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The key takeaways are that Symbicort is a new asthma treatment from AstraZeneca that will revolutionize asthma treatment by becoming the only medication most patients need. The manual provides guidelines for marketing and promoting Symbicort globally in a consistent manner.

The vision for Symbicort is that it will revolutionize the way physicians, patients and pharmaceutical companies think about and treat asthma by becoming the only asthma medication most patients will need.

The branding elements discussed in the manual include the brand name, logotype, icon, brand mark, color, inhaler design, generic name inclusion, brand mark sizes, special uses, typography, supergraphic, and guidelines for applying the brand mark to publications, packaging, and other materials.

Brand Manual


‘‘ SYMBICORT ® will revolutionise asthma

treatment by becoming the only asthma

medication most patients will need



The brand manual A A1 Introduction

A2 How to use the brand manual

Product background B B1 The vision for SYMBICORT®

B2 Indication / target audience
B3 Competitor environment

The SYMBICORT® strategy C C1 Market opportunity

C2 Marketing objectives
C3 Marketing strategy

Global branding D D1 A brand is more than just a product

D2 What is global branding?
D3 Why market a brand globally?

SYMBICORT® Brand Character E E1 Introduction to Brand Character

E2 How to use Brand Character
E3 Product profile
E4 Launch positioning
E5 Personality
E6 The Brand Character phrase
E7 Appendix

Section F follows on the next page


SYMBICORT® branding elements F F1 The brand name
F2 The logotype
F3 The icon
F4 The SYMBICORT® brand mark
F5 Colour
F6 The inhaler
F7 Including the generic
F8 The SYMBICORT® brand mark sizes
F9 Special uses
F10 Clear zones and do’s and don’ts
F11 Additional design elements
F12 Typefaces
F13 The supergraphic
F14 Applying the brand mark
F15 Publications, marketing and
promotional materials
F16 Typographic elements
F17 Letterheads
F18 Compliment slips
F19 Memos
F20 E-mails
F21 Packaging
F22 Exhibition stands
F23 Key messages
F24 Crystallised product promise / tag line
F25 Style of illustrations / visuals
F26 Suggested global advertising concept
F27 Suggested global detail aid spread

Artwork G G1 How to access artwork



The brand manual


Promoting SYMBICORT® in the international market place

SYMBICORT® is a major new brand for This brand manual is a resource that
AstraZeneca, and will be amongst the first will guide you through the planning and
of our products to be launched into the development stages of your national
new millennium as a megabrand. launch campaign. It will help you to
ensure that all your communications
There have been few major breakthroughs work synergistically as part of the global
in the asthma therapy area in terms of SYMBICORT® brand image and add value
drug developments, treatment regimens and credibility to the brand.
and devices. Now, SYMBICORT gives ®

us a unique opportunity to revolutionise Each country has a vital role to play in

the way physicians, patients and ensuring that our global strategic approach
pharmaceutical companies think about to marketing SYMBICORT® is implemented
and treat asthma. with enthusiasm, consistency and attention
to detail, enabling SYMBICORT® to

One day, Symbicort® will be become one of the first recognised global
brands in the pharmaceutical arena.

the only asthma medication

most patients will need!
A megabrand of this much importance
deserves mega-marketing. As part of this we
will differentiate and brand SYMBICORT®
so strongly and consistently across each of
the launch countries, that it will be
recognised by marketeers, prescribers and
consumers anywhere in the world.



The brand manual

how to use the brand manual

This brand manual is designed for use by Any exceptions must be submitted for
anyone involved in the marketing and consideration on a case-by-case basis.
promotion of SYMBICORT . It should be
Please direct all enquiries and questions
made accessible at the earliest opportunity to any of the people listed below:
to internal staff and any outside ‘agencies’
Johan Haglund
that may be helping you with PR,
Global Brand Director
advertising etc. This will give everyone
AstraZeneca PS&L, S-221 87 Lund,
an early and full understanding of the
global objectives and requirements for
[email protected]
SYMBICORT® and prevent wasting time
+46 46 33 60 20
and money producing items that do not
conform to the brand guidelines. Carl Lindgren
Global Brand Manager
The manual is modular in form and each AstraZeneca PS&L, S-221 87 Lund,
section is designed to ‘stand alone’, Sweden
however we strongly recommend that the [email protected]
manual be used as a whole in order to +46 46 33 76 89
gain a full understanding of the brand.
Dean Phizacklea
Global Brand Manager
There are several elements of the
AstraZeneca PS&L, S-221 87 Lund,
SYMBICORT® branding that must be
regarded as mandatory and followed
[email protected]
+46 46 33 73 53

SYMBICORT® Brand Character Martin Tenlén

SYMBICORT logotype, icon and typefaces
Global Brand Manager
SYMBICORT key messages
AstraZeneca PS&L, S-221 87 Lund,
All the mandatory elements can be found [email protected]
in Section F of this brand manual. +46 46 33 81 32



Product background

the vision for Symbicort®

Ever since the development work began, This simple ‘single’ replacement for both
SYMBICORT has created great excitement
inhaled corticosteroids and bronchodilators
within AstraZeneca. It was clear from the gives SYMBICORT® the potential to
outset that this product would not only revolutionise asthma treatment.
fulfil an unmet need in today’s market, but
that it also has the capabilities to go far
beyond the reaches of any other asthma

Symbicort® will revolutionise asthma

treatment by becoming the only asthma
medication most patients will need
As well as the inhaled corticosteroid,
(budesonide), SYMBICORT® contains the
only long-acting beta-agonist (formoterol)
that provides rapid onset of symptom relief
and maintains control for at least 12 hours.

By providing these two important clinical

benefits of a bronchodilator in one
molecule, SYMBICORT® could replace first
long-acting and eventually, traditional fast
and short-acting bronchodilators.



Product background

indication / target audience

Symbicort® Turbuhaler® is indicated in the regular treatment of

asthma where use of a combination (inhaled corticosteroid and
long-acting beta-agonist) is appropriate
Primary target audience: Even though the primary care physicians
are considered to be the primary target
• Primary care physicians
group for SYMBICORT®, it is essential to
secure acceptance of the SYMBICORT®
Secondary target audience:
‘concept’ at the specialist level, before
• Pneumonologists approaching the primary target audience.
• Allergologists
• Chest physicians
• Paediatricians (once the paediatric
licence has been granted)
• Asthma nurses
• Pharmacists
• Payers / purchasers

Tertiary target audience:

• Patients
• Investors / external public
• Internal AstraZeneca personnel



Product background

competitor environment

There are many well-known inhaled Administration forms:

corticosteroids but only two molecules Dry powder inhaler: Diskus® / Accuhaler®
of inhaled long-acting beta-agonists HFA pMDI: Evohaler®
(formoterol and salmeterol) are available
Adults and adolescents 12 years and over:
on the market. To date, only one
Seretide® 100 (salmeterol 50 µg/fluticasone
combined inhaled corticosteroid and long-
propionate 100 µg) one inhalation b.i.d. or
acting beta-agonist is available – Glaxo
Seretide® 250 (salmeterol 50 µg/ fluticasone
Wellcome’s inhaler containing salmeterol
propionate 250 µg) one inhalation b.i.d. or
and fluticasone propionate (Seretide® /
Seretide® 500 (salmeterol 50 µg/ fluticasone
Advair® / Viani®).
propionate 500 µg) one inhalation b.i.d.

At launch, the main competitor for Children 4 -11 years:

SYMBICORT will be Seretide . Once the
® ®
Seretide® 100 (salmeterol 50 µg/fluticasone
‘as needed’ licence has been granted for propionate 100 µg) one inhalation b.i.d.
SYMBICORT , all medications taken on an
Titrate dose to lowest that maintains
‘as needed’ basis will also become direct effective symptom control.
competitors. Today, the biggest brand
within this segment is Ventolin® An HFA pMDI formulation has recently
(salbutamol). been introduced in the UK (Reference
Member State in the EU). The product is
Seretide product overview
available at half the strength of the
Diskus® / Accuhaler®, with two inhalations
Trade names
making up one dose. The price of the
Seretide®, Advair®, Viani®
lowest strength of the pMDI has been
Generic introduced at a discount of 40% compared
salmeterol / fluticasone to the Diskus® / Accuhaler® formulation,
Brief product profile whereas the price of the medium and high
Seretide Diskus / Accuhaler (salmeterol
® ® ®
strength of the pMDI is in parity with the
xinafoate and fluticasone propoionate) is Diskus® / Accuhaler® formulation.
for regular treatment of asthma, where use
of an inhaled corticosteroid and a long- The cost sensitivity of the UK market may
acting bronchodilator is appropriate. have led to this discounting, but it remains
to be seen if this strategy will be
implemented on an international level.



Product background

competitor environment

Product strengths Over 60% of specialists in Sweden stated

that the fixed dose of Seretide® was a
• GlaxoWellcome’s reputation in the
disadvantage. This was also noted by the
asthma arena.
FDA when they reviewed Seretide®:
• Seretide® is perceived as convenient to
use and an aid to compliance.
• Fluticasone is seen as being potent. “The FDA and its advisers,
• Diskus design is perceived as modern in

some markets. however, expressed some

• Paediatric licence from 4 years.
• Today, Serevent® is the ’brand leader‘ in
concern that the device
the long-acting beta-agonist segment.
doesn’t allow doctors to
Product weaknesses raise a patient’s steroid
• The dosing of Seretide® is fixed to
b.i.d. according to the dosing
dose as easily as they
recommendations. If a patient’s asthma do now.”
worsens they will therefore need to
switch to a higher strength of Seretide® “With traditional aerosol inhalers, patients
or add in a separate steroid inhaler. might just take another puff, but doing that
The inclusion of the rescue inhaler with Advair® would give patients too much
(which will always be needed for Serevent®” warned Dr Robert Meyer, FDA’s
Seretide patients), brings the total
Pulmonary Drugs Chief.
number of inhalers required to three.
• When used ‘off label’ as two puffs twice FDA Pulmonary Allergy Drugs Advisory Committee
Advair review, November 23, 1999.
daily (during worsening of asthma), side
effects are noticeable and unpleasant in
many patients.
• Relatively slow onset of action,
(10 -20 minutes).
• Fine particle dose delivery of Diskus®
inhaler is low.



