Kim S. Golding Nurturing Attachments Supporting Children Who Are Fostered or Adopted PDF

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The document discusses topics related to nurturing attachments in fostered or adopted children, including attachment theory, trauma, and parenting strategies.

The document discusses topics related to attachment theory, trauma, parenting strategies for fostered or adopted children, and references other related literature.

The intended audience is professionals working with fostered or adopted children, such as social workers, therapists, and foster/adoptive parents.

Nurturing Attachments

of related interest

A Practical Guide to Using Attachment Theory and Research

with Children and Young People
Steve Farnfield
ISBN 978 1 84310 100 0

Understanding Looked After Children

Psychology for Foster Care
Jeune Guishard-Pine, Suzanne McCall and Lloyd Hamilton
Foreword by Andrew Wiener
ISBN 978 1 84310 370 7

New Families, Old Scripts

A Guide to the Language of Trauma and Attachment in Adoptive Families
Caroline Archer and Christine Gordon
ISBN 978 1 84310 258 8

Trauma, Attachment and Family Permanence

Fear Can Stop You Loving
Edited by Caroline Archer
Foreword by Daniel A. Hughes
ISBN 978 1 84310 021 8

First Steps in Parenting the Child who Hurts

Tiddlers and Toddlers
Second edition
Caroline Archer
ISBN 978 1 85302 801 4

Next Steps in Parenting the Child Who Hurts

Tykes and Teens
Caroline Archer
ISBN 978 1 85302 802 1

A Safe Place for Caleb: An Interactive Book for Kids, Teens and Adults
with Issues of Attachment, Grief, Loss or Early Trauma
Kathleen A. Chara and Paul J. Chara, Jr.
Illustrated by J.M. Berns
ISBN 978 1 84310 799 6

Understanding Attachment and Attachment Disorders

Theory, Evidence and Practice
Vivien Prior and Danya Glaser
ISBN 978 1 84310 245 8
Nurturing Attachments
Supporting Children who are Fostered
or Adopted

Kim S. Golding

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

London and Philadelphia
First published in 2008
by Jessica Kingsley Publishers
116 Pentonville Road
London N1 9JB, UK
400 Market Street, Suite 400
Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA

Copyright © Kim S. Golding 2008

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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Golding, Kim S.
Nurturing attachments : supporting children who are fostered or adopted / Kim S.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-84310-614-2 (alk. paper)
1. Foster children. 2. Foster parents. 3. Attachment behavior in children. 4. Adopted
children—Family relationships. 5. Foster home care. I. Title.
HV881.G65 2008

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 978 1 84310 614 2

ISBN pdf eBook 978 1 84642 750 3

Printed and bound in Great Britain by

Athenaeum Press, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear
I would like to dedicate this book to all the foster
and adoptive families that I have worked with.


Part 1: Attachment Theory

1. Overview of Attachment Theory 23
What is attachment theory? 24
Why are attachment relationships important? 25
What happens when attachment relationships are insecure, unavailable
or frightening? 26
What happens as the child grows older? 28
2. Attachment Theory: Caregiving and its Impact on Attachment
and Exploration 31
Characteristics of the attachment relationship 31
Attachment and exploratory behaviour 32
Dimensions of caregiving 33
How attachment behaviour changes through childhood 36
The internal working model 39
3. Attachment Theory: Patterns of Attachment 45
The secure attachment pattern 45
The organized insecure attachment patterns 48
The disorganized/controlling attachment pattern 54
Non-attachment 58
4. Difficulties in Development: The Impact of Loss and Trauma 59
The attachment relationship and development 59
Moving into foster and adoptive homes 63
Supporting children with the experience of loss and separation 64
Helping children recover from the trauma of early adverse parenting 65
Exercise 4.1: Safe place visualization 68
5. Parenting Children with Difficulties Experiencing
Relationships as Secure 71
How can an understanding of attachment theory influence parenting? 71
How can we increase feelings of safety for the child? 73
Therapeutic help 78
6. Parenting and Patterns of Attachment 83
Parenting the child with an ambivalent attachment pattern of relating 84
Parenting the child with an avoidant attachment pattern of relating 86
Parenting the child with a disorganized/controlling attachment
pattern of relating 88
Parenting the child who has not learnt to selectively attach 90

Part 2: A Model for Parenting the Child with Difficulties in

Attachment Relationships: Providing a Secure Base
7. Introduction to the Model and Creating a Secure Base 95
The challenge of parenting children with difficult attachment
relationship histories 98
8. Empathy and Support from the Secure Base 101
What is empathy? 102
Supporting internal experience and managing behaviour 103
Understanding the impact of past experience on parenting 110
Exercise 8.1: Understanding your own attachment history 113
9. Attunement and Empathy 115
What is meant by attunement? 116
Managing difficult behaviour within attuned relationships 118
How to help children experience attunement through relationship-
based play 121
Helping children develop understanding through attuned relationships 123
10. Protecting the Family Atmosphere and the Development of
Emotional Regulation 125
What is a family atmosphere? 126
Developing emotional regulation 128
Additional theory: The process of attachment and the developing brain 130
11. Creating a Feeling of Belonging for the Child 137
The use of family rituals and claiming behaviours to help children
feel that they belong 138
Helping children who are angry 139
12. Looking After Yourself 145
Making time for reflection and relaxation 146
Stress and coping 150
Exercise12.1: Making changes 151
Exercise 12.2: Stress thermometer 153

Part 3: A Model for Parenting the Child with Difficulties in

Attachment Relationships: Building Relationships and
Managing Behaviour
13. Helping the Child to Enjoy Being Part of the Family 157
Enjoyment and belonging 158
Additional theory: Socialization and shame 161
14. Learning to Parent with PACE and Building Relationships
with Stories 165
What is meant by PACE? 166
Building relationships with stories 171
Stories written for children 173
15. Providing Structure and Supervision 181
Using structure and supervision to help the child feel secure 182
16. Managing Confrontation and Coercive Interactions 187
How to step aside from confrontation 188
Coercive patterns 190
Helping children develop problem-solving abilities 195
17. Thinking, Feeling and Behavioural Choices 197
Thinking, feeling and behaving 198
The ABC of behaviour 201
Rewards 203
The use of choices and logical consequences 205
18. Managing Special Difficulties: Lying, Stealing and Self-harm 209
Children and young people who self-harm 209
Managing risk of suicide 213
Exercise 18.1: Creating a safety plan 214
Helping the child who lies and steals 216
19. Conclusion 221
The house complete 221

List of Figures

Figure 3.1 Patterns of attachment

Figure 3.2 The secure attachment pattern
Figure 3.3 The ambivalent-resistant attachment pattern
Figure 3.4 The avoidant attachment pattern
Figure 3.5 The disorganized attachment pattern
Figure 5.1 Arousal–relaxation cycle
Figure 5.2 Positive interaction cycle
Figure 5.3 Attunement and interactive repair cycle
Figure 7.1 The house model of parenting
Figure 8.1 The secure base
Figure 8.2 Anxiety–behaviour cycles
Figure 8.3 Using the arousal–relaxation cycle
Figure 9.1 Attunement
Figure 10.1 Family atmosphere
Figure 10.2 The emotional thermometer
Figure 10.3 The developing brain
Figure 11.1 Belonging
Figure 11.2 The volcano
Figure 12.1 Looking after yourself
Figure 12.2 Making changes
Figure 12.3 The stress thermometer
Figure 12.4 Stress thermometer exercise
Figure 13.1 Helping children enjoy being part of the family
Figure 13.2 Socialization process
Figure 13.3 Impaired socialization process
Figure 14.1 Parenting with PACE
Figure 15.1 Structure and supervision
Figure 15.2 Parenting matched to the needs of the child
Figure 16.1 Managing confrontation
Figure 17.1 Thinking, feeling and behavioural choices
Figure 17.2 Thinking, feeling and behaving
Figure 17.3 The ABC of behaviour
Figure 18.1 Hierarchy of concerns
Figure 18.2 My safety plan
Figure 19.1 The house model of parenting

Academic acknowledgements
In writing this book I have drawn upon knowledge of attachment theory and
interventions, which I have gained over the years through the work of a range of
notable theorists, researchers and attachment therapists. As my understanding of
their work has been integrated into my pre-existing knowledge it is not always
easy to separate out what I have learnt from whom. This means that ideas are not
always attributed to the originator, and for this I apologize.
I would therefore like to acknowledge and thank: Caroline Archer, Kate
Cairns, Patricia Crittenden, Richard Delaney, Mary Dozier, Vera Fahlberg, Peter
Fonagy, Danya Glaser, David Howe, Beverley James, Ann Jernberg and Phyllis
Booth, Gillian Schofield, Allan Schore, Dan Siegel, Dan Stern, and in particular
Dan Hughes – whose work has provided me with a framework for the parenting
model used within this book.
Not forgetting the originators of attachment theory: John Bowlby with
Mary Ainsworth, Mary Main and colleagues.

Personal acknowledgements
In 1999 I made a decision to return to clinical psychology after a break of a
number of years spent enjoying my young children. The job I returned to led me
into a whole new world without which this book would not have been written.
Thank you to all those who believed in the Primary Care and Support Project
(PCSP), and had the vision to make it happen.
I would especially like to thank Kathy Smith and Claire Burgess who
always supported my own vision; Jenni Stephens who quietly gave me confi-
dence; and Julie Elliott who, as PCSP became Integrated Service for Looked
After Children (ISL), continued to believe in us, and what we were doing. I must
also thank all the foster carers who showed me what I didn’t know and led me to
attachment theory.

12 Nurturing Attachments

The ‘Fostering Attachments’ group was a logical development of our

support service for carers. It continues to develop and grow. I must thank Wendy
Picken who helped me to develop the initial group and Lisa Cogley, Vicki Wood
and Debbie Kavanagh who continue to support me in the running of the group.
Thanks also go to the adoptive parents who have helped me extend the reach of
the group further.
Of course this would not be possible without the support of other team
members, Margaret Webby, Nick Price, Annie Wise, Jo Thompson, Lyn Speake,
Debra Turner and Michelle Hudspith.
Further afield I would also like to thank the members of the national
network of Clinical Psychologists working with Looked After and Adopted
Children (CPLAAC), who have always been so supportive of me and whose
input has helped me to further develop my ideas. Thanks especially to Julie
Hudson, Frances Gulliford, Jackie Lees, Helen Rostill and Miriam Silver.
Even further afield I must acknowledge a debt of gratitude to Dan Hughes
whose sensitive support and responsiveness has given me a secure base from
which I have had the confidence to explore.
There are of course a range of people who have supported me in the writing
of this book. My family: Alex, Deborah and Chris, who have everlasting
patience with me. Thanks are also due to Chris for the stress thermometer,
volcano and brain drawings. My mum, who never complains when I bring work
on my visits. My sister Cheryl and her family Paul, Charlotte, Sophie and Olivia,
for always being there for me. My friend, Jane Foulkes, our discussions have
always been thought provoking.
Finally, thanks to all those who read and helpfully commented on earlier
drafts of this book. Foster carers, adoptive parents and a young person: Caroline,
Helen, Sue, Lyn, Jacqueline, Richard, Debbie, Marie and Chantelle.
And my colleagues: Wendy, Margaret, Emma, Rachel, Lisa, Jane and Nick.

There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one is
roots, the other, wings.
Reverend Henry Ward Beecher (1813–1887)

If you are caring for, or working with, an adopted or foster child who has diffi-
culties in attachment you will know that finding roots and using wings can be
very hard for these children. As they struggle to achieve a secure attachment they
find it difficult to feel safe enough to take root within the family, to use the
family as a secure base. This in turn makes finding their wings, moving away
from the family, a much more challenging undertaking. Neither the need for
attachment nor for exploration is being successfully met. You will need to find
special ways of parenting the children, which will help them to experience a
more secure attachment increasing resilience and contributing to emotional
health. I hope that this book will give you some ideas and thus contribute to
your special task of parenting or supporting your child.
Over the years I have worked with a range of foster carers and adoptive
parents trying to meet the emotional needs of their children. Often I meet these
parents at a time when they feel like they are failing. They are demoralized in the
face of the continuing difficulties of their children. We begin to explore
together the problems being presented, and in particular we start to understand
these difficulties from the perspective of attachment theory. We experience
sadness as we revisit the depth of adversity many of the children have experi-
enced. We experience concern at the trauma involved in leaving a birth family
and adjusting to a new family. We experience worry for a child removed at birth
following difficult prenatal conditions, with the additional trauma of separation
from a short-term foster family. With understanding about how this early
experience has impacted on the children, however, comes a reduced sense of
failure and some ideas about the way forward. We all have a renewed optimism
that we can make a difference to the lives of the children.

14 Nurturing Attachments

I have come to believe that the narrative of attachment theory is an impor-

tant one because it provides a way of understanding the children that does not
position difficulties firmly within the child nor the parents. Instead it leads to a
focus on relationship, the importance of what happens between the parents and
the child. Parents are left aware of the extent of difficulty the children experi-
ence within relationships, but also with a sense that they can help by offering a
new and very different relationship experience. The attachment narrative there-
fore points to a way forward.
I have also been privileged to continue to support many of these parents.
Together we have explored their parenting experience. We combine their exper-
tise about their children, and my knowledge and psychological understanding.
We find ways of providing nurture and support, helping the children to feel
more secure and thus to develop resilience, improved emotional health and
capacity for relationship. The journeys we travel together are not easy ones,
progress can be slow and setbacks are common but we usually manage to see the
road ahead.
It is out of this work that the ‘Fostering Attachments’ training group, and
this book, have emerged. Drawing upon the knowledge of many professionals
within this field, combined with the wisdom of the adoptive parents and foster
carers, I have developed the ‘house model of parenting’. This model of
parenting, firmly based on attachment theory, provides a coherent set of ideas
for parenting the children in a way that fosters security of attachment and there-
fore resilience and emotional growth.
In writing this book I have tried not to write a ‘how to parent’ book but
instead to offer a framework for parenting. It is my hope that this can be used in
a way that allows parents to continue being innovative and creative in their
approach. Practical suggestions are offered but importantly these are grounded
in theory so that readers can develop a deeper understanding about what they
are trying to achieve, and can be flexible in the way they use and adapt the ideas
being discussed. For the less theory minded there is a path through the book
that provides a more practical focus.
Neither is this book a ‘how to fix it’ book. Whilst attachment experience
can increase risk or resilience to later difficulties it does not directly cause these.
Developmental or behavioural difficulties arise from a multitude of causes and
are influenced by a range of factors including life experiences built upon genetic
make-up, temperament, prenatal and birth experience, as well as attachment
experience. This book aims to help you provide as good an attachment experi-
ence as you can for your child, helping her to develop confidence in herself and
others. This is likely to increase her resilience and emotional well-being but, as
with all children, other difficulties or problems are likely to arise. Children need
our continuing and sensitive support throughout childhood, into adulthood
and beyond.
Introduction 15

The book is divided into three parts. This takes you through an understand-
ing of attachment theory, patterns of attachment and implications for parenting.
This leads into the house model of parenting, providing guidance on how to
help your child experience the family as a secure base. This in turn provides a
context within which you can build a relationship with your child and manage
her behaviour. In this way your child’s confidence and ability to manage her
own behaviour increases.
This book can be read chapter by chapter. This will provide you with the
theory integrated with practical ideas for parenting. Alternatively you can
follow the theory and the practice separately.
To focus on the parenting ideas read Chapter 1, which provides a brief
overview of the theory, and then move to Chapters 4, 5 and 6 to consider the
implications of the theory for the difficulties the children may face and for the
parenting approach adopted. You can then read through Parts 2 and 3, but
omitting the additional theory which appears in Chapters 10 and 13.
If you would like to read the theory first I would suggest reading Chapters 1
to 3, and the additional theory at the end of Chapters 10 and 13.
I have tried to keep psychological jargon to a minimum, but inevitably in a
field that integrates so much across disciplines many psychological terms are
used. I explain these as they first appear, but have also included a glossary to
refer to at any time. Words defined in the glossary appear in italics in the text.
I have also included a further reading list for those of you who, like me, get
hooked on thinking about attachment theory. The reading list includes a range
of books that I have personally found useful. Many of these books provided me
with inspiration when developing my ideas for this book; some have been pub-
lished whilst I have been writing.
To avoid clumsiness I have alternated gender throughout the book.
Adoptive parents and foster carers of course can be mothers or fathers and
children can be boys or girls. Additionally I have used the general term ‘parents’
to refer to both foster carers and adoptive parents.
I hope you enjoy reading this book, but more importantly that it helps you
find your own inspiration so that, whether you are parenting or supporting
children living in foster or adoptive homes, you can find this an enriching and
rewarding experience, to the ultimate benefit of yourself and the children and
young people.
Throughout the book the ideas and thoughts expressed are illustrated by
the experience of four children and their families. Whilst these children and
families are entirely fictional some of the episodes described are based on the
real experience of parents and children I have known.
Let me introduce you to the children.
16 Nurturing Attachments

Catherine’s mother, Fiona, lived with her own parents until she was five years
old, but after this drifted through a series of foster homes until she was 16 years
old. She then moved into a bed-sit. Following a series of casual relationships
Fiona became pregnant with Catherine, unsure herself who the father was.
Since that time she has drifted in and out of a relationship with Mark.
When Catherine was born Fiona was 17 years old and Mark was 20. Mark
drank heavily and could be physically violent towards Fiona. Sometimes Fiona
moved into a women’s refuge taking Catherine with her, but she always re-
turned to Mark after a few months.
Even though Fiona had a lot of support from her social worker the level
of neglect Catherine experienced remained high. Eventually, when Catherine
was two years old, she was voluntarily accommodated and moved into foster
care. Fiona did attend some parenting classes and regularly attended contact
sessions with her daughter. Rehabilitation home was attempted, but this
failed when it was discovered that Fiona and Mark were going out and leaving
Catherine alone in the flat. Catherine moved into another foster home.
Fiona and Mark moved away and only made occasional contact to see how
Catherine was doing. A plan for adoption was made. Jenny and Martin formally
adopted Catherine when she was three-and-a-half years old. Over the next
few years they found Catherine to be a quiet, withdrawn child who liked to play
by herself. She could be spiteful, for example towards their young niece when
she came to play. She was wary of Martin for a considerable time but did de-
velop a relationship of sorts with Jenny.
Jenny is concerned that this relationship hasn’t deepened over time, as she
would have expected. Sometimes she feels like she is just looking after her for
someone else. Jenny gets particularly frustrated when Catherine is reluctant to
let her help. As Catherine’s level of self-care and ability to look after her belong-
ings are poor this can cause a lot of tension between them.
There are no concerns about Catherine expressed at school. She copes
with the schoolwork, working at an average level. She is quiet in class and has
few friends.

Zoë is the youngest child of five children born to Karen and Damien. This was a
chaotic household with little routine or boundaries. The older children tended
to look after the younger ones. They all looked unkempt with clothes not quite
fitting and faces unwashed. There was little food in the house and the children
would beg food from neighbours. Karen and Damien often went out and left
the children to sort themselves out.
Karen did appear to enjoy Zoë, although she continued to treat her as the
baby of the family and appropriate stimulation was lacking.
Introduction 17

When Zoë was 18 months old Damien left and shortly after this Karen be-
gan a relationship with Dave. Dave had recently come out of prison following a
conviction for sexual abuse of a niece. His name was put on the sex offenders’
register. Despite the concerns expressed by her social worker Karen continued
to allow Dave to live with them and therefore a decision was made to remove
the children on an emergency protection order. A care order was eventually
granted and the four older children were placed in two foster homes.
It was decided that Zoë would need more individual attention and stimula-
tion. Jenny and Martin, who had adopted Catherine, were at this time wonder-
ing about adding to their family. They were not sure how five-year-old
Catherine would cope with a sister and thought they might offer some
short-term care to foster children instead. Zoë was placed with them on a tem-
porary basis. This temporary placement dragged on as assessments were car-
ried out with Karen and an aunt who had stepped forward to offer a home to
Zoë. Neither was thought to be suitable.
Jenny and Martin applied to adopt Zoë who was now two and a half, but
there were plans to reunite Zoë with her two youngest siblings. Zoë moved to
live with them; unfortunately the foster carers found it difficult to cope with the
three children together. Belatedly Zoë was moved back with Jenny and Martin
and they eventually adopted her when she was four years old.
Whilst Jenny and Martin very much love Zoë they also find her hard work.
She does not like Jenny to be out of her sight and will even follow her to the toi-
let. She constantly chatters, asking endless questions but rarely waits for an an-
swer. She will display prolonged temper tantrums, especially when she can’t
have what she wants, when she wants it. She can also be very demanding, want-
ing help to be dressed, fed, and generally looked after.
At school the teachers quickly become exasperated by Zoë’s constant
need for their attention. She also finds it difficult to get on with the other chil-
dren, quickly becoming frustrated if they do not do what she wants. She will
sometimes bite or hit them when they don’t fit in with her plans.

Marcus’s mother, Tessa, lived for much of her teenage life in a children’s home
following the death of her mother in a car crash. Her father had by this time
gone to live in Jamaica. In the children’s home Tessa met Richie, who shared her
African Caribbean heritage. Richie introduced Tessa to Rastafarianism, al-
though he was more interested in dreadlocks and reggae than the more spiri-
tual elements.
When Tessa became pregnant her social worker helped them to move into
a sheltered flat where support would be on hand if they needed it. Richie is a
difficult young man. He is easily provoked to violence and not willing to engage
with anyone who might help him. He found Marcus difficult and would often re-
sort to hitting him if he didn’t ‘behave’.
18 Nurturing Attachments

When Marcus was two-and-a-half years old they had a second child, Bob,
named after Richie’s favourite reggae singer Bob Marley. By this time both par-
ents were becoming involved with drugs and their parenting became more and
more erratic. Social workers were trying to support them, but they struggled
with Richie’s temper and Tessa’s difficulty in doing anything not sanctioned by
Sadly, when he was five months old, Bob died, apparently a cot death.
Marcus was in the room with him at the time. With increasing concerns for his
safety, Marcus was removed into foster care.
As he grew older Marcus’s behaviour became increasingly challenging and
unpredictable. He would never do what others wanted him to do, and could be
verbally aggressive. He enjoyed drawing, but his drawings always appeared the
same, featuring violence and bloodshed.
His first foster placement broke down after nine months because of con-
cerns that Marcus might seriously hurt their pet dog, whom he had tried to suf-
focate on a number of occasions. He had three more placements before being
placed, at the age of six years, with Rita and Frank, very experienced foster
carers, whose own children are now adults. As they are also African Caribbean
it is hoped they will be able to help Marcus develop a sense of his family’s heri-
Marcus finds it very difficult to stay still or concentrate on anything for very
long. He can become excited or angry very easily and then becomes difficult to
Marcus attends a school for children with emotional and behavioural diffi-
culties. He finds it difficult to manage even in the smaller classes at this school
and he has had periods of exclusion because of the level of violence he displays
towards the other children.

Luke is the third of Tina’s children. Tina has learning difficulties and struggles to
understand or meet the needs of her children. All the children have different
fathers. Gary, Luke’s father, has not lived with them since Luke was 18 months old.
Tina managed to provide some positive parenting experience for her older
children, supported by her health visitor, and aided by her current partners.
The birth of Luke however precipitated a difficult period for Tina, which was in-
creased because of the erratic presence of Gary and his final departure. Luke
therefore was severely neglected as a small child. Later it was suspected that
Luke had been left for very long periods alone in his cot or strapped into a
buggy. Support services offered practical help and the family did stay together
during Luke’s preschool years.
Introduction 19

When Luke was five years old Tina became involved with an older man
who was well known as a drug dealer. Tina quickly became dependent upon
him, and the children’s needs were further neglected. By this time Tina’s eldest
son was living with his father.
A decision was made to remove Luke and his sister. They were placed in
separate foster placements. Luke went to live with Jackie, a single foster carer.
Luke continued to have supervised contact with Tina and his siblings. Whilst he
appeared to look forward to these visits, they also unsettled him.
Luke struggles at school with learning and with friendships. The further up
the school he goes, the wider the gap between himself and his peers. Luke finds
this very stressful and his behaviour at school can be quite challenging. When he
was eight he was given a statement of special educational needs because of
learning difficulties and emotional and behavioural problems. The additional
support this provides helps Luke to make some progress although he remains a
very vulnerable child in school.
Part 1

Attachment Theory
Overview of Attachment

Attachment theory is a theory of child development that focuses on the influ-

ence of early relationships on children. The theory suggests that the child’s
subsequent development and capacity to form relationships will be influenced
by this early experience. This theory therefore has important implications for
children growing up in substitute care. Children who live in foster or adoptive
homes all share a disruption of their early relationships, a loss of or separation
from their biological families. Additionally most of these children and young
people will have experienced inadequate parenting early in their lives, and many
will have had to cope with multiple placements following removal from their

Catherine, Zoë, Marcus and Luke have all experienced difficult early home lives
with neglect of their emotional and physical needs, inconsistent or unavailable
parenting and, for Marcus in particular, the fear of hurt and pain from at least
one of his parents.
They were all removed from these families and Catherine, Zoë and Marcus
experienced multiple placements before being able to settle in a more perma-
nent home.
The legacy of these early years is still very apparent in the difficulties they
display in developing relationships with their foster or adoptive parents.

Attachment theory can guide our understanding of the effects of early abuse,
neglect, separation and loss on the child’s ability to form healthy attachments
with new parents. It can help you to make sense of some of your child’s subse-
quent behaviour. In particular the way that your child relates to you can be
heavily influenced by the way he learnt to relate to birth parents. You can find
yourselves caught up in interactions that are not your own. In fact a child can
hold so tightly to these ways of relating that you find yourself pushed into

24 Nurturing Attachments

taking the role of abusive or neglectful parent despite your usual ways of
relating to children or the ways that you want to relate to this child.
Understanding the processes that you are being subjected to and the way
that this influences the developing attachment relationship can help you to resist
responding to your child as he is anticipating. Instead you can gently lead or
guide him into different ways of relating. He will then be able to experience a
more secure attachment relationship than previously.

What is attachment theory?

Attachment theory was first proposed by John Bowlby (Bowlby 1973, 1980,
1982, 1998) and expanded with the work of Mary Main (Main and Solomon
1986) and Mary Ainsworth (Ainsworth et al. 1978). It is a theory of child devel-
opment. It focuses on how children develop within relationships, and the
impact that this has for later social and emotional development. This in turn
impacts on cognitive development: the way the child learns about and under-
stands the world.
The theory suggests that the earliest years of a child’s life are critical for later
development. Infants are born biologically predisposed to form relationships
from which they can experience security and comfort. This means that the
human infant has evolved to instinctively form relationships. Very early in life
the baby is already attending to the human face and voice, and is particularly
interested in the voice and face of mum and very soon of dad too. This very early
instinctive interest in other humans indicates the importance of relationships for
a child’s ability to feel secure and for subsequent development. Babies are born
able to elicit interest and care from other people. As they grow older these
care-eliciting behaviours become more sophisticated and more purposeful.
Thus between six and nine months children will develop a range of ‘attach-
ment’ behaviours that they can use to keep the parent close. In this way the child
is using the parent as a secure base, as a way of increasing feelings of security
when in a situation that might arouse feelings of insecurity. For example, a
stranger entering the room, an unusual or loud noise or other worrying event in
the child’s surroundings might cause the infant concern, leading to behaviour
such as crying. The child therefore expresses distress, bringing the parent close
to provide comfort. This in turn reduces feelings of insecurity; the child is
soothed and feels calm again. These same behaviours can be triggered by behav-
iours of the parent, for example if the parent threatens to leave or is rejecting of
the child.
These attachment behaviours are complemented by explorative behav-
iours when the child is feeling safe. These behaviours are also instinctive. The
child is biologically predisposed both to seek care and comfort and to explore
and learn in the world. The child is born to develop relationships and to enjoy
novelty and experience.
Overview of Attachment Theory 25

Bowlby (1998) further suggested that the early experience of attachment

relationships leads to the development of a cognitive model (internal working
model) of these relationships which influences and is modified by later relation-
ships. This means that the child’s early experience leads to the development of a
memory or template for how relationships work. Children learn about them-
selves and about how others are likely to respond based on their early experi-
ence. Later experience may lead to changes to this model but these changes will
not replace what has been learnt from this early experience. In effect the child
develops a range of models of how relationships might work, early experience
remaining very important within these models.

Why are attachment relationships important?

The very earliest years of a child’s life provide experiences that are critical for the
child’s later development and ability to make close relationships. The experi-
ence of first relationships provides the foundation stones for the child’s subse-
quent development. Later experience will also influence the developmental
pathway that the child travels, but the early experience provides the starting
When children experience warm, sensitive and responsive parenting or
early care they will develop a secure attachment. This provides children with the
opportunity to develop positive expectations about future relationships; to
develop trust in others. The children also use this relationship to learn about
themselves. Experience that allows a child to develop positive feelings (e.g. ‘I am
somebody that people like’, ‘I am somebody who is successful’) leads to appro-
priate independence and autonomy. The child develops self-reliance. Bowlby
(1998) suggests that securely attached children with positive expectations of
self and others will approach the world with confidence. Thus when faced with
potentially alarming situations these children will tackle them effectively or will
seek help to do this.

For Catherine, Zoë, Marcus and Luke, sensitive, warm and responsive
parenting in their early years was in short supply.
If Catherine woke in the night and heard Mark fighting with Fiona there was
no-one there to comfort her. If Fiona did come she was more likely to be angry
with Catherine for making a noise than comforting. Catherine became used to
experiencing stress but did not learn that others could help her to manage this.
She learnt to stay alert to what was going on around her and to keep her feelings
of distress to herself.
Zoë, too, might wake in the night to the sounds of people downstairs being
loud and often drunk. She did cry out because this might bring some comfort.
Sometimes one of her sisters would come and maybe put a bottle of milk in her
mouth; on occasions mum came up and would hold and cuddle her. Zoë could
26 Nurturing Attachments

never reliably predict when someone would be there or when she would be left
alone. She therefore learnt to cry loud, in the hope that this would attract
someone’s attention.
When Marcus woke in the night he felt scared. He did not want his parents
to come to him however as that would be even more scary. He tried to manage
by himself. He would get out of bed and crawl underneath it, dragging a blanket
with him. In the darkness and shelter this provided he experienced some reduc-
tion in his anxiety.
Luke rarely woke in the night. As an infant the level of neglect he experi-
enced meant that he did not expect attention. An undemanding child, Luke
spent a lot of time sleeping.

What happens when attachment relationships are insecure,

unavailable or frightening?
When an attachment figure is insensitive, neglecting or rejecting an insecure
attachment develops. The child finds it difficult to rely on the parent to help him
feel safe and secure. He learns to behave in ways that increase the chance that the
parent will be there when needed. Attachment behaviour is behaviour that lets
the parent know that the child is feeling insecure, worried or distressed. Instead
of displaying this attachment behaviour in a straightforward way as in a secure
attachment relationship the child distorts the display of behaviour.
Like Catherine, children may minimize attachment behaviour to maintain
closeness to parents who are already rejecting. Thus they appear less emotion-
ally distressed or worried than they feel. This is expressed through passive and
withdrawn behaviour with little display of emotional distress. The children act
as if they do not need the parent. This is called an avoidant attachment.
Alternatively, as Zoë demonstrates, children may maximize attachment
behaviour to elicit care from inconsistent parents. Thus they appear more emo-
tionally distressed or worried than they feel. This is expressed through demand-
ing and clingy behaviour. Additionally these children will resist being soothed.
Once they have the parent’s attention they do not want to appear comforted in
case the parent becomes unavailable again. This is called an ambivalent-resistant
In both cases these behaviours are organized to increase the chance that
parents will be responsive when needed. The children adapt their behaviour to
suit the particular parenting environment that they find themselves in.
More seriously a disorganized-controlling attachment relationship develops
when, for children like Marcus, parents are frightened or frightening to the
child. Parents can be frightening to children because of behaviour directed
towards them, e.g. hitting the child; because of a lack of behaviour, e.g. not pro-
tecting the child; or because of behaviours that the child is witness to, e.g. a
father hitting a mother.
Overview of Attachment Theory 27

The child will also be frightened if the parent is frightened. For example, a
parent may have been mistreated during childhood or may have experienced an
unresolved loss of their own parent. Aspects of parenting their own children
trigger the unresolved feelings they have about their childhood. The parent
appears frightened and this is frightening to the child.
Situations in which a parent is frightening or frightened are very difficult
for a young child because the behaviour of the parent activates the child’s
attachment system. The child feels frightened and therefore instinctively wants
to behave in ways that will elicit care and comfort; but the source of potential
comfort is also the source of the fear. The child is left with an irresolvable
dilemma and does not know how to behave. The child is unable to organize his
behaviour at times of stress to receive emotional support because the parent is
both the source of fear and the potential for safety.
This state is highly stressful and damaging for children. Therefore as they
become older they find ways to solve this dilemma. They develop ways of
behaving that are less reliant on the parent. Additionally they increase feelings
of safety by increasing the degree to which they feel in control. They cannot
trust the parent to keep them safe and so they become controlling in their
behaviour and they take control of the relationship. Rather than the attachment
being disorganized, the children develop highly organized but controlling
ways of interacting with parents that build upon the early patterns of avoidant
or ambivalent relating.
The children who have an avoidant attachment to their parents become even
more self-reliant, compliant or even caretaking. They look after the parents who
are not able to look after them.
The children who have an ambivalent attachment to their parents become
very coercive in their interactions. They use aggression and anger alternating
with appeasement and displays of helplessness to control the degree to which
the parent is attending to them.
A small proportion of children who have had no experience of early attach-
ment relationships, either because of severe neglect as in Luke’s case, or impov-
erished institutionalized care, will demonstrate a failure to develop selective
attachments. This difficulty has developed because of a lack of relationships.
These children have not learnt to relate to a caregiver as special, compared to
other adults, because they have not had experience of such a person. These
children can be disinhibited. They appear indiscriminately friendly, but are
unable to engage in mutually satisfying, genuine relationships. They relate to
everyone but at a superficial level. Alternatively the children can become
extremely inhibited. When distressed they inhibit all signs of this and fail to
approach anyone for comfort.
These patterns of attachment will be explored in greater depth in Chapter 3.
28 Nurturing Attachments

What happens as the child grows older?

Interactions between parent and child often tend to reinforce the early attach-
ment patterns. Patterns of relating in families develop that are stable over time.
Additionally these early attachment relationships act as a guide for the child in
later relationships. Children have expectations about how other people will
relate to them based on their early experience. Children therefore approach
these relationships in ways that are in line with these expectations. Children also
have expectations about the type of person they are. If children’s experience is
that they are not very likeable they will approach other people in a way that
conveys this feeling about themselves.

Thus Catherine behaves with Jenny and Martin as if she does not expect them
to be available and responsive. She makes few demands on them, plays on her
own, and if upset makes little fuss. Catherine will give them a cuddle when they
initiate it, but she rarely cuddles them spontaneously. It is difficult to know how
Catherine is feeling or what she wants. A few months after she had come to live
with them Martin took Catherine to the dentist. He was amazed to be told that
she had a nasty abscess at the back of her mouth; she had given no sign of dis-
Zoë on the other hand makes sure she has their attention all the time. She
does not like to have Jenny out of her sight, because she fears that she will not
come back. She expects inconsistency from Jenny and Martin and therefore
works very hard to make sure that they don’t stop noticing her. When Zoë
hurts herself the whole household knows it; in fact even when not hurt she will
act as if she is. On one occasion when Zoë was in the garden she smeared her
finger with blackberry juice and then asked for a plaster! Zoë wants cuddles
from Jenny all the time but especially when Jenny is seeing to Catherine or is at-
tending to other things. She does not expect attention to come automatically.
As he did when he was little, Marcus takes control of his own care. He co-
erces Rita and Frank to care for him on his terms. He always makes sure he is in
control. He remains very vigilant to where they are and what they are doing and
will behave in ways that makes sure they are meeting his needs. He will tell Rita
where to sit and instruct Frank in how to put the milk on the cereal. He will re-
fuse to wear clothes they have put out for him, and becomes angry if they do
not let him have the TV on. For Rita and Frank it feels like walking on ‘eggshells’
as they wait for the next outburst.
Luke appears to settle in with Jackie easily; he is initially compliant and un-
complaining. However, this gradually changes as Luke becomes more secure in
the household. At times he can still be undemanding but he passively resists
Jackie’s attempts to care for him. At other times he can become much more dif-
ficult, being fussy and hard to please. Luke does not know what to expect of
Jackie; his experience of being parented is so limited that he appears confused
and uncertain with her. Sometimes he will be loving with her, but this feels quite
Overview of Attachment Theory 29

superficial; he can be equally loving with her neighbour, the local shopkeeper
and even the postman!

The quality of the early attachment therefore has two important influences on
children as they grow and develop.
1. It influences how the child relates to other people.
As we can see with the examples of Catherine, Zoë, Marcus and Luke their expec-
tations of their family are very much linked with their early experience.

Catherine learnt that parents are unresponsive and not available. She has few
Zoë learnt to demand attention, expecting inconsistency and unpredict-
Marcus found parents scary; by feeling in control he reduces the anxiety he
experiences when relating to parents.
Luke expects little of parents but looks for attention indiscriminately from
the range of people he meets during the day.

2. It influences how the child feels about self.

When children are not getting their needs met reliably they tend to make sense
of this in terms of themselves. They feel bad, naughty, not good enough.

Catherine has developed a sense of not being good enough to be cared for.
This has also extended into school. She is reluctant to show the teacher her
work for fear of disapproval.
Zoë works so hard at getting attention that she knows she is a nuisance.
When her parents or teachers get frustrated with her this just confirms that she
is naughty and that she won’t get attention when she needs it.
Marcus feels very weak and ineffectual and this is frightening. The weak get
hurt. He therefore acts as if he is powerful and tyrannical, especially with his
‘soft’ foster parents. Marcus then feels strong and bad as he ‘rules the roost’.
Luke has a very underdeveloped sense of self; he appears to be testing out
who he is, appearing unpredictable and insecure.
Attachment Theory:
Caregiving and its Impact on
Attachment and Exploration
Chapter 1 provides an overview of attachment theory. In the next two chapters
this theory will be explored in greater depth.

Characteristics of the attachment relationship

We all form affectional bonds with a range of people during our lives. These are
people for whom we feel affection and whose company we like to be in.
The attachment bond is a special kind of affectional bond that forms when
one person experiences security and comfort from another. This is the bond that
forms between a child and an adult who is in a caring role to that child. Most
typically this is a parent or substitute carer.
When a child forms an attachment bond with an adult it indicates that the
child is forming a relationship within which she needs to feel safe and secure.
The child actively seeks the adult for such safety.
The child can form an attachment with a number of adults. One of these will
be the primary attachment figure. If children are feeling especially vulnerable
(distressed, hungry, tired or ill) they will prefer the primary attachment figure to
the other secondary attachment figures.
An attachment relationship is characterized by a range of attachment
behaviours. The goal of these behaviours is to seek protection. The child wants
to stay close to the attachment figure in response to real or perceived stress or
danger. The child therefore behaves in a way that ensures that this happens.
These attachment behaviours are:
· Proximity-seeking: The young child will attempt to remain within the pro-
tective range of the attachment figure. This protective range is reduced
in a strange situation, but extends when the child is in familiar surround-
ings. At times of threat the young child will seek physical contact with
the adult. Thus the child seeks proximity to the attachment figure in or-
der to feel safe and secure.

32 Nurturing Attachments

· Secure base effect: The presence of an attachment figure fosters security in

the child. This results in reduced attention to attachment considerations
and in confident exploration and play. The parent is therefore acting as a
secure base for the child.
· Separation protest: Threat to the continued accessibility of the attachment
figure gives rise to protest and to active attempts to ward off the sep-
aration. If separation does occur the young child will vocally protest
leading to proximity-seeking behaviour.
These behaviours therefore make up what is termed the attachment behavioural
system: a group of behaviours that are displayed when children experience a need
to be reassured or comforted by their attachment figure.

Attachment and exploratory behaviour

The attachment behavioural system interplays with an exploratory behavioural system.
This system represents a group of behaviours that are displayed when the child
is curious about something novel or interesting in the environment. Something
draws the child’s attention and she is motivated to explore. Whereas the attach-
ment system focuses attention onto issues of safety and security and the
availability of the attachment figure, the exploratory system focuses attention
outwards, motivating the child to explore and learn about the world. The system
activated by the highest intensity – in other words the need that is strongest
within the child – will determine the behaviour the child displays.
Novelty in the environment will activate an exploratory system leaving the
attachment system at a low intensity. If the child strays too far from the attach-
ment figure or if a threat is introduced into the environment, the attachment
system is activated at a higher level and the child returns to the parent. This
decreases the intensity of the attachment system again and the exploratory
system is again activated.

This is easy to visualize if the scenario of a young child in a waiting room is con-
sidered. When the child and parent first enter the room the child remains close
to the parent. The attachment system is activated at a higher intensity in this un-
familiar environment. However, as the child surveys the room and the parent,
acting as secure base, is unconcerned the child begins to feel comfortable. The
intensity of activation of the attachment system is reduced. The child notices
the presence of a box of toys and books. This activates the exploratory system
at higher intensity and the child moves off to investigate. At some point a
stranger will enter the room. This presents a threat to the child and the attach-
ment system is again activated at higher intensity. The child seeks proximity to
the parent, all thought of further exploring temporarily abandoned.
Attachment Theory: Caregiving 33

Thus a balance between the systems at a particular time determines what the
child will do. This balance is affected by the quality of care the child is experi-
Children will selectively attach to a number of familiar adults, using these
adults as a secure base from which to seek security and to facilitate play. They will
attach to a primary attachment figure who is first in line to provide safety and
comfort, and a number of secondary attachment figures. Children may preferen-
tially seek out different familiar adults for play and exploration. It is not
uncommon for the mother to be the main caregiver and the father to be the one
who provides most opportunities for play and exploration, although of course
these roles can be swapped around, and one parent can meet both needs.
The waiting room example demonstrates the triggering of the attachment
system by occurrences within the environment. Anything threatening, frighten-
ing or confusing that occurs will trigger the attachment system, leading to a
weakening of the exploratory system and an increase in attachment behaviours.
However, the attachment system can also be triggered at higher intensity
because of events within the child. For example, if the child is feeling unwell,
hurt, tired or hungry she is likely to demonstrate less interest in exploring and
more concern with staying close to the parent.
Similarly if the parent signals the possibility of separation (e.g. preparation
for going out), or is emotionally unavailable or actively rejecting of the child,
this too will trigger the attachment system, reducing the likelihood of

Dimensions of caregiving
So far we have been considering the attachment relationship from the point of
view of the child. We have thought about the behaviours the child displays and
the ways in which the child uses the adult to increase feelings of security. Now
we will think about the characteristics of the caregiver.
All infants, providing they experience some consistency of carer, will selec-
tively attach to the small number of adults caring for them. Only in the case of
severe neglect will a child fail to develop selective attachments. The quality of
the care that children receive will however determine the security of these
attachments and therefore the behaviours that the children display. The type of
caregiving provided will lead to varying levels of confidence in the availability
of the parent. When children feel confident they will behave in very straightfor-
ward ways signalling clearly: ‘now I need you’ and ‘now I need to play and
explore’. When confidence is low the behaviours become less straightforward as
the children attempt to increase the likelihood that the parent will be there
when needed.
34 Nurturing Attachments

Sensitive-responsive caregiving
The degree to which a parent is sensitive depends upon the extent to which he
monitors the child’s needs and responds to these predictably and consistently.
Mary Ainsworth and colleagues (Ainsworth et al. 1978) describe how a sensitive
parent will notice his infant’s signals (acceptance), will interpret the signal
correctly (co-operation) and will respond promptly and appropriately (accessi-

Insensitive-unresponsive caregiving
An insensitive parent will not notice the signals (rejection), or will misinterpret
them (interference), or will respond slowly, inappropriately or not at all
Sensitive and insensitive caring are part of a continuum depending on the
degree to which parents are accepting or rejecting, co-operative or interfering,
and accessible or inaccessible. This does not mean that parents have to be sensi-
tive all the time. We all have bad days or times when we are preoccupied or dis-
tracted. The sensitive parent attends to the child’s needs enough of the time
to help the child feel secure. It would take a superhuman effort to do this all
the time.
· Acceptance – rejection.
The extent to which the parent accepts the child and the emotional state
being signalled; the accepting parent will consider the child’s perspec-
tive. If the child is upset because of a minor hurt, the parent may think
that it is no big deal, but will accept that it is for the child who is now in
need of a bit of loving attention.
· Co-operation – interference.
The co-operative parent listens to or observes what the child is commu-
nicating. ‘I don’t think that is a serious hurt but as you think it is I will
take it seriously.’ The interfering parent will tell the child what to feel.
‘Don’t be silly, that doesn’t hurt. Now go and play.’
· Accessibility – ignoring.
The accessible parent is emotionally available to the child, meeting the
needs that are being signalled. Availability and nurturing is dependent
upon what the child is communicating. If the parent ignores the child’s
communications, and instead tells the child what to feel, he is inaccessi-
ble to meet the child’s needs as they are expressed.
Sensitive parenting: The infant cries. The mother approaches and comforts the
infant. She notices that the infant is squirming and looks uncomfortable. She
changes the baby and soothes her until she is calm.
Attachment Theory: Caregiving 35

Insensitive parenting: The infant cries. After a while the mother approaches,
looking cross. She picks up the infant and then puts her down again, telling her
there is nothing wrong with her as she has just been fed. The mother walks
away, thinking that her child always tries to stop her getting on with making tea.
It is important to remember that sensitive parenting is about being able to
notice and understand the signals the child is giving so that her needs can be
met. It is equally insensitive to ignore a child’s need for comfort as it is to
provide comfort when this is not needed. A disinterested and rejecting parent is
being insensitive, but so is a fussy, overprotective parent. Sometimes a child will
be very poor at signalling needs, perhaps because of a disability; this makes it
difficult for the parent to meet these needs, and again this would be described as
insensitive. Insensitive is not a judgement of the parent but a description of what
is occurring between parent and child.

It might be helpful to think about this for Catherine, Zoë, Marcus and Luke.
Catherine’s experience was of a highly insensitive parent. Fiona was young,
and had received little nurturing herself. She quickly became overwhelmed by
the needs of her young infant. When Catherine cried or needed her this would
increase the anxiety that Fiona experienced. She did not know how to respond
to this need and would therefore be highly insensitive. She might ignore
Catherine, hoping that she would quieten by herself. Alternatively she might at-
tend to Catherine but with a roughness that was frightening to her. She became
convinced that Catherine was just crying to annoy her. Fiona needed Catherine
to be quiet and placid; only then could she enjoy giving her a cuddle and feel se-
cure in her infant’s love for her. When Catherine expressed her own needs
however it felt like she was getting at Fiona. She would become distant and hos-
tile, perceiving this neediness as a lack of love for her, and as betraying her lack
of parenting skills.
Karen had grown up herself in a large, chaotic family. She was used to no
routine and unpredictability. She liked the kids but was too tired to meet all their
demands. It suited her to let the older ones attend to the younger ones. When
she felt like it she would pick Zoë up for a cuddle; if Zoë complied she liked her
and enjoyed having her as a baby. If Zoë was fretful she would become cross
however and think she was horrid. When the children were very demanding
she would give them sweets to keep them quiet. There was, however, little
food in the cupboards. Sometimes the older children would go to a neighbour
to beg some tea. If there was enough they would bring Zoë back crisps, or
other equally unsuitable food.
Tessa was frightened. When her infant needed her it stirred unconscious
memories of being hurt by her own mother. She couldn’t think about Marcus’s
needs because of her own preoccupation with this early trauma. She was also
in fear of Richie and her fear increased if Marcus was demanding or needy. Her
own level of fear made her highly insensitive to Marcus. She needed to keep
Richie happy and needed Marcus to help her with this. As her stress increased
36 Nurturing Attachments

she would feel more and more out of control. As she became agitated she
would try harder to control Marcus. She would threaten him or hit him to get
him to do what she wanted. At other times she would put him in the bedroom,
leaving him there for hours.
Tina had limited understanding of Luke. Her level of learning difficulty
made it difficult for her to think about Luke’s needs or to understand what he
was signalling. She would try to do what the health visitor suggested, but quickly
became overwhelmed if Luke didn’t respond as she had been taught to expect.
She would often leave him alone for long periods. She did not understand his
need for stimulation nor know what to expect of him at different ages. Tina eas-
ily became overwhelmed and then would switch off. Luke therefore experi-
enced little in the way of an emotional connection with Tina.

Sensitive parenting also requires that parents adjust to the changing needs of
their growing children. The balance between attachment and exploration
changes throughout childhood. Parents need to adjust their parenting as their
children mature. Parents who encourage closeness when the child wants to
explore and parents who encourage exploration when the child needs closeness
are equally insensitive. Parents therefore need to understand the changing needs
of their children and respond appropriately.

How attachment behaviour changes through childhood

The first three months
Babies are born predisposed to respond to others. At birth, babies are already
born with abilities that ensure that they will be interested in other people. For
example, they prefer to look at faces, they recognize the sound of voices.
As they mature, babies respond in ways that increase the likelihood that
contact with people will continue. They calm when picked up; they smile when
people talk to them. Therefore babies are born able to elicit interest and nurture
from others. At this stage the parent has to maintain proximity and protect the
infant, but the infant is already behaving in ways that ensure that this will
happen. If the infant reliably interacts with parents who are well attuned to the
infant’s behaviour then stable patterns of interaction will become established.
For example:
· The infant cries because of hunger and the parent responds by feeding
· The infant cries because of discomfort and the parent responds by
changing her.
· The infant is alert and interested and the parent responds by playing
with her.
Attachment Theory: Caregiving 37

· The infant is tired and the parent calms and allows her to sleep.
At this stage babies are unselective. They will respond in the same way to any
human who can meet their needs reliably.

Three months to six months

As infants mature they develop the ability to actively seek attention rather than
to passively respond to it. They also begin to discriminate between people,
starting to show preference for some over others. This is the beginning of the
development of the attachment bond. Parents can see this happening over the
first six months. Babies change from being comfortable to be held and looked
after by anyone, to being fussy about who is doing the holding and caring,
showing more selectiveness about who will hold, feed and soothe them. During
this period infants become less able to be comforted by all but a few familiar

Six months to two years

Between six and nine months the development of the attachment to the parents is
consolidated. The child is said to have formed selective attachments to a few
familiar adults. Equally the young child will be wary of unfamiliar adults, only
demonstrating sociability if reassured that an attachment figure is able to
continue to provide a secure base. In our waiting room scenario, when the stranger
enters, the child will move closer to the parent and will actively scrutinize the
stranger. Only following this period of scrutiny and with the continued physical
presence of the parent will the child become sociable, perhaps smiling at the
stranger or taking an offered toy.
Between six months and two years the attachment system is very evident
with clear separation protest and proximity-seeking. The infant will protest when
separated and make active attempts to maintain proximity to the attachment
figure. Separation distress is harder to relieve, and comfort by a stranger can lead
to an increase in distress.
This is also the time when the child is becoming increasingly mobile and
able to move away from the parent at will. Thus the exploratory system is also
evident. The child is comfortable with moving away from the parent to explore,
to play and to learn.
The child is therefore able to use the parent as a secure base, to gain comfort
from the parent when needed and to move away and explore and learn in the
world, secure in the availability of the parent if danger threatens.
38 Nurturing Attachments

Two years to four years

During this stage of development the child is learning to become more autono-
mous and self-reliant. She will be increasingly comfortable with moving further
away from the parent in order to explore the environment. At this stage children
are not yet able to keep themselves safe and thus attachment behaviour remains
easily activated.
Toddlers will actively monitor parents to ensure that they are attending to
them. They will also use attachment behaviour to regain this attention if lost.
This is sometimes called ‘attention-seeking’ behaviour but represents a need for
continuing attention and is therefore better described as ‘attention-needing’
As children mature they are increasingly confident, able to explore a wider
world and to relate to a variety of people. The child however remains very
vigilant to the availability of the parents and can still be reliant on their physical
presence as a secure base. This is the stage at which the child and parent go
together to toddler group. The child learns to play and interact with others with
the continued presence of an attachment figure.
Children grow and develop further. Now distress at a brief separation
reduces and they are increasingly able to tolerate longer periods of separation.
Reunion no longer always requires bodily contact. This coincides with children
having improved language and motor skills. They can use language and actions
to both plan for and anticipate periods of separation and to reconnect with the
parent when they come together again. Thus somewhere between two and four
years children will be able to manage a period of time apart from an attachment
figure, for example attending a playgroup session.

