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Digital Controller

(Programmable Type)

User's Manual

Cat. No. H085-E1-03


Thank you for your purchase of your E5EK, intelligent digital controller.
The E5EK allows the user to carry out the following:
• Select from many types of temperature and analog input (multiple input)
• Support position-proportional control (position-proportional type controllers
• Select output functions such as control output or alarm (output assignment)
• Use the HBA (heater burnout alarm) function (standard type controllers only).
• Use four setpoints (multi-SP function)
• Use remote SP input.
• Monitor the control loop by LBA (Loop Break Alarm)
• Use the communications function
• Calibrate input or transfer output
• It also features a watertight construction (NEMA4: equivalent to IP66)

This User’s Manual describes how to use the E5EK compact, high-function digital
Before using your E5EK, thoroughly read and understand this manual in order to
ensure correct use.

About this manual

E OMRON, 1996
(1) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or trans-
mitted, in any form, or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, recording, or other-
wise, without the prior written permission of OMRON.
(2) No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein.
(3) Moreover, because OMRON is constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information in
this manual is subject to change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this
manual. Nevertheless, OMRON assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability
assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in this publication.


Conventions Used in This Manual

J Meanings of Abbreviations
Sometimes the following abbreviations are used in parameter names, figures and in text
explanations. These abbreviations mean the following.

Abbreviation Term
PV Process value
SP Set point
RSP Remote set point
LSP Local set point
LBA Loop break alarm
HB Heater burnout
AT Auto-tuning
ST Self-tuning

J How to Read Display Symbols

The following tables show the correspondence between the symbols displayed on the displays
and alphabet characters.


J “Reference” mark
This mark indicates that extra, useful information follows, such as supplementary explana-
tions and how to apply functions.


J Notice:
OMRON products are manufactured for use according to proper procedures by a qualified
operator and only for the purposes described in this manual.
The following conventions are used to indicate and classify precautions in this manual. Al-
ways heed the information provided with them. Failure to heed precautions can result in inju-
ry to people or damage to the product.

DANGER Indicates information that, if not heeded, is likely to result in loss of

life or serious injury.

WARNING Indicates information that, if not heeded, could possibly result in

loss of life or serious injury.

Caution Indicates information that, if not heeded, could result in relatively

serious or minor injury, damage to the product, or faulty operation.


J How this Manual is Organized

Purpose Title Description
D Learning about the gen- Chapter 1 Introduction This chapter describes the fea-
tures of the E5EK, names of
eral features of the E5EK parts, and typical functions.

D Setting up the E5EK Chapter 2 Preparations This chapter describes the

operations that you must carry
out (e.g. installation, wiring and
switch settings) before you can
use the E5EK.

D Basic E5EK operations Chapter 3 Basic Operation These chapters describe how to
Chapter 5 Parameters use the front panel keys and
how to view the display when
setting the parameters of the
major functions for the E5EK.

D Applied E5EK operations Chapter 4 Applied Opera- These chapters describe the
tion important functions of the
Chapter 5 Parameters E5EK and how to use the
parameters for making full use
of the E5EK.
D Using a Position-propor- Chapter 4 Applied Opera- This chapter describes the func-
tion/4.1 Selecting the Con- tions related specifically to posi-
tional Type Controller trol Method tion-proportional type control-

D Communications with a Chapter 6 Using the Com- This chapter mainly describes
munications Function the communications commands,
host computer and gives program examples.

D Calibration Chapter 7 Calibration This chapter describes how the

user should calibrate the E5EK.

D Troubleshooting Chapter 8 Troubleshooting This chapter describes what to

do if any problems occur.


Pay Attention to the Following when Installing

this Controller
F If you remove the controller from its case, never touch nor apply shock to the elec-
tronic parts inside.
F Do not cover the area around the E5EK. (Ensure sufficient space around the control-
ler to allow heat radiation.)
F Use a voltage (AC100-240V or AC/DC24V at 50 to 60 Hz). At power ON, the pre-
scribed voltage level must be attained within two seconds.
F When wiring input or output lines to your controller, keep the following points in
mind to reduce the influence from inductive noise:
• Allow adequate space between the high voltage/current power lines and the input/
output lines.
• Avoid parallel or common wiring with high voltage sources and power lines carrying
large currents.
• Using separating pipes, duct, and shielded line is also useful in protecting the con-
troller, and its lines form inductive noise.
F Allow as much space as possible between the controller and devices that generate a
powerful, high frequency (high-frequency welders, high-frequency sewing machines,
and so forth) or surge. These devices may cause malfunctions.
F If there is a large power-generating peripheral device and any of its lines, attach a
surge suppressor or noise filter to the device to stop the noise affecting the controller
system. In particular, motors, transformers, solenoids and magnetic coils have an
inductance component, and therefore can generate very strong noises.
F When mounting a noise filter, be sure to first check the filter’s voltage and current
capacity, then mount the filter as close as possible to the controller.
F Do not use the controller in places where icing, condensation, dust, corrosive gas
(especially sulfurized gas or ammonia gas), shock, vibration, splashing liquid, or oil
atmosphere occur. Also, avoid places where the controller can be subjected to intense
heat radiation (like from a furnace) or sudden temperature changes.
F Ambient temperature must be kept between -10_C to 55_C. Ambient humidity must
be kept between 35%RH to 85%RH (with no icing or condensation). If the controller
is installed inside a control board, the ambient temperature must be kept under
55_C, including the temperature around the controller. If the controller is subjected
to heat radiation, use a fan to cool the surface of the controller to under 55_C.
F Store the controller at an ambient temperature between -25_C to 65_C. The ambient
humidity must be between 35%RH to 85%RH (with no icing or condensation).
F Never place heavy objects on, or apply pressure to the controller that may cause it to
deform and deterioration during use or storage.
F Avoid using the controller in places near a radio, television set, or wireless installa-
tion. These devices can cause radio disturbances which adversely affect the perfor-
mance of the controller.


Table of Contents
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Conventions Used in This Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II
Pay Attention to the Following when Installing
this Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--1

This chapter introduces the E5EK. First-time users should read this chapter with-
out fail.
For details on how to use the controller and parameter settings, see Chapters 2

1.1 Names of parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--2

1.2 Input and Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--4
1.3 Parameters and Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--7
1.4 About the Communications Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--10
1.5 About Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--11

CHAPTER 2 PREPARATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--1

This chapter describes the operations you should carry out before turning the

2.1 Setting up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--2

2.2 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--5
2.3 Wiring Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--8

CHAPTER 3 BASIC OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3--1

This chapter describes an actual example for understanding the basic operation
of the E5EK.

3.1 Convention Used in this Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3--2

3.2 Setting Input Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3--4
3.3 Setting Output Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3--6
3.4 Setting Alarm Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3--9
3.5 Protect Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3--12
3.6 Starting and Stopping Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3--13
3.7 Adjusting Control Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3--14

CHAPTER 4 APPLIED OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4--1

This chapter describes each of the parameters required for making full use of the
features of the E5EK. Read this chapter while referring to the parameter descrip-
tions in chapter 5.

4.1 Selecting the Control Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4--2

4.2 Operating Condition Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4--5
4.3 How to Use Event Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4--8
4.4 How to Use the Remote SP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4--11
4.5 How to Use the Heater Burnout Alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4--13
4.6 LBA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4--15
4.7 How to Use Transfer Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4--17

CHAPTER 5 PARAMETERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--1

This chapter describes the parameters of the E5EK. Use this chapter as a refer-
ence guide.
Protect Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--3
Manual Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--5
Level 0 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--6
Level 1 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--10
Level 2 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--18
Setup Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--25
Expansion Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--32
Option Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--37
Calibration Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--46
This chapter mainly describes communications with a host computer and com-
munications commands.
6.1 Outline of the Communications Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6--2
6.2 Preparing for Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6--3
6.3 Command Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6--5
6.4 Commands and Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6--6
6.5 How to Read Communications Error Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6--12
6.6 Program Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6--14
CHAPTER 7 CALIBRATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--1
This chapter describes procedures for each calibration operation.
Read this chapter only when the controller must be calibrated.
7.1 Structure of Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--2
7.2 Calibrating Thermocouple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--4
7.3 Calibrating Platinum Resistance Thermometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--7
7.4 Calibrating Current Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--9
7.5 Calibrating Voltage Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--10
7.6 Checking Indication Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--12
CHAPTER 8 TROUBLESHOOTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8--1
This chapter describes how to find out and remedy the cause if the E5EK does
not function properly.
8.1 Initial Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8--2
8.2 How to Use the Error Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8--3
8.3 How to Use Error Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8--5
8.4 Checking Operation Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8--6
SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A--2
CONTROL BLOCK DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A--6
SETTING LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A--8
MODEL LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A--11
PARAMETER OPERATIONS LIST . . . . . . . . . . A--12
FUZZY SELF-TUNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A--14
X FORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A--17
ASCII CODE LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A--20


This chapter introduces the E5EK. First-time users should read this
chapter without fail.
For details on how to use the controller and parameter settings, see
Chapters 2 onwards.

1.1 Names of parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

Main parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Front panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
About the displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
How to use keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
1.2 Input and Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
1.3 Parameters and Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
Parameter types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
Selecting modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Selecting parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
Fixing settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
1.4 About the Communications Function . . . . 1-10
1.5 About Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11



1.1 Names of parts

J Main parts
P 2-6

Rear case
Front panel
This page

J Front panel

No.1 display
Operation indicators
STOP No.2 display


Display key
Up key

A/M key M
Down key


1.1 Names of parts

J About the displays

F No.1 display Displays the process value or parameter symbols.

F No.2 display Displays the set point, manipulated variable or parameter settings.

F Operation indica- • OUT1 : Lit when the pulse output function assigned to “control
tors output 1” is ON.
• OUT2 : Lit when the pulse output function assigned to “control
out- put 2” is ON.
• SUB1 : Lit when the output function assigned to “auxiliary output
1” is ON.
• SUB2 : Lit when the output function assigned to “auxiliary
output 2” is ON.
• MANU : Lit in the manual operation mode.
• STOP : Lit when operation has stopped.
• RMT : Lit during remote operation.
• RSP : Lit during remote SP operation.
• AT : Flashes during auto-tuning.

J How to use keys The following describes basic key operations.

F A/M key Each press of this key switches between the auto and manual opera-

F key The functions of this key change according to how long it is pressed. If
the key is pressed for less than one second, the parameters are switched.
If the key is pressed for one second or more, the menu display appears.
In key operations from here on, “press the key” refers to pressing the
key for less than one second.
For details on parameter switching and menu display items, see page

F key Each press of the key increments or advances the values or settings
on the No.2 display, while each press of the key decrements or
returns the values or settings on the No.2 display.

Functions vary, for example, when the A/M key is held down simulta-
neously with the display key, or a key is held down continuously. For
details, see page 1-8. Also, chapters 3 and 4 describe examples using
various key combinations.



1.2 Input and Output

Controller Control output

Temperature input (heat) Control output 1
Voltage input
Current input Control output
Control output 2
Alarm 1
CT input
Potentiometer Alarm 2
Auxiliary output 1

Alarm 3

Remote SP input HBA Auxiliary output 2


Event input Error 1 Transfer output

Error 2

Error 3

J Input The E5EK supports following inputs: temperature input, current input,
voltage input, CT input/Potentiometer, remote SP input and event

F Temperature input/Voltage input/Current input

• Only one of temperature input, voltage input and current input can
be selected and connected to the controller. The above figure shows
temperature input connected to the controller.
• The following input sensors can be connected for temperature input:
Thermocouple: K, J, T, E, L, U, N, R, S, B, W, PLII
Platinum resistance thermometer: JPt100, Pt100
• The following currents can be connected for current input:
4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA
• The following voltages can be connected for voltage input:
1 to 5 VDC, 0 to 5 VDC, 0 to 10 VDC

F CT input/Poten- • Connect CT input when using the HBA (heater burnout alarm) func-
tion on a standard type controller (E5EK-AA2).
• Connect the potentiometer when monitoring the valve opening on a
position-proportional type controller (E5EK-PRR2). However, note
that the potentiometer cannot be used simultaneously with remote
SP input.

F Remote SP input • Remote SP input cannot be used simultaneously with potentiometer.

• When the remote SP function is enabled, inputs within the range 4 to
20 mA are used as the remote SP.


1.2 Input and Output

F Event input When using event input, add on the input unit (E53-CKB).
You can select from the following four event inputs:
SP mode

J Output
The E5EK supports the following five outputs.
Control output 1
Control output 2
Auxiliary output 1
Auxiliary output 2
Transfer output
When using control outputs 1 and 2, set the output unit (sold sepa-
rately). Nine output units are available to suit the output circuit config-
When using transfer output, add on the communication unit
Note: The output functions of the E5EK do not operate for five seconds
after the E5EK is turned ON.

F Output assign- The E5EK supports the following ten output functions.
ments Control output (heat)
Control output (cool)
Alarms 1 to 3
Error 1 (input error)
Error 2 (A/D converter error)
Error 3 (RSP input error)
Assign these output functions to control output 1, control output 2,
auxiliary output 1, and auxiliary output 2.
However, note that as control output 1 is used as the open output and
control output 2 is used as close output on a position-proportional type
controller (E5EK-PRR2), control outputs 1 and 2 cannot be used as
assignment destinations. Also, of the output functions, control output
(heat), control output (cool), HBA and LBA are disabled.
On a standard type controller, there are restrictions on how assignment
destinations (control output 1, control output 2, auxiliary output 1, and
auxiliary output 2) can be used. For details, see 3.3 Setting Output
In the example on the previous page, “control output (heat)” is assigned
to “control output 1”, “alarm 1” is assigned to “control output 2”, and
“alarm 2” is assigned to “auxiliary output 1”. Accordingly, the configu-
ration is such that heating control output is connected to control output
1, and alarm output is connected to control output 2 and auxiliary out-
put 1.



Control outputs 1 and 2 are used depending on the differences in con-

trol method as follows.

Control Output 1/
Control Method Model
Control Output 2
Standard control E5EK-AA2 AC100-240 Control output (heat) /
E5EK-AA2 AC/DC24 Alarm, etc.,
Heating and cooling E5EK-AA2 AC100-240 Control output (heat) /
control E5EK-AA2 AC/DC24 Control output (cool)
Position-proportional E5EK-PRR2 AC100-240 Open/Close
control E5EK-PRR2 AC/DC24

F Transfer output The E5EK supports the following six transfer outputs.
Set point
Set point during SP ramp
Process value
Heating side manipulated variable
Cooling side manipulated variable
Valve opening
However, note that heating/cooling side manipulated variables can be
output only standard type controllers, and valve opening can be output
on position-proportional type controllers
These transfer outputs can be output after being scaled. Setting of an
upper limit value smaller than the lower limit value is allowed, so
reverse scaling can also be carried out.


1.3 Parameters and Menus

1.3 Parameters and Menus

J Parameter types E5EK parameters are distributed between the following nine modes.
Protect mode
Manual mode
Level 0 mode
Level 1 mode
Level 2 mode
Setup mode
Expansion mode
Option mode
Calibration mode
The settings of parameters in each of seven modes (excluding the pro-
tect mode and manual mode) can be checked and modified by selection
on the menu display.

F Protect mode This mode is used to limit use of the menu and A/M keys. The protect
function is for preventing unwanted modification of parameters and
switching between the auto and manual operation.

F Manual mode In this mode, the controller can be switched manual operation. The
manipulated variable can be manipulated manually only in this mode.

F Level 0 mode Set the controller to this mode during normal operation. In this mode,
you may change the set point during operation, and stop and start op-
eration. You can also monitor (not change) the process value, ramp SP
and manipulated variable.

F Level 1 mode This is the main mode for adjusting control. In this mode, you can
execute AT (auto-tuning), and set alarm values, the control period and
PID parameters.

F Level 2 mode This is the auxiliary mode for adjusting control. In this mode, you can
set the parameters for limiting the manipulated variable, switch
between the remote and local modes, switch between the SP modes, and
set the loop break alarm (LBA), alarm hysteresis and the digital filter
value of inputs.

F Setup mode This is the mode for setting the basic specifications. In this mode, you
can set parameters that must be checked or set before operation such as
the input type, scaling, output assignments and direct/reverse opera-

F Expansion mode This is the mode for setting expanded functions. In this mode, you can
set ST (self-tuning), SP setting limiter, selection of advanced PID or
ON/OFF control, specification of the standby sequence resetting
method, time for automatic return to the monitoring display.

F Option mode This is the mode for setting option functions. You can select this mode
only when the option unit is set in the controller. In this mode, you can



set the communications conditions, transfer output and event input

parameters to match the type of option unit set in the controller. Heater
burnout latch function, position-proportional travel time and remote
SP scaling parameters are also located in this mode.

F Calibration mode This mode is provided so that the user can calibrate inputs and transfer
When calibrating input, the selected input type is calibrated. Whereas,
transfer output can be calibrated only when the communications unit
(E53-AKF) is set in the controller.

J Selecting modes The following diagram shows the order in which modes are selected.
Power ON
1 second min. 1 second min.

Level 0 mode Manual mode

1 second min. A/M

Level 1 mode
1 second min.

1 second min.
Level 2 mode A/M + A/M +
1 second min. 1 second min.
1 second min.
Setup mode
Protect mode

1 second min.
Expansion mode A/M +
1 second min.
1 second min.
Option mode

1 second min.
Calibration mode

F Menu display • To select the menu display in any of the above modes (excluding the
protect mode and manual mode), press the key for 1 second mini-
mum. If you select the desired mode using the or keys and
press the key, the top parameter in the specified mode is dis-
• When you have selected the menu display, the previous mode is
selected. For example, if you selected the menu display while in the
level 0 mode, the No.2 display changes to [ ] as shown on the left.
• Protected modes cannot be selected. Also, the menu display does not
appear when modes are protected up to the level 1 mode.

F Level 0 to 2 • If you select [ ][ ] or [ ] in the menu display, the level 0,

modes level 1 and level 2 modes, respectively, are selected.
• These modes are selected with control still continuing.


1.3 Parameters and Menus

F Setup mode • If you select [ ][ ][ ] or [ ] in the menu display,

F Expansion mode the setup, expansion, option and calibration modes, respectively, are
F Option mode selected.
F Calibration mode • When these modes are selected, the control is reset. So, control out-
puts and auxiliary output are turned OFF. When another mode is
selected while in these modes, reset is canceled.

F Protect mode • To set the controller to the protect mode or to return to the level 0
mode from the protect mode, press the A/M key and key for 1 se-
cond minimum simultaneously.

F Manual mode • To set the controller to the manual mode, press the A/M key for 1 se-
cond minimum in the level 0 to 2 mode. To return to the level 0 mode
from the manual mode, press the A/M key for 1 second minimum.

J Selecting • When not in the manual mode, each press of the key switches the
• If you press the key when at the final parameter, the display re-
turns to the first parameter.

Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter

1 2 3 n

J Fixing settings • When you have changed a parameter setting, specify the parameter
using the or keys, and either leave the setting for at least two
seconds or press the key. This fixes the setting.
• When another mode is selected, the content of the parameters before
the mode was selected is fixed.
• When turning the power OFF, you must first fix the settings and
parameter contents (by pressing the key or selecting another
mode). The settings and parameter contents are sometimes not
changed by merely pressing the or keys.



1.4 About the Communications Function

The E5EK can be provided with a communications function that allows

you to check and set controller parameters from a host computer. If the
communications function is required, add on the communications unit.
For details on the communications function, refer to Chapter 6.

F RS-232C When using the communications function on the RS-232C interface,

add on the communications unit (E53-AK01).

F RS-422 When using the communications function on the RS-422 interface, add
on the communications unit (E53-AK02).

F RS-485 When using the communications function on the RS-485 interface, add
on the communications unit (E53-AK03).


1.5 About Calibration

1.5 About Calibration

The E5EK controller is calibrated before shipment from the factory. So,
the user need not calibrate the E5EK controller during regular use.

However, if the E5EK controller must be calibrated by the user, use the
parameters provided for user to calibrate temperature input, analog
input (voltage, current) and transfer output.
Also, note that calibration data is updated to the latest value each time
the E5EK controller is calibrated. Calibration data set before shipment
from the factory cannot be returned to after calibration by the user.

F Calibrating The input type selected in the parameter is the item to be calibrated.
inputs The E5EK is provided with the following four calibration parameters.
• Thermocouple
• Platinum resistance thermometer
• Current input
• Voltage input
Two parameters are provided for thermocouple and voltage input.

F Calibrating trans- Transfer output can be calibrated when the communications unit
fer output (E53-AKF) is added on.

F Registering cal- When calibrating each item, the calibration data is temporarily regis-
ibration data tered. This data can be registered as final calibration data only when all
items have been newly calibrated. So, all items must be temporarily
registered when calibrating the E5EK controller.
When registering data, information regarding whether or not calibra-
tion has been carried out is also registered.

To calibrate these items, the user must prepare separate measuring

devices and equipment. For details on handling these measuring devices
and equipment, refer to the respective manuals.

For details, see chapter 7 Calibration.





This chapter describes the operations you should carry out before
turning the E5EK ON.

2.1 Setting up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2

Draw-out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Setting up the output unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Setting up the option unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
2.2 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Panel cutout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Setting up the terminal covers . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
2.3 Wiring Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Terminal arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Precautions when wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8



2.1 Setting up

• On a standard type controller, set up the output units for control out-
puts 1 and 2 before mounting the controller.
• On a position-proportional type controller, the relay output unit is
already set. So, this setup operation unnecessary. (Do not replace with
other output units.)
• When setting up the output units, draw out the internal mechanism
from the housing and insert the output units into the sockets for con-
trol outputs 1 and 2.

J Draw-out When drawing out the internal mechanism from the housing, prepare a
phillips screwdriver matched to the size of the screw on the lower part
of the front panel.
(1) Press down on the hook on the top of the front panel and turn the
phillips screwdriver to the left to loosen the screw on the lower part
of the front panel.

(2) Draw out the internal mechanism towards you holding both sides
of the front panel.

Fixing Screw for Tighten this screw by a torque of 0.3 to 0.5 N⋅m, or approx. 3 to 5 kgf⋅cm.
Front Panel


2.1 Setting up

J Setting up the output unit

F Before setup • Check the type of the output unit you are about to set up.
• For details on types of output unit and main specifications, see page

F Procedure (1) Check the positions of the sockets you are about to insert the out-
put units into as shown in the following diagram.



(2) Remove the power board in the direction of the arrow shown in the
figure. The power board is connected to the control board by a cen-
ter connector. Remove this connector taking care not to bend the
connector pins.

Control board

Power board

(3) Insert the output unit for control output 1 into the socket “OUT1”
and the output unit for control output 2 into the socket “OUT2”.
(4) Fasten the output units with the bracket (accessory).
(5) Return the power board to its original position.



J Setting up the option unit

F Before setup • Check the type of the option unit you are about to set up.
• For details on types of option unit and main specifications, see Appen-
dix, Model List (page A-11) and Appendix, Option Unit Ratings and
Characteristics (page A-4).
• For details on the relationship between units and terminals, see page

F Procedure (1) Remove the power board and option boards in the order shown in
the following diagram.

(2) Insert the option unit into the socket for option 1. The following
diagram shows the relationship between option unit and mounting

Option 1
E53--AKB: Event inputs 1/2
E53--AK01: RS--232C
E53--AK02: RS--422
E53--AK03: RS--485
E53--AKF: Transfer output

(3) Mount the option board and the power board in the order shown.


2.2 Installation

2.2 Installation

J Dimensions
48 13.5 100








• The width of the rear case is 44 mm.

J Panel cutout
60 mm min
Unit (mm)

• Recommended panel thickness is 1 to 8

• Maintain the specified vertical and hori-
zontal mounting space between each
Controllers must not be closely mounted
vertically or horizontally.
120 mm min +0.6
45 0

92 0



J Mounting (1) Insert the E5EK controller into the mounting hole in the panel.
(2) Fit the mounting bracket (accessory) into the fixing slots on the top
and bottom of the rear case.

(3) Tighten the mounting bracket screws alternately a little at a time

until the ratchet start to slide.


2.2 Installation

F Setting up the terminal covers

• Fasten the terminal cover (E53-COV08) to protect terminals.
• E5EK-VV2-500 controller is provided with terminal covers.
• Fasten the terminal cover as follows by using the snap pins.



• To remove the terminal cover, pull the edges of the snap pins.



2.3 Wiring Terminals

J Terminal arrangement
AC100-240V ~ EV1/2
10 21 22 20 RS232C
9 19 RS485
8 18
7 17 RSP
6 16 CT
5 15
4 14
3 13 Pt
2 12 I
1 23 11

TRSF : Transfer output

EV1/2 : Event inputs
PTMR : Potentiometer

J Precautions • Use ducts to separate input leads and power lines in order to protect
when wiring the controller and its lines from external noise.
• We recommend using solderless terminals when wiring the controller.
• Tighten the terminal screws using a torque no greater than 0.78 N·m,
or 8 kgf·cm max. Take care not to tighten the terminal screws too
• Use the following type of solderless terminals for M3.5 screws.

7.2mm max.

7.2mm max.

J Wiring In the following wiring diagrams, the left side of the terminal Nos. indi-
cates the inside of the controller
F Power supply • Input power to terminal Nos. 9 and 10. Power specifications are as fol-
AC100-240V , 50/60Hz, 15VA
10 21 22 20
9 19 (AC/DC24V , 50/60Hz, 12VA 8W)
8 18
7 17
6 16
5 15
4 14
3 13
2 12
1 23 11


2.3 Wiring Terminals

F Sensor input • Connect the sensor input to terminal Nos. 11 to 14 and 33 as follows
according to the input type.
10 21 22 20
9 19 +
14 14 14 14
8 18
13 13 13 V 13
7 17 --
6 16 12 12 12 12 --
5 15 11 11 11 11 mA
4 14 23 23 23 23 +
3 13 Thermocouple Platinum Voltage input Current input
2 12 thermometer
1 23 11

F Control output • Terminal Nos. 7 and 8 are for control output 1 (OUT1), and terminal
Nos. 5 and 6 are for control output 2 (OUT2). The following diagrams
10 21 22 20
show the available output units and their internal equalizing circuits.
9 19
8 18 + +v +
8 6 8 6 +v 8 6 8 6
7 17 L L
6 16
7 5 7 5 7 5 -- GND 7 5 --
5 15 GND
4 14
E53-R E53-S E53-Q E53-Q4
3 13 E53-Q3
2 12 + +
8 6 8 6
1 23 11
mA L V L
7 5 -- 7 5 --
4 to 20mA/0 to 20mA 0 to 10V/0 to 5V
E53-C3 E53-V34
E53-C3D E53-V35

• With E53-VVV output units, about 2 V is output for one second after
the power is interrupted.
• The following table shows the specifications for each output unit.
Model Output Type Specifications
E53-R Relay 250 VAC, 5 A
E53-S SSR 75 to 250 VAC, 1 A
E53-Q Voltage (NPN) NPN : 12 VDC, 40 mA (with short-circuit protection)
E53-Q3 Voltage (NPN) NPN : 24 VDC, 20 mA (with short-circuit protection)
E53-Q4 Voltage (PNP) PNP : 24 VDC, 20 mA (with short-circuit protection)
E53-C3 4 to 20 mA 4 to 20 mA, Permissible load impedance: 600 Ω max., Resolution: Approx. 2600
E53-C3D 0 to 20 mA 0 to 20 mA, Permissible load impedance: 600 Ω max., Resolution: Approx. 2600
E53-V34 0 to 10 V 0 to 10 VDC, Permissible load impedance: 1 kΩ min., Resolution: Approx. 2600
E53-V35 0 to 5 V 0 to 5 VDC, Permissible load impedance: 1 kΩ min., Resolution: Approx. 2600

With E5EK-PRR2 controllers, relay output (250 VAC, 1 A) is fixed.

When replacing the output unit, use the E53-R. The following diagrams
show the relationship between terminals and open/close relay settings.