Product background

competitor environment

Possible brand positioning Seretide® has seen a fast growth in its

sales, derived mainly from Glaxo-
Although Seretide® has not adopted a
Wellcome’s own inhaled corticosteroids
unified global brand image or trade name,
and long-acting beta-agonists, but also
the positioning for the brand is consistent
from other market leader brands. The UK
across most of Europe:
has seen switches to Seretide® from cheap
‘Seretide® will help you overcome asthma BDP generics.
– something that has previously been
difficult to achieve,’

with only slight variation in the UK:

‘Seretide® signals a change in the way

asthma is treated.’

Please check your own market for

communication messages and strategy.

Attitudes to Seretide®

Market research suggests that Glaxo-

Wellcome have unwittingly prepared the
ground for SYMBICORT®. Much of their
efforts have been directed at gaining
acceptance of the concept of combination
asthma therapy. This is good for us, as it
allows us to focus more strongly on the
benefits of SYMBICORT® and
communicate the additional benefits
SYMBICORT® can offer.

In other words, we should position

Symbicort® beyond the capabilities of
Seretide® for wider acceptance!



The Symbicort ® strategy

market opportunity

As previously mentioned, SYMBICORT® is increase in symptoms, which patients often

a product that not only fulfils an unmet treat by over-using their fast-acting
need in today’s market, but one that has bronchodilator. Underlying inflammation
the longevity to offer something unique for meanwhile remains untreated, triggering a
the future. When devising our marketing downward spiral of increased symptoms
strategy for launch, we need to be ever and more frequent use of the fast-acting
mindful of our long-term goals and vision bronchodilator.
for the brand:
Benefits of inhaled corticosteroids
Symbicort will revolutionise
First-line maintenance treatment with

asthma treatment by becoming inhaled corticosteroids is recommended

for all patients with persistent asthma,
the only asthma medication regardless of severity. However, recent
studies – Pauwels et al [FACET], (1997);
most patients will need Zetterström et al, (2000); Lalloo et al,
(2000) – have shown that treatment with
Why do patients need a new
both budesonide and formoterol offers
asthma treatment?
significant benefits to patients – even those
Poor adherence and under-treatment with mild asthma.

Despite the improved understanding of

The addition of bronchodilators
the disease and a much wider range of
therapy options, poor adherence with Better control of symptoms and greater
daily anti-inflammatory therapy remains improvement in lung function are
a common problem amongst patients. obtained with the addition of a long-acting
They may skip doses of their inhaled bronchodilator rather than a traditional
corticosteroid because the effect it fast, short-acting bronchodilator, or an
provides cannot be felt immediately, increase in the inhaled corticosteroid
or they may get their corticosteroid and dose alone.
rescue bronchodilator inhalers confused.
Moreover, long-term studies where
Without regular treatment with inhaled formoterol has been added to budesonide
corticosteroids, the inflammation of the therapy, show clinically significant benefits
airways progresses and causes a further on rates of exacerbations and other
measures of asthma control in patients
with persistent asthma.



The Symbicort ® strategy

market opportunity

What is SYMBICORT®? SYMBICORT® will be available at launch

in both 60 & 120 doses of 160/4.5 µg
SYMBICORT® is a unique product
(standard strength) and 80 /4.5 µg (low
containing both budesonide and formoterol
dose strength). Later on, a high-dose
in a single, gold standard Turbuhaler®.
strength of 320/ 9 µg will be available.
(Note: all above strengths are given in delivered doses).
The outstanding anti-inflammatory
properties of budesonide combined with
Market entry
the fast and long-acting bronchodilation
of formoterol mean that SYMBICORT® The addition of long-acting beta-agonists
offers maximum asthma control through to inhaled corticosteroids is largely accepted
the simplicity of a single inhaler. as a better alternative to increasing the
steroid dose in patients with moderate /
Why does SYMBICORT offer a ® severe asthma who are not controlled on
significant advance in therapy? standard doses of corticosteroids. In patients
with mild persistent asthma, the need for
Adjustable dosing with the same, single
adding long-acting beta-agonists to inhaled
corticosteroids is less well perceived.
SYMBICORT® is unique. It boasts broad The clear recommendation for SYMBICORT®
dosing adjustability, which enables patients to is to target the moderate/severe patient
achieve maximum asthma control by segment initially by means of using the
tailoring the dose according to disease 160/4.5 µg strength. The focus on one
severity. formulation should furthermore reinforce
the same single inhaler concept.

Adjustment of the maintenance dose can Once SYMBICORT® has been accepted as

be achieved with the same, single inhaler a convenient and effective medication in
the primary patient target group, the use
– a valuable benefit when treating a could be expanded into the milder patient
group by means of using the 80/4.5 µg
variable disease such as asthma strength. The 320/9 µg strength is better
suited for the more severe asthmatics
In time, it will become the only inhaler and for the COPD sufferers requiring
they need! higher doses.



Symbicort ® global branding

market opportunity

Dosing instructions:

To gain control – 2 inhalations morning

and evening.
To maintain control – 1 inhalation morning
and evening.
For patients with predominantly day or
night time asthma – dose can be once
daily or once nightly.
If control is not maintained after stepping
down – the dose should be stepped up
again to the original 2 inhalations morning
and evening.

Key benefits

Most patients will not need any other

maintenance medication to treat their
asthma; the dose can be adjusted with
the same, single inhaler, according to
their condition.



The Symbicort ® strategy

Symbicort ® marketing objectives

The long-term objective is to make • Improve control in patients with

moderate asthma currently treated with

Symbicort® the asthma medication low/moderate-dose inhaled

corticosteroids; with SYMBICORT® better
of choice for most patients asthma control can be obtained as
compared with increasing the dose of
inhaled corticosteroid.
Internally, this means a shift from promoting
• Simplify treatment for patients with
Pulmicort® and Oxis® as maintenance
asthma by providing an easy to manage
treatment routine.
• Improve patients’ quality of life with
As Oxis® has a less established image
fewer breakthroughs, and less visits to
compared to Pulmicort®, the desired
healthcare professionals.
pre-marketing activity for SYMBICORT®
will be to differentiate Oxis® (formoterol)
Eventually, SYMBICORT® will be
versus Serevent® (salmeterol), and position
used as single therapy:
it as the ‘only bronchodilator needed’, both
for maintenance and for ‘as needed’ use. • ‘As needed’ on top of maintenance
treatment with SYMBICORT®.
In order for us to achieve the long-term • Documentation of ‘as needed’ use in
vision for SYMBICORT we need to fulfil the
intermittent asthma will follow.
following marketing objectives at launch:
Used as single therapy, SYMBICORT® will
• Secure differentiation versus Seretide® – be the only inhaler medication many
SYMBICORT is the only maintenance
asthmatics will need, making it first choice
inhaler most patients will need. amongst prescribers and patients.
Adjusting the dose with the same,
single inhaler will treat variations in SYMBICORT® life-cycle management plans
their asthma. This is opposite to include registration of its use in COPD and
Seretide where patients need to switch
the registration of an HFA pMDI
the inhaler to another strength, or formulation, including a state-of-the-art
add in a separate steroid inhaler to breath-actuated inhaler for asthma
maintain control. and COPD.



The Symbicort ® strategy

marketing strategy

AstraZeneca heritage Pulmicort®

AstraZeneca was formed by the merger Pulmicort® was launched in the early 80’s
of two individual companies, Astra and as the first high dose twice daily steroid.
Zeneca, and as such, benefits from a joint Before Pulmicort®, low dose BDP q.i.d.
respiratory heritage. was the only available option, so more
convenient dosing, which helped to ensure
Astra created and promoted Pulmicort®, adherence with therapy, was a big step
the leading glucocorticosteroid in Europe. forward in asthma management.
And their state-of-the-art inhaler
Turbuhaler® – alongside complementary The advent of Turbuhaler® in the late
products such as Oxis® and Bricanyl® 80’s / early 90’s made Pulmicort® even
Turbuhaler® – made Astra one of the more popular.
leading respiratory houses. The nebulising
formulation of Pulmicort®, known as The focus on convenient dosing, and
Respules®, has also contributed in creating later, on the ease-of-use with Turbuhaler®
an image of Astra as innovators and meant that differentiation based on
leaders in pulmonary medicine. efficacy / safety parameters versus other
steroids was lacking.
Zeneca pioneered work with LTRA’s, and
the resulting product – Accolate® – gave This opened up the way for GlaxoWellcome
Zeneca its high profile for innovative to position fluticasone as a more potent /
research and adherence enhancers. effective medication.

Together, the two merged companies

offer complementary, first class
products beyond the competition



The Symbicort ® strategy

marketing strategy

Oxis® countries to introduce SYMBICORT® at a

competitive price equal to, or slightly
Oxis® was introduced as the second
below, the Seretide® price. A small margin
(or in some cases even third) long-acting
for discount, which may be expected for
beta-agonist brand. Salmeterol had
combination products, and which
become the leading complement to
Seretide® has delivered in most markets,
inhaled glucocorticosteroids.
should be possible with SYMBICORT®.

