A Method For Characterization of Bitumen

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The paper proposes a methodology for bitumen characterization using a residue curve map and modeling solubility data with PR-EoS and NRTL models.

A fugacity-activity coefficient approach is applied to model the thermodynamic equilibrium of species in the gas and liquid phases using the Peng-Robinson equation of state and NRTL activity model.

The Peng-Robinson equation of state (PR-EoS) and NRTL activity model are utilized to calculate the fugacity and activity coefficients in the gas and liquid phases, respectively.

Fuel 153 (2015) 240–248

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A method for characterization of bitumen

Bahareh Azinfar, Mohsen Zirrahi, Hassan Hassanzadeh, Jalal Abedi ⇑
Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, Canada

h i g h l i g h t s

 A characterization method is proposed for bitumen and heavy oils.

 Residue curve method is used to model the simulated distillation data.
 Proposed model accurately regenerates solubility of light solvents in bitumen.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Characterization of bitumen is a necessary step to perform phase equilibrium computations involved in
Received 5 January 2015 bitumen production and processing. This study presents a methodology for bitumen characterization
Received in revised form 28 February 2015 using a residue curve map. A fugacity–activity coefficient approach is applied to model the thermody-
Accepted 2 March 2015
namic equilibrium of the species in the gas and liquid phases. The Peng–Robinson equation of state
Available online 13 March 2015
(PR-EoS) and NRTL activity model are utilized to calculate the fugacity and activity coefficients in the
gas and liquid phases, respectively. The proposed model was evaluated using experimental simulated dis-
tillation (SD) data as well as experimental solubility data of light hydrocarbon (CH4, C2H6) and non-hy-
Heavy oil
Bitumen characterization
drocarbon gases (CO2, N2) in bitumen. The molecular weight, specific gravity, and SD curves were
Simulated distillation represented using defined pseudo-components. The tuned EoS was able to regenerate the solubility data
Solubility with an acceptable accuracy (AARD less than 5.6% and 4.5% for hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon sol-
NRTL model vents, respectively). The proposed method can be applied for bitumen characterization and to predict
the solubility of the light gases in bitumen.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Bitumen and extra heavy oil assays should be obtained under
deep vacuum distillation to avoid possible thermal cracking at
Increase of worldwide energy demand besides the decline of temperatures higher than 523 K. Standard tests such as D5236
conventional oil reserves resulted more attention toward bitumen ASTM test [3] and based on gas chromatography (GC) have been
and heavy oil recourses. Currently, thermal oil recovery is the lead- developed to characterize high boiling point hydrocarbon mix-
ing processes for bitumen and heavy oil extraction in Alberta. tures. Simulated distillation is fast, repeatable, and inexpensive.
Disadvantages of thermal recovery methods such as high energy Additionally, a small amount of bitumen/heavy oil sample (less
and water consumption, water pollution and greenhouse gas emis- than 1 ml) is required for the analysis [1].
sion have raised the interests to find alternative methods such as Saajanlehto and Alopaeus [4] and Saajanlehto et al. [5] have
solvent injection. used distillation curve data to develop a characterization method
Characterization of bitumen is the initial step for all thermody- for Perturbed-Chain Statistical Associating Fluid Theory (PC-
namic and phase behavior calculations. Crude oil assay obtained SAFT). Their model has been verified to represent density, sat-
from distillation experiments is the common tool to characterize uration pressures for propane-Athabasca bitumen and CO2–pro-
hydrocarbon mixtures and petroleum fractions. The underlying pane–Athabasca bitumen systems and solubility of hydrogen in
idea is that hydrocarbon molecules, which boil at a range of tem- heavy oil. They proposed a single carbon number type character-
perature, are lumped into a pseudo-component and assigned an ization method for heavy oils and bitumen. In their model, each
average boiling temperature [1,2]. cut of crude oil was split into saturate, aromatic and polyaromatic
(SAP) fractions based on its boiling point. Therefore, distribution of
SAP in crude oils is assumed universal.
⇑ Corresponding author. Doherty and Perkins [6–8] developed the residue curve map to
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Abedi). model the simple distillation assay. This model calculates the loci