8 6

7 5
Open Close



F Auxiliary output • Terminal Nos.3 and 4 are for auxiliary output 1 (SUB1) and terminal
10 21 22 20
Nos.1 and 2 are for auxiliary output 2 (SUB2).
9 19 • The internal equalizing circuits for the auxiliary outputs are as fol-
8 18 lows:
7 17
6 16 4 2
5 15
4 14 3 1
3 13 Auxiliary Auxiliary
2 12 output 1 output 2
1 23 11
• Output specifications are as follows:

F CT input/ • When using the HBA function on the E5EK-AA2 controller, connect
Potentiometer CT input (CT) to terminal Nos.15 to 17. When monitoring the valve
opening on the E5EK-PRR2 controller, connect the potentiometer
10 21 22 20
9 19
(PTMR) to terminal Nos.15 to 17. Connect each of these inputs as fol-
8 18 lows:
7 17 O
17 17
6 16
5 15 16 CT 16
4 14 15 15
3 13 CT input Potentiometer
2 12
1 23 11 • For details on CT inputs, see Appendix, About current transformer.
• For details on the potentiometer, see the Instruction Manual for the
valve connected to the controller. The variable resistance range is 100
Ω to 2.5 kΩ.

F Remote SP input • Connect an input (RSP) to be used as the remote SP to terminal

10 21 22 20 Nos.15 and 16. However, note that the remote SP can not be used on
9 19 the E5EK-PRR2 controller.
8 18 • Only 4 to 20 mA inputs can be connected. Connect the input as fol-
7 17
6 16
5 15 16
4 14 4 to 20 mA
3 13
2 12 --
1 23 11

About the power The E5EK has independent power supplies for each of A B/C C
blocks the terminal blocks shown on the right.
10 21 22 20
9 19
8 18
B 7 17
6 16
5 15
4 14
E 3 13
2 12
1 23 11


2.3 Wiring Terminals

F Event input • Connect event inputs 1 and 2 (EV1/2) to terminal Nos.18 to 20. How-
10 21 22 20 ever, note that terminal Nos.18 to 20 cannot be used on controllers
9 19 having a communications function.
8 18 • Connect the event inputs as follows:
7 17 +
6 16 EV1 20
5 15 EV2 19
4 14 COM 18 --
3 13 Event input 1 and 2
2 12
1 23 11 • Use event inputs under the following conditions:

Contact input ON: 1 kΩ max., OFF: 100 kΩ min.

No-contact input ON: residual voltage 1.5 V max.,
OFF: leakage current 0.1 mA max.

• Polarities during no-contact input are as follows:

EV1 20
EV2 19

COM 18
Event input 1 and 2

F Transfer output • Connect transfer output (TRSF) to terminal Nos. 21 and 22.
• The internal equalizing circuit for transfer output is as follows:
4 to 20mA L

• Transfer output specifications are as follows:4 to 20 mA,

Permissible load impedance: 600 Ω max.,
Resolution: Approx. 2600

F Communications • Terminal Nos.18 to 22 can be used only on controllers having a com-

munications units (E53-AK01/02/03).
• For details on wiring, see Chapter 6, Using the Communications





This chapter describes an actual example for understanding the basic
operation of the E5EK.

3.1 Convention Used in this Chapter . . . . . . . . 3-2

3.2 Setting Input Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Input type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Scaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
3.3 Setting Output Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
Output assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
Direct/reverse operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
Control period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
3.4 Setting Alarm Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
Alarm type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
Alarm value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
Alarm hysteresis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
Close in alarm/open in alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
3.5 Protect Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
A/M key protect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
3.6 Starting and Stopping Operation . . . . . . . . 3-13
3.7 Adjusting Control Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
Changing the set point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
Manual operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
Auto-tuning (A.T.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16



3.1 Convention Used in this Chapter

This chapter describes basic E5EK operations such as how to set up

parameters, start and stop operation, and adjusting control operation.
For more complex control examples, refer to Chapter 4 Applied Opera-
tion and Chapter 5 Parameters.

F Basic Operation The following diagram shows the basic operation flow.
Flow Power ON

Setting input specifications

Setting output specifications

Setting alarm output

Protecting parameters




Power OFF


3.1 Convention Used in this Chapter

F Setup This description assumes that the controller is operated under the fol-
lowing conditions.
• A humidity sensor of output 4 to 20 mA is connected to the controller.
The measuring range of the humidity sensor is set to 10 to 95%.
• A humidifier is controlled by pulse output to maintain humidity at a
constant 60%.
• An alarm is output when the humidity exceeds the upper limit value
(70%) or lower limit value (50%).
• Output unit: relay type (E53-R) for OUT1.

Humidity sensor


Control target

AC100-240V ~
(AC/DC24V )
10 21 22 20
9 19
OUT1 8 18
7 17
6 16
5 15
SUB1 4 14
Alarm 1
3 13
(deviation --
upper-and lower-limit) 2 12
1 23 11 4 to 20mA
E5EK-AA2 +
(Control output 1 : E53-R)



3.2 Setting Input Specifications

J Input type • Set the type No. (0 to 21) in the “input type” parameter. The factory
setting is “2: K1 (thermocouple).”
• For details on input types and setting ranges, see page 5-26.

J Scaling • When the voltage input and current input are selected, scaling
matched to the control is required.
• The “scaling upper limit”, “scaling lower limit” and “decimal point”
parameters (setup mode) are use for scaling.
• The “scaling upper limit” parameter sets the physical quantity to be
expressed by the upper limit value of input, and the “scaling lower
limit” parameter sets the physical quantity to be expressed by the
lower limit value of input. The “decimal point” parameter sets the
number of digits past the decimal point.
• The following figure shows scaling example of 4 to 20 mA input. After
scaling, the humidity can be directly read. In this case, the “decimal
point” parameter is set to “1”.
Readout (humidity)

Scaling upper limit

value (95.0%)

Scaling lower limit

value (10.0%)

Input (4 to 20 mA)
F Input shift • When temperature input is selected, scaling is not required. This is
because input is treated as the “temperature” as it is matched to the
input type. However, note that the upper and lower limit values of the
sensor can be shifted. For example, if both the upper and lower limit
values are shifted by 1.2_C, the process value (before shift) is regarded
as 201.2_C after shift when input is 200_C before shift.
• To set input shift, set shift values in the “input shift upper limit” and
“input shift lower limit” parameters (level 2 mode).

Input shift upper limit value

Upper limit value

After shift
Before shift

Input shift lower

Lower limit value limit value
Input (%FS)

About the tempera- To switch the temperature unit from “_C” to “_F” for temperature unit, switch
ture unit the setting of the _C/_F selection” parameter to [ ] from [ ].


3.2 Setting Input Specifications

In this example, let’s set the parameters as follows:

Setting Example
“input type” = “17 (4 to 20 mA)”
“scaling upper limit value” = “950”
“scaling lower limit value” = “100”
“decimal point” = “1”

(1) Select the menu display, and select [ ] (setup mode) using the
or keys. For details on selecting the menu display, see page
1 second min. 1-8.
(2) Press the key to enter the setup mode. The top parameter in
the setup mode [ ] “input type” is displayed. The parameter
default is “2”.
(3) Press the key until the display indicates “17”.
(4) Press the key to fix the set value. The display changes to
[ ] (“scaling upper limit value” parameter). The parameter
default is “100”.
(5) Press the key until the display indicates “950”.
(6) Press the key to fix the set value. The display changes to
[ ] (“scaling lower limit value” parameter). The parameter
default is “0”.
(7) Press the key until the display indicates “100”.
(8) Press the key to fix the set value. The display changes to
[ ] (“decimal point” parameter). The parameter default is “0”.
(9) Press the key until the display indicates “1”.



3.3 Setting Output Specifications

Some output specifications are different according to controller type,

standard or position-proportional. The following table summarizes
which output-related parameter settings are supported.
Parameter Standard proportional
Type Type
Control output 1 assignment F
Control output 2 assignment F
Auxiliary output 1 assignment F F
Auxiliary output 2 assignment F F
Direct/reverse operation F F
Control period (heat) F
Control period (cool) F
(F Indicates that an output specification is supported.)

J Output assignments
Output assignments are described according to controller type.
F Standard type • Ten output are supported :
control output (heat)
control output (cool)
alarm outputs 1 to 3
LBA, and
error 1 (input error)
error 2 (A/D converter error)
error 3 (RSP input error).
These functions are assigned to control outputs 1 and 2, and auxil-
iary output 1 and 2.
• Restrictions on assignment destination are placed on some of the out-
puts. The following table shows where outputs may be assigned to.
Assignment Control Output Auxiliary Output
Output Function 1 2 1 2
Control output (heat) F F
Control output (cool) F F
Alarm 1 F F F F
Alarm 2 F F F F
Alarm 3 F F F F
Error 1; Input error F F
Error 2; A/D converter error F F
Error 3; RSP input error F F

With control output (cool), the conditions for switching from standard control
to heating and cooling control are reached when the output function is assigned
at the cooling side during heating and cooling control.
In other words, heating and cooling control is carried out when con-
trol output (cool) is assigned, and standard control is carried out
when output is not assigned. For details on heating and cooling con-
trol, see 4.1 Selecting the Control Method (page 4-2).


3.3 Setting Output Specifications

• Factory settings are as follows:

control output 1 = Control output (heat)
control output 2 = Alarm 1
auxiliary output 1 = Alarm 2
auxiliary output 2 = Alarm 3.
• Output assignments are set in the “control output 1 assignment”,
“control output 2 assignment”, “aux output 1 assignment” and “aux
output 2 assignment” parameters (setup mode).

F Position-propor- • Position-proportional type controllers support six output functions.

tional type These are assigned to auxiliary outputs 1 and 2.
• Restrictions on assignment destinations are placed on some of the
outputs. The following table shows where outputs may be assigned to.
Assignment Control Output Auxiliary Output
Output Function 1 2 1 2
Alarm 1 F F
Alarm 2 F F
Alarm 3 F F
Error 1 : Input error F F
Error 2 : A/D converter error F F
Error 3 : RSP input error F F

J Direct/reverse • “Direct operation” (or normal operation) refers to control where the
operation manipulated variable is increased according to the increase in the
process value. Alternatively, “reverse operation” refers to control
where the manipulated variable is decreased according to the decrease
in the process value.
For example, when the process value (PV), is lower than the set point
(SP), in a heating control system, the manipulated variable increases
by the difference between the PV and SP values.
Accordingly, this becomes “reverse operation” in a heating control sys-
tem. Alternatively, this becomes “direct operation” in a cooling control
• Direct/reverse operation is set in the [ ]“direct/reverse opera-
tion” parameter (setup mode).

J Control period • When the output unit is pulse output such as relay output, set the
pulse output cycle (control period). Though a shorter pulse period
provides better control performance, the control period should be set
taking the life expectancy of the output unit into consideration when
the output unit is relay.
• The control period is set in the “control period (heat)” parameter
(level 1 mode). Factory setting is “20:20 seconds.”
• The “control period (cool)” output function is not allocated. So, the
“control period (cool)” parameter cannot be set.



In this example, let’s set the parameters as follows:

Setting Example
“control output 1 assignment” = “control output (heat)”
“control output 2 assignment” = “alarm output 1”
“direct/reverse operation” = “reverse operation”
“control period” = “20 secs”
“run/stop” = “run”
All of the above settings in this example are factory settings. So, in this
example, we are only going to check the parameter settings.

(1) Select the menu display, and select [ ] (setup mode) using the
or keys. For details on selecting the menu display, see page
1 second min.
(2) Press the key to enter the setup mode. The top parameter in
the setup mode [ ] “input type” is displayed. In this example,
the parameter setting is “17: 4 to 20 mA.”
(3) Press the key until [ ] (“control output 1 assignment”
parameter) is displayed. The parameter default is [ ].
(4) As the setting in this example is to be left as it is, press the key.
The display changes to [ ] (“control output 2 assignment”
parameter). The parameter default is [ ].
(5) As the setting in this example is to be left as it is, press the key
until [ ] (“direct/reverse operation” parameter) is displayed.
The parameter default is [ ].
1 second min. (6) As the setting in this example is to be left as it is, press the or
keys to select [ ] (level 1 mode). For details on selecting
the menu display, see page 1-8.
(7) Press the key to enter the level 1 mode. The top parameter in
the level 1 mode [ ] “AT execute/cancel” is displayed.
(8) Press the key until [ ] (“control period” parameter) is dis-
1 second min. played. The parameter default is “20”. As the setting in this exam-
ple is to be left as it is, quit key operation.


3.4 Setting Alarm Type

3.4 Setting Alarm Type

• Three alarm outputs are supported: alarms 1 to 3. Of these, only the

alarm assigned as the output can be used.
• Alarm output conditions are determined according to the combina-
tion of the “alarm type”, “alarm value” and “alarm hysteresis”
parameter settings.
• The contact conditions when alarm output is ON can be set to “open”
or “closed” in the “close in alarm/open in alarm” parameter.

J Alarm type • The following table shows the alarm types supported by the E5EK
controller and their respective operations.
Alarm Output Operation
Alarm Type
When X is positive When X is negative
Upper-and lower-limit alarm X X
1 ON Always ON
(deviation) OFF SP
2 Upper-limit alarm (deviation) ON ON
3 Lower-limit alarm (deviation) ON ON

Upper-and-lower-limit range X X
4 ON Always OFF
alarm (deviation) OFF
Upper-and-lower-limit alarm X X
5 with standby sequence ON Always OFF
(deviation) OFF

Upper-limit alarm with X X

standby sequence (deviation) OFF OFF

Lower-limit alarm with X X

standby sequence (deviation) OFF OFF

Absolute-value upper-limit X X
alarm OFF OFF
0 0

Absolute-value lower-limit X X
alarm OFF OFF
0 0

Absolute-value upper-limit X X
10 ON ON
alarm with standby sequence OFF OFF
0 0

Absolute-value lower-limit X X
11 alarm with standby sequence ON ON
0 0

• Alarm types are set independently for each alarm in the “alarm 1 to
3” parameters (setup mode). Factory setting is “2: Upper-limit alarm

J Alarm value • Alarm values are indicated by “X” in the table above. Alarm output
operation differs according to whether the value of the alarm is posi-
tive or negative.
• Alarm values are set independently for each alarm in the “alarm
value 1 to 3” parameters (level 1 mode). Factory setting is “0”.



J Alarm hysteresis • The hysteresis of alarm outputs when alarms are switched ON/OFF
can be set as follows.
Upper limit alarm Lower limit alarm

Alarm hysteresis Alarm hysteresis


Alarm value Alarm value

• Alarm hysteresis is set independently for each alarm in the “alarm 1

to 3 hysteresis” parameters (level 2 mode). Factory setting is “0.02:

F Standby • “Standby sequence” is a function for unconditionally turning alarm

output OFF when the process value has left the alarm range once and
sequence it next enters the alarm range.
• For example, when the alarm type is set to “deviation lower limit,”
generally the process value is within the alarm range, and alarm out-
put become ON as it is as the process value when the power is turned
ON is smaller than the set point. However, if the alarm type is set to
“deviation lower limit with standby sequence”, alarm output first
becomes ON when the process value exceeds the alarm setting value
to leave the alarm range and once again falls below the alarm value.

J Close in alarm/open in alarm

• When the controller is set to “close in alarm,” the status of the alarm
output function is output as it is. When set to “open in alarm,” the
status of the alarm output function is output inverted.
Alarm Output Output LED
Close in alarm
OFF OFF Not lit
Open in alarm
OFF ON Not lit
• Alarm type and close in alarm (normally open)/open in alarm (nor-
mally close) can be set independently for each alarm.
• Close in alarm/open in alarm is set in the “alarm 1 to 3 open in
alarm” parameters (setup mode). Factory setting is [ ] “close in

F Summary of The figure below visually summarizes the above description of alarm
alarm operations operations (when alarm type is set to “lower limit alarm (deviation)
with standby sequence”):
Alarm type: lower limit alarm (deviation)
with standby sequence

Alarm value
Alarm hysteresis

Standby sequence
canceled Close (ON)
Alarm output Open (OFF)
(close in alarm)


3.4 Setting Alarm Type

When a set point for a temperature exceeds 10%, alarm1 will be out-
Setting Example
In this example, let’s set the parameters as follows:
“alarm type 1” = “1: (deviation upper-and lower-limit)”
“alarm value 1” = “10”
“alarm hysteresis” = “0.20”
“close in alarm/open in alarm”= “ : close in alarm”

Meanings of parameters, “alarm hysteresis” and “open in alarm/close

in alarm” are the same settings at the shipment, so settings for opera-
tions are omitted.
(1) Select the menu display, and select [ ] (setup mode) using the
or keys. For details on selecting the menu display, see page
1 second min.
(2) Press the key to enter the setup mode. The top parameter in
the setup mode [ ] “input type” is displayed. In this example,
the parameter setting is “17: 4 to 20 mA”.
(3) Press the key until [ ] (“alarm type 1” parameter) is dis-
played. The parameter default is “2: deviation upper limit”.
(4) Press the key to return to “1: deviation upper-and-lower lim-
(5) Select the menu key, and select [ ] (level 1 mode) using the
1 second min. or keys. For details on selecting the menu display, see page
(6) Press the key to enter the level 1 mode. The top parameter in
the level 1 mode [ ] “AT execute/cancel” is displayed.
(7) Press the key until [ ] (“alarm value 1” parameter) is dis-
1 second min. (8) In this example, the parameter setting is “0.0” so press the key
until “10.0” is displayed.

About the Decimal The decimal point of the alarm value conforms to the setting of the “decimal
Point of the Alarm point” parameter (setup mode). In this example, the “decimal point” parameter
Value is set to “1”. (During temperature input, the decimal point of the alarm value
conforms to the set sensor.)



3.5 Protect Mode

J Security • This parameter allows you to protect until start of operation parame-
ters that do not change during operation to prevent unwanted modifi-
• The set value of the “security” (protect) parameter specifies the range
of protected parameters.
• When this parameter is set to “0”, parameters are not protected.
• When this parameter is set to “1” to “3”, the number of modes that
can be displayed on the menu display is limited.
When set to “1”, level 0 to 2, setup, expansion and option modes only
can be selected. When set to “2”, only level 0 to 2 modes can be
selected. When set to “3”, only level 0 and 1 modes can be selected.
• When this parameter is set to “4” to “6”, operations in only the level 0
mode can be selected, and the mode is not displayed on the menu dis-
• When this parameter is set to “5”, only the “PV/SP” parameter can be
• When this parameter is set to “6”, only the “PV/SP” parameter can be
used. (The set point can not change.)
• Default is “1”.

J A/M key protect • This parameter disables use of the A/M key during operation. For
example, if you protect use of the A/M key by the “A/M key protect”
parameter (protect mode) during auto operation, the controller can-
not be set to the manual mode, preventing manual operation of the
controller during operation.

• Let’s protect the setup, expansion, option and calibration modes. Set
Setting Example
the parameters as follows:
“security” = “2: Usable only in level 0 to 2 modes”

A/M (1) Press for 1 second minimum the A/M and keys simultaneously,
the controller enters the protect mode.
(2) In the protect mode, the top parameter in the protect mode “secu-
rity” is displayed. The parameter default is “1”. Press the key
to change the parameter setting to “2”.
(3) Press for 1 second minimum the A/M and keys simultaneously,
the display changes to the “PV/SP monitor” parameter (level 0
A/M mode).


3.6 Starting and Stopping Operation

3.6 Starting and Stopping Operation

• You can start and stop operation by changing the setting of the “run/
stop” parameter (level 0 mode).
• You can switch the RUN/STOP function up to 100,000 times.
• To stop operation, set the “run/stop” parameter to [ ] (stop). In
a stop state, the “STOP” LED lights.
• Operation cannot be stopped during auto-tuning.

F Manipulated vari- • On a standard type controller, specify the manipulated variable (---5.0
able at stop to 105.0%) in the “MV at stop” parameter (level 2 mode) to output the
manipulated variable during stop.
Factory-set to “0.0 : 0.0%”
• On a position-proportional type controller, you can select either of the
open, close or hold status. In an open status, only control output 1 is
ON. In a close status, only control output 2 is ON. In a hold status,
both control outputs 1 and 2 are Factory-set to “hold.”

The following example describes the procedure to follow to stop control

Setting Example
during operation of the controller.

(1) Select the menu display, and select [ ] (level 0 mode) using the
or keys. For details on selecting the menu display, see page
1 second min.
(2) Press the key to enter the level 0 mode. The PV and SP are
(3) Press the key until [ ] (“run/stop” parameter) is dis-
(4) Press the key to select [ ] (stop). The “STOP” LED
lights, and operation stops.

To resume operation, follow the above procedure to select [ ]

(“run”). The “STOP” LED goes out and operation starts.

Using Event Input Using the E53-AKB, run/stop can be selected by event input. For details on how
to use event input, see 4.3 How to Use Event Input, page 4--- 8.



3.7 Adjusting Control Operation

J Changing the set • You can change the set point in the “set point” parameter (level 0
• However, note that you cannot change the set point when the “securi-
ty” parameter (protect mode) is set to “6”.
• To change the set point, press the or keys to select the
desired value. If you leave the setting for two seconds, the set point is
updated to the new setting.

In the following example, let’s change the temperature set point from
Setting Example
“60_C” to “50_C”.

(1) Select the PV/SP monitor display.

(2) Press the key to change the setting to “50.0: 50.0_C”.

J Manual operation • On standard type controller, the manipulated variable is controlled,

and on a position-proportional type controller, the valve opening is
• To set manual operation and manually set the manipulated variable
or the valve opening, press for 1 second minimum the A/M key. The
controller enters the manual mode.

F Standard type • The process value is displayed on the No.1 display, and the manipu-
lated variable is displayed on the No.2 display.
Process value
• To change the manipulated variable, press the or keys. After
Manipulated two seconds, the manipulated variable is updated to the new setting.
• Other modes cannot be selected while in the manual mode. To select
other modes, press for 1 second minimum the A/M key. The manual
mode is quit.
• The automatic return of display function does not work while in the
manual mode.
• When switching between manual and auto operation, the manipu-
lated variable is subject to balance-less, bump-less operation.
• If the power is interrupted during manual operation, manual opera-
tion is resumed at the manipulated variable at power interruption
when the power is reset.
• You can switch the AUTO/MANUAL function up to 100,000 times.

Balance-less, To prevent sudden changes in the manipulated variable when switching between
Bump-less Opera- manual and auto operation, operation is resumed using the value that was active
tion immediately before operation was switched, and the value is brought gradually
closer to the value immediately after operation was switched.


3.7 Adjusting Control Operation

The following diagram summarizes manual operation.

Manipulated variable (%)
Balance-less, bump-less points

Manipulated variable OFF ON
Manual switched
Power inter-
A/M ruption

F Position-proportional type
• When a potentiometer is connected to the controller, the process value
is displayed on the No.1 display, and the valve opening is displayed on
the No.2 display.
When a potentiometer is not connected to the controller, [----] is dis-
played on the No.2 display.
Potentiometer connected Potentiometer not connected

Process value Process value

Valve opening Valve opening


• When you press the key, the open side becomes ON. When you
press the key, the close side becomes ON.
• Other modes cannot be selected while in the manual mode. To select
other modes, press for 1 second minimum the A/M key. The manual
mode is quit.
• The automatic return of display function does not work while in the
manual mode.
• You can switch the AUTO/MANUAL function up to 100,000 times.



J Auto-tuning • AT (auto-tuning) cannot be executed while operation is canceled or

during ON/OFF control.
• When you execute auto-tuning, the optimum PID parameters are
automatically set by forcibly changing the manipulated variable to
calculate the characteristics (called the “limit cycle method”) of the
control target. During auto-tuning, the AT LED flashes.
• 40%AT or 100%AT can be selected by the limit cycle of MV change
width. Specify [ ] or [ ], respectively, in the “AT execute/
cancel” parameter (level 1 mode).
• During heating and cooling control and with position-proportional
type, only 100%AT can be executed. (So, [ ] (40%AT) will not be
• To cancel AT execution, specify [ ] (“AT cancel”).

F 40%AT In order to set the limit cycle of MV change width to 40%, select 40%AT
to execute auto-tuning with fluctuations in the process value kept to a
minimum. However, note that auto-tuning takes longer to execute
compared with 100%AT.
The timing by which limit cycles are generated varies according to
whether or not the deviation (DV) at the start of AT execution is 10%
full-scale or less.

Deviation at start of AT Deviation at start of AT

execution ≧ 10% full-scale execution < 10% full-scale

Limit cycle of MV change Limit cycle of MV change

width 40% width 40%

Set point Set point

Deviation 10% Deviation 10%

full-scale full-scale

Time Time
Start of AT End of AT Start of AT End of AT
execution execution

F 100%AT In order to set the limit cycle of MV change width to 100%, select 100%
AT to shorten the AT execution time without worrying about fluctua-
tions in the process value.

Limit cycle of MV
change width 100%

Set point

Start of AT End of AT


3.7 Adjusting Control Operation

In this example, let’s execute 40%AT.

Setting Example

(1) Select [ ] (level 1 mode) using the or keys. For details

on selecting the menu display, see page 1-8.

1 second min.
(2) Press the key to enter the level 1 mode. The top parameter in
the setup mode [ ] “AT execute/cancel” is displayed. In this
example, the parameter setting is [ ] “AT cancel”
(3) Press the key to specify [ ].
(4) The AT LED flashes, and AT execution starts. When the AT LED
goes out (end of AT execution), the parameter automatically
returns to [ ] (“AT cancel”).
AT execute

In addition to AT, the E5EK is also provided with fuzzy self-tuning

(ST) that allows automatic calculation of the PID parameters
suited to the control target. However, note that the ST function op-
erates only during standard control by temperature input. For fur-
ther information regarding the ST, please see page 5-34 and A-14.

About PID Parame- When control characteristics are already known, the PID parameters can be set
ters directly to adjust control.
PID parameters are set in the “proportional band” (P), “integrated time” (I) and
“derivative time” (D) parameters (level 1 mode).
For details on the setting ranges of these parameters, see chapter 5 Level 1 Mode
(page 5-13).





This chapter describes each of the parameters required for making
full use of the features of the E5EK. Read this chapter while referring
to the parameter descriptions in chapter 5.

4.1 Selecting the Control Method . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2

Heating and cooling control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Position-proportional control . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
ON/OFF control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
4.2 Operating Condition Restrictions . . . . . . . . 4-5
Manipulated variable restrictions . . . . . . . . 4-5
Set point limiter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
SP ramp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
4.3 How to Use Event Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
Input assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
Multi-SP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
Other event input functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
4.4 How to Use the Remote SP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
Scaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
SP mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
Remote SP monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
SP tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
Operating conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
4.5 How to Use the Heater Burnout Alarm . . . 4-13
Heater burnout detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13
Operating conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13
How to calculate
the heater burnout set value . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
4.6 LBA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
4.7 How to Use Transfer Output . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17



4.1 Selecting the Control Method

When selecting the control method, set the parameters according to the
following table. (Parameters are factory-set to heating control.)
Control output 1 Control output 2 Direct/Reverse
Control assignment assignment operations
Heating control
Control output (heat) - Reverse operation

Cooling control
Control output (heat) - Direct operation

Heating and cooling

Control output (heat) Control output (cool) Reverse operation
For details on how to assign outputs, see 3.3 Setting Output Specifica-
tions (page 3-6).
J Heating and • When heating and cooling control is selected, the “deadband” and
“cooling coefficient” parameters can be used.
cooling control
F Dead band The dead band is set with the set point as its center. The dead band
width is the set value of the “dead band” parameter (level 1 mode). Set-
ting a positive value produces a dead band, while setting a negative
value produces an overlap band.
Dead band: dead Overlap band: dead
Output band width = positive Output band width = negative

Heating Cooling Heating Cooling

side side side side
0 0
Set point Set point
F Cooling coeffi- If the heating and cooling characteristics of the control target greatly
cient differ, preventing satisfactory control characteristics from being
obtained by the same PID parameters, adjust the proportional band (P
at cooling side) using the cooling coefficient to balance control between
the heating and cooling sides. In heating and cooling control, P at the
heating or cooling side is calculated by the following formula:
Heating side P = P; Cooling side P = cooling coefficient ¢ P
F Manipulated vari- • In heating and cooling control, the manipulated variable output that
able at stop is output when controller operation is stopped is dependent on the set
value of the “MV at stop” parameter (level 2 mode) in the same way as
for standard control.
• However, note that in heating and cooling control, the manipulated
variable at the cooling side is treated as a negative value for the sake
of convenience. When the manipulated variable at STOP is a negative
value, the manipulated variable is output to only the cooling side, and
when a positive value, the manipulated variable is output to only the
heating side. The factory setting is “0”. If the controller is operated
using the factory setting, the manipulated variable is not output to
both the heating and cooling sides.

