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JoN burToN dIscusses HIs IsoMeTrIc
plaTforMer aNd ITs 2017 updaTe

How aTarI INc coNverTed popular

see paGe 30



How JapaNese folklore sHaped
aNd I MusT screaM
sNk’s saMuraI sHodowN successor
3d MoNsTer Maze
cHrIs Taylor Goes beHINd THe sceNes
of HIs revoluTIoNary rTs MasTerpIece Load 183



can still clearly remember my first

It’s got to be Tetris DS. Lots of
different game modes fused to
classic Nintendo characters. I
still play it today.
I used to think that Puyo Puyo
Tetris was Tetris’ final form, then
I saw the trailer for Tetris Effect
and I’m no longer sure. We’ll
Puyo Puyo Tetris, because other
Tetris games don’t feature a
bizarre dog scientist named
after a Tetris block.
I experience of Tetris. I was in Densham
Computers as I had a bit of pocket money
to spend and I was looking for my next
purchase. I remember browsing through
a meagre selection of Amstrad games
Expertise: have to wait and see! Expertise: and trying to choose between the latest
Juggling a gorgeous wife, two Expertise: Owning five Master Systems
beautiful girls and an Expunging the word ‘playable’ (I sold two) Codemasters releases, when I saw a group
award-winning magazine from the style guide Currently playing:
Currently playing: Currently playing: Hanagumi Taisen Columns gathered around one of the computers.
Project Zero II: Crimson Final Fantasy XII: Favourite game of all time:
Butterfly - Director’s Cut The Zodiac Age Sonic The Hedgehog
I wasn’t prepared for the sight that
Favourite game of all time: Favourite game of all time: greeted me as the game looked so basic.
Strider Final Fantasy VIII
Different coloured blocks were falling
downwards, only to be rotated and moved
around by the person playing. It looked dull,
and yet I could stop watching the deluge of
shapes fall downwards. I was mesmerised.
A lack of money at the time meant that
my first dalliance with Tetris was brief, but
we became reacquainted when I acquired
a Game Boy in the early Nineties and fell in
love with Bullet-Proof Software’s version of
the game. I’ve been a fan ever since and it’s
SAM RIBBITS GRAEME MASON ANDREW FISHER satisfying to finally share that love with you
I’ve really enjoyed playing Puyo The original Game Boy is the Super Bombliss on SNES adds
Puyo Tetris, even against Nick – version I fell in love with, back bombs to the pieces and has across our two fantastic cover designs.
our very own Tetris wizard. It’s
so… playable. Tetris DX is pretty
when gaming on the move
seemed like a remarkable thing.
interesting new modes.
If you’re not a fan of Tetris, then you’ll
playable, too. I guess Tetris is Expertise: Over thirty years of gaming, find plenty to get you in a spin this issue,
just such a playable game. Adjusting the tape azimuth with from Commodore 64 to Wii U
Expertise: a screwdriver Currently playing: including articles on Atari’s RealSports
Trolling the team Currently playing: The beta version of Puzzle
Currently playing: Fallout 3 Bobble (C64) series, the making of 8-bit loading screens
Hollow Knight Favourite game of all time: Favourite game of all time: and the groundbreaking Total Annihilation.
Favourite game of all time: Resident Evil 4 Paradroid
Croc: Legend Of The Gobbos And do make sure you check out our
amazing subs offer on
page 30. It’s proving very
popular and is even open
to current subscribers.
Enjoy the magazine!

I’ve sunk hours into the Game I like the challenge of the arcade
Boy version, but Vioris on the version, which gets tough very
C64 comes a close second. quickly, and my eldest daughter
Expertise: enjoys schooling me on Tricky
Being a homebrew hero Towers, our update of choice.
Currently playing: Expertise:
Planet Search (C16) Scaramouche
Favourite game of all time: Currently playing:
Io Detroit: Become Human
Favourite game of all time:
Sheep in Space
>> Load 183 Breathing new life into classic games

© Al Alcorn/Computer History Museum

32 The Making Of:
Punch And Judy
The coders behind Alternative Sotware’s
game reveal the way to do it

34 Peripheral Vision:
RETRO RADAR Commodore 1541
We take a look at Commodore’s disk add-on
for its home computer
06 Ted Dabney,
A Legend Passes 36 The Art Of The 8-Bit
We pay tribute to the co-founder of Atari Inc Loading Screen
Ste Pickford, Jonathan Temples and others
08 News Wall explain the intricacies of making 8-bit art
Our E3 report reveals all the classic franchises
heading your way 42 The Making Of: Thrust
Composer, Dave Lowe discusses converting
10 The Vault the classic BBC game to the Spectrum
More great items to spend your cash on,
including our fantastic new retro book 52 From The Archives:
12 Mr Biffo We go behind the scenes of the Welsh
This month Mr Bifo is pleased that the publisher that released The Quill and other
games industry is moving forwards essential utilities

14 A Moment With… 56 Classic Moments:

Tommy Tallarico tells us about his new Shinobi
plans for the Intellivision brand Darran recounts all his favourite bits from
Sega’s hit arcade game
16 Back To The Noughties
Nick travels back to the 2001 E3 to discover 58 The Making of: Sonic 3D
what the big winners were Discover how Traveller’s Tales made its
isometric Mega Drive Sonic game

62 Hardware Heaven:
Neo-Geo Pocket Color
We take a brief look at SNK’s second
attempt to crack the handheld market 20
70 Pushing The Limits:
Learn how Bloodhouse’s shooter pushed
16-bit home computers
The History Of Tetris
Alexey Pajitnov and Henk Rogers reveal how an 8-bit puzzler dominated the world

REVIVALS 76 Lost In Translation:

Fighting Vipers 44
18 Overdrive We reveal the regional diferences between
Nick explains why this 8-bit BBC Micro Sega’s quirky ighting game
game was so much better than the
Atari 2600 alternative 78 Minority Report:
50 3D Monster Maze Discover 11 PAL PlayStation games that
The ZX81 classic scared the bejesus out of came out ater the PS2 was released
Darran in 1982 and is still making him yelp in
his seat today 86 The Unconverted: Th
Strikes Back
100 Fighter’s History: We’ve never heard of it either, but Nick has
Mizoguchi Kiki Ippatsu! and it’s worth playing
Nick rummages around in the Super
Nintendo’s library and inds an old Japanese 94 In The Chair: Alain
The history
one-on-one ighter
The classic 8-bit coder looks back at his of RealSports
lengthy career in videogames Kieren Hawken investigates Atari’s popular
sports series for its home systems

Don’t forget to follow us online for all your latest retro updates
RetroGamerUK @RetroGamer_Mag

Retro Gamer Magazine @RetroGamerMag [email protected]

72 82

GAMEPAD The Making Of: I

Have No Mouth And The Making Of:
OFFER I Must Scream Total Annihilation

Retro Inspired:
Stardew Valley
Eric Barone reveals how a love of Harvest
Moon led to his breakout indie masterpiece

102 Street Fighter 30th 106 Homebrew
Anniversary Collection
Jason Kelk is back with more new games
for classic systems

110 Mailbag
Send us your letters and tweets and you
might win a free book
113 Next Month
Find out what we have got in
104 Bloodstained: Curse Of store for you next issue
The Moon
114 Endgame
104 Slipstream Nick completes yet another
game so you don’t have to
104 Ikaruga
104 Shaq-Fu: A Legend

Ultimate Guide:
The Last Blade
Everything you need to know about SNK’s
stunning weapons-focused battler

give us two minutes and we'll give you the retro world

We pay tribute to the cofounder

of Atari Inc TED DABNEY
Retro Gamer pays tribute to the cofounder of Atari Inc
All the latest Retro-themed headlines
from The Electronic Three
n 26 May, Samuel F Dabney Packard. After a stint there he changed

© Dabney Family
10 THE VAULT (known to many as Ted) jobs again to be an engineer at Ampex.
New goodies we’ve got our eyes on, sadly passed away from He eventually met Nolan Bushnell and
including our special 8bitDo subs offer! esophageal cancer at the history was made.
age of 81. In addition to helping to create So why did it take us so long to learn
12 MR BIFFO Computer Space and Pong, Ted was also about Ted’s role at Atari? “Nolan Bushnell
Our columnist looks back at some
games that have aged awfully responsible for the cofounding of Atari was a showman,” explains Leonard,
Inc, one of the biggest players in the early whose 1994 book, Phoenix: The Rise &
14 A MOMENT WITH days of the videogame industry. Fall Of Home Videogames was one of the
Tommy Tallarico takes a break from Due to his quiet nature and lack of first to mention Ted’s key involvement.
music to resurrect the Intellivision interest in being in the spotlight, many “[Nolan] worked on a carnival midway » ...and 40 years on, Ted recreates the famous image
gamers have been unaware of Ted’s during college. Ted was an engineer. that introduced him to so many gamers.
16 BACK TO THE contributions to videogames, with most Nolan was a people person, so he was
NOUGHTIES having no idea how big his involvement the person in front of the cameras, while pinball machines and Nolan would do
Nick watched E3 in his time machine this
year and malfunctioned his way into 2001 was until Leonard Herman chronicled his Ted stayed in the background. When the videogames. When that didn’t pan
achievements in a 2009 Edge article. Nolan began publicising himself more out and they went into business on their
After leaving the US Marines, Ted than the company, that was when Ted own, Ted secured financing after Wells
worked in the Bank Of America’s decided to leave.” Fargo denied Nolan a loan. When they
research lab, but was unsatisfied with It would appear that the structure at began building Pong machines, Ted
his work there so left to join Hewlett Atari was much like Apple, a company purchased the television sets. And it was
that Atari would battle against throughout Ted who came up with a retail price of
© Al Alcorn/Computer Histo
ry Museum the late Seventies and early Eighties as $937 for each one after seeing a car with
both companies put out their own home that number on its licence plate.”
computers. “Ted wasn’t really involved Although Atari Inc is the most well-
with the games themselves,” continues known company that Ted and Nolan
Leonard. “Ted was the technical guy, were involved with, it certainly wasn’t
the Steve Wozniak, whereas Nolan was the first, as Leonard explains. “After they
Steve Jobs. Nolan came up with the signed a deal with Nutting Associates to
ideas and Ted figured out how to put build and distribute Computer Space, Ted
them together. Initially they tried to get and Nolan needed a way to distinguish
a contract with Bally; Ted would design the stuff they made for themselves with
the stuff that Nutting had the rights to.
© Dabney Family So they started Syzygy Game Company.
Another engineer at Ampex, Larry Bryan,
actually came up with the name Syzygy,
which loosely means ‘the alignment of
three celestial objects’. In order to keep
Nutting from claiming that they owned
Computer Space, a tag that stated
‘Syzygy Engineered’ was put on the front
of every Computer Space cabinet.”
» Ted (left) with Nolan Bush
With Leonard having documented
nell, (centre) and Al Alcorn
(far right) proudly show off
Pong. » Ted Dabney poses outside his family home in 1968... Ted’s previously unknown involvement


1961 Ted joins Ampex and 1969 Nolan Bushnell joins Ampex and he 1971 Ted and Nolan leave Ampex and 1972 Ted and Nolan form Atari Inc after they
works in its military products becomes friends with Ted. After seeing a computer create their own company called wanted to incorporate and discover another
section, he eventually gets system at Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Syzygy. In the same year they release company had the Syzygy name. The name is
involved with various video the pair discuss creating a similar system that Computer Space, which is based on the derived from a term in the popular Chinese
imagery products there. people could pay to play. 1962 game, Spacewar! game, Go, which they were both fans of.


» One of the first projects Ted was involved with while working with Nolan was the creation of Computer Space.

Every time I spoke to Ted,

he was always funny, cheerful
and optimistic
Leonard Herman

with Atari for so long we were keen to Perhaps one of the sweetest aspects is » Few things
scream ‘retro’
know what Ted was like as a person. that it wasn’t until late in his life that he like a Computer
“The funny, and sad thing about our realised just how important his work was Space cabinet.
friendship is that we never met in and the impact he had on people.
person,” Leonard reveals. “We always “Ralph Baer is credited as the inventor
communicated by Skype, email, and of the home videogame. Nolan Bushnell
phone. I had a standing offer to visit him is credited as the father of the videogame
in California but I never made good on it. industry. I think Ted is somewhere in
Every time I spoke to Ted, he was always the middle,” concludes Leonard. “If you
funny, cheerful and optimistic. This were able to ask Ted what he thought
was even after his house burned to the his legacy was, that answer would have
ground from a wildfire in 2016 and after changed in the last few months. Before
he was diagnosed with an aggressive March, he would have been humble and
form of cancer. He told me several times say he didn’t do anything. However, after
that he had a wonderful life and he had a Smithsonian seven-man crew recorded
no regrets. We’ve had several talks about him for nine hours, he called me in
his upcoming death and we both agreed amazement. He was simply amazed that
that death was part of life. He wasn’t people cared enough about him to do
depressed about it at all. And no matter this. For the first time, he began to realise
how bad he felt he always managed to the impact he made on so many peoples’
make me feel good. He’d always tell me lives. He was so happy. I think that’s his
that my call made him feel better.” legacy. He’s the cocreator of an industry
It’s clear that Ted was an important that made millions of people happy.”
part of Atari’s success, even if so many Our thoughts go out to Ted’s
gamers were unaware of it as the time. friends and family.

1972 Pong is released and becomes a huge 1973 After feeling increasingly
hit. As with Computer Space, Ted Dabney overshadowed by Nolan Bushnell and being
created the basic video circuitry principles left out of high-level meetings, Ted Dabney
that Allan Alcorn used to create the game. leaves Atari Inc, selling his stake in the
The game would go on to become iconic. company for $250,000.
Dispatches from the frontline of retro gaming

» [Switch] Super Mario Party

has some great-looking
games and does clever things
with multiple Switch systems.

» [Switch] Ubisoft’s Starlink has shades

of Star Fox to it and also includes Fox
McCloud on the Switch version.

» [PS4] Capcom’s Resi 2 remaster looks

RETRO REVOLUTION stunning. We can’t wait to retread the

corridors of Racoon City's police station.


here were plenty of big significantly overhauled, as you’d expect. Yu Suzuki and Shenmue III, making fans

T surprises at this year’s E3,

but one of the highlights
was arguably the reveal of
Capcom’s remake of Resident Evil 2.
First announced in 2015, Capcom not
It’s unclear how different the game
will be story-wise from the PlayStation
original, but we’ve already noticed new
enemy locations, meaning there should
still be plenty of surprises for veterans of
concerned about it launching in 2019.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Nintendo
had one of the strongest retro-themed
lineups with the vast majority of its E3
show being devoted to Super Smash
only unleashed an excellent looking the original survival horror. Bros Ultimate. Every single character
trailer for its new game, but also While Bethesda didn’t have any from the 19-year-old franchise will be
revealed it would be ready for release remakes on display, it did show off the present and correct, which makes us
in January 2019, which makes us latest instalment of Fallout, announced eager to play it, but also concerned » [PS4] Metal Wolf Chaos is a highlight of the Xbox library,
tremendously excited for next year. new Wolfenstein and Doom titles and about potential balancing issues. New and it’s great to see it reaching a wider audience.
Interestingly, while the remake uses teased the next Elder Scrolls game. characters were also announced, too,
Capcom’s RE Engine (the same engine Fallout 76, due out 14 November, is set including Princess Daisy, Inklings and appears to focus on Nero rather than
that powers Resident Evil 7) it utilises before the other games in the series Metroid’s Space Pirate boss, Ridley. series hero Dante) news on Dead Or
a third-person viewpoint like the 1998 and is online-only. While there will be a More highlights from Nintendo Alive 6 and Soulcalibur VI, Halo Infinite
original and adopts the same over-the- focus on multiplayer, you can still play included further insight into its new Fire and the revelation that a new Hyper
shoulder style that was popularised solo if you so desire. Doom Eternal takes Emblem game, which will be released Sports game would be heading to the
in Resident Evil 4. It’s otherwise been place after the events of 2016’s Doom in early 2019, a fun looking addition to Switch courtesy of Konami.
and looks to be just as manic and gory the Mario Party franchise and additional By far the best news of the event (at
as id Software’s impressive reboot, news on Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu least for Darran) is that FromSoftware’s
while Wolfenstein Newblood is a co-op & Eevee. Interestingly, there was no acclaimed mech shooter Metal Wolf
title set in the Eighties and stars BJ news on the Star Fox racing game that's Chaos is being giving a high definition
Blazkowicz’s twin daughters. rumoured to be in development and makeover by General Arcade and will be
Sega was showing off Sonic Team absolutely nothing on the upcoming published by Devolver Digital. Originally
Racing at the event, which is bound to Metroid 4 and Yoshi. released in Japan as an exclusive for
appeal to fans of the blue blur, and was Other highlights from this year’s E3 Microsoft’s Xbox it’s become a cult
also promising plenty of PC adaptations, included a supercharged version of Tetris classic in recent years and now sells for
including its Yakuza games and its HD (in VR no less) by Rez creator, Tetsuya over £100. Needless to say, Devolver’s
» [Switch] Here’s hoping the new version of Hyper Sports
updates of Shenmue and Shenmue II. Mizuguchi, Capcom’s announcement HD update of the game will be
will feature classic Konami characters in it. Interestingly, there was little news from of Devil May Cry 5 (which, like DMC4, significantly cheaper.

the cool retro stuff that we’ve had our eye on this month

Space Harrier Vinyl

Take a trip back to the Fantasy Zone with the latest vinyl from Data Discs. In
addition to including all the tracks from the classic arcade game, there’s also
a superb remix of Space Harrier’s main theme by the SST Band, as well as
brand-new insightful liner notes from Space Harrier’s musician, Hiroshi ‘Hiro’
Kawaguchi. Pressed on 180g vinyl, Space Harrier is available in a translucent
dark green or black finish. An essential purchase for all Sega fans.
Price: £19.99 From: data-discs.com

The Ultimate 90s

It’s easy to forget just how big a
deal the Nineties were from an
entertainment perspective. The
decade introduced gamers to the
SNES and PlayStation, taught us the
joys of Britpop, hip hop and grunge
and delivered some of the biggest
blockbusters of all time, including
Jurassic Park, Titanic and The Matrix.
We’ve recorded all of the above, as
well as all the best TV, toys and games
from the era in our fantastic new book.

Price: £9.99
From: bit.ly/ultimate90smag


MONTH Hyperkin Duke Controller Space Invaders Cabinet
There are some gamers that swear by
Arcade Art T-Shirt
Microsoft’s original Xbox controller. If you’re While the classic Space Invaders
one of those people, then you’ll be delighted enemy sprite is synonymous with
N30 Pro Bluetooth Gamepad to discover that Hyperkin has officially licensed videogames, we’ve also been rather
This cool pad from 8BitDo is a mashup of designs that pays tribute to the it and made it compatible with both the Xbox partial to the awesome original
NES, SNES and PlayStation. Thanks to its use of Bluetooth it’s compatible One and Windows 10 PCs. The flashy LED artwork that adorned the side of each
with a number of different devices, including PC, Mac, Steam, Android and display that shows the original Xbox’s boot-up arcade cabinet. Thanks to Numskull,
Switch, as well as Raspberry Pi, making it a versatile piece of gaming kit. screen isn’t really needed and the additional you can now proudly show off that
It comes with a Micro-USB cable and a single charge will allow you to bumper buttons feel shoehorned onto the stylistic art with this unisex T-shirt,
game for up to 18 hours. While the lack of iOS support is something of a classic design, but this is otherwise a pleasing which caters for six different sizes,
disappointment, the N30 Pro is otherwise an extremely solid controller that replication of the classic pad. Providing, of from XS to 2XL and features a
should serve you for many of your gaming needs, regardless of whether course, that your hands are big enough… distinctive distressed style.
they’re for modern games or classic ones. Price: £69.99 Price: £12.99
Price: £34.99 From: funstockretro.co.uk From: funstockretro.co.uk From: numskull.co.uk

Featuring Digitiser 2000’s Mr BiFFo
Here’s my bio… Paul Rose
Paul Rose is probably better known as Mr Biffo – the creator and chief writer of legendary teletext
games magazine Digitiser. These days, he mostly writes for kids TV, but can still be found rambling on
about games, old and new, for his daily website, Digitiser2000.com.

A new perspective
have got a confession to make: I used to enjoy that these fairly basic point-and-click adventures I’m sure some of you will think “Just get over it,

I sexist videogames. I mean, not exclusively… just

in that games were less progressive than they are
now, and if you played games during the Eighties
and Nineties, chances are you played games that
would no longer have the same attitudes, were they
were anything other than a weak, pun-laden, excuse
for titillation. In today’s world, most of the female
characters Larry meets would be accusing him of
sexual harassment.
Women were used as objects to be pursued – the
Biffo… what does it matter? You’re overthinking it.”
But here’s where I get stuck: there’s something in
me which doesn’t want to let go of my enjoyment of
the games I played. For better or worse, they – and
others which dabbled with sexist content or imagery
made today. ultimate reward for solving the adventure’s puzzles. (step forward Duke Nukem Forever, rescue-the-
We’re living in woke times, and many of us who Admittedly, going back to them now… they’re princess platformers and – through their exclusion
grew up in a less-enlightened era are catching up. more tame than I recall (certainly compared to of strong, female, characters – pretty much any
It has all happened so quickly that there’s a sort of other games from the era – such as Cobra Mission, other game, barring the overtly sexualised Tomb
wearily inevitable resistance from certain people. an RPG/adventure which used the same control Raider) – were an enjoyable part of my life. You
And for the record, I’m all for it. I feel like I’ve had system for its combat as its numerous sex scenes). know: just like Carry On films and Benny Hill were.
my eyes opened, and I want us to live in a world Larry’s series grew lewder and more overtly sexist I guess I struggle to reconcile where I’m at now
where everyone is treated equally – with the same as time wore on, but its attitude towards women with where I might’ve been in the relatively recent
level of respect. Unfortunately, that does leave me continues to bother me today. past. I’m proud that I’ve been able to flow with the
feeling a bit funny towards some of the games I Though there are whispers of a new Leisure times, and I understand that most of us mature,
grew up playing. Suit Larry game on the way, I can’t see it being in and grow, and that we all did things when we were
Take, for example, the Leisure Suit Larry franchise. step with the times we live in. Furthermore, I doubt younger that we might not be terribly proud of.
While you could argue that the butt of the joke was it will do much to dispel the tickling guilt I have that And maybe the important thing is that I’m aware
Larry himself – a desperate, under-sexed, wannabe I did indeed play – and, what’s more, enjoyed – Al of the disparity between me then and me now.
lothario – you’re going to struggle to make the case Lowe’s games. Maybe I’ll make peace with that.

In today’s world, most

of the female characters
would be accusing Larry
of sexual harassment

Do you agree with Paul’s thoughts? Contact us at:

RetroGamerUK @RetroGamer_Mag [email protected]


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Showing off cool retro-themed Stuff that’S going on

Intellivision returns
The industry veteran, Tommy Tallarico, talks to us about the return of a classic console
he Mattel Intellivision was was to keep the [Intellivision] brand

T a groundbreaking console
that often doesn’t get the
recognition it deserves.
Tommy Tallarico and the newly formed
Intellivision Entertainment want to
and name alive, and be able to present
it to a new generation.

How did you become an

Intellivision fan?
change that perception, and at the The Intellivision’s sports games were
same time bring a whole new piece of what sold it to me and my dad, as we
kit to the market. were big baseball fans. My mum used
to play skiing and bowling, and it was
How did the idea for a new a family experience, we were all on
» Tommy’s videogame music extravaganzas, Video
Intellivision console come about? the same level, with easy and simple Games Live, will be unaffected and returns to Europe,
I was a good friend of Keith Robinson, to understand games. including the UK, in the autumn.
and he approached me a couple of
years ago about doing something There are a few similar devices to the new controller. We are
together as he knew my love for the around today – what will mark the talking to some of the licence
system. Unfortunately, though, he new Intellivision out and why the [holders for games] such as
sadly passed away before we could Mattel console in particular? Tron Deadly Discs and Burger
get into serious discussions, but I We want to bring back that fun, family Time, and hopefully they’ll want
knew Steve [Ronay, chairman] and feeling to gaming, which doesn’t to be part of it. Seven of those
Emily [Reichbach Rosenthal, head of necessarily mean children’s games, original games, the best of each
licensing], and our biggest passion but something that parents will want genre, will be redone, with better
to buy for their family. And we have graphics, sound and more levels.
complete control on the system,
» Tommy Tallarico, president of Intellivision
as we want people to know it’s Will the controller and the console Entertainment.
only associated with quality. People itself be similar to their original,
under 30 may not have heard of unique designs?
the Intellivision, and it was actually
pretty cutting edge for the time.
It’ll be in the same world, but brought
into the 21st century. The controller We want
I mean, downloadable games
through cable? We want to pay
will have the disc, because, like a
mouse, it’s friendly and easy to use. to bring back
homage to that, its history, the new
games, and bring it up to date by
The console will take its cue from the
original, but we want multiple options that fun, family
upping the graphics and sound. available. One of those will be a retro
look; but if a nine-year-old kid wants
feeling to
Which games will be included?
We already own 80 of the original
something that looks completely
different, then that option will be
games, and they are up and available, too. We’re not just talking Tommy Tallarico
running on the system, remapped art, but unique designs because of the
way we’re designing the system. I’m have leaderboards – imagine putting
calling it organic hardware. your best Astrosmash score up and
seeing where you are in your country,
Will you be able to add additional or the world. As gamers, we know it’s
games to your own system? not about the specs – it’s about the
It’s going to be able to Wi-Fi connect games you can play.
to our store, where on day one we aim
to have 20-50 games for download, What’s the planned release and
with no cartridges involved. And we’ll how much will it cost?
We’re gonna take our time and get it
right. We have targets and goals, but
it’s not something you’re going to see
this Christmas, or the next. We want it
to be special, and affordable. I promise
you right now, this system will be way
less than 200 bucks.

To keep up to speed on
developments of the new
Intellivision, head over to its
» [Intellivision] The graphically-impressive Starstrike – one of the games due an upgrade? We hope so. » [Intellivision] Utopia – one of the earliest god games,
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» (Above) Tommy hopes the rivalry between the Intellivision and Atari 2600 can rise again and one that played out in real-time, too. intellivisionentertainment.com.








JULY 2001 – E3 gives us
our first glimpse of the
console battle proper,
and publishers suddenly
remember that they could
be selling games in the
here and now. Nick Thorpe
chronicles a busy
summer month…


The UK’s third ethnic riot of
the year began in Bradford
on 7 July, following previous
events in Oldham and Burnley. [Dreamcast] If this were Shadow
Tension between British Asian instead of Sonic, we wouldn’t
actually mind the truck winning.
and white British residents had
run high in recent times, and the
National Front attempted to hold
a demonstration in the city. This
was banned, but a subsequent
Anti-Nazi League rally was
allowed to take place, leading to
a confrontation between the two
groups that sparked the riot.
Croatian tennis player Goran o, who ‘won’ E3 this year? party game on show was Jak & Daxter, major Mario game that most attendees
Ivanišević defeated Patrick Rafter That depends entirely upon the new platformer project from Crash expected to see didn’t materialise.
to claim the Wimbledon men’s who you ask. Sony’s show Bandicoot developers Naughty Dog. Console market newcomer Microsoft
singles championship, becoming was short on originality but Capcom’s Devil May Cry, demonstrated did struggle somewhat – not only had it
the first wildcard entrant to win featured plenty of heavy hitters. Metal entertainingly by Shinji Mikami during revealed most of its software already, its
the tournament. The three-time Gear Solid 2 predictably took top billing, Sony’s keynote presentation, was the keynote presentation was fraught with
runner-up was ranked 125th in the but it had plenty of backing. First and best of the new third-party games. technical glitches. However, Halo had
world prior to the tournament, but foremost, Square’s RPG epic Final Nintendo showed off some lost none of its potency as a potential
defeated players including Carlos Fantasy X was playable at the show. interesting original GameCube games. killer app for the Xbox, and Dead Or
Moyá, Andy Roddick and Tim Additionally, Silent Hill 2, Twisted Metal Luigi’s Mansion was funny and Alive 3 remained the most graphically
Henman to reach the finals. Black, Virtua Fighter 4, Time Crisis II, graphically superb, and while Pikmin’s impressive game on the horizon. Better
On July 19, author and politician Grand Theft Auto III and WipEout Fusion real-time strategy design might not yet, Microsoft was able to confirm
Jeffrey Archer was found guilty were all coming exclusively to the have played well to a conference crowd, more crucial support from Japanese
of perjury and perverting the PlayStation 2. The biggest new first- any new game with the involvement third-parties – Capcom announced that
course of justice, and sentenced of Shigeru Miyamoto was worthy of Dino Crisis 3 was heading to Microsoft’s
to four years in prison. The attention. Other key games included the console exclusively, and Sega confirmed
charges related to a 1987 libel stunning Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: the exclusive releases of Crazy Taxi Next
case brought against the Daily Star, Rogue Leader, Super Smash Bros and The House Of The Dead III, though
which had alleged that Archer had Melee, Wave Race: Blue Storm, Star none of these announcements were
paid Monica Coghlan for sex. Two Fox Adventures, Eternal Darkness and backed by gameplay footage.
witnesses stated that Archer had Kameo: Elements Of Power. However, The three-way console scrap wasn’t
falsified an alibi during that trial. some hotly anticipated games were the only thing going on in gaming. Edge
This marked the end of Archer’s barely there – the old Zelda tech demo was keen to highlight the PC picks
political career – though he’s still was paraded around once again, Mario of E3, the most exciting being Max
a member of the House of Lords, Kart was announced with little fanfare Payne. The film noir-inspired shooter
he has voted only once since and Metroid Prime was present without borrowed “Bullet Time” slowdown
[PC] Knowing Operation Flashpoint, every player will
leaving prison. approach this checkpoint differently. proper gameplay. What’s more, the from The Matrix and was considered



N64 Edge Play
“It makes me go psycho when Edge belatedly notes that Game “Come on Konami, accelerated time
people think the cartoon came Network was launched in May, is akin to premature ejaculation,”
before the game. Like gangsta rap becoming the UK’s first dedicated says reader Rod Dillinger. What’s the
– it wasn’t invented by NWA but 24-hour videogame TV channel. beef? The inability to play 90-minute
Ice T,” rants reader Dan Filth. The The station would run for just under matches in the International
context of the rest of the letter is five years, during which gaming Superstar Soccer games, apparently.
sadly lost to time, but we can only content slowly diminished in favour That this is letter of the month should
assume it was about Pokémon. of psychic hotlines and adult chat tell you all you need to know about
There’s a lot of audience crossover shows, until it was rebranded as this month’s mailbag…
with Ice T, we hear. Babestation in 2006.

JULY 2001
1 Microsoft Train
Simulator (Microsoft)
2 Operation Flashpoint
[PS2] Like the Resident Evil games, Onimusha uses
prerendered backgrounds, and is ace. (Codemasters)
3 Baldur’s Gate II: Throne Of
“easily one of the most stylish titles to Bhaal (Interplay)
have appeared in recent times.” The 4 Diablo II: Lords Of Destruction
hugely ambitious political strategy game (Sierra)
Republic was also on show, promising
5 Half-Life: Generation (Sierra)
revolutionary gameplay in more than
one sense. Finally, Sega’s arcade-style PLAYSTATION 2
flight combat game Propeller Arena [N64] Excitebike 64 is brilliant, although the 14 month wait for a PAL version definitely wasn’t.
1 Gran Turismo 3 (Sony)
was singled out as a late Dreamcast
game worth looking at, thanks to its PC players were blessed with the 2 Onimusha: Warlords
promise of online multiplayer with voice tactical shooter Operation Flashpoint, (Capcom)
chat. “Outrageous manoeuvres can which allowed players to join a 3 Red Faction (Eidos)
be pulled off with ease, and the entire hypothetical conflict on the side of
4 The Bouncer (Sony)
experience is wrapped up with the America, the Soviet Union or an
kind of accessibility for which AM2 is unaffiliated resistance faction. The 5 Formula One 2001 (Sony)
renowned,” wrote Edge. game drew praise for allowing players
Surprisingly, there was a fair amount enormous freedom of action – Edge’s
to be excited about without looking 9/10 review said “It’s about choice, 1 Super Mario Advance
too far into the future, too. Sonic every bit as much as the brilliant (Nintendo)
Adventure 2 marked both the blue Deus Ex, and it deserves to be as 2 Tony Hawk’s Pro
[PS2] Play worried that the “gritty realism of gangland
blur’s final outing on a Sega console highly regarded.” Business simulation warfare” in GTAIII might not appeal to everyone. Hmm… Skater 2 (Activision)
and his tenth birthday. Players were Startopia also arrived, from the ex- 3 Rayman Advance (Ubisoft)
offered the opportunity to control the Bullfrog developers at Mucky Foot. This noting that it “pumps the classic
villainous Shadow, Rouge and Eggman Douglas Adams-inspired game got 8/10 formula full of some seriously stylish 4 F-Zero: Maximum Velocity
as well as Sonic, Tails and Knuckles, from Edge, which felt that the game’s action,” awarding it 91%. Edge didn’t (Nintendo)
with levels encompassing high-speed humour was “delicate and affecting” much like first-person shooter Red 5 GT Advance: Championship
platforming, shooting and treasure and that it “doesn’t break boundaries, Faction, giving it 5/10, but Play loved it – Racing (THQ)
hunting. Dreamcast Magazine gave but it does defy expectations of a genre though its 94% review recommended
the game 93%, with reviewer Martin that’s conceptually progressed so little the game to “sickos” and referenced MUSIC
Mathers calling it “a huge step up since Sim City.” the Columbine massacre. 1 Eternity/The Road To
from the original” with “much more PS2 owners also had some good Rounding things off for the month, Manadalay (Robbie
in common with the old-school Mega fortune. While Square’s heavily hyped Excitebike 64 (90%, N64) kept game- Williams)
Drive Sonic titles.” Crazy Taxi 2 also beat-’em-up The Bouncer (58%, Play) famished N64 fans going for a little 2 Purple Pills (D12)
arrived, featuring jumping cabs and a failed to deliver the goods, Capcom’s longer, Breath Of Fire IV (85%, Play)
3 Elevation (U2)
New York-inspired city to explore. “The action adventure Onimusha: Warlords gave PlayStation RPG fans something
formula remains sharp enough to came out of nowhere. Play’s reviewer to do after Final Fantasy IX, and Rayman 4 Perfect Gentleman
support minimal alteration,” opined Mike Richardson addressed concerns Advance (4/5, N64) revived a (Wyclef Jean)
Edge in an 8/10 review. about yet another survival horror, six-year-old hit on GBA. 5 Castles In The Sky (Ian Van Dahl)


It’s hard to shake your first love, and the

Atari 2600 is that console for me. I’ll happily
play the likes of Combat, Warlords, Pitfall! and
River Raid to pass the time – but unfortunately,
the same can’t be said for Street Racer. Despite
the fact that the basic nature of Atari 2600 games is a large part
of their unique charm, Street Racer manages to be a little bit too
basic for my taste.
At first glance, Overdrive is a million miles ahead of Street
Racer – the colourful display and the 3D perspective both remind
me of Pole Position. However, you’ll notice that the road here is
straight. That’s because the road in Overdrive is always straight.
Essentially, this means that your only goal is to avoid the racers
you’re accelerating past, making it very similar to Street Racer.
The main difference is that you can advance to a new level if
you overtake enough cars within the time limit, giving you a new
background to admire and harder cars to pass.
The combination of slightly prettier visuals and a minor reward
for doing well is all it took for me to become invested in doing
well at Overdrive. If I need to overtake efficiently to see that next
backdrop, I’ll practice until I get it just right, but I still won’t touch
the fundamentally similar Atari game. The dividing line between
‘dull and basic’ and ‘simple but compelling’ is an extraordinarily
thin one at times – and I find that fascinating.

