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“All the President’s Men” Review

“All the President’s Men” submerges the audience in betrayals, coincidences, false
leads, lucky breaks, and sometimes even the truth. Viewers are overwhelmed with the mixture
of different names and phone numbers. Though the movie focuses more on the journalism
aspect of the events rather than the actual storytelling of them.
The movie opens to a break in at the Watergate Hotel; though, the burglars plans were
foiled when the cops found and arrested them. Seems like what would be the end of a movie,
but we are just getting started. A reporter named Bob Woodward is told by his editor at the
Washington Post to go down to the courthouse and find out the sentence of the five men on
trial. However something seems off to Woodward and he soon finds himself on the tail of a huge
story with his fellow reporter, Carl Bernstein.
“All the President’s Men” does an amazing job of creating suspense. Bernstein and
Woodward experience many slammed doors and hung up phone calls, and after each one of
them, the viewer is left wondering about what had just happened and how will it play a role in
the investigation. The movie also builds up excitement and adventure as you watch the
reporters trick, bargain, and even flirt with possible sources who hold valuable information. Not
to mention the cryptic hints from an anonymous source who is only to be met in a shadowy
parking garage.
However, the movie focuses too much on the tedious and even insignificant details. The
efforts were completely imbalanced. There should’ve been more attention payed to what
happened after the story was finally published and all the secrets were exposed to the public. In
other words, there was too much build up and not enough outcome.
Overall, “All the President’s Men” was a very thrilling and captivating movie. It keeps you
on the edge of your seat with not a dull moment in sight. On the other hand, there was no
consistency in the amount of details given throughout the timeline. There was not enough
regard for the conclusion of the story. Though considering that the movie was essentially about
a newspaper article, the film was properly constructed in a way to keep the audience from ever
being bored.

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