School age
As children go to school there are significant changes taking place in the degree
to which they are autonomous and able to function in the world separate from
attachment figures. Under normal circumstances a child now only needs
periodic assurance of the parent’s presence for security. Attachment needs do
not disappear but become attenuated or weakened.

It is during adolescence that attachment needs again begin to predominate. Para-
doxically as young people seek to become more independent of parents attach-
ment security becomes even more important.
Young people are beginning to move away from hierarchical attachments,
where parents offer security, towards friendships where they give and receive
care and support. In the meantime the exploration of sexuality and the search
for a romantic relationship influences the continuing need for affectional bonds.
Attachment Theory: Caregiving 39

By the end of adolescence successful young people will have moved from
being receivers of care from their parents to being young adults who can enjoy
reciprocal friendships, intimate relationships and have the potential to be com-
petent caregivers.
The transition to increased autonomy and reduced reliance on parents is a
stressful one requiring the support of parents for its successful completion. Thus
autonomy is most easily established from a base of secure relationships that will
endure beyond adolescence. Adolescents can explore living independently from
parents because they know that they can turn to their parents when they need to.
Insecure attachment relationships lead to difficulties as the young person
attempts to re-negotiate a relationship with parents. This can lead to a high acti-
vation of the attachment system at the same time as the young person is attempt-
ing to become more independent of parents.

The internal working model

By adulthood young people have experienced a range of attachment needs. The
way these have been supported will influence their continuing relationships.
The attachment relationships that they have previously experienced are stored
mentally as internal working models. These are like templates, stored as a memory
in the brain, of what has been experienced. The memory guides future expecta-
tions of self and of others. They don’t know what will happen in the future or
what will happen when they make new relationships, but they do know what
has happened in the past. Past memory therefore creates an expectation, which
will influence how young people react to future experience.
These models begin to develop in early childhood. As children mature the
models become more complex. Initially they allow infants to anticipate what
parents are likely to do next. Later children can use the model to make simple
plans, e.g. how to get proximity to the parent, where to look for him. By the time
children reach the school years they can use the working models to feel secure
even when the parent is not physically present.
In adolescence young people extend their range of relationships. The
multiple models of relationships experienced in childhood now develop into an
integrated strategy for approaching attachment relationships. This pattern
predicts behaviour in romantic relationships and eventually as parents
These internal working models therefore reflect children’s experience of rela-
tionships, leading to a complementary working model of the self and of the
emotional availability of others.
For example:
· Positive internal working model: A child might hold a positive model that
views the self as loveable and effective and others as available, loving, in-
terested and responsive.
40 Nurturing Attachments

· Negative internal working model: A child might hold a negative model of

the self as unloveable, uninteresting, unvalued and ineffective and others
as unavailable, neglectful, rejecting, unresponsive and hostile.
As can be seen from this example the model of self and of others is linked. Taken
together they represent both sides of the relationships that the child has experi-
This impacts on children’s feelings of:
· self-esteem – the degree to which children feel positive or negative about
· self-efficacy – the degree to which children feel able to make things
· social understanding – the degree to which children understand social ex-
perience, can make friends and can co-operate with others
and their ability to experience:
· empathy – to understand how another person is feeling
· autonomy – the capacity to be appropriately independent and self-reliant.

The internal working model as a stable model

Internal working models are used by children to make predictions about future
experiences; they guide their expectations of what to expect of themselves and
of others. The models tend to be stable. The presence of the model tends to bias
the child’s perception of events. Thus if a normally sensitive parent demon-
strates some insensitivity this does not disrupt the child’s expectation of sensi-
tivity. Of course the reverse is also true: occasional sensitivity from a predomi-
nantly insensitive parent will still result in a model of parents as unresponsive.
Following on from these predictions the model will then guide how the
child acts and thinks. This becomes habitual over time, and thus less accessible
to consciousness. It is like driving a car. Initially this takes a lot of thought and
concentration; with practice however it becomes automatic. Thus the child
develops habitual ways of relating to others guided by expectations of self and

Catherine, Zoë, Marcus and Luke have all made predictions of their foster or
adoptive parents based on their early experience and this is beginning to have
an effect on the parenting they are receiving.
Catherine expects not to have her needs met; she hides her feelings rather
than risk overwhelming Jenny and Martin. They in turn are beginning to respond
to this. It is easier to let Catherine do things herself than battle over it and be-
sides they are worn out with Zoë. Catherine’s ability to go and keep herself
occupied is a blessing. Without meaning to they are reinforcing Catherine’s
avoidant behaviour. On the rare occasion when Catherine does get angry at
Attachment Theory: Caregiving 41

them they are surprised and reactive – ‘not you as well, Catherine, I don’t know
if I can cope with both of you.’ Catherine learns once again that her own needs
are overwhelming to her parents.
Zoë on the other hand is difficult to ignore. It is exasperating but they try to
be patient with her. They give her a lot of attention and reassurance, but even
this is not enough. Sometimes they just want to scream at her to go away and let
them have some peace. Fearing that they might shout at her when feeling this
frustrated they take themselves away for a time whilst they recoup their
strength. Zoë’s expectation of inconsistency is being met and she redoubles
her efforts not to let them out of her sight.
Rita and Frank are having an even harder time. They seem to move from
one outburst to another; they tiptoe around Marcus waiting for the next de-
mand, the next defiant ‘no’. They try to give each other breaks. Frank takes
Marcus to the garden centre with him whilst Rita catches up on the washing.
Rita tries to occupy Marcus with a game whilst Frank catches up in the garden.
They are spending less and less time with each other. Sometimes Rita feels so
exasperated that she comes close to hitting Marcus, and Frank did push him
away rather harshly when Marcus had him pinned against a wall. As Marcus
senses these times of near loss of control he is reminded of the scary parenting
of his past. He redoubles his efforts to stay in control.
Luke does not know what to expect of a mother and Jackie can feel quite
ineffectual with him. Whilst he does need her, she sometimes thinks that he
would be equally happy with anyone who passed by. Jackie finds the lack of a
real relationship difficult. She cares for Luke, but she doesn’t feel like his mother.
Coupled with this he is becoming very active and impulsive; Jackie has to keep a
close eye on him all the time. This combination of activity and lack of relation-
ship is hard for Jackie; she feels like she is keeping him safe without really meet-
ing his emotional needs.

others. The automatic nature of these patterns of relating mean that they tend to
be stable over time; we see children relating to new people in the way they
related to their early parents.

The internal working model as a changing model

When there is a more consistent and dramatic change in a relationship this can
lead to change in the internal working model. For example, if a mother becomes ill
or very stressed leading to a consistent change in the way she relates to the child
the working model can be reconstructed. Fortunately the converse is also true: a
sustained increase in sensitivity and responsiveness in the mother can also lead

Jenny and Martin, Rita and Frank, and Jackie are all beginning to match the pat-
tern their children are expecting. They all experience dissatisfaction with this
42 Nurturing Attachments

Jenny and Martin are disturbed at the lack of closeness they experience
with Catherine. They feel quite rejected by her at times and this is hurtful.
With Zoë, Jenny and Martin want to find a way to help her feel secure so
that she can relax with them and not have to work so hard at maintaining their
Rita and Frank need a way out of the negative cycle they are slipping into.
They want to be kind, attentive parents to Marcus but are finding this hard
when they are so tyrannized by him.
Jackie feels that she is floundering with Luke; she wants to offer him sensi-
tive, nurturing care but finds it difficult to predict what he needs. She frequently
feels she is managing his behaviour without having an impact on him.
These parents need to find ways of gently challenging the internal working
models of the children. They need to find a way to provide consistent, predict-
able care within which they can be nurturing and emotionally responsive to the
needs of the children. In this way the children can begin to relax and start to be-
have in a more spontaneous way with them. They need to help the children de-
velop an alternative working model of the way parents behave.

to a reconstruction of the internal working model. However, to continue with the

driving analogy, it is easier to learn good driving habits initially than to change
bad habits later. It takes a lot of practice and effort to get rid of a bad habit and
replace it with a different pattern.

The internal working model as parents change

As we have seen, when children have a change of caregiver the internal working
model will influence their expectations of these new parents, the way they
behave in order to feel secure with them and their ability to manage separation
from them. Children will often act as if they expect these parents to be like their
previous ones. The parents can find themselves influenced by this behaviour and
in turn come to resemble the previous parents.
However, parents will also have expectations of themselves and the
children. The children will be encouraged to think about themselves and others
in different ways.
Children therefore both retain the old construction of the working model
whilst also reconstructing this in the light of new information. In effect children
will hold multiple models of how relationships work.
It is important to note that old models don’t go away; children have had the
experience of parents as insensitive and unresponsive. They know relationships
can be like this, but they also now have experience that not all relationships are
like this.
The Adoption and Attachment study, in London (Hodges et al. 2003), aims
to track the way attachment representations in internal working models change
Attachment Theory: Caregiving 43

over time for adopted children. This research suggests that the negative view of
self that children learn early in life is the most difficult to change. Even after two
years of living in a different family, children continue to hold negative predic-
tions about parents and family, although they now have positive predictions as
well. Thus children may hold conflicting models about how families work.
They may know that parents hurt children, but they now also know that parents
love and take care of children.

This is the challenge that faces Jenny and Martin, Rita and Frank, and Jackie.
They need to find an alternative way of parenting the children, but to do this
they will need a lot of patience and perseverance. Nothing will change quickly,
and they will find themselves slipping back into the child’s way of doing things
quite frequently. They will need all the support they can find, not only from each
other but also from friends, family and professionals.
Attachment Theory:
Patterns of Attachment

We have so far explored the relationship between the child and parent from both
the child’s perspective and from the parent’s perspective. We have also consid-
ered how this experience of relationship becomes a model to guide future rela-
tionships. We are now going to explore some of the stable patterns of behaviour
that develop between child and parent depending upon the ways they respond
to each other. These patterns of attachment have been explored and described
by a number of researchers over the years.
Mary Ainsworth developed an experimental study called ‘The Strange
Situation’ to demonstrate the organized patterns of attachment, based on the
way children respond with their parents when they are taken to an unfamiliar
room and left for a short time with a stranger and then on their own (Ainsworth
et al. 1978). Some children did not fit easily into the secure, ambivalent or
avoidant pattern of relating with their parents. This led Mary Main and Judith
Solomon (1986) to describe the disorganized pattern of relating that arises
when children experience damaging parenting.
Patricia Crittenden has explored the development of these different
patterns of relating through childhood and into adulthood, focusing especially
on the way children can become increasingly controlling in their attachment
styles when under stress (Crittenden, Landini and Claussen 2001).
These patterns of attachment were briefly considered in Chapter 1 but will
now be considered in more depth. Figure 3.1 provides an overview of the differ-
ent patterns.

The secure attachment pattern

Secure attachments develop when children experience sensitive and responsive
care. These children use the parent as a secure base, developing patterns of behav-
iour that combine active exploration with comfort-seeking from the parent.
This allows them to go out into their wider environment confident that they

46 Nurturing Attachments

Secure attachment
Secure Straightforward in
pattern of eliciting care, or
relating support for

patterns of Avoidant attachment Control via self-
attachment reliant behaviours.
Feel safer minimizing
displays of emotion. Compliance,
Fail to elicit care. aggressive.
patterns of
Feel safer maximizing Control via
displays of emotion. behaviours.
Resist being soothed
or comforted.

Controlling attachment
Disorganized Frightened disorientated
pattern of within When older, control
attachment relationships relationships in order
Unable to organize
to feel safe.
behaviour to feel safe.

Highly disinhibited
pattern of relating
Failure of attachment.
Socially indiscriminate.
Non- Fail to use parent as
attachment secure base.
lacks Inability to
consistent selectively
caregiver attach
early in life
Highly inhibited pattern
of relating
Withdrawn, difficulty
relating to anyone.

Figure 3.1 Patterns of attachment

Attachment Theory: Patterns of Attachment 47

will, if needed, be watched, supported and helped. When they need protection
or comfort they will return to the parent. This is represented visually in
Figure 3.2.
These children base their prediction of danger or insecurity on what they
know, their prior experience. ‘Last time mum took me to this building we met
this strange lady who put a needle in my arm. I don’t think I am very happy
coming here again.’ They also use how they are feeling to determine how close
to mum they want to be. ‘I don’t feel too comfortable here, I think I’ll keep close
to you.’ In this way when faced with potentially alarming situations children
will tackle them effectively. They will look to the parent for support when their
feelings of insecurity reach a certain level; at other times they will demonstrate
self-reliance and independence. Therefore a secure attachment allows a child to
develop self-reliance balanced with the ability to seek and gain help from
Secure attachment therefore requires sensitive parenting. It can be a bit
daunting to think about the concept of sensitive parenting. It can feel like an
impossible task. All parents can think of times when they are insensitive or unre-
sponsive. They are in the middle of cooking tea, have just had a row with their
partner or are preoccupied with other issues. Fortunately this is quite normal.
Children need sensitive, responsive parents some of the time but not all of the
time. Children need good-enough parenting rather than superhuman
parenting. A reasonable sensitivity and the capacity to reassure the child follow-
ing a period of insensitivity will help the child to feel securely attached.
The experience of a secure attachment relationship will impact positively on
the development of the child. The internal working model of these children is that
they are loveable, effective in relationships, and of interest to others. The child
anticipates that others will be caring, protective and available.

Secure base

Need for
comfort and Exploration

The World

Figure 3.2 The secure attachment pattern

48 Nurturing Attachments

The older child can draw on the full range of cognitive and emotional informa-
tion to make sense of the social world. These children have a good understand-
ing of their own and others’ feelings. This has led to a sense of self-efficacy,
self-confidence and social competence. They are able to make friends and mix
well with their peers. They demonstrate self-reliance but when they need to they
trust others and they will approach them for help. They can resolve conflicts,
problem-solve and cope with stress and frustration. They are able to experience
empathy for others, leading to the development of moral behaviour.
This can lead to success in school. The child copes with the learning tasks,
enjoying achievement and managing mistakes, whilst being able to draw upon
the teacher for support as needed.
As adolescents these young people are confident in their developing inde-
pendence, and changing relationships.
As adults they will value relationships and be able to offer security to their
children. They are likely to be consistent, responsive and predictable parents.
We will next explore how this development is different when the child’s
early experience is of a parent who is insensitive or unresponsive to a significant
degree. In considering this it is important to remember the degree of insecurity a
child experiences can vary between parents and over time. The extent of insecu-
rity will determine the degree of impact on development. Experience of
insecure parenting is a risk factor for developmental difficulty, but the final
outcome will depend on a range of factors including both early and later experi-
ence, as well as genetic and constitutional factors.

The organized insecure attachment patterns

Where an attachment figure is predominantly insensitive, unresponsive and
unavailable an insecure attachment will develop. This is reflected in the organi-
zation of the behaviour that the child demonstrates.

Insecure ambivalent-resistant attachment pattern

Some parents are inconsistent in responding to children. Thus their care is
insensitive. These parents tend to be poor at reading infant signals. The atten-
tion they give to their child tends to be more in response to their own needs than
to those of their child. They find it hard to attune to the child and they are
unpredictable in their responses. This leaves the child very uncertain about
whether the parent will be available and helpful when needed.
These children therefore maximize attachment behaviour to ensure that
they do receive care from an inconsistent parent. It is as if they think ‘I don’t
know if you will be there when I need you so I am going to make sure that you
are there for me all the time.’ This is expressed through demanding and clingy
behaviour. The children display a lot of emotional distress even to minor events.
Attachment Theory: Patterns of Attachment 49

Secure base

Need for
comfort and

The World

Figure 3.3 The ambivalent-resistant attachment pattern

They are also resistant to being soothed and comforted. They remain distressed.
They fear that if they do calm, the parent will then leave them alone once more.
They won’t know when the parent will be available again.
These children rely on their feelings to guide their behaviour. If they feel
anxious they will anticipate danger and the attachment system will be activated,
i.e. they predict future danger based on how they feel rather than what they
This pattern is represented visually in Figure 3.3. This shows that the
children are very focused on checking out that they will get comfort and protec-
tion, and this is at the expense of exploration.
When young, these children hyper-activate their attachment behaviour.
They approach angrily, are fretful, demonstrating crying, whining and clingy
behaviour. Their need for attention is often seen as ‘attention-seeking’. Being
dependent and needy for attention these children reduce their exploration.
When they do get attention they fear the withdrawal of the parent thus they
become resistant to being soothed. These children show high dependency.
They feel helpless, with low self-efficacy; they don’t expect to be successful at
making things happen. They also demonstrate poor social competence; they
don’t expect friendships to go well.
The internal working model reflects this. The model of self is unloveable, of
little worth and ineffective. The model of other is unreliable, unavailable, not
As they grow older the children remain preoccupied with their relationship
with their parents and with others. They remain alert and vigilant to what others
are doing and to their moment-by-moment availability. This leads to the devel-
opment of enmeshed and entangled relationships. In order to keep others
50 Nurturing Attachments

involved with them they will demonstrate coercive behaviour alternating between
aggressive and helpless behaviour as they regulate the parents’ attention. The
children will be demanding, angry and difficult to please. As parents’ frustration
and anger build in response to these behaviours the children switch and
becomes coy and helpless. The parents are now drawn to look after the children,
to meet their helplessness; as the parents become solicitous, the children switch
again. In this way the children are able to keep parents attending to them. If the
parents become used to the levels of anger shown, and begin to ignore them, the
children are likely to escalate these angry displays. The children become more
confrontational and will even take risks, or court danger, in order to maintain
attention onto themselves. If these behaviours don’t serve to keep fear at bay the
children will escalate these emotional displays through obsessive behaviours. For
example, a child might become obsessively interested in where the parent is and
what the parent is doing.
For these children emotional states are transparent as emotion drives their
behaviour. Despite the degree of feelings on display children are not able to talk
about these. They continue to act out their feelings, displaying these
non-verbally. The children tend to view the world in black and white. The
parent is all-good whilst attending to them and all-bad in response to the with-
drawal of this attention.

Zoë reflects this attachment style. Her moment-to-moment behaviour is

driven by how she is feeling. Her anxiety increases whenever it appears that
Jenny or Martin will not be attending to her. Thus when Jenny is cooking tea Zoë
becomes more demanding and difficult. Similarly when Martin is trying to talk to
his neighbour about some local events in the community, Zoë pushes herself
into the middle of the two of them and prevents them talking.
Jenny is trying to help Catherine to bake some cakes. She has settled Zoë
down with some magazines, allowing her the safety scissors to cut out some of
the pictures. Zoë needs Jenny’s help. She can’t cut the pictures out; she be-
comes upset when she cuts a lady’s head off. Jenny does her best to help both
Catherine and Zoë, but Zoë’s anxiety increases, as she does not have Jenny’s
full attention. She starts to try to cut herself instead of the magazine; when she
can’t make much of an impression on her finger she resorts to cutting her hair.
Jenny removes the scissors and gets out the drawing things instead. Zoë draws
for a short time and then looks around the kitchen. She starts opening the
drawers, and when that doesn’t have an effect she reaches up for the kettle.
Jenny becomes cross with her and sends her from the room. Now Zoë be-
comes upset, crying in a heartfelt way. With relief Jenny puts the cakes in the
oven and goes to calm down her now distraught child. As she picks her up and
comforts her, Zoë clings to her like a limpet. ‘I’m sorry mummy,’ she whispers
as she snuggles in.
Attachment Theory: Patterns of Attachment 51

As these children grow older their preoccupation with the parent relationship
extends to include other significant relationships. They find it difficult to
maintain friendships however because of their tendency to be clingy and pos-
sessive, over-sensitive to signs of rejection. They look to their friends to support
them but tend not to reciprocate this; they don’t view themselves as a source of
support. The children are looking for something but are not able to give in turn.
Their hyper-attention to their attachment and relationship needs means that
the children demonstrate poor concentration and distractibility to other things.
Whilst they are hyper-vigilant to what other people are doing, this is at the
expense of a focus on other aspects of the environment. This impacts on their
ability to benefit from education. They are overly focused on their relationship
with the teacher at the expense of the learning tasks they are meant to be
engaging with.
As adolescents these young people continue to have little confidence that
their parents will be reliable. Their behaviour can be intense and angry. They
remained preoccupied with their dependency upon the parent and therefore
struggle with the conflict between wanting to stay close and learning to be inde-
These young people will remain preoccupied, but experience low satisfac-
tion, with relationships as adults. They can be jealous, possessive and coercive.
With a low capacity for self-reflexivity ambivalent feelings are dealt with by
splitting. Thus they oscillate between viewing others as all-good or all-bad.
Feelings are still not thought through but continue to be acted out.
As parents they will be uncertain and ambivalent. Still looking to have their
own needs met they will be inconsistent and neglectful. They need to keep their
child close and look for acceptance from her but will be insensitive to her cues
and needs. They will alternate between viewing her as wonderful and horrid,
but find it difficult to just accept her.

Insecure avoidant attachment pattern

Some parents find it difficult to care for their children when the child is emo-
tionally expressing this need. They therefore tend to back off at the time the
child is expressing ‘I need you close’. Children quickly learn that this is what
happens and will adjust their behaviour in order to prevent this ‘backing off ’.
Thus the children minimize attachment behaviour to maintain closeness to
parents who otherwise would be rejecting. This is expressed through passive
and withdrawn behaviour with little display of emotional distress. The child
anticipates that ‘if I show you how I feel, you will move further away’. These
children rely on knowledge and ignore feelings to guide behaviour, i.e. they
predict danger and insecurity based on what has happened in the past. This
pattern is represented visually in Figure 3.4. This shows that the children act as
52 Nurturing Attachments

Secure base


The World

Figure 3.4 The avoidant attachment pattern

if they do not need the parent, focusing attention outwards onto the wider
environment instead.
Children who have developed an avoidant attachment pattern of relating to
others will have experienced parents as resentful, rejecting, intrusive and con-
trolling. They will have found that their parents were consistently unresponsive
to their negative emotion and distress. These children learn to deactivate their
attachment behaviour. They inhibit emotional expression, becoming unde-
manding and compliant and/or self-sufficient. The children have learnt that
emotional displays lead to reduced availability so they learn not to show how
they are feeling.
The internal working model is of the self as unloveable and of little worth; for
some, achievement might lead to some sense of accomplishment, but they will
fear not achieving. The model of others is that they are not available, intrusive,
interfering, controlling and consistently unresponsive. They may expect others
to be hostile and rejecting.
As these children mature they continue to minimize the expression of
negative affect. At its extreme these children can appear socially facile, always
smiling, or playing the clown. These behaviours hide the negative feelings of
sadness, anger or anxiety that they might be feeling. Alternatively they can
appear inhibited and withdrawn. If these behaviours do not allow the children to
feel safe they will escalate the avoidance of emotion through compulsive behav-
iours. For example, they may compulsively try to help or take care of the parent.

Catherine has a strongly developed avoidant style of relating to Jenny and Mar-
tin. She is very vigilant to what they expect of her and tries to meet these expec-
tations. In addition she is wary of displaying her own emotional needs. She tries
Attachment Theory: Patterns of Attachment 53

to keep her feelings locked tightly away, denying that she is sad, upset or cross.
When feelings do threaten to surface Catherine becomes very anxious. This is
displayed through angry, threatening behaviour often directed towards Jenny
and Martin.
Catherine is approaching her sixth birthday and as a treat Jenny is taking her
out. The local town is having its annual parade. Jenny is sure that Catherine has
not seen anything like it before and anticipates that this will be a fun experience.
Catherine is quiet in the car so Jenny fills her in about what to expect. She en-
thuses about the parade, telling Catherine of the trips she took to see it when
she was a child. They arrive and park the car and Jenny helps Catherine out.
Momentarily she looks reluctant but then she grasps Jenny’s hand and with a big
smile asks what they are going to see first. Catherine enjoys looking at the deco-
rated town and willingly has an ice cream. Jenny offers her one ride and
Catherine chooses the merry-go-round, the very ride Jenny enjoyed most as a
child. It is nearly time for the parade so Jenny finds a good spot where they will
see everything as it passes. Jenny is transfixed as she happily points out all the
different floats and describes the themes the characters represent. Catherine
holds on to Jenny’s hand and keeps smiling. It is only as they approach the car to
return home that Catherine’s big smile deserts her. They are walking through
the car park when a large, brown bear suddenly appears from between the
cars. Startled, Catherine screams and suddenly all control leaves her as she
pulls free of Jenny’s hand and runs. Fearing that she might run into the road
Jenny runs after her and grabs her. ‘It’s okay, Catherine, it is only someone
dressed up, like in the parade. He won’t hurt you.’ It is only then that Jenny real-
izes how scared Catherine is. She asks Catherine if she has been scared of the
dressed-up characters all day. Catherine nods tearfully. Jenny is dumbfounded;
Catherine had appeared to be enjoying herself, but now Jenny realizes that she
was only doing it for her. Her apprehension and anxiety hidden from view, she
smiled at the floats and chose the ride that Jenny enjoyed. If the brown bear had
not stepped out when it did, Jenny would never have known how difficult this
day had been for Catherine.

Through childhood these children can become increasingly self-reliant and

independent. They can be achievement-oriented, as this has gained approval
from their parents. Cognitive development is therefore enhanced but the integra-
tion of cognition with emotion is limited. The children learn to think about situ-
ations but are very poor at interpreting the way they or others are feeling. The
children appear emotionally self-sufficient with distress being denied or not
communicated. However, they are not managing their emotion but ignoring it.
Children who have developed avoidant patterns of relating to others will be
able to make friends but they shy away from intimacy. Sometimes friendships are
spoilt by their need to be controlling of the relationship and their belief that
they will not be liked. They lack self-confidence and self-worth.
54 Nurturing Attachments

Self-reliance combined with low self-confidence can also be apparent in the

classroom. The children resist developing a supportive relationship with the
teacher, but lack confidence in their own ability as well.
During adolescence the tendency to disengage from relationships deprives
the young people of the support needed to develop independence and autonomy.
They remain cut-off from their feelings, especially negative feelings such as fear,
anger, hurt or loneliness. Often past relationships are idealized, and past diffi-
culties minimized. This means that they will not be able to manage conflict or
difficulty within current relationships.
As adults they will continue to avoid intimacy and become very
task-oriented. Emotions will be intellectualized, thus they can appear cold and
detached. Thought and knowledge is seen as more reliable than feelings.
As parents they will find that their baby’s distress and neediness makes them
feel anxious. Thus they deactivate their caregiving in response to negative
emotion from the child. They feel uncomfortable in the parent role, dismissing
or devaluing the infant’s attachment needs.

The disorganized/controlling attachment pattern

Sometimes a parent is not just insensitive to a child but is actually frightening.
This is much more difficult for the child to adjust to. Infants and young children
feel fearful and helpless. They experience confusion. Distress and arousal
remain high and unregulated. No behavioural strategy reduces the danger the
children find themselves in nor brings care and comfort. The parents may be
actively behaving in a way that is frightening. They might hurt the child,

Secure base

The World
Not safe

Figure 3.5 The disorganized attachment pattern

Attachment Theory: Patterns of Attachment 55

neglect the child or expose the child to situations that are scary. Alternatively
children can be scared because they experience the parents as frightened. A
frightened parent is not likely to be a parent who can keep you safe.
A disorganized attachment pattern therefore develops when parents are
frightened or frightening to the child. The frightening/frightened behaviour of
the parent activates the child’s attachment system. This motivates him to seek
protection and comfort, but the source of this is the very same person who is
being frightening. The child is unable to organize his behaviour at times of
stress in order to receive emotional support because the parent is both the source
of fear and the potential for safety. For the young child times of fear or stress lead
to disorganized behaviour. This behaviour is bizarre or ineffective, as the child
expresses ‘I don’t know what to do here’. Thus children may freeze, may flap
their hands or may approach the parent whilst actively looking in the other
direction. This is represented visually in Figure 3.5. The children are neither
able to effectively seek comfort and protection, nor are they comfortable
exploring the world.
This pattern overlays more organized patterns of behaviour that the child
displays when the danger is lessened. The child can show any of the organized
patterns. The disorganized pattern represents behaviour when the organized
behaviours fail.

Disorganized or organized? The move to controlling behaviours

An absence of strategy to deal with dangerous situations is intolerable. There-
fore as the child matures he adopts strategies that bring some measure of safety.
These strategies are organized around control. The child has an internal working
model of himself as unworthy of care, as powerful and as bad. The model of
others is that they are frightening and unavailable. The child becomes fearful,
angry and violent. By becoming controlling, these children avoid intimacy and
they attain some measure of predictability. The parent is left feeling manipu-
lated, ineffectual and in a relationship that doesn’t feel genuine.
For these children relationships cause distress with little provocation. They
experience violent anger coupled with anxious dependence. Strong feelings are
experienced as overwhelming, and children are left unable to understand, dis-
tinguish or control emotions in themselves or others. They are anxious and
afraid whilst violence and aggression alternate with apathy and despair. These
children dislike being touched or held. They find it difficult to make or to keep

Marcus finds relationships very stressful; feeling close to Rita and Frank reminds
him of how scared he was with Tessa and Richie. He tries to keep them both at
arm’s length and finds that refusal and defiance are good ways to do this. Occa-
sionally Rita or Frank penetrate this defence and Marcus finds himself feeling
56 Nurturing Attachments

affection for them. This makes him scared and he becomes very angry. He will
do something hurtful to ensure that the close feelings disappear. He can be espe-
cially aggressive toward Rita whose kindness he interprets as weakness. He is a
little more compliant with Frank, believing him to be the stronger of the two.
Rita has taken seven-year-old Marcus out to buy him some new clothes.
Marcus is sullen and disinterested. He refuses to try anything on and Rita resorts
to holding clothes against him and guessing which ones he will like. Rita stays calm
and patient, and she makes sure that she doesn’t spend too much time in the
clothes shops. Pleased that they have found some clothes, she says they will go
back via the toyshop. Marcus is immediately taken with a Power Ranger toy and
asks Rita for it. Rita is worried about the level of violence in Marcus’s play and sug-
gests something else instead. Marcus storms out of the shop and starts kicking
the pillar just outside. Rita goes up to him. She knows not to reach out and touch
him but instead talks to him calmly. She tells him that she knows how cross he
feels, and how hard it is not to get what you want, but that she would like to buy
him the fire engine as he has been so good about the clothes shopping. Marcus is
torn between staying angry with Rita or going with her to get the toy. He contin-
ues to kick out but it is more half hearted now. Rita walks towards the shop,
knowing that Marcus will now follow. After a short hesitation Marcus goes with
her to buy the toy. He holds the engine all the way home. Rita is pleased at how
well the trip has gone and they have a peaceful evening.
The next day however is a different matter. Marcus wakes up in a foul
mood and does his best to provoke Rita all day long. He calls her names, refuses
to eat her cooking and will not remove his shoes when he comes in from the
garden. The final straw comes after Marcus has gone to bed; Rita finds that her
jewellery box has been ransacked and her favourite necklace taken. Marcus has
carefully pulled it to pieces and placed the bits on her bed – he has certainly paid
her back for the nice time they had yesterday.

Patricia Crittenden has developed a model called the dynamic-maturational

model, which explores the way the different patterns of behaviour develop over
time. Her model is very helpful in understanding the way that children develop
their controlling behaviours around avoidant and/or ambivalent patterns of
relating to others (Crittenden et al. 2001).
Some children develop these controlling behaviours around avoidant
patterns of attachment. Thus children who experience parents as overwhelmed
or angry by their displays of emotion will as infants learn to minimize displays
of negative emotion. At this stage they are able to inhibit what they feel but
cannot yet pretend that they are feeling something different. As the infant
matures into toddlerhood they become more sophisticated in the behaviour
they display. In particular they can become compulsively self-reliant. ‘You are
frightening to me so I will not need you.’
At this stage these children can both inhibit negative emotion in order to
ward off the parent’s rejection of them, but they can also pretend to be feeling
Attachment Theory: Patterns of Attachment 57

something different. In other words they display a falsely positive emotion,

which suggests that they are happy and content, in order to elicit attention and
approval from their parent. The true feelings of anger, fear or need for comfort
are not displayed as the child has learnt that displaying these leads to rejection.
These children are often very compliant and can even learn to be caregiving,
looking after the parent rather than seeking care for themselves.
As they mature these children will continue to be very compliant when with
the frightening parent. ‘When I am with you I will do my best not to annoy you.
You are powerful and I will look after myself by not getting into trouble with
you.’ However, the child is also learning how to treat people who appear weak.
‘I will show you how powerful I am; look how frightening I can be.’
Other children develop controlling behaviours around more ambivalent
styles of relating to others. They become very coercive in their interactions,
becoming obsessively concerned about the parent’s availability, and using
behaviours that keep the parent focused onto them. Thus they may be very
non-compliant, aggressive or engage in risky behaviour. The parent has to
attend but is also likely to get more and more frustrated and cross with the child.
The child monitors this rising anger and at some point, when uncomfortable
with the level of anger the parent is displaying, switches to a more compliant,
appeasing behaviour. Through childhood and into adolescence, the children
can become more obsessed about maintaining the adult attention onto them-
selves. They experience anger and can become revengeful against the source of
their anger. They can be quite punitive towards the parent who is not providing
them with all the attention they are demanding. This is alternated with frankly
seductive behaviour as they endeavour to display their helplessness and need for
rescue to a, by now, angry parent. At all these different levels the child is
behaving in response to how he feels and in a way that maintains parent
attention on to him.
Children with a strong need to control others can be highly anxious or
fearful at school. They need to maintain their feeling of being in control both
with peers and the teaching staff. This makes them provocative, bullying and
difficult. High levels of anger and aggression can serve the dual purpose of
masking the anxiety whilst allowing them to dominate others.
The frightening experience of parents in childhood means that the adoles-
cent will find the possibility of deriving security from others as threatening.
Expressions of warmth and care from others are experienced as frightening. The
attachment system tends to be inhibited. Shunning close relationships the young
person does not develop an ability to reflect on mental states, leading to difficul-
ties in empathizing and rigid, inflexible ways of relating to others.
For these young people the level of disturbance is likely to remain high as
adults and they will have difficulty meeting the needs of their own children as
parents. Often they will look to their child to fulfil their own needs, and they
may replicate the frightening caregiving of their own experience.
58 Nurturing Attachments

Emotional neglect of a child early in life means that there is an absence of an
attachment figure at the very time that the child should be learning how to
selectively attach to caregivers. A small proportion of children have had no
experience of early attachment relationships. The child is left with severe diffi-
culties in forming relationships. These children have experienced such extreme
neglect of their needs that the attachment system does not operate and the child
does not develop attachment behaviours. This can be seen in children who have
had very little contact with adults. They may have spent large periods of time left
in their buggy or cot, locked into a separate room or brought up in an impover-
ished institution with too few carers caring for too many children. These
children will demonstrate a failure to develop selective attachments. They do
not understand how to form a relationship within which they can elicit care and
protection. These children can be disinhibited in their behaviour. They appear
indiscriminately friendly, craving attention from whoever is around. They are
however unable to engage in mutually satisfying relationships. Alternatively
they can be inhibited and extremely withdrawn, appearing passive and lethargic
with little interest in other people.

Luke lacked early maternal care, and this has left him uncertain about what to
expect and how to relate to people. He finds it difficult to realize that Jackie is
special and can provide him with something that other people can’t. He can be
very demanding and attention-needing, but this will be directed at whoever is
At six, Luke is still not properly toilet trained. He will wet or soil his pants
but appears not to notice. Jackie finds it particularly disturbing when he wets his
bed; he does this whilst fully awake and seems to enjoy the feeling of the wet
bedclothes around him.
Luke eats voraciously, whatever is put in front of him. He also tries to se-
crete food in his bedroom, hiding it in unlikely places. He especially likes bis-
cuits, crisps and sweets. Jackie has to hide such foods to prevent Luke
constantly helping himself.
Luke’s impulsivity can lead to situations that are very alarming to those try-
ing to care for him. For example, when Jackie was a little late arriving at school
she found Luke trying to get into the car of one of the other mothers. Jackie
fears that Luke would go with anyone that held out a hand at the right time.
Difficulties in Development:
The Impact of Loss and Trauma

A child’s development arises out of her genetic potential; this genetic program-
ming determines what will develop and when. The environment however
influences the realization of this potential, making it more or less likely that
optimal development will occur. John Bowlby (1998) suggests that there is the
possibility to proceed along a range of developmental pathways; at each stage of
development this pathway is influenced by an interaction between the child’s
current state of development and the environment being experienced. Much
like branches forming out of the trunk of a tree there are a greater array of
potential pathways early in a child’s life, with the number reducing as the child
grows. As the child moves along one branch, some branches are lost to her,
whilst the number of junctions ahead lessens.
Development is determined by constitutional factors (for example, genetic
endowment, temperament and intelligence) and also by experience. This expe-
rience goes beyond the parenting received. School, friendship and leisure, for
example, will all exert an influence, but parenting starts at the trunk of the tree.
Attachment experience will be an important factor in determining the develop-
mental pathway a child travels along.
This chapter will explore the way the early attachment relationships and
experience of separation and loss can impact on the development of the child.
Traumatized children entering foster and adoptive homes will need very special
parenting to allow them to recover from their early traumatic experience of
attachment, separation and loss, thus opening up new developmental pathways.

The attachment relationship and development

In order to fully understand the impact of loss and trauma on a child’s develop-
ment it is helpful to understand the impact of caregiving on the way a child
comes to understand emotion and to make sense of the world.

60 Nurturing Attachments

The attachment relationship and emotional development

Children with secure attachments will have experienced an attuned relationship
with a parent. Attunement allows the child to experience the parent as under-
standing, supporting and when appropriate enjoying the emotions or feelings
that she is experiencing.
During infancy children will have experienced emotion as being over-
whelming. The children are not able to regulate this emotion and are reliant on
the parents doing this for them. When babies are distressed and hungry the
parents will pick them up and soothe and comfort them. As the babies calm,
their emotion is regulated, and the parent can then attend to their need for food.
Toddlers will start to learn to regulate their own emotion. Initially they will
need the support of their parent through a process of emotional co-regulation as
they gradually learn to manage feelings themselves. The experience of
attunement with another is therefore essential to help toddlers to understand and
manage the feelings they experience.
At times attunement is broken because children have to be disciplined or
because the parents are temporarily unresponsive and insensitive. Following
these times the parents will re-establish attunement through interactive repair. They
demonstrate to the child their continuing love and availability. This reassures
her that the relationship has survived the loss of attunement.
This experience of attunement and interactive repair therefore helps children to
develop capacity for emotional regulation.
Children who do not have sufficient experience with an attuned and sensi-
tive parent will be less successful in developing emotional regulation abilities.
Emotional arousal is poorly understood or managed. Children will therefore
show higher levels of dysregulated or dissociated behaviour as either the
emotion overwhelms them or they attempt to manage it by cutting off from it. In
neither case is the child able to regulate emotion without support.

The attachment relationship and cognitive development

The attachment relationship also provides an opportunity to help children
understand themselves and other people they interact with. As parents help
children to make sense of their experience the children develop a sense of psy-
chological self; their minds learn to make sense of experience. Infants are born
needing to understand and to feel understood. This understanding develops
through childhood further helping the child to understand and regulate
In particular a sensitive relationship provides children with experiences that
help them to perspective-take (the ability to understand how something looks
from the perspective of other people).
Difficulties in Development: The Impact of Loss and Trauma 61

In order to do this they need to be aware of the mental states of others, to

understand that people can experience a different feeling and have a different
understanding from their own.
These are the processes of:
· Reflective function (the ability to understand the feelings of others)
· Mentalization (the ability to predict the responses of others).
The parent provides children with opportunities to develop these abilities
through their conversations with them.

For example, imagine a child with his mother at a bus stop. At the same stop is a
lady looking visibly upset and hunting for something in her bag. The child, curi-
ous, asks why the lady is upset. The mother replies that maybe the lady has lost
her purse and that is why she is upset. During this dialogue the child learns that it
is okay to be curious about other people, that other people can have thoughts
and feelings that we don’t know about, and that we can make guesses about
these thoughts and feelings. This help us to understand other people, to predict
their behaviour and to have empathy for them.

These experiences, within the attachment relationship, provide children with

learning that helps them to further make sense of emotion. They learn to:
· remain regulated when experiencing stress or insecurity
· explore, understand and express emotion
· think about things from their own and other perspectives.
This in turn allows:
· the development of empathy
· the development of social understanding
· the foundation for moral development.
A child who is not helped to make sense of herself or other people will be at a
disadvantage. In particular she will struggle within social relationships as she
struggles to understand or empathize with the other person.

The impact of attachment difficulties on development

The experience of trauma early in life and within the family compromises the
child’s first emotional bond. This will have a significant impact on her emo-
tional, social and cognitive development.
Often emotional functioning is very young as the children have not sat-
isfactorily learnt to use parents as a secure base, allowing them to both go
out and explore and to return and receive nurturing in response to their
62 Nurturing Attachments

moment-by-moment needs. The children might be left uncomfortable with sep-

aration or uncomfortable with closeness and often a combination of the two.
This can be masked behind apparent pseudomaturity, appearing more mature
than they actually are, or apparent immaturity, a reluctance to give up infantile
Immature emotional functioning combined with an internal model of self
as unloveable and unworthy means that friendship formation is difficult. The
child can appear socially immature and may not trust the friendship that is on
offer or may act in hostile, controlling, independent or highly needy ways,
leading potential friends to withdraw.

Marcus appears tough, and dismissive of the care of Rita and Frank, but under-
neath he is insecure and yearning for love and nurturing. These needs are fright-
ening for him and so he hides them under a veil of power and control. He
appears mature in many ways, declining the help of Rita and Frank, and manag-
ing many things on his own. His immaturity is betrayed however by his choice of
play and of TV, when few are watching.
He also has many fears; he doesn’t like sleeping in a dark room and despite
his apparent independence he does not like it when Rita goes out.
At school Marcus is aggressive and confrontational. His hyper-vigilance to
his environment makes attention to schoolwork difficult. He also finds it very
difficult to sit still for any length of time.
Many things increase his anxiety and then he becomes aggressive, being
verbally abusive to teachers and physically abusive to the other children. He
does not have friends; his bullying attitude means that most of the other chil-
dren are afraid of him. He frequently accuses the other children of being racist,
believing that their shunning of him is connected to his difference; he does not
understand that they find him difficult because of his aggression towards them.

Children with attachment difficulties may be of average intelligence and yet

they fail to apply this intelligence on a day-to-day level. This is because early
experience of poor parenting means that they don’t get the necessary experi-
ence for good cognitive development. This especially impacts on cognitive abilities
involving learning from others. Kate Cairns and Angela Stanway (2004) point
out that whilst the children may develop the ability to complete quite complex
cognitive tasks they continue to fail to learn from observing cause and effect: ‘if I
do this then this happens’.
In addition, as Peter Fonagy and colleagues (2002) highlight, when young
children do not have experience of a parent who can help them make sense of
their experience, they will lack capacity for reflective function. They will react to
how they feel or to what they are expecting but they will not be able to step
outside of this immediate experience and think about what they are doing or
how others are responding. The children will lack the ability to make sense of
Difficulties in Development: The Impact of Loss and Trauma 63

their own inner feelings or to be able to predict what another person might be
feeling: difficulties in mentalization. This all contributes to difficulties in relation-
ship as children fail to make sense of the behaviour of others or how this relates
to their own behaviour.

Moving into foster and adoptive homes

Difficulties in attachment may be apparent when children move into foster or
adoptive homes. ‘Attachment difficulties’ is a term that is used to describe the
detrimental impact of children’s early experience on the way they form later
relationships, especially those within intimate caring relationships. Children
develop strategies to enable them to feel safe and secure within insensitive
parent–child relationships. These strategies are more complex the more insensi-
tive the parenting they experience.
When the children move into new homes they initially behave with their
new parent as they did within their original family, by signalling their emo-
tional and attachment needs in a distorted way. This makes it difficult for the
new parent to provide sensitive care. The children who have previously devel-
oped avoidant patterns of attachment may act as if they do not need nurture
when feeling distressed, whilst the children who have previously developed
ambivalent patterns of relating may seek nurture and comfort even when
distress is low. The children are organizing their behaviour around what they
expect of the parent rather than around the actual availability of the parent.
If the parenting style of the foster carer or adoptive parent is markedly
different to the child’s experience this will create a mismatch. The child’s behav-
iour is no longer matched to the experience of being parented. Change will
occur over time. Daniel Stern (1985) uses the metaphor of a dance to explain
this. The dancers are not co-ordinated and therefore a change is needed to bring
them back into step again. If the parents lead the dance they will help their child
to find the right steps. However, Mary Dozier (2003) has demonstrated how it
is often the child who leads the dance; in this case the foster carer or adoptive
parent adjusts to match the child’s expectations instead of the other way around.
This perpetuates the pattern of relating that the child learnt within her first
attachment experience. To help children achieve a more secure pattern of
relating within new attachment relationships they need to experience therapeu-
tic parenting. Mary Dozier describes this as parenting that provides a ‘gentle
challenge’, encouraging children to change their expectations of parents and to
develop new, more healthy patterns of relating.
Children with ambivalent patterns of relating need to experience the parent
as consistent and reliable. Over time this will help them to reduce their vigilance
and preoccupation with the availability of the parent. They will learn to move
away with a confidence that the parent will be there for them when needed.
64 Nurturing Attachments

Children with avoidant patterns of relating need to experience the parent as

nurturing and responsive. Over time this will help them to relax some of the
more avoidant strategies of relating they have previously learnt and start to trust
the parent, accepting nurture and comfort. In my experience, as some of these
children experience an increase in safety they can become very needy of the
parent’s time and attention, demonstrating this through displays of more
ambivalent-type behaviours. All the unmet need of their past is now accessible
and the child craves the time and attention of the parent. A longer period is
needed to allow the children to develop trust in the reliability of the parent and
for the child to display a pattern of relating that appears more secure.
When children present severe attachment difficulties their expectations are
that parenting will be frightening. These children organize their behaviour
around the need to feel in control. This helps them to feel less afraid and helpless
as they hide their need for comfort and concentrate instead on controlling the
relationship. These children need support to find the experience of being
parented as less stressful and frightening. Only then will they be able to relax
the control and enter into more reciprocal relationships.
The term ‘attachment disorder’, sometimes called ‘reactive attachment dis-
order’, describes children whose early experience provided them with little
opportunity for an attachment relationship. A lack of a consistent caregiver
means that the child cannot make a selective attachment to a parent. When
these children move into a family they do not know how to form meaningful
relationships. Their behaviour is indiscriminate. This means that they are often
indiscriminately but superficially friendly with strangers and family alike. It is a
disturbance in the capacity to develop an attachment relationship that distin-
guishes these children from children with attachment difficulty. These children
need help to learn how to form and use close relationships. This can be a chal-
lenging task. Michael Rutter and his colleagues have followed a group of
children adopted following a period of care in an impoverished institution
(Rutter et al. 2007). These studies have shown that when the children experi-
enced institutionalization for more than six months these disinhibited behaviours
can persist into adolescence. This is in contrast to children who have experience
of selective attachment but who show mild disinhibition of behaviour. Typically
these disinhibited behaviours reduce over time in their adoptive homes.

Supporting children with the experience of loss and separation

Helping children change their expectations of ‘parents’ is not the only challenge
that foster carers and adoptive parents face. They also need to support the
children with their experience of loss of earlier caregivers. When children move
away from their family of origin they experience a loss, even though their early
experience has been detrimental to them. Some researchers, such as Nancy
Verrier (1993), suggest that children experience this loss even when separated
Difficulties in Development: The Impact of Loss and Trauma 65

from their family as a very young baby; at the least the nine-month connection
with mum is severed. Thus children moving into foster or adoptive homes will
be distressed and will need support to recover from this sense of loss.
David Brodzinsky and colleagues point out the importance of this support
being life-long (Brodzinsky, Schechter and Henig 1993). Children will need to
revisit their sense of who they are as an adopted or fostered child as they mature
and pass through different developmental stages. As young children they will
gain their understanding from the story their parents tell them. With maturity
the children start to develop their own story. They will also now develop a more
complex understanding. Thus they may understand that they are special to their
parents, but this understanding will come alongside knowledge that they were
originally born to another family where they appeared not to be special or
wanted. With adolescence and the search for self-understanding the young
people may want to learn more about their origins. A psychological or even a
tangible search for who they are and where they started may occur. Life-story
work is often symbolized as a book providing the facts about the child’s own
history. This work is however much more complex and evolving than this. The
children will need to develop a narrative about self that is added to and embel-
lished as they grow and understand at an increasingly mature level.
Thus for all children living in foster and adoptive homes there is likely to be
a sense of loss, connected to their early attachment experience, that will impact
on their developing relationships. Parents will need to be sensitive to and sup-
portive of these feelings. Even children removed from their mother at birth can
be affected by early experience. Often the mother experienced a high level of
stress during pregnancy. The stress hormones released in the mother affect the
developing baby. The mother may have used substances, alcohol, drugs and
tobacco, that affect development within the womb. These children will need
particularly sensitive early care if they are to recover from this early experience,
and for some children the effects of this will never entirely go. For example,
children with foetal alcohol syndrome are left with impairments that impact on
their development detrimentally.

