Wentzel Operations Research Mir 1983

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Elena S.


A Methodological Approach
E. C. BeHmenb



HsAaiejibCTBo «HayKa»
E. S. Wentzel

A M ethodological A pproach

Translated from the Russian

Michael G. Edelev

Mir Publishers
First published 1983
Revised from the 1980 Russian edition

Ha amjiuucKOM si3um

c, UsAaTejibCTBo «Hayica», FjiauHan pe^aKUBH <|)H3HKo-MaTe-

MaTmecKoii jimepaTypu, 1980
.g; English translation, Mir Publishers, 1983



1.1 Operations Research—What It Is and What It

Does 11
1.2 Main Concepts and Approaches of Operations
Research 18
1.3 Model Development 25


2.1 Two Ways of Posing the Problem.

Deterministic Models 31
2.2 Decision Making under Uncertainty 35
2.3 Multiobjective Problems 49


3.1 Linear Programming Problems 62

3.2 Moving to Algebraic Solution 72
3.3 A Geometric Method of Solution 76
3.4 The Transportation Problem 86
3.5 Integer Progamming. The Concepts of Nonlinear
Programming 98


4.1 Concepts of Dynamic Programming 104

4.2 Solving Dynamic Programming Examples 114
4.3 A General Form of DP Problem.
The Principle of Optimality 131


5.1 The Concept of the Markov Process 138

5.2 Arrivals Defined 145
5.3 The Kolmogorov Balance of State Equations 153


6.1 Objectives and Models of the Theory 163

6.2 The Birth and Death Process. The Little Formula 168
6.3 Analysis of Simplest Queueing Models 174
6.4 More Complex Queueing Models 193



7.1 Idea, Purpose and Scope of the Method 199

7.2. Organizing a Random Sampling Mechanism 203
7.3 Modeling a Stationary Random Process by a
Single Realization 210


8.1 Subject and Problems of Game Theory 214

8.2 Matrix Games 219
8.3 Resolving Finite Games 228
8.4 Statistical Decision Analysis 240

The aim of this book is to present in a widely appealing

form the subject matter and methods of operations
research (OR), a science acquiring in the latest years
ever wider applicational arenas. It is of a relatively
recent origin and so far its boundaries and contents
can hardly be deemed rigorously defined.
As a taught discipline, it is included in many curricula
though what is covered is not always the same. In
professional quarters, it lacks unanimity in much the
same way. Some OR professionals treat it merely as
the mathematical methods of optimization such as
linear, nonlinear and dynamic programming. Others
on the contrary, do not include these techniques in
OR, approaching it generally from the viewpoint of
game theory and statistical decision making. A third
group tends to deny that OR exists as an independent
discipline preferring to include it with cybernetics—
a term inappropriately’ defined and therefore various­
ly understood. There are even those who tend to
endow OR with an enormously wide sense claiming
it to be a key science.
Time, obviously, will tell which direction this rela­
tively young discipline will take, which of the methods
generally accepted as its constituents will hold,
and which will branch off into self-contained dis-
8 Foreword

ciplines. A particular question that remains concerns

the future relation between OR and systems theory,
a widely discussed topic of recent times.
Beyond doubt, however, is the point that whatever
the area of activity may be—production planning and
inventory control, transportation, military operations
and weapon system development, personnel manage­
ment, social services, health services, communication
systems, computer networks and information systems,
to name but a few—the problems they pose with ever
increasing rate are similarly formulated, can be iden­
tified by several features they have in common and,
last but not least, can be solved by similar methods.
These problems are therefore conveniently grouped
under the common heading of OR problems.
A typical situation giving rise to an OR problem is
as follows. An undertaking (a system of actions) having
a clearly defined objective may be organized in several
alternative ways by making a decision based upon
choosing from a set of possible alternatives. Each choice
offers its own advantages and disadvantages, so that in
a complex situation the decision maker might not be
able to make a preferable option at once and quickly
decide why he should prefer one alternative and not
another. To clarify the situation and compare the
alternatives in several aspects, OR suggests a series
of mathematical operations. Their aim is to analyze
the situation critically and thus prepare a decision
for those bearing the responsibility for a final choice.
Without being confined to an exclusive area of prac­
tice, the discussion in the book will be focused on the
methodological aspects which are common to all OR
problems wherever they might appear. Therefore the
main emphasis will be placed on such methodological
treatises as problem formulation, model development,
Foreword 9

and assessment of computational results, rather than

on mathematical rigor. The experience collected in
the field suggests that it is these evaluation-and-
analysis steps (not manipulatory) skillj in transfor­
mations and computations) that might present major
difficulties to an inexperienced practitioner when he
will try to implement the mathematical methods of
decision making to practical problems of value.
In writing this text the author employed her many-
year experience in applying OR to various practical
arenas. The standpoint, into which the experience
would have inevitably crystallized, was attempted
to be delivered in the simplest possible form.
The relevant mathematics is simple and requires
some expertise in probability theory. Whenever the
text goes beyond this simplicity frame, the needed
explanations are immediately provided. As to the
crest points of main ideas and methodology, they are
treated with the highest rigor, calling for the attention
and intense thinking of the reader.
The author tended to avoid as possible an enter­
taining presentation since an inavoidable curiosity
dressing" would believingly distract the reader from,
rather than help him to, the point. It does not imply,
however, that the author would stick to stiffly formal,
vapid fashion—a notorious attribute of mathematical
texts. Rather, the adopted spirit is fairly jovial and
even slipping occasionally to formulations which are
not perfectly correct and, hence, open to criticism.
The excuse is that the book is devoted primarily to
the practitioners who are novices to the subject, rather
than to experts. Ample reservations, should they be
made to perfect the rigor, would only repell the reader,
making it hard for him to grasp the essence of the
10 Foreword

The chapters of the book are not equal in difficulty

of comprehension and the amount of mathematics
involved. The reader who would like to get a general
acquaintance with the subject, problems and possi­
bilities of OR may confine himself to attentive reading
through Chapters 1 and 2 and initial sections of the
rest chapters. Beyond these introductory chapters,
an intelligent reader will find what to calculate, thus
having a closer look at the methods of OR and making
himself familiar with the relevant mathematics to
feel at ease if met with it in specialized issues.
Chapter 6 dealing with queueing theory considers
a series of methodologies almost entirely absent from
nonspecial literature; that is the reason for its com­
paratively large size.
The aim of the book is to provide the reader with
a foundation upon which to build a further study
of a particular topic. References which cover extended
applications and more formal mathematical treatment
of the subject matter are provided at the end of the

E.S. Wentzel
C h ap ter 1


1.1 Operations Research—What It Is

and What It Does
Now that the revolutionary influence of science and
technology is felt almost everywhere, ever more weight
is put by science on planning, management and control.
There are many reasons for this. The modern technology
grows more sophisticated, scales of ventures and their
aftermath effects spread dramatically, automatic con­
trol being implemented in many fields, all this calls
for the analysis of complicated, objective-bound pro­
cesses to be performed from the viewpoint of their
structure and organization. The science is required
to deliver recommendations of how such processes
should be controlled in optimal (judicious) fashion.
Far behind are those times when a correct and efficient
control had been found by trial-and-error approach.
Now that the losses due to possible errors may cost
too much to be afforded, the control must be developed
Requirements of practice called for special scientific
methods which can conveniently be grouped under
a common heading, operations research (OR). Referring
to this term we shall imply the application of quanti­
tative, mathematical methods to prepare decisions
bound to be made in all the fields of objective-bound
human activity.
12 Ch. 1 Nature and Use of Operations Research

To get a more closer look at what we mean under

decision, consider a venture headed towards a certain
target. The person (or a group of persons) who has
initiated the venture always has a set of alternative
courses of action, say, to pick up tools and build up
a process in some way or another, to allocate resources
according to one or another pattern, etc. The decision
is the alternative that the manager chooses as his
course of action. Decisions, consequently, may be
bad or good, thought over or hasty, well-founded or
The need for decision making is as old as the hills.
Even at times of wilderness a leader of a tribe going to
hunt a mammoth has to make a decision on where to
place a trap and how to place the hunters and what
must their weapon be, etc. We also would make deci­
sions in our everyday life without even noticing it.
Leaving, for example, for the office in the morning,
we would make a series of decisions: what to wear?
should an umbrella be carried? where to cross the
street more conveniently? which urban transport to
pick? and so on. A manager responsible for a process
is to arrive at a decision every time when he has alter­
natives, say, in placement of manpower, assignment of
a work order, to name only a few.
Does this decision making mean that we are involved
in operations research? Not at all. Operations research
begins whenever one or another mathematical tech­
nique is applied to substantiate the decisions being
taken. Obviously, in simple situations decisions are
taken without any mathematics invoked, simply by
the sound judgement and expertise. To decide what
to wear going out or where to cross the street mathe­
matics is hardly needed and undoubtedly will not be in
the future. An optimum decision is arrived at as if by
1.1 Operations Research—What It Is and What It Does 13

oneself, guided by the practical experience. If at

times a decision made is not the very best, then what?
Mistakes are committed to improve on them.
The decisions we will be concerned with more in
this book, however, are those heavily loaded with re­
sponsibility. Let, for example, the public transpor­
tation network be planned in a new town having its
own 'layout of concentration points such as factories,
apartment blocks, etc. Obviously, certain decisions are
to be made concerning how to trace the routes and
what vehicles should use them, where to place the
stops, and what should be the interval in the ordinary
and rush hours, etc.
These decisions are much harder to make and, what
is more important, many things depend on them.
Erroneously chosen they spoil life and have an adverse
impact on business activity of a whole town.
Certainly, in this situation a decision may well
be prepared intuitively from experience and common
sense (as is not infrequently done). Yet the decisions
are more judicious if backed up by mathematical
reasoning. The preparative computations may help
to avoid long and costly search of a decision by trial
and error.
To expand on this, let us take another example.
Let us imagine that we are entrusted with a large scale
venture, say, to divert waters from northwardbound
rivers to water-hungry arid areas of the south. Should
we take an arbitrary, willful decision that might bring
about adverse effects on a global scale, or better to make
preparative computations with mathematical models?
The dilemma could hardly be viewed as ambiguous—
the multilevel computations are mandatory.
‘Score twice before you cut once’ a proverb says.
Operations research is the very mathematical scoring
14 Ch. 1 Nature and Use of Operations Research

of future decisions, helping to spare time, efforts, and

resources, and to avoid blunders, which are no longer
such as to improve anything—the cost of respective
correction will be too expensive.
The more complex, expensive and large in scale the
designed system is, the less allowable in it are willful
decisions and the more gain in importance scientific
methods which, when implemented, provide an esti­
mate of each decision’s consequences, help discard the
unallowable versions and recommend the most success­
ful ones. They help in assessing whether the available
information is adequate to prepare a correct decision
and, if not, then indicate what data should be addi­
tionally collected. It would be extremely risky to
be guided solely by intuition, i.e. experience and
common sense. Modern science and technology evolve
so fast that the experience may simply not have
been acquired. To say more, the undertakings initiated
are often unique and original. Thus, the experience
may be virtually absent, and common sense, if not
proven by calculation, will be deceptive. The
calculations that make the process of decision
making easier are the subject matter of operations
We have mentioned already that OR is a relatively
young science (the notion of “y°llt-h”, though, is relative
in scientific quarters: many scientific disciplines have
been nipped in the bud shortly after their appearance,
failing to find an application). The name operational
research1 was first used in the years just before the
outbreak of World War II to describe an approach

1 The name ‘operational research’ is still preferred by Brit­

ish scientists to ^operations research’ which was coined in the
United States—Translator's note.
1.1 Operations Research—What It Is and What It Does 16

taken by interdisciplinary groups of British scientists

summoned to solve strategic and tactical problems for
military management. The decisions that were pre­
pared by the groups were primarily concerned with
the application of weapons and distribution of forces
and facilities among various targets. Similar prob­
lems, though with a differently named approach, had
been taken elsewhere, in particular, in the Soviet
Union. After the war, this approach spread into
a variety of practical fields: industry, agriculture, con­
struction, marketing, social services, transportation,
communications, health services, pollution control,
etc. There hardly exists an area of human enterprise
where mathematical models and OR techniques have
not been implemented in some form or the other.
To get a better insight into the specifics of the sci­
ence, consider several typical OR problems. Intention­
ally taken to represent various fields, they, although
simplified in the setting, bring forth fairly well the
main idea of OR scope and objectives.
1. Transportation problem. A network of factories
consumes certain types of raw materials produced at
several sources. The sources are linked with the facto­
ries each in its own way, by railway, waterway,
motor road, or air, having its own cost per unit of
transported load. It is required to design a supply
layout, specifying which source should supply what
raw material and in what amount, and such that the
demand is satisfied at minimum transportation
2. Construction project planning. A section of motor
road is being built. The construction involves a certain
amount of manpower, construction equipment, repair
shops of a known capacity, trucks, and so on. It is
required to plan the project, i.e. to schedule the order
16 Gh. i Nature and Use of Operations Research

of works, distribute the equipment and manpower

along the construction site, and plan the maintenance
and repair works, so that the project is terminated
in the shortest term.
3. Seasonal sales movements. The entrepreneur of
a marketing firm plans to establish a network of branch
off stores to market a certain stock of consumer goods,
lie is to decide on the number of retailing stores, their
location, distribution of inventories and personnel
at each of the stores so that the business turns out maxi­
mum economic efficiency.
4. Snow fencing of roads. In the Nordic countries
snow storms present serious interference to traffic.
Any road blocked by snow means losses for the econ­
omy. For road fencing, there exist a few alternatives—
to construct the road with a suitable profile, to set
up fencing facilities beside the road, etc.—each with
its own cost for construction and maintenance. The
decision maker has at hand the data on prevailing
wind directions and frequency and intensity of snow­
falls. He is to decide which means of snow control
will be best in cost-efficiency terms, i.e. what means
of fencing should be assigned to each of the roads
subject to the losses from snow blizzards.
5. Search for enemy submarines. An antisubmarine
warfare officer receives a message that an enemy sub­
marine has appeared in an area that Coastal Command
surveillance. A group of aircraft takes off to find and
bomb the submarine. The raid is to be set up in a most
rational fashion, that is the routes are traced and
altitudes and a pattern of attack are chosen such as
to complete the task with the greatest certainty.
6. Sample tests in quality control. To guarantee
the quality of produced items at a specified level a
factory establishes a sampling test system. A sound
1.1 Operations Research—What It Is and What It Does 17

sysloin requires that the testing procedure, that is

(housing of sample size, sequence of tests, sorting
rules, etc., should be devised so as to| provide for
the quality at a minimum cost.
7. Localizing an epidemic outbreak. Reportedly,
a communicable desease broke out in an area. It is
decided to conduct a medical examination of the area
population so as to reveal those infected and infective.
The search is to be performed by a certain medical
staff equipped with proper facilities. It is required
to schedule the search, that is to decide on the number
of stations, their positioning, sequence of examination,
types of analyses taken, etc., so as to maximize the
revealed percentage of infective agents.
8. Library shelf organization. A large public library
has on its shelves the books in increased demand, in
medium demand, and those retrieved very seldom.
The books can be rearranged on the shelves and be­
tween store rooms and some demands can be readdressed
to other libraries. The problem is to work out a retrieval
system such as to satisfy the demand in the best
possible fashion.
The examples could be piled up further on, yet even
the above suffice to reveal the common features of OR
problems. Although taken from various applications,
the common traits can be readily identified: each
time we have spoken of an undertaking striving
for a certain objective. Each time certain conditions
have been specified to describe the environment, say,
the facilities placed at the disposal. And each time
within the framework of the posed limitations we are
to make a decision such that to bring the undertaking
to, in a sense, a most profitable condition.
Accordingly, solution of such problems has been
developed on a general basis of the techniques and
18 Ch. 1 Nature and Use of Operations Research

mathematical instrumentation which taken together

make up the methodology and tooling of OR,
The observant reader might have noticed that not
all of the above examples would require mathematical
treatment when practically handled. For some of
them, a “good” decision taken on a common sense
basis would suffice. The trend, however, is to increase
the part of problems which require mathematical treat­
ment for a decision to be made. An especially large
momentum the mathematical techniques gain where
automatic control systems are introduced. A control
system, if employed to guide a process, rather than
merely reduce data and retrieve information, will be
unsound if the process under control has not been
mathematically modeled and studied prior to system
implementation. The mathematical techniques to pre­
pare decisions come to carry even more weight as scales
and complexity of enterprises increase. Air traffic
of a small airport, for example, can be easily handled
by one expertised traffic controller; a large airport
requires an automatic traffic control system which
operates according to a set in algorithm. Preparation
of such an algorithm always involves some computation
analysis performed beforehand, i.e. operations research.

1.2 Main Concepts of and Approaches

to Operations Research
This section is devoted to the terminology, main
concepts, and principles of operations research in its
scientific background.
The term ‘operation’ will imply any undertaking
or system of actions which is conducted under a com­
mon scheme and headed toward a certain objective.
Thus all the undertakings presented in examples 1
1.2 Main Concepts and Approaches of OR 19

through 8 of the previous section may be treated as

An operation is^always a^controlled action, which is
meant to say that we are to decide in what way to
select the parameters setting up its structural organi­
zation. The organization is to be understood here in
a wide sense and includes the technical means involved
in the operation.
Any option, that is alternative set, of parameters
which in their selection depend upon the will of the
manager is referred to as a decision. Decisions can be
successful and unsuccessful, meaningful and unsound.
The optimal decisions are those which are preferred
lo the others for one reason or another. The aim
of operations research is to quantitatively prepare
optimal decisions by finding optimal solutions for OR
At times, though it is a relatively seldom occasion,
the study yields a sole, strictly optimal solution; still
more often, it bounds an area of optimal solutions virtu­
ally equal in value, within which a final option is
to be made.
Note that the decision making proper does not fall
within the operations research domain. It is a manager
or, what is more often, a group of persons who is
entrusted with the final decision making and who
hears the responsibility for the choice. In arriving
at a choice, the decision makers may take into account
other reasons (quantitative or qualitative in nature)
not considered in preparing mathematical recommen­
Even with totally automatic systems of control
which seem to make decisions with no human inter­
ference the judgement of a human is present in the
form of the algorithm employed by the system. It
20 Ch. 1 Nature and Use of Operations Research

should be remembed that the development of the algo­

rithm or selection of one of its plausible versions is a
decision making process too, indeed laden with re­
sponsibility. With the progress in automatic controllers,
the functions of the human are not taken up by a ma­
chine, rather, they shift from a basic level to a more
intelligent one. To add more weight to the argument,
some automatic control systems are developed so
that the human may actively interact to aid the pro­
cess of control.
The parameters whose collection forms the set of
a decision are referred to as controllable or decision
variables. These variables may materialize as various
numbers, vectors, functions, physical characteristics,
etc. To illustrate, if a transportation schedule is
worked out for similar commodities from origins
A x, A 2, . . ., A m to destinations B l9 B 2r . . ., Bny
then the decision variables are the numbers Xij, indi­
cating the amount of commodities from the ith origin,
Ai, to the /th destination, By A set of numbers xll9
•^i2 > • • •» • • •> ^m2 » • • •» *£mn forms a de­
Simple OR problems operate with a comparatively
short list of decision variables. In a majority of prob­
lems of practical value, though, the number of deci­
sion variables may be very large, the fact in which the
reader is invited to convince himself by trying to
evaluate and label the decision variables in examples 1
through 8 of Section 1.1. To make the discussion more
simple we shall denote the set of decision variables
by a single letter x and spell it ‘decision x \
In addition to decision variables which we may con­
trol within certain limits, any OR problem contains
specified, constraining conditions which must not be
violated. Examples of such constraints may be capacity
1.2 Main Concepts and Approaches of OR 21

of a truck, planned production target, weighting char­

acteristics of equipment, etc. They in particular
include the means (monetary costs, labour, equipment)
that are put under the managerial disposal, or any
other conditions limiting the decision. Taken as
a whole, they establish what we would call a set of
possible decisions.
We denote this set again by a single letter X , and
write down the fact that x belongs to the set symboli­
cally as x £ X, read as element x belongs to set X .
Restating our goal in mathematical terms, we are
to evaluate on a set of possible decisions X those of
them x (a single one, or more frequently a region of
decisions) which are in one or several aspects more effi­
cient, i.e. more useful or preferable to, than the others.
To judge the merits of particular decisions and com­
pare them, a quantitative criterion is introduced,
called the measure of effectiveness and in practical
problems can also be referred to as the objective
function. This performance index should be chosen
such that it describes the objective of the operation
under concern. A decision is deemed best when it
performs upperniostly in arriving at the objective.
In deriving a measure of effectiveness, W , we first
of all ought to ask ourselves what we are striving at,
embarking on the enterprise. Choosing a decision, we
naturally would prefer one that maximizes the effec­
tiveness function, or keeps it at a minimum. Obviously,
the profit of a venture should be made a maximum;
when the measure of effectiveness is built around costs,
it should be minimized. Mathematically we shall
describe it as W => max if the function is to be maxi­
mized, and as W =>■ min if it is to be minimized.
In those situations where the outcome of an operation
comes under the influence of random factors—these
22 Ch. 1 Nature and Use of Operations Research

might be weather, variations in demand and supply,

equipment failures, and so forth—the measure of
effectiveness is derived as the mean value (mathemati­
cal expectation) of the function which is going to be
minimized (maximized). (In more detail such situa­
tions shall be discussed in Section 2.2.)
When random factors influence the operations whose
objective, A , can be either made or not made at all
and none of the outcomes in between is of interest,
the measure of effectiveness is chosen in terms of the
probability to make this goal, P (A). Shooting a tar­
get, for instance, on an indispensable condition to
demolish it, the measure of effectiveness will be the
probability of demolishing.
Setting the index of performance in a wrong way can
entail adverse consequences. Operations conducted
with an improperly chosen measure in view might
incur unjustified costs and losses.
To illustrate how the measure of effectiveness
should be derived we come back again to examples 1
through 8 of Section 1.1. Choosing a natural measure,
we indicate whether it- should be minimized or maxi­
mized. Tt should be kept in mind, however, that
not in all of the examples a measure of effectiveness
is uniquely brought to the surface by the wording
of the problem. Consequently, the reader may deviate
in his judging the situations from the viewpoint given
1. Transportation problem. The problem is to supply
raw materials at minimum transportation costs. The
measure of effectiveness, /?, is equal to the total trans­
portation costs per unit time, say, per month; R =>■
=>■ min.
2. Construction project planning. The construction
is to be planned so that it is completed in a shortest
1.2 Main Concepts and Approaches of OR 23

possible period. It would be natural to choose the

period of construction as a measure of effectiveness
if it were not for random impacts (equipment failures,
delays in completion of certain works, and so forth).
The measure, therefore, may be the mean expected
time, T, of completion of the project; T =>- min.
3. Seasonal sales movements. For a measure of
effectiveness, one may take the mean expected profit
(7, gained from the sales over the season; G=>maxa.
4. Snow fencing of roads. The problem is to devise
the most economical snow fencing project. Hence,
the measure of effectiveness may be chosen as an
average for a period (say, for year) of combined costs,
R, for maintenance and repair of the roads, including
in that index the basic costs for erection of fences,
snow removal costs, and costs due to delayed traffic.
Obviously, R =>- min.
5. Search for enemy submarines. The objective
of the raid is perfectly certain—to sink the submarine;
therefore, a measure of effectiveness should be the
probability that the submarine will be eliminated.
6. Sample tests in quality control. A natural mea­
sure of effectiveness brought to the surface by the
problem formulation would be the mean testing costs,
R, per unit time, provided that the system of tests
guarantees a specified quality level, say, that the
mean rejection percentage is not above a specified
target value; R min.
7. Localizing an epidemic outbreak. An adopted
measure of effectiveness may be the average percentage
(fraction) Q of the infected and infective people that
have been evaluated; ^ max.
2 Henceforth we shall denote a mean value by an overhead
24 Ch. 1 Nature and Use of Operations Research

8. Library shelf organization. An intently made

slip in the formulating of the problem brings some
spirit of alternative in finding the appropriate measure
of effectiveness. The invitation to satisfy the demand
in the best possible fashion does not lead to a straight­
forward measure. Judging the quality of the service
by the time spent in waiting for a book, the measure
may be the mean time T of waiting, that is, T => min.
Taking another tack, one may choose as a measure
of effectiveness the mean number of books, Af, deliver­
ed per unit time; M =>- max.
The considered examples were purposefully selected
to be simple enough to make the choice of a measure
of effectiveness comparatively straightforward and
following obviously from the problem formulation
because of its, almost in all cases, unique objective
orientation. In practice, however, it is not always the
case. The reader would readily find this out by trying,
for instance, to choose a measure of effectiveness for
an urban transportation system. What should it be:
an average speed of moving passengers through the
town? or an average number of handled passengers?
or perhaps an average mileage a person has to walk
because the transport fails to bring him to a wanted
place? The problem suggests a lot to think over.
Unfortunately, the choice of a measure for the
majority of applicational problems is not an easy
task and no ready-made approach can be recommended.
It is typical for a problem of the sort that offers some
difficulties that a sole number cannot serve as an all-
inclusive measure, so other numbers have to be sought
to properly describe the effectiveness. We shall look
more closely at such multiple criterion problems
in Section 2.3.
1.3 Model Development 25

1.3 Model Development

Preparing to accommodate quantitative methods of
study, any field requires a mathematical model. To
develop a model, a real phenomenon (an operation in
our case) is inevitably simplified into a scheme which
then is described invoking a suitable mathematical
technique. The simple yet still sufficient is the
developed model, i.e. the better it describes the
phenomenon under study, the more successful will
be the study and the more useful the resulted recom­
No general approach exists to formulating mathe­
matical models. For any particular situation, a model
is developed according to the type of the operation
under concern, its objective, and the task of the study
(i.e. reflecting the parameters which are to be defined
and the impacts to be included). The accuracy and
elaboration of a model should be validated against
(i) the accuracy required from the solution, and (ii) the
data that is at hand or can be additionally collected.
If the input data of the computation does not possess
a required accuracy, then obviously it would be sense­
less to go into details, construct an elaborate model
and waste time (of both the analyst and a computer)
to achieve a precisely optimized solution. Unfortunate­
ly, this principle is often overlooked and the models
employed are superfluously elaborated.
The mathematical model should involve all the
important facets of the phenomenon being studied
and all the critical factors on which mainly hinges
the success of the operation. On the other hand, a model
should be possibly simple and not stuffed with a lot
of minor factors whose account complicates the analysis
and makes the results hard to grasp. Two traps always
26 Ch. 1 Nature and Use of Operations Research

await a mathematician on his way to a model; first,

he might flounder in details, or, second, he might
adopt too coarse an approximation leaving the essence
of the action beyond the model. The trade of model
development is an art indeed with the expertise being
acquired only gradually as it would in arts.
Since a mathematical model often does not immedi­
ately follow from the problem statement, it would be
a good practice not to blindly believe in the infalli­
bility of a single model, rather, it would be wise to
compare the results yielded by a variety of models so
as they may compete. To be sure in a solution, a prob­
lem should be attacked several times, from various
angles, i.e. with various allowances, technology, and
models. If the analytical inference changes from one
model to the next only slightly, it is a strong argu­
ment in favor of the study having been conducted
objectively. On the contrary, if the inferences of
different models deviate drastically, the conceptual
framefork of the models should be revised, looking
upon which of the models describes the action more
adequately, and then, if needed, run a test experiment.
Typical for an OR analysis is also that a recursive
tack is employed to correct the model after a compu­
tational run before the next.
Model development is the most important and crit­
ical stage of any study; it requires deep insight and
understanding into the phenomena being modeled
rather than maturity in relevant mathematics. As
a rule, “pure” mathematicians who have not managed
to consult experts in modeled system trade are able
to handle model development only poorly. They would
place the main emphasis on the relevant mathematical
tooling rather than on the practical side of the prob­
1.3 Model Development 27

The collected experience has made evident that the

most successful models have been developed by either
the specialists in the field who have been at ease with the
appropriate mathematical techniques or the teams
recruited of practitioners in the field and mathemati­
cians. Practitioners in many fields, engineers, biolo­
gists, medical experts to name only a few, find it
very useful to consult a mathematical expert in OR
when they meet with a necessity to make decisions
on a scientific basis. These consultations are advanta­
geous to both sides as the mathematicians get acquainted
with practical problems from diverse trades. To tackle
them mathematicians often have to boost their exper­
tise and extend, generalize and modify the known
The mathematical education of a practitioner who
would like to perform an independent OR study in its
own field should involve a variety of mathematical
disciplines. In addition to a classical college course
of mathematical analysis, OR often employs modern
and relatively recently evolved techniques such as
linear, nonlinear, and dynamic programming, game
theory, decision making, queueing theory, and some
others. This hook is supposed to supply the reader
with a certain grasp in these techniques.
An especial attention among the educational disci­
plines should he devoted to probability theory: easy
operating with statistics and probability patterns
is to be preferred to an academic comprehension. The
stress on this discipline can be explained by the fact
that the majority of operations has to be conducted
under the conditions of incomplete certainty, when
the performance and outcome depend upon random
factors. Unfortunately, it is a rare occasion in engineer­
ing, biological, or medical quarters that a specialist
28 Ch. 1 Nature and Use of Operations Research

has a firm and easy comprehension of probability. The

concepts and rules of the theory find only formal appli­
cation with no due perception of their sense and spirit.
It is infrequent that the theory is viewed to be a sort
of magic wand yielding information from nothing, i.e.
from total ignorance. Those who think so are under
a misapprehension since probability theory is used
but to transform data on observed phenomena to infer
the behaviour of those which cannot be observed. The
reader is supposed to possess the basic knowledge in
the theory.
With the above list of mathematical disciplines
involved we have not the smallest intention to scare
the reader off. First, all things are difficult before
they are easy, and any instrument can be mastered
if the motivation is strong enough. Second, not all
the techniques need be applied to a problem at once;
they can be learned one by one starting with that
which is needed most. An answer to what problems
call for what knowledge can be again obtained from
this book.
In developing a model, the complexity of mathemat­
ical tools may be different depending on a type of
operation, objectives of the study and accuracy of
input data. In the simplest situations algebraic equa­
tions can suffice. If they are more involved, say, calling
for a phenomenon to be considered in its dynamics,
then differential equation (ordinary or partial) tech­
nique is implemented. In most intricate cases, when
both running an operation and its outcome depend
on a large number of intimately interrelated random
factors, the analytical techniques fail altogether and
the analyst has to employ Monte Carlo methods of
statistical modeling (discussed in Chapter 7). Loosely
speaking, the idea of this approach may be described
1.3 Model Development 29

as follows. A computer simulates the process of an

operation development with all the random variables
involved. This manipulation of the process yields
an observation (realization) of one random operation
run. One such realization gives no grounds for decision
making, but, once a manifold of them is collected after
several runs, it may be handled statistically (whence
the term statistical simulation) to find the process
means and make inferences about the real system and
how, in the mean, it is influenced by initial conditions
and controllable variables.
Both analytical and statistical models arc widely
implemented in operations research. Each of the models
possesses its own advantages and disadvantages. The
analytical models are more rough, account for lesser
number of variables and are always in need for some
allowances and simplifications. On the advantage
side, though, they yield more meaningful results
which better reflect the relevant regularities. Above
all, however, they are better amenable to search of
optimal solutions.
The statistical models are more accurate as compared
with the analytical, they are also more elaborated,
do not require those robbing assumptions, and can
account for a large (theoretically unlimited) number
of factors. Yet, these methods possess their own disad­
vantages, they are bulky, poorly analyzable, need
a lot of computational time, and, above all, are very
difficult at optimal solution search which is performed
by trial and error.
The novices in the field whose expertise in OR studies
is comparatively small often start a study with, not
indispensable, constructing a statistical model, making
effort to incorporate as many factors as available. They
forget a simple thing—getting a model and running
30 Gh. 1 Nature and Use of Operations Research

the computations is but a half way to a useful result;

more important is to succeed in analyzing the com­
putational printouts so that they might be translated
to the rank of recommendations.
Best works in the OR held were based on the joint
application of analytical and statistical models. The
analytical model helps to generally perceive a phe­
nomenon, and outlay, as it were, a contour of major
regularities. Any further improvements can be achieved
with statistical models (in more detail, see the topic
in Chapter 7).
To conclude, we are hound Lo say a few words about
the so-called simulation theory. It is applied to the
processes whose performance is to he directed from
time to time by intervening human will. The manager,
or management, in charge of an operation is to make
decisions depending on the situation being reported
similar to that how a chess player analyzing the game
chooses a move. The decision is then computed over
by the mathematical model to evaluate the system’s
response to this decision in a bit of time. The next
decision will be made already with a due account of
a new real state of the system, and so on. As a result
of the manifold repetition of the procedure the manager
as if gains the expertise, and by improving on his
own and others’ mistakes comes gradually to make
correct decisions, even if not exactly optimal, then
somewhere close to that. These procedures having
come to be known as operational gaming became recently
very popular and widely recognized as a valuable tool
in operational training of managerial staff.
C hapter 2


2.1 Two Ways of Posing the Problem.

Deterministic Models
An operations research problem can be posed in either
of two ways. We shall call them, accordingly, primal
and inverse. A primal problem answers the question:
what will he if under specified conditions we make
a decision x 6 X? In particular, what will amount
with this x the value of a chosen measure of effec­
tiveness, W, or a set of such measures?
To solve such a problem the researcher develops
a mathematical model which represents one or several
measures of effectiveness as functions of specified
conditions and controllable variables.
An inverse problem answers another question: how
to find such a solution x that the measure of effective­
ness, W , be a maximum?1
Basically, primal problems are simpler to solve than
inverse. The latter obviously cannot be solved, without
first solving the primal. Some type of operations evolve
an easily solved primal problem so that it requires
no special attention. In other operations, the model
development and measure of effectiveness com­
putation are fairly nontrivial, as, for example, is

1 In the following we shall always discuss the maximum

search situation whatever it may be. Obviously, the minimum
case becomes that of maximum by simply changing the
sign of W, i.e., min W = max (—W).
32 Ch. 2 Approaching OH problems

the case with queueing theory we shall discuss in

Chapter 6.
A few more details on the inverse problem are in
order. If the number of feasible solutions constituting
the set X is small, then we may simply evaluate the
value of W for each of them to compare and pick up
that one (or those) which maximize W. Hence, an
optimal solution is found by exhaustive search. When
the number of feasible solutions constituting the set
of possible decisions X is large, however, a blind search
by exhaustion is cumbersome, and often virtually
impossible. To deal with such situations, the researcher
has to invoke direct search methods. These And an
optimal solution by successful trial approximations
with each next outcome appearing closer to the sought
optimum than the previous. We shall discuss some of
these techniques in Chapters 3 and 4.
At the moment we confine ourselves to formulat­
ing the problem of finding the optimum solution in
its most general form.
Assume that we are conducting an operation, whose
success we can influence by making a decision x in
one way or another (as will be recalled, x is a group
of parameters rather than a number). Let the effective­
ness of the operation be defined by a single index,
W => max.
Assume further that we deal with the simplest, so-
called deterministic, situation when all the conditions
of the operation are known beforehand, i.e. no uncer­
tainty is involved. Then all the variables on which
the performance of the operation depends may be
broken down into two groups:
(i) those specified beforehand and thus known
(conditions on operating the action); we shall
shortly denote them by the Greek letter a;
2.1 Two Ways of Posing the Problem 33

(ii) those under our control, constituting collectively

a solution x.
Note that the first group of variables contains, among
others, the constraints (occasionally referred to as
restrictions) imposed on a solution, i.e. defines a region
of feasible solutions X.
The measure of effectiveness PE depends on variables
of both groups, or putting it as a formula
PE = W (a, x) (2.1-1)
Considering Eq. (2.1-1) it should not go unnoticed
that both x and, generally, a, are collections of values
(i.e. they are vectors), functions or similar, rather
than numbers. Commonly present among the specified
conditions a, the constraints imposed on controllable
variables assume the form of equations or inequalities.
Assuming that the form of Eq. (2.1-1) is known, that
is the primal problem has been solved, we may for­
mulate the inverse problem as follows.
Given a set of conditions a, find a solution x = x*
such that maximizes the measure of effectiveness PE.
We denote this maximum by
PE* = max {PE (a, z)} (2.1-2)
which is read as: PE* is the maximum value of W (a, x)
taken over all solutions belonging to the set of all
possible solutions, X .
We should accustom ourselves to the equations of the
type. They will be of help in the following (in Chapt­
er 4, for instance).
Now, what we have got is a typical problem on
searching a maximum of a function or a functional.23
2 It should be recalled that the functional is a mathematical
quantity which depends upon a function. When a solution x in­
cludes functions as well as numbers, then W (a, x) is a functional.
3 -0432
34 Ch. 2 Approaching OR problems

It belongs to the well developed class of variational

problems of mathematics. The easiest of them (maxi­
mum and minimum problems) are familiar to any
graduated engineer. Seeking a maximum, or minimum
(an extremum, to be concise), of a function of many
variables we commonly differentiate it with respect
to all the variables (controllable variables in the dis­
cussed circumstances), set the derivatives to zero, and
solve the resulted set of equations. Seemingly, nothing
could be more simple. Yet, in operations research this
classical approach works poorly for several reasons.
First, when the variables are many, solving the relevant
set of equations appears often a more complex task
than the direct search for an extremum. Second, with
some constraints imposed on controllable variables,
an extremum more often than not lies at the boundary
of the region X rather than at the point of zero deriva­
tives. This brings about specific difficulties of the multi­
dimensional variational problem under constraints,
whose complexity might occasionally render it not
amenable to a modern computer. Besides, in some
problems the function W has no derivatives at all—it
is specified, say, only for integer-valued arguments.
All the mentioned circumstances make the search of
extremum not so simple a procedure as it might seem
at first glance.
The strategy of the search for extremum and the
related optimal solution x* should always be devised
paying due regard to the form of both the function W
and imposed constraints. To exemplify, if IT is a linear
function of controllable variables, xly x 2, . . ., xny
and the constraints imposed on the variables have the
form of linear equations or inequalities, then we arrive
at a linear programming (LP) problem which is solved
by comparatively simple and, what is more important.
2.2 Decision Making under Uncertainty 35

standard procedures (see Chapter 3). If W is convex,

special techniques of convex programming are employed.
In problems where the only nonlinearities are qua­
dratic* quadratic programming is invoked (see [8]).
To optimize the control of multistage activities*
dynamic programming techniques are implemented (see
Chapter 4). Finally, there exists a family of numerical
methods devoted to the search of extrema; they typi­
cally use algorithms and are therefore well suited for
implementation on a digital computer. Some of them
involve a random search procedure which not infre­
quently appears more efficient than that of ordered
exhaustion for the case of multidimensional problems.
Summarizing, we can say that the search for optimal
solution in the simplest, deterministic environment
is a purely mathematical problem of the calculus of
variations variety (both constrained and unconstrain­
ed), which may offer computational rather than prin­
cipal difficulties. The procedure is not that straight­
forward, however, when the problem involves un­

2.2 Decision Making under Uncertainty

In the previous section we considered the optimization
problem of OR for the deterministic case, i.e. for the
measure of effectiveness depending on two groups of
factors, those specified and known beforehand a%
and controllable variables, x. More often than not
real problems involve another group, that of unknown
factors which in their generality we will denote by
a single symbol £. Now, the measure of effectiveness W
depends on all the three groups, or symbolically
W = W (a, *, I) (2.2-1)
36 Ch. 2 Approaching OR problems

Since W depends on unknown factors £, it cannot

be computed explicitly even though a and x are given.
Hence, the search for optimal solution is no longer
certain. We cannot after all maximize an unknown
quantity. Still, we cannot help making this quantity
possibly great. Some people do succeed in the circum­
stances when the entire situation is not obvious, don’t
they? Occasionally they do indeed. Converting this
into mathematical language, we pose the following
Given the conditions which must he satisfied, a,
and allowing for the unknown factors £, lind
a solution x £ X such that the measure of effective­
ness, W, be possibly large.
This formulation can no longer be termed rigorous,
indeed it contains a proviso “possibly”. The presence
of uncertain factors translates the problem onto a new
level where decisions are to be made under uncertainty.
Let us have a closer look at the new problem. First
of all, we ought to confess that uncertainty carries with
it no advantage. If the conditions of operations are
not known we can no longer optimize the decision
with that degree of success we could if adequate
information were at hand. Therefore any decision made
under uncertainty is worse than that made in the con­
ditions known beforehand. Anyway, we are bound to
make a decision, whether it be good or bad. Our task
then is to supply the decision with as much judgement
as possible. Thomas L. Saaty, an outstanding expert
in OR, has his reason putting a bit of irony in his
definition of the trade as the art of giving poor answers
to practical questions which other methods answer
still worse [1].
We are confronted with the necessity of making
decisions under uncertainty at every step. For example,
2.2 Decision Making under Uncertainty 37

bound for vacation trip we are packing a suitcase.

