Fulbright Admissions Application 2019 (Sample, En)

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The key takeaways are that Fulbright University Vietnam is seeking intellectually curious and community-minded students for their 2019-2023 undergraduate class. Applicants need to submit both an Admissions Application and a Financial Aid Application by their respective deadlines.

The application process involves submitting two applications: the Admissions Application which is due by December 1, 2018 and the Financial Aid Application which is due by January 1, 2019. Applicants also may be selected for a group interview in late January 2019.

Some tips for crafting a strong application include giving yourself plenty of time to work on each component, revising and improving drafts, and focusing on quality over quantity or length. Applicants should make the material and work their own.

SAMPLE Admissions Application Outline

Class of 2019 - 2023

This SAMPLE APPLICATION is provided for students who may want to think
about or prepare their application offline. However, this is NOT a replacement
for the online application.

Welcome to Fulbright University Vietnam's

Undergraduate Admissions online application portal!

Thank you for your interest in applying to Fulbright University Vietnam's Class of
2019 – 2023.

For the Class of 2019 – 2023, we are seeking to enroll a diverse class of students
from across Vietnam and beyond who embody a set of Fulbright characteristics.
We are looking for students who are intellectually curious, pioneering, committed,
community minded and who have integrity. To do so, we have designed a unique
application that will allow us to understand you, not just by your school grades,
but how you demonstrate your ability to think critically and creatively, effectively
communicate and collaborate with others and pursue your passions. We hope to
see these qualities, characteristics and more throughout your application.
In order to apply for our Class of 2019 – 2023, we request that you submit two applications:
The Admissions Application and the Financial Aid Application. Both are required.

Some notes on the Admissions Application

1. The Admissions Application is due by 11:59 p.m. Vietnam time on December 1, 2018. In
order to craft a high-quality application, we recommend that you give yourself plenty of
time to work on it and to do the application over a period of time instead of completing
it all at once. Please note that Fulbright cares more about the quality of your application
than the quantity of items you submit, or the length of your submissions.
2. Fulbright wants to get to know you through this process. We expect that the material
presented in your application is yours — not the work of an instructor, friend, parent or
anyone other than you.
3. We require that you fill out your application in the required language of each section.
There are two sections required in English: the Audio Component and the Personal
Statement. There are two sections required in Vietnamese: the Activities and
Community Engagements and supporting essay for the Original Piece of Work. The
Additional Information section can be written in either Vietnamese or English. If you are
an international applicant, please fill out the entire form in English.

Some notes on the Financial Aid Application (application opens October 1,

1. The Financial Aid Application is due by 11:59 p.m. Vietnam time on January 1, 2019. In
order to fill out the application in entirety (including acquiring and uploading any
required documents), we recommend that you give yourself and your family members
plenty of time to work on it and to do the application over a period of time instead of
completing it all at once.
2. All students who apply to Fulbright's Class of 2019 - 2023 are required to submit
Fulbright's need-based financial aid application. Please note that even if your family
does not require need-based financial aid, we ask that you declare that in writing
through the Financial Aid Application form by opting-out. This means your family is able
to pay for your tuition, room and board in full for all four years of your time at Fulbright
University Vietnam.
Admissions Application’s Components
The Admissions Application of Fulbright University Vietnam includes the following

1. Consent of Fulbright’s Application Policy

2. Applicant Profile

3. Academic Information

4. Disciplinary History

5. Reference Contact

6. Activities and Awards

7. Personal Statement

8. Audio Component

9. Original Piece of Work

10. Additional Information

11. How did you hear about Fulbright?

1. Consent of Fulbright’s Application Policy


Completing this application is confirming you have read and fully understand the terms
and conditions set forth in Fulbright’s Application Policy provided here.

I certify that the information I will give on this application is complete and correct to the best of
my knowledge. I certify that I will complete this application myself with no components of the
application written or produced by anybody else. I certify that I will list all schools that I have

I understand that it is my responsibility to forward to Fulbright University Vietnam all school

records and other application materials and that these documents become the property of
Fulbright University Vietnam and will not be returned to me. I understand that my admission to
Fulbright University Vietnam is subject to verification of all records and that my admission may
be rescinded if any records are materially different from other documentation on file.

I also understand that my admission to Fulbright University Vietnam is also contingent upon
submitting my financial aid application. I understand that even if my family does not require
need-based financial aid, I will declare my intention to opt-out of applying for aid through the
Financial Aid Application.

By completing this application, I give Fulbright University Vietnam consent to contact me by

email, phone, and the address that I provide.
2. Applicant Profile

Please enter your full legal name as it appears on your government-issued identification
documents. You may enter a different preferred first name if you go by a different name
other than your legal first name.

