrointestinal tract (GIT), 15, 28–32, 38, 53, hormones, 28, 38
72, 106, 236, 319, 328, 392, 395, lumen, 31
398, 406, 414 maturation, 28, 29
GER Disease (GERD), 139, 142, 143 microbiota, 393
epidemiology, 136 microbiota colonization, 393
Gestation, 8 microflora, 33
Gestational age, 11, 258, 319 motility, 32, 59, 413
Glucomylase, 7 mucosa, 59
Gluconeogenesis, 261 perfusion, 396
Glucose, 124, 217, 236, 261, 262, 316, 317, permeability, 166
426, 427 physiology, 61
administration, 258 priming, 28, 29
metabolism, 262 Gut atropy, 81
Glucose oxidative capacity, 258
Glucose polymers, 155, 159, 165, 414 H
Glutamine, 431 H2 blockers, 144, 414
Glycoconjugates, 39 H2 receptor blockers, 415
Glycogen deposition, 258 HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control
Glycogenolysis, 261 Point), 374
Glycoproteins, 318 Head circumference (HC), 37, 98, 99, 104, 155,
Glycosuria, 202, 259 158, 175, 176, 178, 179, 199, 244,
GORD management, 356 245, 259, 277, 294, 296, 298, 300,
Growth, 4, 32, 37–40, 400 304, 305, 400, 432
acceleration, 275, 276, 281 Hemodynamic adaptation, 398
charts, 177, 294, 297–299, 301–304 Hepatic bacterial translocation, 48
Disorders, 294 Hepatic steatosis, 328
effects, 38 Hind milk, 159
Excessive catch up, 301 Histamine receptor blockade, 144
factors, 4, 49, 78, 339, 408, 409 Historical perspective, 28, 236
Failure of, 295 Holder pasteurisation, 382
Long term, 126 Homeostasis model assessment-insulin
long term, 125 resistance (HOMA-IR), 303
monitoring, 294 Human milk, 125, 379
Monitoring of, 298 fortification, 125
patterns, 176, 178 Human milk banking, 368, 369, 374, 379, 384
response, 32 Human milk banking process, 383
retardation/restriction, 99, 234, 396, Human milk banking, guidelines, 369
397, 423 Human milk oligosaccharides (HMO), 59,
standards, 178 75, 317
Velocity of, 295 Human milk, Bacterial growth in, 378
velocity of, 99 Hyaline membrane disease (HMD), 423
velocity rate, 254 Hydrolysed protein, 157
Growth charts Hydrolysed protein formula (HPF), 50
CDC 2000, 298 Hydrolyzed formula, 50, 166, 399, 400
Growth in, 100, 128, 177, 184, 271, 275, 279, Hyperadaptation, 408
297, 304 Hyperammonemia, 236, 259
Gut, 8, 28, 30, 32, 102, 145, 155, 394 Hyperbilirubinemia, 32
atropy, risks of, 100 Hyperglycemia, 202
blood flow, 102, 396 Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, 55
colonization, 73, 394 Hyponatremia, 86
epithelial cells, 322 Hypotension, 30, 86
flora, 75, 411 Hypoxia, 73, 75, 102, 141, 370, 396, 429
446 Index

I Intravenous lipid, 216–221, 223, 224, 260, 272,

Ileal, 393 273, 284
resection, 407, 408, 410, 414 Iron, 144, 159, 162
weight, 393 Iron supplementation, 162, 163
Ileocecal valve, 407, 410 Ischemic injury, 31, 57
Ileus of prematurity, 55, 61 IUGR, pathophysiology of, 401
Imaging, 16
Immune deficits, 31 J
Immunoglobulin, 39, 318, 323, 325 Jejunal, 32
atresia, 208
Incidence of, 8, 31, 32, 38, 40, 75–79, 81, 86,
reabsorption, 412
100–102, 105, 127, 146, 322
resection, 408, 409
Individualised feeding, 182, 343
tissue, 410
Infant, 4, 30, 39, 126, 138, 243, 315
immune defence system, 323 L
infections, 325 Lactase, 6, 7, 48, 51, 408
weight, 159 Lactase treated feeds, 51
Infant gut, 161 Lactase, enzyme, 316