Words by David Crookes

here are some videogames out there that The breakthrough was a PC version in 1985, created
are incredibly difficult to tear yourself by Alexey with the help of colleague Dmitry Pavlovsky
away from. We’re also aware that games can and a young programmer called Vadim Gerasimov.
distract you from life’s more tedious tasks. What The whole shebang had been inspired by the board
to make of Tetris, then? A puzzler that gets so inside game, Pentominoes, which involved putting 12 types of
your brain, it can lead to the medically recognised ‘Tetris five-square pentomino pieces on to an 8x8 grid, rotating
Effect’ – where you play so much of the game you and reflecting them to fit without overlapping. Alexey
actually start hallucinating tetrominoes in your day-to-day realised that 12 pieces was too much – “People would
life. Yet it’s a runaway bestseller that’s essentially about not be able to remember so many,” he says – so he
ALEXEY PAJITNOV tidying up the playfield over and over again. Cleaning, ditched pentominoes for tetrominoes (geometric
Creator of Tetris we imagine, has never been so successful. shapes composed of four squares connected
It was a strong pairing of developers which saw
this iconic puzzler reach dizzying, multimillion-selling
heights, and it ended up in the slippy mitts of so
many people and companies that the entire western
licensing deal could easily become the basis of a
gripping holiday page-turner. Never mind that it’s
already been the subject of a BBC documentary,
Tetris: From Russia With Love, Tetris’ origin story is
richer than a Russian oligarch.
To go into the ins and outs of what happened
HENK ROGERS between 1984 and 1989 would likely take over the
Managing director,
The Tetris Company entirety of this issue. Suffice to say 29-year-old
Russian computer engineer Alexey Pajitnov toiled
on his humble Elektronica 60 computer at the
Soviet Academy Of Sciences in Moscow
and created a prototype of an intriguing
puzzle game that would eventually be
fought over by companies such as
Nintendo, Mirrorsoft, Spectrum
Holobyte, Andromeda and
Bullet-Proof Software.

MAYA ROGERS » Tetris’ popularity skyrocketed

President and CEO, with the Game Boy version. It
Blue Planet Software would go on to become the
handheld’s bestselling title.
The puzzle masterpiece is so popular it’s
broken into other forms of media…

■ The single, Tetris, shot to number
two in the UK charts in 1992. Based
on the 19th century Russian folk song
Korobeiniki, it was created by Dr Spin –
the pseudonym used by Andrew Lloyd
Webber – and record producer Nigel
Wright. Another song called Tetris by Madilyn Bailey was
released this year and uses the blocks as a love metaphor.

■ In episode nine, season 14 of
The Simpsons in 2003, Homer
is trying to pack the car only for
Bart to question whether he’d
be able to get all of the junk
in the trunk. “Don’t worry,” he
reassures as an infamous tune plays in the background. » A photo of the original Tetris – the game has come a long way from
“This is what all those hours of playing Tetris were for.” the simplistic visuals of an Elektronica 60 computer.

But that’s not to say it doesn’t work on other formats.

TRESTLING Tetris has the world record for being the most ported
■ Featured in the hit comedy
videogame, covering more than 70 platforms. It’s
The Big Bang Theory, Trestling
available in 185 countries and in 50 languages. It’s even
was introduced as combining
been known to help the sick – and we’re not kidding:
“the physical strength of arm
a university study in 2017 claimed it can prevent post-
wrestling with the mental agility
traumatic stress disorder by lessening intrusive thoughts,
of Tetris”. Played by characters
while playing for three minutes a day is said to decrease
Sheldon and Raj way back in the first season (episode The
» [C64] Tetris on Commodore 64 was part of the first wave of craving for addictive substances by a fifth.
Peanut Reaction), the idea was to play Tetris while arm conversions by Mirrorsoft. Much of that is down to Henk. He struck up an
wrestling with the first to win in either emerging victorious.
instant rapport with Alexey during his negotiations and
orthogonally), cutting the number of shapes the pair became close. “He was the only one who
PUBLIC ART down to seven. knew anything about games,” Henk says. “Everyone
Image © Drexel University

■ By projecting a game of Tetris From there, the game found its way out of else were bureaucrats or KGB.” Henk also influenced
on the side of Philadelphia’s Cira the USSR. It was ported to the Apple II and the direction of the game. “Alexey’s original was all
Centre in 2014, Dr Frank Lee’s Commodore 64 by Hungarian coders then, in about survival so I put in the additional play concept of
art installation not only created 1987, it was converted to many machines for having points for clearing lines and bonuses for getting
a stunning 29-storey canvas on the North American and European markets. rid of three at a time, which changed the way people
which to play, but earned a world The following year, Bullet-Proof Software’s boss played,” he continues. “I also broke Tetris up into levels.”
record for the largest architectural videogame display. Henk Rogers spotted the game at the Consumer

Meanwhile LummoBlocks in Madrid’s Plaza de las Letra Electronics Show in Las Vegas and became rom then, Tetris snowballed, evolving,
used a giant screen and allowed pedestrians to play by determined to secure the rights. He released changing and mashing up with other games
simply walking. versions for the NES and PC in Japan and, following and concepts. Today, The Tetris Company
trips to Moscow, moments of panic and companies officially recognises in excess of 220 versions
creating versions they weren’t actually allowed to, of the game and the first of these came straight away,
MERCHANDISE he ended up walking away with, among others, the when in 1989 Alexey, with the help of Andrei Sgenov,
■ From T-shirts and tote bags licence to produce ports for handhelds. By putting designed Welltris.
to pillows and lights, the huge this into the palms of Nintendo, Tetris was created for Instead of falling down the screen, Welltris had
variety of Tetris merchandise can the Game Boy in 1989. Bundled with the console, it blocks falling into a pit. Players would then move the
be seen on the streets, in the became the best-selling puzzle game of all time, with pieces from wall-to-wall before considering how they’d
home and at work. “Merchandise 30.26 million copies sold. slot into place at the bottom to complete vertical or
is a big part of the business,” says Tetris suited handheld gaming extremely well. “The horizontal lines. Originally released for DOS and the
Maya Rogers. “One of the things we Game Boy had a small monochrome screen but Tetris Mac and ported to 8-bit and 16-bit home computers, it
found is that any merchandise where people was perfect for it because the blocks were easy to see was inspired by another puzzler, Blockout, developed in
could see the game and imagine playing it always and manipulate,” Henk says. As a true pick-up-and-play Poland by California Dreams.
works very well.” title, it could occupy short bursts of time while being “I didn’t like Blockout,” Alexey explains. “It used 3D
easy to learn. Players simply needed to move the pieces wireframed blocks that only showed the edges and
left and right, rotate them and slot them into place I thought a lot about how it would be possible to do
within other blocks at the bottom of the playing field. it myself. I decided to essentially make Welltris a 2D
Getting four lines achieved a tetris, removing them from game with a real strong sense of 3D by having flat
play. But just getting one line resulted in it being cleared pieces fall down the surface of the walls. The effect of
it. It’s then a matter of keeping it up so the blocks don’t jumping the piece from wall-to-wall, especially on the
reach the top. bottom, uses really complicated 3D effects but it still
“To me, the Game Boy was made for Tetris and has the addictiveness of Tetris because you work with
Tetris was made for Game Boy,” Henk continues. 2D pieces.”


Alexey Pajitnov tells us why he thinks Tetris is beautifully addictive and works so well ■ “The game has a natural,
great reward/punishment
system. All achievements are
rewarded with a score and
a simplification of the game
environment while mistakes
put more environmental
pressure on the player.”
■ “It has relatively rare and
very exciting moments such
as clearing four lines with
one tetromino (a tetris) or
T-spins, when a T tetromino
is twisted into a tight space.”

■ “Tetris has a good
learning curve – there is
a long period when the
SIMPLE player feels his or her
CONTROLS skills and abilities are
■ “The actions required pleasantly improving.”
for successfully playing
Tetris are both reasonable
and pleasant for the
player.” Basically, you’re
moving left to right and
rotating the pieces to fit.


■ “The game is pleasantly paced
and it is also fun to play, to
watch and to compete.”
■ “Tetris combines puzzle-solving and real-
time actions,” Alexey says, pointing to the way
gamers have to think on their feet as they slot
blocks into full lines to clear them.

Official versions of Tetris that will steal away your time


■ Nintendo’s Game ■ Set against a ■ This Tengen
Boy version is the black and white version is often
most iconic of backdrop, the considered to be
them all, delivering coloured basic- the best thanks to
a pure green looking blocks its presentation
screen game of of this version of (coloured blocks
Tetris that showed Tetris really stood become the

the next available piece, kept score and levelled up out. It was certainly a graphically unique, almost same colour as they land) and options including

when you got ten lines. haunting version of the game. cooperative, versus and against-AI modes.


■ Three versions ■ Depending on ■ The Tengen NES
existed on the which version you version’s style had
NES and this went for – 48K or been influenced
was Nintendo’s. 128K – you’d have by this rendition
Although it only different title music of Tetris: Atari
allowed for single and either sound Games’ arcade
players, it had effects or a tune port of the game.
bigger and more vivid blocks than Tengen’s version playing as you got to grips with this surprisingly Of course, the arcade version looked and sounded
and it was faithful to Alexy’s original game. smooth-running rendition. more impressive.


■ This version ■ Played to the ■ Sega’s arcade
was the one that backdrop of a Tetris was
originally got PC god-awful tune, a hit across
gamers hooked to Tetris on the CPC Japan where
their keyboards. also had eye- players loved
Not only was this searing graphics, the challenging

rendition fast and a mind-boggling marathon mode.

smooth, it let you push up to change the striped background and frustrating controls. Not Pieces can rotate anticlockwise and there was time

background on the fly. one of the finest ports if we’re honest. to rotate a piece on the ground before locking it in.


■ After choosing ■ A glorious, ■ Nintendo
your level and basic-looking Tetris became
height, you could port that features synonymous with
get down to ten levels of skill Tetris because

business. The and literally throws Sega’s efforts were

pieces fell slowly, you straight into trashed. But it’s
almost jerkily, to the action. Its worth seeking out:
the sound of Russian folk music but the changing major disappointment are the simple beeps – no there are two rotate buttons and doubles mode
backgrounds added variety. mood-setting music here. where players share the same pieces well.


■ Spectrum ■ Quite why ■ As a less-well-
Holobyte produced Mirrorsoft decided known version of
its own fantastic to include a Tetris on the NES,

version of Tetris fuzzy yellow Bullet-Proof’s

for the Atari ST. It background in effort was
had some stunning this version of the nevertheless the
backdrops game is anyone’s first. Clear 25 lines
depicting Russian cultural iconography as well as guess (it can be turned off). You’d have to perform to advance and try not to use up your
some classic Eastern European tunes. exceedingly well to get on the high score table, too. three lives too quickly.


■ The keyboard’s ■ Near-identical ■ With beautiful
control layout to Mirrosoft’s presentation and
could have been Atari ST version, the existence of
better, but this the music could three lives as with
game avoided the become annoying the NES version,
horrid garishness after a while but its Tetris on the MSX
of the Mirrorsoft perspective effect was detailed yet
version and so it felt much more like pure version of on the blocks was nice and it was ranked one of the slow. Pressing up to rotate the
the much-loved puzzler as a result. 100 best games by Amiga Power. pieces was confusing, though.

» [SNES] Tetris
Battle Gaiden was a
Japan-only release
by Bullet-Proof
Henk Rogers Software where
players shared one
Welltris was followed by Hatris, a more peculiar queue of pieces.

take on Tetris because, as the name suggests, it » [Game Boy]

involved headwear. Players stacked five identically-styled Alexey Pajitnov
experimented with
hats and it remains one of Alexey’s favourites. “We Tetris and ended up
originally considered doing something with utensils and with Hatris that had
other kitchen objects but thought hats would be more two hats fall from
the sky in order to be
fun. It was very funny and we couldn’t stop playing it. matched.
We hoped it would be really popular.”
Henk did, too, and he released it for the NES, Game
Boy and TurboGrafx-16, while an arcade version was
created by Video System. “But the sales didn’t match
our expectations,” Alexey laments. “I still can’t explain gamers to match blocks of the same colour. As the box
what was wrong with it and why it was not as addictive suggested, it was a “tougher Tetris challenge”.
as we wanted it to be. We thought it had some smart “I liked these but I really enjoyed Tetris Battle Gaiden
moves so it was a big disappointment.” – that was probably one of the best games,” says
Such bafflement was less apparent for Faces Tris III. Alexey of those early iterations. Tetris Battle Gaiden was
Although this game won Best Action/Arcade Program published on the SNES by Bullet-Proof in 1993. “It was
in the Software Publishing Association’s Excellence really innovative with some good ideas – they put extra
in Software Award, Alexey, who worked on it with levels on top of the regular Tetris game and when you
Vladimir Pokhilko, admits: “Personally, I didn’t like it strategically collected specials, you could use it as a
very much. We forced it on Spectrum Holobyte and defence or an attack weapon,” Alexey continues. “But
it was interesting because the pieces would form a unfortunately it was a rushed production and they didn’t
human face. But somehow the effect of your mistakes polish it enough. That kind of game needs three or four
was an ugly image on screen.” As it turned out, Faces years just to balance it accurately and make it fun. The
Tris III was the last Tetris-style game that Alexey directly balancing of a game is part of the testing process and
created. But still the franchise continued. it’s usually done on a very tight schedule.”
Strong efforts were made to keep Tetris fresh.
Super Tetris in 1991 had bolts of lighting, competitive ven so, Tetris Battle Gaiden forced players a minimum specification for Tetris titles, third-party
and two-player co-op and, crucially, bombs that would
remove as few as two or as many as 16 blocks. Tetris 2
+ Bombliss, by Bullet-Proof Software, meanwhile,
allowed for traditional games of Tetris but included a
set of games that connected bombs to the pieces and
E to rethink their strategies. Gamers strived
to defeat their opponent by making use of the
four special powers handed to each playable
character and it ensured success could only come
with a sharp eye, good timing and dollops of strategy.
developers could be sure their game would be granted
a licence. They’d specify what buttons should do what,
for example, so players could easily move from platform
to platform with comfort. They’d also discuss super
rotation of the pieces to dictate how the blocks spawn
allowed for greater explosions if there were many lines. It appeared to go down better than Dr Mario (despite and ought to behave.
Nintendo’s Tetris 2 changed the pace and inserted it being one of the better games inspired by Tetris). “I Henk and Alexey vowed to keep raising the bar.
extra, irregular tetromino shapes, some of which did not was pissed off about that game,” admits Henk. “Dr Perhaps more importantly, Alexey began to be
adjoin. It also popped in some bombs for good measure, Mario was a blatant attempt to come up with a Tetris rewarded. Up until that point he had not received
adding two-player simultaneous play and encouraging replacement and I thought they did it in a cheesy way.” a single ruble for his efforts on Tetris due to the
Originally a NES and Game Boy title, Dr Mario was complications of Soviet-era contracts. Instead he had
enhanced and paired with Tetris on the SNES for the granted his rights to the government for ten years so 40
release of Tetris & Dr Mario in 1994. It didn’t affect the million sales counted for nothing in his pocket. With the
franchise, however. Henk cemented his relationship rights reverting to him, he could finally collect royalties.
with Nintendo (“Which was good before Tetris,” he “That was good,” he says modestly.
says, having published Black Onyx, the first RPG made Indeed it was because Tetris was on a roll. There had
in Japan on the NES in 1988). This led to Bullet-Proof been a couple of Virtual Boy releases – Bullet-Proof’s
Software releasing Super Tetris 3 for the SNES at the V-Tetris in Japan and Nintendo’s US-only 3D Tetris, the
end of 1994. former adding a cylindrical puzzle mode to the traditional
A year later, Henk set up a new company, Blue Planet game and the latter rendering the blocks as 3D
Software, based in Hawaii, and it became the exclusive wireframe models. Meanwhile, Tetris Blast was released
agent for the Tetris brand. In 1996, The Tetris Company in 1996 for the Game Boy as a version of Bombliss that
was formed and a set of guidelines were created to pin needed bomb pieces to clear lines, throwing in some
» [DOS] With Tetris doing very well, Alexey Pajitnov was hoping for down quality standards and consistency in the games dominoes and triminoes for good measure. This version
equal success with Welltris. that were created from that point on. By outlining had a cool tournament mode that placed blocks

The tetromino sequels that are worth your time

THE GRAND MASTER ‣ ■ As well as offering the standard game (albeit
■ This arcade game was a chance for advanced with 8-bit homages to other Nintendo titles
players to prove how good their skills were. on the top screen and endless rotating at the
Rather than level up by clearing lines, players bottom), Tetris on the DS handheld console
would see the level counter increase for each arguably picked up where the Game Boy Tetris
piece dropped and for every line cleared. The left off. Its touch mode made good use of the
speed would rise and eventually pieces would stylus as you shifted blocks at the bottom to
instantly drop (at a speed known as 20G). allow the creation of rows.


■ The tile-matching game Puyo Puyo has long ■ Released for Nintendo’s Game Boy and SNES,
been popular in Japan, with blobs falling down this spinoff title includes the Tetris name and it
the screen and players looking to match them by sure has blocks in it. But they don’t fall, nor are
colour in groups of four to create huge combos. they made up of four squares, and so the overall
It’s very strategic and tactical and, in a mash-up package is, in truth, simply a match-three puzzle
with Tetris (particularly in the Fusion mode), game that uses Tetris brand name to draw in
has formed a superb follow-up that heavily fans. Still, it’s great fun, with a single-player and
emphasises competitive play. multiplayer modes.


■ From the tiny screen of the Game Boy to the CHALLENGE ‣
colossal arcade machine that is Tetris Giant ■ Produced by Capcom, this version features
the puzzle franchise has come a long way. But Disney characters but, more importantly, some
although the fast onscreen action is highly nice innovations. The Temporary Landing System
attractive in this version (the grid on offer here is lets you see where a piece is heading, while the
a chunky 6x7 rather than the usual 10x20), it’s the ‘magical’ mode lets you send hard-to-fit pieces
humongous controllers, one red and one green, of more than four blocks to opponents when you
that truly catch the eye. clear two or more lines. It also has great music.


■ Created by Blue Planet Software for the SNES, ■ Henk Rogers tells us that he wanted
Super Tetris 3 was played to the traditional to get the gaming time of Tetris down
background tune of Korobeiniki and it not only to two minutes in this iOS and Android
allowed up to four players in a Familiss mode, it title as it meant it could be playable
inserted a Bombliss-style game with Sparkliss between train stops. Blitz also got
and, crucially, amazed gamers with Magicaliss: you spending thanks to its freemium
create a line of a single colour and every other model but it made use of a great
block with that shade would vanish. one-touch control system.


■ Offering lots of variations on Tetris, this Wii ■ Released in 2014, this game marked the 30th
and DS title included a number of fun modes anniversary of Tetris and it was developed for
such as Field Climber which had players trying to the Nintendo 3DS before being made available
get a tiny character to the top of the screen and on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation Vita
Bombliss which hadn’t been seen since 1993. The and Windows. It got top marks for its smooth
Sprint mode had you frantically trying to clear online multiplayer, with up to seven players able
40 lines in the fastest time possible. There was to do battle. There were also time and marathon
co-op versus co-op, too. modes to tackle.

heartrate and altered the speed of the game depending

“IT WAS HUGELY on whether you were close to cardiac arrest or chilling.
The concept was certainly more out there than, say
Tetris 4D on the Dreamcast or Kids Tetris by Hasbro.
INTELLECTUAL AND I Tetris DX, a version of the game for the Game Boy Color
from 1998, was a little gem, however.

STILL ENJOY IT FROM “For Tetris DX, Nintendo came to us with the Game
Boy Color and asked if we could keep the same game,”
says Henk. “But we designed the ultra mode which
TIME TO TIME” built on the marathon mode by having a three minute
time-limit. We called it ultra because there was a
Alexey Pajitnov character in Japan called Ultraman who, when the world
was going to hell, would have three minutes to defeat
on the field of play prior to the start of the game as the monsters. It kind of became a new standard.”
well as a lovely battle mode which entailed destroying By now, of course, gaming had (one could argue,
a creature – most satisfyingly by dropping blocks on perhaps controversially) come on in leaps and bounds,
its head. Meanwhile, a new puzzle mode was added so tiles falling and fixing into place could easily be seen
for Tetris Plus where you needed to get a climbing as old hat(tris). Tetrisphere was proof that the concept
professor to the bottom of the screen by clearing blocks could be modernised and tweaked, while still being
from under him, trying hard not to crush his head on the faithful to the original, but there were other approaches
spikes above. to Tetris as it continued to prove a mainstay of gaming.
None of those were anywhere near as odd and Just before the turn of the 21st century, for instance,
innovative as Tetrisphere. “That was a very strange the arcade was blessed with Tetris: The Grand Master,
project which I did with Ken Lobb, my friend at the a chance for players to prove how accomplished they
time,” says Alexey. “We’d worked at Microsoft together were by upping the ante. There was also The New Tetris
and he was really fascinated by the idea of Tetris of the for the Nintendo 64 that included real-time renders of
sphere. But it was too complicated, even though it was famous buildings and a new gaming mechanic where
interesting to work on.” you could make a four-by-four block that, when cleared,
would generate many point-scoring lines. Players could

eveloped by H20 Entertainment and also hold a piece that could be swapped with one
published for the N64 by Nintendo of
America, Tetrisphere was revolutionary and
that was falling and see the next three blocks for
polished to near-perfection but it required
a lot of learning. Perhaps for the first time, a game
of Tetris was pushing the graphical boundaries of a
» [Game Boy
Color] Tetris
came to the
GBC in the
machine. Wholly original, it revolved around a rotating guise of Tetris
A version of Tetris has collectors’
ball that you pulled blocks off in layers to reveal enough DX which wallets cowering in fear
included a
of the core. “It was hugely intellectual and I still enjoy it three-minute In July 2011, an eBay seller created a listing
from time to time,” Alexey says. Ultra mode.
for the Japanese Mega Drive version of
Other N64 titles followed. Tetris 64 was released in Tetris. The Buy It Now price? A cool
Japan and it was notable not just for allowing up to four $1 million, but then this game – signed by
players but for being the only game that ever made use Alexey Pajitnov, no less – is the most rare
of SETA’s Biosensor, a device that connected to the of all of the Tetris ports. With an estimated
controller’s extension port and came with an ear clip. As ten copies thought to exist in the entire
daft as it would make you look, it measured the player’s world today, it’s little wonder it is so highly
sought ater.
The reason there are so few units around
is down to the licensing iasco surrounding
Tetris in its early years. Bullet-Proof
Sotware had the rights to console versions
of the game in Japan and so Sega’s
game – produced at the same time as the
System-16 arcade version – was blocked
from being sold.
The idea is that Sega then destroyed
its production run but some copies leaked
out. Whether or not that makes it worth
such a high sum is open to debate, though.
The seller – shinsnk – is thought to have
originally bought the game for $16,000 four
years previously and, in truth, that sounds
about the right price.

» [N64] Tetrisphere was a gorgeous-looking game putting a very different spin on the Tetris franchise.
» [N64] Magical Tetris Challenge combined Tetris with, well… magic, alongside a cast of Disney characters.

The iconic puzzler heads into the
world of virtual reality
According to a Harvard University study in
2000, 60 per cent of people who play Tetris
for more than seven hours over three days
end up seeing blocks falling ater they stop
playing. They also look at buildings and “SMARTPHONES INHERENTLY CHANGED
seek to move the blocks in their mind to
complete lines, and even take to dreaming
about those damned tetrominoes.
Maya Rogers
So what have the brains behind Tetris
done? Well, licensed a trippy game called
Tetris Effect, which is named ater the was the release of Tetris DS which followed a few
phenomenon. What’s more, the reigns have Grand Master sequels and Tetris Elements (a game that
been handed to Enhance president and CEO let you import MP3 tunes and incorporated the natural
Tetsuya Miziguchi, who created Lumines world into Tetris). “With Tetris DS, we were able to put
and Rez Infinite. It will be released for the the game on another Nintendo handheld and they did a
PS4 with PS VR support and it promises to great job of implementing it,” says Henk.
iniltrate your mind like never before. The DS version made use of the handheld’s two
“The idea behind Tetris Effect the game screens and it was a delight for 8-bit gamers thanks
is to amplify and enhance that same to its themes based on Donkey Kong, Metroid, Super
magical feeling where you just can’t get it Mario Bros and the Legend Of Zelda among others.
out of your head, and not just the falling Tower mode had you using the touch features to free
shapes, but all the visuals, the sounds, the balloons by clearing a mass of pieces from the screen.
music – everything,” Miziguchi wrote on the The game also ended up in the Guinness World
PlayStation Blog. Records, this time as the first wireless Tetris game. It
He says this will be done by using allowed ten players to compete locally or four via Wi-Fi.
background elements, audio, special » [Arcade] Tetris: The Absolute The Grand Master 2 Plus – it’s name is

efects and, last but not least, pulsating, nonsensical and its difficulty takes no prisoners. etris was on a high and, in recognition
dancing, shimmering, exploding, musical for his incredible contribution to gaming,
pieces. There will also be more than 30 better planning. Then there was The Next Tetris Alexey was handed the First Penguin
stages complete with music, characters that had you clearing pre-placed blocks, introducing award (now the Pioneer Award) at the
and animation to provoke emotional multicoloured pieces which really had you scratching Game Developers Conference in 2006. Tetris also
responses and convey moods. your head. And, of course, Magical Tetris Challenge, moved effortlessly from one generation to the next:
developed by Capcom and starring Mickey Mouse, come 2007 and Tetris Splash (complete with a watery
Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy, it let you play theme and six-person online play) was launched on
seven variants of the game, with the upside-down Xbox 360’s Xbox Live Arcade, becoming the first game
mode being particularly good fun since every line you published under The Tetris Company’s new subsidiary,
cleared was added to your opponent’s pile. Tetris Worlds Tetris Online.
introduced the infinite spin where tiles could be rotated By now, Henk’ daughter, Maya, had joined
after touchdown. Blue Planet Software and she headed up game
In 2002, Henk launched Blue Lava Wireless to development, global licensing, marketing, brand
develop mobile phone versions of Tetris which he sold management and IP enforcement. She helped pushed
to Jamdat three years later, granting it an exclusive Tetris into different directions. Tetris Party was released
15-year licence to publish Tetris on mobile phones. as WiiWare, for example, making the game playable via
That power switched to Electronic Arts in 2006, the a Balance Board. EA pumped out Tetris for the iPhone
year Tetris for the iPod was launched, bringing it to yet and iPod Touch, while an online multiplayer Tetris went
another platform and a new market. Of greater note to the top in South Korea.


Puyo Puyo Tetris was originally rolled out in Japan

for the 3DS, Wii U, PS Vita and PS3 before getting an
outing on the Xbox One, PS4 and Switch. It made its
way to North America and Europe last year and it’s
sensational, combining the styles of Japanese favourite
Puyo Puyo, a tile-matching game, with Tetris in the
Fusion mode. It’s fast-paced and competitive with
blocks and puyos alternating on the game board and
dollops of strategy involved. Can it be bettered by the
forthcoming Tetris Effect which takes the into modern
VR? We’ll have to wait until later this year for an answer.
In the meantime, there’s still a concern about clones.
“Tetris is one of the most copied games in the world
and we spend time cleaning up the landscape,” Maya
» [Wii] Tetris Party brought the puzzling madness to the Wii, and added a says. Asked whether those clones have ever led to
mode which let you control the action with the Balance Board add-on.
fresh ideas, she adds: “It does happen and they end
up becoming a licensee but I would say most of the
In 2010, Tetris debuted on the iPad and surpassed time we’ve already thought of it.”
100 million paid mobile downloads making it the best- Still, at least it shows there’s interest. To date,
selling mobile game for its time. “If you compare the there have been around 500 million mobile
original Tetris to what it is today, it’s very different,” downloads (“As far as the bank goes, that’s
Maya says. “Smartphones inherently changed how my favourite,” laughs Henk). People are also
Tetris is played. There are now controls and it’s all swipe getting better at the game: American Kevin
touch. We work hard on prototyping and development Birrell became the first player outside of Japan
to ensure Tetris is available on each new platform.” to achieve grandmaster status in Tetris: The
The Tetris guidelines are still in place and steps are Grandmaster 3 in 2015. But it must keep fresh.
taken to ensure they’re adhered to. “We’re technically “Our vision now is how do we keep Tetris
a licensing company and so we licence our IP to going for the next 30 years?”, Maya says.
different developers, looking at whether they are the We’re sure they’ll find a way.
right partnership for that market,” Maya continues. “We
work with their development team and train their QA
department to teach them what has to be done and
what can be done. We spend a lot of time talking about
what Tetris is today and what’s been done in the past,
brainstorming ideas for new platforms.”
Some of those have included experiments in
augmented reality such as in Tetris Axis for the 3DS.
Games have been produced for Facebook such as Tetris
Battle and Tetris Stars, allowing for online play. Electronic
Arts worked on the ultimate casual Tetris, Tetris Blitz,
by ensuring games would last for just two minutes at
a time. But while the hunger for platforms has even
seen Tetris appear on the Amazon’s Fire TV and Ouya
the biggest breakthrough has been Puyo Puyo Tetris in
2014. “That’s been developed by Sega and it’s on every » [Xbox] Tetris Worlds offered a host of new modes
console under the sun,” says Maya. alongside four-player multiplayer.

» [PS4] Pyuo Pyuo Tetris is a great mashup of franchises – we still play it competitively in the office.

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Oh we do like to be beside the
rutal scenes of domestic C64 and Amstrad versions. “They are
abuse, graphic depictions very dark indeed but it was all tongue in

seaside and Punch and Judy of animal cruelty and a

shocking climax involving
cheek as far as we were concerned. It
was no Grand Theft Auto!”

recreated a traditional British beating a baby to death. Punch And

Judy really is an example of an Eighties
Dean and David were not
unaccustomed to pixellated fisticuffs,

summer day on the beach, ‘videogame nasty’. “It’s not in the spirit
of today’s society, is it?” admits Dean
having handled conversions of Bangkok
Knights and Urban Warrior as Video

complete with a fight at the end. Hickingbottom, artist and codesigner of

the game, “but if you go to a Punch And
Images, the games development co-op
they had set up with friend Dave Colley.
Judy show, that’s what happens. Punch After a year or so of contract work for
Dean Hickingbottom and is still throwing the baby downstairs. publishers, the pair decided it had taken
Apparently it’s okay in the puppet world.” its venture as far as it could and opted to
David Bradley tell us, Released near the end of the 8-bit join Clockwize, which involved moving
era, Punch And Judy is an unlikely mix from Scunthorpe to Bridlington, on the
‘That’s the way to do it!’ of British seaside charm and extreme East coast of Yorkshire.
violence. Playing as the smiling assassin “Denis Hickie, one of the directors at
Words by Paul Drury Mr Punch, you must wander the mean Clockwize, actually drove from Bridlington
streets of Bridlington, collecting the to Scunthorpe to pick us both up,”
required number of pieces to erect your remembers Dean. “The company was
puppet booth. Then, in a disturbing run out of this former guest house with
example of modern slavery, you forcibly loads of rooms, so we both ended up
» Dean Hickingbottom recruit your fellow cast members, living there and would get up at five
(left), artist and
designer, and David including your wife, baby son and pet minutes to nine every morning and
Bradley (right), dog, by beating them with a large stagger downstairs to the ‘office’. It even
codesigner and coder.
truncheon before bludgeoning them had a small bar in the corner.”
to death on the beach in front of an One of their first projects for their
audience of traumatised children. new employer was Punch And Judy, the
“We were as politically correct as the title suggested by one of the directors
actual shows themselves,” laughs David of Alternative Software, which would
Bradley, fellow designer and coder of the publish the finished game as part of its
budget range. Their new surrounding
provided the backdrop to the action, with
many of the 64 screens based on actual
Bridlington locations, from a gift shop
selling tourist tat, to a fish and chip shop
and the famous Joyland Amusements,
once the largest arcade in the country.
“If you look at the screen, it’s supposed
to be a postcard, with the corner turned
down,” explains Dean. “If you go to the
seafront and walk all the way to the left
you can see Flamborough Head in the
distance, with the lighthouse.”
Part of the charm of the game is
how quintessentially British it is. You
flick between familiar seaside scenes,
» [ZX Spectrum] A pair of beach bums look unimpressed at your puppet booth. dodging the patrolling policeman and

■ Dean produced the graphics
for this using Oxford Computer
Publishing’s Art Studio and
completed bits of the coding
when original Spectrum
» [C64] What’s a day by the sea without a fish and chip supper? programmer Gaz Wood left.
Your final enemy in this version is the crocodile, which
an unwanted trip to the cells, and requires a stern beating, whilst you keep a close eye on your
buying strings of sausages from ‘truncheon meter’.
the butchers to distract the hungry
crocodile, another rogue cast AMSTRAD CPC
member. Even the in-game timer ■ David coded the CPC release
is represented by the encroaching and it remains his favourite. “I
» Dean’s original sketches
tide heading ever nearer to the pier head. for Punch And Judy was pleased with the Amstrad
“We were all in an open plan room with version and I always thought
the target 8-bit machines and a PDS it’s more or less a copy of a book we the C64 lacked somewhat in
development system,” recalls David. borrowed from the local library on comparable capabilities, colour
“We had the basic idea and we’d just sit the history of Punch and Judy. All the palette for one and a limited number of hardware sprites,”
down and start coding, getting the ‘game characters were in there – the crocodile, he says in a Darran-pleasing outrage.
loop’ down, building the necessary the policeman, the dog, Scaramouche…
tools to allow us to map out a world and yes, he’s part of the folklore!” COMMODORE 64
design sprites and tiles and so on. It felt The game does indeed culminate in ■ David also handled the C64
IN THE like a collective effort and we all threw a violent fandango as Mr Punch skips version, which opts for a final
KNOW ideas in. It was very organic but we across the puppet booth, button-bashing battle with a crawling baby, like
» PUBLISHER: didn’t hang about either.” seven shades out of the cast, whilst a horrible reimagining of that
ALTERNATIVE avoiding the long-ish arm of the law. It’s scene in Trainspotting. The large,

SOFTWARE he whole game only took an oddly frenzied finale to a game with colourful sprites and postcard
» DEVELOPER: a few months from initial some interesting ideas but which rather humour remind us of the work of those other Bridlington-
drawings to something plods in the preceding ‘collect-’em-up’ based game developers, Taskset.
» RELEASED: 1989
that could be sent to the sections. As a budget title, though, it
publishers for playtesting. Though provides a decent challenge and for Dean MSX
both admit that producing games for and David, it has a small if special place ■ Now this is an odd one.
Clockwize could feel a little like working in their hearts as the game that brought Although Dean remembers
on a production line, they did take their them to Bridlington. Both still live in the converting Punch And Judy to the
task seriously and aimed to produce a town and Dean ended up marrying MSX, the only existing ROM is a
polished title with a distinctive visual look. Teresa Hickie, the boss’s daughter. rebadged version of Mr Micro’s
We assume they modelled Mr Punch They have two children and just like Punchy, which features Punch
on Bruce Forsythe for added realism? Punch and Judy, remain together to this & Judy’s loading screen and credits Clockwize. There’s no
“Ah, you mean the chin,” laughs Dean. day. “Except we don’t throw our kids MSX in our office, so we can’t see if physical versions are the
“Actually, if you look at the title screen, downstairs,” Dean assures us. same (we suspect so) or if this is some weird ROM mix-up.

