Refrigeration Load

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Engr. Neil Caesar M. Tado
AgEn 111

 Refrigeration and freezing of perishable food products is an important and fascinating

application area of heat transfer and thermodynamics.
 Refrigeration slows down the chemical and biological processes in foods and the
accompanying deterioration and the loss of quality.
 The storage life of fresh perishable foods such as meats, fish, fruits, and vegetables can be
extended by several days by cooling, and by several weeks or months by freezing.

For example, fruits and vegetables continue to respire and generate heat during
storage; most foods freeze over a range of temperatures instead of a single
temperature; the quality of frozen foods is greatly affected by the rate of freezing; the
velocity of refrigerated air affects the rate of moisture loss from the products addition
to the rate of heat transfer, and so forth.
Chapter Outline
Control of Microorganisms in Foods
Refrigeration and Freezing of Foods
Thermal Properties of Food
Refrigeration of Fruits and Vegetables
Refrigeration of Meats, Poultry, and Fish
Refrigeration of Eggs, Milk, and Bakery Products
Refrigeration Load of Cold Storage Rooms
Transportation of Refrigerated Foods

Microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts, molds, and viruses are widely encountered in
air, water, soil, living organisms, and unprocessed food items, and cause off-flavors and
odors, slime production, changes in the texture and appearances, and the eventual
spoilage of foods.

Holding perishable foods at warm temperatures is the primary cause of spoilage, and the
prevention of food spoilage and the premature degradation of quality due to
microorganisms is the largest application area of refrigeration. The first step in
controlling microorganisms is to understand what they are and the factors that affect
their transmission, growth, and destruction.
Bacteria are prime cause for the spoilage of foods, especially moist foods. Dry and acidic
foods create an undesirable environment for the growth of bacteria
Growth Curve of Microorganisms
 Lag Phase- This is the time when
microorganisms are starting to adapt to their
new environment. The shelf life of a food item
is directly proportional to the length of this

 The lag phase is followed by an exponential

growth period during which the population of
microorganisms can double two or more
times every hour under favorable conditions
unless drastic sanitation measures are taken.

 The depletion of nutrients and the

accumulation of toxins slow down the growth
and start the death period.
Factors affecting microbial growth

The rate of growth of microorganisms in a food

item depends on the characteristics of the food
itself such as the chemical structure, pH level,
of in inhibitors and competing microorganisms,
and water activity as well as the environmental
conditions such as the temperature and relative
humidity of the environment and the air motion

Microorganism growth in a food item is

governed by the combined effects
effects of the characteristics of the food and the
environmental factors
We cannot do much about the characteristics of the food, but we certainly can
alter the environmental conditions to more desirable levels through:
Control of the oxygen levels.

The growth rate of microorganisms in foods is a strong function of temperature, and

temperature control is the single most effective mechanism for controlling the growth

 Microorganisms grow best at “warm” temperatures, usually between 20˚C and 60˚C.

 The growth rate declines at high temperatures, and death occurs at still higher
temperatures, usually above 70˚C for most microorganisms.

 Cooling is an effective and practical way of reducing the growth rate of microorganisms
and thus extending the shelf life of perishable foods.

 A temperature of 4˚C or lower is considered to be a safe refrigeration temperature.

Sometimes a small increase in refrigeration temperature may cause a large increase in the
growth rate, and a considerable decrease in shelf-life of the food. The growth rate of
some microorganisms, for example, doubles for each 3 ˚ C rise in temperature.
Relative Humidity

 Another factor that affects microbiological growth and transmission is the relative
humidity of the environment, which is a measure of the water content of the air.

 High humidity in cold rooms should be avoided since condensation that forms on the
walls and ceiling creates the proper environment for mold growth and buildups.

 The drip of contaminated condensate onto food products in the room poses a potential
health hazard.
 Different microorganisms react differently to the presence of oxygen in the
 Some microorganisms such as molds require oxygen for growth, while some others
cannot grow in the presence of oxygen.
 Some grow best in low-oxygen environments, while others grow in environments
regardless of the amount of oxygen. Therefore, the growth of certain
microorganisms can be controlled by controlling the amount of oxygen in the
environment. For example, vacuum packaging inhibits the growth of micro-
organisms that require oxygen.
 Also, the storage life of some fruits can be extended by reducing the oxygen level in
the storage room.
Examples of aerobic microorganisms
Pseudomonas species of bacteria (the bacterium which causes your lunch meat to
get slimy).

