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Sustainable Environment Research 28 (2018) 79e89

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Original Research Article

An observation of seasonal and diurnal behavior of O3eNOx

relationships and local/regional oxidant (OX ¼ O3 þ NO2) levels at a
semi-arid urban site of western India
Payal Pancholi a, Amit Kumar b, Devendra Singh Bikundia c, *, Sapna Chourasiya d
State Pollution Control Board, Jaipur 302004, India
National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi 110012, India
State Pollution Control Board, Jodhpur 342005, India
Satyawati College Evening, Delhi University, New Delhi 110052, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The present study summarizes the continuous measurements of ozone (O3) and oxides of nitrogen
Received 23 May 2017 (NOx ¼ NO þ NO2) along with meteorological conditions in the ambient atmosphere of semi-arid urban
Received in revised form site of western India during the year 2012e13. Seasonal and diurnal variations of gaseous pollutants
3 August 2017
were investigated and compared using the results of time series analysis. The marked seasonal difference
Accepted 13 November 2017
Available online 20 November 2017
was observed for O3 as highest/(lowest) during pre-monsoon/(monsoon), respectively. In contrast, NO
and NO2 exhibit the highest and lowest levels during post-monsoon and monsoon, respectively. The
diurnal cycle of O3 and NOx exhibited inverse relationship where surface O3 showed mid-day peak and
lower night-time concentrations. The dataset was used to examine the association of O3 with the
Nitrogen oxides ambient levels of NO, NO2 and NOx during day-time and night-time, separately. The variation of an
Diurnal and seasonal variations oxidant OX (O3 þ NO2) with the levels of NOx was examined to infer the atmospheric sources of OX as
Oxidant sum of NOx-independent regional and NOx-dependent local contributions. Significantly strong positive
Regional and local contributions correlations were observed of O3 with temperature and solar radiation with strong negative correlation
with relative humidity during the studied seasons. Inconsiderable difference (< 10 mg m3) was observed
between weekends and weekdays for the levels of O3 during entire observation period.
© 2017 Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Taiwan. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction influences the primary air pollutants [6]. The concentrations of O3

are mainly influenced by its precursor emissions and various pro-
Ozone (O3), a type of photochemical oxidant, is formed in the cesses such as photochemistry, physico-chemical removal and
troposphere with complex non-linear processes among interaction transport of the pollutants [7,8].
of nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), Tropospheric O3 formation is initiated by photochemical
temperature and intensity of solar radiation [1,2]. Tropospheric O3 destruction of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) resulting in the formation of
has a significant role in contributing global warming and climate nitric oxide (NO) and mono-atomic oxygen (O). Afterwards,
change phenomenon as Short-Lived Climate Forcer/pollutant [3]. It released oxygen atom together with molecular oxygen forms O3
influences the chemical properties of the atmosphere and consid- molecule while NO quickly reacts with O3 in regenerating NO2 in
ered as the third most important anthropogenic greenhouse gases the absence of VOCs. On the other hand, the levels of O3 increase
after CO2 and CH4 [4,5]. It is the essential precursor of hydroxyl after conversion of NO to NO2 with the release of hydroperoxy
radical which controls the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere and (HO2) and peroxy (RO2) radicals [9]. The O3 formation increases
with increasing concentrations of VOCs while rising levels of NOx
leads to increase/decrease O3 depending on the prevailing ratio
* Corresponding author. between VOCs and NOx [10,11]. O3 is greatly influenced by pre-
E-mail address: [email protected] (D.S. Bikundia). vailing meteorological conditions (temperature, wind, relative hu-
Peer review under responsibility of Chinese Institute of Environmental midity and solar flux). Many observations have shown that O3
2468-2039/© 2017 Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Taiwan. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
80 P. Pancholi et al. / Sustainable Environment Research 28 (2018) 79e89

