Design of Power Converters For Renewable Energy Sources and Electric Vehicles Charging

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Design of Power Converters for Renewable Energy

Sources and Electric Vehicles Charging
Martin TVRDON 1 , Petr CHLEBIS 1 , Michal HROMJAK 1

Department of Electronics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, VSB–Technical
University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. This paper describes the design and con- gradually created prototypes and will be introduced
struction of a new series of power converters equipped one by one in the following chapters of this paper.
with liquid cooling system. This power series is cre-
ated for project ENET – Energy Units for Utilization
of non Traditional Energy Sources. First power con- 2. Reversible Voltage Inverter
verter is determined for stationary battery system use,
the second one is used as an inverter/rectifier for a
small solar plant system and the last power inverter is The energy storage system for which it is necessary to
used as a fast charger for electric vehicles. Energy bal- create a 3-phase voltage inverter with the two-way flow
ance is performed for the fast charger converter, which of energy arises in the project ENET. This inverter has
is solved using numerical simulations of the system. several important functions in relation to the electrical
grid. The most important of these are the link between
energy storage batteries and electrical grid, correction
element of the electrical grid, backup power mode for
Keywords the position in the island mode seized power operation
and a few other less important functions.
Design, efficiency, fast charger, power in-

1. Introduction
The present energetic development is oriented into the
considerable incorporation of alternative and renew- Fig. 1: Circuit topology in which the converter is located.
able energy sources into the standard electrical grids
in an effort to build very efficient, economic and reli- Due to the required converter’s functions and inclu-
able smart grids. This approach produces a series of sion in the traction which is linked with the speci-
technical problems, which have to be solved. One of fied output type, the inverter power output is preset
the most actual ones is the electric energy accumula- to about 70 kW. The proposal indicates that the ex-
tion. The solar plant systems and especially the fast pected converter power losses will be in the order of
charger stations for electric vehicles and many other several kilowatts. Voltage level on the DC side varies
applications are the typical examples, which will be from 380 to 450 V. On the electrical grid side, the con-
discussed further. verter is connected to the 230 V mains. Therefore, the
converter’s nominal output current is 180 A.
To satisfy an efficient and economic functioning of
such station, the energy surplus has to be stored into Brief look on the power circuit of the converter indi-
the batteries and extracted back when necessary. It cates that it is a simple 3-phase unit consisted of IGBT
is also necessary to ensure sufficient battery power for modules. These modules are connected via/to the sys-
fast charging of the electric vehicle’s traction batter- tem bus. The DC circuit capacitor bank is included.
ies. These power converters are needed to provide an The capacitors are designed for rapid exchange of en-
efficient and reliable energetic power flow between the ergy necessary for the proper function of the converter.
accumulation units and others devices. All of them are Due to power losses mentioned above would not be ap-


propriate to use an air cooling system, therefore the

liquid cooling system is used instead [2],[7].

Fig. 3: The circuit topology in which the converter is located.