Helping children recover from the trauma of early adverse

Children with difficulties in attachment will have experienced early parenting,
and the loss of parents, as traumatic. Trauma is experience that is overwhelming
and threatening. In the face of this experience the child feels fearful or helpless.
This leads to stress resulting in the production of stress hormones. These
hormones help the person to cope with the stress. Too high a level of stress
hormone for too long a time however is damaging. The way the body reacts to
experience, and corresponding development within the brain, are affected by
such traumatic experience. Experience of adverse parenting means that the
66 Nurturing Attachments

stress the young child experiences is ongoing, with little relief. Van der Kolk
(2005) describes the quite complex effects of developmental trauma on a child
and in particular the impact on her physiology. Suffice it to say that the experi-
ence of prolonged trauma impacts on the way the child thinks, feels and behaves
as well as on physiological development in the brain and throughout the body.
Traumatic experience of parenting includes abuse, neglect and exposure to
frightening events such as domestic violence or parental use of alcohol and
drugs. Children also experience trauma when their parents are frightened. A
frightened parent is not going to be able to keep his child safe. Although the
child may not be directly affected by the frightening event, this lack of security
in the parent will be stressful. Additionally sometimes the parent is frightened
by the parenting task itself. The neediness of the child in front of him can trigger
early memories of not having his own needs met. The parent becomes
dysregulated by his early experience and is not available to the child. This can be
especially frightening to a young, dependent child.
Clearly in these situations the child is doubly affected. She encounters the
traumatic experience; in addition the parent is not able to provide her with the
experiences of a safe environment needed to recover from trauma. This means
that children experiencing adverse parenting have an increased likelihood of
developing post-traumatic stress reactions.
Recovery from trauma is helped when the child experiences a safe environ-
ment, secure attachment relationships, friendships and the ability to express the
experience through words or play. These conditions provide the child with
resilience to the trauma.
Signs that the child is experiencing a trauma reaction can include:
· Being unable to stop thinking about the trauma.
· Vivid feelings that the trauma is happening all over again. These vivid
memories, which feel like you are back in the original event, are
sometimes called flashbacks.
· Difficulty sleeping at nights.
· Bad dreams.
· Becoming frightened or upset when reminded of the trauma.
· Feeling angry or irritable.
· Not wanting to think or talk about what happened.
· Being reluctant to go out or be with others.
· Hyper-vigilance (being over-attentive to what is going on around them)
and hyper-arousal (being very on edge and quick to react).
· Extreme emotional reactions to further feelings of stress. Quick to anger
or overly fearful.
Difficulties in Development: The Impact of Loss and Trauma 67

When a child feels this degree of trauma on a day-to-day basis she needs a lot of
help from you. Your child will need:
· To feel safe. This is the first priority for children who are traumatized.
Until they start to feel safe they will not be able to benefit from anything
· Your stability and support. Clearly until children experience stability,
and parenting that is continuously available, they will not be able to feel
safe. Your child needs to know that you, or someone equally trusted, are
going to be there when she gets up in the morning, as she returns from
school in the afternoon, and whenever she needs support.
· Structure, predictability and nurture. A high level of structure and
predictability will lead to a sense of continuity and stability. High levels
of nurturing will help your child to feel loved and cared for and will
provide reassurance of your availability.
· Opportunities to talk about experiences. Sometimes children will want
to talk about what has happened to them. Some children will talk to
anyone they meet about this. These children need gently re-directing to
the parent as the appropriate person to talk to. Other children will be
much more reticent about talking to anyone. They may feel that this is
disloyal to their birth parents; or they may prefer to deal with their
experience by not thinking about it. In these cases you need to remain
available and open to your child, allowing her to talk about what she is
comfortable with and helping her to know that you are available when
she does want to talk.
· Your child may use play and drawing to help her to understand past
experience. Often children do not want to talk about the symbolism they
have used to reflect on past experience. It is enough to have just played
or drawn it out. Linking this to their past experience may be too difficult
for them. If your child appears very stuck in the same play or drawing
you might help by giving her an alternative ending, e.g. ‘That doll must
be very scared; maybe the mummy doll will come and give her a cuddle.’
· Safe place visualization. Your child can be helped to visualize a place,
real or imaginary, in which she feels safe and comfortable. When feeling
fearful or worried she can visualize being in this place. A safe place
visualization exercise is included at the end of this chapter.
Angela Hobday (2001) uses the concept of timeholes to help parents under-
stand and manage the trauma reactions of their children. A timehole is a
metaphor to explain the behavioural response that children display in response
to an experience from their past rather than in the present. These types of
responses are characterized by sudden mood changes. The child displays
68 Nurturing Attachments

extreme negative behaviour that appears to be inappropriate to the present situ-

ation. The child may demonstrate regression, extreme emotion or a blocking of
emotion. This can include an intense sense of fear, anger or distress. Your child
can be helped to manage these timeholes. It is important that you avoid getting
angry and being pulled into the timehole with her. Instead provide reassurance
that she is safe; make clear that you are not the abuser and will not behave in the
same way as the abuser. Reassure her that you will love and care for her. After-
wards time can be spent helping her to understand what happened and to
express the feelings she experienced through talking and writing. Children
often like to use the language of timeholes themselves. For example, you can talk
to your child about falling in, stepping around or being pulled out of a timehole.

Exercise 4.1: Safe place visualization

Here is an example of a safe place visualization. This will need adapting for
children of different ages; speak the instructions in a way that the child will
Before you start the exercise spend a few moments thinking with your
child about her safe place. Is it outdoors or indoors? If in a room what else is
in there? If outside where is she? Does she want to stand, sit or lie down?
What can she hear? What can she see? What can she touch? Are there other
people around or is she on her own? Your child might want to draw the
scene or write a description of it. You can use these details to help you visu-
alize this scene for her.
When ready ask your child to get into a comfortable position sitting or
lying down, but arms and legs unfolded.
Suggest that she lets her body relax and focuses on her breathing.
Talk your child through the relaxation process, adjusting the language
used here to suit your child:
‘As you are lying there notice your breathing. Breathe quietly and easily.
Breathe in for the count of three, hold for a moment and then breathe
out for the count of three. Nice and relaxed.’
Continue talking in this way whilst your child gets into a gentle rhythm.
Comment to your child:
‘As you breathe in notice the relaxation spreading through the right side
of your body.
As you breathe out notice the relaxation spreading through the left side
of your body.
As you notice the relaxation spreading you will feel more and more
Enjoy the feeling of relaxation spreading through your body.’
Difficulties in Development: The Impact of Loss and Trauma 69

Let your child breathe gently for a while and then begin the visualization:
‘You are feeling relaxed and comfortable. As you enjoy the feeling of
relaxation notice that you are standing at the top of a small flight of
steps. In a moment I will ask you to walk down these steps. As you walk
down them you will feel more and more relaxed.
Okay, slowly start walking down the steps. With each step you take, you
are feeling more and more relaxed. Enjoy the feeling of relaxation as you
walk down the steps.’
Pause or repeat to allow your child to reach the bottom.
‘You reach the bottom of the steps and notice a door in front of you. In a
moment I will ask you to open the door and walk inside. As you do you
will feel more relaxed, safe and comfortable.
Okay, now open the door and walk through. Notice how relaxed and
comfortable you are as you walk through. This is your special place. In
here you are safe. Enjoy feeling safe as you explore your special place.
You find yourself in…’
Describe the scene as your child described it before starting the exercise.
Make it as real as possible by describing details that can be seen, heard and
touched. Allow your child to spend a little time here enjoying the feeling of
safety that she is experiencing.
‘Okay, now it is time to leave your place. In a moment I will ask you to
walk back to the door. As you do so you will continue to feel relaxed and
safe. You will bring this feeling of relaxation back with you.
Okay, now move back towards the door. As you walk towards the door
you are feeling relaxed and comfortable.
You reach the door, feeling relaxed. Go back through the door and up
the steps once more. With each step you take, you are feeling relaxed
and comfortable. [Pause or repeat whilst your child visualizes climbing
the stairs.] Reach the top of the steps feeling relaxed and comfortable.
Enjoy the feeling of relaxation and comfort that you are experiencing.
In a moment I will ask you to open your eyes. As you do so you will
notice your surroundings once more. You will continue to feel relaxed
and comfortable as you get used to being aware of where you are again.
Okay, in your own time open your eyes and get used to being aware of
being in this room with me.’
Parenting Children with
Difficulties Experiencing
Relationships as Secure
This chapter will explore the task of parenting children with difficulties in
attachment. Ordinary sensitive parenting may not be sufficient to help these
children learn to feel safe and secure within foster and adoptive families. The
difficult issue of when to request therapy will also be discussed. To what extent
can therapy outside of the home facilitate developmental recovery? How can
therapeutic work with the child complement the therapeutic parenting that he is
now experiencing?

How can an understanding of attachment theory influence

Attachment theory provides a framework within which we can understand the
children and the behaviours that they are displaying. This understanding is
useful by itself. Understanding why children behave in the way they do can
reduce feelings of frustration, guilt and blame. Knowing that this behaviour
links to past experience can leave you feeling less that it is your fault or that you
are getting it wrong with this child. This in turn helps you to accept your child
and the difficulties he displays and provides a greater sense of empathy for how
hard relationships are for him. Feeling understood and experiencing empathy is
the starting point from which children develop trust and new ways of relating to

Jenny and Martin are feeling worn out with caring for Catherine and Zoë.
After four years Catherine still remains distant despite all their attempts to
help her develop a deeper, trusting relationship with them. Her ready smiles
hide away all that she is feeling and sometimes when they hold her it is as if they
are holding a cardboard cutout rather than a real child.

72 Nurturing Attachments

On the other hand, although nearly five years old, Zoë continues to be
clingy and needy. No matter whether they maintain attention on her or encour-
age her to need them less she remains petulant and difficult.
Jenny and Martin feel like they are failing these children. They wonder if
they are the right parents for them. Jenny feels that Martin does not understand
how difficult it is to manage Zoë’s constant demands whilst Martin is concerned
by how frustrated Jenny is getting with Catherine. They are beginning to argue
over how they should be managing the children and both are feeling guilty about
the way things are turning out. As time has gone by they have forgotten how dif-
ficult the early lives of Catherine and Zoë were and instead feel that they are to
blame for the children’s continuing difficulties in relating to them.
Jenny and Martin need help and some time apart from the children to re-
flect on what is happening. It is important for them to re-visit the early lives of
the children and to think about how this has impacted on the way they are now.
They might find it useful to learn about attachment theory, and to think about
the way the children relate to them in relation to the patterns of attachment
that can develop.
As they have a deeper understanding of the influence of early relationships
on later behaviour they will begin to understand Catherine’s deep mistrust of
them and their availability to her. They will also learn that Zoë’s behaviour
stems from a fear of abandonment; if she does not keep them attending to her
they might literally forget her and she will be left alone again.
With this understanding will come some acceptance and empathy for the
way the children are. Their feelings of frustration will reduce and they will no
longer feel guilty about their own parenting but will start planning together how
they might move forward and help these children to move on from the trauma
of their past and start to relate to them in a different way.
They are starting out on a difficult journey but they are now more hopeful.
There will be obstacles along the way and times when they feel like they are go-
ing backwards instead of forwards but now they at least understand the jour-
ney they need to make with the girls. They will celebrate small steps and minor
successes, and they will accept continuing difficulties. They will continue to ex-
perience frustration and some guilt at times, but they now recognize this as a
need for ‘time out’. Time to think about what is happening, to make use of sup-
port available to them, time to rebuild their emotional strength. An under-
standing of attachment theory has helped them to make sense of their current
experience and to understand the context that has led to this.

Attachment theory can also provide guidance for parenting your child. The aim
of parenting children with attachment difficulties is to help them experience
increased safety and security with parents: to learn to use the parents as a secure
base, from whom they can leave and return to. They have had to develop
strategies, certain patterns of relating, which increase their feelings of safety.
Alternative experience of being parented helps children to start to trust in parent
availability. The children will not forget the early strategies that they developed
Parenting Children with Difficulties Experiencing Relationships as Secure 73

but they can be helped to use these strategies more reflectively and flexibly, and
to develop new ways of relating. This will allow them to ‘earn’ security. They
will learn to be able to rely on their parent and in turn they will have greater con-
fidence in themselves.
This chapter will introduce you to some initial ideas for parenting children
with attachment difficulties; the next chapter will then explore the parenting
needs of children with different attachment patterns. This will provide you with
a framework for parenting. This framework will be explored in depth in the
remainder of the book as we work through the house model of parenting.

How can we increase feelings of safety for the child?

The environment
Children need to experience a decrease in stress and an increase in support. This
will help them to feel more secure and to develop increased resilience. They
additionally need to experience the world as more predictable and reliable.
Home and school environments need to be set up in a way that decreases the
stress children feel and increases the support available to them.

Jackie has been working hard at providing Luke with a very predictable and re-
sponsive environment. She wants to make it clear to Luke that if he needs her
she will be there. She hopes that in time Luke will learn to direct his needs for
parenting more firmly at her.
This is very demanding on Jackie but she works hard at being available and
nurturing. She develops a consistent routine to the day. Luke is up early in the
morning and Jackie uses the time to linger over the washing and dressing rou-
tine; helping Luke to experience being taken care of. They breakfast together
and then walk to school. At the end of the school day they walk home via the
park. Whatever the weather Luke needs time to run around and let off steam
after the tension of school.
Jackie also builds in regular ‘mum’ times. At these times she will hold and
rock Luke and engage him in very young play. For example, she might sing a lul-
laby to him or read him a simple story. She discovers that he loves nursery
rhymes and teaches him the actions. At first these periods of ‘mum’ time are
short. Luke can only stay with her for brief episodes before he has to run
around the room, but gradually he responds to the routine and the activities
and he is able to be calm and relaxed, often for the only time in the day.
Jackie also keeps Luke close by to her, spending a lot of time playing with
him or letting him watch her as she gets on with some housework. She finds that
Luke is responsive to this attention and availability, although he remains very ac-
tive and impulsive at other times.
74 Nurturing Attachments

The relationship
Children need to experience parents as emotionally available, sensitive and
responsive. A more secure attachment will only arise within the context of stable,
long-term relationships with warm, loving and consistent caregivers.
Vera Fahlberg (1994) suggests that the arousal-relaxation and positive
interaction cycles, used consistently, can help children to learn to trust parents.

This cycle (see Figure 5.1) replicates the early experience an infant has with a
sensitive parent. It can provide your child with a sense of predictability, consis-
tency and reliability. This cycle relies on you noticing when your child is experi-
encing high arousal levels, often because he is distressed or uncomfortable in
some way, although this can also be because of the level of excitement being
experienced. He will display this increased arousal through a range of behav-
iours that can be quite challenging. If you can provide support and empathy this
will help him to modulate high arousal and to experience a sense of relief and
relaxation. It is this experience of co-regulation of high arousal that will help
your child to experience a secure attachment.

Child experiences
discomfort, leading to an
increase in arousal

Child experiences relief Child experiences increased Child displays increased

and relaxation trust and security arousal through

Parent supports, empathizes

and nurtures.
Child is open to experience
attachment security

Figure 5.1 Arousal–relaxation cycle (Adapted from Fahlberg (1994). ‘A Child’s

Journey Through Placement’. Copyright © BAAF. Reproduced with kind permission.)
Parenting Children with Difficulties Experiencing Relationships as Secure 75

As Rita and Frank begin to understand that Marcus’s aggression is an indication

of his feelings of distress and fear they plan to deal with it in a different way. In-
stead of becoming angry back, or trying to find ways of showing Marcus how
naughty he is being, they will see the increased aggression as reflecting an in-
crease in stress. They will look for ways to reduce the stress he is experiencing.
They will increase the amount of empathy they are providing, showing under-
standing for the difficult feelings that are underlying the increase in aggressive
One Saturday Marcus has come in from playing out. He is clearly uptight
and he appears on edge. Frank decides to make him a drink in the hope that this
will help him calm down. He hands a glass of blackcurrant squash to Marcus.
Marcus takes it and throws it down, shouting that he wants orange. Frank ig-
nores the spilt drink and comments instead on what a hard time Marcus has had
this morning. He wonders aloud if he has found the children playing out difficult
today. Marcus angrily turns away but Frank notices a slight relaxing of the shoul-
ders. He continues talking, commenting on how difficult it can be when kids
start picking on you.
Marcus looks at him and says, ‘I hate Adam, he never lets me join in.’
Frank continues with the empathy. ‘It sure sounds like Adam was mean to
you today. I bet you would have loved to join in as well.’
‘Yeh, I hate him. I’m good at football. I could have won too!’
Frank agrees. ‘Yes, remember how you ran rings around me when we went
to the park? You sure ran fast that day.’
Marcus smiles, remembering, but then his feelings from the day surface
again. ‘I still hate Adam. I’m going to knock him out tomorrow.’
Frank empathizes but this time talking more quietly. ‘Yes, it’s very difficult
when you are left out. It feels like nobody in the world likes you. I bet you do feel
like hitting him, showing him how strong you are, but I wonder if it would help
Marcus gives a deep sigh and then says to Frank, ‘If I clear up that spill will
you make me another drink?’
‘Sure thing, kiddo. Would you like blackcurrant or orange?’
Marcus looks up from where he is now wiping the spilled juice and gives a
sheepish smile: ‘Blackcurrant please.’


Finding ways to provide positive experiences for children who find it hard to
feel a sense of fun in life and to feel positive about themselves can be quite chal-
lenging. It is however well worth the effort. As your child responds positively
self-worth and self-esteem will increase. Your child will feel more positive about
himself and more valued by you (see Figure 5.2).
76 Nurturing Attachments

Parent provides child with

experiences of a fun and
loving relationship

Child responds Child experiences Child may initially resist

positively increase in self-worth these experiences, or
and self-esteem feel overwhelmed by

Parent supports child, providing

empathy for feelings and
encouragement to participate
more fully

Figure 5.2 Positive interaction cycle (Adapted from Fahlberg (1994). ‘A Child’s
Journey Through Placement’. Copyright © BAAF. Reproduced with kind permission.)

Jenny and Martin have noticed how Catherine likes to make pots out of
play-doh. She will spend ages moulding it into just the right shape, before
squashing it all back down again. They wonder if she would enjoy clay model-
ling, making a pot that she can keep. They decide to take her to the Saturday
morning clay session at the arts studio. Catherine is nervous to start with, and is
reluctant to touch the clay. Marianne, the class instructor, notices her reluc-
tance and comes over to her. She shows Martin and Catherine how to squash
the clay down and roll it into different shapes. With no pressure to make any-
thing in particular she soon has them rolling out shapes, squashing it down again
and then making a different shape. Soon Catherine is absorbed. She starts to
mould a pot as she does with her play-doh. She is about to squash it down when
Martin puts a hand on her arm. ‘Hey Catherine, that is a great pot. Would you
like to keep that one to put your pencils in?’ Catherine eyes him suspiciously but
then agrees. The following week they return so that Catherine can paint her pot
before it is fired. She chooses to paint it with coloured stripes like a rainbow.
Catherine is very proud when she brings her rainbow pot home. She sits it on
her desk in her bedroom and fills it with her pens and pencils.
Parenting Children with Difficulties Experiencing Relationships as Secure 77

A third cycle has developed out of the observations of Allan Schore (1994) (see
Figure 5.3). He describes the natural cycle of attunement and interactive repair that
occurs between the parent and young child. With increasing mobility children
need parents to keep them safe and to teach appropriate behaviour for different
situations. This process is called socialization.
When you demonstrate disapproval toward your child a state of
mis-attunement is created between you, and he experiences the emotion of
shame. You then help him to manage this increase in negative arousal through a
process of co-regulation. You establish re-attunement with your child who once
again experiences feeling loved and cared for. Your relationship has been

Child feels connection to carer
Child feels loved, of value
Child experiences empathy

Breaking of attunement
Interactive repair Discipline, breaking of
Child feels supported connection
Child learns self-regulation

Figure 5.3 Attunement and interactive repair cycle

Jenny and Zoë are busy making a collage together. Jenny has been collecting up
all the pictures that Zoë has been cutting out and is showing her how they can
stick them all on a piece of card. Zoë is very absorbed in this task when the
phone rings. Jenny suggests that Zoë stick the next two pictures on whilst she
gets the phone. As Jenny is talking she can see Zoë through the doorway. Zoë
sticks the next picture on her collage and then calls out to Jenny. Jenny signals to
her to wait a moment, but Zoë is looking uncomfortable. Looking at Jenny she
picks up the pot of glue and tips it over. Jenny hurriedly finishes the call and an-
grily points out what Zoë has done. Zoë looks aghast and quickly shouts out: ‘I
didn’t do it, it wasn’t me.’ Jenny is about to retort that of course it was her, she
saw her do it, when she remembers what she has learnt about a child’s feeling of
shame when they do something wrong. She bends down so that she is at
eye-level to Zoë and says: ‘We were having such a good time making the
collage, I bet you felt really cross when the phone rang.’ Zoë hides her face, bury-
ing it into Jenny’s jumper. ‘Now we are going to have to spend the rest of our time
78 Nurturing Attachments

clearing up the mess instead of finishing the collage, what a pity.’ Zoë is crying
now and gently Jenny cuddles her and wipes her eyes. ‘I’m sorry mummy, I did-
n’t mean to spill the glue.’ Jenny cuddles her for a while longer and then says: ‘I
think you spilled the glue to show me how much you wanted me to come back
to you, but now we have a big mess to clean up. No more collage today.’ As she
gets two cloths and gives one to Zoë, Jenny says: ‘You are very special to me
and I will always come back to you.’

These cycles can provide a parenting approach that helps your child to
experience his strong feelings being supported. Your child can find out that rela-
tionships can be positive and fun and that he can learn to tolerate feelings of
shame; that relationships can survive things going wrong.

Therapeutic help
Many children living in adoptive or foster homes appear so troubled that those
caring for them feel that therapy will be necessary. However, this often arises
from a misunderstanding of what therapy is and what it can do. Children are
seen as not happy and therapy is seen as a way of helping them to be happier.
Children are seen as behaving badly and therapy is seen as a way of helping
them to behave better. This is understandable. A definition of therapeutic is to
provide a cure or treatment. This view of therapy however rests on a medical
model of helping people with psychological problems; the difficulty is viewed
as being within the child and therefore treatment can be used with the child to
make it better. People’s psychological difficulties are however more complex
than this; problems emerge out of a complex range of factors that interact. For
this reason a range of therapies have emerged aimed at helping the child, the
family or the school. These interventions may involve working with the child,
but often the focus is on the environments within which the child lives.

Marcus has a problem in that he gets very angry. This is a problem for him be-
cause when he gets angry he then feels bad. Marcus is left feeling that he is the
naughtiest boy in the world. This is a problem for Rita, Frank and for his teach-
ers. They have to manage Marcus when he is being angry and aggressive; they
sometimes get hurt by him and they have to stop him hurting other children.
Rita and Frank would like Marcus to get help. They hope that therapy
would help Marcus to stop being angry so often. Marcus does not want to talk
to anyone. He does not think he has a problem; when he is angry he always sees
it as being someone else’s problem. ‘Mum wouldn’t let me watch television’,
‘Jack took my pencil’, ‘The work was too difficult’. Marcus cannot think about
anger as being his problem because that would increase his feeling of being bad;
it would increase his negative self-esteem. By blaming others he is able to de-
fend against this feeling of badness.
There are also a number of reasons why Marcus gets angry.
Parenting Children with Difficulties Experiencing Relationships as Secure 79

Sometimes he becomes overwhelmed by frustration or stress. He cannot

regulate this level of stress and thus he becomes angry.
Sometimes Marcus feels close to Rita and Frank; he starts to enjoy being
with them. Even after three years this is frightening for Marcus; being close to
‘parents’ leads to hurt and fear. Marcus needs to put some distance between
himself and his foster parents; he uses anger to do this.
Sometimes Marcus feels very sad. He cannot cope with feeling sad; when
he was little, feeling sad did not lead to comfort. Marcus has learnt that he can
stop the feelings of sadness by being angry.
Marcus believes other people don’t like him; he is oversensitive to signs of
dislike in others. He thinks that he is disliked because he is Afro-Caribbean, or
because his hair is different, or because he lives in foster care. Deep down
Marcus cannot believe that he can be liked because he never experienced this
from his own parents. When he is told no; when he notices Rita or Frank look-
ing tense; when he is asked why he has done something, Marcus experiences
rejection; this frightens him and he gets angry.
Marcus’s anger can also be understood in terms of his past experience. His
early relationships did not provide him with the experience necessary to de-
velop good emotional regulation abilities.
He also learnt to interact with other people based on these past relation-
ships. His experience of being moved from his birth family and multiple place-
ments has left him prone to feeling rejected.
Rita and Frank can unwittingly contribute to Marcus’s difficulties with an-
ger. They try to remain calm with him, but there are times when they feel very
frustrated with him. On days when he is being particularly provocative and defi-
ant they can end up ‘losing it’. They shout at him and threaten him. Marcus is re-
minded of his early life; he suspects it is only a matter of time until he is hurt or
abandoned again. His pattern of relating with them is reinforced.
Marcus’s anger occurs for a multitude of reasons. This is not just his prob-
lem and ‘therapy’ for Marcus is unlikely to make a lot of difference.

If the reasons that children have problems are complex then therapeutic inter-
ventions will also need to be complex. Individual therapy for children sets up an
expectation that children can be ‘made better’, can be helped to adjust to the
social environments that they interact with. This type of therapy does not look
at the other side of this and consider how social environments can be adjusted to
help children feel more secure and comfortable. Family therapy can provide
help to the family environment, but this may not take into account the alternate
family experience that the children have experienced prior to entering this
family. Behavioural therapies can be used to help children modify their behav-
iour; but these may not take into account core deficits they have in managing
their emotion or in living within relationships. Finding therapeutic help is
therefore a difficult and frustrating process.
80 Nurturing Attachments

Marcus’s feelings of anger are difficult for everyone. Marcus does not under-
stand why he gets angry and therefore it is hard for him to take responsibility. It
is hard to live with Marcus without getting frustrated and angry. Rita and Frank
are willing to try to parent Marcus in a way that helps him feel less angry, but
they are only human and he can drive them to distraction. The school teacher
knows that Marcus finds the structure of school and the need to interact with
the other children difficult but there is only a certain amount of time that he can
spend helping Marcus.
They all want Marcus to get help, but it is unlikely that individual help for
Marcus would make a substantial difference without some changes within the
home and school environment.
Lastly, the severity of difficulty that Marcus experienced when he was
young is likely to have left him with neurodevelopmental difficulties – in particu-
lar, difficulties regulating emotion and problems in making sense of his experi-
ence. This will slow down his capacity to benefit from help being provided.
Marcus will need time, patience and long-term relationships so that he can
learn to feel better about himself, experience more confidence in others and
can develop the capacity to manage his feelings, and to express these in a more
socially appropriate way.

Children with complex difficulties therefore need long-term help that is also
extended to their parents and the other people caring for them. There is no
quick fix, but there is a need for a high level of support for parent, teacher and
child. What are needed are a range of flexible intervention packages that can use
any from the whole spectrum of interventions, combined in a way that meets the
needs of individual children or young people, their family and their community.
A starting point for helping a child needs to attend to how safe he is feeling
within the range of environments he encounters. This means helping the child
to develop positive relationships, from which he can elicit care and comfort
when needed. The parents, teachers and other adults supporting the child in his
day-to-day life need to find ways to provide a safe environment. They need to
demonstrate their availability and nurturing care despite any difficult behaviour
being demonstrated. This means being able to offer an attuned relationship
with opportunities to repair this relationship when it meets difficulty. The adults
need to remain regulated especially when the child is distressed and
dysregulated. Alongside this co-regulation experience the adults offer the child
empathy for what he is feeling and help to make sense of his experience. As the
child develops the capacity for self-regulation and learns to understand himself
and those around him he will be able to tolerate more stressful environments.
Alongside this the child will experience more day-to-day success leading to the
development of a more positive self-identity and improved self-esteem.
Parenting Children with Difficulties Experiencing Relationships as Secure 81

Thus helping a child begins with relationships from which the child can
elicit support, care and comfort. As Beverly James (1994) suggests, such a
protective and supportive environment will allow children to commit to rela-
tionships within which they can heal from past hurts and say goodbye to lost
relationships. The child will experience adults as containing and nurturing,
allowing the child to feel safe, to develop resilience and to grow emotionally.
It is the parenting provided for the child that provides a therapeutic envi-
ronment. This is the starting point for recovery and needs to be in place before
therapist-directed therapy is likely to be useful. As the child experiences a
healthy parenting environment he will develop the capacity to relate to a wider
range of peers and adults. This replicates early attachment experience; the infant
feels secure with the parent and with maturity will use this security to explore
the world and develop other relationships. As children experience success and
supportive relationships they will be more ready to develop an understanding of
their past experience and the impact this has had on them; to develop a coherent
narrative about who they are and where they have come from. At this point some
children may benefit from the help of a therapist perhaps using play, artwork or
narrative work to help them explore themselves and their current and past
As the children learn to trust adults to protect them and develop security in
the relationships they encounter, they will be able to address issues from their
past and current experience without being overwhelmed by them.
If you are a parent struggling with a child with difficulties this may sound
unhelpful and burdensome. You are not managing to help your child feel safe
and secure, and yet you are being told that until he is feeling safe and secure then
therapy will not be helpful. You do need help and support. A therapist can help
you reflect on your parenting and the family environment and help you to find
ways to increase feelings of security for your child. This help might come
through group work, providing you with the valuable support of other parents
as well. Alternatively you might be able to find a therapist who will work with
you and your child together. The focus of this therapy will be on helping your
child to feel more secure with you. An adoption/fostering-sensitive family ther-
apist might be able to work with the whole family to find ways of relating with
each other that make you all feel more comfortable and secure. Finally, a thera-
pist might give you opportunities to ‘offload’, to share the burden. This will give
you opportunities to emotionally re-charge, and help you keep going in the face
of what is likely to be slow change.
Parenting and Patterns
of Attachment

If helping your child starts with parenting then it is important to think about
how your parenting can be tailored to the particular needs of your child.
Thinking about parenting in terms of the patterns of attachment that children
develop from their early relationships can be helpful.
Children need to experience parenting that replicates good infant–parent
interactions. These need to be sensitive, responsive, empathic and attuned.
However, there is an added complexity because of the children’s past experience
of being parented. This means that they will have learnt to distort the way that
they express needs.
Parenting has to be sensitive and responsive to both the expressed and the
hidden emotional needs. You therefore need to be able to accurately interpret
your child’s need for nurturance. This is despite sometimes difficult and alienat-
ing behaviours, as she expects you to be unavailable, unpredictable or rejecting.
Mary Dozier (2003) suggests that these expectations need to be gently chal-
lenged with available, predictable and accepting care.
This parenting task is made difficult because as children continue to
respond to their past experience they may:
· Experience increased anxiety at the possibility of a close, intimate
relationship. This triggers their learnt attachment behaviours of
avoidance, clinginess or control, as described below.
· Avoid intimacy and dependence, or become clingy and overly
· Act in a way that elicits hurt and rejection.
· Cling to premature autonomy, appearing more independent than they
should do for their age, or to infantile behaviours, appearing
emotionally young and dependent for their age.

84 Nurturing Attachments

· Become very manipulative and controlling, thus preventing the parent

from providing security or nurturance.
All of these different ways of behaving can present a challenge. They each in
their own way make it difficult for you to be sensitive and responsive to your
child. The starting point needs to be an acceptance of why she is displaying par-
ticular behaviours. From this stance of acceptance you can then lead her in to
new ways of relating to you. Your acceptance and understanding will build trust.
Trust builds your child’s confidence to try out different ways of relating.

Parenting the child with an ambivalent attachment pattern of

The child who brings an ambivalent style of relating into the new home
expresses the need for continuing attention from the parent very clearly. ‘Stay
close to me. Where are you going?’ Often these children will follow the parent,
even to the bathroom. They also find it difficult if the parent is trying to talk to
someone else, and they can keep up a constant chatter just to make sure that the
parent keeps attending to them. Thus the children’s expressed need is for:
· Reassurance of the availability of the parent. They fear psychological
abandonment, the parent not noticing them or being attentive to them,
and thus they seek reassurance all the time.
· Predictability and consistency. Insecurity increases with changes of
routine, at times of transition or when others behave inconsistently.
· Structure and routine. High levels of structure and routine help the
children to feel more secure.
· Co-regulation of emotion that is expressed. The children are quickly
overwhelmed by their feelings. They need help to manage these
feelings, otherwise the feelings control them.
The children also have hidden needs. These are emotional needs that they hide
away because they conflict with the expressed needs.
· Support to be apart – the children need help to learn to be apart and to
feel secure that the parent will be there when needed.
· Support to be able to trust their knowledge of the world and not just to
rely on their feelings. The children need to learn that they can trust that
the parents will do as they say.

Zoë has learnt to relate to Jenny and Martin with this ambivalent pattern. Her
early experience taught her that parents can become unavailable at any time,
and that she is not very effective in getting their attention at these times. Zoë
has learnt to fear psychological abandonment. She keeps Jenny in her sight at all
Parenting and Patterns of Attachment 85

times; she reminds her that she is there through constant talking, through a vari-
ety of challenging behaviours and through clinginess and dependence. She
learnt with Karen that ‘mums’ are more likely to offer nurture to babies than to
older children. Zoë clings to ‘baby’ behaviours; she does not want to be a
big girl.
This is a demanding task, especially for Jenny who is the primary focus of
Zoë’s anxiety. No matter how much she meets Zoë’s need for attention it is
never enough. Zoë’s needs are bottomless. Some days Jenny just can’t remain
calm and sensitive with Zoë. She gets snappy and irritable. This increases Zoë’s
feelings of insecurity and she becomes clingier. It feels like every step forward
leads to two back.
The task for Jenny, supported by Martin, is to provide a very structured and
predictable routine for Zoë. She needs clear reminders and support at times of
change such as when she is going to school; and reassurance, perhaps with a
tangible reminder, that she will be re-united with Jenny again when they are
apart. A note in her lunch box, a piece of Jenny’s scarf sewn into the inside of
her school jumper, and some idea of what Jenny will be doing during the day all
help Zoë to manage school more easily.
Jenny and Martin will offer Zoë a high level of reassurance of their support
for her. She needs to know they are predictably available to her, but they will
also provide a gentle challenge to this. They will build in brief periods when Zoë
has to wait a little, gradually increasing the time as she manages these periods.
She will receive quiet praise for coping. When Zoë appears very insecure how-
ever they will be there, demonstrating that when she needs them most they will
respond. Zoë will receive empathy for how hard and scary it is wondering if
they will be there when she needs them. They will also need to notice when
Zoë is becoming emotionally aroused, stepping in and co-regulating this emo-
tion with her. Thus they might spend time with her, talk quietly to her, change
the activity, or give her a cuddle until the emotion subsides.
They will also help Zoë to understand cause and effect so that she is not
only relying on her feelings to guide her behaviour. When Zoë falls and needs a
plaster Martin points out to her: ‘You cried when you fell; I bet that hurt. I heard
you and came; now I am cleaning it up and putting a plaster on.’ Jenny reminds
her: ‘Zoë, when I was on the phone to grandma last week you tipped all the cut-
lery out of the drawer. I guess you were really cross that I was being so long, but
then I had to wash all the cutlery and we couldn’t finish the puzzle. Today, I
talked to grandma for ten minutes; now we have time to do some drawing be-
fore lunch.’
Zoë will be helped to do more for herself; this too will be in small steps.
When she wants to be dressed by Jenny they will do it together; when she
wants to be fed they will take it in turns. Very gradually Zoë will be supported to
do more for herself. To help with this Zoë will have a regular ‘mum’ time each
evening whilst Martin helps Catherine with her homework. For 15 minutes Zoë
can experience what it would be like to be Jenny’s baby. She enjoys being cud-
dled, and for a while wants to be fed with a bottle during these times. Lately she
has preferred to cuddle into Jenny whilst Jenny reads her a story. All the time
86 Nurturing Attachments

Jenny lets her know that this is how she would have looked after her as a baby.
Zoë’s trust in Jenny increases as she experiences this special nurturing time.
Jenny and Martin know they need some time for themselves. They have
made an arrangement with their friends who have also adopted two children.
They are going to baby-sit for each other on alternate Friday nights. They are
going to make Zoë a visual calendar to remind her when it is Friday so their go-
ing out isn’t unexpected.
Some days are going to be bad; Jenny and Martin will be irritable or tired.
Some days Zoë’s demands are just too much. It is important they don’t feel
guilty or too despondent on these days. They might find it helpful to go to a sup-
port group with other adoptive parents; this will remind them that they are not
the only ones who have difficult days with the children. They can reassure Zoë
that all is well once they are feeling a bit emotionally stronger again. ‘Zoë, we
had a difficult day yesterday. Mummy was worried about a letter she had to
write and I think you felt very wobbly in your tummy when I was cross. I love
you and will always be here for you.’ On good days they will celebrate their suc-
cesses. ‘Zoë, you did so well getting ready for bed by yourself. Shall we have the
special biscuits for supper?’

Parenting the child with an avoidant attachment pattern of relating

The child who brings an avoidant style of relating into the new home expresses
the need for self-reliance very clearly. ‘I don’t need you; I can do it by myself; I
am not hurt.’ These children appear to manage very well and therefore can cause
little concern, but parents often report that they feel there is something missing
in the relationship, and that underneath they don’t feel their child is happy. Thus
the children’s expressed need is:
· to be left alone, to get on with it themselves.
The conflicting emotional needs that are hidden away are:
· Help to feel comfort and safety with the parent.
· Support to accept nurturing. These children find it difficult to let down
their guard and allow the parent to provide them with comfort and care.
· Co-regulation of emotion that is hidden. These children dissociate or
cut-off from feelings. Like children with ambivalent patterns of
attachment these children also struggle to regulate emotion but they deal
with this in a very different way. Instead of the feelings emerging in an
uncontrolled way they are inhibited. The children do not learn to handle
these feelings.
· Help to trust emotion and to know that it will be acceptable to others.
The children do not express the way they are feeling because they fear
that this will push the parent further away. They feel safer if they contain
their feelings rather than express them.
Parenting and Patterns of Attachment 87

Catherine’s early life was different to Zoë’s. She learnt to relate to adults with
an avoidant pattern. Her early experience taught her that showing emotions
overwhelms other people. Catherine’s need of Fiona was frightening for Fiona
and so Catherine learnt not to show this need. She stopped trusting her feelings
and learnt to be very vigilant of the mood and behaviour of other people.
When she moved in with Jenny and Martin, Catherine could not relax and
express, or even understand, how she felt. Instead she would think about how
to behave depending upon the situation. If she thought that Jenny and Martin
wanted her to be happy, she would be happy. If they asked her if she would like
to go shopping, she would decide whether they wanted her to go and answer
accordingly. At school she figured out how to behave by watching the other
children. She kept her own feelings locked tightly away. In this way others
would not witness them, but neither could she understand how she was feeling.
As time has gone on Catherine is relaxing a little. At nine years of age she
can enjoy feeling a part of this family, can relax and enjoy some spontaneous
feelings of pleasure and happiness. The more negative emotions continue to be
difficult however. If she experiences a moment of sadness, for example, and it is
not tightly controlled she experiences fear. Catherine then becomes very angry
with Jenny and Martin. These angry outbursts can be intense but will be quickly
over as Catherine gains control again. She will also be angry if she feels espe-
cially close to them; maybe they are having a loving time together. At these
times Catherine can be quite provocative, trying to put some distance back into
the relationship.
In some ways looking after Catherine is less tiring than looking after Zoë.
Catherine is often very compliant, and she will play, read or draw happily by
herself. She is also quite self-reliant, not wanting their help and being uncom-
fortable with comfort when she is hurt or distressed. If Catherine falls over, for
example, she will call out that she is all right almost before she even touches the
ground. She is generally quiet and well behaved.
Over time however this has become quite wearing for Jenny and Martin.
They feel as if they can’t quite get hold of Catherine; the relationship does not
feel quite real. They try and cuddle Catherine and make a fuss of her, and she
will cuddle them back, but always Catherine seems to be trying to please them
rather than enjoying the relationship with them. They try to help Catherine un-
derstand her feelings but worry about how impressionable she is. If they tell her
she is feeling sad, Catherine readily agrees. Like a very young child Catherine
can only understand her inner life through the eyes of her mum and dad. These
interactions are important for her; only after this help from her parents is she
able to understand how she feels herself.
Jenny often feels guilty; she spends a lot of time with Zoë and she is aware
that she isn’t giving enough time to Catherine. The fact that Catherine does not
complain only adds to her guilt.
Jenny and Martin need to parent Catherine differently to Zoë. They need
to give Catherine some space, and allow her time to be distant from them. It is
hard work for Catherine to spend too much time with them; she needs to relax
88 Nurturing Attachments

by herself. Jenny and Martin are careful however to also make some demands
on Catherine, to spend time with them and to let them help her. They provide a
gentle challenge to her not needing them. They are careful to demonstrate to
Catherine that they are going to keep her safe and that they will be available to
comfort her when she experiences distress. They talk to her about feelings, de-
scribing their own feelings and making guesses about how Catherine might be
feeling. They try to mirror her inner feelings, thoughts and beliefs back to her, to
help Catherine become more in touch with her internal mental state.
A trip to the dentist, for example, gives Jenny an opportunity to talk to
Catherine about her own anxiety when taken to the dentist as a child. She talks
about how her tummy would churn up whilst waiting to go in. She notices
Catherine clenching her hands and wonders if maybe Catherine feels a little
anxious. Although Catherine protests that she is not feeling anxious, Jenny reas-
sures her that she will stay with her throughout.
Jenny and Martin also decide to look for opportunities to nurture
Catherine. If she has a cut or bruise they pay special attention to it. Jenny
spends time helping Catherine to style her hair, providing opportunities for
close physical contact. Catherine is not too comfortable being cuddled but they
find out that she likes having her feet massaged. Special ‘mum’ times for
Catherine consist of a foot massage whilst they talk about their day. This is an
opportunity to talk to Catherine about how she is feeling. ‘I bet you were really
pleased that the teacher read out your story. Were you thinking how much the
teacher liked your story? Maybe you felt like smiling.’ Or ‘That was really mean
of Ben to take your pencil without asking. Did you think that he should have
found his own pencil? I wonder if you felt very cross with him.’ This time always
ends with Catherine’s favourite activity, reading a story together.
Jenny and Martin are coping with two children who both need to experi-
ence feeling safe and secure and both need to trust in their parents’ reliability
and responsivity; but they are expressing this in very different ways. This is hard
work and they often feel despondent. Although Zoë is hard work they at least
feel needed by her. It is difficult to keep on providing Catherine with the experi-
ence of a relationship that she appears so uncomfortable with. Progress is very
slow and it is particularly discouraging to see how Catherine quickly turns back
to her old ways of comforting herself when she is especially stressed. They al-
ways know that something is bothering her when she sits sucking her thumb
and twiddling her hair until she pulls it out. Often they wonder if they are ‘right’
for Catherine, whether someone else might be able to reach her more easily. It
is an act of faith for Jenny and Martin to continue parenting Catherine in this way
day after day, trusting that this will be helpful for her in the long run.

Parenting the child with a disorganized/controlling attachment

pattern of relating
The child who brings a disorganized, controlling style of relating into the new
home expresses the need to be in control very clearly. ‘You will do as I want. It
Parenting and Patterns of Attachment 89

will be done my way. I will take control of everything.’ These children can
appear angry and manipulative. They can overtly control, or they may be
subtler, controlling behind the parents’ back. Stealing and lying are common.
The children appear tough but are often very scared inside. Thus the children’s
expressed need is:
· to be in control.
The conflicting emotional needs that are hidden away are that they:
· need help to feel safe. Predominantly the children do not feel safe or
secure, and do not know how to elicit help from others.
· need a low stress environment. These children are not able to tolerate
very much stress. They quickly dysregulate, or become emotionally
overwhelmed. This then leads to an increase in the controlling
behaviours as they try to feel safe or secure again.
· need help to develop emotional regulation. The children have very little
capacity to regulate their feelings. They quickly become overwhelmed
and the feelings are acted out rather than understood and processed.
· need help to develop reflective function abilities. The children have very
little ability to stop and reflect on how they or others are feeling. They
react but rarely stop and think.

Marcus arrived in his placement with Rita and Frank determined to show them
who is in control. He needs to be in control of everything. Marcus’s early expe-
rience has taught him that to appear weak is to be hurt and so he keeps on dem-
onstrating how strong and powerful he is. He is defiant, quarrelsome and often
very insulting to Rita and Frank. He is very ‘in their face’ as he demands, refuses
or complains.
Marcus however can also be loving and helpful. He will give Rita a cuddle or
willingly help with tasks around the house. It often feels like looking after two
Marcus’s rather than one. He is either ‘golden’ or obnoxious. There is no in be-
One area that Rita and Frank find particularly difficult is Marcus’s tendency
to lie to them. He goes upstairs for a shower, comes back still with dirty hands
and face and insists that he has taken the shower. Nothing they can say shakes
his conviction that he has indeed taken this shower. They also find that if they
leave small change around, it will go missing. Again Marcus swears that he hasn’t
had it, although the sweet wrappers in his bedroom tell another story. Even
more seriously he will appear with items from school, including a mobile phone
on one occasion. He concocts elaborate stories to explain how he has come by
Marcus’s need to feel in control is so strong that Rita and Frank find it diffi-
cult to oppose it. If they try to take control themselves they find themselves in
endless control battles, which Marcus always wins. They need to find a way of
90 Nurturing Attachments

maintaining the important boundaries whilst allowing Marcus some measure of

control within these.
Marcus’s overriding need is to feel safe. It is important for Rita and Frank to
provide a tight structure and routine with a high level of predictability. They also
try to remain calm and quiet. They know that signs of disapproval, irritation
and, of course, anger increase Marcus’s level of fear, provoking even more diffi-
cult behaviour from him.
This is challenging; despite their best efforts Marcus can provoke them to
anger. They have to learn to be very aware of their own rising stress levels so
that they can walk away before he gets too much for them. This is more difficult
because they need to provide such a high level of supervision. Marcus wants to
play out with the other lads in the neighbourhood but he quickly gets into trou-
ble. The other boys don’t like the way he tries to take over the games, or his an-
ger when things don’t go his way. Rita and Frank make sure that he only goes
out for short periods; and that he has opportunities to bring friends home in-
stead, where they can keep a closer eye on him. Unfortunately Marcus resents
this, feeling that he isn’t being allowed what the other lads have.
Rita and Frank also learn quickly not to provide too much excitement for
Marcus. In the early days they wanted to give him experiences he had previ-
ously missed out on. They would plan a treat. Marcus would eagerly look for-
ward to this, but his behaviour became worse and worse the closer it came.
Not wanting to disappoint him they would go ahead with the plan, only to have
to cut it short as his behaviour became more difficult. Marcus was not able to
manage his increasing excitement; he became dysregulated quickly as this emo-
tion overwhelmed him.
An increase in anxiety has the same effect, as demonstrated by his increas-
ingly difficult behaviour. Rita and Frank try to spot Marcus’s increasing level of
arousal, stepping in early and spending more time with him as they try to regu-
late this arousal for him. They also try and slow Marcus down, helping him to
stop and think. Marcus finds it very difficult to understand the link between his
behaviour and its consequence. Rita and Frank try to provide him with short,
clear instructions and to help him understand consequences. ‘When you do
this, then…’, ‘If you do that then…’
Caring for Marcus is a full-time job for Rita and Frank, and they try to sup-
port each other as much as they can. If one of them is becoming angry or frus-
trated the other tries to step in to provide a break. They also make sure they
keep talking to each other. Marcus often plays one off against the other. ‘Rita
said I could…’, ‘Frank promised me…’ He also tries to persuade one of them
of some injustice done to him by the other. Sharing these experiences and plan-
ning consistent responses are an important element of their parenting of

Parenting the child who has not learnt to selectively attach

The child who has experienced severe neglect in early life has been deprived of
experiencing a parent as either available or unavailable to meet emotional needs.
Parenting and Patterns of Attachment 91

The parent is simply not there often enough for the child to begin to conceive of
people being available to help soothe distress. Thus these children do not under-
stand that relationships could be significant or important for them. They will
use relationships opportunistically and indiscriminately.
The expressed need is:
· If I need something I will use whoever is around.
· I will not commit to relationships at more than a superficial level.
The hidden needs are:
· for an available, dependable, continuous parent, but not having
experience of this, the child has no sense that this is a possibility.

Luke arrived in placement with Jackie as if he had always lived there. He shows
no sign of missing his mother or his sister. He makes few demands on Jackie but
talks excitedly to anyone who comes to the house. He acts as if everyone is his
best friend. This can be quite endearing although his apparent trust of everyone
means that he has to be carefully supervised. If Jackie turns her back in the park
Luke might just as easily walk off with one of the other mothers rather than
seek her out. If a respite break is arranged Luke goes off happily and then ar-
rives back as if there has been no break.
Jackie needs to teach Luke what a parent is. Luke has missed out on so
much in his young life that he needs to be shown that parents can cuddle, feed,
provide for and generally be available.
Luke also has to be taught how to treat other people. A cuddle for the
postman needs to be re-directed back to Jackie. If he tries to tell the man in the
corner shop his life story Jackie explains that it is fine to talk to her, but not to
talk in this way to people they only know casually.
These lessons are only slowly learnt. A lack of early critical experience
combined with learning difficulties means that it is very difficult for Luke to learn
to behave with people differently. Whilst he becomes used to, and even enjoys,
the high level of nurture that Jackie provides for him he continues to experience
difficulty in moving beyond superficial relationships: relationships in which he
gets what he wants but cannot understand that he might reciprocate. He can-
not develop a deeply satisfying mutual relationship with Jackie.
Part 2
A Model for Parenting the
Child with Difficulties in
Attachment Relationships:
Providing a Secure Base
Introduction to the Model
and Creating a Secure Base

In this chapter I provide an overview of the house model of parenting (see

Figure 7.1).

Thinking, feeling and behavioural choices

Supporting feelings and containing behaviours
Choices and consequences Praise and rewards

Stepping aside from confrontation
Empathy before discipline, remain calm, avoid battles
Structure and supervision
Provide predictability, help child to feel safe
Parenting with PACE
Playfulness Acceptance Regulate emotion Curiosity Empathy
Make sense of experience
Helping children enjoy

Rest, relaxation, Support to manage
Looking after yourself stress

Rituals Belonging Claiming

Family atmosphere
Provide emotional
support, empathy and Attunement Understand yourself
interactive repair


Figure 7.1 The house model of parenting (Adapted from ‘The House Model of
Parenting’ in Golding et al. (2006). Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Reproduced
with kind permission.)

