Electromagnetic Testing Non-Destructive

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Electromagnetic Testing

Nondestructive testing based on eddy current

Pre-Exam Preparatory
Self Study Notes
26th April 2015

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

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Natural Gas Applications

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Natural Gas Applications

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Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Fion Zhang at Shanghai
26th April 2015


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Non-Destructive Techniques Based on Eddy Current Testing
Abstract: Non-destructive techniques are used widely in the metal industry in
order to control the quality of materials. Eddy current testing is one of the
most extensively used non-destructive techniques for inspecting electrically
conductive materials at very high speeds that does not require any contact
between the test piece and the sensor. This paper includes an overview of
the fundamentals and main variables of eddy current testing. It also describes
the state-of-the-art sensors and modern techniques such as multi-frequency
and pulsed systems. Recent advances in complex models towards solving
crack-sensor interaction, developments in instrumentation due to advances in
electronic devices, and the evolution of data processing suggest that eddy
current testing systems will be increasingly used in the future.

Keywords: non-destructive testing; eddy current; magnetic field; sensor; coil

probe; impedance; crack; impedance plane; conductivity

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang http://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/11/3/2525/htm

1. Introduction
Non-destructive techniques are used in the metal industry and science in
order to evaluate the properties of a wide variety of materials without causing
damage. Some of the most common non-destructive techniques are
electromagnetic, ultrasonic and liquid penetrant testing. One of the
conventional electromagnetic methods utilized for the inspection of
conductive materials such as copper, aluminum or steel is eddy current non-
destructive testing.

Electromagnetic methods such as eddy current, magnetic particle or

radiographic and ultrasonic methods all introduce electromagnetic or sound
waves into the inspected material in order to extract its properties. Penetrant
liquid techniques can detect cracks in the test material by using either
fluorescent or non-fluorescent dyes. In addition to these methods, scientists
such as Shujuan et al. Noorian et al.and Aliouane et al. have researched non-
destructive testing based on a combination of electromagnetic and sound
waves using electromagnetic acoustic transducers, best known as EMATs.

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The principle of the eddy current technique is based on the interaction
between a magnetic field source and the test material. This interaction
induces eddy currents in the test piece. Scientists can detect the presence of
very small cracks by monitoring changes in the eddy current flow.

This paper reviews non-destructive eddy current techniques that permit high-
speed testing of up to 150 m/ s under harsh operating conditions where other
techniques cannot be used. Eddy current testing is especially fast at
automatically inspecting semi-finished products such as wires, bars, tubes or
profiles in production lines. The results of eddy current testing are practically
instantaneous, whereas other techniques such as liquid penetrant testing or
optical inspection require time-consuming procedures that make it impossible,
even if desired, to inspect all production.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang http://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/11/3/2525/htm

Eddy current testing permits crack detection in a large variety of conductive
materials, either ferromagnetic or non-ferromagnetic, whereas other non-
destructive techniques such as the magnetic particle method are limited to
ferromagnetic metals. Another advantage of the eddy current method over
other techniques is that inspection can be implemented without any direct
physical contact between the sensor and the inspected piece.

In addition, a wide variety of inspections and measurements may be

performed with the eddy current methods that are beyond the scope of other
techniques. Measurements of non-conductive coating thickness and
conductivity can be done. Conductivity is related to the composition and heat
treatment of the test material. Therefore, the eddy current method can also be
used to distinguish between pure materials and alloy compositions and to
determine the hardness of test pieces after heat treatments.

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Since the 1950s the role of eddy current testing has developed increasingly in
the testing of materials, especially in the aircraft and nuclear industries. The
extensive research and development in highly sensitive eddy current sensors
and instruments over the last sixty years indicates that eddy current testing is
currently a widely used inspection technique.

This paper presents the basis of non-destructive eddy current testing and
provides an overview of the research conducted by many authors who
continue to develop this technique. The fundamentals of eddy current
inspection and the main variables of this technique are presented in Sections
2 and 3. Section 4 reviews the state-of-the-art sensors and research. Section
5 reviews the state of modern equipment, and Section 6 presents the
applications and research trends of eddy current inspection. Finally, Section 7
presents a discussion of eddy current testing.

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2. Principles of Operation of Eddy Current Testing
The objective of this section is to describe the principles of eddy current
testing. A transformer model is presented to demonstrate the fundamentals of
eddy current induction and the impedance changes that occur in coil sensors.
After presenting operating principles, we present a block diagram of the
constituent parts of eddy current testing equipment.
2.1. Electromagnetic Induction and Eddy Current Inspection
Every coil is characterized by the impedance parameter Z0, which is a
complex number defined as in Equation (1) and which represents the voltage-
current ratio (V0/I0) for a single frequency sinusoidal excitation f. Impedance
Z0 has a magnitude |Z| and a phase φ:

Zo = Vo/Io = Ro + jXo = Ro+ j (2πfLo) = √(Ro2 + Xo2) = |Z|Ф = Z ∠Ф (1)

Ф = tan-1(Xo/Ro)

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When an alternating current energizes a coil, it creates a time-varying magnetic field.
The magnetic lines of flux tend to be concentrated at the center of the coil. Eddy
current inspection is based on Faraday’s electromagnetic induction law as
demonstrated in Equation (2). Faraday discovered that a time-varying magnetic
induction flux density induces currents in an electrical conductor. The electromotive
force ε is proportional to the time-rate change of the magnetic induction flux density

Ɛ = - dФB/dt (Faraday Law of Induction) (2)

When an alternating energized coil of impedance Z0 approaches an electrically
conductive non-ferromagnetic material, the primary alternating magnetic field
penetrates the material and generates continuous and circular eddy currents. The
induced currents flowing within the test piece generate a secondary magnetic field that
tends to oppose the primary magnetic field, as shown in Figure 1. This opposing
magnetic field, coming from the conductive material, has a weakening effect on the
primary magnetic field. In effect, the new imaginary part of the coil impedance
decreases proportionally when the eddy current intensity in the test piece increases.
Eddy currents also contribute to the increasing of the power dissipation of energy that
changes the real part of coil impedance. Measuring this coil impedance variation from
Z0 to Zc, by monitoring either the voltage or the current signal, can reveal specific
information such as conductivity and chemical composition of the test piece.

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Figure 1. Primary and secondary magnetic field. Eddy current on the test

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2.2. Complex Impedance Plane
This subsection describes the coil impedance changes that occur when a coil
probe interacts with materials and presents the normalized impedance plane.
When there is no test piece close to the coil sensor, its impedance Z0 is a
complex value, as Equation (3) shows:

Z o = R o + j Xo (the resistive & reactance components) (3)

where Ro and jXo are the real and the imaginary part of Zo. The component Xo
= ωLo = 2πfLo is proportional to frequency f and the induction coefficient Lo.

When a conductive test material approaches the energized coil probe, eddy
currents appear on the test piece. Eddy currents create a secondary field that
interacts with the primary field. As a result, the new impedance is Zc as
Equation (4) demonstrates:

Zc = Rc + j Xc (4)

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where Rc and jXc represent the real and the imaginary parts of Zc, then Xc =
2πfLc is proportional to frequency f and the induction coefficient Lc when a
test piece is close to the coil.
Coil impedance is a two-dimensional variable, and the real and imaginary
parts can be represented on an impedance plane. The X-axis plots the real
part of impedance, and the Y-axis represents the imaginary part. Real and
imaginary impedance parts of Zc can be redefined as Rcn and Xcn to obtain the
normalized impedance as Figure 2(a) shows. Equation (5) indicates the

Rcn = (Rc – Ro) / Xo normalized resistive component (5)

Xcn = Xc / Xo normalized reactance component

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Figure 2. (a) Normalized impedance plane. Lift-off curves and crack
displacement at impedance plane for two values of conductivity P1 and P2. (b)
Altered eddy current flow by a crack on the surface.

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(Xc / ωLo) Where:
Xo = ωLo

(Rc / ωLo)

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The normalized real part of the new impedance Rcn is 0 when there is no
change in the real part of the impedance. Rcn is divided by the imaginary part
of the impedance Xo when there is no metal near the sensor. Xcn represents
the number of times that the new imaginary part of Zc is bigger or smaller than
the imaginary part when there is no target Xo.

The normalized real part of the new impedance Rcn is 0 when there is no
change in the real part of the impedance. i.e Rcn = (Rc – Ro) / Xo, (0) /Xo = 0
when Rc = Ro, Rcn is divided by the imaginary part of the impedance Xo when
there is no metal near the sensor. (OK – comprehensible!)

Xcn represents the number of times that the new imaginary part of Zc is bigger
or smaller than the imaginary part when there is no target Xo. (?)

To summarize, this transformation means that when there is no test piece

near the coil the new impedance values become Rcn = 0 and Xcn = 1. This
point is called “air point” P0.

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2.2.1. Non-ferromagnetic Material Approach
When a non-ferromagnetic material of conductivity σ1 approaches the coil
probe, encircling eddy currents appear. The displacement of the normalized
impedance plane is the line from the air point P0 to P1. This is the lift-off line
for this material, in which conductivity is σ1. At P1, Rcn1 > 0 as eddy currents
create additional power dissipation on the test piece. However, Xcn1 < 1,
which means that Xc < X0. This is the effect of weakening the total field inside
the coil core due to the secondary magnetic field from eddy currents.

