Networking: Network Components
Networking: Network Components
Network Components
Two or more devices connected together via any means using some standard (protocols) to exchange
resources, data and services.
Types OF Networks
Based on Size:
o PAN (Personal Area Network): around an individual person within a single building
(small office or residence) for computers, peripheral devices, video game consoles etc.
HAN (Home Area Network): multiple individuals within a residence.
o LAN (Local Area Network): network at a single site typically single office building, useful
for sharing resources, via hubs, network adapter and Ethernet cables.
SOHO: Small office/ Home office
o MAN (Metropolitan Area Network): network consist of entire city, collage campus etc.
o Wan (Wide Area Network): occupies very large area like entire country or world, consist
of small networks (LAN, MAN etc.), internet is an example of it.
Based on Purpose:
o SAN (Storage Area Network): network dedicated to data storage, give administrator
more control over the network. Example database can access by specific users not all
users over the LAN.
Office have LAN, owns database, accessible for employees and not accessible over internet.
What if want to access via remote location?
o EPN (Enterprise Private Network): Network entirely controlled by one organization
used to connect multiple locations.
o VPN (Virtual Private Network): extends a private network over the internet, encrypt the
data before it goes to the internet, for security purpose.
Based on Connection Type:
o Wired or Guided Network (Ethernet): An Ethernet connection uses a standard interface
known as an RJ45 connector. 'RJ' stands for 'registered jack.'
o Wireless or Unguided Network (Wi-Fi)
INTERNET: A global computer network providing a variety of information and facilities, consisting of
inter connected networks using standardized communication protocols.
General Purpose Networks
1. PAN
2. LAN: Data transfer on LAN is serial.
3. MAN
4. WAN
Private Networks
1. EPN
2. VPN
Network Hardware
Communication Medium
Material substance used to carry energy waves.
Types of Wires
Twisted Cables
Coaxial Cable (TV companies, also used commonly)
Fiber Optic cables (Transmit light rather than electronic signals, superior speed, nowadays
commonly used)
Cat5 cable + RJ45 pin Networking wire (8 tiny wires inside cover)
Types of Waves
Radio Waves
Infrared Waves
Micro Waves
Receives electronic/data signals, cleans them and retransmit them with higher power in wider area.
Device use to divides large networks into different Segments, also makes sure speed of network doesn’t
drop dramatically (by handling network traffic)
Networking device used to connect multiple devices into the network using cables. Each connection
called port. Sends all data it received to all ports, hence slows down the network.
Work similar to hub with the variation of it sends data to the specific destined port. Offers better
performance than hubs1.
It is a device use to connect two different networks, for example HAN to WAN etc. It sorts incoming data
and distributes it to the specific destination. Only works if the network protocols are same.
Interfaces networks that use different protocols, you can think of a gateway as a router that includes
protocol translators. 'Router' and 'Gateway' often used interchangeably. Any network that also includes
a mainframe system will need a gateway since this type of network uses different communication
Device use to modulate or demodulate data signals (Modulate/Mod + Demodulate/Dem = Modem).
Modulation: Encode digital information onto an analog carrier signals. It happens when data
is send to other devices.
Demodulation: Decode electronic/analog signals onto digital information. It happens when
data is received.
Broadband Modems
These can handle multiple connections at the same time (usually coaxial cable).
Wi-Fi Card
It is a NIC for wireless devices which allows wireless connections.
Bits use to refer speed while bytes use to refer data.
LAN consists:
Hosts(any device that have IP address: our pc’s, servers)
Central connecting devices(hub, switches, routers)
Types of NIC
Network Node
Any addressable device connected to a network is called Network Node.
Ability to communicate with other devices.
Have unique identifier i.e. address for each device.
o For office, public and home networks MAC (media access control) address is used. This
address is hard-coded into NIC.
o To access internet, IP (Internet Protocol) address is used. It is assigned by a service
running on the network called TCP/IP, the common language ('protocol' in computer
terms) used to communicate with other devices on the Internet. To be a part of a TCP/IP
conversation, you need to have an IP address.
Create, sends, received and stores data.
Able to recognize network signals, process it and can also be able to respond.
Network infrastructure devices like hubs, switches, routers etc., IOT, Security firewalls, computers,
printers etc.
About Internet:
Three critical factors for internet
1) Speed (depends on different factors like slowest link in the network path etc.)
2) Delay (depends on distance, if distance is long time taken to transfer data increases
because there must be more nodes in network path, similarly shorter the distance faster
the connection (because there is no delay). Google doesn’t connects Pakistan’s IP to
US’s Google instead redirect it to content delivery network closer to Pakistan. ).
3) Availability (all the links between sender and receiver are up and running)
OSI Model
It is the set of rules for internet traffic. OR
OSI model is designed to be a reference model to describe the functions of the communication system.
1. Application Layer:
Point of contact for all network aware apps, only when app interact with net then application layer is
2. Presentation Layer
Character encoding
SSL encryption
3. Session Layer
Communication management between devices (start, stop, restart)
4. Transport Layer
Post office layer (parcels & letters)
TCP encapsulation
5. Network Layer
Fragments frames to traverse different networks (packets)
Routing layer
IP addressing
IP encapsulation
Mac Addressing
7. Physical Layer
0’s and 1’s
TCP/IP Model
1. Application Layer
2. Transport Layer
3. Internet Layer
1. Telnet (transmission Network) tcp/23 : not secure
4. Mail Protocols
2. tcp/21 (control)
3. SFTP (secure file transfer protocol) tcp/22 same as ssh because using same protocol
underlying it. : secure
7. HTTP tcp/80
8. HTTPS tcp/443
9. SNMP (simple network management protocol) udp/161 : v1 & v2 : not secure v3 : secure
2. H.323 tcp/1720
13. SMB (server message block for ms windows) tcp/445 (net-BIOS less)