Mcmillan Application

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Section 1 - Personal Details

UUN (University Username) S1445832......................................................................................................................

Title Miss....................................................................................................................................................................

Surname/Family Name MAZLOUM ............................................................................................................................

Other Names GLADYS MILAGRO................................................................................................................................

Gender FEMALE.........................................................................................................................................................

Correspondence Address:

53 LOTHIAN ST. FLAT 7 ..............................................................................................................................................


Postcode EH1 1HB..................................................................................................................................................

Telephone Number (inc. Area Code) +44 07391031927............................................................................................

Email Address. [email protected]...........................................................................................................

Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) 10/06/1983...................................................................................................................

Nationality VENEZUELAN..........................................................................................................................................

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Section 2: Academic and Professional Qualifications

Degrees or Other Qualifications Held or Pending

Principal Subject (if two

Class of Degree Obtained Date of Award or
Dates of Qualification (e.g. principal subjects of
University or College (overall grade, GPA or Expected Date
Attendance BSc, MA) approximately equal weight,
class) mm/yyyy
give both)

Employment and Training History (including any industrial experience or other relevant training)

Employee Name and Location Position Held Start Date mm/yyyy End Date mm/yyyy

University of Edinburgh IT assistant 01/11/2017 01/03/18

Employee Name and Location Position Held Start Date mm/yyyy End Date mm/yyyy

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Corporacion comprex
Sales manager 01/06/2006 01/09/2016

Colegio Henry Clay Teacher (part time) 01/10/2009 01/07/2010

Publication Details

Please provide details of any published peer reviewed papers, journal papers, or conference papers at national or
international level.

Details of three publications most relevant to your application:




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Section 3: Research Course
Name of Degree Programme PhD Classics………………………………………………..

Method of Study: Full-time

Programme Start Date: 13/09/2017

Give a brief description (not exceeding 300 words) of your research field or project. Your summary
might include what question the research will aim to answer; what the research will consist of; how
you plan to go about it; and why you wish to undertake this research at this particular time.

Polybius is an incredibly interesting and ­sometimes­ underestimated author. He is usually praised for his accuracy, and objectivity, but rarely
appreciated for his writing technique. His Histories dealt with the astonishingly fast rise of the Romans to conquer the Mediterranean. He was able
to see connections where everybody else saw fate and luck. Rome’s transformation into a world power was, in Polybius’ mind, the product of
idiosyncrasy, resilience and pragmatism of its citizens. I would argue that he saw that with this transformation in geopolitics there also came a
change in society over the entire Mediterranean in order to face the new challenges that the Romans posed.  
My PhD research is particularly focused on the way Polybius portrayed characters and how these portraits shaped the way the   Histories  are
narrated. Only recently has scholarship directed its attention to the literary aspects of his work, so this is very much an emerging field. My first
chapter is dedicated to analysing the historian’s narrative strategies in order to understand how literary and rhetoric tradition influenced Polybius in
his representation of historical characters. My research thus contributes to this new wave of studies on the literary character of the  Histories, but it
also extends our understanding of the mind­changing times that Polybius experienced at the end of the Hellenistic Period and the emergence of the
Roman Empire. I believe that my background in General Literature has given me some advantages to tackle this subject, such as the fact that I have
been trained to understand classical texts from a broader perspective.

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Section 4 - Personal Statement
Please comment below (not exceeding 500 words), outlining your progress to date and explaining why you think that
you are a particularly suitable candidate for a scholarship. (Please note that awards are based on academic merit and
that financial circumstances are not taken into account.)

While I graduated first on Business and eventually developed a career in production management (on a private company that produces canned food)
I was never far from literature. Ever since I can remember, literature has pervaded everything I do and learn; especially in my understanding of
people, society and ultimately, myself. Literature has helped me see correspondences that sometimes go unnoticed by most people. 
For that reason, when I had the opportunity to start a new undergraduate – ironically as a hobby­ I did not hesitate. Although there were a few
challenges ­such as the fact that I was still working full time­, I can count those year as the best of my life so far. They taught me that I was capable
enough and that I could manage my time and my priorities 
Coming from an undergraduate degree in Literature, to start a PhD in Classics in the University of Edinburgh is one of the greatest achievements of
my life. I first encountered Polybius’ work ­the main focus of my research­ when I started a course on Hellenistic cities during my MSc did I begin
to pay attention to his style and narrative. He is mostly studied as a historical source; however recent scholarship has demonstrated that the
Histories can be read as a literary text and I believe that precisely because of my background not as a classicist but as a Literary analysist I can
contribute to this new current of studies.   
During this year I have been working on my language skills by attending Greek, Latin and German courses, as well as improving my French by
extensive readings of academic research in this language. Being able to understand classical languages is pivotal for my research and for my
academic development in general. In that sense, I have experienced great improvement and I can now work with the primary sources in the original

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In the second part of the year I presented a paper on Polybius and ekphrasis at the University Charles I in Prague in the framework of the
International Conference of Students in Doctoral Programs 2018. The paper drew on my MSc research, augmented by some of the work I have
done this year. I found the discussion after the paper particularly encouraging and intend to explore it further for a future publication as an article.
Moreover, the fact that I have been working on Polybius for the past two years has prepared a for more comprehensive study on his work and
extensive scholarship. 
Overall, my initial preparation both in Business and in Literature has helped me a great deal to face the trials that come with joining a highly
specialized program and the environment of Classical Scholarship. Particularly my experience in employment before I moved into academia means
that I am used to working efficiently around tight schedules and completing projects by deadlines. Thus, I plan to complete my research in the three
years that the University expects. 

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Please indicate any scholarship/fellowship/grants you have received or are currently holding:

Name of Award Date of Award Awarding Institution Outcome, if known

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Please sign the Declaration line below to confirm that the information supplied in your application is accurate.

The University of Edinburgh holds information about everyone who applies for a scholarship at the University. We use
the information you provide on your scholarship application form together with the information contained in the
supporting documentation to administer and assess your scholarship application and to select successful applicants.

If you have any queries regarding the University's use of your information please contact the University's Data
Protection Officer (E-mail: [email protected]).

I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given in this application is complete and accurate.

I have also supplied a personal supporting statement, and a written piece of work. The reference from my primary
supervisor is also enclosed / will be supplied directly by the referee (Please delete). I understand that these
documents will be used in the assessment of my scholarship application.



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