If less conductive material (σ2) is approached, σ1 > σ2, the displacement is

along another lift-off line from air point P0 to P2. Eddy current flow decreases
with respect to P1. Thus, the change of resistivity of the coil is smaller than P1
as 0 < Rcn2 < Rcn1. The secondary magnetic field, due to eddy currents, is not
as strong as P1 so that Xcn1 < Xcn2 < 1.

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(Rc / ωLo)

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When a crack is present in the test piece, it obstructs the eddy current flow,
as Figure 2(b) illustrates. There is a displacement from P1 (or P2). This
causes the eddy current path to become longer, and the secondary magnetic
field from the eddy currents is reduced. In conclusion, the real part of
impedance Rcn+crack, which is related to eddy current dissipation, decreases
Rcn > Rcn+crack, In addition to that, the sum of the primary magnetic field and
secondary magnetic field increases, which means that the inductive part of
impedance Xcn+crack increases Xcn < Xcn+crack.
(With the introduction of crack, the eddy current’s path is obstructed, less current flow means less resiatnace,
thus Rcn > Rcn+crack. With the less curren flow, the secondary magnetic field induced by the eddy current is
less, the interaction of this secondary magnetic filed id less profound and thus the inductive reactance of the
cracked specimen is greater than sample without crack; Xcn < Xcn+crack.)

When approaching low conductive materials, differences between the lift-off

direction and defect direction are less significant when compared to point P1;
therefore, it is more difficult to distinguish between lift-off and defect

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The Great Rationalizer

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2.2.2. Ferromagnetic Material Approach
When a coil probe is in close proximity to a ferromagnetic material, such as
steel or pure iron, the reactance Xcn > 1 increases instead of decreases.
Ferromagnetic materials, whose magnetic permeability is greater than the
value of non-ferromagnetic materials, concentrate the primary magnetic
field of the coil. The increase in the primary magnetic field overshadows the
secondary magnetic field of the eddy currents. The displacement is from P0 to
P3 and occurs in the impedance semi-plane Xcn > 1 as illustrated in Figure 3.

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Figure 3. Impedance plane for ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic materials.

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This demonstrates that the impedance plane is divided into two semi-planes
as seen in Figure 3. The normalized imaginary part of impedance Xcn < 1 is
the operating area of non-ferromagnetic materials. Lift-off and defects occur
in this part of the plane. The normalized imaginary part of impedance Xcn > 1
is the half part of the plane in which ferromagnetic materials occur.

When a crack appears, it produces the same impedance effects as non-

ferromagnetic materials. A decrease in power dissipation Rcn > Rcn+crack
and an increase in the imaginary part of the impedance Xcn < Xcn+crack

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Figure 3. Impedance plane for ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic materials.

Rcn > Rcn+crack

Xcn < Xcn+crack

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2.3. Eddy Current Transformer Model
The transformer model of Figure 4 presents a diagram of the basic probe-flaw
interaction. Some authors such as Placko et al. and Peng et al. have
proposed this model to explain what occurs when the space between a coil
probe and a test piece varies. The primary circuit, whose impedance is the
ratio Zc = U/I (U?) , represents the coil sensor. The secondary circuit
represents the test piece. The real impedance Re represents the resistance of
the loops described by the flow of eddy currents. The resistor Re is
consequently proportional to the resistivity of the test piece. The imaginary
term jIm represents the leakage inductance of the circuit. Finally, the coupling
coefficient k is linked to the distance between the sensor and the test piece.
The coefficient k decreases when the distance increases.


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Figure 4. Model of coil-target interaction based on a transformer

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The coefficient k decreases
when the distance increases.

The secondary circuit The imaginary term jIm

represents the test piece. represents the leakage
inductance of the circuit.

Re represents the
resistance of the loops
described by the flow
of eddy currents.

Figure 4. Model of coil-target interaction based on a transformer

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang http://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/11/3/2525/htm
The following Equations (6) and (7) are obtained from Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
to describe the transformer in Figure 4:

RoI + [ jωLoI – jωM2Ie ] = V (6)

ReIe + jImIe + jωL1Ie – jωM1I = 0 (7)

 the pulsation ω is related to frequency f as ω = 2πf,
 Ro and Lo are the resistance and inductance of the primary coil when no
test piece is near the coil,
 Re and L1 are respectively the resistance and inductance of the induced
eddy current loop
 I and Ie are respectively the primary coil current and the induced eddy
current on the test piece and
 M1 = kLo and M2 = kL1 are the mutual inductance between the two loops.
 Im ?

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The following Equations (6) and (7) are obtained from Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
to describe the transformer in Figure 4:

RoI + jωLoI – jωM2Ie = V

ReIe + jImIe + jωL1Ie – jωM1I = 0 (jImIe ?)

where the pulsation ω is related to frequency f as ω = 2πf,

Ro and Lo are the resistance and inductance of the primary coil when no test
piece is near the coil,
Re and L1 are respectively the resistance and inductance of the induced eddy
current loop and
M1 = kLo and M2 = kL1 are the mutual inductance between the two loops.

(jImIe ?) Suppression of Voltages due to

mutual inductance

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Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL)
Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL), which is also known as Kirchhoff's First Law,
states that the total electric current flowing into a node or junction of a circuit
through all possible routes leading to the junction is zero. Worded in another
way, KCL states that the sum of all the currents flowing towards a node or
junction of a circuit is equal to the sum of all the currents leaving it.

Figure 1. Kirchhoff's Current Law

The implication of Kirchhoff's Current Law is that charge can not accumulate
at a node or junction of a circuit, and that charge is a conserved quantity.
Kirchhoff's Current Law complements Kirchhoff's Voltage Law in formalizing
the algebra for circuit analysis.
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang http://www.lottobusta.com/electronics/kcl.htm
Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL)
Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL), which is also known as Kirchhoff's Second Law, states that the
sum of all voltage sources in a circuit loop equals the sum of all voltage drops in the same loop.
This law is also sometimes stated as follows: the net electromotive force (e.m.f.) within a circuit
loop equals the sum of all potential differences around the loop. In this statement, e.m.f. refers to
a source of electrical energy while potential differences are drains of electrical energy.

Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL), which is also known as Kirchhoff's Second Law, states that the
sum of all voltage sources in a circuit loop equals the sum of all voltage drops in the same loop.
This law is also sometimes stated as follows: the net electromotive force (emf) within a circuit
loop equals the sum of all potential differences around the loop. In this statement, emf refers to a
source of electrical energy while potential differences are drains of electrical energy.

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When there is no test piece near the coil sensor, the coupling factor k is zero
and the measured impedance is Z0 of the primary circuit as presented in
Equation (1).

Zo = Vo/Io = Ro + jXo = Ro+ j (2πfLo) = √(Ro2 + Xo2) = |Z|Ф = Z∠Ф (1)

Ф = tan-1(Xo / Ro)

When a conductive test piece is approached, the complex impedance of the

primary circuit becomes Zc as formulated in Equation (8):

Zc = Ro + jωLo + (K2Loω2)(Re+ jL1ω+ jIm) -1 (8)

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The inductance and resistivity of the primary circuit can be identified from
Equation (8) as demonstrated in Equations (9) and (10) respectively. The
equivalent inductance L decreases due to the induced eddy currents. In
contrast, the resistivity increases:

Lc = Lo – [ {(ωk)2LoL1(L1 + Im/ω)} • (Rc2 +{ωL1+Im}2) -1 ]

Rc = Ro + [ {(ωk)2LoL1Re} • {Rc2+(ωL1+Im)2} -1 ]

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From Equation (8) the normalized real and imaginary parts of impedance Rcn
and Xcn are presented in Equations (11) and (12);

Rcn = (Rc – Ro) • Xo-1 = (k2L1ωRe) • [ Re2 + (L1ω+Im)2] -1 (11)

Xcn = Xc • Xo-1 = 1 – [ (L1ω+Im) • Re • Rcn ] (12)

Assuming that Im, Re and L1 do not depend on the distance between the
sensor and the target, the lift-off line for a fixed frequency in the normalized
impedance plane can be plotted when the coupling factor k changes.

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2.4. Magnetic Field Sensors for Eddy Current Testing
These non-destructive techniques need to pick up the magnetic flux from eddy currents. Many
important developments have been made in magnetic sensors during the past 60 years.
Novkovski has researched the recent progress of state-of-the-art magnetic field sensors such as
inductive coils, fluxgate magnetometers, proton precession magnetometers, superconducting
quantum interference devices SQUID, Hall effect devices and magnetoresistors. Nowadays, the
trend in magnetometer development is toward miniaturization, and researchers are looking for
new ways to reduce the size of these sensors. Section 4 reviews the most common, state-of-the-
art sensors used in eddy current testing.
The magnetic field is the result of distributed currents and the distribution of ferromagnetic
materials around the sensor. In regions where no currents flow, the induction field is the gradient
of a potential that satisfies Laplace’s Equation (13):

Some authors such as Backus consider a two-dimensional vector field B defined in some open
subset V = V(z) = V(x, y) of the Euclidean plane where z = x + iy [19]. The field B has real and
imaginary components, as Equation (14) demonstrates:

Determining the real and imaginary components of B has several applications. For instance, by
measuring the field on a grid of points, it is possible to reconstruct the currents. This is an inverse
problem which is solved in many non-destructive tests.