96 Nurturing Attachments

In the following chapters we will work through this model, exploring each
element in depth, whilst considering the difficulties and challenges you might
meet along the way.
Attachment theory can help us to understand the difficulties that children
living in foster care or adoptive homes can experience. Understanding the influ-
ence of early experience on the way that children respond to later parenting can
help us to make sense of challenging behaviour and emotional difficulties.
Understanding the children is a starting point for helping them to have a very
different experience of attachment relationships. However, if children are going
to be able to develop a more secure attachment relationship in their new home then
they will need to experience a very different type of parenting. This parenting
needs to go beyond meeting the typical needs of children to also helping them
to recover from their early experience.
The house model of parenting is based upon our knowledge of how
children build secure attachment relationships in infancy, and how this can be
adapted to help older children to also achieve a more secure attachment with foster
carers or adoptive parents. This model draws on the work of a number of
clinicians who have explored ways of helping children with attachment difficul-
ties, for example Mary Dozier (2003), Vera Fahlberg (1994), but most notably
the work of Dan Hughes (2006).
The ground floor of the house helps parents to provide a home that offers
children a secure base. A secure base is at the heart of attachment theory and also
provides the foundation of the house. Children need to feel safe and secure. If
children have the experience of a secure base they will confidently explore and
learn in their world. They will also return to the arms of their parents when they
need love, care and comfort. The attachment system and the exploratory system
will be in balance allowing the children to feel confident in their parents and in
their own capacity to be effective in the world. Within such a home children can
develop emotionally and cognitively. In particular they will develop the capaci-
ties for emotional regulation and reflective function. Through these developing abili-
ties they will be able to manage their emotional reactions and they will be able
to think about and make sense of their past and current experience. This in turn
will allow the children to recover from the trauma of their early lives.
Parents build attachments by providing the parenting experience that infants
need, but which many of these children have missed out on, in particular the
experience of attunement, and an absorbed relationship. Helping the child to
experience and enjoy emotional engagement with the parent is critical if he is to
benefit from secure attachment. Children also need to learn that this emotional
connection can at times be broken without a catastrophic consequence. They
will be able to re-establish the connection and experience being loved, sup-
ported and comforted, even when the disruption to the attunement was caused by
their own behaviour. This is called interactive or relationship repair. Children
need to learn that fundamentally they are good even though at times they make
Introduction to the Model and Creating a Secure Base 97

some bad choices. The parents therefore need to find ways to provide these
attunement/re-attunement cycles as explicitly for the older child as they would
do for a toddler or young child. The child will then feel secure within the
To foster such security parents need to provide a positive family atmosphere.
When people living closely together experience different emotional states these
will adjust so that one emotion predominates. Thus remaining calm and positive
will over time allow the child to also experience such feelings. To maintain such
an atmosphere parents will however need to learn how to avoid being drawn
into the emotional state being experienced by the child. It is not uncommon for
children to react to their past experience. They use the current home as a stage
on which they re-enact their early experience. Other family members unwit-
tingly become the supporting actors for this theatre. If children experienced
chaotic, negative and highly aroused family life then this is what they expect
and try to generate in their new home. It can be challenging for parents to
maintain a positive atmosphere when the child’s experience has been so
As the parents learn to control the emotional rhythm of the house, claiming,
and a feeling of belonging, occurs. Children are helped to feel part of the family.
These may be strange experiences for the children, and may at first be difficult
and overwhelming. Feeling that they belong to the family can generate difficult
feelings of betrayal and loyalty to the birth family, especially for children who
moved at an older age. The children will need sensitively supporting with these
complex feelings so that they can enjoy being part of family life whilst still
retaining feelings for their original family. Where the children have ongoing
contact with their birth families these conflicting feelings can be even more
complex and difficult to manage.
Understandably the parenting task when looking after children with
complex patterns of attachment, influenced by their early, difficult experience,
can be very stressful, and emotionally exhausting. Parents also need to look after
themselves. They need to make space for reflection and for rest and relaxation.
Understanding their own reactions to the child can be important. Parents will
need time apart from their children when they can attend to their own needs in
order to remain emotionally able to continue the task of parenting the
challenging child.
The upper floor of the house helps parents to use the secure base in order to
build a deeper relationship with their child. As children develop relationships
they will be able to experience a sense of enjoyment and fun within the family
The parents need to find ways to remain emotionally engaged and available
to the child. Dan Hughes (2006) suggests a certain attitude (PACE) that the
parents can hold which will help them to maintain a level of emotional engage-
ment. If they can stay curious (C) about why the child is behaving as he is, they
will be less likely to feel cross or frustrated. Curiosity leads to understanding,
98 Nurturing Attachments

which helps the parent to accept (A) the child and the reasons for his behaviour.
This in turn will help the parent to provide the child with empathy (E) and
support alongside the discipline he needs. At times a playful (P) stance can also
diffuse a situation and help the child to behave in a more acceptable way. In this
way parenting with PACE provides the child with the experience of love (L) and
kindness; the parent offers the child a supportive PLACE within which he can
begin to experience a very different attachment relationship.
An attitude of PACE is not the same as tolerating difficult behaviour. Security
and trust are increased by an appropriate degree of structure and supervision
tailored to the individual needs of the child. This will provide children with
boundaries so that they can learn to behave in ways that are acceptable within
the family. Additionally parents will find it helpful if they can step aside from con-
frontation through calm, empathic responses to the child.
A secure base, a calm, positive emotional atmosphere and parenting that
offers the child the experience of emotional connection, acceptance and empathy
all provide a containing structure for the child symbolized by the house. Within
this home the child will learn to enjoy belonging to the family.
The roof of the house represents the management of difficult behaviour.
Good behavioural management rests on an understanding of the links between
thinking, feeling and behavioural choices. Children are helped to make good behav-
ioural choices because their inner experience, what they think and feel, is
accepted. Parents strive to understand the thinking and feeling that led to the
behaviour, providing acceptance alongside clear behavioural management. This
is communicated via empathy before discipline techniques provide choices and
logical consequences and the child is helped to manage the consequences and to
enjoy praise and rewards.
The house model of parenting therefore provides children with a home
within which they can develop emotionally and cognitively. As they develop a
more secure attachment they can learn to use the support and care on offer and
with this can start to make sense of their emotional life. They will develop the
ability to regulate themselves emotionally and behaviourally. With this will
develop the flexibility of thinking that leads to the capacity to inhibit impulses,
develop problem-solving abilities and manage different situations capably. This
in turn will lead to a greater capacity to make sense of their experience past and
present and to recover from the trauma of early adversity.

The challenge of parenting children with difficult attachment

relationship histories
Offering children a parenting experience that provides love, security and
comfort can be a challenge in itself, but helping children to accept this experi-
ence presents its own set of challenges.
Children may not believe that they deserve love and care. Often the only
way that they can make sense of their early experience is to develop the belief
Introduction to the Model and Creating a Secure Base 99

that they are bad, that they somehow deserved the abuse, neglect and loss of
family. In this way children are able to preserve a belief in parents as good. It is
they who were not good enough. They will now set out to prove that this is true
within their new home.

It has been a difficult day for Catherine. She has always found school a struggle.
She is capable but she does not believe in her abilities. She is often reluctant to
commit work to paper for fear of making a mistake. However, she is developing
some trust in her teacher and has been growing in confidence. Today a supply
teacher takes the class. Catherine is thrown back into her fear of not being
good enough. She spends much of the day quietly avoiding the tasks set. The
growing frustration of the teacher, who finds Catherine’s passive resistance dif-
ficult to cope with, only increases Catherine’s fears that she is going to fail. On
top of this there is an odd number in the dance lesson; Catherine is the one who
does not have a friend to work with!
When Jenny picks Catherine up from school she finds her tired and
non-communicative. Jenny is disappointed; she was hoping that Catherine
would be in a good mood tonight. Her aunt is visiting and she wants the children
to make a good impression. She quietly reminds Catherine of the visit and tells
her that she is sure Aunty Jean will enjoy meeting such a good and kind girl.
Catherine’s anxiety rises as she hears this; deep inside her she just doesn’t feel
good enough.
Catherine is rude and unco-operative for the rest of the evening as she
shows Jenny and Martin how wrong they are about her.

Alternatively, the experience of parents not being able to care for them may lead
the child to doubt parent availability. They are left feeling that the new parents
must meet their every need and wish or else these parents are no different from
their biological parents.

To add to the disaster of Jenny and Martin’s evening Zoë throws one of the big-
gest tantrums they have seen in a long while. Jenny has asked Martin to take over
in the kitchen whilst she takes Catherine aside for a quiet word. They ask Zoë to
keep Aunty Jean company. Zoë’s anxiety increases as neither Jenny nor Martin
are available for a while. She gets out a puzzle and starts to put it together. As she
gets stuck she looks to Aunty Jean for some help. Aunty Jean hasn’t got her read-
ing glasses with her so she tells Zoë to wait for mum to come back down. Zoë,
unable to wait, goes to the kitchen to find Martin. He tells her he will be there in
two minutes. Zoë, still not satisfied, goes up to Catherine’s room to find Jenny.
Catherine angrily tells her to get out of her room; Jenny more quietly reminds her
that she is not allowed in Catherine’s room but reassures her that she will be
down soon. Zoë cannot hold it in any more. She needs to know that Jenny and
Martin are there for her, and she needs to know it now. Her anxiety and fear take
over as she erupts in anger and frustration.
100 Nurturing Attachments

Being able to use the parent as a secure base starts with the experience of a parent
who is interested and attentive. The parent keeps the child in mind, showing
him that she will be there when needed, much as parents do with their infants. In
addition the child needs to experience the parent as reliable and the structure to
the day as predictable. Morning, bedtime and school routines follow a consis-
tent pattern. Through these things children learn that they matter to the parent.
This in turn helps them to develop a belief in their own strengths and abilities.
The parent believes for them, providing opportunities for the children to gain a
sense of accomplishment. The children will gradually learn to accept a view of
themselves as effective in the world. They will learn to trust the parent and to
trust themselves.
The parenting challenge is therefore to provide children with a consistent
and emotionally enabling experience of being loved and cared for. This will
provide them with security and safety whilst allowing them to develop a differ-
ent way of understanding themselves and their parents. Children learn that they
are worthy of love and care and that parents are capable of providing this
A further challenge to this parenting is that the children are likely to have
gaps in development. They will need nurturing and care that helps to fill these
gaps. The lack of key experiences in early childhood will impact on both emo-
tional and cognitive development. Often children will be functioning at a differ-
ent age to their chronological age. In particular poor early parenting can be very
disruptive to children’s emotional development, leaving them emotionally
immature. They might be experiencing a secure base for the first time. They might
need parenting that is relatively young for their age. On the other hand they are
also trying to fit in at school and within the community. They need help to
acquire age-appropriate academic and social abilities. The parent is left feeling
that they are parenting a child whose needs keep shifting across the
developmental age span.
Empathy and Support from the
Secure Base

Children who are unable to experience a family as a secure base are likely to be
highly anxious, and have difficulty trusting their parents. Children can display
their anxiety and lack of trust through difficult behaviour. Much of the parents’
time can be spent managing this behaviour or trying to ward off the next
outburst. This can feel like ‘walking on eggshells’. The parent finds it difficult to
relax around the child.

Thinking, feeling and behavioural choices

Stepping aside from confrontation
Structure and supervision

Parenting with PACE

Helping children enjoy


Looking after yourself

Family atmosphere



Figure 8.1 The secure base (Adapted from ‘The House Model of Parenting’ in Golding
et al. (2006). Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Reproduced with kind permission.)

102 Nurturing Attachments

Alternatively the child might be very compliant, almost too good to be true. She
might be easy to manage but the parent is uneasy. It feels like there is something
missing in the relationship. Whether anxiety is ‘in your face’ or ‘hidden from
view’ children will only begin to feel secure within the family if they feel that
their internal experience is accepted and supported.
Providing children with a secure base (see Figure 8.1), from which they can
develop confidence in themselves and others, requires a large amount of
empathic support. The use of empathy is therefore a key element within the house
model of parenting. Empathy relies on emotional understanding and the ability
to make emotional connections with another person. These ideas will be
explored here but this will also be built on throughout the discussion of this

What is empathy?
Empathy is a quality in which one person understands the perspective of another,
accepts this perspective as belonging to the other person and conveys this
understanding and acceptance back to the person.
Being able to empathically listen to another person is essential if we are to
build a relationship with him. To empathize with someone you need to listen
deeply, paying attention to the words and also to the thoughts, feelings, beliefs
and perceptions underlying the words. If we understand and accept what a
person is expressing, and can help him to experience this understanding, he will
feel connected with us. This deepens the relationship and provides a platform
for further communication.
· Empathy is most difficult when we disapprove of the behaviour of the
other person. We become focused on the behaviour and stop noticing
the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and perceptions also being expressed.
· Empathy can also be forgotten in our haste to help someone solve a
problem. Instead of empathically listening and conveying our
understanding we jump in with offered solutions.
In both these cases a person is more likely to modify his behaviour or join with
us in thinking about solutions if he first experiences being deeply understood.
Children with difficulties in attachment relationships have rarely had the
experience of feeling emotionally connected to another. This lack of experience
means that they struggle to understand their own emotions, to read the
emotions of others or to anticipate how another might behave in response to
them. They will need prolonged and clearly communicated empathy if they are to
learn that they can be understood, that they are ‘understandable’, and that
others can accept even their most frightening feelings.
Empathy is essential before providing boundaries or discipline for children.
The children have often had little previous experience of parents behaving in a
Empathy and Support from the Secure Base 103

consistent and sensitive way connected to their own behaviour. Thus the
children find it difficult to link what the parent is doing or saying with what
they have just done. Without this experience the children find it difficult to
appreciate cause and effect. They just experience the parent’s behaviour as
random and this fits their expectations that parents are ‘mean’. They will not
associate it with their own behaviour. They will become defensive, and this will
prevent any true learning from the situation. If you can offer understanding and
empathy your child will in turn get a sense of being understood. This feeling of
emotional connection helps your child to attend both to her own behaviour and
the behaviour of others. She will learn to appreciate the connection between her
behaviour and your behaviour, and thus to respond in ways that lead to particu-
lar responses from you. This deepening emotional connection also helps to
strengthen the relationship between you. As children experience a genuine,
meaningful relationship they will want to behave in a way that meets with
approval and pleasure. Your child is no longer just pleasing or protecting herself
but is trying to please you. In this way communicating empathy leads to disci-
pline becoming effective and your child learns how to behave in a socially
acceptable way.
A longer period of empathic listening will also help your child to think with
you about a problem and to consider different solutions. Without the empathy
first, children can experience attempts at problem-solving as being critical of
them. Again they can become defensive and stop listening. The experience of
empathy can help children to feel understood, to feel accepted, and to feel that
the problem is manageable because it can be shared. Sometimes this is all
children will need; not all problems have solutions and children may just need to
be understood and to have their feelings accepted in order to be able to cope.
Sometimes empathic communication can pave the way for some joint

Supporting internal experience and managing behaviour

Children need support to trust in the family as a secure base, from which they can
develop healthy relationships. Only within such relationships will the child feel
accepted and cared for; this in turn will positively impact on her behaviour. It is
the child’s behaviour however that is most evident. Parenting strategies often
focus on achieving behavioural change. These aim to help children develop
acceptable behaviour and to reduce their use of behaviours considered unac-
ceptable. Focusing on an insecure child’s behaviour is like paying attention
to the top of the iceberg. If the hidden iceberg is ignored then, whilst
the day-to-day behaviour may be managed, ultimately the child will not be
receiving the support she needs to really feel secure. Relationships will remain
superficial and ineffectual, and behavioural change will be temporary in
response to the immediate circumstances.
104 Nurturing Attachments

The hidden iceberg consists of the child’s internal experience, all the
feelings, thoughts and beliefs that underlie the child’s outward behaviour. Often
emotions are poorly understood or managed by the child; feelings drive her
behaviour. Similarly beliefs are implicit, hidden at an unconscious level, leading
to inflexible responding. Parenting needs to be focused on understanding the
feelings and beliefs that the child is having and communicating this understand-
ing via empathy. Empathy will help the child to understand and ultimately manage
her own feelings and beliefs, and true behavioural change will follow.
In order to help children find security, therefore, the management of behav-
iour needs to be accompanied by support for the child’s experience. It is impor-
tant that the child feels that this internal experience is accepted, even when it is
expressed through behaviour that is unacceptable.
Support is needed when strong feelings and beliefs are expressed through
clearly challenging behaviour or through more passive-aggressive behaviour, acts
of spite that occur behind the back, such as stealing or damaging property, as a
way of expressing anger that can’t be shown openly.
It is important neither to avoid situations in which strong feelings will
emerge nor to minimize emotional outbursts. You need to show your child that
you can cope with her feelings and that you will still be there for her. Your child
will learn to trust and feel secure when you continue to be available and are not
frightened or overwhelmed by the strong feelings that she is expressing.
It is equally important not to deny the beliefs your child holds. Telling a
child who knows she is a ‘bad kid’ that this is not true is unlikely to reassure or to
change her mind. She is most likely to stop sharing her beliefs with you. Empa-
thizing with how hard it is to feel that you are a ‘bad kid’, and demonstrating
your belief in her whilst accepting her own beliefs, is more likely to help her to
develop newer, more adaptive beliefs over time.
Experiencing empathy alongside clear boundaries and limits on her behav-
iour will help your child. Empathy for the experience underlying the behaviour,
and discipline and limits for behaviour, communicates that the internal experi-
ence is accepted even though the behaviour is not. Your child can then be helped
to find alternate ways to express this experience. Whilst you will sometimes
need to put some space between you because of your own feelings of hurt and
anger it is important that overall your child does not feel rejected by you. You
need to look for opportunities to keep her close even when the behaviour is
pushing you away. You will also need to find ways to reconnect with her when
you have taken some space for yourself. This communicates to your child that
the relationship has survived the latest difficulty.
A secure base will be experienced when parents accept that, even if not
openly expressed, a large part of the insecure child’s behaviour is governed by
feelings of anxiety, fear and the need for comfort. These feelings themselves can
be very frightening for children whose early experience of having such needs
was met with hostility, rejection or pain. The children may try to bury such
Empathy and Support from the Secure Base 105

feelings, by acting the clown, putting on a smile or caring for others. Alterna-
tively they may express the feelings in unhelpful ways such as through anger or
infantile/helpless behaviour. These behaviours can lead to a temporary reduc-
tion in the anxiety, fear or need for comfort, which then starts to build again.
Figure 8.2 demonstrates a typical cycle as arousal in response to a trigger leads to
behaviour and a temporary reduction in the arousal before it starts to build

Carer going out.
Feeling out of

Anxiety increases Increase in arousal

Response to Anxiety, fear, need
feelings of shame, for comfort
guilt or frustration

Arousal Behaviour
level reduces Angry,
temporarily compliant,

Figure 8.2 Anxiety–behaviour cycle

The arousal–relaxation cycle, discussed in Chapter 5, can be used to provide a

predictable, consistent and reliable response to the child. This simulates the
experience an infant has with a sensitive parent (see Figure 8.3). Increased
arousal leads to behaviour that can be challenging. If this behaviour is contained
without providing empathy and support for the underlying experience, the
attachment relationship is not strengthened. However, if the child also experi-
ences support for difficult feelings of shame and frustration, and empathy for
uncomfortable beliefs about being not good enough, she will experience
feelings of relief and relaxation supporting the developing attachment relation-
ship. Ultimately she will experience reduced shame and begin to believe in
herself more positively.

Jenny has just collected Zoë and Catherine from school. Both girls are feeling a
bit fractious; it is nearing the end of term and they are ready for the school holi-
days. Catherine has a spelling test the next day and is worrying about learning
106 Nurturing Attachments


Supports Increase in arousal

attachment Anxiety, fear, need
for comfort

Relief and Behaviour


Support and empathy

for feelings and Behaviour management
beliefs provides containment
but does not support

Figure 8.3 Using the arousal–relaxation cycle

the spellings. Jenny promises to sit with her and go through them. Zoë, as al-
ways, needs to re-connect with Jenny following a period of time away. Jenny is
feeling tired; she too has had a busy time at work, and had to leave several things
unfinished in order to get to school on time. Unfortunately, before she can see
to either girl, the phone rings. She tells Zoë and Catherine that they can watch
some television and goes to deal with the phone call. When she comes back she
find uproar. Zoë has picked up Catherine’s old teddy bear to cuddle whilst she
watches television. Although Catherine hasn’t bothered with this bear for quite
a long time, seeing Zoë with it she now wants it. Jenny takes the bear away from
both of them and makes sure they are sitting apart in different chairs. She re-
minds them that if they can’t watch the television nicely then it will be turned
off. She goes into the kitchen to make a much-needed cup of tea. Jenny has
dealt with the immediate problem, and for a while the girls are quiet. However,
Catherine’s anxiety about her spellings remains and Zoë is still feeling in the
need of some comfort and attention from Jenny. It won’t be long before the
girls start quarrelling again.
In this scenario Jenny stays calm and deals clearly with the immediate be-
haviour. What she doesn’t do is provide empathy for the girls and the anxiety
and need for comfort that they are experiencing. Their level of emotional
arousal therefore remains high and unregulated.
Imagine instead that Jenny comes back into the room; seeing the teddy she
decides to use it as a fun way of distracting the girls. She picks the teddy up and
Empathy and Support from the Secure Base 107

has a serious conversation with it. She solemnly tells teddy that Zoë has been a
big girl at school all day and now she is in need of a cuddle. Catherine is worried
about her spellings; she is learning some very difficult words at the moment.
The girls watch curiously as they hear their experience expressed and under-
stood. Jenny now sits down with them. She gives Zoë a cuddle and asks
Catherine to show her the words. Zoë snuggles in to Jenny and they look to-
gether at the list of words Catherine has to learn. ‘Wow, Catherine, these are
hard words, no wonder you are worried that you won’t be able to learn them. I
tell you what, I am going to have a cup of tea and then I will sit down with you
and we will go through them together. Perhaps teddy can help us.’ Catherine
giggles as she cuddles the teddy bear to her. Zoë, sensing that Jenny is soon go-
ing to be unavailable, starts to cry. Jenny holds her and quietly says: ‘Zoë, you
have been such a big girl all day, and now you are very tired. I think you need
some more cuddling at the moment.’ She notices Zoë visibly relax as her feel-
ings and her need is acknowledged. She picks Zoë up and says: ‘Guess who is
waiting for you in the kitchen?’ They go into the kitchen where Zoë is delighted
to find her own teddy washed and just about dry in the drier. She wet the bed
the previous night, and he had been in need of a wash. Zoë holds the teddy to
her and watches Jenny making her tea. She is now happy to sit next to Jenny
whilst Catherine is helped with the spellings. It will soon be time to make tea but
now that both girls have experienced empathy for how they are feeling there is
a chance that they will manage to play together whilst tea is made.

What can you do when the child rejects your empathy and support?
A child who continues to reject despite all your efforts can place a large strain on
you and on the relationship. You are left with doubts about your own efficacy
and hurt at the rejection. This may also trigger feelings relating to earlier rejec-
tions that you have experienced. These feelings then get mixed up with the
feelings in the present and you can find yourself responding to your child in
ways that are unusual for you. It can also take a toll on your own health, as you
are left with feelings of anxiety, anger or depression. You will need intensive
support to help you maintain empathic responses whilst understanding the
reactions that you are experiencing.
Living with children with emotional difficulties therefore provides a
complex range of challenges. Understanding the experience that drives the
behaviour can be a full-time job on its own. You are also trying to convey this
understanding back to your child whilst staying in control of your own emo-
tional responses. Parenting with empathy is a first step towards helping a child to
experience security. This helps the development of an attachment. The child now
has a relationship within which she can experience being valued and can value
others in return. The child will be able to use this relationship for support with
her internal experience, and to learn appropriate behaviour. Empathy and
support will lead to the child experiencing a secure base within which she can
108 Nurturing Attachments

experience safety and nurturing and from which she can develop a deeper, more
secure relationship. Behavioural change will however be slow, sometimes frus-
tratingly so, and the continuing need to respond empathically and supportively
whilst correcting unacceptable behaviour can be emotionally draining.

Rita and Frank are struggling with Marcus. He has just gone back to school after
a half-term holiday. They had a good week. Marcus, without the day-to-day
stress of going to school, was in a relatively relaxed mood. In addition the good
weather meant that he could get out into the garden each day and let off some
steam. It felt like they were making a bit of progress.
Two days back at school and this progress feels like a distant dream. The
school have phoned on both days; Marcus has been fighting in the playground
again. The teacher asks them to have a chat to Marcus. Their hearts sink; these
chats about school behaviour never go well.
Marcus arrives home, the door bangs and the school bag is thrown down.
As soon as he sees Rita he starts demanding. Rita sympathizes with Marcus
about his difficult day at school and calmly asks him to take his shoes off and to
put his bag away. Marcus swears at her and storms upstairs. With a deep sigh
Rita follows him upstairs meaning to sympathize with him about a difficult day at
school. Her resolve leaves her however when she sees Marcus coming out of
the bathroom. How can anyone make a mess like that in such a short time? An-
grily she tells Marcus to stay in his room until tea-time. Frank arrives home a
short time later. He innocently asks Rita if she has had a good day. Rita gives a
good imitation of Marcus as her frustration spills over!

What can you do when you have no more empathy left?

The behaviour being expressed can be very difficult to deal with on a
day-by-day basis. You are not only having to stay two steps ahead, staying aware
of what your child is doing and why, but also having to deal with your own
emotional reactions to her. You may experience anger when she is aggressive,
defiant or non-compliant. You may experience frustration when she won’t do
something you know she is capable of; or you may experience hurt when her
behaviour is very rejecting of you. In addition these behaviours don’t reduce
quickly; each day leads to the same patterns of behaviour and the same emo-
tional reactions.
Parenting can therefore be emotionally draining. It is difficult to maintain
empathy for a child especially when her behaviour feels personally targeted.
You will know that empathy is low when you find yourself responding to
your child with:
· anger
· despair that you are not understanding or helping your child
· feelings that you cannot continue to provide a home for your child
Empathy and Support from the Secure Base 109

· feelings that your child is selfish and ungrateful

· frustration that your child is not taking responsibility for her behaviour.
In these situations you can quickly find yourself in an escalating spiral of frustra-
tion. Without empathy for yourself or your child you are likely to lurch from
difficulty to difficulty. It is at these times that support is most needed. You may
not feel like going out to the support group or lack the energy to pick up the
phone, but time to talk with others who understand, to offload some of your
frustration and despair will provide you with a much-needed release. You can
then start to think about your own needs. Are you getting at least some time for
yourself ? What opportunities do you have to re-charge your own emotional
batteries? Stop, and give yourself some empathy. This is a difficult child, and she
is giving you a hard time. Remind yourself of the progress you have made,
however small. In the longer term you might also find it helpful to find some
time to think about your child more deeply. Think, perhaps with a professional,
with your partner or with another foster or adoptive parent, about the behaviour
your child is displaying. What is the meaning of the behaviour? How does this
relate to his past experience? How does this relate to possible difficulties in
forming relationships?
As you re-establish some empathy and acceptance of your child and her diffi-
culties you may feel ready again to think about the way you are parenting and to
try some different approaches.
As you participate in such reflections you may become aware of patterns in
your reactions. Perhaps there is some aspect of the child that always seems to get
to you. You may be able to cope with any amount of verbal abuse, but the lying
gets to you every time. Maybe you can cope with the untidy bedroom and the
lack of showers but bad table manners put you totally on edge. Of course your
child sussed you long ago. If she wants to ‘push your button’ she knows exactly
what to do. Understanding your own idiosyncrasies can increase your tolerance
for the behaviour of your child. Often being driven crazy by a particular behav-
iour relates to experience in your own past.

Jackie has been finding Luke especially difficult. His bed-wetting has been get-
ting more frequent and the endless washing of bedding has sent the washing
machine into a final decline. Now Luke has taken to stealing even more compul-
sively. He seems to be hoarding a whole range of things, not just food. Jackie
found all the CDs in his room, removed from their cases, together with a collec-
tion of paper clips, rubbers and, bizarrely, all the handles from her dresser.
Jackie had not realized that he could unscrew them.
Empathy is at an all-time low as Jackie experiences frustration at the slow
progress they are making. She is finding it harder to maintain a loving attitude
towards Luke and she even finds herself disliking him at times. She begins to
110 Nurturing Attachments

view Luke as ungrateful after all she has done for him. She feels especially angry
when she watches him talk so sweetly to their elderly neighbour.
Jackie confides in her social worker, Alan, about how she is feeling, and sug-
gests to him that she may not be able to continue much longer. Alan listens to
her sympathetically. He does not try to tell Jackie what a great job she is doing,
but allows her to fully offload about how hard it is right now. Alan suggests that
maybe they could arrange a consultation with the psychologist to explore why
progress appears to be so slow.
Jackie finds this consultation really useful. She feels deeply listened to and
experiences empathy and understanding for her frustration and despair. Jackie
and Alan re-explore Luke’s past history as the psychologist asks detailed ques-
tions. She then helps them to connect some of this past history with his current
behaviour. Jackie begins to understand more clearly how the chronic neglect
has been deeply damaging to Luke and how his capacity to enter into a fully re-
ciprocal relationship may have been permanently compromised. Jackie feels
sadness returning for the little boy who not only has to cope with a learning dis-
ability but an emotional disability as well. As they think together about the sup-
port Luke needs they get encouragement from the small signs of progress he is
making. When he fell from the swing the other day he very clearly looked to
Jackie to help him. Jackie finds some strength and empathy returning. She also
realizes that it is not only Luke who will need long-term support. She arranges
another meeting in a couple of months’ time. She does not want to feel quite so
low again.

Understanding the impact of past experience on parenting

We have all encountered a range of relationships in the past. Some have been
rewarding and some more difficult. All these relationships will influence us in
some way. They can increase our confidence, or reduce it. It is not unusual for
our children to remind us of some of the more difficult experiences from our
past. When this happens it becomes harder to maintain empathy.

Rita was married to Tony before meeting Frank. They had a turbulent marriage.
Tony was a domineering man who had a traditional view of marriage. Physical
violence was not uncommon and Rita often had to explain away a black eye
when she went into work. Rita became more and more anxious, culminating in
quite frequent panic attacks whenever she felt intimidated by people. Fortu-
nately she had supportive parents and they helped her to leave him. She lived in
fear of him turning up on her doorstep for quite some time.
The impact of this relationship has stayed with her, but Frank is very differ-
ent and for the most part she has been able to put it behind her. Gradually the
anxiety and panic attacks reduced.
Since they began caring for Marcus however she has begun to experience
occasional panic attacks again. She visits her GP and he refers her to a counsel-
lor. In talking it over with her Rita comes to realize that her increased anxiety is
Empathy and Support from the Secure Base 111

associated with Marcus. In particular Rita starts to notice that when Marcus is
demanding and verbally aggressive she becomes more anxious. This surprises
Rita because although Marcus is difficult she never actually feels threatened by
him. It appears that his behaviour is triggering for her the memory of her rela-
tionship with Tony. Instead of responding to Marcus, she is instead reacting to a
relationship now well in the past.

Perhaps the most influential of past relationships are those we experienced with
our own parents. These can have the longest lasting influence on the way we
relate to others, and also determine how we respond to later relationships. Our
own experience of being parented is particularly relevant when it comes to our
own parenting behaviour.
We have all had experience of being parented, although this experience can
be very variable. This experience has an influence on the way we approach
parenting the children we care for. If this is done non-reflectively then we will
adopt both positive and less desirable parenting styles, as we experienced them.
We become our parents. Even when we consciously want to avoid a certain
parenting style that we were subjected to it is surprising how often we find our-
selves slipping into the same practice. It is not sufficient to remember what
happened to us; we need to make sense of this experience in order to move
beyond our past and to become the parents we would like to become.
When parenting children with difficulties in attachment this becomes even
more important. Studies have shown that children are more likely to form a
secure attachment with a parent who has a resolved attachment ‘state of mind’ as an
adult (Dozier et al. 2001). This does not mean that parents have to experience an
ideal childhood, but they do need to be able to reflect upon their experience and
to have resolved for themselves any difficult experience that they have encoun-
tered. They can make sense of what has happened and the impact it has had on
them, and have reached an acceptance of this.
We might notice that we respond to a particular behaviour of a child in a
rigid, inflexible way. Whilst we can deal with a range of difficult behaviours one
particular behaviour always ‘pushes our button’, and we respond despite our-
selves. Often some reflection about our own early experience makes sense of this
for us. As we understand and recognize this we find we are better able to manage
the behaviour that previously was so difficult for us.

As a child Martin had a difficult relationship with his mother. Although she could
be fun loving, and he remembers good times with her, there was another side to
their relationship that was more difficult. She had very high expectations of him;
her disapproval was never far from the surface. She never actually said very
much to him, but he would know by the frostiness of her manner. She would
turn away from him and suddenly he would be outside of their relationship
112 Nurturing Attachments

looking in. As he grew older and began to live his own life, this side of their rela-
tionship eased a bit. Living at a distance he was less exposed to either her ex-
pectations or her disapproval. She herself had also mellowed as she had grown
older and was more relaxed. Martin had therefore not thought much about this
side of his mother for many years.
A pattern is developing with Catherine however that leads him to re-visit
old memories. Jenny notices that Martin is quick to get angry with Catherine.
She is surprised at this as he is generally a calm man and he has endless patience
for the more difficult tantrums that Zoë displays. He also manages Catherine’s
more violent outbursts better than she does; she often hands over to him at
these times. Catherine can however blank him and he flares up. Typically Martin
would be trying to help Catherine with something. She might be trying to tie her
shoelaces or opening a difficult biscuit packet. As Martin intervenes Catherine
turns away, a determined look on her face. Catherine does not like needing
Talking to him one day Jenny asks Martin what he finds so difficult. ‘I don’t
know really. It feels like I’ve let her down somehow, like my help isn’t good
enough. When she is so determined not to be helped I feel like I don’t really
have a connection with her. We are trying so hard to build a relationship with
her, but she won’t let us in.’ As he is talking, a memory of his own mother sud-
denly comes to mind. She had asked him to fetch a towel out of the airing cup-
board, but it was a little out of reach. As he stretched up to get it the pile of
towels came tumbling out. His mother didn’t speak to him, but brushed past
and determinedly began picking them up. Martin watched helplessly. Martin
suddenly realizes that Catherine is reminding him of his mother. As with her he
is left feeling not quite good enough, as if he has failed to meet some level of ex-
pectation. Instead of supporting Catherine with her fear of needing him he is
left reacting to her with the anger he felt at his mother for expecting too much.

Exercise 8.1 can help you to think about your own attachment experience a little
more deeply. The questions are designed to help you reflect on your early
experience and the impact it has had on your parenting. It can be helpful to
write some answers down so that you can reflect upon these again in the future.
Answering these questions can be surprisingly emotional, and this exercise can
be difficult to do. It may re-awaken some sad or painful memories or it may
highlight experiences that you didn’t have as a child. It can be helpful to do this
exercise with someone you trust, who can support you with the feelings that
it arouses.
Empathy and Support from the Secure Base 113

Exercise 8.1: Understanding your own attachment history

1. When you think about your parents what words to describe them come
to mind?
Do these words give you a clue about the parenting you experienced?
2. How would you describe the relationship that you had with your
parents as a child?
How have these relationships changed over time?
Are there ways that you try to be like or not like your parents?
Do you think that these relationships have impacted on you as a parent?
3. Were there other people in your life that you felt especially close to as a
Did these relationships have a big impact upon you?
Do you feel like these relationships have influenced you as a parent?
4. When you were upset as a child what would you do?
How did your parents respond to you when you were upset?
Is this similar or dissimilar to how you and your children are?
5. When you were happy or excited as a child what would you do?
How did your parents respond to you when you were excited?
Is this similar or dissimilar to how you and your children are?
6. What ways did your parents use to discipline you as a child?
How did this feel to you as a child?
Are these methods that you use with your own children?
7. Can you remember early separations from your parents and how you
Did they help you to leave and return to them confidently?
How comfortable are you now with your children going and returning?
8. Did you ever feel rejected or hurt by your parents, either physically or
emotionally, or have any other traumatic experiences as a child?
How do you feel about these experiences now? Have they stayed with
Have these experiences impacted upon you as a parent?
9. Did you lose anyone close to you as a child?
Were you helped and supported with this loss?
Do you feel that you have accepted this loss or does it still cause you
Do you feel that this experience has affected you as a parent?
10. Overall how would you describe your relationship with your parents?
How much do you feel that this relationship has influenced your
What would you like to change about the way you have developed as a
What has been positive about your development as a parent?
Adapted from Siegel and Hartzell (2003, pp.133–134)
Attunement and Empathy

The experience of attunement with a responsive, sensitive parent is a prerequisite

for a secure attachment (see Figure 9.1). This experience of emotional connection
provides the infant with the necessary experience to develop trust in and experi-
ence security with the parent. When this experience is absent or only inconsis-
tently available this will to some extent compromise the development of trust
and the capacity to feel safe and secure within relationships. Older children,

Thinking, feeling and behavioural choices

Stepping aside from confrontation
Structure and supervision

Parenting with PACE

Helping children enjoy


Looking after yourself

Family atmosphere
Provide emotional support, Reflection
empathy and interactive Attunement Understand yourself


Figure 9.1 Attunement (Adapted from ‘The House Model of Parenting’ in Golding
et al. (2006). Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Reproduced with kind permission.)

116 Nurturing Attachments

who have difficulties in experiencing a secure attachment, need to experience a

parenting relationship within which they can experience their emotions being
understood. They can learn to share the experience of joy and fun and to be sup-
ported with feelings of anger, worry and sadness. They can equally learn that
when they need comfort the parent will notice and meet this need. Alongside
these attunement experiences the child also needs to learn that disruptions to
attunement can be repaired. Discipline, disapproval or frustration from the parent
does not signal the end of the relationship. Attunement can be re-established.

What is meant by attunement?

Relationships that are highly empathic provide emotional attunement for
children and are more likely to lead to the development of secure attachments.
Children have the experience of connection with another that is consistent and
provides contingent responses to their communications and their needs. An
attuned response helps children to feel understood and connected to the adult.
As well as attending to verbal communication the adult mirrors the vitality and
affect experienced by the children. In fact the ability to understand the
non-verbal communication of children is important for connecting emotionally.
Often it is the non-verbal communication that really communicates how
children are feeling. Children, as well as adults, are generally poor at putting
feelings into words. From an attuned state the adults can then lead the children
to a different experience thus helping them to regulate stress, emotion and
impulse. Attunement therefore relies on empathy.
By showing empathy we are showing that we know how the person feels and
we accept this. Empathy is a way of helping the other person to feel fully under-
stood. This brings us emotionally in tune with the other person. Attunement
allows us to share emotion together. Enjoyable experiences are amplified and
stressful experiences are reduced and contained.
Eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, movement, voice tone, and touch
can all convey our understanding to another person. Understanding why
people feel as they are is an important start to helping them cope with the
Understanding the feeling does not mean we condone the behaviour. We
might understand why a child is angry whilst not approve of the way the anger
is demonstrated. Children need help to understand their feelings. Empathy tells
them that their feelings are understandable and manageable. It is okay to feel
this way. With this understanding children will be able to start to think about
their behaviour and will accept support to change the way they show their
An infant needs the experience of attunement in order to develop the ability
to cope with stress, to regulate emotions and to manage impulses. When infants
are first born they have little or no ability to regulate even at the physiological
Attunement and Empathy 117

level. The parent externally regulates body temperature, for example, by con-
trolling the clothing the infant wears and the temperature of the room. With
maturity the infant develops temperature regulation mechanisms such as shiver-
ing, flushing and sweating.
Similarly with emotional regulation, in infancy the adult controls the emo-
tional environment providing stimulation or calmness in response to the infant’s
moment-by-moment needs. Under-stimulation leads to boredom and, if extreme,
to failure-to-thrive whilst over-stimulation leads to the baby ‘switching off ’, and
if extreme the infant learns to dissociate to stress. Dissociation is a mechanism that
prevents a person becoming overwhelmed; however, it is also maladaptive in
that whilst in a dissociated state the person is unable to learn or develop abilities
to manage stress more easily. Thus, whilst protective, dissociation can be
harmful if it becomes excessive.
The attuned parent provides the right amount of stimulation to arouse the
baby from boredom or to calm the baby who is becoming overwhelmed. As the
parent consistently regulates external stimulation for the infant and soothes
internal distress he gets an experience of emotional regulation. In time the child
will use this experience to develop the ability to regulate emotion. Children
learn to manage anger and frustration, to cope with boredom and to deal with
stress. Without this early experience older children will quickly become over-
whelmed with how they are feeling. They will not be able to tolerate frustration,
excitement, stress or anger; and will demonstrate this poor capacity through
challenging behaviours.
Thus the ability to regulate emotion is dependent on attunement; the parents’
ability to match the feeling state of the infant by matching the intensity and
vitality of the infant’s behavioural and verbal expressions. The parent connects
with the infant at a preverbal level. The infant can feel a sense of continuous
connection that will help him develop the ability to regulate and integrate the
feelings he is experiencing and later to develop an integrated sense of self.
The attachment relationship that develops out of these attuned communica-
tions provides the child with the experience necessary to develop a coherent
sense of self and to manage and learn from emotional experiences.
Older children who have not experienced these attuned connections early
in their life will move into foster or adoptive homes with weak abilities to
regulate either at the emotional or behavioural level. This can be expressed
through dysregulated behaviour within which they are impulsive, quick to feel
frustrated or angry. Alternatively children might cut-off from how they feel,
unaware of all but a very limited amount of what is felt internally. In fact some
children are so uncomfortable with noticing their feelings that they will use
their behaviour to avoid this experience. They might provoke their parent to
anger, for example, as a distraction from the experience of sadness.
These children need help to experience and feel comfortable with attuned
connections to their parents. If the parents can provide them with daily
118 Nurturing Attachments

experience of empathy and attunement, connecting to hidden as well as expressed

feelings, the children will gradually be able to experience, acknowledge and feel
comfortable with their inner life. Alongside this the experience of connection
with another will lead to a strengthening of the relationship and a more secure
feeling of attachment.

Managing difficult behaviour within attuned relationships

The attachment relationship is the relationship within which the child learns
what is acceptable or not acceptable behaviour. This is the process of socializa-
tion, and is essential if a child is going to fit comfortably into the family,
community and school. Allan Schore (1994) describes the importance of the
emotion of shame for these developing social abilities. When the parent
expresses disapproval or provides discipline for the child this will create a state
of mis-attunement and the child experiences shame and an increase in negative
arousal. A young child cannot regulate this increasing arousal and is reliant on
the parent to provide support or co-regulation. Following this the parent
ensures that a state of re-attunement occurs so that the child once again experi-
ences feeling loved and cared for. These sequences of attunement, rupture and
re-attunement provide the child with the experience needed to learn to control
impulses and to behave in socially appropriate ways.
Unfortunately older children moving into foster or adoptive homes without
this early experience find it very difficult to learn socially appropriate behaviour
or to enter into a relationship that provides attunement/re-attunement experi-
ences. As children encounter shame-filled experiences they will display the
behaviour that can be so damaging to them and the family. They are not able to
regulate their own experience of shame or to use relationships to help them with
this. Shame increases and the children, unable to manage this, become defensive
by blaming themselves: ‘I am bad, I will always be bad’ or blaming others: ‘It is
not me. It is always someone else’.
Acceptance and empathy for your child will help you to manage his behav-
iour in ways that makes shame manageable rather than unmanageable for him.
· An angry response to your child’s behaviour will increase his sense of
shame and leave you both in a relationship that lacks attunement.
· An empathic but firm response will, over time, allow your child to take
responsibility for his behaviour whilst experiencing an attuned
Thus your child is helped when you respond to his behaviour and underlying
feelings with empathy and matter-of-fact consequences. It is helpful if you avoid
displaying a tense and annoyed attitude. Such an attitude communicates that the
relationship will be used to punish misbehaviour. Calm consequences and
Attunement and Empathy 119

empathy for the emotional state of your child will instead communicate that the
relationship can be helpful to him.
Empathy can also be displayed for your child’s response to consequences.
Support and accept your child’s need to pout or remain annoyed. This commu-
nicates that the relationship is alive and well. You accept his need to reject it at
this time but leave the door open for when he wishes to re-establish positive
contact again.
It is important that attention is paid to interactive repair following episodes of
difficult behaviour or distancing from your child. This re-establishes the
positive atmosphere and reduces feelings of shame. Your child needs to know
that this has not damaged the relationship, that he is still cared for and valued.
Time spent letting him know that the relationship is all right will allow you
both to once more experience attunement together.
This is not a time to continue to chastise, to discuss consequences or to try to
teach what is acceptable or unacceptable. Thinking about the behaviour and its
consequences can come later. For now it is important that you just spend time
enjoying being together again, and for helping your child feel supported and

At the age of eight Zoë has made progress with Jenny and Martin, although she
can still be very emotionally demanding. She has now developed some capacity
to emotionally regulate her increased arousal and is not quite so dependent
upon being with Jenny all the time. She is also making some progress at school
and has managed to maintain one or two friendships.
Zoë can however still display some very difficult tantrums when her
new-found abilities to manage her emotional arousal desert her. These are par-
ticularly apparent when Zoë cannot have something she wants. For Zoë, being
told ‘no’ is especially difficult. She does not listen to the reason, or stop to con-
sider the fairness of the adult response; instead this triggers for her a deep
sense of not being good enough. It is as if not being able to have something pro-
vides evidence of her lack of worth. ‘I am not loveable, I will not be loved.’
One day Zoë and Jenny are out shopping. They have had a good day, and
Zoë is enjoying having Jenny to herself. The good feelings however come to a
sudden halt when they go to buy Zoë some new pyjamas. She has been growing
quickly lately and is in desperate need of these. Zoë finds the ones she wants,
but unfortunately they do not have her size. Jenny tries to explain but Zoë isn’t
listening. She has heard that she can’t have them. Jenny tries to keep her calm
but Zoë is getting more and more agitated. As the noise level increases Jenny
starts to feel cross; other shoppers are beginning to notice. She talks sharply to
Zoë. This just increases her anxiety and sense of shame further and she starts
to run out of the shop. Jenny is concerned now. She doesn’t want Zoë running
out into the road. She runs after her and grabs hold of her. Zoë is now in a panic.
She kicks and screams. Jenny holds her tight; she forgets everyone around as
her attention focuses on this screaming, panicking dynamo in her arms.
120 Nurturing Attachments

How could she get so distressed so quickly? Jenny feels enormous sadness
for a little girl who can’t even buy a pair of pyjamas without feeling that it is the
end of the world. She holds on tight, sensing the strength of Zoë’s fear and an-
ger. She talks with increased vitality and affect: ‘Wow, Zoë, you are very mad
that we can’t get the pyjamas. I think you are really cross with me. You think I am
so mean for saying you can’t have them.’ Now she talks more quietly to her. She
tells her how sad it is that the pyjamas were the wrong size. She can see how up-
set Zoë is and wonders if it feels like she can never have what she wants. How
scary that feels; it feels like she isn’t good enough to be given what she wants.
Zoë is quietening now; feeling understood she clutches tightly to Jenny. She
feels the reassurance in Jenny’s arms and Jenny’s voice. Jenny reminds Zoë that
she loves her and will always be there for her. Even when she says no to things
she will still love her. Zoë is beginning to feel calmer now. They remain there for
some time and then Jenny asks her: ‘What shall we do about the pyjamas, Zoë?
You still need some.’ Immediately, Zoë’s head goes down and she starts to
tense up. Zoë is experiencing the shame of having made such a fuss. Jenny, calm
herself now, notices this and provides more reassurance. She has to regulate
the increasing shame so that Zoë can start to think about what she wants. ‘It’s
okay, Zoë, you were very upset. Now you have remembered how much I love
you we can think about the pyjamas.’ Zoë looks up and Jenny offers her a
choice. ‘We could go back to the shop and order the ones you like so that they
can get your size or we could have a look in a different shop for some others.’
Zoë chooses to look in another shop and hand in hand they walk on. Jenny
breathes a sigh of relief. If only she could always stay this calm with Zoë and
help her through the episodes, but it is so difficult. Zoë’s tantrums seem so un-
reasonable until she remembers the depth of fear underneath.

Interactive repair is also important following times when you have been emotion-
ally unavailable to your child. Perhaps you have found it hard to like him
because of behaviour he is displaying. You may have withdrawn because you
feel angry and are concerned that you might ‘lose your cool’ or maybe you have
experienced stress elsewhere in your life. Your child needs to know that the
withdrawal is temporary whilst you look after yourself.
Children’s previous experience can leave them hyper-sensitive. For
example, when the parent is distant, or preoccupied, they may be quick to
assume that it is because of their own ‘badness’ or the ‘meanness’ of the parent.
This may seem like proof that they will again be abused or neglected or that the
placement will end and they will be rejected. Time spent talking to your child
about your emotional withdrawal, apologizing for any displays of anger or
temper and offering him reassurance about your continuing availability will
help to counter these beliefs, allowing the building of trust and dependency
over time.
Attunement and Empathy 121

How to help children experience attunement through

relationship-based play
The use of empathy can help you to find ways of giving your child experiences of
an attuned relationship. Attunement is not only helpful for managing the more
difficult behaviour displayed. Attunement is also the basis for more fun-filled
aspects of relationships. Through fun and time spent together you can help your
child to experience the relationship as joyful.
Introducing fun and playfulness with children who have lacked this experi-
ence early in their life can present its own challenges. The children will be
puzzled and even frightened by the strangeness of this experience. Alternatively
they may be reluctant to engage with the activity for fear that they will enjoy it
but then lose it again.
The children have typically missed out on relationship-based play experi-
ence when young. This play, which absorbs the child and parent together, is an
important precursor to enjoying joint attention to tasks or activities.
Interactions that are playful, interactive and empathic can help the child to
feel special and connected to the parent. In this type of play the main task is
enjoying being together. This is different to more task-focused play when for
example the parent helps the child to complete a puzzle or to learn colours.
Relationship-based play makes minimal use of toys but lots of use of the rela-
tionship between the child and parent. This play dramatizes for children that
they are special and loveable, that others can be responsive. This increased focus
on each other during play can be helpful for older children who experience dif-
ficulties with relationship.
Jernberg and Booth (2001) suggest the following dimensions to this play.

Structure the play

Children may be helped if the adults set limits, define boundaries, keep the
children safe and help them to complete sequences of activities. Children can let
go of the responsibility for maintaining and controlling interactions and can
enjoy the experience.
Parents may also need to initiate interactions – if they wait for children to
choose to play with them it may never happen.
Parents can be directive in play, for example, ‘We are going to…’, rather
than ‘Shall we…?’, but still direct the play in response to the child’s reactions.
Attunement will be important in order to be able to guide the play in response to
the child. For example, the parents might notice the child getting too excited
and stimulated. They can direct the play to soothing and comforting activities.
They might notice the child being restless and bored. They can direct the play
to challenging and exciting activities.
122 Nurturing Attachments

Engage the child

This helps to establish and maintain a connection with the child, to focus on him
in an intense way and to surprise and entice him into enjoying new experiences.
The parents aim to be exciting, surprising and stimulating. This draws the child
into becoming engaged in the activities.

Nurture the child

Parents help the child to experience warmth and tenderness. They can soothe,
calm and comfort him when appropriate. This reinforces the message that he is
worthy of care and that adults will provide care without him having to ask. For
some children the experience of nurturing can be quite frightening. These
children will need sensitive and gentle challenges to their resistance to nurture.
This allows them to gradually become comfortable with nurturing activities.

Challenge the child

Parents encourage the child to move ahead, to strive a bit and to experience a
sense of mastery. By encouraging him to accomplish an activity, with adult help,
he feels more competent and confident.
It is quite likely that your child will initially resist playing in this way. He
may fear getting close to you. He thus resists intimacy, often trying to stay in
charge to keep you at a distance. You will need to stay with it. Find ways to
surprise him into being engaged with you. Help him learn to trust. You may
need to build in brief playful interactions until he can manage longer times.
Thus your child is helped to find pleasure in the interaction.

Jackie feels that Luke needs a lot of relationship-based play with her. This type
of play is ideal for teaching him about parents and the availability of parents to
meet his needs and to regulate his behaviour and emotion. She tries to intro-
duce this type of play throughout the day; this might be as brief as a quick blow
on his cheek or a tickle as she passes, but can be extended to singing nursery
rhymes whilst she gets him dressed in the morning or some exciting water play
at bath time. Additionally she introduces a daily play session when she plays
with him in a more structured, reflective way. She plans these sessions depend-
ing upon what she wants Luke to learn about. For example, when she wants
Luke to learn that mums can take care of hurts she gets out the lotion and cot-
ton wool. She plays a game of ‘finding the bruises’, carefully tending to each
bruise as they come across it. Similarly when she wants Luke to know that she
can help him to regulate his behaviour she introduces some fast-paced, chal-
lenging play that leads to feelings of excitement. She intersperses this with
quieter, calmer play. Luke experiences Jackie being in charge helping him to
cope with growing excitement and helping him to calm down from this as well.
Attunement and Empathy 123

As Luke responds to these playful interactions Jackie also finds her own
feelings for Luke change. She is becoming better able to judge what he needs
from her and Luke is benefiting from this highly responsive parenting. She is
starting to feel like she has a relationship with him. Moments of quiet nurturing
feel more real and connected. Luke in turn is becoming more needy of her and
quite clingy at times. Jackie has been warned that Luke might become more at-
tention-needing of her as he begins to understand relationships. She therefore
does not see this increased neediness as a problem but as a sign of progress.
Luke is beginning to understand that Jackie is there for him.