Early market research showed that the

feature of fast onset with Oxis® did not
translate into a benefit in maintenance Although the modified Turbuhaler® brings
treatment. Thus Oxis®, to a large extent, advantages to the brand, the focus should
became a long-acting beta-agonist in a be on the SYMBICORT® concept –
Turbuhaler® – a ‘me-too’ position. ’Adjustable dosing with the same, single
inhaler‘. A focus on the delivery would risk
The recent positioning of Oxis® for ‘as SYMBICORT® being perceived as ’Seretide®
needed’ use has enhanced the product in Turbuhaler®’
image, although it is still regarded as a
‘me-too’ product in many markets. An additional strength of SYMBICORT®
The emphasis on the uniqueness of Oxis® Turbuhaler®, containing 60 doses at a
being the only bronchodilator patients 320/9 µg strength will be submitted for
need (for maintenance and ‘as needed’ use) approval in Europe in Q3 2001.
should prepare the ground for SYMBICORT®,
and build for adjustable dosing at launch SYMBICORT® HFA pMDI is under develop-
and eventually for single therapy (the only ment and will be submitted for approval in
inhaler medication patients will need for Europe in Q2 2002. Planned strengths are
maintenance and ‘as needed’ use). 80/4.5 µg and 160/4.5 µg per inhalation,
with two inhalations making up one dose.
The HFA pMDI will come both as a
The pricing of SYMBICORT® will reflect
standard actuator, and as a state-of-the art,
parity with the sum of the mono components
reusable breath actuated inhaler, featuring
in corresponding strengths and number of
an exact dose counter.
doses. This strategy should allow all



The Symbicort ® strategy

marketing strategy

Licence at launch Licence proposals

SYMBICORT® is indicated for the regular A paediatric licence from 6 years is

treatment of adults and adolescents with expected for SYMBICORT® following the
asthma where use of a combination approval of the Oxis® licence for children,
(inhaled corticosteroid and long-acting late in 2001.
beta-agonist) is appropriate.
Single therapy – initially with SYMBICORT®
The documented studies of SYMBICORT® ‘as needed’ on top of regular treatment,
involved patients whose asthma had not will be filed in Q2 2003. The long-term
been adequately controlled on steroid objective is also to document ’pure as
treatment alone. The results showed that needed’ use in intermittent asthma.
SYMBICORT provided significantly

improved control in terms of With this licence,

exacerbations, asthma free days, lung
function and other variables. Symbicort® will become
The dosing recommendation, based on the
the only asthma inhaler
FACET (Pauwels) concept and doses, will
allow for effective asthma control with the
many patients will need,
option to step down when optimal control thereby fulfilling the
is achieved, and step back up again if
control is not maintained on the lower dose. brand vision!
Once daily or once nightly dosing is an The file for the COPD indication will be
option for patients with predominantly day submitted in Q3 2002. The claims will be
time or night time symptoms, respectively. based on prevention of exacerbations, and
The once daily / nightly dosing is unique to improvement in lung function. There will
also be documentation available on the
use of SYMBICORT® in the treatment of
exacerbations. The concept of stepping up
medication with the same, single inhaler
will still apply.



Symbicort ® global branding

a brand is more than just a product

A product resides in the mind. Imagine a brand – product X – that is

marketed to its customers as offering

A brand resides in the heart ‘unsurpassed speed and efficacy’, and then,
along comes new product Y with clinical
studies to show even greater speed and
A brand is far more than a trade name or
efficacy. Unless product X can build
logo. A brand is the summary of everything
customer enthusiasm and loyalty with
about the product – from its functional
other less tangible advantages, such as
benefits to its ability to fulfil an emotional
creating a ‘rewarding relationship with
need in its customers. Everything a
their patient’, or ‘a feeling of practising
company does or says about a product
good medicine’, then product X will
over time has an impact on that brand.
simply become redundant.
The results of a clinical study can have an
impact, just as the quality of our customer
Successful branding projects the core
service can. Personal experiences, both
values of the brand into its customers’
good and bad, can colour a customer’s
daily lives. This leads to an emotional
perception of a brand and either add
bond that gives the customer a feeling
value, or take it away.
of being understood.

A brand is about added value. Whilst

some products may be able to rely on “This brand understands
strong, indisputable tangible advantages,
there is still a need to build on intangible me… this is a brand for
advantages in order to survive in a very
competitive market.
people like me”
The product then becomes a brand that
is perceived to have been developed
specifically for an individual’s needs.


Symbicort ® global branding

what is global branding?

“The world is global and you can’t

win in a market place unless you
have a global approach…you need
to find some commonality, you
need to seek universal themes”
Advertising Age International June 1999

A global brand is one that is instantly The visual expression of the brand –
recognisable to customers, anywhere in through core branding elements such as
the world, evoking the same emotions the logotype, icon, typefaces, key visual
and representing and delivering the same images, the strapline and brand colours;
tangible and intangible benefits. strengthens and unifies the promotional
elements of the brand in all markets.
Global branding defines and Global brands evolve through constant
communicates a product’s values – both and consistent repetition of these core
emotional and functional – providing branding elements.
international consistency, inspiration and
guidance. It should also be adaptable to
enable marketing companies to
‘Think Global, Act Local’.


Symbicort ® global branding

why market a brand globally?

Global brands have more ‘persuading

power’ and ‘staying power’ to foster
and maintain brand loyalty
Trends in pharmaceuticals today make • The highly competitive asthma market
global branding more relevant to our demands that a new brand stands out
market than ever before – and by from its competitors across all countries.
recognising its value, we will gain a
major competitive advantage. • To create a strong global brand, doctors
should get the same message and image

Global branding is becoming increasingly of the product in their own country,

important for AstraZeneca because: as they get when they are visiting
international symposia and congresses.
• Opinion leaders who make treatment
recommendations should be exposed to
a consistent message.

• Simultaneous product approvals and

regulatory harmonisation facilitate a
global view.

• Internet access and new technology

consolidate information – we live in a
‘global village’.


Symbicort ® Brand Character

introduction to brand character

This section will help you learn about Essential elements of a global brand
the general principles and value of Brand
A truly global campaign can only be
Character, and give you an overview of
achieved by adopting a consistent
the key elements that have helped us
approach to all the materials used to
define a Brand Character that is unique
promote SYMBICORT®. These will include:

• Brand Name
These conclusions were drawn from our
• Logotype & icon (including typography)
collective marketing experience, branding
• Packaging
workshops and international market
• Advertising key messages
• Other promotional materials
e.g. monograph
Importantly, they are based upon the
• Education programmes
commonalties and similarities in
• Database marketing
physicians’ attitudes and perceptions to
• Professional communications
asthma and their patients, and any unmet
• Public relations
needs across several countries.
• Internet and intranet

All SYMBICORT® communications and

promotional materials should reflect, and
be strategically aligned with, the global
brand strategy and core branding elements.


Symbicort ® Brand Character

introduction to brand character

What is Brand Character? Principal points about the

SYMBICORT® Brand Character
At the heart of global branding is Brand
Character. It is a philosophy for building • The SYMBICORT® Brand Character
brands. More than just the personality reflects the ‘truth’ of the brand.
of the brand, Brand Character is the
• It provides a value proposition that is
fundamental truth and identity of a brand.
universally appealing to the target
audience and locally adaptable to all
Brand Character determines the markets.

nature of the relationship you • It makes SYMBICORT® stand out from

the competition.
have with your market • It is used to create, manage and control
the brand’s reputation and brand value.
It allows you to define, and share common
values with your audience, to create a • It can withstand changes in market
brand that has impact and relevance. And, conditions and the competitive
the value of a brand that ’connects‘ goes environment.
far deeper than its product attributes – it
• It focuses on one critical big idea that
builds loyalty – and loyalty builds sales!
is in tune with the overall SYMBICORT®
marketing strategy.

• It is a philosophy which works with

local markets without imposing
inappropriate ideas on them.


Symbicort ® Brand Character

introduction to brand character

There are many advantages in sharing a There are three synergistic elements
common profile for SYMBICORT . First and
that make up Brand Character:
foremost, we will create a strong brand
with a message that is single-minded. 1) The product profile (what the product
Physicians and patients will experience is, what the product does).
SYMBICORT as an international brand as
2) The positioning (who you (the brand)
well as a domestic one. are better than, why you are better
than them).
If we communicate SYMBICORT with ®
3) The personality (personification of the
a single voice in all arenas (during a brand in human terms).
sales visit, on the world wide web, at
conferences, and through the advertising), They are the foundation stones
we will build a brand with stature that for the ultimate statement, which
commands respect, excitement, and defines the brand – we call this the
ultimately prescribing. Brand Character phrase.

Product + Positioning + Personality = Character


Symbicort ® Brand Character

how to use brand character

The Symbicort® Brand Character serves

as a blueprint and strategic guidepost
for communication development
Following, are some specific ways that you The Brand Character in the brief should be
can utilise Brand Character to steer your articulated as a relatively short phrase that
SYMBICORT communications.
captures the ‘essence’ of what SYMBICORT®
stands for. This phrase, however, is not to
Building Brand Character into be used overtly as part of an advertisement
creative briefs or as a selling message. Ultimately, it is an
articulation that should guide how
In order to bring your Brand Character
SYMBICORT® needs to look and feel to
to life in your communications, you need
the target audience.
to build the Brand Character into your
briefing documents as one of the key
See section E7 Appendix for an example of
strategic requirements for creative
a creative brief.
development (NB. This element is
mandatory). As such, it is used to help us
direct (not dictate) the development of
creative professional communications.


Symbicort ® Brand Character

how to use brand character

Brand Character goes right through the Brand Character as a marketing

marketing mix evaluation tool

As we evaluate these communication and

The Brand Character acts as the promotional materials, there are several

organising idea for all communications, key questions to ask in the development
process. Asking these questions will ensure
not just the advertising that the Brand Character adds value to all
It should infuse all areas of the mix
including web site development, • Do the key visual and verbal elements
promotional activities, and public relations. of the piece / programme project the
As such, it will be the strategic guidepost distinct Brand Character of the brand
for all further communications versus the competition?
development, including the development
• Does it enhance the brand’s appeal?
of our national launch campaigns for
SYMBICORT®. • Does the tonality of the communication
piece reflect the Brand Character?
Knowing what SYMBICORT stands for

can help facilitate the decision-making

process as you evaluate marketing options.
Please be sure that all programmes are
consistent with the SYMBICORT® Brand
Character; that way we will be reinforcing
the brand’s identity in all communications.