0016-2361/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Azinfar et al. / Fuel 153 (2015) 240–248 241

of saturation temperatures of the mixture versus the composition introduction of additional binary interaction energy parameters.
of the liquid phase in the flask during the distillation. To apply this While some methods have been presented in literature to find
model there is no need to know the exact condition and procedure these parameters, their application to complex mixture such as
of the distillation process. Only pressure at which the test has been bitumen has not been confirmed. To overcome this problem, we
carried out and the resulting experimental distillation curve are determine the interaction energy parameters between the
required. This is the remarkable advantage of the model developed pseudo-components of bitumen using the residue curve map
by Doherty and Perkins [6–8]. method.
Residue curve map has been used by Satyro and Yarranton [2] After characterization of the bitumen, we follow the u–c
to characterize several oil samples using distillation curve data. approach to calculate the solubility of light hydrocarbon and
They assumed ideal gas and liquid phases in their thermodynamic non-hydrocarbon gases (solvents) in bitumen. Using this approach,
equilibrium calculations. While this assumption is quite well the energy interaction parameters between molecules of the sol-
applicable for the gas phase, it may not be valid for the liquid phase vent and the pseudo-components are the only required parameters
especially for heavy oil and bitumen. Ortiz et al. [9] used the resi- to be tuned for solubility calculations.
due curve map upon well-defined mixtures to tune equation of In summary, we propose a general approach with a solid
state parameters and then calculated the phase behavior data. thermodynamic background to characterize bitumen. The devel-
One of the important parameters in heavy oil and bitumen oped method can be used to calculate the required interaction
applications is the solubility of light components in bitumen or parameters and solubility of light solvents in bitumen.
heavy oil. Prediction of solubility of gaseous solvents in bitumen Application of this methodology can be an alternative for expen-
is key for reservoir simulation and engineering studies of bitumen sive laboratory PVT tests. Therefore, it will decrease the costs of
production, upgrading, fractionation and refining. Once the solubil- bitumen characterization and find many applications in phase
ity of solvent in bitumen is defined, density, viscosity and other behavior studies related to bitumen and extra heavy oil production
physical properties can be calculated using the established meth- and refining.
ods. In previous solubility models bitumen has been considered The rest of this paper is organized as follow: first, we present
as single pseudo-component (such as Zirrahi et al. [10]; Fu et al. our methodology to characterize bitumen. Then, the solubility
[11]) or multicomponents (such as Kariznovi et al. [12]; Eastick model is presented. Next, accuracy of the approach is evaluated
et al. [13]; Huang and Radosz [14]; Mehrotra and Svrcek [15]). using experimental data and discussed followed by the summary
After definition of the pseudo-components, a proper equation of and conclusion.
state should be tuned to find the binary interaction parameters
(kij). The tuned equation of state then can be used to find
2. Bitumen characterization procedure
thermophysical properties required for engineering calculations.
Tuning of equation of state for conventional oils is typically per-
