A Note On Generalized Electrodynamics: Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics January 2011

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A Note on generalized electrodynamics

Article  in  Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics · January 2011

Source: arXiv

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1 author:

Serguei Krouglov
University of Toronto


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A note on generalized electrodynamics

S. I. Kruglov
University of Toronto at Scarborough,
Physical and Environmental Sciences Department,
arXiv:1101.5609v2 [hep-th] 8 Apr 2011

1265 Military Trail, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M1C 1A4

The generalized Maxwell equations with arbitrary gauge parameter
are considered in the 11×11-matrix form. The gauge invariance of such
a model is broken due to the presence of a scalar field. The canonical
and symmetrical Belinfante energy-momentum tensors are found. The
dilatation current is obtained and we demonstrate that the theory pos-
sesses the dilatation symmetry. The matrix Schrödinger form of equa-
tions is derived. The non-minimal interaction in curved space-time is
introduced and equations are considered in Friedmann−Robertson−
Walker background. We obtain some solutions of equations for the
vector field.

1 Introduction
We have investigated the first-order formulation of the generalized Maxwell
equations which describe massless vector fields with an additional scalar field
in [1], [2] (see also [3]). Such a model is not a gauge-invariant and can be
treated as a Maxwell theory in the definite gauge. Gradient terms were intro-
duced in Maxwell equations by many authors (see references in [3] and [4]).
Here, we take into account a gauge parameter which allows us to consider
different gauges. It should be mentioned that gauge parameter is physical
value in our scheme, contrarily to classical electrodynamics, which can con-
tribute to gravity interaction. Therefore, schemes with difference gauges are
not equivalent each other. As was mentioned in [2] the reason for leaving a
scalar field in the spectrum is the application of such a non-gauge-invariant
model in astrophysics. We have stressed [2] that the additional degree, a
scalar field, can play an important role in the inflation theory of universe.
Later, authors of the work [6] considered a scalar field of generalized electro-
dynamics as a source of dark energy. Dark energy is introduced to explain

the acceleration of expanded universe at the present time and results in the
negative pressure. Dark energy interacts only gravitationally representing
weakly coupled substance. Scenario of inflationary universe [5] allows us
to understand observable data: our universe is homogeneous and isotropic
for scales > 100 Mpc (1 pc = 3.26 light years) and expands in accordance
with the Hubble law. In the chaotic inflation model a massive scalar field
(quintessence) minimally coupled to gravity is responsible for slow-roll in-
flation and plays the role of dark energy. But, in this model, the potential
terms should be fine tuned to have the acceleration of universe at the definite
time. Another phenomenological way to describe dark energy is to introduce
a cosmological constant Λ into the Einstein equation (the term (−Λgµν ) in
the left side of the Einstein equation). One implies the existence of vacuum
energy by introducing the cosmological constant. If Λ > 0 the additional
cosmological term leads to anti-gravity. But in this case the difficulty arises:
a vacuum solution is not a Minkowski space-time. In addition, there is no
physical explanation of a coincidence problem: matter and dark energy den-
sities possess the same orders of values at the present time and had big
difference in magnitudes in previous eras. Today, approximately 70% of the
energy density of the universe is in the form of dark energy, and the rest 30%
is in the form of non-relativistic matter. Cosmological constant, which gives
the energy density, remains constant during the expansion of the universe,
but the energy density of matter and radiation decreases in time. Thus, the
nature of dark energy is one of the most important problems in astrophysics.
In the scenario suggested in [6], the time component of a field in gener-
alized electrodynamics grows in time and becomes dominant explaining the
acceleration of universe. Therefore, it is of great interest further investiga-
tion of the generalized electrodynamics where the addition degree, the scalar
state of the field, can play the role of dark energy.
The paper is organized as follows. In Sec.2, the generalized Maxwell
equations with arbitrary gauge parameter are formulated in the matrix form.
Matrices of the relativistic wave equation (RWE) obey the generalized Duf-
fin −Kemmer−Petiau (DKP) algebra. We obtain, in Sec.3, canonical and
the Belinfante dilatation currents which are not conserved. The conserved
modified dilatation current is also found demonstrating the scale invariance
of the theory of massless fields. We obtain the Schrödinger form of equations
and the quantum-mechanical Hamiltonian in Sec.4. The minimal equation
for the matrix Hamiltonian is found. In Sec.5, a novel non-minimal inter-
action in curved space-time is introduced and equations are considered in

