Woodward Generator Load Sensor

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Product Manual 82313

(Revision F)
Original Instructions

Generator Load Sensor

Installation and Operation Manual

Read this entire manual and all other publications pertaining to the work to be
performed before installing, operating, or servicing this equipment.
Practice all plant and safety instructions and precautions.
Precautions Failure to follow instructions can cause personal injury and/or property damage.

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mechanical, electrical, or other operating limits may cause personal injury and/or
property damage, including damage to the equipment. Any such unauthorized
Proper Use modifications: (i) constitute "misuse" and/or "negligence" within the meaning of
the product warranty thereby excluding warranty coverage for any resulting
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Copyright © Woodward 1983
All Rights Reserved
Manual 82313 Generator Load Sensor


WARNINGS AND NOTICES ............................................................................ II 

ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE AWARENESS ..................................................III 
CHAPTER 1. GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................... 1 
Description ..............................................................................................................1 
Additional Information .............................................................................................1 
CHAPTER 2. THEORY OF OPERATION ........................................................... 2 
Introduction .............................................................................................................2 
Power Supply .........................................................................................................2 
Power Sensor .........................................................................................................2 
Controller Circuit .....................................................................................................2 
Isochronous Load Sharing......................................................................................2 
Droop Operation .....................................................................................................3 
CHAPTER 3. INSTALLATION.......................................................................... 4 
Mounting .................................................................................................................4 
Electrical Wiring ......................................................................................................4 
Installation Check ...................................................................................................6 
CHAPTER 4. CALIBRATION........................................................................... 9 
Introduction .............................................................................................................9 
Phasing Check .....................................................................................................10 
Phase Correction Procedure ................................................................................11 
Load Gain Adjustment ..........................................................................................15 
Droop Adjustment .................................................................................................15 
CHAPTER 5. TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................... 17 
CHAPTER 6. PRODUCT SUPPORT AND SERVICE OPTIONS ........................... 19 
Product Support Options ......................................................................................19 
Product Service Options .......................................................................................19 
Returning Equipment for Repair ...........................................................................20 
Replacement Parts ...............................................................................................20 
Engineering Services............................................................................................21 
Contacting Woodward’s Support Organization ....................................................21 
Technical Assistance ............................................................................................22 

Illustrations and Tables

Figure 1-1. Typical System Using a Generator Load Sensor.................................1 

Figure 2-1. Block Diagram ......................................................................................3 
Figure 3-1. Open Delta Connection........................................................................5 
Figure 3-2. Outline Drawing of Generator Load Sensor .........................................7 
Figure 3-3. Plant Wiring Diagram of Generator Load Sensor ................................8 
Figure 4-1. Temporary CT Connection.................................................................12 
Figure 4-2. Droop Adjustment ..............................................................................16 

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Generator Load Sensor Manual 82313

Warnings and Notices

Important Definitions
This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential
personal injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this
symbol to avoid possible injury or death.
 DANGER—Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result
in death or serious injury.
 WARNING—Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury.
 CAUTION—Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderate injury.
 NOTICE—Indicates a hazard that could result in property damage only
(including damage to the control).
 IMPORTANT—Designates an operating tip or maintenance suggestion.

The engine, turbine, or other type of prime mover should be

equipped with an overspeed shutdown device to protect against
runaway or damage to the prime mover with possible personal injury,
Overspeed / loss of life, or property damage.
Overtemperature / The overspeed shutdown device must be totally independent of the
Overpressure prime mover control system. An overtemperature or overpressure
shutdown device may also be needed for safety, as appropriate.

The products described in this publication may present risks that

could lead to personal injury, loss of life, or property damage. Always
wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) for the job
Personal Protective at hand. Equipment that should be considered includes but is not
limited to:
 Eye Protection
 Hearing Protection
 Hard Hat
 Gloves
 Safety Boots
 Respirator
Always read the proper Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for any
working fluid(s) and comply with recommended safety equipment.

Be prepared to make an emergency shutdown when starting the

engine, turbine, or other type of prime mover, to protect against
runaway or overspeed with possible personal injury, loss of life, or
Start-up property damage.

On- and off-highway Mobile Applications: Unless Woodward's control

functions as the supervisory control, customer should install a
system totally independent of the prime mover control system that
Automotive monitors for supervisory control of engine (and takes appropriate
action if supervisory control is lost) to protect against loss of engine
control with possible personal injury, loss of life, or property damage.

ii Woodward
Manual 82313 Generator Load Sensor

To prevent damage to a control system that uses an alternator or

battery-charging device, make sure the charging device is turned off
before disconnecting the battery from the system.
Battery Charging

Electrostatic Discharge Awareness

Electronic controls contain static-sensitive parts. Observe the
following precautions to prevent damage to these parts:
 Discharge body static before handling the control (with power to
the control turned off, contact a grounded surface and maintain
Electrostatic contact while handling the control).
Precautions  Avoid all plastic, vinyl, and Styrofoam (except antistatic versions)
around printed circuit boards.
 Do not touch the components or conductors on a printed circuit
board with your hands or with conductive devices.
To prevent damage to electronic components caused by improper
handling, read and observe the precautions in Woodward manual
82715, Guide for Handling and Protection of Electronic Controls,
Printed Circuit Boards, and Modules.