We use the results obtained from simulated distillation (SD)
formed using the data obtained from PVT experiments such as con-
assay to characterize the bitumen. The SD test results in mass per-
stant composition expansion (CCE), differential liberation and
cent of the distilled (% off) versus the temperature. Residue curve
separator tests. For bitumen, aforementioned laboratory tests are
map, which is the trajectory of bubble point temperature of the
not common. Therefore, there are no independent calculations to
mixture from the initial to the end state of batch distillation, is
find and tune the interaction parameters between pseudo-compo-
applied to represent the simulated distillation results. As described
nents. Some studies estimated the interaction parameters using
by Doherty and Perkins [6–8] liquid composition changes during
correlations while some ignored these interaction parameters
the simple batch distillation can be represented by:
Kariznovi et al. [12] defined the pseudo-components and their dxðnÞ
¼ xðnÞ  yðxðnÞ; TÞ ¼ Fðn; xÞ ð1Þ
properties such as molecular weight, specific gravity to match dn
the average molecular weight and specific gravity of bitumen.
where x = [x1, x2, xs, . . .., xN] and y = [y1, y2, ys, . . ., yN] are the liquid
They tuned the normal boiling point, acentric factor, and EoS
and gas mole fraction arrays, respectively, N is the number of
parameters (XA and XB) of pseudo-components and the binary
pseudo components, n is the dimensionless time called warped time
interaction parameters between solvent-pseudo-component (ks-
varying from 0 to +1 where n = 0 corresponds to the start of the dis-
pc) to match the experimental solubility data.
tillation (t = 0) and n = +1 corresponds to the time when the dis-
Eastick et al. [13] and Huang and Radosz [14] characterized Cold
tillation flask becomes empty. Liquid hold-up in the flask is
Lake bitumen using five pseudo-components to calculate solubility
calculated by:
of CO2 in the bitumen and its pseudo-components. They applied
Peng–Robinson equation of state (PR-EoS) and statistical associat- H ¼ H0 expðnÞ ð2Þ
ing fluid theory (SAFT), respectively. Mehrotra and Svrcek [15] where H is the liquid hold-up and subscript 0 denotes the initial
divided Cold Lake bitumen into three pseudo-components, includ-
hold-up [6]. At each warped time, the liquid phase is at saturation
ing asphaltene, distillable and undistillable maltene. They used PR- condition (T = Tsat) and the gas phase composition can be obtained
EoS to model the gas and liquid phases and ignored the interaction
using the saturation temperature equilibrium calculations. The set
between pseudo-components. of Eqs. (1) and (2) was solved using fourth-order Runge–Kutta
Previously, we used the Krichevsky–Ilinskaya’s equation [10] to
method with the warped time interval Dn as:
correlate solubility of solvents in bitumen where bitumen was
assumed as a single component without characterizing the bitu- 1
men. In this work we propose an approach using the simulated dis-
xnþ1 ¼ xn þ Dnðk1 þ 2k2 þ 2k3 þ k4 Þ ð3Þ
tillation (SD) data to characterize the bitumen by applying the
residue curve map. We apply the u–c (u is the fugacity coefficient
of a component in the gas phase and c is the activity coefficient of k1 ¼ f ðnn ; xn Þ ð4Þ
the component in the liquid phase) approach to model the
thermodynamic equilibrium of gas and liquid phases. We use the 1 1
NRTL activity model to capture the non-ideal behavior of bitumen k2 ¼ f nn þ Dn; xn þ Dnk1 ð5Þ
2 2
molecules. The major difficulty to apply NRTL model is the
242 B. Azinfar et al. / Fuel 153 (2015) 240–248