concentration increases with increase in temperature and solar flux of O3 and NOx for the entire year during December 2012 to
[12]. Furthermore, the observed concentration of O3 variation is November 2013 in the ambient atmosphere of Jodhpur, Rajasthan,
higher in clear days as compared to cloudy days. Transport of O3 India. The main objectives of the work are (a) To monitor the sea-
precursors over long distances in the presence of favorable mete- sonal and diurnal variability of O3 and NOx; (b) To estimate the
orological conditions results in O3 formation far from the emission relationship between O3 and NOx (NO þ NO2) during day-time and
sources [13]. night-time; (c) To examine variation of an oxidant OX (O3 þ NO2)
Apart from climatic impacts, continuous exposure of O3 and NO2 with NOx to know the atmospheric sources of OX in the area; (d) To
can have adverse impacts of public health (short-term mortality observe the extent of association of O3 with NOx and meteorolog-
and respiratory illness), animal population, agricultural produc- ical parameters; and (e) To investigate the weekend effect of O3 in
tivity and vegetation [14,15]. Also keeping the NO2 concentration at the studied area.
lower levels provides significant benefits for human health [16].
Due to toxic effects, WHO has recommended the guideline values 2. Materials and methodology
for O3 (100 mg m3 for 8-h mean) and also set an interim target
(160 mg m3 for 8-h mean) and a high levels value (240 mg m3 for 2.1. Study area
8-h mean) for significant health effects [17]. In case of NO2, the
standard limits were established at 40 mg m3 annually and The continuous real time ambient air quality monitoring of
200 mg m3 hourly as a value not exceeding more 18 times in a year gaseous pollutants and meteorological parameters was carried out
[18]. at the center of the Jodhpur District, State Rajasthan, India (Fig. 1).
Studies pertaining to chemistry of O3 and NOx have been widely Jodhpur (also known as Sun City), a metropolitan city situated in
performed at many locations across the world including Indian western India extends between 26180 N latitude and 73 040
region [19e25]. However, very limited studies regarding O3 and its longitude. The city is located at an altitude of 250e300 m from
precursors have been reported in the western part of the Indian mean sea level. It is spread over an area of 290 km2 having popu-
region. The present study aims to evaluate the tropospheric levels lation approximately 1,033,800; of which male and female are 52

Fig. 1. Map showing the study area (Jodhpur), India (Black circle presents sampling point).
P. Pancholi et al. / Sustainable Environment Research 28 (2018) 79e89 81

Table 1
Technical specifications of used two gas analyzers.

Pollutant Instrument model Principle Measurement range Detection limit

Ozone (O3) Model O342M UV Photometric 0.1e10 ppm 1 ppb

Nitrogen oxides (NOx) Model AC32M Chemiluminescence 0.05e50 ppm 0.4 ppb

and 48%, respectively. The climate of Jodhpur is characterized by centres for tourism point of view. Physiography of the Jodhpur
hot and semi-arid region with temperature extremes, dryness and consists of alluvial plains, sand dunes and escarpments with major
uncertain rainfall. The precipitation highly fluctuates in the region parts lying under Thar Desert. Jodhpur has faced serious environ-
with average annual of 313 mm. Temperature often exceeds 40  C mental degradation with rapid economic advancement form sta-
in the month of April to June except monsoonal months while tionary sources as well as vehicular transportation. Approximately,
relative humidity is generally low. It is one of the most important more than six lakh vehicles are registered in different categories in
March 2011. In addition, the important industrial sector includes
minerals, cotton textiles and wood products industries.
Table 2
Mean ± SD/(MineMax) values (mg m3) of O3, NO and NO2 during the studied
2.2. Measurement techniques and instruments

Ozone NO NO2 Hourly monitoring of O3, NO, NO2 and meteorological parame-
Winter 37 ± 20/(3e62) 39 ± 35/(9e150) 30 ± 16/(8e92) ters were carried out for the entire year as December 2012 to
Pre-monsoon 47 ± 11/(22e71) 22 ± 28/(2e148) 26 ± 6/(11e42) November, 2013. Surface O3 measurements were taken using
Monsoon 27 ± 12/(3e64) 14 ± 11/(3e102) 14 ± 8/(5e43) automated ozone analyzer (Model-O342M), based on the principle
Post-monsoon 29 ± 12/(3e50) 84 ± 72/(18e290) 71 ± 35/(20e157)
of ozone detection by absorption of ultraviolet light. It is a

a Ozone Pre-M
conc (µg m -3 )


b NOx W

300 Pre-M
conc (µg m -³)





1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Time (h)