Symbicort ® Brand Character

product profile

Encountering the first element of the Remember, all elements of the Brand
Brand Character is like meeting a person Character model are equally important,
for the first time and learning the essential as they build on each other and work
details about him or her. synergistically to form a strong brand
identity that will capture the hearts and
It is vital, at launch, to convey the minds of the target audience.
product profile of SYMBICORT clearly

and succinctly to each market.

The ‘product’ component of the Brand

Character defines what SYMBICORT® is
(indications, key attributes and features),
and what makes SYMBICORT® different
(main differentiators) from the competition.

The product profile at launch

A novel single inhaler medication

containing budesonide and formoterol that simultaneously
treats underlying inflammation and bronchoconstriction.

New Turbuhaler® with dose counter.

Available in 2 strengths:
160/4.5µg being the standard strength for most patients
80/4.5µg for patients requiring lower steroid doses.

Budesonide provides sustained anti-inflammatory action with proven safety.

Formoterol provides fast and long-acting bronchodilation

with a wide therapeutic window.

Landmark Pauwels et al [FACET], (1997), study in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Can adjust the dose in an o.d. or b.i.d. regimen, with the same, single inhaler.

From AstraZeneca, a research-driven asthma house.


Symbicort ® Brand Character

launch positioning

By ‘positioning’, we mean In order for us to achieve our long-term

vision for SYMBICORT®, there are a

the unique space that our number of steps we must take.

brand will occupy in the The first step is to develop a ‘launch’

position, which takes into account several
physicians’ minds with factors:

respect to the competition • Current market needs.

• Perceptions of current asthma treatments
• Perceptions of asthma patients.
• Approved licence for SYMBICORT®.

Market research demonstrated that the

concept of ‘the only medication that most
asthma patients will need’ (i.e. for both
maintenance and ‘as needed’ treatment)
is too revolutionary at present for most
physicians to grasp. It is our job to lead
them logically, over a period of time,
to this conclusion.


Symbicort ® Brand Character

launch positioning

The positioning is the second rational

The positioning
component of Brand Character and can be
SYMBICORT® is the first and only
equated to finding out how a person you
medication that allows you to quickly
have met relates to the rest of the world.
gain and maintain control of a variable
disease with the same, single inhaler.
It addresses the following question:
After gaining control, the dose may be
’Why is SYMBICORT believably better
® stepped down for optimal long-term
than the competition?’ control. If control is not maintained the
dose can be stepped back up again.
The answer to this question must be based
Reasons to believe
on a differentiating feature or benefit that
directly meets the target audience’s Pulmicort®
conscious or unconscious unmet needs Unique o.d. and b.i.d. dosing.
concerning their treatment of asthma. Outstanding safety data.
These differentiating features or benefits
are the facts that support the brand Formoterol
promise. In short, they are the ‘reasons to Dose response.
believe’ in the brand. Patient feels it immediately.

Well tolerated.

Accepted efficacy of budesonide

and formoterol.

Experience and expertise of

AstraZeneca in the field of asthma.

Data e.g. Pauwels et al [FACET],

(1997); Zetterström et al, (2000); Lalloo
et al, (2000); Tal et al, (2000).

Please refer to Section E7 Appendix

for more detail.


Symbicort ® Brand Character

launch positioning

International market research allowed

us to generate and test several potential
positioning statements. Our final
articulation of the SYMBICORT® positioning
is based on the following core insights:

Current prescribing habits

• It is unrealistic to expect doctors to • Diagnostic guidelines are used

move from three inhalers to one in just infrequently, with a strong opinion
one step. It is also unrealistic for patients that experience and clinical history
to shed their familiar rescue medication, are equally, if not more, important.
i.e. Ventolin , without first building
Treatment guidelines are adhered to,
confidence in SYMBICORT . ®
and considered very helpful for
(Pope Woodhead research page 13). The launch guiding prescribing decisions.
of the Oxis ‘as needed’ indication is a
(Medical Marketing Research International page 6)

vital step in the process of changing this

behaviour, and consequently for paving SYMBICORT® supports treatment
the way of the future position of guidelines by offering physicians a simple
way to adjust the treatment to achieve
optimal control at minimal drug load.
SYMBICORT is adopting a launch

positioning aimed at building experience

and confidence.


Symbicort ® Brand Character

launch positioning

• Many physicians feel that there are a • When tested, the following statement
wide range of efficacious drugs available, was rated as the most significant for
which enable patients to lead normal asthma management by both physicians
lives. However, the overall effectiveness and nurses:
of the drug on the condition is impeded
It is important to prevent exacerbations
by poor adherence to therapy. The
and to prescribe the lowest possible
principal reasons given are the lack of
maintenance dose without increasing
understanding of the need to maintain
the risk of asthma deterioration.
treatment in a chronic disease, and the
(Medical Marketing Research International page 47)
psychological difficulties related to
accepting the diagnosis given.
SYMBICORT® allows physicians to start
Healthcare professionals believe that high and step down (as per most country
education, doctor-patient discussion and guidelines). After gaining control, the dose
regular follow-ups are crucial to ensure may be stepped down for optimal long-
adherence to therapy. Patients adopt term control. If control is not maintained
more practical strategies, by ensuring the dose can be stepped back up again.
that they keep their inhalers with them This simplifies adjustment of treatment
at all times, or keep them at home in and therefore gives greater disease control
highly visible places. compared to existing therapy options. This
(Medical Marketing Research International page 7) leads to less consultations and prescriptions.

The SYMBICORT® single inhaler will

simplify treatment for physicians and
patients alike. The combination of
budesonide and formoterol ensures rapid
onset of control and increased likelihood
of steroid adherence – ensuring well
maintained control.


Symbicort ® Brand Character


Relevant attributes that represent Through market research we were able

the brand to find out the kind of personality that
physicians would recognise, respond
You can think of the ‘personality’
well to, and expect from a product such
component of the Brand Character in
as SYMBICORT®. By tapping into these
terms of how you might describe a person
emotional needs we were able to create
you know well. This part helps us to
a personality that will both influence
connect with our target audience on an
our target audience’s prescribing habits,
emotional level.
and help engender commitment and
loyalty to the brand.
By infusing the product with human
personality traits, it is ‘brought to life’
To determine the optimal personality traits
and values to assign to SYMBICORT®, we
needed to understand how physicians feel
about current asthma treatments.


Symbicort ® Brand Character


Our personality attributes flow from a Second insight

series of market insights:
”There is a high degree of overlap
between the various asthma types. In fact
First insight
it is almost impossible to separate them
There is the potential for SYMBICORT®
out….it is not that precise”.
to be ‘categorised’ alongside Seretide® as
a ‘me-too’ combination product.
The three key areas of overlap frequently
experienced were between:
It is essential that the SYMBICORT®
communications stress the ‘uniqueness’ • Chronic with acute phases (chronic
of the ability to adjust the treatment with asthma that is exacerbated goes into an
the same, single inhaler. This is a acute phase, which when successfully
revolutionary idea, therefore SYMBICORT ®
treated will return to its chronic state).
must mirror this VISIONARY quality, • Periodic and episodic symptoms (many
and be seen to be leading the field in patients would have multiple trigger
innovative ways of managing asthma. factors that resulted in both episodic
and periodic symptoms).
• Stable and unstable (many patients move
between these classifications when they
experienced an exacerbation, and when
their treatment regimen is appropriate to
their level of asthma).
(Medical Marketing Research International April 99 page 18)


difficulties physicians encounter
differentiating and managing these types
of asthma. It makes their job easier by
offering a simple solution that can cope
with these constant variations.


Symbicort ® Brand Character


Third insight Fourth insight

When physicians were shown the There is an internal perception at

SYMBICORT product profile, the majority
AstraZeneca that GlaxoWellcome are a
reacted favourably to the combination formidable, and somewhat intimidating
of budesonide / formoterol, describing force. History shows that their marketing
it as ‘logical’, with some stating that it techniques can be quite aggressive and
consisted of ‘two well-known and they may even, at times, contravene
frequently used drugs’. However, some advertising guidelines in order to get their
physicians have concerns about the desired message across.
addition of a corticosteroid to a drug
licensed for ‘as needed’ usage. It is time for this perception to be
(Medical Marketing Research International April 99 addressed. We must present SYMBICORT®
page 56) as being extremely DETERMINED in all
its actions if it is to become market leader,
We must therefore convey a personality particularly when coming ‘head to head’
that is both AUTHORITATIVE and against GlaxoWellcome. And achieving
INSPIRING. The authority of SYMBICORT ®
our vision will certainly require
comes from the experience gained with determination.
Pulmicort and Oxis . This will enable us
® ®

to overcome any worries physicians may This personality trait also extends into how
have and inspire them by showing the SYMBICORT® enables physicians to
potential that this unique treatment has maintain control throughout the variations
to offer. of asthma.


Symbicort ® Brand Character


SYMBICORT® is a visionary
product. It is the first of its kind
to offer adjustable dosing in the
same, single inhaler. It intends to
revolutionise asthma treatment.

SYMBICORT® enables physicians
and patients to take control of
asthma in a way they never thought

SYMBICORT® understands the
difficulties both healthcare professionals
and patients experience, maintaining
control throughout the variations in asthma.

SYMBICORT® comes from AstraZeneca,
who have a joint heritage in pulmonary
medicine and market many successful
respiratory brands.

SYMBICORT® will lead AstraZeneca to the
forefront of asthma treatment, regardless of the
pressures and obstacles imposed by competitors
such as GlaxoWellcome.
SYMBICORT® is also determined in its approach
to treating asthma. Even when symptoms vary,
SYMBICORT® will maintain control.