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2.5. Elements of a Basic Inspection System
Figure 5 presents a block diagram of analog eddy current equipment. It
includes a single tone generator which energizes the test coil sensor. Phase,
frequency and amplitude can be adjusted to optimum parameters for the test
pieces. When a crack occurs, the coil impedance experiences a change. The
defect signal modulates the tone from the oscillator. A quadrature amplitude
demodulator extracts the defect signal caused by the impedance variation.
The demodulator outputs are X-axis and Y-axis signals. Each component
represents the real and imaginary parts of the impedance respectively. These
signals can be filtered and analyzed.

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Figure 5. Block diagram of an analog eddy current system.

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The voltage signals, which represent the impedance changes in the
inspection coil, can be displayed on a XY plot. Figure 6 illustrates a typical
loop of an impedance plane on a XY plot when a flawed tube is inspected
using a differential coil probe. Most eddy current systems permit configuring
of alarms on an XY plot to distinguish between flawed or unflawed test pieces.
Alarm events can activate analog or digital outputs. In addition, modern eddy
current equipment usually has digital inputs such as test piece presence or
encoder connectors to start testing or to measure the speed of inspected bars
or tubes respectively.

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Figure 6. (a) Typical loop of a complex impedance plane of a differential
probe inside a tube affected by a flaw. (b) Real and imaginary part of
impedance change vs. time.

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3. Main Variables of Eddy Current Testing
This section discusses the main variables of eddy current inspection. These
variables include the electrical conductivity and the magnetic permeability of
the test piece, lift-off between the coil sensor and the inspected piece, the coil
fill factor for encircling probes, the edge effect, the skin effect of current
distribution in the test piece, the phase lag and the signal to noise ratio. The
last subsection overviews the relation between the equivalence model of
eddy current sensors and their applications.

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3.1. Electrical Conductivity σ of the Test piece
Materials have a characteristic resistance to the flow of electricity which is
characterized with the magnitude electrical conductivity σ or its inverse resistivity.
Conductivity is crucial in eddy current inspection.

Highly conductive materials such as cooper and aluminum create intense eddy
currents and have two advantages over less conductive materials. First, cracks
generate higher signal levels, as the impedance plane in Figure 2(a) illustrates. In
addition to that, the phase lag between the flaws and lift-off line is larger when highly
conductive materials are tested, that is φ1 > φ2 as Figure 2(a) shows. The
disadvantage of highly conductive materials is that the standard penetration depth is
lower at a fixed frequency than in lower conductive materials such as steel and
stainless steel. Factors that exert an influence in conductivity are the temperature of
the test piece, the alloy composition and the residual stress, which is related to the
atomic structure.

Many authors have measured residual stress using eddy current techniques. Coils can
detect very small stress variations in ferromagnetic steels due to the magneto-elastic
effect. Stress can be measured based on the changes in the impedance of an
electromagnetic coil as Figure 7(a,b) shows. The impedance change occurs due to
variations in the electrical conductivity and the magnetic permeability of the test piece.

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(Xc / ωLo) Where:
Xo = ωLo

(Rc / ωLo)

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Factors that exert an influence in conductivity σ are:
 the temperature of the test piece,
 the alloy composition and
 the residual stress, which is related to the atomic structure.

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Figure 7. (a) Resistance as a function of mechanical stress (. (b) Inductance
as a function of mechanical stress,

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Resistors or conductors with uniform cross-section
A piece of resistive material with electrical contacts on both ends.
Many resistors and conductors have a uniform cross section with a uniform flow of electric
current, and are made of one material. (See the diagram to the right.) In this case, the electrical
resistivity ρ (Greek: rho) is defined as:

ρ = R ∙ A/l
R is the electrical resistance of a uniform specimen of the material (measured in ohms, Ω)
l is the length of the piece of material (measured in metres, m)
A is the cross-sectional area of the specimen (measured in square metres, m2).

R = ρl/A
The resistance of a given material increases with length, but decrease with increasing cross-
sectional area. From the above equations, resistivity has SI units of ohm⋅metre. Other units like
ohm⋅cm or ohm⋅inch are also sometimes used.
Conductivity σ (Greek: sigma) is defined as the inverse of resistivity:

σ = 1/ρ
Conductivity has SI units of siemens per meter (S/m).

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Like balls in a Newton's cradle, electrons in a metal quickly transfer energy
from one terminal to another, despite their own negligible movement.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang C:\Users\charlie\Desktop\Newtons_cradle_animation_book_2.gif

Heat treatments cause variations of hardness, which are related to
conductivity, as Figure 8 illustrates. Eddy currents can detect when pieces
have received a heat treatment as well as the severity of the treatment. The
eddy current testing can also characterize grain size changes after thermal
treatment based on conductivity and magnetic permeability changes. As
Figure 9 shows, the hardness is inversely proportional to the grain size.

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Figure 8. Variation of aluminum conductivity with heat treatment

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Figure 9. (a) Grain size versus exposure time, 20NC6 steel . (b) Hardness
(Brinell) versus exposure time, 20NC6 steel

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Some authors have published papers related to the conductivity of the test
piece, as it is one of the most important variables in eddy current testing.
Shao et al. presented a method for the reconstruction of conductivity profiles
from eddy current impedance change data. This is an inverse problem which
solves the conductivity profile of the material from the electrical signal
obtained in the eddy current inspection. On the other hand, other authors
such as Uzal et al. have published numerical and analytical methods for
computing the coil impedance when arbitrary radial conductivity changes
occur in the test piece.

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3.2. Magnetic Permeability
Magnetic permeability μ is a number that quantifies the degree of magnetic induction B of
materials when a magnetic field H is applied, as shown in Equation (15):

B = μH (15)
Magnetic permeability μ is a scalar in isotropic mediums. Free space has a characteristic
permeability constant μo. In many instances, the permeability of materials is expressed as
relative permeability μr in respect of free space μo as Equation (16) shows:

μ = μrμo, μo= 4π x 10-7 Hm-1 (N.A-2) (16)

Materials can be classified by their magnetic properties which strongly affect the eddy current
testing. The most common classification of materials depending on their magnetic response is
presented below:
 Firstly, paramagnetic materials, such as aluminum, are softly attracted to magnetic fields and,
hence, have a relative magnetic permeability slightly greater than one, μr ≥ 1.
 Secondly, diamagnetic materials like copper and lead create a magnetic field in opposition to
an externally applied magnetic field, thus causing a softly repulsive effect. Magnetic
permeability is less than μ0; therefore, the relative permeability is a bit less than one, μr ≤ 1.
 The third group of this classification is formed by ferromagnetic materials such as iron, nickel,
cobalt and some of their alloys. These materials are strongly attracted by magnetic fields and
concentrate the flux of magnetic fields. Their relative permeability is much greater than one
μr ≫ 1. One hundred or two hundred are typical values of relative permeability.

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Figure 10 shows two magnetization curves of unannealed and annealed steel
and plots the relation between B and H fields . The relationship between H
and B is not linear and presents hysteresis in ferromagnetic materials. The
curve may be divided into two parts divided by the knee of the curve. The first
part of the curve has the greater slope, and the second part has the smaller
slope. Saturation state is reached when the increase of H causes very little
increase in B, as Figure 10 indicates.

Figure 10. B-H curve in high nickel steel

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High magnetic permeability makes the standard penetration depth decrease.
In order to compensate for this effect and explore the material internally,
ferromagnetic materials are inspected at lower frequencies than non-
ferromagnetic ones.

Ferromagnetic materials have a characteristic property, which is a high

permeability variation that presents particular difficulties when testing eddy
current flow. The following subsection explains this phenomenon.

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3.2.1. Magnetization of Ferromagnetic Materials
Large variability in magnetic permeability is a characteristic of ferromagnetic
materials. This permeability variation strongly influences the eddy current flow.
However, eddy current tests can also be applied to ferromagnetic materials,
as the conductivity changes when a crack is close to the coil probe.

The disadvantage of inspecting magnetic materials is that permeability

changes generally have a much greater effect on eddy current response than
conductivity variations. This heterogeneity means that crack detection is not
possible when permeability changes randomly. The equalization of the
permeability is often related to how the test piece was manufactured. The
heterogeneity of permeability for cast iron is stronger than that of carbon steel.

This is a problem that many authors have taken into account. Uzal et al.
calculated the impedance of a cylindrical air-core probe over a layered
metallic material whose conductivity and permeability varied continuously as
arbitrary functions of the depth.