1541 Fact
■ If you needed to change the drive number
of a Commodore 1541, for use in multiple-
drive systems, the instruction manual
provided both a software method and a
hardware method – the latter requiring
you to open up the drive and
physically cut jumpers.

Little Computer People
Not every storage medium decision
comes down to loading speed – some
Commodore 64 games are limited on tape
when compared to their disk versions, and
this early example of a life simulator happens
to be one of them. If you don’t play the disk
version, you’ll be missing out on a persistent
character, the little games you can play such as Poker, and more meaningful
communication. Other games that benefit from using the 1541 drive are ones which
require multiloading on tape, as the process is not only faster, but very helpfully
automated when playing a disk version.
Commodore 1541
» RElEasEd: 1982 » PlatFoRm: Commodore 64 » Cost: $400 (launCh), £35 (now)
hen looking back at the history of the Commodore 64, it’s not hard to see

W why cassette tapes became the dominant storage media for the system in
this region. Commodore’s default disk drive, the 1541, was akin to a tank – bulky,
expensive, heavy and slow. The single-sided drive accepted 5.25-inch floppy
disks, and contained both Commodore DOS 2.6 and a MOS 6502 CPU to run it. However,
the drive was initially hamstrung by supply problems caused by high defect rates. Worse
yet, due to hardware problems relating to Commodore’s desire for the C64 to be compatible
with the 1540 disk drive, Commodore DOS transfers just 512 bytes per second – barely
faster than the Datasette.
Reliability problems were ultimately fixed with the adoption of a new drive mechanism
manufacturer. What’s more, the drive has the capacity to receive new firmware without
any permanent modifications, either via type-in code or through ROM cartridge. As a
result, it was possible to drastically increase the speed of data transfer – Epyx’s FastLoad
cartridge could manage up to five times the drive’s regular speed. Without such tools, the
drive design wouldn’t have stuck around , but it was made available in revised forms for the
duration of the C64’s life, first as the 1541C and later the 1541-II.
The of the 8-bit

Back infortheartists
8-bit era, loading screens wereruna
chance to let their creativity
wildup.– We’ve
so long as theacomputer wasof able to
keep gathered selection artists
to find out how these iconic images came to be…
Words by Nick Thorpe

his might sound a little to the kitchen to grab a snack or hot

T strange to those readers

who have always been
accustomed to the
instant gratification of cartridge
games, but we can’t help feeling
sorry for players who haven’t
spent a significant amount of time
loading games from cassette.
drink, and then that glorious moment
where the first row of graphical data is
drawn to the screen.
Loading screens were an important
fixed point of any 8-bit computer
game. They were the first thing that
anyone would see of a game, and
since the program still hadn’t fully
There’s just a certain ritualistic loaded, you’d be looking at them for at
pleasure that comes with those old least a little while. Some of them were
magnetic tapes – making sure they of little note, but the best remain stuck
have been fully rewound, entering the in our memories to this day. “It has
loading command, the optional trip to reflect the game and give you an
» [Amstrad CPC] Though based off preexisting artwork,
indication of what you are expecting,” Gryzor ’s loading screen shows the Amstrad at its best.
says Shaun McClure, a veteran ZX
Spectrum artist. Bill Harbison agrees, Bill. Ste Pickford, who created loading
adding that a good loading screen screens across the ZX Spectrum,
“should also be interesting enough to Amstrad CPC and Commodore 64,
withstand multiple viewings as it will has similar memories. “Typically you’d
be on the TV screen for a long time”. get a request from the boss along
Yet, for publishers, loading screens the lines of, ‘Shit, we need a loading
were often at the bottom of the screen for tomorrow, can you do it?’
» Ste Pickford wa
priority list. “The loading screen was That was it, so I had to come up with Amstrad, creatin
s a whizz on the
usually the last thing to be done an idea, and implement it, usually just g great pieces of
and because of that they had to in a day or two, while the programmer
» [C64] Sometimes, you don’t need to pack every colour on screen
be completed as soon as possible, was frantically trying to finish the
– you just use the ones you have wisely. normally three to four days,” says game a couple of desks over.”

Every computer has different graphical capabilities – here are the limitations artists had to work with

■ 256x192 resolution ■ Every pairing is defined on a
■ The rainbow here couldn’t
■ Square pixels case-by-case basis
have been any smaller, as
■ 15-colour palette ■ Whole tiles must be set as regular or bright,
lots of tiles already hit the
■ Each 8x8 pixel tile can contain up to so regular and bright shades can’t coexist in
four colour maximum.
two colours the same tile

■ Note how the

regular and bright
pixels next to each
other here have to
exist in different tiles.

■ The yellow piping

has been mapped
to the grid as ■ This image uses
closely as possible colour exceptionally
to avoid causing well, putting almost
attribute clash. the entire C64 palette
on screen in one go. ■ We can tell the background colour
is black because every four-colour
tile uses it. This makes sense, as it’s
an outline colour.
■ This image hides the
Spectrum’s limitations extremely
well, but you can still see
COmmOdORE 64
■ 320x200 resolution ■ Three colours are defined on a
some of the wizard’s red cape ■ Double-wide pixels case-by-case basis, with one background
encroaching into Wizball here. ■ 16 colour palette colour shared across all tiles
■ Each 8x8 tile contains up to four colours

Mode 0: Or Mode 1:
■ 320x200 resolution ■ 320x200 resolution ■ The BBC is
■ Double-wide pixels ■ Square pixels characterised by
■ 27-colour palette ■ 27-colour palette its bold colours,
■ Each 8x8 tile contains up to 16 colours: ■ Each 8x8 tile contains up to four colours: allowing for some
■ All colours shared across all tiles ■ All colours shared across all tiles rather attractive

■ The Amstrad
is great at ■ Due to its limited
still images in palette and chunky pixels,
Mode 0, with the BBC is best suited to
■ You can vibrant colours flat coloured images.
technically use and a relatively
every one of your 16 large palette.
chosen colours in a ■ Though limited in colour, the
tile, but the need for BBC’s Mode 1 gives artists access
that is rare. Some to a higher resolution than its
tiles here do use six rival systems’ coloured images.
colours, though.

bbC miCRO
Mode 2: Or Mode 1:
■ 320x256 resolution ■ 320x256 resolution
■ Mode 1 has a less blocky
■ Double-wide pixels ■ Square pixels
look thanks to its square
■ Eight colour palette ■ Eight colour palette
pixels, but the colour
■ Each 8x8 tile contains up to eight colours: ■ Each 8x8 tile contains up to four colours:
reduction is very severe.
■ Rapidly flashing pairs of colours are available ■ Rapidly flashing pairs of colours are available
to simulate further colours to simulate further colours


There was no internet back

then so I couldn’t just search for an
image online
Bill Harbison

With a relatively casual attitude Omega Mission or Glass, I was just

towards having loading screens done at trying to capture the feel or mood of
all, you won’t be surprised to find that the game, as best I could in one or
artistic direction was often thin on the two days.” One of Ste’s better-known
ground. “That was why doing loading games did have something to work
screens was so much fun – you were from, though. “Ghosts ‘N’ Goblins was
just left to it,” says Ste. “We never even an existing arcade game, and I found
saw the cover art for the games until some art from Capcom (although I
after they were released. We weren’t didn’t think it was provided to me – I » [C64] The Commodore’s earthy tones were perfect for a
honoured enough to be shown cover think I found it myself) which I based down-and-dirty hack-and-slash like Rastan.
art in advance, and we certainly weren’t the loading screen on.”
consulted on cover art (even when pathetic cover tape of my Zenobi art
we’d created and designed the game or Bill, the level of initial and told them that I could do… I think
from scratch),” he explains. “As far as
we, the devs, were concerned, nothing
existed outside of the game itself.”
As a result, Ste would take creative
licence to produce his own take on
the concept. “For games like Feud or
Zub or Amaurote I was trying to create
something that would work as a cover
F input varied. “On Daley
Thompson and Robocop,
I was given a raw image
digitised with a video camera as a
template to which I added colour and
shading. With Chase HQ I think I got
an early black and white photocopy
of Bob Wakelin’s unfinished cover art,
I quoted ‘£10 for black and white and
£15 for colour’ – or something ridiculous
– and told them I didn’t even have a
bank account and could they pay me in
cash?” This was bold, but it paid off. “I
was a little kid still at school growing up
in Yorkshire and – fuck me – they sent
me £60 in cash in an envelope, told me
design, imagining I was the cover artist. but for Wec Le Mans I had nothing,” that they paid £20 for colour ones and
For some of the earlier ones I did, like he explains. “I had to create a loading that’s all they were interested in.” Ste Pickford recalls the
screen in a few days with zero “I forget the games that I did for perils of a last-minute
» [ZX Spectrum] It’s been 30 years since Bill Harbison reference. Of course, there was no them for that – there was three of them, change of plans
drew this iconic loading screen…
internet back then so I couldn’t just but D&H had so many games that were “The one change was with our game
search for an image online, in those either football related or sports – sorts of Zub – or Zob as it was originally
days you either had to buy a book with all melts into your mind after a while!” called. Just ater we’d inished the
some good pictures or go to the library. The subject matter made it easy for game and were about to send it for
I didn’t have the time to do either.” Shaun to find inspiration. “I did a ton duplication, our boss got a frantic call
“I sort of started in the industry by of work for D&H and I just got a title from the head of Mastertronic. They’d
working for a company called D&H to use – and I wasn’t a football fan at just had an embarrassing meeting
Games in Stevenage – and they were the time, so I’d just look at the national with their French distributors, who
lovely,” says Shaun. “I sent them some papers and get a good shot of someone were horriied because Zob was
scoring a goal or something. Trace that – French slang for ‘penis’ apparently.
Bob’s your uncle!” As times moved on, We had to change the title in about 30
things changed. “Later, it was basically minutes, as the bike courier was on
just the box artwork and you’d feel his way to pick up the master copy. So
better for it – no chance to mess it up.” I had to frantically change the top of
For Knights Of Bytes, an adaptation the O on the loading screen to be a U.
of the cover art was the basis for the On the in-game intro sequence in the
loading art in the excellent modern C64 128k Spectrum version of the game
platformer Sam’s Journey. “The cover we only had time to drop a solid black
art was drawn first as a high resolution attribute square over the top of the O,
hand-drawn picture. Hence, it was the rather than redraw it.”
source of all subsequent drawings,”
explains Chester Kollschen, the game’s
programmer. “The cover art was in the
portrait orientation, whereas the title
picture for the C64 game needed
to be landscape, so we chose a
good region of the cover art and
used it as the template for the
C64 title picture.”
Of course, knowing what to
» [Amstrad CPC] After a name change at the 11th
draw was only half the battle – hour, it was a race against time to quickly alter
actually getting the idea on the Zub’s loading screen into something less phallic.
screen was also tricky, and as with
any artistic endeavour, the process
» [ZX Spectrum] …so he drew a new version for 2018, with more colour and ED-209. differs from artist to artist.
» Bill Harbison ma
screens for Ocean numerous loading
, including Roboc

We speak to the artist
» Jonathan Temples (left) specialised with C64 loading
screens, while Shaun McClure (right) favoured the Spectrum.
behind a variety of classic
C64 loading screens deliberately did the Amstrad screen first
using colours in such a way that it could
When you were designing loading not be converted to the Spectrum,
screens, what was your process? then I had a justification for spending
Did you sketch them out on paper extra time designing a completely new
first, or go straight to screen? Spectrum loading screen.”
I would sketch roughs on paper Ste also had the ability to play
experimenting on compositions. I favourites. “I enjoyed the Amstrad the
then used my NEOS mouse and most. Partly because there was no
programme on the Commodore 64 » [ZX Spectrum] Shaun’s Lords Of Chaos screen is a masterclass in minimising attribute clash. attribute clash to worry about, and you
‘mouse and cheese’. had a nice set of colours to use. And
picture elements should be I then start partly because the Amstrad came with
How much reference material did adding colour and work out where to its own nice monitor, which was nice
you have to work with? add masking to hide the attribute clash.” and clear, whereas on the Spectrum or
I would be near the end of the main Bill’s one major bugbear is a common C64 I was using a 14-inch TV with RF
game graphics maybe working on one, too: “The main limitation was input, and the picture was painful on the
last level sprites and background level plotting pixels on the screen with just eyes.” The Commodore 64 earned his
maps. That would mean I would have the rubber-keyed Spectrum. When I ire, however. “I generally hated working
a good grasp on the main elements of was drawing some new screens in on the C64. All the graphics packages
the game to create a loading screen Photoshop recently I was shocked that I were garbage, and you had to draw with
with impact. Sometimes the games » [C64] Chester notes this loading screen as a C64 would have had the patience to draw an a joystick, which was a nightmare.”
companies would send me concept favourite, and the detail makes it easy to see why. entire screen without a mouse.” The Knights Of Bytes team didn’t
art of the game, like with Wrestling have that problem – but then, they were
Occasionally, things began off-screen. te worked very able to take advantage of sophisticated
Superstars where I was told, ‘Just copy
the game cover the best you can.’

How long did it typically take to

draw a loading screen?
I could spend a day creating it, but I
kept going back to it until the game
was finished, ready to be supplied to
the games company.
“I used to draw things in clear acetate
and then stick that with Sellotape to the
actual TV screen (yes we used those
– I had a little portable TV set),” says
Shaun. “Then the hard part. I would
have to draw the images in red pen (that
was important) to the screen, and then
sit there rigidly so I could see the image
S differently in the
Eighties to today. “I’m
embarrassed to admit it
now, but I think I just started drawing
in pixels on the screen. I guess I was
young and enthusiastic! I don’t do any
work now without lots of sketching and
roughing out first on paper, but I hardly
digital art tools that weren’t available in
the Eighties. However, they did choose
to use a regular C64 graphics mode
for Sam’s Journey, which proved to
be a limiting factor. “There are ways
to increase the C64 graphic display
capabilities, often shown in demos.
But for Sam’s Journey, we opted for a
over the screen and trace under it with ever did any planning back then,” he ‘classic’ C64 multicolour bitmap picture
How hard was it to work with the the little pixel cursor. I used something admits. “This was crazy really, as none without any additions,” explains Chester.
C64’s colour restrictions? called Melbourne Draw – and that was of the art packages had the ability to This meant severe colour restrictions, as
That’s the amazing thing about the a key to doing great art – because you cut and paste. If you drew something only three colours could be chosen per
Commodore 64’s limited 16 colours. It could press G and get a black and white in the wrong position on the screen – if 8x8 tiles. “The way the classic graphics
made you a better artist, as it pushed grid of the attributes on the screen in something was eight pixels too far to chip produces the picture, graphic artists
you to do things like mix colour combos each 8x8 boundary.” the right, you couldn’t grab it and move have to put some thoughts in the colour
and pixel shading to get the max out of Melbourne Draw was a popular it left by eight pixels, like you can in any model before even starting to set pixels
the graphics and colours. tool with ZX Spectrum artists, to the modern art package. You had to redraw in the canvas.” Could this be mitigated
point that Ocean even used a modified every single pixel again eight pixels by aligning elements to the grid of 8x8
Were there any C64 artists whose internal version known as Ocean Draw. further left, then delete the originals.” tiles? “Yes, but that’s almost impossible
work you admired? “Basically, once you made the image, Working across multiple formats, Ste
My main graphic artist heroes as a you could zoom in too and sort out any found that he usually had to prioritise
young teenager on the Commodore 64 problems with colour clash – [it] usually formats based on deadlines, and would
were Dok and Bob Stevenson. loads, as you would imagine,” says often only have time to draw one
Shaun, explaining its advantages. “But version, with others converted by a
it taught me techniques such as using coder. There was a notable exception,
stippling to hide areas that we did get however: “On Feud I did different
large amounts of colour clash or indeed loading screens for the Spectrum
– add more ‘colour’ (interim shading).” and Amstrad versions. This wasn’t
For Bill, everything is done straight requested by the studio, this was just
to digital. “If I’m not working on a me showing off, and trying the elevate
predigitised screen I usually start the game to be a bit more than just a
» [C64] Jonathan was told to just simply try and sketching on the computer,” he says. project finished as quickly as possible,
replicate the box art for Wrestling Superstars as “Once I’ve got an idea of where the which was all the boss wanted. I
best he could.


I generally hated working on

the C64. All the graphics packages
were garbage Knights Of Bytes used modern techniques to create the
impressive Sam’s Journey loading image
Ste Pickford
Black and white line
to do with a natural scene such as a
picture.” The result is that a lot of editing
it also managed to show many details
despite the overall low resolution,”
01 art is created using a
modern Linux PC and a Wacom
is required to get an optimal image. explains Chester. “Although Rainbow tablet. “The outlines did take
Bill found himself in the same editing Island is not the newest title, its picture most of the time. But that’s not
predicament with Daley Thompson’s came to me first. But there are many surprising. They are made for
Olympic Challenge – an impressively others as well. Grand Monster Slam the entire cover art in 600dpi in
shaded image. “I was given a crude had a very good picture, too, although great detail,” explains Chester
digitised picture taken with a video I never really got a grip with the game Kollschen. The full image is
camera and had to tidy it up and add itself.” Bill looks to one of the early portrait, but we’re just showing
colour and detail,” he explains. “There Spectrum artists: “Like most people the C64 screen area.
was quite a lot of ‘tidying’ required so I I was greatly inspired by the work of
had to stipple the pixels and make them FD Thorpe. The screens for Pogo, The monochromatic
look like the shading was becoming
lighter and darker. There were also a lot
Spy Hunter, and Eskimo Eddie were
particularly inspiring with his use of
02 image is then digitally
coloured, again using a modern
of stray pixels that needed deleting.” colour and detail. He set the bar to computer and art software.
almost impossible heights not only with “The colourisation happened
hough these screens his quality of work but also the amount

T usually took a few days

at most to create, they’ve
remained in players’
memories for decades – and each
of our interviewees had their own
favourites in the wider world. Shaun
has a number of favourites. “Where
do I start? Anything that Ultimate [did],
of screens in his portfolio. I still think
he’s the king on the ZX Spectrum.”
It’s been said that restrictions breed
creativity, and 8-bit loading screen art
will forever be a great example of that.
When machines struggled to even
do so much as display a full-screen
colour image, one set of skills wasn’t 03 Using an art
package, the
quite fast,” Chester remembers.
“Stefan Gutsch [the artist of
Knights Of Bytes] said that
colorisation and shading is easy
if you already have the structure
of your picture.”

plus anything David Thorpe did – Simon enough – artistic skill and technical image is reduced to the C64’s
Butler was good, too – Martin Wheeler knowledge were both key to creating 16-colour palette. However,
had his moments. Ste Pickford? All a great loading screen. As computers peripheral characters need
really good!” For Ste himself, it’s have become more powerful and the to be removed as they’re only
another one of our interviewees who restrictions were lifted, that intersection partially visible. Additionally,
proves memorable. “There were loads of skills has become a little redundant. this image actually isn’t
that were way better than mine, but Of course, iconic loading screens didn’t possible on a real machine –
I’m terrible at remembering names, so I disappear at the end of the 8-bit era, but some 8x8 blocks on the screen
can’t namecheck anyone unfortunately. that’s a story for another time. For now, contain too many colours.
Actually, Bill Harbison did some ace just get a cup of tea, put on a great 8-bit
work at Ocean on the Spectrum.” game and take the time to admire its
“The loading picture of Rainbow loading screen. Hopefully, you’ll see it in
Island on the C64 did impress me as a whole new light.

After many hours of editing by hand, the image is complete. “There was some

» [Amstrad CPC] While it doesn’t represent the in-game action, Prince Of Persia’s loading screen sets the scene well.
04 cursing involved,” admits Chester, who also notes the natural appearance of the
image: “There haven’t been any grid alignments in the Sam’s Journey title picture. It’s more a
» [Amstrad CPC] The snow-covered streets of Moscow look lovely here – shame you’re about to bomb them… clever way of selecting the three colours per cell.”

The making of

ThrusT provided a challenge for many

gamers, wiTh iTs graviTy and inerTia
conTrols leaving many spinning and
crashing inTo caves. did dave lowe
suffer The same faTe when he was asked
To converT iT for The ZX specTrum?
Words by Paul Davies

ore renowned for Admitting to not being much of a

M composing music rather
than coding games, you
may be surprised to find
that Dave Lowe was approached
to take on the project of converting
Thrust to the ZX Spectrum. But
having already produced Buggy Blast
for Firebird, he was the first port of
gamer, Dave’s interest was more in
the challenge of coding, and given the
complexity and originality of Thrust
this no doubt added a little extra to
the appeal of taking the job on. “A
lot of games seemed to regurgitate
the same concept and just dress it
up with fancy graphics and sound,”
» DEVELOPER: call by them for the conversion. explains Dave, “but I was fascinated
dave Lowe
“Firebird came to me with the with Thrust, as it was the actual » [ZX Spectrum] Plenty of fuel here. Unfortunately, there’s
» RELEASED: plenty of guns, too.
conversion about six weeks before concept behind it that gave the game
I was due to move house, and they its playability and sustainability.”
ZX Spectrum needed the game completed in four Thrust puts you in control of a ship Under the constant pull from
» GENRE: weeks,” Dave says. “I took a few where your mission is to navigate different forces, Thrust is very
Shoot-’em-up days to decide whether to do it or your way through maze-like caverns tricky indeed; though that’s maybe
not, as I could see that it required to retrieve an orb, which you pick up not the case for everyone. Dave
some maths and I was not sure if my via cable, and then make your way recalls, “I must say that I played it
house move would allow me to meet out before blasting off into space. so much during the development
their deadline. But as is the life of a A simple concept, in theory, but not while tweaking stuff, that I was
musician – the money won out.” only do you have to control your able to complete the whole game
speed, you also need to take into without cheating; though I did
consideration the effect such speed build a backdoor into the game that
will have on your ship as you battle allowed me to have infinite lives and
to bring it under control – lose control the ability to start on any level as I
of your orb and you lose stability of needed to do that to complete the
your ship. On top of battling with coding.” If anyone has looked or is
gravity and inertia you’re also up indeed now planning to look for this
against mounted guns as they aim to backdoor, Dave confirms that he left
take you down. Your control options this in the final version of the game.
are limited, too, with the ability to After all these years, how does he
only rotate left or right and ‘thrust’ to fair at the game now? “I downloaded
push you forward, you may well find a Speccy emulator to play Thrust
stopping mid-flight a bit of again,” says Dave. “I found that
problem. Could this game after all these years, with a
be any harder? Yes, of bit of practice, I could still
course it could; you have reach the end level and
to keep an eye on your fuel complete the game. There
level, too. are little tricks to every level

» [ZX Spectrum] Hmm, orb or fuel? Deciding which to take first could be crucial.


» [ZX Spectrum] This thing is heavier than it looks. Best not drop it.

■ Where it all started – this is
the original version of the game
of which others were based.
Its looks may be simple, as is
the case with the conversions,
but this is the version that had
people tied to their chairs, and no doubt also had people furiously
jumping out of them, as they watched their ship helplessly spin and
shatter into pieces over and over again.
“i found ThaT afTer all
These years, wiTh a biT AtAri 8-Bit
■ A solid port but with slightly
of pracTice, i could sTill cruder graphics, the Atari 800
reach The end level” handled the conversion well
but has the look of a game
Dave Lowe
that could have been handled
slightly better. If you’re looking
in the manoeuvring of the ship and applied to the ship were applied at its for a version that maintains the playability but has a slightly different
taking out the cannons that when you centre of gravity as it rotated around look – here’s your best bet.
learn them, enable you to beat it.” the 360 degrees; when it picked up
Getting the physics just right on the orb, the centre of gravity moved CoMModorE 64
a game like Thrust would no doubt to a point along the connecting beam. ■ Another version here which
leave a lot of programmers scratching This effectively made them one featured the musical stylings
their heads; this is something that object as its position on the beam of Rob Hubbard as per its
Dave could empathise with. “I defined the weight of the orb.” Atari ST counterpart. A brilliant
actually spent a lot of the four weeks Thrust was almost completed as conversion here as you may
just figuring out the maths side of the a one-man job, with Dave taking expect from a computer of
game, as I knew it had to be correct on the game development entirely the C64’s standing. Very smooth and slick, this is one of the best
to get the playability correct.” Dave by himself, though he does divulge versions of the game out there.
continues, “Once I had all the gravity that a lot of the screen layout on the
and inertia working on the ship, I was different levels was actually mapped AMstrAd CPC
still stumped for a while as to how by his wife Victoria, who happened ■ Similar to that of the original
the ship’s inertia was transferred to to be a dab hand at the game. “She BBC version, the Amstrad
the orb when it was being carried. I could play it all the way through incarnation holds up well and
could see that it wasn’t just a case of on the C64,” says Dave, “making is up there with the better
applying the same gravity and inertia it possible to see the actual map versions of the game. All the
that controlled the ship to the orb, configuration of the levels.” original elements remain and
as the inertia built up by the orb also After a solid four weeks of coding make it one of the best to play. If you don’t have the BBC version then
affected the ship.” on such a tough game like Thrust, this is the closest you’ll get to it.
So how did Dave finally crack it? was there anything Dave learned
“I was actually messing around with from the experience? “I learnt the ACorn
a knitting needle with a cork on the hardest and most important ElECtron
end,” he explains. “I was trying to lesson in programming: ■ Due to its hardware
simulate it in my head and then it when the code crashes and limitations, the Acorn Electron
clicked; there was in fact only one set wipes your hard disk, it is version only ran in two-colour
of maths that needed to be applied only doing what you, the mode, though this is still a
to both objects. The forces that were programmer, told it to do.” solid conversion which runs
rather smoothly. In fact, the colour limitation actually adds to the
atmosphere and the stark contrast between the green and black,
gives everything a nice crisp and clean look.
Words by Kieren Hawken

n 1979 the very first console war was
started as Mattel’s Intellivision went head-
on with the market leading Atari 2600.
People might not remember this battle as well
as Mega Drive vs SNES, or Spectrum vs C64, but
make no mistake this was an aggressive fight. One
that eventually saw a clear winner, and believe it or
not, sports games were at the very forefront of it all.
The early sports-based games for the-then Atari VCS
were very simple affairs that bore little resemblance
to the pastimes they were based on. Games such
as Homerun, Football, Pele Soccer and Golf had sold
well but were no substitute for the real thing. The » Designer of RealSports Volleyball Bob Polaro is a regular visitor of
management at Mattel knew this too, and it felt that US gaming expos.
the increased power of its system could provide the
sporting experiences that everyone craved. So Mattel just plain old Soccer Mattel had NASL, licensed from
set about creating a sub-label that it would call Sports the North American Soccer League. It also had NBA
Network, to specialise in this field, thus creating the Basketball, Major League Baseball, US Team Skiing,
first videogame sporting franchise. But it didn’t just NHL Hockey and many more. Former Intellivision
knock out more realistic sports games, it also attached president and leader of the famous Blue Sky Rangers
licenses to them to add more legitimacy. Rather than Keith Robinson, who sadly passed away in 2017, had
previously talked about this with us. “There’s no doubt
about it, these were the games that sold our console,”
he said. “Our TV adverts made the 2600 look
laughable in comparisons. It was very clever marketing
and established the Intellivision [as] the serious sports
game machine.” Keith was right, too, as Major League
Baseball tops the charts as the system’s bestselling
game of all time, no mean feat for a sports title.
Talking of those TV adverts, they soon became the
key for Mattel, mainly thanks to hiring George Plimpton
to front them. For those unaware of his work, George
was a writer, actor, journalist, keen amateur sportsman
and, most importantly, a sports commentator. He
» [Atari 2600] Part of the Atari’s 2600 original sports lineup, Football was
was highly respected in his field and very much seen
widely mocked among the senior coders at Atari and it’s easy to see why. as an authority on all things sporting. In these

» Jim Huether proudly shows off his Atari 5200 version of RealSports Football to
Steven Spielberg and the top bosses at Atari. » [Atari 2600] The mock-up of RealSports Football that Rob Zdybel produced for the 2600 had more sprites on screen than was possible.

short pieces of film he briefly compared, like for

RealSports checklist like, games on the Atari 2600 and Intellivision, not just
telling you how superior Mattel’s games were but also
showing you. Images of George along with his words
Which sport appeared on which system would also be reused in magazine adverts. There was
no escape from Mattel’s aggressive advertising. Atari,
Atari Atari Atari Atari for the first time in its history, was on the ropes and
Game 2600 5200 8-bit 7800 needed to make a big comeback. So after a meeting
of its bosses, the company came up a plan to launch
a new sports range of its own. All of the company’s
Baseball Yes Yes Yes Yes existing sports games would be discontinued and
replaced with a new lineup of titles, which would be
Football Yes Yes Yes No named RealSports, and were set to be launched in
1982 for both the rebranded Atari 2600 and its new
Tennis Yes Yes Yes No stablemate the 5200 SuperSystem, as well as Atari’s
8-bit home computers.
The first three titles in this series would be
Volleyball Yes No No No recreations of baseball, American football and
volleyball. The last of these proved most interesting
Soccer Yes Yes Yes No as not only was it a sport that Atari hadn’t covered
before, but also one that couldn’t be played on the
Basketball Yes Yes Yes No Intellivision either. The developer assigned to this game
was Bob Polaro, who had previously programmed
the bestselling Atari 2600 port of Defender. Bob had
Boxing Yes No No No already done some work on a volleyball game for the
Atari 2600 and remembers when he was asked to
Yes = Unreleased commercially but complete prototype leaked in more recent years. resurrect it. “RealSports Volleyball was my second

Atari 2600 Intellivision The 8-bit match day you’ve all been
waiting for, which console will win?

RealSports Major RealSports NFL

RealSports NASL League
Soccer Soccer Baseball Baseball Football Football
■ Neither version of the game here has a full complement of ■ The Intellivision racks up the points straight away by not ■ This is easily the hardest contest of the lot here. Both games
players (three versus five) so both lost points there. But the 2600 only carrying an official licence but by also featuring in-game feature an incredibly similar look and near-identical gameplay,
game doesn’t even have goalkeepers so starts to become a bit of commentary via the Intellivoice add-on! It wipes the floor with the so it comes down to a few minor features. The 2600 offering just
a joke. The Intellivision title has a proper pitch, too, which helps! puny sprites of the Atari 2600 version of RealSports Baseball. takes the win thanks to better audio and more precise controls.

0-1 0-2 1-2


about war games with a Romeo And Juliet aspect

“I GOT TO DEMONSTRATE IT AND PLAY IT FOR ABOUT 15 and the game (and me) were going to be mentioned
in the movie as advertising for the game. Neither the
MINUTES WITH STEPHEN SPIELBERG WHEN HE CAME movie nor the game was ever finished. Then they
TO VISIT, WHICH WAS REALLY COOL!” needed someone to finish RealSports Baseball for
the 5200. Jim Andreason had started it right after
Jim Huether having done RealSports Football and he needed a
break. Rather than finish his game I started it all over
game for the 2600 after Stunt Cycle, which was never game Atari had made, which was called Flying Frog and got extra ROM space to put in voice, too. Jim
released for some reason,” he explains. “It was just Football around the office because it looked like roadkill did come back to help me finish off the gameplay
called Volleyball originally and I was making good was playing the game, the graphics were that bad. though. It was awarded the title best sports game of
progress with a couple of stick figures bouncing a ball That was a pretty easy mark to hit, but I was still happy 1983 by Video Game Update and best sports game
around. But the bosses weren’t that impressed and with the result.” The 5200 and Atari 8-bit version of of 1984 by Electronic Game Player Magazine, which
I was asked to drop it to go back to Stunt Cycle and the game was handled by Jim Huether, who’s well made me very proud.” RealSports Baseball, much like
convert the game into Dukes Of Hazard, which never known for being the face of Warlords. He remembers its Intellivision counterpart, was very much used to
got released, either! Then the bosses at Atari came the development period well. “This game took almost try and help sell the new console featuring heavily in
up with the whole RealSports idea and I was asked to a year. It was my first real game on the 5200, and advertising. Atari was banking on this product so much
resurrect Volleyball again. They wanted me to make one I had wanted to do ever since I started at Atari,” in fact that it cancelled the release of the Atari 8-bit
several improvements to make it more realistic such as he says. “I remembered that vibrating football game version, which used near-identical code thanks to the
better animation and more colourful backgrounds. They product from when I was kid, and I wanted to make it two machines sharing the same hardware, in hope
really weren’t happy about the square ball in the game come alive on a computer. I essentially did this game that it would sell more 5200 systems. A similar ploy
though, especially when I told them there was nothing by myself including the design, the programming, was pulled with the Atari 8-bit version of RealSports
I could do about it!” the animations, the sounds and even the draft of the Soccer, too, for the same reason. Of course, history
manual! This game used artificial intelligence, so all tells us that this plan very much failed.

tari’s RealSports Football was a huge the players on the field were tasked with roles at the
upgrade on the existing football game beginning of the play. As the play developed, they
for the 2600 and was remarkably close would change their roles as necessary, just like in real
to Mattel’s own effort. This project was football. The Stanford football team was hooked on this
assigned to Atari stalwart Rob Zdybel, and he has a game, and I got to demonstrate it and play it for about
pretty amusing story to share about its development. 15 minutes with Stephen Spielberg when he came to
“I was asked to mock up a screen that would show visit, which was really cool!”
a football game in progress on the 2600,” he says. Without doubt the most talked about game in the
“They wanted 22 players on the screen which was series remains RealSports Baseball, this is mostly
strictly impossible if the players were to move, but this down to the highly accomplished 5200 version than its
was just a static screen. I told my boss that, but when poor 2600 sibling however. The man behind this game
she took it upstairs, they were like, ‘We love this! We was Keithen Hayenga, a new hire at Atari who would
want this football game!’ I definitely learned a lesson later work on the unreleased 5200 port of Tempest.
there!” With the first mock-up of the game out the He wasn’t even assigned this project originally. “My
window, Rob had to try and come up with something original assignment was to be a war game called Fox
that actually worked. He describes this process to us, Fire, which almost everyone still at Atari had turned » [Atari 2600] The 2600 version RealSports Baseball was rereleased late in the
“I was just trying to be better than the previous football it down,” he explains. “It was the title of a movie system’s life as Super Baseball with a new title screen and some colour changes.

