Management of Hyperkalemia in The Acutely Ill Patient: Review Open Access

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Dépret et al. Ann.

Intensive Care (2019) 9:32

REVIEW Open Access

Management of hyperkalemia in the acutely

ill patient
François Dépret1,2,3, W. Frank Peacock5, Kathleen D. Liu6, Zubaid Rafique5, Patrick Rossignol4,7
and Matthieu Legrand1,2,3,4*

Purpose:  To review the mechanisms of action, expected efficacy and side effects of strategies to control hyper-
kalemia in acutely ill patients.
Methods:  We searched MEDLINE and EMBASE for relevant papers published in English between Jan 1, 1938, and July
1, 2018, in accordance with the PRISMA Statement using the following terms: “hyperkalemia,” “intensive care,” “acute
kidney injury,” “acute kidney failure,” “hyperkalemia treatment,” “renal replacement therapy,” “dialysis,” “sodium bicarbo-
nate,” “emergency,” “acute.” Reports from within the past 10 years were selected preferentially, together with highly
relevant older publications.
Results:  Hyperkalemia is a potentially life-threatening electrolyte abnormality and may cause cardiac electrophysi-
ological disturbances in the acutely ill patient. Frequently used therapies for hyperkalemia may, however, also be
associated with morbidity. Therapeutics may include the simultaneous administration of insulin and glucose (associ-
ated with frequent dysglycemic complications), β-2 agonists (associated with potential cardiac ischemia and arrhyth-
mias), hypertonic sodium bicarbonate infusion in the acidotic patient (representing a large hypertonic sodium load)
and renal replacement therapy (effective but invasive). Potassium-lowering drugs can cause rapid decrease in serum
potassium level leading to cardiac hyperexcitability and rhythm disorders.
Conclusions:  Treatment of hyperkalemia should not only focus on the ability of specific therapies to lower serum
potassium level but also on their potential side effects. Tailoring treatment to the patient condition and situation may
limit the risks.
Keywords:  Hyperkalemia, Intensive care, Emergency, Renal replacement therapy, Acute kidney injury

Background abnormalities [7, 8]. However, the actual causes of death

Hyperkalemia is a potentially life-threatening electro- in patients with hyperkalemia are poorly described, and
lyte abnormality [1–3]. Although there is no interna- the causal relationship between hyperkalemia and out-
tionally agreed upon definition for hyperkalemia, the come remains controversial.
European Resuscitation Council defines hyperkalemia The aim of this review is first to describe mecha-
as a plasma level > 5.5  mmol/L and severe hyperkalemia nisms and the risk–benefit ratio of different strategies
as > 6.5  mmol/L [4]. Hyperkalemia is associated with of hyperkalemia treatment and second, to propose a
poor outcomes in many different settings, including the tailored treatment strategy. This will include a discus-
acutely ill patient [5, 6]. In acute hyperkalemia, the pri- sion of the effectiveness as well as complications of renal
mary mortality risks are cardiac rhythm or conduction replacement therapy, limiting the risk of hypoglycemia
with judicious insulin and glucose administration, and
*Correspondence: [email protected]
the potential benefit and risks of hypertonic sodium
GH St‑Louis‑Lariboisière, Department of Anesthesiology and Critical bicarbonate.
Care and Burn Unit, St‑Louis Hospital, Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de
Paris, Paris, France
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s) 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
(http://creat​iveco​mmons​.org/licen​ses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license,
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Dépret et al. Ann. Intensive Care (2019) 9:32 Page 2 of 16