Last Name: Middle Name: First Name:

Gender: Male/ Female/ Other

Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY):

Please enter your permanent address. For Vietnamese applicants, this is the address that
can be found on your Residential Registration (Hộ Khẩu).


Province/ Major City and Other Province/ State (if international):

Postal Code: Country:

Please enter your current address. This address is where you are currently staying and is
different from your permanent address. For example, if you go to school away from your
permanent address and live at your school, please share that address.


Province/ Major City and Other Province/ State (if international):

Postal Code: Country:

2. Applicant Profile (Continue)


Please put an email address and a phone number where you can be reached during
Fulbright’s admission process

Email: Phone (include country code):

Nationality: Ethnicity:


How many languages do you speak?

While this Sample Application shows 1 language, you are able to provide information about
up to 3 languages

First Language: Vietnamese/ Your proficiency with this language:

English/ Other Beginner/ Conversational/ Proficient/ Fluent/


If you do not have immediate parents, then please list 1 person (such as a guardian, aunt,
uncle, or grandparent) who is primarily responsible for you.
For the questions asking for your parent/caretaker's field of work, job title and employer,
please refer to the examples below:

Example 1:
Field of Work: Education
Job Title: Grade 10 History Teacher
Employer: THPT Võ Thị Sáu

Example 2:
Field of Work: Hospitality Management
Job Title: Senior Accountant
Employer: Khách sạn Lan Mai
2. Applicant Profile (Continue)
This sample application shows space for 1 Parent and 1 Brother/ Sister, while the real
application has space for up to 2 Parents/ Caretakers and 4 Siblings, if needed.

Parent/ Caretaker 1:

Last Name: Middle Name: First Name:

Email Address (If any): Relationship to You: Mother/ Father/ Grandparent/ Other

Occupation, Job Title, and Highest Level of Education of Parent/ Caretaker 1:

Employer (If applicable):

Brother/ Sister 1:

Last Name: Middle Name: First Name:

Date of Birth: Gender:

Current Education Level if still in school OR Highest Degree Completed if not in school:

School Name and Location for Highest Level of Education:

3. Academic Information


While this Sample Application shows 1 school, you are able to insert for up to 4 schools

Location of you current or most recent High School (Country, City/ Province/ State):

Start Date (DD/MM/YYYY): End Date (DD/MM/YYYY) (if graduated):

School Name: High School Major:

Grades Attended (checkmark all years applicable): 10th, 11th, and 12th

Please submit your overall GPA (grade point average) from grades 10 to the present. Your
overall GPA is the average of all your class grades at the end of each year. If you are in grade
12, you will need to share your overall GPA for grades 10 and 11. If available, we ask that
you also submit your overall GPA for the first semester of the 2018–19 school year. We
understand that not everyone will have this. If that is the case, you do not need to submit
your GPA now, but we may ask you to submit your GPA sometime later during the
admissions process.
Please select your GPA scale. Your GPA scale is determined by what type of school you go to.
For example, the majority of schools in Vietnam use the 10.0-point scale, thus give overall
GPAs out of 10. Some private or international schools use a different scale e.g. 4.0-scale. We
ask that you select the appropriate scale for your overall GPA for each year, so we are able
to properly assess your GPA.

Overall GPA for Grade 10:

Overall GPA for Grade 11:

Overall GPA for Grade 12:

3. Academic Information (continue)


Please upload a copy of your school transcripts that include all of the courses that you have
taken in high school and the grades that you received. When uploading copies of your school
transcripts, please only upload according to the following file types: .pdf, .doc or .docx, .jpg, or

A photocopy of the transcripts that you get from your school is sufficient. These do not need to
be official transcripts certified by a notary (không cần công chứng). If you do not have your
transcript(s) ready to upload now but are planning on uploading, please click "Back to Account"
at the top of this page and return to the rest of your application.

Naming Convention
When naming your transcripts, please use the following format:
Example: Pham_Khiem_Transcripts
Although we prefer transcripts to be uploaded all at one time in one PDF file, but there is space
to upload up to five files here, if needed. If you upload more than one transcript, please use the
following name format: LastName_FirstName_Transcript_Grade#
Example: Pham_Khiem_Transcript_Grade10

We prefer transcripts to be uploaded all at one time in one PDF file, but there is space to upload
up to five files, if needed.


Select your academic interests, activities you would be interested in engaging in at Fulbright
and your careers of interest in future.