Switching with When the overlap band is set, the bumpless function that operates when switch-
Manual operation ing between manual and automatic operation may not work.


4.1 Selecting the Control Method

J Position-propor- • Use the position-proportional type controller for position-propor-

tional control.
tional control
• On a position-proportional type controller, control output 1 is used
for open output, and control output 2 is used for close output. Accord-
ingly, control outputs 1 and 2 cannot be used as output assignments.
Special output units are already set on position-proportional type
• On a position-proportional type controller, the following functions are
MV limiter
P and PD control
40% AT
ON/OFF control

F Travel time • The travel time is factory-set to “30 seconds.”

• To change the travel time, either set in the “travel time” parameter
(option mode), or execute motor calibration in the “motor calibra-
tion” parameter (option mode).

F Valve opening • The valve opening can be monitored when a potentiometer is con-
monitor nected to the controller. However, be sure to execute motor calibra-
tion after connecting the potentiometer.

F Manipulated vari- • Open, close or hold can be selected as output at stop or PV error. Set
able at stop/PV these outputs in the “manipulated variable at stop” or “manipulated
error variable at PV error” parameters (level 2 mode).

F Other functions • Set the dead band in the “position-proportional dead band” parame-
ter (level 1 mode).
• Set the open/close hysteresis in the “open/close hysteresis” parameter
(level 1 mode).

Open/close hysteresis

Dead band



MV--Valve opening
-100% 0 100%



J ON/OFF control • Switching between advanced PID control and ON/OFF control is car-
ried out by the “PID / ON/OFF” parameter (expansion mode). When
this parameter is set to [ ], advanced PID control is selected, and
when set to [ ], ON/OFF control is selected. Default is [ ].
• During position-proportional control, ON/OFF control cannot be
F Hysteresis • In ON/OFF control, hysteresis is provided in the program when
switching between ON and OFF to stabilize operation. The hysteresis
width provided during ON/OFF control is simply referred to as “hys-
teresis.” Control output (heat) and control output (cool) functions are
set in the “hysteresis (heat)” and “hysteresis (cool)” parameters, re-
• In standard control (heating or cooling control), hysteresis can be set
only for the heating side.
Hysteresis (heat)



Set point
• In heating and cooling control, a dead band can be set. So, 3-position
control is made possible.
Dead band

Hysteresis (heat) Hysteresis (cool)

Heating Cooling side
Set point

Parameters Symbol Parameter Name: Mode Description

Control output 1 For specifying control method
assignment : Setup
Control output 2 For specifying control method
assignment : Setup
Direct/Reverse For specifying control method
operation : Setup
Dead band : Level 1 Heating and cooling control
Cooling coefficient : Level 1 Heating and cooling control
MV at stop : Level 2 Manipulated variable when control
operation is stopped
MV at PV error : Level 2 Manipulated variable when control
operation is PV error
Travel time : Option Position-proportional control
Motor calibration : Option Position-proportional control
Positional-proportional Position-proportional control
dead band : Level 1
Open/close Position-proportional control
hysteresis : Level 2
Hysteresis (heat) : Level 1 ON/OFF control
Hysteresis (cool) : Level 1 ON/OFF control
PID / ON/OFF : Expansion ON/OFF control


4.2 Operating Condition Restrictions

4.2 Operating Condition Restrictions

J Manipulated vari- The upper-and lower-limit values of the manipulated variable can be
restricted by the MV limiter, and the change rate of the manipulated
able restrictions variable can be restricted by the MV change rate limiter.

F MV limiter The upper-and lower-limit values of the manipulated variable are set in
the “MV upper limit” and “MV lower limit” parameters (level 2 mode).
When the manipulated variable calculated by the E5EK is outside of the
range of the MV limiter, actual outputs are dependent on the set value
of these parameters.
Output (%)

MV upper limit value

MV lower
limit value

In heating and cooling control, the manipulated variable at the cooling

side is treated as a negative value for the sake of convenience. The
upper limit is set for the heating side (positive value), and the lower
limit is set for the cooling side (negative value) as shown in the follow-
ing figure.

Output (%)


MV lower limit value

MV upper limit value

Heating Cooling
side side
Set point

F MV change rate The “MV change rate limit” parameter (level 2 mode) sets the maxi-
limiter mum permissible change width per second of the manipulated variable.
If a change in the manipulated variable exceeds this parameter setting,
the value calculated by the E5EK is reached while changing the value
by the per-second value set in this parameter.
Output (%)

MV change rate
limit value
1 second

Switching point



F Limiter operation The limiters are invalid or cannot be set when any of the following
conditions conditions occurs:
• During ON/OFF control
• During ST execution
• During AT execution (only by MV change rate limiter)
• During manual operation
• When operation is stopped
• When an error has occurred.
• During position-proportional control (manipulated variable limiter

J Set point limiter The setting range of the set point is limited by the set point limiter. The
upper-and lower-limit values of this set point limiter are set in the “Set
point upper limit” and “Set point lower limit” parameters (expansion
mode), respectively. However, note that when the set point limiter is
reset, the set point is forcibly changed to the upper-or lower-limit value
of the set point limiter if the set point is out of the limiter range. Also,
when the input type, temperature unit and scaling (sensor) range are
changed, set point limiter is forcibly reset to the scaling (sensor) range.
Scaling (sensor) range
Set point limiter
Setting range SP
Changed to A B
the new up- ○ ×
per limit
Changed to upper
limit value

Input type changed

Set point Upper-and lower-limit values of the limiter C B
Scaling (sensor) upper-and lower-limit values ○

J SP ramp With the SP ramp function, the controller operates according to the val-
ue (set point during SP ramp) limited by a change rate, instead of the
changed set point when set point is changed. The interval in which the
set point during SP ramp is limited is referred to as the “SP ramp”.

SP ramp
Set point

SP ramp set
SP ramp time unit
Switching point


4.2 Operating Condition Restrictions

The change rate during the SP ramp is specified by the “SP ramp set
value” and “SP ramp time unit” parameters. At the “SP ramp set value”
default “0”, the SP ramp function is disabled.
The set point changing in SP ramp can be monitored in the “Set point
during SP ramp” parameter (level 0 mode).

F Operation at start The limiters are invalid or cannot be set when any of the following
conditions occurs:
If the SP ramp function is enabled when the power is turned ON, and
when “run” is switched to from “stop,” process value may reach the set
point after SP ramp in the same way as when the set point is changed.
In this case, operation is carried out with the process value regarded as
the set point before the change was made.
The direction of the SP ramp changes according to the relationship be-
tween the process value and the set point.

SP ramp
SP ramp
Set point
Same change
Set point

Time Time
Power ON Power ON

F Restrictions dur- • Execution of auto-tuning starts after the end of SP ramp.

ing SP ramp • When the controller is switched to the manual mode, the set point
changes continuously until SP ramp ends.
• When the controller is in the stop state or an error occurs, the SP
ramp function becomes invalid.

Symbol Parameter Name: Mode Description
MV upper limit : Level 2 Manipulated variable restrictions
MV lower limit : Level 2 Manipulated variable restrictions
MV change rate limit : Level 2 Manipulated variable restrictions
SP setting upper limit: Expansion SP setting restrictions
SP setting lower limit : Expansion SP setting restrictions
SP ramp set value : Level 2 SP changing restrictions
SP ramp time unit : Level 2 SP changing restrictions



4.3 How to Use Event Input

• When using event input, mount the option unit (E53-AKB).

• Event inputs can be switched up to 100,000 times.

J Input • You can choose from the following four event input functions:
assignments Multi-SP
Multi-SP function Auto/Manual
0 1, 2 SP mode
• In the case of the multi-SP function, the number of event inputs
Run/Stop Multi-SP (event input 1 or 2) set in the “multi-SP function” parameter (option
mode) are used.
Auto/Manual • Other functions are assigned to event inputs 1 and 2 not used for the
multi-SP function according to the setting of the “event input assign-
SP mode ment 1 and 2” parameters (option mode). However, note that “event
input assignment 1/2” parameters cannot be used when only one unit of
the E53-AKB is installed.

Event input 1 2

0 Multi-SP
Multi-SP function

Other event input functions


• The following table shows the relationship between the settings and
functions of the “event input assignment 1 and 2” parameters.

Setting Function
Event input disabled
ON : Stop /OFF : Run
ON : Manual /OFF : Auto


4.3 How to Use Event Input

F Assignment • In this example, set two event inputs are used, the multi-SP function
example to “1”, and event input 2 to “Run/Stop”. Set as follows:
(1) Set “multi-SP function” parameter to “1”
(2) Set “event input assignment 2” parameter to “ ”

Event input 1 2


J Multi-SP • Set points 0 to 3 are set as the set point according to event input.
However, note that these parameters can not be set when the mul-
ti-SP function is not selected. The following table shows the relation-
ship between event inputs and set points 0 to 3.

Multi-SP Function 1 2
Event Input 1 1 2
Set Point 0 OFF OFF OFF
Set Point 1 ON ON OFF
Set Point 2 - OFF ON
Set Point 3 - ON ON

• When you have changed the set point in the PV/SP display, the set
point of the currently selected is also simultaneously changed.
• When you have switched between set point 0 to 3, the SP ramp function
works if the SP ramp function is enabled. The following example shows
how the set point changes when you switch from set point 0 to set point
set point 1 ramp

set point 0

Event input OFF ON



J Other event input functions

• Switch the parameter settings for each of the run/stop, remote/local
and SP modes.
• The switching operation of auto/manual is the same as that of the A/M

• There is no order of priority in event input and key operations. How-
ever, run/stop or auto/manual event inputs must be set to either of
ON or OFF. So, parameters will always follow event input even if you
try to switch settings by key operation.

F Run/Stop • When event input is set to “ON”, controller operation is stopped and
the “STOP” LED lights. The content of event input is reflected in the
“run/stop” parameter (level 0 mode).

F Auto/Manual • When event input is set to “ON”, the controller is switched for
manual operation, and the “MANU” LED lights.
• Turn event input ON/OFF while the controller is ON.

F SP mode • This function is enabled only when the “SP mode enable” parameter
(option mode) is set to “ON”.
• When event input is set to “ON”, the remote SP (RSP) is taken as the
set point, and the “RSP” LED lights. When event input is set to
“OFF”, the local SP (LSP) is taken as the set point. The content of
event input is reflected in the “SP mode” parameter (level 2 mode).
For details on RSP/LSP, see 4.4 How to Use the Remote SP (page

Parameters Symbol Parameter Name: Mode Application

Multi-SP function : Option Event input functions
* Event input assignment 1 and 2 : Option Event input functions
** Set point 0 to 4 : Level 1 Multi-SP
*: and ** : to


4.4 How to Use the Remote SP

4.4 How to Use the Remote SP

• Taking a remote SP input (4 to 20 mA) as the set point is referred to

as the “remote SP” function. The remote SP function is enabled only
when the “remote SP (RSP) enable” parameter (option mode) is set to

J Scaling • Remote SP upper-and lower-limit values can be set by scaling.

• Inputs within the range 4 to 20 mA (-10 to 110%) are allowed as
remote SP inputs. Inputs not within this range are regarded as out-of-
range input values. In this case, input is clamped at the remote SP
lower or upper limit values, and the “RSP” LED blinks.
• If the output function “RSP input error” is assigned for when an out-
of-range remote SP is input, the “RSP input error” output is turned
ON. Control output also switches to the setting of the “MV at PV
error” parameter.
• Set the upper limit value in the “remote SP upper limit” parameter
and the lower limit value in the “remote SP lower limit” parameter
(option mode).
RSP (%)
Out-of-range input
(blinks of upper-and lower-limit values)
Upper limit value

Lower limit value

Input (mA)
4 20
2.4 (-10%) 21.6 (-110%)

F Relationship with • When the “Set point upper limit” or “Set point lower limit” parame-
set point limiter ters are changed, the remote SP upper-and lower-limit values are for-
cibly changed to the set point upper-and lower-limit values. The fol-
lowing example shows how the remote SP upper-and lower-limit
values are changed when the set point upper limit value is changed
from A to B.
Set point limiter
RSP scaling range
Before change Set point

Upper limit value

changed from A to B

Changed to B Set point

upper limit value Upper-and lower-limit values of the limiter
RSP scaling upper-and lower-limit values

J SP mode • The set point held internally by the E5EK controller is referred to as
the “local SP (LSP).”
LSP • If the multi-SP function is enabled, set points 0 to 3 are enabled for
SP mode
use as the local SP.
• Use the “SP mode” parameter to switch between the remote SP and
RSP local SP. When the SP mode parameter is set to “ ” (remote SP),
RSP enable
the “RSP” LED lights. When the SP mode parameter is set to
“ ”, the controller is in the local SP.



J Remote SP • In the remote SP mode, the remote SP can be monitored on the No.2
display for PV/SP. In the local SP mode, the remote SP can be moni-
monitor tored in the “remote SP monitor” parameter.

J SP tracking • When the local SP is switched to from the remote SP when the SP
tracking function is enabled, the local SP is changed so that the
remote SP value is held at the SP value used immediately before
To use the SP tracking function, set the “SP tracking” parameter to
• The following figure shows how SP tracking works when the SP mode
is switched.

RSP input



(1) When the remote SP is switched to when the set point is “LSP1”,
the SP is switched to “RSP2”.
(2) The SP shifts according to remote SP input.
(3) When the local SP is switched to, the set point becomes “LSP2” if
the SP tracking function is enabled. If this function is disabled, the
SP will be switched to “LSP1”.
• When the local SP is switched to the remote SP, the SP ramp will
operate if the SP ramp function is enabled.

J Operating • When the SP function is set to “ON”, the “SP mode” parameter is for-
cibly changed to [ ] and the local SP is taken as the set point.
• During auto-tuning, remote SP input is not accepted. Auto-tuning is
executed on the set point at the start of auto-tuning.
• Remote SP is not subject to the standby sequence reset conditions.

Parameters Symbol Parameter Name: Mode Application

Remote SP enable : Option Remote SP function

Remote SP upper limit : Option RSP scaling
Remote SP lower limit : Option RSP scaling
SP mode : Level 2 LSP/RSP switching
SP tracking : Option LSP/RSP switching


4.5 How to Use the Heater Burnout Alarm

4.5 How to Use the Heater Burnout Alarm

• On a standard type controller, the HBA (heater burnout alarm) func-

tion can be used only when the assignment destination of the output
function “control output (heat)” is set to pulsed output.
• When using the HBA function, assign output function “heater burn-
out (HB) alarm” to auxiliary outputs 1 or 2.

J Heater burnout • Heater burnout detection works as follows.

(1) Connect the current transformer (CT) to terminal Nos.15 and 17,
detection and insert the heater lead through the CT hole.
CT terminal (2) When current flows through this lead, the current transformer gen-
erates AC current proportional to the current value. The E5EK
measures this AC current to calculate the current flowing to the
CT heater.
(3) If heater is burned out, the current measured at the current trans-
former decreases. This value is compared with the value set as the
heater burnout set value and is output as the heater burnout
Heater wire
• Set the heater burnout set value in the “heater burnout alarm”
parameter. To check the current value of the current transformer, use
the “heater current monitor” parameter.
• When you are not using the HBA function, set the “heater burnout
alarm” parameter to “0.0 (disabled)”.

F HBA • When the HBA latch function is set to “ON”, the heater burnout
latch/release alarm is held until either of the following measures is taken:
a Set the heater burnout set value to “0.0”.
b Reset the controller.
(Turn the controller’s power OFF then back ON again.)
• To enable the HBA latch function, set the “HBA latch” parameter to

J Operating • Turn the heater power supply ON at the same time as or before turn-
ing the E5EK power supply ON. If the heater power supply is turned
conditions ON after turning the E5EK power supply On, the heater burnout
alarm is output.
• Control is continued even when the heater burnout alarm is output.
(That is, the controller attempts to control the heater as if the heater
burnout alarm has not occurred.) So, remedy the condition such as
repairs which are caused by the heater burnout alarm.
• The heater burnout alarm is detected only if the control output is
continuously ON for 190 ms or more.
• The rated current value may sometimes differ slightly from the actual
current value flowing to the heater. Check the current value in an
actual operating status in the “heater current monitor” parameter.
• If there is little difference between the current in a normal status and
the current in a burnout status, detection may become unstable. On a
heater of current 10.0 A or less, maintain a difference of 1.0 A or
more. On a heater of current 10.0 A or more, maintain a difference of
2.5 A or more.
• Heater burnout alarm function cannot be used when controlling the
heater by a phase control method or by a cycle control method. Also,
3-phase heaters cannot be used.
When detecting heater burnout on a 3-phase heater, use the K2CU-FVVA-VGS
(with gate input terminal). (For details, see the respective data sheet.)



J How to calculate • Calculate the set value by the following formula:

the heater burn- Set value =
(current value at normal operation + current value at burnout)
out set value
• Set the current value at burnout when two or more heaters are con-
nected to the CT to the value at the time that the heater having the
smallest current value burns out (the value when one of the heaters
burns out with all heaters at the same current).
• Make sure that the following condition is satisfied:
Heater of current 10.0 A or less
Current value at normal operation --- current value at heater
burnout ≧ 1 A
When resultant current is less than 1 A, detection is unstable.
Heater of current 10.0 A or more
Current value at normal operation --- current value at heater
burnout ≧ 2.5 A
When resultant current is less than 2.5 A, detection is unstable.
• The setting range is 0.1 to 49.9 A. Heater burnout is not detected
when the setting is “0.0” or “50.0”. When the setting is “0.0”, the
heater burnout alarm is set to “OFF”, and when the setting is “50.0”,
the heater burnout alarm is set to “ON”.
• Set the total current value at normal heater operation to 50 A or less.
When set to 55.0 A or more, [ ] is displayed in the “heater cur-
rent monitor” parameter.

F Examples of use Example 1 : when using a 200 VAC, 1 kW heater

Control output 1000
Heater Current at normal operation = = 5A (<10A)
Current at heater burnout = 0A
1KW 5+0
AC200V Set value = = 2.5A
CT 2

E5EK 17 15
Example 2 : when using three 200 VAC, 1 kW heaters

Heater Control output

Current at normal operation = ×3 = 15A (≧ 10A)
1KWx3 Current at burnout of one heater = ×2 = 10A
AC200V 200
Set value = = 12.5A
(current at normal operation ---current at heater burn-
E5EK 17 15 out = 15 --- 10 = 5A (≧ 2.5A)

Parameters Symbol Parameter Name: Mode Application

Heater current monitor : Level 1 Heater current value monitor
Heater burnout : Level 1 Heater burnout detection
Heater burnout latch : Option Heater burnout detection alarm latch


4.6 LBA

4.6 LBA

• The LBA (Loop Break Alarm) function can be used only on standard
type controllers.
• The LBA function can be used only when assigned as an output. Also,
the LBA function does not work when a memory error or A/D con-
verter error results.
• LBA (Loop Break Alarm) is a function for judging that an error has
occurred somewhere on the control loop and outputting an alarm
when the process value does not change with the manipulated vari-
able at a maximum or minimum state. Accordingly, the LBA function
can be used as a means for detecting a malfunctioning control loop.

F LBA detection • Normally, when output is set to maximum or minimum, the process
time value rises or falls after the dead time has elapsed. LBA is output if
the process value does not change in the predicted direction after a
fixed amount of time has elapsed. This fixed amount of time is the
“LBA detection time.”

F LBA detection • LBA operation sometimes becomes unstable when the process value
width fluctuates considerably due to the control characteristics. The LBA
detection width is provided so that changes with respect to output can
be correctly detected. Changes smaller than the detection width due
to LBA detection timing are not regarded as changes.

F LBA detection • The following example describes what happens when a heater burn-
example out at maximum output.
LBA detection time LBA detection time


LBA detection width


Heater burnout LBA=ON

• LBA judgment is carried out at each LBA detection time from the
point of maximum output. In above figure, the process value (PV) is
changing greatly at the 1st judgment timing, so LBA remains OFF.
• At the 2nd judgment timing, the process value increases as indicated
by the broken line of the process value is normal. This means that the
change width exceeds the LBA detection width, and LBA output
remains OFF.
• If the heater burns out at the point shown in the above figure, the
process value “decreases.” Accordingly, it is judged that “the process
value is not changing in the increasing direction” at the 2nd judg-
ment timing and the LBA output becomes ON.



F Setting the LBA • The LBA detection time is automatically set by auto-tuning (except in
detection time heating and cooling control).
• If the optimum LBA detection time cannot be obtained by auto-tun-
ing, set the time in the “LBA detection time” parameter (level 2

F Determining the • Calculate the LBA detection time as follows:

LBA detection (1) Set output to maximum.
time (2) Measure the time it takes for the input change width to reach the
LBA detection width (default: 0.2 % full-scale).
(3) Take a value twice that of the measurement time as the LBA detec-
tion time.
Measurement time Tm



LBA detection time = Tm x 2

(4) In the case of ON/OFF operation, set the LBA detection time to a
value longer than the control period.

Symbol Parameter Name: Mode Application
AT Execute/Cancel : Level 1 Automatic setting of LBA detec-
tion time
LBA detection time : Level 2 Setting of LBA detection time
LBA detection width : Expansion Changing of LBA detection


4.7 How to Use Transfer Output

4.7 How to Use Transfer Output

• When using transfer output, add on the communications unit


F Transfer output • You can select the following data items in the “transfer output type”
type parameter (option mode) as the transfer outputs:
Set point
Set point during SP ramp
Process value
Manipulated variable (heat)
Manipulated variable (cool), and
Valve opening.
However, note that heating/cooling side manipulated variables can be
output only standard type controllers, and valve opening can be out-
put on position-proportional type controllers
• If the output assignment is changed when either ”manipulated vari-
able (heat)” or ”manipulated variable (cool)” parameter is selected,
the default ”set point” is returned to.
F Transfer output • These transfer outputs can be scaled according to the settings of the
scaling “transfer output upper limit” and “transfer output lower limit”
parameters before output. Setting of an upper limit value smaller
than the lower limit value is allowed, so reverse scaling can also be
carried out. Also, the scale can be enlarged by the upper-and lower-
limit width specified for each data item. The following example shows
scaling of the reading side manipulated variable.
Transfer output Transfer output
(mA) Reverse scaling (mA) Enlarged scale

20 20

4 4
Manipu- Manipulated
lated 0 variable (%)
Transfer output Transfer Transfer Transfer 100
variable output lower output upper
upper limit: 0 output lower (%)
limit: 100 limit: 10 limit: 80



• If “input type”, “scaling upper/lower limit”, “SP limitter upper/lower

limit”, or “°C/°F selection” parameters is changed when “set point”,
“set point during SP ramp”, or “process value” parameter is selected,
each of the “transfer output upper limit” and “transfer output lower
limit” parameters are forcibly changed to their respective upper or
lower limit values.

SP limitter
Transfer type scaling range
Change value Set point

Change upper limit

value A to B.

Limitter upper limit B Set point

change value Limitter upper/lower limit values
Transfer type scaling upper/lower limit values

Parameters Symbol Parameter Name: Mode Application

Transfer output type : Option Transfer output designation
Transfer output upper limit : Option Transfer output scaling
Transfer output lower limit : Option Transfer output scaling



This chapter describes the parameters of the E5EK. Use this chapter
as a reference guide.

Conventions Used in this Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2

Protect Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
Manual Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
Level 0 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
Level 1 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
Level 2 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-18
Setup Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-25
Expansion Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-32
Option Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-37
Calibration Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-46



Conventions Used in this Chapter

J The meaning of icons used in this chapter

Describes the functions of the parameter.


Describes the range and defaults of the parameter setting.


Used for monitor-dedicated parameters.

Describes the range of the monitor values.

Describes a procedure using parameters in operating instructions.

of use

Describes related parameters and items.


Describes models of the E5EK or option units supporting the parameter being

J About parameter display

On the E5EK controller, only parameters that can be used are displayed. These parameters
are displayed only when the “Conditions of Use” on the right of the parameter heading are
satisfied. However, note that the settings of protected parameters are still valid, and are not
displayed regardless of the conditions of use.

Conditions of Use
AT Execute/cancel The controller must
be in operation.


Protect Mode

• The protect mode is for disabling (protecting) the functions of the menu key or
A/M key. Before changing parameters in this mode, first make sure that protecting

the menu key or A/M key will not cause any problems in operation.
• To select this mode, press the A/M key and key simultaneously for 1 second
minimum. To exit this mode, press the A/M key and key down again simulta-
neously for 1 second minimum.
• The following table shows the parameters supported in this mode and the page
where the parameter is described.
Symbol Parameter Name Page
Security 5-3
[A/M] key protect 5-4


• This parameter specifies which parameters are protected. However, note that the
protect mode and manual mode cannot be protected.

• When this parameter is set to “0” to “3”, only the modes indicated by the “f”
mark in the table below can be selected on the menu display. For example, when
this parameter is set to “2”, only level 0 to 2 modes can be selected.
Set value
0 1 2 3
Calibration f
Option f f
Expansion f f
Setup f f
Level 2 f f f
Level 1 f f f f
Level 0 f f f f

• When this parameter is set to “4” to “6”, operations in only the level 0 mode can
be selected, and the mode is not displayed on the menu display.
• When this parameter is set to “5”, only the “PV/SP” parameter in the level 0 mode
can be used.
• When this parameter is set to “6”, only the “PV/SP” parameter in the level 0 mode
can be used. (The set point cannot change.)
• Default is “1”. (Only the calibration mode is protected.)

F Related article
3.5 Protect Mode (page 3-12)


Protect Mode

[A/M] key protect

• Invalidate the function of the key. In other words, you cannot switch between
the auto and manual operations by key operation.

•[ ]: A/M key protect ON

•[ ]: A/M key protect canceled
Comment • Default = [ ]

F Related article
3.5 Protect Mode (page 3-12)


Manual Mode

• In this mode, manual operations are possible, and the “MANU” LED lights.
• When this mode is selected, the manipulated variable that was active immediately
before the mode was switched to is output. When changing the manipulated vari-
able, change it using the or keys.
If this mode is switched to during auto-tuning, auto-tuning is canceled.
• To select this mode when in the level 0 to 2 modes, press the A/M key for 1 second
minimum. To exit this mode, press the A/M key for 1 second minimum. The mode
changes to the level 0 mode.
• “Manual MV” is the only parameter available in this mode.

Manual MV

• Sets the manipulated variable for manual operation or the valve opening. On a stan-
dard type controller when you press the or keys, the manipulated variable is
changed. On a position-proportional type controller when you press the key, the
open side becomes ON, and when you press the key, the close side becomes ON.
• On a standard type controller, the process value is displayed on the No.1 display
and the manipulated variable is displayed on the No.2 display.