Follow these precautions when working with or near the control.

1. Avoid the build-up of static electricity on your body by not wearing clothing
made of synthetic materials. Wear cotton or cotton-blend materials as much
as possible because these do not store static electric charges as much as
2. Do not remove the printed circuit board (PCB) from the control cabinet
unless absolutely necessary. If you must remove the PCB from the control
cabinet, follow these precautions:
 Do not touch any part of the PCB except the edges.
 Do not touch the electrical conductors, the connectors, or the
components with conductive devices or with your hands.
 When replacing a PCB, keep the new PCB in the plastic antistatic
protective bag it comes in until you are ready to install it. Immediately
after removing the old PCB from the control cabinet, place it in the
antistatic protective bag.

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Generator Load Sensor Manual 82313

iv Woodward
Manual 82313 Generator Load Sensor

Chapter 1.
General Information

The Generator Load Sensor provides isochronous and droop load-sharing
capability for the Woodward 701, EPG and 2301A electronic speed controls and
electrically powered governors in generator set applications. Additional
equipment in the control system with the Load Sensor can include the Woodward
SPM-A Synchronizer, Paralleling Phase Switch, Process and Import Export
Control, and Precision Frequency Control. Figure 1-1 shows a typical system
using a Generator Load Sensor.

Additional Information
The literature listed here contains information on the 8290-048, Generator Load
Sensor and associated equipment. These publications are available on the
Woodward website (www.woodward.com).

82493 EPG 512/524 & 1712/1724 Electrically Powered Governor
82384 SPM-A Synchronizer
82461 Paralleling Phase Switch
82010 Process and Import Export Control

Figure 1-1. Typical System Using a Generator Load Sensor

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Generator Load Sensor Manual 82313

Chapter 2.
Theory of Operation

The Generator Load Sensor senses the power output of a generator and,
through paralleling lines which connect all the generator sets in the system,
permits isochronous load-sharing between these generator sets. The Load
Sensor also provides droop operation, instead of isochronous load-sharing,
making it possible to connect this generator set in the droop mode, in parallel
with either a generator set which is running isochronously, or with a bus.

Power Supply
The power supply generates a regulated dc voltage for the operation of the
circuits in the Load Sensor. The power supply gets its power from two of the
three phase-potential connections which are made to the output of the generator
set being controlled. Jumper wires on terminals 17 through 20 provide for
selection of input voltages of either 95 to 130 Vac or 190 to 260 Vac. The plant
wiring diagram (Figure 3-3) shows these connections and jumpers. Do not
connect inputs to Terminals 17 through 20.

Power Sensor
Generator kilowatt load is measured by the power sensor circuit of the Load
Sensor. The power sensor circuit senses both current amplitude, and phase
between voltage and current, of the generator output. The potential input comes
from the potential transformer(s) (PT) and the current input comes from the
current transformer (CTs). The circuit uses these two inputs to generate a load
signal which is then filtered and sent to the controller circuit. The load signal
voltage of each generator set will be proportional to the load on that generator

Controller Circuit
In the controller circuit, the load signal voltage is adjusted to match the other
generator sets in the system. The load signal voltages, at full load, of all
generator sets in the system must be equal. The controller circuit of each Load
Sensor includes a potentiometer to adjust each generator set’s load signal so
that the load signal voltage of each is the same at full load.

Isochronous Load Sharing

The controller circuit compares the voltage on the paralleling lines to the load
signal voltage for this generator set and generates an error voltage. This error
voltage goes through the summing point and the output terminals of the Load
Sensor to the speed control. The Load Sensor output biases the speed loop of
the speed control so that the fuel is increased or decreased in order to keep the
load signal voltage of this generator set equal to the voltage on the paralleling
lines, while not changing the common frequency of the generator sets.

2 Woodward
Manual 82313 Generator Load Sensor

Droop Operation
In droop operation, a portion of the output voltage of the Load Sensor is fed back
to the controller circuit; this voltage is proportional to the load sensed. This
voltage is used by the controller circuit to reduce the output voltage of the
controller circuit by a percentage determined by the DROOP potentiometer. Load
Sensor output is reduced, and actuator shaft position is changed according to the
desired droop percentage.

When a generator set using the Generator Load Sensor is paralleled in droop
with other generator sets, the common load signal on the paralleling lines is not
used. The frequency of the generator set could, therefore, vary with load, so it
must be determined by a different means. In an isolated system with two or more
generator sets paralleled, if isochronous speed control is required, one of the
generator sets must be running in the isochronous mode; this generator set
determines the frequency of the system. If this generator set is in droop and is
paralleled with an infinite bus, either by itself or with other generator sets, the bus
determines the frequency. The DROOP potentiometer and the SPEED
potentiometer on the speed control determine the amount of the load that is
carried by the generator (when running in droop).

If an SPM-A Synchronizer is used with the system, it biases the output of the
Load Sensor at the summing point, in order to synchronize the generator set with
the bus.