Fulbright does not require you to submit any standardized test scores e.g. SAT; IELTS; TOEFL
or Vietnamese National Exam scores. If you would like your test scores to be considered,
they will be reviewed alongside the rest of your application. Please note that not submitting
any test scores does not negatively affect your application. If you do not have any test scores
to submit, please do not feel that you will need to take a test to apply towards Fulbright –
this is not required.
4. Disciplinary History
Please indicate below whether you have ever been placed on probation, suspension, or
expulsion from any school you have attended from grade 10 onward, or have ever been
convicted of a crime.
If you answer "Yes" to this question, please provide an explanation (up to 300 words) in the
space provided that includes the approximate date of the incident(s), explain the
circumstances of the incident(s) and reflects on what you learned from the experience(s)
and how it shaped who you are today. You may write in either Vietnamese or English.

5. Reference Contact
Please share with us three reference contacts. We may contact your references regarding
the content of your application, or have them help us better understand the different
aspects of who you are. You will need to select three references: an educator/teacher, a
friend, and one more individual who you feel can speak about you best. We suggest you
select an individual such as a community member you have worked with or has seen the
impact of your work, or a mentor who understands your personal development intimately.
This Sample Application shows example of 1 reference school, you will be asked to provide
information about 3 references.

Last Name: Middle Name: First Name:

Phone Address: Email Address:

Since when have you known this educator/ teacher? (DD/MM/YYYY):

School level that you first interacted with this educator/ teacher: Elementary School/ Middle
School/ High School/ College/ University
6. Activities and Awards
Please list up to six activities and community engagement experiences or awards and
recognitions that you are most proud of and have most shaped who you are today.
List the activities or awards in order of significance, starting with the activity or award that
is most important to you. Please do not feel that you need to list six activities or awards.
Sharing more activities or awards does not raise your chances of being admitted to
Fulbright, and you should not share activities or awards that are not meaningful to you. We
are more interested in the quality of your activities and awards and what you learned from
them than the quantity of your activities or awards.
Please fill out this section in Vietnamese, unless you are an international applicant. If yes,
please fill out this section in English.

Detailed descriptions of activities and community engagements

Activities can come in many forms and can be from your school work or outside what you
do at school. Examples might include clubs, projects that you pursued independently or
with a group, hobbies, or any work experience you may have.
Community engagement is defined broadly. We encourage you to share forms of
engagement that are authentically chosen — deriving from your passions, interests or
personal life — and that have provided you the opportunity to reflect on your emotional
and ethical development. We encourage you to share forms of engagement that have also
been meaningful and sustained. We care more about what you do over the course of time
or your daily contributions to others, rather than stints of service. The engagement can be
community service or volunteering, or even be making substantial and continued
contributions to your family, such as taking care of a sick family member, supervising a
younger sibling, or supporting your family by managing household chores.

Detailed descriptions of awards and recognitions

Awards and recognitions can come in many forms. Examples might be formal, such as
academic awards, competition prizes or merit scholarships. Examples may also be informal,
such as a thank you note from someone you’ve helped, or a gift that represents a
meaningful relationship between yourself and another.
6. Activities and Awards (continue)
While this Sample Application shows 1 Activity and 1 Award, you are able to insert for up to
6 Activities and Awards.


What is the activity or community engagement you participated in?

What is the name of the organization your activity or community engagement was
conducted through? (if applicable)

What was your role in the organization? (if applicable)

Start Date (DD/MM/YYYY): End Date (DD/MM/YYYY):

How frequently did you engage with the activity?

On average, how many hours did you spend engaging with the activity for the above

Please reflect on what you learned from the activity or engagement. You may want to
consider what you learned about yourself, your community, or community in general when
responding. You may also want to consider any obstacles you faced with the activity or
engagement, any impact you may have contributed to, or any questions you have as a
result of this activity or engagement. If you received an award or recognition for the activity
or community engagement, please be sure to share why and when you received it in your
written response. Please write your response in Vietnamese (if you are an international
applicant, please write in English). Please limit your response to no more than 150 words.
6. Activities and Awards (continue)

What is the name of the award you received?

What is the name of the organization through which you received this award? (if applicable)

What role did you play when receiving the award? (if applicable)

When did you receive this award? (DD/MM/YYYY)

Please explain in detail the process by which you received this award, and any other
individuals who may have contributed to you receiving this award.

You may upload documentation for any activity, community engagement you have
participated in; or any award or recognition you have received. Uploading documentation is
optional. If you choose not to upload documentation, it will not negatively impact your
admissions application.
7. Personal Statement

Describe a concept, idea or topic that you find so engaging that you can see yourself spend
hours talking to a friend about it, spend your weekend learning more about it, or spend your
time physically engaging with it. Why is it so engaging?
Your response must be in English, in no more than 500 words.

