LET Reviewer 3 Math Major

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1. Set M = {perfect squares ≤ 400} 8.

What is the sum of the largest and smallest angles

Set N = {even numbers ≤ 400} of a quadrilateral whose angles are in the ratio of
Find the cardinality of X ∩ Y. 1:2:3:6?
A. 4 B. 6 A. 120 B. 150
C. 8 D. 10 C. 180 D. 210

2. (3-2 + 3-1) ÷ 3-3 = ___ 9. For two positive integers x and y with x > y,
which of the following is NOT true?
A. 3 B. 6
A. x + y > 0
C. 9 D. 12
B. x – y > 0
C. –x < -y
3. If the sum of the measures of the interior angles
of a regular polygon is 900o, how many sides does D. 1/x > 1/y
the polygon have?
A. 7 B. 8 10. Victor’s first scores in his Math exams were 90,
C. 9 D. 10 92, 93 and 95. What must his score be in his fifth
exam in order for him to have an average score of
4. All 500 boys in a school play basketball or
A. 90 B. 92
volleyball or both. If 30% of the boys play
volleyball and 90% play basketball, how many play C. 94 D. 96
both basketball and volleyball?
A. 100 B. 150 11. A flagpole 8 meters high casts a shadow 12
C. 300 D. 400 meters long while a nearby building casts a shadow
60 meters long. How high is the building?
A. 40 m B. 60 m
5. Find the value of x: 2 √ 3 x +1 -2 = 8
C. 80 m D. 100 m
A. 5 B. 8
C. 10 D. 24
12. Evaluate: -1 – [(-1)3 – (-1)7 x (-1)8]2
A. -1 B. 0
6. The lengths of two sides of an isosceles triangle
are 4 and 9. What must be the length of the third C. 1 D. 2
A. 4 B. 5 13. How many 4-digit numbers can be formed from
C. 7 D. 9 the digits 1 to 5 if repetition is not allowed?
A. 24 B. 48
7. If A(x) is the inverse of B(x), then A[B(x)] is C. 96 D. 120
equal to
A. -1 B. 1 14. Which of the following CANNOT be measures
C. –x D. x of the sides of a right triangle?
A. 5, 12, 13 B. 6, 8, 12
C. 7, 24, 25 D. 8, 15, 17
15. The sides of a triangle are 6 cm, 12 cm, and 15 22. Which of the following is equal to -1?
cm. What is the perimeter of a similar triangle A. cos 0o B. sin 180o
whose longest side is 25 cm?
C. sec 0o D. tan 135o
A. 35 cm B. 45 cm
C. 50 cm D. 55 cm
23. Diana averaged 91 on 5 of her exams. If she
wants to have an average of 92, what score must she
16. In how many ways can 3 men and 3 women be get on her 6th exam?
seated in a row if each man and woman must A. 95 B. 96
C. 97 D. 98
A. 9 B. 18
C. 36 D. 72
24. Find the sum of the first 25 odd numbers.
A. 50 B. 250
17. It takes 7 men to finish a job in 24 hrs. How
long will it take 8 men to finish the same job? C. 500 D. 625
A. 21 hrs B. 27 hrs
C. 28 hrs D. 18 hrs 25. A boat can travel 10 km upstream in 5 hrs, and
10 km downstream in 2 hrs. What is the speed of
the boat on still water?
18. The 3rd term of an arithmetic progression is 12 A. 2.5 kph B. 3 kph
and the 7th term is 40. What is the 9th term?
C. 3.5 kph D. 4 kph
A. 48 B. 50
C. 42 D. 54
26. Solve for x:
2x + 3y = 43
19. What is the equation of the line passing through 4x + 5y = 81
(5, 4) parallel to the line y = 1 – 2x? A. 14 B. 15
A. x + 2y – 14 = 0 C. 16 D. 17
B. 2x + y – 14 = 0
C. x – 2y + 14 = 0 27. Find the distance of a 30 cm chord from the
D. 2x – y + 14 = 0 center of a circle whose circumference is 34π cm.
A. 6 cm B. 8 cm
20. There are 10 points on the circumference of a C. 10 cm D. 15 cm
circle. How many triangles can be drawn using
these points?
28. An inscribed angle intersects a semicircle. What
A. 30 B. 60 is the measure of the inscribed angle?
C. 120 D. 240 A. 45o B. 90o
C. 135o D. 180o
21. What is tan 30o?
A. ½ B. √3
√3 D. 1
29. Two chords of a circle intersect each other and x+2 x +5
36. Solve for x: =
form a 40o angle. Which of the following could be x−1 x +3
measures of their intercepted arcs?
A. -15 B. -13
A. 100o and 60o
C. -11 D. -9
B. 80o and 80o
C. 100o and 20o
37. Find the equation of the line parallel to
D. 100o and 180o 4x – 3y = 5 passing through (1, 2).
A. 3x + 4y = -2
30. A bag was sold for P6,720 after a 20% mark-up. B. 3x – 4y = -2
How much was the bag originally?
C. 4x + 3y = -2
A. P5600 B. P6000
D. 4x – 3y = -2
C. P6450 D. P5376