Helping children develop understanding through attuned

The experience of an attuned and dependable relationship helps children to
develop emotionally and cognitively. They can learn to understand and manage
the emotion that they are experiencing and the emotion they see in others. To
help children, parents need first to make sense of the behaviour and underlying
thinking and feeling. They can then help children to make sense of themselves
and those around them.
Parents can help by talking about feelings. Reflective dialogues involve
talking about what is happening internally and externally. For example, ‘John is
breaking the toys because he is feeling very angry. His mum didn’t turn up to
contact today’; ‘Daddy is not having dinner because he is feeling upset right
now. He is upset that his watch got broken.’ Parents can raise questions and be
open and curious. The child is angry that the toys have to be put away. The
parent comments: ‘I wonder if you think I don’t like you because I want you to
tidy up?’ The child is helped to become aware of underlying thoughts. This in
turn helps to reduce the emotional response.
These types of dialogues help the child to understand mental states and
feelings in self and others. The child learns reflective function, to understand what
is going on in his own mind and in the mind of others. He is then better able to
mentalize, to make predictions about what might happen, and what others think
and feel. This then allows improved planning and problem-solving.
This in turn helps the child to identify his thoughts and feelings, to experi-
ence these as valid and to use support to help express them. With this
understanding the child learns to regulate feelings and impulses. Instead of
feelings emerging unpredictably and intensely, as he acts without thinking. He
will learn to stop and think and to control the expression of his feelings.
Learning to reflect and think in the present can also help children to process
what has happened in the past. They can begin to develop a coherent narrative
about their experiences. The development of such a narrative allows children to
move on from their experience and to respond more flexibly in the present.
124 Nurturing Attachments

Luke has continued to thrive with Jackie but despite all the progress that he is
making in learning about Jackie, and how she can take care of him, he still finds it
especially difficult to reflect. He is so reactive to the way he feels there is very lit-
tle time left to think. He is also highly active, with very little pause; he doesn’t
notice what he or others are thinking or feeling, and if he did he wouldn’t have a
language to talk about this. Jackie has worked hard to develop more emotional
understanding with Luke over the years. She comments often about the way
she is feeling or what she thinks Luke may be feeling. She has bought some
games about feelings to play with him and she sometimes watches television
with him, commenting on the characters in the programmes. At ten years Luke
can now describe what he thinks someone might be feeling in pictures, and he is
sometimes able to guess what Jackie is feeling; he continues to struggle with de-
scribing how he is feeling.
Jackie has new neighbours. Carol and Graham have recently moved in with
their two children, four-year-old Jamie and his two-year-old sister Becky. Jackie
is surprised to see Luke strike up a friendship with Jamie, and even more sur-
prised at how well they get on. When Luke plays with the other children on the
estate he always seems to get into trouble, fighting with the other children,
stealing from the shop on the corner or, on one occasion, breaking the win-
dows of the greenhouse of their elderly neighbour Mr Perks. Jackie has grown
accustomed to the many complaints about Luke. With Jamie however he ap-
pears a different child. They play co-operatively together and he is even gentle
with little Becky. Surprisingly he never seems to think that the games Jamie
wants to play are ‘babyish’.
This leads Jackie to think about her parenting of Luke. She wonders if emo-
tionally he is younger than she thought. Is she expecting too much of him? She
thinks about all the differences in parenting a ten-year-old compared to a
four-year-old. Jackie starts to adjust her parenting of Luke a little, not expecting
quite as much from him, explaining a bit more to him and stepping in a little ear-
lier when he is struggling.
Without realizing it Jackie is also helping Luke to improve his ability to emo-
tionally regulate. As Jackie steps in and provides co-regulatory experience,
Luke is beginning to learn about his feelings and how to manage them. This in
turn improves his capacity to think. As he remains a bit more emotionally regu-
lated Luke is able to listen to Jackie and to learn about how his behaviour links to
his feelings. With time Luke will develop some capacity to mentalize, to under-
stand how others are thinking and feeling and to start to link this to his own
behaviour and how he thinks and feels. This continues to be a slow process.
Luke still has the appearance and the attitude of a ten-year-old, and often Jackie
expects more of him than he can actually manage. In addition Luke remains very
susceptible to increases in stress. If his teacher is away from school, for
example, Luke’s anxiety increases and his fragile ability to self-regulate reduces.
Luke becomes more dysregulated and angry. Jackie tries to find ways to keep
stress low for Luke whilst also helping him to cope with the typical stress-filled
day of a ten-year-old.
Protecting the Family Atmosphere
and the Development of
Emotional Regulation
At the heart of the house model of parenting is the family atmosphere (see
Figure 10.1). Learning to stay calm, to stay in control of your own reactions and
behaviour, and therefore to be in control of the atmosphere in the home is key to
providing an environment within which children can heal and develop. You are
not in control of how your child behaves but you can control your own reactions
and behaviour. This can also lead to changes within your child.

Thinking, feeling and behavioural choices

Stepping aside from confrontation
Structure and supervision

Parenting with PACE

Helping children enjoy


Looking after yourself

Family atmosphere



Figure 10.1 Family atmosphere (Adapted from ‘The House Model of Parenting’ in Golding
et al. (2006). Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Reproduced with kind permission.)

126 Nurturing Attachments

What is a family atmosphere?

Children need to live within a safe and nurturing home. Within this home
children experience mutual enjoyment, respect, opportunities for learning and
for fun. As children experience consistent boundaries and limits on their behav-
iour, feelings of safety increase. A family atmosphere of empathy, sharing,
security, love and fun provides children with a positive experience within which
they can learn to trust and feel secure.
Unfortunately many of the children who live in foster and adoptive homes
have had previous experience of a very different family atmosphere, an atmos-
phere that might be characterized by tension, hostility, rage, fear and isolation.
Signs of anger, tension or discouragement in the substitute home can trigger
for children memories of this original atmosphere. The children may feel at
home with this; they have previously learnt how to live in such a home and it can
confirm what they know about themselves and others. In fact some children
work hard to make the home like this; it can feel quite scary to experience some-
thing very different, even if we feel it is a lot healthier for them. Other children
quickly experience an increase in feelings of danger and insecurity. Their behav-
iour becomes a defence against these feelings and worries.
Children need to experience a home environment that is markedly different
from their original environment. An ongoing atmosphere of relaxed empathy,
sharing, fun and predictable safety and security helps the child to experience
dependable relationships within which healthy attachments can develop.

Maintaining a positive family atmosphere

It is important to maintain a clear idea of the type of atmosphere you want to
create for your family. Often parents have had considerable experience of main-
taining such an atmosphere before the child moves in. The hard work is protect-
ing the atmosphere when she arrives. This can be extremely challenging, as
children will find it difficult to feel comfortable with something that is very dif-
ferent from their experience. Even physical differences can be a puzzle for them.
Why do we eat on tables? Why do we have sheets on the bed? How much more
of a puzzle therefore are the emotional differences? Why do you still love me
when I am so naughty? Why won’t you hit me? Why can’t I get you really mad
with me?
Children will have strong expectations of how families work and what a
family atmosphere is like. When they experience incongruity between their
expectations and what they are currently experiencing they feel anxious. In
order to feel less anxious they try to recreate their original experiences within
the new home. They want the family atmosphere to change to resemble their
own emotional life and that of their previously experienced family. You will
need to support your child until she begins to feel less anxious in the different
family atmosphere.
Protecting the Family Atmosphere and the Development of Emotional Regulation 127

To maintain the family atmosphere:

· Stay calm. You will find it easier to stay calm if you can feel empathy and
acceptance for your child, and the anxiety experienced in trying to adjust
to the new family.
· Be firm and consistent. You need to create an expectation that your child
will fit in to the new home, that she will, with help, be able to adjust to
the family rules. You will help her to adjust with a relaxed, matter-of-fact
and instructive attitude that engages her. If you become harsh, critical,
complaining or negative your child may feel closer to her original
experience and is less likely to change or adjust.
· Discipline must be clear and predictable, but also must reflect the
atmosphere of mutual enjoyment and respect. Firmness doesn’t need to
be intense, very serious or provided with annoyance. Instead you need to
adopt an attitude of being empathic and supportive whilst remaining
firm in your expectations.
· Help your child to feel liked and wanted even when she is misbehaving.
Provide her with an expectation that she will, with support, be able to
respond to the limits and boundaries in place because she is a good
person. Provide consequences with empathy, avoid being pulled into
angry confrontations about this and quietly empathize with her distress
whilst remaining firm about the consequence.
· Bad behaviour is therefore met with clear consequences alongside
respect for the choices that led to the behaviour and empathy for feelings
about the consequences.
· Provide nurturance to your child even when she is being hostile and
defiant or when she is ‘giving nothing back’. Respond to hostility and
rejection with empathy. Avoid taking her behaviour personally but
remain calm, interested, patient and persistent. Help her to trust and ask
for help.
Remember that it is okay to have a bad day, to mishandle a situation. All parents
need to allow themselves to make mistakes. This also models to the child that it
is okay to make mistakes. It is helpful to spend some time repairing any disrup-
tion to the relationship when feeling all right again. In the meantime give
yourself some time and space to recover your equilibrium.
Over time it is hoped that your child will adjust to the family environment
and will start to feel settled, comfortable and secure with this approach. This
will be reflected in her behaviour as she spends less time trying to stay in control
of you, and of the atmosphere, and more time enjoying being part of the family.
These behavioural changes whilst important are the outward signs of some-
thing much more fundamental. With this approach children are not just learning
128 Nurturing Attachments

how to conform to your expectations, how to fit in with you and the family, but
are learning about themselves. One of the core difficulties children who move
into foster and adoptive homes often have is difficulties with emotional regulation;
whether they express this through dysregulated, emotionally driven behaviour
or through dissociative, withdrawn behaviour, the child is not able to understand
or manage emotion in a healthy way. Living in a calm, accepting atmosphere
with a high level of empathy and support will gradually help the child to learn
about the emotions she experiences, and to manage these in a self-regulating
way. She not only fits in with the family but also can be a fully participating
member able to respond emotionally, behaviourally and socially to other family
members. Sibling fights, difficult ‘stressy’ days, and bad moods won’t disappear
but will feel less extreme and more normal. The child will also be able to find a
way back from these more easily. Instead of these difficult days confirming to
her how bad she is or how horrible parents are, they are just seen for what they
are. That was a bad day, now it is over. Time to move on.

As Marcus enters early adolescence he continues to make progress with Rita

and Frank, although he continues to be a challenging boy. He is responding to
them and beginning to enjoy the calmer family environment that they are trying
to create. It still surprises them however how quickly Marcus can disrupt this at-
mosphere when he is more stressed and then their home becomes much more
chaotic. Frank has felt particularly provoked at these times, and has been afraid
that Marcus could push him to the point of hitting him; a clear echo of Marcus’s
experience with Richie. By working together however Rita and Frank are learn-
ing to manage these periods and Marcus is finding it harder to re-create his early
home environment.
Rita and Frank strive to maintain calm responses to even the most provok-
ing behaviour displayed by Marcus. By supporting each other and tactically
withdrawing at times they are managing this a reasonable amount of the time.
They have also learnt not to be too hard on themselves when they don’t man-
age it. They remember how difficult Marcus is to care for, supporting each
other, as they feel low. By avoiding feeling guilty or frustrated they are more able
to get back to the calm responding they are aiming for.
Regular respite is also helpful, providing them with well-earned rest time as
well as an opportunity to check out with each other that they are maintaining
consistency. They can also plan how to handle particularly difficult behaviour
that Marcus is displaying. Marcus hasn’t given up his attempt to control them
and family life but there are times when he is able to relax with them.

Developing emotional regulation

Over time this parenting approach can help children develop the capacity to
regulate emotions.
Protecting the Family Atmosphere and the Development of Emotional Regulation 129

Children who have experienced poor parenting early in life may have failed
to develop good emotional regulation skills. This means that all emotion is difficult
to manage – positive emotion such as feeling excited or pleased as well as
negative emotion such as anger, fear or sadness.
These children will have a low threshold for managing emotion. When they
reach this threshold they become overwhelmed by the emotion and they either
dysregulate or dissociate. This can be thought of as an emotional thermometer
(see Figure 10.2). If children have a low threshold for managing emotion it will
only take a small increase in arousal before they are overwhelmed.
Dysregulated behaviour is expressed as explosive behaviour. The child is
unable to cognitively process information (to think about what is happening)
but is being driven by emotion. In the brain the thinking parts of the brain are
inactive whilst the emotional parts of the brain are overactive. Whilst children
are in this state they will not respond to reason. The parent needs to keep them
safe until the behaviour subsides and they start to think again.

Normal threshold for emotional dysregulation

or dissociation

Low threshold for emotional dysregulation

or dissociation

Figure 10.2 The emotional thermometer

130 Nurturing Attachments

Dissociation is a cutting off from the emotion. It is as if a switch has been turned
off within the child. She withdraws, freezes or becomes very compliant, with an
absence of emotion.
Dysregulation and dissociation are normal processes. We can all respond in
these ways if our emotion gets strong enough to overwhelm us. The difference is
that children who have not developed good emotional regulation skills get to this
point much quicker. They need help to learn about their feelings and to manage
these so that their threshold for reacting in these ways gets higher.
As an infant these skills are developed through close contact with the
parent. Imagine a baby distressed because she is hungry. The parent must first
calm the baby before she is able to feed. Rocking, cuddling and soothing allows
the emotion to reduce and the baby will then suckle.
This experience teaches children how to manage their own emotion so
eventually, as they grow older, they can regulate emotion without help.
Children who have not had sensitive parenting early in life will find this diffi-
cult. The parent needs to replicate the process, co-regulating with the children
when they are getting over-aroused. Cuddling and soothing touch can be
helpful along with activities such as warm baths, massages, and listening to
relaxing music.

Additional Theory: The process of attachment and the developing

The aims of the house model of parenting are to help children manage their
feelings, develop positive beliefs about self and others and to display less chal-
lenging behaviour. This helps the child to develop a more secure attachment to
her parents. In order to understand how this parenting approach can help the
child, some thought needs to be given to the developing brain.
Development of the brain is experience-dependent. This means that brain
development is stimulated through interactions with others. At birth the brain is
undifferentiated. The brain has a lot of potential but the way it develops will
depend on the experience the baby has. Differentiation – different parts of the
brain taking on different functions – occurs within a social context. Thus the
brain is a self-organizing system. It organizes itself and the way it works in the
context of relationships. There are also sensitive periods for development. Thus
attention, perception, memory, motor control, modulation of emotion, capacity
to form relationships and language all develop at certain times within a child’s
development. These sensitive periods are times when the brain is ready to
develop a certain function, and just needs the right experience to make this
happen. If this experience doesn’t happen then the brain will not function as
well. As we have seen, the development of emotional regulation is very dependent
on the child experiencing a regulating relationship with an adult. This requires
some experience with an empathic, sensitive adult. When this doesn’t happen
Protecting the Family Atmosphere and the Development of Emotional Regulation 131

the brain will be much less good at self-regulating emotion. Whilst these abili-
ties might still develop given the right experience, it will take a longer time and
the resultant abilities will be more fragile than if the child had received the right
experience at the time when the brain was most ready. Some abilities, like the
ability to see, may never happen if experience doesn’t occur during the sensitive
Figure 10.3 demonstrates some important development within the brain. It
can be helpful in envisaging this to imagine the brain as actually three brains.
Margot Sunderland (2006) describes this very clearly. The first brain, the reptil-
ian brain, is at the bottom. This brain needs no external experience to develop.
The infant is born able to function physiologically. For example, breathing,
digestion and circulation are all controlled from this part of the brain. Surround-
ing this brain is the second brain, the mammalian brain. This is our emotional
brain where we feel things, and we react to these feelings. Finally surrounding
this is the third brain, the rational or thinking brain. Here we think, assess situa-
tions and solve problems.
There are some aspects of the emotional brain that are already functioning
at birth. For example, the amygdala is the brain’s alarm system. It tells us when
we should be afraid and it mobilizes us to take action. This is mature at birth; the
baby needs no experience to feel fear or to go into the fight/flight mode
governed by the reptilian brain.
Other aspects of the emotional brain and especially its integration with the
thinking brain are much more dependent upon experience, and especially social

Cerebral cortex Amygdala

Integrated brain Alarm system


Thinking Fight
Planning Flight
Impulse control Freeze
Orbito-frontal cortex
Immature in early Maturation dependent upon nature Mature at birth
childhood of attachment relationship
Development Threat, stress
dependent upon hormones such as
Leads to ability to regulate emotion cortisol released,
empathic and
sensitive interactions activates amygdala

Figure 10.3 The developing brain

132 Nurturing Attachments

experience. Thus the orbito-frontal cortex, a part of the brain that is situated just
behind the eyes, has an important role in being able to regulate emotion. This
part of the brain develops within an attachment relationship. Similarly the
development of the cerebral cortex, which is dependent on the brain function-
ing in an integrated way, also occurs through the experience of relationships.
Thus the child will always be able to react, to experience feelings, and to act on
this without thought, but the ability to manage feelings, to think things
through, and to plan are very dependent upon the experience of relationship she
has had. Children will be active, impulsive and quick to react; with sensitive and
empathic care they will also be able to regulate their emotion, inhibit impulses,
and think things through.

The process of infant attachment on the developing brain

To fully understand how the brain develops it is helpful to understand the
process of infant attachment. Understanding this can help to make sense of the
behaviour of children who have not had good early experience. Attachment
occurs through a range of experiences. These influence development and the
absence of these experiences can increase the risk of later difficulties for the

Absorption represents the experience of the infant and parent early in the child’s
life. Both partners in this dyad are very preoccupied with the other; this preoc-
cupation provides the necessary experience for the infant and parent to accept or
claim each other. This is the beginning of the development of a relationship
between them, and of the infant developing a sense of self within this relation-
ship. The parent demonstrates that he will reliably meet the child’s needs whilst
the infant learns that she has some ability to control the relationship to get needs
met. Trevarthen (2001) calls this primary intersubjectivity. The infant and parent
discover each other in a reciprocal relationship and in the process discover more
about themselves.
Peter Fonagy and his colleagues (Fonagy et al. 2002) describe an important
part of this early relationship, termed affect mirroring. The parent interprets the
child’s emotion for her by reflecting this emotion using exaggerated tone of
voice, and facial expressions. This is done in a way that children know that this
is not the parent’s feelings but is a reflection of what they themselves are feeling.
In this way children come to understand their own feelings.
If the infant gets very poor experience of primary intersubjectivity, an
absorbed relationship with a parent, as a child she may have difficulty in
trusting others and/or relying on herself to get her needs met. This can be
expressed in two different ways:
Protecting the Family Atmosphere and the Development of Emotional Regulation 133

· The children might remain preoccupied with their dependency needs.

They don’t learn to trust others to be available and responsive and so de-
mand attention in order to ensure that their needs are met. Their behav-
iour is therefore very attention-needing, and controlling of others.
· Alternatively the children can be quite dissociated from their depend-
ency needs. They manage the belief that others will not be available and
responsive by ignoring or suppressing their needs. They learn to rely on
themselves instead of others, demonstrating an inappropriate self-reli-
The absence of affect mirroring can have quite complex effects on children. In
essence children are unable to find their psychological self in the mind of their
parents. The parents are not helping their children understand what they are
feeling but are instead preoccupied with their own feelings about their children.
This means that the only information the children have about how to experience
themselves is the parent’s own thoughts and feelings towards them. This ‘alien’,
non-mirrored view of self then becomes internalized as a core part of the self,
but not related to the child’s emotional or cognitive state. The child will fail to
build up a coherent, co-ordinated sense of a psychological self.
David Howe (2005) explains how abusive parents reject what is going on in
the child’s mind, or are hostile and contemptuous towards it, so that the child
internalizes a hostile, persecutory sense of self. Neglectful parents on the other
hand fail to recognize or acknowledge what is going on in the child’s mind. The
child internalizes an abandoned self. Children find these internalizations diffi-
cult to live with and therefore project them on to others. You can find yourself
cast into the role of hostile or abandoning parent even though you have not
parented your child in this way.

Attunement is another important element of intersubjectivity or the sharing of a
relationship. The parent provides the infant with an experience of emotional
connection with another that is consistent and provides contingent responses to
her communications and needs. An attuned response is an empathic response
that helps the child to feel understood and connected to the adult. The child
learns to trust in the availability and responsiveness of the adult.
The lack of experience in an attuned relationship leads to children having
difficulties with trust in others. This can be expressed in a range of ways.
Children might learn not to trust others at all or alternatively they may be
over-trusting, displaying an over-reliance on the other person. Some children
will persistently trust the ‘wrong people’. They become attracted to and
involved with groups of older children or young adults who exploit them or
direct them into delinquent activities. The attraction of this group is that it offers
a source of apparent safety when they can’t feel safe with the caring adults.
134 Nurturing Attachments

Overall, therefore, children have difficulty forming and maintaining appro-

priate relationships. Having not experienced reliable empathy from others
children have difficulty in feeling empathy for others. This makes it difficult for
children to enter into reciprocal, mutual relationships.

The intersubjective experience of absorption and attunement with another also
provides the experience of regulation for children. Allan Schore (1994)
describes how parents provide their children with an experience of attunement by
recognizing and connecting with the arousal state being displayed. At this stage
the parents follow the children’s lead, accepting the arousal state that they are
signalling. Thus the infant–parent emotional state becomes synchronized in a
way that provides a sharing of positive emotion and a containing of negative
emotion. The parents are then able to lead the children into a different, regu-
lated emotional state, for example soothing a distressed child, calming an over-
excited child, stimulating a bored child. The child learns that distress can be
managed and transformed and that pleasure and excitement can be shared and
Through a process in which adults initially regulate for children, and then
co-regulate with children, the children learn to regulate stress, emotion,
impulses, shame and rage. If this process does not occur, or is experienced
patchily and inconsistently, a child will fail to develop the capacity for regula-
tion. She reacts to the lack of regulation abilities by:
· dissociation – avoidance, withdrawal, disconnection, ‘spaced-out’
· hyper-arousal – panic, rage, volatility.
These are unconscious, defensive processes; the children are not able to regulate
and self-soothe.
Difficulty in regulating impulses leads to children lacking the capacity to
assess risk, or to stop and think. The children can be destructive, a danger to self
and others, constantly in trouble, socially unacceptable, and easily led.
If children are not helped to regulate shame they will experience dis-
integrative shame, overwhelming their sense of self. Children are unable to
experience guilt for behaviour, but are instead overwhelmed with a sense of
badness. Thus the children do not take responsibility for behaviour, learn from
mistakes, nor make choices. As a defence against this the children blame others
or become very perfectionistic.
When children lack regulation capacity for rage, they are unable to manage
anger. This can lead to aggression and destructiveness. These children elicit fear
and anger in others and are terrified of their own sense of being dangerous.
They have difficulty making or keeping friends.
Protecting the Family Atmosphere and the Development of Emotional Regulation 135


Through a process which Trevarthen (2001) called secondary intersubjectivity, the
child learns about the world of people, events and objects. The child and parent
together focus their attention outwards. This shared attention helps them both
to explore the world and learn about the impact of this world on each other. The
child learns about the world through the meaning the parent gives it. As the
adult helps her to make sense of the world she develops the capacity to think. In
this way children learn that the world, themselves and other people make sense.
This in turn allows children to reflect upon, process and learn from experience.
Learning about the world also involves learning about the mental states
(thoughts, feelings, beliefs and desires) of self and others – in other words
having reflective function or a theory of mind. This helps children to understand
the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and desires they hold and that others might
have different thoughts, feelings, beliefs and desires. Theory of mind typically
develops in children between the age of three and four years, providing they are
interacting with parents who are helping them to become aware of mental states
in both themselves and in others. Understanding mental states helps children to
make sense of behaviour and therefore to understand the social world within
which they live. A researcher called Elizabeth Meins has highlighted the impor-
tance of the parent being mind-minded in order to help the child understand
mental states (Meins et al. 2002). Parents who are mind-minded are able to trans-
late psychological experience of the child into a coherent dialogue. (‘Look how
upset you are. I guess you really wanted to play with the car. Are you thinking
that Joe is really mean not to let you have it?’) The parent is not just responding
to the child’s behaviour but is also interpreting what the behaviour means. This
in turn develops the child’s mentalizing skills, and facilitates emotional under-
standing and regulation.
When children lack a relationship within which they are enabled to make
sense of the world, they are left with poor mentalizing abilities. They struggle to
make sense of the world, and especially the mental states of self and others. This
means that they find it difficult to explain their own behaviour or to predict the
behaviour of others.
When children lack a relationship to help them to make sense of the world
they are at increased risk for a range of cognitive deficits. Cairns and Stanway
(2004) highlight some of the difficulties children may have when early experi-
ence has not supported the development of information processing, the ability
to make sense of experience. Children can lack the ability to see the world from
different perspectives – ‘you are sad because…’; ‘that person wants to…’ – and
therefore empathy development is compromised. Learning is made especially dif-
ficult because of difficulties in generalizing learning from one situation to
another, and because of a lack of cause-and-effect thinking. It is also typical to
136 Nurturing Attachments

find that children can’t distinguish fact from fantasy, or mine from yours, and
therefore lying and stealing are common.
This description of developing attachment illustrates how important the
relationship is to the developing child. The child who has not had good rela-
tionship experience will find it very difficult in a number of ways. The use of
family atmosphere, empathy, and sensitive parenting can begin the process of
providing children with this necessary experience. The challenge is to provide
this experience for a child who has already developed within different relation-
ships. Being absorbed and attuned with an older child, developing regulation
and thinking ability, can all be enormously challenging. Change will take a long
time as the child has to learn a different way of being with others, and this has to
translate into changes at the level of brain as well as behaviour.
There is an old adage that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. The dog
has to unlearn old behaviour before it can learn the new behaviour, and this can
be a challenging, although not impossible task; much easier when the dog has
learnt the behaviour for the first time as a puppy. This is also what adoptive and
foster families are helping the child to do. The child needs to learn new ways of
behaving and managing her emotional experience. These new ways won’t
replace what she learnt when she was younger but will provide her with more
flexibility, more options and choices and a greater capacity to cope with a range
of situations.
Creating a Feeling
of Belonging for the Child

We discussed in the last chapter the importance of family atmosphere to help

children adjust to the family and to start to feel comfortable. This, over the
longer term, can help children to adjust both at the behavioural and emotional
level. In this chapter we consider how to supplement this use of family atmos-
phere with activities that give the children a sense of belonging in the family.
Much as a baby feels claimed within the early relationship, the older child also

Thinking, feeling and behavioural choices

Stepping aside from confrontation
Structure and supervision

Parenting with PACE

Helping children enjoy


Looking after yourself

Rituals Belonging Claiming

Family atmosphere



Figure 11.1 Belonging (Adapted from ‘The House Model of Parenting’ in Golding
et al. (2006). Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Reproduced with kind permission.)

138 Nurturing Attachments

needs to actively develop a sense of belonging if he is to fully adjust to being a

full member of the family (see Figure 11.1).

The use of family rituals and claiming behaviours to help children

feel that they belong
Children need to feel a sense of belonging and to feel part of the family in order
to feel secure. This helps children to cope better at times when they are away
from the family. Paying attention to rituals and routines and explicit ways of
‘claiming’ the child can help him to develop a feeling of belonging.

Rituals and routines

Families have many rituals and ways of doing things that can be quite perplex-
ing for children coming into the family. Not knowing these rituals can make the
children feel like outsiders, that they don’t belong. Time spent helping your
child to understand ‘how we do things here’ can help him adapt and fit into
your family.
Many rituals develop out of our awareness. We are not aware that we do
things in a certain order, or follow a certain routine. Others may be more
explicit. We sit together and share a pizza and a video on Friday evenings, for
example. Helping children to understand these rituals can help them to feel a
part of the routine. These consistent routines also help the child to feel more
secure, and life to be more predictable.
Carers need to be aware that some of the routines they take for granted may
appear quite bizarre to the child. Taking a shower every day, sitting down to eat
meals at the table, even sleeping in a bed and having a consistent bedtime can be
very perplexing for a child who hasn’t had this experience.
Children need to be helped to understand and enjoy rituals and routines
that are already in place within the family. It can also feel good to be part of
creating new routines. This can help children to feel not just that they are fitting
in but that they have some influence over how the family is developing.

Claiming behaviours
Children can be helped to feel they belong in a number of different ways. Pho-
tographs around the house, celebrations of the day they joined the family, their
own possessions amongst those of other family members, choosing the decora-
tions in a room, naming a new family pet can all powerfully convey to children
that they belong and are here to stay.

Claiming is especially important for Luke; when he arrived with Jackie he had no
sense of being special or belonging to someone. Jackie is careful to find ways of
Creating a Feeling of Belonging for the Child 139

demonstrating that Luke is her child, using visual reminders such as photo-
graphs, and a door sign that says ‘Jackie and Luke live here’. She makes sure that
his moving-in day is treated as a special anniversary and she involves Luke in
making decisions that affect both of them. For example, Luke helps her to
choose the colour for their new carpet. When friends come around Jackie uses
the opportunity to show Luke how people come and go but he remains as he
belongs with her. It is particularly helpful when Jackie cares for her two nieces
whilst their mum goes into hospital for a minor operation. Jackie shows Luke
that he is different to them, and also helps Luke to understand how much they
miss their mum and look forward to going home.

Probably the behaviour that is most likely to interfere with the process of
claiming a child within a family, and can make it hardest to maintain the positive
family atmosphere, is anger. Children can display anger in a range of ways, but
each of these can be very destructive to family relationships.

Helping children who are angry

Children with difficulties in forming and enjoying attachment relationships
often use anger to cope with feelings of low self-worth and fear of rejection. The
anger can be:
· a defence against the feelings about self. The child instead blames others
and expresses anger towards them.
· a way of coping with the fear of rejection. The child pushes the parent
away, rejecting before being rejected.
· a way of testing commitment. ‘This is how bad I am. Will you still love
· an expression of frustration at events or feelings that feel out of control to
the child.
· a way of managing feelings that the child feels are intolerable. For
example, if the child finds feeling sad intolerable he may use anger as a
way of blocking the feelings of sadness.

By the time Zoë is ten years old Jenny and Martin have made substantial prog-
ress. Zoë is now much more mature and more able to talk about how she is
feeling rather than demonstrating this through her behaviour. She sometimes
leaves little notes around the house to tell Jenny and Martin that she is sad or
cross. She will also talk with them without being so quick to ‘lose it’. Her emo-
tional outbursts still occur, but are not so frequent and more quickly over.
Catherine on the other hand appears to be more difficult as she moves into
her teenage years. Jenny and Martin often notice her winding Zoë up, trying to
140 Nurturing Attachments

provoke her into an angry outburst. Catherine has always put a lid on her own
emotion; Jenny and Martin now wonder how much Zoë’s temper tantrums
have helped her with this. Could Catherine somehow experience these out-
bursts vicariously, reducing her own need to display her feelings?
They have also noticed that Catherine’s previously infrequent outbursts,
although still short lived, are becoming more frequent. Jenny is particularly con-
cerned about this as she feels in other ways her relationship with Catherine is
improving. This improvement in their relationship is leading to some conflict for
Catherine. She has a deep-seated fear of not being good enough. She fears that
Jenny will see how bad she is and will not want her any more. When she feels
particularly close to Jenny this creates anxiety for Catherine; she becomes an-
gry both as a way of managing the increase in anxiety and to demonstrate to
Jenny how bad a young person she really is.
Catherine has also had many questions recently about Fiona who she
barely remembers. Becoming a teenager has led to a need to find out more
about herself. Catherine’s growing independence is accompanied by a need
to strengthen her own sense of identity. This in turn provokes sadness in
Catherine – sadness for a mother who she barely remembers – and because of
the fear that her mother, Jenny, could not love her because of who she is.
Catherine cannot handle feeling sad; she has always managed to cut off from
the feelings she experiences, dissociating from any connection with them. This
is becoming harder to do. Provoking Zoë or becoming angry herself is a way of
inhibiting the intolerable sad feelings.
Displays of anger for Catherine are therefore complex as, in adolescence,
she comes to terms with who she is all over again. Anxiety and sadness, a fear of
not being good enough and of rejection, together with a changing relationship
with her sister, all contribute to the increase in provocative, angry behaviour al-
ternating with compliant and loving behaviour when she is feeling calmer.

A colleague of mine, Betsy Brua, helps parents understand children’s angry out-
bursts by using the image of a volcano; she provided me with the visual image in
Figure 11.2 (Brua, personal communication).

Calmness ® Trigger ® Build-up ® Explosion ® Wind-down ® Remorse ® Calmness

Figure 11.2 The volcano

Creating a Feeling of Belonging for the Child 141

Things can go along fine until a trigger is experienced. The child’s behaviour
begins to build up until an explosion occurs. After the explosion, there is a
winding-down stage that is then followed by a return to calmness. There may be a
period of remorse before the child returns to normal. Sometimes the triggers are
unclear and the outbursts appear suddenly and unpredictably. In addition the
wind-down stage may be characterized by numerous further eruptions before
calmness is finally restored.
You can think about how you can help the child at all these different stages,
each being dealt with differently.

Maintaining a positive emotional atmosphere will help to develop periods of
calmness in the home. This means avoiding being pulled into confrontation
with your child but staying calm, clear and empathic. If your child is being
oppositional or non-compliant calmly state the consequence and walk away
(‘When you…then…’ Or ‘If you…then…’). Maintain clear boundaries and
expectations without getting angry. It is helpful to acknowledge the effort your
child is making, however small, and to provide empathy for how hard this is.
Children with experience of chaotic, unpredictable and unresponsive
parenting will benefit from extra predictability and consistency. This can be dif-
ficult if you like being a bit impulsive, doing things on the spur of the moment.
You need to assess whether your child can cope with such spontaneity. If not you
may need a bit more predictability; gradually help him to become more secure
with unpredictability.

The trigger
Outbursts tend to occur for reasons. This may be, in common with all children,
when the child is not getting something that he wants, being stopped from
doing something or feeling bored, tired or unwell. Children who struggle to
manage their feelings are likely to be triggered much more quickly and easily.
They reach the threshold for tolerating stress sooner and thus explosions appear
to occur more suddenly and more extremely than in other children. Even nice
events can be stressful and therefore can lead to similar reactions. If your child
doesn’t tolerate stress well then treats and family outings need to be carefully
planned and monitored. It may be better to plan a few small, low-key outings
than a major event. Going to the park to feed the ducks, a family picnic, or a
shared video may be easier for your child to manage than a trip to the safari park.
These also have the added advantage that they can be ended earlier if you notice
him beginning to struggle. Your child ends the experience positively and is none
the wiser that it is earlier than it might have been.
142 Nurturing Attachments

For children with experience of abuse or neglect, additional triggers can be

reminders of past experience, feeling fear, feeling not good enough, experienc-
ing shame, and perceiving rejection from others. Children who are hyper-sensi-
tive to being rejected can perceive even neutral expressions or statements from
the parent as rejecting, leading to explosive behaviour. These triggers can be
very unexpected and difficult to spot. You might notice patterns in how your
child is behaving; puzzling about this with him may throw further light on it. (‘I
notice you get very angry when I say no more television. Do you think I don’t
like you and that is why I am saying this?’) Often however the children them-
selves do not understand these links. You may have to try different reassurances,
see what makes a difference to your child. (‘I love you very much, but now it is
time to turn the TV off. Shall we spend some time doing that puzzle?’)

The build-up
The build-up can happen relatively slowly or can occur very quickly. As the
explosion starts to build up there may be opportunities to intervene. With
careful observation you may notice signs of stress building up that you hadn’t
noticed before. Sometimes however this is not possible and your child just ‘ex-
plodes’ with no warning.
When you are aware that stress is building you could try distracting your
child, diverting him to an activity which is stress reducing, spending a bit more
time with him so that he can use you to help manage the stress or producing
something novel which helps him to focus away from the stressful trigger. For
young children special toys can be kept to use at difficult times. Sometimes
active ignoring might be useful in diffusing the situation, especially when your
child is trying to goad you into a reaction. In these instances however it is also
useful to think about why he wants to goad you; he may need support for some
other feeling. For instance, a child might try to engineer an outburst when
feeling anxious.
For some children humour or playfulness can stop the build-up; behaving
unexpectedly can stop children in their tracks. Soon they are joining in and
giggling with you.
Children who have experienced frightening parenting in the past, either
because their parents have hurt them or because they have not been available
and responsive to them, will be feeling afraid during the build-up. As they expe-
rience an increase in stress they will be anticipating lack of help, or worse,
physical punishment for their behaviour. This can accelerate the process,
building the stress more quickly and thus leading to earlier explosions. Some of
these children will respond to being held and cuddled at this time. This can help
them to feel safe and contained, allowing them to calm down. You need to be
mindful of your child’s previous experience. If hugging triggers memories of
past abuse this may create further anxiety. You will need to find a different way
Creating a Feeling of Belonging for the Child 143

to hold him which doesn’t trigger this anxiety or you can stay close, without
touching, and talk in a calm, safe way allowing your voice to ‘hold’.

The explosion
Children vary in the length and severity of their outbursts and there is no easy
answer as to how to handle the explosion. You need to try to stay calm and
remember that it will not go on forever. At this time you will not be able to
reason with or talk your child out of it. Concentrate on keeping him safe. Any
talking should be calm and reassuring, helping him to feel supported. You need
to let him know that he is safe and that you will be able to help.
Although you probably feel upset and angry, showing these feelings will
only prolong the outburst. Find ways to stay calm; try to say positive things to
yourself, take deep breaths, count to ten. If you are feeling very wound up it is
best to walk away, if this can be done safely. This will be easier if there is another
adult who can take over.

The wind-down
During the winding-down stage, some of the diversion and distraction strate-
gies that are used during the build-up phase can be tried again.
Cuddling at this stage can be a powerful way of letting young children
know that they are all right and that you still love them. Older children might
welcome a cuddle too, or at least a reassuring pat on the shoulder. For children
uncomfortable with touch, use words to give the same messages.
The message should always be that whilst the behaviour is unacceptable,
you would like to help him to find a different way of showing how he is feeling.
This is not the same as rewarding the explosive behaviour. This only happens
when you give in to children as a result of their behaviour.
As your child is calming down, it is better not to discuss the outburst. This is
likely to trigger further outbursts whilst emotions are still not fully back in
control. Your child is not in a receptive frame of mind and will not be able or
willing to see why his behaviour was unreasonable. If you feel that you need to
discuss the outburst choose a quiet time when everyone has fully calmed down.
Empathy and attunement at these times will help him to listen.
If your child has done any damage or made any mess during the outburst
this will also need leaving for now. When calmness is restored, and he is feeling
supported, then you can discuss quietly how he will tidy up or make amends.
Supporting children at this stage is a powerful way of demonstrating that they
are still loved, thus reducing their feelings of shame and sense of badness.
144 Nurturing Attachments

When children have wound down, they will sometimes experience a period of
remorse. They may say that they are sorry, that they will never do it again. This is
an important stage and builds on the interactive repair during the wind-down
period. You can provide empathy for how hard it is for your child to cope with the
strong feelings and give the message that you will help him with this. Don’t
worry however if he is not expressing remorse. Trying to get a child to apolo-
gize is rarely effective. At most he says sorry to keep you quiet but it will not feel
genuine. Children generally do feel bad after an outburst, but for some children
the feelings of shame are too overwhelming. They defend against these feelings
by not acknowledging their sense of badness about the behaviour or sometimes
by blaming others. As you help your child to cope with the shame and as you
reassure him that you will continue to love him then he will gradually be able to
acknowledge sadness for what has occurred.
Looking After Yourself

Making time for yourself is something parents find very hard to do. Looking
after children, managing a household and fulfilling work commitments can
mean that looking after you is very low down the priority list. Yet it should be
the number one priority. Without time for yourself there will be no opportunity
for re-charging batteries, thinking or planning. Rest, relaxation and reflection

Thinking, feeling and behavioural choices

Stepping aside from confrontation
Structure and supervision

Parenting with PACE

Helping children enjoy

Rest, relaxation, Support to manage
Looking after yourself stress
Family atmosphere



Figure 12.1 Looking after yourself (Adapted from ‘The House Model of Parenting’ in Golding
et al. (2006). Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Reproduced with kind permission.)

146 Nurturing Attachments

are all essential elements of parenting, especially when parenting children with
emotional and relationship difficulties (see Figure 12.1).

Making time for reflection and relaxation

When caring for and working with children with difficulties in attachment it is
very important that you have opportunities to spend time away from them. If
your child is struggling to go to school this can be even more important. Respite
breaks and holidays, as well as times for yourself, are very important both to
re-charge batteries and to think about the best way of caring for her.
Children may struggle with these necessary breaks from parents, especially
when they fear abandonment and loss. This inevitably presents a dilemma; the
parent needs a break but taking a break can appear to be contributing to the
child’s difficulties. It is not uncommon for a period of ‘pay-back’ upon your
return, leaving you to wonder whether the break was worth it. It can also be dif-
ficult to find alternative carers for your child, especially when behaviour is very
challenging. Baby sitters can be difficult to find and extended family are not
always available or keen to provide this kind of practical support. Despite all
these difficulties it remains an essential part of the parenting approach. Thera-
peutic parenting as described in this model is very emotionally demanding and
intensive. Breaks are as essential a part of this approach as any other element.
Allowing time for yourself whilst your child is at school can be part of this, but
evenings out or short breaks are also important. When these breaks can be built
naturally into a child’s routine, with a grown-up child or another family
member for example, the child is likely to take it in her stride. More complex
arrangements will need some thought and careful preparation with the child.
Making the breaks as planned as possible with stable arrangements using
the same substitute carer is ideal. The children get used to the change as a part of
their routine, and do not see it as a response to anything they have done or said.
When parents do not take breaks and the pressure builds up, a break may be
needed as a response to a crisis. The child is then separating from the parent at a
low point, when the relationship is not doing well. Inevitably she will link the
separation to her own behaviour, and will fear a more permanent break in the
future. This can lead to a large amount of testing the relationship when the
parents return, making it difficult for the parent to get the relationship back to
equilibrium. Whilst crises are inevitable from time to time, regular respite
arrangements can mean that the child doesn’t only experience separations at
times of difficulty.
It is helpful if the respite carer can follow a similar approach to parenting
the child. This will provide a sense of continuity. It is also helpful if respite
breaks are as normal as possible, rather than a special time for the child. Filling
the time with treats and special activities can make it difficult for her to re-adjust
to normal life when her own parent returns.
Looking After Yourself 147

Children can be helped to feel that they are still in the parents’ mind during
a break. Time spent planning the break with your child and letting her know
what you will be doing whilst you are apart can help the experience to feel less
threatening. She could be asked to look after something for you; a message that
you will be returning. Telephone calls or sending a card can also help her to stay
connected with you whilst you are away. This experience of continuing connec-
tion with the parent can be very helpful, especially for the child with a large
degree of separation anxiety. Even spending time away from the parent when at
school can lead to a large amount of anxiety for some children. Knowing that
the parent is continuing to think about them can be very helpful to children in
coping with separation.

Although Zoë is now ten and Catherine thirteen, Jenny and Martin have not yet
left them overnight. This is presenting them with a dilemma. They want to travel
abroad to a golden wedding anniversary of a family member, but they do not
think that the girls will cope with this event. If they do not take them it will mean
leaving them for a few days.
Jenny and Martin have some good friends who have also adopted two chil-
dren, and they rather courageously offer to have the girls. After some delibera-
tion Jenny and Martin decide to take up this offer. About a month before they
are due to go Jenny and Martin tell the girls. Predictably Zoë is very upset; she
clings to Jenny begging her not to leave her. Catherine on the other hand ap-
pears indifferent, taking the news in her stride, although Jenny and Martin feel
that she isn’t as untroubled as she appears. They decide to plan the weekend,
involving the girls as much as possible, and with an emphasis on when they will
be coming back. They make calendars of the month to put up in their bedroom
illustrating the few days away amongst a sea of days either side when they will
be with them. They also get out the family albums showing Catherine and Zoë
the couple celebrating the anniversary and who else will be there. Catherine
helps Zoë to make cards for the couple, and while they are at it for the friends
they are going to stay with! Martin draws maps for the girls, marking on the
route they will take to get to the hotel and more importantly the route back
home. Finally they buy Zoë a teddy bear with a little recorder inside for per-
sonal messages. For Catherine they buy a new make-up mirror; it has a mirror
on one side and space for photographs and messages from Jenny and Martin on
the other. Jenny and Martin leave a message for each girl reminding them how
much they love them and when they will be home.
The day before they are due to go they visit the friends’ house. Jenny goes
through the girls’ usual routine, and leaves them with a supply of peanut butter!
She also leaves notes to be given to the girls whilst they are away. These say
how proud they are of them and that they are missing them. On the morning it-
self Jenny hands each girl one of her scarves, telling them she wants them to
look after these for her, and she will collect them back when she returns.
148 Nurturing Attachments

The stay goes smoothly. Zoë is a bit tearful and clingy, especially at bed-
time. She insists on marking each hour on her calendar so that she can see when
Jenny and Martin will be back. Catherine appears fine, although she is a bit quiet
and she becomes quite frustrated when she can’t find her homework for
school the next day. Overall however they appear to cope. They are both
pleased to see Jenny and Martin when they return and for a few weeks Zoë is
clingier than usual but overall Jenny and Martin are glad they had gone.

Finding ways to spend free time is not as difficult as making the time in the first
place! Relaxation, support and reflection all need time away from the children
and together they help you to feel strong and emotionally able to continue.

It may feel impossible at times but it is important to make time for hobbies and
interests, for meeting friends and spending time with your partner. If you don’t
feel like socializing or being busy, allow yourself evenings in when you can take
a bath, read a book, or watch television without being interrupted by your child.
Learning a relaxation exercise does not take very long and, if practised regularly,
can be very helpful at times of increased stress.

Use support
You will need a good support network including some people who will have
similar experiences to you. Friends and family are obviously an important
source of support, but difficulties in sharing confidential information, or a lack
of understanding on their part about why you are fostering or have adopted,
might mean extending your support network more widely. Support groups or
individual support from foster and adoptive parents can be helpful. Support can
also come from other professionals who know your child, or are willing to listen
to you talk about her. Some people will be able to offer practical support; others
may provide emotional support. Knowing there is someone to phone when
things are tough can make a huge difference to whether you will cope or not.

Make time for reflection

All parents need time for reflection. This can allow you to think about your
child’s behaviour, to understand it and to reflect upon your response to it. This
can help you to acknowledge your own feelings of anger, sadness and despair. It
can also help in maintaining a sense of humour.
Take opportunities to think about your child, and your reactions to her.
Learning from how things have gone, thinking through the reasons for behav-
iour or exploring the links between your child’s current behaviour and her past
Looking After Yourself 149

experience are all very difficult to do during the heat of day-to-day care. Main-
taining a journal, or talking with someone who has some understanding of your
child, can help you to think things through, make plans and review and revise
plans in the light of experience.
You may need time to think about realistic day-to-day goals, and to revisit
these at times of increased stress.
If you are caring with another person you will benefit if you have time and
space to talk to your partner. This can help you to provide a consistent response
to your child and to explore issues you are facing. Caring for a child who has dif-
ficulties in making and maintaining relationships can place a huge strain on
marriage or partnerships. If this isn’t talked about, it will simply build until the
relationship reaches breaking point.
Partners need especially to think about a child who is responding to one
parent very differently from the other. If this is not thought through, resentment
and frustration can quickly build up. Time for reflection avoids splitting. This is
when a child tries to respond to one parent as the good parent and the other as
the bad parent. In the absence of good communication it is very easy to fall into
these roles.

Understanding and managing feelings evoked by the child

If you find yourself experiencing anger, tension or discouragement this will be
communicated back to your child. This leads to increased insecurity and often
an increase in the difficult behaviour being displayed. Thus a vicious circle can
quickly set in.
Children will experience certain feelings in response to the feelings of the
· fear or rage in response to anger
· anxious and guarded in response to tension and pessimism
· hopeless in response to discouragement.
When you habitually find yourself reacting to particular behaviours of your
child, it can help to reflect on this.
You might be experiencing projection. These are feelings projected into you
by your child. If you experience an emotional reaction that seems to be extreme
you could consider whether you may be experiencing the emotion that your
child is experiencing. Time spent with someone suffering from depression can
leave us feeling depressed. We may pick up on the anger that someone is feeling
and find ourselves experiencing this anger as if it is our own. Understanding
these reactions means that you can support your child, providing her with some
sense of containment and empathy.
150 Nurturing Attachments

One day Jenny is telling Martin about her friend’s daughter. She has been getting
into drugs and the friend is ‘out of her mind’ with worry. ‘I don’t know,’ says
Jenny. ‘You make so many sacrifices for them but can’t your children let you
down? Mind you, Kate has always had a stubborn streak. She can be a manipula-
tive little madam.’
Unbeknown to Jenny and Martin, Catherine hears the last part of the con-
versation and mistakenly thinks that they are talking about her. The next few
days are quite strange. On the surface Catherine appears much as usual but
Jenny finds herself feeling angry with her. She can’t put her finger on it but she
experiences a distance from Catherine, a feeling of estrangement that hasn’t
been there before. Catherine is polite and compliant but Jenny feels that she
wants to shake her.
Fortunately for Jenny and Catherine’s relationship Catherine confides in a
favourite teacher. She tells her that she hates her mum; after some probing
Catherine lets on that her mum doesn’t like her because she is stubborn and
manipulative. The teacher is concerned enough to let Jenny and Martin know
and after some reflection it all becomes clear. Jenny and Martin sit down and
have a quiet talk with Catherine, at the end of which they make her promise
that if she does any more listening at doors she will make sure she knows who
they are talking about!

Alternatively it might be that your child is acting as a trigger to an unresolved

issue from your own past. As discussed in Chapter 8 it might be helpful to reflect
upon your own experience of being parented, or on previous relationships that
you have had, and to think about how this might impact on your role as a parent.
When strong emotions are triggered in us it becomes difficult to continue to
respond flexibly. We are caught up in our own emotions and we no longer think
clearly. It is easy then to over-react to your child. You may need time apart to
reflect on your responses to her. Does any person or event from your past experi-
ence come to mind? Often exploration of our attachment history can give us
clues as to why we are responding to a child in a particular way. Does your
previous experience help to make sense of the emotional reaction? Being able to
understand such a reaction will ensure that you are more in control next time it
happens. You will be able to return to more flexible responding.

Stress and coping

Everyone experiences stress in their lives and at low levels this can be positive.
Stress can help us to be motivated and enthusiastic, helping us to cope, and to
achieve goals we have set for ourselves. Too much stress however can be prob-
lematic leading us to feel unwell and unhappy. Increased stress interferes with
Coping can be thought of in terms of resources and demands:
Looking After Yourself 151

· Resources: These are the things that are drawn on for support. They can be
internal, for example health, fitness and confidence. They can be
external, for example support, pay and holidays.
· Demands: These are the things that have to be done or managed, for
example, getting children to school, attending meetings, employment,
managing difficult behaviours.
The balance between resources and demands determines your ability to cope.
When you have more resources than demands you will be able to cope. If
demands exceed resources however you are likely to find yourself not coping
very well.
Coping = more resources than demands.
Not coping = more demands than resources.
Exercise 12.1 gives you an opportunity to think about your own resources and
demands, and thus to think about how you can improve your ability to cope.

Exercise 12.1: Making changes

What are the demands upon you? Do you have sufficient resources to cope?
Try to think of one achievable thing you could do to reduce the demands on
you and/or to increase the resources available to you. See Figure 12.2.

Demands on Resources I can

me are: draw on are:

I can reduce demands on I can increase resources by:

me by:

Figure 12.2 Making changes

152 Nurturing Attachments

Stress thermometer
You can notice when you are becoming stressed because of the impact this has
on your body, your behaviour, your thinking and your feelings. Carolyn
Webster-Stratton (2001) uses the idea of a stress thermometer to help you
monitor changes in these as your stress builds up (see Figure 12.3 below).
What am I What am I High stress What is How am I
thinking? feeling? happening in behaving?
my body?