Methods lowers membrane resistance, increases repolarizing

We searched MEDLINE and EMBASE for relevant currents, and shortens transmembrane action potential
papers published in English between Jan 1, 1938, and duration.
July 1, 2018, in accordance with the PRISMA State- While rising serum potassium initially increases con-
ment using the following terms: “hyperkalemia,” “inten- duction velocity, it decreases it at higher levels [20]. Clas-
sive care,” “acute kidney injury,” “acute kidney failure,” sic hyperkalemia electrocardiographic findings include
“hyperkalemia treatment,” “renal replacement therapy,” signs of hyperexcitability such as peaked T-waves (reflect-
“dialysis,” “sodium bicarbonate,” “emergency,” “acute.” ing a decrease in the threshold for rapid depolarization).
Reports from within the past 10  years were selected Further, altered conduction may manifest as PR prolon-
preferentially together with highly relevant older gation, loss of P-waves, QRS widening, bradycardia, and
publications. ultimately a sine wave rhythm due to action potential
shortening and prolongation of diastolic depolarization.
Association between hyperkalemia and outcomes Importantly, the correlation between potassium eleva-
The potassium ion (­ K+) is the most abundant cation in tion and electrocardiographic (ECG) changes is poor.
the body. There is an estimated total reserve of 3000– Severe hyperkalemia may manifest with minimal or
4000  mmol in adults, of which only 60  mmol (2%) are atypical ECG findings [1–3, 21], including nonspecific
extracellular [9]. Hyperkalemia is associated with poor ST segment modification or pseudo-Brugada syndrome
outcomes in many different settings: in the general (featuring wide QRS, elevation of the ST segment, J-point
population [5, 6], in patients with cardiac and renal elevation, T-wave inversion). On the contrary moderate
disease [10–13] and in critically ill patients [14]. In a hyperkalemia (< 6  mmol/L) may have life-threatening
retrospective study of hospitalized patients, Khana- ECG findings. The electrocardiographic manifestations
gavi et al. [5] found that acute kidney injury (AKI) and of hyperkalemia are largely influenced by rapid changes
prolonged hyperkalemia are independent predictors of of plasma concentration [7], the gradient of potassium
in-hospital mortality. In acute myocardial infarction, a across the myocardial cell membrane, the effect of other
serum potassium above 4.5 mmol/L is associated with a ions (i.e., sodium, calcium), as well as underlying cardiac
higher mortality [11]. More recently, Legrand et al. [15] disease [22]. Retrospective data found a higher mortal-
identified that a serum potassium > 4.5 mmol/L in heart ity rate in patients with hyperkalemia showing abnormal
failure patients admitted to the emergency department ECG findings [23]. Along these lines, chronically dialyzed
(ED) is associated with an increased risk of death. patients may show no ECG signs of hyperkalemia despite
The net effect is a U-shaped mortality curve associ- high serum potassium levels. Altogether, more than the
ated with potassium abnormalities [16–19]. Several absolute serum potassium level, therapeutic strategies
observational studies have identified hypokalemia as an should be guided by the cardiac consequences of hyper-
independent risk factor for poor outcome [13, 16–19]. kalemia identified on the ECG (Fig. 1).
This association raises concern regarding the potential
for overcorrection, as may occur with some fast-acting Causes of hyperkalemia in acutely ill patients
potassium-lowering agents. However, these associa- Factors associated with the development of hyperkalemia
tions do not mean causality and thresholds for treating can be classified into three categories, and include altered
hyperkalemia remain debated. renal clearance of potassium (e.g., chronic kidney disease,
acute kidney injury, renin–angiotensin–aldosterone sys-
Cardiac manifestations of hyperkalaemia tem inhibitor), release from the intracellular space (e.g.,
Although patients with hyperkalemia can present rarely hemolysis, rhabdomyolysis, tissue injury) and altered
with weakness progressing to flaccid paralysis, pares- transfer to the intracellular space (e.g., acidosis, insulin
thesias, or depressed deep tendon reflexes, the clinical deficit, β-adrenergic blockers, heparin) (Table 1). Hyper-
presentation of hyperkalemia is usually benign until kalemia in the patient with normal renal function is
cardiac rhythm or conduction disorders occur. Eleva- unusual and should prompt evaluation for pseudo-hyper-
tion of extracellular potassium has several effects on kalemia if no ECG abnormalities consistent with hyper-
myocardial electrophysiology that contribute to intra- kalemia are identified (false elevation of potassium due to
cardiac conduction disturbances. The intracellular to hemolysis occurring with blood draw and not reflective
extracellular potassium gradient lessens when extracel- of the patient’s plasma potassium concentration). While
lular potassium increases, thus decreasing the resting concomitant medications (e.g., potassium supplements,
membrane potential. Elevated extracellular potassium penicillin G, digoxin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
also increases membrane permeability for potassium, drugs, renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system inhibitor,
amiloride, triamterene, trimethoprim, pentamidine) are
Dépret et al. Ann. Intensive Care (2019) 9:32 Page 3 of 16

Fig. 1  Suggested algorithm for hyperkalemia treatment in the acutely ill. *In case of Digitalis intoxication or hypercalcemia. **Sodium zirconium
cyclosilicate and patiromer when available, kayexalate if not available. ESKD end-stage kidney disease, AKI acute kidney injury, CKD chronic kidney
disease, RRT​ renal replacement therapy

often a contributor to hyperkalemia, in our experience transfer into the cell and higher extracellular potassium
they are rarely the only cause in acute settings. levels. In this line, utilization of balanced solutions with
Since the potassium pool is mostly intracellular, altera- physiological concentrations of chloride (i.e., Ringers
tion of cellular potassium uptake can be a major con- lactate) prevents the development of mineral metabolic
tributors to hyperkalemia [24]. Hyperchloremic acidosis acidosis and is associated with lower serum potassium
is frequent in acutely ill patients [25]. According to the levels compared to NaCl 0.9% [25, 27, 28]. The effect of
Stewart’s theory, the main determinant of acid–base metabolic acidosis appears less prominent when organic
balance is the strong ion difference (SID), essentially acids accumulate (i.e., lactate, phosphate). This is because
determined by the difference between the strong cation organic acids can passively diffuse into the intracellular
(sodium) and the anions (chloride) [26]. A possible mech- compartment, resulting in a larger fall in intracellular pH.
anism to explain hyperkalemia related to hyperchloremic The fall of intracellular pH stimulates inward N ­ a+ move-
+ +
acidosis is that mineral acids (i.e., chloric) cannot freely ment and maintains ­ Na –K -ATPase activity, which
diffuse into the intracellular compartment, they decrease minimizes the extracellular accumulation of potassium
extracellular pH. Low extracellular pH decreases the [29]. Ultimately, the increased intracellular N­ a+ concen-
­Na+–H+ exchange and inhibits the inward movement tration leads to the intracellular entry of potassium [29].
of ­Na+. The subsequent fall in intracellular N ­ a+ reduces A special warning should be made with regards to the
­Na –K -ATPase activity, leading to a net decrease in ­K+
+ +
use of succinylcholine, classically used to induce paralysis
Dépret et al. Ann. Intensive Care (2019) 9:32 Page 4 of 16