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The solution allowing the accuracy of the measurement of ferromagnetic
materials is a process that equalizes permeability, such as a magnetization
by means of a saturating direct-current coil. Saturated materials have a
constant magnetic permeability and can be inspected with greatly reduced
influence on permeability variations. The test piece must be adjacent to the
magnetizer coil. The magnetization current must be sufficiently strong enough
to produce magnetic saturation. Furthermore, ferromagnetic materials can be
magnetized randomly due to industrial processes which present difficulties in
eddy current testing. Research has been conducted in order to explore
magnetizing systems for eddy current inspection. For example, Kasai et al.
have used magnetization to cancel external magnetism

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3.3. Lift-Off
The lift-off is the impedance change that occurs when there is variation in the distance
between the inspection coil probe and the test piece. The lift-off variations can be
caused by varying coating thicknesses, irregular sample surfaces or the operator’s
movements. The magnetic field is stronger close to the coil, so lift-off is stronger near
the probe. In many applications, eddy current measurements are adversely affected
by lift-off. Lift-off is considered a noise source and it is undesirable in defect detection.
Lift-off could occur in the same direction as the crack, thereby concealing the crack
response. Therefore, the distance between the probe and metal must be as constant
as possible in order to avoid lift-off.
At the normalized impedance plane of Figure 11, the lift-off curves start at the air point
(0,0), when there is no test piece. In this case, air point is (0,0) instead of (0,1) as
discussed in the previous section because a different transformation in the Y-axis has
been used as shown in Equation (17). Air point corresponds to Xc = X0 and therefore
the normalized imaginary part is null Xcn = 0:

Xcn = Xc-Xo / Xo (17)

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Figure 11. Lift-off in steps of 0.1 mm (triangle) and tilt in steps of 10° (round)
for a normalized impedance plane

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Figure 11. Lift-off in steps of 0.1 mm (triangle) and tilt in steps of 10°
(round) for a normalized impedance plane
Figure 11 plots lift-off lines in steps of 0.1 mm. The impedance values are
plotted using triangles. In some cases, when measuring the thickness of non-
conductive coatings over metal, lift-off is employed as a useful property.
Figure 11 demonstrates that when the test piece is closely adjacent to the coil
probe, the triangle separation is larger than when the test piece is further
away. This means that the resolution to measure non-conductive coatings is
greater for thin coatings.

Lift-off is explained using a coil whose axis is normal to the test piece.
However, lift-off also occurs when the test is conducted using encircling
probes. The vibration of the rod or the tube inside the probe generates noise
which presents difficulties in conducting inspections. Some authors including
Theodoulidis et al. were conscious of lift-off testing tubes. They presented an
analytical model of wobble in heat exchanger tube inspection with bobbin
coils. Figure 12 illustrates the offset position of the tube inside the bobbin

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Figure 12. Wobble simulation: a bobbin coil in an offset position to a tube.

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There are methods for lift-off compensation when eddy currents are used in
order to detect cracks and lift-off becomes an undesired variable. For
instance, Yin et al. researched dual excitation frequencies and coil design to
minimize the lift-off effect. Research into processing data is also conducted,
with a view to minimizing the lift-off effect. Lopez et al. proposed the use of
wavelets to remove eddy current probe wobble noise from steam generator
tubes. Reduction of the lift-off effect has also been attempted by optimizing
the coil design and sensor array.

Authors such as Gui Yun et al. have researched the reduction of lift-off effects
via normalization techniques. The technique can be applied to the
measurement of metal thickness beneath non-conductive coatings and to the
measurement of microstructure and strain/stress, where the output is highly
sensitive to the lift-off effect. They proposed an approach using two reference
signals calculated in two stages as Figure 13 shows.

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Figure 13. Diagram block using normalization to reduce lift-off effect.

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The first stage was aimed to reduce the lift-off effect and used the first reference
signal obtained when the probe was in the air. By doing so, they created a newly
derived defect signal that was relatively free of lift-off variation as Equation (18) shows:

where the defect signal is yx(n), n=[1,2,...N] and N is the number of sampled data for
each signal.

The second stage was to work out the crack information. They used a second
reference signal yref (n), which was obtained from a good sample part. They also
derived the normalized reference signal y’ref (n)as Equation (19) shows:

Finally, a new differential signal was worked out as Equation (20) indicates. The
authors obtained a significant lift-off reduction:

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3.4. Fill Factor
Fill factor is a number which measures how well the test piece fills the coil in external
encircling probes. It can be calculated as Equation (21) demonstrates:
Fill factor = Ф2test piece / Ф2coil (21)
where Diameter test piece is the test piece diameter and Diameter coil is the diameter
of the coil probe, assuming that both diameters are measured in the same units.

Fill factor is the ratio of the cross sectional area of the test piece and area of the coil
section. It is necessary that the coil wires be as close as possible to the test piece, in
order to have a greater response potential to cracks. In other words, it is desirable for
the fill factor to be as near as possible to unity.
For the internal inspection of tubes, a probe is introduced using a guidance system.
The fill factor is redefined as follows in Equation (22) where it also demonstrates the
desire that is nearer to one:
Fill factor = Ф2coil / Ф2test piece (22)
where Diameter coil is the outer diameter of the coil probe and Diameter test piece is
the inner diameter of the test piece, assuming that both diameters are measured in the
same units.

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3.5. Edge Effect
Edge effect is a phenomenon that occurs when an inspection coil is at the
end of the test piece. In these instances, eddy current flow is distorted as
currents cannot flow at the edge. So, in order to avoid the confusion with
flaws, inspection is limited near edges. The distance where the edge effect is
present is from approximately one to three times the diameter of the
inspection coil in the case of encircling probes. So a reduction in coil size
reduces the edge effect, although there is a limit, as the diameter of external
encircling coils must be higher than that of the inspected materials.

Some authors have specifically addressed the edge effect in their research.
For instance, Theodoulidis et al. proposed a model to calculate the quasi-
static electromagnetic field of a cylindrical coil in the vicinity of the edge of a
metal block. The authors obtained some analytical expressions of fields that
provided a better understanding of the edge effect and formed the basis of a
procedure for solving a whole class of edge related problems.

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3.6. Frequency and Skin Effect
Frequency inspection in eddy current testing is crucial to detecting flaws. When fixing a frequency, the initial
coil impedance Z0 is adjusted. When inspection frequency f is increased, the imaginary part of the impedance is
increased as Equation (23) demonstrates:

Z0 = R0 +j2πfL0 (23)

where X0 = 2πf L0 is the inductive reactance of the coil in ohms (Ω), f is the test frequency in Hertz (Hz) and L0
is the inductance in Henrys (H).

Eddy current flow is not uniformly distributed throughout the entire volume of test pieces. Current flow is
stronger at the surface, decreasing exponentially by increments in relation to the distance from the surface.
Assuming that the current density flowing along X axis, Equation (24) represents this current flux:


where ux the unitary vector along X axis and Jx(z, t) is the magnitude of density current as function of depth z
and time t. Equation (25) shows the phasor of the current density along depth (Z axis):


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where J0,max is the maximum current density at surface and z is depth. The
standard penetration depth δ is the depth at which the eddy-current density
decreases to a level of about 37% of its surface value. The term α0 is the phase
at t = 0 and z = 0 and –z/δ is the phase lag. Equation (26) demonstrates the
current density as a real signal. This equation is extracted from Equation (25)
taking the real part. It reveals that the current density phase varies 1 radian when
the distance traveled from the surface is δ:

Jx = Jo e –x√(πfμσ)
Standard penetration depth depends on electrical conductivity, the magnetic
permeability of the test material and on the eddy current frequency. Standard
penetration depth is lower as conductivity, permeability or inspection frequency
increase. The penetration depth can be calculated as Equation (27) expresses:

, δ = √2∙√2-1 ∙(πσμ) -½ = (πfσμ) -½ (27)

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where δ is the standard depth of penetration in meters, σ is the conductivity in
1/(Ωm), μ is the magnetic permeability μ = μrμ0 and ω = 2πf. The testing
frequency f is in Hz. Resistivity ρ is the reciprocal of conductivity; ρ = 1/σ. As
an example, Figure 14 illustrates the electromagnetic field penetration inside
aluminum at two different frequencies (200 Hz and 10 kHz). Typical values of
standard penetration depth for pure aluminum are 5.99 mm at 200 Hz and
0.847 mm at 10 KHz.

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Figure 14. Electromagnetic field penetration inside pure aluminum at
frequencies of 200 Hz and 10 KHz (adapted from [38]).

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Equation (27) demonstrates that low frequency tests increase the standard
depth of penetration and are more suitable for inspecting subsurface flaws.
Some authors have researched the detection of subsurface defects, including
Ramos et al. regarding the characterization of depth profiles of subsurface
defects in aluminum plates.

Skin effect is also a limiting factor of increasing frequency as desired. The

thickness of the inspected material must be two or three times the standard
depth of penetration to prevent the eddy current flow from appearing on the
other side of the test piece.

Typical inspection frequencies in eddy current testing are in the range of 100
Hz–10 MHz. Most authors such as Ditchburn et al. and Thollon et al. use this
range. However, a few authors such as Owston use higher frequencies.
Owston described a high frequency eddy-current apparatus working at 25
MHz for detecting surface defects and thin metallic coatings.

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Low frequency tests are commonly used in the inspection of ferromagnetic
materials to compensate for their high permeability and penetrate into the test
piece. On the other hand, the inspection of small discontinuities occurring in
the near-surface region is recommended at high frequency to maximize eddy
current flow at the surface.

Skin effect and other parameters such as the crack morphology and crack
position with respect to the surface determine a band of operating frequencies
where the cracks are detectable. At the optimum frequency of testing, the
crack sensitivity reaches the maximum.

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3.6.1. Multi-frequency Techniques
Multi-frequency techniques are widely used in non-destructive eddy current
testing. Multi-frequency testing operates at two or more test frequencies.
Multi-frequency techniques expand the capabilities of single-frequency testing
and save time since they allow simultaneous tests. Multi-frequency testing is
also applied to cancel out undesired signals (prime & subtractor frequency) in
order to improve the signal-to noise ratio.
The multi-frequency process uses a composite signal and subtracts the
undesirable signal. Noise sources that can be minimized are probe lift-off,
temperature variation, and geometrical changes in the material.
Multi-frequency techniques are usually accomplished by combining the
results obtained at different frequencies in the spatial domain. For instance,
the authors Liu et al. proposed a pyramid fusion method to integrate two-
dimensional spatial domain with multi-frequency injection. A signal-to-noise
ratio criterion was adopted to evaluate the fusion results which demonstrated
the potential of signal enhancement via fusion strategy.

