George: I feel great this morning! How was your day yesterday?
Fritz: It was very nice. All morning we were touring around the city. We visited the
main monuments and places of interest.
We were at the Plaza de Armas, the Cathedral, the Church of La Compañia,
Fritz: Oh yes. Some people say that it was all covered with gold inside! There isn’t
any gold on the walls now . they say that the Temple of the Sun was probably the most
impressive building in Peru or even in America.
George: I visited those places, too. Now, I’m so happy I am finally going to
Machu Picchu..
I’m a journalist. I work for Discover Magazine.
George: Yes. Let me tell you. I never was at a place like this before.
Fritz: Look! I guess it’s time to go. The train is starting to move.
Plural Nouns.
Ruler – rulers
Family – families
Potato – potatoes
Watch – watches
Box – boxes
Singular Plural
Woman women
Child children
Man men
Mouse mice
Foot feet
Tooth teeth
Person people
Fish fish.
I. Change to plural nouns
a. pencil ___________________
b. eraser ___________________
c. book ___________________
d. teacher ___________________
e. secretary ___________________
f. tomato ___________________
g. fox ___________________
h. toy ___________________
II. Change to singular nouns.
___________________ chairs
___________________ backpacks
___________________ note books
___________________ students
___________________ sharpeners
___________________ candy
1. superman ___________________
2. business woman ___________________
3. dog ___________________
4. salesman ___________________
5. trip ___________________
6. police woman ___________________
7. child ___________________
8. fireman ___________________
Read the dialog again. List the family’s responsibilities now that they have a pet.
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________
They play soccer
She walks in the park
You have a pet
They don’t play soccer
She doesn’t walk in the park
Interrogative and short answers
Do they play soccer?
Yes, they do I no, the don’t
Does she walk in the park?
Yes, she does I No, she doesn’t
I. Make sentences of questions.
1. her / Nancy / dog / feeds/
Listen and read
Cartoons existed in the past, they exist now, and they will probably exist in the future.
But cartoons first existed in strips and appeared in newspapers and magazines. Then when
movies appeared, cartoonists worked hard on animated cartoons. There were films based on
stories such as “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” with drawings created by Walt Disney.
Nowadays, we can still see beautiful movies where the characters are only animated cartoons.
And, thanks to the ingenuity of producers, we can even see movies where actors and actresses
interact with cartoons. This can be so amazing!
He watched TV lat night.
He didn’t watch TV last night.
Did he watch TV last night?
Short Answer
Yes, he did / No, he didn’t
II. Now fill in the blanks. Use the Simple Past Tense
1. Evan _______________ the police when the saw the accident. (call).
2. We ________________ to Hawaii on vacation last year (go)
3. I ________________ my homework at five o’clock. (do)
4. We ______________ basketball for two hours lat night (play)
5. I last my watch, but I ___________________ it today (find)
6. He ___________ that movie last week. (see)
III. Complete the blanks with the verbs in brackets. Use Simple Past Tense.
My family and I _______________ (visit) a little town lat weekend. We
________________ (travel) by coach (a bid bus). There was a TV on the coach, so we
_________________ (watch) a film, it was “Star Wars” my favorite! I really
_______________(enjoy) it. The coach did not ______________ (stop) we
___________ (arrive) at 8:00 am. And you know shat?
The weather was terrible. It _______________ (rain) all the time.
To tell you the true, we all ____________ (want) to return to Lima. So, what we
__________________ (like) best was the journey on the coach!.
IV. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Why __________ you ____________ Sue yesterday?
Because I ______________ to invite her to my party- (call-want)
His real name was Walter Elias Disney, but people called him Walt. He was born in Chicago
in 1901. He loved drawing and practiced the art of animated cartoons. He gained fame when
he created Mickey Mouse in 1928. After Mickey he continued his work on animated cartoons
giving life to “”Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” in 1937, “Bambi” in 1942, and “Alice in
Wonderland” in 19551. He died in California en 1966, but we can still enjoy his cartoons, and
we can visit Disneyland in California and Disney world in Florida. At present, the area people
who continue his work and we can see lively, colorful Disney cartoons and films.
Check () the box if the sentence is correct. Cross (x) it if the sentence is not correct.
1. Adjectives are words that describe a noun.
A beautiful house
A kind teacher
2. Order of Adjectives
Opinion / age / shape / color / material / Noun.
A now blue cotton sweaters.
