The Problem and Its Setting

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Suicide attempts is one of the serious problem in our generation, the article will tells

us why among the people are committing suicide. Many people trying to commit suicide

is because of their study , family , relationship and selves issues. People who are suicidal

are usually placed into categories such as “depression” and “psychotic” or

“manipulative”. The thought of suicide most often occurs when the person feels they

have run out of solutions to problem that seems inescapable, intolerably painful, and

never ending. Acknowledging suicide as problem solving behavior is uncomfortable, we

think, because it appears to edge dangerously close to endorsing the act. We don’t have to

agree with the desire to die in order to empathize with the pain lurking behind that desire.

Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death mental disorders,

including depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, and

substance abuse including alcoholism. Some suicides are impulsive acts due to stress,

such as from financial difficulties, troubles with relationships, or bullying. Those who

have previously attempted suicide are at a higher risk for future attempts. Effective

suicide prevention efforts include limiting access to methods of suicide such as firearms,

drugs, and poisons; treating mental disorders and substance misuse; proper media

reporting of suicide; and improving economic conditions. Many people believe that even

though a person might talk about suicide, they will not actually do it. In fact, talking
about suicide is a warning sign that the person is at greater risk. If you become so

overwhelmed by your problems that suicide becomes a consideration, you deserve to be

taken seriously. Talking about suicide means that the potential exists to take your own

life even if you do not actually do it. Denial will not make the threat of suicide disappear

and can only leave you feeling more alone and in anguish. If you are having thoughts of

suicide. Do not hesitate to talk about suicide. If you think that someone you know is

considering suicide, raise the subject. People are often relieved to talk to somebody about

it. Recognizing their agony helps to ease the distress of carrying the burden of pain alone.

It is important to listen to what somebody has to say without passing judgment on their

feelings. Keep in mind that having no opportunity to talk about how badly they feel will

only make a person feel isolated.


Suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide. They experience depression and lead

to self-destruction. We chose this topic because of our generation's knowledge that they

should not hurt themselves, Many young people are drowning and suffering in this

situation, We need to be alert all the time. we are no longer aware that our friends and

family are experiencing this difficult situation and we thought that they hurt themselves

because they find the pain that they feel.


This study aims to know the perception of suicidal attempts among senior high

school in AMACC.

The research required to answer this following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

2. What is the main reason of why they are thinking of trying to commit suicide?

3. What are the effect of suicidal attempts to the SHS students?


The main objective of the study is to identify the suicidal attempts in AMACC.

Study the perception of suicidal attempts and their behavior and think so many things to

bothered and depressed themselves. Who don’t have any experience to attempt suicide;

examine this questionnaire using this conclusions.

1. To identify what ages and gender has a lot of experience in term of suicidal


2. To find out what are they experiencing suicidal attempts in AMACC

3. To identify the effect of suicidal attempts to SHS students.


We as a young people or teenager, we easily experience depressions due to family

problem, friends and also financial problems and other peoples surround us. This study

will be aware to all parents, students and future researcher.

Parents. They always have to talk to their children about what has happened and to

perfection every second of their own and always a sure if they’re okay.

Students. This study will change them attitude to stop this attempting suicidal.

Future Researcher. This will be guide as their basis on their future studies.


The terms/words that are familiar or related to this research are listed below.

They are alphabetically.

Bipolar Disorder- a mental condition marked by alternating periods of elation and


Depression- feeling of severe despondency and dejection

Parents- is a giver and a guide to their children.

Students- is studying in order to enter a particular profession.

Schizophrenia- a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the

relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception,

inappropriate actions and feelings..


This scope of the study will include effects of suicidal attempting in AMA Computer

College of Las Pinas. The study will be conducted through the specific time March 2019-

April 2019. The targeted respondents of this research are the AMACC from age 16 to 18

years old. The respondents of this research are specifically students that only

experiencing depression and attempting suicide. They are the students of TEC 11.

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature and Studies

Local Related Studies

Mental health experts in the Philippines have voiced alarm about the number of

young people committing suicide.At least six individuals commit suicide every day in the

predominantly Catholic country of more than 100 million people. "While the numbers

may appear small, if not insignificant, one life lost is precious enough," said (Carmelita

Ericta, a former government statistician. From 2012 to 2016), there were 237 suicide

cases among children aged between 10 and 14, according to( Ericta Of 2,413 suicide

cases recorded in 2016), more than 2,000 were male and the rest female.

According to the Department of Health (.Dr. Cornelio Banaag Jr), president of the

Philippine Mental Health Association, said the common trigger for suicides is stress He

said there were likely many more unreported cases due to the stigma, or fear of people

with suicidal tendencies to be judged. Banaag said that aside from the "very disturbing"

number of young people committing suicide, there is also a growing number of "cutters"
among the youth."Cutters" are those who opt not to commit suicide but instead cut

themselves supposedly to experience some relief from pressure or stress. "We're not even

mentioning people with clinical depression, who are bipolar, or experience extreme mood

swings," said Banaag.