Its dimensions along with the weight of the packing
and the set from which we are to choose the things
are given (conditions a), and the weather at the desti­
nation place is not known beforehand (conditions £).
Which clothes (x) should we take along? This problem,
although similar outwardly to those of OR, will be
handled, certainly, with no recourse to mathematics,
though we shall invoke some statistical data, say,
on the most probable weather in the area and our own
tendency to, e.g. catching cold. Whether consciously
or subconsciously, we somehow optimize the decision.
Interestingly, people seem to employ for that different
measures of effectiveness. A young person would
rather tend to maximize the sum of expected pleasures
(let us put aside how this can be estimated in a quan­
titative fashion), whereas an elderly traveller would
more likely minimize the probability of catching
Consider now a more serious problem. A selection of
goods is planned for sales. The salesman would like to
maximize the profit. However, he cannot tell in
advance how many customers will be shopping and
what each of them will need. What will he do? There
is no escaping uncertainty, and yet a decision has to
be made!
Another example. A dam is planned to be built to
protect a region being flooded. Neither moments of
floods, nor their water levels are known beforehand.
Yet the project must be planned and no uncertainty
can relieve us of the necessity to do it.
Finally, an even more complex problem. A weaponry
development is planned over a several years horizon.
Neither a particular opponent, nor his weapon at the
time is known. A decision, however, must be made.
38 Cli. 2 Approaching OR problems

So that to take such decisions judiciously rather

than at random, by rush of inspiration, modern
science suggests several methods. Which of them to
adopt depends on what is the nature of unknown fac­
tors i, what is their origin, and who controls them.
Putting it another way, with what type of uncertainty
we meet in a particular study?
The reader can reasonably ask if it is really possible
to impose type qualification on uncertainties. As turns
out, it may be done.
First of all consider the uncertainty of the, so to say,
most favorable type for the study. This turns up when
the unknown factors belong to the domain of proba­
bility theory, that is, are random variables, or func­
tions, whose statistical characteristics are known or can
in principle be obtained by an appointed time. We
shall refer to these OR problems and relevant uncertain­
ty as stochastic.
We should better demonstrate this type of problems
by means of an example. Let us imagine that we re­
organize the work of a canteen with the intention to
enhance its throughput. No exact data are given about
how many customers will visit it over working hours,
when they will appear, what meals they will order,
and how long each of them will be served. However,
the required characteristics, if not available so far,
can be obtained by statistical inference.
Another illustration. It deals with the design and
operation of a vehicle repair and overhaul facility.
The objective is to cut down idle time due to break
down in service and repair. The^facility is to handle
the unanticipated repair, hence, the failures, time
in repair or overhaul are all factors of random nature.
However, the characteristics of all random variables in­
volved can be gained from the respective statistical data.
2.2 Decision Malang under Uncertainty 39

We get a better sense of this “favorable” uncertainty

if we consider it in still more detail. Let the unknown
factors be random variables whose distribution den­
sities, mathematical expectations, variances, or other
statistical characteristics are principally known.3 Then
the measure of effectiveness, a function of these char­
acteristics, will itself be random. A random variable,
however, cannot be maximized since it remains random
at any option x, that is it cannot be put under control.
What course will we choose?
A surface idea that comes to mind first is to sub­
stitute mean values (expectations) for the respective
random factors £. The problem then becomes deter­
ministic and can be solved by ordinary techniques.
To say least, the approach is fairly tempting and
in some situations even justified. Indeed, the majority
of applicational problems in physics, mechanics, and
engineering is at every step tackled along these lines,
neglecting the random nature of some parameters
involved (heat capacity, inductance, friction coeffi­
cient, etc.) in that their mean values are employed. The
point is essentially how much random these param­
eters are; if they deviate of their means only slightly,
we may use the means and be justified to do so. It is
like this in operations research: we may neglect ran­
domness in some problems. For instance, if we are
engaged in planning raw material supplies for several
production facilities (see Example 1 in Section 1.1),
we may, to a first approximation, neglect, say, that
real output of supply sources may randomly fluctuate
(provided that the bulk supply is well organized).
The same obviation of random variables by their

3 If among the variables of £ are stochastic functions, they

can be converted to series of random variables.
40 Ch. 2 Approaching OR problems

expectations will be inappropriate, however, if the

randomness can substantially impact the outcome of
operation. To illustrate, we take a most primitive
example of shooting a target. If after making several
shots resulted in randomly placed hits we took instead
their mathematical expectation, i.e. the target itself,
we would be guaranteed to hit the target with each
shot which is obviously wrong.
Another example with a lesser evidence. It deals
with the design and operation of a vehicle repair
facility that is to service, e.g., a government motor
pool or a taxi cab company. Should we not plan the
randomness of breakdowns (i.e. change the random
time of failure-free operation for its mathematical
expectation) and the randomness of repair time, then
the capacity of the shop would simply not be up to the
demand (the full evidence of that will be presented in
Chapter 6). Recurrent, though, are operations where
randomness is basically involved so that there is no
driving them to a deterministic end.
Consider now a situation in which the factors £ are
“substantially” random and therefore markedly in­
fluence the measure of effectiveness which, hence, is
substantially random, too.
An intuitively sound approach is to operate with
the mean of the random measure, i.e. take W =
E [W] and choose a decision x such that the averaged
measure be a maximum, viz.,
W = E [ W (a, s, I)] =* max (2.2-2)
Note that this is the very approach we have adopted
in Section 1.2 when we took mean profit and mean
time rather than simply profit and time as a measure
of effectiveness for problems with uncertainty. For
the majority of situations, this approach (we should
2.2 Decision Making under IJricri lainty 41

call it ‘optimization in the mean’) is perfectly justi­

fied. Really, there is more judgement in a solution
chosen so as to maximize the measure of effectiveness
in the mean than in one taken at random.
We may ask after all how far have we succeeded in
obviating the uncertainty? Certainly, to some extent
it is still present. The effectiveness of each operation
performed with particular values of random factors |
can markedly deviate from that expected, assuming
both larger and, unfortunately, lesser values. We
may only content with the thought that the payoff
after multiple repetitions and the optimization in the
mean will be larger than that yielded with no compu­
tations at all.
This optimization in the mean is often used in
practical stochastic OR studies with no investigation
into its validity. To be valid, however, the operation
to which it is applied must be of a recurrent variety so
that a loss in the measure of effectiveness incurred in
one situation might be compensated by its surplus
in another. To illustrate, if we perform a long series
of similar operations with the objective to maximize
the profit, then profits of the operations are to sum
up so that a minus in one operation can he met by
a plus from another with the positive net result.
Yet those who think that this condition will always
guarantee the safe side are far from being true. To
prove, consider an example of automatic control
system planned to manipulate the ambulance car
fleet in a big city. The calls from various districts
arrive at random at the central control board to be
retransmitted to particular, local, ambulance stations
from where cars will he sent. Tt is required to develop
a dispatching algorithm such that will enable the
ambulance services to operate with the best efficiency.
42 Ch. 2 Approaching OR problems

To this end we need first of all to devise a measure of

effectiveness, W.
Obviously, the time a patient waits for the doctor is
desired to be possibly short. However, this time is
a random variable. Should we apply the optimization
in the mean, then we need to choose the algorithm
that minimizes the mean expectation time. If we
adopt this approach, some of our patients would run
into real trouble, since the expectation times cannot
be added—too long waiting of one patient cannot be
compensated for by a quick serving of another. Hence,
if we adopted mean waiting time T as a measure of
effectiveness, we would tend to prefer the algorithm
which, although watching for short mean waiting
time, might agree with very long waiting times for
some of the callers. To avoid these unagreeable cir­
cumstances we can augment the measure of effective­
ness by a requirement calling for the real expectation
time T be not above some largest value t0. Since T
varies at random we may not boldly require that the
condition T ^ t0 be satisfied; we may only require
that it be satisfied with such a high probability as to
make the event T ^ t0 virtually true. Proceeding in
this way, we can adopt the value for the probability,
P, which is close to unity, say 0.99 or 0.995, rendering
the event practically true. Now we can require that
the condition T ^ £0 be met with a probability not
lesser than p, or
P (T < t0) > P (2.2-3)
This constraint implies that the region of feasible
solutions X excludes those of them which fail to satisfy
the condition. The constraints of the type (2.2-3) will
be referred to as stochastic. If present, they substan­
tially complicate the optimization.
2.2 Decision Making under Uncertainty 43

The researcher should be particularly cautioned in

applying the optimization in the mean to a solitary, or
even unique, operation rather than recurrent. The
applicability in such situations depends on what re­
sults from the failure of the operation, i.e. a low value
of effectiveness index brought about; occasionally
it may imply a catastrophe. What reason to hope for
large payoff in the mean if this particular action might
turn out bankruptcy. Again, these catastrophic results
may be avoided by introducing stochastic constraints.
At a substantially large confidence coefficient fJ we
may be practically guaranteed of not being ruined.4
Now that we have shortly considered the case of
“favourable” (stochastic) uncertainty and .generally
elucidated the relevant optimization we are still
halfway to a complete management of uncertainty—
there are worse situations to come. Stochastic uncer­
tainty makes the situation almost certain if the random
variables involved are supplied with the respective
probabilities. The situation is more evasive when the
unknown factors cannot be statistically described.
This may happen either when (i) a probability distri­
bution for | exists basically, but cannot be evaluated
by the moment of decision making, or when (ii) no
distribution for £ exists at all.
An example of situation (i) may be a layout of a
computer information system dedicated to serve ran­
domly arrived demands. The probability character­
istics of these arrivals would have been inferred sta­
tistically if this system or similar bad been in operation

4 The method of probability theory, as applied to practice,

is essentially'* based on the assumption that low probability
events are impossible (this topic and the principles underlying
the assignment of significance levels a = 1 — p are discussed
in [2]).
44 Ch. 2 Approaching OR problems

for a sufficiently long time. However, by the scheduled

term of design no such information is available. How
then will we manage the project decision making?
Certainly, we can, upon some thought, intuitively
assign some characteristics to the random factors £
and optimize a solution x in this background, i.e. as
above, in the mean, or by imposing stochastic con­
straints. This treatment would, undoubtedly, be
better, though not very much, than those with a deci­
sion made at random. A more sound approach would
be to set some decision variables x free to vary, then
option a solution in full awareness of its being not
the best one and implement it. As the implementation
expertise piles up, we could consistently change the
free decision variables striving to increase the effective­
ness. The algorithms of this type, improving in the
process of control, are labeled adaptive. Their advantage
is in that they unburden us from the need to collect
prior statistics, and are liable to readapt in response
to changes in the environment. With more expertise,
such an algorithm gradually improves similar to how
the human improves on committed mistakes.5
Now we turn to the most difficult and unpleasant
situation (ii), that of no probability characteristics for
£, which, thus, cannot be deemed random in the ordi­
nary sense. A little comment is here in order on the
difference between uncertainty and randomness. As
will be recalled, probability theory refers the term
‘random event’ to the events which recur and, more
important, have a property of statistical stability.
The latter implies that similar trials with random out­
come tend to assume a stable distribution upon mani-

5 For a mathematically rigorous discussion on adaptive algor­

ithms, we refer a mathematically mature reader to [31].
2.2 Decision Making under Uncertainty 45

fold repetition. The frequencies of the events tend then

to the respective probabilities, and the sample means
to the mathematical expectations. Tossing a coin
many times, say, the frequency with which heads
appear gradually stabilizes and ceases to be random. In
weighing a body many times with a balance, the aver­
age result ceases swinging and becomes more uniform.
These are examples of stochastic uncertainty, “favor­
able” in our terms.
There is, however, nonstochastic uncertainty which
we will loosely label “unfavorable” in reference to its
analytical “amenability”. This time the factors £ are
intangibles. They are as ever unknown beforehand, but
additionally there is no point in speaking of, or trying
to evaluate, their distributions or other probability
Let us illuminate it by an example. Assume that we
plan a production-and-sales operation which depends
in its success on what will be the most popular length
of ladies skirts, g, in two years. A probability dis­
tribution for £ cannot be inferred principally of any
statistical data. Even if we turn back to history and
start accounting for the multiplicity of experiments
(years) in which | experienced variations, it would
hardly help in our outlook. A probability distribution
of £ simply does not exist, by much the same reason
as does not exist a set of homogeneous experiments
on which the quantity could have a required stability.
Hence, we face the situation of “unfavorable” uncer­
However untractable mathematically this situation
might seem, it would be unwise to give up all mathe­
matical efforts, as even in these adverse circumstances
a preliminary computation might be worthwhile.
Let us trace this statement in more detail. Any
46 Ch. 2 Approaching OR problems

unfavorable uncertainty compels us to content with

guesswork about £ only. If we make a right use of it,
i.e. choose more or less plausible values for £, then
the problem under study casts into deterministic
framework and may be handled by ordinary tech­
niques—indeed attractive and easy seem deterministic
situations now!
Still, we have not enough reasons for joy. Assume
that having consumed much effort and time (both our
own and computer’s) we have arrived at some plausible
£. Would then a decision made for these £ be equally
good for other ?? As a rule, it would not. Therefore
its value is highly limited, and a good practice at
this stage will be to choose a tradeoff decision rather
than optimal for some conditions. This decision though
not optimal for, possibly, any conditions will be
nevertheless applicable throughout their entire range.
Whatever feasible theory of tradeoff does not exist
so far, although some efforts in this direction are made
in game theory and decision making (see Chapter 8).
A common practice is to leave the option of a com­
promise decision for the OR analyst. He would run
the problem many times for various £ and x to estimate
with these preliminary computations the strong and
weak points of each version and make an option. The
procedure does not necessitate (though it is interesting
at times) the knowledge of conditional optima for
each set of conditions £. Calculus of variation tech­
niques step back in this case.
Another valuable aspect of preparatory analyses
in the studies involving unfavorable uncertainty
should be emphasized. At this preliminary stage the
analyses help screen off the decisions x £ X that at
any conditions | are inferior to those retained and,
hence, uncompetitive. It may substantially reduce
2.2 Decision Making under Uncertainty 47

the set X , at times to a few alternatives amenable

to consideration and assessment by the decision maker
in search of a suitable tradeoff.
In remedying the unfavorable uncertainty it is
always worthwhile to stage competition of various
approaches and viewpoints. Among the latter one
singles out owing to its mathematical stand—that
of utmost pessimism. It states essentially that the
decision maker working under unfavorable uncertainty
must always expect the worst possible outcome and
make the decision yielding best effect in the worst
conditions. If in these conditions we gain a payoff
W = W, then we may guarantee that at any other
conditions it will not be less (the principle of guaran­
teed result). This approach is attractive in that it
explicitly formulates the optimization problem and
thus paves the way for correct mathematical techniqu­
es. Yet it is justified far not always. Its major applica­
tion area covers so-called conflict situations where the
conditions are decided by an intelligent person (oppo­
nent) who responds to each our decision in the worst
way for us.6 In more “neutral” situations the principle
of guaranteed gain is not the only possible and can be
considered along with the other alternatives. If employ­
ed, however, the extreme position of this viewpoint
should not be left out of sight since a decision it can
produce can be only overcautioned and very careful,
which may not always be sound. Imagine a military
commander who makes all his decisions working from
a hypothesis that his opponent is extraordinarily
intelligent, shrewd and resourceful to counteract
every time immediately and in a most unpleasant

6 In more detail various approaches to choosing the decision

alternatives under uncertainty are considered in Chapter 8.
48 Ch. 2 Approaching OR problems

way. Hardly would a strategy of this commander be

a success. On the contrary, in any real situation, the
effort of decision maker should be devoted to revealing
where the weak points of the opponent lie so as to use
the information in inventing a deceptive strategy.
A spirit of pessimism is even less appropriate in the
situations where the decision maker is not opposed by
any enemy forces. The “pessimistic” computations
should always be corrected by a sound amount of
optimism. The other extreme viewpoint, that of blind
optimism, might be as dangerous, yet some risk must
be involved in any process of decision making. We
should not overlook also that any decision made under
unfavorable uncertainty is bound to be bad and there­
fore hardly deserves to be substantiated with delicate
and laborious computations. One should better think
of where to collect the lacking information. Here all
the ways are good if only they clarify the situation.
In this connection we are bound to mention a rather
original approach which, though not exciting lovely
feelings in pure mathematicians, is useful and at times
the solely possible. We speak of judgemental probability
assessment. It is often employed in problems where
forecasting is to be made under unfavourable uncer­
tainty as, say, in futurology. The idea of the approach
is roughly in the following. A team of experts is recruit­
ed to answer a question, for example, to call the term
of an invention, or assess the probability of an event.
The collected answers undergo statistical treatment,
as it were, and although the results retain the subjective
nature, they do it in a lesser extent than if a single
expert were interrogated. Similar assessments of prob­
ability may be applied in studies under uncertainty.
Each of the experts assesses the likelihood of various
alternative conditions \ assigning them some subjective
2.3 Multiobjective Problems 49

probabilities. Although each of the experts tends to

introduce into the assessment his own bias, after
averaging the result is more objective and useful (by
the way, the estimates of real expertise disperse not
so strongly as one might expect). In this manner
a problem involving an unfavorable uncertainty re­
duces, as it were, to an ordinary stochastic problem. The
conclusions drawn in this section should, certainly,
not be overemphasized; if added to other results,
yielded by other approaches, they may, however,
prove valuable in selection of an alternative.7
Finally we will make a general remark. Whatever we
have done trying to substantiate a decision selected
under uncertainty, an element of guess still remains.
Therefore we ought not to make too higher a demand
to thus produced decisions. Instead of pointing out
a sole, explicitly optimal (from some viewpoint)
decision, it would be a better approach to evaluate
a region of feasible decisions which are if only insig­
nificantly inferior to the others at whatever conditions
(viewpoint) we consider them. Within this region we
(the researchers) must recommend management to
make its final choice. Displaying the decision making
recommendations, the researcher must simultaneously
convey the viewpoints on which these recommendations
are based.

2.3 Multiobjective Problems

Inspite of substantial difficulties offered by uncertain­
ty, the situations we have considered so far can be
7 Judgement probability assessment is implemented in other
arrangements as the simplest one outlined above with each
expert expressing his opinion independently of the others; at
times joint assessment is employed (brainstorming session).
50____________ Ch. 2 Approaching Oft problems______

regarded as most simple, since the objective or measure

of effectiveness to be maximized (minimized) has been
sole and obvious in each of them. Unfortunately,
such problems are not a frequent practical occasion,
they can be presumably met in dealing with small-
scale and moderate-consequence ventures. In studies
of large-scale complex actions which involve different
interests of management and community, the perfor­
mance cannot be as a rule completely described by
a sole measure so that additional measures have
to be designed. Owing to the diversity of objec­
tives the problems of the type are termed multiobjec-
As an example of such a problem consider a defence
plan for an important facility to protect it from air
attacks. We have at our disposal some antiaircraft
weapons that must be rationally placed around the
facility, arranged for mutual operation, have the
targets distributed among them and adequate stock
supply provided, and so forth. Assume that each of
the enemy aircraft participating in a raid carries
a powerful weapon which if hit home completely
demolishes the facility. The primary objective of our
operation is then to battle the aircraft off the facility
to prevent any of them coming at an aiming point.
Naturally a measure of effectiveness in this case will
be built around the probability that none of the aircraft
will break through our defence screen. Is it, however,
the sole important objective? Certainly, not. The
probability of rejection being equal, we would prefer
a decision that cares for a larger count of enemy planes
be shot down. Whence another measure, the average
number of eliminated (hit) planes, which we also
would like to maximize. Besides, we are not indifferent
to our own losses—another measure we would like
2.3 Multiobjective Problems 51

to minimize. We might also wish that the amount of

expended ammunition be minimal,*and so on.
Another example, this time from the production
planning field. Planning or reorganizing a production,
management usually has to deal with several aspects.
On the one hand, it would be desirable to maximize the
output; on the other hand, the net profit must be
made as large as possible. As for production costs,
they must be least; while the labour productivity must
be highest. If thought over a little more, the problem
can produce additional objectives.
The multitude of effectiveness measures, of which
ones would like to be driven to a maximum, others
to a minimum, is characteristic of any complex OR
problem of value. We suggest the reader to exercise
the acquired skill devising measures to assess the
performance of a bus company. Consider which of the
measures, from your point of view, is superior (most
intimately connected with the objective); place the rest
in the order of descending importance. This is a good
example to convince that (a) none of the measures
can be selected as the sole one, and (b) establishing a
system of measures is not so simple a problem after all.
Both the measures and their priority depend on whose
interests are preferred when a decision is optimized.
Resuming, we typically found a variety of objectives
in a large-scale venture, with the associated quantita­
tive performance indexes, W2l . . ., Wn, some
of which are desired to be maximized, and the others
The question now is whether there exists a decision
such that can satisfy all these requirements. A frank
answer to it is: no. A decision that maximizes one of
the measures is as a rule unable either to minimize
or to maximize the others. Therefore a formulation
52 Ch. 2 Approaching OR problems

such as ‘to produce maximal effect at minimal expen­

ditures’ is nothing but a rhetorical phrase and must
be discarded in any serious analysis.
How would we manage then if we would have to
assess the effectiveness of an action by several mea­
Nonexperts in operations research would tend to
produce a single performance criterion for such a mul­
tiobjective problem. They would devise a function
of all the measures involved and consider it as a joint,
generalized measure designed to optimize a sought
solution. Often this measure is materialized as a frac­
tion with the variables desired to be increased in the
numerator, and those to be decreased in the denomina­
tor. For instance, productivity and profit are above
the line, and expense below.
This approach cannot be recommended because it is
based on an implicit assumption that a shortcoming
of one of the measures may be made up at the expense
of another; low output, say, at the expense of low cost.
As a rule, this assumption does not hold true.
Recall the person’s quality self-assessment criterion
that was once jokingly devised by the famous Russian
novelist Leo Tolstoy. He put it as a fraction with
actual merits of a person in the numerator, and the
self assessment in the denominator. At first sight, the
criterion might seem logically solid. However, imagine
a person almost devoid of merits and of nil opinion
of himself. The criterion would judge him as one of
infinitely high value which could hardly be agreed with.
Similar paradoxical conclusions can not infrequently
be drawn from a rational measure of effectiveness in
which all the factors that contribute to advantage are
put in the numerator, and those to disadvantage in the
2.3 Multiobjective Problems 53

Another, a bit more sophisticated generalized mea­

sure of effectiveness in frequent use is drawn up as a
weighted sum of individual measures each of which,
W i, enters with its own weighting coefficient a* reflec­
ting the importance of a related measure:
W = axWt + a2W 2 + . . . (2.3-1)
Those measures which are desired to be increased come
in with positive weights, those to decrease with
For arbitrary weights au a2, . . . this approach is
nowhere better than the previous, if only the general­
ized criterion this time does not go to infinity. Its
advocates refer to the inherent analogy with that how
a human working out a compromise mentally weighs
all for and against assigning larger weights to more
important factors. This similarity is true only in
part since the weigting coefficients introducing various
factors are not constant but vary accordingly as the
situation alters.
Illustrate the statement with an everyday life
example. A clerk being out for the office considers his
route to arrive in time. Which transportation will
be most suitable? Streetcars go in short intervals, but
run long; buses run faster, but arrive at longer inter­
vals. He may, certainly, take a taxi, but this will
be the most expensive way. Or another tack: cover
a part of the distance by underground and then take
a taxi. Yet there may happen to be no cars at the taxi-
rank and then he will have to walk the last part of the
distance, jeopardizing to be late more than if he took
a bus. How will he behave?
We face a typical (intentionally simplified) OR
problem with two measures. The first is the mean
expected time of being above schedule, T, which is
54 Cli. 2 Approaching OH problems

desired to be minimal. The second is the expected fare,

F, which must also be kept at a minimum. The two
requirements contradict each other, therefore, to
make them compatible the clerk should arrive at a com­
promise between them. He may be weighing sub­
consciously all pros and cons employing somewhat of
the generalized measure kind
W = axT + a2F => min (2.3-2)
The trouble though is that weighting coefficients a{
and a2 cannot be deemed constant. They depend on
both the variables, T and F, and the situation. If,
for example, the clerk has been reprimanded recently
for being late, the coefficient for T will, likely, be
increased, while the coefficient at F will, probably,
be increasing away from a payday. If he assigns
(as is usually done) ax and a2 arbitrarily, then the
resultant “optimal” decision will be as arbitrary in its
This example shows a typical trick for the situations
of the sort—transfer of arbitrariness from one instance
into another. A simple choice of a tradeoff decision by
mental counterplaying all pros and cons for each
alternative might have seemed arbitrary and not
scientific enough, whereas manipulating a formula
involving coefficients ax and a2 (let alone their being
assigned arbitrarily) looked more of a science. As
a matter of fact, there is none of it in this manipulating
We ought to abandon our hope for getting rid com­
pletely of any subjective bias when choosing a decision
alternative. Even in the simplest, one-measure prob­
lems it will inevitably be present, emerging if only
in the choice of measure of effectiveness or establishing
a mathematical model. The bias is even more inevi-
2.3 Multiobjectivo Problems 55

table in a multiobjective problem. Seldom, though they

might be, the situations turn up which make it clear
immediately after evaluating the measures for all
alternatives which of them to choose. If an alternative
decision is superior to the others in all measures, then
obviously, this one is to be preferred. More often
(hough the studies are met in which the situation can­
not be made as plain at a first attempt; the measures
usually tend to divert in opposite directions. Therefore
it would be worthwhile to conduct additional analysisy
invoking, possibly, even the expressions of (2.3-1)
type though treating their implications critically
rather than without reserve.
Helpless, as the considered situations might suggest
it is, mathematical tooling is nevertheless of value in
two aspects. First, it helps solving primal OR prob­
lems, i.e. calculating for any decision x the relevant
values of measures of effectiveness W x, W 2, • • *r
however many they might count (incidentally, multi-
objective nature is not a hindrance for primal pro­
blems). Second and more important, it helps screen
off those decisions of the set X of possible decisions
which are inferior to their counterparts in all mea­
The procedure of screening is fairly simple. Consider
a multiobjective problem of k measures, W x, W 2,
. . ., W h. To simplify the discussion, assume all these
quantities are to be maximized (changing signs, as
will be recalled, is enough to make the maximum of
a minimum). Let in the set of possible solutions be two
xx and x 2 such that all Wx, W2, . . ., W h for xx are
equal or more than the respective criteria for the second
solution, i.e. at least one of the measures assumes a
larger value. Obviously then, there is no longer any
sense to keep x %in X as it is dominated by xv Wo
56 Ch. 2 Approaching OR problems

reject x 2 as noncompetitive and go over comparing all

the other decisions through all the measures. The set X
may be drastically reduced as a result of this compare-
reject procedure and retain only those (efficient) neither
of which ^dominates the others.
wz 2

J* H x
6* 7 * 8 * </• >/0
17*16 ’ 15* ff.. \f1
18* 13*
20 *

0 Wf
Fig. 2.3-1

To better illustrate how such decision can be evalu­

ated, consider an example having two measures each
of which is to be maximized. The set X consists of a
finite number of possible alternatives, xx, x 2, . . ., xn.
To each of them we may put in correspondence the
relevant values of the measures Wx and W2. We will
plot these values as points at a W A versus W 2 plane,
bearing the numbers of the decisions (see Fig. 2.3-1).
As we can observe, of all the set X we can refer to
as efficient only the decisions x 2, x5, .r10, and xlx bor­
dering from right and top the possible options area
(dashed line in Fig. 2.3-1). For any other decision,
there exists at least one such that dominates it cither
in Wx or W 2 or both. It is only for the decisions on the
upper boundary that no dominating decision exists.
Now that we have evaluated the efficient decisions
out of the whole set of those possible, we may confine
2.3 Mulliobjcctivc Problems 57

our further search within the new “efficient” set.

Figure 2.3-1 depicts it as consisting of four decisions,
x 2, x5, x10, and xlv Decision xu is seen to be the best
in Wn while x 2 the best in W 2. It is up to the decision
maker to choose the alternative that would satisfy
him in both criteria.
In a similar manner the efficient set is constructed
when the measures are more than two (when more than
three, a graphical representation can no longer be
visualized, although geometrically a problem may be
treated essentially along the same lines). The efficient
set is easier to deal with than the set X. The final
decision making is as ever left to management since
what is required at this stage is to arrive at a trade-off
decision which might be nonoptimal and nevertheless
suit in several aspects; it will be made in an informal
fashion by a decision maker bearing the responsibility
for the final choice.
The procedure of selecting an alternative solution,
if repeated several times, can yet form a basis to work
out certain intuitive rules (called heuristics) with
which a computer may proceed arriving at a final
solution by its own. This approach received accordingly
a name of ‘heuristic programming’. It is essentially
as follows. Assume that an expert or, still better, a
group of experts having many times selected trade-off
solution to a multiple alternative OR problem yields
a series of estimates for various conditions a. With
these estimates at hand and enough time one can,
say, arrive at a reasonable choice of weights atJ a2l . . .
. . ., an in expression (2.3-1), which generally depend
on both a and measures Wx, W2, . . ., W„ proper.
A generalized criterion built with the weights may
then be conveyed to a computer authorizing it to
choose a solution by itself. The heuristic programming
58 Cli. 2 Approaching OR problems

approach has at times to be pursued when there is

virtually no time for thinking a compromise decision
over as, say, in a combat operation. It is also employed
when an automatic control system is established in
full charge of a process or system.
The computer also proves of value when the analyst
has an ample time to come to conclusion by himself.
He sits at the console and via the keyboard instructs
the computer to calculate the values of measures
Wt , W2, . . ., Wn. With these values on the display,
he can critically assess the situation and appropriately
correct the weighting coefficients, or other parameters
of the control algorithm.
An often applied strategy of reducing the number
of objectives in a multiple objective problem relies on
evaluating a major measure, say, Wx, and driving it
to a maximum, while imposing some constraints on the
other measures, W2, . . ., Wn, requiring that they be
not lower than specified values w2, . . ., wn. For in­
stance, in the optimization of production planning,
management may require that the profit be maximized,
items variety target be attained, and the costs of
production be not above those specified. This approach
translates all the measures, lest a major one, into the
rank of given conditions a. A certain freedom in assign­
ing the margins w2, . . ., wn still persists so that the
analyst may introduce the relevant corrections inter­
actively gauging the problem via a computer.
Another way of arriving at a tradeoff solution is by
means of what we would call successful concessions.
Let the measures be ordered in decreasing priority.
First, we seek a solution which maximizes the first
(preemptive priority) measure so that Wt = W*.
Next, considering low accuracy of initial data and the
relevant practical environment we may assign some
2.3 Multiobjoctivc Problems 59

concession AW X which we can afford in stepping Wx

back in order to maximize the second measure W2.
With this limitation on Wx requiring it be not lower
than W* — AWx, we seek a solution which maximizes
W2. The following step will obviously be an assign­
ment of a concession in W 2 at the expense of which W3
can be maximized, and so forth. The advantage side
of this approach is in that it immediately discloses
what should be the amount of tradeoff in one measure
to gain in another and how large will be the winning.
Whatever stated, the multiple objective problem,
being ill-structured, cannot be handled mathematically
to a final point; the final decision is always left up to
the decision maker. The analyst, or OR task group,
supplies the manager with the data disclosing the ad­
vantages and disadvantages of each alternative solution
in order to facilitate his decision towards more objecti­
vely substantiated preference.
* * *

To conclude, a few words are in order on the systems

theory approach to decision making problems.
Now that scales and complexities of operations in­
crease dramatically, ever pressing become the prob­
lems of optimal control concerned with large, dynam­
ically interconnected systems involving a great
number of units and subsystems organized into hierar-
chial structures. The principle can be exemplified
by a large corporation which includes relatively self-
governed subsidiaries with their plants and factories
which in turn can be subdivided into shops and facili­
ties. Trying to optimize the performance of one element
of such a complex system, the manager must not
overlook the interconnections that exist between the
60 Ch. 2 Approaching OR problems

units at various levels of the hierarchial structure.

The existing influence implies that a segment cannot
be optimized in isolation from the entire system.
Even within a smaller system, a plant, a sharp
increase of production output as a result of an optimi­
zation is only a half of a success. If the manufactured
items pile up—better if on the shelves, worse if in the
yard—because the transportation facilities are not
ready to carry them out, the inevitable losses may
offset the gain due to the optimized production boost.
If we go further and suppose that the carriers were
in abundance and there were no problems about trans­
portation of the goods, however, the market stand
had not been consulted so that the delivered surplus
commodities swiftly diminished in price along with
the other brought merchandise, it certainly would
inflict losses—again resulted from “local” planning.
What sort of planning should then be recommended?
It certainly must not be an all-inclusive, tightly-
composed brain work, governed hierarchially upside
down and controlling all up to the smallest thing in
a shop. This is neither possible, nor worth striving at.
A sound control for a sophisticated hierarchy should
be organized so that each command from an upper
level downward be given in general terms providing
some freedom for local initiative, though, the objec­
tives must be formulated in such a way that working
towards them a unit performs in accord with the
interest of upper levels and the system as a whole.
This is obviously easier said than done. A mathe­
matical theory'of large hierarchially structured systems
is now still under development. The effort is devoted
to creating mathematical tools which would appro­
priately describe such systems and decompose them
into smaller subsystems or elements more suitable for
2.3 Multiobjective Problems 61

studies, yet so far efficient methods of control for

such systems are still wanted. Practically, the ‘systems
approach’ in the OR field is materialized as a treat­
ment of a subsystem being optimized as a part of a
larger system within which the subunit undergoes an
evaluation of the influence it may impose on the per­
formance of the whole system.
C h ap ter i

3.1 Linear Programming Problems

Jn the previous chapters we considered mainly the
methodology of operations research, studied various
types of problems, evaluated ways to their solution,
etc., while putting aside the subject of mathematical
techniques needed for that purpose. This and ensuing
chapters will shortly discuss some of these techniques
widely employed in OR studies. We will not go into
the details of their implementation, placing main
emphasis on their basic structure.
We have already mentioned the simplest problems
in which the measure of effectiveness (objective func­
tion), W, explicitly evolves from the orientation of
the operation at hand and the conditions of the opera­
tion are specified beforehand (deterministic problem).
For this class of problems the objective function
depends upon two sets of parameters only, namely,,
defined conditions a, and controllable (decision) vari­
ables x :
W = W (cc, x) (3.1-1)
It is important to recall that the specified conditions
a contain the constraints imposed on the decision
Let a solution to our problem be a set of n decision
variables xXl x2, . . or an /2 -tuple,
x = [xly x 2, . . ., xn]
3.1 Linear Programming Problems 63

It is required to find such values of x which maximize

(or minimize), i.e. yield an optimum for, the objective
function W.
The problems seeking the values of parameters that
optimize the function subject to the constraints im­
posed on the arguments have come to be known as
problems of mathematical programming * They differ
in complexity which is decided by (i) the type of the
function relating W with decision variables, (ii) the
dimension of problem, i.e. the number of decision
variables xx, . . ., xT), and (iii) the type and number of
constraints imposed on the variables.
The simplest (and best developed) problems of
mathematical programming are the so-called linear pro­
gramming (LP) problems. They are interesting in that
(a) their measure of effectiveness (called mainly
‘objective function’ for this class of problems) depends
linearly on the decision variables . . ., xny and
(b) the constraints imposed on the variables assume
the form of linear equations or inequalities in xu . . .
. . ., xn.
These are recurrent problems in practical applica­
tions, for example in resource allocation, production
planning, transportation scheduling, to name only a
few. This is only natural, as in many practical prob­
lems incomes and expenditures are linear functions
of the amounts of acquired or utilized materials. For
example, the total cost of a lot of goods varies in direct
proportion with the number of items in the lot; trans­
portation payments are again effected in direct pro­
portion to carried weights—the examples may queue
at length.
1 The word programming does not refer to the programming
of a computer; it means the programming or allocation of items
or entities.
64 Ch. 3 Linear Programming

Of course, we are far from claiming all the practical

relationships being linear; we would content ourselves
with a modest statement that linear, or close, depen­
dencies are frequent occasions—a valuable fact, too.
To get a better sense of the matter, consider several
LP problems.
A blending (diet) problem. A feed mix for livestock
at an animal farm is composed to meet some minimum
daily calorie requirements of protein, carbohydrate,
and fat. For simplicity assume that only four food­
stuffs are available, Fx, F2, F3, and F4. The cost of
unit of each food is respectively c1? c2, c3t and c4.
The calorie content of each food with respect to pro­
tein, fat, and carbohydrate on per unit basis is shown
in Table 3.1-1 by symbol a*;, where i stands for the
number of food-stuff, hence i — 1 , 2, 3, 4; and j stands
for the number of nutrient: protein = i , carbohydrate
= 2, fat = 3.
Table 3.1-1

F ood P r o te in C a rb o h y d ra te Fat C ost

Fi an a l2 a 13 Cl
F2 a 2l a 22 a 23 C2
a 3l a 32 a 33 C3
F4 a 41 a 42 a 43 C4

The problem is to blend a mix, that is, to assign an

amount to each food-stuff component, such that the
protein content of mix be not less than bx units, carbo­
hydrates not less than b2 units, fat not less than b3
units, and keep it at a minimum cost.
Let us build a mathematical model. This time the
procedure will be rather simple. Denote as x 2, x 3,
3.1 Linear Programming Problems 65

and x4 the amounts of each food-stuff in the mix. The

objective we are going to minimize is the cost of the
mix, C, which linearly depends on the controllable
variables xx, x2, x 3, and x 4:
C = c4x4 + c2x 2 + c3x 3 + c4x4
or in a more concise form

C= (3.1-2)
Thus, we have obtained the objective equation and
it is linear. Next we write formulas for the constraints
of protein, carbohydrate, and fat content. Considering
that x1 units of food Fx contain alxxx units of protein,
x 2 units of food F2 contain a21x2 units of protein, and
so on, we arrive at three inequalities
^11^1 a2lX2 4“ ^31*^3 "1“ ^41^4 ^ ^1
#12^1 4“ @22X 2 4“ ^ 3 2 X 3 4“ ^42*^4 ^2 (3.1 “3)
#13^1 + a 23X 2 a33x 3 -j- d43x 4 b3
constraining the variations of decision variables xx, x 2,
x3l and x 4.
The problem reduces thereby to the following:
find nonnegative values of decision variables
#i, x 2, x 3, and x 4 such that satisfy the constraint
inequalities (3.1-3) and simultaneously minimize
the linear objective function of these variables:

C= 2 c ^ ^ m in
i= 1
What we have obtained is a typical problem of linear
programming. We postpone the discussion of its solu­
tion methods until later to illustrate three more prob­
lems of the kind.
5 -0 4 3 2
66 Ch. 3 Linear Programming

An inventory scheduling problem. A factory is set

up to produce three products Px, P 2, and P 3. The
company that controls the factory has a contract to
supply not less than b1 items of Pu not less than b2
items of P 2l and not less than b3 items of P 3. The
factory may manufacture still higher numbers of the
products, but the demand bounds them from above:
not more, respectively, than px, p2, and P3 items each.
Each product requires for its manufacture four types
of raw material m2, m3, and m4. The stocks of
each material are limited by amounts of yx, y2, y3,
and y4 units. To produce an item of product Pj the
factory needs atj units of raw material ra* (i = 1 , 2 ,
3, 4). The first subscript, i, is seen to refer to the prod­
uct, and the second, 7 , to the raw material. The values
a,ij are summarized in Table 3.1-2.
Table 3.1-2

P r o d u c ts
R aw
[ m a te r ia ls
Pi P2 Pz

m1 A ll a 2l a 81
m2 a 12 a 22 a 82
m9 a lS a 28 a 88
a 14 a 24 a 84

The company realizes a profit of c± on each item of

c2 on each item of P 2, and c3 on each item of P 3.
How should the manufacturing of the products be
arranged subject to the constraints placed by the
contract and demand and so as to obtain the largest
possible profit?
Let us formulate the problem in the form of a linear
program. The controllable variables will be x2,
3.1 Linear Programming Problems 67

and x 3l which are the numbers of items of Px, P 2,

and P 3 which the factory will produce. The necessity
to meet the contract obligations will be presented by
three constraint inequalities:
x1 > bx, x 2 > b2, x 3 > b3 (3.1-4)
Three more inequalities appear due to the restrictions
of demand:
x1 ^ Pi, x 2 ^ P2» x 3 ^ Pa (3.1-5)
Besides, the factory must not run out of raw material
stocks. Accordingly, for four types of material we get
four constraint inequalities:
^11*^1 "I- ^21*^2 "1” ^31*^3 Yl

a \2Xl + a 22X 2 + a 32X 3 ^ ?2 /Q 4 r»v

I I ^ (3.1-6)
^13*^1T & 23X 2 T 0 ' 33X 3 Ys

014*1 + a2Ax 2 a 3AX 3 < Y4

The profit realized on a production schedule
(xx, x 2j x 3) will be:
L = cxxx + c2x 2 + c3x 3 (3.1-7)
Thus we have obtained again an LP problem: find
(choose) nonnegative values of variables xx, x2, and x 3
such that satisfy the constraint inequalities (3 .1 -4 ),
(3.1-5) and (3.1-6) and maximize the linear function
of these variables:
L = cxxx + c2x 2 + c3x 3 =>* max (3.1-8)
This problem is closely akin to the previous one, the
only difference being that this time constraint in­
equalities are more in number and the objective is
maximized rather than minimized (we already know,
however, that the latter discrepancy is insignificant).
68 Ch. 3 Linear Programming

