CMJ 49 4 Fransiskovic 18716995
CMJ 49 4 Fransiskovic 18716995
CMJ 49 4 Fransiskovic 18716995
University of Rijeka School of Aim To explore the use of health care and community-based services in
Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia war-affected regions of Croatia and its relation to mental health.
Department of Psychology,
Faculty of Philosophy, Methods A sample of 719 adults exposed to at least one war-related
University of Zagreb, Zagreb, traumatic event were selected by random-walk technique from three
Croatian counties and interviewed for socio-demographic data, men-
Barts and the London School
of Medicine, Queen Mary tal health status (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview), and
University of London, London, service use (Matrix for the Assessment of Community and Healthcare
United Kingdom Services) in the period from 1991 to 2006. Descriptive analysis of ser-
vice use was performed. Relations between service use, current mental
health, and recovery from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were
analyzed using logistic regression models.
Results The traumatized population used a wide range of health care
and community-based services. Health care was the most frequently
used service category, especially primary health care (92.5%), followed
by accommodation support (57.9%), financial support (57.7%), and
employment support (32.5%). Compared with participants without
mental disorders, participants with current PTSD were more likely
> Correspondence to: to use only legal support (odds ratio [OR], 2.15; 95% confidence in-
Zdravko Tovilović
terval [CI], 1.15-3.99), while participants with other mental disorders
Center for Psychotrauma
University of Rijeka School of Medicine
were more likely to use social support and contacts (OR, 1.72; 95%
15 Cambieri Street CI, 1.08-2.75). Receiving accommodation support (OR, 2.05; 95% CI,
51000 Rijeka, Croatia 1.03-4.06) was the only significant predictor of recovery from PTSD,
[email protected] while seeking legal support (OR, 0.28; 95% CI, 0.08-0.92) was related
to slower recovery.
Conclusion Although a wide range of services were organized to help
> Received: February 14, 2008 the traumatized population in Croatia, only the solution of housing
> Accepted: June 9, 2008 issue significantly predicted recovery. The organization of help services
should take into consideration the existing infrastructure and local
specificities, and respect the needs of people in war-affected areas. 483
Croat Med J 2008;49:483-490
It has been widely accepted that victims of war in order to help developing the forms of help
need organized help (1-4). However, the tim- that would satisfy the needs of traumatized
ing and the type of this help are also impor- population and to identify the services related
tant to best satisfy the complex and interrelat- to traumatic stress recovery. The aims of this
ed needs of the victims. study were to identify organized forms of help
Authors often disagree in their definitions in war-affected regions, determine the preva-
of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and lence of use of certain services, examine the as-
psychological trauma intervention. According sociation between service use and PTSD and
to some, PTSD is mostly present in a popula- other mental disorders, and analyze the associ-
tion that has survived a traumatic event (5,6) ations between PTSD recovery and use of cer-
and usually comorbid with other psychiatric tain services.
disorders, causing significant disabilities (7-
10). The widely accepted approach in PTSD Methods
treatment is that interventions should focus
on psychological trauma and that help should This study was a part of the international re-
be provided through systems of mental health search project Components, Organization,
care (1,2,11,12). However, the critics claim Costs, and Outcomes of Health Care and
that such an approach creates a “pseudo-condi- Community Based Interventions for People
tion,” which is as a product of Western culture with Posttraumatic Stress Following War and
“exported” to other cultures and communities. Conflict in the Balkans (CONNECT) (16),
According to them, it leads to medicalization co-financed within the 6th Framework Pro-
of psychological distress, points to psychologi- gram of the European Union.
cal interventions as the only solution, and dis-
regards the specificities, tradition, systems of
meaning, and current priorities of local popu- A random sample of inhabitants was selected
lation (4,5,13,14). from three randomly selected Croatian coun-
The 1991-1995 war in Croatia left a large ties directly exposed to war (Lika-Senj County,
number of traumatized people and caused se- Karlovac County, and Sisak-Moslavina Coun-
vere damage to social structures. National and ty). Households were selected by a random-
international institutions and non-govern- walk technique (14). Within each household,
mental organizations (NGO) created a range we selected a member aged between 18 and
of programs in an attempt to reduce the ef- 65 years whose birthday was the closest to the
fects of traumatization. Foreign and Croatian day of the interview. If the member was avail-
NGOs providing psychosocial help joined in able and agreed to participate, he or she had to
the National Program of Psychosocial Help meet the following inclusion criteria: born in
to War Victims (15). This included accom- the former Yugoslavia, experienced at least one
modation for refugees and displaced persons, war-related traumatic event, and aged at least
humanitarian aid, development of recon- 16 at the time of the last war-related traumat-
struction programs, programs for the return ic event. The traumatic experience was deter-
of displaced persons, and unemployment re- mined by a brief screening list. Mental retar-
duction programs (11,15). Previous research dation was the exclusion criterion. We made
has mostly covered psychiatric and psychoso- contact with 1241 potential participants, 328
cial forms of help (11,12), but not service use. (26.4%) of whom refused to participate and
However, research on service use is important 186 (15.0%) did not meet the criteria. This
Frančišković et al: Service Use and Mental Health of the War-traumatized in Croatia
left 727 participants. Eight more participants (18). It is divided into modules, each corre-
were excluded because we were not able to ob- sponding to a diagnostic category with DSM
tain information on their use of health care Axis-I disorders (18). Modules consist of very
and community-based services. The final sam- precise questions about psychological prob-
ple consisted of 719 participants. Participants lems or symptoms, and clinical assessment
were aged 45.9 ± 10.9 (mean ± standard de- consists of evaluation of the participants’ an-
viation) years and 54.1% were women. There swers in terms of clinically relevant dimen-
were 6.9% participants who had not com- sions (ie, time frame, frequency, severity).
