Elastic Load Balancer: Machines of Different Configurations As Per Their Requirement

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EC2 stands for Elastic Compute Cloud.

EC2 allow users to use virtual

machines of different configurations as per their requirement.

Elastic Load Balancer

It is used to spread the traffic to web servers, which improves
performance. AWS provides the Elastic Load Balancing service, in which
traffic is distributed to EC2 instances over multiple available zones, and
dynamic addition and removal of Amazon EC2 hosts from the load-
balancing rotation.

Amazon Cloud-front
It is responsible for content delivery, i.e. used to deliver website. It may
contain dynamic, static, and streaming content using a global network of
edge locations. Requests for content at the user's end are automatically
routed to the nearest edge location, which improves the performance.
S3 stands for Simple Storage Service. It allows the users to store and
retrieve various types of data using API calls. It doesn’t contain any
computing element.

Security Management
Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) provides a feature called security
groups, which is similar to an inbound network firewall, in which we have
to specify the protocols, ports, and source IP ranges that are allowed to
reach your EC2 instances.

Elastic Caches
Amazon Elastic Cache is a web service that manages the memory cache in
the cloud. In memory management, cache has a very important role and
helps to reduce the load on the services, improves the performance and
scalability on the database tier by caching frequently used information.

Amazon RDS
Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) provides a similar access as
that of MySQL, Oracle, or Microsoft SQL Server database engine. The same
queries, applications, and tools can be used with Amazon RDS.

Hosting RDMS on EC2 Instances

Amazon RDS allows users to install RDBMS (Relational Database
Management System) of your choice like MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2,
etc. on an EC2 instance and can manage as required.
Amazon EC2 uses Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Storage) similar to
network-attached storage. All data and logs running on EC2 instances
should be placed on Amazon EBS volumes, which will be available even if
the database host fails.

Amazon EBS volumes automatically provide redundancy within the

availability zone, which increases the availability of simple disks. Further
if the volume is not sufficient for our databases needs, volume can be
added to increase the performance for our database.

Using Amazon RDS, the service provider manages the storage and we only
focus on managing the data.

Storage & Backups

AWS cloud provides various options for storing, accessing, and backing up
web application data and assets. The Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service)
provides a simple web-services interface that can be used to store and
retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web.

Amazon S3 stores data as objects within resources called buckets. The

user can store as many objects as per requirement within the bucket, and
can read, write and delete objects from the bucket.

Amazon EBS is effective for data that needs to be accessed as block

storage and requires persistence beyond the life of the running instance,
such as database partitions and application logs.

Amazon EBS volumes can be maximized up to 1 TB, and these volumes

can be striped for larger volumes and increased performance. Provisioned
IOPS volumes are designed to meet the needs of database workloads that
are sensitive to storage performance and consistency.

Amazon EBS currently supports up to 1,000 IOPS per volume. We can

stripe multiple volumes together to deliver thousands of IOPS per instance
to an application.

Auto Scaling
The difference between AWS cloud architecture and the traditional hosting
model is that AWS can dynamically scale the web application fleet on
demand to handle changes in traffic.
In the traditional hosting model, traffic forecasting models are generally
used to provision hosts ahead of projected traffic. In AWS, instances can
be provisioned on the fly according to a set of triggers for scaling the fleet
out and back in. Amazon Auto Scaling can create capacity groups of
servers that can grow or shrink on demand.

ey Considerations for Web Hosting in

Following are some of the key considerations for web hosting −

No physical network devices needed

In AWS, network devices like firewalls, routers, and load-balancers for
AWS applications no longer reside on physical devices and are replaced
with software solutions.

Multiple options are available to ensure quality software solutions. For load
balancing choose Zeus, HAProxy, Nginx, Pound, etc. For establishing a VPN
connection choose OpenVPN, OpenSwan, Vyatta, etc.

No security concerns
AWS provides a more secured model, in which every host is locked down.
In Amazon EC2, security groups are designed for each type of host in the
architecture, and a large variety of simple and tiered security models can
be created to enable minimum access among hosts within your
architecture as per requirement.

Availability of data centers

EC2 instances are easily available at most of the availability zones in AWS
region and provides model for deploying your application across data
centers for both high availability and reliability.

AWS Management Console is a web application for managing Amazon

Web Services. AWS Management Console consists of list of various
services to choose from. It also provides all information related to our
account like billing.

This console provides an inbuilt user interface to perform AWS tasks like
working with Amazon S3 buckets, launching and connecting to Amazon
EC2 instances, setting Amazon CloudWatch alarms, etc.

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