A Study On The Economic Benefit of Using

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Conference Paper · November 2011


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1 author:

Rodolfo Mendoza Jr
De La Salle University


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Determination of Response Modification Factor for CHB-infilled Reinforced Concrete Frame View project

Experimental and Numerical Study of Localization in Reinforced Concrete Beams View project

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37 National Convention Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers
Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines



Rodolfo P. Mendoza Jr.1, 3, Edgardo S. Cruz1, 2, Delia B. Senoro1, 2

School of Civil, Environmental and Geological Engineering, Mapua Institute of Technology, Intramuros,
Manila, Philippines, 1002
Sustainable Development Research Office, School of Civil, Environmental and Geological Engineering, Mapua Institute of
Technology, Intramuros, Manila, Philippines 1002
Engineering Research and Development for Technology, Department of Science and Technology, Taguig, Philippines, 1631

Abstract: This paper presents a practical method of modeling CHB masonry for seismic analysis. CHB walls are commonly
used in low-rise buildings as non-structural elements that are usually neglected in the analysis of frames as they are assumed not
to carry any lateral forces during seismic activity. The inherent in-plane strength and stiffness of these walls attract substantial
amount of in-plane forces which were solely assigned to carry by the compositing frame. These actions deviates the behavior of
the frame by decreasing the natural period of the structure and correspondingly increase the applied seismic forces. Hence, the
frame behavior cannot just be idealized as a simple bare frame but instead a CHB in-filled frame. It was therefore the objective
of the study to model the CHB walls in order to determine its effects on the low-rise reinforced concrete frame. The method used
in carrying out this study was the compression strut theory that represents the CHB walls as equivalent pin-jointed compression
strut. The model considered the mechanical properties of local CHB masonry. Experimental test was conducted by the use of
prism having four types of masonry mortars, two types of CHB units with two variable thicknesses. The resulting data were then
used to calculate the equivalent thickness of compression struts which were subsequently modeled as cross-braced-type system
for the frame. The assessment of the modeled frames was conducted through static pushover analysis using SAP 2000 in which
produced capacity curves. Comparison of the capacity curves followed, i.e., for sixteen frame models with different CHB infill
properties with bare frame model. Results showed that modeling CHB walls as infill compression struts in seismic analysis can
significantly modify the behavior of the frame by increasing its strength and stiffness compared with the conventional bare
frame approach. It was concluded that the effect of compression infill strut to the behavior of the frame had been significantly
affected by the properties of CHB masonry. Hence, quality of CHB shall be given attention and shall be considered in the design
process of concrete frame. That, failure to consider CHB properties to the frame analysis would potentially lead to property
damage and adverse impact to public health.

Key words : compression strut, infill, low-rise, modeling, seismic

masonry walls were investigated by Mondal et al. (2008)
1 INTRODUCTION during the 1985 Mexico City earth-quake, and 2001 Bhuj
Reinforced Concrete Frames (RCF) are the most common
type of structural system used in low-rise buildings in the
Philippines. In most cases, these low-rise RCF usually earthquake. Their investigation concluded that the structural
consist of concrete hollow block (CHB) walls which serves contribution of infill walls cannot simply be neglected
as partition walls, interior and exterior walls. A masonry particularly in regions of moderate and high seismicity
wall that is infilled with the frame is termed as ‘masonry where, the frame–infill interaction may cause substantial
infill’. Current construction practice integrate these walls increase in both stiffness and strength of the frame. Similarly,
through the compositing RCF by means of reinforcing vital lessons from the July 16, 1990, Luzon Earthquake
dowels connected to the vertical and horizontal showed the structural implications of neglecting the CHB
reinforcement of the CHB wall. In conventional analysis of walls such as soft storey failures which led in the collapsed
RCF, CHB walls are ignored by treating them as non- of hotel buildings in Baguio City (Hopkins 2001).
structural elements and idealizing the frame as a bare RCF
consisting of beams and columns. Past researches and past The inclusion of CHB walls in the analysis of frames
earthquakes, however, suggest that these walls interact with presents a complexity in modeling the wall-frame interaction.
the frame during seismic activity. The performance of This tends the structural engineers and designers to neglect

