Chapter-1: - General Introduction

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In today’s big data-driven environment, business dashboards generate a lot of

buzz. You’re probably wondering what is the purpose of a dashboard and if it
makes sense for your business to use one. Whether you’re a large corporation
or a startup company, there are many ways you can incorporate dashboards in
your organization.
Businesses actually adopted the term “dashboard” from automobiles. In many
ways, it is used same. There are hundreds of moving parts in your business
that impact your overall performance. A business dashboard summarizes these
events with easy-to-understand, real-time data visuals. For cars, you can
immediately see how fast you are traveling, how much fuel you have in your
tank and more. It even provides a “Check Engine” symbol as a warning when
there’s something wrong with the engine.

In much the same way, the purpose of a dashboard is to provide real-time results
by aggregating and extracting value from all the data you collect, otherwise
known as your key performance indicators (KPIs). It simplifies your data into
more manageable chunks of visual information that allows you to see what you
are doing right and where you need to improve. When utilized properly,
dashboards can help you make informed decisions that can dramatically impact
business performance – which in turn effects your bottom line.
1.1.1 Importance

• Data transparency – Data is any company’s most important

asset. However, it doesn’t do much good if no one can understand or access
it. A well designed dashboard provides on-demand access of all core metrics
• Access to data – As the name implies, a dashboard gathers
multiple data sources including Excel into a single interface. That means you
can immediately see a detailed overview of your business in one quick
glance. Even better yet, it reduces the amount of time it takes to compile
reports, saving you time.
• Better decision making – Dashboards provide an unbiased
view not only of the company’s performance overall but each department as
well. If each department is able to access the dashboard, it can offer a
foundation for further dialogue and great decision making. For example, the
sales and marketing department can align themselves together for more
customer acquisitions and better demand generation. Business dashboards
provide a good starting point for these decisions.
• Accountability – While it’s always nice to see what you’re
doing right, you also need to see and understand what you’re doing wrong in
order to increase your performance. Business dashboards can show you
exactly where your trouble areas are and arm you with the information you
need to improve. Also by making the dashboards visible throughout the
company, it holds different departments accountable for both the ups and
• Interactivity – Some of the best dashboards – like the
ones iDashboards offers – provide a dynamic experience. Rather than
providing static information, you and your users can filter data, interact with
charts to see changes over time and even allow for an ad-hoc component for
on-the-fly. That means you can get as much or as little detail on specific
metrics as you want.
• Gamification – Your metrics, whether traffic to your website or
products sold, are the key numbers you want to continuously improve. The
top businesses have managed to gamify certain business metrics to increase
the likelihood of customer retention. If you’re considering gamification,
business dashboards can track the success of your efforts.

1.1.3 Proposed System

• The Proposed System could monitoring and tracking data, but

you don’t know what to do with the information or how to make sense of it.
• The current solutions aren’t giving you the ROI . So, the
proposed system can fixed this issue.
• The struggling to see all of your data in one location in need a
data hub. So, the proposed can fix this issue.


Following facilities are required for developing the project:

1.2.1 Software Requirements:

I) IntelliJ IDE 2017.3

II) JDK 1.8
III) Mozilla Firefox Developer Edition (Latest available)
IV) Internet Access
V) OS: Ubuntu / Mac OSX / Windows 10
VII) PyCharm IDEA 2018.3
1.2.2 Minimum Hardware Requirements:

I) Computer System
III) Hard disk Space – 20GB
IV) Processor Intel i5 6th Gen

Following facilities are required to run the Project:

1.2.3 Software Requirements:

I) Web Server
III) OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2012 / Ubuntu
III) MySQL Database
1.2.4 Minimum Hardware Requirements:

I) Computer System Server (dedicated/virtual)

II) Static IP Connection
IV) Hard disk Space – 20GB
V) Processor- i3 5th Gen

• Technology used:-
The User Interface of this project is developed in HTML5, CSS3, JAVASCRIPT,
BOOTSTARP, JQUERY, Angular Js and the backend of this project is developed
in JAVA EE and database is designed in MYSQL 3.6

HTML5:- HTML5 is the latest evolution of the standard that defines HTML. The
term represents two different concepts. It is a new version of the language HTML,
with new elements, attributes, and behaviors, and a larger set of technologies that
allows the building of more diverse and powerful Web sites and applications. This
set is sometimes called HTML5 & friends and often shortened to just

