Dissertations/Final Year Projects/ Extended Reports: Aim of This Factsheet

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Dissertations/Final Year Projects/

Extended Reports
Aim of this factsheet

To provide an overview of why and how dissertations are written: these need to be both
professionally and academically presented.

Difference between reports and dissertations

You may have developed your report writing skills in previous years; if not, please refer to our
Report Writing resources. The good news is that the format and presentation is almost
identical, but you will have additional sections.

A report is usually an end of module assignment with very clear guidelines from your

Features of dissertations, final year projects and extended reports:

• undertaken in your final year of undergraduate study, or in postgraduate
• is linked to both current theory and practice
• you will have more choice as to the topic and methodology, and will decide on
the aims and objectives of your study
• you will be required to undertake more independent research into subjects which
may not have been taught or may have been covered in a range of modules
throughout your programme of study
• the word count is usually much higher than for a standard report
• often requires a Project Proposal in order to gain approval for your key
concepts before you start.

Example of different types of dissertation

Concern Method Type of Study

Theory/hypothesis Analysis Non-empirical

Strategy Analysis Non-empirical with examples

Issue Question people Empirical (requires data collection)

Type of behaviour Observation Empirical (requires data collection)

Personal viewpoint Reporting / reflection Narrative

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Why write dissertations?

Dissertations usually contain sections of writing to record the methodology, results and
conclusions of an investigation. They are used to enable your lecturer to assess the way you
have approached your investigation, collected your data and evaluated your results.

Dissertations demonstrate skills in: planning, organising, researching, problem solving and
time management as well as oral and written communication skills. They also demonstrate in-
depth subject knowledge.

Format of dissertations:

 Are written using formal academic language

 Headings and sub-headings should be used
 Bullet points or numbers can be used to list points
 Are written to be discussed by more than one person
 Show vigour in research
 Drawings, graphs, statistics and other additional material can be added as appendices

Sections of a dissertation:

Dissertations can be written in a variety of ways depending on your subject area, and whether
you have undertaken primary or secondary research. However the sections below are a
general indication of what sections need to be included.

1. Title page
2. Abstract
3. Contents
4. Introduction
5. Aims and Objectives
6. Literature Review
7. Research Methodology
8. Ethical Issues
9. Results/Findings
10. Discussion/Analysis
11. Recommendations (if requested)
12. References
13. Appendices


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1. The Title Page

The title should provide a clear indication of what the dissertation is about: it should be
accurate and concise. The title page should also include the date the report was written, who
wrote the report and who the report was for.

2. Abstract (also known as Summary)

This is a summary of the whole report’s contents. Readers will decide whether to read the
whole report based on the abstract and therefore it should be sufficient for them to understand
what the report is about, including the results of the investigation.

The abstract is written after the rest of the report even though it is presented at the beginning.
It should describe the work that has been carried out, not the work that will be carried out.

3 Contents

A list of contents is required and should be correctly formatted. See Student IT support on
Managing Longer Pieces of Work.

4. Introduction

This gives the background to the investigation. It puts your investigation into context and
gives the reader some idea of the value and importance of your work. It tells the reader why
this is an important subject to investigate.

5. Aims and Objectives

You should have a clear statement about the purpose of your study (aim) and how you are
going to achieve those aims (objectives). State what you are trying to achieve and how you
will achieve it. This is a crucial part of the report as it will be judged on whether your aims and
objectives have been achieved: ensure you are clear about the difference between these.

6. Literature Review

This informs the reader of the current thinking in your particular topic. It will place your
research in context and show how you are building upon previous knowledge. This should also
highlight any areas of contention. Ensure you cite your sources of information and reference
your work.

7. Research Methodologies

This section is important because if you undertake inappropriate methodology your results and
findings will be disputed. The reader needs to know what you did to find out information so
they can make a judgement about the suitability of your methodology.

In this section, you state what you have done to achieve your aims, what you did to find
information you need and why you did it.

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The methodology section can be sub-divided into the following sub-sections:

Include What is it?

A short section (one or two sentences) in which you make a
Research Paradigm clear and accurate statement outlining what sort of
(type of research) investigation you used. Justify your statements by referencing
to best practice.

You should provide a brief description of who you used in your

sample and why. The information should include the essential
features of any respondents used.
Sample Strategy • Who were the subjects of the study?
(if used)
• How were they selected?
• How many were there?
Justify your decisions by referencing back to best practice.

What sort of materials were used? For example, experimental

stimuli, tests, questionnaires. If using established tests or
materials, these should be fully referenced. Any apparatus
(if necessary)
used should be described accurately (you could use diagrams or

This should be a description of exactly how you carried out the

investigation: what exactly happened during the investigation,
from start to finish in enough detail to allow replication.
Remember to use the passive voice (third person), past tense;
for example: “The questionnaire was given to all 1st year
Procedure students.” “The responses to each question were recorded
using simple tally charts”.
The procedure does not have to take the form of an
experiment; some reports document the findings of desk based
research and extended literature reviews.

As your analysis is part of what you did, you should include a

statement of what methods of analysis were used and why they
Method of Analysis were chosen (do not panic if the methodology section becomes
long – it is quite normal for this section to sometimes be the
longest section of the report).

8. Ethical Issues

All dissertations and investigations should consider ethical issues. You are expected to
complete a Staffordshire University Ethical Approval form and have this signed off by your
tutor. This should be included as an appendix. In your report you should make the reader
aware of the possible ethical issues of your research and how you overcame these issues, for
example: confidentiality, storage of data and so on.

9. Results/Findings (sometimes this section can be merged with Discussion and Analysis)

It tells the reader what you have found out and is objective. It states the findings of your
research. You may include tables and graphs, but also explain the results in words. Any raw
data should be included as an appendix.

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10. Discussion/Analysis

This covers the interpretation of the results, evaluation of the theoretical significance of the
findings and a general discussion of the investigation. It should answer questions such as:
• What has your investigation shown?
• Did it achieve its objectives?
• What theory/literature does it support or contradict?
• What are the most plausible explanations of your findings?
• Are there any possible criticisms of the investigation?

The discussion should also:

• Build on the material in the introduction and literature review
• Evaluate the adequacy of your methodology
• Suggest design features that may have affected the results
• Include whether the results would be different under different conditions

11. Recommendations

Use your findings and analysis to make recommendations. You may make the
recommendation that further investigation is undertaken if you realise that there were gaps in
your methodology or anomalies in your findings. Alternatively, you may advise that some
actions be considered.

12. References

Make sure references are given correctly. See Staffordshire University Refzone for more

13. Appendices (content usually not included in the word count)

Do not put results here: only the raw data should be presented in an Appendix.
Some other materials may be usefully included in an Appendix (for example, blank
questionnaires, copy of written tests used). Remember not to include anything in an appendix
that has not been referred to in the text.

This factsheet provides guidance on how dissertations can be structured. However, your
faculty may have specific requirements. If so, use the information on this factsheet and adapt
it to ensure your work meets the marking criteria.

References and further reading

Levin, P. (2011) Excellent Dissertations. Open University Press.

McMillan, K. & Weyers, J. (2011) How to Write Dissertations and Project Reports. (Smarter
Student Series) Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd.

For an appointment or further advice:

Click: http://libguides.staffs.ac.uk/AcademicSkills
Call: 01785 353500
Email: [email protected]
Visit: Skills Space, Thompson Library, Stoke / Blackheath Lane, Stafford / Shrewsbury Hospital
Please note that any information provided by the team is advisory only. No liability will be attached to the University, its
employees or agents for any loss or detriment suffered by a student relying on the advice given.

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