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Other authors combined raster scanning and multi-frequency techniques.
Raster scanning produces images of the impedance or impedance changes
over a two-dimensional (2-D) surface. These acquired images are complex
values because the impedance produces complex data. Image processing
techniques can be applied to detect cracks using eddy current testing. Bartels
et al. have proposed a multi-frequency eddy current image processing
technique for the non-destructive evaluation of materials. 2-D eddy current
testing generated a sequence of complex valued images which were linearly
combined to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio SNR of features of interest.
This technique consisted of a selection of weights for a linear combination of
the images as shown in Equation (28):

where d(x,y) is the linear combination of images, Nf is the number of test

frequencies and f1 = real(h1), f2 = imag(h1), f3 = real(h2), f4 = imag(h2) …
are extracted from the 2-D images h1, h2 … hNf. Results on experimental
data demonstrate SNR improvement up to 1100 percent over traditional two-
frequency techniques.
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3.6.2. Pulsed Eddy Current Testing
Conventional eddy-current equipment employs a single sinusoidal excitation.
These systems are strongly limited by the depth of penetration of eddy
currents. Therefore, conventional systems are useful for detecting surface
and near-surface cracks up to a depth of a few millimeters below the surface.
A solution to increase the subsurface testing is to reduce the operational
frequency in order to increase the standard skin depth. However, in many
cases the signal-to-noise ratio is reduced, as Faraday’s voltage law states
that the induced voltage in coil sensors is proportional to the rate of change of
the magnetic field.

Ɛ = K dФ/dt

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In contrast to the conventional eddy-current instrument, pulsed instruments
generate square, triangular or a saw tooth waveform. These waveforms have
a broad spectrum of frequencies; hence, pulsed eddy current testing
techniques provide more information than traditional eddy current testing
methods that can be used for the detection and characterization of hidden
corrosion and cracking. The data at different frequencies can be correlated to
obtain the defect depth.

Pulsed eddy current instruments are classically implemented with one

double-function coil or two separate coils formed by a transmitter and a
receiver coil. Some authors such as Dolabdjian et al. employed a high-
performance giant magnetoresistance magnetometer instead of the receiver

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Pulsed eddy current systems rival single or multifrequency testing, since the
advantage of a transient system is that the response contains as much
information as an entire spectrum of frequency-domain excitations. The
performance of defect classification using the pulsed technique is better than
the conventional method.

Pulsed eddy current is useful for more than just crack detection. Haan et al.
have used pulsed eddy current to accurately characterize the permeability
and the conductivity. Taking a reference measurement of an object with a
known thickness, they also determined the thickness of several types of
carbon steel materials, which was proportional to the product of conductivity
and magnetic permeability.

Typical features such as peak amplitude and zero-crossing time of pulses are
employed to detect and characterize defects. A Hilbert transform can also be
computed to extract a new descending point feature of the received pulses.

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Some authors have conducted research into pulsed eddy-current techniques.
Many years ago, in 1969, Waidelich et al. researched the attenuation of a
pulsed field by a conducting sheet. They investigated how to increase the
spatial resolution by putting the coil probe in a copper enclosure with a small
aperture. Other authors such as Guang et al. presented a system for the
inspection of aircraft structures.

The system generated pulse excitation that energized a planar multi-line coil
of Figure 15(a). The transient field was detected via a giant magnetoresistive
GMR field sensor placed on the line of symmetry at the center of the source
coil. In the absence of discontinuities, the normal component of the magnetic
field was zero at the center of the source coil. When the uniform distribution of
the induced currents was distorted by a rivet and/or crack as sketched
qualitatively in Figure 15(b) the zero field on the line of symmetry was
destroyed and a nonzero transient signal of the normal component was
measured by the GMR sensor.

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Figure 15. (a) Schematic of the multi-line coil for inducing linear eddy
currents). (b) Induced eddy current flow in the absence and presence of rivet
and cracked rivet.

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Other researchers such as Abidin et al. studied the influence of duty cycle in
pulses testing rivet joints. Figure 16(a) shows different pulse width excitations,
and Figure 16(b) shows spectrum distribution. Wider pulses are richer in low-
frequency components compared to narrower pulses that are dominated by
high-frequency components.

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Figure 16. (a) Excitation current input with varied pulse width. (b) Spectrum
distribution under different pulse widths.

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3.7. The Phase Lag
The phase lag is the parameter that permits the user to obtain information
regarding the depth of a defect within a material. The phase lag is
represented by the term φ = - z/ δ radian, in Equation (29).
The phase lag represents the shift in phase between the defects on the
surface and defects at distance from the surface:


The phase lag depends linearly with depth z. When the defect is at one
standard depth of penetration z = δ, the phase lag φ is φ = 1 radian ≈ 57°.
When it is at two standard depths of penetration z = 2δ, the lag occurs at φ =
2 radian ≈ 114° with respect to surface cracks. As a result, the phase lag can
be used to determine the depth of subsurface defects. Using the complex
impedance plane, the lift-off line can be taken as a reference phase as it
occurs on the surface. Flaw direction can be measured with respect to the lift-
off phase. It is desirable to have phase resolution between the lift-off line and

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3.8. Signal-to-Noise Ratio
The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is a parameter that quantifies the number of
times that the signal amplitude from the response to a crack is greater than
the signal amplitude of the background noise. Noise sources limit eddy
current testing.

Some of the main noise sources in eddy current testing are temperature
variations, lift-off, changes in the electromagnetic properties of the material
such as conductivity or magnetic permeability and changes in test speed.
Some methods for maximizing the SNR are listed below.

The simplest way to increase the SNR is to amplify the signal level. However,
amplifiers increase the noise level and introduce their own noise. Therefore,
there is a limit to the number of amplification stages that can be applied.

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Another way to minimize noise is filtering. Filtering is possible if the
perturbation is not in the pass band of the desired signal. Also, if there is
phase difference between defects and the noise source, then phase
discrimination techniques can be applied.

In addition, some types of coil probes are less influenced than others by some
noise sources. For instance, self-compensated differential coil probes are
less sensitive to small variations in diameter, conductivity or magnetic
permeability than absolute coil probes. In some instances, copper shields
cover the probes to decrease the pick-up noise from external sources;
therefore, they increase the signal to noise ratio.

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Coil size is also crucial in order to obtain a high-level signal for crack
detection. It is crucial that the fill-factor is close to one in the case of encircling
coil probes, and it is also crucial that the coil size is similar to the crack size.
Some authors such as Grimberg et al. take the coil size into account.
Another technique used to maximize the SNR is magnetization. As explained
in the previous section, direct current magnetization minimizes the effect of
permeability variations in ferromagnetic materials.
The last proposed method to improve the SNR is the selection of the most
suitable sensor, as every sensor has limitations in sensitivity and noise level.
In some applications, the magnetic field levels are so low that standard coil
probes cannot be used to detect them. In these instances special
magnetometers such as superconducting quantum interference devices
(SQUID) are sensitive to extremely low field levels. SQUIDs have been used
in eddy current testing for 30 years. However, the disadvantage of SQUIDs is
that they require a cryostat to maintain them at very low temperatures.

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Superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUID)

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3.9. Equivalence Model of Eddy Current Coil Sensors for Applications
This subsection presents a review of the equivalence model of eddy current
sensors and its relation to applications. Eddy current testing uses the
electromagnetic properties of materials that depend on their composition,
microstructure and the applied and residual stresses. These properties are
measured via the impedance Zc described in Section 2, which is a function of
lift-off, target conductivity σ, target magnetic permeability μ and the eddy
current frequency f as Equation (31) shows:


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Some authors such as Tian et al. have researched the influence of the
heterogeneity of the test piece in eddy current sensors [28]. When measuring
one of these variables, such as lift-off, in Equation (30), conductivity σ and
permeability variations of the test piece are noise sources that influence the
test. When frequency f is high enough, the approximation shown in Equation
(31) can be done:


Increasing the excitation frequency can suppress the influence of the non-
equalization of the conductivity of the test piece Re as Re ≪ ωL1. The
heterogeneity in non-ferromagnetic metals such as aluminum and copper due
to conductivity variations is much lower than that in ferromagnetic metals,
since the conductivity for aluminum and copper is much smaller than those of
steel and cast iron which allow the approximation of Re ≪ ωL1 to be more

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The effect of magnetic permeability heterogeneity in non-ferromagnetic
targets is much less than the heterogeneity of ferromagnetic targets. The
measuring accuracy of non-ferromagnetic targets can be higher than that of
ferromagnetic targets.
With regard to microstructure, Mercier et al. used eddy currents to evaluate
steel decarburizing in the austenitization process. Decarburizing can change
the microstructure and the mechanical properties of steel. Changes in
electrical conductivity and magnetic permeability occur in the decarburized
Zergoug et al. analyzed the relation between mechanical micro-hardness and
impedance variations in eddy current testing. The characterization of the
microstructure modifications due to heat treatment and corrosion by eddy
currents permitted the measuring of mechanical and metallurgical parameters
of materials.

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In ferromagnetic materials, the use of a low frequency provides a good
impedance resolution (?) . The most significant result in the case of
ferromagnetic materials characterization is the relationship between the
electric and magnetic parameters and the hardness and the grain size. The
hardness is inversely proportional to the grain size.