Figure 2-1. Block Diagram

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Generator Load Sensor Manual 82313

Chapter 3.

Figure 3-2 is an outline drawing of the Generator Load Sensor. Mount the unit
near the electronic speed control. It may be mounted in any position. Provide
adequate ventilation for cooling and space for installation and servicing. Ambient
temperature must be between –40 and +75 °C (–40 and +167 °F).

Electrical Wiring
Figure 3-3 is the plant wiring diagram for the Generator Load Sensor. This
drawing shows the connections that must be made to this unit, but does not show
the actual wiring for a particular system. For this information, see the plant wiring
diagram for your specific system. Woodward manual 25070, Electronic Governor
Installation Guide, also contains general information on wiring for electronic

Some of the wiring to the Load Sensor must be twisted-pair, shielded; these
wires are shown in Figure 3-3. This shielding prevents the wires from picking up
stray signals which could cause erratic control operation. Ground the shield to
the system ground as shown in the plant wiring diagram (Pin 12 or Pin 22 on this
(control). The shield on a length of shielded wire must be connected to ground at
one end only; do not ground the shields on both ends of a wire. Do not run a
shielded wire inside a conduit with a wire which is carrying high current. Do not
attempt to tin the braided shields.

Make all wiring connections with insulated terminals.

Power Supply
There are no separate power connections to the Load Sensor; the unit takes its
power from the potential transformer connections.

Connect the wiring between the output of the Load Sensor and the auxiliary input
of the speed control. Use twisted- pair, shielded wire.

Current Transformers (CTs)

Connect the wiring from the current transformers as shown in the plant wiring
diagram. This shows normal current sensing connection using three CTs. Figure
3-1 shows Open Delta Connection, an alternate method of current sensing using
only two CTs.

4 Woodward
Manual 82313 Generator Load Sensor

Figure 3-1. Open Delta Connection

Potential Transformer (PT)

Connect the wiring from the potential transformer (or transformers) as shown in
the plant wiring diagram.

Droop Contacts
Because the load-sharing-line relay is contained in the control, no relay is
required between the control and the load-sharing-line bus. Use shielded cable
and connect the load-sharing lines directly to terminals 10 (+) and 11 (–).
Connect the shield to terminal 12.

The droop contact for selecting droop or isochronous operation is wired in series
with the circuit-breaker auxiliary contact to terminal 16. When both the droop
contact and circuit-breaker auxiliary contact are closed, the control is in the
isochronous load-sharing mode. In this mode the internal load-sharing-line relay
is energized, the droop signal is disabled permitting isochronous load sharing,
and the load-matching circuit is connected to the load-sharing lines.

The control is in the droop mode when EITHER the droop contact or the circuit-
breaker auxiliary contact is open. If the droop contact is open, the control
remains in the droop mode even when the circuit-breaker auxiliary contact is

SPM Synchronizer
Connect the wiring to the SPM Synchronizer (if used). Use twisted-pair, shielded

Load Sharing Lines

Connect the wiring for the load sharing lines. Use twisted-pair, shielded wire.
Load Sharing lines are not required if the Load Sensor is to be used in the droop
mode only.

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Generator Load Sensor Manual 82313

Installation Check
Before initial operation of the Generator Load Sensor, make the following visual
and electrical checks.

Visual Checks
1. Check that the control is securely mounted.

2. Check that all electrical connections are correctly made and that all terminal
screws are tight.

3. Check that shielded wire is installed on the wires indicated in the plant
wiring diagram, and that all shields are grounded on one end only.

Electrical Checks

Do not start the turbine until the control has been checked for
correct installation and operation. To prevent the possibility of
damage to equipment or injury to personnel, DO NOT permit the
engine or turbine to start during any of the static check and
calibration procedures.

6 Woodward
Manual 82313 Generator Load Sensor

Figure 3-2. Outline Drawing of Generator Load Sensor

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Generator Load Sensor Manual 82313

Figure 3-3. Plant Wiring Diagram of Generator Load Sensor

8 Woodward
Manual 82313 Generator Load Sensor

Chapter 4.

Use this calibration procedure after an Generator Load Sensor is installed on a
generator set, to obtain the needed operating characteristics during load sharing.

1. Check that the correct jumpers are installed on terminals 17, 18, 19, and 20
to match your potential transformer secondary voltage. See the plant wiring
diagram (Figure 3-3).

2. Remove wires from terminals 10 and 11, and from terminals 23 and 24.

3. Select isochronous operation by shorting terminals 15 and 16.

Be prepared to make an emergency shutdown when starting the

engine, turbine, or other type of prime mover, to protect against
runaway or overspeed with possible personal injury, loss of life, or
property damage.

4. Start engine and apply full load to generator set.

The most accurate calibration is made at full load. However, if it is

not possible to run the generator set at full load, run it at less than
full load, and reduce the voltage readings given in this calibration
procedure proportionally. For example, run a 2 kW gen-set at 1 kW
and divide all voltages given in this calibration procedure by 2. If you
reduce the load in this manner, however, be sure to reduce it by the
same amount throughout this calibration procedure.