Symbicort ® Brand Character

the brand character phrase

The final step involved in building This phrase captures the functional and
a Brand Character is brainstorming a emotional benefits of SYMBICORT®, as
Brand Character phrase. This phrase well as counterbalancing physicians’
should crystallise all the functional and current attitudes towards treating asthma.
emotional benefits communicated in the
three components of Brand Character. Physicians are fairly conservative in their
It describes the very soul, essence, or choice of treatments, and may find the
‘DNA’ of the brand. concept of ‘single inhaler therapy’ difficult
to accept. The ‘trusted’ element of the Brand
Some good examples of Brand Character: Character will therefore give physicians
confidence in SYMBICORT® and help build
SPEEDO: Born in the Water
experience with its use. However, it is
important to remember that we must also
PANTENE: The Hair Authority
drive physicians prescribing habits
forward, and the ‘pioneering’ aspect of the
Although it is preferable to find a phrase
Brand Character will allow us to do this.
to express this implicit character for
internal marketing purposes, it is
The Trusted Pioneer will therefore take
important to remember that the ‘whole’
us to our vision that "SYMBICORT® will
Brand Character has many facets, not all
revolutionise the treatment of asthma by
of which can be neatly ’packaged’ in a
becoming the only medication most
few words.
patients will need". It also reflects our
launch positioning statement:
"SYMBICORT® is the first and only
medication (pioneering) that allows you to
The Symbicort Brand Character is
® quickly gain and maintain control (trusted)
of a variable disease with the same, single
described as ‘The Trusted Pioneer’ inhaler (pioneering)".


Symbicort ® Brand Character

the Brand Character phrase

The product
Product profile
Profile The Positioning
positioning The Personality
personality TheBrand
The BrandCharacter

A novel single inhaler SYMBICORT® is the first and SYMBICORT® is a visionary
medication containing only medication that allows product. It is the first of its
budesonide and formoterol you to quickly gain and kind to offer adjustable dosing
that simultaneously treats maintain control of a in the same, single inhaler.
underlying inflammation variable disease with the It intends to revolutionise
and bronchoconstriction. same, single inhaler. asthma treatment.

After gaining control the Inspiring

New Turbuhaler® with
dose may be stepped down SYMBICORT® enables
dose counter.
for optimal long-term physicians and patients to
management. If control is take control of asthma in
Available in 2 strengths:
not maintained the dose can a way they never thought
be stepped back up again. possible.

Reasons to believe Empathetic

Budesonide provides
SYMBICORT® understands
sustained anti-inflammatory
Pulmicort® the difficulties both
action with proven safety.
Unique o.d. and b.i.d. dosing. healthcare professionals
and patients experience, The
Formoterol provides fast Outstanding safety data.
and long-acting
maintaining control Trusted
throughout the variations
bronchodilation with a
wide therapeutic window.
in asthma. Pioneer
Dose response.

Patient feels it immediately. Authoritative

Landmark Pauwels et al
SYMBICORT® comes from
[FACET], (1997); study in Well tolerated. AstraZeneca, who have a
the New England Journal
joint heritage in pulmonary
of Medicine. Accepted efficacy of medicine and market many
budesonide and formoterol. successful respiratory brands.
Can adjust the dose in an
o.d. or b.i.d. regimen, with Experience and expertise
of AstraZeneca in the field Determined
the same, single inhaler.
of asthma. SYMBICORT® will lead
AstraZeneca to the fore-
From AstraZeneca,
Data e.g. Pauwels et al front of asthma treatment,
a research driven
[FACET], (1997); regardless of the pressures
asthma house.
Zetterström et al, (2000); and obstacles imposed by
Lalloo et al, (2000); Tal et al, competitors such as
(2000). GlaxoWellcome.
SYMBICORT® is also
Please refer to Section E7
determined in its approach
Appendix for more detail.
to treating asthma. Even when
symptoms vary, SYMBICORT®
will maintain control.



the Symbicort ® creative strategy brief

The following template of a creative strategy is intended to guide the creative process
towards producing the most effective results in line with the Brand Character.

1. The current position of the brand

What do consumers currently think of the brand?

A ‘me-too’ (Seretide®) combination device suitable for moderate to severe patients.

2. The desired brand position

How do we want consumers to think of the brand?

Step 1. Launch position

SYMBICORT® is the first and only medication that allows you to quickly gain and
maintain control of a variable disease with the same, single inhaler. After gaining control
the dose may be stepped down for optimal long-term management. If control is not
maintained the dose can be stepped back up again.

Step 2. Future position

(following approval of the ‘as needed’ indications)
SYMBICORT® is the only medication most asthmatics will need, both for maintenance
and for ‘as needed’ use.

3. The objective of the communication

What is the most important issue we need to address?

To make prescribers view SYMBICORT® as their preferred medication when they want to
quickly establish control and maintain it in their patient’s variable asthma.



the Symbicort ® creative stategy brief

4. Creative insights
a) Getting ‘under the skin’ of the target audience: what insight demonstrates a
commonality between our target audience and the brand?

Self-satisfied and complacent. They are unaware that they can simplify their
management of asthma.

b) The unmet need: a desire, hope, fear, or need that the brand can fulfil

To maximise control of their patients’ asthma without incurring penalties.

In other words to sort out asthma and forget about it.

c) The brand purpose: how will the brand help the target audience fulfil the
unmet need?

SYMBICORT® will lead asthma treatment beyond current limitations with

unwavering control.

d) The compelling truth: what ‘reasons to believe’ will make the target audience
believe that the brand can fulfil the unmet need?

• Regular long-term use of both components reduces the risk of mild and severe asthma
exacerbations (Pauwels et al [FACET], (1997); Zetterström et al, 2000) and significantly
improves lung function and asthma control (Pauwels et al [FACET], (1997); Zetterström
et al, 2000).
• Regular long-term use of both components provides significant cost savings
(Andersson et al, 2000).
• Improvements in quality of life are maintained with regular long-term use of both
components (Juniper et al, 1999).
• The improved asthma control offered by regular long-term use of both components does
not mask continued underlying inflammation (Kips et al, 2000).
• Increasing the dose of inhaled corticosteroid when asthma symptoms show signs of
worsening can reduce the incidence and duration of exacerbations and the need for
oral steroids (Foresi et al, 2000).



the Symbicort ® creative stategy brief

• Budesonide is the most well documented inhaled corticosteroid currently available

with over 8 billion patient treatment days, and has repeatedly been shown to be
effective and well-tolerated in all patient groups, including children and pregnant
women. In addition the o.d. and b.i.d dosing is unique to budesonide.
• Formoterol is the only fast-onset long-acting bronchodilator currently available – with
a duration of action comparable to that of salmeterol, but an onset of effect that is
significantly faster and comparable to that of the fast and short-acting ß2-agonists
salbutamol, (Deroma and Pauwels, 1992) and terbutaline respectively (Ekström et al, 1998).
• Formoterol produces dose-dependent increases in PEF and reductions in rescue
medication use when given as maintenance therapy in delivered doses of 4.5 µg, 9 µg,
and 18 µg b.i.d. (Schreurs et al, 1996).
• Formoterol is long-acting in the airways but short-acting systemically (Rott et al, 1998).
• Formoterol has a safety profile that is comparable or better than that of traditional fast
and short-acting ß2-agonists. Even at doses up to 90 µg, it has less effect on serum
potassium, heart rate or the QTc interval of the heart than the fast and short-acting
ß2-agonists (Malolepszy et al, 1998; Lötvall et al, 1997).

5. The conceptual thought

A motivating and inspiring idea that crystallises our creative insights

The advertising and branding elements should convey clearly the Brand Character of the
Trusted Pioneer for SYMBICORT® and convince physicians that it has a central place
in their armamentarium.

6. The deliverables
What is required by when?

To be completed as required.


Symbicort ® branding elements

the brand name

SYMBICORT® satisfies the various

requirements necessary for a
global brand name.
In countries where the WHO guidelines
are strictly followed, brand names
containing pre or suffixes related to the
generic, such as ‘cort’, may not be
allowed. SYMBICORD® is an acceptable
alternative for these countries (the same
strategy for trade names has been used
within our gastrointestinal area with
Entocort® and Entocord®).


Symbicort ® branding elements

the logotype

The SYMBICORT® logotype is a The emphatic strength of the logotype has

specially constructed version of OPTIMA been reinforced by modelling each
and should not be redrawn or modified in character to create a sculptured form.
any way. Only the original artwork The subtle highlights and shadings help
provided is acceptable. the logotype to stand out from the page.
It should however be noted that no
The typeface has been condensed and shadows are cast from the letterforms.
kerned (letterspaced) with great care to
create a balanced arrangement of characters
that are unique to SYMBICORT®

Kerning Condensing Modelling


Symbicort ® branding elements

the icon

The icon is constructed from several The dynamic lead figure raises the
linked elements. Each conveys a discrete standard, both staking a claim and showing
message, adding visual clues to build the the way forward.
SYMBICORT brand image.

Symbicort® is represented
The elements are:

• The standard (flag)

as a confident and
• The lead figure determined visionary
• The group of figures linking hands
The figures, linking hands, move forward
The red standard symbolises the following the leader into a new era of
uncompromising, pre-eminent position asthma treatment. They may be interpreted
of SYMBICORT . The colour red has
® as representing both patient groups and
associations with power and leadership; prescribers, whilst reiterating a sense of
the standard epitomises traditional values team spirit, empathy and a
of forces united in victory. new beginning.


Symbicort ® branding elements

the Symbicort ® brand mark

The Symbicort® logotype and icon unite to

create a powerful message, establishing the
Brand Character for Symbicort® as
‘The Trusted Pioneer’.

The brand mark

It is important that the logotype and icon
are used in combination wherever possible
as together they form the brand mark. Two
variations are available for use depending
on the size they will appear.