Fig. 2: Sample of design solutions of the reversible voltage in-

verter. The first appearance of the inverter is shown in
the basic position. On the other illustrations, there are
the grid. These particular modes of operation place de-
several views inside the inverter.
mand on a 3-phase pulse rectifier and a 3-phase pulse
inverter. The topology of these converters enables uti-
The converter is controlled by a control system which lization of the same equipment which can work both as
was directly invented for a series of these converters rectifier or inverter [8].
utilizing the digital signal processor TMS 320F28335.
This control system includes several signal inputs for Power converter will be operated on the AC power
real-time circuit measurements. Furthermore, the supply with the parameters of 3× 400 V/50 Hz, and
12 PWM channels and analog outputs are used for ser- storage batteries with a capacity of 600 kVA. Due to
vice purposes [5]. the optimal utilization of the inverter the nominal out-
put power is 60 kW. The connected battery will have a
nominal voltage of 800 V which at fully charged state
3. Power Inverter for Solar gives approximately 1000 V. This value has to be there-
fore rated for the maximal inverter voltage. The in-
Power Plants verter will be operated in a closed air-conditioned con-
tainer. To ensure an adequate dissipation of heat gen-
Nowadays, there are lots of solar power plants with erated during operation of the inverter, there will be
inefficient time-average power operation, which brings also used a liquid cooling system.
the idea of surplus energy accumulation. Realization of
this idea requires the storage system with energy stor-
age capacity of about hundreds of kVA. Such a system
can be situated in a shipping container which is easy
to install in the desired location and would include a
set of batteries for the accumulation of electrical en-
ergy surplus and support equipment for the operation
of the system.
For the function of the storage system is necessary
to use the power converter enabling transformation of
AC power to DC for battery charging, and vice versa
for converting DC power to AC to supply the energy
to the electrical grid. This converter is placed between
Fig. 4: Sample of design solutions of the power inverter for the
the electrical grid and the battery pack, see Fig. 3. solar plants. The first appearance of the inverter is
shown in the basic position. On the other illustrations,
The inverter is designed as the AC connection be- there are several views inside the inverter.
tween electrical grid and the storage batteries. When
there is an energy surplus in the electrical grid, the en-
ergy produced by the solar power plant will be stored The inverter is designed as a 3-phase bridge con-
in battery storage. Conversely, in a time when solar verter. DC converter circuit is equipped with a capac-
power does not produce electricity or produces very itor bank made up of DC link capacitors in cylindrical
little and in the grid is a requirement for power de- cases. The 3-phase bridge is assembled from insulated
livery, the energy is pumped from a storage battery to IGBT modules.


4. Fast Charger for Electric ment. Therefore, we started a detailed solution of par-
tial tasks towards its realization. One of the tasks is
Vehicles the selection of the specific structure of such inverter.
Another one is to calculate and verify the power losses
Present days are a field of growing electromobility. For in the mathematical simulation. These tasks are pre-
its further development is necessary to build a network sented in this article. Among other tasks is the design
of charging stations. The ENET project thus develops of control systems and their algorithms. The correct-
fast charging stations for electric vehicles. ness of design and proper function of the converter are
partially guaranteed by results of performed simula-
tions and they will be definitively verified after con-
verter’s realization. The converter will be incorporated
into the power structure arising in the ENET project.
Charging efficiency is very important factor in the
Fig. 5: The circuit topology in which the converter is located. possibility of wider application. From an economic
point of view it is necessary to transfer the energy to
The concept of this converter is very similar to the the battery with the lowest possible losses. In technical
previous one, but this time it is a three-arm DC buck terms the losses cause other issues that need to be re-
converter. Power level of this converter is preset to flected in the charging station design. However, there
70 kW. This performance is chosen to maximize the are always power losses, so there is a need to identify
possibility of batteries charging for electric vehicles. and ensure the use of proper cooling equipment [1].
The input voltage of this inverter is about of 800 V
DC. The charged battery voltage must always be lower Losses in the structure of the converter were deter-
than the source voltage. The capacitor bank volu- mined under the following conditions. For the single-
me/capacity is reduced, in comparison with the pre- arm converter they were calculated for half duty cycle,
vious converter [3],[4]. current of 200 A and switching period of 0,12 ms. For
the three-arm converter they were therefore calculated
for 66 A current flowing through each branch. IGBT
module parameters were taken from the datasheet.
Losses were determined from the following formulas.
Conduction losses of the IGBTs were calculated us-
ing the following formula:

PCON T = (vCE0 + rC · iC ) · iC , (1)

where vCE0 is the collector-emitter threshold voltage,

rC is the on-state slope resistance of the IGBT and iC
is the collector current. Conduction losses of the diode
Fig. 6: Sample of design solutions of the fast charger for electric were calculated using the following formula:
vehicles. The first appearance of the inverter is shown
in the basic position. On the other illustrations, there
are several views inside the inverter. PCON D = (vD0 + rD · iD ) · iD , (2)