37 National Convention Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers
Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
their effect by analyzing the RCF as a bare frame model. θ = angle whose tangent is the infill height to length
Past studies (Polyako 1959, Smith 1967), however, suggest aspect ratio (radians); and
that the stiffness contribution of the masonry wall may be λ = coefficient used to determine equivalent width of
represented as an equivalent compression strut, subsequently the infill strut
forming the frame as a braced –type model. The
compression strut theory was based on experimental While there are vast of existing studies about the infill-frame
observations; i.e., when frame is acted by in-plane forces, behavior and infill contribution to the strength and stiffness
the frame tends to separate from the infill near windward of a RCF, they have however limitations due to the
lower and leeward upper corners of the infill panels. This geographical variation of masonry properties. Most of the
action causes a compressive contact stresses developed past studies have concentrated on brick masonry as this type
between the frame and the infill at the other diagonally of masonry is the most commonly used masonry type in
opposite corners, and as a rough approximation, the stiffness their location. Since the equivalent idealization approach of
contribution of the masonry wall may be then assumed to considering the stiffness contribution of masonry infill relies
behave as a compression strut having the same property and primarily on the properties of the masonry elements and its
thickness of the masonry wall that it represents. The constituent material, i.e. masonry units and mortar, hence,
equivalent strut idealization simplifies the load transfer the need to determine the properties of local CHB is evident
between the frame and the masonry wall, as the load transfer and important.
actually takes place over an extended contact length, not just
at one point at the corners of the masonry wall. However, The purpose of the study is to present a simple analytical
in most practical structures, the frame is relatively flexible approach in considering the stiffness contribution of local
compared to the masonry panel, and any discrepancy caused CHB walls in the performance of low-rise RCF under
by this simplification is considered insignificant (Bashandy, seismic loading. The proposed approach aims to represent
1995). To further define the relationship between stiffness of the stiffness contribution of CHB walls as equivalent
the infill panel and frame, Smith (1967) introduced a non- compression struts acting as cross-bracing system for the
dimensional parameter, λ, (Equation 1-a) analogous to that RCF. The study was divided into a two-staged work; that is,
used in elastic foundation theory to express the stiffness of to determine the properties of local CHB masonry,
the foundation relative to an overlaying beam. The width of considering the following variables: thickness of CHB, type
equivalent strut was presented by Smith in terms of a series of CHB (load-bearing and non-load-bearing), and the type of
of curves showing the relationship between the width ‘w’ of mortar used, and to adopt these properties to calculate the
the equivalent compression strut and the stiffness parameter stiffness of CHB walls and to model them using the
‘ λ ’. The same stiffness equation was recommended by equivalent strut idealization. Comparison on the seismic
foreign building documents such as the Guidelines for the performance of a bare RCF and a CHB-infilled frame with
Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings by the Federal varying CHB masonry properties was investigated via
Emergency Management Agency, (FEMA 273 1998) and pushover analysis.
Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings by the
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE 41-06). 2 METHODOLOGY
However, a direct equation; given in equation 1b, to The methodologies in determining the properties of local
calculate the width of the strut designated as ‘ 𝑎 ’ was CHB masonry and the proposed modeling of CHB infill
introduced instead of a series of curves. stiffness contribution on seismic analysis of low-rise
reinforced concrete frames is described in detail on the
subsequent sections.
E t sin 2θ 4
λ= [ me inf ] (1a) 2.1 Testing of CHB Units, Mortar and CHB Prism
4Efe Icol hinf The CHB units used in this study were machine-built CHB
unit source from a local CHB commercial manufacturer.
Compression test of twenty-four CHB specimen consisted of
𝑎 = 0.175(λℎ𝑐𝑜𝑙 )−0.4 𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑓 (1b) 4-inch and 6-inch load bearing and non-load bearing CHB
units was conducted to compare the CHB manufacturer
reported compressive strength and the actual compressive
hcol = column height between centerlines of beams (in);
strength of CHB units. Load-bearing and non-load bearing
hinf = height of infill (in)
CHB units were designated as (S) and (T) type units,
Efe = modulus of elasticity of frame material (ksi);
respectively. Similarly, compression test was also conducted
Eme = modulus of elasticity of infill material (ksi);
on twelve 2-inch cube specimen of mortar from four types of
Icol = moment of inertia of column, (in4);
mixture proportion namely: Type M (1:3), Type S (1:4.5),
Linf = Length of infill panel (in);
Type N (1:6) and Type O (1:9). Grading requirements for the
rinf = diagonal length of infill panel (in);
aggregate used in mortar was verified by conducting a sieve
t inf = thickness of infill panel and equivalent strut (in);
analysis. Cement-to-water ratio was recorded to be 1.05 for