And the
winner is...
Atari 2600
■ Despite an early lead, the Intellivision lost out as the
evolution and understanding of the Atari 2600 hardware
allowed it to increase the realism greatly from its early
sports games. Take that George Plimpton!

RealSports Tennis RealSports Boxing

Tennis Boxing
■ The Atari 2600 needs a win here to draw level and it delivers ■ So with the scores level it’s only right that it comes down to an
in style! RealSports Tennis is just a superior game in every single epic punch-up! Boxing was the very last game to be released in
way. The two-player only Intellivision cartridge seems primitive the RealSports series and it shows with some of the best graphics
in comparison and is the weakest of Mattel’s entries. and sound you’ll see in an Atari 2600 sports game.

2-2 3-2
Sporting heroes More popular sporting franchises

■ In the mid-Nineties the arrival of polygonal 3D graphics saw a
huge leap in the realism of sports-based videogames. Gremlin
Interactive was one of the first studios to capitalise on this with
its Actua Sports series. Titles released with this branding included
Actua Soccer, Actua Golf, Actua Pool and Actua Tennis. However
many of these haven’t aged particularly well.


■ Other coders and big-budget studios might have made ■ Without doubt one of the most popular sports franchises over
‘simulator’ games too, but it was Codemasters that undoubtedly the years is The Games series from Epyx, which we covered in
pioneered them. Highly-enjoyable games such as BMX Simulator, detail way back in issue 149. Summer Games, Winter Games, World
Pro Tennis Simulator, ATV Simulator, Pro Boxing Simulator and Games and California Games appeared on a multitude of different
four Soccer Simulators shot to top of the charts and sealed the platforms and they remain some of the best multiplayer sporting
company’s reputation for quality budget offerings. titles out there – particularly California Games.

And that leads us on to talk about the European

take on football, often named soccer in videogames
so it doesn’t confuse the inhabitants of North America.
This was pencilled in as part of the second phase of
RealSports games to be released in 1983 along with
titles based on tennis and basketball. The Atari 2600
version was programmed by Michael Sierchio, who
also worked with Robert Zdybel on the Muppets
licence Pigs In Space, and the Atari 5200 creation was
coded by John Seghers, who also did Gremlins for the
5200 and Atari 8-bit. Just to add a bit of confusion,
RealSports Soccer was also renamed RealSports
Football for the PAL market, although the later red box » [Atari 2600] Title Match Pro Wrestling for the Atari 2600 is actually a hack
rerelease returned the name to Soccer. Neither version of RealSports Boxing by original programmer Alex DeMeo.
was particularly well-received and definitely missed
the mark in terms of recreating the world’s most any Atari 2600 game) and multicoloured sprites. The
popular sport. On the other hand, however, RealSports only previous tennis game for the Atari 2600 was the
Tennis was quite the opposite. In fact, the Atari 2600 one by Activision and as good as that was, Atari’s
version could definitely be considered as the pinnacle game was even better. Sadly, the programmer of this
of the series, introducing never-before-seen features, excellent version remains uncredited. The more than
such as being able to enter your initials (a first for competent, although less technically impressive, 5200
and Atari 8-bit versions were handled by W Sean
Hennessy who recalls how he landed the project.
“Well, I got a call from my old boss at Sega, George
Kiss, and he knew that I was a huge tennis fiend and
wanted me to come up with a version for their new
console,” he says. “I was to do the 5200 version first
and then port the game to the Atari 800 after. My
» [Atari 7800] game was well received and I really enjoyed creating
RealSports Baseball it. After that they let me pick my own projects, I was
was the only title
in the series to be lucky to be a new guy who actually got given a game
released for the he wanted to work on!”
7800 ProSystem,
sadly it’s terrible.

ue to the internal turmoil at Atari, in the
wake of the North American videogame
crash, no more RealSports games
were produced under Warner Brothers
management, despite the fact big-name sports
such as ice hockey, golf and wrestling, had not
been covered. However, once the new streamlined
Tramiel-owned Atari Corporation started to get
software development into full flow it was decided

■ This one will be more than familiar to all the Amiga owners out there as Cinemaware’s
The not-
many titles became a staple during the 16-bit years. The main selling point of these titles was
the TV-like presentation, hence the name, with cutscenes, commentators, stats displays and
so-real sport
scoreboards. Something EA would mimic to great success just a few years later. When looking at the list of sports covered by the RealSports series there
is one very notable omission in the form of basketball. One of the most
popular sports in America, it’s also proved to be a highly lucrative videogame
over the years with titles such as NBA Jam, One-on-One and Double Dribble. Atari
obviously knew this at the time and did announce RealSports Basketball for the
Atari 2600, Atari 5200 and Atari 8-bit. Despite being heavily featured in catalogues
and advertising, the game never made it out the door. Rumour has it that Atari
management simply wasn’t happy with how the game turned out and felt that it offered
nothing over its rivals and, indeed, previous Atari basketball games.
With the Atari 8-bit and Atari 5200 versions, there were actually two attempts,
with the first being nothing more than an updated version of Atari’s original
Basketball from 1979. Programmed by Ken Bass, both versions were shared
with the public thanks to his brother Ben and reproduction carts have
been produced of both the Atari 8-bit/5200 and 2600 iterations so
we can all judge the game for ourselves. And we agree with
the testers that RealSports Basketball needed some huge
improvements to compete with other sports
titles that were available in 1983.

“it only took us three

to four months to
turn A project Around
thAnks to time-sAving
routines progrAmming
Aids thAt hAd
been developed”
Alex DeMeo

that the RealSports brand was to be resurrected for

two more titles. The first of these was RealSports
Boxing for the Atari 2600 in 1987. This was coded
by Alex DeMeo, who later reused much of the code
to create Title Match Pro Wrestling for Absolute
Entertainment. This turned out to be a very impressive
title for the 2600, really pushing the system to its
limits in terms of graphics and sound. This led to it
being heavily featured in advertising for the newly
designed 2600 Jr console. Alex recalls how much » [Atari 2600] RealSports Basketball never officially made it to market,
however ROMs have surfaced online.
easier it was to produce games for the system in
the later years, “Originally it took at least six months
to code a 2600 game and it was usually the work of a sad end to the popular series and one that 7800
just one programmer. By then it only took us three to fans definitely want to forget about, a system that
four months to turn a project around thanks to time- was sadly neglected when it came to sports games.
saving routines and programming aids that had been Despite this disappointing conclusion to the story, the
developed. Additionally, the work was now (usually) RealSports series is still fondly remembered by most
divided up among several people with dedicated artists Atari fans and the associated games definitely mark
and musicians etc.” an important step in the evolution of sports games.
The last game in the series was an Atari 7800 port In fact, there are still people out there who regard
of RealSports Baseball, the only game in the franchise RealSports Baseball on the 5200 as the best pixellated
released for the ProSystem this didn’t hit the market version of the sport in existence! While we wouldn’t
until 1988. Somehow, though, this version managed go that far, it would be wrong to deny its greatness
to be vastly inferior to the Atari 5200 original. The and it’s definitely the game most worth revisiting. We
gameplay was very limited, buggy and a poor imitation would recommend the more recently released Atari
of the real thing. It was also a clear step down in both 8-bit adaptation, though, so you don’t have to use the » [Atari 8-bit] Quite surprisingly, there are very few tennis games available for
the graphics and sound departments, too. This was 5200’s awful non-centring joysticks! the Atari 8-bit, so the RealSports entry is a welcome addition.

3D Monster Maze
» ZX81 » MALCOLM EVANS » 1982

I’ll never forget my first encounter with Malcolm

Evans’ epic 3D Monster Maze. I was playing around a
friend’s house and he was proudly telling me about his
new game and proclaiming to me how amazing it was. Of
course, this wasn’t the first time that Paul had hoodwinked
me with grand claims over a ZX81 game, so my guard was up somewhat.
I’d been uninterested with his stories on how lifelike Chess was, while Flight
Simulator was simply too complicated for me to play. So when he earnestly
told me that 3D Monster Maze was the scariest game I would ever play I
smiled patiently to myself and simply waited for the game to load up.
Ushering me to have the first go (Paul was nothing if not generous when
we played his new games) I found myself in an astonishing-looking 3D maze
and I gingerly started to explore it, fully aware that a gigantic dinosaur was
trapped somewhere in there with me. There was no sound, but prompts
like ‘Rex Lies In Wait’, ‘Rex Has Seen You’ or ‘Run He Is Behind You’ were
no less terrifying and I’m not ashamed to say that I squeaked with fright the
first time he caught me – I was nine, after all.
Of course, I’m a grown, adult man now. I’ve played the likes of Alien:
Isolation, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Outlast and various other survival
horror games, I’m certainly not going to be frightened of something as basic
as 3D Monster Maze…
“Are you frightened, Darran?” Drew asked me, roughly three minutes
into my playthrough after I jerked back in my chair and made a noise not
that dissimilar to the one I emitted in 1982. “Did you have a little scare?” He
might have been teasing me but he was right. For a brief moment I forgot I
was in an office and I was once again that frightened little nine-year-old who
had jumped out of his skin thanks to the skill of a developer who was able to
turn a bunch of ASCII characters into a ferocious and dangerous T-rex.
■ Tim Gilberts phones his father from a
ZX Microfair and persuades him to start
a business, selling software for the just-
here’s no doubt arcade-style games
ruled the roost throughout the life of
the 8-bit home computers. Yet there
was another genre, one that embraced
the technical restrictions of the time, one that
required simply a vivid imagination and logical
mind in order to enjoy: the text adventure. This
announced Spectrum. Games Tapes 1 & 2,

was the genre where the player could roam free,


plus Life are Gilsoft’s first releases. solve puzzles, attack enemies and rescue fair
■ Tim meets Graeme Yeandle as Gilsoft damsels; or pilot a spaceship, save a planet and
publishes his adventure, Time-Line. still be home in time for tea. But for Gilsoft, the
Graeme begins work on The Quill, which adventure genre wasn’t the start of its story. “I
is released at the end of the year, to great phoned my dad from the Microfair where they
acclaim. In June, Gilsoft attends the announced the ZX Spectrum,” remembers Tim » [ZX Spectrum] Adventure writer Peter Torrance cut his teeth on Firebird
budget adventure Subsunk and its sequel, Seabase Delta.
Gilberts, cofounder of the company that took its

seventh ZX Microfair, selling hardware as


well as software. title from his family name. “And he agreed to

‘put his money where his mouth was’. I was sure as I loved 3D Monster Maze.” Both games used
■ The Illustrator is released, giving Quill I could write some games for it, having taught technical tricks to increase their speed, before
fans the ability to add graphics. A new myself assembler on the ZX81.” Tim was inspired to write a clone of a much-loved

office and storage location is purchased in Tim’s main hobby throughout the late Seventies arcade classic. “I wrote a version of Pac-Man,

Park Crescent, Barry. and early Eighties was electronics, building and I don’t think we’d actually sold a copy before
computers such as the ZX81 from kit form. “But I Atari wrote us a nice letter,” he recalls. Small
■ Apart from a repackaged Quill/
loved programming as much as electronics, and adverts in the mail order sales sections of several
Illustrator combination and a small
that ZX81 came on the family caravan holiday magazines had been spotted by the arcade giant,
selection of Quilled adventures, a quiet
to France, screwed into a plywood base, and yet despite this unwanted attention, these adverts
year for Gilsoft release-wise as Tim
attached to a 12V black and white television.” As were critical for any software house selling its
focuses on creating the Professional

soon as the Gilberts family acquired its first ZX goods via mail order. “Dad used to joke that he

Adventure Writer.
Spectrum, Tim set to work. “The first [program] I had a chart with stars for all the magazines,”
■ The Quill’s follow-up, The Professional think was John Conway’s Life, using assembler to smiles Tim. “And each time we got an advertising
Adventure Writer, is released to great make it generate several generations a second. I call, he added a star. Magazines with the least
acclaim. Competition is ramping up, was also determined to do a colour 3D maze game stars had an advert the next month.”
Tim was just 17 when the first Gilsoft products

though, thanks to Incentive’s Graphic


Adventure Creator. began to appear. Initially it was just Tim and

» The launch of the ZX Spectrum inspired
Tim Gilberts to set up his own Howard, the latter helping out in addition to his
■ Gilsoft’s final release, QL Notebook,
company with his family. day job. It wasn’t long before Howard’s wife,
fails to sell many copies thanks to the

Pam, was involved too, often helping with the


failure of the Sinclair business machine.

assembly and packing of games. “We
■ Gilsoft officially ends as Tim remains in also had a lot of help from friends on

Spain, working for Aventuras AD. artwork for both early packaging
and loading screens,” says
Tim, name-checking Steve
Harbron and Andy Griffiths
for the former and Huw
Jones for the latter. And as
Gilsoft grew, Tim’s school life
inevitably suffered, or at least from
one point of view. “I didn’t think so, but
the school did!” he laughs. “As they did not

In The eIGhTIeS, hOward GILberTS
began a side-line business in
league with son, tim, spurred
On by The LaTTer , s enthusiasm
for the ZX spectrum. never a big
player, but fondly remembered
– what now, brave adventurer?
Words by Graeme Mason

“i wrote a version
of pacman, and
we hadn’T SOLd a
copy before atari
wrote us a nice
Tim Gilberts

offer A Level computing, I was splitting my

time between the comprehensive and college.
I think it was after the weekend writing
Softlink [a program that Kempston used to
adapt games to its joystick interfaces], that I
was summoned to school to explain what I
was doing when I wasn’t there or at college.
They felt I was juggling things not conducive
to the school goals. So I said, to rapturous
applause from the common room, that I
was only studying to get a job, and I already had
one that was earning plenty. So school was not approach given the hazards of purchasing games
conducive to me staying!” Working just before his via mail order, and the pair were soon deep in
A Levels was not the best timing, and Tim caught conversation. “He was impressed enough to buy
up at a later date with his remaining exams. But a copy of 3D Maze Of Gold, and mentioned he’d
Gilsoft was keeping him busy in the meantime, written an adventure game called Time-Line.”
and mainly thanks to one soon-to-be-famous Interested in putting his own imagination to use,
utility program that allowed the nation’s febrile Tim borrowed some of the tools that Graeme had
imagination to finally be set loose. used for Time-Line and attempted to write his own
adventure game. “But it was fairly laborious, so I

hey say everybody has a good novel suggested he create something that anyone could
in them; maybe the same can be said use.” The Quill Adventure System – a program
of adventure games, and in 1983, that allowed even the most technically challenged » [ZX Spectrum] A tricky situation in Gilsoft’s
Gilsoft gave everyone the chance to user to create a workable adventure game, was The Curse.
realise that otherwise distant dream. With Tim’s the result, and Gilsoft’s breakthrough hit. As
» (Top) Graeme Yeandle and Tim Gilberts proudly
experience of the genre limited, it was left to Crash magazine noted in its review, “The Quill displaying their respective creations The Quill and
nearby customer, Graeme Yeandle, to help him opens up a huge area of complex programming The Illustrator.
create history. “It was an accident of geography; to thousands of people. At £14.95, it is almost
Graeme had bought some games from us by mail ludicrously underpriced for what it does and, more
order, and when he saw he only lived ten miles importantly, what it allows others to do.”
away, he came to our house to see them before But before The Quill had even been completed,
buying,” explains Tim. An eminently sensible Tim recognised the significance of the utility.

“i loved showing what we had
done to people and chatting to
other enthusiasts”
Tim GIlberts

“We realised how unusual it was, as we weren’t run side-by-side with The Quill. By now, games
aware of anything like it, other than assemblers were firmly in the backseat as far as Gilsoft was
which helped, but only other programmers.” concerned. “Actually, I think we had always been
There was a step-up in packaging, as noting the a bit utility-focused,” says Tim, “with programs
potential retail capacity of the utility, Tim hired a like CESIL and HAL [two educational languages],
local commercial artist to create a striking black The Visual Processor, Softlink, and the Electronics
and gold image. “We also had to have a cardboard CAD programs from Peter Armitage. Much of it
box to replace the plastic bag, which was driven was because I liked creating an effect, like a sprite
by retail, who needed eye candy for the shelf.” The system, but then turning that into a game seemed
success of The Quill was virtually instantaneous; less interesting than overcoming the technical
now it was possible for programming neophytes challenges.” Quilled games appeared rapidly, and
to create their own adventures, with only their Gilsoft, having encouraged them to be submitted,
imagination to limit the result. Conversions to were deluged with efforts from fans. Commercial
other formats followed, with its author handling releases also appeared from other software
the Commodore 64 and Amstrad ports, while houses, with CRL and Piranha in particular having
Tim took care of the Oric and Atari ports, now decent success, usually adapting the basic Quill
focusing full-time on Gilsoft and using The Quill’s engine with Gilsoft’s own modification software
success to fund future releases. He recalls, “We such as The Press (text compression) and
sold many tens of thousands of copies but even at Character (a font mod). Then, after publishing a
£14.95 there wasn’t a lot of profit, considering up handful of titles itself Gilsoft turned its attention to
to 70 per cent discount for large wholesalers and a quasi-sequel for the popular utility.
retailers, plus the large manual and outer box to

produce along with tape duplication.” im explains, “It seemed logical to draw
The main drawback of The Quill was its lack of together the range of programs we
graphics capability. Graphic adventures, buoyed had now, The Quill, Illustrator, Patch,
by the success of games such as The Hobbit, were Press and Characters into a single tool
becoming the norm, even by 1984. Tim says, “I to simplify things again. It was also the chance
had been pondering how we could fit [graphics] to increase the power of the system, and make
into the Spectrum when I realised we would use of disk units that were appearing.” By this
» An early cover by Steve have to store how they were drawn, and that lent point, the Gilsoft boss was busy running the
Harbron… and an even earlier itself to a database, and an editor system to be company and supporting its products with help
pencil sketch of the same cover.
able to amend the drawing.” The result was The sheets and letters – even running a late-night
Illustrator, created by Tim on the ZX Spectrum telephone support line every Tuesday evening.
and Commodore 64, and tailored specifically to Then, just prior to release of The Quill’s follow

The dna OF GILSOFT Elements that deined the

8-bit sotware house

bedroom coding this is family (and friends) the mother of invention

■ Starting in the Gilberts’ family home in Barry, South ■ Out of the Gilberts’ close-knit community of friends and ■ Gilsoft didn’t just make games; it made software that
Wales, Tim began by coding assiduously in his bedroom, family, many were enlisted to help out with the various tasks allowed you to make games. Inventing fantastical stories
creating clones such as Munch Man and original games such involved in producing software. They pitched in with all sorts is part of any kid’s formative years, and Gilsoft made it so
as Bear Island. Not quite bedroom to billions, but the start of of odd jobs including game covers, loading screens, packing, that imagination could be harnessed to make compelling
a decent business. posting and accounts. adventure games, with little or no programming experience.


where are
they now?
■ Today Tim works as
an ICT consultant for the
Fire Service on projects
such as the recent new
joint 999 centre. As a hobby, Tim has been
contributing drivers to the Spectrum Next,
and is always keen to chat with fans – just
» [ZX Spectrum] CRL published a bunch of Delta 4 like at those ZX Microfairs, 35 years ago.
adventures, including amusing spoofs such as The Boggit.

» Pam and Howard Gilbe Graeme yeandLe

up, The Professional Adventure Writer (or PAW, rts share a moment. The
conversion of Rampage, poster for Activision’s During the Gilsoft years,
places this photograph at
for short), Incentive Software unleashed The around 1988.
and after it had faded
Graphic Adventure Creator. “That was a surprise,” away, Graeme worked
remembers Tim. “We did buy a copy to look at, exclusive as Commodore 64, Amiga and Atari ST at BT in a variety of roles
but I think we decided that the lower amount versions were abandoned at various stages. from systems analyst to programmer.
of memory and more complex programming “I stayed in Spain in March 1989 to work with Currently he spends his time running
language wouldn’t be too much of a challenge for Aventuras AD,” says Tim. “Sales for Gilsoft were programming websites such as
PAW. I’m sure we discussed that maybe people rapidly falling without any new products. It was www.codeabbey.com and helping people
would buy both anyway and it would only grow also a change in the industry as you needed a who are learning to program.
the market in general.” Unfortunately, while team, and we could never have that as a loose
the appetite for creating adventures appeared collection of people working remotely all over the hOward &
consistent, public demand, at least in the eyes of UK.” Yet despite the anticlimactic end, Tim looks pam gilberts
software houses, collapsed. By 1987, a year after back warmly at Gilsoft’s early days in particular. After the end of Gilsoft,
the release of The Graphic Adventure Creator and “The Microfairs were great as I loved showing Howard and his wife
PAW, the genre was virtually non-existent, save for what we had done to people and chatting to other opened a wine and beer
output from specialist publishers such as Level 9 enthusiasts. It put you on the frontline, as it can homebrewing shop on its old premises.
and Zenobi, and the odd budget release. get a bit lonely just writing code in the middle of Howard passed away four years ago, but
In order to continue and develop more titles, the night. And I was very proud of The Illustrator; it Pam is still running the Homebrew Centre,
Gilsoft needed to expand. But the rapid change worked really well and added to the games.” selling kits for hobbyist brewers.
in the market, as 16-bit computers arrived and In 2018, 36 years after the release of The
development costs ballooned, meant Tim could no Quill, adventure games are still being released
longer keep its release schedule busy enough to using Gilsoft’s useful software. “The whole era
maintain a reasonable income. “I think in 1986 we was a little bit of immortality for our family and
were still hopeful that recently released products collaborators,” Tim concludes. “I was lucky
such as QL Quill would begin to increase sales,” enough to have a good group of friends and the
explains Tim. Of course, that particular horse business produced enough income to give me
never really left the stables, and Gilsoft relied somewhere to live and to enjoy my transition
on Tim’s consulting work for companies such from a teenager, even though I didn’t get to go to
as Konix in order to survive. The Professional university. I always say it was probably the best
Adventure Writer remained a Spectrum/Amstrad decade of my life.”

■ While the company is
most remembered (and
quite rightly so) for The
Quill and the Professional
Adventure Writer, Gilsoft
released a number of
useful utilities for the
ZX Spectrum such as
Soft Link (an interface
utility) and White Noise
And Graphics.
enGaGInG wITh FanS fantastic art
■ Having been conceived while Tim attended a ZX Microfair, ■ In addition to some excellent loading screens from Huw
it seems apt that Gilsoft became a staple at such events. Jones, Gilsoft enlisted the skills of local artist Terry Greer to
Often the whole family would troop its way to London to help it with its inlay art. This resulted in memorable covers
sell both hardware and software, as well as chat both for games such as Africa Gardens and The Hollow, and a
technical and games to fans. great picture for the cover of Tim’s The Illustrator.


» Platform: ARCADE » released: 1987 » develoPer: SEGA

e’ve lost count of the number of arcade games

W that would wow you between levels with a fast

and frantic bonus stage. Some, like The Simpsons,
simply require you to bash buttons as quickly as
possible in order to blow up a balloon to escape on; while
others, like Street Fighter II, task you with smashing up a car as
quickly as possible by… you’ve guessed it, bashing buttons as
manically as you could.
Shinobi’s bonus round is also a button-basher of sorts, but it
also requires far more skill than many of its peers. Sure, you can
simply hammer the fire button to send shuriken flying from Joe
Musashi’s hands, but brute force alone isn’t enough to succeed,
you need to guide those flying stars of death to their targets as
well. Triumph and you are treated to a ‘Perfect’ sign spelt out in
fans and receive a bonus life for your troubles. Fail and you end
up being confronted by this guy, instead. Needless to say, we
always prefer to go for the extra life.

While it shares numerous similarities
with Namco’s Rolling Thunder, Shinobi
is very much its own game and more
than just a simple clone. It doubles
down hard on the use of ninjas (which
were immensely popular during the
Eighties) by not only making one
into the chief protagonist, but also
using them as endless cannon fodder.
Whether they’re garbed in yellow, blue,
red or green, they all fall readily to Joe
Musashi’s deadly ninja skills, meaning
Shinobi is one of the few arcade
games of the time to really make you
feel like a deadly ninja master.
Black Hawk Down
Shinobi’s second boss is one
of the largest in the game,
but it’s quick to down, if you
know what you’re doing. The
entire helicopter is impervious
to your attacks, with the
exception of its nose – so fill
it with shuriken as quick as you can. Oh, did we mention the
unlimited supply of yellow ninjas that appear from its cabin and
the stinger missiles that it fires at you? We didn’t? Silly us.

Ninja Magic
Although Joe Musashi is a
master of the shuriken, steel
throwing stars alone won’t
be enough to deal with some
of the nastier chokepoints
that appear in Sega’s game.
Luckily, Joe is also a master of
the ninja arts, which means he’s not averse to lobbing the odd
bit of magic around when things start to get tough. While he
can use a variety of useful spells that tap into certain elements
the best sends mirror image versions of himself flying around
the screen, instantly killing all but the toughest of enemies.

Cool As Hell
Everyone knows that ninjas
are cool, and Joe Musashi
is a perfect example. One of
the most memorable images
of Joe comes from when he
exits certain levels. Rather
than simply walk off right like
he does on many of the levels he instead enters a doorway or
cave, casually sauntering into the distance, no matter how many
enemies are still left to kill. It looks cool as hell and we’ve been
trying to copy his casual stroll (to no avail) ever since.

Ultimate Satisfaction
Speaking of ninja magic, while
it refills on every new stage,
you’ll get a significant amount
of points (5,000 in fact) if you
can get through the entire
level without actually using it.
As satisfying an achievement
as that is, it becomes an even better way of showboating if
you’re able to clear a boss this way. Lobster is arguably one of
the best mayors to take down using this technique, and you’ll
earn our endless respect if you can achieve it.

Sonic fronted the Mega Drive’s greatest
hits of the early and mid-Nineties. Kats
Sato and Jon Burton tell Retro Gamer how
they worked with Sonic Team to give the
speedy mascot a 16-bit swan song
Words by Rory Milne

ome wrote the Mega Drive off as early Unfortunately, the Japanese firm’s chosen
as the summer of 1995 when Sega developer had other ideas, and so when a
launched the Saturn in the West. proposal to produce an unspecified Mega Drive
However, the next-gen system’s initial title was rejected, Sega revealed all to Traveller’s
price stopped many Mega Drive owners upgrading, Tales boss Jon Burton. “We wanted to move on
which led to demand for a new Sonic The to the PlayStation and Saturn,” Jon remembers,
Hedgehog release for Sega’s aging 16-bit console, “so we told Sega that we weren’t really interested.
as former Sega producer Kats Sato explains. Then it revealed it wanted us to develop the next
“Sega Of America and Sega Of Europe strongly Sonic game for the Mega Drive and we said, ‘Oh,
requested a Sonic title on the Mega Drive. At that that game! Well you know how much we love the
point, Sega Of Japan decided to use an outsourced Mega Drive – we’d love to make it for you!’”
team. Somebody at Sega Of Japan found out that With Traveller’s Tales signed up to produce code
Traveller’s Tales had done a really great job on Toy and visuals for the forthcoming Sonic title, there
Story for the Mega Drive, and so Sega chose it.” remained the matter of producing a game design,
IN THE which was a task naturally entrusted to Sonic
KNOW Team. “We used the three game designers from
Sonic Team: Hirokazu Yasuhara, Takashi Iizuka
SEGA and Takao Miyoshi,” Sato notes. “They made
a map and also some specs, but Sonic Team’s
SONIC TEAM / programmers, artists and other designers were
TRAVELLER’S TALES busy doing NiGHTS, as having a key title from
» RELEASED: Sonic Team on the Saturn was very important.”
1996 Given that the production of Sega’s forthcoming
» PLATFORM: Sonic title was being outsourced, a decision
was made to give the project an isometric rather
PLATFORMER than side-on viewpoint in order to distinguish it
from Sega’s core Sonic The Hedgehog games,
as Sato discloses. “I think Sonic Team wanted
» [Mega Drive] Early on in Sonic 3D’s first level the little blue
something different from the standard Sonic 2D
hedgehog encounters a loop-the-loop. platform game because they were using a new


Jon Burton on his new and
improved Sonic 3D
What made you decide to
revisit Sonic 3D?
I watched a few recent video
reviews of the game and thought
that they made good points, but also that a
lot of the issues were solvable now. So that
gave me an idea of the things to fix, and then
I wanted to add the replayability and map

sonic team wanted screens that more modern games have. That
was the blueprint.

something diferent Did you get much input from current

from the standard or former sega developers while

creating the Director’s Cut?

sonic 2D platform I met up for a coffee with Simon Thomley

– the Sonic Mania coder – just to shoot the

» [Mega Drive] The finale of Sonic 3D’s animated intro shows Sonic
game breeze more than anything. He offered to
help in any way he could, but I was worried
leaping towards the screen fist first. Kats Sato about the legal implications of involving other
people so I kept the project just to myself in
development team: Traveller’s Tales. Sonic Team and Yasuhara-san to England, and they stayed the end.
were always thinking about the next Sonic title, in a hotel for maybe three, four months. Mainly
I think they had some sort of idea for the Saturn, Miyoshi-san and Yasuhara-san did map design. how does the Director’s Cut improve
and that’s why they didn’t want Traveller’s Tales to Iizuka-san was quite busy doing some other title, on the original?
do the same type of game.” but he did some design on the map.” The handling model was overhauled to make
A further deviation from the main Sonic Although no longer a designer, a Sega director it much easier to play. An overworld map
series followed, as the game’s isometric sprites was equally important to the production of the screen was added allowing for replaying
required prerendered polygons rather than pixel firm’s emerging isometric title, he had even levels, collecting hidden objects and
art. “Sonic faced in 16 different directions,” Jon created the project’s costars – the Flickies – accessing new game modes. Super Sonic
recalls, “and so a 12-frame run cycle alone would although Sato isn’t certain if Youji Ishii was was also added to the game, following the
take 192 frames of animation – all required to responsible for partnering them with Sonic. rules of the previous Sonic titles. And I also
be perspective correct, so traditionally designed “Ishii San was the development director of threw in the level editor and a password
sprites weren’t really an option.” Sega’s consumer department at the time, so he save game system.
Another option deemed unviable for Sega’s was my boss. He assigned me to go to Sega Of
isometric Sonic title was a two-player mode, as Europe and work with Traveller’s Tales, but I don’t other than a legal backup of the
Jon soon found out. “It became clear pretty early remember who came up with the idea of using mega Drive Sonic 3D stored on a PC
on that even a full-screen single-player isometric Flickies in the game, maybe Ishii-san or maybe and an emulator, what other sotware
view would struggle to show what was needed,” someone in Sonic Team.” is needed to play the Director’s Cut?
Jon points out, “let alone a screen using a The former Sega producer is more certain There’s a patch file and a program called Delta
split-screen mode, so we dropped the idea.” of whose idea it was to have different coloured Patcher – the details are on gamehut.com,
Months into implementing Sonic Team’s ideas Flickies behave differently. “I think that the alternatively they’re on the Steam Workshop
onscreen, the long-distance between Jon and behaviour being different for different colours of (bit.ly/sonic3ddirectorscut).
his Japanese collaborators was significantly Flickies came from Jon,” Sato muses. “I think one
shortened, as Sato recollects. “Some of the design of the Flicky birds was moving slowly, and then
was done in England, because it was sometimes the behaviour changed. If my memory is right, Jon
easier to work together with Jon and the artists at did something to change the AI movement and
Traveller’s Tales. I brought Iizuka-san, Miyoshi-san behaviour between the different colours.”

As for how ideas like Flicky behaviour were being one memorable gameplay feature to be
shared between the English-speaking Traveller’s implemented into the game. “I believe Yasuhara-
Tales and the Japanese-speaking Sonic Team, san brought the fan idea,” Sato ponders. “We
Jon gives full credit to the bilingual producer really wanted to do something different because
of the evolving game that the two teams were isometric was different from 2D platforming,
collaborating on. “Input from Sega was ideas so we saw not from the side-view but from an
rather than development,” Jon explains, “so we isometric view. That’s why Yasuhara-san came up
DEVELOPER worked out of our office, and Kats passed on any
suggestions from Sega.”
with this kind of idea.”

But outside of work time, Jon remembers how dditional gameplay concepts followed,
toY storY demonstrating his Lotus Turbo Esprit’s acceleration such as giving Sonic the ability to turn
sYstem: to his producer resulted in an outcome that didn’t into a living homing missile. “With an
MEGA DRIVE, VARIOUS need any translation. “I slowed right down, but then isometric view, it was really hard to
Year: 1995
I spotted headlights in my rear-view mirror, so I actually aim at enemies,” Sato reasons, “that’s
soniC 3D
sYstem: accelerated as hard as I could and then slammed on why the ‘Blast Attack’ worked really well, because
MEGA DRIVE, SATURN the brakes to turn into Sato’s hotel. Unfortunately, it automatically aimed. Without the ‘Blast Attack’
Year: 1996 the car in my mirror was a police car. I remember you made many mistakes, lost coins and soon it
soniC r (PiCtureD) seeing Sega’s senior management with their faces was game over. So probably players would have
sYstem: pressed against the hotel windows taking in the gotten frustrated at such a quick game.”
Year: 1997 scene. Turns out the police thought I had stolen the A recurring feature from previous Sonic titles
car and made a run for it!” was omitted, however, as Sonic’s ‘Super Sonic’
Meanwhile, Jon and Sato’s Sonic project power-up didn’t suit the puzzle-based gameplay of
was also picking up speed, with industrial fans the isometric title. “From the beginning, this was
a more puzzle element action game rather a battle
action game,” Sato argues. “Super Sonic was a
special feature to fight on boss stages in the other
Sonic games, and so I think it didn’t fit into this
because it was just more puzzle element action.”
Recurring characters Tails and Knuckles did join
Sonic in his isometric Mega Drive debut, but as

» As well as Sonic 3D and Sonic R,

Kats Sato worked on both » [PC] The visually enhanced main stages in the PC and Saturn
Clockwork Knight titles. » [Saturn] Unlike its core levels, the Saturn Sonic 3D’s special stages boast real-time rendered polygon visuals. Sonic 3D’s are absolutely identical.

