Proposal Ezi Parking

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1.0 Introduction 3

2.0 Problem Statement 3

3.0 Objective 4

4.0 Scope 4

5.0 Project Significant 6

6.0 Literature Review 6

7.0 Methodology 9

8.0 Gantt Chart 11

9.0 Budget / Cost Planning 13

10.0 Conclusion 13

11.0 References 15

12.0 Task Summaries 16


In the city of Kuala Terengganu, the road condition is always crowded

especially on weekends. This is due to the fact that many cars are looking for parking and there
are some people putting the car in an improper place. It is very difficult to find a car park
especially during peak hours. On average, drivers in Kuala Terengganu spend 20 days a year to
find parking spaces including time thrown in traffic congestion and record delays in
appointments or important events.

So to solve this problem, our group has decided to put a sensor at the parking lot. The
the sensor system that use arduino which is it is an open-source physical computing platform
based on a simple input output board and a development environment that implements the
processing/wiring language. Arduino can be used to develop stand-alone interactive objects or
can be connected to software on your computer.

In our project, we are also wanted to create a mobile application. The mobile
application acts like an interface for the end users to interact with the system. A mobile
application is most commonly referred to as an app, is a type of application software designed
to run on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet computer. Mobile apps reduce costs
of SMS messages. So, we plan to make the mobile application for our project that called
MBKT Ezi Parking Apps.

Our goal of building this mobile app is to make an easier for the driver. One of the
systems of MBKT Ezi Parking is to know the condition of parking lot via the internet. This is
related to parking problems which one of them is the difficulty of knowing the condition of
vacant space in the wide parking lot so that the driver spends his time just to find a parking
place and tend to more difficult along with the increasing number of vehicle ownership.
Problems related to parking can be solved if the driver can be informed beforehand about the
availability of parking space around the desired destination.

The place we choose to implement this project is at the MBKT parking area on the
Jalan Batas Baru, Kuala Terengganu. This is because it is located in the centre of the city of
Kuala Terengganu which is often the place where visitors come.


A study was being conducted for our project which is the driver who has some problem to find
a parking area the city of Kuala Terengganu. Problem that usually happens is:
i. The parking lot at MBKT Jalan Batas Baru is quite limited.
In Terengganu the number of cars is too much but the number of parking lot is quite
limited. Because the driver does not know where to park because the parking lot is full
so there those who are still stubborn despite being charged by the authorities. Using
MBKT Ezi Parking, it will make it easier for driver to find a MBKT parking near the
town of Terengganu.

ii. Driver hard know about the status of MBKT parking at town.
Drivers often do not know about parking status whether it is empty or not. It causes the
driver to turn up many times to find vacancy parking. With the MBKT Ezi Parking
apps, it can notify the driver about the available parking lot so that the driver will
know about the parking status easily without wasting the driver's time to look for

iii. Hard to find parking that causes traffic jam.

The issue of increasing road users and the number and location of parking places
impact on the level of service and congestion in road and city use. The double parking
is often the case. If the double park is out of space, the driver will park as long as it fits
and also parking a vehicle to wait on any street or along a street other than parking
places. Using the MBKT Ezi Parking, it will make it easier for users to book a parking
space before reach the destination. So parking is not taken away.

iv. The driver scrambled for the same parking

Always happened when the driver was waiting for the car to get out of the parking lot,
but suddenly another car came from another direction into the parking we were waiting
for. The sensor that we put on the parking lot can tell that this parking is already in the
booking or not.


The objectives of the project are listed below:

i. To detect number of parking available at MBKT parking lot using sensor.

ii. To notify / send a notification to driver using mobile apps.


Project scope the part of project planning that involves determining and documenting a
list of specific project’s goals, deliverables, tasks, costs and deadline. The
documentations of a project’s scope explains the boundaries of the project, establishes
responsibilities for each team member and sets up procedure for how completed work
will be verified and approved. The documentation may be referred to as a scope

statement, statement of work or team of reference. During the project, this documentation
helps the project team remain focused on task.

4.1 System scope

 Register
- Put all detail. Example name, ic number, number telephone and
number car

 Login
- Enter the IC number and password

 Main page
- Choose the location parking
- Button sign up

 Menu
- Select the menu for booking parking
- Click booking if you want to book parking
- Enter the car number, date and time if you want to booking.

 Logout
- If you want to leave this website, click on the button logout.