The proportions of the elements in each

version are modified to maintain the impact
and clarity of the brand mark at all times.
Neither should be modified in any way.


Symbicort ® branding elements


Colour is a key element of Pantone colour

a brand’s identity, and its
consistent use strengthens
the brand equity.

To create impact and

memorability, a product Red Blue
colour or combination of Pantone 200 Pantone 286
colours should be
distinctive from its
Four colour process
The main branding colour
Pantone red 200. It is a
distinctive and strong
colour, and as such, should C 0%
be used thoughtfully. M 100% C 100%
Y 65% M 60%
The secondary branding K 15% Y 0%
K 6%
colour for SYMBICORT®
is Pantone blue 286.
This deep, assertive blue
RGB colours
breaks down into a
valuable range of tints.

RGB colours
These colour values should Red
R 204 Blue
be used for graphics
G 0 R 0
displayed in a digital B 51 G 51
format, e.g. for the creation B 153
of internet sites.
Tint of blue at 50%
R 102
G 153
B 204


Symbicort ® branding elements

the inhaler

1/ M 1/ M
2 2


Turbuhaler® is a registered trademark and Turbuhaler® is set in Optima uppercase in

could appear as part of the SYMBICORT® a 50% tint of Pantone 286 and always
brand mark when applied to promotional appears the same line length as the word
items, although the focus should always be SYMBICORT®. It should be noted that
on SYMBICORT® rather than the inhaler. artwork is provided for this addition to the
Please refer to your own country’s specific brand mark with country spelling
regulations regarding the size the variations and, apart from this, should not
registered trademark ‘®’ should appear. be modified in any way. It should be
noted that the space between
Spelling variations SYMBICORT® and Turbuhaler® equates to
half the height of the capital ‘M’.
Acceptable spelling variations of the
device name are Turbuhaler® and It is not necessary to include Turbuhaler®
Turbohaler® as shown below. when referring to SYMBICORT® in
bodycopy. For example it is acceptable to
TURBUHALER say: SYMBICORT® will revolutionise
asthma treatment by becoming the only
TURBOHALER asthma medication most patients will need.


Symbicort ® branding elements

including the generic

Each country will have its own regulations Our recommendation is that the generic
regarding acceptable typefaces and type is ranged left and set in Arial bold.
sizes for the generic. However, it is
universally mandatory that budesonide
is listed before formoterol.

Minimum 10pt budesonide/formoterol

All text ranged left

Where the combination appears smaller

than the line length of the generic, the
generic should appear in two lines, with
budesonide listed first.

formoterol budesonide/formoterol

Example shown here is at 40mm Example shown here is at 40mm


Symbicort ® branding elements

the Symbicort ® brand mark sizes

In order to give the greatest flexibility,

the SYMBICORT® brand mark is available
for use in two sizes.

For large artwork use For small artwork use

This combination should be used This combination aims to maintain clarity

at sizes greater than 50mm up to and recognition when the logo needs to
exhibition size. appear at a size of 50mm or less.

budesonide/formoterol TURBUHALER
TURBUHALER Example shown here is at 45mm

NB. Care should be taken to use the same It is, however, acceptable to use different
size combination on a single printed item. sized logos on one printed piece if there is
a size gap of at least 10mm.
For example, if the large use logo appears
on one page at 53mm, the small use logo For example, the large use logo may appear
should not appear on a different page at at 70mm on the front cover of a detail aid,
50mm. Be consistent and choose the most and the small use logo may appear at
appropriate size to work with throughout. 35mm on the foot of each inside page.


Symbicort ® branding elements

special uses

Logo for special use only

In some instances it may be necessary

to print on special surfaces or in condensed
proportions, for example when producing
promotional items. A simplified, ‘special use’
logo has been designed for this purpose.

budesonide/ budesonide/
formoterol formoterol

With generic

Without generic


Symbicort ® branding elements

clear zones and do’s and dont’s

A strong brand mark should stand triangle needs to appear close to the logo),
out from the crowd and is equivalent to the height / width of
a capital ‘M’ as used in the logotype.
It is essential that the SYMBICORT® brand
mark is positioned in a space that is clear In cases where the logo appears at 50mm or
from other text, illustrations or graphics, less, the clear zone should be at least 8mm
so that its impact and clarity is not diluted all round.
in any way.
The area indicated with the tinted band is the
The area indicated with a solid line is the minimal allowable distance between the
usual minimal allowable distance between brand mark and other elements where space
the brand mark and other elements (except is restricted, for example, on a website.
in countries where a ‘special reporting’




Symbicort ® branding elements

additional design elements

The brand mark has been created to give

maximum flexibility to its users. As such,
consideration has been given to the
requirements of different reproduction /
print processes.

4 colour process (CMYK)

In most circumstances the brand mark

will be printed in CMYK. In this version
the modelling is highly refined with subtle
colour blends that can be achieved in
4 colours.

2 colour

(The version shown here uses a third

colour, black, for the generic and ®)
This is a simplified, bolder version of
the logotype modelling, suited to simpler
printing applications, such as screen
TURBUHALER printing.

Single colour

This version provides a degree of tonal

balance, without complex rendering, but
may only be reproduced in black or red
budesonide/formoterol (Pantone 200).
An RGB brand mark is also available
for use.


Symbicort ® branding elements


The use of typography is an essential element

of building a consistent and recognisable brand
image for SYMBICORT®.

Two typefaces have been

chosen that are complementary
and versatile.


Optima Regular

Optima Bold
Optima Regular Italic
The classic and friendly cut of Optima makes
As these typefaces are currently unavailable
it ideal for use as a bodycopy typeface.
on most PCs within AstraZeneca, they are

It is easily readable, and its large x-height available for downloading for internal use
only from the SYMBICORT® intranet home
(i.e. the height of a lower case letter)
page under the section ‘Global Branding’.
makes it legible at small sizes.
The address is as follows:
The SYMBICORT® logotype is based on
Optima and as such, the use of this portfolio/symbicort/global-branding/
typeface will complement the Brand Mark.
The AstraZeneca licence does not include

When the typeface is used for bodycopy it the external use of these typefaces.

should not be condensed or letterspaced When typefaces are needed for external
in any way, and should never be modified. purposes, e.g. printing, please consult your
advertising agency who should be able to
The samples above show acceptable supply them.
type styles.


Symbicort ® branding elements


Berthold Akzidenz Grotesque




The simple geometric letterforms of Akzidenz will never be used as the main
Akzidenz make it an ideal typographic text face but its uses include:
partner for Optima.
• Headlines and subheads *
Clean and modern, it is distinctive and • Highlighting important copy points
impactful when used as a headline face, • Annotations on charts and graphs
but is equally clear when printed at small • PI and references
sizes, as used for annotations and references.
* Running heads in bodycopy may
normally be set in Optima bold, upper
and lower case, at a point size larger
than the text.


Symbicort ® branding elements


Berthold Akzidenz Grotesque

Akzidenz Grotesque
Regular Condensed
Akzidenz Grotesque
Bold Condensed

Akzidenz Grotesque
Regular abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.,!?


Bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.,!?

Some optional styles available in the Akzidenz

type family.

For styling guidelines see pages 57, 70, 73-74.


Symbicort ® branding elements

the supergraphic

The SYMBICORT® supergraphic is a

valuable, attractive device which can
be used with relative flexibility, whilst
retaining strong brand associations.
The supergraphic is essentially decorative,
and is commonly applied to backgrounds,
with or without superimposed type.
It is not intended as an alternative to
using the full brand mark, but rather
as an adjunct to it.

The full supergraphic comprises two

elements; the primary character and flag,
and the secondary characters.

The primary character

By simply enlarging the main figure and
flag of the icon group, the quality of the
graphic style is revealed.

This enables the supergraphic to be

enlarged up to exhibition scale whilst
still retaining a strong sense of the
Brand Character.


Symbicort ® branding elements

the supergraphic

The secondary characters

The secondary characters (the remaining
group of three characters from the icon group)
may also be enlarged. The secondary
characters should only appear in addition to
the primary character. It is important to ensure
that the primary and secondary characters are
enlarged in proportion to one another.


Symbicort ® branding elements

the supergraphic

Typical uses
Below are typical uses of the supergraphic,
these images could also be embossed or
spot UV varnished.

The characters may ‘bleed off’ the edges of

a page, but this process must not be
allowed to affect the integrity of the image.


Symbicort ® branding elements

applying the brand mark

The logo has been designed to appear in

two main locations within documents;

• Aligned on a vertical, central axis.

• Positioned at the foot of the document –

normally on the right hand side.






Symbicort ® branding elements

applying the brand mark

Wherever possible the brand mark should

appear against a white background.

If this cannot be achieved, considerable

care must be taken to ensure that the
brand mark does not become confused,
‘lost’, or overpowered.

Acceptable backgrounds may be pale tints

with minimal, or no discernible pattern.

Where a dark background is unavoidable,

a ‘white-out’ version is supplied, but as no
brand colours are applied to this
adaptation, it should only be used when a
full colour brand mark appears on the
same, or an adjacent, page.

x x budesonide/formoterol


Symbicort ® branding elements

publications, marketing and promotional materials

The SYMBICORT® brand mark should

appear, wherever possible and appropriate,
on the front cover of publications,
marketing and promotional materials. The
supergraphic or advertising image can also
be used to add an element of interest. See
examples below.

Tailored control –
You’ve got it in one.

Symbicort ®
Product Monograph






Symbicort ® branding elements

typographic elements

The power of typography to communicate SYMBICORT® typography should strive to

values and ideas, goes beyond the words be clean, highly legible and pleasing to
that we use. the eye. It suggests strength and balance
with references both to classical order and
The style, layout, colour and weight of modern style.
type affects readability and conveys
subliminal messages about the brand. The reader should find the page simple to
navigate and be encouraged to read further.