Friedmann−Robertson−Walker (FRW) background. The solution of equa-
tions for the time component of the four-potential is found which grows in
time. We discuss the results obtained in Sec.6. The quantum-mechanical
Hamiltonian is found from relativistic wave equation in Appendix A. Start-
ing with the second-order formulation of the theory, we obtain canonical and
symmetrical energy-momentum tensors and dilatation currents in Appendix
B. In Appendix C the quantization of fields is performed in the second-order
The Euclidean metric is used in Sec.1-4 and Appendixes A, B and C, and
four-vectors are xµ = (xm , x4 ) = (xm , ix0 ), and x0 is a time; Greek letters
run 1, 2, 3, 4 and Latin letters run 1, 2, 3. We use natural units h̄ = c = 1.

2 First-order form of equations

In [7], we considered the general Lagrangian form of massive vector fields.
For the case of neutral massless vector fields it reduces to

L = δµν,σρ (∂µ Aσ ) (∂ν Aρ ) , (1)

where δµν,σρ = aδµν δσρ +bδµσ δνρ +cδµρ δσν . To have the standard kinetic term,
we put a = −1/2. The Euler-Lagrange equations follow from (1):

∂µ2 Aν − 2 (b + c) ∂ν ∂µ Aµ = 0. (2)

One can see from Eq.(2) that only one parameter (b + c) remains in the
equations of motion. It is convenient to choose: c = 1/2, 2b = −ξ, where ξ
defines the gauge. Then Eq.(1) and (2) become
1 2 1
L = − Fµν − ξ (∂ν Aν )2 , (3)
4 2
∂ν Fµν − ξ∂µ ∂ν Aν = 0, (4)
where Fµν = ∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ is the field strength. Eq.(4) can be treated as
the Maxwell equations with the additional gauge parameter. In QED the
physical values do not depend on the gauge [8], but in our scheme, we expect
the dependence on ξ because the scalar state presents in the spectrum. In
[1], [2], we have chosen the gauge ξ = 1. At ξ = 0, one arrives at standard
Maxwell equations. Here we imply that ξ 6= 0. Introducing notations ψ[µν] =

(1/κ)Fµν , ψµ = Aµ , ψ0 = −(ξ/κ)∂ν Aν , where κ is the mass parameter,
second order equation (4) can be represented as a system of the first-order
∂ν ψ[µν] + ∂µ ψ0 = 0,
∂ν ψµ − ∂µ ψν + κψ[µν] = 0, (5)
∂µ ψµ + ψ0 = 0.
We note that fields ψA (A = 0, µ, [µν]) have the same dimension. Introducing
wave function Ψ(x) = {ψA (x)}, and using elements of the entire matrix
algebra εA,B obeying equations: εA,B = δAC δBD , εA,B εC,D = δBC εA,D ,
Eq.(5) can be written in the first-order matrix form
" !#
αν ∂ν + κ Ps + Pt Ψ(x) = 0, (6)


αµ = βµ(1) + βµ(0) , βµ(1) = εν,[νµ] + ε[νµ],ν , βµ(0) = εµ,0 + ε0,µ ,

0,0 1 [µν],[µν]
Ps = ε , Pt = ε .
At the Feynman gauge ξ = 1, Eq.(6) is simplified because Ps + Pt = ε0,0 +
(1/2)ε[µν],[µν] is the projection operator but (1/ξ)Ps + Pt is not. The 11 × 11
Hermitian matrices αµ obey the generalized Duffin−Kemmer−Petiau algebra

αµ αν αα + αα αν αµ + αµ αα αν + αν αα αµ + αν αµ αα + αα αµ αν =
= 2 (δµν αα + δαν αµ + δµα αν ) ,
and Ps , Pt are the projection matrices, Ps2 = Ps , Pt2 = Pt , and extract the
scalar ant tensor parts of the wave function, respectively. One can verify the

Ps βµ(0) + βµ(0) Ps = βµ(0) , Pt βµ(1) + βµ(1) Pt = βµ(1) ,

Ps βµ(1) = βµ(1) Ps = 0, Pt βµ(0) = βµ(0) Pt = 0.