5. Set the LOAD GAIN potentiometer fully clockwise.

6. Check the load signal voltage between terminals 21 and 22. Adjust the
LOAD GAIN potentiometer for a 6.0 Vdc Load Signal. If this voltage is not
obtainable proceed to step 11.

7. Set the LOAD GAIN potentiometer fully counterclockwise.

8. Check the voltage between terminals 21 and 22. If the proper current
transformer is being used, and if the power factor is unity, this voltage
should be 3.4 ± 0.25 Vdc. If this voltage is not correct, proceed to step 11.

9. Remove the load from the generator set.

10. Check the voltage between terminals 21 and 22. This voltage should be 0.0
± 0.25 Vdc. If this voltage is not correct, the Load Sensor unit is faulty;
return it to Woodward for repair.

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Generator Load Sensor Manual 82313

Phasing Check
For this check, the generator set must be running isochronously, not paralleled,
and with a power factor of unity (1.0 ±0.1).

11. Check that the potential connections are made as follows and correct them
if they are not:
 Phase A to Terminal 1
 Phase B to Terminal 2
 Phase C to Terminal 3

12. * Start the engine and apply full load to the generator set.

13. Using a dc voltmeter, measure the load signal at terminals 21 and 22. Adjust
the load gain potentiometer to give a 6 Vdc load signal. If 6 Vdc is not
obtainable, set the load signal as close as possible to 6 Vdc. Record this

14. Shut down the generator set.

HIGH VOLTAGE—Do not disconnect a current transformer from its

burden resistor while the engine is running. The current transformers
can develop dangerously high voltages if open circuited while the
engine is running.

15. Disconnect the wire from terminal 5 that comes from the Phase A CT and
connect both wires from this CT to Terminal 4.

16. * Start the generator set and apply full load.

17. Measure the load signal at terminals 21 and 22. If the phase B and C
current transformers are connected correctly, this voltage will be 1/3 lower
than the voltage recorded in step 13. For example; if the reading was 6 V in
step 13, the reading in this step should be 4 V.

18. Shut down the generator set.

19. Reconnect the Phase A CT wire to terminal 5.

20. If the reading in step 17 was correct, proceed to step 21. If the reading in
step 17 was not correct, proceed to the Phase Correction Procedure.

21. Disconnect the wire from terminal 7 that comes from the Phase B CT and
connect both wires from this CT to Terminal 6.

22. Start the generator set and apply full load.

23. Measure the load signal at terminals 21 and 22. If the phase A and C
current transformers are connected correctly, this voltage will be 1/3 lower
than the voltage recorded in step 13. For example; if the reading was 6 V in
step 13, the reading in this step should be 4 V.

24. Shut down the generator set.

25. Reconnect the Phase B CT wire to terminal 7.

26. If the reading in step 23 was correct, proceed to step 27. If the reading in
step 23 was not correct, proceed to the Phase Correction Procedure.
10 Woodward
Manual 82313 Generator Load Sensor
27. Disconnect the wire from terminal 9 that comes from the Phase C CT and
connect both wires from this CT to Terminal 8.

28. * Start the generator set and apply full load.

29. Measure the load signal at terminals 21 and 22. If the phase A and 8 current
transformers are connected correctly, this voltage will be 1/3 lower than the
voltage recorded in step 13. For example; if the reading was 6 V in step 13,
the reading in this step should be 4 V.

30. Shut down the generator set.

31. Reconnect the Phase C CT wire to terminal 9.

32. If the reading in step 29 was correct, the phasing is correct and there is no
need to perform the Phase Correction Procedure. If the reading in step 29
was not correct, proceed to the Phase Correction Procedure.

Phase Correction Procedure

If this procedure is followed, the correct connection of the current transformers is
assured; the correct CT will be connected to the correct input on the load sensor
with the correct polarity. Use this procedure only if the Phasing Check indicates
that the phasing is incorrect.

A CT for any phase (A, B, or C), will produce the most positive load signal
voltage when it is connected, in the proper polarity, to the terminals on the load
sensor which correspond to the same phase. Any other connections of this CT
will produce a less positive load signal voltage. This procedure makes trial
connections of the first CT to all three CT inputs on the load sensor, polarized
both ways on each CT input. The load signal voltage is recorded for each
connection, and the CT is then connected to the CT input terminals that
produced the most positive load signal voltage, and with the polarity that
produced the most positive load signal voltage.

In a like manner, the second CT is tried on each of the two remaining CT input
terminals in each polarity, then connected, in the correct polarity, to the terminals
which produced the most positive load signal voltage.

The single remaining CT is then connected to the remaining CT input and the
load signal checked for each polarity. This CT is then connected to the CT input,
polarized so that it produces the most positive load signal voltage.

When the procedure is completed, all three CTs are connected to the proper CT
inputs on the load sensor, with the correct polarity, and are now labeled with their
correct designations.