37 National Convention Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers
Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
Type M, 0.65 for Type S, 0.46 for Type N, and 0.32 for Type
O mortar. The compressive strength of CHB masonry was
determined using the prism test method. Three variables
were considered in the experiment; i.e., (1) the thickness of
CHB units (4-inch and 6-inch), (2) strength of CHB units (S
for load bearing and T for non-load bearing), and (3) the
type of mortar used (Type M, S, N, and O). The sample
specimens were labeled as to the thickness of the unit,
strength of the unit and the type of mortar used (e.g. 4S-M).
The prism specimens were saw-cut in order to meet the
requirements of ASTM C1314 or the Standard Test Method
for the Compressive Strength of Masonry Prism. Forty-eight
CHB prism specimens were tested under compression of
masonry. The prisms were constructed inside a moisture-
tight bag shown as Figure 1 and sealed after the initial forty- Fig. 2a Typical Floor Plan of Building Considered
eight hours of curing.

Fig. 2b Perimeter Frame Elevation

CHB masonry walls enclosed the perimeter of the

building. The building is located in a seismic zone four
region. Column sections are 500x500 mm, typical floor
beams sections are 500 x 300 mm and roof beam sections
are 400 by 250 mm. Concrete compressive strength f‘c is
taken as 21.0 MPa and yield strength of reinforcing steel
strength is taken a 276 MPa. A two dimensional frame
modeling and analysis was conducted for the frame along
grid A (typical perimeter frame) using the commercial
Fig. 1 Construction of CHB Prism Specimen software SAP2000. Flexural rigidity for columns and beams
were modeled considering the cracked section properties
All prism specimens were tested at an age of 28 days. The taken as 0.7EcIg for columns and 0.5 EcIg for beams
testing was conducted at the UTM Center of Mapua Institute (FEMA 356 2000). Design loads were referred from the
of Technology. Speed of loading was maintained at minimum design load tables of NSCP C101-01. Lateral
15mm/min. Modulus of elasticity was determined using the loads were computed using the Equivalent Lateral Force
secant modulus method in which the slope of the line for the Procedures by NSCP C101-01. Lateral load distribution was
modulus of elasticity is taken from 0.05f′m to a point on analyzed considering the effect of accidental torsion.
the curve at 0.33f′m , where f’m is the ultimate Column nodal loads were distributed in proportion to their
compressive strength location along grid A. Accidental torsion analysis was
considered by moving the center of mass of the structure by
2.2 Building Model Considered 5% of the least horizontal dimension of the structure. From
The building model considered is an office three-storey the analysis, a factor of 1.027 was derived and added to the
reinforced concrete building with typical floor plan and computed direct story shears. Nonlinear hinges were
elevation are shown in Figures 2a and 2b, respectively. The modeled using the FEMA 356 default hinges properties. For
lateral resisting elements were located along the perimeter of beams, M3 plastic hinges were applied at member endpoints
the frame both on the N-S and E-W direction. or on their dissipative zones whereas, bi-axial (PM3) hinges
were applied at column end joints.