Schoenekess et al. detected tensile stress alterations in prestressing steel

using eddy current testing. Changes in mechanical stress shift the electrical
conductivity and magnetic permeability of the material and are always very
small, typically less than 1%. Temperature compensation of the entire
measurement system was absolutely necessary to minimize measurement

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4. Sensors
There are many types of magnetic sensors for non-destructive evaluation
such as solenoid coil probes, superconducting quantum interference devices
(SQUIDs) and Hall-effect and magnetoresistive sensors. This section
presents these types of sensors and includes the most recent research of
authors in sensor design.

4.1. Coil Probes

Coil probes are the most widely used sensors in eddy current inspection. This
subsection presents a discussion regarding different coil probe types, the
most important parameters in coil probes and the circuitry used to pick up

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Magnetoresistive Sensors.

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4.1.1. Coil Probe Types
Different coil probe structures are available to detect a large variety of cracks.
In general, coil probes provide high crack sensitivity when eddy current flow is
strongly altered by discontinuities.

■ Encircling Coil Probes

The most widely-used probes encircle the test piece in eddy current testing.
These probes are commonly used to test bars or tubes either externally or
internally and are shown in Figures 17(a,c). Encircling coils are sensitive to
parallel discontinuities to the axis of the tube or bar as eddy currents describe
radial circumferences in an opposing sense of currents around the energized
coil current, as shown in Figure 17(b). Internal encircling coil probes permit
internal testing of tubes. These types of probes are introduced using a
guidance system which incorporates an encoder to locate the cracks by
measuring the distance from the tube edge to the defect. Internal encircling
probes usually test heat exchanger tubing at power plants at a constant rate
of speed. Figure 17(c) shows an internal coil probe for ferromagnetic

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Figure 17. (a) External encircling-type coil for tube or bar inspection. (b) Eddy
currents flow in an external encircling-type coil. (c) Internal encircling-type coil
for tube inspection (bobbin coil).

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The standard section of encircling probes is circular. In addition to that,
special profile encircling probes are designed for researchers and
manufacturers to control surface and sub-surface defects in products with
special profiles and shapes.

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■ Pancake-Type Probes
Pancake-type probes are coils whose axis is perpendicular to the surface of the test
piece. Pancake probes can be either air-core coils or ferrite-core coils. Ferrites have
high permeability and the initial coil impedance is higher than the permeability of air-
core coils. Pancake-type probes are very sensitive to lift-off and inclination with
respect to the flat surface. Theodoulidis evaluated the influence of tilted coils in eddy
current testing.
These types of sensors are used in flat surface inspection. The eddy currents on the
test piece are circumferences parallel to the surface as Figure 18(a) illustrates. When
a penetrating crack occurs on the surface, current flow is strongly altered and the
crack can be detected. Pancake-type coil probes are not suitable for detecting laminar
flaws as currents flow parallel to the surface and they are not strongly distorted.
Pancake-type probes can be used in either manual or automatic eddy current testing.
Manual probes are designed especially for testing the surface defects of parts that
require supervision and are particularly suitable for the maintenance of aeronautic
parts. Pancake-type probes can also automatically detect longitudinal cracks in tubes
or bars using a rotating system. The eddy current probe rotates at a high speed
around the test material, which is moved longitudinally, and scans its surface helically
as Figure 18(b) illustrates.

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Figure 18. (a) Pancake-type coil probe and eddy current flow. (b) Rotating
eddy current testing.

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■ Other Eddy Current Probes
Other probes that are used in eddy current testing are segment probes, horseshoe-
shaped coil probes, spiral coil probes and coil probe arrays.

Segment probes are used for the detection and control of defects in the weld seam of
welded pipes. These probes are available with specific windings and can inspect the
tube or bar in differential and absolute modes. Both modes can be implemented in the
same probe. In differential mode, the sensor is highly sensitive to punctual defects in
the weld seam. Differential segment probes present difficulties detecting long defects
in the weld seam of tubes and in the absence of a seam. Differential segment probes
only detect the beginning and the end of the crack. To compensate for this
disadvantage, absolute mode probes are incorporated along with differential ones to
detect the presence or absence of weld seams and long cracks.
Figure 19(a) shows a horseshoe-shaped coil, which is useful in the detection of
laminar flaws. The authors Placko et al. used this type of probe to inspect graphite
composite materials. The magnetic flux penetrates parallel to the surface, and the
eddy currents encircle the magnetic flux lines in the test piece as Figure 19 (a) shows.
Laminar flaws alter eddy current flow significantly, which explains their high sensitivity
to them.

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Figure 19. (a) Horseshoe-shaped coil probe. (b) Drawing of a 10-turn circular
spiral coil. (c) Coil matrix.

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Figure 19. (a) Horseshoe-shaped coil probe.
Figure 19(a) shows a horseshoe-shaped coil, which is useful in the detection of laminar flaws. The authors Placko et al. used this
type of probe to inspect graphite composite materials. The magnetic flux penetrates parallel to the surface, and the eddy currents
encircle the magnetic flux lines in the test piece as Figure 19 (a) shows. Laminar flaws alter eddy current flow significantly, which
explains their high sensitivity to them.

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Some authors have tested spiral coils in eddy current testing. Ditchburn et al.,
for instance, presented the detection of long cracks in steel using the probe
shown in Figure 19(b). Eddy currents describe circumferences on the test
piece surface. The authors asserted that spiral coils offered attractive features
in terms of sensitivity. Arrays of coils create electromagnetic eyes used in
eddy current testing as Figure 19(c) illustrates. Coil matrices permit 2D image
extraction and the use of image processing techniques. The space resolution
depends on the coil size and can be increased via miniaturization as Zaoui et
al. published. Other authors such as Stander et al. used matrix coils to test
green-state metal powder compacts.

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4.1.2. Double-function Probes vs. Separate-function Probes
This subsection presents two types of probes: double-function and separate-
function probes.
On the one hand, double-function probes, also called reflection probes, use
the same coil (?) or the same coils to generate eddy current flow in the test
piece and to receive the secondary field from the eddy currents. Figure 20(a)
shows a double-function probe formed by a single coil. (?)

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On the other hand, separate-function probes do not use the same coils to
generate eddy current and to pick up the secondary field as Figure 20(b)
shows. The primary coil can be specially designed to create eddy current flow.
Secondary coils are made small to receive the secondary field from eddy
currents with enough sensitivity. The advantage of separate-function probes
is that the coil design can be optimized. Primary coil impedance can be
adjusted to produce a strong and uniform primary magnetic field by adjusting
parameters such as coil diameter, wire diameter and number of turns.
Secondary coils can be designed to pick up the maximum secondary field by
minimizing noise sources and adapting the coil size to the crack size. Four
combinations can be created as double or separate-function probes, which
can be absolute or differential. The following subsection permits a better
understanding of these configurations.

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Figure 20. (a) Double-function single coil probe. (b) Differential separated
function probe.

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Reflection Type Probe by Olympus
These probes are also known as send-receive or driver-pickup. In this
configuration, the eddy currents are produced by a coil connected to the
instrument's oscillator (driver). The signals received back in the probe are
detected by separate coils called pickups (see Fig. 3 and Fig. 4). All new
impedance plane instruments and also many older models are able to
operate in both bridge and reflection modes. If you are in doubt, call the
manufacturer or give us a call.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang http://www.olympus-ims.com/en/ec-probes/selection/

4.1.3. Absolute-Mode Probe
The simplest absolute probes consist of a single coil that generates eddy
currents and senses changes from the eddy current field as Figure 21(a)
shows. Absolute probes provide an absolute voltage signal as Figure 21(b)
illustrates. The disadvantage of these coil probes is their high sensitivity to
temperature variations.
Absolute-mode probes may have a voltage compensation using an additional
reference coil that is far from the inspected material as Figure 22 illustrates. A
null voltage signal is measured when there is no defect which increases the
instrument’s dynamic range. Furthermore, they are less sensitive to
temperature changes than non-compensated probes.
Absolute probes detect long flaws or slow dimensional variations in tubes or
bars, which differential probes cannot detect. In addition to crack detection,
the absolute change in impedance of the coil probe provides much
information about the test material such as grain size, hardness and stress

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Figure 21. (a) Non-compensated absolute encircling coil probe. (b) Absolute
signal from non-compensated absolute encircling coil probe when a cracked
bar is tested.

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Figure 22. Compensated absolute encircling coil probe. (?)

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4.1.4. Differential-Mode Probe
Differential probes consist of two coils that compare two adjacent parts of the
inspected material as Figure 23(a) and Figure 23(b) show. The detecting coils
are wound in the opposite directions to one another in order to equalize the
induced voltages originated by the excitation primary field as Figure 23(a)
illustrates. The output voltage of the differential coil probe is zero when there
is no crack inside the probe as Figure 23(c) illustrates. Cracks in the test
material, which moves at a constant speed, alter the balance, and two pulses
in the voltage signal are detected as Figure 23(c) shows.
Differential coils have the advantage of being able to detect very small
discontinuities. However, differential coils do no detect gradual dimensional or
composition variations of the test piece, as the coils are typically very close.
Many authors have attempted to improve differential coil probes in terms of
crack sensitivity. Peng et al., for instance, presented a new differential sensor
composed of double gradient winding coils. Others like Bae et al. used a
differential probe in hot wire testing.