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Generator Load Sensor Manual 82313
The procedure for correcting phase wiring requires that the generator set be shut
down and the current transformers disconnected many times. For convenience
during the phasing check, the temporary method of connecting the current
transformers shown in Figure 4-1 is recommended. By connecting a burden
resistor (a 0.5 , 20 W resistor), across each current transformer, that current
transformer can be disconnected from the Load Sensor after removing all load.
The connections between the terminal strip and the Load Sensor can be
changed with the generator set running, however, remove all load before any
changes in connections are made. Do not disconnect a wire from a current
transformer with load on the system. After the phase correction procedure has
been completed, remove the terminal strip and the resistors.

HIGH VOLTAGE—Do not disconnect a current transformer from its

burden resistor while the engine is running. The current transformers
can develop dangerously high voltages If open circuited while the
engine is running and may explode.

Figure 4-1. Temporary CT Connection

For this procedure, the generator set must be running isochronously, not
paralleled, and with a power factor of unity (1.0 ±0.1).

1. Make sure that the turbine is shut down.

2. Label each CT wire with the phase and polarity that you think it should be.
Even though this identification may prove to be wrong during this procedure,
this step is necessary so that the individual wires may be identified during
the description of the procedure.

3. Disconnect the phase B CT wires from terminals 6 and 7 and connect these
two wires together. Use a small screw and nut and tape the connection.

4. Disconnect the phase C CT wires from terminals 8 and 9 and connect these
two wires together. Use a small screw and nut and tape the connection.

5. Connect the two wires from the phase A CT to the phase A input terminals 4
and 5.

6. Start the engine and apply full load.

12 Woodward
Manual 82313 Generator Load Sensor
7. Measure the load signal voltage between terminals 21 and 22 and record
this voltage.

8. Shut the generator set down and reverse the phase A wires on terminals 4
and 5.

9. Start the engine and apply full load.

10. Measure the load signal voltage between terminals 21 and 22 and record
this voltage.

11. Shut down the generator set.

12. Remove the phase A CT wires from terminal 5 and 6 and connect the phase
A CT wires to the phase B input terminals 6 and 7.

13. Start the engine and apply full load.

14. Measure the load signal voltage between terminals 21 and 22 and record
this voltage.

15. Shut the generator set down and reverse the phase A CT wires on
Terminals 6 and 7.

16. * Start the engine and apply full load.

17. Measure the load signal voltage between terminals 21 and 22 and record
this voltage.

18. Shut down the generator set.

19. Remove the phase A CT wires from terminal 6 and 7 and connect the phase
A CT wires to the phase C input terminals 8 and 9.

20. Start the engine and apply full load.

21. Measure the load signal voltage between terminals 21 and 22 and record
this voltage.

22. Shut the generator set down and reverse the phase A wires on terminals 8
and 9.

23. Start the engine and apply full load.

24. Measure the load signal voltage between terminals 21 and 22 and record
this voltage.

25. Shut down the generator set.

26. Remove the phase A CT wires from terminal 8 and 9 and connect the phase
A wires to the pair of terminals, in the same polarity, that produced the most
positive load signal voltage.

27. Untape and disconnect the Phase B CT wires. Connect the phase B CT
wires to one pair of the two remaining CT input terminals on the Load

28. Start the engine and apply full load.

Woodward 13
Generator Load Sensor Manual 82313
29. Measure the load signal voltage between terminals 21 and 22 and record
this voltage.

30. Shut the generator set down and reverse the phase 8 wires on the CT input

31. Start the engine and apply full load.

32. Measure the load signal voltage between terminals 21 and 22 and record
this voltage.

33. Shut down the generator set.

34. Remove the phase B CT wires from the terminals they are connected to and
connect them to the remaining pair of CT input terminals on the Load

35. Start the engine and apply full load.

36. Measure the load signal voltage between terminals 21 and 22 and record
this voltage.

37. Shut the generator set down and reverse the phase B CT wires on the CT
input terminals

38. * Start the engine and apply full load.

39. Measure the load signal voltage between terminals 21 and 22 and record
this voltage.

40. Shut down the generator set.

41. Remove the phase B CT wires from the CT input terminals and connect
these phase B CT wires to the pair of CT input terminals, in the same
polarity, that produced the most positive load signal voltage.

42. Untape and disconnect the wires from phase C CT. Connect these two
wires to the remaining pair of CT input terminals.

43. * Start the engine and apply full load.

44. Measure the load signal voltage between terminals 21 and 22 and record
this voltage.

45. Shut the generator set down and reverse the phase C CT wires on the CT
input terminals.

46. Start the engine and apply full load.

47. Measure the load signal voltage between terminals 21 and 22 and record
this voltage.

48. Shut down the generator set.

49. Connect the phase C CT wires to the same pair of CT input terminals that
they are connected to, but in the polarity that produced the most positive
load signal voltage.

50. Label each wire with the designation of the terminal that it is now connected to.

14 Woodward
Manual 82313 Generator Load Sensor

Load Gain Adjustment

For this procedure, the generator set must be running isochronously, not
paralleled, and with a power factor of unity (1.0 ±0.1).

1. * Start the generator set and run at full load.