8. Audio Component

Please record an audio clip or video of yourself answering the following question in

Question: Fulbright University Vietnam is a brand-new liberal arts, sciences and

engineering university, that is now recruiting its first undergraduate class to our
university — why do you want to be a part of Fulbright? In addition to this, what is
something that you have learned inside or outside the classroom thus far that would
help you thrive at and contribute meaningfully towards Fulbright?

This clip should be two to three minutes long. We will not listen to any submissions that are
beyond three minutes long. We care more about the content quality of what you submit
rather than the length of the submission. You may upload an audio file that is no larger than
100 MB directly in this application form. We currently support MP3, MP4, WMA, WAV, ACC
(M4A) and FLAC formats. Please be patient when uploading large files. If you have any
trouble recording an audio file, you can send an email to [email protected].
9. Original Piece of Work
There are two components for this section:

Upload your Original Piece of Work

Your Original Piece of Work should be an authentic representation of yourself, and your
selection should derive from your passions, interests, or life experiences which have shaped
who you are today. You do not need to create a new Original Piece of Work for this
application, and are welcome to use something that you have done in the past.
Your Work can come in many forms. For example, it might be something scientific or
technical, like a biology research paper, schematic or sketch of something you’ve designed,
software application, or machine/robot you created. It might be something artistic, like a
portfolio of photographs or artwork, a short film you produced with friends, or a literary
piece of work such as an essay, letter or poem. Or, your Work might be something related
to your community or background, like artifacts or documents from a community
engagement project you worked on, or items you’ve created that represent your personal
background and who you are today.
There are three ways you may share your Work with us. You may upload a picture or video
of the work, upload the file itself (if the piece of work is digital, such as an essay or series of
photographs), or upload a document with the link copied onto the document that leads to
your Work.

Written statement on your Original Piece of Work

In the statement, please explain why you chose to submit this Work and the process you
took to create this work, as well as any other factors that would help us better understand
your submission.
The statement may be up to 300 words max, and must be written in Vietnamese. If you are
an international applicant, please write the statement in English. Please note that we care
more about the quality of your statement, not the length of your statement.
When drafting this statement, we recommend that you draft the statement in a separate
document instead of the text box below, allowing yourself time to edit and revise your work.
You will benefit from revising upon your statement, rather than submitting it as a first draft.
When you are ready, then copy and paste your work into the space below.
10. Additional Information

Is there any additional information that you would like to share with us (e.g. related to your
academics, personal life or passions, or family background) that you have not been able to
communicate to us from your application thus far?

If yes, please indicate below, and then share with us in the space that appears below in no
more than 300 words. This section may be written in either Vietnamese or English. If you
decide to fill out this section, please write in the language that you believe will allow us to
understand you better.

If no, please indicate below and proceed with the final section of your application.

11. How did you hear about Fulbright?

How did you first hear about Fulbright?

Please select one option that applies

Teachers/ Family Members and Friends/ School Visit/ Campus Tour/ Fulbright Event/
Fulbright Students/ Fulbright Website/ Facebook/ Online News/ Print News/ Other

What other sources have you heard about Fulbright from?

Please select all that apply

Teachers/ Family Members and Friends/ School Visit/ Campus Tour/ Fulbright Event/
Fulbright Students/ Fulbright Website/ Facebook/ Online News/ Print News/ Other
Submit your application
We recommend that you review your application in its entirety before submitting. You can
download a copy of your application by clicking the "Download Application" button, which
you can find at the top right corner of the main application page. You will benefit from
spending time editing, revising and improving upon your application, rather than submitting
it as a first draft.

Once submitted, your application will be submitted, meaning you will no longer be able to
make changes to your application.

All students who apply to Fulbright's Class of 2019 - 2023 are required to submit Fulbright's
need-based financial aid application. Please note that even if your family does not require
need-based financial aid, we ask that you declare that in writing through the Financial Aid
Application form by opting-out. This means your family is able to pay for your tuition, room
and board in full for all four years of your time at Fulbright University Vietnam.

The next stage of the application process is having a group interview. We will be scheduling
these in late January of 2019. If you are selected for the group interview, we will notify you
about scheduling then.

We are not able to answer inquiries regarding the status of your application once
submitted. If you are missing components of your application, or if we have any questions,
we will contact you directly. If you have questions, please first visit our Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ) page. If your questions are not answered there, please use the following
information to contact us:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +84 28 7303 7788

We are looking forward to reading your application!

Fulbright Admissions, Undergraduate Program

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