Introducing the Hermitianizing matrix η [1]:
η = −ε0,0 + εm,m − ε4,4 + ε[m4],[m4] − ε[mn],[mn], (9)
the “conjugated” equation reads
" !#
←− 1
Ψ(x) αν ∂ ν − κ Ps + Pt = 0, (10)
where Ψ = Ψ+ η = −ψ0 , ψµ , −ψ[µν] . Matrices αµ and η satisfy equations:
ηαm = −αm η , ηα4 = α4+ η + . In the first-order formalism the Lagrangian
+ +

can be written as follows:

" !#
L = −Ψ(x) αν ∂ν + κ Ps + Pt Ψ(x). (11)

Eq.(6) follows from Lagrangian (11) by varying the corresponding action.

Similar to the Dirac theory, Lagrangian (11) vanishes for fields Ψ, obeying
RWE (6). It should be noted that in the second-order formalism, based
on the equations (4), Lagrangian (3) vanishes only within four-divergence.
Lagrangian (11), with the help of Eq.(7) becomes
1 2 1 2
L = ψ0 ∂µ ψµ − ψµ ∂µ ψ0 − ψρ ∂µ ψ[ρµ] + ψ[ρµ] ∂µ ψρ + κ ψ + ψ . (12)
ξ 0 2 [ρµ]

One may verify that Lagrangian (12) vanishes for fields obeying equations
of motion (5) and within four-divergence, which does not influence on the
equations of motion, can be represented as
1 ξ
L=− (∂µ ψν − ∂ν ψµ )2 − (∂µ ψµ )2 . (13)
2κ κ
As κ has the dimension of the mass,
√ √we need to renormalize the fields, and
under the replacement ψµ → ( κ/ 2)Aµ , Lagrangian (13) coincides with
(3). Of course, one could define fields ψA according to this replacement from
the very beginning. It was pointed on the importance of normalization in

3 Energy-momentum tensors and dilatation
Now, we investigate the scale invariance in the model with arbitrary gauge
parameter ξ. For this purpose, one needs to obtain energy-momentum tensors
and dilatation currents. The conserved canonical energy-momentum tensor
(see [2]) is  
Tµν = ∂ν Ψ(x) αµ Ψ(x)
= ψ0 ∂ν ψµ − ψµ ∂ν ψ0 − ψρ ∂ν ψ[ρµ] + ψ[ρµ] ∂ν ψρ ,
so that ∂µ Tµν = 0. We took here into account that Lagrangian (11) vanishes
on the solutions of equations of motion. The canonical dilatation current [12]
Dµc = xα Tµα
, (15)
with its non-zero four-divergence
! !
1 1 2 1 2
∂µ Dµc = Tµµ
= κΨ Ps + Pt Ψ = −κ ψ + ψ . (16)
ξ ξ 0 2 [µν]

The appearance of the gauge parameter ξ here is due to using equations of

motion (5). The conserved symmetric Belinfante energy-momentum tensor
is given by [2]
Tµα = 2κψ[λµ] ψ[αλ] − 2ψµ ∂α ψ0 − 2ψα ∂µ ψ0
+δαµ ∂β (ψ0 ψβ ) − δαµ ∂β ψλ ψ[λβ] .
We find non-zero trace of the symmetric Belinfante energy-momentum tensor
Tµµ = 4∂µ (ψ0 ψµ ) . (18)
A modified dilatation current [2] is given as follows:

DµB = xα Tµα
+ ψλ ψ[λµ] − 3ψ0 ψµ . (19)

One may verify that the divergence of the Belinfante dilatation current
(19) coincides with the divergence of the canonical dilatation current (16),

∂µ DµB = ∂µ Dµc 6= 0. As the trace of the Belinfante dilatation current (18) is
a four-divergence, we may define new conserved dilatation current
Dµ = xα Tµα − 4ψ0 ψµ , (20)

and ∂µ Dµ = 0. Thus, new dilatation current (20) is conserved, and strictly

speaking, the dilatation symmetry is not broken and the model possesses
the scale invariance. We have change the conclusion made in [2] about the
scale invariance because of obtaining new conserved dilatation current (20).
Relations found in this section are the generalization of formulas obtained in
[2] on the case of arbitrary gauge ξ.

