Saudi Journal of Pathology and Microbiology (SJPM) : Case Report
Saudi Journal of Pathology and Microbiology (SJPM) : Case Report
Saudi Journal of Pathology and Microbiology (SJPM) : Case Report
AOT has three clinical presentations: intra- Radiographically, a well defined, unilocular radiolucent
osseous (associated with impacted teeth and also known lesion containing an impacted tooth was seen. Any
as “follicular”; 70% of cases); intra-osseous (present internal septation or sclerotic area was not seen (Figure-
between erupted teeth and also known as “extra- 1). The provisional diagnosis of dentigerous cyst was
follicular”; 25% of cases); and extra-osseous (on the made. The lesion was surgically removed and sent for
gingiva, also known as “peripheral”; 5% of cases) [5]. histopathological examination. The specimen received
The treatment of choice is conservative surgical was grossly, globular in shape, firm in consistency with
removal through simple curettage or enucleation [6, 7]. an embedded tooth. Cut section showed a cystic cavity
Recurrence is very rarely seen [6-9]. containing tooth with papillary growth like structures
lining the cavity (Figure-2). On microscopic
CASE REPORT examination, sections comprised of cyst wall composed
A 22 year female patient presented to the of fibrous connective tissue with areas of haemorrhage.
Department of Dentistry of our institute with chief Whorls and lobules of spindle shaped cells were seen on
complaint of pain in left lower jaw anterior region for luminal aspect with interspersed duct like structures
past 5-6 months. On examination, intraorally a swelling (Figure-3a &b). Based on the above histopathological
was palpated in the region of lower left incisor. The features final diagnosis of Adenomatoid Odontogenic
swelling was firm in consistency and non-tender. Tumor was made.
Fig-1: Panoramic radiograph showing impacted permanent mandibular right canine in a well-defined
radiolucency, expansion and thinning of the inferior border of the mandible, displacement of the anterior teeth
Fig-2: Gross appearance of grey brown to tan cystic tumor mass with embedded root of canine teeth
Fig-3: Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor. (a) Low-power view demonstrating a capsule surrounding the
tumor.(20X, H&E) (b) Higher magnification showing the duct-like epithelial structures. (100X, H&E)