I’m bad, I’m Angry. Heart racing, Yelling, hitting.

hopeless, I’m Furious. neck muscles
a bad parent. tight, chest
This is too tight, clenched
stressful. fists, teeth

No matter Defensive, Shallow rapid Threatening,

what I do guilty, breathing, withdrawing.
nothing withdrawn, sweating,
changes. It’s frustrated, tense muscles.
useless. It sad.
never helps.

I’m not sure I Irritated, Pacing, Difficulty

can do this. anxious, headache listening,
Maybe this is worried. developing. thinking
too much for narrows, less
me to handle. open to new
Maybe I’m no ideas.

It’s supposed Interested, Heart normal, Calm, pleasant,

to get worse receptive, breathing able to
before it gets flexible, calm, relaxed, problem-solve,
better. This happy, muscles able to listen.
won’t last confident, relaxed.
forever. I can content.
make a
difference. I
can help…
Low stress

Figure 12.3 The stress thermometer (Adapted from Webster-Stratton (2001). Copyright
© The Incredible Years. Reproduced with kind permission.)
Looking After Yourself 153

Everyone will deal with stress in different ways, and have their preferred means
of reducing this stress. As long as these are working this is fine. If the stress is
continuing to increase it might be time to revisit the strategies. It may be time to
find ways to increase resources and reduce demands.

Exercise 12.2: Stress thermometer

You can think about the way you react to increasing stress using this sheet
(see Figure 12.4). Think about what you think and feel and how these change
as you become more stressed. What do you notice happening in your body
as you become more stressed, and how is this noticeable in your behaviour?

What am I What am I High stress What is How am I

thinking? feeling? happening in behaving?
my body?

Low stress

Figure 12.4 Stress thermometer exercise

Part 3
A Model for Parenting the
Child with Difficulties in
Attachment Relationships:
Building Relationships and
Managing Behaviour
Helping the Child
to Enjoy Being Part of
the Family
In Part 2 we focused on how parents can increase security and support for their
children. The foundation to the relationship between the child and parent is a
secure base. The parent provides the security the child needs in order to be able to
trust and rely on adults and to feel confident about moving away and exploring
the world. This trust develops out of the experience of attuned relationships.

Thinking, feeling and behavioural choices

Stepping aside from confrontation
Structure and supervision

Parenting with PACE

Helping children enjoy


Looking after yourself

Family atmosphere



Figure 13.1 Helping children enjoy being part of the family (Adapted from ‘The House Model
of Parenting’ in Golding et al. (2006). Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Reproduced with
kind permission.)

158 Nurturing Attachments

Children need opportunities to experience attunement and to learn that this

relationship isn’t lost at times of rupture, but can be recovered through the
process of interactive repair. This parenting is provided within a positive, calm
and harmonious family atmosphere. Children’s responses to this very different
experience can make it hard to maintain this atmosphere. The parents will need
to help the children to feel they belong in the family and to experience family
enjoyment. Parents will only accomplish all this if they look after themselves as
well. Time for rest, relaxation and reflection are essential prerequisites when
children have difficulties with attachment.
Helping children feel secure and supported is the starting point for devel-
oping a relationship with them. In this part we consider relationship-building
more explicitly. In the absence of a healthy, secure relationship, behaviour can be
contained or managed but this will have less impact on the emotional progress
that the child will make. Once a reasonable relationship is formed then behav-
ioural management can be used not only to contain difficult behaviour, but also
to help children learn to behave in socially appropriate ways. Children will
begin to make emotional progress, developing increased confidence in their
ability to manage their own feelings, to understand the thoughts and feelings of
others and to make sense of their own experience.
If children are to grow up and deal with the world successfully they need to
start within the family. Being able to enjoy being part of a family, to build rela-
tionships, deal with day-to-day conflict and participate in fun are all starting
points for doing this more widely outside of the home. In this chapter we
consider ways of helping children feel part of the family and to start to enjoy
this experience (see Figure 13.1).

Enjoyment and belonging

There are many reasons why children might find it difficult to enjoy belonging
in a foster or adoptive family. Their early experience may have left them with a
pervasive feeling of being bad, not good enough. This internal working model will
be a guide for their actions within the new family. Effectively it becomes a
self-fulfilling prophecy. Children predict the way family members will respond
to them. They then behave as if this is already happening. This pushes family
members into the predicted interactions confirming the initial prediction. Thus
children enact their beliefs within the family, and the resulting interactions
interfere with their ability to enjoy, participate and have fun.
Often the children’s early experience may have left them with a fear of close
relationships. If close relationships have led to hurt in the past the child may be
reluctant to develop close relationships within the present. Enjoyment and fun
lead to feelings of closeness and fondness. This may be frightening for the child
who then resists participating in family activities or relationships. If children do
let their guard down and find themselves enjoying a day it is not uncommon for
Helping the Child to Enjoy Being Part of the Family 159

the next day to be particularly difficult. The children act in a way that spoils the
close feelings that were developing and therefore gets things back to a state
within which they feel less anxious.
Children may fear enjoyment because they anticipate that it will end. They
fear the loss of something they are starting to like and the anticipation of such
loss builds up anxiety and distress. To end this anxiety children ruin the enjoy-
ment. They feel calmer spoiling the enjoyment than waiting for it to end.
Children may experience a conflict of loyalty between their new and
previous families. Having fun, taking part and enjoyment may all feel like a
betrayal of their family of origin. They therefore remain disengaged as an
expression of their loyalty.
Additionally contact with their family can, in some circumstances, contrib-
ute to children’s difficulties in engaging with a foster family. Sometimes families
use contact to give messages such as: ‘You will be coming back to us; you must be
naughty in order to get sent back home’ or ‘Don’t trust these people’.
There are therefore many reasons why you might need to help your child
enjoy and participate in family life. It is easy to think that by providing positive,
fun experiences he will naturally enjoy and take part in them. When this doesn’t
happen you may feel demoralized and rejected by him. Seeing a Christmas
present destroyed the day after Christmas or having to hastily leave a theme
park with a child in mid-tantrum can feel very frustrating. You may wonder why
you are bothering.
It may be helpful to think instead that your child needs to learn to manage
these treats. It may be important to take things slowly. Not to plan big treats or
days out but allow him to get used to more typical activities – a visit to the local
park, playing a board game before bed. These activities can be gradually
increased, allowing him to become accustomed to doing things within the
family. Regular family time with familiar activities can help your child become
used to doing things as a family in a way that feels safe and comfortable, because
it is predictable.
Understanding why your child needs to sabotage an activity can help you to
deal with this empathically and supportively. Whilst he may need to experience
a consequence for the behaviour this can be provided within a context of ‘I
know how hard this is for you’.
In addition talking with an older child about feelings of conflict and of
feeling not good enough can help his behaviour become understandable,
leading to more flexibility in behaviour. Often the reasons for behaving as they
do are poorly understood by children, and are unconscious responses to feelings
of anxiety, conflict or failure.
You may need to find activities that your child can engage in and that
provide a sense of accomplishment in order to help him discover that he is good
at some things. Provide low-key, descriptive praise: ‘You have really given a
sense of movement to the horse you have drawn’ rather than: ‘That’s a great
160 Nurturing Attachments

picture of a horse.’ Children may find this easier to listen to and therefore be less
likely to reject it as too different from how they feel about themselves. As
children increase their self-esteem and sense of self-efficacy they will also feel
closer to the family and more able to feel like they belong.

Marcus really struggles with treats and praise. His own sense of badness con-
flicts seriously with being told he has done something well. His teachers have
learnt this to their cost. Work that is praised is torn up and thrown down; if he is
rewarded for getting on with the other children, mysteriously he will be at the
centre of a fight during the very next break. It is as if he cannot tolerate being
told anything good about himself. Before long the teachers will discover how
bad he really is. He fears losing what he is starting to like.
With Rita and Frank, Marcus is beginning to relax a bit. He has now lived
with them for six years, and has tested their commitment to him in every way
that he can think of. Whilst the placement has teetered often and has been at
breaking point a few times somehow they have always found the will power to
continue. The support they have received and sufficient opportunities for re-
spite have allowed them to carry on. They have also learnt from experience not
to expect too much. In the early days Marcus would spoil anticipated trips be-
fore they happened or would behave so badly they had to end them early. They
learnt not to plan too much in advance and to keep outings very simple.
Marcus discovers he enjoys going for walks, and flying a kite. He also dem-
onstrates a particular aptitude for boxing. This especially pleases Frank; as a
keen boxer himself he enjoys working with Marcus and helping him to develop
his technique. Although able, Marcus still cannot compete however. Losing is
just too difficult for him. Frank has tried to get him involved in a local club for
young people but the friction between Marcus and the other boxers has led to
too much trouble. Frank continues to take Marcus with him and hopes that in
time Marcus will learn to cope with boxing with other young people.
Rita is trying to get Marcus more interested in his identity. She is hoping that
by increasing his understanding of his roots he will develop a stronger sense of
self and start to believe in himself a bit more. She helps him to find out about his
father’s favourite reggae music, and enlists his help in making some Caribbean
food. She wonders if they could invite a school friend round to sample it. She
hopes that this will help him to develop a sense of pride in his heritage rather
than always expecting to be ridiculed by the other children. She is also hoping to
take him to the carnival next month. They will watch this year, but she wonders
next year whether she might get him participating in the parade without this be-
ing too overwhelming for him.

When children are really struggling to live in a family it may be that they have
missed out on important socialization experience when they were younger.
Understanding the socialization process and especially the role of shame may
lead to increased understanding about children’s difficulties and provide ideas
for intervention.
Helping the Child to Enjoy Being Part of the Family 161

Marcus’s lying has been a major source of concern for Rita and Frank. He will lie
rather than admit to something or just to maintain a sense of control over Rita
and Frank. His tall stories can be extravagant, often of the strength and power
of his birth dad Richie or to recount a tale of some activity he had with him. Rita
and Frank might believe the first but they very much doubt that Marcus ever
went on these outings with his dad. The most infuriating behaviour however is
Marcus’s tendency to blame everyone else rather than admit to anything
wrong. Whatever has gone wrong it was always someone else. If the teacher
calls Rita about his behaviour Marcus always has a story about why it was not
him. Rita and Frank fear that if Marcus won’t take responsibility for his behav-
iour then he will not really make progress.
All of these behaviours are linked to the shame that Marcus experiences
on a daily basis. All the small, or not so small, things that go wrong during the
day, a cross word from Frank when he bumps into the table, a school mate not
including him in a game, another young person calling him racist names or com-
menting on his hair, add to the sense of shame that Marcus experiences. Only
by blaming others and spinning tall stories is Marcus able to feel good about
himself, allowing him to hide away from the shame that threatens to overwhelm
him. Rita and Frank struggle with this. They are very keen that Marcus start to
feel more responsible, but all their attempts seem to drive him further and fur-
ther into his blaming of others and his lying. They have had to learn not to con-
front him with his behaviour but instead to provide empathy for the reasons
that lead to the lying; helping Marcus to feel more in touch with his day-to-day

Shame prevents children from feeling a sense of belonging within the family and
interferes with their capacity to take part in and enjoy family activities. Parenting
that supports children in their experience of shame and provides them with experi-
ence of attunement and interactive repair will begin to help them to cope with the
shame they are experiencing. Empathic discipline that provides empathy for the
reasons the child got into the situation, and support for managing the conse-
quences of this, will gradually help him to use discipline to learn how to behave
appropriately. He can then feel a sense of belonging in the family. The child will
be able to enjoy the family activities that everyone is taking part in.

Additional theory: Socialization and shame

Figure 13.2 illustrates the socialization process that occurs as children move
from infancy to toddlerhood. As children mature the attunement experiences they
engaged in with their parent now help them to learn socially appropriate behav-
iour. They learn what is acceptable and unacceptable as they experience the
shame that is associated with breaks in this attunement caused by the need for
limit-setting and discipline. The interactive repair following these breaks commu-
nicates to children that everything is okay. They are still loved and valued and
162 Nurturing Attachments

1. Attunement Emotional connection. Child and parent

share and enjoy positive emotional state,
manage and contain negative emotional state.
2. Limit-setting, discipline State of attunement is abruptly broken. Child
experiences shame, an unpleasant emotional
3. Interactive repair Carer helps child manage feelings of shame
and conveys continuing love and acceptance
of child.
Child develops capacity for emotional and
behavioural regulation and learns to express
appropriate and inhibit inappropriate

Figure 13.2 Socialization process

the relationship is intact. It has survived the need for discipline. The children
learn from this experience because they have got back into an attuned state with
their parents.
When this sequence does not occur, as in Figure 13.3, children will not have
the experience of a secure attachment. The lack of a relationship within which
children can experience themselves as loveable, alongside ineffective attunement,
poor discipline and little relationship repair, all leave the child with an excessive
experience of shame that is not contained by an adult. They will not be able to
manage the shame that results from this. Thus the child is overwhelmed and
learning does not take place.

1. Little experience of Child does not experience states shared or

attunement contained.
2. Discipline occurs with Shame is excessive.
rejection, humiliation or anger
3. No or delayed interactive Experience of shame is not integrated. Child
repair unable to develop capacity for regulation.
Child develops sense of self as bad.

Figure 13.3 Impaired socialization process

What is shame?
Shame is an affect, a complex emotion that develops later than the development
of more straightforward feelings or emotions such as anger, joy or sadness.
Shame is uncomfortable for children and therefore children will learn to limit
Helping the Child to Enjoy Being Part of the Family 163

shame-inducing behaviours. In this sense it is protective, because it helps

children to behave in a way that is safe and helps them to develop relationships.
For example, a father and child are walking along a road. They have been
reciting nursery rhymes and are enjoying each other’s company. The child
suddenly runs into the road; in a panic the father pulls him back. He is cross and
shaken. The child experiences a sudden break in attunement and is filled with
shame. He cries and the father comforts. The attunement between them is
re-established. The child prefers this feeling to experiencing the shame. He is
less likely to run into the road again in the future.
Toddlers constantly test boundaries. They learn through experiences of shame
and re-attunement to regulate their impulses and thus to behave in socially
acceptable and safe ways. The experience of shame has been integrative. Dan
Hughes (2006) suggests that the experience of integrative shame allows children
to experience guilt. Instead of feeling shameful, impacting on their sense of self
as bad, the children experience guilt about the behaviour. This in turn provides
them with a motivation to alter their behaviour in order to reduce such feelings
of guilt in future.
For children with insecure attachment relationships the experience of shame
is more likely to be disintegrative. They do not experience the attunement–
shame–re-attunement cycle but instead they experience unregulated shame that
overwhelms them.
Many experiences of disintegrative shame lead to shame becoming part of the
core-identity: I am a shameful person. This person becomes chronically angry
and controlling of others. When children have not had the experience of appro-
priately graded doses of shame, and the support and reassurance needed to help
them to manage this, the shame engulfs them. They feel alienated and defeated,
never quite good enough to belong. Children are trapped in shame. They feel
abandoned and the shame becomes toxic. This leads to a state of development
within which children experience difficulty both regulating emotion and
thinking rationally. Children are left unable to respond flexibly or to control
The experience of shame is uncomfortable, but within the context of a secure
attachment relationship it is manageable. The children will seek re-attunement
and comfort. However, experiences of disintegrative shame lead children to seek
to hide from others or deal with it in other dysfunctional ways. For example,
they may:
· constantly lie, often pointlessly, to hide themselves from others
· defend against the pain by becoming controlling and domineering, or
rigidly perfectionistic
· try to attack the source of the pain by blaming or punishing others.
Learning to Parent with PACE
and Building Relationships
with Stories
In this chapter a parenting ‘attitude’ is introduced that has been found to be very
helpful to adoptive and foster parents parenting children with difficulties in
attachment (see Figure 14.1). This is followed by some thoughts about commu-
nicating with children and young people through stories.

Thinking, feeling and behavioural choices

Stepping aside from confrontation
Structure and supervision
Parenting with PACE
Playfulness Acceptance Regulate emotion Curiosity Empathy
Make sense of experience
Helping children enjoy


Looking after yourself

Family atmosphere



Figure 14.1 Parenting with PACE (Adapted from ‘The House Model of Parenting’ in
Golding et al. (2006). Copyright © John Wiley &SonsLtd.Reproducedwithkindpermission.)

166 Nurturing Attachments

What is meant by PACE?

PACE (playfulness, acceptance, curiosity and empathy) is suggested by Dan
Hughes (2006) as a way of helping the adult remain emotionally engaged and
available to the child. It is recommended that parents develop this attitude as a
habitual way of relating to their children. Through an attitude of acceptance and
empathy the parent is available to co-regulate the child’s emotional state. This
leads to an improved ability in the child for emotional regulation; she is able to
manage her feelings. Through an attitude of curiosity and wondering, the
parent is available to co-construct meaning with the child. This helps the child
to develop the capacity for reflective function; she is better able to make sense of
her experience.
Devised as part of a therapy for children with attachment difficulties, it
provides an important guide to parents, helping them to demonstrate to their
children that they are available and sensitive to their needs. The parent becomes
attuned to the child through a stance of acceptance and curiosity, empathy
and/or playfulness. This combined with feelings of love for their child (PLACE)
means that the parent is meeting the emotional needs to be loved, nurtured, pro-
tected and understood.
PLACE and PACE depend upon parents demonstrating:
· Attunement: An attuned response to children helps them to feel connected
to the adult. They are more likely to be able to stay emotionally
regulated and to listen and talk to their parents. Parents match the
children’s emotion to convey understanding. Thus if a child is sad the
parent will talk quietly and slowly. If a child is angry the parent will talk
without anger but with more vitality and emotion.
· Curiosity: This is the starting point for being able to relate to children and
to help them to learn to manage feelings and to think about experience.
This includes wondering with a child about the meaning behind
behaviour being displayed. It is different from asking a child why she
did something in a confrontational manner. It is more an attitude of
figuring out what is going on. Sometimes this figuring out needs to be
done by the parent within hearing of the child. Talking with the dog, or
wondering out loud, can help a child to increase her own understanding
in a way that is less direct and therefore feels safer. For some children, or
after a period of indirect wondering, this can be done together with
them. Curiosity sometimes means making best guesses about what is
going on. The child and parent figure out together; the child genuinely
does not understand the behaviour. In this way the child is enabled to
make sense of her experience. Her behaviour no longer appears random,
or evidence of her ‘inner badness’; instead it arises out of her experience,
and the child now has more choices about how to react to her
Learning to Parent with PACE and Building Relationships with Stories 167

Having an attitude of curiosity can lead to feelings of empathy for

children. A parent’s sadness when his child misbehaves can support the
child in a way that anger cannot. The child will then be more willing and
able to think about her behaviour and the consequences that ensued.
· Acceptance: Following curiosity comes acceptance. Acceptance means un-
derstanding why children behave in a certain way. The adult accepts
both the behavioural choices the child is making and the feelings that
underlie these choices.
Acceptance conveys understanding rather than a condoning of the
behaviour. As children feel understood they will be more willing to think
with the adult about the consequences to the behaviour that they now
· Empathy: Acceptance is conveyed to children through empathy. To
empathize the parents need to enter imaginatively into the experience of
the children. Acceptance of this inner experience is communicated to
children helping them to feel that their inner life is important and valued.
· Playfulness: At times a playful attitude can be a key factor in helping
children feel connected within the relationship. A light-hearted, relaxed
and playful attitude can help the child, sometimes unexpectedly, to
experience fun and love. If the resistant child does not see it coming and
if it is over quickly she will find it harder to avoid and disengage.
· Love: Children need to feel loved and special. They need to know that
parents love them, whatever they do, value them for the special people
they are, and will always be there for them.
The use of PACE therefore is an active interaction that responds to and reflects
upon children’s experience. Children are helped to feel that their inner life is
noticed and valued. What the child thinks and feels is both important and
understandable. This helps the child to develop improved emotional regulation
skills and increased capacity to reflect upon and make sense of her experience.

Zoë has come home from school in a bad mood. An earlier phone call from the
teacher has already tipped Jenny off and she is ready for her. As she comes in
Jenny asks Zoë how her day has been, much as she does every day. In answer
Zoë throws down her bag and kicks her shoes off.
‘That bad, eh?’ Jenny empathizes. ‘Come and have a drink and we can talk
about it.’
‘I don’t want a drink.’ Zoë glares at Jenny and switches the TV on. Calmly
Jenny puts a drink and biscuit on the side and turns the TV off.
This is what Zoë has been waiting for; the TV gives her an excuse to let out
all the pent-up emotion of the day. She screams at Jenny: ‘You don’t love me. I
always have to do what you want. I never get to choose. I hate you.’
168 Nurturing Attachments

‘Wow, Zoë, you are really telling me how bad you feel.’ Jenny talks to Zoë
with intensity and a forcefulness that matches Zoë’s mood. ‘It feels like I am so
mean to you not letting you have the TV on. I wonder if it feels like the whole
world is mean to you today.’
‘You don’t understand. You can’t know how bad I feel,’ shouts Zoë.
Still intense, Jenny responds: ‘You’re very cross with me for not under-
standing. You really are feeling bad, and you think I can’t possibly know how bad
that feels. It’s very hard when you feel so bad and you have a mum who doesn’t
understand.’ A slight nod and relaxation from Zoë gives Jenny the cue to soften
a bit. She reiterates more quietly: ‘It’s so hard when Mum doesn’t understand.
You have had a hard day at school and now you are all hot and bothered, and
you just want to be cross with me.’ Zoë nods mutely. As Jenny attunes to Zoë’s
mood Zoë is able to calm down and they can both share the sense of sadness
that underlies the angry outburst. Jenny is now able to cuddle Zoë to her and
ask what went wrong today.
‘Tom is so mean to me. He never likes me. I hate him,’ she tells Jenny.
‘Is that why you hit him, because he is mean to you? I can see how you
would feel cross if Tom is mean to you.’
‘Yes, that’s why I hit him.’ Zoë pauses and looks at Jenny. ‘How did you
‘Mrs Robinson phoned me earlier. She told me you had a difficult day to-
‘Yeah, and I expect she told you it was all my fault too!’ Zoë replied indig-
‘Is that what you think, Zoë? Do you think it was your fault?’ Jenny is careful
not to give any hint of criticism or disapproval as she talks with Zoë.
‘No, it wasn’t my fault. Tom wouldn’t share his paints. I needed blue to fin-
ish the sky, but he wouldn’t let me have it.’
‘So that that is why you hit him, when he wouldn’t give you the blue paint?’
Jenny asks, still keeping to a conversational tone.
‘Yes, I felt so mad at him. He never likes me!’
Zoë is able to start to express her feelings and her beliefs at this point.
Jenny explores this further with her. ‘It sounds like you were really cross with
Tom for not sharing with you, and just thinking about it is making you feel angry
all over again.’
‘Yes,’ says Zoë. ‘I feel really mad with Tom. He shared with Chloe so why
wouldn’t he share with me? I guess he hates me.’ Zoë is beginning to reflect on
the incident now. The attunement with Jenny has helped her to regulate the
strong emotion she was feeling. This support has enabled her to think about
Tom and to share some of her fears about why he wouldn’t share with her.
Jenny can now be curious and empathic about the way that Zoë has made sense
of Tom’s behaviour.
‘It sounds to me like you were angry because you thought Tom didn’t like
you. Do you think that not sharing is his way of showing he doesn’t like you?’
Zoë nods quietly.
Learning to Parent with PACE and Building Relationships with Stories 169

‘That must be so hard for you, thinking that Tom doesn’t like you. Maybe
you were thinking about all the other times Tom doesn’t share with you. It must
make you sad to think he dislikes you so much that he won’t share with you.
Now I understand why you got so angry. You thought Tom doesn’t like you. It’s
hard to think your friends don’t like you. I guess I would be angry if I thought I
wasn’t liked.’
Here Jenny is giving Zoë empathy for her feelings, and helping her to think
about the meaning of what happened at school that day. She is letting Zoë
know that her thinking and feelings are understandable. She is providing empa-
thy for this without challenging Zoë’s view of the events. In this way Zoë is
helped to feel understood and supported. Now Jenny can start to gently chal-
lenge Zoë’s view of the event and Zoë will be able to listen and to think about it.
This will also help Zoë to think about the consequences of her own behaviour.
‘I wonder if Tom is always mean to you. Can you think when he has been
nice to you?’
‘No, Tom is always mean,’ Zoë replies. ‘He doesn’t know how to share.
The teacher is always telling him off.’
‘Do you think Tom maybe didn’t share with you because he is not good at
sharing? I wonder why he shared with Chloe?’
Zoë thinks about this. ‘The teacher told him to share with Chloe. Maybe
that’s why he shared the paint with her. The teacher didn’t tell him to share with
me. He still doesn’t like me though.’
Zoë is beginning to think about the events in a different way. She is not
completely ready to change her view but is prepared to think more flexibly
about it. Jenny can now help Zoë to think about her own behaviour.
‘I wonder how Tom felt when you hit him. Do you think he was upset?’
‘Yeh, he cried. I think I hurt him. I was so cross I couldn’t have the blue paint
and I hit him. Yeh, I think it must have hurt.’
Zoë is thinking deeply now and starting to connect the different behaviours
of herself and of Tom. Often Zoë is so focused on how mean everyone is for
not liking her that she does not understand how her behaviour can lead to dif-
ferent consequences. In this conversation with Jenny she is able to think about
cause and effect. This in turn leads to her being able to think about how she
might behave differently. She decides that she will say sorry to Tom when she
goes into school the next day. She runs up to her bedroom to get one of her
special pencils to give him as a peace offering.
In this example Zoë has responded well to the attitude of PACE that Jenny
demonstrated. Of course it does not always go as well as this. Jenny had time to
think about it because of the telephone call from school. She was able to reach a
state of attunement with Zoë quickly; sometimes Zoë is so angry and desper-
ate it is hard for Jenny to match and pace her mood. Equally Zoë was receptive
to the empathy she was hearing; when she did experience shame this did not
overwhelm her and Jenny’s continuing empathy was able to help Zoë to regu-
late and to think. Most importantly Jenny felt up to the challenge of Zoë today.
Some days when she is tired, trying to share her time with Zoë and Catherine
170 Nurturing Attachments

or preoccupied, it is hard to stay so sensitive and empathic. Each time Zoë and
Jenny have these PACE-led interactions however Zoë is feeling a little more se-
cure. This in turn builds Zoë’s receptiveness to Jenny and their relationship is
strengthened. Zoë feels loved; she feels she has a PLACE in Jenny’s heart.

The use of PACE with discipline

The use of PACE is not aimed at directly changing children’s behaviour. Rather
it is used to help children feel connected. This in turn builds trust and security. It
is likely that in time this will also lead to change in the child’s behaviour.
It can be hard maintaining a focus on the feeling and thinking underlying
behaviour. You may be deeply concerned about the behaviour being displayed,
and in particular about the responses your child is likely to meet if she displays
this behaviour out in ‘the real world’. Discipline that aims to link the behaviour
with consequences can be used to help children to learn what is and isn’t accept-
able behaviour. In order to maintain the feeling of trust that is being developed
however it is important that discipline is not angry or too shaming for a child.
PACE followed by discipline can help you to remain calm and supportive and
the discipline to be measured.
Whilst this sounds quite straightforward it can be very difficult to imple-
ment an attitude of PACE within your day-to-day parenting of your child. We
are not used to stopping and thinking about why a child is behaving as she is;
and we unknowingly have lots of beliefs about how children should behave,
usually based on our age-related expectations. It therefore takes practice to put
these expectations aside and to start to be curious about the individual child in
front of us. It is important not to get too frustrated when this doesn’t come easily
and not to be too hard on yourself as you slip back into a more typical parenting
stance. Like the child, take one day at a time and use reflection times to think
about what has worked well and less well.
Reflection times can help to maintain an attitude of curiosity, even when it is
hard to keep this going in the heat of parenting. This curiosity will lead to
improved understanding of your child. This will help you to increase your
acceptance of her and to therefore be more curious on a day-to-day basis.
Without this acceptance it is easy for discipline to become angry and confronta-
tional. To help your child improve emotionally and not just behaviourally it is
important that discipline starts with empathy and warmth.
This can give parents some concerns; acceptance can feel like putting up
with behaviour. Parents may be especially concerned for the child outside of the
home as they meet with teachers and other adults who will not be so accepting.
Acceptance is however not the same as tolerance. It does not mean that you
should just ‘put up’ with difficult behaviour. Acceptance does mean starting
where the child is, understanding her inner life and how this is being communi-
cated. By expressing empathy for the inner thoughts and feelings of your child,
Learning to Parent with PACE and Building Relationships with Stories 171

she will experience containment and support for this inner experience. This
helps her to feel safe. You can then provide the guidance, feedback and limit
setting that will eventually help her to express thoughts and feelings in a less
challenging way. Finally by spending time with your child, helping her to
become re-attuned, you are reminding her that she is still special. You both stay
emotionally engaged with each other, despite the difficult behaviour being
expressed. Your child learns that bad behaviour is not the same as being bad and
this will increase her confidence that she can behave in different ways and that
she will be supported when not able to manage this all the time.
Sometimes, and especially for some children, talking directly with them
about their behaviour or about their experience is too difficult. They continue to
experience this as an indication of their own badness and they become stuck
with overwhelming shame. At these times more indirect ways of helping children
to reflect on themselves and their experience is needed. Play and drawing can be
one way of doing this. Joining with children as they play and draw and com-
menting on these can help them make sense of experience. For example, talk to a
child about the animals she is playing with: ‘That baby calf looks very fright-
ened because he can’t find his mummy. Do you think he needs some help to get
back to her?’ Or comment on a drawing in a way that might link to the child’s
own experience. ‘The girl in your picture looks very angry. Look how strong she
is fighting the men; do you think she is very frightened? I bet she could use
some help even though she is so strong.’ Notice that this type of talking does not
focus directly on a child’s own experience. Children do not need these links to
be made, and such direct talking can be quite scary. They will learn about their
own experience by thinking about the characters in their play and drawing.
Story making can be a powerful but non-directive way to help children think
about their own experience. Sharing stories helps children to explore whilst also
helping the relationship to develop.

Building relationships with stories

Stories have always been used as a means of communication, to teach, to build
relationships and for understanding. We all make sense of our own experience
through the creation of stories. This is sometimes referred to as a ‘coherent narra-
tive’. This narrative is what we use to understand and integrate our life experi-
ences. The narrative is a dynamic story, changing as we experience, as we learn
more about ourselves, and as we develop our understanding of our pasts. Stories
can be autobiographical. ‘When I was six my grandmother died…’ Or they can
be metaphorical. ‘Once upon a time there was a young owl. This owl was feeling
very sad because…’
Stories are a powerful tool for building relationships with children. Sharing
a story is a unique bonding experience, a platform for experiencing attunement
and developing an attachment relationship. They can also be used to convey
172 Nurturing Attachments

empathy and acceptance, and to help children reach a deeper understanding

about their experience. Stories can facilitate healing and can foster growth and
Stories can be:
· written for the child
· written together
· drawn from children’s literature including fairy stories, stories written
for children who have particular experiences (e.g. children who are
bereaved), or stories that particularly appeal to the child
· read together
· you can be the reader or the audience
· told through play, drama and artwork.
Lacher and colleagues suggest creating the following stories for children with
attachment difficulties (Lacher, Nichols and May 2005):
· Claiming narratives. The story is used to let children know that they
should always have been loved and cherished, that they will now be
loved and cherished, and to help children feel that they belong in the
· Developmental narratives. Stories can help children to experience
imaginatively developmental experiences that were missed early in life.
They can help children develop skills, grow emotionally and learn about
· Trauma narratives. These stories help children to process past
experience. They help children make sense of events and the thoughts
and feelings that they are left with. In this way the feelings become
manageable and the experience becomes integrated into the children’s
life narrative.
· Successful narratives. Children can use stories to learn about who they
are, what has happened to them, and who they might be. They can
provide guidance for new behaviours, help children think about choices,
and understand cause and effect. Stories can help children understand
values, and can provide support and encouragement.
Nancy Davis (1996) provides useful advice to guide the creation of stories for
children. Stories provide a message direct to the unconscious of the listener.
There is therefore no need to interpret the story for the children or ask them
questions about it to check that they have ‘got it’. If children want to talk about
the story they could be asked what they felt about the story. More typically a
child will want to get on with another story, hear the story again or go on to
another activity.
Learning to Parent with PACE and Building Relationships with Stories 173

In the beginning of the story the child’s situation will be mirrored in some
way. Metaphors can be used to help the child hear the story rather than
becoming overwhelmed by her own experience. Plants, animals or objects can
be used to help create the metaphor. For example, if the child especially likes
trains then the main character could be a train; if the child’s interest is in a
princess this will guide the choice of character.
When writing a story it can be helpful to identify the main character as the
same sex as the child and to make the family constellation the same, e.g. if the
child has a younger brother and an older sister the story character (whether
inanimate or animate) can have the same siblings.
Metaphors or symbols can also be used to represent the process of change –
this could be through the use of dreams, heroes that the child is keen on, fairy
story characters, or familiar people, all of whom have the wisdom to help the
main character.
Themes are best if they are positive rather than negative, and the main char-
acters can be given the power within themselves to solve the problems, albeit
with a little help from wise friends.
Messages can be conveyed through the narrative of the possibility of change
and growth, and the helpfulness of looking to others for assistance.
In the next section there are some examples of stories written for children
living in foster care.

Stories written for children

A 14-year-old girl, Claire, wrote this first story for her younger foster sister. I
worked with Claire to help her to understand why this little girl found living
with them difficult at times. This story came out of our work together.

A new beginning: the story of how Joey came to live with Kanga
and Roo
Once upon a time there was a family of kangaroos who had a daughter named
Joey. Joey was three years old. She was light brown in colour, but she was differ-
ent from the other kangaroos because she had a large brown spot on her left leg.
She was also different in her family as she was very sporty. Her mum and dad
were lazy compared to most kangaroos. Joey sometimes felt upset by this, as she
wanted someone like her to play with. Her parents disapproved of all her
sportiness. They would like her to be a calmer kangaroo. One day her parents
confronted her with this and Joey felt upset and annoyed. Because Joey
wouldn’t be calm they put her in her room.
That night Joey began to feel hungry. As Joey went to go downstairs her
door would not open. She pushed and pulled the door, but it was stuck – she
was locked in! Joey felt scared and confused. She didn’t know if they would
ever let her out. The next day her parents let her out and at the breakfast table
they had another row about her being calmer. Joey did not like this and felt
174 Nurturing Attachments

angry. Joey was frightened that they might lock her in again and so she ran
She ran and ran in one direction without looking behind her. She eventu-
ally stopped after what felt to her like a day’s worth of running. She looked
around herself and felt lost. She didn’t recognize anything. She was further
from home than she had ever been before. She looked around and felt very
scared. She didn’t know what to do and she didn’t know where to go. She felt
that she had been very naughty running away, and that her parents would never
forgive her. She decided to look around for something to eat because she hadn’t
eaten for a long time. She couldn’t find anything, so feeling tired and hungry
she sat down and she was so exhausted she fell asleep. The next day she woke
up with a growling tummy and a stiff back. She still didn’t know what to do.
Joey started just walking, hoping to find some food. As she came to the clearing
she saw a bunch of kangaroos and ran up to them.
She found herself amongst a cluster of kangaroos. They asked her loads of
questions and eventually she was given some food. Then the chief kangaroo
from this herd took her back to his own house whilst they decided what to do
next. The Chief asked her why she had run away from home. Joey felt ashamed
and she was a bit worried about telling him.
The Chief was kind and patient. Eventually Joey told him about the row
with her parents. Joey was told that it was okay to be sporty and that she
shouldn’t have been locked in her room without food. The Chief then told Joey
that she would have to go to a new family and this family would look after her
better. Joey felt very frightened that she had got her family into trouble. She felt
that it was all her fault and that she should have kept quiet.
The next day the Chief came home later than usual and told her that he had
found a new family for her that would be loving and caring. However, they had
never fostered before and they were feeling very nervous about meeting Joey.
They didn’t know what to expect. They were also excited and couldn’t wait to
meet Joey. The Chief wanted Joey to meet them to see if she liked them.
The Chief tells Joey all about the new family. There is a mum called Kanga
and a little girl called Roo. Roo is four years old and enjoys sport very much.
Her favourite sport is volleyball. Joey feels excited by this as she has never had a
sister and more importantly she has never lived with someone who has the
same interests as her. However, she feels upset that she won’t be returning to her
family and will be going against their wishes. She worries how they are feeling.
She wishes she could see them. The Chief tells her that this is not possible at the
moment and that she needs to settle into her new family.
Two weeks later Joey moves to her new family in Hundred Acre Wood. She
feels very shy and misses her family very much. Joey finds it all strange because
the lifestyle is very different to what she is used to.
Kanga and Roo make her feel as comfortable as possible. Roo even gives up
her pouch with Kanga for her. Gradually Joey starts to settle in. Roo and Joey
Learning to Parent with PACE and Building Relationships with Stories 175

even start to squabble like normal siblings. However, Joey feels that it is her fault
that they are fighting. She is not used to having a sister. Kanga reassures her and
tells her that it’s normal for siblings to play happily and to squabble together.
Joey starts to feel fond of them but she worries that she doesn’t have enough
love in her heart for everyone.
Two months go by and the Chief finally comes to visit Joey and to see how
she has settled in, also to give her some news about her family. The news was
that the Chief had been looking for her mum and dad and after a long hunt he
had found them. They were very upset and had spent some time looking for
her. When Joey found out she was excited and wanted to see them. However,
the Chief tells her that she is not allowed to see them until they have checked
that it will be safe, but she reassures Joey that she will do this as quickly as
possible. Joey went to bed that night excited with the thought that she might
see her parents soon, but suddenly she gets a rush of guilt flowing through her
body as she thinks that Kanga and Roo would be upset. She thinks that they
will think that she doesn’t like them because she wants to see her mum and dad.
She wonders who she will live with, and if she goes home will she still see
Kanga and Roo. She falls asleep feeling very worried.
A few days go by and the Chief returns to see Joey. He tells her that Joey
won’t be able to go and live with her parents. He explains that he has had a long
talk with them and he doesn’t think that they are able to look after children
properly. Joey is upset and asks if she will ever be able to see them again. The
Chief reassures her that she will be able to see them regularly and Joey feels
glad that at least she will still be able to see them. The Chief also tells her that
she will be staying with Kanga and Roo until she is grown up.
A month later Joey starts pestering Kanga about when she can see her mum
and dad. Roo doesn’t understand why she wants to see her mum and dad, as
they have been horrible to her. Kanga tells Roo that although they have done
wrong they were trying to do their best to bring up Joey, and they didn’t know
any different because that was the way they were treated when they were
children. Joey still loves them and it is important that she is allowed to stay in
touch with them. Roo went to bed still feeling puzzled but had a little idea
about it.
Over time Joey began to settle in more and more and accepted the fact that
she would never be allowed to live with her mum and dad. Sometimes Joey
would get angry and upset but most of the time she was happy having Kanga
and Roo as her family and still visiting her mum and dad.

I wrote this next story for a teenager who liked the science fiction television
series Stargate. This story addresses the issue of expressing emotion. Like the
android this teenager did not want to have feelings. The story aimed to help her
think about the possibility that strength could come out of painful emotions.
176 Nurturing Attachments

In the eye of the storm

Sam and Jack stepped through the Stargate onto a world that they had not seen
before. They looked around curiously but found nothing remarkable. The sun
shone brightly in the sky and the landscape was green and lush. They had been
sent out on a reconnaissance mission to assess the possibility of sharing tech-
nology with the inhabitants. It was also a time for the two of them to spend
some time together. Time to come to terms with feelings for each other that
they couldn’t share or talk about.
They walked forward tentatively but had not got more than 200 metres
when a woman appeared as if from nowhere. She walked towards them rapidly.
From a distance she didn’t look any different from the human women they had
left behind on the other side of the Stargate, but as she got closer they did have
an uneasy feeling that there was something different about her. Her eyes had
little expression, it was hard to see what she was thinking, and her face was
almost mask-like. Sam and Jack felt uneasy. They didn’t really know what to
expect. However, the introductions passed smoothly. The stranger, whose name
was Trance, accepted their presence on the planet without fuss and they were
soon following her to a nearby city. Here they were greeted like minor celebri-
ties and they found little time to talk to each other as they were shown around
the city.
In many ways the level of technology was not dissimilar to Earth except for
one interesting aspect. The planet had a hostile climate for six months of the
year. During this winter the inhabitants all lived underground. A team of
mechanics worked all year round maintaining an environment that could
sustain the population through the worst of the season. Trance was one of the
mechanics. Jack paid particular interest to this. Here was a possibility for
sharing technology that might be to Earth’s advantage. He followed Trance
around as she went about her duties. Jack admired her calm efficiency and
ability to cope with minor crises without getting ruffled. She worked closely
with a man called Brix and the two appeared a competent and efficient team.
Jack spent the next two weeks in the company of these two. He enjoyed their
company. He enjoyed his time with Sam, but it was always a strain. He had to
work hard to keep his feelings hidden. The ironic thing was that he knew she
was doing the same. They had agreed long ago that working in the same team
meant that they shouldn’t have a relationship, but it was difficult to maintain
this feeling when working in such life and death situations. Jack envied Trance
and Brix’s easy relationship. They could clearly depend on each other but there
was no underlying tension.
At the end of the two weeks Sam and Jack went back through the Stargate
to report their findings. They felt sad to be leaving the planet, as their stay here
had been a welcome change from the usual danger and high drama. They
eagerly looked forward to returning. They didn’t have long to wait. General
Hammond was excited by the possibility of technology exchange and soon had
a negotiation team ready.
Learning to Parent with PACE and Building Relationships with Stories 177

As soon as Sam and Jack stepped through the Stargate they knew things
had changed. The climate was very different. Storms were clearly brewing and
there was a feeling of static in the air. The winter had arrived earlier than
expected. Fearing a worsening in the climate at any moment the team hurried
to the nearby city. When they arrived the sense of panic was palpable. Sam and
Jack didn’t wait to be asked. They fell in with the teams, helping out where they
could. As they took orders from the men co-ordinating the teams they gathered
that the early arrival of the storm had caught everyone off guard. The first field
generator, which was meant to control the impact of the storm, had overloaded.
As it failed, the other generators had to cope with the force of the storm. Now
each was failing in turn under the excessive load. If this increasing failure was
not arrested then the storm would arrive in the city and they would all perish.
Sam and Jack worked alongside Trance and Brix for 18 hours. It looked as
if they were winning. Parts of the town were now made safe and they were
thinking about taking a break. Jack glanced over at Sam. Her hair was matted,
and her face was covered in grime. Fleetingly Jack felt an ache of sadness that
she would never be more than a friend. It was an ache that was suppressed with
a speed that only comes from practice. He stepped back and fell in line with
Trance. Brix and Sam followed closely behind. They had not gone far when
there was a huge explosion behind them. They sprinted for the door but it was
touch and go as the blast from the explosion hurtled towards them. With relief
Jack threw himself through the door, Trance just behind him. Many hands
reached out and grabbed them. In the confusion Jack could see no sign of Brix
or Sam. A team of fire fighters worked furiously to contain the fires but it was
another 20 minutes before all was under control. During that time and despite
his protestations Jack found himself in the infirmary.
Jack suffered the medical examination with an impatience born of worry
and dread. Finally he was allowed to go. He looked around the infirmary for
Sam but could find no sign of her. He rushed back to the maintenance area.
Scanning the mass of people he finally spotted Trance calmly working at a
control panel. Jack called to her asking her where Sam and Brix were. Trance
looked at him coolly and informed him that they had been trapped in the
control room when the explosion occurred. It was unlikely that they had
survived. Jack looked at her in horror but Trance had returned to her task
unmoved by the news she had just imparted. Anger welled up in Jack. He
grabbed Trance and wheeled her around.
‘What are you doing,’ he shouted. ‘We need to go and look for them.’
Trance stared at him with her calm, impassive gaze. ‘We would be of no
use; there are people working to make the room safe and then they will go in. It
is imperative that we get this system going.’
‘Don’t you care? How the hell can you be so calm?’ Jack shouted. ‘Brix is in
‘It is highly likely that Brix will not survive,’ replied Trance. ‘I can do
nothing about this.’
178 Nurturing Attachments

Jack’s anger dissipated as his bewilderment increased. ‘How can you be so

unfeeling? You have just lost your colleague and friend?’
‘A new colleague will be assigned to me.’
‘Don’t you feel anything?’ asked Jack.
‘No, I am not programmed to feel. It is not necessary in my job.’
Realization hit him like cold ice down his spine. She was an android. Now
her difference from them made sense. ‘Are you all androids?’ queried Jack.
‘No, only half of the population. There was such loss during the storms 50
years ago androids were necessary to ensure the survivors could rebuild.’
Jack turned away. ‘I’m not so ready to give up on Sam. I’m going down
Twenty minutes later Jack was sitting wearily outside of the door. Despite
his best efforts he had not been allowed through the door to look for Sam. He
sat disconsolately looking at the floor when Trance came up with a cup of tea in
her hand.
‘I think you may require sustenance,’ she said as she handed the tea to Jack.
Jack cradled the cup in his hand as Trance sat down beside him. Jack looked at
‘I can’t imagine what it is like not to feel anything in a situation like this.’
‘I think maybe I am in a good position,’ replied Trance. ‘Looking at you,
feelings are very painful. Maybe I am better without them. If I don’t feel then I
won’t hurt.’
At that moment the doors were finally opened and the rescue team entered
the room where the explosion had occurred. Jack rushed past them scanning
for Sam even before he entered the room. It was difficult to see anything
through the smoke and dust. Many dead bodies were carried out past him as he
continued his hunt. There did not appear to be any survivors. Hope was dying
within Jack but he refused to give up. They had been in tight spots before and
had always managed to get out of them. He looked across to the side of the
room and noticed an alcove blocked by falling masonry. He walked over to it
and peered through. He spotted her lying at the side, her arm flung over Brix.
He could not see if she was breathing. He felt Trance come up behind him as he
began moving the concrete out of the way. Trance pointed to the ceiling where
a slab of concrete could fall at any moment. Urgently they manhandled the last
beam away and Jack pushed his way through. They had no time to assess their
condition. Jack pulled Sam clear as Trance lifted Brix out of the rubble.
They were back in the infirmary again, but this time Jack felt no resent-
ment. He smiled over at Sam as the nurse adjusted the bandage she had wound
around her head.
‘Not a pretty sight,’ Sam said weakly.
‘It looks good from where I am sitting,’ laughed Jack.
Brix and Trance stood nearby. ‘Thank you, Sam. It was your quick thinking
that saved us,’ said Brix. ‘If we had carried on heading for the door we would
Learning to Parent with PACE and Building Relationships with Stories 179

have been caught in the main blast. Pulling us into the alcove protected us from
the worst of it.’
A week later and all was under control again. The storms had abated at least
for now and some time for repairs had been welcomed. With relief Sam and
Jack headed towards the Stargate. Trance accompanied them. As they prepared
to leave, Jack looked across and saw emotion clearly registering in Trance’s
‘I am feeling sad that you are going,’ she explained to Jack.
‘Hey, I thought you were the girl who didn’t feel anything.’
‘I asked to be programmed to feel emotion. Observing you I think I may
function better with feelings. I could see the pain you were feeling but also the
strength that it gave you. Without those feelings I don’t know that you would
have been strong enough to rescue Sam.’
‘He always finds a way,’ smiled Sam.
As they neared the Stargate Sam and Jack touched hands very briefly and
stepped through.
Providing Structure
and Supervision

The home and the family atmosphere provide a structure for children. This
structure influences how children use the support available within the family
and how they manage when they leave the family either to go to school or to
play. Alongside structure comes supervision (see Figure 15.1). Providing the
appropriate amount of supervision for children living in foster and adoptive
homes can present a challenge. It is not uncommon for children to need a greater

Thinking, feeling and behavioural choices

Stepping aside from confrontation
Structure and supervision
Provide predictability, help child to feel safe

Parenting with PACE

Helping children enjoy


Looking after yourself

Family atmosphere



Figure 15.1 Structure and supervision (Adapted from ‘The House Model of Parenting’ in
Golding et al. (2006). Copyright © John Wiley &SonsLtd.Reproducedwithkindpermission.)

182 Nurturing Attachments

degree of supervision than might be expected. This is because they don’t have
emotional maturity to match their chronological age. Whilst the children might
benefit from increased supervision this can also be resisted. School children, in
particular, are observing the children around them, and feeling unfairly treated
if they do not have the same privileges of freedom. For teens the conflict
between growing up and learning to be independent, and the need for continu-
ing supervision and support, can be an even greater challenge.

Rita and Frank wonder if Marcus might benefit from a pet. They hope that this
will be another way that they can help him to develop empathy, furthering his
understanding of feelings, and ability to consider the needs of others. Marcus is
very excited about this and goes with them to choose a hamster. For a few
weeks all goes well. Marcus enjoys playing with the hamster and is careful to
make sure it has enough food and water each day. Rita and Frank begin to relax
and spend less time supervising him.
One morning as he is about to go to school Rita asks if he has checked the
hamster. Marcus looks at her a bit strangely but says he has. Later that morning,
remembering the look he had given her she goes to check herself. She finds the
cage empty, and after some searching finds the hamster, dead and hidden at the
back of a drawer.
When Marcus arrives home he at first denies all knowledge of this. He
claims the hamster was in the cage when he left that morning. Rita does not get
drawn into a discussion of whether this is true or not, but calmly asks Marcus
when he put the hamster in the drawer. After a while Marcus admits he had
done it that morning. He found the hamster dead, and will not be drawn any
Rita remembers the difficulty Marcus had in a previous placement. He ap-
parently tried to suffocate a pet dog. She wonders but says no more. She re-
solves to talk to her social worker about this. Can his experience of his brother
dying when he was so little still be leaving its mark? How deeply is his early expe-
rience wired into his brain? Has this led to compulsive behaviours all these years
later? And the most important question of all: how can Marcus learn to behave
differently? She decides that it will be a pet fish next time, and this time she will
not reduce her supervision so quickly.

Using structure and supervision to help the child feel secure

Children need clear rules, boundaries and limits in order to feel safe. These
limits provide a structure within which they can explore and test. Young or
immature children are reliant on the parent to regulate their emotion and to
manage their behaviour. The locus of control for these children is external. The
children cannot manage without this external control at this stage. They there-
fore need a high level of containment, structure and supervision. They need to
Providing Structure and Supervision 183

know what to expect in a given situation. They need to understand the rules and
they need practice to follow these.
The younger or more emotionally immature children need these limits very
explicitly stated and managed. As they mature, the controls become internal-
ized. Children are then better able to manage their emotion and their behaviour.
They are less dependent on the parent for providing them with a structure
within which they can behave. The locus of control is now internal. At this stage
children need less supervision and structure. At times of increased stress
however they may again need the additional support that supervision and struc-
ture can provide.
When you need to provide external control it is important that you do this
with a high level of empathy. The additional supervision and structure is not a
punishment because of bad behaviour. Rather it is a support because the child is
not yet ready to manage successfully without the structure and supervision you
are providing. It is important to convey this to the child and to accept and empa-
thize with the feelings this generates.

What is an appropriate level of supervision for the child?