CSS3:- It is the latest evolution of the Cascading Style Sheets language and aims
at extending CSS2.1. It brings a lot of long-awaited novelties, like rounded
corners, shadows, gradients, transitions or animations, as well as new layouts like
multi-columns, flexible box or grid layouts. Experimental parts are vendor-
prefixed and should either be avoided in production environments, or used with
extreme caution as both their syntax and semantics can change in the future.
Formally, there is no CSS3 standard. Each module being standardized
independently, the standard CSS consists of CSS2.1 amended and extended by the
completed modules, not necessary all with the same level number. At each point of
time, a snapshot of the CSS standard can be defined, listing CSS2.1 and the mature

JAVASCRIPT:- JavaScript ("JS" for short) is a full-fledged dynamic

programming language that, when applied to an HTML document, can provide
dynamic interactivity on websites. It was invented by Brendan Eich, co-founder of
the Mozilla project, the Mozilla Foundation, and the Mozilla Corporation.
JavaScript is incredibly versatile. You can start small, with carousels, image
galleries, fluctuating layouts, and responses to button clicks. With more
experience, you'll be able to create games, animated 2D and 3D graphics,
comprehensive database-driven apps, and
much more. JavaScript itself is fairly compact yet very flexible. Developers have
written a large variety of tools on top of the core JavaScript language, unlocking a
vast amount of extra functionality with minimum effort.
BOOTSTRAP:- Bootstrap is an open source toolkit for developing with HTML,
CSS, and JS. Quickly prototype your ideas or build your entire app with our Sass
variables and mixing, responsive grid system, extensive prebuilt
components, and powerful plugins built on jQuery. Bootstrap easily and efficiently
scales your websites and applications with a single code base, from phones to
tablets to desktops with CSS media queries.

JQUERY:- jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes

things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling,
animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to- use API that works across a
multitude of browsers. With a combination of versatility and extensibility, jQuery
has changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript. Query also provides
a paradigm for event handling that goes beyond basic DOM element selection and
manipulation. The event assignment and the event callback function definition are
done in a single step in a single location in the code. JQuery also aims to
incorporate other highly used JavaScript

JAVA EE:- Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) is the standard in
community-driven enterprise software.Java EE is developed using the Java
Community Process, with contributions from industry experts, commercial and
open source organizations, Java User Groups, and countless individuals. Each
release integrates new features that align with industry needs, improves application
portability, and increases developer productivity. Java EE 8 continues to improve
API and programming models needed for today's applications and adds
features requested by our world-wide
community. This release modernizes support for many industry standards and
continues simplification of enterprise ready

MySQL:- MySQL Enterprise Edition includes the most comprehensive set of

advanced features, management tools and technical support to achieve the highest
levels of MySQL scalability, security, reliability, and uptime. It reduces the risk,
cost, and complexity in developing, deploying, and managing business-critical
MySQL applications. Oracle
MySQL Cloud Service is built on MySQL Enterprise Edition and powered by
Oracle Cloud, providing an
enterprise-grade MySQL database service. It delivers the best in class management
tools, self service provisioning, elastic scalability and multi-layer security. MySQL
Enterprise Backup reduces the risk of data loss by delivering online
"Hot" backups of your databases. It supports full, incremental and
partial backups, Point-in- Time Recovery
and backup compression.

GLASS FISH:- Glassfish is an open-source application server project started by

Sun Microsystems for the Java EE platform and now sponsored by Oracle
Corporation. The supported version is called Oracle Glassfish Server.
Glassfish is free software, dual-licensed under two free software licenses: the
Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) and the GNU General
Public License (GPL) with the class path exception. Glassfish is
the reference implementation of Java EE and as such supports Enterprise
JavaBeans, JPA, Java Server Faces, JMS, RMI, Java Server Pages, servlets, etc.
This allows developers to create enterprise applications that are portable and
scalable, and that integrate with legacy technologies. Optional components can
also be installed for additional

Angular JS:-
AngularJS is a client side JavaScript MVC framework to develop a dynamic web
application. AngularJS was originally started as a project in Google but now, it is
open source framework. AngularJS is entirely based on HTML and JavaScript, so
there is no need to learn another syntax or language. AngularJS is also called just
AngularJS changes static HTML to dynamic HTML. It extends the ability of
HTML by adding built-in attributes and components and also provides an ability to
create custom attributes using simple JavaScript.

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