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Thermal Performance of Sewage Sludge Drying Under Climate of Solar Greenhouse

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Thermal performance of sewage sludge drying

under climate of solar greenhouse

F. Berroug (1,*), E.K. Lakhal (1), M. El Omari(1), M. Faraji(2)
April 18, 2019

(1)Cadi Ayyad University, Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, Physics Department,

LAEPT Laboratory, Marrakesh- Morocco
(2)Hassan II University, Faculty of Sciences Ain Chock, Physics Department,
LPMMAT Laboratory, Casablanca- Morocco
The aim of this study consists in investigating the performance of
drying sewage sludge under climate of greenhouse. Numerical predictive
model based on the equations of conservation of energy and moisture was
developed. The model integrates the drying rate of sewage sludge as a
function of drying environment and takes into account immediate weather
conditions of the place of setting up of the greenhouse. This model was
also used to analyze and quantify the impact of outside climatic con-
ditions (solar radiations, ambient temperature) and control parameters
(renewal air, internal air speed). The results show that drying efficiency
is prodigious under greenhouse climate, even under the winter climate
of Marrakesh (31.62N, 8.03W). In addition, the main parameters affect-
ing the drying efficiency are solar radiations and ambient temperature.
Renewal air ratio and internal air speed have a smaller impact.

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h̄2 2
− ∇ ψ + V ψ = Eψ. (1)
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[1] D. R. Stump, “How to write a LaTeX paper”,2000.

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