1 1 We used the central finite difference to find the right hand of Eq.
k3 ¼ f nn þ Dn; xn þ Dnk2 ð6Þ
2 2 (22) with temperature difference of 1 K (DT = 1). Other properties
of bitumen and heavy oil that should be considered for character-
k4 ¼ f ðnn þ Dn; xn þ Dnk3 Þ ð7Þ ization are the average molecular weight (M) and specific gravity
(SG). We also used the following mixing rules to find the average
T sat ¼ f ðxn ; PÞ ð8Þ molecular weight and specific gravity of bitumen [1].
sat xi M i ¼ M a v e ð23Þ
yn ¼ KðT ; xn Þxn ð9Þ
X xi M i M av e
nn ¼ nn1 þ Dn ð10Þ ¼ ð24Þ
SGi SGav e
Hn ¼ H0 expðnn Þ ð11Þ Correlation of Rao and Bardon [21] was applied to relate the
boiling point of each pseudo-component to its molecular weight
H 0 M  Hn M n as given by:
%off ¼ 100 ð12Þ
H0 M  
T bi
where M is the molecular weight, n is the step index and Dn is the ln M i ¼ ð1:27 þ 0:071K w Þ ln ð25Þ
22:31 þ 1:68K w
integration step of the warped time. This parameter (Dn) was set to
0.005 as the optimum integration step for the sake of accuracy and where Tb is the boiling temperature and Kw is the Watson character-
low run time for calculations. Tsat and K are the saturation tempera- ization factor. Then, we used SØreide [22] correlation to relate the
ture at the distillation pressure and equilibrium constant at Tsat and molecular weight and specific gravity of each pseudo-component.
P, respectively. To find the equilibrium constant, ideal gas phase This correlation has been developed using 843 samples obtained
was assumed (u = 1). Therefore, thermodynamic equilibrium can from 68 reservoir fluids. This correlation is given by:
be written as:
SGi ¼ 0:2855 þ C f ðM i  66Þ0:13 ð26Þ
yi P ¼ xi i Psat
c i ð13Þ
where Cf obtained to satisfy the Eq. (26) for representation of
where Psat and ci are the saturation pressure and the activity coeffi- experimental specific gravity of reservoir fluid using its molecular
cient of component i in the liquid phase, respectively. To find the weight. This parameter is typically between 0.27 and 0.31 [22].
saturation pressure, Lee–Kesler [16] equation was used as given by: To perform characterization, first, 28 pseudo-components were
defined with boiling point range from 300 to 1110 K with interval
ln Psat 0
r ¼ h þxh
of 30 K. The lower bound (300 K) is between boiling point of C4H10
and C5H12, which are the lightest possible hydrocarbon in bitumen.
h0 ¼ 5:92714   1:28862 ln T r þ 0:169347T 6r ð15Þ The lightest hydrocarbon component in bitumen is usually C7H16
Tr to C10H22. The upper limit that simulated distillation can capture
is C120H242 with a boiling point of 1023 K. Therefore, the range of
h1 ¼ 15:2518   13:4721 ln T r þ 0:43577T 6r ð16Þ 300 to 1110 K can safely capture the hydrocarbon components pre-
sented in bitumen. Since the simulated distillation apparatus is
where Tr and Pr are the reduced temperature (Tr = T/Tc) and pressure calibrated with normal paraffin (n-alkanes) components, we used
(Pr = P/Pc), respectively, and x is the acentric factor. Furthermore, Twu [23] correlations to calculate the molecular weight, critical
NRTL model was applied to calculate the activity coefficient of com- temperature and pressure for each pseudo-component using its
ponents in the mixture as given by [17]: boiling point. Also, acentric factor was obtained using Lee–Kesler
j xj sji Gji
X xj Gjj  xs G
 equation [1], which has been presented specifically for petroleum
lnðci Þ ¼ P þ P sij  Pl l lj lj ð17Þ fractions [24]. Next, mole fraction of each pseudo-component
k xk Gki j k xk Gkj k xk Gkj was optimized by solving Eqs. ((1)-(12)) to find the best match of
the SD assay results.
where Gij is a characteristic of interaction energies between mole-
After finding the mole fraction distribution of the pseudo-com-
cules of i and j given by [17]:
ponents present in bitumen, the average Watson characterization
Gij ¼ expðaij sij Þ ð18Þ factor is obtained to find the average molecular weight of the bitu-
men using Eqs. (23) and (25). Then, SØreide correlation (Eq. (26)) is
g ij  g jj tuned with Cf = 0.308 to match the experimental specific gravity of
sij ¼ ð19Þ
RT bitumen or heavy oil using Eqs. (24) and (26). Characterization
where g is the energy interaction parameter and a specifies the ran- procedure is shown in a diagram shown in Fig. 1.
domness in the mixture. In this work a = 0.3 was assumed for all
pseudo-components of bitumen [18]. Energy interaction parameter 3. Solubility modeling
between molecules i and j (gij) was calculated assuming the geo-
metric mean proposed by Vetere [19] as: The output of characterization scheme is a multicomponent
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi system, which is not suitable for computationally demanding ther-
g ij ¼ g jj  g ii ð20Þ
mal reservoir simulators. Reservoir fluids are usually lumped into
Tassios [20] proposed defining the energy parameter of mole- manageable number of pseudo-components to decrease the run
cule i by the heat of vaporization (DHvap) as follows: time required for compositional and thermal reservoir simulations
[1,24]. Molecular weight, Mi, which separates the groups is
g ij ¼ DU ¼ ðDHv ap  RTÞ ð21Þ obtained as given by [24]:
Applying Clausius–Clapeyron equation we reach to: Mi ¼ M 1 ðMn =M 1 Þi=NH ð27Þ
v ap sat
DH d ln P where NH is the number of groups (pseudocomponents), i = 1, . . .,
¼ ð22Þ
RT dT NH, M1 is the molecular weight of the lightest component and Mn
B. Azinfar et al. / Fuel 153 (2015) 240–248 243