38. Find the vertex of y = 3x2 + 5x + 6

3 6
31. Factorize 8x – 27y .
A. (-5/6, 47/12) B. (-5/6, 47/6)
A. (2x + 3y2) (4x2 + 6xy2 + 9y4)
C. (5/3, 47/12) D. (5/3, 47/6)
B. (2x + 3y2) (4x2 - 6xy2 + 9y4)
C. (2x – 3y2) (4x2 + 6xy2 + 9y4)
39. Find the sum of the roots of 3x2 + 18x – 42 = 0.
2 2 2 4
D. (2x – 3y ) (4x – 6xy + 9y )
A. 6 B. -6
C. -14 D. -3
32. The sum of two numbers is 45 and their product
is 499. Find the sum of their squares.
40. Find the area of a right triangle given that its
A. 1609 B. 1513
hypotenuse is 25 cm and one leg measures 24 cm.
C. 1028 D. 1027
A. 600 cm2 B. 300 cm2
C. 168 cm2 D. 84 cm2
33. The length of a rectangle is 7 more than thrice
its width. If its perimeter is 102 cm, find its area.
41. Two intersecting lines that form right triangles
A. 370 cm2 B. 400 cm2
are called __________.
C. 440 cm2 D. 490 cm2
A. parallel B. coincidental
C. perpendicular D. asymptotic
34. The difference of the squares of two consecutive
numbers is 49. What is the smaller number?
42. How many ways can a group of 4 be selected
A. 23 B. 24
from 10 people?
C. 25 D. 26
A. 105 B. 210
C. 420 D. 840
35. Which of the following are sides of a right
A. 5, 10, 13 B. 7, 48, 49
C. 15, 16, 17 D. 10, 24, 26
43. Which of the following is nominal data? 49. Central angle ∠VST measures 82o. What is the
A. mass of an object measure of inscribed angle ∠VAT if A is not within
arc VT?
B. height of a student
A. 278o B. 139o
C. temperature in Kelvin
C. 164o D. 41o
D. voter’s ID number

50. An 80o angle is formed by two tangents to a

44. Carl’s new record for vertical jump is 70 cm, circle. Find the measure of the major arc intercepted
which is 20 more than twice his oldest record. What by the angle.
is his oldest record?
A. 260o B. 160o
A. 25 cm B. 100 cm
C. 100o D. 40o
C. 180 cm D. 110 cm

51. △ABC is similar to △XYZ. AB = 10 and

45. Seventeen more than twice a number is 65. XY = 15. What is the area of △XYZ if the area of
What is the number? △ABC is 600 cm2?
A. 41 B. 82 A. 1350 cm2 B. 900 cm2
C. 24 D. 19 C. 400 cm2 D. 200 cm2

46. Gina paid P30 for 250 grams of flour. How 52. Mr. Yague found out that if he doubled his
much would she pay for 3.5 kg of flour? driving speed, he would only need 20 minutes to get
A. P210 B. P390 to work. How long does he usually take?
C. P420 D. P450 A. 5 minutes B. 10 minutes
C. 20 minutes D. 40 minutes
47. Mr. Chan’s average speed is 50 kph while Mr.
Lee’s average speed is 60 kph. One day, they both 53. A taxi charges P40 for the first 5 km and P10 for
left work and drove toward the same place. If Mr. every additional km of a trip. How much would you
Chan arrived 3 minutes after Mr. Lee, how far was be charged for a 10 km trip?
the place from work?
A. P80 B. P90
A. 12 km B. 15 km
C. P100 D. P110
C. 20 km D. 30 km