pleted primary school, 20.2% completed only Clinical judgment of each symptom is then
primary school, 56.4% completed secondary registered in the form of yes (symptom was
school, while 16.5% completed a two-year or clinically relevant) or no (symptom was not
a four-year college. According to employment clinically relevant) answers. At the end of each
status, 38.5% participants were currently em- module there is a diagnostic frame, which doc-
ployed, 36.5% unemployed, 23.9% retired, uments if the diagnostic criteria were met for
while 1.1% still attended school. According to each disorder. Compared with more extensive
marital status, 70.3% participants were mar- and time-consuming clinical interviews (such
ried and 21.6% were cohabiting. There were as Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Dis-
32.2% participants who actively participated orders), MINI has similar metrical characteris-
in the war and 57.4% who became refugees or tics and satisfying levels of sensitivity and spec-
displaced persons during the war. ificity (17,19).
Use of health services and various forms of
Instruments and method
community-based help was assessed with the
After being familiarized in detail with the ob- Matrix for the Assessment of Community and
jectives, methods, and procedures of the study, Healthcare Services (MACSI) – a specific in-
the participants gave their written consent and strument developed within the CONNECT
underwent a face-to-face interview. The inter- project, designed for registering health care use
views were carried out by a psychologist well and a specific and non-specific forms of help in
trained in application of the instruments and the area of former Yugoslavia after war (house
procedures. The research was approved by the reconstruction, refugee camps, humanitarian
Ethics Committee of the University of Rijeka aid, support groups, etc.). The MACSI ques-
School of Medicine. tionnaire is designed as a table and lists 9 basic
Data on the participants’ age, sex, educa- help forms provided in war-affected areas from
tion, employment, marital status, and war ex- the beginning of the war until the day of the
perience (active participation in the war, refu- interview (going to the dentist, psychother-
gee or a displaced person status) were obtained apy, house reconstruction, child benefit, and
by using a short socio-demographic question- so on). It also registers the year when a service
naire. was used the first time, the number of times it
In order to obtain the information on the was used, the duration of use, and the data on
mental health status of the participants, the financial aid.
Mini International Neuropsychiatric Inter- We analyzed 8 basic categories of help as
view was used (MINI) (17). MINI is a short, follows: primary health care, mental health
structured, diagnostic interview based on Di- care, specialist physical health care, accommo-
agnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis- dation support, employment and training sup-
orders (DSM) IV mental illness classification port, spare time and social support, financial
Croat Med J 2008;49:483-490
or material support, and legal support joined variables and age served as a control variable.
with information and advocacy into a single Statistical analyses were performed using the
category. If the participant used at least one Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, ver-
service from a particular group, the category sion 11.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The
was marked as used. significance level was set P<0.05.
Statistical analysis
The results are presented as frequencies and
Use of services
means ± standard deviations. Descriptive sta-
tistical analysis was conducted and the review The participants used a relatively wide range
of all registered services was presented. Due to of services and various forms of help – from
a large number of missing data (eg, the num- health care, accommodation, and employment
ber of visits to the physician, duration of treat- support to social, financial, and legal support
ment), certain service use was analyzed in (web-extra material).
terms of dichotomous outcomes (“used” or The frequency of use varied according to
“did not use” a particular service). The vari- the type of service (Table 1). Primary health
ables of service use categories were also dichot- care and specialist physical health care were
omized. If the respondent used at least one the most frequently used forms of help. Men-
intervention from a particular group, the cat- tal health care was used by a smaller number
egory was marked as used (e.g., if the respon- of participants, mostly in the outpatient form.