Infection, 7, 30, 32, 33, 41, 60, 61, 75, 76, 144, Lactation, 319, 321, 326, 327, 383
196, 199, 323, 327 initiation of, 339, 342
Inflammatory bowel disease, 31 Lactic acidosis, 410
Initiation of feeding, 29 Lactobacillus reuteri, 60, 108
Insulin resistance, 272 Lactocyte, 312, 314, 327
incidence of, 274 Lactoferrin, 39, 76, 88, 318, 323–326, 377,
Insulin sensitivity, 254, 255, 281–283 379, 380, 382
in childhood, 271 benefits of, 76
Intact protein, 157, 166, 167 Lactoperoxidase activity, Loss of, 378
Interleukin (IL-10), 50 Lactose, 7, 51, 317, 328, 414
Intermittent bolus feeding, 52 Lactose synthesis, 318
Intestinal Lean mass (LM), 174, 176, 181, 264, 278,
adaptation, 408 280, 431
atrophy, 31 Lean muscle mass, 254
development, 392, 393, 395 Length, 4, 8, 10, 33, 37, 38, 79, 98, 104, 118,
failure, 406 158, 179, 245, 259, 279, 294, 296,
inflammation, 72 298, 304, 305, 317, 370, 393, 395,
396, 400, 406, 407
injury, 30
Length gain, 276
microbiota, 59
Leukocyte, 17, 31, 59, 75, 326, 328
motility, 8–10, 33, 57, 74, 145
Leukocyte count, 85
perforation, 17, 53, 85, 395
Linear growth in, 275
transit time, 343, 407, 408, 410 Linoleic acid (LA), 217, 260
Intestinal development, 395 Lipase, 6, 322, 378
Intestinal gangrene/perforation, 81 Lipid, 258
Intestine, 4–7, 28, 31, 32, 39, 59, 102, 117, Lipid emulsions (LEs), 216
118, 161, 316, 317, 320, 323, 395, Lipid metabolism, 254
396, 406, 412, 413, 415 Lipids, 5, 217, 219, 303, 314, 410, 427
Intra-hepatocellular lipid (IHCL), 154 roles of, 216
Intracellular acidosis, 73 Liver failure (Hepatic dysfunction), 396
Intrahepatic lipid, 278 Liver function, 203, 240, 259
Intrauterine accretion rates, 320 Long chain fatty acids, 6, 260, 281, 314
Intrauterine bone mineral acquisition, 118 Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), (LCPUFAs), 154, 165, 216, 217,
101, 392 221, 314, 315, 428
Intravenous Lipid, 217 Long chain triglycerides (LCT), 9, 218, 413
Index 447

Long term follow up, 278, 284 Metabolic requirements, 425

Long term outcomes, 276, 281 Metoclopramide, 9, 145, 356
Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids effects of, 146
(LCPUFAs), 6 Microbial dysbiosis, 394
Loperamide, 414 Microbiota, 394, 395
Loss of, 31, 123, 382 Micrognathia, 358
Low lactose feeds, 51 Migrating motor complex (MMC), 9, 10
Low umbilical artery catheters (LUACs), 105 Milk bank, 372, 377, 380, 384
Low-birth-weight (LBW) infants, 225 Milk ejection, 340, 342, 346
Lung development, 423 Milk ejection reflex, 340
Lung growth, 424, 426 Milk fortification, 179
Lung growth and development, 426 Milk production, 328, 339, 340, 353
Lymphocyte activation, 33 Mineral homeostasis, factors affecting, 117
Lysozyme, 39, 49, 78, 324, 326, 382 Minimal enteral feeding, initiation of, 38
concentration, 324 Minimal enteral feedings (MEF), 125
Minimal enteral feeds, 28, 103, 399
M mono unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), 225
Macro-aspiration, 140 Mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), 261
Macrolide antibiotic Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), 78
Erythromycin, 146 Monocyte-macrophage system, hyperactivation
of, 223
Macronutrients, 256, 312, 320
Morbidity, 39, 72
Magnesium, 320, 415