The insulated IGBT modules are used again as where vD0 is the threshold voltage of the diode, rD is
switching components in the fast charger. The the on-state slope resistance of the diode and iD is the
current and voltage sensors are distributed in the diode forward current. Switching losses of the IGBT
power circuit providing feedback for the PI controllers. were calculated using the following formula:
The control algorithms are provided by the con-
trol system equipped with a digital signal processor PswT = (EonT + Eof f T ) · fsw , (3)
TMS 320F28335, which was developed on the Depart-
ment of Electronics [6]. where EonT is the energy dissipation during the turn-
on, Eof f T is the energy dissipation during turn-off and
fsw is the switching frequency. Switching losses of the
5. Efficient Fast Charger diode were calculated using the following formula:

Structure PswD = EonD · fsw , (4)

The DC Buck converter for charging of electric ve- where EonD is the energy dissipation during the turn-
hicles is one of the important parts of our develop- on of the diode.


Fig. 7: Model of battery charging simulation.

Losses on reactors were calculated using the follow- Real batteries in electric vehicle mostly have a smaller
ing formula: capacity. The converter model is created according to
PL = RL · i2L , (5) the real design. Three-arm buck converter is assembled
from three double IGBT modules. Other properties of
where RL is the effective reactor resistance and iL is the the circuit are also set according to the parameters of
reactor current. Total power dissipation is calculated real elements identified from the datasheets or mea-
using the following formula: surements.
X The simplified simulation model is shown on the
Ptot = P, (6)
Fig. 7, where power losses are measured in the trans-
P ducer structure. The primary battery on the left is
where P is the sum of all individual power losses. working as a source while the secondary on the right
represents the load. There is also used a capacitor bank
For appropriate distribution of power dissipation and
to cover the energy flow in fast switching modes. The
a wider range of control, three-arm buck converter has
middle block constitutes the three-arm DC buck con-
been elected. Calculated total power losses for three-
verter where the inductors are placed to combine the
arm converter are nearly the same as for the single-arm
energy from converter arms. Blocks called observations
converter. The conduction losses are significantly lower
determine the requested parameters of the circuit.
for the three-arm variant. Switching power losses are
higher in the three-arm conception and reactor losses Due to higher computational complexity, this sim-
in the three-arm case are more than three times lower. ulation was carried out for 100 seconds with constant
Summary of obtained values is given in the Tab. 1. charging current 200 A. Initial conditions for the bat-
teries were defined before the start of the simulation in
Tab. 1: Comparison of power losses in DC buck converter. the following way: the source battery was fully charged
PCON Psw PL Ptot
(SoC = 100 %) and the load battery was deeply dis-
Single-arm charged (SoC = 20 %). Tab. 2 shows the battery levels
440 W 529 W 91 W 1060 W
converter after the end of the simulation.
314 W 875 W 25 W 1214 W
converter Tab. 2: Batteries status after simulation.

Source battery Load battery

For the purpose of verification of the calculated re- SoC 97,62 % 24,72 %
sults was necessary to create a simulation model, which V 829 V 416 V
I 97,75 A -193,2 A
was created in the environment of Matlab–Simulink, P 81 023,5 W -80 371,2 W
where are utilized precise mathematical models of main P 2 254,89 Wh 2 242,38 Wh
elements forming the system. The models of lithiumion
batteries are used as the source and load of the simu-
lation system. The source battery is set according to From the obtained results was determined the power
the expected real parameters, i.e. the rated voltage is dissipation of fast charging unit. The value of power
800 V and the capacity is 100 Ah. Load battery is dissipation was calculated to 653 W. Given the value of
set to the voltage of 400 V, with capacity of 100 Ah. the transmitted power, the efficiency is very high and