2. Measure the load signal voltage and adjust the LOAD GAIN potentiometer
for 6.0 ± 0.1 Vdc.

If the load signal voltage can not be raised to 6 V, and the phasing has been
checked and is correct, it will be necessary to use a lower load signal voltage.
Set the load signal voltages of all generator sets in the system to the same

When paralleled, adjustment of a generator set’s LOAD GAIN potentiometer

clockwise will cause that generator set to carry less load. If stability problems
occur when paralleled at a particular load signal voltage, reduce the load signal
voltage by adjusting the LOAD GAIN potentiometer and set the load signal
voltage of all other generator sets in the system to the same voltage. When the
load signal voltages of all generator sets in a system are reduced, the load
sharing gain will be reduced and this may result in some loss of load sharing

It may be necessary to reduce the load signal voltage of each unit in the system
to as low as 3 V in cases of extremely poor system dynamics. If your system
requires a load signal voltage as low as 3 V, consult Woodward for suggestions
for possible remedies.

The most accurate calibration is made at full load. However, if it is

not possible to run the generator set at full load, run it at less than
full load, and reduce the voltage readings given in this calibration
procedure proportionally. For example, run a 2 kW gen-set at 1 kW
and divide all voltages given in this calibration procedure by 2. If you
reduce the load, however, be sure to reduce it the same amount
throughout this calibration procedure.

Droop Adjustment
Droop is usually expressed as a percentage. The droop in a load sensor is
calculated by the following formula.

No Load Speed – Full Load

% Droop =
No Load Speed

When the generator set is to be operated in the droop mode, the DROOP
potentiometer must be adjusted. The method of setting droop depends on
whether the load of the generator set is an isolated load or an infinite bus.

Setting Droop for an Isolated Load

1. Open the OPEN FOR DROOP SWITCH (or disconnect the wires from
terminals 15 and 16).

Woodward 15
Generator Load Sensor Manual 82313
2. Start the engine and adjust the RATED SPEED potentiometer on the EPG
for rated speed with no load.

3. * Apply full load.

4. Adjust the DROOP potentiometer to give the desired speed.

For example: Operating at 60 Hz, 57 Hz at full load indicates 5% droop.

* If only 50% loading is possible, 58.5 Hz would indicate 5% droop. See

Figure 4-2, Droop Adjustment.

Figure 4-2. Droop Adjustment

Setting Droop for an Infinite Bus Load

1. With the generator not paralleled, adjust the RATED SPEED potentiometer
on the EPG to give a speed setting above 60 Hz by the percent droop

For example: Droop of 5% would require raising the speed to 63 Hz.

2. Mark the potentiometer position and re-adjust the RATED SPEED

potentiometer for 60 Hz.

3. Turn the DROOP potentiometer fully clockwise (for maximum droop).

4. Open the OPEN FOR DROOP switch (or remove the wires from terminals
15 and 16.

5. Synchronize the generator with the bus and parallel it with the bus.

6. Return RATED SPEED potentiometer to the mark made in step 2.

7. Adjust the DROOP potentiometer counterclockwise, decreasing droop, until

100% load is achieved.

This completes the calibration of the EPG Load Sensor.

* If it is necessary to set the droop without pulling 100% load, set the RATED
SPEED potentiometer (in step 1) accordingly for desired percent droop.

For example: At 5% droop, running at only 50% load, the RATED SPEED
potentiometer would be set at 61.5 Hz in step 1.

16 Woodward
Manual 82313 Generator Load Sensor

Chapter 5.

If the unit is determined not to be operating correctly, use the following

troubleshooting chart to find the problem. The causes for each symptom are
given with the most likely cause first.

This troubleshooting chapter is intended only as a guide. There may

be other causes for a symptom than those given and there may be
repairs not given which may be more suited to the particular

Symptoms Cause Test/Remedy

Undesirable speed decrease 1. Droop mode switch is open or Jumper Load Sensor terminals 15 and
with load increase. auxiliary contact is open. Load 16.
Sensor is in droop mode.
Observe engine operation. Replace
wiring or switch as required. (The Load
Sensor will be in droop when the circuit
breaker auxiliary contact is open. See
Droop Switch under Chapter 3, Electrical

2. Improper engine operation. If the droop occurs near the full load
Operate the engine and observe point only, it is possible the engine is not
speed while applying load. Note producing the horse-power called for by
the position of the actuator the fuel control, or is being overloaded.
terminal shaft. Either is indicated if the fuel control is at
maximum fuel position.

3. Faulty engine or speed control. If speed decreases with load, engine

Disconnect the load sensor from operation or the speed control may be
the speed control. Load the faulty. You may be exceeding the load
engine as a single, isolated unit. rating of the engine or there may be
insufficient fuel flow.
Erratic Load Sensor 1. Open or intermittent wire. Check all wiring for continuity and tight
Operation. connections. Repair if necessary.

2. EMI (Electromagnetic Remove ground loops. Shield all wiring,

Interference). grounding shield at one end only. Route
wiring and controls away from high
current wires and noise sources.
(Equipment containing SCRs are
especially noisy.) Keep wire lengths to a
minimum. Route wiring through conduit
when possible. Use single point
grounds. Take control power right off of
battery. (Do not use distribution points or
take off of starter.) Run additional
equipment off of separate battery wires.