causes of, 162
Malabsorption, 51, 317, 406, 407, 410, 412,
incidences of, 395
414, 415
Mortality, 194
Malnutrition, 264, 278, 410, 424, 429, 432, 433
Motility, 11, 14, 57, 107, 146, 407, 408, 415
Management of, 396
slow colonic, 106
Manometry, 10, 55
Motor activity, 10, 14, 30, 57, 106
sensitivity, 57
Mastitis, 353
adaptation, 414
Maternal obesity, 118
atrophy, 31, 32, 51
Maternal pain, 352
inflammation, 31
Maturational development, 350
integrity, 33
Meconium passage, 106
Multiple intraluminal impedance (MII), 136
Medications, 116, 139, 144, 146, 156, 425,
development of, 137
431, 432
Medium chain triglycerides (MCT), 9, 219, N
260, 413, 414, 428 Nasal regurgitation, 357
Meningitis, 84 National Institute of Child Health and
Metabolic acidosis, 86, 219, 235, 242, 263 Development Center, 31
Metabolic bone disease (MBD), 116, 120, 432 Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC), 11, 48, 72, 98,
biochemical markers, 120, 122, 123 119, 156, 301, 369
diuretics and steroids, 116 Necrotizing enterocolitis
incidence of, 116, 125 development of, 143
metabolic factors, 119 Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), 28, 216, 395
morbidity of, 116 Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), 254, 369
pathophysiology of, 127 Neonatal morbidities, incidence of, 242
prevention of, 124 Neonate, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10–12, 14–17, 29, 31, 49,
radiological features, 123 52, 53, 55, 56, 60, 72–74, 79, 82, 85
radiological grading, 120 Neonate intestine, 393
Metabolic derangement (MD), 86, 237 Neonates, 9, 109
Metabolic indices, 235, 257 Neurocognitive outcomes, 244, 245, 277, 284
Metabolic outcomes, 264, 270–272, 283, 284 Neurodevelopment, 125, 174, 178, 179, 201,
Metabolic programming, 155, 274 247, 258, 264, 280, 304
448 Index

beneficial effects, 244 216, 236, 244, 247, 260, 270, 272,
impairment, 155 398–400, 407, 409–411, 416, 427
Neutrophil expression, 87 adverse effects, 101
Nitrogen balance, 197, 202, 219, 220, 235, 237, Parenteral nutrition associated liver disease
257, 260, 426 (PNALD), 208, 223
Non accidental injury (NAI), 127 Parents, 177, 184, 344, 368
Non-infective mastitis, management of, 353 Parents counselling, 87
Non-nutritive, 8 Pasteurisation, 328, 379, 380
Non-nutritive sucking, 342, 343 High-temperature, short time (HTST), 379
Non-protein calories, 202, 217, 219 Low-temperature, long-time (LTLT), 379
Non-thermal pasteurisation Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), 13, 57, 77, 104
methodologies, 382 Pathophysiology of, 48, 61
Norovirus diarrhea, 322 Pediatric amino acid solutions, composition
Nosocomial of, 240
infection, 144
pathogens, 328
detection, 86
Perinatal malnutrition, 424
absorption, 30, 392
Peripheral parenteral nutrition (PPN), 204
deficiency, 272, 415
effects, 274, 409 Peristaltic activity, 10
intakes, 99, 126, 176, 178, 274, 278 Peritoneal drainage (PD), 86
Nutrition, 29, 196, 277 Phosphate, 39, 123
Nutritional Phototherapy, 9, 58, 224
management, 178 Physical activity program (PAP), 126
practices, 296 Physiology, 281
strategy, 395, 416 Placental active transport, 117
support, 176, 178, 185, 194, 203, 406, 425 Placental insufficiency, 401