54. How much water should be added to 200 ml of

48. A bus traveling at a speed of 40 kph left the 50% solution to make a 20% solution?
station at 5:00 AM. Another bus traveling at 50 kph
left the same station one hour later. At what time A. 400 ml B. 300 ml
will the second bus catch up with the first bus? C. 250 ml D. 200 ml
A. 7 AM B. 8 AM
C. 9 AM D. 10 AM 55. A car travels North at 30 kph as another travels
east at 40 kph. If they left the same point at 1:00
PM, how far apart are they at 6:00 PM?
A. 350 km B. 300 km
C. 250 km D. 200 km
56. Albert is flying a kite. If the kite forms an angle A. 46 B. 47
of elevation of 30o and is 50m high from the C. 48 D. 49
ground, how far is the kite from Albert?
A. 50 √3 m B. 100 m
64. If 7 kg of fish costs P840, how much would 3 kg
C. 25 m D. 25 √3 m of fish cost?
A. P300 B. P330
57. A 6 m long ladder reaches 3 √ 3 m on a wall. C. P360 D. P420
Find the angle formed by the ladder and the ground.
A. 30o B. 45o
o o
65. Find the axis of symmetry of y = x2 – 3x + 7
C. 60 D. 75
A. the x-axis B. the y-axis
C. x = -3/2 D. x = 3/2
58. The diagonals of a rhombus measure 20 cm and
48 cm. Find its area.
A. 960 cm2 B. 480 cm2 66. Which of the following is a circle?
C. 240 cm2 D. 120 cm2 A. 7(x-2)2 – 7(y+3)2 = 14
B. 3(x-2)2 + 4(y+5)2 = 144
59. The hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle is C. 5(x+3)2 + 5(y-4)2 = 1445
40 cm. Find its area. D. 3(x-4)2 – 5(y-7)2 = 2890
A. 1600 cm2 B. 800 cm2
C. 400 cm2 D. 200 cm2 67. How many diagonals does a 13-sided regular
polygon have?
60. Which of the following is equal to cos N? A. 130 B. 100
A. –sec N B. sec (-N) C. 78 D. 65
C. –sin (90-N) D. sin (90-N)
68. △ABC has a right angle at ∠B. If AC = 5 and
BC = 3, what is sin C?
61. If M and N are complementary angles, which of
the following is true? A. 0.6 B. 0.7
A. cos M = sec N C. 0.8 D. 1.25
B. sin M = -csc N
C. tan M = cot N 69. There are 7 red, 8 blue and 9 black hats in a bag.
When taking out 2 hats in succession, what is the
D. sec M = -cos N probability of getting a red hat on both tries?
A. 49/576 B. 7/96
62. Find the sum of the first 50 counting even C. 7/92 D. 7/69
A. 2550 B. 2500
C. 1275 D. 1250

63. Find the average of the following numbers:

43 51 42 49 55
70. In the graph of (y-2)² = 12x + 4, how long is the 76. In number theory, what do we call a polynomial
latus rectum? equation with integer coefficients that also allows
the variables and solutions to be integers only?
A. 3 B. 6
A. integral equations
C. 12 D. 24
B. differential equations
C. Diophantine equations
71. In the graph of (x-3)² = 4y + 24, what is the
equation of the directrix? D. Bolyai-Lobachevsky equations
A. y = -7 B. y = -5
C. x = 2 D. x = 4 77. In the set of real numbers, what do we call the
set that includes only the counting numbers and
72. What do we call a line that the curve of a
A. rational numbers
function tends towards as the independent variable
of the curve approaches some limit (usually B. integers
infinity), that is, the distance between the curve and C. whole numbers
the line approaches zero
D. irrational numbers
A. secant B. asymptote
C. tangent D. parallel
78. The amount of money you have falls under what
level of data?
73. In which non-Euclidean geometry do we state A. nominal B. ordinal
the property that a line has no parallels through a
given point? C. interval D. ratio
A. Analytic B. Solid
C. Elliptic D. Hyperbolic 79. To study tooth decay a researcher takes a sample
at random but with the stipulation that all age
groups are represented proportionally. What
74. What do we call the section or curve formed by sampling method did the researcher use?
the intersection of a plane and a cone? A. systematic
A. lateral surface B. cluster
B. base C. stratified
C. conic section D. convenience
D. eccentricity

80. By what property do we say that when A = B

75. By what property do we state that and B = C, then A = C?
a(b+c) = ab + ac? A. reflexive B. symmetrical
A. closure property C. transitive D. closure
B. transitive property
C. multiplicative property
D. distributive property of multiplication over

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