3. Opposite Adjectives
Thin – fat / open – closed
1. Look inside the bag. Find opposite word to complete the list.
a. clean ___________
dirty cold b. new ___________
c. long ___________
short small d. big ___________
e. young ___________
f. hot ___________
3. Adjectives and more adjectives. Classify the adjectives into the categories.
Friendly tall nice thin
Handsome young shy talkative
Kind short old sociable
Pretty fat hard-working
responsible funny middle-aged
4. Reading
I love water
Water is something essential in our lives. Water is necessary for our body, we need to
drink water to live. We need water to wash ourselves, to cook and to wash fruit and
vegetables, to wash our clothes, and to keep things clean to preserve our health. With no
water it is very easy to get sick. Water is very important in our lives. We have to take care
of it. We do not have to leave the water running if it is not necessary. Some people have to
walk long distances to collect water. Do not waste it!
Read the passage and underline all the adjectives you find.
It’s Monday afternoon. Mr. Wilson is working at the office. At this moment he is
calling to his house. He wants to know how every thing is at home.
Use the present progressive to talk about actions that are happening now.
I am
He she it is + verb – ing
We you they are
Ann is studying English now
I’m not
He, she, it isn’t + verb – ing
We, you, they aren’t
Tom isn’t playing soccer now
Am I
Is he / she / it + verb – ing?
Are we / you / they
Is Bob watching TV now?
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Yes, he is
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III. Spelling
Add – ing to these verbs
1. Read _____________________________
2. Play _____________________________
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3. Go _____________________________
4. Write _____________________________
5. visit _____________________________
6. Study _____________________________
7. Run _____________________________
8. Forget _____________________________
9. Die _____________________________
10. Look _____________________________
What is the Tanaka family doing this evening?
It’s eight o clock in the evening. All the Tanakas ________________ something
different. Liz ________________ Mr. Tanaka _______________. Their cat
What is David doing? He _____________________________________
They ____________________ for Mrs. Tanaka to call them for dinner.
Listen and read
Does it sound familiar?
Colegio Preuniversitario Adventista “ALBORADA” INGLES
The invention of modern television by John Logie Baird, changed family life very
much. When television started, families were together for TV time, through the years
with more varied shows and more than one TV set at home, families don’t watch TV
together anymore. There are many kinds of programs: comedies, music programs,
movies, cartoons, new broadcasts, sports programs, soap operas, series, family shows, talk
show, documentaries, etc.
Witch do you prefer?
What programs are on?
1. a comedy 5. talk show
2. a soap opera 6. a movie
3. the news broadcast 7. a series
4. a documentary 8. a sports programs
What kind of programs are they?
1. Futbol en America _____________________
2. El Chavo del Ocho _____________________
3. Baywatch _____________________
4. Drácula _____________________
5. Rosalinda _____________________
Possessive Adjective
My ruler is new
My name is Jonathan
Her + NOUN
Possessive Pronouns
Colegio Preuniversitario Adventista “ALBORADA” INGLES
I. Make other sentences. Use the possessive pronoun in brackets
Example : Your calculator is Japanese (mine / Chinese)
Mine is Chinese
1. My dog is big (her / small)
2. Their walkman is a Miray (Yours / Sony)
3. His building is very modern (mine / not)
4. Your computer is new (his - old)
5. Her book is cheap (his - expensive)
II. Connect
1. Sylvia and Bertha’s house a. her ________
2. Juan’s computer b. my ________
3. Carmen’s bag c. their ________
4. Azabache´s bowl d. his ________
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5. I e. its ________
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8. c-l-e-n-n-a-h ____________________
Tuesday 13th. The Taveras are talking about their day.
Lizeth : This morning was awful! I asked Christina to come with me to the bank
to pay the bills. As we were going into the bank, a man was coming out. I
was sure he was going to hold the door for me, but I was wrong. The
door hit me in the face. I had a headache for hours.
Christina : I don’t understand people. This afternoon there were some
workers working on the sidewalk. While they were eating lunch, somebody wrote
on the fresh cement. It was terrible for them. They had to do it all over again!
Cesar : Well. My day was bad too. I was driving along Olive street and
somebody U – turned without signaling! I wasn’t driving so fast but I
was about to crash. I was already nervous when I saw a girl jaywalk in
front of me! Fortunately, nothing happened. Thank god!
Put a check under A if you always do it, under S if you do it sometimes, under N if
you never do it.
