Pass Sss

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"If I …………../not study/, I ………………./not pass/ my exams"

- "If the weather ……………/be/good, we……………./go/ for a walk in the
1. They laughed…………… (happy)
2. The dog ran …………… (quick)
- "I ……………../ buy /that CD if I …………../have/ enough money."
3. Ruth solved the problem ……… (easy)
4. Bob spoke about his new job ………. (dramatic) If you ………………. (help) me with my homework I ………….. (finish) it in time
5. She is always …………… dressed. (beautiful) to go to the cinema.
6. You are writing too …………… (slow) If it ………………… (not/rain), the students ………….. (practice) sport in the
7. She spoke ……….. about him. (nice) playground.
8. I think you are working ……….. (hard) Jane ……………….. (come) home early if she ……………… (not/be) very busy at
9. He drives very ………….. (careful) work
10. His temperature went up ……….. (fast) Our teacher ………………. (be) pleased if we ………………. (do) our homework
1. I think I am a good singer and I like to sing. When people say that I If Robert ……………….. (play) football with us, we ……………… (win) the
sing ………..good, it makes me happy. match.
2. We asked our teacher to speak more …………..slow because she always If we ……………. (recycle) more, we ……………. (help) our planet
spoke too………… fast and we couldn't understand her 3. It's If people …………… (share) their cars to go to work there ……………. (not/be)
very important to work ……….hard when studying another language. so many car fume
Don't give up! We ………….. (save) thousands of trees if we …………. (waste) so much paper
4. The robber ………..quiet lifted the window so nobody could hear him as If the govenment …………… (fine) those who pollute the atmosphere, some
he entered the house. factories …………. (stop) throwing waste into rivers
5. Sara ……….successful completed her Master's Degree in Business. Isn't If we only ……………… (use) the water we need, we …………….. (contribute)
that great? to our planet's recovery
6. A: Did her airplane arrive …………..late last night? 1. If you ……….. (not study), you …………. (fail) the test.
7. It was raining so …………heavy this morning that we cancelled the picnic. 2. We ………… (die) if we ………….. (not get) help soon!
8. A: How do you think you did on the test today? B: Oh, terrible! I think I 3. If you ……… (look) in the fridge, you …………. (find) some cold drinks.
did quite ………….bad I didn't study and I don't really understand the 4. If there …………. (be) no oil in the engine, the car …………… (break) down.
grammar. 5. I …………. (lend) you my umbrella if you …………. (need) it.
9. Darren is a slow eater. He eats so ……………slow that he's always the last 6. The sea level ……………….. (rise) if the planet …………… (get) hotter.
one at the dinner table. 7. If you …………… (eat) your sandwiches now, you …………… (not have)
10. The dog was ………………serious injured in the accident, but it anything for lunch!
recovered and is healthy now. 8. You ………………. (be) safe in an accident if you ………… (wear) your
Choose the correct word 9. If he …………. (save) all his money, he ………….. (be able to go) on holiday
2. My book is near / nearly finished. to Canada.
3. She is too short /shortly. She cannot be a model. 10. I ……………. (not come) with you if you ……………. (not bring) John!
4. I would like two tickets for the late /lately show. IF YOU ……………./SEND/ THE LETTER NOW, SHE ___________(RECEIVE) IT TOMORROW.
5. I will let you know my decision short /shortly. 2-IF I __________ (HAVE) MONEY, I …………………/ BUY /A NEW CAR.
6. This problem is too hard /hardly for me. 3-IF I __________(BE) COLD, I ……………………/ WEAR /MY COAT.
4-SHE _________(NOT/ WIN) THE GAME, IF SHE …………….. / NOT KNOW /THE RULES.
7. I live near / nearly the supermarket. 5-SHE …………………… /GO /SHOPPING , IF SHE _________(HAVE) TIME
8. He has been very sick late /lately. .6-IF IT…………………../ RAIN/, I __________( NOT/GO) TO THE PARK.
9. There is near /nearly no money left. 7-THEY …………………../ GO /TO THE PARTY, IF SHE ___________ (INVITE) THEM.
10. We will go on vacation short /shortly. The football match___________(be) cancelled if it __________ (rain)
12. He is often late /lately to work. *I____________( go) to the party if Connie _______ ( come) with me
13. The operation is near /nearly over. *If you____________(not drive) carefully, you ___________ (have) an
14. Your composition is too short /shortly. It looks like a telegram. accident
15. He has been working too hard /hardly *If he ______________(not water) these plants they_______(die)
*If we___________(walk) so slowly, we_________(be) late
Fill in with the correct form: adjective or adverb. *If we_____________(run), We____________(not be) late
1. The movie had a ……………… ending. (comic) *If you___________(carry) too many eggs, they _________ (break)
2. She will get home ……………. . (short) I hope she will drive …………….. 2-IF IT ………………………./NOT RAIN/, WE......./NOT TAKE /OUR UMBRELLAS .
(careful) 3-I ………………………/GO/ TO THE CINEMA ..............IF I ……………………../FINISH / MY HOMEWORK
3. She described the accident …………….. (dramatic) 4- IF YOU ……………………./EAT /LESS CHOCOLATES YOU......../ FEEL /BETTER
4. We …………. studied for the test. (hard) 5-HE …………………/PHONE/ HER.....................IF HE ………………./HAVE/ HER TELEPHONE NUMBER

