Electrostatics: Physics-MC/Electrostatics/By Lee Siu Hin Page 1 of 3

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Physics-MC/Electrostatics/By Lee Siu Hin Page 1 of 3

Electrostatics 3. An uncharged light conducting sphere is suspended by an insulating thread.

The metal dome of an operating Van de Graaff generator is brought near the
1. sphere. Which of the following statements describes the motion of the
sphere ? (1993-31)

A. The sphere remains stationary.

B. The sphere moves away from the dome.
C. The sphere moves towards the dome, touches it and remain there.
D. The sphere moves towards the dome, touches it and then moves
In the above diagram, X and Y are two insulated uncharged metal spheres in away.
contact with each other. A negatively charged object C is brought near X. X E. The sphere moves towards the dome, touches it, moves away and
is touched momentarily with a finger, and then X and Y are separated. The then swings back to repeat the motion again.
charges on X and Y are (1991-29)
Sphere X Sphere Y

A. zero negative
B. positive negative
C. negative negative
D. positive zero
E. positive positive

2. An insulated charged metal rod is brought near an insulated uncharged

metal sphere as shown above. Which of the following can charge the
sphere? (1994-24)

(1) Touching the sphere momentarily with a finger

(2) Touching the sphere momentarily with the rod
(3) Touching the rod momentarily with a finger and then touching the
A positively charged rod is brought near an insulated uncharged metal sphere momentarily with the same finger
sphere as shown above. If the sphere is earthed with a finger,
(1992-30) A. (1) only
A. positive charges flow from the earth to the sphere. B. (3) only
B. electrons flow from the earth to the sphere. C. (1) and (2) only
C. electrons flow from the sphere to the earth. D. (2) and (3) only
D. the sphere is completely discharged. E. (1), (2) and (3)
E. there is no charge flow between the sphere and the earth.
Physics-MC/Electrostatics/By Lee Siu Hin Page 2 of 3
5. Which of the following involves the application of electrostatics ? 7.
(1) A photocopier
(2) A precipitator in the chimney of a coal-fired power station
(3) A Van de Graaff generator

A. (2) only
B. (3) only
C. (1) and (2) only
D. (1) and (3) only
E. (1), (2) and (3) A small conducting sphere is suspended by an insulated thread. When a
positively charged rod is brought near the sphere, the sphere is attracted as
6. shown above. Which of the following is/are reasonable deduction(s) ?
(1) The sphere may carry a positive charge.
(2) The sphere may carry a negative charge.
(3) The sphere may be neutral.
A. (1) only
B. (2) only
Two insulated uncharged metal spheres X and Y are in contact with each C. (1) and (3) only
other. A positively charged rod is brought near X as shown above. Which of D. (2) and (3) only
the following diagrams correctly shows the distribution of charges on the E. (1), (2) and (3)
spheres ? (1995-29)
8. The following are the steps to charge an isolated metal sphere by induction,
but they are in the wrong order. (1997-27)
(1) Removing the finger away from the metal sphere.
(2) Touching the metal sphere with a finger.
(3) Bringing a positively charged rod near the metal sphere.
(4) Removing the positively charged rod away from the metal sphere.
Which of the following shows the correct order ?

A. (2), (1), (3), (4)

B. (2), (3), (4), (1)
C. (3), (2), (1), (4)
D. (3), (2), (4), (1)
Ans.: C E. (3), (4), (2), (1)
Physics-MC/Electrostatics/By Lee Siu Hin Page 3 of 3
9. 11. A positively-charged metal sphere is mounted on an insulating stand. When
the sphere is earthen with a finger. (1990-30)

F. protons will move from the sphere to the earth.

G. protons will move from the earth to the sphere.
H. electrons will move from the sphere to the earth.
I. electrons will move from the earth to the sphere.
J. neutrons will move from the earth to the sphere.
Three insulated uncharged metal spheres X, Y and Z are placed in contact as
shown above. A negatively charged rod is brought near X and sphere Y is
then earthed momentarily. If the charged rod is still near X, which of the 1st statement 2nd statement
following describes the charges on X, Y and Z ? (1998-29)
A. True True 2nd statement is a correct explanation
Sphere X Sphere Y Sphere Z of the 1st statement
A. positive zero zero B. True True 2nd statement is not a correct
B. positive zero negative explanation of the 1st statement
C. positive positive positive C. True False -------
D. zero zero zero
E. zero negative negative D. False True -------

10. E. False False -------

1st statement 2nd statement

12. When a negatively charged rod C A net positive charge is induced

is brought near to an insulated on the sphere.
As shown above, a positively-charged metal sphere X is brought near an neutral metal sphere, an
uncharged metal sphere Y. Y is then touched momentarily with a finger. X is attractive force exists between
brought in contact with Y and taken away. Y is now (1988-28) them.
A. positively charged.
B. negatively charged.
C. uncharged.
D. negatively charged on the left side and positively charged on the
right side.
E. positively charged on the left side and negatively charged on the
right side.

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