When children are having trouble following rules this is a sign that they need
closer supervision and limitations put on their activities. If children are having
trouble behaving appropriately and if the consequences are piling up it is likely
that they are not getting sufficient structure and supervision. They need closer
supervision and clearer limits.
This may mean providing your child with a higher level of structure
through your physical presence. You structure his day so that you can keep a
close eye on him. If you are cooking tea, he can sit at the table nearby playing,
reading or engaging in an activity of choice; if you need to do a job around the
house he might help you. The extra time gained by having two of you working
on the task can then be used to do something enjoyable together. This high level
of supervision will help your child to feel safe. As he begins to feel a greater
sense of safety with you he will begin to trust that you can take care of him.
Often this can result in a reduced need to be hyper-vigilant; your child does not
have to be concerned with whether he is safe or not, as you are there to take care
of him. This in turn fosters confidence in exploration and play. Much as a young
child does he will become absorbed in his own thing, whilst checking back with
you from time to time.
This degree of structure and supervision is therefore proactive, ensuring
that your child’s emotional needs for security are being met, rather than being a
reactive response to naughty or difficult behaviour. Your child will experience
your supervision as loving, and thus that he is loveable, rather than as an indica-
tor that he is naughty and intrinsically bad. In time, and with developing
maturity, this high level of supervision can gradually be reduced. Be careful
184 Nurturing Attachments

however not to give too much freedom and too many choices too soon. It is
better to gradually ease up on the supervision. If your child struggles with a
small increase in freedom you will be able to tighten up again relatively easily.
The level of supervision that children are provided with therefore needs to
match their emotional maturity. It is no good providing children with the degree
of supervision that is acceptable for their age if they cannot manage at this level.
Hoping your child will live up to these expectations will lead to difficulties.
Instead you need to provide a level of supervision within which your child can
cope and then gradually support him to manage with less supervision. For
example, if your child is constantly in trouble when playing out in the neigh-
bourhood this indicates that he is not coping with this level of freedom. Oppor-
tunities to play with friends whilst you keep a discreet but watchful eye on
things can assist him to problem-solve or deal with confrontation as needed.
Alternatively your child may need shorter spells out with regular checking back
with you.
It can be difficult to impose this level of structure and supervision when a
child is either used to more freedom or is expecting to be allowed to do what
same-age peers are doing. For older children behavioural contracts can provide
them with clarity about what is expected from them and help them to see how
they can earn more freedom in the future. It can also be helpful for these rules to
be provided jointly by parents or together with the social worker to avoid a
child feeling that one parent is ‘just mean’. It is not unusual to see a child quickly
relax under this level of supervision, provided alongside a high degree of
empathy and warmth. The child experiences the safety of a caring relationship,
perhaps for the first time.
Supervision needs to be flexible, in line with how the child is coping at the
time. Thus at times of relaxation and low stress the child will manage better and
will respond to being allowed to do a little more. When experiencing increased
stress however it is likely that the child will need an increase in supervision and
support in order to cope. Supervision and support can therefore be regulated in
accordance to the child’s needs at the time, within the context of their overall
developmental maturity, rather than their chronological age.

Zoë, Catherine, Marcus and Luke all have differing needs for structure and su-
Catherine has a tendency to appear more mature than she actually is. She
wants to be self-reliant and likes to do things for herself. She is uncomfortable
with intimate family relationships and has used her self-reliance as a way to keep
Jenny and Martin at a distance. Catherine needs structure and supervision to
keep her safe. She thinks that she will be able to cope, and tends to get into situ-
ations that she isn’t yet able to manage. Thus she will miss the school bus and go
into town with her friends instead. Unfortunately the day they all left her there
she didn’t know how to get home. She ended up getting a lift with a stranger
Providing Structure and Supervision 185

with no idea of how vulnerable she was. For Catherine the structure and super-
vision is also a means to help her receive help and care from parents. Uncom-
fortable with nurture, she can experience a relationship within which she can
start to be more believing that parents will not hurt her if she lets them care.
Both Zoë and Marcus have an external locus of control through much of
their childhood. They tend to believe that things happen for reasons outside of
themselves and it is for this reason that they are so poor at taking responsibility
for their behaviour. Zoë and Marcus need a lot of structure and supervision.
Zoë thrives with the structure that Jenny and Martin provide for her. This re-
duces her level of stress and she is able to start to develop a relationship with
them, from which she could learn about her behaviour and its consequences.
Throughout her childhood Zoë is gradually learning to understand and manage
her feelings. Her behaviour is improving alongside this developing capacity for
emotional regulation and increased ability to think about herself and her effect
on others. Zoë has been able to cope with less supervision and structure as she
approaches her teenage years.
Marcus’s early experience was even more damaging to him than Zoë’s was
for her. He too has benefited from a very predictable and structured environ-
ment, but hasn’t been able to make as good progress as Zoë. As a teenager he
still needs a lot of structure and supervision. This is hard for him, as he sees his
peers being allowed to do more than he can do. He gets very angry, and contin-
ues to show defiance and non-compliance at times. However, he too has bene-
fited from the clear, consistent and empathic parenting that Rita and Frank have
provided. His need to control them has reduced and he is now able to engage in
a reciprocal relationship within which they can engage in activities that they all
As Luke has matured he has continued to experience difficulty in maintain-
ing meaningful relationships. He will use a relationship as a means to an end, but
does not see the usefulness of relationships beyond this. For example, he can
be very compliant and loving towards Jackie when he wants something from
her, but once achieved this is not sustained. Relationships provide a social struc-
ture for children. Children learn what is socially appropriate from others. They
want to fit in with the social rules in order to strengthen the relationship. With
only superficial relationships, Luke struggles to learn or follow socially accept-
able behaviour. With poorly developed perspective-taking skills he has also
struggled to develop empathy for others. Again his difficulty learning within re-
lationships means that he struggles to understand how others think or feel.
Luke does not cope well in a range of situations. He finds it difficult initiating in-
teractions and responds poorly to any overtures by others; interpersonal con-
flict is therefore high and Luke is quick to anger.
His poor concentration, high levels of activity and a degree of learning diffi-
culties increase Luke’s difficulty in learning from experience. This means that he
experiences high levels of stress even in typical environments such as school.
For these reasons Luke continues to need a highly structured environment with
routine, familiarity and high levels of supervision. He copes poorly with sudden
186 Nurturing Attachments

changes of plan and even finds normal transitions such as moving between
home and school or the change from term time to holiday time difficult.

In trying to get the right level of supervision in place for your child you need to
take into account both his chronological age, and therefore what you expect him
to be able to do, and his emotional age and what he can actually manage. It can
be helpful to think of this as moving from A to B (see Figure 15.2). A is where
the child is right now. B is where the parent expects the child to be either
because of his age or because of what he has done previously. If A and B are dif-
ferent it is no good treating the child as if he is at B. This will lead to failure. The
parent needs to meet the child at A and gradually help him move towards B. In
this way the parent is providing emotional scaffolding, supporting the child to
increase his abilities at his own pace.

Child Carer

A Carer and child together B

Figure 15.2 Parenting matched to the needs of the child

Managing Confrontation
and Coercive Interactions

Nothing is more likely to interfere with the family atmosphere and to make it
more difficult to maintain empathy than when the child is behaving in a confron-
tational manner (see Figure 16.1). The child seems determined to get you into
an argument or to provoke you to anger. Maintaining your calm at this time can
be a super-human effort.

Thinking, feeling and behavioural choices

Stepping aside from confrontation
Empathy before discipline, remain calm, avoid battles
Structure and supervision

Parenting with PACE

Helping children enjoy


Looking after yourself

Family atmosphere



Figure 16.1 Managing confrontation (Adapted from ‘The House Model of Parenting’ in
Golding et al. (2006). Copyright © John Wiley &SonsLtd.Reproducedwithkindpermission.)

188 Nurturing Attachments

How to step aside from confrontation

A child will be confrontational for a number of reasons.
· It helps the frightened child to feel in control, thus increasing her
feelings of safety and security.
· The confrontation is an effective way of controlling the degree of
attention received from the parent. The child might want to keep the
parent involved and attending to her. Alternatively she might want to
get some distance into the relationship.
· It helps the child displace blame and thus she avoids feeling
overwhelmed with shame about not being good enough.
Confrontation represents a coercive pattern of relating to others. The child
coerces the adult into maintaining attention on to her or becoming distant from
When children are being confrontational they will feel emotionally
aroused. Their behaviour is likely to be escalating into an increasingly angry,
demanding style of relating to the adults.
Whilst it may not feel like it, you do have a choice in the face of this behav-
iour. You can either match the pattern of behaviour, also becoming aroused and
increasingly angry. This is likely to increase the confrontational behaviour your
child is displaying. Alternatively you can remain calm, avoid being pulled into
the confrontation, and allow her to gradually calm down in turn.
When two people are relating, their emotional patterns will gradually
match each other. If the parent becomes angry then an escalating, reciprocal
pattern of angry behaviour occurs. If however the parent maintains a calm emo-
tional tone the child will calm down as well; angry behaviour de-escalates rather
than escalates.

Jenny is confused by Catherine’s behaviour. She can be very helpful and kind, but
this alternates with days when she is much more moody and difficult. She slams
doors, ignores any requests made of her and is generally difficult and unco-oper-
ative. The most difficult aspect of Catherine’s behaviour at these times is when
she is provocative towards Jenny. She appears to want to get into an argument
with her. She will deliberately ignore a call for tea, or she will leave her bedroom in
a mess. She might goad Zoë until she gets upset. All of these behaviours are ones
that Jenny finds particularly difficult to tolerate. She finds herself pulled into argu-
ments as she tries to get Catherine to comply with her expectations. The angrier
Jenny gets, the more defiant and insolent Catherine is. Her ‘so what’ attitude just
notches up the tension between them even more, and Jenny, in a final attempt to
maintain some control, will punish Catherine by ‘grounding’ her. Catherine will
angrily protest, but also appears calmer and less provocative following these
grounding episodes. Jenny is concerned though because Catherine is spending
Managing Confrontation and Coercive Interactions 189

little time going out with friends and a lot of time in her bedroom. She also does-
n’t like how easily Catherine makes her feel angry.
Jenny talks it over with Martin. Together they think through how Jenny
might respond differently. She decides that she will remain calm, walking away if
she starts to feel angry, rather than becoming involved in an increasingly angry
dialogue. She will also provide clear and simple consequences for the behav-
iour. She hopes that by remaining calm and clear Catherine’s provocations will
reduce. Finally she will no longer use ‘grounding’ as a consequence. It is impor-
tant that Catherine goes out and mixes with her school friends.
For two weeks following this resolve all is calm. Catherine has been difficult
once or twice but nothing that Jenny can’t manage. When Catherine didn’t
come down to dinner Jenny calmly told her that dinner would be available for
ten more minutes; after that she can make herself a cheese sandwich if she is
hungry. When Catherine left wet towels lying around the bathroom Jenny sym-
pathized with her because she wouldn’t be able to watch the TV programme
she was interested in, as the bathroom needed tidying. Generally Catherine
coped with these consequences, albeit moodily and with a few slammed doors
that Jenny ignored. However, the following week Catherine tests out this new
calm approach almost to the limit.
The week begins well. Catherine is going to a school disco on the Friday.
Jenny feels it will be good for her to have something new to wear so she picks
her up from school and they go shopping. Catherine enjoys trying on a few dif-
ferent outfits and is pleased with the new clothes she chooses.
By the middle of the week however Catherine is becoming provocative
again. She picks fights with Zoë, refuses to do as asked and is deliberately late
for school, throwing the morning routine into chaos. Jenny remains calm and
clear with Catherine, but her behaviour escalates. She chooses behaviour that
she knows will make Jenny angry. She leaves taps running in the bathroom,
causing a small flood. Jenny finds used sanitary towels lying around her bed-
room. She is managing to remain calm but is beginning to run out of ideas for
On Friday Catherine comes home from school in a difficult mood. She is
rude and unco-operative; Jenny finds it very hard to stay calm. In an attempt to
maintain her own equilibrium she says to Catherine, ‘I can see you have had a
difficult day today, Catherine. I’m sorry you are feeling so uptight but I am start-
ing to feel cross. I want you to go to your bedroom until it is time to get ready to
go out.’ Catherine glares at her and heads upstairs, shouting that she doesn’t
care if Jenny does stop her going out. This puzzles Jenny, as she said nothing
about not going out. She leaves Catherine for a while whilst she makes Zoë
some tea. About half an hour before her friends are due to call she goes up to
find Catherine lying on her bed still wearing her school uniform.
‘Why haven’t you changed, Catherine? It will soon be time to go.’
‘I’m not going,’ Catherine says. ‘I’ve been horrid to you.’
‘Yes you have,’ Jenny agrees, ‘and I will think with you about this tomorrow.
Tonight I want you to go and enjoy yourself.’
190 Nurturing Attachments

Catherine looks at her, dumbfounded. ‘Why aren’t you going to ground

me?’ she asks Jenny.
Jenny sits on Catherine’s bed. ‘I thought you were looking forward to the
‘Yes, I suppose.’ Catherine doesn’t sound very certain.
‘Is something worrying you?’
‘No, it’s just, well I don’t think I will go after all.’
Jenny now realizes why Catherine has been so difficult. ‘I guess you are
feeling anxious about the disco. I didn’t realize how you were feeling.’
Catherine acknowledges this and shares her concerns that she will just be
left sitting at the edge whilst everyone else has a good time. Jenny wonders how
often Catherine’s provocative behaviour covers up her fears and anxieties.
Getting angry had prevented Jenny getting anywhere near to understanding this
complex young girl who is not able to acknowledge how she feels straightfor-
wardly. She talks with her some more, empathizing with her fears. Catherine
decides that she will go but only if Martin promises to come and get her after
half an hour. Martin duly turns up to collect her but it is a further half an hour
before he can extricate her from her friends. She comes home smiling and en-
joys telling Jenny and Martin about it as they drink a cup of drinking chocolate

Coercive patterns
Children may use confrontation coercively to keep parents engaged with them.
These behaviours feel highly manipulative as the children display tantrums, cry,
whine, yell or command the parents, often maintaining this behaviour until they
get what they want. This coercive pattern of interaction is typical in
toddlerhood. At this age children find it difficult to wait; they want what they
want when they want it. If their desires are thwarted they quickly become frus-
trated and will often hit out. Children have not yet developed good language
skills and therefore they communicate non-verbally. Their behaviour demon-
strates how they are feeling.
As children mature they are more capable of verbally expressing how they
feel and negotiating with parents to get their needs met. Older children have
developed a range of social skills that help them to express their wishes. Thus
coercive interactions typically reduce as children get older.
When children experience parenting that is unpredictable and inconsistent
they do not develop or learn to trust their verbal skills as a means of getting their
needs met. Neither do they trust their parents to be there when they need them.
They fear that if they do not maintain the attention of their parents they will be
ignored when they need them most. These children continue to get quickly frus-
trated when things don’t go their way. They don’t learn to tolerate delays in
getting what they want. As we explored in Part 1 these children therefore retain
the earlier coercive patterns of interaction as part of ambivalent-resistant patterns
Managing Confrontation and Coercive Interactions 191

of relating to their attachment figures. These children are highly anxious. They
experience high levels of frustration and anger, but they also feel strong needs
for comfort which they are not able to communicate directly.
Frustration and anger are communicated via displays of threatening or
aggressive behaviour, whilst fear, anxiety and the need for comfort are commu-
nicated via displays of compliance and appeasement. Thus expressions of anger
and vulnerability are alternated in order to manipulate the parents’ behaviour.
This is a good strategy for a child to use with a parent who is inconsistent and
unpredictable because it coerces him into more predictable responses and
importantly ensures that he continues to attend to the child. When these
children move into foster or adoptive homes they expect the same response from
these parents as they experienced with their birth parents and therefore they
maintain these ways of interacting with them.
This behaviour presents the parents with a problem. As long as they try to
placate or meet the child’s demands, the child will remain angry. (‘I want this’, ‘I
don’t want it’, ‘I want that’). If the parents become angry the child changes from
being demanding to being compliant and vulnerable. As the parents again
change, to adapt to the child, anger is displayed once more. This alternating
behaviour from the child maintains the adults’ attention and forces them to
behave in a predictable way. Effectively the parents are caught in a trap.
If the parents ignore the children’s constant tantruming or whining, the
children have to do more to attract attention. Typically the children will then
become more provocative. They might do exactly what their parents have told
them not to do or the very thing that they know the parents will be cross about.
As the parents react they are drawn back into the coercive interaction. As the
parents try to ignore this behaviour the children will again escalate their behav-
iour, this time into risk-taking behaviour. The children ‘play’ with danger to
make certain that their parents are attending to them.

How can coercive interactions be avoided?

The development of this behaviour has arisen because the children have found
that ‘parents’ are inconsistent, unpredictable or rejecting. They are not certain
when the parents will meet their needs and so they become demanding and con-
trolling. They want what they want now and they cannot tolerate the frustration
of not getting it. The children need help to adapt to a more predictable experi-
ence of parenting so that they can learn to tolerate frustration and to wait to have
their needs met. The parents need to adopt a consistent and calm way of
managing the children’s behaviour, which steps aside from the coercive interac-
tions, without ignoring the children’s need for attention. They need to hold firm
to this through an initial escalation of difficult behaviour. Additionally the
parents need to provide the children with an experience of nurturing care within
192 Nurturing Attachments

which they can learn to let the parents help them to manage the strong negative
emotions that they experience.
There is a range of parenting strategies that you can try in order to avoid
being drawn into confrontational behaviour. The key to all of these is maintain-
ing a calm, empathic stance:
· Provide consistent and predictable parenting with clear routines and
structure. As your child learns to trust in the predictability she will
gradually learn to trust in your availability and her need to coerce you
into attending will reduce.
· You control the emotional rhythm of the house and not your child. This
means that you need to stay calm and not join your child in an escalating
pattern of angry behaviour. If you stay calm she is more likely to calm
down as well. If you become angry or irritated this is likely to escalate
the feelings of anger in both of you.
· One way of avoiding being drawn into angry confrontations is by using
consequences. Calmly tell your child what consequences will occur and
then walk away. Parents find that ‘If–Then’ and ‘When–Then’
statements can be very helpful, for example:
‘If you jump on the settee then the television will be turned off.’
‘When you pick up the toys then we will go out to the park.’
If your child does not comply you do not need to enter the battle. Just make sure
that you follow through with the consequence. Your child will gradually learn
that what you say does happen.
· Be positive when giving your child commands or instructions. It helps to
avoid words like ‘no’ or ‘don’t’. These often trigger angry behaviour. For
example, instead of saying ‘Don’t jump on the settee’ try saying ‘Let me
see both feet on the carpet.’
· The use of rewards and praise can help children to learn improved
behaviour. Younger children enjoy star charts and other visual ways of
showing the reward that has been earned. Older children can enjoy
working for points that can be traded for treats and privileges. Rewards
and praise work best when they are descriptive and specific. Explain to
your child exactly what you want her to do in order to earn a reward. It is
important to be clear about the behaviour that is being praised. Younger
children need immediate rewards and praise. Older children may be
comfortable waiting for rewards.
· Children who engage in coercive interactions often have a negative
self-esteem. They are so used to being ‘naughty’ that they start to believe
that they are bad children. The strategies described above will be helpful
as they focus attention on helping children to change their behaviour
Managing Confrontation and Coercive Interactions 193

and provide them with help to behave in ways that will be approved of.
Rewards and praise can especially help children to feel that they are
valued. In addition finding activities that help your child experience
success and making sure that she has positive time with you each day will
build on these feelings.
· A child who has a strong motivation to feel in control needs help to learn
to trust and rely on you. You can respect your child’s need to feel in
control. Provide boundaries, limits and protection but within these let
your child exercise some control. In this way she can learn to rely both
on self and on others.
· Another way to help your child feel that she is loved and valued is to
spend time with her following difficult episodes. This is difficult because
you will probably be feeling cross and worn out by then; but time spent
comforting and reassuring your child, even before dealing with the
aftermath of the behaviour, can provide her with positive messages that
you do care and want to support her.
· These children often lack an experience of a fun or a nurturing
relationship with previous parents. You may need to provide this; often a
child will be helped if parented as if they were younger. Caroline Archer
and Christine Gordon (2006) recommend times for family cradling
when children are held and cuddled. This can be an important way of
helping them to feel nurtured. Often children will also enjoy play and
games that revolve around the relationship.
Children, like us all, are creatures of habit. Patterns of behaviour do not change
easily, and children will work very hard to push parents into behaving in line
with their expectations. This means that you may find the initial response from
your child is a worsening of behaviour. You are not responding as she expected
or anticipated and so she tries harder to push you back into the coercive patterns.
You will need to hold firm through this escalation of behaviour until your child
begins to dare to try out a different way of being with you. It is also important
not to be discouraged if your child, when making good progress, appears to
return to a former way of behaving. Often this occurs when a child is feeling an
extra degree of stress; if you can reduce the stress you will see the more mature
behaviour re-emerging.
As your child begins to respond to the increased consistency and predict-
ability and as she is learning to calm down within the relaxed relationship you
are providing you will gradually be able to decrease the amount of supervision
you need to provide. Be careful not to move too fast at this stage; it is easier to
ease off a bit more than to have to tighten up again. Your child might also be
helped to learn some new skills at this time that can further increase their ability
to manage with less supervision and external control.
194 Nurturing Attachments

Marcus is 14 years old and Rita and Frank are going through a difficult patch;
they begin to disagree on how to parent Marcus. Rita is discouraged with the
progress Marcus is making and wonders again whether she is the right person
to be parenting him. Frank on the other hand is feeling that his relationship with
Marcus has never been better. Marcus, sensing this discord, is becoming anx-
ious. As usual in such a situation he takes control, playing on Rita’s insecurity by
becoming more defiant and unco-operative with her. Alongside this he be-
comes more charming with Frank as if to accentuate the difference between
them. This type of behaviour, sometimes called ‘splitting’, helps Marcus to feel a
sense of power. This helps to reduce his feelings of anxiety and powerlessness.
The difficulties for Rita come to a head one day whilst Marcus is excluded
from school. Marcus wants to watch TV all day; Rita on the other hand is deter-
mined that he will do some schoolwork during school hours. Marcus ignores all
her attempts to engage him and in open defiance continues to sit in front of the
TV. Rita is becoming more and more exasperated. Concerned that her feelings
will show, she leaves Marcus to it and retreats into the kitchen. She tries to
phone the social worker for some advice. He is not there and so she leaves him
a message. Feeling a bit stronger she again goes in to tackle Marcus. This time
Marcus storms out of the room; he becomes very angry, threatening Rita. Un-
able to take any more Rita shouts back; she tells Marcus what a selfish, ungrate-
ful boy he is and she doesn’t know why she bothers with him. Marcus is taken
aback by this unusual display of anger from Rita. He quietly goes into the other
room and turns the television off. Rita is now feeling guilty for shouting at
Marcus; she doesn’t mention the schoolwork again and instead goes upstairs to
tidy up.
Marcus is now confused and uncertain. Feeling anxious his level of arousal
builds up. He follows Rita upstairs and starts to goad her. As Rita feels herself
getting angry again she feels like she is a string puppet with Marcus pulling all the
strings. Fortunately for her, at that moment, Frank gets home. With Frank
around, Marcus settles down and Rita is able to calm herself. She talks over the
day’s events with Frank who is concerned at how upset she is. They both agree
that they need more time to talk together, and Frank resolves to be more sup-
portive to her when Marcus is being difficult. Rita wants to avoid being pulled
into these confrontational interactions with Marcus in the future, and she needs
Frank’s help to do this. Marcus, sensing their renewed partnership, comes in to
the kitchen and offers to make them a cup of tea. Rita and Frank look at each
other and laugh.

When children begin to reduce the coercive interactions that they are engaged
in they also become better able to think. Developing abilities to think, plan and
problem-solve further reduces their reliance on the emotionally driven coercive
Managing Confrontation and Coercive Interactions 195

Helping children develop problem-solving abilities

The ability to problem-solve is a cognitive skill that develops throughout child-
hood. It involves an ability:
· to decide on a goal
· to plan how to reach this goal
· to evaluate the consequences of different plans.
Problem-solving therefore depends on many abilities that develop during
childhood. The child or young person needs to be able to think flexibly, to
understand cause and effect, to be able to think from different perspectives, and
to be able to inhibit impulsive action.
Children who have impoverished experience of early relationships often
struggle to develop such abilities. Poorly developed thinking abilities are there-
fore not uncommon, often more typical of a younger child. Children need help
to develop problem-solving skills. They need help to think about a problem, to
generate solutions to the problem and to decide which solutions are most likely
to be effective.
Define problem What is the problem?
Brainstorm solutions What are the potential solutions to the problem?
What are the potential consequences to the problem?
Evaluate consequences What is likely to be the best solution?
Implement plan How can I put the plan into action?
Evaluate plan Is my solution working?
Amend plan What might work better?
To help children develop problem-solving abilities it is important to provide
lots of examples that they can learn from. Get into the habit of modelling
problem-solving. Be explicit about your own problem-solving processes;
explain to your child how you are thinking about a problem and coming up
with a solution. You can then help your child to practise problem-solving. Think
of a goal and help her to think about different ways to reach the goal. You might
use role-play, stories and puppets to help her to find a solution.
When your child has a real-life problem encourage her to put this practice
into use. The temptation is to offer solutions to children, but it can be more
helpful to guide them through the problem-solving process. Support your child
to try out the solution even if it is not the one that you would have chosen. Help
her to evaluate how successful the solution has been.
You can also help your child to notice the problem-solving that is going on
around her. Television, stories and real-life situations can provide opportunities
to see how other people solve problems.
196 Nurturing Attachments

Luke has very poor problem-solving abilities. He tends to react to situations

rather than thinking through the consequences. His impulsivity in particular gets
in the way of planned action. In his teenage years this is becoming even more of
a problem. The learning and emotional difficulties that Luke experiences means
that he stands out in his peer group. As he grows older the gap between himself
and his peers has widened. Luke finds this difficult to understand. He wants to
do the same things that the other children are doing, and to be allowed the
same degree of freedom, but his vulnerability makes it difficult for Jackie to al-
low this.
Difficulties in problem-solving mean that Luke finds it difficult to adapt to
circumstances that have not been rehearsed; he is easily led by the suggestions
of the other children and he is not able to stop and think before doing. Luke’s
very neglectful early experience has meant that he has certain cognitive deficits
that contribute to a lack of problem-solving. He has a very poor understanding
of cause and effect. He therefore finds it difficult to foresee consequences; or
to understand how what he is doing can link to things that happen around him.
He also finds it difficult to generalize learning. He can be taught to cross the
road safely outside his home, for example, but also needs to be taught how to
do this outside school. He does not apply what he has learnt in one setting to a
similar but different setting.
One day Jackie allows Luke to go to the cinema with a friend, Robert. She is
concerned about this but he has been asking and asking to be allowed to do
something unsupervised by her. She carefully plans this, dropping him off at the
cinema and arranging to pick him up again as soon as the film finishes.
Unfortunately part way through the film Robert becomes bored and de-
cides to leave early. This was an eventuality that had not been considered. Not
wanting to stay by himself Luke follows him. Robert suggests going to the park
and Luke willingly goes along. He does not think about contacting Jackie, and
cannot envisage how worried she will be when he doesn’t come out of the cin-
As they are wandering through the park a man approaches them, and asks
them if they want an ice-cream. Robert starts to feel uncomfortable; he urges
his friend on. Luke however is tempted. He likes ice-cream and is willing to fol-
low the man. He has been taught about strangers and he knows that he must
not go with anyone he doesn’t know when walking home from school but now
he is in the park. Fortunately for Luke at that moment a neighbour sees him and
is suspicious. She comes over and the man makes a hasty retreat. She asks Luke
where Jackie is and he tells her she is picking him up from the cinema. They walk
back to the cinema together much to the relief of a frantic Jackie.
Jackie tries to help Luke develop problem-solving skills through the use of
games, stories and explicit teaching, but Luke is likely to remain vulnerable and
will need a continuing high level of supervision.
Thinking, Feeling
and Behavioural Choices

Rewards, praise and logical consequences can all be helpful in supporting

children to make good behavioural choices. The effectiveness of these approaches
can be increased by understanding the ways that thinking, feeling and behaving
link together (see Figure 17.1). Helping the child to improve his behaviour will
be aided if you know what thoughts and feelings are influencing it.

Thinking, feeling and behavioural choices

Supporting feelings and containing behaviours
Choices and consequences Praise and rewards

Stepping aside from confrontation
Structure and supervision

Parenting with PACE

Helping children enjoy


Looking after yourself

Family atmosphere



Figure 17.1 Thinking, feeling and behavioural choices (Adapted from ‘The House
Model of Parenting’ in Golding et al. (2006). Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Reproduced with kind permission.)

198 Nurturing Attachments

Thinking, feeling and behaving

Thinking, feeling and behaving are connected. Behaviours are determined not
by the situation per se but by the appraisal the person makes and the feelings
aroused by the situation. How the person thinks and feels determines how they
behave. This in turn is influenced by early childhood experiences leading to the
development of core beliefs and habitual ways of feeling. Thus children who
experience early abuse and subsequent placement with foster parents may
develop core beliefs that they are unloveable with the related assumption that if
they get close to a parent they will be rejected. The experience of getting close to
the parent triggers feelings of fear and anxiety. Their subsequent behaviour can
be understood as a strategy to ensure that they do not get close.
To understand this link between thinking, feeling and behaviour imagine a
simple event as in Figure 17.2. You are upstairs in bed when you hear a loud
crash downstairs. What is your first reaction to this? Maybe you feel angry,
imagining that the cat has knocked over the vase once again. You go downstairs
to put the cat outside. In this case the thought (it’s the cat) and the feeling (anger)
influences your behaviour (going downstairs). But what if you don’t think about
the cat? Imagine instead that your first reaction is fear. You think that it might be
a burglar. Now you are much less likely to go downstairs, but instead you stay in
bed listening intently for further sounds. The thought (it’s a burglar) and the
feeling (fear) have led to a very different behaviour (staying in bed).
This example is a fairly straightforward one that is easy to envisage. Under-
standing the children however can be much more complex. Feelings are likely
to be bewildering and linking thinking, feeling and behaviour can be beyond a
child’s ability. Children like Marcus and Luke who have had poor early
parenting experience are frequently left with major difficulties in both thinking

A loud crash is heard

Feelings Feelings
Fear Anger

Behaviour Thoughts Behaviour Thoughts

Hide under It’s a burglar, Go downstairs The cat has
bed I’m not safe to put the cat knocked
out over the
vase again

Figure 17.2 Thinking, feeling and behaving

Thinking, Feeling and Behavioural Choices 199

and feeling and with very inflexible and reactive ways of behaving. Emotional
regulation and reflective function can be underdeveloped. Thus the children may
experience difficulty regulating and integrating emotional states. Rage, for
example, can emerge suddenly and intensely. A lack of impulse control may
mean that impulses determine behaviour. Additionally the capacity for reflective
function, the ability to interpret the behaviour of self and others through an
understanding of mental states, is poorly developed. Marcus and Luke are very
poor at making sense of their own behaviour; it just happens or it happens
because they are ‘bad’. They are equally poor at understanding the behaviour of
others. This makes it very difficult for them to understand the link between their
own behaviour and that of others, to understand cause and effect.

At 14 years of age friendship is important for Luke and Marcus. Difficulties in

managing relationships however mean that it is difficult for each of them to
form and maintain friendships. On separate occasions these boys have both ar-
rived home from school announcing that they have made arrangements to go
out later with friends. This presents a dilemma for Jackie, Rita and Frank.
Jackie wants Luke to have friendships, but she is not happy with him being
out unsupervised. She also isn’t sure who these friends are that Luke has ar-
ranged to go out with. He mentions a couple of names but she has not heard
him talk about these particular boys before. Luke is also not sure where they
are going or what they will be doing. Gently Jackie tries to tell Luke that maybe
going out is not a good idea. Luke does not want to hear any explanation; he just
hears the ‘no’ and erupts in a torrent of anger. It is hours before he is calm again.
Rita and Frank are not happy with Marcus making plans without consulting
them. They tell him that they are pleased that he wants to see his friends but
that he must get their permission before he arranges to go out. Marcus is furi-
ous. He shouts at them that they have no right to stop him and he might just go
anyway. Whilst he threatens to go out without permission he doesn’t actually
follow this through but Rita and Frank too have a very difficult evening as
Marcus simmers in his bedroom.
Both these boys have demonstrated their distress through angry behav-
iour, but their underlying feeling and thinking are quite different.
Luke has always found it difficult to make friends. The chronic early neglect
he experienced has left its mark despite the years he has spent with Jackie. He
tries to become involved in what his peers are doing, but he does this in a
clumsy way, which can be very irritating to the other children. A degree of
learning difficulty also means that he is slower than they are and not very quick
to pick up on what they are doing or the social cues they provide. They will tol-
erate him for a while but quickly tire of trying to include him. Luke is left to drift
off and find someone else to play with. Recently a group of older boys have
taken him ‘under their wing’. They are part of a delinquent group and have seen
in Luke an opportunity for some fun. He will do whatever they ask of him. For
example, when they told him to roll in the mud he did, much to their
200 Nurturing Attachments

amusement. They have asked him to meet them later as they are hoping they
can get him to steal sweets for them. Luke is delighted to be included in their
plans. He believes that other children don’t like him; this belief leads him to as-
sume that if he doesn’t do what other children want he will have no friends. He
therefore tries to fit in with what the other children tell him to do. When Jackie
tells him that he can’t go out he becomes very anxious. He fears that his new-
found friends will not like him again. It is this combination of beliefs, fears and
anxiety that underlie the angry outburst.
Marcus also struggles with friendships. He tends to organize his relation-
ships around his perception of power and strength. He therefore approaches
his peers aggressively, demonstrating his own strength. When he is involved in
games his need to stay in control and to win can be a source of frustration to
others. Marcus lacks the ability to resolve conflict and therefore his interactions
often end in fights. Marcus does not find friendships very satisfying. Marcus
therefore is not too concerned about meeting his friends as arranged, but it is
important to be the one in charge. His experience with his father has taught him
that people more powerful than you hurt you. His belief that people in control
hurt you has led to an assumption that if he stays in control then he won’t get
hurt. Marcus doesn’t want to be told what to do. Thus when Rita and Frank tell
him he can’t go out he feels that they are trying to control him. He becomes
afraid and angry with them.
Thus although both Marcus and Luke are faced with a similar situation –
they are being told that they can’t go out – and although they both react simi-
larly in that they get angry, the thinking and feeling that underlies their reactions
are quite different. Of course the children do not understand any of this. They
experience and they react. Rita, Frank and Jackie are left to pick up the pieces.
They have to manage the challenging behaviour that the children present.
However, there is also a larger task to do here. If they can help the children
to recognize the fear and anxiety that underlies their angry behaviour they will
move forward in helping the children to develop the capacity to regulate their
emotional arousal and to be able to reflect on their own behaviour and that of
those they interact with.
Luke needs to experience empathy for how sad it is not to be liked by other
children, and how worried he is that if he doesn’t meet the boys tonight he
might lose these new friends also. As he experiences this level of understanding
he may be more ready to think with Jackie that perhaps these boys are not good
friends, and maybe he will agree to invite Matthew over instead.
Marcus needs to experience empathy for how scary it is not to be in
charge. As his fear of being hurt by them is understood he may be able to calm a
little. Maybe he will then be able to co-operate with a compromise, which al-
lows Rita and Frank to set the main boundary whilst Marcus has some control
over what happens within this.

Thus behaviour management needs to go beyond the use of behavioural strate-

gies to help children make better behavioural choices. Children need help to
Thinking, Feeling and Behavioural Choices 201

recognize feelings and beliefs that they may not be aware of, to regulate and
manage emotional arousal and to interpret their own and others’ behaviour.
Only when they are not overwhelmed by the way they feel, and have some
capacity for reflective function will the children be able to get maximum benefit
from the behavioural strategies that you can use. Helping children with
thinking, feeling and behaviour moves beyond containing and managing
behaviour to helping the children develop emotional maturity and improved
cognitive ability so that they are able to behave in ways that are more flexible and
provide them with more choices.

The ABC of behaviour

Behaviour is learnt because of the consequence that follows it. This is sometimes
called the ABC of behaviour (see Figure 17.3). Consequences, including
rewards and sanctions, represent the behaviour that the parent has control over.
By linking these consistently and predictably to the children’s behaviour the
children learn that they have a choice that can lead to a reward or a sanction.
A = Antecedent – this represents a cue or signal and acts as a trigger for
B = Behaviour.
C = Consequence.
The model suggests that behaviour will be strengthened (i.e. more likely to
occur again) if this behaviour is followed by something pleasurable (a reward or
positive reinforcement) or stops something unpleasant happening (negative rein-
forcement). Behaviour will be weakened (i.e. less likely to occur in the future) if it
is followed by something unpleasant (called a punishment). Punishment is used
here as a technical term, an unpleasant consequence rather than something
inflicted on the child in anger or to cause pain.
Rewards and punishments represent what children find pleasant and
unpleasant rather than what we think they should like or not like. For example, a
child might find being shouted at rewarding whilst having a treat punishing.
Understanding this can help us to understand why his behaviour might be
increasing when we think we are providing consequences that will lead to its
Understanding this pattern of rewards and punishers can be helpful in
deciding what consequences to use. We can pick consequences that are accept-
able to us and rewarding for the child (e.g. we would not shout at a child to
reward him but would use something that we both find rewarding). Similarly we
can pick acceptable consequences to follow behaviour we would like to see
reduce. A child does not eat a meal therefore he does not get dessert.
The behaviours children display represent a choice. Parents don’t control
this behaviour. If they try to they will find themselves quickly caught up in
202 Nurturing Attachments

Antecedent Behaviour Consequence

Cues, e.g. when, where,
who, what

Positive event Behaviour

Rewarding = increases
Positive reinforcer
Negative event Behaviour
Punishing decreases
Ends negative event Behaviour
Rewarding = increases
Negative reinforcer

Figure 17.3 The ABC of behaviour

control battles. Parents can however tell the children what choices they have and
then control the consequences to the behaviours. These choices and conse-
quences are explained calmly, and without stressing one choice over another.
The children can make either choice. The parent does not get cross but simply
implements the consequence.
· ‘You can eat your dinner and then you will have dessert or you can leave
your dinner and then you will leave the table.’
· ‘If you put your shoes on we will go to the park; if you don’t put your
shoes on then you can help me tidy the kitchen.’
If one choice is not acceptable do not offer that choice. If the shoes have to go
on, because you have to pick up another child from school, do not give the
choice of not putting shoes on. The choices might be to put his shoes on himself
or to have you put them on for him.
As we will explore later the best choice–consequence sequences involve
natural or logical consequences. The consequence is connected to the choice.
The children need to see the consequences as linked to their behaviour rather
than as arbitrary so that they learn that they can control consequences through
their behaviour.
A choice is not the same as a command. Commands have to be obeyed and
often meet with anger when they are disobeyed. Choices and consequences help
the parents to stay calm and in control rather than being pulled in to control
battles that they rarely win.
When children become angry because of the consequences that they meet,
the parents have an opportunity to provide empathy and support. They accept the
anger and empathize with how difficult this is. The consequence still occurs for
the behaviour but the feelings the children are expressing are validated.
Thinking, Feeling and Behavioural Choices 203

Zoë has always struggled to link her behaviour to the consequence that fol-
lows. She reacts to how she feels rather than to what has happened. When she
steals Catherine’s make-up Catherine is angry with her. Zoë cannot easily fol-
low the logic that taking the make-up makes Catherine angry. She complains to
Jenny that Catherine is mean and horrid, and she hates her. When Jenny sug-
gests that maybe Zoë should replace the missing make-up Zoë feels got at.
Now it feels like the whole world hates her, and deep inside is the fear that this is
because she really is a ‘bad kid’. Zoë is overwhelmed by this fear and so she
blames everyone else instead. It is all Catherine’s fault; she made her take the
make-up by teasing her about her spots. It is all Jenny’s fault because she did not
give her some extra pocket money this week. By blaming everyone else the fear
that maybe she isn’t good enough recedes a little.
Zoë needs predictable, calm and empathic responses that recognize her
feelings of not being good enough whilst also helping her to begin to see the link
between her behaviour and what follows. Empathy for her feelings combined
with choices and clear consequences around her behaviour will gradually help
her to feel better about herself and thus to be able to regulate her own behav-
iour more easily.

In the next part we will consider how to use rewards as a consequence for
positive behaviour. Rewards are a powerful way to encourage prosocial behav-
iour but, as we will see, rewards for children with difficulties in attachment can
be quite complex.

Positive reinforcers or rewards strengthen behaviour because the child wants
the consequence. When children have experienced a history of abuse, neglect
and loss, the things they find rewarding can be very unexpected. Children may
find a range of behaviours rewarding that we anticipate would be uncomfort-
able for them. Causing emotional and physical pain to others, saying ‘no’,
engaging in and winning power struggles, and avoiding emotional engagement
are examples of surprising but common rewards for the children. Their early life
has taught them not to get close because others can’t be trusted. The children
therefore use their behaviour to ensure that closeness doesn’t happen.
Similarly the rewards we want to offer the children can lead them to feel
anxious and unworthy. Commonly children will sabotage planned rewards and
treats as they demonstrate that they are not worthy of such attention. Alterna-
tively they might behave well to get a particularly attractive reward, but as soon
as the treat is attained they revert to their former behaviour. You are left feeling
manipulated and ineffectual.
Behavioural strategies work because ultimately children want and value a
relationship with the parents. They will try hard to earn rewards and treats, but
204 Nurturing Attachments

most importantly they want to please you. For children who have learnt not to
trust parents this can be very different. They may both fear and long for such
relationships. This can lead to very complex and puzzling behaviours. This is
why working on the child’s behaviour alone without paying attention to the
relationship will not be effective. Developing a positive relationship with you,
feeling accepted by you and receiving empathy for the feelings being displayed
are important to help your child begin to get used to and enjoy the typical range
of rewards and treats parents provide for their children.

Catherine has always struggled to believe that her parents can provide her with
security and comfort. Throughout childhood she has clung to self-reliance in or-
der to avoid needing Jenny and Martin. Need and fear are too closely linked for
her. As she experiences a need, anxiety builds up; by taking care of herself, the
anxiety is contained. Although in many ways she has developed a more positive
view of what parents can offer, and has allowed some level of parenting from
them, the negative view that parents hurt you for being emotionally needing of
them has also persisted. This means that Catherine has to cope with late ado-
lescence, with its demands for increased independence and autonomy, without
ever having learnt to be fully dependent. To successfully explore the outside
world of friendship, boyfriends and independence she needs to be able to
come back in, to touch base with Jenny and Martin, to let them contain her anxi-
ety about her growing maturity and to use them as a secure base from which
she can again venture out. As she feels secure at home she will be able to ven-
ture out more widely.
This process is very complex for Catherine; developing independence pro-
vokes anxiety and fear of not being up to the task. Catherine needs the security
offered by Jenny and Martin, but whereas they should be a source of safety and
comfort, her very need of them re-awakens the fear of her early years.
Catherine is left oscillating between rejecting their support whilst falling back on
her own fragile self-reliance and being fretful and demanding of them. Once
again relationships are a source of difficulty rather than being rewarding to her.
Catherine becomes moody and difficult. She behaves in a way that is cer-
tain to annoy Jenny and Martin; she refuses to take showers; she comes down
late for meals; she leaves dirty washing all over her room. Through these behav-
iours she is creating a distance between herself and her parents. As she experi-
ences an increased need of them she works hard to put a space between
herself and them. This however only reduces her anxiety temporarily because
she does need the security they can offer her and so she will switch to being
helpful and loving. She will offer to wash the dishes; she will spend the evening
with Jenny trying out different hairstyles or watching a film with her. This starts
to develop closeness between them, which again increases Catherine’s anxiety,
and so the cycle starts again. Jenny and Martin are left feeling manipulated and
ineffectual. They fear Catherine’s moods and can’t believe in her friendliness.
Catherine senses the confusion in them and her own fear that needing them will
end in pain increases. Small signs of rejection, a refusal of her offer of help or a
Thinking, Feeling and Behavioural Choices 205

look of annoyance on their faces, trigger angry outbursts from her. Catherine
needs to believe that Jenny and Martin will be reliably there for her whatever
her mood or need. Jenny and Martin need to believe that Catherine’s confusion
and fear will reduce and her oscillating behaviour will calm if they hang on in
there. Belief hangs by a thread on both sides through these difficult years.

The use of choices and logical consequences

When children behave in a certain way they are demonstrating a choice. This
choice will lead to a consequence. When children understand the link between
their choice and the consequence they can choose behaviour that leads to
certain consequences and reject behaviour that leads to other consequences.
Children with early experience of inconsistent and insensitive parenting
have often failed to learn the link between behaviour and consequences. Their
behaviour had no relationship to the actions of their parents. They therefore
have poor understanding of cause and effect. They perceive the consequences as
just things that happen to them, as the other person being ‘mean to them’, or as
‘the way it is’. They therefore have little motivation to reflect on their behaviour
or to make different choices about how to behave, in order to make certain con-
sequences happen. Thus their behaviour becomes impulsive or compulsive.
It is also common for behaviour to be organized around power struggles.
The children demonstrate a need to control the relationship, to express their
lack of trust in the parent, and their fear in their own badness and vulnerability.
Engaging and winning power struggles means that they gain a sense of control,
providing a superficial feeling of safety. The children can’t trust the parent so
they trust in themselves. Each time the parent is drawn into these power strug-
gles it confirms for the children that they are unsafe with the parent, thus rein-
forcing their need to stay in control
In these situations behaviour is habitual, requiring little thought, but is also
inflexible. Children are poor at adapting to changing circumstances. They need
a period of highly consistent and predictable parenting in order to start to trust
the parent, to feel safe and to make the links between behaviour and conse-
quence. As was explored in Chapter 15 it may be beneficial to provide an
increased level of supervision and structure. The children are helped to reduce
their feelings of fear and to learn to trust in the parent.
As a parent experiencing these struggles with your child it can be helpful to
remember that whilst you are not in charge of your child’s behaviour neither is
he in charge of your behaviour. He cannot make you behave in a particular way.
You have choices about how to respond. First it is important that you stay calm;
anger and frustration will only pull you into the struggle. Additionally try and
maintain a high level of empathy and warmth; this demonstrates your care for
your child and your desire to help and support him. Within this context there is
a range of things that you could do. This represents a choice of consequences.
206 Nurturing Attachments

Whilst boundaries, limits and structure need to be consistent, consequences can

be less predictable and sometimes unexpected. It is important that you follow
through on consequences that you have given, but the choice of consequence
can vary.
For example, you have asked your child to bring his dirty washing down,
but he refuses.
· You could provide a logical consequence: ‘When you bring the washing
down I can put it into the machine and then we will have some time to
play that new game you have got.’ Or ‘If you bring the washing down in
the next five minutes then there will be time to go to the park and play
football.’ Logical consequences are explored further below.
· You could let the action, not bringing the washing down, lead to its
natural consequence, no clean clothes to wear. After reminding the child
of this likely consequence to his refusal you can calmly get on with your
day leaving events to unfold. Of course you will also need to stay calm
when your child discovers the lack of clothes. Remind him that when the
washing appears downstairs it will be washed for him, and he will have
clothes to wear again.
· You might take a different approach. Offer to do the task but let him
know that you will take the cost of your services out of the weekly
pocket money. Remember this is not a punishment but a consequence,
stay calm and reasonable, and avoid making this sound like a threat.
· Sometimes it is difficult to come up with a quick but reasonable
response. You can give yourself some extra time – ‘That’s an interesting
choice you have made; I’ll think about what is going to happen as a
consequence. Don’t worry, I’ll let you know when I have thought of
· You might decide to focus on the way your child is feeling and thinking,
rather than directly focus on the behaviour. Use empathy and curiosity. ‘I
can see you have had a hard day; maybe we need to figure out together
why you feel the need to be difficult right now.’
· Offer nurturing: ‘It looks to me like you are having a hard time today;
maybe you need a hug, and some quiet time with me.’
· Be playful. ‘Let’s see who can do this quickest; bet I beat you.’ Or ‘Looks
like you want to make me mad. Let’s see who can get most cross. Can you
shout this loud?’
· Be surprising. ‘It looks like you are having a hard time today; let’s leave it
for now and have a drink and snack.’
When you decide to link the child’s behaviour with consistent consequences it
is helpful if the consequences are logically connected to the behaviour itself.
Thinking, Feeling and Behavioural Choices 207

· If you spill a drink you wipe it up.

· If you spend all your pocket money you will not be able to buy sweets on
the way home.
· If you don’t come home on time and I have to look for you then you will
owe me the time back. You will help me with the jobs I have not yet
Over time these consistent and logical consequences will help the children to
learn that their behaviour represents a choice. This in turn will lead to more
thoughtful behaving as the children develop new and more flexible behaviour
At first the children will struggle to understand the link between choice and
consequences. When negative consequences occur they will judge the world as
arbitrary, mean and unpredictable. With continued consistency however the
children will gradually come to realize that their behaviour and the conse-
quence is linked, that the consequence can be controlled through choices in
behaving. If they do not like a consequence they have the option of rethinking
their behaviour and making alternative choices that lead to more pleasant
We have looked in this chapter at how you might support your child’s
ability to manage feelings, develop thinking and to become more flexible in
behaviour. Through highly empathic, warm and nurturing parenting, which
provides appropriate structure and supervision and calm and measured
responses to behaviour, your child will start to feel safer. This will lead to a
greater capacity to trust in his relationship with you and to develop a more
secure attachment to you.
Managing Special Difficulties:
Lying, Stealing and Self-harm

In this chapter we are going to move away from the house model to give some
special attention to relatively common problems for children with difficulties in
attachment. Of course many elements of the house model will be apparent as we
explore how to manage these difficulties.

Children and young people who self-harm

Self-harming behaviours are perhaps amongst the most distressing behaviours
that children and young people demonstrate. Watching a young person deliber-
ately hurt herself can provoke fear, anxiety and anger as we feel excluded and
unable to help.
Self-harm, sometimes called self-injurious behaviour, is the deliberate act of
causing harm to the self. Self-harm is the expression of and temporary relief
from overwhelming, unbearable and often conflicting emotions and feelings.
There are clearly parallels with suicidal behaviour although the link between
suicide and self-harm can be very blurred. The young person will engage in this
behaviour with or without an intention to die. The act of suicide represents a
serious attempt to die. Sometimes a young person comes close to death because
of self-harming behaviour, although this hasn’t been the intention. This is
described as parasuicide.
Whilst self-harming behaviours are typically associated with teenagers,
these behaviours can also be seen in children as young as toddlers. Young
children, when distressed or very frustrated, might for instance bang their head
against a hard surface, or bite themselves.

Why do young people self-harm?