4 Schrödinger form of equations

It should be noted that in some cases the Schrödinger equation has ad-
vantages for the investigation of interacting field problems. To obtain the
Schrödinger form of equations and quantum mechanical Hamiltonian, we
have to exclude the non-dynamical components from Eq.(5). For this pur-
pose, Eq.(5) can be represented as follows:

κψ[4m] = ∂4 ψm − ∂m ψ4 , ∂4 ψ[m4] + ∂n ψ[mn] + ∂m ψ0 = 0,

ψ[mn] = (∂m ψn − ∂n ψm ) , (21)
∂n ψ[4n] + ∂4 ψ0 = 0, ∂4 ψ4 + ∂m ψm + ψ0 = 0.
Third equation in (21) possesses only spatial derivatives and, therefore, ψ[mn]
are non-dynamical (auxiliary) components. Excluding ψ[mn] from Eq.(21), we
arrive at the system of equations containing only dynamical components

i∂t ψ0 = ∂n ψ[4n] , i∂t ψm = −κψ[4m] − ∂n ψ4 ,

κ 1 
i∂t ψ4 = ∂m ψm + ψ0 , i∂t ψ[m4] = ∂m ∂n ψn − ∂n2 ψm + ∂m ψ0 .
ξ κ
Let us introduce the 8-component wave function
 
ψ0 (x)
Φ(x) =  ψµ (x)  . (23)
 

ψ[m4] (x)

Exploring the elements of the matrix algebra, Eq.(22) can be represented as
1 4,0
i∂t Φ(x) = κ ε + εm,[m4] + ε0,[4m] − ε[4m],0 + ε4,m − εm,4 ∂m
+ ε[m4],n ∂n ∂m − ε[m4],m ∂n2 Φ(x).
Then Eq.(24) takes the Schrödinger form:

i∂t Φ(x) = HΦ(x), (25)

where the Hamiltonian is given by

1 4,0
H=κ ε + εm,[m4] + ε0,[4m] − ε[4m],0 + ε4,m − εm,4 ∂m
+ ε[m4],n ∂n ∂m − ε[m4],m ∂n2 .
In the momentum space the Hamiltonian becomes:
1 4,0
H=κ ε + εm,[m4] + ikm ε0,[4m] − ε[4m],0 + ε4,m − εm,4
[k4],k [m4],n

+ km kn ε δmn − ε .
The 8-component wave function (23) describes fields with four spin states
with positive and negative energies, and there are only dynamical compo-
nents in the wave function. The matrix Hamiltonian (27) obeys the minimal
equation as follows:
H2 H2 − k2 H2 − 2k2 = 0. (28)

There are three eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian: 0, k2 , 2k2 . The physical

eigenvalue is k2 so that k02 = k2 . In Appendix A, one can find the Hamiltonian
(26) expressed through the matrices (7) of equation (6).

5 Interaction with gravitation
5.1 Equations
Now, we consider the non-minimal interaction of the massless vector field
with gravity. Some aspects of interactions of vector fields with gravity where
investigated in [13], [14], [15],[16], [17] [18], [19], [20], [21]. Let us consider
the novel action
4√  R 1 µν 1 ν 2 ν

S= d x −g − − Fµν F − ξ (∇ν A ) + λR∇ν A , (29)
16πG 4 2
where G is the gravitational (Newton) constant, λ is a coupling constant, and
∇µ are covariant derivatives. In Eq.(29), we have introduced the coupling
of a scalar curvature with the vector field Aµ . Within the four-divergence,
which does not change equations of motion, the non-minimal interaction term
in action (29) also can be represented as
√ ∂R
Sint = −λ d4 x −gAν ν .
Such term can be added for any vector-tensor theory of gravity but it will
lead to the higher derivative model. In [22] other couplings to gravity were
investigated. Let us consider FRW space-time with the flat spatial part with
the metric
g00 = g 00 = 1, g11 = g22 = g33 = −a(t)2 , g 11 = g 22 = g 33 = − , (30)
where a(t) is a scale factor. Nonzero components of the Christoffel symbols
and curvatures are given by