Table 1 Mechanisms contributing to  the  development show its efficacy and its indications are based on expert
of hyperkalemia opinion [34]. The effect should be immediate (within
Mechanisms contributing to the development of hyperkalemia 5 min) when any hyperkalemia-related ECG changes are
identified or suspected [33]. The protective effect may
Increased extracellular ­K+ Decreased ­K+ elimination
last between 30 and 60  min [35]. Calcium administra-
Tissue injury AKI tion in the case of hypercalcemia may be problematic.
 Hemolysis  Hypovolemia It also increased toxicity with digoxin overdose in ani-
 Rhabdomyolysis  Sepsis
 Tumor lysis syndrome Acidosis treatment
mal models [34]. However, this effect was found only at
K+ shift in extracellular space  RAAS inhibitor nonphysiologically high calcium concentrations [35]. The
 Mineral acidosis (i.e., hyperchoride  Calcineurine inhibitor use of calcium in cases of hyperkalemia associated with
acidosis)  Cardiac glycosides
digoxin toxicity was not associated with life-threatening
Inability to enter into myocyte dysrhythmias or mortality in human studies [36–38].
 Diabetes mellitus Finally, calcium may cause tissue injury (i.e., skin necro-
sis) in case of extravasation [39]. The recommended dose
 β2-receptor antagonists is 10–20 mL of a 10% calcium salt (e.g., 1–2 g of gluco-
 Aldosterone blockers nate or chloride).
 Cardiac glycosides
High acute iatrogenic ­K+ load
 Increased dietary intake Hypertonic sodium
 Blood transfusion Infusion of hypertonic sodium also increases the action
 Error of injection
potential rising velocity in isolated cardiomyocytes [40].
K+ potassium, RAAS renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system In 1960, Greenstein et al. [41] studied the effect of sodium
lactate, sodium bicarbonate, and sodium chloride on
ECG abnormalities induced by hyperkalemia in nephrec-
in acutely ill patients for rapid sequence intubation.
tomized dogs. Infusion of hypertonic sodium increased
Succinylcholine induces skeletal muscle cell depolari-
the action potential rising velocity, which was depressed
zation with an efflux of intracellular potassium by nico-
when isolated cardiomyocytes were exposed to increas-
tinic receptor activation. In a population of critically ill
ing concentrations of potassium [40]. Taken together,
patients, succinylcholine increased serum potassium on
these results suggest that hypertonic sodium acts as a
average 0.4  mmol/L (interquartile range 0–0.7  mmol/L)
membrane stabilizer and might be considered as an alter-
[30]. It should be avoided in patients with hyperkalemia
native to calcium in hyperkalemia-induced ECG changes
and in patients with up-regulation of nicotinic receptors,
when infusion of calcium is at risk. Furthermore, the
as they are at risk of greater potassium elevation. This
fluid loading associated with hypertonic sodium bicarbo-
includes those with anatomical denervation, prolonged
nate may increase the glomerular filtration rate and renal
administration of neuromuscular blocking drugs, burn
potassium excretion in volume-depleted patients.
injury, and prolonged immobilization [31]. Alternative to
succinylcholine are available in patients at risk of hyper-
Intracellular potassium transfer
kalemia (i.e., rocuronium).
Hypertonic sodium bicarbonate
Although the data supporting the use of sodium bicar-
Medical strategy bonate as a treatment for hyperkalemia are contro-
First‑line treatment in hyperkalemia with ECG
versial, it does have effects on serum potassium after
abnormalities: myocardial protection
infusion of hypertonic sodium bicarbonate. Some
Calcium salt
reported little effect on the potassium concentration
The intravenous administration of a calcium salt
in stable hemodialysis patients [42, 43]. In 1997, Ngugi
increases the cardiac threshold potential, the speed of
et  al. [44] observed that bicarbonate was less effective
impulse propagation and stabilizes the myocellular mem-
than salbutamol and insulin–dextrose in groups of 10
brane, thus causing almost immediate normalization of
patients with end-stage renal disease (i.e., not acutely
the ECG abnormalities (Fig. 2). In 1950, Merrill et al. [32]
ill). Others reported effects on serum potassium.
found a beneficial effect of intravenous calcium salt in 9
Schwarz et  al. [45] reported that an infusion of 144–
of 10 patients with hyperkalemia. Four years later, this
408  mmol of sodium bicarbonate over 2–4  h lowered
was confirmed by Chamberlain et al. [33], who reported
the serum potassium by 2–3  mmol/L in four patients
five cases of an immediate effect of intravenous calcium
with severe acidosis.
on ECG changes induced by severe hyperkalemia (from
In a recent randomized controlled trial (RCT), hyper-
8.6 to 10  mmol/L). There are no randomized studies to
tonic sodium bicarbonate (4.2%) was administered to
Dépret et al. Ann. Intensive Care (2019) 9:32 Page 5 of 16

Fig. 2  Cardiac effect of hypertonic sodium and calcium salt during. β-2 agonist (i.e., salbutamol) binds the β-2 receptor, insulin binds insulin
receptors and sodium bicarbonate ­(NaHCO3) induces an intracellular entrance of sodium through the ­Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE). In addition
all activate the sodium–potassium adenosine triphosphatase ­(NaK+ ATPase) leading to potassium transfer from the extracellular space to the
intracellular space
Dépret et al. Ann. Intensive Care (2019) 9:32 Page 6 of 16