Fig. 2. Daily variation of mean values of O3 (a) and NOx (b) concentrations in different seasons (averaging time: 60 min).
82 P. Pancholi et al. / Sustainable Environment Research 28 (2018) 79e89

140 a

O3 (µg m -³) 100





140 b Night-time

O3 (µg m -³)





0 200 400 600 800 1000
NOx (µg m -³)

Fig. 3. Scatter diagrams of hourly O3 and NOx during (a) day-time (b) night-time.

microprocessor-controlled analyzer and follows the BeereLambert 2.3. Data analyses

law for measuring low ranges of ozone concentrations. NO and NO2
were also continuously monitored with an ambient analyzer For statistical analysis, SPSS (version 16.0; SPSS, Chicago, IL,
(Model-AC32M) based on the principle that NO emits light USA) and MATLAB (R2011b; MathWorks Natick, MA, USA) software
(chemiluminescence) in the presence of highly oxidizing ozone were used.
molecules. Technical specifications of the two analyzers are briefly
documented in Table 1. In addition, meteorological parameters 3. Results and discussion
were also continuously monitored using LSI LASTEM instrument
with multiple sensors for different meteorological parameters. 3.1. Seasonal variability of O3, NO and NO2
The measuring analyzers were installed at approximately 10 m
above the ground level and free from any interventions like nearby The statistical summary of hourly averaged levels of tropo-
emission sources and obstacles (high buildings and trees) in the spheric O3, NO and NO2 during different seasons over the period
surrounding areas. The ambient air samples were taken with nearly from December 2012 to November 2013 is documented in Table 2.
4 m Teflon tube (external diameter: 6 mm) connected to the rear of Seasons are defined as: Winter is December, January and February;
the unit. The two analyzers require very limited maintenance Pre-Monsoon is March, April and May; Monsoon is June, July,
because of the use of recent advanced electronic and optical tech- August and September; Post-monsoon is October and November.
nologies. Particulate filter was used to prevent entering of ambient The mean levels of targeted air pollutants are significantly different
particles into the instruments and replaced once at every two during the studied seasons. The highest O3 levels were observed in
weeks. Also an inverted Teflon funnel was fixed in front of tube pre-monsoon (47 mg m3) followed by winter (37 mg m3), post-
entrance to abstain dust and rainwater from entering tube. The monsoon (29 mg m3) and monsoon (27 mg m3) period. The
maintenance of the analyzers was done monthly and annually as peaked O3 levels during pre-monsoon can be explained by favor-
per manufacturer guidelines and calibration was carried out at able temperature and abundance solar radiation which promotes
every three-month interval. photochemical reactions. The lowest O3 during monsoon levels
P. Pancholi et al. / Sustainable Environment Research 28 (2018) 79e89 83

could be mainly attributed to inadequate solar flux, high relative levels of NOx [31,32]. The variability in the concentration could be
humidity and wet deposition of air pollutants by rain [22]. In attributed to chemical processes, differences in the concentration
addition, very high levels of NOx from the traffic emissions and of precursor gases, human activities and prevailing meteorological
insufficient time to form O3 might be the reason for lower levels of variables.
O3 during post-monsoon [23].
In contrast, NO and NO2 showed similar seasonal variability
3.2. Diurnal variability of O3, NO and NO2
where highest/(lowest) values appeared during post-monsoon/
(monsoon) while other two seasons also showed significant con-
The diurnal plots of the O3 concentrations for four different
centrations. The lower values during the pre-monsoon could be due
seasons are shown in Fig. 2a. Planetary boundary layer (PBL), solar
to strong vertical mixing and higher solar radiation while signifi-
intensity, wind pattern and emission sources influence the diurnal
cant levels during winter attributed to stable thermal inversion
variability of any pollutant [33]. The distribution of O3 during the
layer [26]. It is noted that levels of NO are higher as compared to
four seasons shows more or less similar variability with different
NO2 during post-monsoon and winter while more or less similar
amplitudes. It exhibits high concentrations during the daytime
levels in pre-monsoon and monsoon indicate lower oxidizing
with low levels during early morning and night. Lowest concen-
environment in this region. This pattern is similar to the results of
tration appeared in the early morning hours around 5:00 to 7:00;
previous studies performed in many areas around the world. The
afterwards, the O3 concentrations started increasing rapidly coin-
results of studies carried out by others [27e29] in the metropolitan
ciding with the solar radiation increasing and attain peaked value
and urbanized areas are in agreement with the present work. In
around 12:00e15:00. Subsequently, it decreases rapidly after
contrast, several studies have also shown dissimilar results with the
maximum value in daytime till evening and keeps decreasing
present work. For example, studies carried out by those in-
gradually to lower values due to absence of solar radiation. The
vestigators in the rural and coastal areas have shown the dissimilar
similar diurnal variability of O3 has been reported earlier in
results could be due to role of regional environments [8,30].
numerous studies across the world [14,32,34,35]. Distinct differ-
However, short-time measurements carried out by others during
ences in the distribution of O3 levels were experienced in the four
different seasons could be attributed to variation in the observed
targeted seasons. The daytime amplitude of O3 was noticed the