Process value



• When a potentiometer is connected on a position-proportional type controller, the

process value is displayed on the No.1 displayed, and the valve opening is dis-
played on the No.2 display. When a potentiometer is not connected to the control-
ler, [----] is displayed on the No.2 display.
Potentiometer connected Potentiometer not connected

Process value Process value

Valve opening Valve opening


• On standard type controllers, the manual MV is held when the power is inter-

• Standard type
Control Method Setting Range Unit Default
Comment Standard -5.0 to 105.0 % 0
Heating and cooling -105.0 to 105.0 % 0
• Position-proportional type
Control Method Monitor Range Unit
Position-proportional -10.0 to 110.0 %

F Related article
3.7 Adjusting Control Operation (page 3-14)


Level 0 Mode

• The parameters in this mode can be used only when the “security” parameter
(protect mode) is set to “0” to “4”.
• The “PV/SP” parameter can be used when the “security” parameter is set to “5”
or “6”. However, note that the SP cannot be changed when it is set to “6”.
• This mode is used for monitoring the process value, set point and manipulated
variable during operation, and for checking and setting the SP setting value. It is
also used for starting and stopping controller operation.
• To select this mode when in the levels 1 and 2, setup, expansion, option and cal-
ibration modes, press the key for 1 second minimum. The display changes to
the menu display. If you select [ ] then press key for 1 second minimum,
the controller enters the level 0 mode.
• To select parameters in this mode, press the key. To change parameter set-
tings, use the or keys.
• The following table shows the parameters supported in this mode and the page
where the parameter is described.
Symbol Parameter Name Page
PV/SP 5-6
Remote SP monitor 5-7
Set point during SP ramp 5-8
MV monitor (heat) 5-8
MV monitor (cool) 5-8
Valve opening monitor 5-9
Run/Stop 5-9


• The process value is displayed on the No.1 display, and the set point is displayed
on the No.2 display. The set point can be set.

• Either of the local SP or remote SP is displayed as the set point depending on the
SP mode. In the remote SP mode, the set point is only monitored.
Local SP mode Remote SP mode

Process value

Set point Monitor only

[RSP] LED not lit [RSP] LED lit

• The selected set point is linked when the multi-SP function is in use in the local
SP mode. For example, when set point 1 is selected, set point 1 is displayed on the
No.2 display, and the setting of the “set point 1” parameter (level 1 mode) also is
changed when the value of set point 1 is changed.
• The decimal point position is dependent on the selected sensor during tempera-
ture input and on the results of scaling during analog input.


Level 0 Mode

• Process value
Monitor Range Unit
Scaling lower limit -10%FS to scaling upper limit +10%FS EU
During temperature input, the range of the currently selected sensor is taken as
the monitor range.

• Set point
Setting Range/Monitor Range Unit Default
Local SP : Local SP lower limit to local SP setting upper limit EU 0
Remote SP: Remote SP lower limit to remote SP upper limit EU -

F Related article
3.7 Adjusting Control Operation (page 3-14)
F Related parameters
“Input type” “Scaling upper limit” “Scaling lower limit” “Decimal point” (setup
“SP setting upper limit” “SP setting lower limit” (expansion mode)
“SP mode” (level 2 mode)
“Remote SP enable” “Remote SP upper limit” “Remote SP lower limit” (option

Remote SP monitor Conditions of Use

The controller must be in the local SP
mode with the remote SP function

• Monitors remote SP in the local SP mode.


Monitor Range Unit

Remote SP lower limit to Remote SP upper limit EU

F Related article
4.2 Operating Condition Restrictions/SP ramp (page 4-6)
F Related parameters
“SP mode” (level 2 mode)
“Remote SP enable” “Remote SP lower limit” “Remote SP upper limit” (option



Level 0 Mode

Set point during SP Conditions of Use

The remote SP function must be
ramp enabled. When the remote SP function
is disabled, this function can be used
only when the SP ramp function is

• Monitors the set point during SP ramp

• Matches the set point of the “PV/SP” parameter when the set point is not during
Function SP ramp.

Monitor Range Unit

Local SP : Local SP setting lower limit to local SP setting upper limit EU
Remote SP : Remote SP lower limit to remote SP upper limit EU

F Related article
4.2 Operating Condition Restriction/SP ramp (page 4-6)
F Related parameters
See “PV/SP” (level 0 mode)
“SP ramp time unit” “SP ramp set value” (level 2 mode)
“Set point upper limit” “Set point lower limit” (expansion mode)
“SP mode” (level 2 mode)
“Remote SP enable” “Remote SP upper limit” “Remote SP lower limit” (option

MV monitor (heat) Conditions of Use

Control must be standard control or
heating and cooling control.
MV monitor (cool)

• This parameter cannot be set.

• Monitors the manipulated variable on the heating or cooling side.
• The manipulated variable in a standard control system is checked in the “MV
Function monitor (heat)” parameter.
• The “MV monitor (cool)” parameter can be used only during heating and cooling
• MV monitor (heat)
Control Monitor Range Unit
Standard -5.0 to 105.0 %
Heating and cooling 0.0 to 105.0 %
• MV monitor (cool)
Control Monitor Range Unit
Heating and cooling 0.0 to 105.0 %

E5EK-AA2 AC100-240



Level 0 Mode

Valve opening monitor Conditions of Use

Control must be position-proportional

• Monitors the valve opening during position-proportional control.


Monitor Range Unit

-10 to +110 EU

F Related article
4.1 Selecting the Control Method/Position-proportional control (page 4-3)

E5EK-PRR2 AC100-240


• This parameter is used for checking the operating status of the controller, and for
specifying start and stop of operation.
Function • When the “run/stop” function is assigned to event input, “stop” is set when event
input is ON, and “run” is set when event input is OFF. There is no order of prior-
ity in key operations.

• To start operation, set this parameter to [ ] press the or keys. To

stop operation, set this parameter to [ ]. When operation is stopped, the
“STOP” LED lights.
of use • Default is [ ]

F Related article
3.6 Starting and Stopping Operation (page 3-13)



Level 1 Mode

• The parameters in this mode can be used only when the “security” parameter
(protect mode) is set to “0” to “3”.
• This mode contains the main parameters for adjusting control. These parameters
include parameters for executing AT (auto-tuning), setting the alarm values, set-
ting the control period, and setting PID parameters.
• To select this mode when in the levels 0 and 2, setup, expansion, option and cal-
ibration modes, press the key for 1 second minimum. The display changes to
the menu display. If you select [ ] then press the key for 1 second mini-
mum, the controller enters the level 1 mode.
• To select parameters in this mode, press the key. To change parameter set-
tings, use the or keys.
• The following table shows the parameters supported in this mode and the page
where the parameter is described.
Symbol Parameter Name Page
AT Execute/Cancel 5-11

Set point 0 5-11

Set point 1 5-11
Set point 2 5-11
Set point 3 5-11
Alarm value 1 5-12
Alarm value 2 5-12
Alarm value 3 5-12
Proportional band 5-12

Integral time 5-12

Derivative time 5-12

Cooling coefficient 5-13

Dead band 5-14

Position-proportional dead band 5-14

Manual reset value 5-15

Hysteresis (heat) 5-15

Hysteresis (cool) 5-15

Control period (heat) 5-16

Control period (cool) 5-16

Heater current monitor 5-17

Heater burnout 5-17


Level 1 Mode

AT Execute/Cancel Conditions of Use

The controller must be in operation, con-
trol must be advanced PID control, and
ST must be set to OFF.

• Selects the limit cycle of MV change width (40% or 100%) for execution. After AT
execution, the “PID” and the “LBA detection time” (LBA: Loop Break Alarm)
parameters are set automatically.
• During heating and cooling control or position-proportional control, only 100%AT
can be executed.

• When this parameter is selected, the setting becomes [ ].

• To execute 40%AT, select [ ], and to execute 100%AT, select [ ]. During
execution of auto-tuning, the AT LED flashes. However, note that during heating
of use and cooling control or position-proportional control, [ ] is not displayed.
• When AT execution ends, the parameter setting automatically returns to [ ].

F Related article
3.7 Adjusting Control Operation (page 3-16)
F Related parameters
“Run/Stop” (level 0 mode)
“Proportional band” “Integral time” “Derivative time” (level 1 mode)
“LBA detection time” (level 2 mode)

Set point 0 Set point 2

Set point 1 Set point 3

Conditions of Use
The controller must be in the local SP
mode with the multi-SP function

• Switches set points 0 to 3 by event input for use as the set point (local SP).
• Of set points 0 to 3, the number of valid set points is designated by the “multi-SP
function” parameter.
Function • The following table shows the relationship between event input and the selected
Multi-SP Function 1 2
Event Input 1 1 2
Set Point 0 OFF OFF OFF
Set Point 1 ON ON OFF
Set Point 2 - OFF ON
Set Point 3 - ON ON

• When the set point has been changed, the setting of whichever is selected in event
input, “set point 0” to “set point 3”, is linked and changed.
• The decimal point position is dependent on the selected sensor during tempera-
ture input and on the results of scaling during analog input.



Level 1 Mode

Setting Range Unit Default

Set point lower limit to Set point upper limit EU 0

F Related article
4.3 How to Use Event Input (page 4-8)
F Related parameters
“Multi-SP function” “Remote SP enable” (option mode)
“Set point” (level 0 mode) “SP mode” (level 2 mode)
“Input type” “Scaling upper limit” “Scaling lower limit” “Decimal point” (setup

F Option unit

Alarm value 1 Conditions of Use

Alarms must be assigned as outputs. For
Alarm value 2 example, if alarm outputs 1 and 2 only are
assigned as outputs, the “alarm value 3”
Alarm value 3 parameter cannot be used.

• This parameter is used for monitoring or changing the alarm values of alarm outputs
1 to 3.
• During temperature input, the decimal point position is dependent on the cur-
rently selected sensor, and during analog input on the results of scaling.

Setting Range Unit Default

-1999 to 9999 EU 0


F Related article
3.4 Setting Alarm Type (page 3-9)
F Related parameters
“Input type” “Scaling upper limit” “Scaling lower limit” Decimal point” “Control
output 1 assignment” “Control output 2 assignment” “Auxiliary output 1 assign-
ment” “Auxiliary output 2 assignment” “Alarm 1 type” “Alarm 2 type” “Alarm 3
type” “Alarm 1 open in alarm” “Alarm 2 open in alarm” “Alarm 3 open in alarm”
(setup mode)
“Alarm 1 hysteresis” “Alarm 2 hysteresis” “Alarm 3 hysteresis” (level 2 mode)
“Standby sequence reset method” (expansion mode)


Level 1 Mode

Proportional band Conditions of Use

Control must be advanced PID control,
and ST must be set to OFF.
Integral time

Derivative time

• Sets the PID parameters. However, note that the PID parameter settings are
changed to optimum values when auto-tuning is executed, and self-tuning is

Parameter Setting Range Unit Default

Proportional band 0.1 to 999.9 %FS 10.0
Integral time 0 to 3999 (see note1) Second 233
Derivative time 0 to 3999 Second 40
note1 : During position-proportional control, the setting range become 1 to 3999s.

F Related parameter
“AT Execute/Cancel” (level 1 mode)


Cooling coefficient Conditions of Use

The control must be either heating and
cooling control, or advanced PID control.

• In heating and cooling control, P at the cooling side is calculated by the following
Cooling side P = cooling coefficient ¢ P

Setting Range Unit Default

0.01 to 99.99 None 1.00


F Related article
4.1 Selecting the Control Method (page 4-2)
F Related parameter
“Proportional band” (level 1 mode)

E5EK-AA2 AC100-240


Level 1 Mode

Dead band Conditions of Use

The control system must be heating and
cooling control.

• Sets the output dead band width in a heating and cooling control system. A nega-
tive setting sets an overlap band.


Setting Range Unit Default

-19.99 to 99.99 %FS 0.00


F Related article
4.1 Selecting the Control Method (page 4-2)

E5EK-AA2 AC100-240


Position-proportional Conditions of Use

Control must be position-proportional
dead band

• Sets the output hold width during position-proportional control (ON/OFF switch-
ing point for open and close output).

Function Open/close hysteresis

Dead band



MV--Valve opening
-100% 0 100%

Setting Range Unit Default

0.1 to 10.0 % 2.0

F Related article
4.1 Selecting the Control Method/Position-proportional Control (page 4-3).
F Related parameter
“Open/close hysteresis” (level 2 mode)

E5EK-PRR2 AC100-240



Level 1 Mode

Manual reset value Conditions of Use

The control must be either standard con-
trol or advanced PID control, ST must
be set to OFF, and the “integral time”
parameter must be set to “0”.

• Sets the required manipulated variable to remove offset during stabilization of P

or PD control.

Setting Range Unit Default

0.0 to 100.0 % 50.0


E5EK-AA2 AC100-240


Hysteresis (heat) Conditions of Use

The control system must be ON/OFF
Hysteresis (cool)

• Sets the hysteresis for ensuring stable operation at ON/OFF switching.

• In standard control, use the “hysteresis (heat)” parameter. The “hysteresis (cool)”
Function parameter cannot be used.
• In heating and cooling control, the hysteresis can be set independently for heating
and cooling. Use the “hysteresis (heat)” parameter to set the heating side hystere-
sis, and use the “hysteresis (cool)” parameter to set the cooling side hysteresis.

Parameter Setting Range Unit Default

Hysteresis (heat) 0.01 to 99.99 %FS 0.10
Hysteresis (cool) 0.01 to 99.99 %FS 0.10

F Related article
4.1 Selecting the Control Method/ON/OFF control (page 4-4)
F Related parameters
“Control output 1 assignment” “Control output 2 assignment” (setup mode)
“PID / ON/OFF” (expansion mode)

E5EK-AA2 AC100-24




Level 1 Mode

Control period (heat) Conditions of Use

Relay or voltage output must be set as
the outputs, and the control must be set
Control period (cool) to advanced PID control, standard con-
trol or heating and cooling control.

• Sets the pulse output period. Set the control period taking the control characteris-
tics and life expectancy of the controller into consideration.
Function • In standard control, use the “control period (heat)” parameter. The “control
period (cool)” parameter cannot be used.
• In heating and cooling control, the control period can be set independently for
heating and cooling. Use the “control period (heat)” parameter to set the heating
side control period, and use the “control period (cool)” parameter to set the cool-
ing side control period.

Parameter Setting Range Unit Default

Control period (heat) 1 to 99 Second 20
Control period (cool) 1 to 99 Second 20

F Related article
3.3 Setting Output Specifications (page 3-6)
See F Related parameters
“Control output 1 assignment” “Control output 2 assignment” (setup mode)

E5EK-AA2 AC100-240


Level 1 Mode

Heater current monitor Conditions of Use

The HBA output function must be

• Measures the current value of the heater from CT input.


Monitor Range Unit

0.0 to 55.0 A

Monitor •[ ] is displayed when 55.0 A is exceeded.

F Related article
4.5 How to Use the Heater Burnout Alarm (page 4-13)

F Related parameters
“Heater burnout” (level 1 mode) “HBA latch” (option mode)

E5EK-AA2 AC100-240


Heater burnout Conditions of Use

The HBA output function must be

• Outputs the heater burnout alarm when the heater current value falls below this
parameter setting.
Function • When the set value is “0.0”, the heater burnout alarm is “OFF”. When the set
value is “50.0”, the heater burnout alarm is “ON”.

Setting Range Unit Default

0.0 to 50.0 A 0.0


F Related article
4.5 How to Use the Heater Burnout Alarm (page 4-13)

F Related parameters
“Heater current monitor” (level 1 mode) “HBA latch” (option mode)

E5EK-AA2 AC100-240




Level 2 Mode

• The parameters in this mode can be used only when the “security” parameter
(protect mode) is set to “0” to “2”.
• This mode contains the auxiliary parameters for adjusting control. These parame-
ters include parameters for limiting the manipulated variable and set point,
parameters for switching between remote and local operation, and parameters for
setting the LBA (Loop Break Alarm), alarm hysteresis, and input digital filter
• To select this mode when in the levels 0 and 1, setup, expansion, option and cal-
ibration modes, press the key for 1 second minimum. The display changes to
the menu display. If you select [ ] using the key then press the
key for 1 second minimum, the controller enters the level 2 mode.
• To select parameters in this mode, press the key. To change parameter set-
tings, use the or keys.
• The following table shows the parameters supported in this mode and the page
where the parameter is described.
Symbol Parameter Name Page
Remote/Local 5-19

SP mode 5-19

SP ramp time unit 5-20

SP ramp set value 5-20

LBA detection time 5-21

MV at stop 5-21

MV at PV error 5-21

MV upper limit 5-22

MV lower limit 5-22

MV change rate limit 5-22

Input digital filter 5-23

Open/close hysteresis 5-23

Alarm 1 hysteresis 5-24

Alarm 2 hysteresis 5-24

Alarm 3 hysteresis 5-24

Input shift upper limit (temperature) 5-24

Input shift lower limit (temperature) 5-24


Level 2 Mode

Remote/Local Conditions of Use

The communications function must be in

• Switches between remote and local operation.

• To change the parameter setting during remote operation, use the communica-
tions function. To change the parameter setting during local operation, change the
setting on the E5EK controller.
You can check the parameter setting by both communications and on the E5EK
controller regardless of whether the controller is switched to remote or local

Setting Range Default

[ ]: remote / [ ]: local [ ]


F Related article
Chapter 6 Using the Communications Function
F Related parameters
“Communication stop bit” “Communication data length” “Communication par-
ity” “Communication baud rate” “Communication unit No.” “Event input assign-
ment 1” “Event input assignment 2” (option mode)
F Option units

SP mode Conditions of Use

The remote SP function must be
enabled and ST must be set to OFF.

• Switches between remote SP and local SP.

• Switches the SP to the remote SP when an event input to which the “SP mode”
has been assigned is ON. Switches the SP to the local SP when an event input to
which the “SP mode” has been assigned is OFF.

Setting Range Default

[ ]: Remote SP/[ ]: Local SP


F Related article
4.4 How to Use the Remote SP (page 4-11)
F Related parameters
“Remote SP enable”
“Event input assignment 1” “Event input assignment 2” “Event input assignment
3” “Event input assignment 4” (option mode)



Level 2 Mode

SP ramp time unit Conditions of Use

ST must be set to OFF.
SP ramp set value

• Specifies the change rate during SP ramp operation. Set the maximum permissi-
ble change width per unit of time (minute or hour) as the “SP ramp set value”.
However, note that when set to “0”, the SP ramp function is disabled.
• The time unit and SP ramp set value are independent of each other. For example,
when setting “30 per minute”, set the “SP ramp set value” parameter to “30” and
the “SP ramp time unit” parameter to [ ] (“minute”). However, if you change
the time unit only to [ ] (“hour”), the set time becomes “30 per hour.”
• During temperature input, the decimal point position of the SP ramp set value is
dependent on the currently selected sensor, and during analog input on the results
of scaling.

Parameter Setting Range Unit Default

SP ramp time unit [ ]: minute/ [ ]: hour None
SP ramp set value 0 to 9999 EU 0
During temperature input, the range of the currently selected sensor it taken as
the setting range for the “SP ramp set value” parameter.

F Related article
4.2 Operating Condition Restrictions/SP ramp (page 4-6)
See F Related parameters
“Input type” “Scaling upper limit” “Scaling lower limit” “Decimal point” (setup


Level 2 Mode

LBA detection time Conditions of Use

The LBA (Loop Break Alarm) function
must be assigned as an output.

• This parameter is automatically set by AT execution (excluding AT execution in a

ON/OFF control).
• The LBA is output if the change width of the process value falls below 0.2 %full-
scale of the time preset to this parameter when the manipulated variable is set in
the “MV upper limit” or “MV lower limit” parameters.
• The LBA function is disabled when this parameter is set to “0”.

Setting Range Unit Default

0 to 9999 Second 0


F Related article
4.4 LBA (page 4-9)
7.3 How to Use Error Output (page 7-5)
F Related parameters
“AT Execute/Cancel” (level 1 mode)
“Control output 1 assignment” “Control output 2 assignment” “Auxiliary output
1 assignment” (setup mode)

MV at stop Conditions of Use

Advanced PID control
MV at PV error

• The “MV at stop” parameter sets the manipulated variable when operation stops
on a standard type controller. On a position-proportional type controller, this
parameter sets the action (close/hold/open) when operation stops.
• The “MV at PV error” parameter sets the manipulated variable when an input
error occurs. On a position-proportional type controller, this parameter sets the
action (close/hold/open) when an input error occurs.

• Standard type
Control Method Setting Range Unit Default
Standard -5.0 to 105.0 % 0
Comment Heating and cooling -105.0 to 105.0 % 0
The manipulated variable at the cooling side during heating and cooling control is
expressed as a negative value.
• Position-proportional type
Setting Range Unit Default
[ ]: Hold/[ ]: Open/[ ]: Close None

F Related articles
MV at stop : 3.6 Starting and Stopping Operation (page 3-13)
MV at PV error : 8.2 How to Use the Error Display (page 8-3)



Level 2 Mode

MV upper limit Conditions of Use

The control must be advanced PID con-
trol, and ST must be set to OFF.
MV lower limit

MV change rate limit

• The “MV upper limit” and “MV lower limit” parameters set the upper and lower
limits of the manipulated variable. When the manipulated variable calculated by
the E5EK controller is outside of the upper-and lower-limit range, the upper limit
or lower limit set to these parameters is output, respectively.
However, note that these parameters are disabled during position-proportional
• The “MV change rate limit” parameter sets the maximum permissible change
width per second of the manipulated variable (On the position-proportional con-
trol, valve, opening). If a change in the manipulated variable (On the position-pro-
portional control, valve, opening) causes this parameter setting to be exceeded, the
calculated value is reached while changing the value by the per-second value set in
this parameter.
This function is disabled when the set value is “0.0”.

• MV upper limit
The setting ranges during standard control and heating and cooling control are
different. Also, the manipulated variable at the cooling side during heating and
cooling control is expressed as a negative value.

Control Method Setting Range Unit Default

Standard MV lower limit +0.1 to 105.0 % 105.0
Heating and cooling 0.0 to 105.0 % 105.0

• MV lower limit
The setting ranges during standard control and heating and cooling control are
different. Also, the manipulated variable at the cooling side during heating and
cooling control is expressed as a negative value.

Control Method Setting Range Unit Default

Standard -5.0 to MV upper limit -0.1 % -5.0
Heating and cooling -105.0 to 0.0 % -105.0

• MV change rate limit

Setting Range Unit Default

0.0 to 100.0 % 0.0

F Related article
4.2 Operating Condition Restrictions/Manipulated variable restrictions (page 4-5)

Level 2 Mode

Input digital filter

• Sets the time constant of the input digital filter. The following figures shows the
effect on data after passing through the digital filter.
Function PV before passing through filter

PV after passing through filter


constant Time

Input digital filter

Setting Range Unit Default

0 to 9999 Second 0


Open/close hysteresis Conditions of Use

Control must be position-proportional

• Provides hysteresis at ON/OFF switching of open or close output in position-pro-

portional control.

Setting Range Unit Default

0.1 to 20.0 % 0.8


F Related article
4.1 Selecting the Control Method/Position-proportional Control (page 4-3)


E5EK-PRR2 AC100-240




Level 2 Mode

Alarm 1 hysteresis Conditions of Use

Alarms must be assigned as outputs.
Alarm 2 hysteresis For example, if alarm outputs 1 and 2
only are assigned as outputs, the “alarm
Alarm 3 hysteresis 3 hysteresis” parameter cannot be used.

• This parameter is for checking the hysteresis of alarm outputs 1 to 3.


Setting Range Unit Default

0.01 to 99.99 %FS 0.02


F Related article
3.4 Setting Alarm Type (page 3-9)
See F Related parameters
“Alarm 1 type” “Alarm 2 type” “Alarm 3 type” “Alarm 1 open in alarm” “Alarm 2
open in alarm” “Alarm 3 open in alarm” (setup mode)
“Alarm value 1” “Alarm value 2” “Alarm value 3” (level 1 mode)

Input shift upper limit Conditions of Use

The input type must be set to tempera-
ture input (thermocouple or platinum
Input shift lower limit resistance thermometer).

• Sets each of the shift amounts for the input shift upper and lower limit values.


Setting Range Unit Default

-199.9 to 999.9 _C or _F 0.0


F Related article
3.2 Setting Input Specifications (page 3-4)
See F Related parameter
“Input type” (setup mode)


Setup Mode

• The parameters in this mode can be used only when the “security” parameter
(protect mode) is set to “0” and “1”.
• This mode contains the parameters for setting the basic specifications of the
E5EK controller. These parameters include parameters for specifying the input
type, scaling, output assignments, and direct/reverse operation.
• To select this mode when in the levels 0 to 2, expansion, option and calibration
modes, press the key for 1 second minimum. The display changes to the menu
display. If you select [ ] using the key then press the key for 1
second minimum, the controller enters the setup mode.
• To select parameters in this mode, press the key. To change parameter set-
tings, use the or keys.
• The following table shows the parameters supported in this mode and the page
where the parameter is described.
Symbol Parameter Name Page
Input type 5-26

Scaling upper limit 5-27

Scaling lower limit 5-27

Decimal point 5-27

_C/_F selection 5-28

Parameter initialize 5-27

Control output 1 assignment 5-28

Control output 2 assignment 5-28

Auxiliary output 1 assignment 5-29

Auxiliary output 2 assignment 5-29

Alarm 1 type 5-30

Alarm 1 open in alarm 5-31

Alarm 2 type 5-30

Alarm 2 open in alarm 5-31

Alarm 3 type 5-30

Alarm 3 open in alarm 5-31

Direct/Reverse operation 5-31



Setup Mode

Input type

• Sets the sensor type by the code.


• Set the code according to the following table. Default is “2: K1 thermocouple”.
Set value Input Type
0 JPt -199.9 to 650.0 (_C) /-199.9 to 999.9 (_F)
Comment Platinum resistance thermometer
1 Pt -199.9 to 650.0 (_C) /-199.9 to 999.9 (_F)
2 K1 -200 to 1300 (_C) /-300 to 2300 (_F)
3 K2 0.0 to 500.0 (_C) /0.0 to 900.0 (_F)
4 J1 -100 to 850 (_C) /-100 to 1500 (_F)
5 J2 0.0 to 400.0 (_C) /0.0 to 750.0 (_F)
6 T -199.9 to 400.0 (_C) /-199.9 to 700.0 (_F)
7 E 0 to 600 (_C) /0 to 1100 (_F)
8 L1 -100 to 850 (_C) /-100 to 1500 (_F)
9 L2 0.0 to 400.0 (_C) /0.0 to 750.0 (_F) Thermocouple
10 U -199.9 to 400.0 (_C) /-199.9 to 700.0 (_F)
11 N -200 to 1300 (_C) /-300 to 2300 (_F)
12 R 0 to 1700 (_C) /0 to 3000 (_F)
13 S 0 to 1700 (_C) /0 to 3000 (_F)
14 B 100 to 1800 (_C) /300 to 3200 (_F)
15 W 0 to 2300 (_C) /0 to 4100 (_F)
16 PLII 0 to 1300 (_C) /0 to 2300 (_F)
17 4 to 20mA
Current input
18 0 to 20mA
19 1 to 5V
20 0 to 5V Voltage input
21 0 to 10V

F Related article
3.2 Setting Input Specifications (page 3-4)
See F Related parameters
When input type is set to temperature input:
“_C/_F selection” (setup mode)
When input type is set to voltage input or current input:
“Scaling upper limit” “Scaling lower limit” “Decimal point” (setup mode)


Setup Mode

Scaling upper limit Conditions of Use

The input type must be set to analog
Scaling lower limit input (voltage or current input).

Decimal point

• This parameter can be used only when voltage input or current input is selected
as the input type.
• When voltage input or current input is selected as the input type, scaling is car-
ried out. Set the scaling upper limit in the “scaling upper limit” parameter and
the scaling lower limit in the “scaling lower limit” parameter.
• The “decimal point” parameter specifies the decimal point position of parameters
(set point, etc.) whose unit is set to EU (Engineering Unit).