critically ill patients with severe metabolic acidaemia potassium compared to separate treatments. The major
(pH < 7.2) [46]. There was no difference in the primary side effect of insulin is hypoglycemia, which has been
outcome (composite of death from any cause by day 28 reported to occur up to 75% in subjects, depending of the
or 1 organ failure at day 7), but the sodium bicarbonate protocol  [53, 54]. One of the few blinded ED studies of
group had significantly lower potassium concentra- hyperkalemia management found a 17% rate of clinically
tions compared to the control group and required renal significant hypoglycemia after insulin–dextrose therapy
replacement therapy less frequently. A more recent retro- [51].
spective study also reported improved survival in septic Several studies suggest that a lower bolus dose of
patients with AKI stage 2 or 3 and severe acidosis treated insulin may be safer. In 2 retrospective studies, similar
with sodium bicarbonates infusion [47]. However, the potassium-lowering effects were found with the admin-
impact on serum potassium was not reported. istration of either 5 or 10 U of insulin (and 25 g of dex-
Metabolic alkalosis, hypernatremia, hypocalcemia, trose), but a higher incidence of hypoglycemia occurred
and fluid overload are potential expected side effects of with the higher insulin dose [55, 56]. To limit hypogly-
sodium bicarbonate (Table 2). Hypertonic sodium bicar- cemia with the 10 U insulin dose required using 50 g to
bonate can cause hypocalcaemia in a pH dependent 60  g of dextrose [57]. Another strategy is to administer
manner and by direct calcium binding [48]. In the Jaber weight-based insulin dosing (0.1 U/kg of body weight up
et al. [46] study, more patients in the bicarbonate group to a maximum of 10 U) to limit episodes of hypoglycemia
had ionized calcium lower than 0.9  mmol/L compared without impacting potassium lowering [58]. Finally, using
to patients in the placebo group (24% vs 15%, p = 0.0167) an infusion limited to 30 min led to a faster decrease in
and 2 patients had a ionized calcium below 0.5 mmol/L in potassium, but less hypoglycemia as compared to con-
the bicarbonates group versus none in the placebo group. tinuous infusion [59]. Ultimately, because of the risk of
Calcium is key for cardiac contractility. In an experimen- hypoglycemia, blood glucose should be measured on an
tal model of lactic acidosis, Kimmoun et al. [49] reported hourly basis for at least 2 h, and potentially longer in the
improved myocardial elastance, aortic and mesenteric setting of renal failure [59]. While the risks of hypoglyce-
vasoreactivity when sodium bicarbonate was combined mia have long been recognized, the risk of hyperglycemia
with calcium compared to sodium bicarbonate alone. is probably underappreciated. To summarize, using 5 U
Severe hypocalcemia can cause myocardial dysfunction of insulin with 25 g of dextrose appears an effective and
and therefore ionized calcium should be monitored and safe regimen. The impact of exogenous administration
ionized hypocalcemia corrected after sodium bicarbo- of insulin and glucose on serum potassium and organ
nate infusion. Finally, even though sodium bicarbonate damage in this setting is unknown. Intravenous adminis-
has been suspected of causing intracellular acidosis, this tration of high doses of glucose to limit the risk of hypo-
has not been confirmed in  vivo [50]. We therefore rec- glycemia may induce severe hyperglycemia, which has
ommend to use hypertonic sodium bicarbonate (e.g., been associated with organ damage, vascular dysfunc-
100–250  mL of 8.4% sodium bicarbonate over 20  min) tion and poor outcomes in different settings (i.e., heart
in patients with metabolic acidosis (pH  < 
7.2) or in failure, sepsis, critically ill patients) [60–62]. Critically
patients with a contraindication to calcium administra- ill patients often present with hyperglycemia and insulin
tion (patients with hypercalcemia and/or severe digoxin resistance. We propose insulin–glucose as first-line treat-
intoxication), whether sodium bicarbonate is efficient in ment in patients with relative contraindication to β-2
reducing serum potassium in patients without severe aci- agonists (Table 2) and patients with severe hyperkalemia
dosis and the impact of the mechanism of metabolic aci- (i.e.,  ≥ 6.0 mmol/L or associated with ECG changes).
dosis need further exploration.
β‑2 agonists
Insulin–dextrose Salbutamol (e.g., albuterol) is effective at lowering potas-
Insulin binds to the insulin receptor on skeletal mus- sium, without differences between nebulized or intrave-
cle, activates the sodium–potassium adenosine triphos- nous administration, in terms of its efficacy [63, 64] even
phatase, and leads to potassium transfer from the though effectiveness appears variable. However, salbuta-
extracellular to intracellular space (Fig. 3) [51]. Although mol administered intravenously is associated with more
insulin–dextrose has never been tested versus placebo cardiovascular side effects than the nebulized route [65].
for the treatment of hyperkalemia, it shows similar In one study of 10 patients treated with 10–20 mg salbu-
effects on serum potassium compared with salbutamol tamol, the maximal decrease in potassium ranged from
in a study of 20 patients [44, 52] but with faster decrease 0.4 to 1.22  mmol/L [63, 64]. The peak effect occurred
in serum potassium with insulin (i.e., 15 vs 30  min). between 60 and 90  min after administration, and the
Of note, combination of both further lowered serum higher salbutamol dose was more efficient in lowering
Table 2  Treatments of hyperkalemia
Type of treatment Effect on potassium plasma Administration Potential side effects Population at risk Preferred population

Myocardial protection
Calcium salt None 10–20 mL of calcium gluconate Hypercalcemia Digitalis intoxication or hyper- Hyperkalemia with ECG modifica-
10% i.v within 5 min calcemia tions
Dépret et al. Ann. Intensive Care