Γ110 = Γ120 = Γ330 = = H, Γ011 = Γ022 = Γ033 = ȧa = a2 H,
"  2 # (31)
 ä ȧ
R00 = −3 , Rik = δik aä + 2ȧ , R = −6 + ,
a a a
where H = ȧ(t)/a(t) is the Hubble parameter; Rµν , R are the Ricci and
scalar curvatures, respectively. Varying action (29) with respect to vector
field Aµ yields the equations of motion as follows:

∇ν F µν − ξ∇µ ∇ν Aν + λ∇µ R = 0. (32)

For homogeneous electromagnetic fields (∂i Aµ = 0) the µ = 0 component of
Eq.(32) in FRW background gives
∇ν F 0ν − ξ∇0 ∇ν Aν + λ∇0 R = −ξ Ä0 + 3ḢA0 + 3H Ȧ0 + λṘ = 0. (33)

Taking into account Eq.(31), one obtains from Eq.(33) the equation for A0 :
" !#
Ä0 + ∂t 3HA0 − R = 0. (34)

The equation for spatial components are given by

Äm + H Ȧm = 0. (35)

Variation of action (29) with respect of the metric leads to generalized Ein-
stein’s equation.

5.2 Solutions
Let us obtain solutions to novel equation (34). Integrating Eq.(34), one finds
Ȧ0 + 3HA0 − R = C1 , (36)
where C1 is the integration constant. Eq.(36) with the help of Eq.(31) be-
comes the first-order non-homogeneous differential equation:
"  2 #
ȧ 6λ ä ȧ
Ȧ0 + 3 A0 = C1 − + . (37)
a ξ a a

We can take H = p/t, with p = 1/2 for radiation and p = 2/3 for matter
eras respectively. In this case, we obtain the solution to Eq.(37):
6λp(2p − 1) −1
A0 = C1 t + C2 t−3p − t . (38)
ξ(3p − 1)

The last term in Eq.(38) is due to non-minimal interaction introduced in

Eq.(29). The first term of A0 -component grows with the cosmic time for any
p [6], and the last term decays. The Ai -component grows but the temporal
component (A0 ) dominates [6]. As was noted in [6], the term ∇µ Aµ plays
the role of a cosmological constant during the evolution of the universe.

6 Conclusion
The generalized Maxwell equations with arbitrary gauge parameter are for-
mulated in the first-order formalism. The gauge U(1)-symmetry of a model
is broken. As a result, the scalar state of the field presents in the spec-
trum of the theory. If one introduces the four-current Jµ in the right side of
Eq.(4), then due to the conservation of the current, ∂µ Jµ = 0, the equation
∂µ2 ∂ν Aν = 0 holds. It means that the scalar state of the field Aµ does not
interact with charges and currents. But this scalar state can interact with
gravity via the coupling (29), we have introduced.
As the matrices of the RWE obey the generalized DKP algebra, one
can apply covariant methods for finding solutions for definite spin (one and
zero), spin projections and energy-momentum [1], [2]. Although the canoni-
cal and Belinfante dilatation currents, found within the first-order formalism,
are not conserved, we have obtained the conserved modified dilatation cur-
rent. This demonstrates the scale invariance of the massless fields theory.
The Schrödinger form of equations obtained possesses some advantages be-
cause it contains only dynamical components of fields. The found quantum-
mechanical Hamiltonian can be used for investigation of problems with in-
teracting fields. RWE, as well as Hamiltonian, are simplified for the choice
ξ = 1 which was used in [1], [2]. In addition, the commutation relations (C5)
take the canonical normalized form at ξ = 1. In our opinion the value of the
parameter ξ = 1 is natural. The consistency of the model will be studied in
subsequent papers.
We suggest a novel non-minimal interaction of fields in the FRW back-
ground. The solution of equations for the time component of the four-
potential grows in time in the same manner as in [6]. Therefore, the model
considered has the similar behavior. Although there are difficulties with the
unbounded Hamiltonian and indefinite metrics (see Appendix C), the model
has attractive features. We leave the detailed analysis of the model based on
the action (29) for further investigations.