16 pt Akzidenz Grotesk Medium

Expanded. Ranged right with
+8 character spacing The
The brand
Brand manual

18 pt Akzidenz Grotesk Bold
Condensed. Ranged right with Promoting SYMBICORT® in the international market place
+10 character spacing
SYMBICORT® is a major new brand for This Brand Manual is a resource that
AstraZeneca and it will be amongst the will guide you through the planning and
first of our products to be launched into development stages of your national
14 pt / 16 pt Optima Bold. the new millennium as a megabrand. launch campaign. It will help you to
ensure that all your communications
Ranged left There have been few major breakthroughs work synergistically as part of the global
in the asthma therapy area, both in terms SYMBICORT® brand image, and add value
of drug developments, treatment regimens and credibility to the brand.

10 pt / 16 pt Optima. and devices. Now, SYMBICORT gives us


a unique opportunity to revolutionise Each country has a vital role to play in

Ranged left the way physicians, patients and ensuring that our global strategic approach
pharmaceutical companies think about, to marketing SYMBICORT® is implemented
and treat asthma. with enthusiasm, consistency and attention
to detail, enabling SYMBICORT® to

24 pt / 28 pt Akzidenz Grotesk One day, Symbicort will be ® become one of the first recognised global
brands in the pharmaceutical arena.

Condensed. Ranged right the only asthma medication

most patients will need!
The grid used in this
A megabrand of this much importance
publication allows for layout deserves mega-marketing. As part of this,
we will differentiate and brand
variation whilst retaining SYMBICORT® so strongly and consistently

consistent styling across each of the launch countries, that it

will be recognised by marketeers,
prescribers and consumers anywhere in
the world.



9 pt Optima


Symbicort ® branding elements

typographic elements

The SYMBICORT® typography uses

a number of additional elements.

In its own way, each helps to build a

cohesive and powerful brand message,
maintaining a high level of recognition
through consistency and good styling.

The key additional typographic elements

are indicated below:

Bullet points: there are two styles of bullet Tint panels: tint panels help to highlight or
points available. separate sections of copy. To reinforce
statements directly concerning SYMBICORT®,
The flag symbol is used primarily for the panel should be set in 10% Pantone red
major or lead SYMBICORT messages.
200. General information should appear in
10% Pantone blue 286.
• the standard minor bullet point (must
appear in Pantone red 200).
SYMBICORT® Lorem ipsum sit dolor
amet si medora dolor ipsu
Both may be reproduced at sizes
appropriate for accompanying type.

Rules: rules may be printed in Pantone red Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet si medora
200 or Pantone blue 286, or tints of either dolor ipsum lorem sit si
as appropriate. The gradated rule may be
useful to separate headings from text.

Leader lines: leader lines used on charts

and diagrams may also appear in black to
aid readability. They should only be set on
vertical and / or horizontal axis.

10 pt / 16 pt Optima


Symbicort ® branding elements


The letter opposite

gives an example of
styling that will
help to build brand
values and maintain
clarity of message.

Marketing Manager
ABC Limited
123 High Street

Dear Mr Smith

This is an example of how the SYMBICORT® typography should be applied to a letterhead. Your left margin
should be set at 15mm, and the right margin at 30mm. The first character of the date line should rest
55mm from the top of the page, or at least the height of the capital ‘M’ as it appears on the logo.

The typeface is Optima Regular 10 point with 16 point leading, ranged left. It should not be condensed or
letterspaced in any way and should never be modified. There is one blank line between the date and the
outgoing address. There are two between the outgoing address and the beginning of the letter. Paragraphs
should have a single line space and should not be indented. Allow at least four line spaces for the
signature between the closing and the name.

Wherever the word SYMBICORT® appears, it should be set in capital letters with the registered trademark
in superscript. Important words can be emphasised in Optima Bold.

It is important to avoid overcrowding the page, therefore, a second sheet should be used. When additional
pages are required, use only approved SYMBICORT® continuation sheets. Typing should begin at the same
point as on the first sheet and all established margins should be maintained.

Yours sincerely

John R Brown
1 Lorem ipsum dolor
Sit amet consectetuer
lorem ipsum dolor sit
Sit amet lorem
123 ABC

Tailored control – You've got it in one.

(shown at 60% size)


Symbicort ® branding elements

compliment slips

There are several important branding In addition the supergraphic or advertising

elements which should be included on image can also be used. See examples
compliment slips and memos: below and overleaf.
SYMBICORT brand mark

Tag line:
Tailored control – You’ve got it in one.
AstraZeneca logo
With compliments

Tailored control – You've got it in one.


With Compliments

Tailored control – You've got it in one.


Symbicort ® branding elements


Me m o

Tailored control – You've got it in one.


Symbicort ® branding elements


It is possible to embed the SYMBICORT® able to advise you on this process. The
logo into your internal (and where example below shows the logo centred
appropriate, external) e-mails. Care should within the document.
be taken to achieve a clear and true
rendition of the brand mark, both in terms
of colour representation and image
resolution. Your IT department should be

Tailored control – You’ve got it in one.

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet si medora Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum sit dolor
amet si medora Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet si medora Lorem
ipsum Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet si medora Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum sit
dolor amet si medora Lorem ipsumm Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet si medora
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet si

Dolor amet

John Smith


Symbicort ® branding elements




Johan Haglund
Global Brand Director
AstraZeneca PS&L, S-221 87 Lund,
[email protected]
+46 46 33 60 20

Carl Lindgren
Global Brand Manager
AstraZeneca PS&L, S-221 87 Lund,
[email protected]
+46 46 33 76 89

Dean Phizacklea
Global Brand Manager
AstraZeneca PS&L, S-221 87 Lund,
[email protected]
+46 46 33 73 53

Martin Tenlén
Global Brand Manager
AstraZeneca PS&L, S-221 87 Lund,
[email protected]
+46 46 33 81 32


Symbicort ® branding elements

exhibition stands

Exhibitions are a major opportunity to It is important to remember that

increase brand awareness and as such the information on exhibition stands can be
stands should be lively, exciting and accessed by the viewer in different ways,
accessible. e.g. from a distance or at close proximity.
It is therefore useful to grab the viewers
The SYMBICORT brand mark and / or
attention with large text and bold imagery
advertising concept should feature that gives them a clear and simple
alongside the tag line and the message, and reserve space for more
AstraZeneca logo. detailed information that can be easily
read from just a few paces away.


Symbicort ® branding elements

key messages

Market research across the UK, Spain, STEP 2 – ‘SET UP’ CURRENT
France and Germany amongst healthcare PROBLEM TO ENABLE
professionals (including Allergologists, SYMBICORT® TO PROVIDE THE
Pneumonologists and Asthma Nurses) has SOLUTION
given us a core selection of compelling
• Inadequate control results in poor
and impactful key messages for
quality of life for patients including
SYMBICORT®, that are both differentiating
activity limitations, exacerbations and
and motivating to prescribers.
night awakenings.
• Inadequate control leads to increased
Although the communication of the
and unnecessary demands upon doctors,
following key messages is mandatory,
nurses and health services.
the exact wording is not. Each country
• Despite excellent education, 50–70%
should take responsibility for ‘crafting’
of patients are poor compliers.
the language to fit its individual needs –
however, it should be noted that the tone
of voice must be in keeping with the
Brand Character of the Trusted Pioneer.

Outlined below is a suggested ‘story flow’

that builds a cohesive and logical story for
SYMBICORT® and its use.



• Asthma is a chronic inflammatory

condition of the lung airways resulting in
inflammation and bronchospasm of the
smooth muscle.
• Asthma is a disease with natural
variations, and even well controlled
asthma can worsen or improve.


Symbicort ® branding elements

key messages

STEP 3 – WHICH PATIENTS b) The unique dose response of formoterol,

WOULD BENEFIT FROM in addition to that of budesonide, enables
SYMBICORT® the dose of SYMBICORT® to be adjusted
with the same, single inhaler. Thus, the
(N.B. In order of importance for creating
physician can tailor the treatment
according to individual patients’ needs.

• Patients who remain symptomatic on

c) The uniqueness of SYMBICORT® allows
standard inhaled steroid doses.
physicians to quickly gain control of
• Patients already stabilised on an inhaled
asthma (in most cases with a starting dose
steroid and long-acting beta-agonist.
of 2 inhalations twice daily) and then,
• Patients on maintenance therapy who
when good control is achieved, step down
are voluntary or involuntary poor
the dose to a lower maintenance level
(with the option of once daily dosing)
using the same, single inhaler.
If asthma deteriorates, the physician still
need not change the patients’ inhaler but
• With SYMBICORT® you can quickly gain simply regain control by returning to the
and maintain control of this variable starting dose. No other medication can
disease with the same, single inhaler offer this degree of efficacy and
because: convenience for patients and physicians in
persistent asthma.
a) SYMBICORT® provides both therapeutic
principles needed to control the d) Daily steroid compliance is ensured,
inflammation and bronchoconstriction of which means that underlying inflammation
asthma, in the same, single inhaler. is treated and patients are less likely to
over-rely on their fast and short-acting
bronchodilators for symptom relief.

e) SYMBICORT® ensures better treatment

outcomes compared with increasing the
steroid dose alone.