Nutritive sucking, 429, 430 Plasma glucose levels, 17
Plasma urea concentration, 235
O Platelet-activating factor (PAF), 49, 73
Obesity, 276, 284, 301–303, 339 Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), 224, 225,
Octreotide, 414 260, 261
Oligosaccharide, 39, 60, 317 Portal venous gas (PVG), 86
Open-circuit respiratory calorimetry, 38, 52 Post discharge nutrition / discharge nutrition,
Oral aversion, 182, 412, 428, 430, 433 176, 432
Orofacial motor control, development of, 350 Post-discharge formula (PDF), 178, 280
Osmolality, 5, 9, 29, 32, 39, 56, 156, 159, 378 Post-discharge nutrition, 181
feeds, 155 Postnatal bone mineralization, 118, 126
fortified EBM, 156 Postnatal growth, 17, 98, 100, 154, 174, 178,
fortified feeds, 157 220, 242, 244, 254, 256, 264
Osmotic diarrhea, 414 Postnatal growth failure, 48, 234, 295, 431
Osteopenia, 116, 120, 123, 264, 320
incidence of, 234
clinical symptoms, 162
Postnatal growth impairement, 98
prematurity, 144
Postnatal growth pattern, 244
risk of, 126
Postnatal growth restriction, 48, 100, 294
Osteoporosis, 128
Osteoporotic fractures, risks, 126 Postnatal malnutrition, risk of, 243
Oxidative capacity, 426 Practices, 302
Prebiotic, 322
P Prebiotic oligosaccharide, 49, 60
Pain, 197, 353, 354 Prebiotics, 59, 60, 108
Parenteral nutrition (PN), 4, 28, 29, 31, 32, Preclinical studies of„ 32
39, 48, 49, 62, 72, 79, 80, 86, 99, Premature formula, 40
100, 105, 116, 127, 175, 196, 200, Premature infant, 425
Index 449

Prematurity, 11, 17, 48, 57, 72, 77, 107, Pulmonary aspiration, 138, 357
201, 208 history of, 139
causes of, 160 Pulmonary haemorrhage
morbidities, 300 incidence of, 222
Prescriptive, 297 Pulmonary hypertension, 426
charts, 303 Pumping, 340, 352
standards, 305 frequency, 339
Preterm, 8, 99, 142, 162
Preterm formula, 39, 49, 50, 60, 79, 108, 125, Q
163, 179, 280, 328, 371, 399 Quality management, 369, 375
Preterm gut, 57 Quantitative ultrasound (QS), 124
Preterm infant, 144, 256, 272, 345 Quantity of, 328
Preterm Infant Breastfeeding Behavior Scale
(PIBBS), 351 R
Preterm infants, 157, 278, 312, 342, 397 Rapid advancement, 32, 41
Energy feeds, 40, 103
intake, 425 RCTs (randomised controlled trials), 13, 32,
immune system, 325 37–41, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 56, 59–61,
management of, 177 74, 76, 86, 104, 107–109, 163, 181,
Preterm milk, 319, 326 225, 260, 261, 263, 264, 370, 371,
373, 426
Preterm neonate, 48, 51, 53, 54, 77, 80, 85,
Double-blind, 81
98, 208
Reference, 99, 141, 240, 276, 283, 294, 302,
Preterm nutrition, 154
Probiotic supplementation, 74
charts, 296, 297, 300, 301
Probiotics, 49, 56, 59, 61, 73–75, 78, 88, 107
range, 257
Programming, 61, 264, 400, 401
values, 242
effects, 272, 283
Reflux, 136, 138, 139, 141–143, 145, 146, 357
Prokinetic agent, 55
Regurgitation, 50, 59, 60, 107, 136, 138, 140,
Metoclopramide, 145
142, 143, 163, 164, 356
Prokinetics, 15, 55, 56
Resection effects, 407, 410
Cisapride, 55 Respiration, 354
Erythromycin, 11, 55 Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), 270, 339
Prolonged enteral fasting, 31 Respiratory tract, 39
adverse effects of, 41 Resting metabolic rate, 259
Prolonged hospitalization, 396 Restricted fluid intake, 80, 426