dent visited the cardiologist, the “specialist Almost half of the participants who used men-
physical health care” category was marked). tal health care services were taking psychiat-
Multinomial logistic regression analysis was ric medications, which were not prescribed by
used for examining the associations between psychiatrists (Table 1). More than half of the
mental health status (current PTSD, other participants received some form of accommo-
mental disorders, or without disorders) and
the frequency of using each service catego- Table 1. The frequency of services used by traumatized popula-
ry. Mental status was a criterion variable and tion in Croatian war-afflicted regions since the beginning of the
war (n = 719)
“without disorder” was a reference category. Service category Use frequency (No, %)
Service categories served as predictors, with Primary health care 665 (92.5)
(family physician, nurse, dentist)
age as the control variable. Further on, logis- Mental health care: 225 (31.3)
tic regression analysis for dichotomous out- outpatient treatment 117 (16.3)
pharmacotherapy that was not prescribed by 108 (15)
comes examined the correlations between the psychiatrists*
inpatient treatment 43 (6)
variable “PTSD recovery” and the use of ser- Specialist physical health care: 506 (70.4)
vice categories. If a respondent had had PTSD outpatient 451 (62.7)
inpatient 210 (29.2)
in the past, but at the time of the study did Support in accommodation: 417 (57.9)
temporary accommodation 190 (26.4)
not show any relevant symptoms, the variable permanent accommodation 296 (41.2)
was marked as “recovered;” if a respondent Support in employment and training: 234 (32.5)
support in regular employment 171 (23.8)
suffered from PTSD at the time of the study, special employment programs 1 (<1)
Programs for training and improvement 82 (11.4)
the variable was marked as “current PTSD.” Spare time and social support: 113 (15.7)
The analysis was performed on a sub-sample of groups for mutual support 32 (4.4)
spare time, social support and contacts 87 (12)
participants who developed clinically relevant Financial or material support 415 (57.7)
symptoms of PTSD after experiencing war Legal support, information and advocacy 78 (10.8)
*Participants who reported not visiting a psychiatrist but who were or had been taking
trauma. Service categories served as predictor medications for mental illness.
Frančišković et al: Service Use and Mental Health of the War-traumatized in Croatia
dation, financial, and material support, while tinomial logistic regression analysis, with age
other forms of help were used in a much small- as a control variable. The overall strength of
er extent (Table 1). the model measured by the Nagelkerke R2 was
0.051. Participants with other mental disor-
Associations between mental health and service
ders were more likely to use services in the ar-
eas of spare time and social support than par-
According to the MINI results, 404 (56.2%) ticipants with no mental disorder. At the same
participants did not have any clinically rel- time, participants with current PTSD were
evant symptoms of mental disorders, 139 more likely to use legal support and informa-
(19.3%) met diagnostic criteria for one disor- tion and advocacy (Table 2).
der, while 176 (24.5%) had two or more co- Logistic regression analysis for dichoto-
morbid disorders. mous outcomes, with age as a control variable,
The prevalence of current PTSD was 18%. examined the correlations between PTSD re-
PTSD was mostly comorbid with depressive covery and categories of service use. The anal-
disorder (62.8%), panic disorder (26%), and ysis was conducted on a sub-sample of par-
social phobia (14.5%), while 25.8% of partic- ticipants who developed clinically relevant
ipants showed symptoms of other mental dis- symptoms of PTSD after experiencing war
orders. trauma (n = 197). The proportion of varia-
We estimated the relation between the fre- tion explained by the model was not very high
quency of service use and three types of mental (Nagelkerke R2 = 0.090). The likelihood of re-
health status – “current PTSD,” “other mental covery from PTSD was significantly related
disorder,” and “no mental disorder” – by mul- only with support in accommodation, while
Table 2. Service categories used by traumatized population from war-affected regions of Croatia since the beginning of the war accord-
ing to three groups of mental status (n = 719)
Disorder (No, %)
PTSD Non-PTSD none
Service category (n = 129) (n = 186) (n = 404) OR (95% CI)* OR (95% CI)†
Primary health care 120 (93.0) 175 (94.1) 370 (91.6) 1.07 (0.47-2.46) 1.69 (0.79-3.60)
Mental health care 50 (38.8) 52 (28.0) 123 (30.4) 1.40 (0.91-2.17) 0.84 (0.56-1.25)
Specialist physical health care 93 (72.1) 131 (70.4) 282 (69.8) 1.05 (0.65-1.69) 0.93 (0.62-1.40)
Support in accommodation 66 (51.2) 116 (62.4) 235 (58.2) 0.73 (0.47-1.11) 1.25 (0.86-1.84)
Support in employment and training 45 (34.9) 60 (32.3) 129 (31.9) 0.73 (0.45-1.21) 0.80 (0.52-1.21)
Spare time and social support 24 (18.6) 37 (19.9) 52 (12.9) 1.70 (0.99-2.92) 1.72 (1.08-2.75)
Financial or material support 76 (58.9) 104 (55.9) 235 (58.2) 0.98 (0.63-1.51) 0.84 (0.58-1.22)
Legal support, information and advocacy 19 (14.7) 24 (12.9) 35 (8.7) 2.15 (1.15-3.99) 1.64 (0.93-2.88)
*Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) between “posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)” and “without disorder” group for use of each service category, with age as a control
†OR and 95% CI between “other disorder” and “without disorder” group for use of each service category, with age as a control variable.