• Scaling upper limit, Scaling lower limit

Parameter Setting Range Unit Default
Comment Scaling upper limit Scaling lower limit +1 to 9999 EU 100
Scaling lower limit -1999 to scaling upper limit -1 EU 0

• Decimal point : default : 0

Set Value Setting Example
0 0 digits past decimal point 1234
1 1 digit past decimal point 123.4
2 2 digits past decimal point 12.34
3 3 digits past decimal point 1.234

F Related article
3.2 Setting Input Specifications (page 3-4)
F Related parameter
“Input type” (setup mode)

Parameter initialize

• Returns parameter settings to their defaults. However, note that the following
parameters are not affected by execution of this parameter:
“input type”, “scaling upper limit”, “scaling lower limit”, “decimal point” and
“_C/_F selection”.

• When this parameter is selected, [ ] (“no”) is first displayed. To initialize

parameters, press the key to specify [ ] (“yes”).

of use



Setup Mode

_C/_F selection Conditions of Use

The input type must be set to tempera-
ture input (thermocouple or platinum
resistance thermometer).

• This parameter can be used when thermocouple or platinum resistance thermom-

eter is selected as the input type.
• Set the temperature input unit to either of “_C” or “_F”.

Setting Range Default

: _C / : _F

F Related article
3.2 Setting Input Specifications (page 3-4)
F Related parameter
“Input type” (setup mode)

Control output 1 Conditions of Use

assignment The control must be standard control or
heating and cooling control.
Control output 2

• Assigns the output functions to either of control output 1 or 2.

• The following seven output functions can be assigned as outputs:
Control output (heat), Control output (cool), Alarms 1 to 3, HBA, and LBA.
• Errors 1, 2 and 3 cannot be assigned as outputs.
• When the output function assigned to control output 1 is ON, the “OUT1” LED
lights. However, note that the OUT1 LED does not light when control output (heat)
or control output (cool) are assigned to linear outputs such as current and voltage.
• When the output function assigned to control output 2 is ON, the “OUT2” LED

Control output Control output
Function Alarm 1 Alarm 2 Alarm 3 HBA LBA
(heat) (cool)
Comment Defaults:
“Control output 1” = [ ], “Control output 2” = [ ]

F Related article
3.3 Setting Output Specifications (page 3-6)
F Related parameters
• Alarm-related parameters
• Heating and cooling related parameter
“LBA detection time” (level 2 mode)
E5EK-AA2 AC100-240



Setup Mode

Auxiliary output 1 assignment

Auxiliary output 2 assignment

• Assigns output functions to either of auxiliary output 1 or 2.

• The following eight output functions can be assigned as outputs:
Function Alarms 1 to 3, HBA, LBA, Error 1 (input error), Error 2 (A/D converter error),
and Error 3 (remote SP input error).
• Control output (heat) and control output (cool) cannot be assigned as outputs.
• Error 3 can be assigned only when the remote SP function is enabled.
• When the output function assigned to auxiliary output 1 or auxiliary output 2 is
ON, the “SUB1” or “SUB2” LED lights.

Function Alarm 1 Alarm 2 Alarm 3 HBA LBA Error 1 Error 2 Error 3

Comment Defaults: “Auxiliary output 1”= [ ], “Auxiliary output 2”= [ ]

F Related article
3.3 Setting Output Specifications (page 3-6)
See F Related parameter
• Alarm-related parameter
“LBA detection time” (level 2 mode)



Setup Mode

Alarm 1 type Conditions of Use

Alarms must be assigned as outputs.
Alarm 2 type For example, if alarm outputs 1 and 2
only are assigned as outputs, the “alarm
Alarm 3 type 3 type” parameter cannot be used.

• “Alarm 1 to 3 type” parameters specify the operation of the alarm by the one of
the set values in the following table. For details of operation at an alarm, see page
Function 3-9.

Set Value Settings Set Value Settings

1 Upper-and lower-limit alarm 7 Lower-limit alarm with standby
(deviation) sequence (deviation)
Comment 2 Upper-limit alarm (deviation) 8 Absolute-value upper-limit alarm
3 Lower-limit alarm (deviation) 9 Absolute-value lower-limit alarm
4 Upper-and lower-limit range alarm 10 Absolute-value upper-limit alarm with
(deviation) standby sequence
5 Upper-and lower-limit alarm with 11 Absolute-value lower-limit alarm with
standby sequence (deviation) standby sequence
6 Upper-limit alarm with standby
sequence (deviation)
Defaults: 2 (Deviation upper limit)

F Related article
3.4 Setting Alarm Type (page 3-9)
See F Related parameters
“Alarm value 1” “Alarm value 2” “Alarm value 3” (level 1 mode)
“Alarm 1 hysteresis” “Alarm 2 hysteresis” “Alarm 3 hysteresis” (level 2 mode)
“Alarm 1 open in alarm” “Alarm 2 open in alarm” “Alarm 3 open in alarm” “Con-
trol output 1 assignment” “Control output 2 assignment” “Auxiliary output 1 as-
signment” “Auxiliary output 2 assignment” (setup mode)


Setup Mode

Alarm 1 open in alarm Conditions of Use

Alarms must be assigned as outputs. For
Alarm 2 open in alarm example, if alarm outputs 1 and 2 only are
assigned as outputs, the “alarm 3 open in
Alarm 3 open in alarm alarm” parameter cannot be used.

• Selects the output states of alarms 1 to 3.

• When the controller is set to “close in alarm,” the status of the alarm output func-
Function tion is output as it is. When set to “open in alarm,” the status of the alarm output
function is output inverted. The following table shows the relationship between
alarm output functions, output and output LEDs.

Alarm Output Output LED

Close in alarm
OFF OFF Not lit
Open in alarm
OFF ON Not lit

Setting Range Default

[ ] : Close in alarm/ [ ]:Open in alarm [ ]


F Related article
3.4 Setting Alarm Type (page 3-9)
See F Related parameters
“Alarm value 1” “Alarm value 2” “Alarm value 3” (level 1 mode)
“Alarm 1 hysteresis” “Alarm 2 hysteresis” “Alarm 3 hysteresis” (level 2 mode)
“Alarm 1 open in alarm” “Alarm 2 open in alarm” “Alarm 3 open in alarm”
“Control output 1 assignment” “Control output 2 assignment” “Auxiliary output
1 assignment” “Auxiliary output 2 assignment”(setup mode)

Direct/Reverse operation

• “Direct operation” (or normal operation) refers to control where the manipulated
variable is increased according to the increase in the process value. Alternatively,
“reverse operation” refers to control where the manipulated variable is increased
according to the decrease in the process value.

Setting Range Default

[ ] : Reverse operation/ [ ]:Direct operation [ ]

F Related article
3.3 Setting Output Specifications/Direct/reverse operation (page 3-7)



Expansion Mode

• The parameters in this mode can be used only when the “security” parameter
(protect mode) is set to “0” and “1”.
• This mode contains the parameters for setting expanded functions. These parame-
ters include parameters for setting ST (self-tuning), setting the SP setting limiter,
selecting advanced PID and ON/OFF control, specifying the standby sequence re-
set method, and automatic return of display mode.
• To select this mode when in the levels 0 to 2, setup, option and calibration modes,
press the key for 1 second minimum. The display changes to the menu dis-
play. If you select [ ] using the key then press the key for 1 se-
cond minimum, the controller enters the expansion mode.
• To select parameters in this mode, press the key. To change parameter set-
tings, use the or keys.
• The following table shows the parameters supported in this mode and the page
where the parameter is described.
Symbol Parameter Name Page
Set point upper limit 5-33

Set point lower limit 5-33

PID / ON/OFF 5-33

ST 5-34

ST stable range 5-34

α 5-34

AT calculated gain 5-35

Standby sequence reset method 5-35

Automatic return of display mode 5-36

AT hysteresis 5-36

LBA detection width 5-36


Expansion Mode

Set point upper limit

Set point lower limit

• Limits the upper and lower limits of the set point. When the set point exceeds the
settings of the “Set point upper limit” and “Set point lower limit” parameters, the
E5EK controller regards the settings of the “Set point upper limit” and “Set point
lower limit” parameters as the set points.
• When the input type is changed to temperature input, the set point upper and
lower limits are changed to the upper and lower limits of the currently selected
sensor. And when the input type is changed to analog input, the set point upper
and lower limits are changed to the scaling upper and lower limits.
• During temperature input, the decimal point position is dependent on the cur-
rently selected sensor, and during analog input on the results of scaling.

Parameter Setting Range Unit Default

SP setting upper limit SP setting lower limit +1 to scaling upper limit EU 1300
SP setting lower limit Scaling lower limit to SP setting upper limit -1 EU -200
During temperature input, the range becomes the range of use of the selected sen-
sor instead of the scaling upper and lower limit values.

F Related article
4.2 Operating Condition Restrictions (page 4-5)
F Related parameters
“Input type” “Scaling upper limit” “Scaling lower limit” “Decimal point” (setup

PID / ON/OFF Condition of Use

Control must be standard control or heat-
ing and cooling control.

• Selects advanced PID control or ON/OFF control.


Setting Range Default

[ ] : advance PID/ [ ] :ON/OFF [ ]


F Related article
4.1 Selecting the Control Method/ON/OFF control (page 4-4)
F Related parameters
“Hysteresis (heat)” “Hysteresis (cool)” (level 1 mode)

E5EK-AA2 AC100-240




Expansion Mode

ST Conditions of Use
The input type must be set to tempera-
ture input, and the control must be stan-
ST stable range dard control and advanced PID control.

• When the “ST” parameter is set to “ON”, the self-tuning (ST) function is active.
During operation of the ST function, the power on the load side connected to the
control output must be turned ON at the same time or before start of E5EK
• The “ST stable range” parameter sets the stable range width during self-tuning.
However, note that this parameter cannot be used when the “ST” parameter is set
to “OFF”.

Parameter Setting Range Unit Default

ST [ ]: ST function OFF/[ ]: ST function ON None [ ]
ST stable range 0.1 to 999.9 _C or _F 15.0

F Related article
Fuzzy self-tuning (page A-14)
See F Related parameters
“Input type” (setup mode)
“PID / ON/OFF” (expansion mode)

α Conditions of Use
The control must be advanced PID con-
trol, and ST must be set to OFF.

• Usually use the default value.

• Sets advanced PID-control parameter α.

Setting Range Unit Default

0.00 to 1.00 None 0.65


F Related parameter
“PID / ON/OFF” (expansion mode)

Expansion Mode

AT calculated gain Conditions of Use

The control must be advanced PID con-
trol, and ST must be set to OFF.

• Usually use the default value.

• Sets the gain when adjusting the PID parameters by auto-tuning.
Function • To give priority to response, decrease the set value of this parameter. To give
priority to stability, increase the set value of this parameter.

Setting Range Unit Default

0.1 to 10.0 None 1.0


F Related parameters
“AT Execute/Cancel” (level 1 mode)
“PID / ON/OFF” (expansion mode)

Standby sequence reset method

• Selects the conditions for enabling reset after the standby sequence of the alarm
has been canceled.
Function • Condition A:
Control started (including power ON), and, alarm value, input shift value or set
point (except for changing SP mode or during Remote SP) changed.
• Condition B:
Power ON

Setting Range Default

0: Condition A / 1: Condition B 0


F Related parameters
“Alarm 1 type” “Alarm 2 type” “Alarm 3 type” (setup mode)



Expansion Mode

Automatic return of display mode

• If you do not operate any of the controller keys for the time set in this parameter
when in levels 0 to 2 modes, the display automatically returns to the PV/SP dis-
• When this parameter is set to “0”, this function is disabled.
• This parameter is invalid while the menu is displayed.

Setting Range Unit Default

0 to 99 Second 0


AT hysteresis Conditions of Use

The control must be advanced PID con-
trol, and ST must be set to OFF.

• Usually Use the default value.

• The levels of limit cycle operations during AT execution are given hysteresis at
Function event ON/OFF switching. This parameter sets this hysteresis width.

Setting Range Unit Default

0.1 to 9.9 %FS 0.2


LBA detection width Conditions of Use

The LBA (Loop Break Alarm) function
must be assigned as an output.

• This parameter can be used when LBA is assigned as an output.

• When the change width of the manipulated variable is below the width set in this
Function parameter, the controller regards this as detection of an LBA.

Setting Range Unit Default

0.0 to 999.9 %FS 0.2


Option Mode

• The parameters in this mode can be used only when the “security” parameter
(protect mode) is set to “0” and “1”.

• You can select this mode only when the option unit is set in the controller. In this
mode, you can set the communications conditions, transfer output and event input
parameters to match the type of option unit set in the controller.
• To select this mode when in the levels 0 to 2, setup, expansion and calibration
modes, press the key for 1 second minimum. The display changes to the menu
display. If you select [ ] using the key then press the key for 1
second minimum, the controller enters the option mode.
• To select parameters in this mode, press the key. To change parameter set-
tings, use the or keys.
• The following table shows the parameters supported in this mode and the page
where the parameter is described.
Symbol Parameter Name Page
Multi-SP function 5-38
Event input assignment 1 5-39
Event input assignment 2 5-39

Communication stop bit 5-40

Communication data length 5-40

Communication parity 5-40

Communication baud rate 5-40
Communication unit No. 5-40
Transfer output type 5-41
Transfer output upper limit 5-41
Transfer output lower limit 5-41

HBA latch 5-42

Motor calibration 5-42
Travel time 5-43

PV dead band 5-43

Remote SP enable 5-44

Remote SP upper limit 5-44

Remote SP lower limit 5-44
SP tracking 5-45



Option Mode

Multi-SP function Conditions of Use

The event input function must be in use.

• This parameter specifies the number of event inputs when switching set points
(SP) 0 to 3.
Function • When set to “0”, the set point cannot be switched by event input.
• When this parameter is set to “1”, set points 0 and 1 can be used. When set to “2”,
set points 0 to 3 can be used.

Setting Range Unit Default

0 to 2 None 2


F Related article
4.3 How to Use Event Input (4-8)
See F Related parameter
“Event input assignment 1” (option mode)
F Option unit


Option Mode

Event input assignment Conditions of Use

Event input other than the multi-SP func-
tion must be specified when the event
input function is in use.
Event input assignment

• When one E53-AKB unit is mounted, only “Event input assignment 3” and
“Event input assignment 4” can be used.
Function • This parameter specifies event input other than the multi-SP function. The fol-
lowing three functions can be specified:
Run/Stop, Auto/Manual, SP mode.
The Remote/Local function can be used on E53-AK01/02/03 option units. The SP
mode functions can be used only when the ”Remote SP enable” parameter is ON.
• Event input (RUN/STOP, Manual/Auto, and SP mode) is disabled while the menu
is displayed.
It is also disabled in set up, expansion, option and calibration modes.

Symbol Function Event Input Operation

Not specified Event input disabled
Run/Stop ON: Stop/OFF: Run
Manual/Auto ON: Manual/OFF: Auto
SP mode ON: Remote SP/OFF: Local SP

• Default :

F Related article
4.3 How to Use Event input (page 4-8)
See F Related parameters
“remote SP enable” “multi-SP function” (option mode)

F Option unit



Option Mode

Communication stop bit Communication baud rate

Communication data
Communication unit No.

Communication parity Conditions of Use

The communications function must be in

• These parameters set the communications conditions. Make sure that the stop bit,
data length, parity and baud rate of the host computer and the E5EK controller
are matching. These parameters are valid when the power is turned ON again or
when level 0 to 2 modes are switched.
• When connecting two or more E5EK controllers to the host computer, set unit
Nos. that will not conflict with the unit Nos. of other controllers.

• “Communication stop bit” parameter

Setting Range Unit Default

Comment 1, 2 Bits 2

• “Communication data length” parameter

Setting Range Unit Default

7, 8 Bits 7

• “Communication parity” parameter

Setting Default
[ ]: None/ [ ]:Even/[ ]:Odd [ ]

• “Communication baud rate” parameter

Setting Range Unit Default

1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2 kbps 9.6

• “Communication unit No.” parameter

Setting Range Unit Default

0 to 99 None 0

F Related article
See F Related parameter
“Remote/Local” (level 2 mode)

F Option unit


Option Mode

Transfer output type Conditions of Use

The transfer output function must be in
Transfer output upper use.

Transfer output lower


• These parameters set the transfer output conditions.

• The “transfer output type” parameter selects one of the following as the transfer
Function output type, and assigns this to transfer output:
Set point, Set point during SP ramp, Process value, Manipulated variable (heat)
(standard type), Manipulated variable (cool) (This can selected only during heat-
ing and cooling control on a standard type controller.), Valve opening (position-
proportional control)
• The “transfer output upper limit” and “transfer output lower limit” parameters
are used for scaling of transfer output. The setting range varies according to this
output data. Also, a lower limit value larger than the upper limit value may be set.
• During temperature input, the decimal point position of the set point, set point
during SP ramp or process value is dependent on the currently selected sensor,
and during analog input on the results of scaling.

Transfer Output Lower Limit to

Transfer Output Type
Transfer Output Upper Limit
[ ] Set point Set point lower limit value to Set point upper limit value
[ ] Set point during SP ramp Set point lower limit value to Set point upper limit value
[ ] Process value Scaling lower limit to scaling upper limit
[ ] Manipulated variable (heat) -5.0% to 105.0% (Standard control), 0.0 to 105.0% (heating
and cooling control)
[ ] Manipulated variable (cool) 0.0% to 105.0%
[ ] Valve opening -10.0 to 110.0%

• Default : [ ]
• The output ranges of the set point, set point during SP ramp or process value
when temperature input is selected are the ranges supported by the selected sen-
• When you have selected the “manipulated variable (heat)” parameter, the transfer
output lower limit during heating and cooling control becomes “0.0”.

F Related article
4.7 How to Use Transfer Output (page 4-17)

F Option unit


Option Mode

HBA latch Conditions of Use

The HBA output function must be

• When this parameter is set to ON, the heater burnout alarm is held until either of
the following conditions is satisfied:
a Set the heater burnout set value to “0.0”.
b Reset the controller. (Turn the controller’s power OFF then back ON

Setting Range Default

[ ]: Enabled/[ ]: Disabled [ ]


F Related article
4.5 How to Use the Heater Burnout Alarm (page 4-13)
See F Related parameters
“Control output assignment 1” “Control output assignment 2” “Auxiliary output
assignments 1” “Auxiliary output assignments 2” (setup mode)

E5EK-AA2 AC100-240

Motor Calibration Conditions of Use

The control must be position-proportion

• Executes motor calibration. Be sure to execute this parameter when monitoring

the valve opening. (Displays cannot be switched while motor calibration is being
• The “travel time” parameter is also reset when this parameter is executed.

• The default setting is “ ”.

• Motor calibration is executed when “ ” is selected.
• After motor calibration is completed, the setting automatically returns to “ ”.
of use

F Related article
4.1 Selecting the Control Method/Position-proportional Control (page 4-3)
F Related parameter
“Travel time” (option mode)

E5EK-PRR2 AC100-240


Option Mode

Travel Time Conditions of Use

The control must be position-proportion

• Sets the time from valve fully opened to valve fully closed.
• The travel time is automatically set when the “motor calibration” parameter is

Setting Range Unit Default

1 to 999 Second 30


F Related article
4.1 Selecting the Control Method/Position-proportional Control (page 4-3)

F Related parameter
“Motor Calibration” (option mode)

E5EK-PRR2 AC100-240

PV dead band Conditions of Use

The control must be position-proportion

• Sets a band within which valve will not move.

Function Set point

PV dead band

Process value

• This function is for use to reduce valve movement, but consequently reduces con-
trol performance within the PV deadband.
• The decimal point is dependent on scaling.

Setting Range Unit Default

0 to 9999 EU 0

F Related parameters
“Input type” “Scaling upper limit” “Scaling lower limit” “Decimal point” (setup

E5EK-PRR2 AC100-240



Option Mode

Remote SP enable Conditions of Use

ST must be OFF.

• When this parameter is set to “ON”, the remote SP and local SP can be switched
for use. (That is, to the SP mode can be specified.). Also, the “set point during SP
ramp” parameter is enabled at all times.
• When this parameter is set to “OFF”, only the local SP can be used. The set point
during SP ramp is enabled only when the SP ramp function is enabled.

Setting Range Default

[ ]: Enabled/[ ]: Disabled [ ]


F Related article
4.4 How to Use the Remote SP (page 4-11)
See F Related parameters
“Set point during SP ramp” (level 0 mode)
“SP mode” (level 2 mode)

Remote SP upper limit Conditions of Use

The remote SP function must be
Remote SP lower limit

• Sets the remote SP upper and lower limit values. The upper limit value is the
equivalent to 20 mA, and the lower limit value is equivalent to 4 mA. Set the
upper limit value in the “remote SP upper limit” parameter and the lower limit
value in the “remote SP lower limit” parameter.

RSP (%)

Upper limit value

Lower limit value

Input (mA)
4 20

• When the “SP setting upper limit” or “SP setting lower limit” parameters are
changed, the remote SP upper and lower limit values are forcibly changed to the
SP setting upper and lower limit values.


Option Mode

Parameter Setting Range Unit Default

Remote SP upper limit SP setting lower limit to SP setting upper limit EU 1300
Comment Remote SP lower limit SP setting lower limit to SP setting upper limit EU -200

F Related article
4.4 How to Use the Remote SP (page 4-11)
See F Related parameters
“Decimal point” (setup mode)
“SP setting upper limit” “SP setting lower limit” (expansion mode)
“Remote SP enable” (option mode)

SP tracking enable Conditions of Use

The remote SP function must be

• Specifies the operation when the remote SP mode is switched to the local SP
Function • When this parameter is set to “ON”, the local SP is changed to the remote SP
value used immediately before switching.
• When this parameter is set to “OFF”, the local SP is not influenced by the remote

Setting Range Default

[ ]: Enabled/[ ]: Disabled [ ]


F Related article
4.4 How to Use the Remote SP (page 4-11)
See F Related parameters
“Set point during SP ramp” (level 0 mode)
“SP mode” (level 2 mode)



Calibration Mode

• The parameters in this mode can be used only when the “security” parameter
(protect mode) is set to “0”. When selecting this mode for the first time after the
E5EK has left the factory, return the “security” parameter to “0”.
• This mode contains the parameters for user calibration of inputs and outputs.
Only parameters relating to input types specified in the “input type” parameter
(setup mode) can be used. Also, related output parameters can be used only when
the communications unit (E53-AKF) is added on.
• To select this mode when in the levels 0 to 2, setup, expansion and option modes,
press the key for 1 second minimum. The display changes to the menu dis-
play. If you select [ ] using the key then press the key for 1 se-
cond minimum, the controller enters the calibration mode.
• For details on parameters in the calibration mode, see Chapter 7 Calibration.



This chapter mainly describes communications with a host computer
and communications commands.

6.1 Outline of
the Communications Function . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Transfer procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
6.2 Preparing for Communications . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
Cable connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
Setting the communications specifications 6-4
6.3 Command Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
6.4 Commands and Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
Reading/writing parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
Issuing special commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
6.5 How to Read Communications
Error Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
End code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
Undefined error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13
6.6 Program Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14
How to use programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14
Program list (language:
Examples of use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16



6.1 Outline of the Communications Function

J Outline The communications function allows you to monitor and set E5EK
parameters by a program prepared and running on a host computer
connected to the E5EK controller. This chapter describes operations as
viewed from the host computer.

When using the communications function, the option unit for RS-232C,
RS-422 or RS-485 communications must be added on. The E5EK com-
munications function allows you to carry out the following:
• Reading/writing of parameters;
• Operation instructions; and
• Selecting the setting level.

The communications function assumes the following conditions:

• Writing of parameters is possible in during remote operation. Also,
parameters cannot be written during execution of auto-tuning;
• Writing parameters are provided with a setting level. Writing condi-
tions are as follows depending on the setting level:
Setting level 1: No restrictions
Setting level 0: Writing of parameters in the setup, expansion and
option modes only is prohibited.
• For details on switching between setting levels, see page 6-11.
• The “run/stop”, “remote/local” and “AT execute/cancel” parameters
are set aside from other parameters as special commands for instruct-
ing operations.

J Transfer The host computer sends a “command frame” to the controller, and the
controller returns a “response frame” corresponding to the content of
the command sent by the host computer. In other words, a response
frame is returned for each command frame sent.
The following diagram shows command frame/response frame opera-
Command frame Command frame

Host computer
Response frame

J Interface The host computer carries out communications conforming to the

RS-232C, RS-422 or RS-485 interface specifications.
Option units supporting the RS-232C, RS-422 and RS-485 specifica-
tions are as follows:
• Option units
E53-AK01 (RS-232C)
E53-AK02 (RS-422)
E53-AK03 (RS-485)


6.2 Preparing for Communications

6.2 Preparing for Communications

For details on wiring when using the communications, see Chapter 2


J Cable connections
F RS-232C • Only one controller can be connected to the host computer.
• The cable length should not exceed 15 meters.
• Use shielded twisted-pair cables (AWG28 or more) for the cables.
25 pins 9 pins
DE-25 DE-25
Female Female
No. No.
(SD) TXD 2 (RD) RXD 2
20 SD 20 SD
(RD) RXD 3 19 RD (SD) TXD 3 19 RD
18 SG 18 SG
(RS) RTS 4 (ER) DTR 4
(DR) DSR 6 (DR) DSR 6


(CS) CTS 8
(ER) DTR 20
FG 1
FG 1

F RS-422 • Up to 32 controllers including a computer can be connected to the

host computer.
• The total cable length should not exceed 500 meters.
• Use shielded twisted-pair cables (AWG28 or more) for the cables.
• Attach terminators to the controllers at both ends of a series of con-
trollers connected in an open configuration. For example, in the fol-
lowing configuration, connect the terminator to the host unit and
unit No.30, and do not connect terminators to unit Nos.0 to 29.
• Use terminators having a resistance of 240 Ω (1/2 W). The total resis-
tance of both ends should be at least 100 Ω.
Host computer E5EK (No.0) E5EK (No.30)
RS-422 RS-422 RS-422
No. No.
Shielded cable (240 Ω 1/2 W)
SG 18 SG 18 SG



F RS-485 • Up to 32 controllers including a computer can be connected to the

host computer.
• The total cable length should not exceed 500 meters.
• Use shielded twisted-pair cables (AWG28 or more) for the cables.
• Attach terminators to the controllers at both ends of a series of con-
trollers connected in an open configuration. For example, in the fol-
lowing configuration, connect the terminator to the host unit and the
unit No.30, and do not connect terminators to unit Nos.0 to 29.
• Use terminators having a resistance of 120Ω (1/2 W). The total resis-
tance of both ends should be at least 54Ω .
Host computer
RS-485 A < B : [1] Mark
Shielded cable A > B : [0] Space

(120Ω 1/2W)
E5EK (No.0) E5EK (No.30)
RS-485 RS-485
No. No.

22 A 22 A

21 B 21 B
19 A 19 A
20 B 20 B

J Setting the com- Match the communications specifications of the host computer and
munications E5EK controller. When two or more controllers are connected to the
specifications host computer, make sure that the communications specifications of all
controllers are the same.
This section describes how to set the communications specifications of
the E5EK controller. For details on the host computer, see the relevant
manual supplied with the host computer.

F Communications Set the communications specifications of the E5EK in the controller’s

parameters communications parameters. The communications parameters are set
on the front panel of the E5EK controller.
The following table shows the communications parameters (option
mode) provided on the E5EK controller and their respective settings.

Parameter/Symbol Setting Set Value

Unit No. 0 to 99 0 to 99
Baud rate 1.2/2.4/4.8/9.6/19.2 (kbps) 1.2/2.4/4.8/ 9.6 /19.2
Bit length 7/8 (bit) 7 /8
Parity None/even/odd / e?en /
Stop bit 1/2 1/ 2
Inverted items are factory-settings.


6.3 Command Configuration

6.3 Command Configuration

Command configuration is as follows and are paired with a response.