Prophylactic probiotic supplementation, 59 Retinopathy prematurity, 208
Prostaglandin inhibitors
dexamethasone, 57 S
indomethacin, 57 Safety, 160, 196, 197, 263
Protection, 139, 224, 278, 326, 328 Safety profile, 56
Protein, 5, 117, 125, 154, 155, 158, 164, SBS, absorption in, 407
166, 178, 198, 234, 240, 244, 270, SBS, incidence of, 407
317–319, 328, 340, 379 SBS, management, 416
β-casein, 377 Secretory IgA, 7, 74, 318, 380
caseins, 318 Semi elemental, 412, 413
Protein accretion, 257 formulae, 412
Protein energy ratio (PER), 175 Sepsis, 7, 33, 37, 39, 48, 49, 58, 59, 61, 73, 76,
Protein intake, 99, 155, 157, 159, 181, 242, 81, 84, 99, 101, 104–106, 109, 116,
256–258, 260, 262, 264, 280, 281, 119, 174, 203, 223–225, 258, 259,
424, 426, 428 270, 325, 370, 395, 423, 426, 432
Protein Supplements, 158 Fungal sepsis, 84
Protein synthesis, rate of, 235 role of, 76
Proton pump inhibitors, 144, 148, 356, 414 Serum albumin, 318
450 Index

Short bowel syndrome (SBS), 41, 48, 72, 119, Swallow-suck-breath coordination, 429
217, 396, 406 Swallowing, 8, 138, 339, 343, 344, 350, 351,
Short term outcomes, 243 428, 429, 432
Simultaneous (double) pumping, 342 Systematic review, 6, 41, 49, 53, 59, 74, 77, 78,
Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), 284 80, 87, 101, 126, 370, 430
Skeletal development and mineralization, 118
Slow advancement of feeds, 53 T
Slow feed advancement, 32, 40 Target intake, 243
SMA flow velocity, 58 The Center for Food Safety and Applied
Small for gestational age (SGA), 174, 219, 271, Nutrition, USA, 57
282, 294, 296, 392 The Stripping Action theory, 345
Solid food Thermal pasteurisation, 382
initiation of, 432 Thickened feeds, 56, 163, 164, 356
Soy (Soybean) oil, 216, 218, 219, 221, 225, Toll like receptor (TLR) pathway, 74
260, 428 Total parenteral nutrition (TPN), 194, 217
Specific proteins, synthesis of, 244 development of, 204
Stable isotope studies, 257 nutritional goal of, 200
Standard, 86, 244, 400, 431 Transpyloric feeding, 53
Standard growth chart, 297
Standard growth charts, 302
Standardised feeding protocol, 76
Umbilical catheters, 104
Standardised parenteral nutrition, 262
Undernutrition, 401
Standards, 77
Steatosis, 411
Stem cells, 327, 328 V
Storage, 328, 377 Vascular health, 274, 275
Stricture, 81, 82, 84 Very low birth weight (VLBW), 5, 12, 28, 48,
Substrate absorption, 31 72, 422
Suck-swallow ratio, 349 Villus height, 32
Suck-swallow-breathe (SSB), 349 Vitamin D, 320, 321
Suck-swallow-breathe coordination, 347 Vitamins, 124, 156, 165, 198, 199, 220, 263,
Sucking, 8, 142, 339, 343, 344, 347, 349, 273, 415, 427
350, 428 Vitamin A, 259, 264, 320, 430
parameters, 350 Vitamin D, 118, 160, 161
pattern, 182, 429 metabolism, 117
Sucking pattern metabolites of, 117
Non-nutritive sucking (NNS), 344 Vitamins and Minerals, 160, 320
Nutritive sucking (NS), 344 VLBW, growth in, 244, 428
Superior mesenteric artery (SMA) flow, 57, 86, Volumes in„ 12, 32, 39, 104, 107
102, 396 Vomiting, 11, 13, 15, 136, 144, 163, 184,
Supplementation of bone minerals, 116 356, 432
Surgery, 28, 48, 72, 79, 85–87, 139, 140, 147,
164, 357, 370 W
Surgical options, 416 World Health Organisation (WHO), 183

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