 Hardware
- Jumper
- LCD Display
- Arduino Uno
- Bar
- LDR sensor
- Breadboard
- Small LED Light
- Servo moto
- Push button

 Software
- Software Arduino C language
- Android Studio Java language

4.2 User Scope

- The user can access this application. The user also can use the
parking lot more easily if mobile apps is used to access data from
Arduino and push on notification that displays to detect number of
parking available in MBKT parking and also to notify to driver using
mobile apps. Administrator also can use this application for know the
parking is available or not and administrator can update anything at
the application.


1) This system makes it easy to find parking if another parking is full.
2) It also saves time because it was the parking space that have available.
3) It guarantees the safety of vehicles placed in various places if there is in
parking space.
4) To parking can be solved if the driver can be informed beforehand about
the availability of parking space around the desired destination.
5) MBKT Ezi Parking apps, it can help driver to easily find a parking near
6) Drivers doesn’t have to be difficult to wait for parking for long and
in directly it can save drivers time.


Case study 1 : Arduino parking lot using GSM shield

Figure 6.1 GSM


This GSM is only displayed in SMS. This GSM also needs to have a sim card and
credit. This is because nowadays only advanced technology is through the internet.

Case study 2 : Web system parking

Figure 6.2

Figure 6.3


The site is not interesting because the main page of the order is not neatly arranged.
The use of the information button on the right makes the page surface not beautiful.
The use of background colour does not interest the user.

1) Comparison between Website, GSM and Mobile apps.

-A website is a collection of -GSM shield it acts -A mobile
related web pages, as a mobile phone , application, most
including multimedia content, you can commonly referred
to as an app, is a
typically identified with a send/receive SMS
Meaning type of application
common domain name, and (Text messages) software designed
published on at least one web and make/receive to run on a mobile
server. calls, you can send device, such as a
the data through a smartphone or
-Websites can have many SMS to your tablet computer.
functions and can be used in mobile.
various fashions; a website -Mobile
can be a personal website, a -To use GPRS for applications
corporate website for a internet access, and frequently serve to
company, a government for the Arduino to provide users with
website, an organization request or serve similar services to
website, etc. Websites are webpages, you those accessed on
typically dedicated to a need to obtain the PCs.
particular topic or purpose, Access Point Name
ranging from entertainment (APN) and a
and social networking to username/password
providing news and from the network

Hardware - Laptop - GSM - Arduino

- Sim Card Uno
- Mobile - Mobile
phone phone

Software - Browser - Arduino - Arduino

- Installer - GPRS - Android
- Android Studio
Studio - Internet

Notification - Push on notification - Short - Real-time

Message notification

So, the result for the comparison between Mobile application and GSM shield is we can
conclude that mobile application is easy because you make request to it or not it goes off
and does the work


Figure 7.1 Iterative development

We choose Iterative model because this model is best thought of as a cyclical process.
After an initial planning phase, a small handful of stages are repeated over and over, with each
completion of the cycle incrementally improving and iterating on the hardware and software.
Enhancements can quickly be recognized and implemented throughout each iteration, allowing
the next iteration to be at least marginally better than the last.

Iterative model is repetition incarnate. Instead of starting with fully known

requirements, you implement a set of software requirements, then test, evaluate and pinpoint
further requirements. A new version of the software is produced with each phase, or iteration.
Rinse and repeat until the complete system is ready.

1) Initial planning :

In the initial planning phase the process of searching the title of this system is executed.
Additionally after the title has been selected the problem statement against the selected title
will be specified, furthermore after the problem statement completes the objective for the
project will be stated. The following goes on to search the scope of the selected project title
either in accordance with the project title or not.

2) Planning

As with most any development project, the first step is go through an

initial planning stage to map out the specification documents, establish software or
hardware requirements, and generally prepare for the upcoming stages of the cycle.

3) Requirements.

In this phase the needs there are two options to enable the system to be development
through questionnaire or through interviews. Through the questionnaire can find information
on parking and will make the questionnaire a few people who use the parking that is interested

in systems that are developed. In addition, the questionnaire will be distributed to people who
use the parking in Kuala Terengganu.

4) Analysis & design

System analysis and system design. In system analysis more emphasis is given
to understand the details of the system or proposed and then decide whether the system
proposed is appropriate or not and whether the existing system in need of improvement.
Therefore, system analysis is the process of system, identify problems and use the
information to recommend improvements to the system. In the phase, we conducted
interview Project coordinator on what they want from the project. We analyse user needs
as required in the use of parking.

5) Implementation

In the implementation phase is the process of developing coding using the

Android studio. Furthermore, after coding develops the system interface that has been
generated. The implementation phase has also been conducted to see how far the system
in the mobile application is developed.