Fig. 1. Flow chart used to characterize the bitumen.

is the molecular weight of the heaviest component. Components After grouping of the components using the scheme described
with molecular weight falling between Mi1 and Mi are lumped in above, we use the u–c approach to calculate the solubility of gases
group i. Next, mixing rules proposed by Lee and Kesler [16] were in bitumen for the sake the consistency with the characterization
applied to find the critical properties and acentric factor of each procedure described earlier. Therefore, the thermodynamic
group as follows: equilibrium of a component in gas and liquid phases can be written
h PP 3
i as:
8 i j xi xj ðV ci þ V 1=3
cj Þ L
V cg ¼ P 2 ð28Þ yi ui P ¼ xi ci f i ð33Þ
i xi
where u denotes the fugacity coefficient of specie i in the gas phase.
fL is the fugacity in hypothetical liquid state given by Prausnitz et al.
PP 0:5
8V cg i j xi xj ðT ci T cj Þ V ci1=3 þ V cj1=3 as [18]:
T cg ¼ P 2 ð29Þ !
i xi L 0 V Li ðP  1:013Þ
f i ¼ f i P c exp ð34Þ
xg ¼ Pi i i ð30Þ
i xi and f0 is the reduced hypothetical liquid fugacity at atmospheric
pressure. VLi is the partial molar volume of component i in the liquid
Z cg ¼ 0:2905  0:085xg ð31Þ phase.
Prausnitz et al. [18] reported f0 in a graphical format, which was
Z cg RT cg later presented by Riazi and Vera [25] using the correlation given
Pcg ¼ ð32Þ
V cg by:
where Tc, Pc, Vc and Zc are critical temperature, pressure, volume and 0 8:19643
f i ¼ exp 7:902   3:08 lnðT r Þ ð35Þ
compressibility factor of the group, respectively. R is the universal Tr
gas constant and x is the acentric factor.
244 B. Azinfar et al. / Fuel 153 (2015) 240–248

where Tr is the reduced pressure (Tr = T/Tc). Fugacity coefficient of Table 1

specie i was calculated using Peng–Robinson equation of state Mole fraction and properties of characterized bitumen.

(PR-EoS) as given by [18,26]: Pseudo Normal boiling Mole Molecular Specific

components point (K) fraction (%) weight gravity
RT aaðTÞ
P¼  ð36Þ PC1 300 0.24 76.8 0.7051
V  b VðV þ bÞ þ bðV  bÞ PC2 330 0.80 96.4 0.7657
PC3 360 1.43 118.8 0.8013
where PC4 390 4.83 143.8 0.8280
PC5 420 3.38 171.7 0.8500
0:45724R2 T 2C PC6 450 2.00 202.5 0.8691
a¼ ð37Þ
PC PC7 480 13.19 236.3 0.8861
PC8 510 3.54 273.2 0.9016
PC9 540 6.86 313.2 0.9159
0:07780RT C
b¼ ð38Þ PC10 570 10.65 356.4 0.9293
PC PC11 600 4.97 403.0 0.9419
PC12 630 8.04 452.8 0.9537
h i2 PC13 660 6.09 506.1 0.9650
aðTÞ ¼ 1 þ kð1  T 0:5
r Þ ð39Þ PC14 690 3.30 562.9 0.9758
PC15 720 8.83 623.2 0.9862
PC16 750 2.66 687.2 0.9962
k ¼ 0:37464 þ 1:54226x  0:26992x2 x < 0:49 PC17 780 0.14 754.7 1.0058
ð40Þ PC18 810 1.52 826.0 1.0151
k ¼ 0:3796 þ 1:485x  0:1644x2 þ 0:01667x3 x P 0:49
PC19 840 3.13 901.1 1.0240
where x is the acentric factor. Activity coefficient of solvent PC20 870 1.19 980.0 1.0328
PC21 900 2.55 1062.8 1.0412
molecules in liquid phase has been obtained using NRTL model as PC22 930 2.99 1149.5 1.0495
presented in Eqs. (17)–(19). Interaction energy parameters of the PC23 960 0.25 1240.2 1.0575
pseudo-components of bitumen were calculated using Eqs. (20)– PC24 990 1.56 1334.9 1.0653
(22). The only parameter that should be tuned is the interaction PC25 1020 2.08 1433.7 1.0730
PC26 1050 2.43 1536.6 1.0804
energy parameter between solvent and pseudo-components.
PC27 1080 1.31 1643.7 1.0877
Interaction energy parameter between solvent and pseudo-compo- PC28 1110 0.04 1755.1 1.0949
nents molecules is a function of temperature and changes for differ-
Property of the Cold Lake bitumen
ent pseudo-components [27]. Therefore, a generalized equation was
Experimental [11] Calculated AARD (%)
assumed to calculate the interaction energy parameter between sol-
vent molecules and pseudo-component i as given by: Molecular weight 533 527.23 1.08
Specific gravity 0.986 0.987 0.10
ssi ¼ A þ B  T þ C  Mi þ D  T ri ð41Þ
Interaction energy parameters between solvent molecule and
pseudo-component i were assumed symmetric (sis = ssi). To tune
the interaction energy parameters, experimental solubility data
at maximum pressure of each isotherm was applied as proposed 900
by Huang and Radosz [14]. The objective function was defined
Temperature (K)

and minimized as given by: 800

n calc exp
1X xi  xi

OF ¼ exp ð42Þ 700
n i xi
Experimental Data
Proposed Model
where n is the number of experimental data points. Optimization 600
toolbox of MATLAB R2012a was used for regression and optimiza-
tion in this work. 500