Self-harming behaviours can be interpersonal or intrapersonal.
At the interpersonal level self-harm may be an attempt to obtain something
from someone else. In this sense it can be seen as ‘attention-seeking’ or

210 Nurturing Attachments

manipulative behaviour. However, it must be recognized that such behaviour

stems from a deep-seated need to receive attention from another person,
possibly to access nurturing, and care; desperate attention-needing rather than
At the intrapersonal level acts of self-harm are private, hidden from others.
Self-harm, in this instance, is a coping mechanism to change or control the self
or to silently express frustration.
Thus self-harm can serve a number of different functions, which are not
always easy to distinguish or separate. In addition self-harm can have multiple
meanings for the same individual, making it even more complicated to under-

Self-harm as a coping mechanism

There is a range of reasons why a young person may use self-harm as a way to
cope. For example, it might help the person to avoid something, a difficult situa-
tion or painful and preoccupying memories, thoughts and worries. In this way
she might be able to avoid unwanted and distressing feelings and emotions.
When emotional pain is difficult to bear, physical pain can feel more tangible
and manageable. Self-harm can also provide a release for anger and frustration
thus providing relief. In all these ways self-harming behaviour can help the
young person gain comfort and security. The very familiarity and routine the
behaviour provides can feel reassuring.
Self-harm can alternatively be used as a punishment against the self or
towards others. One way young people make sense of their difficult experience
is to blame themselves. If they see themselves as bad somehow all the bad things
that have happened to them make sense. Unfortunately this also leaves the
young people with a pervasive sense of shame and anger. They may wish to
punish themselves as a way of releasing the sense of badness being experienced.
Self-harming behaviour becomes a way of coping with these difficult feelings
and experiencing at least a temporary sense of redemption.
Alternatively the behaviour may be used to get back at abusers. These
young people may be very clear that it is others who are to blame for the trauma
they have experienced. It is safer however to redirect feelings of anger on to the
self than at someone else. The self-harm provides an expression of rebellion and
resistance. At the same time it gives the young people a sense of control, when
their early experience has often left them feeling powerless, under the control of
others. The self-harming behaviour provides young people with a way of
achieving control that does not rely on anyone else. In this way they express
their independence, autonomy and personal freedom when few other alternatives
are available. This can lead to a sense of achievement and accomplishment, com-
pensating for low feelings of self-esteem.
Managing Special Difficulties: Lying, Stealing and Self-harm 211

The self-harm can therefore help the young person to retain a sense of self,
but the very strangeness of this behaviour also reinforces the feelings of being
an outsider and alone. The consequences of self-harm can be very complex. The
young person may feel a sense of relief in the short-term, but the guilt, shame and
embarrassment will then start to overwhelm her, reinforcing feelings of being
bad. This then leads to a further build-up of difficult feelings and the urge to
self-harm increases again. Self-harm becomes increasingly dangerous over time
as the young person finds that she needs to increase the degree of self-harm in
order to achieve the same function. In this way the self-harming behaviour
becomes compulsive. The young person experiences a sense of urgency, and
need. At some time the self-harm can become addictive, at which point it
becomes an end in itself rather than being used to achieve other aims.

Helping the young person who self-harms

Young people do want to be understood and helped but it is difficult and fright-
ening to give up the behaviour that has become a part of their identity. The more
others try to stop them, the more they cling to it. Suggestions for alternatives
made by other people are unlikely to be helpful as it takes control away. Young
people need to find an alternative for themselves. It is also important that inter-
ventions don’t reinforce or perpetuate feelings of badness and the need for
This can be very difficult for those trying to help the young person as they
try to get a balance between under- and over-reacting. Ignoring or minimizing
the behaviour assumes that the behaviour is ‘attention-seeking’. This approach
tends to reinforce feelings of being worthless. The young person feels neither
understood nor listened to.
As a parent this can all be very difficult. You will need to manage the behav-
iour, but you can’t view this in isolation. Whilst you will need to provide
increased supervision, and decrease access to objects for self-harm, it is impor-
tant that this is done within the context of a supportive and accepting relation-
Helping a young person who is self-harming begins with building a rela-
tionship. This requires a large amount of acceptance and empathy. Whilst you
will not like the behaviour your young person is engaging in, it is important that
you are non-judgemental and that you do accept the feelings and perceptions
underlying the behaviour. Try to adopt a non-judgemental approach, which
accepts and works with the negative feelings of the young person.
Young people need a trusting relationship, which can help them to explore
their self-harm and look at different ways of experiencing a sense of control.
They will be helped if they feel respected and accepted. It can be difficult but
your young person will find it helpful if you allow her to talk about the
self-harm without being made to feel bad or guilty. Often young people fear the
212 Nurturing Attachments

behaviour will be taken away from them and they will be left without a coping
mechanism. They need help to feel that they have a sense of control, which is not
being undermined. If your young person trusts you not to make her feel bad she
will be able to work with you to understand what the self-harm means. Thus you
will be providing help and support without the expectation that the self-harm
has to stop. With this approach your young person may be able to limit the
behaviour and stay safe. Together, within a trusting relationship, you can both
challenge the behaviour, which is now seen as separate from either of you.
Provide opportunities to talk but avoid pressurizing. Offer space to talk but
don’t mind silence. Young people need access to space where they can retreat to,
either to rage or to be quiet. Supervision therefore needs to be balanced with
personal space.
Young people need help to find other ways to feel strong. Self-harm will
reduce when they have another involvement in which they can get absorbed.
Finding activities, hobbies or other ways in which your young person can gain a
sense of competence and satisfaction can gradually help to reduce her need to

Helping the young child who self-harms

It can be very upsetting to care for young children who deliberately hurt them-
selves, especially when the children resist being comforted by the parent.
Helping these children again begins with the relationship. The children are
often dealing with their distress in this way because they haven’t learnt to rely
on a parent for comfort and support. Alternatively they may engage in the
behaviour to ensure the parent’s attention. They do not expect the parent to be
available to comfort them and so they work hard to maintain this availability.
Either way the child needs prolonged experience of a dependable, nurturing
and sensitive relationship.
When your child is engaged in self-harming behaviour it is important that
you do not express anger or shock. Either of these is likely to increase her
distress. Instead gently distract and divert her. She may need some nurturing
time with you, an opportunity for a cuddle, a comforting drink, etc. Provide
empathy for the underlying feelings your child is experiencing. If she rejects this
empathy more indirect methods may be needed. For instance you might talk to
the family dog, within her hearing, about how sad/scared/lonely she is feeling,
how she is frightened that you might not be there when needed.
Children will often respond to stories. A story about a bear who was too
frightened to turn to others for comfort, and who tried to manage by himself, or
a duckling who couldn’t find his mother might help the child to explore the
fears or sadness underlying her distress. Ending with the bear or duckling being
helped by a friendly adult bear or duck can also give the indirect message that
the child can be helped by the parent. An adopted child might be helped by a
Managing Special Difficulties: Lying, Stealing and Self-harm 213

story in which the animal is adopted and helped by his new family. Older
children can also help to create the narratives with the parent guiding them to a
resolved ending.

Managing risk of suicide

Caring for a young person who is suicidal can be very stressful. It is important to
seek professional help and support. Sharing concerns and agreeing action that
needs to be taken with another person can be helpful to reduce your feelings of
isolation and fear of ‘getting it wrong’.

Safety plans
You can help your young person to draw up a safety plan. This will help her to
identify triggers that lead to self-harm and to consider a range of coping strate-
gies that could be used instead. For example, she might feel that she can talk to
someone, use a relaxation exercise or engage in an activity. If the young person
finds it hard to talk to you when feeling anxious or upset she may be able to use a
signal to communicate this in a way that you both understand. When develop-
ing a safety plan it is important that you remain non-judgemental whilst convey-
ing the hope that the young person will stay alive. An example of a safety plan
that you could help your young person to write is included at the end of this
chapter. This can be accompanied by a similar plan detailing how the parent or
supportive adult will also help to keep the young person safe.

Risk assessment of suicidal behaviour

Ask about suicidal thinking.
· Have you felt lately that you would like to go to sleep and not wake up?
· Have you just wanted to get away from it all?
· Have things been so bad that you thought you would be better off dead?
· Have you thought about hurting yourself or killing yourself ?
· Have you ever tried to kill yourself ?
If the young person admits to suicidal thoughts ask:
· Do you think you can keep yourself safe?
· How have you thought about killing yourself ?
· Have you made any plans?
· What has stopped you attempting suicide so far?
There is a hierarchy of concerns ranging from suicidal ideas to the very
worrying worked-out strategies (see Figure 18.1). The most worrying is the
young person with fully formed and systematic plans who is rejecting any help.
214 Nurturing Attachments

Most concern

Child displays repeated, potentially lethal actions

Child displays impulsive and partial actions

Child forms persistent, more systematized,

and comprehensive plans

Child forms fleeting, poorly thought-out plans

Child reports persistent and intrusive ideas

Child reports fleeting ideas

Moderate concern

Figure 18.1 Hierarchy of concerns (Adapted from Sprague (1997). ‘Clinical

Management of Suicidal Behaviour in Children and Adolescents.’ p.117.
Copyright © Sage Publications Ltd. Reproduced with kind permission.)

Exercise 18.1: Creating a safety plan

My safety plan

My name is
This is a little bit about myself
(Include things you like about yourself, what you are good at, what your hopes
and dreams are, as well as things that you find more difficult about yourself)

Why I feel I need a plan to keep myself safe

This is about the self-harm that I engage in

What is happening in my life that is so What emotions do I find so hard to
difficult that I hurt myself? manage that I hurt myself?
Managing Special Difficulties: Lying, Stealing and Self-harm 215

What triggers can I identify that lead to my hurting myself?

(e.g. when alone or with someone, in a particular place, when I have certain
thoughts, memories, feelings)

How do I feel after I have hurt myself?

Good feelings Difficult feelings

Here are some ideas for keeping myself safe

Different, safer things I can do that help me feel good

Different things I can do that will distract me from hurting myself

Safe people
(People I can talk to when I am feeling anxious or upset; you could also write
down what you have agreed that they will do when you tell them how you are

Safe places
(Places I can go to when I am feeling anxious or upset)

Phone numbers of people that I can ring when I am feeling anxious or upset
(These can be friends, family, social worker, therapist, ChildLine, etc.)

This is how I can keep the physical environment safe

(e.g. who looks after your tablets, sharp objects, what don’t you leave lying
216 Nurturing Attachments

Helping the child who lies and steals

Lying and stealing are two frequently observed behaviour problems in children
who have been abused or neglected early in life. Children steal without apparent
guilt or concern for others. This stealing can serve a number of purposes.
· Children steal because they want something. Having weak empathy they
are unconcerned about the impact this will have on the owner of the
· Children may feel that they deserve the things they steal, perhaps linked
to a past experience of not getting what they needed.
· Children may steal for trade. They may want items to trade for
friendship or to sell in order to buy the food and drink that they are
craving. Children who have experience of extensive neglect will often
compulsively want to fill themselves up with the things they didn’t get
when they were little.
· Children may steal compulsively as a defence against anxiety. Often the
children steal property of little worth. Rubbers and pencils may
constantly go missing from school or the children may collect common
household items such as batteries. They may steal and hoard food,
showing little inclination to eat it. The child experiences pervasive
anxiety and gets some short-term relief through this compulsive
acquisition of things.
Lying and stealing are often closely linked. Children may lie to deny that they
have taken something or to deflect blame for an event away from themselves.
Often the child lies with audacity and is extremely convincing. The child is able
to look the parent straight in the eye whilst lying. In fact it is not uncommon for
this to be the only time that the child appears comfortable with eye-contact. The
child may provide long and incredible explanations of what really happened,
frequently pushing the blame onto someone else.
These behaviours can relate to developmental delays based on poor early
experience of relationships. This can leave children with a weakly formed sense
of conscience, the usual inhibitor of morally unacceptable behaviour. In
addition a poor ability to think about cause and effect, a tendency towards
concrete thinking and difficulty with abstract thinking contribute to the diffi-
culties for children in thinking through what they are doing and what the likely
consequences will be. A poor ability at knowing how we are thinking or what
we are feeling makes it difficult for children to understand the impact of their
actions on others. Not being able to understand that we would feel let down, or
upset, they carry on and follow their impulses. Our reaction is then a surprise or
puzzle to them. These cognitive difficulties therefore combine to make it difficult
for children to enter into reciprocal relationships. Without this sense of mutual-
Managing Special Difficulties: Lying, Stealing and Self-harm 217

ity, I am nice to you and you are nice to me, the usual inhibitions on lying and
stealing are absent.

Why do children lie and steal?

There is a range of reasons why children lie and steal. They may want to cover
their tracks, perhaps to avoid a feared punishment. Alternatively it may help to
build themselves up in others’ and their own eyes, and to re-invent their history.
Children will tell tall stories or fantasy accounts of past and present experience.
They may tell a story of some daring deed or clever feat, or they may invent
experiences with a parent, sibling or friend. This type of self-deceit, which
denies unpleasant or even painful realities, can feel very real to the children.
They can become convinced that fantasies are true. The children might find it
difficult to experience a parent challenging their account but may cope better if
the parent provides empathy and support. ‘Wouldn’t it be nice to go fishing with
your dad. I bet you would be able to catch a fish for supper.’
Lying can also disconnect the child from what really happened. This is a
coping strategy to avoid feelings of shame and guilt. The child believes that she is
telling the truth and thus avoids feeling that she has done something wrong. In
trying to cope with intense feelings of badness and low self-worth she denies all
mistakes, weakness or transgressions. The more strenuously and consistently
children blame others and deny it was them, the more we can assume they are
struggling with and trying to deny feelings of low self-worth, of not feeling
good enough.
Lying and stealing can also provide a means of self-protection; by lying and
stealing, the parent is kept at a distance. Feeling uncomfortable with closeness
the children may prefer to have their parents angry with them because of their
behaviour. Additionally when the children experience anger they may struggle
to openly show this anger. Stealing and lying can both be subtle, passive-aggres-
sive acts. These are behind-your-back behaviours that allow the child some sense
of having got back against a world that has hurt her or a parent who she per-
ceives as being mean to her. Alternatively more overt acts of stealing and lying
can provoke the parent into being angry, providing the child with an outlet for
the anger that has been building up within her.
Children may also find it difficult to trust their parents enough to tell the
truth or to assume that they will be given what they need. They may lie and steal
automatically through an unconscious need to conceal themselves, to protect
the privacy of their thoughts, feelings and actions. This will also help children to
feel a sense of control. A compulsive need to control in response to the anxiety
of being dependent upon others is common in children who are struggling with
relationships. Lying and stealing are both ways of exercising this control.
Children experience the fooling of others satisfying and rewarding in itself.
218 Nurturing Attachments

This is linked with enjoying the conflict as they get into an argument over
whether they did or didn’t lie or steal.
Over time the lying and stealing become habitual, perhaps following
experience in a family where the difference between lying and truthfulness was
not clear, and when the child was regularly exposed to parents who took what
they wanted. Having been brought up in a secret world of fantasy, guilt or
blame, the child can develop a distorted view of the world, based upon lies, dis-
honesty and mistrust. Having learnt about lying and stealing from her own
family she tries to cope with the world in the same way.

What can you do to help the child who lies or steals?

It is important to model honest behaviour. Your child needs experience of a
family where honesty and dishonesty are clearly separated, and where honesty
is valued. Your child can be given empathy and support to help adopt these same
You may find it helpful to avoid confrontation. Discussions about ‘did you
or didn’t you lie or steal?’ rarely have a positive outcome. Your child can
continue to deny or distort the truth and you are left powerless to do anything
about it. When you know that your child has transgressed you will find it
helpful to avoid getting pulled into a discussion; instead calmly provide a conse-
quence. By insisting that she tell the truth she is backed into a corner. Backing
down once a lie has been told is difficult. It is better if you don’t ask your child
to admit to something that is already known between you. You can proceed on
the assumption that this is known, e.g. ‘I see from your homework diary that you
do have some homework after all. Why don’t we sit down now and I will help
you with it and then we can have some supper?’ Or, as one carer described to me
when her foster son had helped himself to her small change before going on a
school trip, ‘Well done for remembering to take some money with you. You
don’t need to worry about it; I have deducted it from this week’s pocket money.’
In this way you provide a calm consequence without irritation or anger. Natural
consequences provided with empathy and support can help your child to manage
more honesty in the future.
At some point you will want to talk to your child about the lying or stealing.
This will be easier when she is feeling calm. It is better to avoid a time when she
has just been caught out. You will be feeling cross or irritated, and your child is
likely to be experiencing a sense of shame and defensiveness. At a later time you
will be more able to show empathy for the struggle she is having with being
honest. You can let her know that you will support her and that you believe that
she can be honest.
Sometimes children can tolerate parents commenting on their non-verbal
communication. Your child can be helped to be honest because a part of them
Managing Special Difficulties: Lying, Stealing and Self-harm 219

already is. Calmly or humorously comment on the signs she is giving out that
she is lying either through her eyes or in her body.
Unfortunately living with a child who habitually steals can put a strain on
the whole family. Everyone has to be more aware of their own possessions and
things of value need to be hidden away. It is difficult when you feel that you
can’t relax in your own home. You will also need to provide a level of supervi-
sion that is burdensome. Checking bags on leaving and returning to the house
can be onerous and feels intrusive. Until children are able to manage this aspect
of their life however, this level of supervision provided with empathy and support
can help them to feel safe and cared about.
It is also difficult when a child shows no remorse. The ‘so what’ attitude on
top of the lying or stealing can feel like a double assault. You may also fear for
your child’s future, anticipating the trouble she will get into. Unfortunately
trying to get a child to own up and accept responsibility often fails. The stealing
and lying are being used as a dysfunctional way of getting deeper needs met.
The child’s feelings of shame will be buried deep. As you adopt a stance of
empathy and support you will over time help her face this shame without
becoming overwhelmed. Only then will she be able to accept responsibility for
her behaviour.

The house complete

Children with difficulties in attachment find it difficult to trust and to feel secure
with foster carers or adoptive parents. We have now worked through the house

Thinking, feeling and behavioural choices

Supporting feelings and containing behaviours
Choices and consequences Praise and rewards

Stepping aside from confrontation
Empathy before discipline, remain calm, avoid battles
Structure and supervision
Provide predictability, help child to feel safe
Parenting with PACE
Playfulness Acceptance Regulate emotion Curiosity Empathy
Make sense of experience
Helping children enjoy

Rest, relaxation, Support to manage
Looking after yourself stress

Rituals Belonging Claiming

Family atmosphere
Provide emotional
support, empathy and Attunement Understand yourself
interactive repair


Figure 19.1 The house model of parenting (Adapted from ‘The House Model of Parenting’ in
Golding et al. (2006). Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Reproduced with kind permission.)
222 Nurturing Attachments

model of parenting, a model that builds trust, and security, allowing children to
develop satisfying relationships (see Figure 19.1).
The foundation of this model is the provision of a secure base for the children.
Parents provide parenting experiences that help the children to feel safe and
secure, thus fostering attachment. This is a complex task as parents attempt to
meet the need for nurturance and care despite the distorted way children express
and hide their needs. Children experience living in a family that is very different
from previous experience. The models of families and of self that they hold are
gently challenged and children are helped to develop alternative models to sit
alongside previous ones. Attunement and relationship repair support children in
managing complex emotion, helping them to experience a sense of belonging
to the family.
A secure base is achieved by parents taking control of the emotional atmos-
phere of the house. Parents accept the child, and demonstrate this acceptance
through their commitment to him. By providing empathy and sensitive, respon-
sive care the child is helped to understand and manage his emotional life. He
will be able to enter into family life more fully, gaining a sense of belonging to
this family.
This is a difficult and challenging task. You should not underestimate the
emotional toll of caring for a child with complex emotional needs. Looking
after yourself needs to be a high priority, with time built in for respite, relaxation
and reflection.
Over time the children will start to feel safe and secure leading to an
increased capacity for entering into a relationship. As trust develops children are
enabled to enjoy the relationship and family life. Children’s past experience will
however continue to have an impact. An important task of parenting is to help
children manage feelings of shame without harming the relationship. Parenting
with PACE is recommended as a way of understanding, accepting and empa-
thizing with children. Combined with a feeling of being loved and valued,
children are helped to take their PLACE in the family, with an improved ability
to regulate their emotion and to make sense of their experience.
It will be important to provide an appropriate amount of structure and
supervision adjusted to the children’s fluctuating emotional needs as their level
of stress increases and decreases. Parents will also be able to avoid confronta-
tional and potentially destructive interactions by remaining calm, offering
children clear choices and consequences, and building up their ability to cope
with and benefit from rewards, praise and treats.
The building of a trusting relationship therefore provides a context within
which behaviour management is much more likely to be successful, and which
can ensure continuing empathy for the children, their behavioural choices and
the experience underlying these choices. The parents can provide appropriate
discipline using behavioural strategies empathically; and can provide praise and
rewards that are accepted by the children.
Conclusion 223

It is difficult to predict the impact of this approach to parenting on individ-

ual children. Offering the children experience of a more secure attachment will
build resilience. This does not mean that all difficult behaviours will go away or
that development will proceed without a hitch. There are many reasons for
behavioural or developmental difficulties in addition to attachment experience.
However, experiencing trusting relationships will go some way to help children
cope with current or future adversity.
Some children will be able to learn to enter fully into reciprocal and
mutually rewarding relationships. They will develop the capacity for appropri-
ate self-reliance and for trust in others. The impact of early life does not disap-
pear but coming to terms with this becomes growth enhancing as the child
develops resilience and strength.
Other children will come part way in developing trust in self and others,
providing them with an increased chance of a successful and rewarding adult
life, although they may remain fragile with a vulnerability to further stress or
There are other children who will need life-long support. They will benefit
from attachment-focused parenting, but will not grow into full independence.
Often these are the children who are born more vulnerable. They may have been
born prematurely, with pre-existing genetic difficulties or already damaged by
the substance abuse or extreme stress experienced during development
The degree to which children develop an ability for emotional regulation and
a capacity for reflective function are amongst the most important factors in deter-
mining how far they can benefit from the alternative care they are receiving.
These core abilities mean that they can cope with stress and further difficulties
and can make sense of the behaviour of themselves and others. This in turn
means that they can develop empathy for others and for themselves, can make
sense of their experience both past and present, and can in consequence respond
flexibly in the future. In understanding their past experience their future opens
up, providing options and opportunities that they will be able to grasp with
both hands.
And what about the children described throughout this book?

Catherine, Zoë, Marcus and Luke are all approaching adulthood. Their path
through childhood has not been straightforward and parenting them has felt like
a roller-coaster ride.
Catherine struggled through adolescence; with frequent angry outbursts
and a desire to be far more independent than Jenny or Martin were comfort-
able with, arguments raged. However, whilst home could be tempestuous,
Catherine was calmer at school. She worked hard and achieved GCSEs and
two A-levels. She is now planning to go to art college. Leaving school and focus-
ing on the future has provided Catherine with some goals. She is now calmer at
224 Nurturing Attachments

home and has a much-improved relationship with Jenny and Martin. She is look-
ing forward to leaving home, but teases them that she will be home regularly to
get her washing done.
Zoë, in contrast to Catherine, is calmer at home but struggling more at
school. She has a very close relationship to Jenny and Martin and is beginning to
cope when their attention is not on her. She is due to sit her GCSEs next year,
but will struggle to get five A–Cs. She finds it difficult following in Catherine’s
footsteps and perceives herself as ‘stupid’. Jenny is encouraging Zoë to find a
vocational path, in the hope that this will help her to feel more successful. Zoë is
wondering about hairdressing and has just secured a Saturday job at the local
Marcus has continued to be very difficult to care for. His school career has
been erratic with a pattern of suspensions and exclusions. However, he has
now become involved in a local apprenticeship scheme that has been set up to
help disaffected young people. Marcus has been taken under the wing of a local
garage owner and he is enjoying working on the cars. Whilst he can still be quick
to anger the worst of his aggressive behaviour has subsided. His time in care is
drawing to a close but Rita and Frank have applied for Marcus to continue to
live with them in supported lodgings. They are concerned that he has recently
become involved at the fringes of a local gang of lads and has been in some trou-
ble for stealing. More encouragingly he has made contact with his grandfather.
Rita and Frank are planning a trip to Jamaica next year. They are hopeful that by
becoming more involved in Afro-Caribbean culture Marcus will be diverted
from a path that they worry could end in prison.
Luke remains a very vulnerable young man whose neurodevelopmental
difficulties have become even more apparent as he has grown. He is close to
Jackie, and enjoys being helpful, making cups of teas and helping her with
household and gardening tasks. He continues to struggle with empathy, or
seeing things from another’s viewpoint. When a neighbour collapsed outside
the house he was more interested in the ambulance than how she was. He has
no idea of money and has to be watched carefully or he would swap his CDs
and DVDs for sweets. He also continues to struggle to understand cause and
effect. He still does not understand why Jackie is cross when he has done some-
thing wrong. He has learnt to say sorry and they enjoy a cuddle to make up, but
Jackie suspects that he does not really understand what he is saying sorry for.
He likes to play with the younger children on the estate but Jackie keeps a close
eye on him, never letting him go far. She worries about Luke’s future envisaging
that he will always need a high degree of supervision and care. Currently there
are plans to enrol him into a college specifically designed for young people with
learning difficulties.

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Golding, K. S., Dent, H. R., Nissim, R. and Stott, L. (2006) Thinking Psychologically About
Children Who Are Looked After and Adopted: Space for Reflection. Chichester: John Wiley and
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226 Nurturing Attachments

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6, 1, 41–47.
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Howe, D. (2005) Child Abuse and Neglect: Attachment, Development and Intervention. Basingstoke:
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Hughes, D. A. (2006) Building the Bonds of Attachment: Awakening Love in Deeply Troubled
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James, B. (1994) Handbook for Treatment of Attachment-Trauma Problems in Children. New York,
NY: Free Press.
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Gateway Press Inc.
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Seattle, WA: Carolyn Webster-Stratton.
Further Reading

Archer, C. (1997) First Steps in Parenting the Child Who Hurts: Tiddlers and Toddlers. London:
Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Archer, C. (1999) Next Steps in Parenting the Child Who Hurts: Tykes and Teens. London: Jessica
Kingsley Publishers.
Archer, C. and Burnell, A. (2003) Trauma, Attachment and Family Permanence: Fear Can Stop You
Loving. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Archer, C. and Gordon, C. (2006) New Families, Old Scripts. London: Jessica Kingsley
Bowlby, J. (1998) A Secure Base: Clinical Applications of Attachment Theory. London: Routledge.
Cairns, K. (2002) Attachment, Trauma and Resilience. London: BAAF.
Delaney, R. J. (1998a) Fostering Changes: Treating Attachment-Disordered Foster Children.
Oklahoma City, OK: Wood and Barnes Publishing.
Delaney, R. J. (1998b) Raising Cain: Caring for Troubled Youngsters/Repairing Our Troubled System.
Oklahoma City, OK: Wood and Barnes Publishing.
Fahlberg, V. (1994) A Child’s Journey Through Placement. London: BAAF.
Geddes, H. (2006) Attachment in the Classroom: The Links Between Children’s Early Experience,
Emotional Well-Being and Performance in School. London: Worth Publishing.
Gilligan, R. (2001) Promoting Resilience: A Resource Guide on Working with Children in the Care
System. London: BAAF.
Golding, K. S., Dent, H. R., Nissim, R. and Stott, L. (2006) Thinking Psychologically About
Children Who Are Looked After and Adopted. Space for Reflection. Chichester: John Wiley and
Sons Ltd.
Hart, A. and Luckock, B. (2004) Developing Adoption Support and Therapy: New Approaches for
Practice. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Hobday, A., Kirby, A. and Ollier, K. (2002) Creative Therapy for Children in New Families.
Oxford: BPS Blackwell.
Howe, D. (2005) Child Abuse and Neglect: Attachment, Development and Intervention. Hampshire:
Palgrave Macmillan.
Hughes, D. A. (1997) Facilitating Developmental Attachment: The Road to Emotional Recovery and
Behavioural Change in Foster and Adopted Children. Northvale, NJ: Aronson.

228 Nurturing Attachments

Hughes, D. A. (2006) Building the Bonds of Attachment: Awakening Love in Deeply Troubled
Children. Northvale, NJ: Aronson.
James, B. (1994) Handbook for Treatment of Attachment-Trauma Problems in Children. New York,
NY: Free Press.
Jennings, S. (2004) Creative Storytelling with Children at Risk. Brackley: Speechmark Publishing
Jernberg, A. and Booth, P. B. (2001) Theraplay: Helping Parents and Children Build Better
Relationships Through Attachment-Based Play. San Fransisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keck, G. C. and Kupecky, R. M. (2002) Parenting the Hurt Child: Helping Adoptive Families Heal
and Grow. Colorado Springs, CO: Pinon Press.
Lacher, D. B., Nichols, T. and May, J. C. (2005) Connecting with Kids Through Stories: Using
Narratives to Facilitate Attachment in Adopted Children. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Salans, M. (2004) Storytelling with Children in Crisis. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Schofield, G. and Beek, M. (2006) Attachment Handbook for Foster Care and Adoption. London:
Siegel, D. J. and Hartzell, M. (2003) Parenting from the Inside Out. New York, NY:
Solomon, M. F. and Siegel, D. J. (2003) Healing Trauma: Attachment, Mind, Body and Brain.
London: W. W. Norton and Co.
Stern, D. N. (1998) Diary of a Baby. New York, NY: Basic Books.
Sunderland, M. (2006) The Science of Parenting: Practical Guidance on Sleep, Crying, Play and
Building Emotional Well Being for Life. London: Dorling Kindersley.
Sunderland, M. and Armstrong, N. (2003) Helping Children with Fear: A Guidebook. Brackley:
Speechmark Publishing Ltd.

Affectional bonds A bond or tie that exists between two people when they feel affection for
each other.
Affect mirroring A process whereby the parent interprets what a child is feeling from
observation of her behaviour. This interpretation is reflected back to the child to help her
develop a deeper understanding of her feelings.
Ambivalent-resistant attachment The attachment that the child develops when a parent
is experienced as inconsistent and unpredictable. The child learns to maximize displays
of emotion in order to maintain the parent’s availability.
Attachment A special type of relationship that develops when one person experiences
security and comfort from another. A selective attachment occurs when the child
relates to a primary attachment figure and a few intimate adults in this way.
Attachment behavioural system This represents the way that behaviour is organized in
order to elicit care and comfort from the parent.
Attunement An emotional connection between two people in which one person mirrors or
matches the vitality and affect (externally displayed mood) of the other.
Autonomy This represents the degree of an individual’s personal independence.
Avoidant attachment The attachment that the child develops when a parent is experienced
as rejecting. The child learns to minimize displays of emotion in order to maintain parent
Coercive behaviour Behaviour displayed in order to ensure a particular reaction from
others. The behaviour compels others to behave in a particular way.
Cognitive The conscious thinking processes. These take place in the cortex of the brain.
Coherent narrative Healthy individuals have a sense of themselves and their experiences.
They form a coherent narrative of their life experiences. These are explicit memories held
in a consistent and organized manner. Traumatic experience makes the holding of such
memories and the development of such a narrative more difficult.
Compulsive behaviour Behaviour that is governed by an impulse to do something in order
to maintain feelings of safety.
Developmental pathway This is a biological term that suggests that development can
occur along one of a range of possible pathways. The pathway used depends upon an

230 Nurturing Attachments

interaction between the child and environment. As development proceeds the number of
potential pathways diminish.
Disinhibited behaviour Indiscriminately friendly but superficial behaviours, usually
relating to an inability to engage in mutually satisfying relationships.
Disorganized-controlling attachment The attachment that the child develops when a
parent is experienced as frightening or frightened. The child experiences difficulty
organizing her behaviour at times of stress. As she grows older she learns to control
relationships to force predictability.
Dissociation This is a psychoanalytic term to describe the process by which a person
defends against overwhelming stress by cutting off from conscious awareness what is
being sensed or felt. At its extreme the person cuts off from contact with others or the
world, becoming numb, unfeeling or unaware. Dissociation reduces the ability to make
sense of self or others.
Emotional co-regulation The capacity to regulate emotion is influenced by the experience
of co-regulation whereby the parent interacts with the child to help her to manage her
emotion and emotional arousal.
Emotional Dysregulation Dysregulation represents a lack of regulatory capacity. It occurs
when an individual fails to control and modulate emotions and emotional arousal. The
emotion overwhelms the individual and controls him rather than him being in control of
the emotion.
Emotional regulation The capacity to control and modulate emotions and emotional
Emotional scaffolding A parent can help a child develop new abilities by starting where
the child is and helping her step-by-step to learn a new ability. This type of help is
known as scaffolding.
Empathy The ability to imagine and share what another is experiencing.
Experience dependent Development within the brain, which forms the neural pathways
that determine how the brain will function, is dependent upon the person having certain
experiences. Genes and experience interact to shape development. Thus if an infant is
raised in the dark at a certain stage of development they will not learn to see. Nurturing
experiences are also important for healthy brain development.
Exploratory behavioural system This represents the way that behaviour is organized in
order to promote exploration of novelty within the environment.
Impulsive behaviour Behaviour that occurs without thinking. A person behaves without
first thinking about the consequences that might occur following the behaviour.
Inhibited behaviour The child is fearful of others and is reluctant to engage with them in
any way.
Interactive repair This is a psychological term used to describe the process whereby a
parent re-establishes a positive emotional connection between themselves and a child
(attunement) following a time when the relationship was ruptured, either because of
the behaviour of the child or of the parent.
Internal working model (IWM) A cognitive model of the relationship that the child has
experienced. This model influences how the child will respond to future relationships.
Locus of control This is a psychological term to describe the amount of control a person
feels he has over situations in his life. An external locus of control suggests that a person
Glossary 231

feels that he has little control and that other people or the environment has this control.
An internal locus of control suggests that a person feels that he has a lot of control over
Mentalization The ability to predict responses of others based on an understanding of the
feelings of others. This is dependent on the ability to take the perspective of the other
person (perspective-taking).
Mind-minded Being aware of the mental state of the other. Understanding mental states
(thoughts, feelings, beliefs and desires) helps us make sense of behaviour and therefore to
understand the social world within which we live.
Negative reinforcement In behavioural psychology negative reinforcement refers to a
consequence to a behaviour that is experienced as unpleasant. The person behaves in a
certain way in order to avoid the negative consequence. Thus the behaviour is negatively
reinforced. For example, a parent buys a child sweets in order to stop her crying. The
sweet-buying behaviour in the parent has been negatively reinforced.
Obsessive behaviour Behaviour that is governed by a preoccupation with certain ideas or
Passive-aggressive Expressing aggression towards others through indirect and unassertive
acts. For example, a child might break something behind someone’s back, not for any
end in itself, but as a way of expressing anger.
Perspective-taking This is a psychological term to describe the process whereby an
individual can imagine a situation or experience from the perspective of another person.
Positive reinforcement In behavioural psychology positive reinforcement refers to a
consequence to a behaviour that is experienced as pleasant and thus rewarding. The
person behaves in a certain way in order to gain the pleasant consequence. For example,
the child cries because the crying has been rewarded by sweets. The child’s crying
behaviour has been positively reinforced.
Primary intersubjectivity This describes the early relationship between an infant and
parent when each discover the other and learn more about the self in the process.
Projection This is a psychoanalytic term to describe the process by which a person transfers
or projects feelings onto another.
Proximity-seeking Behaviour that is displayed in order to achieve closeness to an
attachment figure. This increases feelings of safety and security for the child.
Pseudomaturity The child behaves in a way that is more mature than she is emotionally
ready for.
Punishment In behavioural psychology punishment refers to a consequence to a behaviour
that is experienced as unpleasant. The person stops behaving in this way to avoid the
unpleasant consequence. For example, if a child was smacked when crying for sweets her
crying behaviour would be punished leading her to stop crying. As punishment also
leads to shame, to feelings of low self-worth and doesn’t teach the child what behaviour
is acceptable, it is generally considered to be a poor parenting technique. Parents are
advised to reward good behaviour rather than punish bad behaviour.
Reflective function The ability to think about our own mind and the mind of others. This
leads to the ability to understand why things happen and why people behave as they do.
232 Nurturing Attachments

Regression This is a psychoanalytic term to describe the process whereby a person who is
experiencing high levels of stress reverts to behaviour representative of an earlier stage of
Secondary intersubjectivity This describes the infant–parent relationship and their joint
attention to people, objects and events in the world. The child learns about the world and
the impact of the world on herself and her parent.
Secure attachment The attachment that a child develops when a parent is experienced as
sensitive and responsive to her emotional needs. The child learns trust in others and
appropriate self-reliance.
Secure base A secure base occurs when a child is able to feel secure with a parent and is
therefore able to engage in confident exploration.
Self-efficacy This is a psychological term used to describe the belief an individual holds
about his own ability. High self-efficacy suggests that the individual is confident in his
abilities whilst low self-efficacy suggests that the individual lacks confidence in his
Self-esteem This describes how a person perceives himself, his sense of his own worth.
Thus a person’s opinion about himself leads to his self-esteem. High self-esteem suggests
that an individual perceives himself positively whilst low self-esteem represents a low
opinion of himself and his worth to others.
Separation protest The protest that the child displays when accessibility to an attachment
figure is threatened.
Shame A complex emotional state when a person experiences negative feelings about
himself. A feeling of being not good enough.
Social understanding Understanding social relationships and social situations. Social
understanding is important for getting on with people and for making and maintaining
Splitting This is a psychoanalytic term used to describe the process whereby when someone
can’t cope with ambivalent feelings about others they compartmentalize those people as
all good or all bad.
Theory of mind This is the understanding that what another person thinks, feels or
believes might be different from what I think, feel or believe, and that what another
person thinks, feels and believes is a good predictor of behaviour. Theory of mind
typically develops between three and four years of age.
Subject Index

abuse 23, 68, 133, 142, 198, helping angry children attachment relationships
203, 216 139–41 25–6, 26–7, 28–9, 59
substance abuse 65, 66 lying and stealing 217 characteristics 31–2
acceptance 34, 51, 167, self-harm 210 cognitive development
170–1 anxiety 83, 101, 191 60–1, 62
accessibility 34 anxiety-behaviour cycle 105 emotional development
adolescence 38–9, 48, 65, appeasement 27, 191 60
182 arousal-relaxation cycle 74–5, later development 28–9
ambivalent-resistant 106 negative experiences 26–7
attachment 51 attachment behaviours 24, 26 attachment theory 14, 15,
avoidant attachment 54 adolescence 38–9 23–4, 45
disorganized-controlling attachment behavioural absorption 132–3
attachment 57 system 32 brain function 130–2
adoption 13, 23, 59, 63–4, babies 36–7 description 24–5
126, 128, 136 proximity-seeking 31, 32, parenting 71–3
loss 64–5 37 relationships 25–6, 26–7,
supervision 181–2 school age children 38 28–9, 59
Adoption and Attachment secure base effect 32 attention-seeking 38, 49, 57,
42–3 separation protest 32 209–10, 211
affect mirroring 132, 133 six months to two years attunement 60, 77–8, 96,
affectional bonds 31, 38 37 116–18, 133–4, 158,
aggression 27, 46, 50, 57, two to four years 38 222
134 attachment difficulties 13, developing understanding
alcohol 65, 66 61–3 123–4
ambivalent-resistant foster care 63–4 managing difficult
attachment 26, 27, 46, parenting 98–100 behaviour 118–20,
48–51, 63 attachment disorder 64 143
parenthood 51 attachment patterns 46 model 115
parenting 84–6 disorganized patterns 46, PACE 166
anger 27, 49, 50, 104, 105, 54–7 play 121
108, 117, 134, 149 non-attachment 46, 58 stories 171
coercive behaviours 191, organized insecure autonomy 25, 38, 39, 83,
192 patterns 48–54 210
confrontation 188

234 Nurturing Attachments

avoidant attachment 26, 27, 87–8, 139–40, play 121–3

46, 51–4, 56, 64 147–8, 204–5 positive interaction cycle
parenthood 54 confrontation 188–90 75–6
parenting 86–8 supervision 184–5 shame 162–3, 171
awareness 135–6 challenging the child 122 therapeutic help 78–81
child development 24–5, 59 claiming behaviours 138–9
babies 24, 36–7, 60, 130 attachment behaviours claiming narratives 172
attunement 116–17 31–2, 36–9 clinging 26, 48, 83
brain function 130–2 attachment difficulties co-operation 34
behavioural choices 98, 197 61–3 coercive behaviours 46, 49,
ABC of behaviour 201–3 attachment relationships 51, 57, 188, 190–1
consequences 205–7 25–6, 26–7, 28–9, avoiding 191–4
rewards 203–5 59–61 cognitive defects 135–6
thinking, feeling and exploratory behaviours lying and stealing
behaving 198–201 32–3, 96 216–17
behavioural contracts 184 trauma 65–9 cognitive development 24,
behaviours 14, 24, 27 children 13–15, 23–4, 45, 25, 48, 53, 60–1, 62,
managing 103–7, 83–4, 101–2, 126, 100, 133
118–20, 127 137–8, 157–8, 181–2 problem-solving abilities
managing outbursts ambivalent-resistant 48, 195–6
140–4 attachment 26, 27, coherent narrative 123
belonging 97, 138–9 46, 48–51, 63, comfort 24, 26, 27, 33, 54,
enjoyment 158–61 190–1 81, 191
model 137 arousal-relaxation cycle compliance 27, 56, 57, 102,
blame 71, 139, 144, 163, 74–5 191
216, 217, 218 attachment difficulties compulsive behaviours 52,
boredom 117 98–100 205
boundaries 102, 121, 126, attunement 116–18 conflict resolution 48
127, 163, 182–3, 193 attunement/interactive confrontation 98
brain function 130–2 repair 77–8, 96–7, model 187
attachment 132–3 115–16, 119–20, stepping aside 188–90
attunement 133–4 144, 158, 161–2 consequences 127, 141, 192
regulation 134 avoidant attachment 26, ABC of behaviour 201–3
thinking and awareness 27, 46, 51–4, 56, behavioural choices
135–6 64 205–7
bullying 57 developing understanding controlling behaviours 27,
123–4 55–7, 84
calmness 125, 127, 141 disorganized-controlling coping 150–1
care 24, 27, 54, 81 attachment 26, 46, curiosity 166–7, 170
caregiving 24, 27, 33, 39 54–7, 64
child to parent 27, 46, 57 empathy 102–3, 104, damaging property 104
insensitive-unresponsive 107–8, 108–10, danger 31, 47, 50, 51, 54
caregiving 34–6 118–19, 128, 134, delinquency 133
sensitive-responsive 141, 144, 149, 202, demanding 26, 48
caregiving 34, 36 204 dependence 49, 83, 120
Catherine 16, 23, 25, 28, 29, enjoyment 158–61 developmental difficulties 14,
35, 40–1, 42, 99, expectations 28–9 48
105–7, 150, 223–4 helping angry children developmental narratives 172
avoidant attachment 139–41 developmental pathways 59
52–3, 71–2, 76, internal experience 103–7 disapproval 116, 118
Subject index 235

discipline 98, 102–3, 116, model 157 changing model 41–2

118, 127,161, 162 experiences 26–7, 66, 67, disorganized-controlling
PACE 170–1 130, 135 attachment 55
disinhibition 27, 46, 58, 64 exploration 13, 24 stable model 40–1
disorganized-controlling exploratory behavioural intimacy 39, 53, 54, 83
attachment 26, 46, system 32–3, 37, 96
54–7, 64 learning 48, 51, 62, 135–6
parenthood 57 families 13, 23, 28, 29, 138 locus of control 182–3
parenting 88–90 lying and stealing 218 looking after oneself 97
dissociation 117, 128, family atmosphere 126, 137 model 145
129–30, 134 model 125 reflection and relaxation
distress 24, 26, 27, 37, 48–9, positive family 146–9
54, 212 atmosphere 97, stress and coping 150–1
avoidant attachment 52, 126–8 stress thermometer 152–3
53 foetal alcohol syndrome 65 understanding feelings
non-attachment 91 fostering 13–15, 23, 59, 149–50
drawing 67, 171 62–4, 126, 128, 136, loss 23, 27, 59, 64–5, 203
drugs 65, 66 198 love 167, 172, 193
dynamic-maturational model loss 64–5 Luke 18–19, 23, 25, 28–9,
56 supervision 181–2 36, 41, 42, 109–10,
dysregulated behaviour 128, friendship 38–9, 48, 49, 53, 124, 224
129–30 55, 59, 62, 66, 134 friendships 199–200
fright 26–7, 46, 54–5, 66 non-attachment 58, 73,
education 51 frustration 48, 71, 105, 108, 91, 138–9
emotional development 60, 109, 116, 117, 139, play 122–3
100, 133 190–1 problem-solving 196
emotional health 13, 14 supervision 185–6
emotional regulation 89, 96, guilt 71, 134, 163, 217, 218 lying 89, 109, 136, 163,
117, 128–30, 130–1, 216–7
134, 167, 199, 223 helplessness 27, 49, 50, 105 helping 218–19
emotional scaffolding 186 hyper-arousal 134 reasons 217–18
emotional support 27
empathy 48, 61, 71, 74, 98, ignoring 34 Marcus 17–18, 23, 25, 28,
136, 170, 222, 223 impulsivity 117, 132, 141, 29, 35–6, 41, 42, 108,
attunement 116, 118–19, 195, 205 224
143 independence 53 anger 78–9, 80
children 102–3, 104, infants see babies disorganized-controlling
107–8, 108–10, inhibition 27, 46, 52, 56–7 attachment 55–6,
118–19, 128, 134, insecurity 24, 26, 47, 48, 51 62, 75, 89–90, 128,
141, 144, 149, 202, institutional care 27, 58, 64 194
204 interactive repair 60, 77–8, friendships 200
lying and stealing 217, 96, 115–16, 119–20, lying 161, 182
218, 219 144, 158, 161–2 supervision 182, 185
PACE 167 interference 34, 52 treats 160
play 121 internal working model 25, mentalization 61, 62, 123,
self-harm 211, 212 39–40, 47, 62, 158 135
stories 171 ambivalent-resistant mind 135
supervision 183 attachment 49 morality 48, 61, 216
engaging the child 122 avoidant attachment 52
enjoyment 158–61 changing caregivers 42–3 negative reinforcement 201
236 Nurturing Attachments

neglect 23, 27, 33, 58. 90–1, impact of past experience reflective function 61, 62–3,
133, 142, 203, 216 110–13 89, 96, 123, 166, 199,
non-attachment 46, 58 non-attachment 90–1 201, 223
parenting 90–1 positive interaction cycle regression 68
nurture 67, 122 75–6 rejection 26, 33, 34, 56–7,
rejection by child 107–8 83, 139
obsessive behaviours 50 running out of empathy relationships 13, 15, 23, 24,
outbursts 140–1 108–10 25, 48, 62, 81
build-up 141, 142–3 supporting internal absorption 132–3
explosion 141, 143 experience 103–7 ambivalent-resistant
remorse 141, 144 trauma 65–9 attachment 49–50,
triggers 141–2 parents 24, 26–7, 101–2, 51
wind-down 141, 143 157–8 attachment relationships
looking after oneself 97, 25–6, 26–7, 28–9,
PACE 97–8, 166–70, 222 145–53 59–61
discipline 170–1 personal attachment avoidant attachment 52–3
model 165 history 113 disorganized-controlling
parasuicide 209 therapeutic help 81 attachment 55–6
parenting 13–15, 23–4, 45, passive-aggressive behaviour internal working model
48, 59, 83–4, 103–7 104, 217 39–40
ambivalent-resistant peers 48, 57 non-attachment 58, 91
attachment 26, 27, perfectionism 163 past experience 110–13
46, 48–51, 63, perspective-taking 60–1 relaxation 148
84–6, 190–1 play 33, 66, 67, 167, 171, resilience 13, 14, 73, 223
arousal-relaxation cycle 172, 193 respite care 146–8
74–5 structuring 121–3 rewards 192, 193, 197, 201
attachment difficulties playgroups 38 behavioural choices
98–100 positive interaction cycle 203–5
attachment relationships 75–6 rituals 138
25–6, 26–7, 28–9 positive reinforcement 201, romance 38, 39
attachment theory 71–3 203 routines 138
attunement/interactive praise 192, 193, 197
repair 77–8, 96–7, predictability 67, 141 sadness 139, 144, 212
115–16, 119–20, primary attachment figures safe place visualization 67,
144, 158, 161–2 31, 33 68–9
avoidant attachment 26, primary intersubjectivity safety 27, 33, 38, 72
27, 46, 51–4, 56, 132–3 environment 73
64, 86–8 problem-solving abilities 48, school 48, 57, 59, 73
avoiding coercive 195–6 secondary attachment figures
behaviours 191–4 professional help 213 33
caregiving 33–6 projection 133, 149 secondary intersubjectivity
disorganized-controlling protection 26 135
attachment 26, 46, proximity-seeking 31, 32, secure attachment 24, 25, 26,
54–7, 64, 88–90 37 45–8, 60, 66, 74, 162,
emotional scaffolding 186 pseudomaturity 61 163
good-enough parenting psychological self 133 developing 96, 98, 111,
47 punishment 201 115–16
house model 95–8, secure base 24, 32, 33, 37,
221–3 reflection 148–9 38, 45–7, 61–2
Subject index 237

developing 72, 96, 98, substance abuse 65, 66

100, 103, 104, 157, successful narratives 172
222 suicidal behaviours 209
model 101 safety plan 213–15
selective attachment 27, 33, supervision 98, 182–3
37, 46, 58, 64 appropriate level 183–6
self-confidence 53 model 181
self-efficacy 40, 48, 49, 160 support 27, 67, 73, 81, 148
self-esteem 40, 48, 75, 76,
160, 192–3, 210 teachers 48, 51, 54, 57
self-harm 209–10 teens see adolescence
adolescence 211–12 theory of mind 135
children 212–13 therapy 71, 78–81
coping mechanism thinking 135–6, 195
210–11 timeholes 67–8
self-reliance 25, 27, 38, 46, tobacco 65
47, 48, 53, 56 toddlers 38, 56, 163, 190
self-worth 52, 53, 76 trauma 13, 59, 61, 65–9
separation 23, 33, 38, 59 trauma narratives 172
separation protest 32, 37 trust 27, 48, 72, 81, 100,
sexuality 38 101, 104, 116, 120,
shame 78, 105, 118, 119, 133, 157, 170, 193
134, 143, 144, 160–1, consequences 205, 207
210, 211,222 lying and stealing
children 162–3, 171 217–18
lying and stealing 217, rewards 203, 204
218, 219 self-harm 212
social understanding
161–2 visualization 68–9
social understanding 40, 48,
61, 118, 160 withdrawal 46, 51
shame 161–2 worry 26
soothing 24, 26, 130, 134
resistance 49 Zo 16–17, 23, 25–6, 28, 29,
spite 104 35, 41, 42, 99, 105–7,
splitting 51, 149 224
stability 67 ambivalent-resistant
stealing 89, 104, 136, attachment 50, 72,
216–17 77–8, 84–6, 139,
helping 218–19 147–8
reasons 217–18 consequences of
stories 171–3, 212–13 behaviour 203
stories written for children supervision 185
173–9 tantrums 119–20,
stress 27, 31, 48, 65–6, 73, 167–70
89, 117, 134
coping 150–1
stress thermometer 152–3
structure 67, 98,100, 182–3
model 181
Author Index

Ainsworth, M. 24, 34, 45 Landini, A. 45

Archer, C. 193
Main, M. 24, 45
Booth, P.B. 121 May, J.C. 172
Bowlby, J. 24, 25, 59 Meins, E. 135
Brodzinsky, D.M. 65
Bua, B. 140 Nichols, T. 172

Cairns, K. 62, 135 Rutter, M. 64

Claussen, A.H. 45
Crittenden, P. 45, 56 Schecter, M.D. 65
Schore, A. 118, 134
Davis, N. 172 Solomon, J. 24, 45
Dozier, M. 63, 83, 96, 111 Sprague, T. 214
Stanway, A. 62, 135
Fahlberg, V. 74, 76, 96 Stern, D. 63
Fonagy, P. 62, 132 Sunderland, M. 131

Golding. K.S. 95, 101, 115, Trevarthen, C. 132, 135

125, 137, 145, 157,
165, 181, 187, 197, Van der Kolk, B.A. 66
221 Verrier, N. 64
Gordon, C. 193
Webster-Stratton, C. 142
Henig, R.M. 65
Hobday, A. 67
Hodges, J. 42
Howe, D. 133
Hughes, D. 96, 97, 163, 166

James, B. 81
Jernberg, A. 121

Lacher, D.B. 172


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