Hypertonic sodium (e.g., − 0.47 ± 0.31 mmol/L at 30 min 10–20 mL of sodium chloride Venous toxicity, increasing Hypervolemia, patients with Hyperkalemia with ECG modifica-
sodium bicarbonate) 20% i.v within 5 min or ­PaCO2 (due to bicarbonate) heart failure, hypernatremia, tions, patient with metabolic
100 mL of 8.4% i.v sodium patient with respiratory insuf- acidosis or AKI
bicarbonate ficiency (due to bicarbonate)
Intracellular potassium transfer
(2019) 9:32

Insulin dextrose − 0.79 ± 0.25 mmol/L at 60 min 5 UI of rapid insulin + 25 grams Hyperglycemia and hypogly- All patients Severe hyperkalemia with hourly
of dextrose over 30 min or cemia Critically ill patients at monitoring of plasma glucose
10 of rapid insulin +  g of increased of hyperglycemia- possible
dextrose or 0.5 U/kg of body related side effects
Patients with acute neurologi-
cal disease
β2 mimetics − 0.5 ± 0.1 mmol/L at 60 min 10 mg nebulized salbutamol Tachycardia, arrhythmias, myo- Patients with ischemic cardi- Patient without heart failure,
cardial ischemia opathy angina or coronary disease
Increase plasma lactate level Patient under β blockers Spontaneously breathing patient
Renal replacement therapy − 1 mmol/L within minutes High blood flow and dialysate Complications related to cath- Low availability of the tech- Severe renal failure, multiple
flow in hemodialysis, high eter (i.e., infection, thrombo- nique organ failure
ultrafiltration rate in hemo- sis, hemorrhage) Delay to initiate the treatment
Loop diuretics Unpredictable Variable Hypovolemia, hypokalemia, Hypovolemic patients Hypervolemic patients with
hypomagnesemia normal or moderately altered
renal function
Sodium polystyrene sulfonate Unpredictable (no randomized 15 g one to four times per day Digestive perforation, hypocal- Patients with abnormal transit, Treatment of chronic hyper-
controlled trial in acute cemia, hypomagnesemia critically ill patients kalemia
Patiromer 0.21 ± 0.07 mmol/L within 7 h 8.4–25.2 g per day Potential interaction with Patients with abnormal transit Treatment of chronic hyper-
(no randomized controlled co-administered drugs, kalemia
trial in acute hyperkalemia) hypomagnesemia, potential
long-term calcium disorder
ZS-9 0.6 ± 0.2 mmol/L within 2 h 10 g one to three times per day Edema Patients with abnormal transit Treatment of chronic and poten-
tially acute hyperkalemia
i.v intravenous, ECG electrocardiographic, β2 beta 2, ZS-9 sodium zirconium cyclosilicate
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Fig. 3  Action mechanisms of plasma lowering treatments by intracellular transfer. β-2 agonist (i.e., salbutamol) binds the β-2 receptor, insulin binds
insulin receptors and sodium bicarbonate ­(NaHCO3) induces an intracellular entrance of sodium through the ­Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE), all activate
the sodium–potassium adenosine triphosphatase ­(NaK+ ATPase) leading to a potassium transfer from the extracellular space to the intracellular

potassium. Due to systemic effects of salbutamol, regard- plasma lactate. Impacts of treatments with β-blockers
less of the route of administration, side effects, such or efficacy in critically ill patients remain unexplored.
as tachycardia may also be of concern in patients with Critically ill patients may present sympatho-adrenal acti-
heart failure or unstable angina. Finally, other conse- vation (i.e., with tachycardia, vasoconstriction, hyper-
quences of β-2-agonists are hyperglycemia and increased glycemia). We recommend the utilization of 10  mg
Dépret et al. Ann. Intensive Care (2019) 9:32 Page 9 of 16