140 a

O3 (µg m -³)





140 b Night-time

O3 (µg m -³)





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
NO (µg m -³)

Fig. 4. Scatter diagrams of hourly O3 and NO during (a) day-time (b) night-time.
84 P. Pancholi et al. / Sustainable Environment Research 28 (2018) 79e89

lowest during monsoon as compared to other seasons. The reduc- levels from evening to early morning could be mainly due to low
tion in photochemical production of O3 could be due to low levels of PBL which reduces the mixing of air pollutants. The lower levels
precursors, cloudy sky and events of rainfall [24]. In general, the during daytime are mainly due to higher PBL which enhances the
vehicular emissions result in the high levels of NO in the early dilution of the pollutants. All seasons except monsoon show peak
morning, then the NO drops and rises of NO2 levels due to its values of NOx during morning and evening hours while monsoon
conversion to NO2 as morning progresses. The increased rate of season shows no significant differences of NOx levels between day
photolysis of NO2 during noon leads to drop in NO2 and increase in and night.
O3 levels [24].
Fig. 2b explains the mean diurnal variability of observed dataset 3.3. Variation of NO, NO2, NOx with the levels of O3
for NOx during the four seasons. Significant diurnal variability was
observed for winter, pre-monsoon and post-monsoon as compared The variability of NO, NO2 and NOx with O3 concentrations is
to monsoon. Although, the pattern of NOx observation during all assessed in this section. The formation and destruction of O3 with the
seasons is almost similar but the daily variation of mean values of variation of NOx were examined separately for two different time
NOx in post-monsoon is significantly higher as compared to other periods: Daytime (08:00e17:00) and Night-time (18:00e07:00). The
seasons due to variability of traffic emissions and prevailing values of two different time-periods were observed using the data
meteorological conditions. The lowest mixing ratios of NOx were averages of daytime and night-time. Fig. 3 presents the comparison
observed during morning (07:00 to 09:00) and afternoon (13:00 to of the hourly mean levels of O3 and NOx. Negative moderate corre-
16:00). Afterwards, it showed increasing tendency for elevated lation between O3 and NOx was observed to be 0.22 (p < 0.01)
levels of NOx from 17:00 to 19:00 as well as from evening until early and 0.27 (p < 0.01) for daytime and night-time period, respectively.
morning periods. The peak vehicular emissions during the morning In general, mean levels of O3 diminishes with the increased levels of
and evening hours coincide with the higher levels of NOx. Higher NOx. Similar results have been reported by Hassan et al. in the



O3 (µg m -³)




140 b

O3 (µg m -³)





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
NO2 (µg m -³)
Fig. 5. Scatter diagrams of hourly O3 and NO2 during (a) daytime (b) night-time.
P. Pancholi et al. / Sustainable Environment Research 28 (2018) 79e89 85