I wish to thank V. V. Dvoeglazov for correspondence and useful discus-


Appendix A

Let us obtain the Schrödinger equation and quantum-mechanical Hamil-

tonian from relativistic wave equation (6). One can find from (6) the equation
as follows:
" !#
iα4 ∂t Ψ(x) = αa ∂a + κ Ps + Pt Ψ(x). (A1)

Taking into account the relation α4 (α42 − 1) = 0, which follows from algebra
(8), one can introduce the projection operators:
Λ ≡ α42 = ε0,0 +εµ,µ +ε[m4],[m4] , Π ≡ 1−α42 = ε[mn],[mn] , (A2)
with the properties Λ = Λ2 , Π2 = Π, ΛΠ = ΠΛ = 0, Λ + Π = I11 (I11 is unit
11 × 11-matrix). Operator Λ extracts 8-dimensional subspace of dynamical
components and operator Π acts in 3-dimensional subspace of non-dynamical
components of the wave function Ψ. Thus, we introduce dynamical, φ(x),
and non-dynamical, χ(x), functions:

φ(x) = ΛΨ(x), χ(x) = ΠΨ(x). (A3)

After multiplying Eq.(A1) by the matrices α4 and Π, one finds equations

" !#
i∂t φ(x) = α4 αa ∂a + κ Ps + Pt (φ(x) + χ(x)) , (A4)
" !#
0= α42 −1 αa ∂a + κ Ps + Pt (φ(x) + χ(x)) . (A5)
In these equations we imply that the direct sum of functions φ(x) and χ(x)
is Ψ (φ(x) + χ(x) = Ψ). One can verify equations
! !
1 1
Ps + Pt Π = Π Ps + Pt = Π, Παa Π = 0,
ξ ξ

and obtain from Eq.(A5) the function χ(x):

χ(x) = − Παa ∂a φ(x). (A6)

Excluding the χ(x) from Eq.(A4) with the help of (A6) and using the relation
α4 Π = 0, we find the Schrödinger equation i∂t φ(x) = Hφ(x) , with the
" !#
1 1
H = α4 αa ∂a + κ Ps + Pt − α4 αa Παb ∂a ∂b . (A7)
ξ κ

Although the matrices αµ are 11 × 11-matrices, the Hamiltonian (A7) acts in

8-dimension subspace. One can check that Hamiltonian (A7) coincides with
Hamiltonian (26). Thus, we have obtained here the Hamiltonian in terms of
matrices of relativistic wave equation (7). It should be noted that Eq.(A6) is
equivalent to Eq.(21) for non-dynamical components, ψmn . The Schrödinger
equation with Hamiltonian (A7) does not contain non-dynamical components
and can be used for solving some problems of interacting fields.

Appendix B

Now, we obtain canonical and symmetrical energy-momentum tensors

and dilatation currents starting with the second order formulation based on
the Lagrangian (3). The canonical energy-momentum tensor found from
Θcµα = ∂α Aβ − δµα L
∂ (∂µ Aβ )
is given by
" #
1 2 ξ
Θcµν = −Fµβ ∂ν Aβ − ξ (∂ν Aµ ) (∂α Aα ) + δµν Fρσ + (∂α Aα )2 , (B1)
4 2

and is conserved: ∂µ Θcµν = 0. The trace of the energy-momentum tensor is

non-zero and reads
1 2
Θcµµ = Fρσ + ξ (∂α Aα )2 . (B2)
The dilatation current is given as follows [12]:

Dµc = xα Θcµα + Πµα Aα , Πµα = = −Fµα − ξδµα (∂ν Aν ) ,
∂ (∂µ Aα )
Dµc = xα Θcµα − Fµα Aα − ξAµ (∂α Aα ) .

