Engl3Ge Purposive Communication: The Comparison Between Manual and Advance Technology in Communication

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Purposive Communication




The purpose of this communication study was to explore the comparison of

manual and advance technology communication. Manual communication is interaction that
does not include mediating technology. Forms of advance technology communication include
texting, email, and social media. They look up forward to sustain the different perception or
ideas of the three persons. There is no given specific time and day to make an interview of
those people selected. The interviewer has a choice to choose someone to interview people
with following given situation and after that they take note all what they said or ask because it
will help us to prove the document or being data collected to that person.

Mostly, people nowadays are busy doing his/her own business and work
everyday life and at these time the manual communication are being left and advance
technology are high during these days. By using advance technology just like cellphone,
computer, social media, etc. that can cause of addicting especially on the video games. The
purpose of these is to compare all information individually that can easily to understand these
manual and advance technology that gives a good response and image to the people in different
society or country. It may be help us to improve and develop of some other inventions that
needs to supervised, control within a given process.

Air, food, water, shelter, and fire are important elements of life for human
beings. Without those elements humans could not possibly survive. Those are the obvious ones,
but have you ever thought you can live without communication. Communication is also
important. Communication comes in very many different forms. Communication is the way
that people relay messages to each other. It is used many times to bridge the gap between
different cultures. There are many ways of communicating whether it be hand gestures to
convey our thoughts, body gestures, or speaking to one another verbally. It would seem that
the first thing one would think of is the current technological innovations that make
communication across seas and countries so easy to achieve. Somehow though, that seems
too simple.


Table 1.1

Forms of Description Primary Use Advantages Disadvantages

Telegrams Sending and to communicate a communication You can’t find
(Telegraph receiving messages message or was made more this in today’s
message) by radio signals impression to efficient communication
Handwritten The way of using Take down or list The brain Time
letters or both some important develop of more consuming &
messages Pen or Pencil. details. understanding of discarded.
your written.
Typewritten They used machine. Giving standard Develop mental Cannot be
letters or set off popular for quickness by stored.
message home and school using manual
and without
opening pc.
E-mail Sending message To communicate Accessible for Need access
messages using electronic w/ more than one anywhere. from internet
device. person. connection.
Text (or SMS) Identifying & In case of Privacy. Need signal.
message knowing some emergency.
important details or
Facebook posts Can communicate To share your Can promote Some people
w/ friends through knowledge event that can post nonsense
direct comment of through post. provide good topic.
his/her post. benefits to our
Video Can show To give happiness. Can show Cybers*x
Conferencing something. physically.
Phone calls Speaking to To contact Clear Cannot provide
someone on the someone by phone communication face to face
phone conversation

Table 1.2

Forms of Description Primary Use Advantages Disadvantages

Telegrams Sending message Communication Useful in times Every sounds
(Telegraph in traditional way of our great has code
message) ancestor
Handwritten Handmade letters Sending message More effort Time and effort
letters or consuming
Typewritten Using machine For certification Better than Must re-type the
letters or handwritten whole document
message every time they
make a mistake.
E-mail Sending Formal way of Easy access Need connection
messages documents and sending business
messages. transactions.
Text (or SMS) Communicating For easy Accessible Needed load
message through mobile communication
Facebook posts Share’s For entertainment You can express Posting whole
information your feelings. lives activities
& it’s annoying.
Video Virtual meeting For conferencing Not needed Need
Conferencing someone w/ long physical connection.
distance status. appearance.
Phone calls Talking through For calling Real time Needed load
mobile phone. sharing

Table 1.3
Forms of Description Primary Use Advantages Disadvantages
Telegrams Sending message in Way of sending Touchable Hard to
(Telegraph traditional scenario. message in the understand
message) past.
Handwritten Written message Sending message Remembrance Need more
letters or purposes resource
Typewritten Using of typewriter For important Easy access if Cannot undo &
letters or purposes needed. no memory
message brain.
E-mail Electronic mail Sending files Reviewable Need connection
Text (or SMS) Sending message For sending Easy to edit. Wrong sent &
message though advance regards. misinterpretation
Facebook posts Posting information For leisure You can get Fake news /
in public. information wrong
Video Meeting people w/o Can also use in Real time Gadget needed
Conferencing physical contact. online education communication.
Phone calls Calling through For important Quick and No load, no call
phone matters. reliable


In conclusion, the society in which we grow up and live in usually shapes how
we lead our lives in terms of communication. People have always had the need to share their
stories. From cave drawings to the drums, smoke signals to the telegram, telephone to the radio,
television to the computer, people have found many ways to entertain and communicate.
Communication has brought information to people about values, trends, and cultural norms.
Whether it is oral tradition, dances, parties, plays, or letters, communication has played a big
role in keeping historical records.
Manual communication like sending letters to someone seems forgotten
during these days, due to the advancement of technology in today's world. As our world grows,
using of advance technology in communicating becomes increasingly more interconnected.
Technology has made communication more convenient by creating more ways to communicate.
This is especially true with long distance communication. Internet communication devices
have made staying in touch with people who live far away easy. Email, instant messaging, and
social networking websites are examples of convenient ways to keep in touch with friends and
family. The computer software needed for these kinds of communication is readily available,
usually free. Manual and advance technology in communication are both important and useful
after all.

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