nebulized salbutamol as first-line therapy in nonsevere serious gastrointestinal complications related to SPS,
hyperkalemia in spontaneous breathing patients without and attributed to sorbitol (co-administered with SPS to
tachycardia. increase its delivery to the colon) have been described
[71]. These include intestinal perforations, especially in
patients with abnormal transit (e.g., patients in shock or
Increase potassium urinary excretion who are immediately postoperative). Furthermore, its use
Loop diuretics inhibit the NKCC2 channel at the apical has been associated with edema and increases in blood
surface of thick ascending limb cells along the loop of pressure-likely related to the fact that it exchanges potas-
Henle. NKCC2 is a sodium–potassium–chloride cotrans- sium for sodium. Due to its route of administration, its
porter that reabsorbs (directly and indirectly) up to 25% delayed and highly variable onset, and the potential for
of filtered sodium and chloride. Its blockade is respon- serious adverse side effects [35, 71], SPS is not a treat-
sible for most natriuretic effects of loop diuretics [66]. ment of choice in the acutely ill patient.
Loop diuretic administration via the intravenous route
is quickly followed by a similar dose dependent increase Emerging treatment alternatives
in both 24-h kaliuresis and natriuresis [67, 68]. The kaliu- Patiromer
retic effect is predominately a function of an increased Patiromer is a sodium-free, nonabsorbed, potassium-
tubular flow rate and a higher sodium concentration in binding polymer, approved in the USAUS and in the
the late nephron, both leading to an induction of the Na/ European union (EU) for management of hyperkalemia.
K+-ATPase that increases potassium excretion in the dis- In a recent meta-analysis of phase 2 and phase 3 trials,
tal tubules and collecting duct [68]. However, one major it was associated with a decrease in serum potassium of
drawback of diuretics is the unpredictable natriuretic 0.21 ± 0.07 mmol/L within 7 h [72, 73]. Its long term effi-
and kaliuretic effects, especially in patients with AKI or cacy and safety was also shown in a 52-week trial [74].
heart failure. These patients may be resistant to the diu- Side effects include minor gastrointestinal intolerance
retic and kaliuretic effects of diuretics, thus making this and hypomagnesemia (7.1%) and edema due to exchange
a poor strategy to control severe hyperkalemia. A “furo- of potassium for sodium [73]. Patiromer has not been
semide stress test” has been proposed in AKI patients clinically tested in the emergency setting. Whether this
to predict sustained AKI, with nonresponders defined compound may enable the maintenance of normoka-
as a urine output < 200 mL in the first 2 h after an infu- lemia in emergency room patients is currently being
sion of 1.0 or 1.5  mg/kg of furosemide [69]. In these tested (REDUCE study NCT: 02933450).
nonresponders, alternative strategies to control hyper-
kalemia should not be delayed. Furthermore, loop diuret- Sodium zirconium cyclosilicate (ZS‑9)
ics should be titrated (0.2–0.4  mg/kg in patient without ZS-9 is a crystal that is highly selective for potassium
AKI to 1–1.5 mg/kg of furosemide in patients with AKI) and ammonium ions exchanging sodium for potas-
and only considered in patients with fluid overload after sium [75]. A recent meta-analysis of phase 2 and phase
excluding low intravascular volume and with close atten- 3 studies concluded that ZS-9 was effective in main-
tion to the amount of diuresis to avoid additional kidney taining normokalemia with minor gastrointestinal side
insults resulting from iatrogenic hypovolemia. Finally, effects and edema [73]. Even though ZS-9 has not been
close monitoring for potential side effects, including specifically compared to existing alternatives for treat-
the risk of secondary hypovolemia and other electro- ment of severe hyperkalemia in emergency conditions,
lytes disturbances (i.e., dysnatremia, metabolic alkalosis, Kosiborod et  al. [76] recently described a subgroup
hypophosphatemia, hypomagnesaemia) is needed. To of 45 patients with severe hyperkalemia (> 6  mmol/L)
conclude, except in patients with symptomatic fluid over- who received a 10 g dose of ZS-9. The median time to a
load, diuretics should not be considered as a therapy for serum potassium level < 6.0  mmol/L was 1.1  h, and the
hyperkalemia. median time to a level ≤ 5.5 mmol/L was 4.0 h, suggesting
that this treatment might be considered in severe acute
Gastro intestinal excretion hyperkalemia in patients with preserved gastrointesti-
Sodium polystyrene sulfonate (SPS) nal function. However, because of the lack of data in the
SPS exchanges sodium for calcium, ammonium, and acute setting and its potential delayed onset of action, it
magnesium in addition to potassium in the colon (Addi- was not approved for acute hyperkalemia management
tional file  1: Figure S1) [70]. To date, no controlled tri- in either the US or in UE. An ongoing phase 2 study
als in humans or animals have demonstrated that SPS (NCT03337477) is evaluating the short term efficiency of
increases fecal potassium losses, and no studies on the ZS-9 plus insulin–dextrose versus insulin–dextrose alone
efficacy of SPS are available in the acute setting. However, in patients with acute hyperkalemia.
Dépret et al. Ann. Intensive Care (2019) 9:32 Page 10 of 16