The next problem prepares the constraints of still

another type.
A production scheduling problem. A weaving mill
manufactures three grades of cloth, G1, G2, and G3,
on two types of looms of which there are N 1 machines
of type 1 and N 2 machines of type 2. The looms differ
in production rate having various output for different
cloths. The respective rates, atjj are summarized in
Table 3.1-3 where i refers to the type of machine and j
to the grade of cloth.
Table 3.1-3

C lo th
L oom
ty p e
Gi g2 Gz

1 all a 12 a 12
2 a 21 a 22 a 23

The profit for each meter of cloth G1 is clt for a

meter of G2 is c2l and for a meter of G3 is c3.
To fill an order, the mill must produce monthly not
less than 6 1? b2, and b3meters of each cloth, respectively.
The warehouse capacity, however, demands that the
produced amounts must not exceed, respectively,
Px, p2, and P3 meters. Besides, the operating conditions
necessitate that all the machines be loaded.
The problem is to assign the machines to the pro­
duction order so as to realize the largest monthly
At first sight, what is formulated is a tween prob­
lem to the previous one. The temptation is very
strong to denote the amounts of cloths in a production
schedule by x 2, and x 3 and maximize the total
3.1 Linear Programming Problems 69

profit c1x 1 + c2x 2 + c3x 3. Yet we should stop here

and ask ourselves: where are the capacities of the
looms? Upon a little thought it will be obvious that
this time the decision variables are the numbers of
machines of type 1 and type 2 employed in the manu­
facture of each cloth rather than the amounts of the
cloths. For convenience we denote the decision vari­
ables by the letter x with two variable indices, the
first of which refers to a type of machine, and the second
to a cloth. All in all, it yields six variables.
#n #12 #13 (3.1-9)
#21 ^22 #23

where, say, xlx stands for the number of type 1 ma­

chines employed in the manufacture of grade Gx cloth.
We have come to formulating one more problem of
linear programming. First, put down the constraints
imposed on the decision variables x tj. The major of
them are the restrictions set by the order:
^11*^11 ^21^21 bl
^12*12 + ^22^22 > b 2 (3.1-10)
a l 3 X 13 a 23X 23 b3

This done, come over to satisfy the warehouse limi­

tations which yields three more inequalities:
^11^11 4" ^21^21 ^ Pi
ai2#i 2 + ^22^22 < P2 (3.1-11)
a l 3 X 13 a 23X 23 ^ P3

Now is the turn for writing the conditions that all

machines participate in the manufacture. Recall that
the total number of the looms of type 1 employed in
the manufacture must be N lf and the machines of
70 Ch. 3 Linear Programming

type 2 amount to N 2• Whence these two equalities:

XH + + *1, = (3.1-12)
X 21 + X 22 + X 2ii —

Finally, put down the total profit produced by all

the cloths. The total amount of cloth Gx manufactured,
aiixn + Q'2 ix 2 h produces the profit^ (auxu-\- a21x21).
The same type of reasoning yields, for a production
schedule (3.1-9), the total profit of the mill for a
L = (<*!!*„ + ^21*^2l) + ^2 (^12*^12 + ^22^22)
+ C 3 ( a l 3 X 13 +^^)23 23

or in a concise form
3 2
L = % Cj dijx ij (3.1-13)
i= 1 i= l
This linear function of six arguments is to be maxi­
mized, i.e. L =»• max.
In words, this linear program may be spelled thus:
find nonnegative values of variables xlly x12, . . ., x 23
such that satisfy the constraint inequalities (3.1-10),
(3.1-11), and equalities (3.1-12) and maximize the
linear function of these decision variables (3.1-13).
The total count of the problem constraints amounts to
eight: six inequalities and two equations.
A raw material allocation problem. A large corpo­
ration has three production plants, Plf P 2l and P 3
in demand each, respetively for a±, a2, and a3 units
of a raw material. Five sources variously distanced
from the plants can supply this material at various
transportation costs per unit tabulated in Table 3.1-4.
The capacities of the suppliers are limited by the
available stocks so that the sources 5 lt S 2, S 3, S 4,
3.1 Linear Programming Problems 71

and S 5 can supply not more than 6 1? b2, b3l fc4, and b5
units, respectively. It is required to design a ship­
ment schedule, i.e. to allocate the amounts sup­
plied by each source to each plant, such that the de­
mands are satisfied at least possible transportation
Table 3.1-4

S u p p lie r
r ia n t
Si S2 S3 S4 s5

Pi C11 C12 C18 C14 C15

P2 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25
P3 c 3l C32 C33 C34 C35

Formulate again the LP problem. Let x tj denote the

amount of material received by the ith plant from the
/ th source. In total, a schedule will involve 15 decision
*11 *12 *13 *14 *15

*21 *22 *23 *24 *25 (3.1-14)



*31 *32 *33


The constraints on demand must state that each

plant receives as much material as it demands,
•^ 11 “I- *^12 + *13 *14 *15 ^1

X 2i -f“ #22 *23 *24 * 2 5 1=2 ^2 ( 3 .1 - 1 5 )

*31 ~f" *32 “ 1“ * 3 3 *34 “ 1“ *35 = a 3

Next put down the constraints evolving from the

72 Ch. 3 Linear Programming

capacities of the suppliers:

X11 X2\ + #31
#12 "4" # 2 2 “f" # 3 2 ^2

X 13 ”1“ X 2 3 “4" # 3 3 ^3 (3.1-16)

#14 “4" # 2 4 "4“ # 3 4 ^ ^4

#15 + X 25 + #35 ^ ^5

Finally come the total costs which we are to mini­

mize. With reference to Table 3.1-4 we may put them as
3 5

Zf = 2 S C ijX u ^ m in (3.1-17)
i= 1 j= l

We again have obtained a linear program: find non­

negative values of variables x tj such that minimize
the linear function (3.1-17) subject to the constraints
(3.1-15) and (3.1-16).
Summing up, we have considered several typical
LP problems. They have similar formulations and
differ only in that in ones the objective must be maxi­
mized whereas in others it must be minimized; in some
problems the constraints are all inequalities, in
others they may be both inequalities and equations.
There are LP problems where all constraints are
equalities. These differences, though, are of minor
importance since constraint inequalities may be readily
transformed into equations and vice versa, as will be
demonstrated in the ensuing section.

3.2 Moving to Algebraic Solution

Any LP problem may be cast into a standard form
which within the framework of this text will be called
the general LP problem.
3.2 Moving to Algebraic Solution 73

It is stated as follows: find nonnegative values of

variables xt , x 2, . . xn such that satisfy the
constraint equations
®'l\x\ H~” &\2X2 ""I- * * • ""I- &lnxn ^1
^21^1 + a 22X 2 + • • • + d 2nx n = ^2 ^

^ml^l “f" G,m2x 2 + • • • + Q,mnxn

and maximize the linear function of these variables:
L = cxxx + c2x 2 + . . . + cnxn =>- max (3.2-2)
Let us demonstrate how it can be done. First, recall
that the case when L must be minimized rather than
maximized is easily handled by changing the sign of L
and maximizing U = —L. Second, any constraint
inequalities may be converted to equations by intro­
ducing additional variables, called ‘slack variables7
or simply ‘slacks7. We demonstrate the procedure by
an example.
Suppose that it is required to find nonnegative values
of variables xt , x 2, and x 3 such that satisfy the con­
straint inequalities
3arx + 2x 2 — x 3 > 4 2

xx — 2x2 + 3x 3 ^ 1 0
and maximize the linear function of these variables:
L = 4#! — x 2 + 2# 3 max (3.2-4)
We start with providing inequalities (3.2-3) with
zeroes on the right-hand side, namely,
3xx + 2x2 — x 3 — 4 0
—xx + 2 x 2 — 3 ^ 3 + 1 0 ^ 0
74 Ch. 3 Linear Programming

Denote the left-hand sides in (3.2-5) by y1 and y2:

Vi = + 2xn — x* — 4 ^ ^
i 2 3 (3.2-6)
y2 = —x1 + 2x2 — 3xs + 10

The inequalities (3.2-5) are seen to secure the non­

negativity of yx and y2. After this manipulating, the
problem reformulates as follows. Find nonnegative
values of variables xt , x 2, x 3, yt , and y 2 such that
maximize the linear function of these variables sub­
ject to the constraint equations (3.2-6). The absence
of the slack variables y1 and y2 from L can be easily
remedied by assuming that they enter it with zero
coefficients. Thus we have arrived at the general LP
problem. The transformation from the original in­
equality constraint formulation has been effected at the
expense of increasing the number of variables by two
(equal to the number of the former inequalities).
The reverse transformation is possible as well. As­
sume that we face a general LP problem with the
equality constraints (3.2-1). Assume further that only
r < m o f these m equations are linearly independent2.
Any standard text on linear algebra (see, for example,
[41) proves that n variables z x, x 2, . . ., xn can be con­
nected into at most n linearly independent equations,
so in general r ^ .n . Another fact from algebra is that
a system of r independent equations in n variables
x 2, . . ., xn can always be solved for some r vari­
ables, termed basic variables, relative to the rest k

2 Equations are referred to as linearly independent if none

of them can be obtained from the others by multiplying them
by scalars and summing up, i.e. none is the consequence of
the others.
3.2 Moving to Algebraic Solution 75

— n — r variables, termed nonbasic. The resulted

nonbasic variables can assume any values without
violating the conditions (3.2-1). Consequently, to
convert the constraint equations (3.2-1) into in­
equalities, it is sufficient to solve (3.2-1) for some r
variables chosen as basic, or those in solution, expres­
sing them via the nonbasic variables. Recalling that
all the variables must be nonnegative, put down the
nonnegativity conditions in the form of constraint
inequalities. Then forget, as it were, about the basic
variables to manipulate by the nonbasic ones amount­
ing to k = n — r. The objective function, L, must
also be expressed through the nonbasic variables only,
by substituting for the basic ones the respective ex­
pressions in nonbasic variables. As can be seen the
translation from a general LP formulation to that
with constraint inequalities reduces the number of
variables by the number r of independent constraint
equations making up the constraining set in the general
LP problem. We will not illustrate the procedure with
examples, leaving the possibility of check to the
Summing up, any LP problem can be cast into a
general LP problem formulation. This book contains
no detail treatment of its solution techniques. They
are discussed at length in many special texts (con­
sult, for example, [4, 51) and numerous texts on
operations research (e.g. [6 , 7]). The subsequent section
considers only general principles of how to evaluate
whether or not a particular general LP problem is
soluble and how its solution can be found. The relevant
computational algorithms will not be treated; the
interested reader may consult for them the mentioned
texts, for example.
76 Ch. 3 Linear Programming

3.3 A Geometric Method of Solution

Consider the general LP problem which is formulated
as follows: find nonnegative values of variables
x 2, . . ., xn such that maximize the linear function
of these variables
L = C&! + C2x2 + . . • + cnxn => max (3.3-1)
subject to the constraints
0 1 1 ^ 1 + #1 2 ^ 2 + • • • X'X'Tl ~ ^1

^ 21*^1 ~i” ^ 22*^2 "P • • * #271*^71 = ^2 (3.3-2)

®ml^l Q'm2%2 ^mnXji = n

For simplicity we assume that all the conditions
(3.3-2) are linearly independent, i.e. r = m 3
Any set of nonnegative values (xx, x 2, . . xn) satis­
fying the conditions (3.3-2) is called a feasible solution
of the LP problem. A feasible solution at which the
linear objective function (3.3-1) is optimum is an
optimal solution. Hence, the problem is to find an
optimal solution.
This problem, however, is not always soluble. It
may happen so that the equations (3.3-2) are incon­
sistent. On the other hand, they may turn out con­
sistent, but solely outside the area of nonnegative
solutions, i. e. no collection of numbers x1'^ 0 , x 2 ^ 0 ,
. . ., xn 0 exists such that meet the conditions
(3.3-2). And, finally, feasible solutions may exist,
but none of them be optimal because the function L
3 If among the constraint equations (3.3-2) some are redun­
dant, i.e. can be obtained from the others by linear transfor­
mations, this reveals automatically in solving the problem
(refer to [4, 6]).
3.3 Geometric Method of Solution 77

is not bounded from above in the area of feasible

solutions. All these “hazards” might be solely prepared
by thought of, or unnaturally formulated problems,
though occasionally insoluble LP problems may result
from insubstantial planning, say incomplete account
of available resources.
To get a better insight into the principles underlying
the general LP problem, we take up a geometrical
approach. Let the number of structural constraints
(equations) be two units smaller than the number of
variables, i.e., n — m = k = 2. This particular case
enables us to treat the problem graphically on
As will be recalled, m linearly independent equations
(3.3-2) can always be solved for some m basic variables,
expressing them via the other, nonbasic variables,
counting n — m = 2 in the considered case. Assume
that the nonbasic variables are xx and x 2 (if they prove
to the contrary, we may renumerate the variables)
and the others, x3J x4, . . ., xn, are basic variables.
Solving (3.3-2) for the basic variables yields
x3 = a 31xt + a32x2 + p3
x 4 = a 41xx + a 42x 2 + p4 (3.3-3)

•^n G'nl'X'l T" 2*^2 Pn

We will illustrate a graphic solution method in the
(xx, x 2) coordinates. Since the variables xx and x 2
must be nonnegative, the area of the allowable values
is the first quadrant, that is, above the axis 0 ^ , on
which x 2 = 0 , and to the right of the axis Ox2, on
which xx = 0. Figure 3.3-1 shows it as the region
within the shaded boundaries.
n Ch. 3 Linear Programming

We come now to constructing on the plane x1Ox2

the region of feasible solutions, or convincing ourselves

< A //////////////////v z v A //z ^

Fig. 3.3-1

that it does not exist. The basic variables x3, x A, . . .

. . xn must be nonnegative as well as satisfy the
equations (3.3-3). Each of these equations restricts
the area of feasibility. To prove, assume in the first

equation of (3.3-3) x3 = 0; this results in the equation

of straight line
a 31Xi + <x32x 2 + P3 = 0
3.3 Geometric Method of Solution 79

On this line, x3 = 0; above it x3 > 0, below x3 < 0.

We stripe the half-plane where x3 > 0 (see Fig. 3.3-2).
(To avoid unnecessary clutter, the shading of the
region of feasibility is supressed to points near the
boundary.) Now, the region of feasible solutions, or
RFS for short, lies in the first quadrant, above the
line x3 = 0. Proceeding in exactly the same manner,
we will graph all the other constraints (3.3-3). Bound­
ary shading will show for each of them the half-plane
where feasible solutions may be found.
In all, we have drawn n lines: two axes of coordi­
nates, Oxu and Ox2, and n — 2 lines x3 = 0 , x 4 = 0 , . . .
. . ., xn = 0. Each of them defines the feasible half­
plane where feasible solution set must belong to. The
part of the first quadrant which simultaneously belongs
to all these half-planes is the sought feasible solution
area. Figure 3.3-3 shows the graph with an existing
region of feasibility, that is, the system (3.3-3) in this
case has nonnegative solutions. Note in passing that
these solutions are indefinitely many since any pair of
nonbasic variables taken from the region of feasible
solution satisfies the constraints along with the basic
variables defined by it.
It may so happen that the region of feasible solution
does not exist as a consequence of the equations (3.3-3)
being inconsistent in the positive quadrant. This
situation is illustrated in Fig. 3.3-4 showing no area
that would lie simultaneously to the desired side of
all lines. This implies that the respective LP problem
has no solution.
Suppose that a region of feasibility exists and we
have constructed it. Next step is to find an optimal
solution in this area. To this end, we approach the
condition (3.3-1), L => max, graphically. Substitut­
ing the equations (3.3-3) into (3.3-1) yields L in terms
so Ch. 3 Linear Programming

of nonbasic variables x1 and x 2. After collecting similar

terms, we have
L = Yi*i + 72^2 + Yo (3.3-4)
where Yi and y 2 are certain coefficients, and y 0 is a free
term which L lacked originally, yet which might

appear upon the transformation to variables x1 and x 2.

We will, however, discard it immediately recalling
that the linear homogeneous function
L' = Yi*i + Y2^2 (3.3-5)
achieves its maximum with the same values of x1 and
Thus we ought to set out a graphical attack on V .
First we set U = 0 and draw the resulting line Yi^i
+ Y2 ^ 2 = 0 °n the plane xxOx2- This line—we shall
term it “level line”—passes, obviously, through the
origin. If we assign to U some values, the line will
shift parallel to itself. Travelling in one direction it
will increase L', in the other decrease TJ in value.
3.3 Geometric Method of Solution 81

Figure 3.3-5 indicates with arrows the direction of

increase. This figure plots it upwards to the right,

Fig, 3.3-5 Fig. 3.3-6

but it might be to the contrary—the matter depends

upon the coefficients and y 2- Now we plot the level
line and the region of feasible solution (RFS) in one
graph (see Fig. 3.3-6). Let us mentally shift the level
line parallel to itself in the direction of the arrows
(where L' increases). Where will it reach a maximum?
Obviously, it will be at point A , the extreme point of
the RFS in the direction of increase. 4 The coordinates
of this point (x?, x%) yield the optimum values fQr
the nonbasic variables which when substituted into
(3.3-3) give the optimal values for the rest (basic)
variables, i.e. x*, . . ., x*. An important thing to
note is that U attains its maximum at one of the
vertices of the feasibility polygonal region where at
least two basic variables turn to zero. The value of
4 If the arrows pointed otherwise (downward to the left)
the extreme point of the RFS would be point B.
82 Ch. 3 Linear Programming

zero might be assumed by more basic variables,

should more straight lines x% — 0 pass through the
point A.
Can there be a situation with a feasibility region
existing and an optimal solution nonexisting? Yes,

it can if the function L ' (and consequently L, too)

is not of bounded variation in the RFS. An example of
such an abnormal situation with L' not bounded from
above is depicted in Fig. 3.3-7 (this misfortune is out
of place, though, if a problem is reasonably posed).
Figure 3.3-6 graphs the problem for which an optimal
solution exists and is unique. The case when an optimal
solution exists but is not unique can be visualized
graphically as, e.g. that in Fig. 3.3-8 illustrating a
maximum of U being attained at the edge A B parallel
to the level line, rather than at a single point. This
situation can be met in practice, but we should not
worry about it. Anyway, L f reaches its maximum at
some of the feasible polygon vertices (whether A or B
is insignificant), therefore the search for an optimal solu­
tion may be performed among the vertices of the RFS.
3.3 Geometric Method of Solution 83

Having considered graphically the LP problem for

which n — m = 2 , we can now issue the following
an optimal solution (if any) is always attained at
one of the vertices of the region of feasible solu­
tion, at which at least two of the variables
x 2, . . xn are zero.
Similar rule is proved to be valid for the case
n — m = k > 2 as well (we can, however, no longer
work it out graphically as we cannot draw in more
than three dimensions). We content ourselves with
solely formulating this rule.
An optimal solution of a linear programming prob­
lem (if any) is attained at a set of values of
variables x2l . . ., xn such that turns at least k
of these variables to zero, the others being non­
For k = 2, this set of values plots as a point on the
plane, situated in one of the vertices of the feasible
solution polygon. For k = 3, the set of feasible solu­
tions is no longer a polygon, but a polyhedron; the
optimal solution lies at one of its vertices. A graphical
treatment cannot be effected for k > 3, but geometrical
analogy retains its attractive convenience. As before,
we will speak of a ‘feasible solution polyhedron 1 in a
/c-dimensional space, and an optimal solution (if any)
will again be sought at one of the vertices of this
polyhedron, where at least k variables are zero and
the others nonnegative. To be concise, we shall term
such a vertex a “basic point” and the relevant solution
will be called a basic solution.
This geometrical approach gives rise to the idea
underlying most of the solution techniques in linear
programming—that of iterative search. To demonstrate,
solve the equations (3.3-2) for some of the m basic
Ch. 3 Linear Programming

variables and write them in terms of the rest k non-

basic variables. Set these nonbasic variables equal to
zero. If we are fortunate enough, this will yield a
basic point. Compute the basic variables at zero­
valued nonbasic variables. If all of them turn out
nonnegative, then we are lucky to get a feasible
(basic) solution at a first trial and have only to optimize
it. If they are not, then this choice of basic and non­
basic variables fails to produce a feasible solution,
i.e. the point lies beyond the RFS rather than on its
boundary. A way out is to resolve the equations for
another choice of basic variables in a non-arbitrary
manner such that would get us closer to the feasibility
region (for this purpose linear programming has devel­
oped special techniques, but we will not concentrate
on them in this text).
Suppose that having repeated the procedure several
times we have arrived at a basic solution. Half
way there, but th at’s still not all. We need to check
whether or not this solution is optimal. Let us express
the function L in terms of the latter set of nonbasic
variables and then raise them from zero. If this only
decreases the value of L, then the solution on hand is
optimal. If not, then resolve the system of equations for
other basic variables, again not in an arbitrary way
but so as to near an optimal solution and not to leave
the region of feasible solutions. For this purpose, too,
linear programming has computational algorithms
warranting that with each next resolving we will move
closer to an optimal solution, or at least not away from
it. We will not discuss these techniques here either.
After a final number of such computational runs the
objective will be attained and an optimal solution
3.3 Geometric Method of Solution 85

found. In case an optimum does not exist, the imple­

mented algorithm will demonstrate it.
The reader may ask whether the entire matter is that
simple. Why should we have been all those subtle
solution techniques about when all we need is to
barely examine one by one all the possible combina­
tions of k nonbasic variables setting them equal to
zero until finally an optimal solution is found?
For the simple problems where the number of vari­
ables is small, such an exhaustive search may indeed
evaluate a solution and do this quickly enough. Appli-
cational problems, however, not infrequently contain
variables] and imposed constraints amounting in hun­
dreds and even thousands. For these problems a simple
exhaustive method becomes unfeasible because the
number of basic and nonbasic variable combinations
rises too high. To illustrate, at n = 30 and m = 10
the number of possible combinations which yield non­
basic variables with basic variables is 30C10 =
30 045 015, that is’ more than 30 million' combina­
tions! The problem though is not of a sophisticated
The computational techniques developed for linear
programming—the simplex method, the dual simplex
method, and others, refer, for example, to [4, 7, 81—
seek for an optimal solution in direct iterative, rather
than exhaustive, manner, appearing close to the
solution with every step. Computer hardware manu­
facturers supply as a rule the relevant linear program­
ming software so that a person facing an LP problem
need not learn manual programming which for the
problems of this class might be extremely monotonous
and time consuming.
86 Ch. 3 Linear Programming

3.4 The Transportation Problem

The previous section has been concentrated on some
general approaches to linear programming solution.
Among the discussed family of problems, however,
there are some which owing to their outstanding
structure are amenable to more simple solution meth­
ods. We consider one of them, the transportation
problem. The transportation problem requires the allo­
cation of units located at a number of origins to a
number of destinations in such a way that the alloca­
tion is an optimum (least cost or maximum profit).
It is formulated as follows. The amounts of units
available at each of m origins (shipping sources) Ai
(i = 1 , . . ., m) are ax, a2, . . ., am units, respectively.
The amounts required at each of n destinations Bj
are b{, b2, . . bn units, respectively. These values are
often referred to as rim requirements. The sums of all
demands and supplies must be equal:
m n
= (3.4-1)
i=1 5=1
The cost of transporting (or profit of allocating) one
unit from origin A i to destination Bj (i = 1 , 2 , . . . , m\
j = 1, 2, . . ., n) is Cfj. All the numbers Cij are known;
composed in a matrix form they may be written as
^11 ^12 • • • C\n
^21 ^22 • • • c 2n (^ * ^ - ^ )

1 2 • • • ^mri
For shortness, we will designate this matrix by the
symbol [c*7].
3A The Transportation Problem 87

The transportation costs are deemed to vary in direct

proportion to the number of transported units.
It is required to design a transportation schedule
(i.e.to allocate the origins, destinations and transport­
ed amounts) such that all the demands are met at a
minimum cost.
Transforming the problem into the framework of the
LP problem, denote by Xij the amount allocated from
origin A t to destination Bj. The values xtj must be
nonnegative. Together they form the matrix
X 1X x \2 • • • x ln

X2\ *^22 • • • x2n


x m 1 x m 2 • • • x mn

which we will shortly denote by [#*;]. We will refer to

a set of values [xij 1 as a transportation schedule, and to
the variables xtj themselves as allocations or ship­
ments. These nonnegative variables must satisfy the
following constraints.
1. The total amount of supply allocated from each
origin to all destinations must be equal to the amount
available at the particular origin. This restriction
gives m constraint equations:
X11 + + • • • T" x ln — al

#21 + *^22 ""t“ • • • "T x 2n ~ &2


x m l "1” x m 2 T“ • • • ~\~ x m n —

2. The total amount of supply delivered to each

destination from all origins must be equal to the
88 Ch. 3 Linear Programming

particular demand. This yields n constraint equations:

#11 + #21 + • • • + #ml = b1
#12 + #22 4 “ • • • + #m2 = ^2 /Q /

# 1 n “1” # 2 n ”f “ • • • x mn ^n

3. The total transportation cost of all allocations,

i.e. the sum of Xi} multiplied by the respective costs
ctj must be minimal
m n
i = S S cl}x lj=$- min (3.4-6)
i= l d—1
where the double summation operator implies that the
summation is performed over all combinations of
changing indices i and /, that is, through all the
origin/destination pairs.
We have stated a linear program with constraint
equations (3.4-4) and (3.4-5) and linear objective
function (3.4-6) which is to be minimized. It is out­
standing in that all the coefficients in (3.4-4) and
(3.4-5) are unities, the feature that lends the problem
amenable to very simple solution methods. We will
discuss some of them in what follows.
First of all notice that the constraints (3.4-4) and
(3.4-5) are no longer linearly independent as their
right-hand sides are related by the condition (3.4-1).
The number of those linearly independent among
equations (3.4-4) and (3.4-5) is therefore m + n — 1
rather than the total number of equations m -f n.
The total number of variables Xij in our problem is
m X n\ whatever basic variables the equations (3.4-4)
and (3.4-5) were solved for, their number would be
exactly m + n — 1, while the number of nonbasic
3.4 The Transportation Problem 89

k = mn — (jn -f- n — 1) = (m — 1) (n — 1)
As will be recalled, an optimal solution to an LP
problem is attained at a vertex of the feasibility area,
where at least k variables assume the value of zero.
For the case in question, an optimal shipment schedule
requires that at least (m — 1) (n — 1) shipments must
vanish, that is, no shipment is effected from respective
origins to destinations.
A shipment schedule will be termed feasible if it
satisfies the constraints (3.4-4) and (3.4-5), i.e. all
demands are satisfied and all supplies are exhausted.
A feasible shipment schedule will be referred to as
basic feasible schedule (solution) if it has at most
m -\- n — 1 positive shipments (the other shipments
are zeroes), otherwise it is degenerate. A schedule [xtj]
will be termed optimal if among all feasible sched­
ules it results in the lowest total transportation
Owing to the special structure of the transportation
problem its solution requires no lengthy recursive
manipulations of the systems of equations. Instead,
the search for optimal solution is performed within
a table containing the data of the problem set up in
a certain order. The entries to the table are origins
and destinations, demands and supplies, transportation
costs, and, if allocated, shipments positioned in the
respective cells. A transportation table has m rows
and n columns. In the right-hand corner of each cell
we place the transportation cost ctj payed to transport
a unit of commodity from Ai to Bj. A shipment will
be placed in the center of the cell. The cell correspond­
ing to the shipment from Ai to Bj will be shortly
denoted as (i, /) shipping route.
90 Ch. 3 Linear Programming

An example of transportation table with m = 4 and

n = 5 is given in Table 3.4-1 where the data of the
problem has been entered but allocations have not
been made.
Table 3.4-1

D estin ation
O rigin p ly
Bi b2 b3 Bi b5

13 7 14 7 5

11 1 6 8
I8 48

6 10 10 8 11
^8 20

14 8 10 10 15
A4 30

De­ 18 27 42 15 r26 128


First of all we should compose an initial (basic

feasible) schedule. It may be readily effected by the
northwest-corner method5. We will demonstrate it by
5 Also referred to as the northwest-comer rule within the
stepping-stone method with inspections. The rule states that
the quantities shipped must begin in the upper left-hand corner
of the table used in the method.—Translator's note.
3.4 The Transportation Problem 91

means of the data in Table 3.4-1. The filling of the

transportation table begins with the upper left-hand
(northwest) corner, by satisfying the demand of desti­
nation By. We allocate the required 18 units from the
supply of Ay. The remaining 30 — 18 = 12 units
after this shipment we allocate to destination B 2.
Since its demand is not satisfied in full, we allocate
the completing 15 units from the stocks of A 2. Using
this procedure the table is filled with shipments Xij
down to the lower right cell (see Table 3.4-2). The
feasibility check for this schedule reveals that the rim
requirements are satisfied, i.e. the sum of all shipments
in a row is exactly the amount available at the respec­
tive origin, and the sum of allocations in a column
equals the requirement of the respective destination.
It means that all the demands are met and all the
supplies are exhausted (the sum of supplies is equal
to the total demand, 128 units entered in the lower
right cell).
Henceforth we will fill into the cells only those
shipments which are nonzero; the other cells are left
unfilled. Let us verify now whether or not this initial
solution is degenerate, i.e. whether the filled cells
(with amounts to be shipped) are not too many. The
number of unfilled cells in Table 3.4-2 is 12 which
is exactly the figure (m — 1) (n — 1) = 12 to qualify
as non degenerate.6
Now is the time to test this schedule for optimality,
i.e. to test whether its total transportation costs are
minimal. It most likely will be not, since designing
the transportation schedule we did not pay attention
6 Another formula to test for degeneracy is m + n — 1,
i.e. the number of filled cells must be the rim requirements
(rows and columns) minus one for the solution to be not degener­
ate.— Translator's note.
92 Ch. 3 Linear Programming

Table 3.4-2

D e s tin a t io n
O rig in ply
Bi Ba b3 b4 b6

13 7 14 7 5
Ai 30
18 12

11 8 12 6 8
A2 48
15 33

6 10 10 8 11
9 11

14 8 10 10 15
a4 30
4 26

D e­
m and 18 27 42 15 26 128

to costs. The nonoptimality of this schedule can be

evaluated easily. For example, it can be readily seen
that it can be improved by having the lowest transpor­
tation costs associated with the filled cells, which im­
plies moving the columns around. For example, we
may cut the shipment in route (2,3) of high cost,
but instead raise the allocation of low cost shipping
route (2,4). To secure nondegeneracy in this move­
ment from used into unused cells we have to empty one
of the filled cells. How many units may we move through
the closed system of routes (2,4) ->(3,4) ->-(3,3) ->
3.4 The Transportation Problem 93

->(2,3), increasing shipments in the odd cell routes

of the set and decreasing in the even? Obviously, not
more than 11 units, or else the shipping in cell (3,4)
would be negative. As can be verified, the movement
of allocations does not violate the rim requirements—
the supplies and demands are balanced. Performing
this shift yields an improved transportation schedule
displayed in Table 3.4-3.
Table 3.4-3

D estin a tio n
O rigin p ly
Bi [B2 *3 £4 £5

13 7 14 7 5
18 12

11 8 12 6 8
15 22 11

6 10 10 8 11
^3 20

14 8 10 10 15
/14 3>
4 26

D e­ 27 15 26 128
mand 18 42

Consider now what are the cost savings with this

new schedule. The total shipping costs of the schedule
presented in Table 3.4-2 are Lx = 18 X 13 + 12 X 7 +
94 Ch. 3 Linear Programming

+ 15 x 8 -f 33 x 12 + 9 x 10 + 1 1 x 8 + 4 x
10 + 26 X 15 — 1442 whereas those in Table 3.4-3
amount to L2 = 18 X 13 + 12 X 7 + 15 X 8 +
22 X 12 + 11 X 6 + 20 x 10 + 4 x 10 + 26 x 15
= 1398.
Thus we have lowered the total shipping costs by
1442 — 1398 = 44 monetary units. The result, though,
may have been predicted with no resort to the total
shipping costs account. To prove, the algebraic sum
of shipping costs of the moving route cells taken with
a plus sign if the shipment of the cell increases and
with a minus sign if decreases—called the net cost—
amounts for the above example to 6 — 8 + 1 0 —
12 = —4. It means that in moving one unit through
a closed set of routes (the so-called evaluation method)
the shipping costs diminish by four. We have moved
1 1 units which means that the costs must have been
diminished by 11 X 4 = 44 monetary units, which is
obviously the case.
We now may conclude that essentially all we need to
optimize shipping schedule is to transfer shipments
round closed systems of routes having a negative net
Linear programming has the following statement
proved for a nondegenerate shipping schedule.
For each unfilled cell in a transportation table
there exists a unique closed set of routes with one
turning point in this cell and the others in filled
Therefore, looking for cost saving paths of negative
net cost we must evaluate those unused cells with low
shipping costs. If such a cell is available, it should be
included in an appropriately chosen closed set of
routes. The next step is to evaluate the net cost of
moving a unit through this system and if it turns out
3.4 The Transportation Problem 95

negative, then we should move through the path as

many units as possible without driving any shippings
onto a negative level. The unused cell, consequently,
becomes filled and one of the used cells becomes empty.
This is obviously equivalent to resolving the system
of equations for other basic variables with the
difference that the tabular method performs it far
Let us make another attempt at improving the
transportation schedule given in Table 3.4-3. Suppose
that we have chosen an attractive cheap route cell
(1,5) worth 5. An obvious trend would be to raise the
shipment in this cell at the expense of cutting ship­
ments in some others (some routes would also have to
ship more). Let us give an attentive treatment to
Table 3.4-3 to evaluate a closed path whose first cell
is (1,5) which is unfilled, and the other routes are
used cells. Upon a little thought we arrive at the
path: (1,5) (4,5) -*(4,4) (2,4) -*(2,2) (1,2); com­
pleting it we again move to (1,5). The odd routes of
the path are marked with a plus sign implying that the
respective shippings increase, the even routes are
marked with a minus sign indicating that they will
ship less. The entire path is graphed in dashed lines
in Table 3.4-4.
Compute the net cost of this path: 5 — 1 5 + 1 0 —
— 6 + 8 — 7 = —5. Since the cost is negative, a
movement through this path is cost-saving. Evaluate
now how many units may we move through it. This
is defined by the lowest shipment at a negative route
cell of the path. This time the figure is again 11 (by
pure coincidence). Multiplying it by the net cost of
the path, which is —5, yields that we have saved
55 monetary units more (the reader is invited to verify
it by himself).
96 Ch. 3 Linear Programming

Evaluating in this manner unfilled cells included in

the paths of negative net cost and moving through these
Table 3.4-4

Origin Supply
B, B2 B3 4 Bs
t8 13 12 1_7_ Ik I7 k 30

11 22 12 / / k 1 8 48
©■--- ,
6 k 10
1 k ! 11 20
20 I |
14 8 10 i 15 30
-4 . 16
Required 18 27 4-2 15 26 128

paths as many units as possible, we will lower the

total transportation costs even more. However, we
may not do this without end as we may not diminish
it beyond zero, hence sooner or later we would arrive
at an optimal schedule. This schedule will no longer
contain an unfilled cell with a negative net cost of a
closed path. This feature will signal us that an optimal
solution is found.
Linear programming has the solution methods that
automatically evaluate unfilled cells of negative net
cost, but we shall not pause on them as well as on
other approaches to the transportation problem, which
the reader can find in special texts, e.g. [5 , 7 , 81.
3A Tlio Transportation Problem 97

111 conclusion, we say a few words on the situation

when the sum of all demands is not equal to the
available supplies, i.e.

i= 1 j- 1
When 2 i=i ai > 2 j=i bj (the supplies are in
excess of the requirements) all the demands can be
satisfied, butnot all the supplies will be exhausted.
Thissituation may be handled by introducing a
fictitious destination, S f, to absorb the difference
m n
0 , - 2 bj (3-4-8)
j=i 5=1
What should then be the costs of shipment from
origins A t to the fictitious location? Naturally, they
should be assigned zero values since in reality nothing
will be shipped to B t. Hence, for all origins cn = 0.
We augment the transportation table with a dummy
column corresponding to destination B t and contain­
ing zero transportation costs. Solution is then attemp­
ted in the usual manner to result in an optimal trans­
portation schedule
x n x i2 • • • x m x i t
*^21 ^"22 • • • X2n X2t

x ml x m 2 • • • x mn x m t

We should keep in mind, however, that the slacks

Xit are shipped nowhere: they remain at the respective
origins A t.
98 Ch. 3 Linear Programming

The opposite situation with 2 i=i at < 2 j=i

(not enough stocks available to meet all the demands)
may also occur. This difficulty may be alleviated by
cutting the required amount in some way. If it is
insignificant how rightly the supplies are allocated,
but the sole objective is to ship them at a least pos­
sible cost (no matter to what destinations they will be
assigned), then we may introduce a dummy origin
to supply the difference 2 j=i — 2 t=i ai• We are
not going to treat the topic in more detail, referring
the reader to [61.

3.5 Integer Programming.

The Concepts of Nonlinear Programming
A remarkable number of practical problems which
have similar formulations to LP problems differ from
them in that the sought values of the variables are
stipulated to be integers (whole numbers). These prob­
lems are referred to as integer programming (IP)
problems. The integer requirement substantially com­
plicates their solution.
Consider an illustration of such a problem. Suppose
that we are to evacuate n precious items of art from
a dangerous area. Their costs Ci together with their
weights qt are known. The number of items which we
could evacuate is limited by the capacity of the
available transportation facilities, Q. It is required to
set up a most precious (highest priced) choice of the
collection such as could be carried away in Q.
For the sake of consideration we introduce the so-
called 0 - 1 integer variables Xi (i = 1 , 2 , . . ., n)
such that xt = 1 if we select the ith item and xt = 0
if not. Then, for a selected lot, i.e. with assigned values
3.5 Integer Programming. Nonlinear Programming 99

to x iy the weight will be qiXx + q*x 2 + • - - + . qnxn-

The restriction imposed by the carrying capacity is
qxXy + q2x 2 + . . . + qnxn < Q (3.5-1)
The total value of the items, which we wish to
maximize, is
L — ctx i max (3.5-2)
On the surface this problem formulation almost does
not differ from that of a common LP problem: find non­
negative values of variables x 2, . . ., xn such that
maximize the linear function of these variables (3.5-2)
subject to the constraint (3.5-1). At first sight, it
might seem to be handled in the same way as a LP
problem, by solely augmenting it with the constraints
accounting for the solitary property of each item:
x1 ^ 1 , #2 ^ 1 ,..., xn ^ 1

Yet this addition does not go. A solution obtained

in this way might appear fractional rather than in­
teger and hence infeasible (can’t we load a half of a
sculpture or a third of a painting 1). The considered
problem is other than a LP, it is an integer program.
A second thought that comes to mind is whether the
problem could be approached by solving its linear
program part and then rounding off the obtained values
either up or down to the next integer 0 or 1. Unfor­
tunately, this approach is also invalid. A solution so
received might even not meet the constraint (3.5-1),
that is, it might violate the imposed weight limitation.
Even if it obeys the restriction, it might lie far from
an optimum. Some problems, though, admit this
rounding approach. For example, if the production
100 Cli. 3 Linear Programming

scheduling problem of Section 3.1 would have a solu­

tion: 185.3 machines of first type must be assigned to
production of first grade cloth, then we would simply
round the figure to 185. If the point is to assign resources
having the property of integrity (especially valuable
or unique), the problem must be stated as an integer
The integer programming problems in general re­
quire a considerably more sophisticated approach for
their solution than correspondingly sized conventional
LP problems. Several solution techniques are known
to be implemented for such problems; all of them, at
whatever significant number of variables, are very
complicated and laborious. We are not intended to
cover these techniques here and refer those interested
to the texts where more space is devoted to the topic
(for example, [7, 8 ]).
The nonlinear character of the integer requirement is
subtle enough to accommodate an unexpected variety
of other nonlinearities. A few words therefore would
be in order on nonlinear programming.
A general formulation of the nonlinear programming
problem is as follows. Find nonnegative values of
variables x±, . . ., xn such that maximize the non­
linear objective function of these variables
W = W (a?!, x 2l . . ., xn) => max (3.5-3)
subject to the constraints of arbitrary type, say,
3.5 Integer Programming. Nonlinear Programming 101

No universally powerful general algorithm to solve

nonlinear programming problems is known so far;
each particular problem is approached depending on
the form of nonlinearity of the objective function and
the type of imposed constraints.
Nonlinear problems are frequent occasions in appli-
cational arenas; they take place, for instance, where
the costs vary not in direct proportion with the amount
of acquired or produced commodities (say because of
discount rising with a purchased lot). Many of them
can be approximated by linear models (linearized),
at least in an area close to an optimal solution. If the
linearization cannot be succeeded, still problems of
applicational value are normally pursued towards
models with the nonlinearity that can be safely handled
by some known algorithms. A particular recurrent
type involves quadratic programming problems whose
objective function is a second degree polynomial in
variables xA, x 2, and the constraints (3.5-4)
are linear inequalities (see [7, 8 ]).
A whole family of nonlinear programming problems
can be solved to advantage by penalty function algo­
rithms which reduce the constrained source problem
to a sequence of “unconstrained” relaxed models the
solutions of which approach a solution of the original
problem. This is done by combining the constraints
with the objective function in such a way that minimiz­
ing the combined ‘penally function’ penalizes con­
straint violation. The basic idea may be exemplified
as follows. Instead of imposing a strict constraint of
the form f {xu x 2, • . xn) ^ 0 , it may be added to the
objective function W (xx, x 2, . . ., xn) in a form of
penalty, say af (x1, x 2, . . #„), which would tend to
prevent violation of the original constraint; here a
is the penalty coefficient (negative when the objective
102 Ch. 3 Linear Programming

function is maximized, and positive when minimized).