4. Results and discussion 400

0 20 40 60

The characterization procedure described in the previous sec-

% Mass Distilled
tion (Fig. 1) was applied to the Cold Lake bitumen sample. The Fig. 2. Comparison of the Yu et al. [28] experimental values and the calculated
experimental SD data curve was extracted from the work of Yu simulated distillated curve data.
et al. [28]. The original data was reported in a graphical format
and as a result, a deviation approximately 2 K is observed in the
extracted data. The mole fraction, molecular weight, specific grav- pseudo-components can accurately represent the Cold Lake
ity, and boiling point of the pseudo-components are given in bitumen.
Table 1. A comparison of the experimental SD curve and the results After finding the pseudo-components, grouping calculations
calculated by the presented model is shown in Fig. 2. A good agree- performed to lump them into five new pseudo-components. The
ment can be found from this figure and the results confirm that the mole fraction, average molecular weight, critical properties and
presented model can accurately regenerate the experimental SD acentric factor of each group were obtained and are given in
curve. Table 2.
Both the calculated and measured values for the specific gravity The characterized bitumen was introduced into the presented
and molecular weight of Cold Lake bitumen are given in Table 1. solubility model to calculate the solubility of the light hydrocarbon
The Watson characterization factor (Kw) was 15.8 and the Cf of solvents (CH4 and C2H6) and non-hydrocarbons (CO2 and N2). Eq.
the Søreide equation was 0.308. The very small deviation between (41) presents the binary interaction energy parameters as a linear
the calculated and experimental values shows that the obtained function of temperature, molecular weight, and reduced
B. Azinfar et al. / Fuel 153 (2015) 240–248 245

Table 2 0.4
Mole fraction and properties of lumped pseudo-components.
299.95 K, Mehrotra and Svrcek [29]
319.15 K, Mehrotra and Svrcek [29]
Pseudo Mole Molecular Critical Critical Acentric
376.55 K, Mehrotra and Svrcek [29]
components fraction weight temperature Pressure factor

Mole fraction of CH 4
373.15 K, Fu et al. [11]
(K) (MPa) 0.3 Proposed Model
PC1 0.1268 153.4 570.85 2.517 0.3965
PC2 0.3922 306.8 700.12 1.572 0.6750
PC3 0.2905 551.2 820.60 0.909 1.0563
PC4 0.1163 1005.9 958.19 0.453 1.5650 0.2
PC5 0.0742 1485.4 1061.0 0.274 1.9135

temperature. The linear function successfully captured the interac- 0.1 (a)
tion between the pseudo-components and the solvent in the mix-
ture. Table 3 lists the parameters required to calculate binary
2 4 6 8 10
interaction parameters for light hydrocarbon solvents (CH4 and
Pressure (MPa)
C2H6) and non-hydrocarbons (CO2 and N2).
The experimental data for solvent solubility in bitumen is very 0.4
scarce in the open literature. Here, we apply the same reference
data sets [11,29] used in our previous study [10] to validate the 343.15 K, Fu et al. [11]
350.55 K, Mehrotra and Svrcek [29]
developed characterization procedure as well as the solubility 423.15 K, Fu et al. [11]