Renal replacement therapy extracellular to the intracellular space before the dialysis
Indication of Renal replacement therapy session (i.e., β-2 agonists, sodium bicarbonate, insulin,
Severe hyperkalaemia is a key indication for renal glucose), will decrease potassium dialysance.
replacement therapy (RRT) (e.g., hemodialysis or hemo- Continuous RRT, including hemofiltration (i.e., con-
filtration) in acutely ill patients with AKI [8]. However, vective technique), is the most frequently used modality
what potassium concentration or other clinical indica- in the intensive care unit. Using convective techniques,
tions (e.g., significant ECG changes) should serve as flux of potassium through the membrane depends on the
triggers for RRT remain debated [8]. However, the lit- ultrafiltration rate and the serum potassium level (Fig. 4).
erature does however provide some guidance  [77]. In When combined techniques are used (i.e., hemodiafil-
a recent trial, a strategy of delayed RRT (with timing tration), elimination of potassium depends mostly on
of RRT determined by serum creatinine or urine out- the diffusive transfer through the membrane. Continu-
put) ultimately avoided RRT in many patients [78]. Not ous low flow techniques have a slower decrease in serum
unexpectedly, medical treatment for hyperkalemia was potassium concentrations, and the serum potassium
more frequent in the delayed group, but the incidence will tend to approach dialysate (with diffuse techniques)
of arrhythmias did not differ between groups. Of note, or infusate concentration (with convective techniques)
patients with potassium > 6, or > 5.5  mmol/L despite within few hours after initiation without rebound.
medical treatment, were excluded, a factor limiting con- Hemofiltration using mild to high cut-off membranes
clusions regarding acute therapy in those with the most also allows higher myoglobin removal in patients with
severe hyperkalemia. Another trial evaluated hypertonic rhabdomyolysis.
sodium bicarbonate in critically ill patients with severe RRT will naturally be a second line strategy. In our
acidaemia (pH  < 7.2). They reported the bicarbonate view, the choice of RRT modality will largely depend
group had a lower serum potassium, less need for RRT, on the available techniques. The efficacy and tolerance
and a longer delay to RRT in those patients ultimately will however largely rely on RRT prescription. Using
requiring RRT [46]. Altogether these data suggest that short high efficiency dialysis (intermittent dialysis) will
medical treatment of hyperkalemia (including hypertonic require high blood and dialysate flow to remove sufficient
sodium bicarbonate in patients with metabolic acido- amount of potassium (e.g., blood flow 250  mL/min and
sis) may be safe in critically ill patients with mild hyper- dialysate flow 500 mL/min) allowing rapid drop of serum
kalemia. This medical treatment could avoid or delay potassium but with a risk a rebound after stopping RRT
RRT onset in patients with AKI. (Fig. 4). Clearance of potassium using continuous hemo-
filtration is proportional to ultrafiltrate rate (Fig.  4). We
Renal replacement therapy and potassium dialysance therefore advise a high ultrafiltration rate at the initiation
Renal replacement therapies (RRT) include diffusive (i.e., of the technique (e.g.,  ≥ 45  mL/kg/h) when using this
hemodialysis), convective (i.e., hemofiltration) and mixed modality. This ultrafiltration rate can be lowered when
modalities (e.g., hemodiafiltration) in the acute setting. serum potassium is controlled (e.g., 25 mL/kg/h).
Potassium dialysance refers to the clearance of potassium Both techniques expose the patient to the risk of sec-
in various RRT modalities. Body potassium dialysance ondary hypokalemia. Importantly, both hyperkalemia
and potassium flux depends on the gradient of potas- and a rapid decrease in serum potassium are associated
sium concentration between plasma and dialysate (or with cardiac events and sudden death in patients with
infusate using hemofiltration), blood and dialysate flow end-stage kidney disease [79, 80]. Long inter-dialytic
through the circuit, the modality (hemodialysis, hemofil- periods expose patients to consequences of hyperkalemia
tration, hemodiafiltration), and the dialyzer characteris- and cardiac conduction disorders while intradialytic peri-
tics. Potassium mass transfer on the other side depends ods and postdialytic periods are associated to increase
on treatment time and intracorporeal potassium kinet- cardiac excitability and arrhythmic disorders. Rapid
ics (Fig.  4). Since potassium freely and totally diffuses decreases in serum potassium using a potassium
throughout the dialyzer membrane, it is rapidly and dialysate concentration ≤ 2  mmol/L was associated with
effectively removed during hemodialysis. In the setting a doubling of risk of sudden cardiac arrest in a recent
of high blood and dialysate flow and low dialysate potas- study [80]. This arrhythmogenic propensity of RRT is
sium concentration, serum potassium drops within min- enhanced by simultaneous combined stresses including
utes of initiation. Since intracorporeal potassium kinetics ischemia (hypovolemia), hypoxia, electrolyte changes
behave as a multi-compartmental model, serum potas- (calcium, magnesium, citrate, acetate) and potential
sium will decrease more slowly after 2 h of hemodialysis removal of cardiac medications. Studies have shown
and rebound after stopping the therapy. Of note, hyper- that the frequency of premature ventricular contractions
osmolarity, or treatments shifting potassium from the during dialysis is less common when using a dialysate
Dépret et al. Ann. Intensive Care (2019) 9:32 Page 11 of 16

Fig. 4  Action mechanisms of hypokalemic treatments by intracellular transfer. a Potassium dialysance, flux and plasma kinetic under short high
efficient hemodilaysis. b Potassium dialysance, flux and plasma kinetic under long low efficient hemodilaysis. c Potassium clearance, flux and
plasma kinetic under hemofiltration. K potassium, CVVHD continuous venovenous hemodialysis, CVVHF continuous venovenous hemofiltration
Dépret et al. Ann. Intensive Care (2019) 9:32 Page 12 of 16

Fig. 5  First-line treatment of hyperkalemia. During hyperkalemia with ECG modifications, first-line therapy should consist on cardiomyocyte
stabilization using calcium salt or hypertonic sodium (red panel), second line therapy on treatment leading to a fast transfer of potassium from
extracellular to intracellular space using either insulin–glucose i.v, aerosol of β2 agonist and/or sodium bicarbonate (in case of metabolic acidosis
and hypovolemic patient) depending of the patient’s comorbidities and clinical status. Insulin–glucose is recommended as the first-line treatment
in severe hyperkalemia (i.e., above 6.5 mmol/L) but close glucose monitoring is mandatory. β2 agonists can be used in spontaneously breathing
patients but with safety concerns in patients with unstable angina or cardiac failure. Hypertonic sodium bicarbonate should probably be restricted
to hypovolemic patients with metabolic acidosis (blue panel). Strategies increasing potassium renal excretion decreases the total potassium
pool (i.e., hemodynamic optimization and correction of acute kidney injury or loop Henle diuretics in patients with fluid overload) (green panel).
Indications of renal replacement therapy are patients with severe acute kidney injury associated to severe hyperkalemia or persistent hyperkalemia
despite first-line medical treatment

potassium concentration of 2.0–3.0  mmol/L, com- mortality compared to higher concentrations. Taken
pared ≤ 2.0 mmol/L [81]. More recently, Ferrey et al. [82] altogether, these data suggest using a potassium dialysate
examined the association of dialysate potassium concen- concentration ≥ 2.0  mmol/L to avoid a too rapid drop
tration with all-cause mortality risk in chronic hemodi- in serum potassium using dialysis. Treatment of hyper-
alysis patients. They observed that a dialysate potassium kalemia using peritoneal dialysis has been described
concentration of 1  mEq/L was associated with higher anecdotally and appears feasible when alternatives are
Dépret et al. Ann. Intensive Care (2019) 9:32 Page 13 of 16