Symbicort ® branding elements

key messages

STEP 4 – THE BENEFITS OF • SYMBICORT® represents cost-efficiency

SYMBICORT® (continued) because:

• SYMBICORT® improves the lives of

a) Less time is needed to educate patients
asthma sufferers because it:
in the correct use of SYMBICORT®,
representing reduced costs and better
a) Gives 60 extra asthma-free days a year, results.
in moderate asthma compared with
treatment of inhaled corticosteroids alone b) Patients who pay for prescriptions, pay
(Zetterström et al, 2000). less in charges.

b) Gives 30 extra asthma free days a year c) SYMBICORT® treatment generates cost-
in mild asthma compared with treatment savings due to significantly less mild and
of inhaled corticosteroids alone (Lalloo et severe exacerbations compared with
al, 2000). treatment of inhaled corticosteroids alone
(Andersson et al, 2000).
c) Reduces the risk of exacerbations by
40% compared to inhaled corticosteroids
alone (Zetterström et al, 2000).

d) Improves lung function (Pauwels et al

[FACET], (1997); Zetterström et al, 2000;
Lalloo et al, 2000; Vermeulen et al, 2000;
Tal et al, 2000).

e) Reduces night awakenings (Pauwels et

al [FACET], (1997); Zetterström et al, 2000;
Lalloo et al, 2000).


Symbicort ® branding elements

crystallised product promise / tag line

Crystallised product promise The flexibility of a two-part tag line

enables us to highlight different
This is designed to work as a ‘top of mind’
communication messages over the
reminder of the unique selling proposition
lifecycle of the brand, whilst keeping the
recognised benefit of ‘everything you need
SYMBICORT® offers fast, adjustable, in one inhaler’. For example, once the ‘as
symptom driven asthma control in the needed’ indication has been approved, the
same, single inhaler. global tag could evolve to:
SYMBICORT offers fast, adjustable,
® Control and relief – You’ve got it in one.
symptom driven asthma treatment Eventually, when the unique benefits of
in the same, single inhaler. the SYMBICORT® single inhaler have been
N.B. Please select from the two options established, it should be possible to just
above the most appropriate wording for use the tag line: You’ve got it in one.
your market.
A note on ‘fast onset’
Tag line It should be noted that market research has
A global tag line will be used for the shown that our customers currently
international promotion of SYMBICORT®: perceive that the main benefit of the fast
Tailored control – You’ve got it in one. onset of Oxis is ‘immediate relief’. This,
however, does not translate as a believable
Although local translations should take
benefit for SYMBICORT® without an ‘as
into account language and cultural
needed’ indication.
nuances, great care should be taken to
ensure that the ‘essence’ of the message In some markets it even raised concerns
remains intact. that patients could ‘misuse’ SYMBICORT®,
a perception which could potentially limit
Tailored control – You’ve got it in one.
the acceptance and therefore sales of
highlights the unique and differentiated
the brand.
benefit of SYMBICORT® at launch:
Only SYMBICORT® allows treatment to be The exception to this is in markets where
tailored by adjusting the number of doses fast onset is already perceived as an asset.
with the same, single inhaler. In addition, The local tag line in these countries could
this launch tag line starts to establish our reflect this benefit, as long as the
vision of becoming the only medication recognised benefit of ‘everything you need
most asthma patients will need. in one inhaler’ remains.


Symbicort ® branding elements

style of illustrations / visuals

It is important to punctuate and illustrate

copy with photographs in documents and
promotional items. However these must,
at all times, complement the design
principles and reinforce brand values.

Whilst it will be necessary to present

full colour images from time to time, the
monotone and duotone examples below
are recommended.

Blue duotone (black, Pantone blue 286) Red monotone (Pantone red 200)


Symbicort ® branding elements

style of illustrations / visuals

Charts and graphs by a third, non-branded colour – in this

In order to convey important data in a case, green. Data points are set in
compelling way, charts and graphs should Akzidenz Grotesque Regular, and titles
be clear, precise and consistent. in Akzidenz Grotesque Bold.
SYMBICORT® should always be Sub heads or footnotes should be set in
represented by its main branding colour, Akzidenz Grotesque Regular Condensed.
Pantone red 200, and can be set on a Type should be printed in black, and
tinted panel using Pantone blue 286. where the word SYMBICORT® appears it
Placebo should always be represented should be set in capital letters.

Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet

si meliora lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet si meliora Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet si meliora
Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet
300 300
si meliora lorem ipsum. SYMBICORT SYMBICORT


200 200

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0

Akzidenz Grotesk
Regular Condensed Akzidenz Grotesk Regular Akzidenz Grotesk Bold


Symbicort ® branding elements

suggested global advertising concept

Why adopt a global advertising The market research measured the

concept? following qualitatively and quantitatively:

Global advertising is only one part of • How much appeal each concept carried.
global branding, but its importance should
• The distinctiveness of each visual.
not be underestimated. Advertising, in
general, is one of the few major • The impact of each visual on prescribing
opportunities we get to talk directly to our probability.
target audience and unlike a sales visit
• What message is conveyed about
from a representative, we do not have the
SYMBICORT® by each concept.
opportunity to enter into a dialogue –
therefore we must be single-minded and The chosen global advertising concept
crystal clear in our communication. is the ‘Seagull’. This concept, outlined
overleaf, fulfilled the objectives set by
Global advertising should follow the same the creative brief (see Appendix E7) and
principles. Sending the same single-minded, was rated highly overall by respondents
clear message to physicians across the globe across all parameters.
builds strong, consistent brands – a critical
It proved to be the most popular visual
factor for success in a global marketplace.
from the ten executions tested, with
Market research respondents associating it clearly with
“leadership”, “success”, “something
Qualitative and quantitative advertising –
different” and “can’t be bettered”.
concept testing was conducted across
Europe (UK, Spain, Germany, France) mainly These messages were consistently
with Primary Care Physicians. The objective communicated, even to those respondents
was to determine what messages and values who found a different concept more
were communicated by the concepts and appealing.
assess them for interest, uniqueness and
motivation to prescribe, enabling us to
determine the most compelling creative
concept to launch SYMBICORT® and carry
the brand efficiently to its vision.


Symbicort ® branding elements

suggested global advertising concept

The visual “A leading brand - the most powerful in

its class.”
The sky
The sky forms the background and is not “Allows you to succeed where other
intended to carry major symbolic products have failed. It says, here it comes,
significance. It is turbulent and ‘active’ the best there has ever been.”
without being threatening or overpowering.
Care should be taken when translating the
The area immediately surrounding the bird
headline. It should not be confused with
is light and open, creating a dynamic
’Follow It’ which, in this context, would
impression of freedom.
infer that it is the bird that should be
The flock followed. Instead it should convey a sense
The monotone, undifferentiated birds of ‘beat that’, or ‘better that’. The red bird
wheeling in the background are suggestive is distinct, unusual and stands out from the
of the proliferation of inadequate crowd. ‘FOLLOW THAT’ is a challenge to
treatments currently prescribed. The birds other products and to physicians to do
look disordered and directionless, conveying something meaningful and different.
a sense of confusion and lack of progress.
The main gull
The red gull (tinted Pantone red 200) Bodycopy was not tested, but should be
embodies SYMBICORT®. Clean, elegant, kept in line with the approved key
uplifting and purposeful, it stands out from messages. Care should be taken to ensure
the crowd, symbolising leadership – wings that the advert remains single-minded and
outstretched, effortlessly moving forward. accessible – remember that an advert is
A simple demonstration of total freedom usually only glanced at and it should not
through mastery of its element – the air. be used as a detail aid.

The tone of voice for bodycopy should be

The headline
in keeping with the Trusted Pioneer Brand
‘FOLLOW THAT’ Character.
This headline was found to be impactful
and differentiating for SYMBICORT®.


Symbicort ® branding elements

suggested global advertising concept

Optima Bold

A3 A3

AstraZeneca logo.
Ranged left and aligned with Akzidenz Grotesk
baseline of column Akzidenz Grotesk. Justified Extra Bold Condensed Optima Bold


Symbicort ® branding elements

suggested global detail aid spread

Detail aids and other promotional literature

should follow the same guidelines as
those specified in the ‘Typography’ section
of the manual.

Consistent control Unique vers atility

Headlines and subheads in a variable disease in a single inhaler
SYMBICORT’s versatility allows you to step up the dose temporarily during periods SYMBICORT’s versatility allows you to step up the dose temporarily during periods
Berthold Akzidenz Grotesque of worsening asthma, and step down the dose during periods of good control of worsening asthma, and step down the dose during periods of good control
to maintain efficacy at the lowest drug load – without changing the inhaler. to maintain efficacy at the lowest drug load – without changing the inhaler.

Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet SYMBICORT is:

si meliora lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet si meliora
A new asthma treatment from AstraZeneca
Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet
si meliora lorem ipsum. Symbicort
Presented in new improved Turbohaler with remaining dose counter
250 Placebo Once or twice daily administration of 1-2 inhalations (Max daily maintenance dose:
4 inhalations. Temporarily during periods of worsening asthma: up to 8 inhalations)



Lorem ipsum sit dolor

50 Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet si meliora amet si meliora lorem
ipsum. Lorem ipsum sit
0 300
dolor amet si meliora

lorem ipsum.


A new asthma treatment from AstraZeneca

Presented in new improved Turbohaler with

Bodycopy remaining dose counter

Once or twice daily administration of 1-2


Optima inhalations (Max daily maintenance dose:

4 inhalations. Temporarily during periods 0
of worsening asthma: up to 8 inhalations)

References: References:
1. Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet si meliora lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum 1. Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet si meliora lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum budesonide/formoterol
You’ve got it in one
Tailored control – You’ve got it in one.
sit dolor amet Si meliora lorem ipsum.
2. Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet si meliora.
sit dolor amet Si meliora lorem ipsum.
2. Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet si meliora. Tbudesonide/formoterol
4 5


How to access artwork

All relevant artwork for SYMBICORT®, Contents

e.g. logotype, icon, product photographs,
global ad launch, etc, will be available on • CMYK brand mark (large use)
the AZ RITA Image Bank. User instructions
and a link to the AZ RITA Image Bank are • CMYK brand mark (small use)
available on the RITA home page under
the section ‘Product portfolio’. • 2 colour brand mark (large use)
The intranet address is as follows: • 2 colour brand mark (small use)

• Single colour brand mark

(large use)

• Single colour brand mark

(small use)

• RGB brand mark

• Supergraphic

• Bullet point

• Seagull brand image


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