Load Signal voltage is low. 1. Incorrect phasing of CT & PT Perform phasing check. If phasing check
Adjusting LOAD GAIN won’t wiring. indicates need, perform procedure for
raise it. correcting phase wiring.

2. Insufficient CT output. Check for 5 A CT output at full load. (CT

must be between 3 and 7 A at full load.)
Change to a lower primary current CT.

Woodward 17
Generator Load Sensor Manual 82313
Symptoms Cause Test/Remedy
Load Signal voltage is too CT output too high. Check for 5 A CT output at full load. (CT
high. Adjusting LOAD GAIN must be between 3 and 7 A at full load.)
won’t lower it. Change to a higher primary current CT.
Engine does not properly 1. Engine not receiving fuel as Check for maximum voltage to the
share load with other units. called for by governor. actuator. If voltage to the actuator is
correct but the actuator output shaft is
not at maximum position, an actuator or
speed control problem if indicated or the
linkage or fuel system is restricted.

2. Unequal speed settings. Be sure that speed settings of all units at

no load are identical. Adjust as

3. Unequal load gain voltages. Check that load gain setting of all load
sharing units is correct. See load gain
adjustment in Chapter 4. Adjust as

4. Improper load sensing phasing. Perform the transformer phasing check

in Chapter 4. Correct wiring as

5. Circulating currents between Properly adjust the generator voltage

generators. (Noted by unequal controls.
power factors between
Engine does not properly Terminals 15 and 16 not shorted. Jumper Load Sensor terminals 15 and
share load with other units. Load Sensor in droop. 16. Observe engine operation. Replace
wiring or switch as required.

18 Woodward
Manual 82313 Generator Load Sensor

Chapter 6.
Product Support and Service Options

Product Support Options

If you are experiencing problems with the installation, or unsatisfactory
performance of a Woodward product, the following options are available:
1. Consult the troubleshooting guide in the manual.
2. Contact the OE Manufacturer or Packager of your system.
3. Contact the Woodward Business Partner serving your area.
4. Contact Woodward technical assistance via email
([email protected]) with detailed information on the
product, application, and symptoms. Your email will be forwarded to an
appropriate expert on the product and application to respond by telephone
or return email.
5. If the issue cannot be resolved, you can select a further course of action to
pursue based on the available services listed in this chapter.

OEM or Packager Support: Many Woodward controls and control devices are
installed into the equipment system and programmed by an Original Equipment
Manufacturer (OEM) or Equipment Packager at their factory. In some cases, the
programming is password-protected by the OEM or packager, and they are the best
source for product service and support. Warranty service for Woodward products
shipped with an equipment system should also be handled through the OEM or
Packager. Please review your equipment system documentation for details.

Woodward Business Partner Support: Woodward works with and supports a

global network of independent business partners whose mission is to serve the
users of Woodward controls, as described here:
 A Full-Service Distributor has the primary responsibility for sales, service,
system integration solutions, technical desk support, and aftermarket
marketing of standard Woodward products within a specific geographic area
and market segment.
 An Authorized Independent Service Facility (AISF) provides authorized
service that includes repairs, repair parts, and warranty service on
Woodward's behalf. Service (not new unit sales) is an AISF's primary
 A Recognized Engine Retrofitter (RER) is an independent company that
does retrofits and upgrades on reciprocating gas engines and dual-fuel
conversions, and can provide the full line of Woodward systems and
components for the retrofits and overhauls, emission compliance upgrades,
long term service contracts, emergency repairs, etc.

A current list of Woodward Business Partners is available at


Product Service Options

Depending on the type of product, the following options for servicing Woodward
products may be available through your local Full-Service Distributor or the OEM
or Packager of the equipment system.
 Replacement/Exchange (24-hour service)
 Flat Rate Repair
 Flat Rate Remanufacture

Woodward 19
Generator Load Sensor Manual 82313
Replacement/Exchange: Replacement/Exchange is a premium program
designed for the user who is in need of immediate service. It allows you to
request and receive a like-new replacement unit in minimum time (usually within
24 hours of the request), providing a suitable unit is available at the time of the
request, thereby minimizing costly downtime.

This option allows you to call your Full-Service Distributor in the event of an
unexpected outage, or in advance of a scheduled outage, to request a
replacement control unit. If the unit is available at the time of the call, it can
usually be shipped out within 24 hours. You replace your field control unit with
the like-new replacement and return the field unit to the Full-Service Distributor.

Flat Rate Repair: Flat Rate Repair is available for many of the standard
mechanical products and some of the electronic products in the field. This
program offers you repair service for your products with the advantage of
knowing in advance what the cost will be.

Flat Rate Remanufacture: Flat Rate Remanufacture is very similar to the Flat
Rate Repair option, with the exception that the unit will be returned to you in “like-
new” condition. This option is applicable to mechanical products only.

Returning Equipment for Repair

If a control (or any part of an electronic control) is to be returned for repair,
please contact your Full-Service Distributor in advance to obtain Return
Authorization and shipping instructions.

When shipping the item(s), attach a tag with the following information:
 return number;
 name and location where the control is installed;
 name and phone number of contact person;
 complete Woodward part number(s) and serial number(s);
 description of the problem;
 instructions describing the desired type of repair.