2B 1B 2B 4B 2B 2B
Unit Command Data FCS
Command code
@ * CR
Command type
No data sections in the read commands.
2B 1B 2B 2B 4B 2B 2B
Unit Command End Data FCS
Response code
No. code
@ * CR
End code = 00
Command type

2B 1B 2B 2B 2B 2B
Unit Command End FCS
Response code
No. code
@ * CR
End code = 00
Command type

• “@”
The start character. This character must be inserted before the lead-
ing byte.
• Unit No.
Specifies the “unit No.” of the E5EK. If there are two or more trans-
mission destinations, specify the desired destination using “unit No.”
• Command type
Specifies the command type by codes “1” to “3”: parameter read,
parameter write and special commands.
• Command code
Specifies the command for each command type. With parameter read/
write commands, this becomes the parameter No.
• Data
Specifies the set value or setting content. In the parameter read com-
mand, set dummy data “0000”. In the response, this is inserted only
when the end code is “00”.
• End code
Sets the communication results. For details on the types and mean-
ings of end codes, see 6.5 How to Read Communications Error
Information (page 6-12).
• FCS (Frame Check Sequence)
Set the frame check results from the start character to the data sec-
tion. For details on the frame check, see 6.6 Program Example (page
• “*” “CR (Carriage Return) code”
Indicates the end (terminator) of the command or response block.



6.4 Commands and Responses

This section describes commands and response in detail. The conven-

tions used in this section and data restrictions are as follows:
• Data is expressed in 1-byte units and in ASCII code.
• When the read or write data is a numerical value, the data to be set
must conform to the following conditions:
(1) The decimal point “.” is not indicated in fractions.
(2) The leftmost bit of minus numerical data must be expressed as
10.0=[0100], -150.0=[A500], -15=[F015]

J Reading/writing parameters
F Reading parameters
2B 2B 4B 2B 2B
Unit Parameter FCS
Command No.
@ 1 X X X X * CR
X: Any value acceptable

2B 2B 2B 4B 2B 2B
Unit Parameter End Read data FCS
Response No. No.
@ 1 * CR

F Writing parameters
2B 2B 4B 2B 2B
Unit Parameter Write data FCS
Command No.
@ 2 * CR

2B 2B 2B 4B 2B 2B
Unit Parameter End Write data FCS
Response No. No.
@ 2 * CR

Reading or writing of the parameters of a specified controller is executed.

• Writing is possible only during remote operation.
• Reading is impossible during executing auto-tuning.
• The following are set aside as special commands. For details, see page
“run/stop”, “remote/local”, “AT execute/cancel”
• For details on parameters in each setting level, see the tables on pages
6-7 and 6-9.


6.4 Commands and Responses

Parameter No. Parameter Data Setting and Monitor Range Mode

00 PV monitor *1 Scaling lower limit -10% to scaling upper limit +10% *2
86 SP monitor during SP *1
SP lower limit to SP upper limit
04 MV monitor (heat) *1 -5.0 to 105.0 *3

*1 L
42 MV monitor (cool) 0.0 to 105.0
24 Remote SP monitor *1 Scaling lower limit to scaling upper limit
14 Valve opening monitor *1 -10.0 to 110.0
01 Set point SP lower limit to set point upper limit
10 Set point 0 SP lower limit to SP upper limit
11 Set point 1 SP lower limit to SP upper limit
12 Set point 2 SP lower limit to SP upper limit
13 Set point 3 SP lower limit to SP upper limit
02 Alarm value 1 -1999 to 9999
03 Alarm value 2 -1999 to 9999
41 Alarm value 3 -1999 to 9999
19 Proportional band 0.1 to 999.9
0 to 3999 *4
20 Integral time
21 Derivative time 0 to 3999
22 Cooling coefficient 0.01 to 99.99 Level 1

09 Dead band -19.99 to 99.99

87 Position-proportional dead
0.1 to 10.0
23 Manual reset value 0.0 to 100.0
06 Hysteresis (heat) 0.01 to 99.99
43 Hysteresis (cool) 0.01 to 99.99
07 Control period (heat) 1 to 99
08 Control period (cool) 1 to 99
17 Heater current monitor *1 0.0 to 55.0
18 Heater burnout alarm 0.0 to 50.0
*1 Possible only during reading
*2 During temperature input, the range becomes the range of use of the selected sensor.
*3 During heating and cooling control, the range becomes 0.0 to 105.0.
*4 During position-proportional control, the range becomes 1 to 3999.

About invalid Currently, if a command is used for invalid parameters (parameters that do not sat-
parameters isfy the conditions of use in Chapter 5), the “undefined” error (end code: 1C) is out-



Parameter No. Parameter Data Setting Range Mode

44 SP ramp time unit 0: Minutes, 1: Hours
45 SP ramp set value 0 to 9999
46 LBA detection time 0 to 9999
47 MV at stop -5.0 to 105.0 *1

-5.0 to 105.0 *1
48 MV at PV error
MV lower limit +0.1 to 105.0 *2
50 MV upper limit
-5.0 to MV upper limit -0.1 *3
49 MV lower limit
51 MV change rate limit 0.0 to 100.0 Level 2
56 Input digital filter 0 to 9999
88 Open/close hysteresis 0.1 to 20.0
25 Alarm 1 hysteresis 0.01 to 99.99
26 Alarm 2 hysteresis 0.01 to 99.99
52 Alarm 3 hysteresis 0.01 to 99.99
53 Input shift upper limit -199.9 to 999.9
54 Input shift lower limit -199.9 to 999.9
0 to 21 *4
57 Input type
59 Scaling upper limit Scaling lower limit +1 to 9999
58 Scaling lower limit -1999 to scaling upper limit -1
60 Decimal point 0 to 3
30 _C/_F selection 0 : _C, 1 : _F
0 to 6 *5
61 Control output 1 assignment
0 to 6 *5
62 Control output 2 assignment
2 to 9 *5
63 Auxiliary output 1 assignment
64 Auxiliary output 2 assignment 2 to 9
1 to 11 *6
65 Alarm 1 type
66 Alarm 1 open in alarm 0: closed in alarm, 1: open in alarm
1 to 11 *6
67 Alarm 2 type
68 Alarm 2 open in alarm 0: closed in alarm, 1: open in alarm
1 to 11 *6
69 Alarm 3 type
70 Alarm 3 open in alarm 0: closed in alarm, 1: open in alarm
71 Direct/Reverse operation 0: Reverse operation, 1: Direct operation
*1 During heating and cooling control, the range becomes -105 to 105.0. During position-proportional control, you can select
*1 0: Hold/1: Open/2: Close. (Default is 0: Hold.)
*2 During heating and cooling control, the range becomes 0.0 to 105.0.
*3 During heating and cooling control, the range becomes -105.0 to 0.0
*4 See page 5-26.
*5 0: Control output (heat), 1: Control output (cool), 2: to 4: Alarms 1 to 3, 5: HBA, 6: LBA, 7 to 9: Errors 1 to 3
*6 See page 5-30.


6.4 Commands and Responses

Parameter No. Parameter Data Setting Range Mode

28 Set point upper limit *1 Set point lower limit +1 to scaling upper limit
27 Set point lower limit *1 Scaling lower limit to Set point upper limit -1
72 PID / ON/OFF 0: Advanced PID, 1: ON/OFF
73 ST 0 : OFF, 1 : ON
34 ST stable range width 0.1 to 999.9
35 α 0.00 to 1.00 Expansion
85 AT calculated gain 0.1 to 10.0
0, 1 *2
37 Standby sequence reset method
36 Automatic return of display mode 0 to 99
93 AT hysteresis 0.1 to 9.9
55 LBA detection width 0.0 to 999.9
82 HBA latch 0: OFF, 1: ON
89 Travel time 1 to 999
38 PV dead band 0 to 9999
29 Remote SP enable 0: Enabled, 1: Disabled Option
91 Remote SP upper limit SP setting lower limit to SP setting upper limit
90 Remote SP lower limit SP setting lower limit to SP setting upper limit
39 SP tracking 0: OFF, 1: ON
*1 During temperature input, the range becomes the range of use of the selected sensor instead of the scaling upper/lower limit
*2 See page 5-35.



J Issuing special commands

2B 2B 4B 2B 2B
Unit Command Instruction code FCS
Command code
@ 3 * CR
2B 2B 2B 4B 2B 2B
Unit Command End Instruction code FCS
Response No. code code
@ 3 * CR

The following functions are issued as special commands.

• Run/Stop (number of writings: 100000 operations)
Runs or stops programs. This command cannot be issued in setting
level 1.
• Remote/Local (number of writings: 100000 operations)
Selects remote operation or local operation.
• RAM Write mode (number of writings: 100000 operations)
In the RAM mode, the local SP (set point and set points 0 to 3) are
saved to RAM, and in the backup mode, the local SP is saved to EE-
• RAM data Save
When this command is issued, set points are saved to EEPROM.
• AT Execute/Cancel
Executes or cancels auto-tuning. This command cannot be issued in
setting level 1.
• SP mode (number of writings: 100000 operations)
Switches between local SP (LSP) and remote SP (RSP). This com-
mand cannot be issued in setting level 1.
• Move to setting level 1
Issue this command when writing parameters in the setup, expansion
and option modes. On the E5EK, the parameter switches to the top
parameter “input type” of the setup mode, and control is stopped.
• Software reset
Resets E5EK operation by communications. A response is not
returned to this command. Also, communications with the E5EK can-
not be carried out for five seconds after reset.
• Status
Monitors the status of the E5EK. Two command groups are available,
A and B, depending on the command code. The response is returned
in bit units to the command code (4B) of the response frame. For
details on the monitoring details of each group, see page 6---11.
F Command List Command No. Command Command Code
00 Run/Stop 0000: Run, 0001: Stop
02 Remote/Local 0000: Local, 0001: Remote
05 RAM write mode 0000: Backup, 0001: RAM
06 RAM data save 0000:
0000: Cancel, 0001: 40% AT execu-
07 AT Execute/Cancel
tion, 0002: 100% AT execution
08 SP mode 0000: LSP, 0001: RSP
09 Move to setting level 1 0000:
11 Software reset 0000:
14 Status 0000: A group, 0001: B group


6.4 Commands and Responses

F A group
Bit Description [1] [0]
0 Heating side output *3 ON OFF *1

1 Cooling side output *4 ON OFF *1

2 Alarm output 1 ON OFF *2

3 Alarm output 2 ON OFF *2

4 Alarm output 3 ON OFF *2

5 LBA output ON OFF *2

6 HBA output ON OFF *2

7 Run/Stop Stop Run

8 Auto/Manual Manual Auto
9 Remote/Local Remote Local
10 SP mode RSP LSP
11 Auto-tuning AT execution OFF
*1 Always “OFF” at linear output
*2 Always “OFF” when output is not assigned
*3 During position-proportional control, output is Open.
*4 During position-proportional control, output is Close.

F B group
Bit Description [1] [0]
0 Setting level 1 0
1 RAM write mode RAM Backup
2 Control output 1 type Linear Pulse
3 Control output 2 type Linear Pulse
5 Input error ON OFF
6 A/D converter error ON OFF
7 CT overflow ON OFF
8 CT hold ON OFF
9 Potentiometer error ON OFF
10 RSP input error ON OFF

To return to setting level 0 from setting level 1, issue the “software reset” com-
About Setting Levels mand.
If the parameter write command is issued for the setup and expansion modes in
setting level 0, an error occurs, and the end code (0D = Command cannot be
executed) is returned.



6.5 How to Read Communications Error Information

The result of communications on the E5EK can be checked by the end code in the response frame. Use
this end code to remedy errors that may occur.

J End code Communications are normal when the end code in the response is “00”.
If the end code is not “00”, this indicates that an error other that is not
an undefined error has occurred. The end code format is as follows and
does not contain a data area.
2B 1B 2B 2B 2B 2B
Unit Command End FCS
No. code code
@ * CR
Command type

End code 0D Code name Command cannot be executed

F Description • Writing was carried out during local operation.
• Writing was carried out during executing auto-tuning.
• An attempt was made to execute 40%AT during heating and cooling
control or position-proportional control.
• An attempt was made to switch run/stop in setting level 1.
• An attempt was made to execute AT in setting level 1.
F Action • Issue the parameter read or write commands in conditions other than above.

End code 10 Code name Parity error

F Description Parity check error was detected in the received data.
F Action Check the communications condition. If the communications condition
of the host computer and E5EK controller match, then a probable cause
is a problem in the communications circuit of one or both of the host
computer and E5EK controller.

End code 11 Code name Framing error

F Description Stop bit cannot be detected.
F Action Check the communications condition. If the communications condition
of the host computer and E5EK controller match, then a probable cause
is a problem in the communications circuit of one or both of the host
computer and E5EK controller.

End code 13 Code name FCS error

F Description The FCS (Frame Check Sequence) do not match.

F Action Check the FCS program.

About the unit No. Responses are not returned unless the target unit for communications and the
unit No. in the command match.


6.5 How to Read Communications Error Information

End code 14 Code name Format error

F Description The received command length does not match the length defined in the
frame format.

F Action Check the communications condition. If the communications condition

of the host computer and E5EK controller match, then a probable cause
is a problem in the communications circuit of one or both of the host
computer and E5EK controller.

End code 15 Code name Setting range error

F Description Numerical values or code values in the data are not within the setting

F Action Check the parameter and read or write data of special commands.

J Undefined error
2B 2B 2B 2B
Unit FCS
@ I C * CR

F Description • An undefined header code has been received.

• A currently invalid parameter (e.g. the scaling command during tem-
perature input) has been received.

F Action • Check the parameter No.



6.6 Program Example

J How to use programs

The program described below is for obtaining corresponding response frame data
when some of the command frame data is input.
The input format is as follows. The FCS and terminator are automatically gener-
ated, and need not be input.

2B 1B 2B 4B 2B 2B
Unit Command Data FCS
No. code
@ * CR
Command type

Input data Automatically


The output format is as follows. The content of the response frame is displayed as it

2B 1B 2B 2B 4B 2B 2B
Unit Command End Data FCS
No. code code
@ * CR
Command type

F Procedure
(1) Read the program.
(2) Enter “RUN”.
(3) When “send data:” is displayed, enter the command data (from @ to the com-
mand string).
(4) The content of the response frame is displayed following “receive data:”.

F Conditions when running a program

• Set the communications condition as follows:
Baud rate : 9600 bps
Bit length : 7 bits
Parity : Even
Stop bit : 2
• Make sure that the communications cable is properly connected.


6.6 Program Example

J Program list (language: IBM PC COMPATIBLE MACHINE)

1000 ’
1010 ’ PROGRAM : E5EK Communication Program
1050 ’
1060 ’ RS-232C SPEED: 9600BPS, PARITY: EVEN, DATA: 7, STOP: 2
1070 OPEN ”COM: 9600, E, 7, 2, CD0, CS0, DS0, RB256, RS ”FOR RANDAM AS #1 LEN=256
1090 ’ Make Command
1100 PRINT ”send data : ” ;
1120 ’ FCS calculation
1130 FCS=0
1160 NEXT
1170 FCS$=RIGHT$ (”0”+HEX$ (FCS), 2)
1180 ’ Send data to communication port
1190 PRINT #1, SEND$+FCS$+”*”
1200 ’ Receive data from communication port
1210 RECCNT=0: TMP$=””
1230 IF LOC (1) <> 0 THEN DREC1
1260 ‘DREC1
1270 TMP$=TMP$+INPUT$ (LOC (1), #1)
1300 TMP$=”No response !!”
1320 RECV$=TMP$
1330 PRINT ”response: ”; RECV$
1340 ’ Repeat to make Command
1360 ’ END
1370 CLOSE #1
1380 END



J Examples of use
F Set the unit No. to “00”
• In the following examples, data is shown in individual blocks to make the exam-
ples easier to understand. However, when actually creating programs, do not leave
spaces between frame items. Also, response are displayed without spaces between
frame items.

F Set the set point to “300.0”

• Input data
@ 00 2 01 3000
Set point
Write parameter

• Response
@ 00 2 01 00 3000 (FCS) *
Normal end

F Start running
• Input data
@ 00 3 00 0000
Special command

• Response
@ 00 3 00 00 0000 (FCS) *
Normal end

F Monitor process value

• Input data
@ 00 1 00 0000
Dummy data
Monitor process value
Read parameter

• Response
@ 00 1 00 00 2000 (FCS) *
Process value = 2000
Normal end



This chapter describes procedures for each calibration operation.
Read this chapter only when the controller must be calibrated.

7.1 Structure of Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2

7.2 Calibrating Thermocouple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4
7.3 Calibrating Platinum
Resistance Thermometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
7.4 Calibrating Current Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
7.5 Calibrating Voltage Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10
7.6 Checking Indication Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12



7.1 Structure of Parameters

• To calibrate the E5EK controller, select [ ] in the menu display

to select the calibration mode. [ ] is displayed.
• However, note that [ ] may not be displayed on the menu display
when, for example, the user is calibrating the E5EK controller for the
first time. If this happens, [ ] is displayed by changing the “secu-
rity” parameter (protect mode) to “0”.
• The parameters in the calibration mode are configured as follows.

Platinum resistance
Thermocouple thermometer Current input Voltage input

Thermocouple 1 Thermocouple 2 0 to 5V 1 to 5V 0 to 10V

Transfer output

Only when transfer

output function is Thermocouple 1 : K1/J1/L1/E/N/W/PLII
supported Thermocouple 2 : K2/J2/L2/R/S/B/T/U
Platinum resistance
thermometer : JPt100/Pt100
Data save

• To select the desired parameter, press the key. Parameters are

displayed in the following order:
Calibration of inputs → Calibration of transfer output →
Saving of calibration data
If the E5EK controller does not support the transfer output function,
calibration of transfer output is automatically deleted from the cal-
ibration procedure as follows:
Calibration of inputs → Saving of calibration data
• Only inputs that have been set in the “input type” parameter (setup
mode) can be calibrated. To temporarily save data for each of the cal-
ibration parameters, press the key for 1 second.
• Transfer output can be calibrated only when the communications
unit (E53-AKF) is set in the controller. To ad-
just data items, press the or keys.
• The data save menu is displayed only when all calibration items have
temporarily been saved.
• After calibrating input, you must always check indication accuracy.
For details, see page 7-12.


7.1 Structure of Parameters

F Calibration item • Parameters are displayed on the No.1 display, and the process value is
menu displayed in Hexadecimal on the No.2 display.
Calibration item • Normally, the process value changes by several digits. The process
parameter value flashes, for example, when a sensor error causes the process
Process value value to stray from the calibration target range.
• When the process value display is flashing, the process value is not
saved as data even if the key is pressed.

F Calibration save • Once the E5EK controller has been calibrated by the user, [ ] is
mark preceded by the “.” mark when the calibration mode is selected.

calibration save mark



7.2 Calibrating Thermocouple

• Calibrate according to the type of thermocouple, thermocouple 1

group (K1, J1, L1, E, N, W, PLII) and thermocouple 2 group (K2, J2,
L2, R, S, B, T, U).
• When calibrating, do not cover the bottom or top of the controller.
Also, do not touch the input terminals (Nos. 11 and 12) and compen-
sating conductor on the E5EK controller.

F Preparations
AC100-240V ~
(AC/DC24V )
10 21 22 20 DMM
9 19
8 18
7 17
6 16
5 15 STV
4 14
3 13
Cold junction
2 12 compensator
1 23 11


• Set the cold junction compensator to 0_C. However, make sure that
internal thermocouples are disabled (tips are open).
• In the above figure, STV refers to a standard DC current/voltage
source, and DMM refers to a precision digital multimeter.
However, note that DMM is required only when the transfer output
function is supported.
• Use the compensating conductor selected thermocouple. However,
note that when thermocouple R, S, E, B, W or PLII is used, the cold
junction compensator and the compensating conductor can be substi-
tuted with the cold junction compensator and the compensating con-
ductor for thermocouple K.

Connecting the Correct process values cannot be obtained if you touch the contact ends of the
Cold Junction Con- compensating conductor during calibration of a thermocouple. Accordingly, short
ductor (enable) or open (disable) the tip of the compensating conductor inside the cold
junction compensator as shown in the figure below to create a contact or non-
contact state for the cold junction compensator.
Cold junction Cold junction
compensator compensator
controller 0°C/32°F controller 0°C/32°F Open

Compensating conductor Compensating conductor


7.2 Calibrating Thermocouple

F Calibration: This example describes how to calibrate a thermocouple when the

thermocouple 1 transfer output function is supported. If the transfer output function is
not supported, skips steps (7) to (10).
(1) When [ ] is displayed, the 30-minute timer is displayed on the
No.2 display and counts down. This timer serves as a guide for the
aging time when aging is required.
(2) First, calibrate the main input. Press the key to display [ ]
(50mV calibration display). Set STV output to 50mV. When the
value on the No.2 display has stabilized (changes of several digits
max.), press the key to temporarily save the calibration data.
(3) Press the key to display [ ] (0mV calibration display). Set
STV output to 0mV. When the value on the No.2 display has stabi-
lized (changes of several digits max.), press the key to tempo-
rarily save the calibration data.
(4) Next, calibrate the cold junction compensator. Press the key to
display [ ] (310mV calibration display). Set STV output to
310mV. When the value on the No.2 display has stabilized (changes
of several digits max.), press the key to temporarily save the
calibration data.
(5) Press the key to display [ ] (0mV calibration display). Set
STV output to 0mV. When the value on the No.2 display has stabi-
lized (changes of several digits max.), press the key to tempo-
rarily save the calibration data.
(6) Finally, calibrate the bias compensation value. Disconnect the STV,
and enable the thermocouple of the cold junction compensator.
When carrying this out, make sure that the wiring on the STV is
Make sure that the cold junction compensator is set to 0_C and
press the key. The display changes to [ ] (calibration dis-
play for the bias compensation value). When the value on the No.2
display has stabilized (changes of several digits max.), press the
key to temporarily save the calibration data.
(7) Next, calibrate the transfer output function. If the transfer output
function is not supported, skip to step (11). Press the key. The
display changes to [ ] (20mA calibration display).
(8) Set the output to 20mA by the or keys while monitoring
the voltage on the digital multimeter. In the example on the left,
the display indicates that the value two digits smaller than before
calibration is “20mA”.
(9) Press the key. The display changes to [ ] (4mA calibration
(10) Set the output to 4mA by the or keys while monitoring the
voltage on the digital multimeter. In the example on the left, the
display indicates that the value two digits smaller than before cal-
ibration is “4mA”.
(11) Press the key until the display changes to the data save dis-
play. Press the key. The No.2 display changes to [ ], and
two seconds later the calibration data is saved to internal memory.
If you press the key when the No.2 display reads [ ], the
calibration data is invalidated.
(12) This completes calibration of the thermocouple 1 group. Press the
key to return the display to [ ].



F Calibration: This example describes how to calibrate a thermocouple when the

thermocouple 2 transfer output function is supported. If the transfer output function is
not supported, skips steps (7) to (10).
(1) When [ ] is displayed, the 30-minute timer is displayed on the
No.2 display and counts down. This timer serves as a guide for the
aging time when aging is required.
(2) First, calibrate the main input. Press the key to display
[ ] (20mV calibration display). Set STV output to 20mV. When
the value on the No.2 display has stabilized (changes of several dig-
its max.), press the key to temporarily save the calibration
(3) Press the key to display [ ] (0mV calibration display). Set
STV output to 0mV. When the value on the No.2 display has stabi-
lized (changes of several digits max.), press the key to tempo-
rarily save the calibration data.
(4) Next, calibrate the cold junction compensator. Press the key to
display [ ] (310mV calibration display). Set STV output to
310mV. When the value on the No.2 display has stabilized (changes
of several digits max.), press the key to temporarily save the
calibration data.
(5) Press the key to display [ ] (0mV calibration display). Set
STV output to 0mV. When the value on the No.2 display has stabi-
lized (changes of several digits max.), press the key to tempo-
rarily save the calibration data.
(6) Finally, calibrate the bias compensation value. Disconnect the STV,
and enable the thermocouple of the cold junction compensator.
When carrying this out, make sure that the wiring on the STV is
Make sure that the cold junction compensator is set to 0_C and
press the key. The display changes to [ ] (calibration dis-
play for the bias compensation value). When the value on the No.2
display has stabilized (changes of several digits max.), press the
key to temporarily save the calibration data.
(7) Next, calibrate the transfer output function. If the transfer output
function is not supported, skip to step (11). Press the key. The
display changes to [ ] (20mA calibration display).
(8) Set the output to 20mA by the or keys while monitoring
the voltage on the digital multimeter. In the example on the left,
the display indicates that the value two digits smaller than before
calibration is “20mA”.
(9) Press the key. The display changes to [ ] (4mA calibration
(10) Set the output to 4mA by the or keys while monitoring the
voltage on the digital multimeter. In the example on the left, the
display indicates that the value two digits smaller than before cal-
ibration is “4mA”.
(11) Press the key until the display changes to the data save dis-
play. Press the key. The No.2 display changes to [ ], and
two seconds later the calibration data is saved to internal memory.
If you press the key when the No.2 display reads [ ], the
calibration data is invalidated.
(12) This completes calibration of the thermocouple 2 group. Press the
key to return the display to [ ].


7.3 Calibrating Platinum Resistance Thermometer

7.3 Calibrating Platinum Resistance Thermometer

F Preparation
AC100-240V ~
(AC/DC24V )
10 21 22 20 DMM
9 19
8 18
7 17
6 16
5 15
4 14
3 13
2 12 6-dial
1 23 11

• Use leads of the same thickness when connecting to the platinum

resistance thermometer.
• In the above figure, 6-dial refers to a precision resistance box, and
DMM stands for a digital multimeter. However, note that the DMM is
required only when the transfer output function is supported.
• Connect (short) the leads from terminal Nos. 11 and 12.

F Calibration This example describes how to calibrate a platinum resistance ther-

mometer when the transfer output function is supported. If the transfer
output function is not supported, skips steps (7) to (10).
(1) When [ ] is displayed, the 30-minute timer is displayed on the
No.2 display and counts down. This timer serves as a guide for the
aging time when aging is required.
(2) First, calibrate the main input. Press the key to display
[ ] (300Ω calibration display). Set the 6-dial to 300Ω. When the
value on the No.2 display has stabilized (changes of several digits
max.), press the key to temporarily store the calibration data.
Short terminal
Nos.11 to 13 (3) Press the key to switch [ ] (0Ω calibration) display. Short
terminal No. 11 to 13. When the value on the No.2 display has sta-
bilized (changes of several digits max.), press the key to tempo-
rarily store the calibration data.
(4) Next, calibrate the B-B’ input. Change the wiring as follows.
Change wiring. 15
12 6-dial
Short terminal
Nos.11 to 13 Make the connection across terminals 11 and 12 and the 6-dial as
short as possible. Short terminals 11 and 13.
Cont’d on next page (5) Press the key to display [ ] (10Ω calibration display). Set
the 6-dial to 10Ω.. When the value on the No.2 display has stabilized
(changes of several digits max.), press the key to temporarily
store the calibration data.



From previous page (6) Press the key to display [ ] (0Ω calibration display, Short
terminal Nos. 11 to 13. When the value on the No.2 display has sta-
bilized (changes of several digits max.), press the key to tempo-
rarily store the calibration data.
(7) Next, calibrate the transfer output function. If the transfer output
function is not supported, skip to step (11). Press the key. The
display changes to [ ] (20mA calibration display).
(8) Set the output to 20mA by the or keys while monitoring
the voltage on the digital multimeter. In the example on the left,
the display indicates that the value two digits smaller than before
calibration is “20mA”.
(9) Press the key. The display changes to [ ] (4mA calibration
(10) Set the output to 4mA by the or keys while monitoring the
voltage on the digital multimeter. In the example on the left, the
display indicates that the value two digits smaller than before cal-
ibration is “4mA”.
(11) Press the key until the display changes to the data save dis-
play. Press the key. The No.2 display changes to [ ], and
two seconds later the calibration data is saved to internal memory.
If you press the key when the No.2 display reads [ ], the
calibration data is invalidated.
(12) This completes calibration of the platinum resistance thermometer.
Press the key to return the display to [ ].