5. Do you think you could drive ……….? (slow)

6. I thought Gil did ………….. in his test. (good). He studied really …………...
7. The quiz is ……………….. (easy)
8. The plane flew ………….. to London. (direct)
9. David ran ………….. in the competition. (fast)
10. I ate the sandwich …………….. (hungry)


She is ill , so she ……………. see the doctor. You …………… cross the street when the traffic lights are red.
It is raining. You ………… take your umbrella. We ………… leave right now. We are going to be late for school.
You …………. throw litter on the stairs. We ………….. protect the animals and environment.
This is a secret. You ………… tell anybody. If you want to go to university, you ……………. study regularly.
You ………. make noise in the library. We ………….. obey the traffic rules. It is very important for our safety.
We ………….. hurry or we will miss the bus. People ………….. cut down trees if they don’t want to increase global
. You …………. eat fruit and vegetables. warming.
The baby is sleeping. You ……….. shout. Students ………… cheat in the exam .It is nothing but theft.
You ………… be friendly to everybody. People ………… be polite to each other and shouldn’t hurt each other’s
You ………….. walk on the grass. feelings.
Making an omelette is easy. You ………… be a great chef to do it. You ………….. buy those tomatoes. They are rotten.
People …………… throw litter on the floor.
.We ………….. shout at each other when we are discussing something. It is
very rude.
Jack …………… buy another car because he has got three already.
New drivers …………. take a test in order to get a driver's license. They have
no choice.
A: .................... (I) go to work today? B: No, I don't because it's Sunday.
John …………… finish the report quickly because the deadline is today at 4.
You …………… aloud in the library.
You …………….smoke cigarette in hospital.
We ………………….visit our grandparents more often
A: Jennifer lost her passport. ................ get a new one?
B: No, she ................. She found it in her purse.
Canadians ............. pay taxes every year. It's the law Sasha ………….. email
her homework to her teacher because she forgot to take it to class
Barbara ……………. go to the supermarket because she doesn't have
enough food for dinner.
You …………….. light fires in the forests.
You …………….. do your homework
We …………. buy some flour and a few eggs. We will make a cake but we
haven’t got any flour and eggs.
You …………… park here. It is forbidden to park here.
You …………… watch TV a lot.
You ……………. eat in class.
The students ………….. run in the corridors. They might fall.
You …………. go out without your coat .It is freezing outside
You ……………… be late for class.
You ………… listen to your teacher.
You ……………. give place to old people.
You………….. be polite.
You …………… fasten your seat belt.
You ………… take notes during the lessons.
You ………… speak loudly in hospitals.
She ……………..drink milk everyday. She is very thin.
Students………….leave the classroom before the bell rings.
You …………………brush your teeth after breakfast.
Your father ……………………stop smoking.
You ………………...touch burning items.
You ………………….drive too fast in the city.
You ……………. buy any more bread. We have got plenty.
I have studied for the exam for more than six hours and I understood
every detail. I ………….study more.
Jack has just painted the bench. You ………….. sit on it.
We ………… speak loudly in the library .Other people might be disturbed.
You …………. bring any food for the party. We have got enough food.
You …………. eat or drink in the classroom. The teacher might be angry.
We …………… buy any CDs. We haven’t got a CD player.
George …………… eat fast food .He is very fat and fast food is unhealthy.
The students …………. bring their books today because they are going to
visit the museum.
A: …………..Joseph .............. study very much tonight? B: No, he doesn't.
He reviewed a lot last night and he understood everything well.
You …………… wash your face every morning.
You ………….. drink cold water.
You …………. go near that dog. It might bite you. JUST ALREADY SINCE FOR
We …………… buy that book. Peter has got the same book, so he can lend it She has been in hospital _____ this morning.
to us. Joe has lived in London _____ five years.
We have known each other _____ June 2010. We have ................ cut the trees. Everywhere is full of trees now.
How long have you been here? – I have been here _____ half an hour.
The plane has flown ………. twelve hours. Ken has ................ posted the letters. Now she is at home.
The businessman has worked in the same office ……… he was twenty-five
years old. Ian has _______ painted the fences. He is tired now.
There has been many accidents on this road ………… last year.
I have had this teddy bear _____ I was a little child. Cindy has _______ done her homework. She never waits the deadline.
Jason has made music _____ more than 25 years.
I have come to you ______ three weeks. My grandfather has _______ bought me a kite. But he gave it to me today.