2.3 Modeling of CHB Masonry Infill

The CHB masonry walls were modeled as a pin-jointed

strut in which resistance was limited to compression forces
only. The stiffness contribution of CHB masonry infills is
represented by equivalent compression strut connecting
windward upper and leeward lower corners of the infilled
frame. The recommended FEMA 273 and ASCE 41-06
equations (equation 1a and 1b) to determine the stiffness of
CHB masonry and its equivalent width were adopted in this

37 National Convention Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers
Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
study. The infill struts were placed concentrically across Table 1 Compressive Strength Results of 2-inch cube
the diagonal of the frame. Structural performance level for Mortar Specimen
the masonry infill was monitored using the FEMA 356
(2000) drift criteria given as 0.2% for Immediate Occupancy, Mortar Type Mixture Cement-to- Compressive
0.6% for Life Safety and 1.5% for Collapsed Prevention. Proportion water Ratio Strength,(Mpa)
The compression struts were modeled as axial elements with M 1:3 1.05 11.52
non-linear axial hinges applied on endpoints of the strut S 1:4.5 0.65 2.75
member. N 1:6 0.46 2.61
O 1:9 0.32 1.25

Twenty-four CHB units were tested under compression to

compare reported compressive strengths of CHB units to the
actual experimental values. The relative percentage
difference (RPD), shown in Figure 3, between the reported
and actual compressive strength were reported to be as high
as 288% for the non-load bearing CHB units and as high as
147% difference for load bearing CHB units. As shown in
Figure 3 the non-load bearing units have higher RPDs
compared to the load bearing CHB units. This shows that the
properties of non-load bearing CHB units are highly variable
compared to the load-bearing CHB units. The higher values
of compressive strength of non-load bearing CHB units may
be affected by the unreported age of the units. Hence, such
factors must be addressed in further studies.

Fig. 4 Stress-Strain Diagram for all CHB Prisms

Figure 4 shows the stress-strain diagram of all the CHB

specimens. For the 6-inch CHB prism, 6S-M and 6T-M have
higher stress levels corresponding to 0.01 to 0.02 levels
of strain while 6T-O has the lowest recorded stress level. For
the 4-inch CHB units, 4S-M has the highest stress level
while the lowest stress level was reported for 4T-S. The
variability of the compressive strength results was evaluated
by computing the standard error of all the stress means. It
can be seen in Figure 4, that among all the specimens, 6T-M
has the most variable stress level, followed by 4T-S for
strain levels 0.01 to 0.02. . In general, a more variable
stress level was observed in non-load bearing CHB units.
Fig. 3 Experimental f’m VS Reported f’m This is consistent with the observed disparity in the
compressive strength of non-load bearing CHB units as
The results of the compression test of the 2-inch cube mortar discussed above.
were tabulated in Table 1. Type M mortar has the highest
recorded compressive strength while the lowest compressive
strength was recorded for Type O mortar. The compressive
strength of the Type M mortar is significantly higher by
approximately 320% than that of a Type S mortar. While the
relative percent difference of the strength between the other
mortar types ranged from 109% to 120%.

37 National Convention Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers
Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
Fig. 5 Standard Error of Stress Means for all CHB Prism
Fig. 8 Base Shear vs Roof Displacement
The stiffness and width of the equivalent compression strut
was determined using equation 1a and equation 1b. Figure 6 CHB-infilled frame were further group into two:
shows the graph of the calculated stiffness of CHB masonry CHB-infilled frame with modulus of elasticity E of CHB
with varying properties. The graph shows that as the masonry less than 510 MPa, and CHB-infilled frame with
stiffness of masonry decreases, the width of the compression modulus of elasticity E of CHB masonry between 510 MPa
strut increases. This is in good agreement with the set of to 710 MPa. Figure 9 shows the hinges formation in bare
curves presented by Smith which are based on experimental frame, frame with relatively weak infill (Em <510 MPa) and
results which shows the contact length relationship and frame with relatively strong infill (with 710 MPa ≤ Em ≥
width of compression strut. 510 MPa). The graphical formation of hinges shows the
weak points’ location and potential failure modes that the
structure would experience in case of a seismic activity.
Significant pushover steps were selected in order to show
the global performance of each frame type. As expected, the
bare frame model (Figure 9) has achieved the desired beam
sway mechanism behavior. On the other hand, sudden
formation of collapsed hinges was observed in CHB-infilled
RCF with weak infill struts properties. These sudden
formations of collapsed hinges may have caused the sudden
reduction in stiffness which led in single storey mechanism.
On the other hand, the formation of hinges in frames with
relatively strong infill (Infill with > Em ≥ 510 MPa) was
initially observed in infill struts. It can be considered that a
partial yield beam mechanism was achieved by the frame
with no formation of hinges in collapse levels for columns.