6) Testing

The testing phase of the incremental model checks the behaviour of each
existing function in the system under development as well as the additional
functionality. Several testing methods are used under this phase to check the behaviour
of the each categorized function and system respond.

7) Evaluation

In the evaluation phase of this system will be made project assessment by the
user. In this phase, the developed projects will be evaluated at the objective level
whether or not they are achieved. In addition the assessment is also seen on the
developed system being or not

8) Deployment

In the placement phase if the customer or the user is satisfied with their system
will use this system if they feel very convenient for their business. In addition, this
system will also grow more widely when they use this application and will speed up the
process of looking for parking.

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9.1 Hardware Requirements

No. Name of item Quantity Price(RM)

1 Arduino Uno 1 25.00

2 Servo Moto 1 30.00
3 Jumper Cable 40 3.00
4 LCD Display 16x2 1 12.00
5 LDR Sensor 3 2.00
6 Breadboard 2 8.40
7 LED 9 7.00
8 Push button 2 1.00

TOTAL 88.40

9.2 Software Requirements

No. Name Of Software Price (RM)

1 Android Studio 0.00

2. Arduino Software 0.00
3. Operating system (Window 7) 0.00
TOTAL 0.00


For the conclusion, this project will change the perspective about parking.
This project is the way to help to solve the parking problem that is usually happens to
the drivers. The MBKT Ezi is one part of the technology of the Internet of Things.
The concept of the Internet of Things starts from a device that can be traced,
controlled, or monitored over the internet. With the MBKT Ezi Parking apps, it can
help driver to easily find a parking near them. Besides that it's good to be able to tell
from notification about parking status. So, the drivers doesn’t have to be difficult to
wait for parking for long and indirectly it can save drivers time.

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This project cans easy people establishing the driver to get parking with
faster. Where, the MBKT Ezi Parking which we placed the sensor on the road to
detect whether there is a vehicle on the parking lot or not. Through the MBKT Ezi
Parking apps, it will let the driver to know the status and the parking position that has
a possible. So that they do not need to wait with the long time in the car for wait to

The system that we propose provides real time information regarding

availability of parking slots in a parking area. Users from remote locations could book
a parking slot for them by the use of our mobile application. The efforts made in this
paper are indented to improve the parking facilities of a city and thereby aiming to
enhance the quality of life of its people.

From this project also, we learn a new things, that there are many thing that
we can do using arduino uno. From that small device come with many good thing that
can improve human productivity. This project also teach us about wiring that is
important for us for future use.
For the conclusion, this project will change the perspective about parking. This
project is the way to help to solve the parking problem that is usually happens to the
drivers. The MBKT Ezi is one part of the technology of the Internet of Things. The
concept of the Internet of Things starts from a device that can be traced, controlled, or
monitored over the internet. With the MBKT Ezi Parking apps, it can help driver to
easily find a parking near them. Besides that it's good to be able to tell from
notification about parking status. So, the drivers doesn’t have to be difficult to wait for
parking for long and indirectly it can save drivers time.

This project cans easy people establishing the driver to get parking with
faster. Where, the MBKT Ezi Parking which we placed the sensor on the road to
detect whether there is a vehicle on the parking lot or not. Through the MBKT Ezi
Parking apps, it will let the driver to know the status and the parking position that has
a possible. So that they do not need to wait with the long time in the car for wait to

The system that we propose provides real time information regarding

availability of parking slots in a parking area. Users from remote locations could book
a parking slot for them by the use of our mobile application. The efforts made in this
paper are indented to improve the parking facilities of a city and thereby aiming to
enhance the quality of life of its people.

From this project also, we learn a new things, that there are many thing that
we can do using arduino uno. From that small device come with many good thing that
can improve human productivity. This project also teach us about wiring that is
important for us for future use.

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i. Planning Information Center (PIC). (December 13, 2018 ). What is the

Problem with Parking? In a web site page. Retrieved from

ii. Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis. (September 18, 2018) Stack Parking? .
In a web site page. Retrieved from

iii. Margaret Rouse.(December 13 2018). What are mobile apps used for? In a
web site page. Retrieved from

iv. Ghahrai, Amir. (2018, December 2). Iterative Model. Retrieved from

v. Cytron Technologies. Retrieved from

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Task For Proposal

No Person In Charge Task Description
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Problem Statement
3.0 Objective
1 8.0 Gantt Chart
9.0 Budget / Cost Planning
10.0 Conclusion
11.0 References
3.0 Objectives
4.0 Scope
5.0 Project Significance
2 6.0 Literature Review
7.0 Methodology
9.0 Budget/Cost Planning
11.0 References

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