Varying a in absolute value one may gauge what
variation it entails for an optimal solution
{x\, x \, . . x*3) to hold one when the variations prac­
tically cease.
Another method which has proved of value in ap­
proaching nonlinear programs is random search tech­
nique, which, as the name implies, is the random (with
a play of chance) investigation of the solution space
for the optimum. This method as well as the mentioned
above and others the reader can find (if needed) in
Last but not least, a short mention is due for .sto­
chastic programming problems7. They arise in applica­
tions where optimal solutions have to be sought in the
conditions of incomplete certainty. For example, some
variables in the objective function and the constraints
vary at random, i.e. can be realized only as probability
statements. This programming is also referred to as
chance-constrained programming. Some of these prob­
lems can be converted to ordinary deterministic
models. This is the case, for example, when optimiz­
ation is effected in the mean, the objective function
linearly depends on the decision variables, and the
only elements of randomness are coefficients of vari­
ables in the objective function. With this formulation,
the solution can be optimized having substituted for
the coefficients their mathematical expectations (the
mathematical expectation of a linear function, as
will be recalled, is equal to the linear function of the
expectations of the arguments). More involved, how­
ever, are the situations where the imposed constraints

7 Stochastic programming is a former misleading name of

dynamic programming, too.— Translator's nott>
3.5 Integer Programming. Nonlinear Programming 103

are random functions. These and other problems of

chance-constrained programming are extensively cov­
ered in [31].
In contrast to linear programming whose solution
methods are well developed, settled, and never pose
essential difficulties, the integer, nonlinear, and
chance-constrained programming problems fall within
the province of hard computational problems. In
tackling them a resort is often made to approximate,
heuristic optimization techniques, since analytical
methods appear too laborious to handle even on a
large computer. Not infrequently the efforts applied
to gain an optimal solution entirely offset the reward
that could be earned from this solution so that the
game proves not worth the candle. This points out
again to the necessity of applying a systematic approach
to OR problems, which would account for not only
an immediate winning in the operation at hand, but
also the costs of pertinent optimization.
The soothing fact is that ways are still being devised
of improving existing algorithms. This, coupled with
the increasing efficiency of package programs as well
as computer hardware, is constantly making it eco­
nomically possible to solve larger models. On the
other hand, the size of optimization models parallels
the trend in computational capabilities. One should
also not overlook that the decision made in choosing
an optimization algorithm is an important stage, at
times even the most critical.
C hapter 4


4.1 Concepts of Dynamic Programming

Dynamic programming (DP) is an optimization tech­
nique suitably adapted to work with the processes
requiring sequential decision making to search for an
optimum. These are known as sequential decision pro­
cesses. A sequential decision process is loosely defined
as an activity entailing a sequence of decisions taken
toward some common goal.
To illustrate, imagine a process that breaks down
into a series of sequential steps or stages, for example,
activity of an industry for several fiscal years, or
penetration by a group of airplanes several echelons
of antiaircraft defence, or a sequence of tests established
to control the quality of items of work. Some processes,
or operations as we agreed to call them, break into
stages in a natural way; in others the partitioning,
(for the sake of DP analysis) is performed artificially
as, say, in aiming a missile which can be conditionally
broken down into stages each of which takes some
time to be accomplished.
Assume further that the operation in question con­
sists of m stages. Let the effectiveness of the operation
be characterized by a performance measure, W, which
will be succinctly referred to in this chapter as reward,
or return. Assume that the total return of operation*
i.l Concepts of Dynamic Programming 105

W, makes up of the returns at separate stages, wt,

w = 2 (4.1-4)
2= 1

i.e., has the property of additivity.

The concerned operation is a controlled process which
means that we can choose the parameters affecting its
performance and final result. Since it is a sequential
decision process, at each stage we may select a decision
upon which the immediate result depends at this stage
and the total return of the process. The set of all se­
quential decisions constitutes a policy pursued on the
process as a whole. Let x represent a policy, and x t
an immediate decision at stage i, then
x = [arx, x 2, . . ., xm] (4-1-2)
It should be kept in mind that the decisions are not
necessarily numerals, they may be vectors, functions,
or other mathematical forms.
The goal of DP is to establish a sequence of decisions,
x, such that maximizes the total return W :
W = '£ I ^ = ^ m a x (4.1-3)
2= 1
The sequence of decisions x* which yields the
maximum gain will be called the optimal policy (or the
optimal control, if one wishes it in terms of control).
The sequence consists of optimal decisions made each
at its stage:
x* = x*, . . ., x£\ (4.1-4)
The maximal reward which is earned with this policy
will be referred to as PF*, that is,
PF* = max [W (x)J (4.1-5)
106 Ch. 4 Dynamic Programming L
which is read as: the value W* is maximal of all W (x)
taken over all possible policies x. A constraint imposed
on the policies, that is, the fact that they must belong
to a certain set X, is occasionally mentioned in the
formula, namely,
W* = max [W (x)] (4.1-5')

Consider several examples of sequential decision

processes to display what is meant in each of them
under the term ‘policy1 and what is the return (measure
of effectiveness) FF.
EXAMPLE 1. A financial activity of a group of
plants is planned for an wi-year planning horizon.
The company that controls the group supposes to
invest in its development some monetary fund (re­
sources) which must be allocated among the plants.
As the time elapses, the resources invested into a plant
are known to be partly expended (depreciated) and
partly remained available for further reinvestment.
Each plant makes a profit depending upon the amount
of invested capital. At the beginning of each fiscal
year all the available resources are reallocated among
the plants. What amount of capital must be assigned
to each plant at the start of a year to realize a maxi­
mum profit at the end of the planning horizon?
The total return (total profit) sums up of immediate
profits over each year:
W= 2 (4.1-6)
i =1

and, hence, exhibits the property of additivity.

The decision x t made at the ith stage is to assign at
the beginning of the iih year some amounts of the
capital Xu, x lk (the second subscript refers
4.1 Concepts of Dynamic Programming 107

to a particular plant) to the plants. Thus, in this

problem a decision is a /^-component vector:
Xi — (#£i? • • •» %ik)
Each decision enters into a sequence x which is a
policy for the entire operation
x = [x1} x 2, . . ., xm\ (4.1-8)
The problem is to find an assignment of the capital
to the plants and over years such that will maximize
the total profit W.
While in this example the decisions are vectors, in
the subsequent examples they manage with numbers.
EXAMPLE 2. A rocket has m stages so that its
orbiting may be broken down into m steps at the end
of which a stage burns out and separates. All the
propelling stages together (i.e. without the spacecraft)
have some stipulated weight
G = Gi G2 + Gm

where Gt is the weight of the ith stage.

At the end of the ith leg of the escape trajectory
(when the ith stage burns out and separates) a what-
remains-of-the-rocket boosts its velocity by A*, the
increment depends on the weight of the separated stage
and the total weight of both the remaining stages and
payload of the spacecraft. What weight must be allo­
cated to each stage so that the terminal speed be maxi­
The measure of effectiveness to this problem will be
the orbiting speed
^ = 2 a, (4.1-9)
108 Gh. 4 Dynamic Programming

where A* is the return (speed increment) at the ith

stage. A solution to the problem will be a set of weights
of all stages
x = [Gx, G2, . . Gm]
The optimal solution, obviously, will be the distri­
bution of weights which maximizes the speed V.
EXAMPLE 3. A car owner prepares to use a car for
m years. At the turn of each next year he would face
the following alternative situation:
(i) to sell the car and buy a new model,
(ii) to have it repaired and use it further,
(iii) or to use it without any repair.
The decision now is a choice of one of the three
alternatives. They do not relate to figures, but the
first may be assigned the value of 1 , the second 2 ,
and the third 3. What decisions must be made each
year (i.e. how the assignments 1 , 2 , and 3 must be
alternated) to minimize the total expenses for use,
repair, and buying a new car?
The measure of effectiveness this time is pay-off
rather than gain, but it does not matter. It may be
expressed as
jy = 5J «>i (4.1-10)
where Wi is the expenses for the / 111 year. The quantity
W must obviously be minimized.
A solution (policy) to this problem is a combination
of the three numbers 1, 2 , and 3, e.g.,
x - [3, 3, 2, 2 , 2 , 1 , 3, . . .]
which is decoded as: the first two years use the car
without repair, next three years it must be submitted
\A Concepts of Dynamic Programming 109

to repair, at the turn of the sixth year sell it ami

buy a new one, then again use it without repair, and
so on. Any policy therefore is a collection of numerals
x = I / ml (4.1-11)
where each of t h e m , i s either of three numbers 1 , 2 y
or 3. The problem is to choose a set (4.1-11) for which
the quantity (4.1-10) is kept at a minimum.
EXAMPLE 4. A stretch of railway is being con­
structed between two locations A and B (Fig. 4.1-1).

Fig. 4.1-1

It is to cross a rugged terrain ample with forest areas,

hills, swamps, and a river calling for an inevitable
bridge. The route must be chosen such that the total
construction costs are a minimum.
This problem in contrast to the previous has no
natural partition into steps. It can, however, be effec­
ted by breaking down the straight line section AB
into m segments and drawing through the points of
partition the lines perpendicular to AB. A step will
110 Ch. 4 Dynamic Programming

then be visualized as a transition from one such line

to the next. If the lines are many, i.c. drawn sub­
stantially close to one another, then the segment of
route at each step may be deemed approximately
linear. A decision at the ith step materializes as an
angle cp* which the railway makes at this point with
line AB. A solution to the problem consists of a
sequence of all decisions
x = [<Pi. q>2 . • • •. <pJ
It is required to choose an optimal sequence x*
such that minimizes the total costs of construction
W = 2 wt => min (4.1-12)
i= 1

Now that we have considered several examples of

sequential decision processes, we may pause to discuss
how these problems can be solved.
Any sequential decision problem may be approached
in two ways. We may either seek for all decision
variables at all steps at once, or build an optimal
policy step by step, optimizing only one decision at
each computational stage. Normally the second ap­
proach appears simpler than the first, especially when
the number of steps is great.
This idea of sequential, step by step optimization
underlies the method of dynamic programming. One
stage is, as a rule, simpler to optimize than the entire
process: it proves more efficient to optimize many times
an easy to solve problem than once attack a complica­
ted hard nut.
At first sight the idea might seem fairly trivial.
Nothing seems more simple than to decompose a
problem into a set of small steps when it is hard to
4.1 Concepts of Dynamic Programming ill

optimize as a whole. Each such step will be an indi­

vidual, small, and easy to optimize operation. All
we need is to take a decision such that the effectiveness
of this step is optimal, isn’t it?
Not at all! Way off target! The basic concept
of dynamic programming has never suggested that
each stage be optimized separately of the others. To
the contrary, each decision must be selected with
account of all its sequences in the future. What is
the use of choosing a decision which maximizes the
return at this stage if it deprives us of a possibility of
a good reward at the subsequent stages?
Consider, for example, a planning for a group of
manufacturing plants of which ones manufacture some
merchandise while the others produce the relevant
manufacturing equipment. The objective of this oper­
ation is to manufacture for m years of the planning
horizon a maximum amount of the merchandise.
Assume that we schedule a capital investment for the
first year. Viewing under the narrow angle of the
objective for this year, all the available capital must
have been invested into manufacturing of the mer­
chandise. Will, however, this decision be efficient
from the viewpoint of success for the whole activity?
Obviously not, because this decision is wasteful and
shortsighted. With the future in view, we must have
invested a part of the capital into machinery. This
surely would diminish the produced volume of mer­
chandise for the first year, but would create the pro­
duction capacity for its increase in the years to come.
Another example to the point. Suppose that in the
problem on routing a railway construction from A
to B we had been tempted with the easiest starting
direction and started constructing on this path. What
is the use of the easiness and economy on the first
112 Ch. 4 Dynamic Programming

1 eg if the very next would run the way into a swamp?

It all implies that
planning a sequential decision process we need to
choose a decision at each stage with due con­
sideration for its consequences at the stages to
A decision at the ilh stage is taken so as to maximize
the total return for all the subsequent stages plus this
one, rather than with the point to maximize the return
at this stage only.
There are no rules without exception, however.
Among all the stages there is one which can be adopted
without consulting the future consequences. Which one
is this? Obviously the last. This stage is the sole to
have a decision invoking the largest reward for it
Therefore dynamic programming works normally
backwards, reeling up from the terminal step to the
beginning. The first decision, thus, is made at the last
stage. How can it be made, however, if we do not know
what was the result of the previous, the last but one
stage; that is without a knowledge on the conditions
under which we have to decide on the last step?
This is the point where lies the essence of the pro­
cedure. Working of the last stage, one needs to make
various suppositions concerning what was the result
of the last but one, (ra — l)st step and then to devise
a conditional optimal decision at the rath step (‘con­
ditional’ refers to the fact that the decision is made
under the condition that the previous step has resul­
ted so and so).
Suppose we have done it and know for each of pos­
sible outcomes of the last but one stage its conditional
optimal decision with the attendant optimal return
at the rath stage. Then we can optimize the decision
4.1 Concepts of Dynamic Programming 113

of the previous (in — l)st stage. Again make all pos­

sible suppositions on the outcomes of the previous, this
time (m — 2 )nd stage and on the se suppositions
find a decision at the (m — l)st stage such that maxi­
mizes the return at the two last stages (of which the mth
has been already maximized). In this way we find for
each outcome at the (m — 2 )nd stage the respective
conditional optimal decision at the (m — l)st stage
and the attendant optimal return at the two last stages.
If the same process is continued we can back up all
the way to the beginning, finding optimal decisions
as we go.
Assume that all conditional optimal decisions togeth­
er with the attendant returns at all the subsequent
stages, i.e. from the given stage to the end, are known.
It means that we know what to do, how to decide at
this decision point, and what will be the resultant
return at the end whatever the state of the process at
the beginning of this stage. Now we are in a position to
discard the attribute ‘conditional’ building a simply
optimal policy, x*, and evaluating an optimal total
return, W*f to substitute those derived earlier as
To prove, assume that we know the state S 0 of the
controlled process at the first stage. Then we can make
an optimal decision at this decision point. It will
change the state of the process to a new one, say S *x.
In this state the process arrives at the second stage.
This, hence, gives us the knowledge on the conditional
optimal decision x* which translates the process to
a stage S \ at the second stage, and so on. As to the
optimal total return W* for the entire operation, we
know it already, since it has been its maximality that
we have in view making the decision at the first
114 Ch. 4 Dynamic Programming

Consequently, in optimizing a policy by dynamic

programming, a sequential decision process is as if
“run” twice. First moving backwards to find condition­
al optimal decisions and conditional optimal returns
for the “tail” stages of the process. Then in normal
order when all we need is to read the prepared recom­
mendations and evaluate the unconditional optimal
policy x* as a sequence of optimal decisions x*,
u'2 ’ • • •? •
The first run, that of conditional optimization, is
much more involved and time consuming of the two.
The second run requires almost no additional computa­
The author does not flatter herself with the hope that
the reader who has never had a chance to meet dynamic
programming before might get a true understanding
of its basic idea from the above presentation of the
method. A more comprehensive grasp could hopefully
be obtained in considering examples of value. Some
of them will be discussed in the subsequent section.

4.2 Solving Dynamic Programming Examples

This section is devoted to consideration (and even com­
plete solution) of several simple (purposely simplified)
dynamic programming problems.
A cost-efficient path problem. Recall the railway con­
structing problem of the previous section to solve it
completely under strictly (and purposely) simplified
conditions. Resuming, we need a path connecting two
locations A and B of which the latter is situated, say,
northeast of the former. To simplify the model, assume
that the tracing is broken down into a series of steps on
each of which we may move either east- or northwards.
Therefore any path from A to B is a broken line whose
4.2 Solving Dynamic Programming 115

sections are parallel and perpendicular to either of

coordinate axes (see Fig. 4.2-1) The costs to complete
each of such sections are known. How to route a path
from A to B to keep the total costs at a minimum?

We may adopt either of two ways: to compare by an

exhaustive search all the possible alternatives and
choose that of minimal costs (it would be a very difficult
procedure when the number of sections is large), or to
break down the process of moving from A to B into
individual steps (one step equivalent to one line seg­
ment) and then optimize the path step by step. The
second way turns out far more convenient. Here, as
elsewhere in operations research there tells the superi­
ority of direct search over naive exhaustive routine.
We illustrate the procedure by working it. Divide
Ihe distance from A to B in the eastern direction into 7
segments, say, and in the northern direction into
T) segments (basically, the division may be arbitrarily
frequent). Then any path AB will consist of m = 7
|- 5 = 12 segments pointed either east or north.
116 Ch. 4 Dynamic Programming

Figure 4.2-2 displays the network, showing the cost of

construction (in some conventional units) on each
segment. It is required thus to select a path AB for
which the sum of segmental costs is minimal.
(N o r th )

— 10 ■ -10 —I—8 - B
11 1Z 10 10 11 11 13 15

-1 4 - - 10- - /2 - j — 14 —|-
H -
10 13 11 15 10 to 9 8
-1 3 - ■10 8 — |— 10—|— .
I 9
\ ~ w ~\ ~

11 15 12 14 15 10 9 11

12 15-
14 11
- 11 -

- 1 3 — \— 1 6 — f - 12—
12 11 10
*)— ;1 0 — — 1 5 — — 13- - 1 5 —— 1 2 - -to­
rn 13 12 12 11 10 12 15
1 2 — 1— 1 0 - \ — 1 6 - \ — 1 3 —I-------
A x (East)
Fig. 4.2-2

The constructed path may also be visualized as a

movement of a controlled system subject to issued deci­
sions from the original stated to the terminal state B.
The state of the system before moving to a next leg will
be described by two coordinates: the eastern (#) and
the northern (i/), both of which assuming only integer
values For each state of the
system (a node in the network of Fig. 4.2-2), we are to
derive a conditional optimal decision: either go north
(decision N) or go east (decision E). The decision is
made so that the cost of all remaining legs (including
4.2 Solving Dynamic Programming 117

the given step) is minimal. We will customarily refer to

this cost as ‘conditional optimal return’ (although in
this case it is a pay-off, not a gain) for a given state of
the system before entering a next leg.
First perform conditional optimization moving back­
wards. Starting with the last, twelfth step, consider
the upper right corner of the network, cut out in
Kig. 4.2-3. Where could we be after the 11th step?
Obviously, either in B x or B 2. If in # !, then we have no
choice and go east; it will cost 10 units. Put this cost
into the node circle of B x and show the respective
optimal decision by a short arrow pointing from the cir­
cle eastward. For node B 2, the decision is also enforced:
go north, which entails a cost of 14 units encircled
and arrowed at B 2. The conditional optimization of the
last step is effected and the attendant conditional opti­
mal return is evaluated and encircled at the respective

Fig. 4.2-3 Fig. 4.2-4

Now we come to optimize the prior, 11th step. After

the 1 0 th step we could turn out at one of the nodes C1}
C2, or C3 shown in Fig. 4.2-4. Let us evaluate for each
of them their conditional optimal decisions along with
attendant returns. At node Cx the decision is obvious:
118 Ch. 4 Dynamic Programming

go east with the cost to the end equal to 21 units. We

home this figure into the circle at Cx. For C2, the
decision is no longer enforced: we may go both east
and north. The first route entails a cost of 28 units
summed up of 14 toward B 2 and another 14 to the end.
If we go north, the route totals 13 + 10 = 23 units.
This implies that the conditional optimal decision
at node C2 is bound northward, which is marked by
the arrow and the number 23 in the circle of node C2.
As to C3, the decision is again enforced: go north (N)
with a cost of 2 2 units.
Working backwards in a similar maimer, we can find
for each node its conditional optimal decision (N or E),
put the respective return to the circle with an arrow
pointing in the direction of departure. The return each
time is evaluated on a recursive scheme; the return at
a given step sums up with that already optimized and
written in the circle to which points the arrow. There­
fore, at each stage we optimize only the step under
concern while the following are already optimized.
The procedure results in the network presented in
Fig. 4.2-5.
With the completed conditional optimization, we
know where to go (an arrow) and what it will cost in
total (figure in a circle) at whatever node we might turn
out. The node circle at A contains the optimal return
for the whole path A B : W* = 118 units.
All what is left now is to evaluate the unconditional
optimal solution, that is, the path leading from A to B
in the cheapest way. To do this we need only to go in
the direction shown by the arrows. The optimal path
is indicated in Fig. 4.2-5 by dual circles. The respec­
tive optimal policy is seen to be
x* - [N, N, N, N, E, E, N, E, E, E, E, E]
4.2 Solving Dynamic Programming 119

that is, the first four steps must be to the north, next
two to the east, then one step to the north, and the five
remaining to the east. This completes the solution.

Note that in a process of conditional optimization

we may face a tie case when two or more decisions are
optimal for a node, i.e. result in equal costs (expendi­
ture of resources) from this node to the terminal node.
In the above example, the node having coordinates
(5, 1) enjoys two optimal decisions, N and E, resulting
in a remaining cost of 62. We may choose any of them
(we have preferred N but could equally have made
lor E). These cases of tie decision making are recurrent
phenomena in dynamic programming. We shall not
pause on them in the future, simply picking up one of the
120 Ch. 4 Dynamic Programming

equivalent options. This deliberateness can, obviously,

affect an optimal policy, not the optimal return.
Dynamic programming problems in general (as well as
linear programs) have a unique solution not always.
Now return to our sample problem and try to solve
it by a “naive” approach, choosing at each step, start­
ing from the first one, the most cost-efficient (for
this step) direction (if two, then any will go). This
approach gives rise to the solution
x = [N, N, E, E, E, E, N, E, E, E, N, N1
The costs for this path are W = 1 0 + 1 2 + 8
+ 10 + 11 + 13 + 15 + 8 + 10 + 9 + 8 + 14 =
128, which is undoubtedly more than W* = 118.
The difference in this case is not very strong, though
it might be far more substantial.
In the problem just solved the conditions were pur­
posely submitted to a severe simplification. Certainly,
it occurs to no one to trace a railway in steps, moving
either strictly north or strictly east. This simplification
was made solely to choose at each node out of two
decisions only: N or E. We can, certainly, take more
alternative directions and shorten the step; this will
not make any principal difference, though, will make
the computations more complicated and lengthy.
The problems similar to the discussed example can
very often be met in applications, for example, in
choosing the quickest path between two points, or most
economical trajectory (in terms of fuel consumption)
for an ascending aircraft aiming at specified altitude
and speed.
Let us stop for a moment to discuss an interesting
aspect. The observant reader might have noticed that
in the above example problem, the origin and terminal
points A and B do not principally differ from one
4.2 Solving Dynamic Programming 121

another. A conditional optimal solution might be

deduced moving from the beginning to the end, rather
than backwards, while the unconditional path on the
back swings to the origin. It is indeed the case for any
DP problem because the start and end may be inter­
changed. The resulting procedure will be entirely
equivalent in the computational aspect to that de­
scribed above, but somewhat less convenient to describe
in words its ideas because it is easier to argue referring
to the conditions which have already been created prior
to the beginning of this stage than to those which are
yet to come. In essence though, both approaches are
A resource allocation problem. Dynamic program­
ming proves very powerful technique in solving to
advantage many economic applications (see, for exam­
ple, [6 ,10]). Consider a sample problem of this variety.
We (a board of directors) have at our disposal some
capital funds (resource) which we are going to invest
in, or allocate among, m ventures. Each of the ventures
is known to produce when invested with a capital
x a profit which is a function of the investment, (x).
All the functions f t (x) (i = 1, 2, . . ., m) are specified
(they are certainly nondecreasing). How should we
allocate the funds among the ventures to realize a
maximum profit?
This problem can be readily handled by dynamic
programming. Although the problem does not contain
in its statement any time periods, the financial opera­
tion can be thought of as a sequence of transactions,
assuming the first stage to be the investment in ven­
ture 1 , the second stage the investment in venture 2 ,
and so on.
We may again invoke the notion of a controlled sys­
tem, S, which in this case may be visualized as the
122 Ch. 4 Dynamic Programming

funds or resources to be allocated. The state of the

system S is characterized at each decision point by
a single number S representing the available, not yet
invested, capital. The decisions in this problem are
the amount of resources xx, x 2, . . ., xm allocated to
the ventures. It is required to devise an optimal policy,
that is such a sequence of decisions x which maximizes
the total profit:
W ) f i (xi)=>max (4.2-1)
7 =1
We shall approach the problem first generally to
derive the needed formulas and then solve it with
numbers. Find for each ith stage a conditional optimal
return (from this stage through all the remaining stages
to the end) if we have arrived at it having an available
amount of resources S. Let W t (S ) represent the con­
ditional optimal return, and x t (S ) the respective
conditional optimal decision, i.e. the amount of re­
sources invested in venture i.
Begin optimizing from the last, /nth stage. Assume
that we have arrived at this stage with a remained
amount of funds S. What should we do? Obviously
invest the entire funds S in venture m. Therefore, the
conditional optimal decision at the /nth stage will be:
invest in the last venture all the available resources 5,
Xm (S) = S
with the conditional optimal return
(S) = f m (S)
Letting S assume a series of densely spaced values, we
may compute x m (S) and W m (S ) for each of them. The
last stage may be deemed optimized.
4.2 Solving Dynamic Programming 123

Now go over to the previous, (m — l)st stage. Sup­

pose that we have come to this decision point with an
available amount of resources S. Let W7m_x (S ) refer
to a conditional optimal return at the two remaining
stages (m — l)st and rath (which has been already
optimized). If we assign to the (m — l)st venture
a capital x, then the last venture receives the remaining
S — x. The return at these two stages will be
fm-l (X) + W m (S - x)
and we must find an x such that maximizes the return
W Vi (S) = max [/m_, (x) + W m ( S - x ) ] (4.2-2)

Notice that we maximize over all possible values of x

which, however, cannot be larger than S because we are
unable to invest more than S. This maximum is the
thought conditional optimal return at the last two
stages, and the value of x at which it is reached is the
thought conditional optimal decision at the (ra— l)st
Stepping further back we optimize (ra — 2)nd,
(m — 3)rd and earlier stages. In general, the condition­
al optimal return from all stages starting from a given
i to the end will be found with the formula
w t (S) = max [/, (x) + W t+i (S - x)) (4.2-3)

The respective conditional optimal decision x t (S )

will be that value of x at which this maximum is at­
Proceeding in the same fashion, we shall arrive
finally at venture 1 . Here we have no need to vary S
since we know exactly the total amount of available
124 Ch. 4 Dynamic Programming

resources prior to entering the first stage, i?, therefore

W* = W { (R) =m ax [/, (x) + W 2 ( R ~ x ) ] (4.2-4)

Hence, the maximal return (profit) from all ventures

is found. Now we need only to “read the recommenda­
tions”. The value of x at which (4.2-4) is a maximum
relates to the optimal decision x\ at the 1 st stage.
Having invested these funds in the 1st venture, we are
to decide on the remaining R — x\. “Reading” the
recommendation for this value of S', we allocate to the
second venture its optimal amount x\ = x 2 (R —
— z*) and so forth, to the end.
Consider now a numerical example. An input amount
of resources valued R = 10 units must be optimally
allocated to m = 5 enterprises. For simplicity assume
that only integer amounts are invested. The functions
of return are summarized in Table 4.2-1.
Table 4.2-1

X h (x) f 2 (X) /3(*) U (x) h (x)

1 0.5 0.1 0.6 0.3 1.0

2 1.0 0.5 1.1 0.6 1.2
3 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3
4 2.0 1.8 1.4 1.4 1.3
5 2.5 2.5 1.6 1.5 1.3
6 2.8 2.9 1.7 1.5 1.3
7 3.0 3.5 1.8 1.5 1.3
8 3.0 3.5 1.8 1.5 1.3

A common feature that might strike in all the col­

umns is that starting with some level of investmen t the
profit ceases increasing (in real life the phenomenon
4.2 Solving Dynamic Programming 125

corresponds to the fact that each enterprise is able to

accommodate only a limited amount of investment).
Perform conditional optimization in the manner
described above, starting with the last, 5th stage. Each
time we come up to a next stage with an available
resource S , we allocate at this stage an amount of
resource, look up the return for this stage in Ta­
ble 4 .2 - 1 , add it up to the already optimized return at
all the subsequent stages to the end (considering that
the remaining funds are lowered exactly by the allocat­
ed amount) and find the investment for which the
sum maximizes. This investment relates to the condi­
tional optimal decision at this stage and the maximum
proper is the conditional optimal return.
Table 4.2-2

i = 4 i = 2
*6(S)TV6(S) x4(S) W4(S) x 3 ( S ) W s ( S ) *a(S) W 2(S) X
I(S) W ^ S )

1 Q 1.0 [o] 1.0 0 1.0 0 1 .0

2 2 1.2 1 1.3 1 1.6 0 1.6
0 2.1
4 4 1.3 3 2.3 2 2.4
5 5 1.3 3 2.5 1 2.0
G 6 1.3 4 2.G 2 3.4
7 7 1.3 5 2.7 2 3.6
8 8 1.3 5 2.8 4
9 9 1.3 6 2.8 5 3.9 7 5.1
10 10 1.3 7 2.8 5 4.1 7

Table 4.2-2 summarizes the results of conditional

optimization over all stages. The table is seen to be
126 Cli. 4 Dynamic Programming

set up from the upper left corner to the right and then
line hy line downwards. The decision at the 5th stage
is enforced: all the available funds are invested; the
decisions at all other stages have to be optimized.
The sequential backwards optimization from stage 5 to
stage 1 yields a complete list of sequential decisions and
the total optimal return W* for the whole operation,
amounting to 5.6 in this case. The last two columns
have only one row because the initial state of the
system is known exactly: S 0 = R = 10. The optimal
decisions at all stages are confined in frames. The
optimal sequence of investments reads thus: allocate
two units of 1 0 to enterprise 2 , five units to enter­
prise 2, two units to enterprise 5, none to enterprise 4,
and a unit to enterprise 5. With this allocation the
total profit attains a maximum of 5.6.
To provide the reader with an insight to how the
table was set up, we perform a sample computation.
Suppose, for example, we are to optimize a decision
x 3 (7), that is, to decide on how many units we should
allocate at stage 5, where we have arrived with S = 7
units of resource available, and what maximum amount
we can earn at all the remaining stages including the
third. Assume all the stages following the third (i.e.
4th and 5th) have already been optimized and, hence,
the columns for these two stages in the table are filled.
Let us find x 3 (7) and W3 (7). To effect this, compose
an additional table (see Table 4.2-3). Its first column
lists all possible investments x at the third stage, which
cannot be more than S = 7. The second column lists
all what remains from S = 7 after this investment.
The third column presents the return at stage 3 from
the investment of amount x in enterprise 3 (filled with
reference to the column for f 3 (x) in Table 4.2-1). The
fourth column gives the optimal return at the remaining
4.2 Solving Dynamic Programming 127

(4th and 5th) si ages on the condition that we have

come up to stage 4 with what has been left of the
resources (filled with reference to column i = 4 of
Table 4.2-3

X 7 - a: h M W.i (7 -~x) h( x) + 1V4 ( 7- x )

7 0 1.8 0 1.8
6 1 1.7 1.0 2.7
5 2 1.6 1.3 2.9
4 3 1.4 1.6 3.0
3 4 1.2 2.3 3.5

0 7 0 2.7 2.7

Table 4.2-2). The fifth column lists the sum of two

returns: that attendant to the decision made at the
stage and the optimized return from the following
stages with the investment x at the third stage.
Of all the returns in the last column, we pick up the
maximal, W s (7) = 3.6, which relates to the decision
* (7) = 2 .
A situation with a maximum (in an additional table
of the type) attained at two or more x rather than one
can be easily handled by choosing any of them because
this choice does not affect the reward. As we have already
mentioned, the solution of dynamic programming
problems need not in general be unique.
A truck loading problem. The approach of dynamic
programming can successfully be used to tackle certain
optimization problems discussed in Chapter 3* in par­
ticular some problems of integer programming. Notice
128 Ch. 4 Dynamic Programming

that the integrity requirement impeding the solution

of LP problems, this time relaxes rather than compli­
cates the procedure (as did the integrity of investments
in the previous problem).
Consider by way of example a problem on loading
a truck (a similar loading problem was treated in the
previous chapter) which formulates as follows. A truck
can carry a total of Q tons. A certain collection of items
(a sole thing of each) is available for shipment. Their
weights and values are known Isay, tabulated as in
Table 4.2-4). Determine which of the items must be
shipped to maximize the value of the loading which
is ^ Q.
As can be readily observed, this problem in essence is
very much the same as the previous (resource allocation
among n enterprises) but is somewhat simpler than that.
To demonstrate, the process of loading can be thought
of as consisting of n stages; at each of them we decide
whether or not to take a given item in the truck. The
decision at stage i is unity if we take the ith item, and
zero if not. It means that at each stage we have only
two decision alternatives and this is a very comfort­
able thought.
The state of the system prior to each next stage will
obviously be described by the loading capacity, S ,
which still remains after some items have been loaded
to the truck. For each value of S we should find the
total maximal value W t (S ) of the items which still
can be loaded on at a given value of 5, setting each
time Xi (S ) = 1 if we take the item, and x t (S ) = 0
if not. Then we need to read these conditional recom­
mendations, and the thing is done.
Now solve this problem in numerical form for six
items whose weights and values are specified in Ta­
ble 4.2-4.
4.2 Solving Dynamic Programming 129

Table 4.2-4

Item 1 2 3 4 5 6

Weight 4 7 11 12 16 20

Valuo 7 10 15 20 27 34

The total loading capacity of the truck is Q = 35

weight units. It is required to point those items which
must be included in the loading to maximize its
value . 1
As before, S will be assigned only integer values.
The conditional optimization of solution is indicated
in Table 4.2-5, where each row gives for a respective
stage (item) its conditional optimal decision x t ( 0
or 1 ) and conditional optimal return (the value of
all the items remaining to be loaded at optimal deci­
sions at all stages). We shall not dwell on how this table
is prepared since theBprocedure parallels that of the
previous problem, the only difference being 0 - 1 num­
bered decisions.
The bold-faced values in Table 4.2-5 are: the opti­
mal return W* = 57 and the optimal decisions provid­
ing for itj viz., 2 * = 0 , x \ = 1, x% = 0 , x* = 1,
x* = 1, x* = 0 . The solution thus is to load the truck
with items 2, 4 and 5 whose weight totals 35 (the exact
coincidence of weight and loading capacity is not

1 The items in Table 4.2-4 are ranged in the order of increas­

ing weights; their values also increase from left to right which
is natural but not necessary. It is intuitively obvious that load­
ing by high-weight and low-value items would be unsound.
130 Ch. 4 Dynamic Programming

Table 4.2-5

z = 6 i =5 i == 4 i == 3 i == 2 i -= 1
xi wi xi w. xi xi xi
wl wt *« wl

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 15 0 15
12 0 0 0 0 1 20 0 20 0 20
13 0 0 0 0 1 2v) 0 20 0 20
14 0 0 0 0 1 20 0 20 0 20
15 0 0 0 0 1 20 0 20 0 20
16 0 0 1 27 0 27 0 27 0 27
17 0 0 1 27 0 27 0 27 0 27
18 0 0 1 27 0 27 0 27 0 27
19 0 0 1 27 0 27 0 27 1 30
20 1 34 0 34 0 34 0 34 0 34
21 1 34 0 34 0 34 0 34 0 34
22 1 34 0 34 0 34 0 34 0 34
23 1 34 0 34 0 34 1 35 1 37
24 1 34 0 34 0 34 1 35 1 37
25 1 34 0 34 0 34 1 35 1 37
26 1 34 0 34 0 34 1 35 1 37
27 1 34 0 34 0 34 1 42 1 44
28 1 34 0 34 1 47 0 47 0 47
29 1 34 0 34 1 47 0 47 0 47
30 1 34 0 34 1 47 0 47 0 47
31 1 34 0 34 1 47 1 49 0 49
32 1 34 0 34 1 54 0 54 0 54
33 1 34 0 34 1 54 0 54 0 54
34 1 34 0 34 1 54 0 54 0 54
35 1 34 0 34 1 54 | 0 54 1 57 0 57
4.3 General Form of DP Problem 131

necessary; an optimal choice can afford some underload-

In retrospect it is possible to observe that a simpler
solution to this elementary example might have been
to check all possible combinations of items for fitting
in an exhaustive manner to choose finally that one
whose value will he maximal. With a larger number of
items, however, this would be a laborious way because
the number of possible combinations increases rapidly.
Dynamic programming cannot be hampered with any
rise in stages: it entails only a proportional increase
in amount of computations.