ambient atmosphere of Jeddah city where correlation coefficients the local and regional contribution OX. The levels of OX are influ-
were found to be in the range of 0.20 to 0.37 [9]. Strong anti- enced by the photochemical reactions in the polluted region
correlations have been reported in Istanbul, Turkey [23] and resulting in the differences in the observed values of OX during
Greater Cairo [6] as 0.46 to 0.56 and 0.75 to 0.87, respectively. daytime and night-time [32]. The variations of mean values of OX
Figs. 4 and 5 present the variability of hourly mean levels of O3 with against the levels of NOx during daytime and night-time are illus-
NO and NO2, respectively during two different time intervals. In trated in Fig. 6. After examining regression analysis, a linear rela-
general, the O3 concentrations are found to be diminished with the tionship is noticed between OX and NOx. The levels of OX at a given
rising of both NO and NO2. The highest hourly mean concentrations location are influenced by two types of contributions namely NOx-
of NO/(NO2) were noticed as 341/(177) mg m3 and 628/(290) mg m3 dependent (solid line) and NOx-independent (dashed line). NOx-
during daytime and night-time, respectively. In contrast, the highest/ dependent contributions explain the influence of local contribu-
(lowest) mean levels of O3 were observed as 129/(0.6) mg m3 and tions which are mainly related with primary pollution. In contrast,
96/(0.8) mg m3 for daytime and night-time, respectively. The data NOx-independent contributions considers as regional contribution
indicated that the O3 and NOx (NO and NO2) were found to be higher which is equivalent to background O3 concentrations.
during daytime and night-time, respectively. The pattern of OX during day-time and night-time is different in
polluted areas because the levels of OX are influenced by the
photochemical processes. Therefore, variability of OX is examined
3.4. Dependence of local and regional OX contributions
for the observed dataset which infers that behavior of OX is similar
to the variation of O3 (Fig. 7). It is characterized by maxima during
In order to understand the chemical coupling between O3, NO
the mid-day with the lowest in night-time. The level of OX rises
and NO2, an oxidant OX (OX ¼ O3 þ NO2) is often used [36].
slowly after sunrise attaining maximum concentrations during
Therefore, the variation of OX with NOx is discussed in this section.
day-time and starts decreasing until next morning. The diurnal
Hourly mean levels NOx and OX were plotted in order to evaluate

350 a
y = 0.258x + 59.19
300 R² = 0.135

OX (µg m-3)


Local contribution

Regional contribution

350 b y = 0.262x + 41.13

300 R² = 0.413

OX (µg m-3 )


150 Local contribution


Regional contribution
0 200 400 600 800 1000
NOx (µg m-3)
Fig. 6. Variability of hourly mean values of [OX] with the levels of NOx during (a) daytime (b) night-time.
86 P. Pancholi et al. / Sustainable Environment Research 28 (2018) 79e89

Fig. 7. Diurnal variation of OX (a) and ratio of NO2/OX (b) during the entire studied period.

variability of NO2/OX illustrated in Fig. 7 explains the differences in radiation which has a significant role in photochemical processes
the partition of NO2 and O3 via photochemical processes. The ratio and consequently the formation of O3 [22,26]. Besides temperature
of NO2/OX is observed to be lower due to high concentrations of O3 and solar radiation, O3 shows strong negative correlation with the
during the day-time. In order to evaluate the fraction of OX in the relative humidity. Other studies also reported the anti-correlation
form of NO2, the variability of mean values of NO2/OX with NOx for between the O3 and relative humidity [16,20,37] with positive
day-time and night-time is depicted in Fig. 8. The progressive in- significant correlation also reported between the O3 and relative
crease in the ratio of NO2/OX is noticed with the increasing levels of humidity [6,38]. Moreover, O3 shows moderate positive significant
NOx. correlation with wind speed only during monsoon while other
seasons show insignificant correlation. Monthly mean values of the
gaseous pollutants (O3, NO and NO2) with temperature and relative
3.5. Dependence of O3 with the NOx and meteorological parameters
humidity during entire observation period are illustrated in Fig. 9.
The photochemical formation of ground level O3 is influenced by
meteorological variables as well as O3 precursors. The variability in 3.6. Weekend effect of O3
meteorological variables such as temperature, relative humidity,
wind speed and solar radiation significantly affect the temporal In order to determine the weekend effect, the difference be-
variation in the levels of O3. Hence, Pearson correlation analysis tween weekend and weekday of O3 levels was investigated. In-
was carried out to elucidate the association of O3 with NOx and crease in the levels of O3 (coincide with drop in the values of O3
meteorological parameters for targeted seasons (Table 3). Moderate precursors) during weekend as compared to observed levels of
to strong negative correlations are noticed between O3 and NOx weekdays is known as “weekend effect” [39]. Despite of no definitive
which suggests decrease in the levels of NOx with increase of O3. theoretical explanation for the weekend effect, few hypothesis have
Similar anti-correlation results between O3 and NOx have been also been proposed to understand the weekend phenomenon such as
reported by various studies [6,9,12]. Further, O3 is strong positively (a) reduction in NOx emissions in the VOCs limited chemical
correlated with temperature (r ranged from 0.75 to 0.95) and solar regime; (b) Differences in the timing of NOx emissions in days of
radiation (r ranged from 0.78 to 0.92) during the all four seasons week; (c) less solar absorption due to lower fine particle concen-
which infers that higher temperature promotes the formation of O3. tration on weekends; and (d) carryover of O3 and precursors on
In general, higher temperature coincides with intense solar weekday nights [40e42]. The daily mean values of O3 for weekdays
P. Pancholi et al. / Sustainable Environment Research 28 (2018) 79e89 87