not readily available [83]. Alternatives to prevent rapid measurements after first-line treatment allow providers
and profound drop of serum potassium is to use low to assess the initial response and need for a second line
flow techniques (i.e., continuous hemofiltration, con- strategy. RRT is usually required in patients with severe
tinuous hemodialysis or slow low efficiency or extended AKI with oliguria or anuria who are not expected to rap-
dialysis) (Fig. 4) once acute severe hyperkalemia has been idly recover (e.g., AKI unresponsive to hemodynamic
controlled. Continuous techniques will further largely optimization, unresponsive to diuretics), in patients with
prevent rebound of serum potassium observed after end-stage chronic kidney disease admitted for an acute
intermittent dialysis. Finally, extended or continuous ses- condition and in the setting of severe AKI and hyper-
sion with high flow should be considered in patients with kalemia (i.e.,  > 6.5  mmol/L) and in patients with hyper-
ongoing uncontrolled cause of hyperkalemia (i.e., rhab- kalemia resistant to medical therapy [8, 34].
domyolysis, tumor lysis syndrome). Finally, identification and treatment of the cause and
contributing factors of hyperkalemia should be per-
Who should be treated for hyperkalemia?
formed simultaneously. Identification of the cause of AKI
Even though hyperkalemia has been associated with and rapid correction of contributing factors of AKI may
mortality in different settings [5], the potential side allow faster recovery.
effects of hyperkalemia treatment should not be over-
looked. Tailoring treatment to the patient condition and
situation might limit the risk of under or over-treating Conclusion
hyperkalemia [34]. Recognition of hyperkalemia-related ECG changes is
The evaluation of hyperkalemia should always include central in the choice of strategy to treat the patient.
assessment for the rapid need of membrane stabilization ECG changes should prompt urgent medical interven-
treatment (i.e., calcium or hypertonic sodium solutions) tion including both cardiac protection and potassium-
and should be considered in patients with cardiac con- lowering treatment. Tailoring treatment of hyperkalemia
duction or rhythm abnormalities (Figs.  1  and 5). When to the patient condition and situation will limit the risks
the clinical scenario and absence of ECG changes do of treatments side effects. Efficacy and tolerance remain
not support the likelihood of hyperkalemia, the potas- however poorly explored in acute setting. There is a need
sium measurement should be repeated to exclude facti- for further research to evaluate both efficacy and side
tious hyperkalemia (or pseudo-hyperkalemia). A result effects of different strategies in the acute setting.
of kalemia in delocalized biochemistry (i.e., blood gas
analyzer) could probably be used to detect hyperkalaemia
and start a treatment in high-risk patients (e.g., patients Additional file
with severe metabolic acidosis, AKI or CKD).
Efficacy and tolerance of treatment may vary widely Additional file 1: Figure S1. Gastrointestinal absorption site of ZS-9, SPS
and patiromer. The majority of potassium is in the distal gastrointestinal
according to the clinical scenario (Table 2). Insulin–glu- (GI) tract (e.g., the colon). Both sodium polystyrene sulfonate (SPS) and
cose infusion appears to be appropriate for severe hyper- patiromer are concentration dependent binding (with patiromer being
kalemia due to its efficacy and reproducible lowering of better than SPS). Since there is not relatively much potassium in the early
part of the GI tract, SPS and patiromer have less of an effect because there
serum potassium levels, with close serum glucose mon- is less for them to bind. Furthermore divalent cation ­(Ca2+ and ­Mg2+) are
itoring (Fig.  5). However, the impact of this regimen in inadvertently pick up as well. On the contrary, sodium zirconium cyclosili-
critically ill patients with insulin resistance or dysglyce- cate (ZS9), which is much more attracted to potassium and more specific
than SPS or patiromer (binding coefficient much higher), that it can bind
mia remains unclear. Hypertonic sodium bicarbonate potassium in low concentration environments with less competition with
combines fluid loading, cardiac membrane stabilization divalent cation, so it starts binding earlier in the GI tract.
and serum potassium lowering and is most appropriate
in patients with severe metabolic acidosis, AKI and hypo- Abbreviations
volemia. Aerosolized β-2 agonists are more easily used K+: potassium ion; AKI: acute kidney injury; ED: emergency department; ECG:
electrocardiographic; SID: strong ion difference; RCT​: randomized controlled
in spontaneously breathing patients and appear to have trial; NKCC: Na–K–Cl cotransporter; SPS: sodium polystyrene sulfonate; US:
similar efficacy to the insulin–dextrose combination in USA; EU: European Union; ZS-9: sodium zirconium cyclosilicate; RRT​: renal
lowering serum potassium. However, the use of β-2 ago- replacement therapy.
nists in patients with cardiac hyperexcitability, baseline Authors’ contributions
high sympathetic activity or with unstable coronary dis- FD, ML: collected data, performed analysis and interpretation of the data and
ease is potentially associated with severe side effects or drafted the manuscript. FP , KL , ZR , PR: performed analysis and interpretation
of the data and drafted the manuscript. All authors read and approved the
decreased efficacy. In addition, efficacy in mechanically final manuscript.
ventilated patients is unknown. Serial serum potassium
Dépret et al. Ann. Intensive Care (2019) 9:32 Page 14 of 16

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TX, USA. 6 Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, CA, concentration of potassium in serum following intravenous injection of
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