Foreign Related Literature

Suicide, or ending one's own life, is a tragic event with strong emotional

repercussions for survivors and for families of its victims. More than 45,000 people in the

U.S. killed themselves in 2016, according to the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention, making it the 10th leading cause of death overall. Suicides also appear to be

increasing across the country. The rate of suicide rose in 44 states between 2000 and

2016, with half of states reporting an increase of greater than 30 percent. Although many

suicide prevention programs focus on helping teenagers, the highest number of suicides

in the U.S. in 2015 occurred among people ages 45 to 54. Men are especially at risk, with

a suicide rate approximately four times higher than that of women. There are also major

disparities amongst ethnic and racial groups, with American Indian and Alaskan Natives

being at highest risk.



This chapter discusses the research design, the respondents of the study, the

determination of the sample size and sampling design, the research instrument and

validation, the data gathering and lastly, the statistical treatment of the paper. This

research study investigated the effect of the perceived burdensomeness displayed the
signature of a resilient suicide risk factor. This study conducted by first reviewing the

literature, then conducting surveys with the selected Grade 11 TEC students of AMA

Computer College of Las Pinas.

Research Design

This chapter reviews limitations of existing research designs and it highlights some

significant gaps in current knowledge of suicide risk factors. We choose to assess a wide

range of suicidal or non-suicidal self-injurious thoughts or behaviors as outcomes or

dependent variables or exposures or independent variables. Retrospective designs

examine individuals after a suicide outcome has occurred to assess risk factors that may

have contributed to the suicidal behavior. In recent years, a number of measures have

been developed to assess implicit suicide-related cognition: the Suicide Implicit

Association Test assesses implicit associations, or self-identification, with suicide or



The participants of the study are the Grade 11 TEC students of AMACC LP, due to

reported experiencing reductions in suicide ideation at the first follow-up and no changes

at the second follow-up.


The Independent variable (IV) is the number of students attempting suicidal. On the

other hand the dependent variable (DV) is the effect to Grade 11 TEC students of


Research Instrument

The researcher will used survey-questionnaire instrument to gather data from the


The instruments is carefully designed by the researchers to elicit demographic

information of the students (age and gender), determine the mind of the young people and

determine the main problem and determine the effect of attempting suicidal to Grade 11

TEC students. It is structured using the likert format with four-point stress scale. It is

serving as the quantification of the respondent’s agreement and disagreement on each

question item. A likert scale is a rating scale that demands the respondents to indicate his

or her degree of agreement and disagreement.

Table 1.1 Likert scale with rating scale

ALWAYS 4.00-3.20

OFTEN 3.19-2.29

SOMETIMES 2.38-1.40

NEVER 1.39-1.00
In addition, this also aims to evaluate the effects of attempting suicide to the selected

Grade 11 TEC students of AMACCLP.

Sampling Techniques

The researcher will used Grade 11 students to administer the survey into randomly

selected students in Grade 11 TEC students of AMACC LP only. This will help

researcher to provide lesser time in conducting the survey for them to be able to cope up

with the allotted time, short time frame of the study. The researcher will used Simple

Random Sampling to provide each students inside the class with an equal chance of being

selected and in order to get unbiased responses for the study. This method will be carried

out by first assigning each student with a number through head count.

Date Gathering Procedure

The study will be gathering data using a survey-questionnaire that they will used in

their study and after that they will administered survey through random selected under

Grade 11 TEC students. The researcher will provide an approval letter to show to the

class president to prove the researcher’s authority to conduct survey.

The researcher will provide information about the study and give respondents time

to answer the survey questionnaire, then after gathering the survey the researcher will

checked the survey. Next, the researcher will tallied the answer provided by the

respondents to determine the data analysis. Lastly, the researcher will utilize secondary

data like in the form of articles, journals, books, magazines, etc.)

Statistical Treatment of Data

The statistical treatment of data will be used to determine the numerical and

statistical computation of desired percentage formula and weighted mean. The

researchers will be using the percentage formula in some parts of the survey


The formulas are the following:

Percentage was used to measure the average of the demographic profile of the

respondents about the effect of different approaches of teachers to students in class.

𝑷 = ( ) 𝟏𝟎𝟎%


P = percentage

F= frequency of number

N= population
Weighted Mean was used to determine the general average of gathered data for

each questions related to the respondents regarding the effect of different approach of

teachers to students.

∑ 𝒇𝒙
𝑾𝑴 =


WM= weighted mean

f= frequency

N= number of respondents

x= mean




A Quantitative Research

Presented to the Senior High School Department


Almanza 1, Alabang-Zapote Road, Las Piñas Metro Manila

In Partial fulfillment of the requirements in


Lacierda,Blessy Faith C.

Palomo.Charmaine Apple L.

Grade 11-TEC 1

Cristine Joyce R. Ramos

Research Adviser

March 2019

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