SONIC VS ROBOTNIK How to win every Sonic 3D boss fight


■ Jump on the left hand when it slaps the ■ Steer clear of Robotnik while he’s dropping
ground, and as it lifts you up spin into Robotnik’s exploding snowmen, and then hit his saucer
saucer, then stay to the left of the hand to avoid when it starts spitting snowballs. If you get
Robotnik’s bullets. frozen tap jump to get free.


■ Stay close to Robotnik’s spiked ball as it chases ■ Run circuits but keep your distance from
you. That way, when his saucer lands to collect Robotnik, wait for him to thump the ground with
its spiky weapon you’ll be close enough to bash his hands and then bounce into his dome from
its glass dome. the sides or from behind.


With an isometric
view, it was hard to
aim at enemies that’s
why the ‘Blast Attack’
worked really well
Kats Sato

gatekeepers to the game’s special stages rather

than playable characters, which Sato puts down to
expediency. “Because Tails could fly and Knuckles
could glide if we had made them playable
characters that would have made much of the
design completely different. We probably would
have had to work harder and think about how the
map should work with those characters – and that
would have taken time and money.”
A further concession to the isometric nature of
Sato and Jon’s rapidly progressing project meant
a loss of control in return for more predictable
outcomes. “I think originally the loops were
designed so that you could run around them » [Mega Drive] Once five Flickies are freed Sonic can dunk them in a hoop and teleport away.
manually like in the previous Sonic games,” Jon
reflects, “but as our maps were 3D we had to response that he got from within Sega rather than In reviewing Sonic 3D now, Sato is
change them to being automated to stop all kinds the game’s critical and commercial fortunes. “I proud of the game’s unique attributes,
of problems occurring.” don’t remember the reviews, and I probably didn’t but feels that with more time it could
Besides troubleshooting, the coder also found care about them or the sales numbers. I felt that have been even better. “Unlike the 2D
time to come up with an unexpected finishing the product was really successful. Maybe it was Sonic games, Sonic 3D’s isometric view gives
touch for Sonic’s latest Mega Drive adventure - an just because the marketing and sales departments quite a different type of game with a lot of puzzle
animated intro. Although Jon wasn’t influenced really appreciated my work.” elements, and it’s really fun to play. So I’m
by a similar feature in Sonic Team’s latest Saturn definitely really proud that I was involved in the

title. “I really don’t remember seeing the NiGHTS n the motivation for producing a Saturn project. But of course there are some regrets, if we
animated intro, but I was really keen to fit one version of Sonic 3D, Sato is forthright could have we would have liked to have produced
into Sonic 3D, he tells us. “I kept saving memory about Sega Of Japan’s opinion of the more stages.”
wherever I could and then surprised Sega a few cancelled game that the Traveller’s Tales When asked for his assessment, Jon highlights
weeks before going gold with the intro we’d port replaced. “Sonic Xtreme was really bad. We Sonic 3D’s visuals and slickness before finishing
managed to squeeze in.” reviewed it many times internally, but it didn’t with an admission that he likes his 2017 enhanced
When Sonic 3D hit the shelves, sales were reach the quality needed. But I think marketing version that much more. “It’s a great looking
brisk, and while reviewers hoping for 2D wanted a Sonic title on the Saturn, and game, it’s technically very proficient and it was
platforming were disappointed, those that Sega in Japan was busy doing other executed according to the design that Sega
appreciated its novelty heaped praise on the titles. That’s why we did a conversion gave us. I always liked it, but I prefer the
game. Although Sato focuses on the positive of Sonic 3D from the Mega Drive.” Director’s Cut now!”


■ Keep to the front and the far left or right of ■ Evade Robotnik’s slower weapons, find safe
the conveyer belt – depending on which side is spots to avoid his lasers and pellets, and use Spin
spike-free, and then bash Robotnik when he Dashes to dodge his giant hands – and then hit
stops firing missiles. him between salvos.


■ Stock up on rings while dodging fireballs, ■ Wait until the robot is about to slap you, and
then jump onto a pipe and repeatedly spin into then hit its pulsing shoulder. For parts two
Robotnik to beat him – the rings will shield you and three, hit one shoulder then the next while
from a few fireball hits. dodging projectiles.

Pocket Color fact
■ a second model of the neo-geo Pocket Color was released
exclusively in Japan in october 1999, featuring a slightly lighter and
slimmer body than the original.

PROCESSOR: 16-bit toshiba tLCs-900h CPU (6.144Mhz), 8-bit z80

soUnd CPU (3.072Mhz)
RAM: 12Kb Main MeMory, 4Kb z80 MeMory
GRAPHICS: 160x152 resoLUtion, UP to 64 sPrites on-sCreen,
UP to 146 CoLoUrs on-sCreen (froM PaLette of 4,096)
AUDIO: t6W28 texas instrUMents sn76489 variant (three
sqUare Wave ChanneLs PLUs noise generator,
With direCt daC aCCess)
MEDIA: roM Cartridge (UP to 4Mb)
PoCKet CoLor bios roM

Pocket Color
» Manufacturer: SNK » Year: 1999 » cost: £59.99 (launch), £30+ (today)
ess than six months after releasing the ill-fated Neo-Geo Pocket, SNK

L delivered its successor – a substantially similar handheld console with

backwards compatibility and a full colour screen. The result was a rather
stunning piece of kit, which delivered on every front. The 16-bit CPU and strong
sprite-shifting capability allowed the machine to deliver faithful miniature versions of
Neo-Geo arcade hits, and the microswitched digital thumbstick made for a perfect controller.
The console ran for many hours from just a pair of AA batteries, and it was even a little
cheaper than Nintendo’s Game Boy Color.
Unfortunately, the Neo-Geo Pocket Color faltered in the marketplace. Metal Slug: 1st
Mission, Neo Turf Masters and The King Of Fighters R-2 were great games but not the
most high-profile, and SNK recognised that, smartly licensing handheld-friendly games
such as Pac-Man, Puzzle Bobble Mini and Sonic Pocket Adventure. But the Game Boy line
was undergoing a radical revitalisation fuelled by the Pokémon juggernaut, and SNK’s peak
share of the US handheld market was just two per cent. Aruze purchased SNK in January
2000 and withdrew the company from international markets in June 2000, and with little
but pachinko games to offer, the Neo-Geo Pocket Color fell into decline in Japan before
ultimately succumbing to SNK’s bankruptcy in October 2001.
EDITOR’S CHOICE Metal Slug: 1st Mission
SNK often took care to ensure that Neo-Geo Pocket games had depth and
lasting appeal, and Metal Slug: 1st Mission is a
fine example of this. Though the run-and-gun
game design of the arcade game came across
largely intact (though with a greater helping
of platforming), the structure around it was
designed for handheld play. Out went one-hit
kills and linear progression, in came the health
bar, frequent pick-ups and a map with over 30
stages and branching paths. As a result, this is
a thoroughly enjoyable experience for series
fans and newcomers alike.
Arguably the most beautiful fighter ever
made, The Last Blade paints a picture of a
warrior age coming dramatically to a close,
with combatants clashing on the very edge of
oblivion. It,s time to face the final curtain
Words by Rob Jones

he blades clash, the cherry blossom falls And you, the player, must choose from a
and, as the winds of change howl across 12-warrior roster and then master the game’s
a 19th century Japanese landscape, you four-button control scheme and combat system
the player must fight, furiously, until in order to survive a series of deadly duels and
your very last breath. You must fight to carve out prosper against Kagami. Only in doing this will
your own future in a world that is on the brink of you stand a chance of ending the Crisis Christ
destruction, both physically and culturally, and to and his resurrected henchman Musashi Akatsuki
do so, to be the last warrior standing, you must – only then will you live through the dramatic and
become one with your blade. poetically melancholic bakumatsu.
The bakumatsu period is your setting for Indeed, SNK made an inspired choice when
combat in The Last Blade – SNK’s stunning making this refined, darker, and more mature
weapons-based versus-fighter series swan spiritual sequel to Samurai Shodown, with the 19th
song – the 19th century ‘final curtain’ of the Edo century bakumatsu (the game is set in the year
period and the Tokugawa shogunate. Japan is 1863) the perfect setting to finish its romance with
in the grip of a brutal civil war and, in the chaos, Japan’s feudal, warrior culture history. And the
the ‘Crisis Christ’ and former guardian of Hell’s studio’s passion for this project and insane skill in
Gate (a passage to the daemon-infested makai terms of producing one-on-one fighters is poured
underworld) Shinnosuke Kagami intends to bring into The Last Blade in every aspect of the game,
destruction to the Earth and rule it like a god. from the artwork right through to its musical score.


The background locations of each brawl in The

Last Blade are simply works of art. Sakura tree-
flanked ornate bridges, flower-lined city gates,
isolated wheat-strewn rural crossroads, deep forest
waterfalls and bamboo groves bathed by silver
moonlight are just a few of the game’s lush-looking
locations. The Last Blade excels at providing an
atmospheric backdrop to its frantic action like few
other similar games have managed.
Character art and animations, too, exude quality
and classical style. From hero of the piece Kaede
(the name, fittingly, means ‘maple’), who fights
with a grace that stems from his use of the real
life Kasshin Ittou fighting style, to the wolf-like
directness of the katana-wielding, hakama-clad
Shinsengumi (military police) unit leader Keiichiro
Washizuka. Other standouts include the kasa (flat
straw hat) wearing, decked in green ninja Zantetsu, » [Arcade] Akari uses her magic to summon a large daemon to help attack Shigen.
and the western Christian stylings of Kagami, but in
reality, each fighter in The Last Blade looks fantastic. kick strikes, and varied too depending on which
The Last Blade’s mechanics utilise SNK’s tried- way the joystick is flicked as the button is pressed.
and-tested four button fight game layout, with Where things quickly get very interesting, though,
moves broken down into a variety of weapon and is in the game’s adoption of ‘Speed’ and ‘Power’
modes, one of which is selected after picking a
character from the roster.
Speed mode grants the character the ability
to chain multiple move strings together into an
elongated combo and, neatly, players can also
transition a combo via interruption into a special
move. As a trade-off, in Speed mode damage per
strike is reduced, normal moves do not produce any
damage on an opponent block, and the player also
cannot call on the character’s Super Desperation
Move (we’ll get to those), either.
The opposite fight mode, Power, plays very much
like the reverse of Speed. That’s because, while
» [Arcade] Get drawn in by the fantastic artwork, stay for the chain combos are ruled out along with a character’s
nuanced fighting system. combo special move, damage per strike is
h e c A S T
M eeT T

KAede yuKI
■ The lead character in MorIyA ■ Yuki, whose name Juzoh hyo
The Last Blade, Kaede MInAKATA means snow in Japanese, KAnzAK AKArI IchIJou AMAno ShIgen
fights with a katana using ■ Trained alongside is the last character to ■ The adopted brother ■ Akari hails from ■ A ladies’ man that is nAoe
the Kasshin Ittou fighting Kaede, but wrongly be trained by Gaisai and of Akari Ichijou, who Kyoto and enjoys a good obsessed with sake and ■ He’s a guardian of Hell’s
style taught by legendary accused of their master’s wields a ‘Fate-Penetrating persuades him to adventure. She is an having fun, Amano fights Gate and, after getting
swordsman Gaisai. His murder, Moriya fights with Spear’ naginata, a weapon accompany her, Juzoh is a onmyouji, a sorcerer, and with a bokutou wooden set in stone for ten years
name is based on the the Kassatsu Ittou-Ryuu associated with women in powerful fighter that uses can summon spirits to sword. He is modelled on by big bad Shinnosuke
Japanese word for maple. style. His katana is named the bakumatsu period. a huge metal club as their help her fight. Kumo from the manga Kagami, desires revenge.
Katsura Of The Moon. weapon of choice. Haguregumo.

BASed In reALITy the authentic elements of the last blade

■ Notice the realistic bakumatsu-era
depiction of a Japanese noble alongside
a brace of western gentlemen.
A cuLTurAL
■ The bridge and architecture
here are reminiscent of
counterparts in Kyoto, the
once capital of Japan and
home of the Emperor.

now you
See Me
■ The ninja, Zantetsu
has the ability to briefly
disappear and turn
invisible, similar to the The fALLen
ninjas of legend. ShInSenguMI
■ Shikyo is a corrupted Shinsengumi
warrior, and still wears the tattered
remains of his old uniform.

■ Falling sakura is symbolic of
how times are changing during
this period of Japanese history.


ShIKyoh Lee reKKA

■ A former member of the KeIIchIro ■ A Chinese martial arts genBu ShInnoSuKe
elite Shinsegumi military wAShIzuKA master, Rekka fights with no oKInA MuSAShI KAgAMI
zAnTeTSu police, however now a ■ A unit leader of the a folding fan (or Shazi), ■ Okina is another of AKATSuKI ■ The main antagonist
■ One of the last ninja, crazed and psychotic Shinsengumi elite police nicknamed the Crimson Hell’s Gate’s guardians. ■ Based on the real and boss of The Last Blade,
and therefore master of killer, Shikyoh fights with force, Washizuka is a Lotus. His fighting style His name means ‘Old Man Miyamoto Musashi, Shinnosuke ‘Crisis Christ’
ninjutsu, Zantetsu fights a deadly pair of curved straight-laced master is based on the Flying Of The Black Tortoise’ and, Aktsuki is one of the big Kagami wishes to open
to prove his prowess as blades that can be united swordsman who fights Shadow Fist Kung Fu of despite being a master of bads, fighting with his Hell’s Gate so he can use
a warrior using a pair of at the hilt. with the Tennen Rishin the Shaolin. the sword, fights with his Niten Ichi-Ryuu Kai style. its daemonic denizens to
tantou short swords. Ryuu style. trusty fishing rod. take over the world.

“TIMIng IS everyThIng when uTILISIng

repeL, however IT SuperBLy AddS
„ To
The gAMe’S AuThenTIcITy
increased, normal attacks cause minor damage open if they are blocked though, so while deadly,
upon block, and the character’s Super Desperation they are in no way an instawin mechanic.
move is made available when their life meter is And, talking of blocking, The Last Blade not only
flashing and ‘POW’ gauge is full. has one that also allows for air blocking too (vertical

pecial moves and combo specials, as well

or backward jump only), but also a ‘Repel’ attack.
This is bound to the D button and when pressed as powerIng up
as Desperation and Super Desperation the opponent is launching an attack will block it via While the heart is drawn toward the original
attacks rely on The Last Blade’s super parry and then immediately and automatically land bakumatsu romance due to its beautiful purity,
meter, a traditional fighting game gauge a small counterblow. Naturally, timing is everything The Last Blade’s sequel technically ofers the
that fills during combat. While special moves when utilising Repel, however it superbly adds to better all-round package as a ighting game.
are the typical enhanced attacks found in the vast the game’s authenticity (parrying is a key skill in real Set one year ater the events of the original
majority of other versus fighters, Desperation and weapons-based combat) and sheer cool factor, game, The Last Blade 2 sees the Hell’s Gate
Super Desperation moves are more complex. tear between the real world and the makai,
Desperation attacks rely on one of two states, the daemonic underworld, which is still very
the player’s super meter being full or their life much active and in need of sealing. Three new
meter flashing red, and if pulled off they cause the characters are introduced: Hibiki, Kojiroh, and
character to execute a move which, if it connects, Setsuna (the latter being one of the coolest
causes massive damage. ighting game characters ever made).
Super Desperation attacks are even more The game also adds more in terms of game
powerful versions of these moves, relying on the mechanics, too, reining the Speed and Power
player being in Power mode and having both a full modes while also adding in a new EX Sword
Super Meter and a flashing red life meter. These Gauge style, which combines elements from
moves are akin to execution moves, causing a both, making each battle to the death even more
fatality in almost all circumstances if they connect, tense and dynamic than before.
due to a simply monstrous amount of damage being Best of all, The Last Blade 2 also expands on
done to the opponent. Both Desperation and Super » [Arcade] Kaede’s one-handed fighting style is actually real and the simply breathtaking art and musical score
Desperation attacks will leave the player massively was pioneered during the time the game was set. witnessed in the original title.

n c A p e r S
co n v er SIo neo-geo AeS
■ Basically identical to the MVS arcade
original, The Last Blade on Neo-Geo AES is
a super-faithful port, delivering a stacked
474Mbit cart that shows the bakumatsu
brawler off perfectly. A full character roster,
buttery-smooth gameplay, and a full-fat
feature set make this version a must own
for Neo-Geo fans.

neo-geo cd
■ The Neo-Geo CD version of the game is
unique in the fact that it comes with a fully
orchestrated arranged soundtrack. This is
absolutely stunning and is a sweet boon pLAySTATIon
that helps you to forget about this port’s ■ The PlayStation version of The Last Blade is a similar port performance-wise
(as to be expected for SNK’s CD system) to the Neo-Geo CD version, but also boasts improved load times as well as
annoyingly long load times and small an exclusive anime intro (of middling quality, admittedly) that introduces all
moments of slowdown. characters, and it shows a bit of extra story, too.

PlayStation 2 neo-geo
■ Released well after the game’s original
pocKeT coLor
■ A interesting quasi-port of The Last Blade,
release, the PlayStation 2 version of The
Last Blade is part of a combo package that the Neo-Geo Pocket Color version actually
includes both it and its sequel, adding in a combines elements from The Last Blade 2
must-have feature for 2006: online network as well, with the game sitting somewhere
play via the PS2’s modem. You get the between the two. The transition into the
arranged soundtrack from the Neo-Geo CD sequel has to be earned by the player, who
version, too. must unlock its features by winning.

PlayStation 3/PSP wII/wII u

■ A conversion of a conversion, this is the ■ Available originally on Wii but, due to
Japanese version of the original PlayStation it running in Nintendo’s Virtual Console,
port of The Last Blade brought much later to also playable on Wii U, this The Last Blade
the PlayStation Network store. Due to it only port is a fully featured, but very standard,
being available in the Japanese PlayStation version that doesn’t excel in any area.
Network store, though, this is one of the This conversion of the game has recently
more lesser-known versions of the game been arguably succeeded by the excellent
in the west. Nintendo Switch port by Hamster Co.

■ One of the more recent ports of the game,
The Last Blade on PC offers a variety of
display options, such as ability to run the
game at various resolutions up to 1080p and
add scanlines if desired, as well as allowing
online play with leaderboards, too. While the
audio is clean, you don’t get the arranged
soundtrack in-game, which is a shame.

■ The latest, and arguably greatest, edition
of SNK’s sword-slinging slasher, The Last
Blade on Switch is a very authentic yet
PS4/XboX one augmented experience. The same super
■ While Neo-Geo purests may hate to admit it, the PS4 and Xbox One ports of The port technically as the PS4 and Xbox One,
Last Blade are – aside from the fact they are not running on original hardware – Hamster Co here, though, lets you to take
basically perfect. The game flies on both systems, with zero slowdown, and also the silky smooth and beautiful action of
boasts added features over the original, like controller vibration support. clashing katanas on the road with you.


» [Arcade] Lee
Rekka’s overhead
kick move is

“wATchIng The LAST BLAde IS LIKe

wATchIng A BeAuTIfuL pAInTIng froM
„ A
revered MASTer coMe To LIfe
with the flow of combat fluidly transitioning
between the two warriors.
The Last Blade’s soundtrack, and especially the
fully orchestral iteration included first on the Neo-Geo
CD version of the game (the MVS and AES original
is synthesised), is so good that it was released
separately on CD and simply stands apart as a piece
of art. Interestingly, unlike the traditional Japanese
style and instrumentation used in Samurai Shodown,
the soundtrack to The Last Blade is largely in a
19th century western romantic style, evoking the
emergence of western culture in Japan during the
bakumatsu and then following Meiji Restoration. » [Arcade] Shigen is a physically powerful character,
demonstrated here by slamming Juzoh to the floor.
onally, as noted above, The Last Blade is
darker, realistic, and more melancholic If anything, though, The Last Blade’s enduring
than Samurai Shodown. This is another legacy, the thing that it should be remembered for
of its strengths. This bleak, unresolved, most, is that it transcended the fighting game genre
end-of-days air even pervades many of the game’s into pure art. Other games came close, and many
character endings, with only a few having a genuine contenders came from SNK no less, but none did
comedic or light-hearted feel. Most merely return so like this and, arguably, outside of the series none
to what remains of their lives, or are forced to push has done so since. Watching The Last Blade is like
on into the mists of an unknown future. It all adds watching a beautiful painting from a revered master
gravitas to The Last Blade, grounding it no matter come to life, and the fact it does this while offering a
how fantastical its overlaying fiction is, in a real superbly deep combat system that’s hard to master
period of the past where thousands died. and fun to play, too, is remarkable.


This showpiece didn’t result in instant stardom, but
Bloodhouse’s debut was a strong foundation
» Platform: AMIGA » DeveloPer: BLOODHOUSE » releaseD: 1993

t’s fair to say that Stardust wasn’t a appeared on the platform previously – there was

I tremendously innovative game, when

taken at a pure play design level.
Essentially, it was an enhanced version of
Asteroids – a relative relic of gaming at 14 years
old. Even the idea of a 3D space shooter had
none of the jerkiness that plagued games such
as Space Harrier II. The tunnel animation was
created with incredibly limited resources, but
was big enough to scroll and convey a sense
of movement, and animated fast enough to
been pulled off many a time before. However, cover its limitations. By limiting these stages to
neither of these ideas had been executed just two enemy types, there was enough of an
on a home platform with quite the level of animation budget for the sprites to appear to
sophistication achieved by Bloodhouse. grow naturally as they approached the screen,
In the main stages, colourful animated scenes thus avoiding the computationally difficult task of
serve as a backdrop to the Asteroids-style action, true scaling.
but the truly impressive aspect of these sections Stardust was an awesome achievement on
is the enemy graphics. Ray traced asteroids the Amiga, revitalising a classic but with the small
fly across the screen, saving memory by using flaw of an extreme difficulty level. The game
a variety of different colours to represent their scored well in the press as a result – scores
resilience. The occasional similarly detailed ranged from Amiga Action’s low 78% to scores
enemy ship also puts in an appearance, boasting of 88% in Amiga Format, 89% in Amiga Power
effects like multisegmented sprites. The game and 91% in The One. An enhanced version titled
also features optional extra missions, which Super Stardust was later published for AGA
accounts for the Thrust-style screenshot found Amiga platforms, this time having been picked up
on this page, with its writhing scenery and by Team17. Bloodhouse would soon merge with
warped background. Terramarque to form Housemarque, which is
But it was the 3D tunnel stages that really still going strong today with games like Resogun,
set the game apart from the games that had Nex Machina and Super Stardust VR.

Clever Colour
While the Amiga is capable of
performing tricks to generate
additional colours, Stardust just makes
fantastic use of limited resources. This
screenshot employs 31 colours, which
is incredible given the detail on display.

Ray Tracing
This technique for creating realistically
lit 3D objects was used extensively
in the creation of Stardust’s sprites. A
twisting, spinning asteroid, space mine
and abstract head all look phenomenal
as a result.

Amazing Animation
While you couldn’t quite mistake
Stardust for true 3D, the animation
actually looks better than most
prerendered games of the era. Better
yet, it allows for a good simulation of
scaling for the tunnel sprites.

Memory Miracles
Cramming that tunnel animation that’s
so impressive into the Amiga required
major graphical efficiencies. It was
achieved with just four colours and
lots of dithering, a handful of frames of
animation and copper mirroring.
The Making of...

e history of videogame adaptation

In th title stands out above all otherss,
one most unlikely of success stories:
as therk, bizarre and twisted I Have No
the da Mouth, And I Must Scream
Words by Hareth Al Bustani

n 1995, the point-and-click adventure genre who remain trapped in an artificial hell of the machine’s
reached critical mass. Sierra and LucasArts design. Not exactly standard puzzle adventure material.
titles were a huge deal, selling in the hundreds Even more unusual, Harlan himself was brought
of thousands. Having previously worked with HR in to flesh out the concept with writer David Sears.
Giger on the audacious 1992 horror title, DarkSeed, When the two discussed the project at the annual
indie studio Cyberdreams went for the jugular – Game Developers Conference, among those in
approaching Harlan Ellison for an adaptation of his 1967 the audience was designer, David Mullich. “I was
KNOWTHE short story, I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream.
Suffice to say, this would be no ordinary videogame
very jealous, because I Have No Mouth And I Must
Scream was my favourite short story,” Mullich says.
adaption and the prodigious Harlan, author of roughly “I thought that, given my success in adapting the
» PUBLISHER: 2,000 works and winner of numerous awards, was television show, The Prisoner, into a videogame, that
no ordinary writer. Notorious, unrelenting, visionary; I was the best person to develop such a game.”
THE DREAMERS GUILD he once mailed 213 bricks to a publishing house, Cyberdreams agreed. When Sears left the project
followed by a dead gopher, via fourth-class mail, when months later, Mullich was brought in to produce it.
1995 a cigarette ad was printed in one of his paperbacks. The original story follows five characters, who
» PLATFORM: Grotesque and harrowing, I Have No Mouth And I have been tortured since the Allied Mastercomputer,
PC, MAC Must Scream revolves around a supercomputer, which or AM, destroyed mankind 109 years ago. Boasting
» GENRE: has wiped out humanity, save a handful of people, godlike powers, AM has made his prisoners
ADVENTURE immortal. They spend their days in squalor,
fending off hunger and monsters, while
suffering all manner of violent demises. At

» [PC] Unlike the short story, the game gives gamers the chance to
defeat AM, with the help of unexpected friends.
The evil godlike antagonist, and its
human test subjects

■ The Allied Mastercomputer, it
began as three supercomputers
designed by the Americans,
Chinese and Russians. They
eventually merged, wiping
out the human race. AM turns
into a god, with the power to
» [PC] The manipulate biology and matter.
paranoid Ted
is surrounded
by unsavoury
characters, each
with conflicting
■ Gorrister is a former trucker,
agendas and
information, whose wife was institutionalised
preying on his following their abusive marriage.
After 109 years of torture,
» [PC] Benny’s he awakes on a dark, filthy
story was zeppelin, flying over a desert,
rewritten for the
videogame. Cruel where AM promises he may
in his previous life, finally kill himself.
he must learn to be

■ During a war with China,

the end of the story, the narrator, Ted, seizes a rare Benny, a sergeant, murdered
opportunity to help kill his fellow captives, but is one of his weaker soldiers, and
caught before he can commit suicide himself. AM three others who tried to help
mutates him into a blob “whose shape is so alien a him. Though insane, AM has
travesty that humanity becomes more obscene for restored Benny’s wits, only to
the vague resemblance”. He is trapped, forever to cripple his legs and send him to
endure his captor’s hatred alone: “I have no mouth. a bio-organic jungle.
And I must scream.”
Sears and Harlan wanted to explore why AM
chose these individuals, using puzzles to unravel
■ She was once a high-flying
their backstories and personalities. Though the duo
engineer, whose life tragically
completed three quarters of the design work, Mullich
fell apart when she was sexually
says there were some issues. “Much of the problem
assaulted in an elevator. By the
was that individual lines of dialogue needed to be As the game starts, players must complete
events of the game, AM has sent
turned into full, interactive conversations that could quests for the five prisoners – using a SCUMM-style
her to a robotic pyramid, where
branch into different directions.” interface to interact with environments, via a selection
it claims to have left her the
of verbs and inventory items. Gorrister, for example,
tools to destroy it.

ith Harlan too busy to write the wakes up on a zeppelin – where AM suggests he
dialogue himself, Mullich picked might finally be able to kill himself. The ex-trucker
up the slack. “Although I am a far
inferior writer,” he concedes, “Harlan
is forced to confront his abusive treatment of his
institutionalised wife, and his tumultuous relationship
■ A former Nazi scientist
would ‘punch up’ some of the scenes I had written.” with his mother-in-law. He must also retrieve his whose tortuous experiments
Moreover, while Sears had never designed a game heart, which has been cut out. However, the sadistic on human guinea pigs form
before, Harlan was not even a gamer. “Some of the AM sets up various red herrings – such as a poisoned the basis of AM’s own godlike
puzzles he suggested seemed very difficult to him, bowl of punch – which result in the game resetting. powers over the human body. He
but I had to explain that a gamer would figure them After each character has completed their quest, the is sent to a concentration camp,
out right away, and then I’d come up with ones that I player attempts to help them kill themselves, along where he learns of his own
thought were more challenging,” adds Mullich. with AM. There are multiple endings – numerous bad Jewish heritage.
The producer, who now runs Electric Sheep endings, alongside one good one – and Harlan took
Game Consulting and heads the Los Angeles Film great pride in how difficult it was to achieve the good
School’s Game Production programme, says he first
became a fan of Harlan’s work when he saw the
ending. This would only be available to players who
had made noble decisions earlier in the game. The
■ He’s a former conman, who
writer’s legendary 1967 Star Trek: The Original Series perfect ending would result in the final character taking lived a life of luxury, bankrolled
episode, The City On The Edge Of Forever. Despite over the supercomputer, while the earth recovered, in by various rich lovers. Living
the author’s famously ferocious demeanour, he says time to host a lunar colony of 750 sleeping survivors a lie made him paranoid. AM
it was a “big treat” working with him. “He threw – a far more hopeful ending than the original short sends him to a Medieval castle,
a few insults at me, like being ‘a member of the story. The numerous bad endings resulted in either the where he must rely on a cast of
Cyberdreams’ brain trust’, but I just ignored them and character’s turning into the titular mouthless blob, or unsavoury characters to save
eventually won his trust.” the lunar colony being killed off. his lover, Ellen.

Although Mullich, who was simultaneously
working on DarkSeed II, had previously juggled
multiple projects at Disney and Edu-Ware, he was
impressed by Cyberdreams’ approach to hiring third
parties. “For one project, I might separately hire
a designer, an art director, a development team, a
voiceover producer, and a music composer, and
my job would be to coordinate all these different
contractors,” he says. “It was part of a shift towards
more and more people with expertise in different
disciplines working on a game.”
Early in the project, Cyberdreams hired a team of
storyboard artists to establish a visual style, before
bringing in The Dreamers Guild, to implement it. To » [PC] The worst ending a character can achieve mirrors Ted’s original fate:
his surprise, Bradley Schenck, who had joined The turned into a blob, in agony, but unable to scream.
Dreamers Guild as an artist, was immediately thrust
into the role of art director, tasked with visualising that he would never enjoy again. “It’s much more
Harlan’s hellscape. He was given a level of autonomy common to find that you have all the responsibility
for your team’s work, but no real authority over
them. That’s a pretty reliable recipe for craziness and
burnout,” says Bradley, who today sells original art
» Art director, Bradley and books at his website, Webomator.
Schenck, did much of
the work on Benny’s

backgrounds, which he design document was a big, thick
incorporated HR Giger’s notebook,” he recalls, “and that made
visual style.
it confusing for anyone who jumped in
at midstream.” Although it was his first
» [PC] The art style was experience managing other artists, he says it was
achieved with a unique
blend of 3D rendering a talented team. “The core of the art team was
and hand-painting over about six people. We used our larger projects as a
scanned sketches.
training ground for new hires, though, so new artists
would work on No Mouth for a short time when
they started.” Schenck only met Harlan once, at a
Cyberdreams office party, where the author said he
reminded him of Horatio Hornblower. “I’m still trying
to figure that one out,” he says.
When he joined, work had already begun on
Gorrister’s story. “In most cases, the backgrounds
were created with a combination of 3D rendering
and painting; there was the beginning of a style set
for that first story.” However, each character’s story
would be inspired by different visual influences –

Keep Dreaming More releases from The Dreamer’s Guild

The Labyrinth of Time

1993, PC, MAC
■ This adventure game was designed by artist Bradley Schenck.
The player must navigate across a multifaceted maze, spanning
across space and time. It mixes and matches imagery from ancient
mythology, pop culture and science fiction, paired with a suitably
powerful soundtrack.

The Legend of Kyrandia Inherit

1992, PC, MAC, AMIGA
■ The Dreamers Guild ported this Westwood title to Mac in 1993.
The adventure is set in Kyrandia, where a young prince, Brandon,
Quest forthetheEarth:
1994, PC, MAC, AMIGA
must overcome the sorcerer court jester, Malcolm, who murdered ■ Inherit the Earth is a point-and-click adventure set in a world
the king and queen. The game features bold graphics and where humans have taught animals to think and speak, before
inventory-based puzzle-solving, tempering an epic quest with a leaving the planet. A fox, Rif, must recover a stolen relic with the
dose of cheeky humour. power to predict storms, accompanied by a boar and a stag.

“In most cases, the backgrounds

were created with a combination of
3D rendering and painting”
Bradley Schenck

ranging from fairy tale illustrations to Egyptian art. me on the intro’s impressionistic style. Well, before it
“When Glenn Price was working on the airship was compressed that animation had been photoreal:
backgrounds for the Gorrister story, I think he it was the massive compression that made it seem
watched the film Zeppelin over and over again. This so stylised.” However, the added space was a
stuff was far more difficult back then – we didn’t double-edged sword, as developers were expected
have the web yet.” to fill the larger capacity with more data, art and
Benny’s story was set in a “biomechanical music – with budgets failing to rise as fast. “This
environment, camouflaged to look like a tropical was a problem that Talin, one of the Guild’s founders,
jungle inside a cavern” – reminiscent of HR Giger’s called ‘the tyranny of the assets’.”
work. Bradley produced most, if not all, the Making the most of the added space, Mullich
preliminary sketches and backgrounds for Benny’s enlisted the audio expertise of Usual Suspects » [PC] The final sequence of the game sees the characters attempt to kill
character arc. “For Benny’s story, the scanned sketch composer, John Ottman and voice-over director, Lisa themselves, along with AM.
was the actual foundation for the finished, painted art. Wasserman. AM was voiced by none other than
But usually we modelled some parts of the scene, Harlan Ellison, who poured melodramatic scorn into Reviewers praised it as a masterful work of art,
painted others, and retouched the renderings to every roar and cackle. combining powerfully dark visuals, excellent sound
match.” At the time, videogame art production was design and thoughtful, albeit sometimes baffling,

undergoing a major shift from Amiga platforms to ue to Cyberdreams’ limited size and puzzle-solving, used to confront troubling dilemmas.
MS-DOS and Windows. “In 3D rendering we used resources, neither Darkseed II nor I Have Since being rereleased in 2013 and 2016, modern
Imagine, Lightwave, and a little 3D Studio. The first No Mouth And I Must Scream were reviewers have praised the game as being far ahead
two were first available on the Amiga, later moving to hugely profitable. Mullich initially thought of its time – fitting, given how groundbreaking
DOS and Windows. On the 2D side, we used Deluxe Darkseed was a superior title. However, he says: Harlan’s short story was.
Paint, Autodesk Animator, TV Paint, and Photoshop.” “I was proven wrong, as I Have No Mouth And I Looking back, Mullich says the game was greater
The game benefitted from the recent release of Must Scream was a critical hit and DarkSeed was a than the sum of its parts. Though he would not have
the CD-ROM format, without which it would have critical failure”. I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream done anything differently, he has two regrets. “One is
required 50 floppy disks. “The format gave us a won numerous awards, including Computer Gaming that I wasn’t involved earlier on in the game’s design.”
tremendous amount of storage compared to floppy World’s Best Adventure Game of 1996 and Digital Two? “I never had my picture taken with Harlan. That
disc-based games. But disc access still wasn’t Hollywood’s Best Dark Game of 1996. “The honour would have been a nice memento.”
very fast. You had to limit the deltas, or per-frame that most mattered to me,” continues Mullich, “was
changes, in an animation if you wanted to stream it receiving the Best Game Adapted from Linear Media
from the disc,” Bradley explains. award at the 1997 Computer Game Developers
“I had recently done the intro animation for Return Conference. I still occasionally hear from people who
To Zork. Not long afterward, someone complimented were fans of the game.”