4.3 A General Form of DP Problem.

The Principle of Optimality
The trivial DP problems considered above provide
insight to the basic idea of the method: step by step
optimization performed “conditionally” in one direc­
tion and “unconditionally” in the opposite. Dynamic
programming is a very powerful technique to optimize
a control; it cannot be impeded by either the integrity
requirement, or nonlinearity of the objective function,
or the type of imposed constraints. However, in con­
trast to linear programming, DP cannot be reduced to
a single computational algorithm; it can be relegated
into a computer only after respective formulas are de­
rived which often is not a simple task.
This section will display a sort of a “review for a new­
comer” discussing DP problem formulation, approach to
solution, form of writing, etc.
The first question to answer in problem formulation
is: what input parameters (sometimes called state
variables) can the state of a controlled process (or sys­
tem) be characterized with prior to each stage? A suc-
132 Ch. 4 Dynamic Programming

cessful choice of a set of these parameters often decides

whether or not the optimization problem can be solved
to advantage. In the three sample problems we solved
in the previous section, the state of the process was
described by a very small number of parameters: by
two coordinates in the first example, and by one numer­
al in both the second and the third. These ultrasimple
problems, however, are not frequent occasions in
practice. More common are those where the state of
the system is described by many state variables so
that an exhaustion of all decision alternatives and
evaluation of an optimal decision for each of them be­
comes a cumbersome procedure. It becomes even more so
when the number of possible decision alternatives is
large. Richard Bellman, who developed the concepts of
partial optimization underlying dynamic programming,
claimed these situations as being “cursed” by multiple
dimension scourging not only dynamic programming,
but also all the other optimization techniques. A com­
mon method of solving DP problems is on the comput­
er rather than by hand; however, even modern large-
capacity computers cannot match many such problems.
It is very important therefore to formulate a DP
problem correctly and economically without overload­
ing the formulation with minor details, and simpli­
fying as far as possible the description of controlled
system (i.e. model) to shorten the number of decision
alternatives. The reader might infer from what has
been said that success in dynamic programming in
many respects depends on the skill and expertise of the
OR researcher.
The second task after having been completed with
system description and list of decisions is to break it
down into stages. Some fortunate situations provide
it in the very formulation of the problem (say, fiscal
4.3 General Form of DP Problem 133

years in economic problems), but more often the parti­

tioning has to be invented, as we have done it in the
railway path problem of Section 4.2. Should we have
not confined ourselves within the primitive model of
only two decisions (N and E), it would have been
more convenient to break the path into steps in anoth­
er way, for example, assuming a step is a passing
from one line section parallel to the ordinate axis to
a next. Another partitioning approach would be to
consider instead of straight line sections a set of con­
centric circles or other curves extending from the ori­
gin at A. All these approaches to shortest path selec­
tion would inavoidably restrict a choice of possible
directions. Regarding the steps as transients from one
constant abscissa line to another, it is easy to realize
that the available manifold of decisions does not pro­
vide for back up, i.e. from an eastern to a western
line. For a majority of applications such restrictions
are natural (for example, a rocket launched off the
earth and supposed to move through an efficient escape
trajectory could hardly be imagined to tilt its engines
and perform a “nip” down to the earth). One may meet,
however, an entirely different situation. For instance,
a path through a rough terrain (as in mountains) spirals
appearing at some sequentially further points geomet­
rically closer to a point of departure. DP problem
formulation, in particular choosing a system of coor­
dinates and a breaking-into-stages approach, should
consider all reasonable constraints imposed on the
decisions involved.
What policy should we adopt towards the number of
stages m? At first glance it may seem the larger m the
better. This, however, is not entirely so. With increasing
m the amount of computations also increases, which
is not always justified. The number of stages should
134 Ch. 4 Dynamic Programming

be selected with account of two conflicting circum­

stances: (i) the stage must be sufficiently short to enable
a simple optimization procedure for the decisions to
be made, and (ii) the stage must not be too short to
avoid unnecessary computations which may only com­
plicate the search for an optimal solution, rather than
materially change the optimum found for the objective
function. In any application, it is the “acceptable”
solution, which may insignificantly differ from the
optimal in the return IF*, that is of interest, not
a strictly optimal solution.
We are now ready to state a general principle which
is a basic one to the solution of all DP problems
(occasionally also termed the principle of optimality).
Whatever the state of a process concerned prior to
a given stage in a sequence, a decision must be
made such that maximizes the return at this
stage summed with the optimal return at all the
remaining stages.
T le readers in command of usual courses of calculus
and probability might comprehend this principle
completely only if it follows a discussion of certain
examples. That is the reason why the principle is
presented not at the beginning of the chapter—which
would be natural for a mathematician—but here, when
the necessary examples have already been considered.
To summarize, we review the steps of DP problem
formulation which might be of value to a novice in the
1. Select the parameters (state variables) which
characterize the state of the controlled system at each
decision point.
2 . Break down the operation into stages.
3. Evaluate the set of decisions x t for each vstage
along with the imposed constraints*
4.3 General Form of DP Problem 135

4. Determine the return which will result from

a decision xt at stage 2 , if prior to that the system was
in a state 5, i.e. to state the return function
m = fi (S , xt]) (4.3-1)
5. Determine how the state S of the system will
change in response to a decision xt made at stage i.
The system will assume a new state
S' = <pf (S, xt) (4.3-2)
The functions governing transitions (4.3-2) must also
be written2.
6 . Put down the main recursive equation of DP
(functional equation) yielding the conditional optimal
return Wi (S ) (beginning with the ith. stage to the end)
in terms of the already known function Wt+1 (S)
w t (S ) = max [/, (S , x,) + W i+i (9| (S , *,))] (4.3-3)

To this return there corresponds the conditional opti­

mal decision xt (S) at stage i (it should be emphasized
that the changed state S' = (p* (S, xf) must be substi­
tuted for S in the already known function Wi+± (S)).
7. Perform conditional optimization of the last, mth
stage, specifying a set of states S one stage apart from
the terminal state and computing for each of them the
conditional optimal return by the formula
w m (S) = max [fm (S , x m)] (4.3-4)
to find the conditional optimal decision xm (S) which
maximizes this return.

2 Notice that the arguments of (4.3-1), (4.3-2) are generally

collections of numbers, i.e. vectors, rather than single numbers.
136 Ch. 4 Dynamic Programming

8 . Perform conditional optimization for the (m —

l)st, (m — 2)nd and earlier stages with (4.3-3), set­
ting there i = (m — 1 ), (m — 2 ), and so on, and show
for each of the stages the conditional optimal decision
Xi (S) maximizing the expression.
Note that if the state of the system in the initial
moment is known (which is the case as a rule), then
there is no need to vary the state of the system at the
first stage: the optimal return for a given initial state S 0
can be found directly. The obtained result is the total
optimal return for the entire operation
W* = Wx (S0)
9. Perform unconditional optimization of the solu­
tion thus obtained by “reading” the corresponding
recommendations for each stage. With the optimal
decision x* = x1 (S0) made at the first stage change
the state of the system by (4.3-2) to find the optimal
decision at the second stage x\\ repeat the cycle at all
the subsequent stages to the end.
* * *

Pause to make a few additional general comments.

So far we have considered only additive DP problems,
i.e. those where the total return results as the sum of
returns from sequential stages. Dynamic programming
can, however, be also implemented on the problems
with a multiplicative criterion, i.e. expressed as
a product
W = \\w t (4.3-5)
(if only the rewards v>i ate all positive). The solution
of these problems is identical to that of additive crite*
4.3 General Form of DP Problem 137

rion with the sole difference that (4.3-3) has a prod­

uct sign X in place of the plus sign, viz.,
PFi (5) = m ax[/J (5, x t) x W j+ 1 (<p, (S, x,))] (4.3-G)
To conclude the chapter, a few words are in order on
the DP problems dealing with infinite sequential
decision processes. In some applications, the operation
has to be scheduled for an indefinitely long-time period
and an optimal solution to the problem may be wished
irrespective of the number of the stage at which the
operation terminates. A convenient model for such
problems is infinite sequential decision process in which
all the stages are equal in that none of them is termi­
nal. This process obviously calls for the return func­
tion fi and the state transition function cp* be inde­
pendent of the number of stage. We refer the interested
reader to classical work [10]. Generally, a more pro­
nounced insight into dynamic programming can be
gleaned from the texts [6 , 10, 11, 71.
C hapter 5


5.1 The Concept of the Markov Process

So far we have considered mainly deterministic OR
problems along with respective optimization methods.
Henceforth to the very end of the book our concern
will be OR problems under uncertainty. This chapter
will be focused on a comparatively favorable case, that
of stochastic uncertainty (see Section 2.2). The un­
knowns in such a problem are random variables (or
functions) whose probability characteristics either are
known or may be inferred from experiment. Our present
consideration will be mainly devoted to what we agreed
to call primal problems of OR, i.e. to model develop­
ment for certain random phenomena, touching only
shortly on the inverse problems, i.e. solution-optimi­
zation techniques, because as a rule they are sophisticat­
ed. For stochastic problems, even model development
is a hard task, let alone optimization. The majority
of the problems cannot enjoy a simple mathematical
model such that would enable us to find explicitly
(analytically) the wanted quantities (effectiveness
measures) as functions of the operation’s constraints
and decision variables. In some special situations this
model construction can, however, be succeeded. This
is the case when the operation in question is (exactly
or approximately) the Markov process or chain.
5.1 The Concept of the Markov Process 139

A definition of the Markov process is deferred for

a while, to give way for a discussion on the stochastic
process in general.
Let a certain physical system change its state in
time (go from one state to another) in a random,
unknown beforehand manner. Then we will say that
a random (stochastic) process runs in the system.
The physical system may be materialized in a varie­
ty of ways, say, as a device, a group of such devices, an
enterprise, an industry, a living organism, a population
of species, and so forth. Randomness and uncertain­
ty, though in different extent, are intrinsic to majori­
ty of actual systems.
Consider as an example of such system a spacecraft
being put into an orbit. The orbiting will unavoidably
suffer from random errors, that is deviations from the
specified trajectory, necessitating a correction to be
performed (if it were not for these random errors, no
correction would be needed). Hence a putting into an
orbit is a stochastic process.
Now dive closer to the earth, in the dense atmosphere.
A physical system this time is an aircraft performing
a flight at a specified altitude and to a certain route.
Is this process a stochastic one? Certainly, yes, since
the flight would experience the influence of atmospher­
ic eddies and other fluctuations which may result in
random disturbances and fluctuations in its performance
and accuracy of the flight schedule (anyone who
suffered from a rough air or a lengthy waiting at an
airport due to delayed airtraffic would evidence to
the point).
One more example, this time of a system realized as
a facility involving several devices which used to fail
from time to time, and when failed being replaced or
recovered. A process running in this system is undoubt-
140 Ch. 5 Markov Processes

edly random. We may find a lot of random processes

in the world around us. Moreover, an example of
a nonrandom process is more hard to invent than that
of a random process. Even if we turn to our watches—
a classical example of precise operation coined the
attribute ‘clockwork’—the process is liable to random
variations, whether lagging, running, or occasional
Does it mean that all the natural processes are stochas­
tic? Strictly speaking, it is so since random fluctuations
are intrinsic to any process. Yet as long as these
disturbances are insignificant and influence the para­
meters concerned only slightly, we may neglect them
and treat the process as a deterministic, i.e. nonran­
dom, one. We have to account for random factors
when they directly concern us. For example, in sched­
uling flights an airline company may discard random
fluctuations of an airplane about its mass center,
whereas a designer of an autopilot may not. A majority
of processes with which we deal in physics or engineer­
ing are essentially random but only some of them we
consider as random—when we are in pressing need
of that.
Having substantially elucidated the notion of ran­
dom process, now we come over to define the Markov
A random process is referred to as Markov if for
any moment of time t0 its probability character­
istics in the future depend only on its state at
time t0 and are independent of when and how this
state was acquired.
This important definition is worth discussing in
a little more detail. Let at a present moment of time t0
(refer to Fig. 5.1-1) the system in question assume
a certain state S Q. We view the process from the side
5.1 The Concept of the Markov Process 141

and know at t0 the state of the system S 0 and the

history of the process, i.e. all events happened at

t <Zt0. We naturally wish to know what will be in

the future, at t > t0. Can we forecast it? An explicit
forecasting is impossible because our process is random,
hence unpredictable. Some probability characteristics
of the process we, however, may evaluate. For instance,
the probability that in a certain time the system
will turn out in a state S x or will remain in S 0l or some
other event.
The key point is that a Markov process (or chain)
substantially facilitates this probability forecast as
compared to the non-Markovian. Basically it is so be­
cause if a process at hand is Markov, then we may do the
forecasting taking into consideration only the present
state of the system, S0, and putting aside the process
history, i.e. its behavior at £ < t0. Or, putting it
another way, the future in the Markov process depends
on the past only in terms of the present. 1

1 The Markov processes where the probability of the next

outcome depends only on the outcome immediately before are
referred to as the first-order (or Tag-1’) Markov chains. If the
outcome depends on other than the immediately prior result, it
is a higher-order chain. For example, a second-order chain
describes a process in which an outcome depends upon the
two previous outcomes, etc.— Translator's note.
142 Gh. 5 Markov Processes

The Markov process may be exemplified by a Gei-

ger-Miiller counter which performs each next count
when a nuclear particle enters the chamber. The state
of the system’s display is defined by the indication,
i.e. the number of particles which struck the tube
prior to that moment. Let the counter indicate S 0 at t0.
The probability that the count at t > t0 will be S x
particles (or not less than S x) does depend on S 0l but
is independent of the particular instants at which
previous particles entered the tube.
Some recurrent applications may be modeled, if not
exactly then to certain approximation, by the Markov
chain. To illustrate, consider an air combat. The state
of the battle is characterized by the number of aircraft
remained in the battle (not shot down) x for opponent
I and y for opponent II by a certain time. Assume
that at t0 we have the data on both parties, x0 and yQ.
We would like to know the probability that battling
airplanes I will outbalance by a moment t0 + tv
What does this probability depend on? First of all, on
the state which the system occupies at t0; it almost
does not depend on when and in what sequence air­
planes were shot down prior to t0.
Now that the Markov process became a more or less
evident model we are going to expose it from an unex­
pected side: virtually any process may be modeled as
Markovian if all the parameters of the “past” on which
the “future” depends be included in the “present”.
Imagine, for example, an item in use in an industrial
context, say, which is subject to failure and prompt
restoration from time to time; at a time t0 it is still
healthy and we wish to know the probability that it
will be sound for another period tv If the present state
of the item is thought of simply as ‘the item is sound’
then the process is obviously non-Markovian because
5.1 The Concept of the Markov Process 143

the probability that it will not fail for another peri­

od depends generally on how long it has been already
operating and when it was submitted to the last repair.
If both these parameters (the total operation time and
the time elapsed from the last failure) were included
in the present state of the item, the process might have
been deemed Markov. However, this boosting of the
present at the expense of the past need not always be
useful since (if the number of historic parameters is
great) not infrequently it increases the size of the
problem making it not amenable to available computa­
tional facilities. Therefore in what follows, speaking
of the Markov chain we shall think it of as a simple,
non-subtle process having a small number of parame­
ters defining the “present”.
Markov processes in a “pure” form are non-common
in applicational areas, though, non-seldom are those
for which the effect of “history” may be neglected, and
hence Markovian modeling be used to advantage. In
not a long while we will demonstrate how it can be
Stochastic processes may be loosely classed according
to the type, discrete or continuous, their time variable
and outcomes (states) belong to. Of all possible combi­
nations of discrete (continuous) state/discrete (contin­
uous) time processes we will be interested in the
discrete-stateIcontinuous-time process possessing the Mar­
kov property as having great significance in OR appli­
cations. We can imagine this process as that in which
all the possible states can be indexed in advance and
the moments of transitions from one state to the
next are not fixed beforehand (as in the case of process­
es developed in discrete time), rather they are random
so that a transition may occur virtually at any time
and proceeds jumpwise, in no time.
144 Gh. 5 Markov Processes

This process may be exemplified by a facility con­

sisting of two units each of which can randomly, i.e. at
an arbitrary moment of time, fail, whereupon it is
immediately submitted to repair (renewal) which also
lasts a random period of time, unknown in advance.
The possible states of the system can be indexed as
S 0 = both units are healthy operating,
S x = first unit is being repaired, second healthy,
5 2 = second unit is being repaired, first healthy,
5 3 = both units are being repaired.
The transients from one state to another occur virtu­
ally in no time at random instants of failure or termi­
nation of a renewal period.
A convenient approach to analysis of discrete-state
stochastic processes is by invoking the geometrical
analogy in the form suggested by graph theory. The
states in a graph are depicted as some geometric
figures (rectangles, circles or points) and called vertices,
and the possible transients are shown by lines, called
edges, or by arrows indicating the direction of a transi­
tion, and then called arcs. We will display the states
as rectangles placed in the vertices and containing
symbols of states inside.
A graph prepared for the above example is shown in
Fig. 5.1-2. The arc leading from S 0 to S t implies the
transition which occurs when the first unit fails; the arc
pointing backwards, from S x to S Q, signifies the
transition at the moment of terminating the renewal
of this unit. The other arcs can be assigned by similar
The astute reader might ask why an arc which would
join S 0 and S 3 directly is absent. Can it not be that
both units fail simultaneously, say, because of short cir-
5.2 Arrivals Defined 145

cuit? A legitimate question. An answer is that we

suppose the units fail independently of one another

Fig, 5.1-2

and the probability that they fail simultaneously is

believed to be negligible. (This statement will receive
a more explicit substantiation later.)
If a process developing in the system with discrete
states and continuous time is Markovian, then it can
be described by a relatively simple model. However,
prior to develop this model, we would find it useful
to make familiar with the notion of ‘arrivals’ which
is of significance for this and next chapters.

5.2 Arrivals Defined

A sequence of uniform events, called customers, which
occur at random times, say, arrive at random at a ser­
vicing facility, is referred to as arrivals, or an input
(process) to this facility. Examples may be arrivals of
calls at a telephone exchange, arrivals of failures occur­
ring within a computer, input of trains to a railway
station, arrivals of nuclear particles at a Geiger-
Muller tube, etc.
Arrivals may be visualized graphically as a series of
points on the time axis Ot, shown in Fig. 5.2-1; one
should not forget only that the position of each point is
146 Ch. 5 Markov Processes

random and Fig. 5.2-1 depicts a single realization of

a process.
Speaking of arrivals as a series of events that occur
at random, one should keep in mind that the events,
1 , , «, , , , -
0 t
Fig. 5.2-1

realized say as a flow of customers, have no inherent

probabilities. The probabilities are now in a possession
of other, derivative events such as: “at time interval t
exactly two arrivals occur” (see Fig. 5.2-1), or “at least
one customer arrives in the interval AJ”, or “the inter­
arrival interval will be equal or more than V\
An important characteristic of arrivals is intensity
(or arrival rate), X, stated as the mean rate of arrival
per unit of time. The intensity may be constant or vari­
able, say dependent on time t. For example, a stream
of cars through a road crossing has a higher intensity
at day time than at night, and is more intense in
rush hours than in other hours of a day time.
An input is called regular or that of constant arrivals
(or intervals), if customers arrive in regular, equally
spaced intervals. More common in applications are,
however, arrival patterns whose inter-arrival intervals
vary at random.
An arrival pattern is termed stationary if its probabil­
ity characteristics are independent of time. The
intensity of this pattern need be constant. It does not
mean at all that the number of customers arriving per
unit time must be constant. The arrivals (if only they
are not from a regular source) necessarily occur denser
or rarer as, for example, is shown in Fig. 5.2.-1.
5.2 Arrivals Defined 147

Important is that for a stationary input these density

variations do not occur on a regular basis, and although
one unit interval may enjoy more customers than
another, the average number of customers per unit time
is constant and hence independent of time.
A typical mistake which a novice is liable to commit
is to take random clusters and rarefactions of arrivals
for variations in arrival rate. We ought to caution
the reader on this point.
As a rule, the deviations of a stationary behavior
can be referred to some physical causes. It is natural,
for example, that the arrival rate of calls arriving at
a telephone exchange at night is lower than at day
time (people used to sleep at night). More dense flow of
customers arriving at a shop after working hours can
also be explained. If an arrival pattern has a striking
tendency to condense and rarefy (especially periodi­
cally), then a physical cause might be suspected and
its evaluation should be attempted.
Arrivals of a stationary pattern (at least on a limited
time interval) commonly arise in applications. To
illustrate, arrivals of calls at a telephone exchange
between 1 and 2 p.m. are virtually stationary; similar
arrivals over the entire day would already be non-
We have what is called an independent input process
if for any two non-overlapping time intervals and x2
(see Fig. 5.2-2) the number of arrivals that occur in one
of them is independent of that in the other. It implies
essentially that the arrivals occur independently of
2 Observe that the situation is the same with most processes
which we used to refer to as stationary in physics and engineer­
ing; actually they are stationary only over a restricted time
interval and its extension to infinity is but a convenient tech­
148 Ch. 5 Markov Processes

each other, due to its own cause each. For example,

a stream of passengers entering a railway station is

0 t
Fig. 5.2-2

virtually independent. Whereas a flow of customers

leaving a counter in a shop cannot be deemed indepen­
dent (at least because an interval of departure between
any two of the customers cannot be shorter than a mini­
mal time required to serve any one of them). It is
similar with trains arriving at a station: there always
exists a minimal time interval between each pair of
them, established on safety grounds. Incidentally, if
the minimal interval between arrivals is much less than
the mean inter-arrival interval, t = 1/A,, the effect
of incomplete independence may be neglected.
An input process is referred to as single arrivals if
the customers arrive one by one, not in batches. To
illustrate, a stream of customers arriving at a barber’s
shop or queueing at a doctor’s office is normally of
a single variety, which cannot be said of wedding
parties arriving at a registry office in a large city.
Arrivals of trains at a station are single, whereas
arrivals of the cars are not. For single arrivals input,
the probability of two or more customers to arrive
within a small time interval At may be neglected.
We will call an input Poisson if it possesses the
three following properties at once: it is stationary, sin­
gle, and general independent (i.e. is completely random).
It is the simplest arrival pattern mathematically and
the most commonly useful one in applications. By the
way, the simplest arrival physically—the regular or
5.2 Arrivals Defined 149

constant-intervals input—is not so simple to deal with

mathematically since it lacks general independence:
its arrival instants are related by a strong functional
dependence. Such an input process cannot be created

Fig. 5.2-3

without special efforts to sustain its regular intervals

of arrival.
The role the Poisson arrival process plays among
other arrival patterns is somewhat akin to that the Gaus­
sian (normal) distribution does for the family of distrib­
ution models. A superposition of a sufficiently large
number of mutually independent, stationary, and
single arrivals (of comparable intensity) yields an
arrival pattern close to the Poisson scheme.
It can be readily demonstrated (consult any text on
probability, say [12]) that a Poisson input of arrival
rate X has inter-arrival interval distributed exponential­
ly with the density
f (t) = X exp (—Xt) (t > 0) (5.2-1)
shown in Fig. 5.2-3; here X is the parameter of the
exponential distribution. For exponentially distribut­
ed random intervals, the mathematical expectation,
m, is the quantity inversely proportional to the para-
150 Ch. 5 Markov Processes

meter, and the standard deviation is equal to the

m = a = 1/K (5.2-2)
As a ‘measure of randomness’ for a nonnegative ran­
dom variable, probability theory often exploits the
coefficient of variation:
v = a/m (5.2-3)
From (5.2-2) and (5.2-3) it follows that for an exponen­
tially distributed variable, u = 1, i.e. for the arrivals
distributed in the Poisson process the coefficient of
variation for intervals between arrivals is unity.
Obviously, for a constant intervals input process
whose inter-arrival interval is not random at all (cr = 0),
the coefficient of variation is zero. Most processes met
in applicational areas have the coefficient of variation
ranging between zero and unity, hence the coefficient
may be employed as a measure of regularity, i.e. as
a measure of deviation from the Poisson process.
The closer it is to zero, the more regular is the input
process. The Poisson process, being completely random,
is the least regular of all applicational inputs.3
A convenient approach to arrival process computa­
tions is in using what we shall call a n ‘elementary pro­
bability’. We will define it with reference to a Pois­
son input of arrival rate X and a small time interval At.
An elementary probability is such that predicts at least
one arrival at this interval. It can be readily shown
(we will not go into that at length) that the elementary
probability is
p At = XAt + o (At) (5.2-4)
3 One might invent a process for which v > 1, but nature
alm ost never stages a state like that.
5.2 Arrivals Defined 151

where the symbol o (At) denotes a quantity that becomes

negligible compared with At, as At ->0. In other words,
for a Poisson input, an elementary probability is
equal to the arrival rate multiplied by the length of
an elementary interval. Note that owing to indepen­
dence, an elementary probability does not depend on
whatever arrivals and when occurred earlier.
Observe also that accurate to higher-order infinites­
imals, the probability of at least one arrival in At is
equal to the probability of exactly one arrival in this
interval. It follows from the fact that the Poisson
arrival process is single.4
We say that an input process is general independent,
or recurrent, if it is stationary, single, and the inter­
vals between arrivals, shown as 7\, T 2, T3, . . . in
Fig. 5.2-4, are independent and distributed with a gen­
eral distribution function, say of a density as that in
Fig. 5.2-5. Consider an example of an input process hav­
ing a general independent form. A device, say a tube,
functions continuously until it fails. A broken device
is promptly replaced by a new one. If each subsequent
device fails independently of the others, then arrivals
of failures will be of a general independent form.
Another example of this input process. A retailer in
a shop continuously serves customers (as is the case in
maximum load hours). Serving a customer takes a ran­
dom period of time. The intervals between served cus­
tomers will be recurrent if service times of the custo­
mers are independent, that is, if a friendly chat be­
tween the retailer and a customer cannot influence ser­
vice times of others.
4 Recall the discussion on absent arcs from S 0 to S 3 and
back in the graph of Fig. 5.1-2. It may be explained by the
assumption of both arrivals of failures and arrivals of renewals
being single.
152 Ch. 5 Markov Processes

Obviously, the Poisson input is a particular case of

the general independent process when the intervals
between arrivals are distributed exponentially as in

Fig. 5.2-4

(5.2-1), Another degenerate case of the general indepen­

dent input is the constant arrival process, whose con­
stant intervals are not random at all.
A whole family of recurrent arrival processes ordered
to various degrees can be obtained ,by “screening” the

Poisson input process. Let, for example, a stream of

customers to an office be Poisson. Arriving customers
are assigned at the reception board to clerks (servers)
in strict rotation, i.e. the first customer to the first
desk, the second to the second desk, and so on. If the
office has ra servers, then each of them would have to
handle ra-Erlangian arrivals of customers. The input
process like that realizes from a Poisson process if we
keep each rath arrival and screen off all the rest. The
5.3 Kolmogorov Balance of State Equations 153

Poisson input is but a first-order Erlangian arrival

process. It may be demonstrated that with this screen­
ing of a Poisson arrival process the respective coeffi­
cient of variation for inter-arrival intervals reduces;
and when the order n increases, the Erlangian input
approximates to a regular process. The coefficient of
variation for inter-arrival intervals of a n-Erlangian
input is vW = 1l Y n. The special Erlangian inputs
form a family of arrivals variously ordered: from com­
plete disorder (Poisson) to complete order (regular
arrival process).

5.3 The Kolmogorov Balance of State Equations

In dealing with discrete-state/continuous-time Mar­
kov chains, it would be convenient to think of the sys­
tem’s transitions from one state to another as occurring
under the influence of some arrivals (incoming calls,
arrivals of failures, arrivals of renewals, etc.). If all
the input processes translating the system from state
to state are Poisson, then the process developing in
the system is Markovian 56. This is only natural, since
the Poisson process is ‘memoryless’, i.e. its “future”
is independent of the “past”.
If a considered system is in a state Si from which
it can directly pass into another state Sj (the transition
is shown by the arc joining S-t and S j ), we will visualize
the process as the system moved from St to Sj by a Pois­
son arrival process. That is, as soon as the first event
of these arrivals occurs, the system “jumps” from St
to Sj.

5 A Poisson character of arrivals is a sufficient but not

necessary condition for a process to be Markovian,
154 Ch. 5 Markov Processes

To be more illustrative, the respective graph ac­

quires the intensities written each beside the arc of the
respective transition. Let Ktj refer to the arrival rate

moving the system from Si to Sj. Then a resulting

graph with all arrival rates indicated is shown in
Fig. 5.3-1. (We shall call a graph with all transitions
indicated a directed graph, or a digraph, for short.)
Let us construct a digraph for the example of two ran­
domly failing units in a facility, introduced in Sec­
tion 5.1. As will be recalled, the states of the facility
are as follows:*
*S0 = both units are sound,
5 1 — first unit is being repaired, second is sound,
5 2 = second unit is being repaired, first is sound,
5 3 = both units are being repaired.
We shall compute the arrival rates translating the
system from state to state under the assumption that
the mean time of repair does not depend on whether
only one or both units are being repaired. It will be
5.3 Kolmogorov Balance of State Equations 155

the case when each unit is under the care of an individ­

ual operator. Let the system be in S 0. Which arrival
translates it in S^?. It obviously is the arrival of failure
occurring at the first unit. Its arrival rate X1 is the

inverse of the mean failureless time for this unit.

Which process will back up the facility from S x to S0?
Obviously the arrivals of service completion for the
first unit. The service arrival rate \ix is the inverse of
the mean time of repair for the first unit. The rates of
other arrivals moving the facility through all the other
arcs of Fig. 5.3-2 are computed in a similar manner.
With reference to the constructed graph we may
readily develop a mathematical model of this process.
To demonstrate, consider a system having n possible
states S ±, *S2, . . ., Sn. The probability of state i.
Pi (t), will be referred to occupying at time t state Si.
An obvious fact is that for any time instant the sum
of all state probabilities is unity, i.e.

2 M *) = 1 (5.3-1)

With all arrival rates at hand one can obtain the

probabilities of all states p t (t) as functions of time.
156 Gh. 5 Markov Processes

For this purpose the Kolmogorov equations need be

derived and solved. These are special differential equa­
tions in state probabilities.
A way to deriving these equations will be demonstrat­
ed by means of an example. Let the considered system
have four states S 2, S 3, and S4; the attendant di­
graph is shown in Fig. 5.3-3. Consider one of the state
probabilities, say p x (t). This is the probability that at
time t the system is in state S t . Giving t a small in­
crement At find the probability p 1 (t + At) that at
the time t + At the system will be in S x. It may, obvi­
ously, happen in two ways: either (1 ) at the instant t
the system was in S ± already and remained in this state
for additional At, or (2 ) at t the system was in S 2 and
moved to during At.
Find the probability of version 1. The probability
that the system at the time t is in S lx that is p 1 (t),
must be multiplied by the probability that during At
the system will not move to either S 2 or S 3. The total
input of arrivals shifting the system from S ± will also
be Poisson with arrival rate % 12 + X13 since a superpo­
sition of two Poisson processes yields again a Poisson
process because it retains the properties of stationarity,
singleness and independence. Therefore the probabili­
ty that for At the system will move from S 1 is ( ^ 12
+ 5t13) At; the probability that it will not move is
1 — ( ^ 1 2 + X13) At. Whence the probability of version 1
is Pi (£) [1 (^ 1 2 H
~" ^ 13 )A^l.
The probability of version 2 is that at the time t the
system will be in S 2 and for At will return back to S t ,
i.e. p 2 (t) X2 1 At.
Summing up the probabilities of both versions (ac­
cording to the rules of probability addition) yields
Pj (t + At) = pi (t) [1 —(X12 + %i3 )At] + £ 2 (0 ^ 21 ^
5.3 Kolmogorov Balance of State Equations 15?

Upon removing the brackets, t r a n s p o s i n g (t) into the

left-hand side, and dividing both sides by At, we obtain
Pi (t-{- At) —Pi (t)
At ^ 2 lP 2 (0 — ( ^ 1 2 + ^13) P i W

Passing to the limit by letting At approach zero yields

on the left-hand side the time derivative of p x (t).
The resulting differential equation for p x (t) is
dpt (t)ldt = X2 1 p 2 (t) — (k1 2 + X1 3 )p1 (t)
or in a short form, without the argument t of p x and p 2
which is no longer needed:
dpjdt = ^*2 i P 2 — (^12 ^13)7*1 ( 5 . 3- 2 )
Treating the other states with similar argument, we
may derive three more differential equations which
when added up to (5.3-2) give the system of differential
equations in state probabilities:

d pj dt = ^ 2 1 /* 2 (^ 1 2 ~t" ^13)7*1

d p j d t = X 12P i + ^ 3 2 ^ 3 — ( ^ 2 4 H" ^ 2 l)7 * 2 ^

d p j d t = ^ 3 1 Pi - ( - ^ 4 3 ^ 4 ^32^3

dpk Idt = A/24P 2 — ^ 437*4

We have obtained the set of linear differential equa­
tions in four unknowns pu p 2, p 3, and p 4. Note that any
one of them can be eliminated by invoking the nor­
malizing condition Pi + P 2 + P 3 + P 4 = 1 > he. by
expressing one of the probabilities p t in terms of the
others and substituting it for the respective probabilU
ty in (5.3-3).
We can now summarize the general procedure of
deriving these equations. The left-hand side of each of
the equations must contain the derivative of the pro-
158 Ch. 5 Markov Processes

bability of state i; the right-hand side must contain

the multiple sum of the probabilities of the states lead­
ing to the given slate (i) times the arrival rates of
respective transients minus the total intensity of all
arrivals shifting the system from the considered state
times the probability of this state.
Using this procedure, state the Kolmogorov equa­
tions for the system whose digraph is depicted in
Fig. 5.3-2:
d p jd t = H!/*! + Vt.Pi — (^i + K)Po
dpjdt = krfo + |i 2p 3 — {X2 + nx)Pi(5.3-4)
d p jd t = X2p0 + ^ 3 — (Xj + n 2 )p 2
d p jd t = l 2p 1 + + n2)p3
The solution of these equations requires that some
initial conditions be specified. If an initial state of the
system is exactly known to be S t, then at t = 0
Pi (0 ) = 1 and all the other initial probabilities are
zeroes. So, for instance, the set (5.3-4) would be natural
to solve with p 0 (0 ) = 1 , p x (0 ) = p 2 (0 ) = p 3 (0 ) = 0 , that
is with both units sound at the initial moment of time.
Linear differential equations with constant coeffici­
ents may in general be solved analytically, but it is
convenient only when the number of simultaneous
equations is not higher than two or three. If more, the
system is solved by numerical methods either manually
or on a computer.
To sum up, the Kolmogorov equations enable us to
find the probabilities of states as functions of time.
Answer now the question: what will be with the
probabilities of states as oo? Will p x (t), p 2 (£),
etc., tend to certain limits? If these limits exist and
are independent of the initial state of the system con­
cerned, then they are referred to as equilibrium proba-
5.3 Kolmogorov Balance of State Equations 159

bilities. A theorem proved in stochastic process theory

states that
if the number of states n in the system is finite, and
from each of them any other can be reached in
a finite number of one-step transitions, then the
equilibrium probabilities exist6.
Assume that this condition is met and equilibrium
probabilities exist such that
lim p i (t) = p i (i= 1 ,2 , . . . n) (5.3-5)
t- * - o o
The equilibrium probabilities will be denoted by the
same symbols p lT p 2, etc. as the state probabilities,
but one should keep in mind that these are no longer
variables (time functions), rather they assume some
values. Obviously, they also add to unity:

2 Pi = i (5.3-6)
Physically these probabilities are as follows. When t
is at infinity, the system arrives at a steady state con­
dition in which the system may change its states at
random, but their probabilities do not depend on time
any longer. The equilibrium probability of state, S t,
may be thought of as the mean relative time the sys­
tem occupies this state. To illustrate, if the system
has three states 5 1? S 2, and S 3, and their equilibrium
state probabilities are 0.2, 0.3, and 0.5, respectively,
this implies that in the balanced state the system on
the average spends two tenths of its time in three
tenths in S 2, and a half of the time in S 3.
A way to compute these equilibrium probabilities is
rather easy. If they are constant, their derivatives must
6 This condition is sufficient but not necessary for equilibrium
probabilities to exist.
160 Ch. 5 Markov trocess^s

be zero. Hence, to find equilibrium probabilities, the

left-hand sides in the Kolmogorov equations should be
set to zero to solve already the system of linear alge­
braic equations. Instead of writing the differential
equations, we might have set up the system of linear
equations directly with reference to the graph. Trans­
posing the negative term in each equation from the
right-hand side to the left side gives the set of equa­
tions having on the left-hand side the equilibrium pro­
bability of a given state p t multiplied by the total
rate of all arrivals translating from this state; and on
the right-hand side, the multiple sum of rates of all
arrivals translating into the ith state times the proba­
bilities of the states from which they go.
Using this rule formulate the linear equations in
equilibrium probabilities for the system graphed in
Fig. 5.3-2:
(^i + k 2)p0 = M1 P 1 + ^ 2 ^ 2
(X2 + Pi)pi = K P o ”h mPa
(* i + ^ 2 )^ 2 = KPo + H 1P 3

(Ml + V'^P'i — ^2Pl + ^lP%

This system of four equations in four unknowns might
seem to be easily handled. The trouble, however, is
that the equations are homogeneous and hence their
general solution can define the unknowns only within
an arbitrary multiplier. Fortunately, we may employ
the normalizing condition
Po + Pi + P2 + P 3 — 1 (5.3-8)
which makes one of the equations redundant, being a
linear combination of the others.
Let us solve the system (5.3-7) by specifying the
following arrival and service rates: = 1, = 2,
5.3 Kolmogorov Balance of State Equations 161

= 2, p 2 = 3. Substituting the normalizing condi­

tion for the fourth line in (5.3-7) yields
3p0 = 2pt + 3p 2
^Pi = Po + 3p s (5.3-9)
4pa = 2p0 + 2 p 3
1 = Po + Pi + Pz + Pz
The solution to this system is
p0 = 6/15 = 0.40 Pl = 3/15 = 0.20
p 2 = 4/15 « 0.27 p 9 = 2/15 « 0.13
i.e. in the equilibrium state the system will spend on
the average 40% of its time in S 0 (both units are heal­
thy), 2 0 % in S x (first unit under repair, second work­
ing), 27% in S 2 (second unit undeF repair, first work­
ing), and 13% in S 3 with both units under repair.
The knowledge of these probabilities helps assessing
the mean efficiency of the system and the load on the
repair department.
Suppose that the system when in state S 0 (completely
sound) realizes profit worth 8 units per unit time, when
in S x 3 units, when in S 2 5 units, and no profit when
in S 3. The average profit per unit time in the equi­
librium state will then be
W = 0.40 X 8 + 0.20 x 3 + 0.27 X 5 = 5.15
We can also evaluate the utilization of repair facili­
ties (load on operatives) handling both units 1 and 2 .
The fraction of time required to repair unit 1 is Pl +
+ p 9 = 0.20 + 0.13 = 0.33; the fraction of time
needed to renew unit 2 is p 2 + ^ 3 = 0.40.
At this stage we may already talk of optimization
of the obtained solution. Suppose we are in a capacity
162 Gh. 5 Markov Processes

to reduce mean time of repair for one unit or the other

(or possibly both) for a certain cost. The question is
whether or not this reduction is worth initiating. That
is whether or not the increase in profit will offset the
costs incurred by the repair according to new scheme.
We leave the formulation and solution of this econom­
ic problem to the reader. Major difficulties on this
way are four simultaneous equations in four unknowns—
but the more precious will be the final product.
C hapter 6


6.1 Objectives and Models of the Theory

Queues of customers arriving for service of one kind or
another arise in many different fields of activity. Busi­
nesses of all types, government, industry, telephone
exchanges, and airports, large and small—all have
queueing problems. Many of these congestion situa­
tions could benefit from OR analysis which employs to
this purpose a variety of queueing models, referred
to as queueing systems or simply queues.
A queueing system involves a number of servers (or
serving facilities) which we will call also service channels
(in deference to the source field of the theory—telephone
communication system). The serving channels can be
communications links, work stations, check-out coun­
ters, retailers, elevators, buses, to mention but a few.
According to the number of servers, queueing systems
can be of single and multichannel type.
Customers arriving at a queueing system generally at
random intervals of time are serviced generally for
random times too. When a service is completed, the
customer leaves the servicing facility rendering it
empty and ready for a next arrival. The random nature
of arrival and service times may be a cause of conges­
tion at the input to the system at some periods when
the incoming customers either queue up for service or
leave the system unserved; in other periods the system
164 Ch. 6 Queueing or Waiting Line Theory

might not be completely busy because of the lack of

customers, or even be idle altogether.
A queueing system operation is a random process with
discrete states and continuous time. The state changes
jumpwise at the instant some events occur: an arrival
occurs, a service is completed, or a customer unable to
wait any longer leaves the queue.
The subject matter of queueing theory is to build
mathematical models which relate the specified operat­
ing conditions for the system (number of channels,
their service capacity, servicing mechanism, distribu­
tion of arrivals) to the concerned characteristics of
value-measures of effectiveness describing the ability
of the system to handle the incoming demands. De­
pending on the circumstances and the objective of the
study, such measures may be: the expected (mean)
number of arrivals served per unit time, the expected
number of busy channels, the expected number of
customers in the queue and the mean waiting time
for service, the probability that the number in queue
is above some limit, and so on. We do not single out
purposely among the given operating conditions those
intended for decision variables since they may be ei­
ther of these characteristics, for example, the number
of channels, their capacity, service mechanism, etc.
The most important part of a study is model establish­
ment (primal problem) while its optimization (inverse
problem) is intended depending on which parameters
are selected to work with or to change. We are not
going to consider optimization of queueing models in
this text with the exception made only for the simplest
queueing situations.
The mathematical analysis of a queueing system sim­
plifies considerably when the process concerned is
Markovian. As we already know a sufficient condition
6.1 Objectives and Models of the Theory 165

for this is that all the processes changing system’s

states (arrival intervals, service intervals) are Poisson.
If this property does not hold, the mathematical de­
scription of the process complicates substantially and
acquires an explicit analytical form only in seldom
cases. However, the simplest mathematics of Markov
queues may prove of value for approximate handling
even of those queueing problems whose arrivals are
distributed not in a Poisson process. In many situa­
tions a reasonable decision on queueing system organiza­
tion suffices with an approximate model.
All of the queueing systems have certain common
basic characteristics. They are (a) input process ( arriv­
al pattern) which may be specified by the source of
arrivals, type of arrivals and the inter-arrival times,
(b) service mechanism which is the duration and mode of
service and may be characterized by the service-time
distribution, capacity of the system, and service avail­
ability, and (c) queue discipline which includes all
other factors regarding the rules of conduct of the
We start illustrating the classification breakdown
with a loss and delay system . In a purely loss system,
customers arriving when all the servers are busy are
denied service and are lost to the system. Examples of
the loss system may be met in telephony: an incoming
call arrived at an instant when all the channels are
busy cannot be placed and leaves the exchange unserved.
In a delay system , an arrival incoming when all
the channels are busy does not leave the system but
joins the queue and waits (if there is enough waiting
room) until a server is free. These latter situations more
often occur in applications and are of great importance
which can be readily inferred from the name of the
166 Ch. 6 Queueing or Waiting Line Theory

According to the type of the source supplying custom­

ers to the system, the models are divided into those
of a finite population size, when the customers are only
a few, and the infinite-population systems. The length
of the queue is a subject to further limitations imposed
by allowable waiting time or handling of impatient cus­
tomers which are liable to be lost to the system.
The queue discipline, that is the rule followed by
the server in taking the customers in service, may be
according to such self-explanatory principles as
“first-come, first-served”, “last-come, first-served”, or
“random selection for service”. In some situations
priority disciplines need be introduced to allow for
realistic queues with high priority arrivals. To illus­
trate, in extreme cases the server may stop the ser­
vice of a customer of lower priority in order to deal
with a customer of high priority; this is called pre­
emptive priority. For example a gantry crane working
on a container ship may stop the unloading half-way
and shift to another wharf to unload perishable goods
of a later arrived ship. The situation when a service
of a low priority customer started prior to the arrival
of a high priority customer is completed and the high
priority customer receives only a better position in the
queue is called non-preemptive priority. This situation
can be exemplified by an airplane which enters a queue
of a few other aircraft circling around an airport and
asks a permission for an emergency landing; the
ground control issues the permission on the condition
that it lands next to the airplane being on the runway
at the moment.
Turning over to the service mechanism, we may find
systems whose servicing channels are placed in parallel
or in series. When in series, a customer leaving a pre­
vious server enters a queue for the next channel in
6.1 Objectives and Models of the Theory 167

the sequence. For example, a workpiece being through

the operations with one robot on a conveyor is stacked
to wait when the next robot in the process is free to
handle it. These operation stages of a series-channel
queueing system are called phases.
The arrival pattern may and may not correlate with
the other aspects of the system. Accordingly, the sys­
tems can be loosely divided into “open” and “close”.
In an open system, the distribution of arrivals does not
depend on the status of the system, say on how many
channels are busy. To contrast, in a close system, it
does. For example, if a single operative tends a few
similar machines each of which has a chance of stopping,
i.e. arriving for service, at random, then the arrival
rate of stoppings depends on how many machines have
been already adjusted and put on or those not yet
serviced. The classification examples might, of course,
be added, but we constrain ourselves with those
An optimization of a queueing system may be at­
tempted from either of two standpoints, the first in favor
of “queuers” or owners of the queue, and the second
to favor the “queuers”, i.e. the customers. The first
stand makes a point of the efficiency of the system and
would tend to load all the channels as high as possible,
i.e. to cut down idle times. The customers on the
contrary would like to cut down waiting time in a
queue. Therefore, any optimization of a congestion neces­
sitates a “systems approach” with the intrinsic com­
plex evaluation and assessment of all consequences for
each possible decision. The need for optimality over
conflicting requirements may be illustrated with the
viewpoint of the customer wishing to increase the
number of channels which, however, would increase
the total servicing cost. The development of a reason^-
168 Ch. 6 Queueing or Waiting Line Theory

able model may help solving the optimization prob­

lem by choosing the number of channels with account
for all pros and cons. This is the reason why we do
not suggest a single measure of effectiveness for all
queueing problems, formulating them instead as mul­
tiple objective problems.
All the mentioned forms of queues (and many others
for which we give no room here) are being studied by
queueing theory where there is a huge literature on the
subject. We quote only a few books [13-17]. As a rule,
the topics dealing with the theory can be found in
texts on operations research [1, 6 , 71. The discussion,
though, almost nowhere tunes an appropriate method­
ological level: the derivations are often too complicated,
and the formulas are deduced not in the very best
way . 1 In this (for the lack of room) brief discussion of
queueing theory we are going to display two method­
ological approaches which substantially facilitate the
process of deriving some valuable formulas. These
approaches are the focus of the subsequent seetion.