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Figure 23. (a) Differential double-function encircling coil. (b) Differential
double-function pancake-type coil. (c) Signal from differential coil probe.

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4.1.5. Crack-Probe Interaction Models
Many authors have researched models of crack-probe interaction that
contribute to the development of optimized probes. These scientists typically
distinguish between forward and inverse solutions for the probe-crack
On the one hand, the forward solution consists in predicting the impedance or
voltage of the eddy-current probe coil when the cracked piece is tested by a
probe. Some authors have published models for obtaining the forward
solution. For instance, Skarlatos et al. presented a model to solve the forward
problem in cracked ferromagnetic metal tubes]. Others like La et al. proposed
a parametric model to estimate the impedance change caused by a flaw
using the electromagnetic quasi-static approach. Bowler et al. solved the
harmonic functions of the Laplace equation to calculate the impedance
change of the excitation coil inspecting aluminum and steel. On the other
hand, the inverse solution determines the type and size of cracks from the
electric signal of eddy currents. Some authors have published papers solving
the inverse problem. For example, Uzal et al. used a recursive Bayesian
estimation method to extract the properties of the test piece, and Tamburrino
et al. applied communications theory.

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4.1.6. Conventional and Transmission Eddy Current Method
Sometimes authors use the terms conventional and transmission method.
The conventional method, which is the most widely used, consists of
positioning the exciting and pick-up coils in the same side of the inspected
material as Figure 24(a) shows. The transmission method is for separate-
function probes and consists in positioning the pick-up coil on the other side
of the magnetic source as Figure 24(b) illustrates. The transmission method
needs a maximum thickness of the test material of 3 ~ 5 times the standard
penetration depth to be able to receive the signal in the pick-up coil.

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Figure 24. (a) Conventional eddy current method (adapted from [32]). (b)
Transmission eddy current method.

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4.1.7. Coil Probe Circuitry
This subsection describes how to energize coil probes for eddy current
testing. The simplest method for connecting an absolute coil probe is to use
the RL circuit to measure the voltage VA, as Figure 25(a) illustrates, although
this configuration has the disadvantage of being sensitive to temperature

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Figure 25. (a) Resistor-coil probe polarization. (b) Separate-function coil
probe polarization (adapted from [54]).

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The most widely used circuitry for eddy current coil sensors is the bridge
mode, which can be balanced or unbalanced depending on the probe type.
Non-compensated absolute coil probes can be polarized in serial connection
with a resistor in one leg, as Figure 26(a) shows, and a balancing impedance
network formed by Z1 and Z2 in the other leg. The voltage differences are
measured between the two legs VAB. The balancing network permits the use
of the entire range of the instrument with respect the single RL circuit. The
disadvantage of this configuration is that it is also not compensated with
regard to temperature, as the coil probe and impedances Z1 and Z2 have
different temperature coefficients.

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Figure 26. (a) Unbalanced bridge connection. (b) Balanced bridge

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Compensated absolute coil probes can be polarized in both legs of the bridge
in order to balance it as Figure 26(b) illustrates. The system has the
advantage of being temperature compensated.

The circuitry for separate-function differential probes is commonly done by

connecting the primary circuit using an RL circuit. The secondary pick-up
coils may be connected directly to the input of a differential amplifier.

Not many authors have published on the coil connection. However, Grimberg
et al. explained how they energized the coils as Figure 25(b) illustrates.
These coils were fed by a magnetic transformer, and the voltage was picked
up by the card input and was regulated by means of the potentiometer P1.

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4.2. Magnetoresistive Sensors
Magnetoresistive sensors are magnetic field transducers that exhibit a linear
change in electrical resistance under an external magnetic field.
Magnetoresistive sensors are highly sensitive and accurate, but the main
disadvantage of them is the high temperature coefficient. Germano et al.
presented transference curves for two types of magnetoresistive sensors:
spin-valve (SV) and magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) sensors.
SV magnetometers are spin-valve transistors used as magnetic field sensors
and have a ferromagnetic–semiconductor hybrid structure. The magnetic
tunnel junctions are based on a spin dependent tunneling effect. Two transfer
curves of these magnetoresistive sensors are shown in Figure 27, which
demonstrates that resistance decreases when the field strength increases.
Magnetoresistive sensors can be used in non-destructive evaluation to detect
the secondary field from eddy currents. Some researchers such as Ramos et
al.. and Yamada et al. use these types of sensors, Yamada et al. used an SV-
GMR sensor whose operating range of magnetic field density was from nT to
mT. The sensor provided high sensitivity over frequencies up to 100 MHz and
high spatial resolution due to the miniaturization.

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Figure 27. Microphotography and transfer curve of two types of
magnetoresistive sensors: (a) Spin-valve in a linear array. (b) Magnetic tunnel
junction in a matrix.

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4.3. Hall-effect Sensors
Hall-effect sensors can detect magnetic fields from eddy currents and can be
used in eddy current testing. Hall voltage is proportional to the current flowing
through the conductive rectangle and the magnetic induction perpendicular to
the conductor as Figure 28 shows.
The Hall devices are used mainly in the mT range and can be easily
miniaturized and integrated within microelectronic circuits. Their
disadvantages are their limited sensitivity to silicon, the high level of 1/f noise
and the relatively large offset.
Some authors such as Jongwoo et al have researched eddy current testing
using Hall-effect sensors. They presented a quantitative eddy current
evaluation of cracks on austenite stainless steel using a Hall-effect sensor

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Other researchers such as He et al. tested the use of a differential hall probe
to detect defects in the riveted structures of aircrafts. The hall response
signals were disturbed by noise, which leads to inaccuracy in detecting the
defects. They used an averaging method and wavelet de-noise method to
process the Hall responses.
Paasi et al. presented a three-axis Hall sensor magnetometer for the testing
of superconductor homogeneity to measure the three components of the
magnetic fields from eddy current flow. The three-axis Hall sensor provides
increased sensitivity when compared to classical Hall sensor techniques that
measuring only one (usually vertical) component of the field.

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Figure 28. Hall-effect principle. (a) No magnetic field. (b) Magnetic field

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4.4. SQUID Devices
Superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) are very sensitive
magnetometers designed to measure extremely weak magnetic fields.
SQUIDs are based on superconducting loops that contain Josephson
junctions. SQUIDs are sensors that can measure extremely low magnetic
induction levels. The disadvantage of these types of sensors is the need for
cryogenic refrigeration in order to decrease noise levels to the range of
fT/√(Hz) that limit their use in many applications.
SQUIDs have been used in eddy current testing since the 1980s. In
conventional eddy-current systems, where the magnetic field produced by the
eddy currents is detected by means of an induction coil, the typical field noise
is about 1 nT / √(Hz) at eddy current frequencies of about 100 kHz. In some
cases, this field noise is too high for certain applications such as the detection
of tiny oxide particles, especially if the test materials are highly conductive,
such as copper or aluminum. In these instances, SQUID magnetometers
must be used instead of coil probes.

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Some authors have researched eddy current testing using SQUIDs. For
instance, Muck et al. tested various materials and obtained a much higher
sensitivity than conventional eddy current evaluation and ultrasonic testing.
Others such as Ruosi et al. presented their experimental and numerical
detection results of surface and subsurface artificial features in Al-Ti planar
The combination of high sensitivity, even in unshielded environments, high
spatial resolution and flat frequency response up to 1 MHz offered by SQUIDs
mean that they are powerful sensors for eddy current evaluation.

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4.5. Comparison of Different Probe Structure and Magnetic Sensors
There are some parameters, including the magnetic field range, the operating
frequency band and sensor dimensions that permit the selection of the most
suitable sensor type for eddy current testing. In this subsection, a comparison
of different probe structures and magnetic sensors is presented.

Coil probes provide high sensitivity to defects when the flaw size is
comparable with the coil transducer. Short and small diameter encircling coil
probes provide higher sensitivity to small cracks than long and big diameter

Grimberg et al. took this relationship between coil size and sensitivity into
account and proposed a method for reconstructing the flaw in order to
determine the crack’s depth. The disadvantage is that the coil sizes must
adapt to the size of the tubes or bars being produced.

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Coil probes provide high sensitivity to defects when eddy current flow is
drastically changed. This means that encircling coils are optimized for
detecting short discontinuities parallel to the axis of the inspected tubes or
bars. Differential encircling probes only detect discontinuities when a long
crack that is parallel to the major axis enters and leaves the probe.

To detect long discontinuities over their full length, pancake-type rotating

probes are designed. They are able to detect as small as 50 μm. Pancake-
type probes scan smaller areas than encircling coils which means the
pancake-type probes are more sensitive.

Automatic scanning is widely used in production lines. Automatic inspection

using pancake-type probes is complex, because they require rotating systems.
The automatic scanning using encircling probes is simpler than using
pancake-type probes because they are static. Encircling probes provide more
control over production quality at very high speeds up to 150 m/s.

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Segment coil probes are specifically designed for controlling the weld seam of
welded pipes. The sensitivity of segment probes is higher than encircling
probes as they limit the scanning surface to the weld area, whereas encircling
probes can scan 360 degrees.
Horseshoe-shaped coils are useful in the detection of laminar flaws that
pancake-type coils cannot detect. Spiral coils provide high sensitivity and
arrays of coils permit high-speed inspection and obtain high space resolution,
reducing the coil size.