The LegendBook
Kyrandia: of 3:
Malcom’s Revenge
1994, PC, MAC
■ The third title in the Kyrandia series plays up the humour, with the
player controlling former antagonist, Malcolm. The wisecracking
jester is accompanied with canned laughter, as he attempts to
prove his innocence of the murder of the king and queen. Though
the game boasts decent visuals and multiple paths, the puzzles are
notoriously frustrating.

Tale of the Dead:
II Faery
1997, PC
■ This open world RPG was the last game The Dreamers Guild
released before shutting down, and was therefore rushed out.
However, it boasts beautiful graphics, courtesy of art director
Bradley Schenck’s decision to hand-paint over 3D rendered
images and animations. » [PC] Though the best
ending offers a glimpse
colony, it is notoriously of hope, on a lunar
difficult to achieve.

Retro Gamer Travels
How the rest of the world experienced your favourite games



Departing: 1996
FORMAT ■ We’re not quite sure why, but soft drink of alternate costumes. Beating the game with Honey in
Saturn ■ sponsorship deals were pretty big business for normal mode earns you the ‘Hawaiian’ costume, complete
games in the Nineties. Cool Spot shilled 7-Up, Coca-Cola with new ukulele attack. Conquering hard mode with
DEVELOPER Kid promoted – well, you can probably guess that one – Honey unlocks a schoolgirl costume, as is seemingly
Sega AM2 ■ and Virtua Fighter Kids got the Japanese brand Java Tea.
But that wasn’t all for Sega’s fighting games, as Fighting
traditional in these sorts of games, and if you can achieve
victory in very hard mode with Honey, her skirt will come JPN
YEAR Vipers received a big dose of Pepsi branding. Billboards off when her lower armour is destroyed. This was all
1996 ■ advertised Pepsi and Picky’s skateboard bore the Pepsi considered to be rather unnecessary sexualisation for a
logo, but the biggest inclusion was Pepsi’s mascot girl whose age is stated as 16, so again, none of this left
ORIGIN Pepsiman as a playable fighter. Japan – although Sega Europe’s advertising still featured
Japan ■ In order to lure Pepsiman into action, all you needed to Honey with the tag line “Storm in a D cup,” so you have to didn’t like this, because you
do was leave the controller alone in an arcade mode fight, » [Saturn] Sega of America
question the commitment to that particular cause. can see Honey’s pants.
LOCALISED FOR and once you’d been pummelled enough, Pepsiman would The last cut was exclusive to the American version.
USA ■ intervene. Then, if you could defeat the metallic menace, The portrait gallery option featuring CG renders of the
he’d become available to select. He’s a pretty good fighter, characters has been axed completely, and although the
REASONS too, combining some of the best striking moves in the images still appear in each character’s end sequence,
Commercial, sex ■ game to devastating effect. The only problem is that the some of those have been replaced. Again, the primary
Pepsi sponsorship deal was only valid in Japan – and that reason is that the game is too sexy, as Grace, Jane and
meant Pepsiman had to stay at home, with no appearance
in the localised versions.
Honey bear the brunt of the cuts, although hilariously
Sanman gets a couple – one for a close-up of his ample
There was also some concern about Honey, the ‘cute rear end, and the other for depicting a church. Stills
girl’ of the Fighting Vipers cast. In Japan, many of the from the intro sequence are usually used in place of the
game’s secrets revolve around her, mostly in the form offending images. » [Saturn] Gamers in America got this image
instead, removing any potential underwear flashes.



USA Sweden Departing: 1994
FORMAT ■ We have an odd soft spot for sports games
with SWE
Mega Drive ■ incredibly localised appeal. A lacrosse game is never
going to gain any traction outside of North America,
DEVELOPER and Gaelic Games Hurling will sell more or less
High Score exclusively to Irish people. Elitserien 95 is just such an
Productions ■ oddity – a Mega Drive game that was released only in USA
Sweden, based on the national ice hockey league.
YEAR The game is based off NHL ’95 as released
1994 ■ everywhere else in the world, but with the likes of the
New York Rangers and Montreal Canadiens replaced
ORIGIN by Malmö and Modo Hockey. Pre-game analysis was
USA ■ given by Tommy Töpel, a former player and coach
turned league chairman, and a new title screen » [Mega Drive]
LOCALISED FOR the centre of the NHL licence allowed for team
was put in place. As you might expect, all the text ice… logos in
Sweden ■ is in Swedish, too. However, the actual gameplay is
unchanged – the game doesn’t even include the wider
REASONS rinks used in Swedish competition, which are 100 feet
Commercial ■ wide instead of 85.
Apparently, the game was a major success in
Sweden – certainly enough to satisfy Electronic Arts.
The publisher delivered Elitserien 96 the following year
on the Mega Drive, and would eventually incorporate
the league and its players into its main NHL series.
» [Mega Drive] For some reason, these weren’t used
in the Elitserien version.



GUNBIRD Departing: 1995
Japan ROW
■ In the early Noughties, the gamin
g market was still
FORMAT tations. Although the system’s heyday
PlayStation ■ filled with PlayS were enough late adopters, die-hards
was long gone, there
ed hand-me-down consoles to sell to –
DEVELOPER and kids who receiv hers was having games to sell to
Psikyo ■ the only problem for publis
them. To keep develo pmen t costs down, publishers began
gue of games which
YEAR to look to Japan and its vast catalohow XS Games decided to
hadn’t yet been localised. This is
1995 ■
dredge up and localis e Gunbird in 2003 – an arcade
the early days of the console. The
ORIGIN shoot- ’em-u p port from
Japan ■ resulting game, Mobile Light Force, is notori trio of
The box art features a Charlie’s Angels-style
h a city, which bears
LOCALISED FOR women with guns runnin g throug
The character profile
Rest of world ■ no resemblance to the game at all.
out, but the
FMVs have understandably been stripped
of the story
REASONS illustration gallery has also gone and all
merc ial were remov ed, despit e having existing
Com ■ seque nces
. Some of the
English translations from the arcade game
– Ash became
characters were arbitrarily renamed, too
Suarez, both
Jason Last and Tetsu was renamed John
Valnus becomes
of whom were XS Games staff. Oh, and from Japan?
mend the » [PlayStation] All those story cutscenes
MILF 2000. Yes, really. Naturally, we’d recom
Don’t expect those in your version. ROW
Japanese original in this case.

ming of
t the brilliant na
Instead, you ge
» [PlayStation] so pleased this was change
MILF 2000. W


PLAY inal console
Sony’s orig a lot of
was host gtogames in
interestinhties, but with
the Nougneration of
a new ge on the market,
consoles re overlooked.
many we Thorpe to
Join Nicksome late PAL
discover n gems…

Sheep Dog ‘N’ Wolf

■ DEVELOPER: INfogrameS lyoN houSe ■ YEAR: 2001

■ Sometimes, it’s fun to be the camouflaging yourself in a bush all order to avoid waking a raging bull.
bad guy – and Ralph Wolf is most help), but getting back out with a Typically, the solutions involve using
definitely the villain of this licensed sheep is tricky. Lifting and carrying the sheep as unwitting partners in
Looney Tunes game. All Ralph wants them usually isn’t an option as their own abduction – for example,
to do is steal sheep from under the Sam is astonishingly quick when they’ll activate switches for you if you
» [PlayStation] Up, up and away! This sheep is watchful eye of Sam Sheepdog, but alerted. Thankfully, products from can get them in the right place.
going for a ride thanks to the big boulder.
his schemes always fail. Suddenly, the Acme Corporation are only a Sheep Dog ‘N’ Wolf was critically
Daffy Duck bursts into Ralph’s life mailbox away. Perfume might lure praised at its launch, receiving scores
and tells him that he’s the newest sheep out from afar, or you could of 9/10 from the Official PlayStation
contestant on the Sheep Dog ‘N’ Wolf use a flute to hypnotise dear old Sam Magazine and 84% from Play, and
show, where he’s tasked with doing and draw him away from the flock. for good reason. The simple style
exactly what he’s always wanted Alternatively, lettuce can be used to of the original cartoons is a blessing
to do, with the proviso that he’s not create a tempting trail for the sheep. for the PlayStation’s limited 3D
allowed to harm any of the sheep. Of course, acquiring a sheep capabilities, as the lack of textures
This convoluted premise gives is just one part of the story – you and other details allows for some
way to a platform puzzle game then have to get it back to the goal, surprisingly large stages and a pretty
with prominent stealth elements. which involves all sorts of cartoon decent draw distance. Sound is great
» [PlayStation] It’s possible to swim about, In each stage, your goal is to steal shenanigans. In one stage, you might too – all of your favourite characters
though the presence of sharks makes this
somewhat ill-advised. one of the sheep under Sam’s watch have to push a giant boulder onto from Daffy to Farmer Porky are voice
and take it to a goal point. This is a rock to create a see-saw effect, acted, and there’s the usual array of
usually easier said than done, as launching the sheep into the air. In brilliant spot effects for being hit with
it’s easy to infiltrate Sam’s territory another, you may need to tiptoe a boulder and other such incidents.
(tiptoeing, hiding behind rocks and around noisy piles of leaves in Controls are a little fiddly when



■ If you’d prefer a slightly ■ If you like the moral ■ If you just want a really
less villainous take on ambiguity of sneaky theft good Looney Tunes licensed
stealth, but one you can but aren’t sold on 3D game, this arcade racer is a
still share with the kids, environments, this arcade great choice. The cel-shaded
this film licence is a pretty conversion should serve you visuals work well to convey
good choice. As in the film, well. Stealth is just one of the look of the cartoons,
it’s your job to get Ginger, Rocky and the rest off the your tools here – you’re equally capable of just shooting and the space setting allows for both crazy tracks and
chickens off Tweedy’s farm – but this time, in a manner guards down – but the cartoonish graphics and lack of outlandish vehicles – check out the carrot-shaped
resembling Metal Gear Solid more than The Great Escape. proper deaths keep this family friendly. spacecraft Bugs Bunny is straddling here.

» [PlayStation] Sam has caught Ralph Wolf, who is
about to experience a nasty bop on the head. VITAL SIGNS ACTION
■ This indicator shows
■ This bottom-left icon tells
using the standard controller, but an you if you’re successfully where Sam is looking –
analogue controller of some kind will luring the sheep – or at least directly at us here, but the
sort that problem out swiftly. placing items at the correct green colour shows we’re
It’s true that Sheep Dog ‘N’ Wolf distance to lure them, if for out of sight. Orange means
might not be the most obvious use example you’re making a you’re in range and red
of a Looney Tunes licence, but that’s lettuce trail. shows you’re caught.
precisely why we like it so much.
Infogrames took something that
could have been a cookie-cutter
platform game and instead thought BORDER LINE
about how to blend the characters SWEET SCENTS ■ Sam’s territory is well defined here
with popular game mechanics of the ■ This bottle of perfume is luring by the use of a fence, but you won’t
day. The result is something that’s a sheep into our clutches, but it always be so lucky, so it’s wise to
genuinely funny and memorable, wouldn’t be able to do so without the tiptoe around whenever you venture
even if not enough of us experienced electric fan to blow its scent towards near him and his flock.
it the first time around. the unsuspecting flock.

■ PUBLISHER: atteNtIoN to DetaIl ■ YEAR: 2002

■ Rollcage and its sequel were celebrated futuristic

racers on the PlayStation, thanks to their drive-
anywhere philosophy that frequently had racers
curving up onto cliffs and speeding along the ceilings of
tunnels. However, there’s a third game that isn’t quite
in the series, and it’s frequently forgotten – Firebugs.
This PAL exclusive was given as big a promotional
push as it could have been in 2002, as it was featured
prominently in the Official PlayStation Magazine
and even appeared on a demo disc given away at
McDonalds. However, the late release did it no favours.
This is a shame, because Firebugs is a very
nice racing game. As you can see, it’s graphically
accomplished and the soundtrack features licensed
music from the Bomfunk MCs (you know, they had
that one top ten single, Freestyler). The tracks are well
designed and there’s a solid league mode to run through,
the weaponry is interesting and it’s all underpinned by
the proven Rollcage engine. There’s even a split-screen
mode for two players to race each other.
The only thing that might turn you off is the
presentation, which is decidedly aimed at the younger
audience – the kids who had inherited PlayStations
from their older siblings, and newcomers entering the
market via the PSone. Some of the tracks are a little
garish and the cartoon drivers aren’t going to be to
everyone’s tastes. However, the game does benefit
in terms of accessibility – the Rollcage games were
pretty unforgiving, so novice racers may want to try
this before moving on to the better-known games.
It’s certainly worth trying before the Rollcage series’ » [PlayStation] Wall-riding returns from the Rollcage » [PlayStation] Those lights in the distance are weapon
spiritual successor GRIP reaches its full release. games, and is as useful as ever on narrow tracks. pick-ups – you can carry two at once.

» StrikerS 1945 ii » baby Felix tenniS » rageball » Cleopatra

■ YEAR: 1998
■ YEAR: 2002
■ DEVELOPER: NapS team
■ YEAR: 2002
■ It’s a shame that Midas Interactive ■ As you might be able to guess from ■ This ludicrously titled game ■ YEAR: 2001
didn’t pick this World War II-themed the licence and the visuals, this is attempts to add a bit more to the ■ Taito’s puzzler is an unusual twist
shoot-’em-up for PAL release until clearly for kids, and the in-game crowd future sports template laid down by on the falling block formula – your
2002, as it’s an excellent example of of cheering youngsters reinforces that. the likes of Speedball. You can carry goal is to create enclosures around
the genre. What’s more, the arcade However, it plays a surprisingly decent the ball and toss it into the air for treasures with stone blocks, and then
conversion is good, offering two game of tennis – there are a good powerful assisted shots, or run with it clear those blocks Tetris-style. As well
horizontal screen modes and a tate range of shots available and the at your feet and pass it accurately like as the regular arcade game, there’s a
mode. The game probably wouldn’t various characters have their own a football. Special charged shots also story and a 50-stage Mystery mode
have fared well in the anti-2D critical strengths and weaknesses. If you’ve add a little spice to the mixture. It’s that sees you solving fixed puzzles.
climate of the late Nineties though, so got a kid and they’re not quite ready for incredibly chaotic and hard to read at It was a release that didn’t arrive in
it’s not a surprise that it ended up as a Smash Court or Virtua Tennis, this is a first, but with a bit of practice this can English-speaking territories until 2003,
late budget release. great introduction. be good fun. but it’s cheap to pick up now.


oNe pIece maNSIoN

■ PUBLISHER: capcom ■ YEAR: 2001

■ This unusual residential puzzle game was

directed by Hideaki Itsuno, better known
for his work on the Power Stone, Capcom
Vs SNK and Devil May Cry games. Your task
is to achieve various goals by managing an
apartment complex – for example, you may
need to build a certain number of rooms,
allow your tower to reach a specific height, or
earn a fixed amount of cash. Rent is earned
at the end of each month, from all tenants
remaining in the building.
The trick is keeping those tenants in the
building, though. Each tenant has their own
effect on their surroundings – for example,
a sumo might cause stress to neighbours
by smashing the walls while training, but
a nurse may reduce stress by performing
examinations. If a tenant gets too stressed,
they’ll leave the building, so you’ll need to
swap them about to achieve the desired
effects – but swapping residents and adding
new ones all have a cost attached.
However, stress-causing residents aren’t
all bad. Members of the evil Syndicate 5 will
move in and harass your tenants, but if you
direct stress at them they’ll eventually leave.
Additionally, as the manager you can act as » [PlayStation] These red arrows
security and chase them back to their rooms. show where a tenant causes
stress – each has their own » lion
Every so often, you’ll also be confronted by a
unique pattern. and the
boss that moves into your mansion. ■ the c king
oDe moN
If you’re looking for a different spin on the » [PlayStation] The guy in the dark room up top ke yS ■ 2001
puzzle genre, give it a go. is a Syndicate intruder. ■ A puzz
le, a pain
terrible fi t package
lm. Child and a
this mus ren that
t have w received
what the ondered
y had do
ne to up
their pare set

» pink panther: » deStruCto 2 » ballerburg » extreme

pinkadeliC ■ DEVELOPER: axeS art amuSe ■ DEVELOPER: aScaroN eNtertaINmeNt
■ YEAR: 2002
purSuit ■ YEAR: 2000
the ultimate
■ DEVELOPER: puNchlINe ■ YEAR: 2002
■ This utterly forgotten puzzle game
originated in D3 Publisher’s Simple
■ This 3D strategy game is a bit of
a left-field hit, named after (but not
■ The Pink Panther hasn’t parlayed his Series in Japan, but came out here in actually related to) a dusty old public ■ DEVELOPER: SImIlIS ■ YEAR: 2004
cartoon stardom into much of a gaming 2003. You must run around jumping domain Atari ST game. Your goal is ■ This late PAL exclusive is a lightgun
career, but this platformer was pretty on coloured blocks to clear them, and to build up your own castle, while game in which you wander the streets
good. The aim of the game is to clear a causing chain reactions – but running attacking the enemy’s buildings with blasting ghosts and zombies. The
path to the end of the stage and grab a past blocks displaces them, allowing catapults. It’s a relatively attractive game borrows the system of dodging
key and run for it, while chased by the them to be rearranged on the fly. game with some detailed building to reload, and you have the option of
Little Man. Our hero can blend into the Blocks can pile up pretty high but graphics, but it’s complex enough that two strong shots, ten weaker ones
background to avoid detection, posing once your character has hit the spiked you’ll need to spend a bit of time with it. or a combination. It’s an amusing
as a life preserver or sarcophagus, in an ceiling, it’s game over. Confusingly, Despite the late release, this is a pretty diversion for when you’ve worn out
amusing nod to his cartoon capers. there’s no Destructo 1. cheap game, too. the Time Crisis and Point Blank games.

In 1997 Cavedog and otal Annihilation came out at a time

developer Chris Taylor set

out to make a worthwhile
T when videogames, and RTS wargames
in particular, were evolving exponentially.
This is a gaming genre perhaps more reliant
on processing power than most other games, so real
development essentially had to wait for computers to
entry into the fast- ‘catch up’ with the ideas that were out there. Around

evolving real-time strategy the mid-Nineties, PCs were finally acquiring the sort
of graphic capability needed for an upturn in strategic
wargame genre. What complexity, and battle scale and scope, as well as
bearing witness to the birth of online gaming. And it
they created turned out was that world Total Annihilation creator Chris Taylor
was waiting for. We caught up with Chris and asked
to be revolutionary. Total him where the idea for the game came from.
Annihilation would change “It evolved from a bunch of experiences that I had
while developing games for most of my childhood, but
» [PC] Total Annihilation offered new grouping tactics, emulated in
countless RTS wargames since then.

RTS wargaming forever there was a moment, while I was playing the original
Command & Conquer where I saw many of the ideas Total Annihilation didn’t sit alone at this new feast.
Words by Erlingur Einarsson coalesce,” Chris says. “For example, I was always It came out in an era where RTS wargames were
a very big proponent of doing things in true 3D, but surging within the videogames industry, with Z and
the computers just couldn’t handle it. I had developed Command & Conquer: Red Alert having come out in
many techniques for sort of ‘tricking’ the computer into 1996, and Total Annihilation sharing 1997 with games
making it look 3D and saving a lot of calculations. And like Age Of Empires and Dark Reign before StarCraft
what’s kind of crazy is that I developed a lot of these came out in 1998. However, Total Annihilation enjoyed
while working on baseball games like Hardball II and immediate success and the kind of glowing reviews
Triple Play Baseball. Anyhow, it’s a lot of factors any games studio would dream of. But was it helped
that all lead up to a moment where you have by the general popularity of RTS games at the time
an idea for a game.” or the other way around? And how much does Chris
think Total Annihilation helped the RTS genre, and thus
other RTS games?
“That’s something I can only speculate on really. I
totally agree that having all those RTS games come out
around that time made the RTS genre very popular,
and top of mind [with gamers and the media at the
time]. I don’t know how much TA contributed to the
genre’s success, but I think more specifically it helped
advance the idea that a RTS could be ‘over the top and
insane’ and have more advanced control schemes.
This is something I am still passionate about today.”
And indeed, Total Annihilation was considered
revolutionary in many ways, such as with improved
AI, new grouping techniques, sheer scale of the
battlefields and skirmishes, and of course the
» [PC] Assigning a detail to guard the Commander is important, Commander unit. It offered a level of control beyond
especially after you discover ‘Command Napping’.
the already sophisticated one provided in C&C: Red
» [PC] If you’re
struggling for
resources you can
always harvest
the wreckages of
killed units.

Alert, and the introduction of the Commander, a

central, all-important unit, to the battlefield was a
big hit at the time, and Chris remembers the classic
inspiration for it clearly.
“I always believed that RTS was a true strategy
game, and having played a bunch of chess, I felt there
was a place to insert some of that,” he says. “But
besides needing a king on the board for the enemy
to focus on, the player needed an avatar, a place to
IN THE feel like they are connected to the game experience.
KNOW I imagine I wrote something like this in the design,
» PUBLISHER: ‘The player needs to feel like they are part of the
GT InTeracTIve game, and the Commander accomplishes that.’ I’m
paraphrasing, but you get the idea. Although, one could
cavedoG argue that it really didn’t accomplish that, per se, but
enTerTaInmenT it did give the player a sense of, ‘hey, don’t mess with
» RELEASED: my Commander, or there will be trouble!’ It makes
1997 the game more personal. So, if you follow the design
» PLATFORM: Pc, mac logic and say that if the Commander dies, the game is
» GENRE: over, then the Commander needs to be powerful, and
real-TIme STraTeGy so you have it, the Commander was born.” However, ase.
of Total Annihilation’s rele
placing a metaphorical king onto the field of battle y man indeed on the day
» Chris Taylor was a happ
came with some unintended consequences.

I did like the idea that one side was
slightly more evil, but not too evil, and that
is obviously the Core
Chris Taylor

“There was a lot of stuff packed into the game. to shift the balance of power back and forth between

TAKING We were pushing the boundaries in as many areas

as we could, and when we stopped, we just picked
the two factions each week. I think that sort of
worked.” For those with a taste for the ruthless, The

IT TO THE that up where we left off with Supreme Commander

(which came out in 2007). As for the challenge of
balance, that was handled by Jacob McMahon, who
Core Contingency expansion featured 75 new units,
including devastating, balance-reinstating Core units.
The story was very ‘out there’, especially in a field
SUPREME although had never done that kind of work before, did
a fabulous job, and spent hours and hours poring over
that had been dominated by either Earthbound World
War narratives or high fantasy. It was also extremely
How Supreme Commander the numbers to balance the game. The Commander simple at its, ahem, core. There are two sides, more
carries the TA spark added an extra wrinkle, and in some ways needed or less a good versus evil adventure, featuring a main
special attention… and yet, ‘Command Napping’ still campaign where you could pick a side. And Chris
Despite its fame, and a few earnest snuck past us! We never saw that coming.” readily admits the design very much drove the story,
attempts by other developers who picked rather than the other way around, although, “I did like

up the rights to the game ater Cavedog’s hat Chris refers to here is the rather the idea that one side was slightly more evil, but not
collapse in 2000, the world has never – and extraordinary concept of ‘Command too evil, and that is obviously the Core.”
will probably never – see a sequel to Total Napping’, as it was referred to by the When Total Annihilation came out, it was an instant
Annihilation. However, Chris Taylor designed TA community. As the success of your success, both critically and commercially, and it took
2007’s Supreme Commander during his campaign often relied on your Commander surviving Chris – and the Cavedog management – by surprise. “I
time at Gas Powered Games. Both he and and being active, it would become a tantalising target believe it sold almost 500,000 units in the first four-to-
the gaming world see Supreme Commander for opportunistic players. Nigh-unkillable as it was in a five months and that blew people’s minds,” Chris says.
as a clear spiritual successor to Total firefight, some devious, yet ingenious, gamers found “That was 20 years ago, which was a different time
Annihilation. It had the intergalactic stakes. a loophole to taking the Commander out of the game: than today with the distribution of Steam and GOG.”
It had a very similar level of immediate build an air transporter, such as a Valkyrie or Atlas, This was especially gratifying, as TA was Cavedog’s
accessiblity balanced with sophisticated fly it over to the enemy Commander, pick it up, and first (and unfortunately also ended up being its last)
tactics. It had the immense scale. And it then just fly the aircraft to the far edge of the map,
did allow Chris to work on some speciic rendering it useless to the opponent, thus crippling
elements of Total Annihilation that he their building and development capabilities, which
wanted to take further than before. relied heavily on the Commander. Yes, it would have
“I think Supreme Commander had to required building several dozen aircraft in the hope that
be bigger and more awesome in every one survived long enough to pick the Commander up
way. I think the Strategic Zoom brought a from deep within its own territory, but if you pulled it
lot of that to the game; it’s really hard to off, it didn’t just give you and advantage; it gave you a
imagine Supreme Commander, and the epic sense of great villainous joy.
size and scale of the game really working This was merely one of the ways in which Total
without Strategic Zoom. Then everything Annihilation dedicated player base found ways to get
else in the design followed suit. Nothing the most out of the game and its hundreds of units.
had to it within the conines of the screen In many scenarios, especially for experienced players,
anymore, because you could just zoom out one side, Arm, would find a tactical advantage over
further until it it. Units could be huge and its opposing side, Core. That, Chris explains, was
have guns all over it, the Fatboy was the also unintended: “We never intended for one side
embodiment of this. Speaking of which, the to be more powerful than the other. We had always
concept of Experimental Units went from planned (and did for quite a number of months) to
the one-of of the Krogoth in TA [a super- release new units, which we believe would continue
heavy Commander-killing KBot included » [PC] The environment played an important role, as
in the Core Contingency expansion pack], you could seek temporary shelter among trees or
gain higher ground.
to a whole new technology tier. Nukes and
Anti-Nukes went to the next level as well.
Everything went crazy and over-the-top,
which I think worked pretty well, because
I don’t always recommend that to people
when designing games. Regardless, SC
needed to be huge and awesome and
insane, and I think that worked out.”
It was certainly a hit with the critics,
scoring in the high-80s to low-90s for most
of them, and sold well enough to spawn two
expansion packs in 2007 and 2008, and a
full sequel in 2010. We do strongly advise
you go with the original PC version rather
than the Xbox 360 port, though.


full game release, and the development had been a

challenge, in particular the schedule, as Chris explains:
“Time and reflecting on the past changes things. I feel
like it was working seven days a week for 20 months.
That was hard, but maybe the more metaphysical
challenge was just getting everyone on the team and
The expansion packs
in management to keep the faith. Holding that vision
together with all the different people and personalities
was difficult on an entirely different level.”

ven today, 21 years after its original
release Total Annihilation is still played
by a large number of players. As to the
question of what the reason for that might
be, Chris says, “That’s a tough one to answer, but » [PC] Coming out in 1997, Total Annihilation was a standout in a
suddenly crowded genre of RTS wargames.
ultimately maybe there’s a comfortable familiarity to
it, especially if it was one of the first RTS games that
you played in your youth. And then if you try to play a disposal, whether he would change anything from the
more modern RTS they can be overwhelming and you original incarnation.
need to learn all the new units, which is a lot of work. I “I’d try to stick to the core design,” he says. THE CORE CONTINGENCY
think gaming should be about fun, not work, so it’s just “I would resist the urge to just make it huge and ■ The success from the game’s initial release afforded Chris
more fun to play something you know and understand over-the-top, although that would be so incredibly Taylor and the Cavedog team an opportunity to expand the TA
and can just jump in and enjoy. I think there is also tempting. I think it would be important to really talk to universe, and with The Core Contingency expansion pack, they
something about the graphics that make it accessible, the community and see what they are looking for and introduced a staggering 75 new units, 53 new battle maps and
kind of like Minecraft with the 8-bit stylised graphics. take that input very seriously. It might be great just to a ‘lost mission’ from the original game’s timeline.
Even I don’t love modern games when they throw a kind of go through a wishlist of things and then more
ton of complex gameplay at me, I like to take it a little naturally look for places to expand the game, ie add
slower. But that’s not a hard and fast rule, it’s just me flow-field pathfinding, improve mod tools, fix weapon
talking out loud here!” limits, add more AI capabilities, make the simulation
Finally, Chris ponders if he were to make Total lock-step synchronous, and make a state-of-the-art
Annihilation again from scratch today, apart from multiplayer and matchmaking server. I think there is
having larger and more capable graphics engines at his a ton of cool things you could do before you even
change the core gameplay, but eventually you’d really
want to take a hard look at that and find new ways to
take it to the next level… without messing it up!”

■ The second expansion pack, Battle Tactics, was made after
Chris Taylor’s departure from Cavedog, and received mixed
reviews, as it deviated in some ways from the revolutionary
economy system of the original game and required more
micromanaging in battle, although it did offer a new way
to interact with the TA universe.

the » [PC] The

from around the time of
» The Cavedog dev team resource-rich, all-metal
making of Total Annihila maps of the Core world
were the perfect
scene for mahoosive

» [PC] You could assign

units to patrol areas and
set their aggressiveness
level and freedom to
roam along their route.

Arcade games that never made it home

TH STrikeS Back ■ It looks like this boss is

DEVELOPER: Gaelco YEAR: 1994 GENRE: Run-and-Gun walking away from you,
but he’s actually advancing
■ Sometimes, a game just needs to deliver a ludicrous towards you backwards, to
power fantasy. All you want is a hulking, shirtless take advantage of his thickly
dude running around blasting aliens with a big laser shielded back.
gun – and that’s exactly what TH Strikes Back delivers.
The game is the sequel to 1992’s Thunder Hoop, a
promising but somewhat flawed run-and-gun that
suffered from a rather uneven difficulty level. TH Strikes
Back is bigger, brasher and better designed than its
predecessor in all regards.
There’s nothing tremendously innovative about
TH Strikes Back, but it’s a polished execution of a
popular genre. As expected, the majority of your time
is spent blasting enemies en route to a showdown
with an end-of-level boss, although the game has a
heavier emphasis on platforming challenges than the
likes of the Metal Slug games. You’ll find rails to hang
■ This boss fight takes place
from, conveyor belts to impede your progress, and across two levels, as you
spring platforms to cross chasms, and there’s even can see from the grunt just
a challenging obstacle dodging section on a small making the jump up from the
moving platform. Enemies are sufficiently varied, too, bottom level to the top here.
ranging from standard humanoid grunts to flying
beasts and even guard dog-style baddies, all of which
explode into a satisfying shower of bits when shot.
Bosses are interesting from the off too – even the first
one has four attack patterns, a shielded area and help
from regular grunts.
While the guitar rock soundtrack isn’t particularly
memorable, it does fit the action well. However, the
graphical detail is pretty impressive. The cartoon
aesthetic is strong and although the environments
are predominantly industrial, there’s a good splash
of colour thanks to the diverse nature of the enemies.
There’s a good amount of detail in both the sprites
and backgrounds, with cool minor details such as rats
scurrying about that add a lot of character. ■ Timing your moves across
TH Strikes Back would have made a fun home this pit is important – the
release in the early days of the 32-bit market, before flames here are part of a burst
3D games had properly come to dominate the market. that will rise up and impede ■ These platforms are
the progress of our hero.
However, Gaelco had not yet begun its ultimately actually big springs, which
limited involvement in the home market (that would can propel you across this
spiked pit – but only once
wait until 1998’s Radikal Bikers), meaning that the game you’ve cleared the path of
unfortunately remained exclusive to the arcades. those flying enemies.

converTed aLTernaTive
■ SNK’s run-and-gun is set on Earth instead
of in space, and involves blasting robots
instead of aliens. However, the combination of
the genre with sci-fi themes is intact. It’s only
available on SNK hardware, but for people
who can’t stomach Neo-Geo cartridge prices,
there’s a CD version available.


■ In this multiplayer 3D shooter, Head mode in which you shoot
each other.
you can choose to play in two
different ways – and the one you We have a soft spot for this one,
■ Capcom’s brawler offered basically
choose will depend on how much and not just because it offers a
everything that Silent Dragon does but a few
you like your friends. If you’re third-person mode that prevents
years earlier and a good deal better. If you
constructive people who want motion sickness sufferers from
want to pick it up, it’s available on everything
to achieve a goal together, you throwing up on us. There are plenty
from the old home computers to the SNES,
can take on the Campaign mode, of weapons to find and characters
Mega-CD and Game Boy Advance, and even
in which you team up to fight to unlock, granting a bit of variety.
modern emulated collections.
against CPU enemies and bosses What’s more, the control system
across eight stages. If you’re the is a well-constructed substitute
competitive type instead, you’ll
probably plump for the Head To
for PC controls – buttons replicate
keyboard movement, while a
DEVELOPER: eaSt technoloGy YEAR: 1992 GENRE: Beat-’em-up
joystick and trigger substitute for
the mouse effectively. ■ Silent Dragon is one of those
A conversion of War: Final games that doesn’t really do
Assault was announced for the anything wrong, but is so
N64 by Midway Games in late uninspired as to be completely
1998, before the arcade game unremarkable – this is really about
was completed, but cancelled just as standard as beat-’em-ups get.
five months later for unspecified However, given that the developer’s
reasons. That’s a shame – it could previous work in the genre was the
» [Arcade] This boss has brought a sword to a gunfight,
have been a nice alternative to the miserable Double Dragon 3, that’s a
which is an incredibly stupid thing to do. likes of Turok. step up. A damsel named Catherine » [Arcade] This scene is generic enough that it could any
has been kidnapped by bad guys, brawler, but we assure you this is Silent Dragon.
and you can choose between one
CONVERTED ALTERNATIVE of four martial artists to go out and
rescue her. Wouldn’t you know it,
antagonist) and the common sight
of dynamite in the streets, complete
OUTTRIGGER one of them is dating this lady, and with plunger-activated detonators.
1999 another happens to be her brother. Dynamite is surprisingly hard to
■ It’s astonishing that AM2 and Atari Games As is usual, you amble along the use, as the enemies can move as
came up with such similar spins on a rare streets beating up thugs, smashing the fuse is lit, but it is satisfying
arcade genre in the same year, right down to up crates and vending machines to when it all comes together. We have
getting time extensions by killing enemies, get power-ups. The only things that no idea why this one never came
allowing third-person play and even particularly distinguish the game home, but we’re not worried – after
non-standard controls. This conversion is are some interesting boss designs all, we already had conversions of
exclusive to the Dreamcast. (including an odd-looking primary Double Dragon and Final Fight.