6.2 The Birth and Death Process.

The Little Formula
The Birth and Death Process. As will be recalled,
with a directed graph at hand we can easily derive
the Kolmogorov equations for probabilities of states
to covert them to, and solve, the algebraic equations
in the equilibrium state probabilities. In certain cases
the latter can be solved beforehand in a general form.
One of the special cases when it can be succeeded real-

1 The author ought to confess, however, that her own

book [6] unfortunately suffers from the same setback—lack
of simplicity in certain derivations.
6.2 Birth and Death Process 169

izes with the states of the considered system forming

the so-called ‘birth and death process’.
An illustrative graph for the birth and death pro­
cess is shown in Fig. 6.2-1. This graph is outstanding
in that all its vertices form a single chain and are

____& o t _____ A 12 ______ J-2S & k~ 1,k A k ,k + f A n - i t t ___

A f0 A 21 A32 Ak,k-1 AK+1fkA n,n-1

Fig. 6.2-1

each (except the initial and terminal vertices, S0

and Sn) joined with each of the adjacent vertices by
two (direct and reverse) arcs. The term ‘birth and death
process’ is due to biological problems where it de­
scribes populational variations.
The birth and death model is often exploited in
various applications, in particular in queueing theory,
therefore it would be useful to derive the expressions
for its equilibrium probabilities.
Assume that all the processes translating the system
through the arcs of the graph are Poisson. Referring to
the graph in Fig. 6.2-1, set up and solve the algebraic
equations for the steady-state probabilities (their
existence stems from the fact that each state is reach­
able for any other and the number of states is finite).
For the first state, we have
^olPo = KoPi (6.2-1)
For the second state, S t:
(A,12 + X10)p1 = KlPo + ^ 2 lP 2
which, in view of (6 .2 -1 ) reduces to
^XaPl ^ ^ 2 lP 2
170 Ch. 6 Queueing or Waiting Line Theory

and further in exactly the same manner

^23^2 = ^32^3
so that in general
^h-l,h Ph-1 = k k,h-lPk
where h assumes all integer values from 0 to Being
collected together, the equilibrium probabilities /?0,
Pn . . pn satisfy the system
W o — ^ioPi
^12Pl = ^2lP2

^k-i,hPh-l — ^U,k-lPk ( 6 . 2- 2)

which, besides, must be augmented by the normalizing

Po + Pi + P2 + •••+ Pn = 1 (6.2-3)
To solve the resulting set of equations, express in the
first line of (6 .2 -2 ) p1 via p 0:
The second line by account of (6.2-4) yields

and the third line, subject to (6.2-3), gives

i i i
Vo= Vn
Po ( 6 . 2- 6)
6.2 Birth and Death Process 171

or, for any k (from 1 to n):

h • • • ^12^01 n (6.2-7)
*fc. fc-lV . . P°
We would like to attract attention to formula (6.2-7).
Its numerator is the multiple of all rates attending all
arcs leading from left to right, from the origin to a given
state S h, and the denominator contains the product
of all rates attending the arcs leading from right to
left (from S h to the origin).
Thus all the probabilities of states p0, p x, . . pn
are expressed in terms of one of them, viz. p 0. Substi­
tuting these expressions into the normalizing condi­
tion (6.2-3) and factoring out p 0 yields
^12 ^Q l i _j_ h n - 1 , n ^12^01
^21 ^ lo ^ n , n -i ^21^10
or, solving for p 0:
n « • • ^12^01 \ *
Po= (\ i + "Ar-ioL + T^21
1M rL 4
^10 ^ 7 1 , 7 1 - 1 • • • ^2 1 ^ 1 0 '
( 6 . 2- 8)

Note that the coefficients of p 0 in each of the formu­

las (6.2-4)-(6.2-7) are the sequential terms in the series
following the unity in (6.2-8). Hence in computing p0
we have found all these coefficients.
The derived formulas are of great value in solving
simplest problems of queueing theory.
The Little Formula. Now we denote an important
formula relating (for a settled queue, i.e. that in steady
state) the expected number in system, L, i.e. the expected
number of customers either waiting in line and/or being
serviced, and the expected system time, W , which is the
time a customer spends waiting plus being serviced.
In a queueing system, vhich can be either of the fol-
172 Ch. 6 Queueing or Waiting Line Theory

lowing: single or multichannel, Markov or non-Mar­

kov, with unlimited or finite size of queue, we will
consider two processes: that of the customers arriving
at the system and that of being serviced and leaving it.


Fig. 6.2-2
If the queue is settled and the system is in the steady
state, the mean number of arrivals per unit time (input)
is equal to the number of elements leaving it (output),
both the input and the output have the same rate X.
Let X (t) denote the number of customers arriving
at the system up to time t, and Y (t) the number of cus­
tomers leaving it by the same instant t. Both functions
are random and vary in jumps of unit value at the
instants an arrival occurs, X (t), or leaves the system,
Y (t). The forms of both X (t) and Y (t) are shown in
Fig. 6.2-2; both lines vary in steps, the upper is
X (t), the lower is Y (t). Obviously, for any moment of
time t their difference Z (t) = X (t) — Y (t) is but
the number of customers in system. When the lines
X (t) and Y (t) merge, the system has no customers.
Consider now what happens in the long run, taking
a large period of time T (we can mentally extend the
graph far beyond the margins of the page) and comput­
ing for it the expected number in the system. It will
be given by the integral of the function Z (t) over this
6.2 Birth and Death Process 173

period divided (in order to average) by the period T

L =±jz(t)dt (6.2-9)
This integral can be identified as the hatched area
in Fig. 6.2-2. Let us consider this figure in detail. The
plot sums up of rectangles each of unit altitude and a
base equal to the time the respective customer spends
in system. We shall index the customers time in sys­
tem as tx, £2» etc- Closer to the end of the period T
some rectangles will not completely fit the hatched
area, but at a sufficiently large T this will not matter.
Hence we may safely equate
( 6 . 2- 10)
0 i
where the summation was performed over all the ar­
rivals for time T.
Dividing both sides of (6.2-10) by the length of the
period T we get in view of (6.2-9):
£= (6 .2 -H)
Dividing and multiplying the right-hand side of
(6.2-11) by the rate X yields

In the quantity TX we can recognize the expected
number of arrivals for the period T. If we divide the
sum of all the times t t by the expected number of cus­
tomers, we obtain the expected time of a customer in
system, W. Therefore
L = XW
174 Ch. 6 Queueing or Waiting Line Theory

W = L /l (6.2-12)
This result is known as Little's formula which states
for any distribution of arrival and service times, and
any service mechanism that
the expected system time is equal to the expected
number of customers in system divided by the arri­
val rate.
In the same manner we could derive a second Lit­
tle’s formula relating the expected time in queue, W q,
which is the expected time a customer spends waiting
in line, and the expected number in queue, L q, which is
expected number of customers waiting to be serviced:
W q = L q!\ (6.2-13)
To effect the derivation, it suffices to use as the bot­
tom line in Fig. 6.2-2 the function U (t), the number
of customers that leave the queue rather than the sys­
tem by time t (if a customer entering the system im­
mediately goes to service missing the queue, we may
still assume the arrival joins the queue but waits in
it a zero time).
The Little formulas (6.2-12) and (6.2-13) are signi­
ficant results of queueing theory. Unfortunately, most
texts on the subject ignore these formulas (proved in
the general form relatively recently ) . 2

6.3 Analysis of Simplest Queueing Models

This section will focus on some simplest queueing sit­
uations and their measures of effectiveness. Deducing
the respective formulas we will demonstrate the main
techniques characteristic of this part of the theory deal-
2 The popular text [18] presents a different development of
Little’s formula as well as an easy introduction to the theory.
6.3 Analysis of Simplest Queueing Models 175

ing with Poisson processes. We will not aim at il­

lustrating as many models as possible; this text indeed
is not a handbook of operations research (as such we
may point to [321). Instead we intend to make the read­
er familiar with those “little ingenuities” which fa­
cilitate the investigation of the theory so that it does
not seem a haphazard collection of examples.
In this section we will assume that all the inter­
arrival and service times are in a Poisson process.
The servicing process will be understood as a sequence
of intervals resulting for the customers being served by
a single continuously busy channel. About this process
we may say that it has an exponential distribution or
that the service-times are (negative) exponentially
distributed, so we will use the names interchangeably.
The required effectiveness measures for the considered
queues will be introduced in the cause of discussion.
(i) Multichannel queue having no waiting room
(Erlang loss system). This model of n servers and no
waiting room for any n customers is one of the first, now
classical problems in queueing theory. It was posed by
telephone communications needs and solved at the verge
of the century (1909) by A. K. Erlang for the Copen­
hagen Telephone Company. It is formulated as fol­
lows: n channels (trunklines) handle the demands (calls)
incoming at arrival rate %. Service (connection) is
being provided at service rate p, which is the recipro­
cal of the mean service time. It is assumed that the
calls that cannot be supplied with lines are lost. It is
required to find the stationary probabilities of the
states in the queue and evaluate its measures of effec­
A = absolute throughput (channels utilization)
which is the average number of demands
served per unit time in the system.
in Cli. B Queueing or Waiting Line Theory

Q = relative throughput which is the average pro­

portion of arrivals served in the system,
Ploss = probability of loss which is the probability
that an arrival leaves the queue unserved,
k = average number of busy channels.
SOLUTION. We will number the states of the system
in accordance with the number of demands being in
the system (in the circumstances it coincides with the
number of busy channels) as follows:
5 0 = no arrivals
51 = one arrival in the system (one channel is bu­
sy, the others are idle)
S k = k demands in the system (k channels are busy,
the others free)
Sn = n demands in the system (n channels busy).
The graph for this system corresponds to that of
the birth and death process. Fig. 6.3-1 shows the di-

Fig. 6.3-1
graph with the corresponding rates indicated at the
arcs. The transitions from S 0 to S x occur at the rate
X (as soon as a demand arrives the system moves from
S 0 to S x). Generally, the system’s transitions from each
lower (left on the digraph) state to the next (right) state
proceed at the arrival rate X (the upper arcs of the
Consider now the rates at the lower arcs in the digraph.
Let the system be in S ly i.e. with one channel busy
6.3 Analysis of Simplest Queueing Models 177

servicing. It is getting service to p demands per unit

time. Hence the service rate \i at the 0 arc. Now
imagine that the system is in S 2 with two channels
busy. To move in it needs that either the first or
the second channel completes its service; the total
rate of servicing rendered by these channels is 2 jx; it
is placed at the S 2S 1 arc. The total service rate of
three channels is 3jx, and of k channels k\i. These rates
are indicated below the bottom arcs in the digraph.
With all these rates at hand we can now make use
of the expressions (6.2-7) and (6.2-8) for equilibrium
probabilities in the birth and death process. From
(6 .2 -8 ) we have

The terms of the series in the parentheses, X/p,

^ 2/2p,2, ... Xn/n\ pn, are the coefficients of p 0 in the equi­
librium state formulas for p x, p 2, ..., pn:
X X*

Notice that the rates X and \i enter the expressions

(6.3-1) and (6.3-2) only as the ratio XI\i which is com­
monly denoted as
p = Xl[i (6.3-3)
and called traffic intensity being the ratio of effective
arrival and service rates. Essentially it is the mean num­
ber of customers arriving for the time of an arrival
178 Ch. 6 Queueing or Waiting Line Theory

being served. Rewrite the last formulas in terms of

this symbol:
po= ( 1+ p + f r + . . . ) (6.3-4)
Pi ~ PPo* Pi —“2f • • *’

Ph=-jj-Po< • • •» Pn = -7TPo (6.3-5)

These expressions give the equilibrium probabili­
ties of states in the system. We will employ them to
deduce the performance measures of the system. First,
we evaluate the probability Ploss that an arrival will
not find a free channel and be lost to the system. This
condition* is present when all n channels are busy,
^loS. = Pn = -*j/>0 (6.3-6)
This formula is often called Erlang's loss formula.
It gives the proportion of time for which the system is
fully occupied and in the telephone application, with
randomly arriving calls, this is the proportion of lost
calls. We may thus find the probability that a demand
will be served, i.e. the relative throughput:

G = 1 - ^ 1 om= 1 - - S j Po (6-3-7)
Multiplying Q by the arrival rate X yields the abso­
lute throughput
4 = A£ = x ( l - i £ p 0) (6.3-8)

Now we need only to find the mean number of busy

channels k. We can do it directly as the mathematical
6.3 Analysis of Simplest Queueing Models______179

expectation of a discrete random variable assuming

the integer values in the range from 0 to n with the
respective probabilities p0, p ±, ..., pn, namely
k = 0 'p 0 -f- l*Pi + 2 *p2 + ••• + n 'Pn
Having substituted the respective expressions for
P h (k = 0, 1, ..., n) from (6.3-5), after some manipu­
lation we could finally arrive at a correct formula for
k. But we shall demonstrate a more simple way to it
by means of a promised “little ingenuity”. Indeed, we
know the absolute throughput A. This quantity, how­
ever, is nothing but the rate of served customers leav­
ing the system. Each busy channel serves on the
average p customers per unit time. Hence the mean
number of busy channels is
k = Alp (6.3-9)
or substituting for A from (6.3-8) and recalling that
X/\i = p

* = p ( 1 ~ T T Po) (6.3-10)
We recommend the reader to solve a self-check ex­
ample. An exchange possesses three trunk lines (n = 3),
the arrival rate of calls put for connection is X = 1.5
(calls per minute); the mean time to serve a call is 2
(minutes). Assuming a Poisson distribution of arrival
and service times, find the steady-state probabilities
and the performance measures, A, Q, P\0$s, and k.
For the sake of comparison, the answer must be this:
p0 = 1/13, Pi = 3/13, p 2 = 9/26, p 3 = 9/26 ^ 0.346,
A & 0.981, Q ^ 0.654, Pi 0 Ss ^ 0.346, and k ^ 1.96.
These results indicate, by the way, that our exchange
is substantially overloaded: of three channels about
180 Ch. 6 Queueing or Waiting Line Theory

two are busy in the mean, and about 35% of all in­
coming calls leave unserved. We suggest the reader
evaluates how many channels (trunk lines) the exchange
should possess to supply not less than 80% of sub­
scribers with a required line. What proportion of chan­
nels will then be idle?
Here there are already some trends to optimization.
To illustrate, each channel has a cost per unit time. On
the other hand, each served call realizes a certain profit.
Multiplying this profit by the average number of calls
served per unit time, A, gives the mean profit rate from
the system. Naturally this profit would increase with
any new trunk line, but the maintenance costs of the
lines also increase. Which will outbalance, the rise
of profit or expenses? It depends on the conditions of
the operation, i.e. the monetary rate per served call
and the maintenance cost of a channel. W ith these
values specified, one can find an optimal number of
lines which would be most efficient from the economic
viewpoint. We leave these computations to the reader,
who is to invent and solve his own example. The inven­
tion of problems generally gives more intellectually
than the solution of those posed by somebody.
(ii) Single channel queue of unlimited size. Single-
server queues are most often met in applicational areas.
The examples are a queue to a doctor, a line of foot­
ball fans to a ticket seller, an on-line computer perform­
ing the subscriber demands in the time sharing mode,
etc. In queueing theory these single-server models are
also of special importance (most analytical expressions
derived so far relate to these systems). Therefore we
shall attach an especial attention to this type of queue.
Let there be a single-server queue with no constraints
imposed either on the queue length or waiting time.
The customers arriving at a rate X are serviced at a
6.3 Analysis of Simplest Queueing Models 181

rate [i. We will seek for the equilibrium probabilities

of the queue size and the performance measures:
L = expected number of customers in the system,
W = expected system time,
L q = expected number of customers in the queue,
W q = expected time in queue,
P = probability that the server is busy
(server utilization factor).
We have no need to calculate the throughputs A
and Q since the queue has ample waiting room and each

Fig. 6.3-2

customer sooner or later will be served, therefore

A = X, and Q = 1.
SOLUTION. We shall index the states of the system
as before according to the number of customers in the
system, viz.
S 0 = the server is free,
S ± = the server is busy (serves an arrival), no
S 2 = the server is busy, one customer in the queue,
S h = the server is busy, k — 1 customers wait
in line,
Theoretically the number of states in this system
is infinite. The digraph of the system is displayed in
Fig. 6.3-2. It corresponds to the birth and death pro­
cess with a countably infinite number of states. The
arrival rate X moves the system from the left vertex
182 Cli. 6 Queueing or Waiting Line Theory

to the subsequent vertex at the right, and the service

rate jli is responsible for the transitions in the oppo­
site direction.
First of all we should ask ourselves whether station­
ary probabilities exist for this queue. The number of
states is indeed infinite and principally, as £ — oo,
the queue can increase without limit. It indeed can
take place: the equilibrium probabilities for the sys­
tem exist only when it is not overloaded. It can be
shown that these probabilities exist when p < 1 , oth­
erwise, at p ^ 1 , the queue increases without bound
as t tends to infinity. This fact seems intuitively strange
for p = 1 . The system might seem to have no im­
possible requirements imposed, namely one customer
arrives in the mean during a single service, so the con­
ditions are for proper operation, still it does not work.
An explanation is that at p = 1 the system is able to
handle the arrivals only if they are regular along with
the service intervals which are, due to unity traffic
intensity, equal to the intervals between the succes­
sive arrivals. In this “ideal” situation, no queue will
form, the channel will be continuously busy serving
the arriving customers at a regular basis. Should,
however, the arrival or service rate acquire a bit of
randomness, the queue length will increase infinitely.
We have no such situation in practice, though, be­
cause an infinite queue is an abstraction. The cost of
using mathematical expectations in place of random
variables may as is seen be rather high!
Now switch back to our single-channel queue with
an infinite source population. Strictly speaking, the
formulas for equilibrium probabilities in the birth
and death process were derived only for the case of fi­
nite number of states, however, we will loosely apply
them to the infinite state situation. Compute the
6.3 Analysis of Simplest Queueing Models 183

steady-state probabilities of the states with formulas

(6.2-8) and (6.2-7). In our case the number of addends
in (6.2-8) will be infinite. Thus the expression for p0
will be
Po = [1 + Vp, + (Vp ) 2 + ... + (X/p)fe + ...I - 1
= (1 + p + p* + ... + pk + (6.3-11)
The series in the parentheses is a geometrical pro­
gression. As will he recalled, it converges at p < 1
and diverges at p ^ 1. This is though not a strong, still
an implicit proof that the equilibrium probabilities
p0, Pn P21 •••* Pk1 ••• do exist only for p < 1. Summing
up the series in (6.3-11) yields

l + P + P2 + . . . + P h+ . . . = T q ^
or for (6.3-11)
Po = 1 ~ P (6-3-12)
The equilibrium probabilities are then found with
the expressions
Pi = PP01 P 2 = P2Po» Ph = P Pof *
which, by virtue of (6.3-12) become
Pi = P (1 — p), P2 = p2 (1 — p),-.-»
pk — p* (1 — p), ... (6.3-13)
The probabilities p0, ..., p k are seen to form a
geometric series with the common ratio p. However
strange it might seem, the largest of them is p0, that
is the probability of idle channel. In other words,
whatever the load of the server, if it is capable of serv­
ing the incoming arrivals (p < 1 ), the most proba­
ble number of customers in the system will be zero.
184 Ch. 6 Queueing or Waiting Line Theory

Obtain the average number of customers in the

sytsem, L. This will be a cumbersome operation. The
number of customers in the system is a random vari­
able. It assumes integer values 0, 1 , 2 ... with
probabilities p0, p 1? p 2, ..., p k, respectively. Its
mathematical expectation is

L — 0 */?0 -}-l */?1+ 2 ‘/?2 + • •• — 2 kPk

where the summation starts from 1 rather than 0
because the first term is zero.
Substituting in (6.3-14) the expression for p k from
(6.3-13) gives

L = S V ( l —p)
or with p (1 — p) factored out ahead of the sum

L= p(l-p) § V 1
We may again exercise our ingenuity if we identify
that Apf t - 1 is but a derivative of ph with respect to p,

L = p ( l - P) 2 - £ p h
Interchanging the places of the differential and summa­
tion operators, we get

z' = p ( 1 - p ) ^ S p* (6.3-15)
6.3 Analysis of Simplest Queueing Models 185

The sum in (6.3-15) can be recognized as a converg­

ing geometric series with both the first term and the
common ratio being equal to p; it totals to p/(l — p)
and its derivative is (1 — p)~2. Substituting this de­
rivative in (6.3-15) yields
Now we may invoke Little’s formula (6.2-12) and
find the mean time an arrival spends in the system:

To find the mean number of customers in the queue,

L q, we will think this way: the number of customers
in the queue is that in the system minus the custom­
ers being served. Hence (according to the rule of
adding the expectations) the expected number of cus­
tomers in the queue, L q, is the expected number in
the system L, less the expected number in service.
The number of customers getting service may be either
zero (server is idle) or unity (server is busy). The
mathematical expectation of such a random variable
equals the probability that the server is busy, P. Ob­
viously, P equals unity minus the probability p0
that the server is free:
P = 1 - Po = P (6.3-18)
Consequently, the mean number of customers being
served is
Ls = p (6.3-19)
186 Ch. 6 Queueing or Waiting Line Theory

or, finally,
=7— (6-3-20)
Referring to the Little formula (6.2-13) find the ex­
pected time in the queue
P2 (6.3-21)
M l-P )
By this we have found all the sought performance
measures of the system.
As a self work we suggest that the reader should
solve the following example. A single-channel queueing
system is a railway sorting yard which handles a Poi­
sson arrival of trains incoming with rate X = 2
(trains per hour). A gathering of a t rain (servicing) takes
a random time exponentially distributed with a mean
of 20 minutes. The yard has waiting room for only two
trains to be positioned on two body tracks; if both
of them have waiting trains, the arriving trains have to
await service on the approach lines. It is required to
find (for the yard operating at the equilibrium condi­
L = mean number of trains bound to the yard,
W = mean time a train spends in the yard (on
the body tracks, on the approach lines,
and in service),
L q = mean number of trains waiting in queue
for gathering (no matter on what track),
W q = mean time a train waits in the queue.
Try also to evaluate:
La = mean number of trains awaiting at the
approach lines, and
6.3 Analysis of Simplest Queueing Models 187

Wa = mean time of waiting on the approach

lines (hint: this quantity is related to the
previous by Little’s formula).
Last but not least, find the total diurnal penalty
which the yard would have to pay off for the detention
of trains on the approach lines given that a train delay­
ed on these lines by one hour incurs a penalty rate
worth a monetary units.
To check up, we disclose the answer: L = 2 (trains),
W = 1 (hour), L q = 4/3 (trains), W q = 2/3 (hour),
La = 16/27 (train), Wa = 8/27 « 0.297 (hour). The total
diurnal penalty results by multiplying the expected
number of trains arriving at the sorting yard per day,
the expected waiting time on the approach lines, and
the hour penalty rate a; for our example it is « 14.2a.
(iii) n ~server queueing system with unlimited queue
size. This model is developed similar to the previous
for the single-channel queue, though the procedure
this time will be a bit more involved. We again will
index the states in accord with the number of custom­
ers in the system:
S 0 = no arrival (all the channels are free),
S x = one channel is busy, the others are idle,
S 2 = two channels are busy, the others are
S k = k channels are busy, the others are idle,
Sn = all n channels are busy (no queue),
Sn+1 = all n channels are busy, one customer
waits in line,
Sn+r = all n channels are busy, r customers in
the queue,
188 Ch. 6 Queueing or Waiting Line Theory

The digraph for the system is depicted in Fig. 6.3-3.

We leave for the reader to think over and substantiate
the rates shown next to the arcs of the graph. It is a
birth and death process with an infinite number of
states. We give without proof the natural condition

Fig. 6.3-3

for the equilibrium state probabilities to exist:

pIn < 1. If otherwise, p / n ^ 1, the queue grows with­
out bound.
Suppose the condition p/n < 1 is satisfied and the
equilibrium distribution of probabilities exists. Ap­
plying the very same formulas (6.2-8) and (6.2-7)
of the birth and death model, we will find these bal­
ance probabilities. The expression for p0 will contain
certain terms with factorials and the sum of an infi­
nite geometric sequence with the ratio pIn:
d - r i 4 ~ £ --L P l+
Po—L i + j i r 2| + • • •,+ Pnnl 1+ n! P(n+1
„ _ P) IJ ' 1

O pk Pn
Pi — “Jj” P0 ’ • • • * Ph = i P0 ’ • • • > Pn == Po
pn+1 pn+r
Pn+i=~ ^ \ Po' • • • ’ Pn+r~ i ^ i r Po’ •••
Now we will seek for the performance measures of
the system. The easiest to find is the average number
of busy channels k = Mp, = p (this is in general val-
6.8 Analysis of Simplest Queueing Models 180

id for any queue of unlimited length). Next in turn

are the average number of customers in the system,
L, and the average number in the queue, L q. We ap­
proach firstly L q, which is easier, by the expression
Lq = 2 rpn+r
r= 1
performing the required manipulations as in the deri­
vation of queueing model (ii) (with differentiation of
the series) to obtain
Pn+1Po (6.3-23)
n-n\ (1 — p/n)2

Adding up the average number of customers in ser­

vice (which is the same as the number of busy servers)
k = p gives
L = L q -f- p (6.3-24)
Dividing the expressions for L and L q by A, in ac­
cordance with Little’s formula, leads to the mean
times a customer spends in the system and in the queue
W = L/X
W q = L qIX (6.3-25)
Now we solve an interesting example. A booking
office with two clerks sells tickets for two destinations
A and B. This queueing system is a two-server queue
with unlimited length. The passengers bound for ei­
ther A or B arrive at an equal rate of XA = XB =
= 0.45 (passengers per minute) to build up a total ar­
rival with the rate XA + X B = 0.9. It takes a clerk
two minutes, on the average, to serve a passenger.
From the previous operation the service is known to
produce queues of complaining passengers. The man-
190 Ch. 6 Queueing or Waiting Line Theory

agement is contemplating to divide the present of­

fice into two specialized ones, selling tickets one only
for A, the other only for B . We are to verify by compu­
tation whether this decision is reasonable or not. Since
we know only how to evaluate the characteristics
of Poisson queues, we assume that both arrivals and
service processes are Poisson (this assumption will
not impede the qualitative side of the analysis).
To compare, consider two modes of booking-office
operation, the existing and the suggested one.
OPTION I (existing). The two-channel queueing
system handles the customers arriving at the rate
X — 0.9 with the service rate \x = 0.5, so that p =
= X/\i = 1.8. Since p/2 = 0.9 < 1, the equilibrium
state distribution exists. With the first formula in
(6.3-22) we find p Q« 0.0525. The average number of
customers in the queue is found by (6.3-23), viz.
L q « 7.68; the mean time in the queue (by the first
formula in (6.3-25)) W q = 8.54 (min).
OPTION II (suggested). Here we are to consider
two single-server queues of the arrival rate X = 0.45
and of previous p, = 0.5. Since p = X/\i = 0.9 < 1,
the equilibrium distribution exists. From (6.3-20),
the expected queue size (of one clerk) L q = 8.1.
The result is entirely unexpected. The queue grows
more instead of being shorter. Perhaps the mean wait­
ing time has been cut down? Let’s have a glance.
Dividing L q by X = 0.45, we get W q « 18 (minutes).
Just on the opposite! Instead of being relaxed, both
the mean queue size and the mean waiting time in it
have risen up.
Can we guess why it happened this way? Upon a
little thought we might conclude that this was so be­
cause in option I (two-server queue) the average pro­
portion of time each of the clerks was idle is shorter.
6.3 Analysis of Simplest Queueing Models l9 i

Indeed, here a clerk completing a service of a custom­

er may begin servicing either a passenger bound for
B or a passenger bound for A. In option II, a clerk
being devoid of this interchangeability, should his
own queue vanish, would idly look at the passengers
queueing up towards his busy servicing mate.
The reader might well agree with the explanation
of the increase; but why is it that substantial? Gan it
not be due to a computational error? There was no er­
ror, yet the point is that both queues operate on the
verge of their possibilities; should the service time
increase (p, diminish) slightly, the servers would lose
their control on the queue which would grow without
bound. The idle time of a server is in a sense equiva­
lent to a decrease in productivity.
So the result that seems paradoxical at first glance
(or simply wrong) proves to be correct and fully explain­
able. Queueing theory is rich in paradoxical results
of the kind whose cause is not plainly evident. The
author herself would repeatedly get “surprising” re­
sults to be proved perfectly correct later.
In an attempt to drive the above situation to a posi­
tive end, the reader may argue that if a clerk sells
tickets for one destination only, the service time must
be cut down at least somewhat if not by half (recall
that in the computation we have assumed an unchanged
figure of 2 minutes for the mean service time). We sug­
gest that such an astute reader should answer in what
proportion this time must be decreased to receive a
positive economic effect from the two-booking-offices
decision. In this formulation we again encounter,
though elementary, an optimization problem. Even
with the simplest Markovian models the preparative
computations help elucidating the concerned pheno­
menon qualitatively: which option is profitable and
192 Gh. 6 Queueing or Waiting Line Theory

which is not. The next section introduces some simple

non-Markov queueing models which would widen the
scope of our possibilities in the area.
Now that we hope the reader is familiar with the
techniques of equilibrium probabilities evaluation
and with the computations of performance measures
for the simplest queueing systems (the birth and death
model and Little’s formula), the family of discussed
queues can be augmented by two more Poisson sys­
tems suggested for self-testing.
(iv) Single-server queueing system with limited
waiting room.
This model differs from that with unlimited queue
size only in that the number of customers in the queue
cannot go beyond some specified length m. If an arri­
val occurs when m customers are awaiting in the queue
already, it leaves the system unserved (is lost to the
system). To characterize the model one needs to eval­
uate besides the equilibrium probabilities (by the
way, in this model they exist for any p because the
number of customers in the queue is finite), the proba­
bility of being lost to the system, Pioss? the absolute
throughput, A , the probability that the channel is
busy, P , the mean length of the queue, L q, the expect­
ed number of customers in the system, L, the expect­
ed waiting time in the queue, W q, and the mean sy­
stem time, W . In deriving the performance measures
one may employ the same technique as for model (ii)
with the difference that this time a finite rather than
infinite progression must be summed up.
(v) Machine servicing model. Another name for this
system in queueing theory literature is the machine
interference model. It refers to the situation in which
a server (or a team of servers) maintains a group of m
6.4 More Complex Queueing Models 193

machines. Each machine is in one of two states: ei­

ther “up” (running) or “down” (requiring repair service).
The demands for servicing arrive at a rate X. If the
server is free, when a machine breaks down, he imme­
diately begins the service of the machine. If a machine
breaks down when the server is busy, it joins the queue
and waits until the server is free. The mean time to
serve a machine is 1/p. The arrival rate of “demands”
for attendance incoming from stopped machines to
the server depends on how many machines are oper­
ating. If k machines are running, then the arrival rate
is kk. To characterize the system one needs to evaluate
the equilibrium probabilities of the states in the
system, the mean number of running machines, and the
probability that the server will be busy.
It is interesting to observe that in this queueing
system the equilibrium state probabilities will exist
at any values of X and p because the number of states
in the system is finite.

6.4 More Complex Queueing Models

This section will give a brief discussion on some non-
Poisson queueing systems. Up to now all formulas
have been derived, or at least could be derived, by the
reader in command of the birth and death process and
differentiation techniques. The results of this section,
however, the reader will have to accept without proof.
So far we have dealt with only the simplest queueing
systems for which all the processes responsible for the
transitions from state to state within the system were
Poisson. What will we do if they are not? How close
is the assumption of the Poisson distribution models to
what we have in reality? How significant are the errors
1: i - 0 4 3 2
194 Ch. 6 Queueing or Waiting Line Theory

involved when its fit to the reality is not perfect? In

what follows we shall attempt to answer these ques­
Unfortunately we have to openly confess that non-
Markov queueing theory has no significant achievements.
For non-Markov queueing systems, there exist only a
few developments which enable the queue performance
measures to be expressed in terms of the commonly
specified conditions: number of servers, distribution of
arrivals, and distribution of service times. Below we
discuss some of these results.
(i) Multichannel queueing system with no waiting
room, with Poisson arrivals and an arbitrary distribu­
tion of service times. In the previous section we de­
duced the Erlang formulas (6.3-4) and (6.3-5) for the equi­
librium probability distribution in the loss multiserv­
er queueing system. Of a comparatively recent origin
(1959) is the work by Sevastyanov [19] who proved
that these formulas are valid not only for an exponen­
tial but also for an arbitrary distribution of service
(ii) Single-server queue with unlimited queue size,
Poisson arrivals, and arbitrary distribution of service
times. If a single-server queueing system with an un­
limited queue size has a Poisson input of rate X, and
service times are arbitrarily distributed with mean
1/fx and coefficient of variation then the mean
number of customers in the queue is
r P2(l + ^ )
L q ~ ^ 2(1 —p)
and the mean number of customers in the system
P2 (l + ^ )
L f P (6.4-2)
2 (1 — p)
6.4 More Complex Queueing Models 195

where, as before, p = X/p7 and is the ratio between

the standard deviation and the expectation of service
times. The above expressions are referred to as the
Pollaczek-Khinchine formulas. Dividing L q and L by
X, we obtain, by virtue of Little’s formula, the mean
time a customer waits in the queue and the mean time
it spends in the system:
P2 (l + "|i)
Wq 2X (1 — p)
P2d + ^ ) l
2X (1 — p) + p

Note that in a special case when service times have

an exponential distribution, = 1 and the formulas
(6.4-1) and (6.4-2) reduce to the familiar expressions
(6.3-16) and (6.3-20) for the Poisson single-channel
Take another special case when the service time is
not random at all so that v^ = 0. Then the length of
queue cuts twice as compared with the Poisson case.
This fact has a physical explanation. If the servicing
process is more ordered and runs regularly the queueing
system performs better than with a poorly organized,
disordered (random) service.
(iii) Single-server service facility with arbitrary in­
put and arbitrary service times. The single-channel
system concerned has an infinite population source
supplying a recurrent input of rate X and coefficient
of variation of inter-arrival intervals in the range be­
tween zero and unity, i.e. The service
times are also arbitrarily distributed with mean 1/p and
coefficient of variation v^ ranging in a zero-one interval
too. Whatever explicit analytical formulas for the
system have not been managed so far. We can, how-
1 3*
196 Ch. 6 Queueing or Waiting Line Theory

ever, estimate the mean length of the queue by bounding

it from below and from above. This estimation has
been shown to work with sufficient accuracy
Pa («! + «$) P d -4 )
2(1 — p) + 2
^ p2 ( 4 + ^ ;) , (i-p )(i-4 )
2 (1 — p) ^ 2

When the input process is Poisson, the estimates

both from above and from below coincide to yield the
Pollaczek-Khinchine formula (6.4-1). To effect very
rough estimations, Feinberg [18] derived the simple ex­
P2 H + v l )
2TP-P)- (6.4-6)
The average number of customers in the system re­
sults simply if we add the average number of serviced
customers p to L q:
L = Lq + p (6.4-7)
The respective mean times in queue and in system
can he computed by dividing L q and L, in view of
Little’s formula, by X.
Thus the performance measures of single-server sy­
stems with unlimited queue size may be found (if
not exactly, then approximately) also in the cases
where arrivals are non-Poisson and service times are
not exponential.
A natural question may arise: how about the multi­
channel non-Poisson queues? An absolutely frank an­
swer would be: bad. No analytic methods exist for
these systems. The sole characteristic we may evaluate
is the average number of busy channels k = p. As far
6.4 More Complex Queueing Models 197

as the other measures, L q, L, W q, and W , are concerned,

they cannot enjoy any general formula.
Yet if the channels are actually many (say 5 or
more), the nonexponential service times will not impede
the analysis, should only the input process be Poisson.
To prove, the total process of service completions ren­
dering channels free adds up of the processes of comple­
tions in individual channels; the superposition results,
as we know, in a process close to the Poisson process.
Hence in this case the substitution of exponential dis­
tribution for nonexponential service times entails
comparatively small errors. Fortunately, in many
applications the input process is close to Poisson.
The situation is worse when arrivals are far from Poi­
sson. This is a field for a researcher to display his in­
genuity. One possibility is to assign two single-server
systems of which one is “superior” and the other “in­
ferior” to the queue at hand (the comparison may be
in terms of queue length and waiting time). For single-
server systems, however, we are able already to eval­
uate the performance measures in any circumstances.
The “inferior” and “superior” single-server systems
may be devised in a variety of ways. For example, an
inferior queue results if a given ^-channel system is
partitioned into n single-channel queues with the to­
tal arriving input distributed between these systems
in the order of arrival of the customers, that is, the first
customer to the first system, the second to the second,
and so on. We know that each of the systems will then
receive an rc-Erlangian input with coefficient of varia­
tion \ l Y n . The coefficient of variation for service
times remains the same. We know also how to deduce
the system time for such a single-server queue, W\
it will be automatically longer than that for the orig­
inal rc-channel system* With this time on hand we
198 Ch. 6 Queueing or Waiting Line Theory

may give a “pessimistic” estimate also for the mean

number of customers in the queue resorting to Little’s
formula and multiplying the mean time by the arrival
rate X of the total input process.
An “optimistic” estimate results if the /2-channel sys­
tem concerned is modeled by one single-channel queue
with service rate n times quicker than in the original
system, that is n\i. Naturally, parameter p must also
be diminished n times. The waiting time in the system
decreases in this queueing system because each service
is performed n times quicker. Using the adjusted val-
ue p = p/zi, the coefficient of variation for arrivals,
vx, and the coefficient of variation for service times,
we can approximately compute the mean number
of customers in the system L. By subtracting from this
value the original (nonadjusted) value for p we obtain
the mean number in the queue L q = L — p. Both
characteristics will have lower values than they would
in the original /2 -channel system (as if estimated on an
“optimistic” basis). Dividing them by X we can find
the respective “optimistic” estimates for the system
time and time in queue.
C hapter 7