Examples of anerobic microorganisms

Escherichia Coli
Microorganisms in food products can be controlled by

(1)Preventing contamination by following strict sanitation practices

(2)Inhibiting growth by altering the environmental conditions
(3)Destroying the organisms by heat treatment or chemicals.

Freezing may stop the growth

of microorganisms, but it
may not necessarily kill them.

 The storage life of fresh perishable foods such as meats,

fish, vegetables, and fruits can be extended by several
days by storing them at temperatures just above freezing,
usually between 1˚C and 4˚C.

 The storage life of foods can be extended by several

months by freezing and storing them at subfreezing
temperatures, usually between -18˚C and -35˚C,
depending on the particular food.
Refrigeration slows down the chemical and biological processes in foods, and
the accompanying deterioration and loss of quality and nutrients.

Sweet corn may lose half of its initial sugar content in one day at 21C, but only 5 percent
of it at 0C.
Fresh asparagus may lose 50 percent of its vitamin C content in one day at 20C, but in 12
days at 0C
Refrigeration also extends the shelf life of products. The first appearance of unsightly
yellowing of broccoli, for example, may be delayed by three or more days by

Refrigeration actually SLOWS down the respiration process of agricultural

Rate of Freezing

 Early attempts to freeze food items resulted in poor-quality products because of the
large ice crystals that formed.
 The rate of freezing affects size of ice crystals and the quality, texture,
 and nutritional and sensory properties of many foods
 During slow freezing, ice crystals can grow to a large size, where as during fast freezing a
large number of ice crystals start forming at once and are much smaller in size.
 Large ice crystals are not desirable since they can puncture the walls the cells, causing a
degradation of texture and a loss of natural juices during thawing. A crust forms rapidly
on the outer layer of the product and seals in the juices, aromatics, and flavoring agents.
 The product quality is also affected adversely by temperature fluctuations of the storage
The ordinary refrigeration of foods involves
cooling only without any phase change.

The freezing of foods, on the other hand,

involves three stages:
 cooling to the freezing point (removing
the sensible heat), freezing (removing the
latent heat), and further cooling to the
desired subfreezing temperature
(removing the sensible heat of frozen
 Fresh fruits and vegetables are live products, and thus they continue giving off heat
that adds to the refrigeration load of the cold storage room. The storage life of fruits
and vegetables can be extended greatly by removing the field heat and cooling as soon
after harvesting as possible.

 Some fruits and vegetables, such as bananas and cucumbers that experience undesirable
physiological changes, when exposed to low (but still above-freezing) temperatures,
usually between 0 and 10C.

 The resulting tissue damage is called the chilling injury and is characterized by
internal discoloration, soft scald, skin blemishes, and failure to ripen.

 The severity of the chilling injury depends on both the temperature and the length of
storage at that temperature.
Freezing injury
This is caused by prolonged exposure of the fruits and vegetables to subfreezing
temperatures and thus the actual freezing at the affected areas

The freezing injury is characterized by rubbery texture, browning, bruising, and drying
due to rapid moisture loss.

Damage also occurs during thawing if it is done too fast. It is recommended that thawing be
done at 4C.
 Fruits and vegetables are frequently cooled to preserve pre-harvest freshness and flavor,
and to extend storage and shelf life.
 Cooling at the field before the product is shipped to the market or storage warehouse is
referred to as precooling.
 The cooling requirements of fruits and vegetables vary greatly, as do the cooling
 Highly perishable products such as broccoli, ripe tomatoes, carrots, leafy vegetables,
apricots, strawberries, peaches, and plums must be cooled as soon as possible after
 Cooling is not necessary or as important for long-lasting fruits and vegetables such as
potatoes, pumpkins, green tomatoes, and apples.
 Fruits and vegetables are mostly water, and thus their properties are close in value
to those of water.
 Initially, all of the heat removed from the product comes from the exterior of the
products, causing a large temperature gradient within the product during fast
 But the mass-average temperature, which is the equivalent average temperature
of the product at a given time, is used in calculations for simplicity.
The heat removed from the products accounts for the majority of the refrigeration
load and is determined from
Sensible Heat Only

Product Load
Product Load

How much heat is needed to lower the temperature of an apple

from 25C to 2C
Sample Problem 1
Problem 2
Problem 2

Twenty three hundred liters of partially frozen ice cream at -4°C enter a
hardening room each day. Hardening is completed and the temperature of the
ice cream is lowered to-28°C in 12 hours. The average density of ice cream is
0.60 kg/L, the average latent heat per kg is 233 kJ. The specific heat of ice
cream below the freezing point is 2.75 kJ/kg°C. Determine the product load.

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