Mole fraction of CH4

model. It is worth noting that in the previous work [10] we used 0.3
Proposed Model

the Krichevsky–Ilinskaya’s equation to correlate solubility of sol-

vents in bitumen where bitumen was assumed as a single compo-
nent without characterizing the bitumen. Fig. 3 compares the
experimental CH4 solubility data with the results of the proposed 0.2
model. The experimental data was recorded at temperatures to
423.15 K and pressures up to 11 MPa. The calculated CH4 solubility
results are very close to the experimental data, which was repre-
sented by the proposed model with an Absolute Average Relative
Deviation (AARD) of less than 4.7%. The experimental data reported
by Mehrotra and Svrcek [29] for temperatures up to 376.15 K was
represented with an AARD of 3.4%. Data of Fu et al. [11] produced a 2 4 6 8 10
data set covering temperatures up to 423.15 K. The Fu et al. [11] Pressure (MPa)
data at 373.15 K, 10 MPa and 423.15 K, 6 MPa show scatter and
do not follow the trend found in the other experimental data sets. Fig. 3. Comparisons of the results of the proposed model with the experimental
CH4 solubility data in bitumen. Experimental data was obtained from Fu et al. [11]
Therefore, these data points were not considered in the calculation and Mehrotra and Svrcek [29]. The same reference solubility data sets [11,29] were
of the AARD between the experimental and calculated CH4 solubil- used in our previous study [10] for validation purpose.
ity data. Lower methane solubility was found in the Fu et al. [11]
data at 343.15 K than the Mehrotra and Svrcek [29] data at
350 K. Since higher solubility is expected at lower temperatures, Fig. 5a and b illustrate ability of the proposed model to reproduce
it seems plausible to observe more deviation between the results the experimental CO2 solubility data for Cold Lake bitumen. An
of our proposed model and the experimental data of Fu et al. AARD of less than 2.0% was found when the Mehrotra and Svrcek
[11]. We found an AARD of 6.2% between the Fu et al. [11] data [29] experimental data was regenerated at subcritical and super-
and the results of our model. critical conditions. In the subcritical and supercritical regions, the
Fig. 4a and b compare the C2H6 solubility experimental data and energy interaction parameters were different. Table 3 presents
the results of the proposed model. An AARD equal to 6.3% was these parameters for CO2 molecules in different regions. The model
found. At high temperature and pressure conditions, our proposed is more accurate in the subcritical region where the experimental
model slightly underestimates the experimental C2H6 solubility data for the solubility of CO2 in Cold Lake bitumen had an AARD
data. A similar deficiency for methane solubility at 343.15 K was less than 1.5%. This change in the accuracy of the model may be
observed when ethane solubility data from Fu et al. [11] at related to the change of the energy interaction parameters
343.15 K and Mehrotra and Svrcek [29] at 350 K were compared. between pseudo-components with sub- and supercritical CO2
However, compared with other models available in the literature, molecules.
our model predicts the experimental data with a better accuracy Yu et al. [28] reported an extensive data set including tempera-
(see Table 4). tures up to 523.1 K and pressures up to 16 MPa for CO2 solubility in
For non-hydrocarbon solvents, the experimental solubility data Cold lake bitumen. As mentioned in Table 4, the model reproduced
for CO2 and N2 was obtained from the literature [28,29]. this data set with an AARD of less than 5.8%. The model predictions

Table 3
Parameters for implementation of Eq. (35) to determine the binary interaction energy parameter of the solvents and pseudo-components.

Solvent A B C D
CH4 1.593 8.8262  104 2.9303  103 1.0354  103
C2H6 9.1211  102 8.6345  104 9.9354  105 2.0314  103
CO2(supercritical) 0.8329 2.7713  103 1.9092  106 0.2809
CO2(subcritical) 5.9255 2.2605  102 4.0392  103 10.801
N2 4.7267 1.1687  103 3.6593  103 7.129  102
246 B. Azinfar et al. / Fuel 153 (2015) 240–248

0.8 0.7

Mole fraction of CO2

Mole fraction of C2H6

0.6 0.5


297.35 K, Mehrotra and Svrcek [29] 0.3
325.25 K, Mehrotra and Svrcek [29] 288.15 K, Mehrotra and Svrcek [29]
349.35 K, Mehrotra and Svrcek [29] 299.15 K, Mehrotra and Svrcek [29]
343.15 K, Fu et al. [11] 0.2 350.05 K, Mehrotra and Svrcek [29]
Proposed Model Proposed Model
2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 12
Pressure (MPa) Pressure (MPa)

0.8 325.65 K, Mehrotra and Svrcek [29]
(b) 323.3 K, Yu et al. [28]
371.05 K, Mehrotra and Svrcek [29]
373.3 K, Yu et al. [28]
0.6 473.7 K, Yu et al. [28]

Mole fraction of CO2

Mole fraction of C2H6

0.6 523.1 K, Yu et al. [28]