DEVELOPER: Sammy YEAR: 1999 GENRE: liGhtGun ShooteR

■ Putting aside any moral vulnerability. These sequences last

objections we might have to the a matter of seconds, and if you’re
concept of shooting wild animals, successful you’ll be rewarded with a
the problem with Deer Hunting USA poor quality pre-rendered animation
is that it’s just not a particularly of a deer barrelling over as it’s shot –
good game. After picking your gun even if it actually died sadly limping
and location, your task is to kill a along, bleeding out from a wound in
deer at each point on the map – a non-vital area. The deer can flee,
failure costs you a life. but only to the left or right because
In practice, this means that this is a 2D game.
you get to watch a prerendered If you’re really into the whole
deer sprite on a rubbish digitised hunting thing, Big Buck Hunter and
background, then attempt to the Cabela’s series are better options
shoot it once you’ve identified a in the arcade and the home.

Atari Jaguar fact
■ The atari Jaguar may have had a short commercial life but the
system’s casing at least lived on in the form of a dental camera
manufactured by imagin systems.

PROCESSOR: ‘Tom’ Chip 26.59 mhz

RAM: 2mB on a 64-BiT Bus wiTh 4 16-BiT faT page mode dRams
GRAPHICS: 32-BiT RisC aRChiTeCTuRe, 4 KB inTeRnal Ram
wiTh sofTwaRe-Based gRaphiCal effeCTs
AUDIO: ‘JeRRy’ Chip 26.59 mhz
MEDIA: Rom CaRTRidge (up To 6mB)

Atari Jaguar
» Manufacturer: Atari Corporation » Year: 1993 » cost: £229 (launch) £80+ (today)
tari Corporation’s last console is a fascinating one. It has a rabid fan base that

A comes close to the Dreamcast in terms of its sheer ferocity for championing the
system, but the Jaguar is also equally unfairly derided as being a spectacular car
crash of a console that was doomed from the start. Both of those viewpoints have
done nothing to soften the negative image that Atari’s console has built up over the years
and the truth lies somewhere in the middle of those two polarising views.
Regardless of whether you sit in the ‘Jaguar was the first true 64-bit console’ camp
or not, there is no denying that Atari’s machine was a powerful bit of kit at the time of its
release and Atari Corp released it at a competitive price as well. It wasn’t enough, though
and despite some solid looking 3D games and some quality conversions of older 16-bit
classics such as Flashback and Zool, Atari’s console failed to gain traction. Even a later CD-
ROM add-on couldn’t inject life into the system and it was eventually discontinued in 1996.
The relatively short commercial life of the system, and the fact it was Atari’s last console,
has now made the Jaguar a rather desirable console from a collector’s point of view and the
system and games are now rising in price as a result. With the machine rapidly approaching
its 25th anniversary it’s the perfect time to discover Atari Corp’s hardware swan song.
EDITOR’S CHOICE Tempest 2000
It’s a clichéd choice for sure, but Jeff Minter’s eye-blistering update of
Tempest really is as good as everyone says it is. With a soundtrack that’s
every bit as intense as the game’s
blisteringly fast pace, Tempest 2000
is an astonishingly good tube shooter
that not only highlights the strength of
Dave Theurer’s original game design,
but also Jeff Minter’s deftness at taking
those existing mechanics and refining
them for a new system and more
expectant gamers. A true triumph
every Jaguar owner needs to own.
New games that wish they were old

How an experiMental gaMe project turned into

a full-fledged love letter to Harvest Moon.
eric Barone tells tHe story BeHind His farMing
siM, and wHy He keeps coMing Back to it
Words by Drew Sleep

any gamers have a favourite series, games, and those early experiences planted a

M a long love affair that’s been

strengthened by nostalgia, loyalty
and a pinch of blind devotion. And
as with any strong bond, these games can have
a lasting experience on us, having an impact on
seed in his mind that would at first lay dormant
for many years, then germinate into a career
as a solo game developer decades later. “I was
extremely interested in videogames from the
very beginning. In fact, it’s all I wanted to do,”
our personalities, outlooks and aspirations. For remembers Eric. “My Mom had to force me to go
Stardew Valley’s creator, Eric ‘ConcernedApe’ outside and do other things.”
Barone, Harvest Moon was one of those series. While in his twenties, Eric was looking to
“Harvest Moon was the most special gaming recapture a feeling from his childhood. “I had
experience I had as a child,” Eric says, “and been searching for another experience that made
that’s ultimately the reason why I made Stardew me feel the way that Harvest Moon: Back To
Valley. Maybe it was a part of me that didn’t Nature did, but never found anything, either in the
want to let go of that magic.” Eric was brought more recent Harvest Moon games or in fan-made
up on the SNES and a handful of MS-DOS clones.” Eric didn’t give up, though. If he couldn’t


“I was
Interested In
from the
Eric Barone

college, and had no goal of becoming a full-time

» [PS4] Restoring Pelican Town’s community centre is a big part of game developer. “Much of my original intention
the game. You’ll have some help from curious Junimos, though.
was simply to get better at programming,”
he reminds us. “But when the game started
find the game he was looking for, he decided becoming more complex, and I started seeing magIc
he’d just have to make it himself. “I started
making Stardew Valley to try to fill that void. It
more potential in it, my ambitions grew.”
If you come away with anything from playing from
was the game that I desperately wanted to exist
but could never find.”
a few in-game days of Stardew Valley, it’s the
sense that someone has poured their heart into
it – that feeling comes through in its finer details, How Eric drew inspiration from
ric decided to go at it alone. While he had and its relatability. The game starts off with your the work of Studio Ghibli

e no formal experience in game design, Eric

had in the past tooled around and made
a few experimental games, just for fun.
“I dabbled with a few game-making engines like
RPG Maker, Flash and Adventure Game Studio,
player-made avatar in a crushing dead-end office
job, working for the retail corporation JojaMart.
You character, who has finally had enough, opens
a letter from their grandfather which tells them
that they’ve inherited his farm in Stardew Valley,
There’s an undercurrent of mystery
surrounding the sleepy pastures of Stardew
Valley. There have been sightings of tiny,
playful creatures in the ruined Community
Centre. And there’s a menagerie of odd
simply because I enjoyed creating things and a serene pastoral paradise where life is a lot more
monsters lurking in the mines, including
I thought it would be cool to make something slower and more down to earth. Your character
bouncing sprites made from soot, which
interactive,” he says. “Then, during college, I immediately packs up and leaves. It taps into
bare a resemblance to some recurring
coded some simple games from scratch mainly a frame of mind we frequently find ourselves
creatures from animator Hayao Miyazaki’s
to become better at programming. I toyed with in. After all, who hasn’t had thoughts of turning
films: the Susuwatari (or ‘Soot Gremlins’)
the idea of making some simple games and away from their life and starting afresh?
from My Neighbor Totoro and Spirited Away.
sharing them online, but I never imagined Upon reaching the family farm and
“I’m a fan of Studio Ghibli/Hayao Miyazaki...
that I would go on to make a big game meeting Pelican Town’s mayor Lewis,
as a kid I remember checking out My
like Stardew Valley.” Eric had also made you find that your new home is a little
Neighbor Totoro from the public library many
music in his teenage years in a band and overgrown, to say the least. And it’s here
times,” Eric says. “You’re correct that the
used to frequently doodle – although your new life begins. Day by day, you clear
dust sprites are a nod to the Soot Gremlins.
he had not worked with pixel art before,
And there’s a Howl’s Moving Castle reference
which he describes as “whole different ball
in the game, too. Studio Ghibli has been a
game from pen-and-paper drawing”. He
very big influence on my style.”
thought he’d finish his game in six months,
a deadline he would end up overshooting by
four years. At this point, Eric was working on the
game as a hobby, like the games he’d made in » [PS4] Everything
you do depletes your
energy bar, but craftable
automation machines
– like sprinklers– help
do some of the work
for you.

» [PS4] Pelican Town frequently holds events, such as festivals

where you can showcase your produce.

sPeed datIng
You can befriend anyone, but here are the folk you can strike a special bond with

abIgaIl alex
■ The town’s jock, Alex spends a
■ Daughter to store owner Pierre.
Abigail has a strained relationship lot of his time talking about sports
with her mother who wants her to and generally being outside of his
ditch her ‘alternative lifestyle’. grandparents’ house.

ellIot emIly
■ A reclusive writer and a
■ Pelican Town’s aspiring
romantic, Elliot looks like he sartorialist, she lives with her
belongs on the cover of a pulpy sister, Haley and works at the
Eighties romance novel. local watering hole. » [PC] You are free to build the farm you want to. Do you really like
pumpkins? Then be a pumpkin farmer. Go nuts.

out the deadwood and overgrown grass, making

space to plant, nurture and eventually sell your
haley harvey own crops. This leads to profit, and profit is good
■ The local sawbones. Harvey because you can expand your farm by building
■ Emily’s sister may appear to
be a bit conceited and abrasive, has a few years behind him, and animals and shelter, this leads to more funds
but perhaps there’s a more open- has a bit of sadness behind those which you can use to extend your homestead.
hearted person underneath? glasses of his. By then, you’re caught in the loop: it’s hopeless,
Stardew Valley’s roots have grown into your soul,
and the compulsion to play ‘just one more day’ is
as strong as taking a breath.

hat’s not to say it’s all farming, though.

■ You’ll find Leah frequently
scrounging for berries in the
fields. She has a secret talent, but
what could it be?
■ A prodigy, Maru is the local
tinkerer and is usually found
helping out with odd jobs or
fiddling around with a gadget.
t You have townspeople to meet, befriend
and potentially even marry, a mine full
of monsters to plunder, verdant fields to
scrounge, stretches of water to fish from. There’s
so much to do it almost seems daunting at first,
but if you just take it day by day you’ll soon settle
down. The breadth of quality activities to partake
in is astounding and it’s all down to one devoted
developer, who plugged away at the game, every
Penny sam day for four-and-a-half years.
■ Sporting the hair of a Super Eric had set out on the path making a game in
■ A diligent schoolteacher, Penny
is frequently spotted tutoring the Saiyan, Sam is a music aficionado the vein of Harvest Moon, but that’s not to say he
local children. She’s shy, but has and wants to start a band with his drew inspiration from solely that series alone. “All
big plans for her future. pal Sebastian. the videogames I’ve ever played helped create
Stardew Valley,” Eric tells us, citing the likes of
Super Mario RPG, Chrono Trigger, Earthbound,
The Secret Of Mana, Link’s Awakening and Hero’s
Quest as the gaming vanguard of his childhood
sebastIan nostalgia. “I tend to be pretty analytical and
shane critical when playing games, and I constantly
■ If Sam is a Super Saiyan,
■ He doesn’t give off the best take mental notes about things I like or
Sebastian’s sports the look of a
first impression, being mean and don’t like,” Eric adds. “All the gaming
Final Fantasy protagonist. He’s
hostile towards your avatar, but experiences of my life shaped the game
something of a rebel.
he can’t always be like that, right? designer that I am today.”


“ I’ll always be able to

come uP wIth cool new
Ideas for It “
Eric Barone

Development was a trying process. I would relax and take breaks from the more
Eric is a self-professed “solitary person” tedious aspects of game development. I also like
and wanted to realise his vision by his how ‘direct’ of a medium music is… more than » [PS4] While it is a laid-back game, Stardew Valley does touch on
own hand. This meant he had to tackle anything else in game development, it sets the deeper themes. Each character has their own fears and desires.
everything about Stardew Valley, from mood and directs the emotions.”
coding, to writing, art, music, design be able to come up with cool new ideas for it.
and QA all by himself. Indie publisher he hard work paid off, and Stardew Valley Second, the game is popular and I don’t want to
Chucklefish would eventually come on
board to help with publishing duties, but for the
majority of Stardew Valley’s development, it was
all Eric – and it more or less took up his entire life.
“The most challenging part of actual
t is name-checked as not only one of the
best life sim games, but as one of the
best titles to come from the indiesphere.
It currently sits with a metascore of 89 and has
been ported to all modern consoles – most
let my fans down… I like making people happy.
“I think I’ll always leave the book open,
because I can never predict how I will feel in the
future. There have been times after release that
I wanted to step away from Stardew forever, but
development was probably creating the recently the Vita. Eric isn’t done with it, though. then six months later I had a change of heart and
characters. Eric says when we ask what was the He’s still adding content and polishing his game started working furiously on a new update.”
most difficult part of the game’s development. via regular updates. The community surrounding So does Eric feel he’s achieved his original
“There’s just so many of them, and they each the game is vibrant, and Eric patiently listens to goal? And would Young Eric enjoy playing it?
have sprites, tons of dialogue, schedules, its criticism and wants. Currently, Eric is working “I’m very happy with Stardew Valley… especially
portraits with different expressions, and event on implementing a multiplayer element to the amount of fun, happiness and comfort it’s
cutscenes. It was a lot of work, and became the game, so fraternal farmers can drop in brought to so many people,” he concludes.
tedious at time.” And he’s not joking around, you and out of one another’s homestead to lend “Even though I made the game, and should
can view the many iterations that each character a hand. It’s currently in open beta for the PC be sick of it, I still enjoy playing it myself
went through on websites such as the Stardew version. “I keep coming back for a couple from time to time. I never thought that
Valley wiki. In the case of the character Penny, for reasons,” he says. “For one, there’s so would be possible. I think my younger
example, her character art went through at least much potential in the game, and I’ll always self would’ve loved the game.”
11 versions. Eric also cites a more personal issue
he struggled with. “Outside of development,
there was also the psychological struggle of
watching my peers getting good jobs and making
progress in their lives while I was chasing what
seemed like a very unlikely dream. It all worked
out though.”
That’s not to say Eric didn’t enjoy the process:
the truth is quite the opposite, in fact. Eric cites
one facet of game development he enjoys the
most, “My favourite part of development is
probably to make music. Composing has always
been a passion of mine, so that part of the
game came easy to me and was actually a way

» [PC] You can make a living being an explorer; the materials that
slain monsters drop can fetch a good price when sold in bulk.

In a career spanning 35 years Alain Fernandes has programmed games
and apps on a huge range of consoles and computers. From Oric to
Nintendo DS, it is time to look back with Alain
Words by Andrew Fisher

What were your earliest experiences with

“To create is my passion,” computers back in the day?
says Alain, words that sit Before I started programming, I started to play
at the top of his company videogames in 1977, and I was thinking, ‘It’s incredible!
Programmers are paid to do this!’ And this idea
website (inthepockets.com)
helped me to become a game programmer. My first
that details his long career.
programming experience was in September 1980,
Alain is a well-known figure
with the TI-57. [A Texas Instruments calculator that
in his native France and was programmable, but switch it off and the program
worked for most of the major was lost.] But I was already a computer fan, I read a
French companies. Starting lot of magazines like Micro System, and I had some
out with a programmable electronics knowledge. Three years before I started
calculator, Alain shifted his programming, I spent my free time reading electronics
focus onto 8-bit machines – magazines and building some electronic circuits.
getting his work published But that meeting with the TI-57 changed everything
» [Marta Alice] An early Q*Bert clone, this is Al*Berthe on
the Matra Alice.
as type-in listings for French for me. When you write the software you don’t spend
magazines Tilt and Sprites. money, if you have bugs, you fix it and your work is
The 16-bit years saw him saleable… you just need time. Al*Berthe and Fringale were clones of arcade
move in to 3D with a trilogy games – did you play in the arcades a lot?
of games for Titus before How did you send your programs to the I started playing in 1977 and I played a lot since 1979
programming for Japanese magazines to become type-in listings? and I still play now. But before 1983, I played mainly at
consoles, including the Before 1983, I wrote many small games. I thought, the arcade. I am still playing on my Xbox. I have a lot of
FM Towns and PC-Engine. ‘Maybe if I send my listings, maybe I can earn some games, but I am still a big fan of the Grand Theft Auto
Localising games for the money to buy a new computer?’ During 1981 and series, the Gears Of War games and BioShock. Funny
French market was Alain’s 1982, I was sending a lot of listings of my games to fact, it’s easy now to finish almost any game. It’s ten
task for a few years. He has many computer magazines. times easier now to finish Gears Of War than Mario 64.
also programmed for the Many gamers are totally impressed by the difficulty
N-Gage and more recently How quickly did you learn machine code? of those old games. Especially a SNES game like
tackled iOS development. Quickly, but remember, every computer was different. Nightmare Buster. But at the time, it was not so hard.
You need to learn each processor: Z80, 6502, 8086,
68000. And you have to learn the hardware of each You converted Coq’in (aka Chickin’ Chase) to
computer, but it’s not enough. In order to create a Thomson computers – do you remember this
game you need to understand how the game works, crazy game and its developer Jawx?
and it’s different for each style of game. A 2D platform I remember the Commodore 64 version, but I never
game, it’s different than 3D race cars. Each type of actually met Jawx’s people. I was hired by Titus
game needs different programming knowledge. Software to port games from one computer to

I played a lot since 1979
and I still play now. But
before 1983, I played mainly
at the arcade
Alain Fernandes

another computer. I never met the original more than 100,000 in the schools in France, so people

VIVE LA designer of the game. bought the Thomson for their home. In 1983/84, the
French government decided: ‘Every school must have

FRANCE! What were your favourite 8-bit computers?

Before 1980, the Commodore PET 2001. I love the all-
in-one concept. Also, the Amstrad CPC 664 and the
a computer room. Each student must learn to use a
computer and learn with educational software.’ Many
software companies like Cedic and Nathan made a lot
A slice of french MSX. I love the Sanyo PHC 28 with [its] two cartridge of educational software for the Thomson MO5 and
videogames history slots and its keyboard. Finally, the Commodore 64. It TO7. But other manufacturers, like Matra and Phillips
was too expensive for me in 1983, but the hardware have asked, ‘Why only Thomson MO5/TO7?’ So the
The French software industry has seen was amazing. French government also bought a lot of Matra, Phillips
huge growth over the years, but also many and other computers. The problem is, they were not
companies struggling. Infogrames, founded Why was the Oric so popular in France? compatible with the Thomson. Cedic and Nathan
by Bruno Bonnell in 1983, was first to aim for I chose the Oric-1 instead of the ZX Spectrum because needed to reprogram all the educational software on
international renown with games translated into there was seven weeks waiting time for the Sinclair. the other systems! That’s why Titus Software at the
English or distributed under a licensing deal. Maybe that was a reason for the Oric’s success in beginning worked with Cedic and Nathan. There is
Role-playing game Mandragore, detective title France. The Oric-1 distribution was better in France. a lot of educational software to reprogram. I also did
Vera Cruz and Hostages blazed a trail, with the I remember when I stopped at the computer shop, I some educational software on the VG5000 and the
armadillo mascot becoming familiar. Ubisoft don’t find any ZX Spectrums because it was only sold Excelvision in 1985 and 1986.
(founded in 1986 by the Guillemot brothers) by mail. Maybe for many new users, the keyboard of
followed suit, bringing games such as Twin World the ZX Spectrum was very strange. How did you get the job converting Activision’s
and Pro Tennis Tour (aka Great Courts) to a wider early computer-themed title Hacker?
audience. Its early adverts included references What made the Thomson machines special? Hacker on the Thomson MO5 and TO7 was
to K7 – ka-sept, or cassette. Loriciels became a The MO5 and TO7 are nothing special, but there were published by Loriciel in France. In 1986, Loriciel asked
bigger player during the Nineties before hitting Titus to convert Hacker. I worked for Titus from the
financial troubles. Delphine, most famous for beginning of 1985 to the end of 1990, and I made
Another World and Flashback, lasted from 1989 a lot of conversions during that period and
until 2004. Titus also grew big and then failed. Hacker was one of them. Remember,
Started by brothers Eric and Hervé Caen in before the success of Crazy Cars, Titus
1985, it took over Palace Software and Interplay made a lot of games [under contract] for
before closing its doors in 2005. Having acquired other game companies.
British software houses Ocean and Gremlin,
Infogrames would ultimately buy the remaining Who was behind the idea for the
assets of Atari Inc. After Bonnell left, Infogrames puzzle game Titan?
rebranded as Atari SA but went into bankruptcy The original version of Titan was on the
in 2013 – leaving Ubisoft as the last major French Amstrad CPC. The author/programmer
games company still standing. was Phillipe Pamart – a very great
programmer! Titan Amstrad CPC was
the perfect example of “you need
to learn the hardware to create a
» Alain is a big fan
of the Oric-1 home game”. The perfect knowledge
computer. of the Z80 was not enough to
create a game.

CINQUE CLASSIQUES The games from Alain you

should check out

■ This is a game Alain has CONQUEROR (AMIGA) (AMSTRAD CPC) (WINDOWS) ■ The classic French card game
returned to many times in his ■ The best-received of Alain’s ■ Travelling through five time ■ One of a series of compelling works well on touchscreen. Watch
career, and the ZX Spectrum trilogy of 3D titles, with influences periods, the heroic knight must puzzle games Alain created, the out for hazards played by your
version still holds up today. from Galaxy Force. Stop the enemy collect seven talismans to help him aim is to clear the screen by clicking opponent, including speed limits
Ignore the daft story about a mad forces attacking the Carillon station defeat an evil wizard. Hack-and- on groups of the same-coloured and a flat tyre. Presentation is slick
professor, enjoy the 80 smooth- by clearing sectors, recharging slash action with detailed graphics, cubes without leaving any behind. and the game is easy to learn.
scrolling levels as you try to break energy with the help of the this will take time to learn and It’s available on multiple portable Special Mode adds DS features,
down all the bricks in this clever mothership. The 3D works well and conquer. The Amstrad port was and mobile formats, including such as blowing into the mic to
variant on Breakout. the game is nicely presented. nicely done by Alain himself. Nokia’s N-Gage. inflate a tyre.


Screenshot by Alain Fernandes

I’m more of a console

lover. For me a computer
is for programming, it’s
for my job
Alain Fernandes

You have programmed multiple versions of

Titan, which is your favourite?
Titan was the biggest success for Titus. Titan was SELECTED TIMELINE
made for a lot of systems. Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum,
Commodore 64, Amiga, Atari ST, PC DOS, NES, GAMES
NEC PC-Engine, FM Towns, Apple Macintosh and ■ LOUP [198]2 ORIC 1
Phillips CDI. I made the FM-Towns version and the ZX » [Atari 2600] The only known image of Crazy Cars on the Atari 2600. ■ LE DIAMANT DE KHEOPS [1984] ORIC 1
Spectrum version in 1989, and 22 years later I made ■ DES SIGNES DANS L’ESPACE [1985] MSX
the iOS version. Anuman bought the rights to that ■ FRINGALE [1985] MATRA ALICE
version and made a 3D remake. My favourite is still the the knowledge of machine code was a small part of ■ AL*BERTHE [1985] MATRA ALICE
FM-Towns version. I flew to Los Angeles and I stayed developing a game. The knowledge of the hardware ■ COQ’IN AKA CHICKIN’ CHASE [1985]
there for six months in 1989. It was so amazing. I also was also very important. Crazy Cars on the Thomson THOMSON MO5, TO7
like the iOS version because I reprogrammed it from MO5 has nothing to do with the Amstrad CPC version. ■ HACKER [1986] THOMSON MO5, TO7
scratch. It’s written in C/OpenGL and I made it in just Galactic Conqueror for Amiga has nothing to do with ■ MADDOG [1986] THOMSON MO5, TO7
79 hours. That’s fast, believe me. I also designed the 80 Crazy Cars on DOS, and so on. ■ BALTHAZAR [1986] THOMSON MO5, TO7
levels, 75 are different from the original version. ■ MEURTRE SUR L’ATLANTIQUE [1987] C64
Whose idea was the Classique compilation of old ■ CLASSIQUE VOL 1 [1987] ATARI ST
What did you prefer, the Amiga or the Atari ST? arcade games for Atari ST? ■ CRAZY CARS [1987] ATARI ST
I prefer the FM-Towns. Remember the ‘war’ between Before the Atari ST version, there were four other ■ FIRE AND FORGET [1988] AMIGA, ATARI ST
the Atari ST and the Amiga was a war between users. volumes (12 games) created on Thomson MO5 and ■ GALACTIC CONQUEROR [1988]
In the early Eighties, when you work for a videogames TO7. They sold very well. So Titus did a test with AMIGA, ATARI ST
company, you don’t choose your computer. If you Volume 1 on Atari ST. But the sales were too low, so ■ KNIGHT FORCE [1988-89] AMIGA, ATARI ST,
say, ‘No, I work only on Atari ST,’ you don’t last, you no other volumes were made for Atari ST. AMSTRAD CPC
will be fired and you will be replaced by another ■ TITAN [1989] ZX SPECTRUM, FM TOWNS
programmer with more skill. I’m more a console Knight Force was all your own work, what ■ CRAZY CARS [1990] ATARI 2600 UNRELEASED
lover, than computer lover. For me, a computer is for inspired the game? ■ DARK CENTURY [1990 SHARP X68000
programming, it’s for my job. I don’t spend my free I think, maybe Elric the sorcerer (from the Michael ■ ANTHEUS [1990] DOS, AMIGA, ATARI ST
time on computers or with a smartphone. I prefer using Moorcock novels), Kurgan from Highlander and all time ■ LIGHT QUEST [1991] PC, NEC PC9801,
my free time to play on my Xbox or watching movies. travel movies. AMIGA, ATARI ST
Did you develop a 3D engine for the Titus How easy was it to port Knight Force back to the ■ JIM POWER [1992] PC-ENGINE
Software titles Crazy Cars, Galactic Conqueror 8-bit Amstrad CPC, and did you have to change ■ WATERWORLD [1995] GAME BOY
and Fire & Forget? much when converting it? ■ RONALDO V-FOOTBALL [1996] PS1
There was no ‘engine’ because the hardware was No so much, that is why the Amstrad version of the ■ RAZMOKETS DÉTECTIVES [1999] PC, MAC
different for each computer. Back in the Eighties, game was on two disks. ■ GÉNYMATIK L’ENCEPHALOJO [2000] PC, MAC
What was the development kit for the FM-Towns ■ ENGIE BENJY [2005] PC, MAC
system like? ■ LOG(HIC!), CUB(HIC!) & CUB(HIC!) BABY
In June 1989, Fujitsu asked Titus to send a programmer [1999-2008] MOBILE
(me) to Los Angeles, where Titus also had offices, to ■ IF3 RACING [2005] NOKIA N-GAGE
work on Titan for the FM-Towns. The kit was a 386 ■ 1000 BORNES [2008] DS
PC, with C/ASM cross compiler for the FM-Towns. ■ FORGOTTEN GHOST [2010] IOS
You compile on the PC and you transfer the executable ■ WHITE MONKEY [2011] IOS
to the FM-Towns. It was my first programmer project ■ TITAN [2011] IOS
published on CD-ROM in Japan. ■ ALIENS ABDUCTION [2012] IOS
How long did it take you to convert Jim Power ■ SUPER BOARD ZOMBIE-NINJA [2013] IOS
to the PC-Engine? ■ BLOCKS T [2016] WINDOWS, OSX, LINUX
I only had three months to rewrite the game from ■ THE RETRO CITY [2017] PC, MAC, LINUX
» [Atari ST] Can you rescue the captive Princess and defeat the evil scratch. It was a very short project. And I had no
wizard in Knight Force? previous experience working on the PC-Engine.

Screenshot by Alain Fernandes

The obscure systems Alain
has worked with
The list of hardware Alain has worked on
includes interesting and obscure machines.
The Matra & Hachette Ordinateur Alice, a
collaboration between two French companies,
was a clone of the Tandy/Radio Shack TRS-80
MC-10 but stood out because of its distinctive
red shell and white keyboard. Like many French
machines, it sported an AZERTY keyboard,
rather than the more familiar QWERTY layout. It
came with a Péritel (SCART) connector instead
of an RF modulator. Launched in 1983, the
following year saw the upgraded Alice32 (with
8KB of Video RAM and a built-in assembler) » [PC Engine] The PC Engine port of Jim Power was his most gruelling deadline – he only had three months to pull it off.
and in 1985 the Alice 90 (with the ability to mix
computer graphics and video). It became part of
the government’s Informatique Pour Tous (IT For
Remember, [the conversion is] not based on the budget I think. At the time, I worked for Ocean France/
Everyone) programme.
Amiga version code. PAM (Power And Magic Development) – a new
Thomson was a rival French electronics
game studio. And the first project was Waterworld
company that based its machines around the
You worked with most of the major French for Nintendo’s Game Boy. Fortunately, the movie was
Motorola 6809 processor. The TO7 loaded its
companies, which was the best? delayed and that gave us more time to finish the Game
Basic from cartridge, reducing the memory
Either Titus: for six years, I worked on many different Boy version.
available. It also had a built-in lightpen. The
machines, different hardware, and different processors.
enhanced MO5 was meant to compete with the
I made so many games. I learnt a lot. Or Mindscape: You localised several PC/Mac games for the
Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum and the device
during almost seven years, I used my knowledge to French market, does this take different skills?
found its way into many schools. It had 48KB and
solve hundreds of bugs and technical problems, and It was not only for the French market, it was also for
built-in Microsoft Basic. Later models in the T and
the salary was great. many European countries. Reader Rabbit and Adi have
M ranges failed to sell well outside their native
been great successes around the world. You need to
home of France.
Do you remember the hype around Kevin understand each Reader Rabbit grade was made by
Costner’s Waterworld film, and working on the different studios, with different tools and computer
Game Boy tie-in? languages. Worse, at the end of the Nineties many
» Creating the levels for the iOS version of Titan. Yes, it was the first film to reach $100 million of game studios created their own computer language,
their own compiler, and their own file formats. To be
sure, when you need any modification, you have no
choice but to use your skills. For example, during the
localization of Reader Rabbit in 2002, I received 64
CD-ROMs full of data and source code. But this is not
Screenshot by Alain Fernande

» [FM Towns] Alain moved to Los Angeles for six months to work on the
FM Towns version of Titan.

Everything is
possible. Everything
has changed since Pong YOU ASK
and it never stops THE QUESTIONS
Alain Fernandes Alain answers your
burning questions

the final source code. So you need a lot NORTHWAY: Did France have any
of experience to improve the code and good computers that utilised the
rebuild every project. 6809 CPU?

Have you got a favourite

handheld console?
I still love the Game Boy Advance SP! I love the Thomson MO5 and the TO9.
Great battery, good size, the backlight I also love the Dragon 32/64 and the
and compatible with the Game Boy and Vectrex, but they are not French. I do
Game Boy Color, and of course the GBA not know why Thomson chose the
games. Manufacturers should make » [Game Boy] Alain programmed the isometric sections of Waterworld, based on the 6809. When the Amstrad CPC was
infamous Kevin Costner film.
better batteries. Many handheld systems released in 1984, everything changed.
have too limited battery life, especially
when you play a 3D game. The Game Boy, the GBC, Is modern development and porting between
the GBA, the Nintendo DS all have a power off switch. systems much easier than working with older,
When you turn off your old Nintendo for one or two classic hardware? MAYHEM: There are a lot of
weeks, no matter, they don’t need to be recharged. Since 2008, Unity3D is the main tool to create and ‘minor’ formats in your early roster
Just turn on and that’s it. With modern systems, you develop games. Now 80-90 per cent of gaming – why those formats, and not say
need to recharge two or three times each week. companies hire Unity3D programmers. When you Atari 400/800 or Commodore 64?
make a game with Unity3D, it is 100 times easier than
How easy was it to develop for the Nokia N-Gage to make the same game in C/OpenGL, and is 100,000
mobile phone? times easier than building the same game in assembly
I never chose my computers, only the
You have two possibilities for N-Gage development. language. But now, 99 per cent of the new games
Oric 1. I work for many companies and
The first is the Symbian 6.0 SDK, C++ and OpenGL ES made with Unity3D are just copy and paste.
they decide for me. When you are hired
– great if you need to develop a 3D game. The second
by a company, they need a programmer
is the J2ME MIDP 2.0 SDK, ‘Java Micro Edition’. The Do you have any funny stories from your years in
with the capability to adapt quickly.
J2ME is easier then the Symbian SDK. I made some the industry?
commercial games on N-Gage for In-Fusio. I love Zaps. When I was working on Titan for the FM-Towns in Los
At the time the N-Gage was the best mobile phone to Angeles, the graphic designer stayed in France. All the
have for gamers. graphics were sent over to me using a Commodore 64
and a modem. THE LAIRD: In your timeline is
How did you come up with the puzzle game Crazy Cars for Atari 2600. Was this
Cub(Hic!) and its sequels? What was your worst deadline to meet? a port that was never released?
In 1997, Flash, Java and HTML/JavaScript gave me The Jim Power adaptation from the Amiga to
a new way to develop games. I decided to develop PC-Engine was the worst, just three months
a small game, just for fun. Log(Hic!), Cub(Hic!) and
Crazy Cars for the 2600 was an order
Cub(Hic!) Baby became my ‘Hello World’ program. Did you have many cancelled or unfinished
from a hardware distributor. It was
Each time I had access to a new SDK, I wrote a new games, and do you still have anything left over
cancelled because it was difficult to
version. I made maybe a hundred versions of these from them?
create a car that looks like a Mercedes,
three games. In 2001, Log(Hic!) was a great success I have kept a lot of things from my unfinished projects,
Porsche, or Ferrari on the 2600. And
on the Windows Smartphone. I hope someday, when I have enough time, to rebuild
also the cost was much higher than any
some of them.
other media (K7, floppy).
Do you like working with touchscreens?
Depending on the type of game. For example Titan So, with that in mind, would you like to revive
iOS is very great with the touchscreen control. I made more of your old games?
another iOS Breakout game, and it is better with the Yes, I think so. For example Antheus (made for DOS, in
DRS: Your early games have
touch control. Just slide the racket, it’s simpler. 16 colours), it is not finished, but with DOSBox it works
French titles but the later ones have
You need to rethink old games and change the concept great. But time is the key. Sometimes a seemingly-
English titles. Did you feel that you
to adapt to the touchscreen. But sometimes, I need simple thing takes you a lot of work. You need to make
had to adopt English for your work
physical buttons. a good, professional choice – do you develop your own
to find a broader audience?
game with your own money and time, or do you work
How quickly did you learn iOS development? for a company?
Very fast, of course my XCode / OSX programming
experience since 2002 helped me a lot. But all my iOS You’re a developer with a lot of experience in I started with the French company
commercial games made between 2008 and 2013 the industry, what do you think will happen in Tilt and the game was on sale only in
were written in C and OpenGL. Titan iOS was written gaming’s future? France! Of course, when my games
in C/OpenGL in 79 hours, and the source code was Everything is possible. Everything has changed since were distributed or sold internationally
very portable. After that, it took me only two hours to Pong and it never stops. But you need to follow the market, the title was in English.
do the HTML5/JavaScript version. technology, and learn new stuff each year.