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In general, the advantages of using coils as sensors for the eddy currents are
the simplicity of their construction, the huge dynamic range and the possibility
of focusing the sensor. Some disadvantages are the high induction voltage at
the start of the signal and the fact that they are difficult to make smaller.
Other magnetometers can be used instead of pick-up coils. Hall sensors are
magnetic-field sensors whose dynamic range is not large enough for some
applications. SQUIDs are difficult and expensive, although they provide very
low field noise to the range of fT/√(Hz) when compared to induction coils that
have field noise of about nT/√(Hz) . Many authors find the structure and
characteristics of magnetoresistive sensor attractive for non-destructive
evaluation because of their micro size, high frequency operation and high

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5. Eddy Current Equipment
This section describes some types of eddy current testing equipment.
Manufacturers of eddy current testing equipment offer a wide variety of
equipment, from basic equipment to advanced equipment that is designed to
satisfy the highest requirements. Basic eddy current equipment is used for
sorting test pieces into two categories: good or bad pieces. They are low-cost
and have only the essential controls and basic displays and may permit a
connection to an oscilloscope.
Basic instruments have one or two physical channels that can be time
multiplexed to increase their functionality. Instruments that satisfy basic
requirements in production line can detect composition in alloys, measure
parameters - such as hardness, case depth and temper - in heat treatments,
measure sinter density and detect structure variations. Different enclosures
are typically available. RS232/V24 interfaces permit communication with main
frame computers. Some opto-isolated inputs and outputs are available for the
connection of other systems.

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Manufacturers also make portable instruments which contain the screen,
controls and connectors in a compact enclosure as Figure 29(a) illustrates.
Compact instruments may be operated via a standard LAN (Ethernet, TCP/IP)
connection or together with other systems via one single screen.

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Figure 29. (a) Portable eddy current testing instrument. (b) Block diagram of
the overall system for hot wire testing.

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High functioning eddy current instruments provide higher data processing
capability and more physical channels than basic instruments. The top ten
instruments permit hot wire testing at production speeds of up to 150 m/s,
providing very high spatial resolution, as seen in the system represented in
Figure 29(b). They also allow network integration in the production process
and multi-frequency operation bands for calibration and testing. Many top-ten
instruments provide several USB 2.0 interfaces, Ethernet interfaces and
printer connections to generate hard copies of test results. High-end eddy
current instruments have more opto-isolated interfaces than basic instruments,
up to 128 inputs and outputs for connecting a PLC to control automatic
systems. Unlimited configurations can be stored on and loaded from hard
Manufacturers construct multi-channel eddy current instruments for rotating
systems to detect longitudinal defects at speeds of up to 12,000 rpm. Many
rotating systems are available with lift-off compensation that provides an
extremely reliable method for defect detection.

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Modern instruments generate frequencies in the range from kHz to MHz and
permit the application of discrete signal processing, such as filtering and
numerical demodulation. Many modern instruments include the impedance on
XY plotters and also the X and the Y plot vs. time on LCD screens (or
computer monitors if they are computer-enabled). Alarm settings on XY
plotters permit users to activate programmable outputs that can activate light
and sound alarms to alert the operator when cracks are present. Instruments
permit automatic scanning which activates automatic mechanisms to sort
flawed pieces or activates paint markers. They also offer very high test
speeds that can reduce the occurrence of human errors.

Several eddy current instruments are available with computer connections

that vastly increase their capabilities to search, visualize and analyze eddy
current inspection data. Computers can receive data from multiple channels
and real-time processes. Computers can also extract parameters of interest
from signals, generate reports and store the signal from eddy current testing
instruments in order to post-process the data. Some authors, such as Fahmy,
Stander et al., and Rao et al., have published papers relating to computer-
controlled eddy current systems

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6. Applications of Eddy Current Testing
Eddy current testing has a wide variety of applications. The most important
applications and research are described in this section.

Eddy-current testing provides a high level of sensitivity for material

identification and for the characterization of the microstructure state.
Absolute coil probes can measure physical parameters via the impedance
which is related to the electrical conductivity and magnetic permeability of test
pieces. Because of the relation between hardness and these variables, eddy
current testing permits heat damage detection and heat treatment control.
Mercier et al. published their research on hardness testing for the evaluation
of steel decarburizing. Eddy current techniques also take advantage of lift-off
variation to measure the coating thickness of non-conductive materials or the
oxide thickness of conductive materials.

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Eddy current testing has many applications as a method of crack detection.
The aeronautical and nuclear industries have invested many resources in the
development eddy current testing. Authors such as Morozov et al. and
Thollon et al. have worked with eddy current testing in the field of aeronautics.
Others like Chen et al. and La et al. have used eddy current testing to
research steam generator tubes in the nuclear industry.

In the metallurgical industry, authors such as Stander et al. have conducted

research testing green-state powdered materials. Manufacturers also offer
special solutions for extra fine wires of tungsten and molybdenum testing up
to 10 m/s. In the field of transportation, researchers such as Pohl et al. have
proposed railroad track surface testing at train speeds of 70 km/h.

Rotating inspection systems are used in wire drawing machines, copper tube
winders or finishing lines in the bright steel sector and are capable of finding
longitudinal defects at very high speeds with a minimum depth of 0.05 mm.

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In the field of hot eddy current testing, the inspection of different types of bars
and profiles at temperatures of up to 1,200°C can be performed using water-
cooled probes. This kind of inspection at high temperatures is useful for
detecting these defects at an early stage before significant amounts of faulty
material have been produced]. Testing of hot-wire line presents several
difficulties such as low fill factor due to water cooling between the hot wire
and the encircling coil and the necessity of high-speed data processing due to
the very high speed of the line. Eddy current testing is the only automated
non-destructive test method capable of getting quality results at up to 150 m/s.
In production lines, defects can be either random or periodic in the material.
Random defects may indicate a poor overall quality of the material,
suggesting deficiencies in the raw material or flaws in the general production
process. Periodic defects that recur at regular intervals are likely to be
generated by damaged rollers or guide rollers in the production line. Some
researches devise techniques for detecting periodically occurring flaws based
on the FFT technique. Cracked rollers can be revealed by calculating simple
equations using the speeds of the rollers and the sizes of their rolled wire.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang http://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/11/3/2525/htm

The detection of residual stresses in engineering structures that can provide
early indications of stress status and eventual failure is a rapidly growing area
in non-destructive testing. Eddy current coil probes can also detect very small
stress variations in ferromagnetic steels due to the magneto-elastic effect
based on the measurement of changes in impedance.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang http://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/11/3/2525/htm

7. Conclusions
Nowadays, destructive or non-destructive techniques are more frequently
used to test products due to the increase prevalence of quality controls. While
destructive techniques verify only some samples that are destroyed and make
some invalid in other industrial processes, we find non-destructive techniques
more interesting than destructive ones since all production can be tested
without permanent alterations.
This paper reviews the state-of-the-art methods of eddy current testing which
is one of the most widely used non-destructive forms of testing. Eddy current
testing permits crack detection and measurements that are beyond the scope
of other techniques such as non-conductive coating thickness, alloy
composition and hardness in a large variety of materials. The only need is
that the materials being tested must be electrical conductors where eddy
currents can flow.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang http://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/11/3/2525/htm

Eddy current sensors are insensitive to dirt, dust, humidity, oil or dielectric
material in the measuring gap and have been proven reliable in a wide range
of temperatures. Coil probes are the most widely used type of sensors, and
standard coils can be used in a wide range of applications.

Although eddy current testing has been developed for several decades,
research into developing new probes, techniques and instrumentation is
currently being conducted by manufacturers and research groups around the
world in order to satisfy the increasingly higher quality standards required in
almost every industry. These days, scientists are trying to develop new coil
probes and research the use of other magnetometers such as
superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs), Hall-effect and
magnetoresistive sensors that also provide very interesting responses.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang http://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/11/3/2525/htm

The review of research into electromagnetic models and powerful simulators
that help the probe designer to solve the forward and inverse flaw-probe
problems is essential to optimal crack detection in terms of sensors and the
operating variables such as frequency and signal-to-noise ratio.

Eddy current testing is a versatile technique that makes possible the hot eddy
current testing of semi-finished products such as wires, bars and tubes at
temperatures of up to 1,200°C and at production speeds of up to 150 m/s.
Early detection of these defects in production lines can save large sums of
money in the metal industry.

In conclusion, as researchers and developers of solutions based on eddy

current testing, we have found that eddy current techniques can provide the
industry with reliable quality control systems. Although there are excellent
improvements due to the effort of the many scientists during the last several
years, we believe that more research in eddy current techniques, in terms of
sensors, equipment and signal processing, will lead to even more
applications of these techniques.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang http://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/11/3/2525/htm

This work was supported partially by the regional 2010 Research Project Plan
of Junta de Castilla y León, Spain, under the VA034A10-2 project. The
authors acknowledge generous support from Ingeniería y Sistemas de
Ensayos no Destructivos (ISEND), with particular expertise in non-destructive
eddy current testing. This work was also possible thanks to the grant obtained
by Ernesto Vazquez-Sanchez from the Contratación de personal investigador
de reciente titulación program. This program was financed by Consejería de
Educación of Junta de Castilla y León (Spain) and was co-financed by the
European Social Fund.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang http://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/11/3/2525/htm

Natural Gas Applications
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Good Luck

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang


Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Good Luck

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

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