Fig. 7 Width of compression strut as a function of λ

Figure 8 shows the Pushover Capacity Curve (PCC)

of RC bare frame model and sixteen frame models with
different infill properties. The figure illustrates the
significant influence of infill which increased both strength
and stiffness of the frame analyzed as bare frame model. By
considering the presence of infill in the analysis, the strength
of bare frame was increased by as much as 26.5% while the
stiffness of a bare frame was increased by 12.7%. The
highest base shear was recorded for frame with 4T-S infill.
This infill may be considered as a relatively weak infill with
a lowest recorded modulus of elasticity of 221 MPa. Albeit,
the frame with 4T-S has resulted in a higher strength and
stiffness, it did not show a good performance as localized
sudden failure was observed in modeled infill struts.

Fig. 8 Plastic Hinges Formation

37 National Convention Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers
Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines


Based on the results of this analytical and experimental REFERENCES

study, the following conclusions were drawn;
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 The global behavior of a CHB-infilled RCF frame may Master’s Thesis, University of Texas Austin, U.S.A
be evaluated by modeling stiffness contribution of CHB Bertero, V.V., and Brokken, S. (1983) Infills in seismic
walls as equivalent compression strut. resistant buildings. ASCE Journal of the Structural
 The seismic assessment and comparison on the behavior Division, ASCE, Vol. 109, ST6, 1337 - 1361.
of bare RCF and an CHB-infilled RCF was done by via Charleson, A (2008) Seismic Design for Architects. Elsevier
pushover analysis. Results shows that the inclusion of Ltd.
CHB walls in the analysis of low-rise RCF has Federal Emergency Management Agency 356 (2000)
significantly altered the behavior of the frame under Prestandard and Commentary for the Seismic
seismic loading. The results from the analytical Rehabilitation of Buildings. Second Edition, Federal
investigation shows that considering the effects of CHB Emergency Management Agency, Washignton D.C.
walls in the seismic performance of low-rise RC frame Holmes, M. (1961) Steel frames with Brickwork and
can increase the over-all strength and stiffness of the Concrete Infilling. Proceedings, The Institution of Civil
frame 26.5% and 12.7%, respectively. However, it was Engineers, Vol. 19: 473 -478.
observed that the ductility of the frame was Mondal G. and Jain S. K. (2008) Lateral Stiffness of
considerably reduced. Masonry Infilled Reinforced Concrete (RC) Frames with
 The width of the compression strut increases with the Central Opening. Earthquake Spectra, Earthquake
decrease in stiffness of the CHB masonry. A graph Engineering Research Institute, Vol. 24, 701–723
relationship between the width of compression strut and ASEP (2010). National Structural Code of the Philippines,
stiffness of CHB masonry shows a good agreement with Sixth Edition, Association of Structural Engineers of the
the set of curves presented by some authors in the Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines.
literature. Paulay, T and Priestley,M.J.N (1992) Seismic Design of
 The global performance of the structure was Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings. John
investigated through formation of plastic hinges and it Wiley & Sons, Inc.
was observed that frames with relatively strong infill SEAOC (2000) Seismic Design Manual, Building Design
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collapsed hinges and a single storey mechanism was Building Science, Vol. 2: 247 -257.

The author’s would like to express their sincerest gratitude
to the Engineering Research and Development for
Technology (ERDT), Department of Science of Technology
(DOST), Philippines for funding this study.

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