Fighter’s History:
Mizoguchi Kiki Ippatsu!
» SNES » 1995 » DATA EAST

A little while back, I bought the Data East

Classic Collection for my SNES. Having been
a Sega fanatic while growing up, my Nintendo
collections have always felt tiny by comparison, and
I knew I’d get my money’s worth from the Magical
Drop games and the occasional hilarious multiplayer game of Super
Side Pocket. The Fighter’s History games didn’t really factor into my
purchase decision at all.
Of course, not buying the cartridge for the Fighter’s History
games doesn’t mean I haven’t played them. Are they top-tier
fighting games? Not at all – they’re hard and extremely unfriendly
to newcomers, plus they’re a little bit stiff and the move inputs can
be odd. But they’re very competently constructed and they’re quite
enjoyable if you’re bloody-minded enough to persevere in
single-player. Of course, I was definitely determined enough to
see this sequel through to the end – if I can beat Shadow The
Hedgehog 11 times, doing this once is no sweat. I like character
designs like the judoka schoolgirl Ryoko and of course Karnov. Plus,
the games give a less familiar alternative option for multiplayer
gatherings, which is vital given that the other SNES fighting games
I own are Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter II.
I’d never have bought Fighter’s History: Mizoguchi Kiki Ippatsu
on its own, but I’m pleased to have played it. That’s why I love
compilations – even now, they frequently introduce me to fun
games I would otherwise have missed entirely.

>> This month,

Nick plays
versions of
Street Fighter
and goes
for a spin in
while Darran
discovers if
Ikaruga still
has what it
takes on the
Switch Street Fighter 30th
Anniversary Collection
INFORMATION When the biggest included for the sake of completeness,
» Featured SyStem:
inaccuracy in but is unlikely to be of any long-term
PS4 a collection of interest due to its stiff, antiquated
» alSo on: emulated games is fighting action. But Street Fighter II
XboX one, Switch, Pc the title, you and its four updates revolutionised the
» releaSed: know it’s a pretty genre and play as well as they ever did, BRIEF HISTORY
DARRAN out now good product. Yes, 2018 is actually the anime-inspired Street Fighter Alpha » Effectively one of the pillars
that built gaming as we know
Ikaruga » Price: the 31st anniversary of the Street trilogy combines advanced mechanics it, the Street Fighter series has
Another fantastic shooter £34.99 Fighter series – but we’re hardly going with fan favourite characters, and the been a constant throughout the
for the Switch and decades since it’s first release
another reason for getting » PubliSher: to moan a great deal over that given exquisitely animated Street Fighter III
in 1987. Street Fighter II set
rid of my DC shooters. caPcom what’s on offer in this compilation. series is still highly regarded by the template for one-on-one
» develoPer: 12 arcade Street Fighter games from competitive players. There’s obviously fighters in 1991, and the series
Digital ecliPSe has seen regular play at gaming
the Nineties are represented here, some redundancy here, as we’d wager tournaments since.
» PlayerS: with four including online multiplayer, most people aren’t going to bust out
1-2 (1-2 online) and there’s a substantial amount of all five versions of Street Fighter II
‘Museum’ content, too. regularly, but we would still expect
» [PS4] You’ll get tempted to As you likely already know, the players to rotate between five or six of
play Street Fighter, but we’d quality of the games included here is the games.
be surprised if you return for a
DREW second go. very high. The original Street Fighter is Emulation is spot-on throughout
Bloodstained: Curse Of
The Moon
the collection, and options such as
This was a nice little difficulty, game speed and damage
surprise, as a backer I’m level can be set for each game
glad to know my money is individually. Excellently, button
being well used!
configuration is universal – no pointless
duplication here, since all the games
utilise the same control system – and
a handy list of special moves can be
accessed during gameplay. There are
also TV and arcade screen filters, three
NICK levels of picture zoom, and optional
Street Fighter 30th screen borders.
Anniversary Collection As far as multiplayer goes, only
It’s been nice to remember
just how busted custom four games support online play: Street
combos were in Alpha 2. Fighter II Turbo, Super Street Fighter II



» [PS4] There are plenty of screen

options on offer – this shot uses
original scaling and the TV filter.




on, they would have been nice to see. Despite some minor drawbacks,
Lastly, there’s no option to map spare this collection deserves a place in
controller buttons to combinations like your library if you have any interest
all punches or light punch and light kick, in Street Fighter or fighting games in
which would have been nice. general. Whether you’re a one-player
Additionally, fans of the Street warrior with a love for the character
Fighter Alpha games may wish to backstories, an Alpha 3 maniac who
stick with their existing versions. The has been waiting for a new online
absence of Street Fighter Alpha 2 version since the Dreamcast, or just
Gold is a minor one, but Street Fighter someone who wants to see why the
Alpha 3 gained a lot of content after hardcore love Third Strike so much, this
its initial arcade release – home will suit your needs.
» [PS4] The Museum mode is a great inclusion for anyone interested in Street Fighter history. versions contained between six and
ten additional fighters, and some of In a nutshell
Turbo, Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Street versions are often mentioned, their these were ported back to the arcade Some minor omissions mean that
Fighter III: Third Strike. The restriction platforms aren’t, so expect to see in Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper. Both this doesn’t quite render past Street
is a little annoying but serves to stop ‘16-bit home cartridge’ as a of these updates were previously Fighter collections obsolete, but for
people dispersing across so many euphemism for ‘SNES’ more than included in the PS2 compilation Street most people it’ll serve as a perfect
different games. Online play is good once. There’s plenty of supporting Fighter Alpha Anthology, and it’s a reintroduction to some of the best
when it works, but unfortunately visual material, too, with previously shame not to see them here. Likewise, fighting games ever made.
somewhat barebones – there’s no unseen prototype images and design we’re curious as to why Hyper Street
current option to filter matches (for documents to feast your eyes upon. Fighter II was omitted. >> Score 91%
example, by region or connection Additional information is available on
quality), no way to create tournaments characters and there’s a sound test
and there are few options when mode here, too, allowing you to listen
creating casual lobbies (no character to the excellent soundtrack of each
bans or ISM restrictions here). When game on the compilation.
you do encounter a bad connection, We do have some small quibbles
the game will stutter as the connection with the compilation, though. Firstly,
tries to keep up, music and all. If you it seems absurd that Training mode is
don’t want to deal with that or want only available for the four games which
to play one of the other eight games, also support online play. Secondly, the
you’ll have to face your opponents as Museum mode references a number
you did back in the Nineties – shoulder of games which would have made for
to shoulder in front of the same TV. bonus inclusions – Final Fight is noted
This works perfectly, as you’d expect. for its origin as “Street Fighter ‘89”
The Museum mode is a real treat. and the likes of Super Puzzle
As well as a fairly comprehensive Fighter II Turbo and Pocket Fighter are
overview of the series’ history as a mentioned as notable spin-offs. Given
whole, there are deeper dives on that this compilation already emulates
individual games. Bizarrely, while home the arcade boards those games ran » [PS4] The many versions of each game are included, so you can revisit your favourites.


we look at the latest retro-related releases


Bloodstained: Curse Of The Moon
» System: PS4 (tested), Switch, Xbox One, 3DS, Vita, PC » Buy it from: Online » Buy it for: £8.99
This is the prequel to Bloodstained: Ritual character’s skills to access, and the longer
Of The Night, a forthcoming spiritual standard routes offer no benefit. What’s more,
successor to the Castlevania series which certain characters are much more efficient in
broke Kickstarter records back in 2015. specific boss fights. These encounters are a
However, rather than the Symphony Of The real highlight of the game, with clever themes
Night model that the future game will follow, and interesting attack patterns.
Curse Of The Moon takes inspiration from the Some of the more frustrating classic
earlier Castlevania games, with a NES-themed Castlevania elements have been removed
aesthetic and linear stage progression. – we weren’t killed nearly so often by being
The plot of the game follows the exorcist knocked back mid-air, and that’s only a
Zangetsu on his quest to rid the world of problem in Veteran style as Casual removes
demons and alchemists. However, after that and grants infinite lives. In fact, some
defeating bosses, this swordfighter is joined by might argue that the difficulty reduction goes
three other characters with their own unique too far. Despite featuring eight substantial
» [PS4] Miriam
abilities, including a slide that gets through stages, we got through our first play over has a slide attack
narrow spaces and a bat transformation a weekend of light play without hitting the which is useful in
getting to hard-
with which to cross chasms. You can switch Game Over screen. Still, there’s an unlockable to-reach areas.
between these characters on the fly, and each Nightmare difficulty for the masochists and
» [PS4] The
has their own life bar – but if one dies, you’ll multiple endings to hunt for too. Alchemist
restart at an earlier point without that character. Inti Creates has delivered more than a doesn’t have a
hefty life bar, but
Losing all of your characters causes a life loss prologue – this is a homage that understands his magic makes
and sets you back further. its inspirations well while delivering a neat little up for it.
You’ll ideally want to keep your characters twist, and is worthy of its standalone release.
alive though, as all of the upgrade items are
found in special routes that require a specific >> Score 83%

Slipstream Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn Ikaruga

» System: PC (tested), Mac, Linux » System: Switch (tested), PS4, Xbox One, PC » System: Switch » Buy it from: Online
» Buy it from: Online » Buy it for: £7.19 » Buy it from: Online, retail » Buy it for: £13.49
» Buy it for: £14.99 (PC) to £34.99 (Switch)
This racer owes a debt to the arcade racers of Treasure’s superb polarity-based shooter has
the Eighties and early Nineties, particularly the The good news is that Shaq Fu: A Legend rocketed its way onto Nintendo’s Switch,
OutRun series. As you race through themed Reborn is a superior game to the 1994 original instantly becoming one of the best shoot-’em-
stages, forking off to new ones at each Shaq Fu. The bad news is that’s a pathetically ups on the system in the process. As with many
checkpoint, you’re likely to get a strong sense of low bar to clear and Big Deez Productions Switch vertical shooters there’s the option to
déjà vu. In fact, it’s fair to say that Slipstream’s game, only just about manages it. While the rotate the screen vertically, but you’ll still need
drifting mechanics make it feel a lot like OutRun 2 move to making it a fully fledged scrolling to detach the Joy-Cons to play (which continues
with the graphical appearance of OutRunners – brawler is a wise one, it’s let down by dull to frustrate us). New additions include the ability
and while the drift handling isn’t quite as smooth fighting mechanics, some annoying chokepoints, to control both ships at once with two separate
as that description implies, it comes quite close. unsatisfying boss encounters and a complete Joy-Cons, as well as a brand-new ‘Prototype’
The Eighties-style synth-driven soundtrack is lack of co-operative play. There are some nice mode, which not only lets you change the
something a bit different, though, and the game touches to be found, including a Turtles In Time rate that enemies fire back at you, but also
offers various humorous rivals. It features a variety homage and the odd bit of breaking the fourth throws limited ammo into the mix as well. The
of cars, a grand prix mode with upgrades and wall, but overall this is a distinctly average end result is arguably the definitive version of
more to add depth. If you’re after a good retro game, with the (physical) Switch version being Treasure’s game at a fantastic price point. To
race, this will do the job admirably. shamefully overpriced for what it actually offers. miss it is to miss out.

>> Score 80% >> Score 50% >> Score 92%


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rewing since 2005

B » [Amstrad CPC] Robbie strikes back at the creepy crawlies threatening his garden.

There’s been quite a bit of activity computers as well. The original Amstrad all of the combat is based on a series
in the Amstrad CPC world in recent conversion by Elite wasn’t a particularly of primary and secondary statistics for
months so, along with the review good one in the eyes of CPC owners, so each character. Explore the catacombs
goblins and quite a
of Galactic Tomb over the page, developer Xifos set out to build a new behind Kikstart.eu/sergoth-cpc while
» [Amstrad GX4000] Ghosts,
few zombies as well in Ghos
ts ‘N Goblins. we’ve got a few new releases and conversion which would take advantage paying attention to how detailed the
an update to look at. The first is a of the enhanced Plus hardware. The surroundings are, and be sure to read
conversion of Ultimate’s Pssst from the result is impressive, too, with high- the very detailed user manual before
ZX Spectrum which is called Robbie quality graphics based on the coin-op setting out on your initial foray.
Strikes Back. The titular gardening robot version and an excellent rendition of the And to finish off this month’s
must use bug spray to defend his prized soundtrack as well. Kikstart.eu/ghosts- Amstrad-flavoured roundup we’ve
Thyrgodian Megga Chrisanthodil from goblins-gx4000 heads to CPC Wiki’s recently been informed of an upgrade
the advances of highly destructive forum for the launch thread and that to Keith Sear’s trigger happy scrolling
insects. Of course, this task is more all-important cartridge image download. shoot-’em-up Chibi Akumas Episode 1
complicated than it might sound since Back to the regular Amstrad CPC, – rebuilt in the sequel’s engine and
there are multiple types of spray but this time with 128K, we’ve got referred to as version 1.666 - along with
» [Amstrad CPC] This bat available with each targeting a specific Shadows Of Sergoth which is a news of a physical release on disc and a
doesn’t look particularly happy enemy and merely stunning the others. Dungeon Master-style dungeon plethora of ongoing conversions to other
in Shadows Of Sergoth.
Raid the garden shed at Kikstart.eu/ crawler, set in the fantasy medieval Z80-based platforms such as the MSX
robbie-strikes-cpc for more information. realm of Chrisandia. The format and Spectrum in the works. Follow the
Next is another conversion, this time of this adventure is based on the link Kikstart.eu/chibi-update-cpc for the
a major reworking of Ghosts ‘N Goblins tabletop game Microlite20 – itself a discussion thread with more information
which targets the Amstrad GX4000 so pared-down, lightweight version of and the relevant links.
therefore works on the Plus range of Advanced Dungeon & Dragons – so
If you have a homebrew project you would like to see featured then please contact us at: [email protected]

» [Atari 8-bit]
around isometric
plains in search
of pyramids.

We sat down for a chat with Chester Kollschen

- the coder behind platformer Sam’s Journey for
the C64 - about what went into developing this
impressive game and the sheer scale involved
Where did the idea for Sam’s
Journey come from?
My team and I, we’ve always
been great fans of platform
games on videogame
consoles, such as Super Mario
Bros 3, Kirby’s Adventure, or
the Donkey Kong Country
series. On the C64, however, » [C64] Spaceman Sam, seen here full
games like these were very of the joys of spring. Published for the Acorn Electron and BBC Micro
rare. At the end of the Nineties, in 1987 by Audiogenic, Dean Lester’s Ziggy is an
I first thought of making a C64 each, 32 types of baddies plus People Chester arcade adventure game where the titular character
platformer and even drafted a
character sprite. But the project
three bosses. According to
our build tools, a total of 2,077
really like the
character, his
Kollschen gathers mystical pyramids so he can ascend and
rescue his lady friend. Ziggy’s world is rendered in
remained in the idea state until screens have been designed versatile moves, two-colour, isometric 3D and filled with hazards to avoid
we picked up on it in 2015. and 4,485 objects have been and, of course, the special during this quest.
When we were brainstorming placed in the scenes. costumes. They like that they Bouncing forwards 30 years, we come across a
features, I dug out my old can choose to either explore conversion of this game for the Atari 8-bits; the graphics
character sprite and we A RAM expansion is needed the maps or do a speedrun. have some extra colour now, but the gameplay remains
developed it further to become to play the game on NTSC And many love the checkpoints the same. Searching around Kikstart.eu/ziggy-a8 gets
the Sam we know today. C64s, why is this? and the save game feature, would-be explorers a download.
Ironically, the RAM is not really so they can play the game in
And roughly how long did used, it’s there for the REU’s multiple sessions and make
it take to develop and who
was involved?
fast memory transfer feature.
Sam’s Journey was originally
continuous progress. This
works very well with people’s
We are evaluating
As it was an on-off project, it’s
not easy to say exactly, but we
planned as a PAL-only game,
and as such, it was modelled
limited spare time. some concepts for
can assume a net development to use the CPU cycles available Are there plans for Sam to another C64 game
time of about two years. in a PAL frame (20ms). Due undertake another journey
Stefan Gutsch, with whom I’ve to the higher framerate, NTSC in the future or do you have
» [Amiga]
worked for many years now, frames are shorter (16ms), something else in mind for Putting the
did the beautiful graphics and and we would have had to your next project? Amiga’s
the extensive level design. Alex cut features in order to make Both! After the great
to good use
Ney joined the team to provide everything fit. But we didn’t response to Sam from the disposing of
the awesome soundtrack. I want to do that, so we came Commodore 64 community, bombs.
did the game design and the up with the idea of using the we think he could thrill the
programming. REU as a hardware helper to fans of other classic game
compensate for the missing systems as well. Additionally,
It seems huge, but just how CPU cycles on NTSC systems. we are evaluating some
big is the game world in concepts for another C64
Sam’s Journey? What has the response to game. It’s not decided yet,
It really is huge. We have three Sam’s Journey been like but we can already tell it’s
overworld maps, 27 levels with from C64 gamers so far? going to be a completely
two or three large segments Overwhelmingly positive. different genre.


» [C64] The insects really get
big around these parts, don’t

Almost everybody with an interest in gaming

who has touched a Windows PC is probably
aware of Minesweeper. The desktop puzzler was
bundled with Windows 3.1 onwards. Tiles within a play
area must be removed without accidentally triggering a
mine and ending the game, the positions of which are
hinted at by numbers in adjacent cells.
And now Amiga users can join in with the fun
courtesy of MinedField, which can be played on the
Workbench desktop in the same way that the original
is on Windows; try not to trigger any explosives by
visiting Kikstart.eu/minedfield-amiga.


Released back in 2004 by Csaba
Pankaczy, Quadrillion is an action
puzzle game for the C16 or
any other machine in the 264
series with 32K. It was based
on Kingsoft’s game Crillion from
1989 and, while it might look like
a Breakout variant at a glance,
there’s no paddle and the player
instead controls the ball’s horizontal
movement as it automatically
bounces up and down.
The task is to clear colour-coded
bricks – these can only be disposed
of if the ball currently matches
them and there are special colour-
changing tiles to help on that
front – while dealing with the ball’s
control system and hazards within
the play area. There are 20 levels
but the puzzles become sneaky
around level three, so some lateral
thinking is required alongside
dexterity with the joystick. Find it at

» platform: AmstrAd CPC » Developer: EsP soft » DoWnloaD: KIKstArt.Eu/gAlACtIC-tomb-CPC » priCe: frEE

In the earliest days of the universe of each world are deadly to the touch
there were three incredibly wise and and well armed, with every intention
» [Plus/4] Literally destroying the powerful rulers; each managed a of destroying intruders regardless of
programmer’s good name one brick at a time.
kingdom in the Ururben galaxy and who they are. The environment also
together they managed over a happy seems out for our ‘hero’ with lava
and enlightened society. Of course, and acid pools spitting chunks of their
there’s always someone like Shakar contents skywards, but fortunately the
who sees a utopia and feels it could be commander is wearing an armoured suit
a smidgeon more evil, which leads to which will take several hits before failing.
him defeating these benevolent kings The graphics are very solid, with » [Amstrad CPC] Doesn’t anyone or anything
and hiding their bodies throughout the well-defined sprites populating each on these alien worlds ever tidy up?
galaxy. But after a few generations on distinct planet and the player’s controls
the throne this dictator has grown old vary from stage to stage as well, with up
» [Plus/4] Slowly tunnelling downwards beyond the point where medical science as jump on the first level but becoming
towards the blue blocks and potential death.
can help. Those concealed, regal bodies the thrust control for a jetpack on the
potentially offer a chance for Shakar to second for example. Galactic Tomb has a
prolong his reign even further, so one of few places where things get annoyingly
the finest commanders of the imperial hard, but advancing with caution seems
army is sent out to gather the required to be the most sensible approach – the
artefacts from the rather hostile worlds game doesn’t have a time limit and
they were hidden upon. there’s no shame in edging along a
» [Amstrad CPC] Security here are very
Apart from being an unusual scenario corridor whilst holding down the fire trigger happy, so it’s best to take them out.
for a game – the player is, in essence, button – and it helps to spend a little
supporting an evil dictator, so failing time acclimatising to the controls on
would actually work out better for the each stage before heading into battle.
people of the empire – this quest isn’t
going to be easy; the patrolling denizens >> score 83%


Don’t forget to follow us online for all the latest retro updates
retrogameruK @retrogamer_mag [email protected]


» platform: ZX sPECtrum » priCe: frEE
» Developer: JAImE grIlo » platform: gAmE boy AdvAnCE » Developer: dEsIrE
» DoWnloaD: KIKstArt.Eu/quAhAPPy-sPEC » DoWnloaD: KIKstArt.Eu/moonCAts-gbA » priCe: frEE

Poor Mooncat has managed to fall off the moon

and, although he’s unharmed, he’ll need some
help from his friends and a human to get home.
All three characters – the player can choose from a cat,
frog and chipmunk – are worryingly flat to the point
they can be used as paddles in an Arkanoid game.
There aren’t any real surprises in Mooncat’s Trio but For the last couple of centuries
it’s still a very good version of the classic Breakout- Olivia Lund has been asleep,
with-extras formula. Each ‘bat’ has its own special cryogenically preserved aboard
attribute which has an effect on the gameplay as well, her ship the Polaris-7 by a state-
» [ZX Spectrum] Dauntless Andy was happy to find the purple key. for example the chipmunk has more brick-destroying of-the-art Hypersleep tube for
bullets when picking up a gun. the long journey to Kepler-62.
Heading into the black yonder and As well as being particularly well-executed visually, But having travelled 800 light years
accidentally stumbling across a deadly Mooncat’s Trio is also a solid game to play which offers she’s abruptly woken by the ship
rival would in itself be unlucky, but a couple of neat twists on the classic Arkanoid because there’s a problem.
mankind’s expansion towards the stars in power-ups and enables players to find a bat which will A gigantic craft of unknown
the 23rd century is unexpectedly halted by suit their playing style. origin has pulled the Polaris-7 in
the discovery of forces under the control with a tractor beam and essentially
of a dangerous machine intelligence.
>> score 86% wandered off with it; attempts to
The crew of the Scourge are sent out to communicate with the craft prove
investigate the mysterious signal emanating fruitless and there’s a good chance
from a supposedly barren planet only to come it may be abandoned, so Olivia’s
under fire from the machine forces. The player only option is to board ti in order to
takes control of the only crew member to don figure out how to release her ship.
their Ranger armour before the ship crash- Pond’s text adventure
lands and therefore has to start the mission Hibernated 1: This Place Is Death
alone, picking up weapons, power and parts is available for the Spectrum, C64,
along the way. C128 and Amstrad CPC with the
Steel Ranger is the latest game from Lasse » [GBA] To start with there wasn’t much latter two running in 80-column
room to manoeuvre but that’s improving.
Öörni, the developer behind the Metal Warrior mode. Head to Kikstart.eu/
series and more recently Hessian and won’t hybernated-1-various for more.
disappoint fans of those games. It’s a little
more arcade-oriented than previous outings
but still a very solid run-and-gun experience.

>> score 85%

» platform: CommodorE AmIgA » Developer: grAEmE CowIE » DoWnloaD: KIKstArt.Eu/bomb-JACK-bEEr-AmIgA » priCe: frEE

Bomb disposal always looks so tense in the

movies, with skilled professionals carefully and
methodically working on explosive devices that
could potentially kill them. But that isn’t how it works
in Bomb Jack Beer Edition, instead the titular character
runs around a brightly coloured world defusing comically
large bombs simply by running into them. Bonuses are
awarded for collecting devices in the right order – the
next being the bomb with a lit fuse – and through items
which float around the playfield.
There was an official port of Bomb Jack for the Amiga
in 1988 but it was a pretty weak affair, so programmer
Graeme Cowie took it upon himself to produce a better,
more accurate port of Tehkan’s coin-op. He’s done
a very solid job, producing something that feels and
a trap?
like a friend, but surely it’s indeed looks more like the original compared with Elite’s
» [ZX Spectrum] She may look
conversion that’s very entertaining to play as well.
» [Amiga] Saving the Sphinx from explosive devices
>> score 89% is surprisingly hard work.


Every mo
one lucky,
writer-in w
spankingeive a
of either opy
NES /Masour
Syste o r
SNES /Mm ega



BaCk from the budget, and given that the remake than Elite Beat Agents, and Psychic

TEAM DeaD (again)

Do you think Resident Evil 2
was announced back in 2015 it’s
not been quick. If it’s everything it
appears to be, it could be great.
Killer Taromaru because it’s a great
game that not enough people

PLAYS remake has the same hype as the

original release, or does it smell like a
quick cash in? Small WiSheS
have played. Nick nominates the
strategy/visual novel Sakura Wars
series – the Saturn and Dreamcast
TETRIS @GuyFawkesRetro via Twitter What is the RG team’s dream choice games didn’t leave Japan, and the
for a ‘Mini’ console? timing is good as Sega happens to
We don’t think any Resident Evil @RetroBob via Twitter be reviving the series soon. There’s
game will ever reach quite the also a lovely PS2 game called
same level of frothing expectation That’s an interesting question. ChainDive that counts as one of
as the original sequel did back in Darran and Sam plumped for the system’s hidden gems.
1998 – the series is too familiar handhelds – the editor wants a
now, and there have been too shrunken Atari Lynx with classic Small ConSole,
many underwhelming entries. games and a good LCD, while Small effort?
Having said that, the series is still our designer would like a non- Hi RG,
enormously popular and Resident miniaturised Game Boy Advance Well by the time the new issue with
In honour of our cover feature we Evil 7 was a fantastic reinvention. preloaded with classic games. Drew Mercs comes out, I would like to
took to the battlefield of Tetris:
The Absolute The Grandmaster 2 From the recent reveal, it looks like would want a PlayStation mini, and say that it was one of my favourite
Capcom hasn’t skimped on the Nick would quite like an iPhone- games for the Mega Drive. From the
NICK 155,010 sized Vectrex with all the hits. artwork right down to the intensity and
the faster you can play, the actions of each level that needed to
better. additionally, try to set
yourself up for back-to-back line
import DreamS be completed, to defeating the end of
clears, because comboing into a tetris is a
Which retro Japan exclusive video level bosses to rescue the president.
great way to get yourself loads of points. games would you like to see re- But I would like to finish this letter
released in the West? with a mention on the possible
DREW 134,958 @SteJay215 via Twitter release of the Neo-Geo Mini. Yes,
i need to keep my home and a table arcade machine tickles my
workspace incredibly tidy, so i We would have said Metal Wolf retro taste buds. But following the
start to lose my head when my Chaos, but we’ve been beaten issues with The C64 Mini’s joystick,
impeccable tetris design begins to fall apart. to the punch on that one. Darran the still ongoing controversy with the
one false move and my stoicism crumbles,
from then it’s almost like i subconsciously » [PC] We’ve got high hopes for this Resident Evil 2 remake
wants a straight localisation of ZX Spectrum Vega+ and countless
sabotage myself. as Capcom seems to be giving it appropriate love. Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan, rather third party releases with various mini

SAM 119,100
too oten i tried to be too clever
and save the power-ups for a
sticky situation. i’d inevitably ind
myself in said sticky situation as a result.

DARRAN 87,458
i can’t play this game because
Hi Retro Gamer,
it stresses me out too much.
i buckle as soon as Drew and
I get your magazine every
Sam start heckling me and i immediately month and I thought I’d like to
start messing up my lines and squeaking send you a few of my comics
like a child, which would be ine if i wasn’t a that I have made in the past few
45-year-old man. weeks. I’m a big retro gamer of
25 and love me some Sega.
Steven Grayson

They say a picture is worth

a thousand words, and
you’ve sent us quite a few.
These are great, Steven –
thanks for sharing them
with us. Readers: if you’d
» [Arcade] We only had 300 levels to rack up the like to see more of these
biggest score possible.
comics, look out for » Commodore World: the proving
@Stevingesus on Twitter. ground for gamers who want to test their will to survive.


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Editor Darran ‘Four Block’ Jones
[email protected]
consoles, are they just being thrown 01202 586237
Production Editor Drew ‘The Line’ Sleep
in to cash in on the craze around the
Senior Staff Writer Nick ‘t-Shape’ Thorpe
NES and SNES minis without much DISCUSSED THIS MONTH Senior Designer Sam ‘L-Boy’ Ribbits
thought put in to ensure its more or Brand Director, Games Tony Mott
less good quality over quantity? Sticking It To The Man Senior Art Editor Warren Brown
Cisco Kidd We’ve been sticking it to just about everything Photographer James Sheppard
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sheets with our last issue. The office quest Hareth Al Bustani, David Crookes, Paul Davies, Paul Drury,
It’s hard to know how the Neo-Geo has been to find the most unlikely place for the Erlingur Einarsson, Andrew Fisher, Robert Jones, Jason Kelk,
Mini will turn out right now, as this old Sega Seal Of Quality – so far, the cognitive Kieren Hawken, Graeme Mason, Rory Milne, Paul Rose
dissonance of the SNES is winning.
isn’t being manufactured by the Advertising
Media packs are available on request
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We were surprised by the games [email protected]
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Stars or Neo Turf Masters? something similar on modern Magazines Marketing Director Sharon Todd
games as a digital special. We’ve Circulation
enDleSS Death occasionally visited the concept Head of Newstrade Tim Mathers
Ever considered a ten to 50 worst ways of varied deaths in features – we Head of Production Mark Constance
to die/lose in retro gaming? Chomped showed the various ways Lara Production Project Manager Clare Scott
Advertising Production Manager Joanne Crosby
in the groin by a fire spitting piranha Croft could die in one Tomb Raider Digital Editions Controller Jason Hudson
plant is number 15 on my list. feature. As it happens, the worst Production Controller Vivienne Calvert

@RPLizard on Twitter one we can think of comes from Management

Chief Operations Oficer Aaron Asadi
Phantasmagoria, in which Regina is Commercial Finance Director Dan Jotcham
We’ve not done that, but our force-fed animal entrails through a » [NES] Getting your nads bitten off is only 15th on
Group Content Director Paul Newman
Head of Art & Design Rodney Dive
colleagues on Play once did funnel until she chokes to death. @RPLizard’s list of bad ways to die.
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on the forum and prints the best replies.
This month we wanted to know… All contents © 2018 Future Publishing Limited or published under licence. All
rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be used, stored, transmitted or

Is Tetris the best puzzle reproduced in any way without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Future Publishing Limited (company number 2008885) is registered in
game ever? England and Wales. Registered ofice: Quay House, The Ambury, Bath BA1
1UA. All information contained in this publication is for information only and
is, as far as we are aware, correct at the time of going to press. Future cannot
The Laird is Klax. that would probably accept any responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in such information. You
as good as Tetris is there are be my personal favourite, and are advised to contact manufacturers and retailers directly with regard
to the price of products/services referred to in this publication. Apps and
other puzzle games that i prefer the lynx had a close to perfect websites mentioned in this publication are not under our control. We are
more such as Columns, Baku version of it. not responsible for their contents or any other changes or updates to them.
This magazine is fully independent and not afiliated in any way with the
Baku and Shanghai.
companies mentioned herein.
If you submit material to us, you warrant that you own the material and/
kiwimike Tetris is great and can be » [Arcade] Kiwimike feels that Klax is an underrated puzzle game. or have the necessary rights/permissions to supply the material and
i love Tetris. it deserves its enjoyed in hundreds of diferent you automatically grant Future and its licensees a licence to publish
your submission in whole or in part in any/all issues and/or editions of
accolades of course. my late iterations (bar some of the it is deinitely the best puzzle of the best games out there. publications, in any format published worldwide and on associated websites,
mum god rest her soul was recent Ubisot games). even game ever. the gameplay is evergreen and social media channels and associated products. Any material you submit
is sent at your own risk and, although every care is taken, neither Future
addicted when i bought her an today we can see developers though for me personally anyone can play it.
nor its employees, agents, subcontractors or licensees shall be liable for
original gB with the cart! imo it inding ways to improve on the rhythmically-oriented puzzlers loss or damage. We assume all unsolicited material is for publication unless
is a better solo game than two simple but addictive formula - have more appeal - Lumines, samhain81 otherwise stated, and reserve the right to edit, amend, adapt all submissions.

player though. i love Bust A Move apparently we will now get Tetris for example. Baku Baku Animal - a great spin
and its variants for that. in Vr! Tetris is also the game to on the ‘connect 3 or more of the
many of the popCap games bridge generations and is loved RetroBob same’ puzzler. lovely animal
are great too, as is Columns. But by people who otherwise don’t for me Tetris is not just the best animations keep the game fresh
one favourite overlooked at times play videogames. in that regard block puzzler out there but one and entertaining to play.

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Darran has
NickWoulda broken
has measles. arm. Drew has typhoid.
you likeSam has aaround?
to look snakebite.

Also inside...
Daytona USA,
CoolDreamcast Brian
Spot, Quake Colin, Thunder
II, Atariand2600, Jaws,
Controller muchR-Type
more! II,
» “Sometimes life last only 90 minutes. Fight for
glory!” So goes the wisdom of Mexican developer
Evoga, which bravely made its debut in 2001 by
codeveloping a 2D arcade football game with the
former SNK staf at Brezzasot. But hey, technological
relevance be damned – if the advice is good, we’ll take
it. So let’s skip to the end and see if it helped England
bring home some gold…

01 02 03

» Those white shirts, could it be…? It » Some bloke in a grey polo shirt is also » Harry Kane takes hold of the trophy,
could – England has only gone and won overjoyed, and happens to be holding inally grasping the representation of
the World Cup! The players are overjoyed, the coveted trophy. If he’s doing the success that England fans had awaited
and as a result they don’t even notice the presentation, surely this level of happiness for over 50 years. But as he clutches it in
unnerving shadowy presence celebrating is outside of his professional remit as a his hands, he notices something isn’t quite
with them in the foreground. FIFA oicial? He’s suspiciously partisan. right. Something here is amiss…

04 05
» Congratulation. Singular. That’s because this isn’t the World » The Astana Arena is now as empty as this sham victory.
Cup at all, but some dodgy lookalike trophy. What’s going on? Harry Kane looks at the worthless trinket in his hands and
“The government wanted an event to bring the nation together,” contemplates what to do with it. Ater some consideration, he
Gareth Southgate explains sheepishly, “so we set up a fake decides to keep it – he’ll be shot if he blabs, and it’s as close as
tournament for you to win. We’re not even in Russia, lads.” he’ll ever get to the real thing anyway.



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