reaches 99 %. These values show better results than Electric Vehicles. In: 14th EPE-PEMC 2010 In-
when determining the losses by mathematical method. ternational Power Electronics and Motion Control
Conference. Ohrid: IEEE, 2010, vol. 14, pp. 89–
93. ISBN 978-1-4244-7854-5.
6. Conclusion [4] JUNG-SONG, Moon, Lee JUNG-HIO, He IN-
This paper presents the design and construction of liq- YUEN. An Efficient Battery Charging Algorithm
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ergy plants or smart grid systems targeted on the elec- tric Vehicle. In: International Conference on
tric energy accumulation. The reversible voltage in- Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS). Bei-
verter is fully operational in these days and the future jing: IEEE, 2011, pp. 1–6. ISBN 978-1-4577-1044-
work will be focused on the control algorithms opti- 5. DOI: 10.1109/ICEMS.2011.6073783.
mization in order to enhance the efficiency of the in-
[5] BRANDSTETTER, Pavel, Pavel BILEK, Josef
verter. The power converter for solar plans and the fast
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turing documentation was created. The future work
Control System. In: Progress in Electromagnet-
will be focused on the realization of prototypes and
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following tests. There will also be a measurement of
tromagnetics Academy, 2011, pp. 1416–1420.
actual power losses and the consequent total efficiency
ISBN 978-1-934142-16-5.
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Anaxial Flux Rotary Converter for HEV Drive
Acknowledgment Unit. Advances in Electrical and Electronic
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ISSN 1336-1376.
The research described in this paper was supported
by these projects: SGS project SP2013/80–Utilizing [7] SLADECEK, Vaclav, Petr PALACKY, Petr VA-
of Modern SiC Components for MF–Power Semi- CULIK and Josef OPLUSTIL. Voltage Converter
conductor Converters, ENET CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0069– with Switched-capacitor. In: Progress in Electro-
Energy Units for Utilization of non Traditional Energy magnetics Research Symposium. Kuala Lumpur:
Sources. This research was supervised by prof. Ing. The Electromagnetics Academy, 2012, pp. 934–
Petr Chlebis, CSc. and Ing. Petr Vaculik, Ph.D. from 937. ISBN 978-193414220-2.
Department of Electronics, VSB–Technical University
of Ostrava. [8] SLIVKA, David, Petr PALACKY, Petr VAC-
ULIK and Ales HAVEL. Electric Vehicle Con-
trolunits Communication. Advances in Electrical
and Electronic Engineering. 2012, vol. 10, no. 1,
References pp. 17–21. ISSN 1336-1376.
[1] CHLEBIS, Petr and Jan DUDEK. Comparison
of Power Losses and Quality of Output Voltage
from Different Types of Inverters. In: 35th Annual About Authors
IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference.
Aachen: IEEE, 2004, pp. 3120–3126. ISBN 0-
7803-8399-0. DOI: 10.1109/PESC.2004.1355334. Martin TVRDON was born in 1986. He obtained
his Master degree in electronics in 2011. He is
[2] VACULIK, Petr, Ales HAVEL, Martin TVRDON currently pursuing Ph.D. study at Department of
and Michal HROMJAK. The Design and Con- Electronics at VSB–Technical University of Ostrava
struction of a Reversible Voltage Inverter Proto- on Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer
type. In: 13th International Scientic Conference Science. His research includes power systems, design
Electric Power Engineering 2012. Brno: FEKT and modeling of fast charging stations for electric
VUT, 2012, pp. 1059–1062. ISBN 978-80-214- vehicles.
Petr CHLEBIS was born in 1956. He was appointed
[3] CHLEBIS, Petr, Ales HAVEL, Petr VACULIK as professor at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
and Zdenek PFOF. Modern Instruments for In- Computer Science of VSB–Technical University of
creasing the Efficiency of the Energy Transfer in Ostrava in 2005. His research includes power electrical


converters, their control systems and utilization of at Department of Electronic at VSB–Technical Uni-
nontraditional energy sources. versity of Ostrava on Faculty of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science. His research includes power
Michal HROMJAK was born in 1983. He obtained systems and applied electronics.
his Master degree in the field of power electronics
systems in 2009. He is currently pursuing Ph.D. study


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