7.1 Idea, Purpose and Scope of the Method

In the previous chapters we have learnt to set up some
analytical models of operations under stochastic un­
certainty. These models enable us to establish an ana­
lytical (formal) dependence between the operation con­
ditions, decision variables and the result (outcome)
of the operation that is characterized by one or more
performance measures. In many operations, queueing
(or other similar) systems (e.g., devices with units that
may fail) appear as “subsystems” or “components” of
the controlled system. The benefits and desirability of
developing the analytical models (if only approximate
ones) are beyond any doubt. Unfortunately, these are
amenable to construction solely for the simplest, “un­
pretentious” systems, and above all, they call for the
assumption that the process is Markovian, which is
not always the case in reality. Where analytical meth­
ods are inapplicable (or their precision is questionable)
one has to rely on the universal method of statistical
modeling, or as it is often called the Monte Carlo meth­
The underlying idea of the technique is extremely
simple and is as follows. Instead of describing a pro­
cess using an analytical tool (differential or algebraic
equations), we “play off” a random phenomenon using
a specially organized procedure involving the random-
200 Gh. 7 Statistical Modeling of Random Processes

ness and yielding a random result. In actual fact, the

random process is realized in each specific case in a
somewhat different way; the statistical modeling, too,
gives each time a new, different realization of the pro­
cess examined. What may it give us? As such, next
to nothing, just as, say, one case of recovery due to
some medicine (or despite of it). But if these realiza­
tions are many, that’s another pair of shoes. This set
of realizations may be utilized as some artificially ob­
tained statistical evidence, that lends itself to pro­
cessing with conventional techniques of mathematical
statistics. This processing may yield (of course, ap­
proximately) any statistic of interest: probabilities,
expectations, and variances of random variables, and
so forth. Monte Carlo simulation of random phenome­
na uses the very chance as a tool, makes it to “work for
Not infrequently such a procedure appears simpler
than attempts to build an analytical model. With
complicated, clearly non-Markovian operations involv­
ing a ghost of elements (machinery, people, organiza­
tions, auxiliary facilities) with random aspects inex­
tricably entwined, statistical modeling appears, as a
rule, far simpler than the analytical one (and often
the only one possible).
In essence, the Monte Carlo technique can work out
any stochastic problem, but it is only justified where
the game procedure is simpler as compared with the
analytical calculation. We will cite an example of a
case where the Monte Carlo method is possible, but ut­
terly pointless. Let three independent shots be fired
at a target so that each shot hits with probability 1/2.
It is desired to find the probability of at least one hit.
Straightforward computation gives the probability
to be 1 — (1/2)3 = 7/8. The problem, in principle,
7.1 Idea, Purpose and Scope of the Method 201

may also be solved using a chance sampling, or statisti­

cal modeling. We will instead toss “three coins”, tak­
ing heads to mean “hits”, and tails “misses”. A trial
is considered “successful” if at least one of the coins
shows head. We will perform very many trials, count
“successes” and divide the result by the number N of
trials carried out. We will thus obtain the frequency
of the event, which at a large number of trials is close
to probability. What of it? Such a procedure might
only be used by a person innocent to probability,
though it is possible in principle1.
And now consider another problem. Let a multichan­
nel queueing system be given such that the process
in it be clearly non-Markovian: the intervals between
demands have a non-exponential distribution, the
servicing times distributed similarly. What is more,
channels fail now and then and must be repaired; both
the failing and repair times have non-exponential dis­
tributions. We would like to find the queueing system
characteristics: state probabilities as time functions,
the average queue length, the average system time for
a demand, and so forth. It might appear that the prob­
lem is not so involved. But anyone with a knowledge
of queueing theory would not hesitate to select for its
solution the method of statistical modeling (the pros­
pects of developing here a workable analytical model
are fairly bleak). He would have to simulate a multitude
of realizations of the random process (to be sure, on
a computer, not manually) and from such artificial
“statistics” aprroximately deduce the desired probabil­
ities (as frequencies of appropriate events) and expec­
tations (as arithmetic means of random variables).
1 Something of the sort happens sometimes when people
with only a smattering knowledge of probability use the Monte
Carlo simulation on problems having an analytical solution.
202 Ch. 7 Statistical Modeling of Random Processes

The OR problems use the Monte Carlo method in

three principal roles:
(i) in the modeling of challenging, complex opera­
tions involving many interacting random factors;
(ii) in checking the applicability of simpler analyti­
cal methods, and identifying the conditions of their
(iii) in working out corrections to analytical rela­
tionships such as “empirical formulas” in engineering.
In Section 1.3 we have already given a tradeoff of
analytical and statistical models. We can now go a
step further and say that a chief disadvantage of ana­
lytical models is that they unfailingly require some as­
sumptions to be made about, say, the process being
Markovian. The adequacy of these assumptions more
often than not cannot be estimated without control
computations, these latter being performed using the
Monte Carlo method. As a figure of speach, the Monte
Carlo method in OR problems might be compared to
a quality control department. On the contrary, sta­
tistical models call for no serious assumptions and ap­
proximations. In principle, “crammed” into a statisti­
cal model can be virtually anything—any distribution
laws, any degree of system complexity and multiplic­
ity of its states. But the major drawback of the statis­
tical models is their unwieldiness and arduousness.
A sea of realizations, that are necessary to find the de­
sired parameter to an acceptable accuracy, call for far
too much computer time. Moreover, the results of sta­
tistical modeling are considerably more difficult to
grasp than the computations following the analytical
models, and, accordingly, the solution is far more dif­
ficult to optimize (it has to he groped for Blindfold).
An appropriate combination of analytical and statis­
tical methods in operations research is a matter of
7.2 Organizing a Random Sampling Mechanism 203

skill, intuition, and experience on the part of the re­

searcher. Sometimes analytical methods may be of help
in describing some “subsystems” within a larger sys­
tem for these submodels to be used as “building blocks”
to erect then the building of a larger, and more complex

7.2 Organizing a Random Sampling Mechanism

The main constituent element of a statistical model is
one random realization of the phenomenon being modeled,
e.g., “one case of a machine operating to failure”, “one
working day of a machine shop”, “one epidemics”, and
so on. A realization is, as it were, a “copy” of the ran­
dom event with its peculiar chance nature. It is by
their nature that realizations differ from one another.
An individual realization is staged using a specially
developed chance mechanism (algorithm) or chance
trial. Each time where the course of an event is dictat­
ed by chance, its influence is taken into account not
by computation, but by a chance trial.
We elucidate the notion of the chance trial. Let a
process come to a point when its further development
(and hence its result) is dependent on whether or not a
certain event A has occurred. For example, whether a
shell has hit the target, or whether apparatus is in order,
or whether an object has been detected, or whether a
failure has been corrected. Then, by performing a chance
trial we have to answer the question of whether or
not the event has occurred. How can you possibly real­
ize the trial? You will have to utilize some mechanism
of random sampling (e.g., to toss a coin, or cast a die,
or pull out a badge with a number from a rotating
drum, or take at random a number from a table). We
are well familiar with some of the mechanisms of ran-
204 Ch. 7 Statistical Modeling of Random Processes

dom sampling (e.g., a tombola). If the trial is carried

out in order to find out if the event A has occurred it is
to be so organized that the conditional result of the
game has the same probability with the event A . How
this is done will be seen below. Apart from random
events, the course and outcome of the operation may be
influenced by a variety of random variables, e.g., the
time to failure of a device; the service time of a chan­
nel in queueing system; the size of a part; the weight
of a train arriving to a location; the coordinates of a
point hit by a shell, and so forth. Using the chance
trial we can “play” both the value of any random vari­
able and a set of values of several variables.
We will refer as random sampling to any chance ex­
periment with a random outcome that answers one
of the following questions:
1. Has the event A occurred or not?
2. Which of the events A x, A 2, ..., A k has occurred?
3. What value did the random variable X take on?
4. What population of values did the system of ran­
dom variables X x, X 2, ..., X h take on?
Any realization of the random event by the Monte
Carlo method involves a chain of random samplings
alternating with conventional calculations. These take
into account the influence of the sampling outcome
on the further course of the event (in particular, on
the conditions under which the next sampling will be
A chance trial can be obtained in a number of ways,
but there is one standard mechanism allowing any form
of sampling to be realized. Namely, for each form it is
sufficient to be able to obtain a random number R
whose values from 0 to 1 are equiprobable2. The va-

2 Or rather have the same probability density.

7.2 Organizing a Random Sampling Mechanism 205

riable R will be called for short the “random number

from 0 to We will show that using this number we
are able to stage any of the four kinds of sampling
1. Has the event A occurred or not? For this question
to be answered requires a knowledge of the probability
p of the event A. We will play the random number R
from 0 to 1, and if it appears smaller than p, as shown
<— f j______ i___
0 R 1
Fig. 7.2-1

in Fig. 7.2-1, we will consider that the event has oc­

curred, and if more than p, has not.
And how do we go about it, the reader would ask,
if the number R is exactly p? The probability of such
a coincidence may be disregarded. And if it has oc­
curred, go as you please: you may either take any
“equal” to mean “more” or “less”, or alternatively—this
will essentially have no effect on the result of the
2. Which of the events A x, A 2 , A u has occurred?
Let the events A Xl A 2, A h be incompatible and form
a complete group. Their probabilities p1? p 2, ..., p k
will then add up to unity. We break the interval (0,
1) down into h sections of length p x, p 2, Pk (Fig.
7.2-2). The number R falling on a section will imply
that a respective event has occurred.
3. What value did the random variable X take on?
If the random variable X is discrete, i.e. it assumes the
values xLl x 2, ..., xh with respective probabilities p t,-
p 2, ... p ft, then the case clearly reduces to the preced­
ing one. We will now consider the case where the ran-
206 Ch. 7 Statistical Modeling of Random Processes

dom variable is continuous and has a predetermined

probability density / (,x). For its value to be played it
is sufficient to perform the following: to pass from the
Pi Pz Ps .............. Pk

O R /
Fig. 7.2-2

probability density / {x) to the distribution function

F (#) according to the relationship

F (x )= j f(x )d x , (7.2-1)

and then to find for the function F its inverse function

Y. We next play the random number R from 0 to 1
and find its inverse function
X = W (R) (7.2-2)
It is trivially shown (we will not do it) that the re­
sultant value of X has the desired distribution / (x).
Figure 7.2-3 shows schematically the play (sampling)
procedure for the value of X . Played here is the number
R from 0 to 1, and for it we look for a value of X such
that F (X) = R (as shown by arrows in Fig. 7.2-3).
In actual practice we often have to play (sample)
the value of a random variable having a normal dis­
tribution. For it, just as for any continuous random
variable, the play rule (7.2-2) remains valid, but we
may also proceed otherwise (simpler). It is common
knowledge (from the Central Limit Theorem) that the
addition of a sufficiently large number of independent
random variables with the same distribution gives a
random variable that approximately has a normal dis-
7.2 Organizing a Random Sampling Mechanism 207

tribution. In practice, to obtain a normal distribution

it suffices to add up six copies of a random number
from 0 to 1. The sum of these six numbers
Z = R 1 R 2 + ... + R& (7.2-3)
has a distribution that is so close to the normal that
in a majority of practical problems it may be substi-


tuted for the latter. For the expectation and standard

deviation of this normal distribution to be equal to
specified mx , ox , we must subject the variable Z to a
linear transformation
X = ox V T ( Z — 3) + mx . (7.2-4)
This is exactly the desired normally distributed random
4. What manifold of values did the system of ran­
dom variables X u X ^ Xk take on? If the random
variables are independent, it is sufficient to repeat k
times the procedure just described. With dependent
variables, each next variable must be played following
its conditional distribution law, given that all the
previous ones have assumed the values given by the play
(we will not dwell upon the case in more detail).
208 Ch. 7 Statistical Modeling of Random Processes

We have thus considered all the four forms of sam­

pling and seen that they all come down to the play
(single or repeated) of the random number R from 0
to 1.
A question arises: “But how is this number R
played?” There exist a number of forms of the so-called
‘random number generators’ used to tackle the
problem. Let us dwell a bit on some of them.
The simplest of the random number generators is
the rotating drum in which numbered balls (or badges)
are stirred. Suppose, for example, we want to play
the random number R from 0 to 1 to within 0.001. We
charge the drum with 1000 numbered balls, set it
into rotation and, after it has stopped, select at ran­
dom a ball, read its number and divide it by 1000.
We might proceed otherwise: instead of 1000
balls we put into the drum only 10, numbered 0, 1,
2, ..., 9. We draw a ball, read the first decimal place
of a fraction. Return it to the drum, reset the drum in­
to rotation, and draw a second ball—this will give us
the second decimal place, and so forth. It is easily prov­
en (we are not going to do this) that the decimal frac­
tion thus obtained will show the uniform distribu­
tion from 0 to 1. This method has the advantage that
it is in no way related to the number of decimal places
to which we want to know R .
This invites a suggestion: not to play R each time
when we need it but to make it beforehand, i.e. com­
pile a fairly extensive table listing in a random way
all the figures 0, 1, 2, ..., 9 with the same probability
(frequency). This idea has long been implemented:
such tables have really been compiled and put into
practical use. They are called random numbers tables.
Sections of random numbers tables are given in many
texts on probability and statistics (e.g., [20]). Also,
7.2 Organizing a Random Sampling Mechanism 209

short passages from these tables are provided in a popu­

lar book by the present author [21] which, by the way,
cites examples of the modeling of random processes
using these tables.
With manual Monte Carlo simulation the random num­
bers tables are the best way of deriving the random
number R from 0 to 1. If the modeling is computer-as­
sisted, it would be unreasonable to make use of the
random numbers tables (and tables in general) as these
would overburden the memory. The computer deri­
vation of R uses appropriate generators built-in into
most of the computers. These may be both “physical
generators” which convert random noise, and compu­
tational algorithms utilized by the computer to cal­
culate the so-called “pseudo-random numbers”. The
prefix “pseudo” here stands for “as it were”. Indeed,
the numbers produced using these algorithms actually
are not random but, for all practical purposes, these
behave as such: all the values from 0 to 1 occur on av­
erage with the same frequency and, besides, there is
essentially no relation between the successive values
of the numbers thus obtained.
There exist a number of algorithms to derive pseudo­
random numbers differing in the degree of simplicity,
uniformity and other aspects (see [22]). One of the sim­
plest algorithms for computing pseudo-random num­
bers consists in the following. We take two arbitrary
/7-digit binary numbers ax and a2, multiply them and
in the resultant product we take n middle digits -this
will be the number a3. We next multiply a2 and a3
and again we take in the product n middle digits, and
so forth. The numbers thus derived are regarded as a
sequence of binary fractions witli n decimal places.
Such a sequence of fractions behaves as a series of val­
ues of the random number R from 0 to 1. There are
210 Ch. 7 Statistical Modeling of Random Processes

other algorithms as well, which rely not on multipli­

cation but on “summation witli a shift”. A more de­
tailed discussion of concrete algorithms for deriving the
pseudo-random numbers would he pointless: at pre­
sent practically all the computers are either fitted
with random number generators, or with tested algo­
rithms for computing pseudo-random numbers3.

7.3 Modeling a Stationary Random Process

by a Single Realization
In operations research we often have to handle problems
where the random process lasts rather long and under
the same conditions and we are just interested in the
behavior of the process in the steady state. For exam­
ple, a railway sorting yard works 24 hours a day, with
the intensity of the arriving traffic flow being nearly
independent of time. Other examples of the systems
in which a random process fairly quickly comes to a
stable condition, are computers, communications
lines, continuously operated apparatus, and so on.
We have already discussed the limiting stationary
mode of operation and equilibrium state probabilities
in Chapter 5 in connection with the Markov random pro­
cesses. Do they exist for non-Markovian processes?
Yes, they do exist in certain cases and they do not
depend on the initial conditions. In solving the ques­
tion of their existence for a given problem we can in

3 This argument suspiciously resembles the reasoning of

a hero of The Dunce, a comedy by the Russian playwright Denis
Fonvizin (1745-1792), who thus advocates the uselessness of
geographical knowledge: “ What the hell are coachmen for? It
is their business. And the science is not for nobles. A nob­
leman will only have to say: bring me there and there, and they
will bring him wherever ne wishes.”
7.3 Modeling a Random Process by a Single Realization 211

a first approximation proceed as follows. We assume all

the processes being Poisson. If in this case an equilib­
rium distribution exists, it will exist for the non-
Markovian process, too. If this is the case, all the sta­
tistics for the limiting, stationary conditions may be
determined by the Monte Carlo method not from a set
of realizations but from one only, this realization being
long enough. With this procedure a long realization
provides exactly the same information about the pro­
cess behavior as the set of realizations with the same
total duration. ^
Let only one long realization of a stationary random
process of total duration T be available. The state prob­
abilities of interest to us can then be found as a per­
centage time spent by the system in these states, and
the mean values of the random variable can be ob­
tained by the averaging not over the set of realizations
but over the time along the realization.
Consider an example. A single-channel non-Marko-
vian queue is being modeled by the Monte Carlo meth­
od. The queue has a waiting room only for two de­
mands. A demand arrived when both places in the queue
are occupied leaves the system unserved (is lost).
From time to time the channel may fail. In that case,
the demands in the servicing system (both being served
and in the queue) do not leave the system but wait for
the end of the repair. All the processes are non-Poisson
but arbitrary recurrent. The possible states of the
queueing system are:
S qi — the channel is healthy and the system con­
tains i demands,
S Xi — the channel is being repaired, the system con­
tains i demands (z = 0, 1, 2, 3).
The graph of queueing system states is shown in
Fig. 7.3-1. The form of the graph suggests that the
212 Ch. 7 Statistical Modeling of Random Processes

final probabilities do exist. Suppose the queueing sys­

tem operation has been modeled by the Monte Carlo
technique over a large time span T. We wish to find the
characteristics of the system performance: P\0ss is

Fig. 7.3-1

the probability of a demand leaving the system um

served; P h is the probability of the channel being
healthy; A is the absolute throughput of the system; L
is the average number of demands in the system; L q
is the average number of the demands in the queue;
W and W q are the mean times in the system and
To begin with, we find the equilibrium probabilities
Poo, Poi, P02, P031 Pio, Pn, P121 Pi3* To this end we cal­
culate along the realization the total time spent by
the system in each of the states, rOO, TV, ^02, ^03,
7\o, T 11, T 1 2 , ^ 13 , and divide each of them by the time
T. We obtain

Poi = ^ r - , Pu = ^ f - (* = 0, 1, 2, 3)

The loss probability equals the probability of a de­

mand arriving when there are already three demands
in the system
^lOSS — P 0 3 Pl3
7.3 Modeling a Random Process by a Single Realization 213

The absolute throughput is

A = X (1 - P l0BS)

where X is the arrival rate.

The probability that the channel is healthy is derived
by summing up all the probabilities whose first sub­
script is zero
= Poo + Pol + P0 2 + P 0 3
The average number of demands in the system is
calculated by multiplying the possible numbers in the
system by the respective probabilities and summing up
L = 1 (Poi + Pii) + ^ (p02 + P 12 ) + 3 (P03 + P 13)
This amounts to indexing on the time axis the time
instants (epochs) in which the queueing system con­
tains 0, 1, 2, 3 demands; multiplying the total length
of the segments by 1, 2, 3 respectively; adding them up
and dividing by T.
We obtain 'L q by subtracting from L the average
number of demands in service (for a single-channel
queueing system this is the probability of the channel
being busy)
^busy ~ 1 (Poo 4" P 10)
The average lime that a demand spends in the sys­
tem and in the queue will be obtained by Little’s

This completes our brief presentation of the Monte

Carlo method. The interested reader is referred to the
works [6, 22], which give a more detailed treatment and
consider, in particular, the accuracy of statistical mod­
C hapter 8


8.1 Subject and Problems of Game Theory

In the preceding three chapters we have considered the
issues pertaining to mathematical modeling (and some­
times to solution optimization), in the cases where
the operation conditions incorporate an uncertainty,
relatively favorable, however, i.e. stochastic, which
in principle can be refined knowing the distributions
(or at least numerical characteristics) of the random
factors involved.
Such an uncertainty is only half the trouble. This
chapter will discuss (necessarily briefly) a far worse
kind of uncertainty (in Section 2.2 we have dubbed it
“unfavorable”) where certain parameters contributing
to the success of an operation are unknown, and there
is no evidence whatsoever suggesting that these val­
ues are more probable, and those less. Uncertain (in
the “unfavorable” sense) may be both external, “objec­
tive” conditions, and “subjective” ones, i.e. intention­
al actions of adversaries, rivals or other persons. As
the saying goes “the human heart is a mistery”, and
the behavior of those involved may be even more dif­
ficult to predict over a random event domain.
To be sure, when dealing with an uncertain (unfa­
vorable) situation all the inferences of a scientific study
can be neither correct nor unique. But in this case, too,
the quantitative analysis may be of help in arriving
at a decision.
8.1 Subject and Problems of Game Theory 215

Such problems are the concern of a special branch of

mathematics with a picturesque name “theory of games
and decision making”. In certain (rare) cases its
techniques enable optimal solutions to be found. But
more often than not these methods allow one just to
clarify a situation, to evaluate each option from various
(sometimes conflicting) angles, to analyze its advantages
and disadvantages and, eventually, to make a deci­
sion, admittedly not uniquely correct, but, at least,
thoroughly thought over. It is not to be forgotten that
decision making under uncertainty is bound to involve
some arbitrariness and risk. Shortage of information
is always a problem and not an advantage (though it
is in this situation that the researcher can show off
his most elegant mathematical techniques). Neverthe­
less, in an involved situation, hard to overview as a
whole, when the researcher is confronted with an abun­
dance of detail, it is always helpful to represent the
options in a form such that the selection is less arbi­
trary, and the risk minimal. Not infrequently the prob­
lem is formulated in such a way: What is the price to
be paid for the information wanted for the operation
efficiency to be improved? Note that at times the
decision making does not require accurate informa­
tion as to the conditions, and it suffices to indicate a
“region” where they lie [23].
This chapter gives a brief treatment of the theory of
games and statistical decisions. For more detailed in­
formation see [24-281.
The simplest of the situations containing the “un­
favorable” uncertainty are the so-called conflict situa­
tions. The name refers to the situations with conflict­
ing interests of two (or more) sides pursuing different
(sometimes opposite) aims, with the gains of one side
depending on the way in which the other will behave.
216 Ch. 8 Game Theory for Decision Making

Examples of conflict situations are legion. These un­

doubtedly include any situation in warfare, a number
of situations in competitive economies. Conflicting
interests are involved in courts, sport, and species
competition. To a certain degree, contradictory are
interrelationships of various stages in the hierarchy
of complex systems. Also, conflicting in a sense is a
situation with several criteria: each places its own re­
quirements to management and, as a rule, these require­
ments are conflicting.
Game theory is exactly the mathematical theory of
conflicting situations. «Its objective is to work out
recommendations for the reasonable behavior of the
conflict sides.
Each conflicting situation taken directly from real
world is extremely involved, its analysis being com­
plicated by a number of factors of marginal importance.
For a mathematical analysis of a conflict to be pos­
sible, its mathematical model is developed. This mod­
el is called a game.
Game differs from a real conflict in that it proceeds
according to some rules. These rules stipulate the rights
and duties of the participants, as well as the outcome
of the game—who wins or loses depending on the sit­
uation at the moment. Since time immemorial human­
ity has been using such formalized models of conflicts—
“games” in the narrow sense of the word (draughts,
chess, cards, etc.). Hence the name of the theory and
its terminology: the conflicting sides are called players,
who “win” or “lose” in the game. We will assume that
the winnings (losses) of the participants are amenable
to quantitative expression (if this is not the case, then
we at all times can assign it to them, e.g., in chess
take a “victory” to be unity, a “loss” minus one, a
“draw” zero).
8.1 Subject and Problems of Game Theory 217

In a game interests of two or more participants can

clash; in the first case the game is called two-person,
in the second an n-person game. Participants at an
rc-person game can form coalitions (constant or tempo­
ral). One of the tasks of game theory is the identifying
of reasonable coalitions in the rc-person game and de­
veloping of information exchange rules between the
players; an rc-person game with two constant coali­
tions will naturally turn into a two-person game.
The game course may be represented as a series of
successive “moves” of the players. A move is a selec­
tion by a player of one of the actions stipulated by the
rules and putting it into effect. Moves can be personal
and chance (or random). With a personal move the
player deliberately chooses and realizes one or another
alternative (e.g., a move in chess). A chance move is
made not by the player’s will, but by means of some
random mechanism (coin tossing, die casting, card
drawing, etc.). Some games (so-called “games of pure
chance”) involve random moves only—these are not the
concern of the theory of games. The objective of the
latter is the optimization of the player’s behavior in
the game which (maybe in addition to chance moves)
includes personal moves as well. Such games are termed
A strategy is a rule which tells a player what to do,
i.e. what alternative to choose in each personal move
depending on the situation at hand.
A player normally does not follow some strict, “hard
and fast” rule: the selection (decision) is made in the
course of the game when directly observing the situa­
tion. Theoretically, however, this makes no difference
if we suppose that all of these decisions have been made
beforehand by the player (“in such and such situation I
will make such and such move”). This will mean that
71H (’ll. H (innw Thoory for Decision Making_________

llio player has adopted a strategy. Now he may even

not take part in the game personally, but to give over
a list of rules to an unbiased person (umpire). The
strategy can also be fed into an automat in the form of
a program (it is in this way that computers play chess).
Depending on the number of strategies games are
divided into finite and infinite. A game is finite if each
player has at his disposal only a finite number of stra­
tegies (otherwise the game is infinite). There are games
(e.g., chess) where the number of strategies is in prin­
ciple finite, but so large that their complete exhaustion
is practically impossible.
The optimal strategy is such that provides the best
situation in the game, i.e. maximal payoff. If the game
is repeated many times and contains, apart from the
personal, the random moves as well, the optimal strat­
egy provides the maximal average payoff.
The task of game theory is to find optimal strategies
for players. The major underlying idea in finding the
optimal strategies is that the opponent (in the general
case, opponents) is at least as adroit as the player him­
self, and does his best to reach his goal. The assumption
of the intelligent opponent is but one of the possible
attitudes in a conflict, but the theory of games is based
just on this assumption.
A game is said to be a zero-sum game if the total payoff
to all the players is zero (i.e. each player wins at the
expense of the others only). The simplest case is the two-
person zero-sum game. The theory of these games is the
most advanced section of the theory of games contain­
ing clear-cut recommendations. Below we will
acquaint ourselves with some of its notions and proce­
Game theory just as any mathematical model, is
not without its constraints. One of them is the assump-
8.2 Matrix Games 219

tion that the opponent (opponents) is perfectly (“ideally”)

intelligent. In a real conflict the optimal strategy often
consists in finding out where the opponent is “silly”
and making use of it to one’s own advantage. Game-
theoretical schemes do not include risk, that invariably
accompanies reasonable decisions in real conflicts.
The theory of games teaches the sides of a conflict to
be most careful, overcautious. Being aware of these con­
straints and therefore not following blindly the recom­
mendations derived by game theory, we can still make
a reasonable use of this approach for consultations in
decision making (just as a young aggressive military
leader may listen to the opinion of an experienced,
careful sage).

8.2 Matrix Games

The simplest case treated at length in game theory is
the finite two-person zero-sum game (non-cooperative
game of two persons or two coalitions). Consider a
game G with two players A and B showing conflicting
interests: the gain of the one must be equal to the loss
of the other. As the payoff to player A is that to playeT
B with the opposite sign, we may concern ourselve
solely with the gain a of A. It is only natural that A
is out to maximize, and B to minimize a. For simplic­
ity, we identify ourselves with one of the players (for
definiteness, A) and will call him “we”, and B, “the
opponent” (it goes without saying that this gives no
real odds to A). Let we have m possible strategies
A t , A 2, . . ., A m, and the opponent n possible strate­
gies Bn B 2, . . ., B n (such a game is termed an m x n
game). Denote by our payoff in the case that we
employ strategy A t, and the opponent, strategy Bj.
Suppose that we know the payoff (or average payoff)
220 Ch. 8 Game Theory for Decision Making

dij for each pair of strategies A f, Bj. Then, in principle,

we can set up a rectangular table (matrix) summariz­
ing the players’ strategies with respective payoffs
(see Table 8.2-1),
Table 8.2-1

Bi b 2 Bn

At a ll a l2 am
a2 a 21 a 22 •• 02n

Am ami am2 •• amn

If such a table is available, game G is said to be re­

duced to matrix form (in itself, the reduction of the
game to this form maybe a challenging problem, that
is at times practically intractable due to a spate of
strategies). It is to be noted that if a game is reduced to
a matrix form, then a multimove game is actually re­
duced to a single move: the player is only required
to select a strategy. The game matrix will be denoted
By way of example consider a 4 x 5 game in matrix
form. We can select from four strategies, the opponent
from five strategies. The game matrix is given in Ta­
ble 8.2-2.
Let us reflect for a moment on what strategy we
(player A) are to follow. Matrix 8.2-2 includes a tempt­
ing entry “10”, we feel drawn to select strategy A%
whereby this “titbit” will come our way. It is all very
well, but the opponent is not exactly a fool! Should we
choose A 3, he, out of spite, will choose B 3 that will
land us a miserable “1”. No, A 3 will not do! What
then? Obviously, from the cautiousness principle (cen-
8.2 Matrix Games 221

Table 8.2-2

By B* By Bh

Ay 3 4 5 2 3
A% 1 8 4 3 4
A„ 10 3 1 7 6
Ay 4 5 3 4 8

tral to game theory) we have to seek a strategy such that

our minimal payoff be maximal. This is the so-called
“minimax” principle: make the best of the worst (be­
havior of the opponent).
We rewrite Table 8.2-2 so that to add on the right
an additional column, summarizing minimum entries
of each row, and denote it by a t for the ith row (see
Table 8.2-3).
Table 8.2-3

By By #8 By B5 ai

Ay 3 4 5 2 3 2
A2 1 8 4 3 4 1
A3 10 3 1 7 6 1
a4 4 5 3 4 8
Pi 10 8 5 7 8

Of all the values of a t (the right column) we have sep­

arated the largest (3). The corresponding strategy is
A 4. Having chosen his strategy, we can in any case be
sure that (whatever the opponent’s behavior) we will
222 Ch. 8 Game Theory for Decision Making

win no less than 3. This is our guaranteed payoff, if

we play our cards right we will not get less (and maybe
even more). This payoff is called the minor ant value
of the game (or maximin, the maximum of minimal
payoffs). We denote it by a. In our case a = 3.
Now, try to put ourselves into the opponent’s shoes.
He is not a mere pawn, and has some gumption!
Choosing a strategy he would like to lose less, but must
count on our worst (for him) behavior. Should he choose
Bi, we would answer with A 3 and he would lose 10;
if B 2, we would answer with A 2, and his loss would be
8, and so forth. Add to Table 8.2-3 one more lower row
to list maxima of columns Clearly, a cautious op­
ponent must choose a strategy minimizing this payoff
(the corresponding value 5 is separated in Table 8.2-3).
This p is the payoff that a clever opponent will clearly
not allow us. It is called the majorant value of the game
(or minimax, the minimum of maximal payoffs). In
our example |3 = 5 and the corresponding opponent’s
strategy is B 3.
Thus, according to the cautiousness principle (the
rule: always count on the worst!), we have to select
strategy A4, and the opponent B 3. Such strategies are
called minimax strategies (proceeding from the mini-
max principle). As long as both sides in our example
follow their minimax strategies, the payoff will be
#43 = 3 .
Now suppose for a moment that we found out that
the opponent follows B 39 Let us punish him for it and
choose A x and win 5—not bad. But the opponent, too,
has got his wits about him. He found that our strat­
egy is A x and chosen 5 4, thus reducing our payoff to
2, and so forth (the sides began to try strategies like
crasy). In a word, minimax strategies in our example
are unstable in relation to information about the behav-
8.2 Matrix Games 223

ior of the opposite side—these strategies exhibit no

Is it always the case? No, not always. Look at the
example with the matrix tabulated in Table 8.2-4.
Table 8.2-4

Bt B, Ba Bt a-i

Ai 2 4 7 5 2
At 7 6 8 7 JT j
a3 5 3 4 1 1

8 7
7 i6
In this example the minorant game value is equal to
the majorant one: a = p = 6. What is the import of
this? Minimax strategies of A and B will be stable. As
long as both of them follow these strategies, the payoff
is 6. Let us see what will occur if we (A) find out that
the opponent (B) abides by j52? Nothing whatsoever
will change* Just because any deviation from strategy
A 2 may only impair our situation. In exactly the same
way, information obtained by the opponent will not
make him abandon his strategy Z?2. The pair of ^42
and B 2 has the property of equilibrium (balanced pair),
and the payoff (in this case 6) for this pair is called the
saddle point of matrix1. An indication of a saddle point
1 The term ‘saddle point1 has been borrowed from geomet­
ry where it means a point of the surface at which simultaneously
a minimum is achieved in one coordinate, and a maximum in
the other.
224 Ch. 8 Gamo Theory for Decision Making

and balanced pair of strategies is the equality of the

minorant and majorant game values with the total
value of a and P being called the value of the game.
We will denote it by V
a - p- V (8.2-1)
The strategies A iy Bj (here A 2, B 2) providing this
payoff are termed the optimal pure strategies, and their
set called the solution of the game. As to the game itself,
it is said to be solved in this case in pure strategies. The
both sides A and B may be supplied with optimum
strategies for which their position is the best of the pos­
sible ones. If player A in the process wins 6, and player
B loses 6—-what of it, such are the conditions of the
game: favorable for A and unfavorable for B.
The reader may ask a question: why then the opti­
mal strategies are called “pure”? Forestalling events a
bit, we answer this question: there are “mixed” strate­
gies, too, in which the player utilizes not one strategy,
but several strategies, combining them in a random way.
Thus, if we assume that, apart from pure strategies,
there are also mixed ones, then each finite game may
have a solution, the equilibrium point. But this will
be the subject of our discussion below. The presence of
a saddle point in a game is not a rule, rather an excep­
tion. A majority of games have no saddle point. How­
ever, there is a class of games that always have a saddle
point and, accordingly, are solved in pure strategies.
These are the so-called perfect-information games, i.e.
such games in which each player in each personal move
knows all the prehistory of its development, i.e.
the results of all the preceding moves, both personal
and chance, Examples of perfect-information games are
draughts, chess, and so forth.
It is proved in game theory that each perfect-in-
8.2 Matrix Games 225

formation game has a saddle point, and hence is solved

in pure strategies. In each perfect-information game
there exists a pair of optimal strategies leading to a
stable gain equal to the game value V. If such a game
consists of personal moves only, then in using by each
player of his optimal strategy, it is bound to end in
quite a definite way—by a payoff equal to the game
value. Hence, if the game solution is known the very
game becomes pointless!
Take an elementary example of a perfect-information
game. Two players place alternatively identical coins
on a round table selecting arbitrarily the position of
the coin centre (the overlapping is not allowed). The
winner is the one who will place the last coin (when
there will be no room for other coins). It is trivial to see
that the outcome of the game is, in essence, predestined.
There is a definite strategy whereby wins the player
who is the first to place his coin. Namely, he must at
first place his coin at the table centre and then the op­
ponent answers to each move by a symmetrical one. It
is obvious that whatever the behavior of the opponent,
he cannot escape the loss. The situation with chess and
perfect-information games in general is exactly the
same: each of them, written in matrix form, has a saddle
point, and hence a solution in pure strategies, thus
it only makes sense as long as the solution is not found.
For instance, a game of chess either at all times ends in
a victory of White, or at all times in a victory of Black,
or at all times in a draw, but which of these—we do
not know as yet (fortunately for chess lovers). Moreover,
it is unlikely that we will know it in the foreseeable
future, as the number of strategies is ever so enormous
that it is exceedingly difficult to reduce the game
to a matrix form and find in it a saddle point.

226 Ch. 8 Game Theory for Decision Making

This invites the question: What is to be done if the

game has no saddle point (a =/= |i)? Well then, if each
player is committed to choose a single pure strategy,
there is nothing to be done about it: one is to be guided
by the minimax principle. The situation changes if
we are able to mix our strategies, choosing them at ran­
dom with some probabilities. The use of mixed strate­
gies is thought in such a way: the game repeats many
times; before each set, when the player can make a
personal move, he relegates the choice to chance, by
a kind of trial choosing tho strategy that has resulted
(how to organize the random mechanism we know from
the preceding chapter).
In game theory mixed strategies constitute a model
of variable, flexible tactics where neither of the players
knows how the opponent will behave in this set. Such
tactics (true, normally without any mathematical reason­
ing) is widely used in card games. It is to be noted
here that the best way of concealing from the opponent
your behavior is to make it seem random so that he
cannot guess beforehand how you are going to move.
Thus, let’s speak about mixed strategies. We will
denote the mixed strategies of A and B respectively by
^A = (Pl» P2» • • Pm)i &B ~ (Qii Q21 • • •> Qn)i
where p±J p 2y . . . pm (which add up to unity) are the
probabilities of player A using the strategies A x, A a» • • •
. . A my and qly q2, . . ., qn are the probabilities of
player B using the strategies B 2 • • •, B n. In the
special case where all the probabilities, safe for one,
are zero, and this one is unity, the mixed strategy goes
over into a pure strategy.
The basic theorem of game theory states: any finite
two-person zero-sum game has at least one solution—a
pair of optimal strategies, generally mixed (S%, S b >)
and an appropriate game value V.
8.2 Matrix Games 227

The pair of optimal strategies (S \, S%) constitut­

ing the game solution has the following property: if
one of the players follows his optimal strategy, then the
other cannot benefit by abandoning his strategy. This
pair of strategies forms in the game a certain equilib­
rium: one player wants to maximize his payoff, the
other to minimize, so that each is pulling his way with
the result that, if they play their cards right, an equi­
librium sets in with a stable gain V. If V > 0, then
the game is favorable for us, if V <C 0, for the opponent;
at V = 0 the game is fair, i.e. equally favorable for
both participants.
We now consider the example of a game without
a saddle point and give (without proof) its solution.
The game consists in the following: two players A and
B simultaneously and arbitrarily show one, two, or
three fingers. The outcome is decided by the total
number of fingers shown: if it is even, A wins and
receives from B a sum equal to the number; if odd,
the other way round, i.e. A pays to B the sum equal
to the number. What is to be recommended to the
Construct the game matrix. In one game each player
has three strategies: to show one, two, or three fin­
gers. The 3 x 3 matrix is given in Table 8.2-5, where
the additional right column lists the minima of rows,
and the additional lower row, the maxima of columns.
The minorant game value is a = — 3, which cor­
responds to strategy A ±. This means that with rea­
sonable, careful behavior we may rest assured that we
lose not more than 3. That’s not much consolation,
but still better than the payoff 5 in some matrix ele­
ments. Bad luck for us, i.e* player A... But the oppo­
nent’s situation seems to be yet worse: the majorant
game value is p — 4, i.e. he will lose to us a minimum
15 *
228 Cli. 8 Game Theory for Decision Making

Table 8.2-5

Bi B2 Bs CLi

2 —3 4

A„ —3 4 —5

1 1
^3 4 —5 6

Vi |T j 4 6

of 4 provided he behaves reasonably. The situation

in general is not very bright—for either side. Let’s
see then if we could improve it. It appears that we
could. If each side follows not some single pure strat­
egy, but a mixed one, in which the first and third ones
enter with probabilities 1/4, and the second with
probability 1/2, i.e.
- (1/4, 1/2, 1/4), S% = (1/4, 1/2, 1/4)
then the mean gain will be stably zero (hence the game
is fair and equally favorable for either side). Strategies
S% form the solution to the game, and its value
is V — 0. How have we arrived at that? That is anoth­
er question. We will show in the following section how
finite games are solved.