Proposed Model


373.15 K, Fu et al. [11]

374.25 K, Mehrotra and Svrcek [29]
423.15 K, Fu et al. [11]
0.2 Proposed Model
2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 12
Pressure (MPa) Pressure (MPa)

Fig. 4. Comparisons between the results of the proposed model and experimental Fig. 5. Comparisons of the results of the proposed model and the experimental CO2
C2H6 solubility data in bitumen. Experimental data was obtained from Fu et al. [11] solubility data in bitumen. Experimental data was obtained from Yu et al. [28] and
and Mehrotra and Svrcek [29]. Mehrotra and Svrcek [29].

Table 4
AARDs of the experimental solubility data of light solvents in bitumen and the results of the proposed model and other predictive models.

Exp. data Predictive models AARD (%) Temperature range (K) Pressure range (MPa)
Mehrotra and Svrcek [29] Proposed model 3.4 299.85–376.95 2.57–10.07
Mehrotra and Svrcek [15] 2.7
Kariznovi et al. [12] 3.74
Fu et al. [11] Proposed model 6.2 343.15–423.15 2.17–11.83
Mehrotra and Svrcek [15] 4.5
Fu et al. [11] 4.82
Mehrotra and Svrcek [29] Proposed model 5.7 296.05–375.85 1.02–10.07
Mehrotra and Svrcek [15] 5.7
Kariznovi et al. [12] 7.64
Fu et al. [11] Proposed model 7.2 343.15–423.15 2.62–10.96
Mehrotra and Svrcek [15] 6.5
Fu et al. [11] 4.72
Mehrotra and Svrcek [29] Proposed model 2.0 287.85–371.35 2.14–10.95
Kariznovi et al. [12] 8.89
Eastick et al. [13] 6.8
Mehrotra and Svrcek [15] 1.9
Yu et al. [28] Proposed model 5.8 323.15–523.1 4–16.04
Huang and Radosz [14] 5.67
Huang and Radosz [30] 5.44
Mehrotra and Svrcek [29] Proposed model 7.6 303.85–371.35 2.46–10.66
Kariznovi et al. [12] 5.62
Mehrotra and Svrcek [15] 8.1
P x
AARD (Absolute Average Relative Deviation) = 1n calculated
xexperimental .
B. Azinfar et al. / Fuel 153 (2015) 240–248 247

0.16 accuracy of the proposed model was also compared with that of
some of the predictive models reported in the literature and
0.14 acceptable accuracy was found.
304.15 K, Mehrotra and Svrcek [29]
329.95 K, Mehrotra and Svrcek [29] This model can be applied to characterize bitumen and extra
0.12 370.95 K, Mehrotra and Svrcek [29] heavy oils. Application of the proposed model for bitumen
Mole fraction of N 2

Proposed Model (333.15 K)

characterization eliminates the need for expensive physical dis-
0.10 tillation data and will find many applications in bitumen produc-
tion, upgrading, and refining.


The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their con-
structive comments. The authors also wish to express their
0.02 appreciation for the financial support of all member companies
2 4 6 8 10 of the SHARP Research Consortium: Alberta Innovates Energy and
Pressure (MPa) Environment Solutions, Athabasca Oil Sands, BP Canada Energy
Group ULC, Brion Energy, Chevron Energy Technology Co.,
Fig. 6. Comparisons of the results of the proposed model and the experimental N2 Computer Modelling Group Ltd., ConocoPhillips Canada, Devon
solubility data in bitumen. Experimental data was obtained from Mehrotra and
Canada Co, Foundation CMG, Husky Energy, Japan Canada Oil
Svrcek [29].
Sands Limited, Nexen Energy ULC, Laricina Energy Ltd., Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC),
of the solubility of N2 in bitumen were compared with the Osum Oil Sands Co., PennWest Energy, Statoil Canada Ltd.,
Mehrotra and Svrcek [29] experimental N2 solubility data, result- Suncor Energy and Total E&P Canada. The support of the
ing in an AARD of 7.6%. Fig. 6 shows the comparison between Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering and the
results of the proposed model and experimental data of N2 solubil- Schulich School of Engineering at the University of Calgary is also
ity in bitumen. This experimental data does not show consistent acknowledged.
trend with temperature while increasing N2 solubility by increas-
ing pressure can be found. References
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