a Day-time
y = 0.25ln(x) - 0.49
1.2 R² = 0.59

[NO2 ]/[OX] 1





1.4 b Night-time y = 0.22ln(x) - 0.35
R² = 0.61

[NO2 ]/[OX]





0 200 400 600 800 1000
Fig. 8. Variability of [NO2]/[OX] vs [NOx] during day-time and night-time for entire studied period.

VOCs and NOx. The observed results are in agreement with the
Table 3
Correlation analysis of O3 with NOx and meteorological variables. studies performed by others [12,23,39]. In addition, Blanchard and
Fairly established a classification of O3 weekend effect having three
types of scenarios according to peak difference of O3 as: (a) >
Winter 0.82 0.75 0.73 0.22 0.86 30 mg m3, intense; (b) 10e30 mg m3, moderate; (c)  10 mg m3,
Pre-monsoon 0.91 0.85 0.73 0.01 0.81
no weekend effect [43]. Table 4 demonstrates that peak O3 differ-
Monsoon 0.62 0.95 0.91 0.34 0.78
Post-monsoon 0.77 0.82 0.75 0.06 0.92 ence is to be less than 10 mg m3 inferring no ozone weekend effect
in the studied region according to this criterion.
RH: Relative Humidity (%), WS: Wind Speed (m s1), SR: Solar Radiation (W m2).

4. Conclusions

(Monday to Friday) and weekends (Saturday to Sunday) were The present study analyzes the continuous online measure-
calculated for monitoring period to examine the difference be- ments of O3 and NOx along with meteorological parameters at ur-
tween weekend and weekday. Results (Table 4) show that the ban area of Jodhpur District, Rajasthan, India during December
weekend O3 levels are higher as compared to weekdays during all 2012 to November 2013. Distinct seasonal difference is noticed for
seasons except monsoon. The mean daily O3 concentrations were both gaseous pollutants due to differences in the emission sources,
increased by 9, 3.6 and 16.6% during winter, pre-monsoon and post- atmospheric chemical processes and prevailing meteorological
monsoon, respectively, while decreased by 4.6% during monsoon. conditions. Time series analysis indicates that diurnal cycle of O3 is
The slight increase in the levels of O3 during weekends could be opposite to NOx. The surface O3 levels show uni-modal peak with
attributed to lower levels of precursor gases (NOx and VOCs) as the highest/(lowest) during mid-day/(night-time), respectively
decreased traffic density and human activities on the weekends. during the studied time period. On the other hand, diurnal varia-
The weekend effect of O3 is also characterized by the difference in tion of NOx shows two daily peaks during morning and evening
the decay rate of precursor gases and prevailing ratio between which is linked to traffic density. The concentration of precursor
88 P. Pancholi et al. / Sustainable Environment Research 28 (2018) 79e89

90 80
80 70
70 60
O3/NO/NO2 (µg m-3 ) 60

T (°C)/RH (%)
20 20

10 10
0 0
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Time (h)
Fig. 9. Diurnal variability of mean values of gaseous pollutants with T and RH during whole observation period.

Table 4
Evaluation of O3 weekend effect.

Weekdays (WD) Weekends (WE) Difference (WEWD) Increase/Decrease (%)

Winter 46.0 50.3 4.3 9.3

Pre-monsoon 55.8 57.8 2.0 3.6
Monsoon 32.3 30.8 1.5 4.6
Post-monsoon 39.7 46.3 6.6 16.6

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