7.4 Calibrating Current Input

7.4 Calibrating Current Input

F Preparation AC100-240V ~
(AC/DC24V )
10 21 22 20 DMM
9 19
8 18
7 17
6 16
5 15
4 14
3 13
2 12
1 23 11


F Calibration • In the above figure, STV refers to a standard DC current/voltage

source, and DMM refers to a precision digital multimeter. However,
note that the DMM is required only when the transfer output func-
tion is supported.

This example describes how to calibrate a current input when the

transfer output function is supported. If the transfer output function is
not supported, skips steps (4) to (7).
(1) When [ ] is displayed, the 30-minute timer is displayed on the
No.2 display and counts down. This timer serves as a guide for the
aging time when aging is required.
(2) Press the key. The display changes to [ ] (20mA calibra-
tion display). Set the STV output to 20mA. When the value on the
No.2 display has stabilized (changes of several digits max.), press
the key to temporarily store the calibration data.
(3) Press the key. The display changes to [ ] (0mA calibration
display). Set the STV output to 0 mA. When the value on the No.2
display has stabilized (changes of several digits max.), press the
key to temporarily store the calibration data.
(4) Next, calibrate the transfer output function. If the transfer output
function is not supported, skip to step (8). Press the key. The
display changes to [ ] (20mA calibration display).
(5) Set the output to 20mA by the or keys while monitoring
the voltage on the digital multimeter. In the example on the left,
the display indicates that the value two digits smaller than before
calibration is “20mA”.
(6) Press the key. The display changes to [ ] (4mA calibration
(7) Set the output to 4mA by the or keys while monitoring the
voltage on the digital multimeter. In the example on the left, the
display indicates that the value two digits smaller than before cal-
ibration is “4mA”.
(8) Press the key until the display changes to the data save dis-
play. Press the key. The No.2 display changes to [ ], and
two seconds later the calibration data is saved to internal memory.
If you press the key when the No.2 display reads [ ], the
calibration data is invalidated.
(9) This completes calibration of current input. Press the key to
return the display to [ ].



7.5 Calibrating Voltage Input

F Preparation
AC100-240V ~
(AC/DC24V )
10 21 22 20 DMM
9 19
8 18
7 17
6 16
5 15
4 14 +
3 13
2 12
-- STV
1 23 11

• In the above figure, STV refers to a standard DC current/voltage

source, and DMM refers to a precision digital multimeter. However,
note that the DMM is required only when the transfer output func-
tion is supported.

F Calibration: This example describes how to calibrate voltage input when the trans-
0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V fer output function is supported. If the transfer output function is not
supported, skips steps (4) to (7).
(1) When [ ] is displayed, the 30-minute timer is displayed on the
No.2 display and counts down. This timer serves as a guide for the
aging time when aging is required.
(2) Press the key. The display changes to [ ] (5 V calibration
display). Set the STV output to 5V. When the value on the No.2 dis-
play has stabilized (changes of several digits max.), press the
key to temporarily store the calibration data.
(3) Press the key. The display changes to [ ] (0V calibration
display). Set the STV output to 0V. When the value on the No.2 dis-
play has stabilized (changes of several digits max.), press the
key to temporarily store the calibration data.
(4) Next, calibrate the transfer output function. If the transfer output
function is not supported, skip to step (8). Press the key. The
display changes to [ ] (20mA calibration display).
(5) Set the output to 20mA by the or keys while monitoring
the voltage on the digital multimeter. In the example on the left,
the display indicates that the value two digits smaller than before
calibration is “20mA”.
(6) Press the key. The display changes to [ ] (4mA calibration
(7) Set the output to 4mA by the or keys while monitoring the
voltage on the digital multimeter. In the example on the left, the
display indicates that the value two digits smaller than before cal-
Cont’d on next page ibration is “4mA”.


7.5 Calibrating Voltage Input

From previous page (8) Press the key until the display changes to the data save dis-
play. Press the key. The No.2 display changes to [ ], and
two seconds later the calibration data is saved to internal memory.
If you press the key when the No.2 display reads [ ], the
calibration data is invalidated.
(9) This completes calibration of voltage input (0 to 5V, 1 to 5V). Press
the key to return the display to [ ].

F Calibration : This example describes how to calibrate voltage input when the trans-
fer output function is supported. If the transfer output function is not
0 to 10V
supported, skips steps (4) to (7).
(1) When [ ] is displayed, the 30-minute timer is displayed on the
No.2 display and counts down. This timer serves as a guide for the
aging time when aging is required.
(2) Press the key. The display changes to [ ] (10V calibration
display). Set the STV output to 10V. When the value on the No.2
display has stabilized (changes of several digits max.), press the
key to temporarily store the calibration data.

(3) Press the key. The display changes to [ ] (0V calibration

display). Set the STV output to 0V. When the value on the No.2 dis-
play has stabilized (changes of several digits max.), press the
key to temporarily store the calibration data.
(4) Next, calibrate the transfer output function. If the transfer output
function is not supported, skip to step (8). Press the key. The
display changes to [ ] (20mA calibration display).
(5) Set the output to 20mA by the or keys while monitoring
the voltage on the digital multimeter. In the example on the left,
the display indicates that the value two digits smaller than before
calibration is “20mA”.
(6) Press the key. The display changes to [ ] (4mA calibration
(7) Set the output to 4mA by the or keys while monitoring the
voltage on the digital multimeter. In the example on the left, the
display indicates that the value two digits smaller than before cal-
ibration is “4mA”.
(8) Press the key until the display changes to the data save dis-
play. Press the key. The No.2 display changes to [ ], and
two seconds later the calibration data is saved to internal memory.
If you press the key when the No.2 display reads [ ], the
calibration data is invalidated.
(9) This completes calibration of voltage input (0 to 10V). Press the
key to return the display to [ ].



7.6 Checking Indication Accuracy

• After calibrating input, make sure that you check indication accuracy
to make sure that the E5EK controller has been correctly calibrated.
• Operate the E5EK controller in the PV/SP monitor (level 0 mode)
• Check the indication accuracy at the upper and lower limits and mid-

F Thermocouple • Preparation
The following figure shows the required device connection. Make sure
that the E5EK controller and cold junction compensator are con-
nected by a compensating conductor for the input type that is to be
used during actual operation.
AC100-240V ~
(AC/DC24V )
10 DMM
SOURCE 21 22 20
9 19
8 18
7 17
6 16
5 15
Cold junction
4 14 compensator
3 13
2 12
1 23 11

• Operation
Make sure that the cold junction compensator is at 0_C, and set STV
output to the voltage equivalent to the starting power of the check

F Platinum resis- • Preparation

tance thermome- The following figure shows the required device connection.
ter AC100-240V ~
(AC/DC24V )
10 21 22 20
9 19
8 18
7 17
6 16
5 15
4 14
3 13
2 12 6-dial
1 23 11

• Operation
Set the 6-dial to the resistance equivalent to the check value.


7.6 Checking Indication Accuracy

F Current input • Preparation

The following figure shows the required device connection.

AC100-240V ~
(AC/DC24V )
10 21 22 20 DMM
9 19
8 18
7 17
6 16
5 15
4 14
3 13
2 12
1 23 11


• Operation
Set the STV to the current value equivalent to the check value.

F Voltage input • Preparation

The following figure shows the required device connection.

AC100-240V ~
(AC/DC24V )
10 21 22 20 DMM
9 19
8 18
7 17
6 16
5 15
4 14 +

3 13
2 12
-- STV
1 23 11

• Operation
Set the STV to the voltage value equivalent to the check value.





This chapter describes how to find out and remedy the cause if the
E5EK does not function properly.

8.1 Initial Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2

8.2 How to Use the Error Display . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
8.3 How to Use Error Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5
8.4 Checking Operation Restrictions . . . . . . . . 8-6



8.1 Initial Checks

If trouble occurs, first of all check the following.

(1) Power supply
Make sure that the power supply is ON. Also, make sure that the
power supply is within the rated voltage range.
(2) Wiring
Make sure that all cables are properly connected.
(3) Communications condition
When communicating using the RS-232C, RS-422 or RS-485 com-
munications interfaces, make sure that the baud rate and other
communications condition settings on the host computer and
E5EK controller are matching, and are within the permissible

If there appears to be nothing wrong after checking the E5EK control-

ler, and the same phenomenon continues, check the controller in more
detail, for example, on the error display.


8.2 How to Use the Error Display

8.2 How to Use the Error Display

When an error has occurred, the No.1 display alternately indicates

error codes together with the current display item.
This section describes how to check error codes on the display, and the
actions you must be taken to remedy the problem.

Input error

F Meaning Input is in error.

F Action Check the wiring of inputs, disconnections, and shorts, and check the
input type.

F Operation at For control output functions, output the manipulated variable matched
error to the setting of the “MV at PV error” parameter (level 2 mode). Alarm
output functions are activated when the upper limit is exceeded.

Memory error

F Meaning Internal memory operation is in error.

F Action First, turn the power OFF then back ON again. If the display remains
the same, the E5EK controller must be repaired. If the display is
restored to normal, then a probable cause can be external noise affect-
ing the control system. Check for external noise.

F Operation at Control output functions turn OFF (2mA max. at 4 to 20mA output,
error and output equivalent to 0% in case of other outputs). Alarm output
functions turn OFF.

A/D converter error

F Meaning Internal circuits are in error.

F Action First, turn the power OFF then back ON again. If the display remains
the same, the E5EK controller must be repaired. If the display is
restored to normal, then a probable cause can be external noise affect-
ing the control system. Check for external noise.

F Operation at Control output functions turn OFF (2mA max. at 4 to 20mA output,
error and output equivalent to 0% in case of other outputs). Alarm output
functions turn OFF.



Calibration data error

This error is output only during temperature input, and is displayed for
two seconds when the power is turned ON.

F Meaning Calibration data is in error.

F Action Must repair.

F Operation at Both control output functions and alarm output functions operate.
error However, note that readout accuracy is not assured.

Display range over

F Meaning Though not an error, this is displayed when the process value exceeds
the display range when the control range (setting range ±10%) is larger
than the display range (-1999 to 9999).
• When less than “-1999” [ ]
• When greater than “9999” [ ]

F Operation Control continues, allowing normal operation.

Motor calibration error (Displayed on the No. 2 Display)

F Meaning Motor calibration has ended with an error.

F Action First, correctly connect the wiring for the potentiometer, open output,
and close output.
Execute the motor calibration again.

F Operation proce-

F Operation at When motor calibration is executed, open output will operate and then
error close output will operate. However, as the value is incorrect, the result
turns out to be an error.


8.3 How to Use Error Output

8.3 How to Use Error Output

The E5EK controller allows you to assign error output to terminals as

For details on output assignments, see 3.3 Setting Output Specifications
(page 3-6).

F LBA • LBA (Loop Break Alarm) can be used as a means for detecting loop
breaks when the control loop is not functioning normally. For details,
see page 4-15.
• LBA allows you to detect the following errors:
(1) Heater burnout
(2) Output error (contact weld, damaged transistors, etc.)
(3) Sensor error (constant input values, etc.)
• If you use the LBA function, set the loop break detection time
matched to the control characteristics in the “LBA detection time”
parameter (level 2 mode).

F Input errors • If you assign error 1 as the output, an error can be output to auxiliary
output 1 or auxiliary output 2 when input is in error. When this error
occurs, remedy by following the description for “Input error” (page

F A/D converter • If you assign error 2 as the output, an error can be output to auxiliary
error output 1 or auxiliary output 2 when the A/D converter is in error.
When this error occurs, remedy by following the description for “A/D
converter error” (page 8-3).

F Remote SP input • If you assign error 3 as the output, an error can be output to auxiliary
error output 1 or auxiliary output 2 when the remote SP input error occurs
while the remote SP function is enabled. For details on error displays
and meanings, see Chapter 4 Applied Operation/4.4 How to Use the
Remote SP (page 4-11).
• When an error occurs, check the state of the remote SP connection. If
the lead is broken or disconnected, the remote SP scaling lower limit
is displayed blinking on the PV/SP display or remote SP monitor dis-



8.4 Checking Operation Restrictions

With the E5EK controller, auto-tuning or self-tuning sometimes do not

operate depending on the way functions are combined. The table below
summarizes the main operating restrictions.
If the E5EK controller is not operating properly, first check whether
operating conditions violate the restrictions in this table.

Inoperable or Invalid Functions

ST Execution AT Execution Limiter Function Other
At analog input ¢
At heating and ¢ 40%AT
cooling control
At position-pro- ¢ 40% AT Manipulated variable ON/OFF control
portional control
At ON/OFF ¢ ¢ Manipulated variable
control MV change rate
ST = ON ¢ Manipulated variable SP ramp function
MV change rate
At AT execution -- MV change rate Parameter setting
At stop ¢ ¢ Manipulated variable
MV change rate

Items marked by a “x” indicates combinations of conditions not acceptable during ST or AT execu-
Items marked by “ ---” are impossible combinations.




SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2
CONTROL BLOCK DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-6
SETTING LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-8
MODEL LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-11
PARAMETER OPERATIONS LIST . . . . . . . . . . A-12
FUZZY SELF-TUNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-14
X FORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-17
ASCII CODE LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-20




J Ratings
AC100-240V type AC/DC24V type
Supply Voltage AC100-240V ~ , 50/60 Hz AC/DC24V , 50/60Hz
Power Consumption 15VA 12VA, 8W
Operating Voltage
85% to 110% of rated supply voltage
Thermocouple : K, J, T, E, L, U, N, R, S, B, W, PLII *1, *2
Platinum resistance thermometer : JPt100, Pt100
Main Input
Voltage input : 4 to 20mA, 0 to 20mA (Input impedance 150Ω)
Current input : 1 to 5V, 0 to 5V, 1 to 10V (Input impedance 1MΩ)
CT input: E54-CT1, E54-CT3
Sub-Input Potentiometer: 100Ω to 2.5kΩ
Remote SP input: 4 to 20 mA (Input impedance 150Ω)
Control Output According to output unit (see “Output Unit Ratings and Characteristics”)
Auxiliary Output SPST-NO, 3A at 250 VAC (resistive load)
Control Method Advanced PID or ON/OFF control
Setting Method Digital setting using front panel keys
Indication Method 7-segment digital display, Bar graph and LEDs
Other Functions According to option unit (see ”Option Unit Ratings and Characteristics”)
Operating : -10°C to 55°C (with no icing)/3-year warranty period: -10°C to 50°C
Ambient Temperature
Storage : -25°C to 65°C (with no icing)
Ambient Humidity 35% to 85%
*1 Thermocouple W is W/Re5-26.
*2 The following table shows the setting ranges and indication ranges for each of the inputs.

Input Setting Range Indication Range

JPt100 -199.9 to 650.0(_C) /-199.9 to 999.9(_F) -199.9 to 735.0(_C) /-199.9 to 999.9(_F)
Pt100 -199.9 to 650.0(_C) /-199.9 to 999.9(_F) -199.9 to 735.0(_C) /-199.9 to 999.9(_F)
K1 -200 to 1300(_C) /-300 to 2300(_F) -350 to 1450(_C) /-560 to 2560(_F)
K2 0.0 to 500.0(_C) /0.0 to 900.0(_F) -50.0 to 550.0(_C) /-90.0 to 990.0(_F)
J1 -100 to 850(_C) /-100 to 1500(_F) -195 to 945(_C) /-260 to 1660(_F)
J2 0.0 to 400.0(_C) /0.0 to 750.0(_F) -40.0 to 440.0(_C) /-75.0 to 825.0(_F)
T -199.9 to 400.0(_C) /-199.9 to 700.0(_F) -199.9 to 460.0(_C) /-199.9 to 790.0(_F)
E 0 to 600(_C) /0 to 1100(_F) -60 to 660(_C) /-110 to 1210(_F)
L1 -100 to 850(_C) /-100 to 1500(_F) -195 to 945(_C) /-260 to 1660(_F)
L2 0.0 to 400.0(_C) /0.0 to 750.0(_F) -40.0 to 440.0(_C) /-75.0 to 825.0(_F)
U -199.9 to 400.0(_C) /-199.9 to 700.0(_F) -199.9 to 460.0(_C) /-199.9 to 790.0(_F)
N -200 to 1300(_C) /-300 to 2300(_F) -350 to 1450(_C) /-560 to 2560(_F)
R 0 to 1700(_C) /0 to 3000(_F) -170 to 1870(_C) /-300 to 3300(_F)
S 0 to 1700(_C) /0 to 3000(_F) -170 to 1870(_C) /-300 to 3300(_F)
B 100 to 1800(_C) /300 to 3200(_F) -70 to 1970(_C) /10 to 3490(_F)
W 0 to 2300(_C) /0 to 4100(_F) -230 to 2530(_C) /-410 to 4510(_F)
PLII 0 to 1300(_C) /0 to 2300(_F) -130 to 1430(_C) /-230 to 2530(_F)
4 to 20mA One of following ranges depending on results of -10 to 110% of setting range. Note, however that
0 to 20mA scaling max. value is -1999 to 9999
-1999 to 9999
1 to 5V -199.9 to 999.9
0 to 5V -19.99 to 99.99
0 to 10V -1.999 to 9.999



J Characteristics
(±0.3% of indication value or ± 1°C, whichever greater) ± 1 digit max. (*1)
Platinum resistance thermometer:
(±0.2% of indication value or± 0.8°C whichever greater)± 1 digit max.
Indication Accuracy
Analog input: ±0.2%± 1 digit max.
CT input: 5%FS 1 digit max.
Potentiometer: 5%FS 1 digit max.
Remote SP: 0.2%FS 1 digit max.
Platinum resistance thermometer:
Temperature variation influence
(±1% of PV or ± 2°C, whichever greater) ±1 digit max.
Thermocouple (R, S, B, W):
(±1% of PV or ± 10°C,
10°C whichever greater) ±1 digit max.
Voltage variation influence Other thermocouples (K1, K2, J1, J2, E, N, T, L1, L2, U, PLII):
(*2) (±1% of PV or ± 4°C, whichever greater) ±1 digit max.
Analog input (current, voltage, or remote SP input): ±1%FS±1 digit max.
Hysteresis 0.01 to 99.99% FS (in units of 0.01% FS)
Proportional Band (P) 0.1 to 999.9% FS (in units of 0.1% FS)
Integral (reset) Time (I) 0 to 3999 s (in units of 1 second) (*3)

Derivative (rate) Time (D) 0 to 3999 s (in units of 1 second)

Control Period 1 to 99 s (in units of 1 second)
Manual Reset Value 0.0 to 100.0% (in units of 0.1%)
--1999 to 9999 or -199.9 to 999.9 (decimal point position dependent on input type or result of
Alarm Setting Range
Sampling Period Temperature input: 250 ms, Analog input: 100 ms, Sub-input : 1s
Insulation Resistance 20 MΩ min. (at 500 VDC)
Dielectric Strength 2000 VAC, 50/60Hz for 1 min (between terminals of different polarities)

Vibration Malfunction 10 to 55 Hz, 10 m/s2 (approx. 1G) for 10 min each in X, Y, and Z directions
Resistance Destruction 10 to 55 Hz, 20 m/s2 (Approx. 2G) for 2hrs each in X, Y, and Z directions
200 m/s2 min. (approx. 20G), 3 times each in 6 directions (100 m/s2 (approx. 10G) applied to
Shock Resis- Malfunction
the relay)
Destruction 300 m/s2 min. (Approx. 30G), 3 times each in 6 directions
Weight Approx. 320 g, mounting bracket: approx. 65 g
Front panel: NEMA4 for indoor use (equivalent to IP66)
Enclosure Ratings Rear case: IEC standard IP20
Terminals: IEC standard IP00
Memory Protection Non-volatile memory (number of writings : 100000 operations)

*1 The indication accuracy of the K1, T, and N thermocouples at a temperature of -100°C or less is ±2°C ±1 digit maximum.
The indication accuracy of the U, L1 and L2 thermocouples at any temperature is ±2°C ±1 digit maximum.
The indication accuracy of the B thermocouple at a temperature of 400°C or less is unrestricted.
The indication accuracy of the R and S thermocouples at a temperature of 200°C or less is ±3°C ±1 digit maximum.
The indication accuracy of the W thermocouple is ±1 digit max. of whichever is the greater of ±0.3% or ±3°C of the indi-
cated value.
The indication accuracy of the PLII thermocouple is ±1 digit max. of whichever is the greater of ±0.3% or ±2°C of the
indicated value.
*2 Ambient temperature: ---10°C to 23°C to 55°C
Voltage range: ---15 to +10% of rated voltage
*3 On a position-proportional control type, 1 to 3999.

F Heater Burnout Alarm

Max. heater current Single-phase 50 A VAC (see note 1)
Heater current value display accuracy 5%FS 1 digit max.
Heater burnout alarm setting range 0.1 to 49.9 A (in units of 0.1 A) see note 2)
Min. detection ON time 190 ms (see note 3)

Note: 1. Use the K2CU-FVVA-VGS (with gate input terminals) for the detection of three-phase heater burnout.
2. The heater burnout alarm is always OFF if the alarm is set to 0.0A and always ON if the alarm is set to 50.0A.
3. No heater burnout detection or heater current value measurement is possible if the control output (heat) is ON for
less than 190ms.



J Output Unit Ratings and Characteristics

Ratings and characteristics conform to the output unit mounted on the
controller. For details on the ratings of the output unit, see page 2---9.
The relay output unit is already mounted on the E5EK-PRR2. When
replacing the output unit, use the E53-R.

J Option Unit Ratings and Characteristics

Contact input ON: 1 kΩ max., OFF: 100 kΩ min.
Event inputs ON: residual voltage 1.5 V max., OFF: leakage current 0.1 mA
No-contact input
Interface :RS-232C, RS-422 or RS-485
Transmission method :Half-duplex
Synchronization method :Start-stop synchronization (asynchronous method)
Baud rate :1.2/2.4/4.8/9.6/19.2 kbps
Transfer output 4 to 20 mA, Permissible load impedance: 600 Ω max. Resolution: Approx. 2600




F Specifications
Item Specifications
Type E54-CT1 E54-CT3
Max. continuous current 50A 120A (*1)
Dielectric Strength AC 1000V (1min)
Vibration Resistance 50Hz 98m/s2 [10G]
Weight Approx. 11.5g Approx. 50g
Armature (2)
Accessory -
Plug (2)
*1 The maximum continuous current of the E5AK is 50 A.

F Dimensions
E54-CT1 21 2.8







E54-CT3 30 φ2.36


2-M3 depth 4





J Standard type

Temperature Analog input


Digital filter Digital filter

Input shift Scaling

Set point
Input type

SP mode
LSP Process
SP ramp

RSP enable Control method

Control mode Control mode

ON/OFF ON/OFF control

control PID control 3-position control PID control

Heating Cooling
Process/function side side
MV change MV change
rate limiter rate limiter

MV limiter MV limiter

Dead band
Heating Cooling
side side

Error MV at Error
PV error

Stop MV at stop Stop

Manual Manual MV Manual

DStop Manipulated
DStop Manipulated
variable at variable at
heating side cooling side



J Position-proportional type
Temperature Analog input

Digital filter Digital filter

Input shift Scaling

Set point
Input type

SP mode
LSP Process
SP ramp value

RSP enable PID control

MV change
rate limiter

dead band
Open side Close side


Data Operation at
Error Error
PV error

Operation at
Stop Stop

Manual Manual Manual


Open Close
output output




Mode Parameter Name Setting Range Unit Default Remarks Setting

Security 0 to 6 None 1
[A/M] key protect ON/OFF None OFF
Manual Manual MV -5.0 to 105.0 *1 % 0.0
Set point Set point lower limit to Set point upper limit EU 0
Level 0
Run/Stop Run/Stop None RUN
AT Execute/Cancel OFF/AT-1/AT-2 None OFF During running
Set point 0 Set point lower limit to Set point upper limit EU 0 Multi-SP
Set point 1 Set point lower limit to Set point upper limit EU 0 Multi-SP

Set point 2 Set point lower limit to Set point upper limit EU 0 Multi-SP

Set point 3 Set point lower limit to Set point upper limit EU 0 Multi-SP

Alarm value 1 -1999 to 9999 EU 0

Alarm value 2 -1999 to 9999 EU 0

Alarm value 3 -1999 to 9999 EU 0

Proportional band 0.1 to 999.9 %FS 10.0

Integral time 0 to 3999 sec 233

Level 1 Derivative time 0 to 3999 sec 40

Cooling coefficient 0.01 to 99.99 None 1.00 At heating and

cooling control
Dead band -19.99 to 99.99 %FS 0.00 At heating and
cooling control
Position-proportional 0.1 to 10.0 % 2.0 At position-propor-
dead band tional control
Manual reset value 0.0 to 100.0 % 50.0

Hysteresis (heat) 0.01 to 99.99 %FS 0.10

Hysteresis (cool) 0.01 to 99.99 %FS 0.10 At heating and

cooling control
Control period (heat) 1 to 99 sec 20

Control period (cool) 1 to 99 sec 20 At heating and

cooling control
Heater burnout 0.0 to 50.0 A 0.0 Heater burnout
Remote/Local RMT/LCL None LCL Communications
unit setting
SP mode RSP/LSP None LSP
SP ramp time unit M(Minutes) / H(Hours) None M

SP ramp set value 0 to 9999 EU 0

LBA detection time 0 to 9999 *1 Sec 0

MV at stop -5.0 to 105.0 *1 % 0.0

MV at PV error -5.0 to 105.0 *2 % 0.0

MV upper limit MV lower limit + 0.1 to 105.0 *3 % 105.0

Level 2 MV lower limit -5.0 to MV upper limit -0.1 % -5.0

MV change rate limit 0.0 to 100.0 %/sec 0.0

Input digital filter 0 to 9999 sec 0

Open/close hysteresis 0.1 to 20.0 % 0.8
Alarm 1 hysteresis 0.01 to 99.99 %FS 0.02

Alarm 2 hysteresis 0.01 to 99.99 %FS 0.02

Alarm 3 hysteresis 0.01 to 99.99 %FS 0.02

Input shift upper limit -199.9 to 999.9 °C/°F 0.0 Temperature input

Input shift lower limit -199.9 to 999.9 °C/°F 0.0 Temperature input
*1 During heat and cooling control, the lower limit becomes -105.0%.
During position-proportional control the setting becomes HOLD, OPEN or CLOS.
*2 During heat and cooling control, the setting range becomes 0.0 to 105.0%.
*3 During heat and cooling control, the setting range becomes -105.0 to 0.0%.



Mode Parameter Name Setting Range Unit Default Remarks Setting

Input type 0 to 21 None 2
Scaling upper limit Scaling lower limit +1 to 9999 *4 EU -100 Analog input
Scaling lower limit -1999 to SP setting upper limit -0.1 *4 EU 0 Analog input
Decimal point 0 to 3 None 0 Analog input
_C/_F selection _C/_F None _C Temperature input
Parameter initialize Yes/No None NO
Heat/Cool/Alarm 1/Alarm 2/Alarm 3
Control output 1 assignment None HEAT
Heat/Cool/Alarm 1/Alarm 2/Alarm 3
Control output 2 assignment None AL-1
Alarm 1/Alarm 2/Alarm 3/HBA/LBA/
Auxiliary output 1 assignment None AL-2
Alarm 1/Alarm 2/Alarm 3/HBA/
Setup Auxiliary output 2 assignment None AL-3
Output assignment
Alarm 1 type 1 to 11 None 2
Output assignment
Alarm 1 open in alarm N-O/N-C None N-O
Output assignment
Alarm 2 type 1 to 11 None 2
Output assignment
Alarm 2 open in alarm N-O/N-C None N-O
Output assignment
Alarm 3 type 1 to 11 None 2
Output assignment
Alarm 3 open in alarm N-O/N-C None N-O
Direct/Reverse operation OR-R/OR-D None OR-R
Set point lower limit +1 to scaling
Set point upper limit None 1300 *4
upper limit *2
Scaling lower limit to Set point upper
Set point lower limit None -200 *4
limit -1 *2
ST stable range 0.1 to 999.9 °C/°F 15.0 ST=ON
E α 0.00 to 1.00 None 0.65
AT calculated gain 0.1 to 10.0 None 1.0
Standby sequence reset set-
0/1 None 0
ting method
Automatic return of display
0 to 99 Sec 0
AT hysteresis 0.1 to 9.9 %FS 0.2
LBA detection width 0.0 to 999.9 %FS 0.2
*4 When temperature input is selected, the sensor range selected in the “input type” parameter (setup mode) corresponds to the
scaling upper and lower limit value.