You hold the door for somebody
You write on fresh cement
You jaywalk in the streets or cement
Colegio Preuniversitario Adventista “ALBORADA” INGLES
It is used to talk about something that was happening at a specific moment in the
Past tense of the verb “to be” + - ing
I / He / She / It was + verb – ing
You / We / They were
He was watching TV
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I / He / She / It wasn’t + verb – ing
You / We / They weren’t
They weren’t reading a book
Was I / He / She / It + verb – ing
Were You / We / They
Was she playing the piano?
Yes, she was playing the piano
I. Past simple or past progressive
Complete the following sentences with the verbs in parentheses
1. It ___________ all day yesterday (rain)
2. Tony ___________ ready at 7:30 am (be)
3. she ___________ a shower at 7 o’clock (take)
4. They ___________ on time for the concert (be not)
5. It ___________ hot yesterday (be not)
6. We ___________ at home (work)
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Colegio Preuniversitario Adventista “ALBORADA” INGLES
When people don’t say hello, thank you, please or good bye we feel terrible. We
sometimes forget about good manners. But just a little word of courtesy makes you
feel good about yourself and others.
We show respect for others when we drive obeying the traffic signals. We show
respect when we walk on the sidewalk and cross on the corner, we also show
respect and education when we keep our city clean.
Let’s be polite!
Reading - comprehension
Put a check () under true or false T F
1. People never say hello.
2. Sometimes people forget about courtesy
3. When people say thank you we feel awful
4. Respecting the traffic signal is respecting others.
5. Jaywalking is good
6. To be polite is to show courtesy
7. A Clean city is an example of educated people
Listen to the tape and complete
Mr. Tavera ______________ along Olive road. At the same time, some girls
_______________ ball in the street. When Mr. Tavera was getting closer
________________ , one of the girls ran ___________________ his car.
Fortunately, nothing happened. He said ______________! And when he saw
_______________________________, he said: Be careful, cross from the
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Use to express ability. Use “Can” plus the base form of a verb.
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Colegio Preuniversitario Adventista “ALBORADA” INGLES
Mr. Garcia is a carpenter. His father was a carpenter, too. He learn more about
carpentry when he attended a workshop. The workshop lasted three weeks,
and helped him a lot. Now he can make all kinds of furniture.
He is an excellent carpenter, but it was very difficult for him to get a job in a
factory. So, he decided to use part of his garage as a workshop. There,
he used all his creativity and a ability to make beautiful furniture of for the different rooms of
a house.
His first clients were his relatives, friends and neighbors. Now he has clients who come from
different parts of Lima and even from other departments of Peru. Of course, he does not
work in his garage any more. Now he has a big workshop next to his house.
Mr. Garcia is a very good example of how useful workshops can be. Nowadays, it is
so difficult to get a job, that many people prefer to attend workshops and then have their
own workshops. Yes just like Mr. Garcia!
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Colegio Preuniversitario Adventista “ALBORADA” INGLES
1. Future-Going to
Used to talk about intentions or plan in the future.
I. Write sentences with going to.
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Colegio Preuniversitario Adventista “ALBORADA” INGLES
The number of people hurt in the market fire was of 180. The hospital authorities said there
were 30 children, 12 firefighters and 20 policemen among the injured.
A witness said it started with a truck crash. It was a truck transporting Kerosene. The
Kerosene leaked out of the container and caught on fire. The problem was that
the accident was at the bank of the market, where there are many plastic objects.
The firefighters came at once, but the fire moved very fast to the nearby buildings.
People in the market tried to stop the fire with extinguishers, but it didn’t work.
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Reading – comprehension
Fill the chart
Colegio Preuniversitario Adventista “ALBORADA” INGLES
Crash = chocar
Catch fire = coger el fuego
Leak = gotear, perder, salir
wipe off = limpiar, borrar
Move away = mudarse
Breathe =respirar
Put out = sacar
Ring = timbrar
Close = cerar
Dial = marcar(el telefono)
Fire = fuego
Strange = extraño
Besides = ademas
Market = mercado
Among = entre
Carry = llevar
Wake up! despierta
Fire department = departamento de
Factory = fábrica
injured = herido
Colegio Particular Adventista “ALBORADA” INGLES
Just go back to (sleep, work) = vuelve a (dormirte, trabajar)
Call the firefighters. = Llama a los bomberos
Wake up! = despierta
Hurry up! = ¡date prisa!
Watch out! = ¡cuidado!
What’s the matter? = ¿que pasa?
Help me = ayudame