One can check with the help of equations of motion (4) that the dilatation
current (B3) is conserved, ∂µ Dµc = 0. Thus, the the scale invariance is valid.
The canonical energy-momentum tensor (B1) is not symmetrical. To
obtain the symmetrical Belinfante tensor, we use the formulas [12]:

ΘB c
µα = Θµα + ∂β Xβµα ,

1h i (B4)
Xβµν = Πβα (Σµν )ασ Aσ − Πµα (Σβν )ασ Aσ − Πνα (Σβµ )ασ Aσ ,
where the matrix elements of the generators of the Lorentz group Σµν , in
Euclidian space-time, are given by

(Σµν )ασ = δµα δνσ − δµσ δνα . (B5)

From Eq.(B4), with the help of Eq.(B5), we obtain

Xβµν = Fµβ Aν +ξ (∂α Aα ) (δβν Aµ − δµν Aβ ) , (B6)

so that Xβµν is antisymmetric in indexes β,µ, and ∂β ∂µ Xβµν = 0. The sym-

metric and conserved Belinfante energy-momentum tensor, using Eq.(B4),(B6),
ΘBµν = −Fµβ Fνβ + ξ (Aν ∂µ + Aµ ∂ν ) (∂α Aα )
" # (B7)
1 2 ξ 2
+δµν Fρσ − (∂α Aα ) − ξAβ ∂β (∂α Aα ) .
4 2
At ξ = 0 Eq.(B7) converts into energy-momentum tensor of electrodynamics.
Energy-momentum tensor similar to (B7) was found in [23] by varying action
on the metric tensor. A modified dilatation current is given by [12]

DµB = xα ΘB
µα + Vµ , (B8)

where the field-virial Vµ , in our case, becomes

Vµ = Πµα Aα − Παβ (Σαµ )βσ Aσ = 2ξAµ (∂α Aα ) . (B9)

One can obtain the trace of the Belinfante tensor (B7):

µµ = −2ξ∂µ [Aµ (∂α Aα )] . (B10)

From Eq.(B8),(B10), we obtain

∂µ DµB = ΘB
µµ + ∂µ Vµ = 0,

and the modified dilatation current is conserved. Thus, the scale invariance
takes place with the conserved currents (B3) and (B8).

Appendix C

Let us consider the quantization of fields for given Lagrangian (3) (see also
[24]). Conjugated momenta for generalized “coordinates” Aµ (x) are given by

∂L ∂L
π0 (x) = = −ξ∂µ Aµ , πm (x) = = Ȧm + ∂m A0 . (C1)
∂ Ȧ0 ∂ Ȧm
Then the density of the Hamiltonian becomes
H = πm Ȧm − π0 Ȧ0 − L = Ȧm Ȧm + ∂m A0
1 2 1 2
+ Fµν − ξ Ȧ0 ∂µ Aµ + ξ (∂ν Aν ) .
4 2
One can verify that the equality H = Θ44 holds where the canonical energy-
momentum tensor Θcµν is given by (B1). It should be noted that the classical
energy E = Hd3 x is not bounded from below and the system is unsta-

ble. Therefore, we need to introduce indefinite metrics for quantization.

With the help of standard commutation relations for canonical variables
[Aµ (x, t), πν (y, t)] = iδµν δ (x − y), one obtains
h i
An (x, t), Ȧm (y, t) + ∂m A0 (y, t) = iδmn δ (x − y) ,
[A0 (x, t), ∂µ Aµ (y, t)] = − δ (x − y) .
In the momentum space the real fields Aµ read

1 h i
aµ (k)eikµ xµ + a+ −ikµ xµ
Aµ (x) = √ µ (k)e , (C4)
2V k0

where kµ2 = k2 − k02 = 0, V is the normalization volume. It should be

noted that the field Aµ possesses four independent components: two com-
ponents are transverse, one component is longitudinal, and one component
corresponds to the scalar polarization. In [1], [2], we found four independent
solutions to equations of motion in the form of matrix-dyads for the gauge

ξ = 1. The fields (C4) satisfy commutators (C3) if creation and annihilation
operators obey the commutation relations as follows:
h i   h i 1  
am (k), a+
n (k̄) = δmn δ k − k̄ , a0 (k), a+
0 ( k̄) = − δ k − k̄ . (C5)

For the Feynman gauge ξ = 1 (which was used in [2]) the RWE (6), (10) (and
(A7)) are simplified. In this case the “wrong” sign (−) in the commutator for
a0 (k), a+
0 (k̄) in (C5) indicates on the necessity of introducing the indefinite
metrics. For any gauge ξ there are difficulties with the presence of the ghosts
if one considers four polarizations of the field Aµ to be physical. In QED
the photon fields possess only two polarizations and physical values do not
depend on the gauge ξ due to the restriction on the physical Hilbert space

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