Mode Parameter Name Setting Range Unit Default Remarks Setting

Multi-SP function 0 to 2 None 0

Event input assignment 1 NON/STOP/RMT/MAN/RSP None NON

Event input assignment 2 NON/STOP/RMT/MAN/RSP None NON

Communication stop bit 1/2 bits 2

Communication data length 7/8 bits 7

Communication parity None/Even/Odd None EVEN

Communication baud rate 1.2/2.4/4.8/9.6/19.2 kbps 9.6

Communication unit No. 0 to 99 None 0

Transfer output type SP/SP-M/PV/O/C-O/V-M None SP

Transfer output upper limit *5 *5 *5

Transfer output lower limit *5 *5 *5

HBA latch ON/OFF None OFF

Motor calibration ON/OFF None OFF

Travel time 1 to 999 Sec 1

PV dead band 0 to 9999 EU 0

Remote SP enable ON/OFF None OFF

SP setting lower limit to SP setting
Remote SP upper limit EU 1300
upper limit
SP setting lower limit to SP setting
Remote SP lower limit EU -200
upper limit
SP tracking ON/OFF None OFF

*5 Set the transfer output type parameter according to the following table.
Transfer Output Type Transfer Output Lower Limit to Transfer Output Upper Limit
SP :Set point Set point lower limit to Set point upper limit
SP-M :Set point during SP ramp Set point lower limit to Set point upper limit
PV :Process value Scaling lower limit to scaling upper limit
O :Manipulated variable -5.0 to 105.0%
C-O :Manipulated variable 0.0 to 105.0%
V-M :Value opening -10.0 to 110.0%
D Default : SP
D The output ranges of the SP setting, set point or process value when temperature input is selected are the ranges sup-
ported by the selected sensor.
D When the heating side manipulated variable or cooling side manipulated variable is selected, the transfer output lower limit
in a heating and cooling control becomes “0.0”.




Description Type Name Specification

Base unit E5EK-AA2 AC100-240 Standard model
E5EK-AA2-500 AC100-240 Standard model with terminal cover
E5EK-AA2 AC/DC24 Standard model
E5EK-AA2-500 AC/DC24 Standard model with terminal cover
E5EK-PRR2 AC100-240 Position-proportional model
E5EK-PRR2-500 AC100-240 Position-proportional model with terminal cover
E5EK-PRR2 AC/DC24 Position-proportional model
E5EK-PRR2-500 AC/DC24 Position-proportional model with terminal cover
Option unit E53-AKB Event input
E53-AK01 Communication (RS-232C)
E53-AK02 Communication (RS-422)
E53-AK03 Communication (RS-485)
E53-AKF Transfer ouput
Output unit E53-R Relay
E53-Q Pulse (NPN) DC12V
E53-Q3 Pulse (NPN) DC24V
E53-Q4 Pulse (PNP) DC24V
E53-C3 Linear (4 to 20mA)
E53-C3D Linear (0 to 20mA)
E53-V34 Linear (0 to 10V)
E53-V35 Linear (0 to 5V)
Terminal cover E53-COV08 for E5EK




• Switching to modes other than manual or protect mode is carried out by mode selection in the
menu display.
• The figure below shows all parameters in the order that they are displayed. Some parameters are
not displayed depending on the protect mode setting and conditions of use.
Power ON
1 second min. 1 second min.

Level 0 mode Manual mode

1 second min. A/M

Level 1 mode 1 second min.

1 second min.
Level 2 mode A/M + A/M +
1 second min. 1 second min.
1 second min.
Setup mode
Protect mode
1 second min.
mode A/M +
1 second min.
1 second min.
Option mode
Parameters in a mode can be
1 second min.
switched by the key. The param-
Calibration eter following the last parameter is the
mode top parameter.

Level 0 Level 1 Level 2

PV/SP AT Execute/Cancel Remote/Local

Remote SP monitor Set point 0 SP mode
Set point during SP ramp Set point 1 SP ramp time unit
MV monitor (heat) Set point 2 SP ramp set value
MV monitor (cool) Set point 3 LBA detection time
Valve opening monitor Alarm value 1 MV at stop
Run/Stop Alarm value 2 MV at PV error
Alarm value 3 MV upper limit
Manual mode Proportional band MV lower limit
Integral time MV change rate limit
Manual MV Derivative time Input digital filter
Cooling coefficient Open/close hysteresis
Protect mode Dead band Alarm 1 hysteresis
Position--proportional dead band Alarm 2 hysteresis
Security Manual reset value Alarm 3 hysteresis
[A/M] key protect Hysteresis (heat) Input shift upper limit
Hysteresis (cool) Input shift lower limit
Control period (heat)
Control period (cool)
Heater current monitor
Heater burnout



Setup mode Option mode

Input type Set point upper limit Multi-SP function

Scaling upper limit Set point lower limit Event input assignment 1

Scaling lower limit PID / ON/OFF Event input assignment 2

Decimal point ST Communication stop bit

_C/_F selection ST stable range Communication data length

Parameter initialize α Communication parity

Control output 1 assignment AT calculated gain Communication baud rate

Control output 2 assignment Standby sequence reset method Communication unit No.

Auxiliary output 1 assignment Automatic return of display mode Transfer output type

Auxiliary output 2 assignment AT hysteresis Transfer output upper limit

Alarm 1 type LBA detection width Transfer output lower limit

Alarm 1 open in alarm HBA latch

Alarm 2 type Motor calibration

Alarm 2 open in alarm Travel time

Alarm 3 type PV dead band

Alarm 3 open in alarm Remote SP enable

Direct/Reverse operation Remote SP upper limit

Remote SP lower limit
SP tracking


Platinum resistance Current input Voltage input


Thermocouple 1 Thermocouple 2 0 to 5V 1 to 5V 0 to 10V


Only when transfer output

Thermocouple 1 : K1/J1/L1/E/N/W/PLII
function is supported
Thermocouple 2 : K2/J2/L2/R/S/B/T/U
Platinum resistance
thermometer : JPt100/Pt100
Data save




Fuzzy self-tuning is a function that enables the E5EK to calculate the

most suitable PID constants for the controlled object.

J Features
• The E5EK determines by itself when to perform fuzzy self-tuning.
• At the time of fuzzy self-tuning, the E5EK does not output any signal
that disturbs the temperature or output value.

J Fuzzy Self--tuning Function

The fuzzy self-tuning function has three modes.
In SRT(step response tuning) mode, the PID constants are tuned
using a step response method at the time the set point is changed.
In DT(disturbance tuning) mode, the PID constants are amended
so that the controlled temperature will be within the target range
set in advance when there is external disturbance.
In HT(hunting tuning) mode, when hunting occurs, the PID
constants are amended to suppress the hunting.
Note: Be sure to turn on the power supply to the load either before or
simultaneously with the start of Temperature Controller opera-
tion. Dead time will be measured from the time the Temperature
Controller starts operating. If a load such as a heater is turned on
after the Temperature Controller is turned on, dead time longer
than the actual value will be measured and inappropriate PID
constants will be obtained. If an extremely large amount of dead
time is measured, the control amount will be set to 0% for a short
period of time before being returned to 100%, and the constants
will then be returned. Retuning is performed only for large
amounts of dead time, so be sure to follow the precaution given
above when starting operation.

F Startup SRT will start if the following conditions are satisfied simultaneously
Conditions of when the E5EK is turned on or the set point is changed.

SRT At the time the E5EK starts operation At the time set point is changed
1) The set point at the time the E5EK 1) The new set point is different from
starts operating is different from the the set point used at the time SRT
set point used at the time SRT was was executed last (see note).
last executed (see note). 2) The process value is in stable condi-
2) The process value at the time the tion before the set point is changed.
E5EK starts operating is smaller than 3) A larger set point value is set in
the set point in reverse operation and reverse operation and a smaller set
larger than the set point in normal point is set in normal operation.

Note: The last SRT-executed set point is set to 0 before shipping and
when changing from advanced PID control to advanced PID con-
trol with fuzzy self-tuning.



F PID Constant If the step control amount is applied before the maximum temperature
Refreshing slope (R) is obtained, SRT will not renew any PID constant. If the pro-
portional band obtained from the R and L values that were measured
before the imposition had been completed is larger than the present
proportional band, the PID constants will be renewed because the mea-
sured value is in the direction towards the suitable proportional band
value, and the set point at that time will be the SRT-executed set point.
Slope (R)
Stable range



F Stable Temperature Status

If the temperature is within the stable range for a certain time, it is
deemed that the temperature is stable. This time is called stability
judgement time. Like PID constants, stability judgement time is
adjusted with fuzzy self-tuning according to the characteristics of the
object to be controlled. Fuzzy self-tuning will not be activated if the
temperature is stable because the Temperature Controller deems that
temperature control is smooth.
Shorter than the stability judgement time

Stable range
Set point
Stable range

(Set to 15.0_C
before shipping)
Stability judgement time

Stable Stable

F Balanced Status
If the process value is within the stable range for 60s when there is no
output, it is deemed that the temperature is balanced.



F Startup Conditions of DT
(1) DT will start if the temperature that has been stable varies due to
external disturbance and the deflection of the temperature exceeds
the stable range, and then the temperature becomes stable, pro-
vided that the number of maximum temperature values is less than
(2) DT will start if the set point is changed under the condition that
SRT does not start and the temperature becomes stable, provided
that the number of maximum temperature values is less than four.
If there are four or more maximum temperature values, HT will
Set point change
Extreme value 2



Extreme value 1


F Startup Conditions of HT
HT will be ON when there is hunting with four or more maximum tem-
perature values(extreme values) while SRT is not being executed.
Extreme value 2 Extreme value 4



Extreme Extreme
value 1 value 3


Note: In specific applications where temperature varies periodically due

to disturbance, internal parameters need to be adjusted.




The E5EK controller supports communications in the X format.

Some of the data, such as unit, may differ with the E5AX/EX series.
For details on commands and setting range, see Chapter 5 Parameters
and Chapter 6 Using the Communications Function.

J Format Commands are structured as follows and are paired with a response.

2B 2B 2B 4 to 8B 2B 2B
Unit Header Data Data FCS
F Command No. code code
@ * CR

2B 2B 2B 4 to 8B 2B 2B
Unit Header End Data FCS
F Response No. code code
@ * CR
• “@”
The start character. This character must be inserted before the
leading byte.
• Unit No.
Specifies the “unit No.” of the E5EK. If there are two or more
transmission destinations, specify the desired destination using
“unit No.”
• Header code/Data code
Specifies the command type. For details on the command type,
see page A-18.
• Data
Specifies the set value or setting content. The data length varies
according to the command.
• End code
Sets the communication results. For details on the types and
meanings of end codes, see 6.5 How to Read Communications
Error Information (page 6-12).
• FCS (Frame Check Sequence)
Set the frame check results from the start character to the data
section. For details on the frame check, see 6.6 Program Example
(page 6-14).
• “*” “CR (Carriage Return) code”
Indicates the end (terminator) of the command or response block.




Header Code Data Code Command Content R/W Data Remarks
AP 01 AT cancel Write None
AS 01 AT start Write None
IC -- Undefined error - None Error response
MB 01 Remote/Local Write 4B
MA 01 RAM write mode
ME 01 Backup mode Write None
MW 01 RAM data batch save
01 Alarm value 1 read
R% 02 Alarm value 2 read
03 Alarm value 3 read
Read 4B
RB 01 Proportional band read
RN 01 Integrated time read
RV 01 Derivative time read
RC 01 Cooling coefficient read During heating and cooling
Read 4B
RD 01 Dead band read control
01 Input shift upper limit read
RI Read 4B
02 Input shift lower limit read
Upper-and lower-limit batch
RL 01 SP setting limit read Read 8B
RO 01 Manipulated variable read
Read 4B
RS 01 Set point read
RX 01 Process value read Read 8B with status
RW 01 Heater burnout set value read Read 4B
RZ 01 Heater current read
Read 8B with status
Rb 01 Valve opening read
01 Alarm value 1 write
W% 02 Alarm value 2 write
03 Alarm value 3 write
Write 4B
WB 01 Proportional band write
WN 01 Integrated time write
WV 01 Derivative time write
WC 01 Cooling coefficient write During heating and cooling
Write 4B
WD 01 Dead band write control
01 Input shift upper limit write
02 Input shift lower limit write
Write 4B
WS 01 Set point write
WW 01 Heater burnout set value write



F RX (process value read) command status

2B 2B 2B
Unit FCS
@ R X 0 1 * CR

2B 2B 4B 4B 2B 2B
Unit End Process value Status FCS
Response No. code
@ R X * CR

Bit Content “1” “0”

0 Run/Stop Stop Run
1 Setting level 1 0
2 Input error ON OFF
3 A/D converter error ON OFF
8 Alarm 1 ON OFF
9 Alarm 2 ON OFF
10 Alarm 3 ON OFF
11 AT AT execution OFF
12 RAM mode RAM mode Backup mode
13 Auto/Manual Manual Auto
14 SP mode Remote SP Local SP
15 Remote/Local Remote Local




Hex 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Upper 4 bits

Bin 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111
0 0000 SP 0 @ P p
1 0001 ! 1 A Q a q
2 0010 ” 2 B R b r
3 0011 # 3 C S c s
4 0100 $ 4 D T d t
5 0101 % 5 E U e u
6 0110 & 6 F V f v
7 0111 ’ 7 G W g w
8 1000 ( 8 H X h x
9 1001 ) 9 I Y i y
A 1010 * : J Z j z
B 1011 + ; K [ k {
C 1100 , < L ¥ l |
D 1101 - = M ] m }
E 1110 . > N ^ n ~
F 1111 / ? O _ o DEL

Lower 4 bits



Symbols Auto/Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---10

Automatic return of display mode . . . . . 5---36
[A/M] key protect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---4 Auxiliary output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2---10
° C/° F selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---28 Auxiliary output 1 assignment . . . . . . . . 5---29
Numbers Auxiliary output 2 assignment . . . . . . . . 5---29
100%AT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---16 B
40%AT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---16 B group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---11
A Balance---less, Bump ---less Operation . . 3---14
Balanced Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ---15
A group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---11
Basic Operation Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---2
A/D converter error . . . . . . . . 3---6, 8---3, 8---5
Before setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2---3, 2---4
A/M key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---3
A/M key protect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---12 C
About Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---11 Cable connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---3
ABOUT CURRENT Calibrating Current Input . . . . . . . . . . . . 7---9
TRANSFORMER (CT) . . . . . . . . . . . A ---5
Calibrating inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---11
About invalid parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---7
Calibrating Platinum Resistance
About parameter display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---2 Thermometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7---7
About PID Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---17 Calibrating Thermocouple . . . . . . . . . . . . 7---4
About the Communications Calibrating transfer output . . . . . . . . . . 1---11
Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---10 Calibrating Voltage Input . . . . . . . . . . . . 7---10
About the Decimal Point of the Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7---7, 7---9
Alarm Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---11
Calibration : 0 to 10V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7---11
About the displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---3
Calibration data error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8---4
About the power blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2---10
Calibration item menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7---3
About the temperature unit . . . . . . . . . . . 3---4
Calibration Mode . . . . . . . . . 1---8, 1---9, 5---46
About the unit No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---12
Calibration save mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7---3
Adjusting Control Operation . . . . . . . . . 3---14
Calibration: 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V . . . . . . . . . 7---10
Alarm 1 hysteresis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---24
Calibration: thermocouple 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 7---5
Alarm 1 open in alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---31
Calibration: thermocouple 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 7---6
Alarm 1 type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---30
Changing the set point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---14
Alarm 2 hysteresis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---24
Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ---3
Alarm 2 open in alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---31
Checking Indication Accuracy . . . . . . . . 7---12
Alarm 2 type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---30
Checking Operation Restrictions . . . . . . 8---6
Alarm 3 hysteresis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---24
Close in alarm/open in alarm . . . . . . . . . 3---10
Alarm 3 open in alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---31
Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ---17
Alarm 3 type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---30 Command Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---5
Alarm hysteresis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---10 Command List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---10
Alarm type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---9 Commands and Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---6
Alarm value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---9 Communication baud rate . . . . . . . . . . . 5---40
Alarm value 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---12 Communication data length . . . . . . . . . . 5---40
Alarm value 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---12 Communication parity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---40
Alarm value 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---12 Communication stop bit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---40
Alfa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---34 Communication unit No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---40
ASCII CODE LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ---20 Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2---11
Assignment example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---9 Communications parameters . . . . . . . . . . 6---4
AT calculated gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---35 Conditions when running a program . . 6---14
AT Execute/Cancel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---11 Connecting the Cold
AT hysteresis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---36 Junction Conductor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7---4
Auto ---tuning (A.T.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---16 CONTROL BLOCK DIAGRAM . . . . . . . A ---6
Auto ---turning key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---3 Control output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2---9


Control output 1 assignment . . . . . . . . . 5---28 How to Use Event Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---8

Control output 2 assignment . . . . . . . . . 5---28 How to use keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---3
Control period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---7 How to use programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---14
Control period (cool) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---16 How to Use the Error Display . . . . . . . . . 8---3
Control period (heat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---16 How to Use the Heater
Convention Used in this Chapter . . . . . . 3---2 Burnout Alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---13
Conventions Used in this Chapter . . . . . 5---2 How to Use the Remote SP . . . . . . . . . . . 4---11
How to Use Transfer Output . . . . . . . . . 4---17
Cooling coefficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---2, 5---13
Hysteresis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---4
CT input/Potentiometer . . . . . . . . 1---4, 2---10
Hysteresis (cool) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---15
Current input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---4, 7---13
Hysteresis (heat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---15
Dead band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---2, 5---14
Initial Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8---2
Decimal point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---27
Input and Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---4
Derivative time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---13
Input assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---8
Determining the LBA detection time . . 4---16
Input digital filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---23
Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2---5, A ---5 Input error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---6, 8---3
Direct/Reverse operation . . . . . . . . 3---7, 5---31 Input errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8---5
Display range over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8---4 Input shift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---4
Down key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---3 Input shift lower limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---24
Draw---out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2---2 Input shift upper limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---24
E Input type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---4, 5---26
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2---5
Event input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---5, 2---11
Integral time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---13
Event input assignment 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---39
Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---2
Event input assignment 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---39
Issuing special commands . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---10
Examples of use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---14, 6---16
Expansion Mode . . . . . . . . . . 1---7, 1---9, 5---32 L
F LBA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---15, 8---5
LBA detection example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---15
Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ---14 LBA detection time . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---15, 5---21
Fixing Screw for Front Panel . . . . . . . . . . 2---2 LBA detection width . . . . . . . . . . 4---15, 5---36
Fixing settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---9 Level 0 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---7, 1---8, 5---6
Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ---17 Level 1 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---7, 1---8, 5---10
Front panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---2 Level 2 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---7, 1---8, 5---18
FUZZY SELF ---TUNING . . . . . . . . . . . A ---14 Limiter operation conditions . . . . . . . . . . 4---6
Fuzzy Self---tuning Function . . . . . . . . A ---14
H Main parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---2
HBA latch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---42 Manipulated variable at stop . . . . 3---13, 4---2
HBA latch/release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---13 Manipulated variable at
Heater burnout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---17 stop/PV error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---3
Heater burnout detection . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---13 Manipulated variable restrictions . . . . . . 4---5
Heater current monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---17 Manual Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---7, 1---9, 5---5
Heating and cooling control . . . . . . . . . . . 4---2 Manual MV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---5
Heter Burnout Alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ---3 Manual operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---14
How to calculate the heater burnout Manual reset value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---15
set value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---14 Memory error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8---3
How to Read Communications Menu display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---8
Error Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---12 MODEL LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ---11
How to Use Error Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8---5 Monitor process value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---16


Motor Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---42 Power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2---8

Motor calibration error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8---4 Precautions when wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2---8
Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2---6 Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7---7, 7---9, 7---10
Multi ---SP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---9 Preparations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7---4
Multi ---SP function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---38 Preparing for Communications . . . . . . . . 6---3
MV at PV error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---21 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2---3, 2---4, 6---14
MV at stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---21 Program Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---14
MV change rate limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---22 Program list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---15
MV change rate limiter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---5 Proportional band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---13
MV limiter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---5 Protect Mode . . . . . . . . 1---7, 1---9, 3---12, 5---3
MV lower limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---22 PV dead band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---43
MV monitor (cool) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---8 PV/SP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---6
MV monitor (heat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---8 R
MV upper limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---22
Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ---2
N Reading parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---6
Names of parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---2 Reading/writing parameters . . . . . . . . . . . 6---6
No.1 display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---3 Registering calibration data . . . . . . . . . . 1---11
No.2 display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---3 Relationship with set point limiter . . . . 4---11
Remote SP enable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---44
O Remote SP input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---4, 2---10
ON/OFF control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---4 Remote SP input error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8---5
Open/close hysteresis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---23 Remote SP lower limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---44
Operating Condition Restrictions . . . . . . 4---5 Remote SP monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---12, 5---7
Operating conditions . . . . . . . . . . 4---12, 4---13 Remote SP upper limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---44
Operation at start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---7 Remote/Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---19
Operation indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---3 Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ---17
Option Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---7, 1---9, 5---37 Restrictions during SP ramp . . . . . . . . . . 4---7
Option Unit Ratings and RS---232C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---10, 6---3
Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ---4 RS---422 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---10, 6---3
Other event input functions . . . . . . . . . . 4---10 RS---485 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---10, 6---4
Other functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---3 RSP input error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---6
Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---2 Run/Stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---10, 5---9
Outline of the Communications RX (process value read)
Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---2 command status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ---19
Output assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---5, 3---6 S
Output Unit
Ratings and Characteristics . . . . . . . A ---4 Scaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---4, 4---11
Scaling lower limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---27
P Scaling upper limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---27
Panel cutout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2---5 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---12, 5---3
Parameter initialize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---27 Selecting modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---8
PARAMETER OPERATIONS LIST . . A ---12 Selecting parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---9
Parameter types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---7 Selecting the Control Method . . . . . . . . . . 4---2
Parameters and Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---7 Sensor input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2---9
PID / ON/OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---33 Set point 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---11
PID Constant Refreshing Conditions . A ---15 Set point 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---11
Platinum resistance thermometer . . . . 7---12 Set point 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---11
Position ---proportional control . . . . . . . . 4---3 Set point 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---11
Position ---proportional dead band . . . . . 5---14 Set point during SP ramp . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---8
Position ---proportional Set point limiter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---6
type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---7, 3---15, A ---7 Set point lower limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---33


Set point upper limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---33 Startup Conditions of SRT . . . . . . . . . . A ---14

Set the set point to “300.0” . . . . . . . . . . . 6---16 Structure of Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7---2
Set the unit No. to “00” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---16 Summary of alarm operations . . . . . . . . 3---10
Setting Alarm Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---9 Switching with Manual operation . . . . . . 4---2
Setting Input Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . 3---4 T
SETTING LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ---8
Temperature input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---4
Setting Output Specifications . . . . . . . . . 3---6
Terminal arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2---8
Setting the communications
specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---4 The meaning of icons used in
this chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---2
Setting the LBA detection time . . . . . . . 4---16
Thermocouple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7---12
Setting up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2---2
Transfer output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---6, 2---11
Setting up the option unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2---4
Transfer output lower limit . . . . . . . . . . 5---41
Setting up the output unit . . . . . . . . . . . . 2---3
Transfer output scaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---17
Setting up the terminal covers . . . . . . . . . 2---7
Transfer output type . . . . . . . . . . 4---17, 5---41
Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---3
Transfer output upper limit . . . . . . . . . . 5---41
Setup Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---7, 1---9, 5---25
Transfer procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---2
SP mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---10, 4---11, 5---19
Travel Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---3, 5---43
SP ramp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---6
SP ramp set value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---20 U
SP ramp time unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---20 Undefined error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---13
SP tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4---12 Up key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---3
SP tracking enable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---45 Using Event Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---13
SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ---2 V
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ---5
ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---34 Valve opening monitor . . . . . . . . . . . 4---3, 5---9
ST stable range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---34 Voltage input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1---4, 7---13
Stable Temperature Status . . . . . . . . . . A ---15 W
Standard type . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---6, 3---14, A ---6
Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2---8
Standby sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3---10 Wiring Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2---8
Standby sequence reset method . . . . . . . 5---35 Writing parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---6
Start running . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6---16
Starting and Stopping Operation . . . . . 3---13
Startup Conditions of DT . . . . . . . . . . . A ---16 X FORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ---17
Startup Conditions of HT . . . . . . . . . . . A ---16 X FORMAT HEAD LIST . . . . . . . . . . . A ---18

Revision History

A manual revision code appears as a suffix to the catalog number on the front cover of the manual.

Cat. No. H085-E1-03

Revision code

The following table outlines the changes made to the manual during each revision. Page numbers
refer to previous version.
Revision code Date Revised content

1 July 1996 Original production

2 April 1997 Page V: Changed “100 to 240 VAC” to AC100--240V ~or AC/DC24V
Page 1--6: Modified the item of “Model” on the table.
Page 2--8: Modified the diagram in “Terminal arrangement”.
Changed the power specifications in Power supply”.
Page 2--10: Deleted some texts in “CT input/Potentionmeter”.
Changed some texts in ”Remote SP input”.
Page 3--3: Modified the diagram in ”Setup”.
Page 3--8: Added “run/stop” = “run” to Setting Example.
Page 5--8: Added “Model” and “Power specifications” to MV monitor.
Page 5--9: Added “Model” and “Power specifications” to Valve opening mon-
Page 5--13: Added “Model” and “Power specifications” to Cooling coefficient.
Page 5--14: Added “Model” and “Power specifications” to Dead band.
Added “Model” and “Power specifications” to Position--propor-
tional dead band.
Page 5--15: Added “Model” and “Power specifications” to Manual reset value.
Added “Model” and “Power specifications” to Hysteresis.
Page 5--16: Added “Model” and “Power specifications” to Control period.
Page 5--17: Added “Model” and “Power specifications” to Heater current
Added “Model” and “Power specifications” to Heater burnout.
Page 5--23: Added “Model” and “Power specifications” to Open/close hyster-
esis Model.
Page 5--28: Added “Model” and “Power specifications” to Control output as-
Page 5--33: Added “Model” and “Power specifications” to PID/ON/OFF.
Page 5--42: Added “Model” and “Power specifications” to HBA latch.
Added “Model” and “Power specifications” to Motor Calibration.
Page 5--43: Added “Model” and “Power specifications” to Travel Time.
Added “Model” and “Power specifications” to PV dead band.
Page 6--3: Modified the diagram in “RS--232C”.
Page 7--4: Modified the diagram in “Preparations”.
Page 7--7: Modified the diagram in “Preparation”.
Page 7--9: Modified the diagram in “Preparation”.
Page 7--10: Modified the diagram in “Preparation”.
Page 7--12: Modified the diagram in “Thermocouple”.
Modified the diagram in “Platinum resistance thermometer”.
Page 7--13: Modified the diagram in “Current input”.
Modified the diagram in “Voltage input”.
Page 8--4: Added “Motor calibration error”.
Page A--2: Modified “Ratings specifications”.
Page A--11: Changed “Type Name” and “Specification” in Base unit.
Page A--14: Deleted 2) of “At the time the E5EK starts operation” in “Startup
Conditions of SRT”.
Deleted 2) of “At the time set point is changed”.
Page A--15: Deleted “Imposition Completion Condition of Step Control
Modified the diagram in “PID Constant Refreshing Conditions”.

02A March 2005 Page A--3: Added information to table and accompanying notes.

03 June 2010 Page A--8: Changed ”%” or ”%FS” for hysteresis parameters at bottom of
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