Packing a Control
Use the following materials when returning a complete control:
 protective caps on any connectors;
 antistatic protective bags on all electronic modules;
 packing materials that will not damage the surface of the unit;
 at least 100 mm (4 inches) of tightly packed, industry-approved packing
 a packing carton with double walls;
 a strong tape around the outside of the carton for increased strength.

To prevent damage to electronic components caused by improper

handling, read and observe the precautions in Woodward manual
82715, Guide for Handling and Protection of Electronic Controls,
Printed Circuit Boards, and Modules.

Replacement Parts
When ordering replacement parts for controls, include the following information:
 the part number(s) (XXXX-XXXX) that is on the enclosure nameplate;
 the unit serial number, which is also on the nameplate.

20 Woodward
Manual 82313 Generator Load Sensor

Engineering Services
Woodward’s Full-Service Distributors offer various Engineering Services for our
products. For these services, you can contact the Distributor by telephone or by
 Technical Support
 Product Training
 Field Service

Technical Support is available from your equipment system supplier, your local
Full-Service Distributor, or from many of Woodward’s worldwide locations,
depending upon the product and application. This service can assist you with
technical questions or problem solving during the normal business hours of the
Woodward location you contact.

Product Training is available as standard classes at many Distributor locations.

Customized classes are also available, which can be tailored to your needs and
held at one of our Distributor locations or at your site. This training, conducted by
experienced personnel, will assure that you will be able to maintain system
reliability and availability.

Field Service engineering on-site support is available, depending on the product

and location, from one of our Full-Service Distributors. The field engineers are
experienced both on Woodward products as well as on much of the non-
Woodward equipment with which our products interface.

For information on these services, please contact one of the Full-Service

Distributors listed at www.woodward.com/directory.

Contacting Woodward’s Support Organization

For the name of your nearest Woodward Full-Service Distributor or service
facility, please consult our worldwide directory published at

You can also contact the Woodward Customer Service Department at one of the
following Woodward facilities to obtain the address and phone number of the
nearest facility at which you can obtain information and service.

Products Used In Products Used In Products Used In

Electrical Power Systems Engine Systems Industrial Turbomachinery
Facility---------------- Phone Number Facility---------------- Phone Number Facility---------------- Phone Number
Brazil ------------- +55 (19) 3708 4800 Brazil ------------- +55 (19) 3708 4800 Brazil ------------- +55 (19) 3708 4800
China ----------- +86 (512) 6762 6727 China ----------- +86 (512) 6762 6727 China ----------- +86 (512) 6762 6727
Germany: Germany------- +49 (711) 78954-510 India --------------- +91 (129) 4097100
Kempen ---- +49 (0) 21 52 14 51 India --------------- +91 (129) 4097100 Japan -------------- +81 (43) 213-2191
Stuttgart-- +49 (711) 78954-510 Japan -------------- +81 (43) 213-2191 Korea -------------- +82 (51) 636-7080
India --------------- +91 (129) 4097100 Korea -------------- +82 (51) 636-7080 The Netherlands - +31 (23) 5661111
Japan -------------- +81 (43) 213-2191 The Netherlands - +31 (23) 5661111 Poland--------------- +48 12 295 13 00
Korea -------------- +82 (51) 636-7080 United States ---- +1 (970) 482-5811 United States ---- +1 (970) 482-5811
Poland--------------- +48 12 295 13 00
United States ---- +1 (970) 482-5811

For the most current product support and contact information, please visit our
website directory at www.woodward.com/directory.

Woodward 21
Generator Load Sensor Manual 82313

Technical Assistance
If you need to contact technical assistance, you will need to provide the following information.
Please write it down here before contacting the Engine OEM, the Packager, a Woodward
Business Partner, or the Woodward factory:

Your Name

Site Location

Phone Number

Fax Number

Prime Mover Information


Engine Model Number

Number of Cylinders
Type of Fuel (gas, gaseous, diesel,
dual-fuel, etc.)
Power Output Rating
Application (power generation, marine,
Control/Governor Information
Control/Governor #1

Woodward Part Number & Rev. Letter

Control Description or Governor Type

Serial Number

Control/Governor #2

Woodward Part Number & Rev. Letter

Control Description or Governor Type

Serial Number

Control/Governor #3

Woodward Part Number & Rev. Letter

Control Description or Governor Type

Serial Number


If you have an electronic or programmable control, please have the adjustment setting positions or
the menu settings written down and with you at the time of the call.

22 Woodward
Manual 82313 Generator Load Sensor

Woodward 23
We appreciate your comments about the content of our publications.
Send comments to: [email protected]

Please reference publication 82313F.

PO Box 1519, Fort Collins CO 80522-1519, USA

1000 East Drake Road, Fort Collins CO 80525, USA
Phone +1 (970) 482-5811  Fax +1 (970) 498-3058

Email and Website—www.woodward.com

Woodward has company-owned plants, subsidiaries, and branches,

as well as authorized distributors and other authorized service and sales facilities throughout the world.
Complete address / phone / fax / email information for all locations is available on our website.


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