8.3 Resolving Finite Games

Before setting out to solve an m x n game we should
first of all try and simplify it by getting rid of extra­
neous strategies, in much the same way as we did elim­
inating obviously inferior alternatives in Section
8.3 Resolving Finite Games 229

2.3. We now introduce the notion of domination.

Strategy Ai of player A is said to be dominating
over Ah, ii row A t contains payoffs no less than appro­
priate entries of row A h, and of these at least one is
actually larger than the appropriate entry of A k.
If all the payoffs of A t are equal to corresponding en­
tries in Ak, then strategy A t is said to be duplicating
Ak» For strategies of player B, domination and du­
plication are defined similarly: dominated is the strat­
egy in which all the payoffs are not larger than appro­
priate entries of the other strategy, and at least one
of them is actually smaller; duplication implies the
complete similarity between columns. Naturally, if
for a strategy there is a dominating one, then the form­
er strategy may be discarded, as may be duplicating
We clarify the above with an example. Let a 5 X 5
game be defined by the payoff matrix in Table 8.3-1.
To begin with, we note that strategy A 5 duplicates
A 2 therefore any of them may be discarded. We notice,
on discarding A 5, that row A x has all the entries larger
than, or equal to, appropriate payoffs in A 4, with the
result that A 4 will dominate over A 4. Discarding A 4
gives the 3 x 5 matrix of Table 8.3-2.
Table 8.3-1

lh B2 B9 B4 B,

Ai 4 7 2 3 4
a2 3 5 6 8 9
As 4 4 2 2 8
a4 3 6 1 2 4
A» 3 5 6 8 9
230 Ch. 8 Game Theory for Decision Making

Table 8.3-2

B i b 2 Bg B 4 B5

A x 4 7 2 3 4
a 2 3 5 6 8 9
Ag 4 4 2 2 8

Table 8.3-3 Table 8.3-4

Bt Bg Bt B s

A t 4 2 4 2
3 6 At
A* 3 6
4 2 Ag

But this is not all there is to it! A quick glance at

Table 8.3-2 shows lhat certain strategies of B dominate
over the others: for example, B 3 over Z?4 and B 6; and
B x over B 2 (do not forget that B seeks to lose the least!).
Discarding columns B 21 Z?4, and gives the 3 x 2
game of Table 8.3-3.
Lastly, in Table 8.3-3 row A 3 duplicates there­
fore it can be discarded. We eventually arrive at the
2 x 2 game of Table 8.3-4.
Try as you may, this game is not simplifiable any
further. We will have to solve it. Note in passing
that rejecting dominated (duplicating and clearly
unfavorable) strategies in a game with a saddle point
gives a solution in pure strategies. But it is a good
idea to test at the beginning whether or not the game
has a saddle point—this is simpler than to compare
termwise all the rows and columns.
8.3 R e so lv in g F ip ite G am es 231

Texts on game theory general] y concentrate on solv­

ing the simple 2 X 2, 2 X n, and m X 2 games that
permit of a geometric interpretation. But we are not
going to do all th at—instead we will “take the bull
by the horns” and show the way in which any m X n
game is solved.
Let there be a m X n game without a saddle point
as given by matrix [ai}] of Table 8.3-5.
Table 8.3-5

... Bn

Ai «ll a 12 •M a in
A2 fl 21 a 22 ... a 27l
••• ... ... ••• • •.
am i a m2 . . . amn

We assume that all the payoffs atj are positive (this

can always be achieved by adding to all the matrix
elements a sufficiently large number M; this will in­
crease the value of the game by M leaving the solu­
tion S \, S% unchanged). If all atj are positive, then,
of course, the game value, i.e. the mean payoff with
an optimal strategy, will be positive, too.
We wish to find the solution of the game, i.e. two
optimal mixed strategies
(Pl» P2’ • • •* Pm)» = ((7li Qti )
which give to each side the maximally possible mean
payoff (minimal loss).
We first find S a - We know that if one of the players
(here A) uses its optimal strategy, then the other (B)
can in no way improve his situation by abandoning
232 Ch. 8 Game Theory for Decision Making

his optimal strategy. Let us force the opponent (B)

to forsake his optimal strategy by using the pure strat­
egies /?!, B 2, . . ., Bn (while we tenaciously stick
to *Sj[). In any event, our payoff will be no less than V
0 jlP l + a 2lP2 + • • • + am lP m > v

al2Pl “1“ ^22^2 H” • • • "t" am2Pm 3^ y


^lnPl “1“ ^2tiP2 + • • • + G'mnPm ^ ^

We now divide the inequalities (8.3-2) by a positive
quantity V and introduce the notation
Zi = Pi/V, x2= p2/V, . . x m = p m/V (8.3-3)
The conditions (8.3-2) will then take the form
^11*^1 "4" ^21*^2 "4~ “4"
• •3^ ^ •

^12*^1 ”4“ ^22*^2 "4“ • • • "4“ flm2^m ^


a ln x l “4“ ^2n^2 + • • • + ^mn^m 3^ 1

where Xj, ;r2, . . ., xm are nonnegative variables. By
virtue of (8.3-3) and the fact that Pi + p 2 + • • •
+ pm = 1, the variables x±, x 2, . . ., xm meet the
# 1 + # 2 "4“ • • • + — 1/"^ (8.3-5)
Yet V is nothing but our guaranteed payoff. It is
only natural that we seek to make, it maximal, and
hence the quantity 1/F is minimal. The solution has
thus reduced to a mathematical problem: find non­
negative values of the variables xly x 2, . . ., xm such
8.3 Resolving Finite Games 233

that minimize the linear function of these variables

L = xt Ar x 2 + . . . + xm =>- min
subject to the linear constraints (8.3-4). The reader will
say, “Bah, something familiar!” Exactly—this is
nothing but a problem of linear programming. The
problem of solving the m X n game has thus reduced
to a linear program with n constraint inequalities
and m variables. Knowing # j , x 2, . . . , xm, we can,
by (9.3-3), find pt , p 2, . . ., pm, and hence the opti­
mal strategy S \ and the value V.
The optimal strategy of player B is found in exactly
the same way, with the only difference that B seeks
to minimize, not maximize, the payoff, and, accord­
ingly, to maximize (not minimize) the quantity 1/K,
and the inequalities instead of ^ will be of ^ type.
The pair of problems of linear programming seeking
the optimal strategies (S%, S b) Is called the mutually
dual problems of linear programming (it has been prov­
en that a maximum of a linear function in one of them
is equal to a minimum of a linear function in the other
so that everything is in order—we still do not arrive
at different values of the game value).
Thus, solving a m X n game is equivalent to solving
a problem of linear programming. It is to be noted that
the opposite holds: for any problem of linear programm­
ing an equivalent game-theoretical problem can be
formulated (we are not going to discuss the procedure
here). This interrelation of game problems with those
in linear programming appears to be of help not only
for the theory of games, but for linear programming
as well. The point is that there exist approximate nu­
merical methods of solving games that in certain cases
(for the problem of a larger size) turn out to be
234 Ch. 8 Game Theory for Decision Making

simpler than “classical” methods of linear program­

We will next describe one of the simplest numerical
methods of game solving, the so-called iteration meth­
od. Its underlying idea is as follows. A “thought ex­
periment” is played, in which the sides A and B use
in turn their respective strategies seeking to win as
much as possible (lose as little as possible). The ex­
periment consists of a number of plays. It begins with
one of the players (say, A) choosing at random one of
its strategies A*. The opponent (B) responds with a
strategy that is the most unfavorable for B j, i.e.
minimizes the payoff to A t. Now it is again the turn
of A: he answers B following the same strategy Ah
that maximizes the payoff for the opponent’s strategy
Bj. Further, the move of the opponent comes. He
uses his strategy that is the worst not for our last strat­
egy Ah, but for a mixed strategy that includes strate­
gies A i. Ah, used so far, with equal probabilities.
Thus at each step of the iteration process each player
responds to a given move of the opponent by the
that is optimal for him with respect to a mixed
strategy of the other which includes all the strat­
egies used thus far in proportion to the frequen­
cies of their application.
Instead of computing the mean gain each time he may
simply use the gain “accumulated” throughout the
preceding moves and select his strategy so that this
accumulated payoff be maximal (minimal). It has
been proven that such a technique “converges”: in
increasing the number of plays the mean payoff per
play will tend to the value of the game, and the
frequencies of using the strategies to their respective
8.3 Resolving Finite Games 235

probabilities in optimal mixed strategies of the

But the best way of grasping the iteration method is
by using a specific example. We will illustrate it re­
ferring to the 3 x 3 game in the preceding section
(Table 8.2-5). In order not to deal with negative num­
bers we add 5 to the matrix elements in Table 8.2-5
(see Table 8.3-6), thus increasing the value of the game
by 5 with the solution S \, S% remaining unchanged.
Table 8.3-6

B1 b2 B„

Al 7 2 9
a2 2 9 0
A» 9 0 11

Let’s begin with some arbitrarily selected strategy

of player A, e.g., A 3. Table 8.3-7 lists the first 15
steps of the iteration process (the reader can carry on
the computation on his own). The first column con­
tains the numbers of plays (pairs for selection) k; the
second, number i of the strategy selected in this game
by the player A; the other three columns, the accumu­
lated payoff in the first k plays for the strategies used
by the player in the preceding plays and strategies
B x, B 2, B 3 of player B in a given play (derived by add­
ing the elements from an appropriate row to the en­
tries of preceding row). Of these accumulated gains in
Table 8.3-7 the minimal one is underscored (if they
are several, all are underscored). The number under­
scored determines the choice by B in this play—he
chooses the strategy that corresponds to the number
236 Ch. 8 Game Theory for Decision Making

underscored (if there are several such numbers, any

one of these is taken). We thus determine the number
/ of the optimal (in this play) strategy B (placed into
the following column). The subsequent three columns
list the payoffs accumulated in k games respectively
at strategies A x, A 2, A 3 of player A (obtained by add­
ing the elements of column Bj to what was in the row
above). Of these values in Table 8.3-7 the maximal
have an overhead bar. It is this value that determines
the choice by A of the strategy in the following play
(the line below). The last three columns of Table 8.3-7
Table 8.3 -7

ft i Bi B3 j Ai Aa A3 V V V*

1 3 9 0 11 2 2 9 0 0 9 4 .5
2 2 11 9 11 2 4 18 0 4.5 9 6.75
3 2 13 18 11 3 13 18 11 3.67 6 4.84
4 2 15 27 11 3 22 18 22 2.75 5.50 4.13
5 1 22 29 20 3 31 18 33 4.00 6.60 5.30
6 3 31 29 31 2 33 27 33 4.84 5.50 5.17
7 1 38 31 40 2 35 36 33 4.43 5.14 4.79
8 2 40 40 40 2 37 45 33 5.00 5.61 5.30
9 2 42 49 40 3 46 45 44 4.45 5.11 4.78
10 1 49 51 49 1 53 47 53 4.90 5.30 5.10
11 3 58 51 60 2 55 56 53 4.64 5.09 4.87
12 2 60 60 60 2 57 65 53 5.00 5.41 5.20
13 2 62 69 60 3 66 65 64 4.61 5.07 4.84
14 1 69 71 69 1 73 67 73 4.93 5.21 5.07
15 3 78 71 80 2 75 76 73 4.74 5.06 4.90
8.3 Resolving Finite Games 237

provide: the lower estimate of the game value V that

is equal to the minimal accumulated gain divided by
the number of plays k; the upper estimate of the game
value V that is equal to the maximal accumulated
gain, divided by /c; and the arithmetic mean of the
both (it constitutes a better estimate of the value of
the game than either the minorant or the majorant
The quantity F* is seen to be varying slightly about
value of the game V = 5 (the value of the initial game
was 0, but we added 5 to each matrix element). Using
Table 8.3-7 we calculate the frequencies px, p 2, p 3,
£21 ^ 3 °f strategies for the gamblers. We thus obtain

px — 4/15 « 0.26G, p 2— 7/15 « 0.4G8,

p 3 = 4/15 » 0.2G6 qx = 2/15 « 0.133,
q2 = 8/15 « 0.534, q3 = 5/15 & 0.333
which is not so much different from the values of prob­
abilities p,, Do, p3, a,, that, as indicated above,
are 1/4 - 0.25, 1/2 - 0.50, 1/4 = 0.25 for the first,
second, and third strategies, respectively. Such re­
latively good approximations have been obtained at
as few as 15 iterations—not bad! Unfortunately, the
approximation process proceeds further not at this
pace. For the iteration method the convergence, as ex­
perience shows, is very slow. There are ways of spurr­
ing the dragging process, that lie beyond the scope of
the book.
The iteration method for game solving has the very
important advantage that its labour-consumption
grows relatively slowly with increasing game size
(m x n) whereas that of the linear programming
method grows with size far more rapidly.
238 Ch. 8 Game Theory for Decision Making

The reader has thus got some insight into the theory
of noncooperative games and methods of solving ma­
trix games.
A few words of caution about this theory and its
applicability are in order here. At the time of its con­
ception the theory of games was looked to for the
selection of decisions in conflicting situations. The
hopes were justified but to a slight degree.
Above all, in actual practice strictly non-cooperative
games are a not very frequent occurrence—may be
only in real games (draughts, chess, cards, etc.). Save
for these artificial situations where one side seeks at
all costs to maximize, and the other to minimize
the payoff, such conflicts hardly can occur. It would
seem that warfare is a field ideally suited for game
theory. After all, here we encounter the most “fierce”
antagonisms and sharply conflicting interests 1 But
the conflict situations in this field appear to be but
rarely reducible to two-person zero-sum games. Non-
cooperative scheme is, as a rule, only applicable to
small-scale operations of marginal importance. For
example, side A is a group of aircraft attacking an
object, side B is the antiaircraft defence of the object,
with the first seeking to maximize the probability of
destroying the target, and the second to minimize.
Here the scheme of the two-person zero-sum game can
find its application. Now consider a more complex
example: two forces of units (types of tanks, aircraft,
ships) are engaged. Each side wishes to hit as many
hostile combat units as possible. In that case the sit­
uation loses the purity of antagonism: it is no longer
reducible to a two-person zero-sum game. If the sides’
goals are not directly conflicting but just not coin­
cident, the mathematical model becomes more involved:
here we are not satisfied just with a victory, which
8.3 Resolving Finite Games 230

gives rise to a so-called “bimatrix game”* where each

side seeks to maximize its gain and not just to mini­
mize the opponent’s gain. The theory of such games
is very much more sophisticated than that of non-
cooperative games and, above all, this theory yields
no distinct recommendations as to the optimal beha­
vior of the sides [26].
The second criticism refers to the notion of ‘mixed
strategies’. With recurrent situations, in which each
side can easily (without additional expenditures)
vary its behavior from case to case, optimal mixed
strategies can really improve the gain in the mean.
But situations may be in which it is necessary to take
only one decision (e.g., to choose a scheme of a defen­
sive system). Would it be reasonable to “relegate the
choice to chance”—-roughly speaking, to toss a coin
and, say, for heads select one form of the design, and
for tails another? There is hardly a manager who in a
complicated and crucial situation will dare to make
his choice in a random manner, even if following the
principles of games theory.
Lastly, one more point: it is considered in game
theory that each player knows all the possible strat­
egies of the opponent and only does not know which
of them will be used in a given game. In a real world
situation this is generally not the case: it is just the
list of the possible strategies of the opponent that is
unknown, and the best solution in a conflict situation
will often be just to go beyond the strategies known to
the opponent, to “bewilder” him by something new,
It is seen from the above that game theory has many
weaknesses to serve as a basis for decision making
(even in a highly conflicting situation). Is this to
suggest that it is not worth studying and is of abso-
240 Ch. 8 Game Theory for Decision Making

lutely no use in operations research? No* not at all.

Above all, the theory is valuable in the very formula­
tion of problems that teaches, in selecting an alterna­
tive in a conflict situation, not to forget that the oppo­
nent, too, is intelligent and to take into account his
possible tricks and stratagems. Admittedly, recommen­
dations derived from a game treatment are not always
dehnite and not always realizable—it is still useful,
in selecting a decision, to be guided, among other
things, by a game model. One only should not think
of the conclusions drawn from this model as dehnitive
and unquestionable2.

8.4 Statistical Decision Analysis

A close relative of game theory is the theory of statis­
tical decision-making. It differs from game theory in
that an uncertain situation has no conflict tinge—
no confrontation. In problems of decision theory the
unknown conditions of the operation depend not on
the deliberately acting “adversary” (or other sides of
the conflict), but on objective reality that in decision
theory is generally referred to as “nature”. Pertinent
situations are often called “games with nature”. “Na­
ture” is thought of as a certain unbiased entity (in
the words of A. S. Pushkin “indifferent nature”), whose
“behavior” is unknown, but in any case is not malevo­
It might appear that the absence of deliberate coun­
teraction would simplify the choice of alternative.
But it turns out that it is not so: it complicates, not

2 The author’s opinion on the role and significance of game

theory is by no means generally accepted. On the contrary, some
authors view game treatments in OR as basic ones (see, e.g., [28]).
3.4 S tatistical D ecisio n A n a ly sis 241

simplifies. Granted the life of the decision-maker in

a “game with nature” is easier indeed (nobody inter­
feres!), but it is more difficult for him to substantiate
his choice. When dealing with a conscious opponent,
the element of uncertainty is partly removed by the
fact that we “think” for the opponent, “make” decisions
for him that are the most unfavorable for us. But in
a game with nature such a concept will not do: God
knows how nature is going to behave. Therefore de­
cision theory is the most “shaky” science as far as
recommendations are concerned. Still it has the right
to existence and is worth attention on the side of OR
Consider a game with nature: we (side A) have m
possible strategies A Xl A 2, . . ., A m\ as to the state
of nature, we may make n assumptions N 2, • . .
. . ., Nn. Let’s think of them as “strategies of nature”.
Our gain atj for each pair of strategies A u N j is given
by a matrix (Table 8.4-1).
Table 8.4-1

n2 Nn

aii a12 •• aiTl

a2 a22 a22 -• a2Tl
Am ami am2 amn

It is required to choose a strategy of player A (pure

or maybe mixed, if possible) that will be more fa­
vorable as compared with the others.
On the face of it, the problem is similar to a game
,of two players A and N with opposite interests and
is solvable by the same techniques. But this is not
242 Ch. 8 Game Theory for Decision Making

quite so. The absence of the opposition on the side

of nature makes the situation qualitatively
Let’s give the problem some thought. The simplest
case of choice in a game with nature is the case where
(happily!) one of the strategies of A dominates the
others, as, for instance, A 2 in Table 8.4-2. Here the
Table 8.4-2

Ni N2 N3 N4

1 2 3 5
A2 7 4 4 5
^3 3 4 4 1
A4 7 4 2 2

gain with A 2 for any state of nature is not less than

with other strategies, and for some of them even more.
It follows thus that it is precisely this strategy that
must be selected.
If even the matrix of a game with nature has no
dominance, it is worthwhile to see if it has duplicating
strategies or strategies inferior to others under all
conditions (as we did earlier reducing the game matrix).
But here there is one subtlety: in such a way we can
only reduce the number of strategies of player A , but
not of N —he is absolutely indifferent as to how much
we gain! Suppose that we have reduced the matrix
3 Unfortunately, instances are not rare when those with only
a smattering knowledge of operations research, when meeting
in practice such a situation, forget about the “indifference” of
nature and begin immediately to apply techniques of non-
cooperative game theory. Such recommendations occur in texts
(mostly popular science).
8.4 Statistical Decision Analysis 243

and now it is free of duplicating and clearly unfavo­

rable strategies.
But what is to be used as a guidance in decision­
making? Naturally, the payoff matrix [atj\ must be
taken into account. However, the picture given by
matrix [atj] is in a sense incomplete and does not ade­
quately reflect advantages and disadvantages of each
Clarify this idea that is not simple at all. Suppose
that payoff for our strategy A t and state of nature
Nj is higher than for A k and N t: akt. But why
so? Maybe we were successful in selecting the strategy
A tl Not necessarily. Or, maybe the state of nature
Nj is simply more favorable for us than N t. For exam­
ple, the state of nature realized in “normal conditions”
is for any operation more favorable than, say, “flood”,
“earthquake”, and so forth. It would be of help to in­
troduce indices such that would not just give the payoff
for a given situation and strategy, but also show wheth­
er the given strategy in the given situation is chosen
“happily” or “unhappily”.
To this end, in decision-making a notion of risk
is introduced. The risk premium rtj of player A in using
strategy A t under conditions Nj is the difference be­
tween the payoff that would be obtained if we knew
the conditions Nj and the payoff that we will obtain
not knowing them and selecting A t.
It is obvious that if we (player A) knew the state of
nature N j, we would select a strategy maximizing our
payoff. This payoff is maximal in column Nj. We have
earlier discussed it and designated as |J7-. The risk
premium rtj is derived by deducing from the actual
payoff atj

rU — Pj a H• (8.4-1)
244 Ch. 8 Game Theory tor Decision Making

By way of example, consider a payoff matrix [atj]

(Table 8.4-3) and construct for it the risk premium
matrix [rtj] (Table 8.4-4).
Table 8.4-3

N* N* Nt

At 1 4 5 9
a2 3 8 4 3
As 4 6 6 2

P/ 4 8 6 9

Table 8.4-4


At 3 4 1 0
A* 1 0 2 6
a3 0 2 0 7

The examination of Table 8.4-4 brings out certain

aspects of a given “game with nature”. So, the payoff
matrix [atj] (Table 8.4-3) has in the second row the
first and last elements equal: a21 = a 24 = 3. These
payoffs, however, are far from being equivalent for
the successful selection of strategies: for the state of
nature we could gain at most 4, and our choice
A 2 is almost ideal; but for N 4 we could, by selecting
A ±, get more by as much as 6, i.e. the choice A 2 is
very bad. Risk is the “pay for the lack of information”:
in Table 8.4-4 r21 = 1, r24 = 6 (the payoffs atj being
8.4 Statistical Decision Analysis 245

equal). To be sure, we would like to minimize the

risk inherent in decision-making.
We thus have two formulations of a decision-making
problem: one seeks to maximize the payoff, the other
to minimize the risk.
We know that the simplest uncertainty is the sto­
chastic uncertainty when the states of nature have some
probabilities Qx, Q2, . . ., Qn and these probabili­
ties are known. It is natural then (with all the perti­
nent reservations in Section 2.2) to choose a strategy
such that a corresponding payoff taken along the row
is maximal
max (8.4-2)

Interestingly, the same strategy that maximizes the

mean payoff also minimizes the mean risk premium
= S min (8.4-3)

so that in the case of stochastic uncertainty both

approaches (“from the payoff” and “from the risk”)
give one and the same optimal decision.
Let’s “spoil” our uncertainty a bit and suppose that
the probabilities Qx, Q2, . . ., Qn exist in principle,
but are unknown. Sometimes in this case all the states
of nature are assumed to be equiprobable (the so-called
Laplace decision criterion, or “principle of insufficient
reason”), but generally this is not to be recommended.
After all, it is normally more or less clear which states
are more, and which less, probable. In order to find
tentative values of probabilities Qu Q2, . . ., Qn use
can be made, for example, of the judgemental proba­
bility assessment (see Section 2.2). Even these teptP-
246 Ch. 8 Game Theory for Decision Making

tive values are still better than the complete uncertain­

ty. Inaccurate values of probabilities of states of na­
ture can later be corrected by means of a specially
staged experiment. The experiment can be both “ideal”,
i.e. completely clarifying the state of nature, and
nonideal, i.e. relying on circumstantial evidence to
clarify the state probabilities. Each experiment, of
course, involves some expenditures, and the question
thus arises: Are these expenditures compensated for
by improved efficiency? It turns out that it only pays
to perform the “ideal” experiment when its costs are
lower than the minimal mean risk (see, e.g., [61).
We, however, will not consider the case of stochastic
uncertainty, but will take the case of “unfavorable”
uncertainty, where the probabilities of the states of
nature are either nonexistent, or are not susceptible
to an evaluation, however approximate. The situation
is thus unfavorable for a “good” decision—so we will
try to find at least not the worst one.
Here everything depends on the approach to the
situation, on the observer’s position, on the risks in­
volved in an unhappy decision. We describe below
some of the possible approaches, points of view (or
decision criteria).
1. Maximin (Wald) decision criterion. According
to this criterion the game with nature is conducted
as a game with an intelligent opponent (aggressive
at that) seeking to hinder our way to success. A strat­
egy is said to be optimal, if it guarantees a payoff
in any case no less than the minorant value of the game
with nature
a = max min atj (8.4-4)
i i
This criterion, being the “position of extreme pessi­
mism”, dictates that one should always expect adverse
8.4 Statistical Decision Analysis 247

circumstances, knowing for sure that this is “rock

bottom”. Clearly, this approach is “overcautious”,
it is natural for those who are exceedingly afraid of
losing. It is not the only one possible, but as an ex­
treme case it is worth discussing.
2. Minimax risk (Savage) criterion. This criterion
is fairly pessimistic, too. It advices, in selecting an
optimal strategy, to be guided not by the payoff,
but the risk. As an optimum, the strategy is selected
for which the risk under the most unfavorable condi­
tions is minimal
S — min max .• (8.4-5)
i i 3
The approach dictates that one should by all means
avoid large risks in decision-making. As far as “pes­
simism” is concerned the Savage criterion is similar
to that of Wald with the only distinction that the very
pessimism is here treated otherwise.
3. Pessimism-optimism (Hurwicz) criterion. This
criterion recommends decision makers to rely neither
on complete pessimism (“always count on the worst!”),
nor complete, carefree optimism (“something may
turn up”). According to this criterion the strategy is
selected from the condition
H = max [x min atj + (1 —x) max atj] (8.4-6)
j i i
where x is the coefficient of pessimism selected between
0 and 1. At x = 1 the Hurwicz criterion goes over into
the Wald criterion; at x = 0, into the “complete op­
timism” criterion that recommends one to select the
strategy whose payoff in the row is maximal. At
0 < x < 1 we have a happy mean. The coefficient
x is selected from subjective considerations: the higher
248 Cli. 8 G a m e T h e o r y for D e c i s i o n M a k i n g

the risk involved and the more security we are seek­

ing for and the less we are inclined to take risk, the
closer to unity x is chosen.
If desired, a criterion may be developed that is
similar to H and based not on the payoff, but on the
risk, but we will not discuss it here.
The reader may very well argue: if the selection of
a criterion is subjective, the selection of the coeffi­
cient x is subjective, too, hence the decision is taken
subjectively, too. Where is science here? What has
mathematics to do with all that? Would it not be
better simply, without any mathematical tricks, to
make a decision arbitrarily?
In a sense the reader is right—decision making under
uncertainty is always conventional and subjective.
But still, to a certain (limited) degree mathematical
techniques are of use here as well. Above all, they
enable the game with nature to be reduced to matrix
form, which is not always simple, especially when
strategies are numerous (in our examples these were
quite few). In addition, they allow one instead of just
viewing a payoff matrix (or risk matrix), which, if
large, may be simply a strain for the eyes, to introduce
a consistent numerical analysis of the situation from
different angles, to weigh recommendations coming
from these angles and, finally, to decide on something.
This is analogous to discussing a question from various
stands, and a dispute, as we know, engenders a truth.
Thus, do not await from decision theory some defini­
tive, unquestionable recommendations. All it can help
with is advice... **
If the recommendations coming from various cri­
teria coincide—all the better, hence you can confident­
ly select the decision recommended—it is unlikely
to fail. If then, as is often the case, recommendations
8.4 Statistical Decision Analysis 249

are at variance, use your brains. Reflect on these

recommendations, and varied results to which they
lead, finalize your point of view, and make the final
selection. It is not to be forgotten that any decision
problem involves a measure of arbitrariness, if only
in building a mathematical model and selecting a
performance measure. The mathematics used in op­
erations research does not remove this arbitrariness,
but only allows us to place it into a proper perspective.
Consider an elementary example of a 4 X 3 game
with nature whose payoff matrix [atj] is given in
Table 8.4-5. We look closer at the matrix and try
Table 8.4-5

Ni N* N3

A, 20 30 15
A2 75 20 35
25 80 25
A4 85 5 45

offhand, without calculations, to decide on a strat­

egy to be utilized. Even for the small matrix this is
not so easy.
We will now try to help ourselves using the criteria
of Wald, Savage, and Hurwicz, and in the latter we
will put x = 0.6 (a slightly pessimistic bent). What
will they tell us?
1. The floor is given to Wald. Compute minima in
rows (see Table 8.4-6) and select the strategy for
which the row minimum is maximal (25). This is
strategy A 3.
2. Now, the floor is given to Savage. We will go
over from the payoff matrix (Table 8.4-6) to the risk
250 Ch. 8 Game Theory for Decision Making

Table 8.4-6

N* N 3 0C;

At 20 30 15 15
A; 75 20 35 20
^3 25 80 25 iM!
A4 85 5 45 5

matrix (Table 8.4-7) and the rig h t a d d itio n a l

um n has th e m a x im a l v a lu e of th e risk in a row, ^
Table 8.4-7

^2 N 3 Yi

A\ 65 50 30 65
A 2 10 60 10 0
^3 60 0 20 |60|
a4 0 75 0 75

Of the right column entries the minimal one (60)

corresponds to strategies A 2 and A 3, hence both of
them are optimal according to Savage.
3. The floor is next given to Hurwicz (at x = 0.6).
We again rewrite Table 8.4-5 but this time in such a
way that in the right three additional columns we
will have: the minimum of row its maximum cot
and the quantity h t = xa* + (1 — x) cot rounded
off to the next integer (Table 8.4-8).
The maximal value ht = 47 corresponds to strategy
Az — a unanimous choice of all the three criteria.
8.4 Statistical Decision Analysis 251

Table 8.4-8

Ni n 2 N3 at hi

At 20 30 15 15 30 21
a2 75 20 35 20 75 42
^3 25 80 25 25 80 E3
A4 85 5 45 5 85 37

We will now take the case where there is a “conflict”

between criteria. The payoff matrix [atj] (with pre­
liminarily written columns of row minima a t, row
maxima co*, and values of h t (at x = 0.6) are given in
Table 8.4-9).
Table 8.4-9

N2 N3 a; ©i hi

At 19 30 41 49 0 49 31
a2 51 38 10 20 10 51 26
^3 73 18 81 11 11 81 El
By the Wald criterion the optimal strategy is A x,
by the Hurwicz criterion (with x = 0.6) A s. We will
now see what the Savage criterion will tell us. The
risk matrix with an additional column containing
row maxima y* is given in Table 8.4-10.
The minimum in the last column is 38, so that the
Savage criterion, just as the Hurwicz criterion, votes
for A v
252 Ch. 8 Game Theory for Decision Making

Table 8.4-10

N, n 2 N< Vi

Ai 54 8 40 0 54
. 22 0 71 29 71
^3 0 20 0 38

We should take a closer look at this. If we are very

much afraid of the small payoff 11 associated with
strategy A 3, we will then select that is recommend­
ed by the overcautious Wald criterion, whereby we can
at least guarantee the payoff 19, and maybe even more.
If our pessimism is not so black, we should, it seems,
decide on A 3 recommended by two of the three criteria.
The reader is sure to have noticed that here we are
not speaking mathematical language, rather the lan­
guage of consideration and common sense. That’s th at—
an uncertainty is no good and in the absence of ne­
cessary information no mathematics will help you to
decide adequately on an optimal decision. Such is
our life, the future is full of uncertainty and not in­
frequently we have to take not strictly optimal, but
“acceptable” decisions, which are worked out using
various approaches and criteria that appear as con­
flicting sides.
To sum up: the three criteria (Wald, Savage, and
Hurwicz) were all formulated for pure strategies, but
each of them can be extended to include mixed ones
as well in much the same way as we did in game theory.
However, in games with nature the mixed strategies
are of limited (notably theoretical) use. Whereas
against the reasonable opponent the mixed strategies
8.4 Statistical Decision Analysis 253

at times are of value as a “trick” to mislead the oppo­

nent, in dealing with “indifferent nature” this argument
doesn’t hold. Moreover, mixed strategies make sense
solely for repeated games. But when we repeat it, then
stochastic behavior of the situation is bound to stand
out with the result that we can make use of it to handle
the problem stochastically, which, as we know, yields
no mixed strategies. Furthermore, in a situation with
“unfavorable” uncertainty, where we need information
so badly, the main task is to glean this information
and not to engineer some tricks that would enable us
to do without it. One of the major applications of
decision theory is precisely to experimental design
whose objective is to clarify and refine some data.
We will not discuss the issues of experimental design
here: it is a separate subject worthy of serious con­
sideration. The interested reader is referred to special
texts [29, 30], and also to a readable popular book [27].
The major principle of experimental design is that
any prior decision must be revised with due account
for fresh information obtained.
* * *

Thus, our short account of problems, principles and

methodology of operations research came to an end.
The author strove to introduce the reader not only to
the potentialities, but also to constraints of mathe­
matical techniques employed in decision making.
But remember—neither of these techniques saves the
worker the trouble of thinking. Not just speculate,
but to invoke mathematical calculations, remembering
that, as Hamming aptly remarked, “the major objec­
tive of calculation is not figures, but understanding.”

For the convenience of those who do not read in Russian we

augment the references quoted in the body of the book with
the relevant analogs in English.
1. Saaty T. L. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research.
McGraw-Hill, New York, N. Y., 1959.
2. Wentzel E. S. Probability Theory. Mir Publishers, Moscow,
3. I1o,hhhobckhh B. B., TaBpHJiOB B. M. OnmuMU3ai^uH no
nocjiedoeamejibHo npuMenneMUM npumepusiM. CoBeTCKoe pa-
fluo, MocKBa, 1975.
Zangwill W. I. Nonlinear Programming: A Unified A p­
proach. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1969.
4. KapnejieBHU O. M., Ca/joBCKim ,3,. E. djieMenmvi auneunou
ajizebpu u Auneiinoeo npoepaMMupoeanun. H ayna, MocKBa,
Campbell H. G. Linear Algebra with Applications. Prentice-
Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1980.
5. lOflHH fl. E., rojibniTeim E. T. J l u n e u n o e n p o zp a M M u p o e a n u e .
H ayna, MocKBa, 1967.
Simonnard M. Linear Programming. Prentice-Hall, Engle­
wood Cliffs, N. J., 1966.
6. BeHTU,ejiL E. C. H c c a e d o e a n u e o n e p a i^ u u . CoBeTCKoe pa/jHO,
MocKBa, 1972.
Thierauf R. J.,Grosse R. A. Decision Making Through Opera­
tions Research. J. Wiley & Sons, New York, N. Y., 1970.
Shamblin J. E., Stevens G. T. Operations Research: A Funda­
mental Approach. McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1974.
7. Wagner H. M. Principles of Operations Research with Applica­
tions to Managerial Decisions. Prentice-Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, H. J., 1969.
8. 3yxoBHn,KHH C. H., AB/jeeBa JI. H. J lu n e u n o e u e u n y ru io e
npoepaM M upoeanue. Hayna, MocKBa, 1964.
Arrow K. J., Hurwicz L., and Uzawa H. Studies in Linear
and Non-Linear Programming. Stanford Univ. Press, Cali­
fornia, 1958.
9. T ypH H JI. C., flfciMapcKHH H. C., MepKyjiOB A. ,11,. 3 a d a n u
u M e m o d u o n m u M a /ib n o z o p a c n p e d e jie n u n p e c y p c o e . CoBeTCKoe
pafltfo, MocKBa, 1968.
Bellman R. E., Dreyfus S. E. Applied Dynamic Program-
Bibliography 255

ming. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey,

10. Bellman R. E. Dynamic Programming, Princeton University
Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1957.
11. BeHTi^ejib E. C. OjieMenmu duuaMunecKoeo npoepaMMupoea-
Husi. H ayna, MocKBa, 1964.
Ackoff R. L., Sasieni M. W. Fundamentals of Operations
Research, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1968.
12. BeHTn,ejib E. G. Teopua eeposunnocmeix. H ayna, MocKBa, 1964.
H adley G. Introduction to Probability and Statistical De­
cision Theory. H olden-D ay, San Francisco, 1967.
13. Po3en6epr B. H ., npoxopoB A. H. *Imo manoe meopun Macco-
eoeo o6 c/iyMueanuR. CoBeTCKoe paflno, MocKBa, 1962.
Panico J. A. Queueing Theory, P ren tice-H all, Englewood
Cliffs, H. J., 1969.
14. OBHapoB JI. A. IIpuKjiadHue 3adauu meopuu Maccoeoeo 06 -
cjiyoicueaHUH. MaumHocTpoemie, MocKBa, 1969.
di Roccaferrera G.M.F. Operations Research Models for
Business and Industry, South-Western Pub. Go., Cincinna­
ti, 1964.
15. Ko<j)Man A., KpiooH P. Maccoeoe o6 cjiyotcueaHue, meopuu
u npuMeneuusi. (nepeBOfl c <j>paHijy3CKoro), Ilporpecc,
MocKBa, 1965.
16. rHefleHKO B . B., KoBajieHKo H. H. Beedenue e meopuw Mac­
coeoeo o6 cjiyoKueauusi. H a y n a , MocKBa, 1966.
Morse P. M. Queues, Inventories and Maintenance. John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1958.
17. Saaty T. L. Elements of Queueing Theory with Applications.
McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1961.
18. njiaTOHOB T. A., Oarabepr M. A., IIlTHjibMaH M. C. IIoe3da,
naccaotcupvL u... MameMamuna. TpaHcnopT, MocKBa, 1977.
Feller W. Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Appli­
cations. 3d ed. J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1968.
19. CeBacTbHHOB B. A. “OopMyjiH BpjiaHra b Tejie^oHHn”. Tpy-
dbi I I I MameMamunecKoeo ctesda. t . IV, H3fl. AH CCCP, 1959.
(Sevastyanov B. A. “Erlang formulas in telephony”, Proceed­
ings of I I I Mathemat. Conf., v. IV, USSR Academy Press,
20. TMypMan B. E. T e o p u a e e p o a m n o c m e u u M am eM am unecK aa
c m a m u c m u n a . Bwcman nmojia, MocKBa, 1977.
Lindgren B. W., McElrath G. W. Probability and Statistics.
The Macmillan Company, New York, 1959.
21. BeHTi^ejib E. C. Hcc/iedoeanue onepaifuu. 3HaHiie, MocKBa,
256 Bibliography

Richmond S. B. Operations Research for Management Deci­

sions. The Ronald Press Company, New York, 1968.
22. CoGojil M. M. Memod Monme-Kap/io. On3MaiTH3, MocKBa,
Mize J. H., Cox J. G. Essentials of Simulation. Prentice-
Hall, Englewood Cliffs, H. J., 1968.
23 . Hccjiedoeanue onepaifuu (Memodo/iozunecnue acnenmu). Hay-
Ka, MocKBa, 1972.
Morse P. H., Kimball G. E.^Methods of Operations Research.
MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1951.
24. BeHinejib E. C. dAeMenmu meopuu uzp. OH3MaTTH3, MocKBa,
Williams J. D. The Compleat Strategist (rev. ed.). John
Wiley & Sons, New York, 1966.
25. McKinsey J. C. C. Introduction to the Theory of Games,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1952.
26. Luce R. D., Raiffa H. Games and Decisions. John Wiley &
Sons, New York, 1958.
27. XyprnH H. H. J f a , Hem uau Mootcem d u m b ... Hayna, MocKBa,
Hillier F. S., Lieberman G. J. Introduction to Operations
Research. Holden-Day, San Francisco, 1967.
28. TepMenep K). E. Beedenue e meopuio uccjiedoeanuH onepai^uu.
Hayna, MocKBa, 1971.
Dresher M. Games of Strategy, Theory and Applications.
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1961.
29. HajiHMOB B. B. TeopuaOKcnepuMenma. Hayna, MocKBa, 1971.
Kobayashi H. Modeling and Analysis: An Introduction to
System Performance Evaluation Methodology. Addison-Wes-
ley Publishing Company, Reading Massachusetts, 1978.
30. Wald A. Statistical Decision Functions. John Wiley & Sons,
New York, 1950.
31. K)flHH fl. B. MameMamunecKueMemodu ynpaeaenusi e ycAoeu-
hx nenojiHOu un^opMai^uu. CoBeTCKoe pa^no, MocKBa, 1974.
Schlaifer R. 0 . Analysis of Decisions Under Uncertainty.
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969.
32. Moder J. J., Elmaghraby S. E.^ (eds.) Handbook of Opera-
tions Research. Vol. 1: Foundations and Fundamentals; vol 2:
Models and Applications. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company,
New York, 1978.

Printed in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

by E. S. Wenfzel

The aim of this book is In writing this text the

to present in a widely author—a w ell known
appealing form the sub­ Soviet mathematician
ject matter and methods and popular n o v e lis t-
of operations research employed her many-year
(OR), a managerial tool experience in govern­
designed to increase the mental OR projects and
effectiveness of mana­ lectureship at the Mos­
gerial decisions as an ob­ cow Institute of Trans­
jective supplement to the portation Engineering to
subjective assessment. give a vivid presentation
W ith no confinement to of the relevant methods
an exclusive area of of mathematical pro­
practice, the discussion gramming, game theory,
in the book is focused on queueing models, and
the methodological as­ decision analysis. The
pects which are common mathematics of the book
to all OR problems is simple and requires
wherever they might ap­ only expertise in prob­
pear. Therefore the main ability theory. The book
emphasis is placed on is devoted primarily to
such methodological the practitioners who are
treatises as problem for­ novices to the subject.
mulation, model develop­ It w ill be interesting
ment, and assessment of to students, engineers,
computational results, managerial staff and all
rather than on mathe­ those involved in deci­
matical rigor. sion making.

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