Have you _________ told a lie to your mum? They have ..................... cleaned the kitchen. Because, they are afraid of
their mother.
He has _________ found his pen. It’s in his hand.
She has .................. taken a shower. So her hair is wet.
Jane has _________seen the doctor yesterday.
Carrie has ................... given the book to me. I read most of it.
I’ve______ washed the dishes. My hands are wet.
Sevgi has ....................... drunk a cup of coffee. So she doesn’t want to
We have planned to stay there _____ 2 days. drink anything now

They have been friends _____ their childhood. Bob has been in Washington _____ Monday.

Tom has been in the office ____ 6 o’clock. I haven’t seen her _____ ages.

She has worked here _____ a week. Sally has been in hospital ____ April.

My uncle has lived in Paris _____ February. They have known Kate _____ 2 years

He has been a doctor _____ 14 years. My mother has .................. made a cake.

I have come to Madrid ____ 3 days. I have ................... finished my homework. So I’m very tired.
We have .................. fed the dog. He is full.
Mike has come to his father _____a day. Has the girl lived in France ……….. five years? Yes, she arrived five years
Leonard has ……….. made his bed but he hasn’t called his girlfriend yet. John has performed the same play ……….. a long time.
My father has .................. gone to work. He is going out of the door now
My mother hasn’t spoken to my sister _____ three days.
I have learned these words _____ three hours.
Sam hasn’t been here _____ a month.

Kate has lived there ______ 2005.

We can have lunch. I have _________ set the table.

Ms Greene has acted in our theatre _________ a season.

Miriam has lived in Morocco ……………… she was ten years old.
We have ………….. met the new teacher at the high school now.
The waiter has ………. brought me some coffee and biscuits. They’re on the
table .
That man has ............ come late again. His boss is very angry with
I have known my boyfriend ……………. we were at primary school.
Sally has _________ finished his last book. I have read it.

* What a great smell! * I have _________ baked a cake for my children.

My mum hasn’t had an accident _________ she got her driving licence.

They’ve been on holiday _________ a two weeks.

She hasn’t played tennis _________ then.

Alice has come to Liverpool _____ Tuesday.

I have planned to stay here ____ a month.

They haven’t won the games ____ March

Heidi has ridden a bike in the park _________ the end of her last lesson.

We have _______ finished the project. There is no need to panic.

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