Table 3. Service categories used by participants (No, %) with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and those who recovered from
PTSD in war-afflicted regions of Croatia since the beginning of the war (n = 197)
Recovered from PTSD Current PTSD
Intervention (n = 68) (n = 129) OR (95% CI)*
Primary health care 62 (91.2) 120 (93.0) 0.85 (0.27-2.69)
Mental health care 21 (30.9) 50 (38.8) 0.67 (0.34-1.30)
Specialist physical health care 51 (75.0) 93 (72.1) 1.32 (0.64-2.71)
Support in accommodation 44 (64.7) 66 (51.2) 2.05 (1.03-4.06)
Support in employment and training 23 (33.8) 45 (34.9) 1.03 (0.53-2.01)
Spare time and social support 10 (14.7) 24 (18.6) 0.84 (0.36-1.97)
Financial or material support 38 (55.9) 76 (58.9) 0.73 (0.38-1.42)
Legal support, information, and advocacy 4 (5.9) 19 (14.7) 0.28 (0.08-0.92)
*Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) for use of each service category between the group of participants with current PTSD and the group who recovered from PTSD,
with age as a control variable.
Croat Med J 2008;49:483-490
using legal support and information and advo- tal health problems is not related only to war-
cacy correlated with a reduced probability of time conditions but rather reflects more of a
PTSD recovery (Table 3). general approach in the mental health care sys-
tem. Pharmacotherapy is often preferred since
Discussion it requires less time and presents an easier solu-
tion in the overburdened primary health care
Our study showed that, even though the stud- system. Also, it is one of the most frequently
ied population used a wide range of organized used means of self-help. Although many stud-
services during and after the war, these services ies show a relatively high prevalence of psychi-
were insufficiently focused on the part of the atric disorders in the general population (20)
population that developed mental disorders. in primary health care (21,22), and especially
Only the solution of housing problems signifi- after great disasters (6,22), 43.8% of trauma-
cantly contributed to PTSD recovery, suggest- tized population with clinically relevant symp-
ing that improvement in the living conditions toms of mental disorders 15 years after the war
could greatly facilitate the recovery from trau- implies that organized systems of help to war
matization. victims have not been recognized enough or
Health care system was the most frequent- have not fulfilled their objectives.
ly used service. More than 92% of the partici- There were not many variations in service
pants used health care services, mostly primary use considering the current mental health sta-
and specialist physical health care. This could tus. Such uniformity might be a result of inap-
be explained by the fact that health system propriate adjustment of services to the needs
was relatively well organized during the war of the most traumatized segment of the popu-
in comparison with other public services. It lation. This is most obvious in the field of men-
served as a place where the majority of popula- tal health care, which was almost equally used
tion sought help, and therefore, it handled the by persons with mental disorders and per-
greatest pressure. sons without mental disorders. However, peo-
Mental health care services were used by a ple often sought help through various infor-
much smaller number of traumatized persons, mal approaches that do not belong to medical
mostly in the outpatient form. Psychopharma- field, such as their social microenvironment,
cological treatment was a predominant form acquaintances, and people with similar inter-
of help. There was a considerable number of ests (eg, women’s associations, associations of
participants who reported taking psychiatric displaced persons, sports clubs, and religious
medications although they had never visited associations, mostly NGOs within and outside
a psychiatrist. These medications were prob- of National Program of Psychosocial Help to
ably prescribed by general practitioners, who War Victims) (15). In our study, people who
diagnosed mental health problems but decid- did not have PTSD but showed symptoms
ed that referring such patients to a psychiatrist of other mental disorders were more likely to
would be for some reason impossible. This is- use social support and various organized spare
sue deserves to be investigated more closely. time activities than people without mental
These data also warn of “pharmacologization” disorders. In order to provide this type of sup-
of the treatment of war victims with mental port in the communities where the trauma-
health problems, as already pointed out by the tized persons live, the systems of community-
critics of such an approach (4,14). The ten- based psychosocial help were organized on the
dency of using medications in treating men- basis of “pyramidal model” (1,2,15,23). The
Frančišković et al: Service Use and Mental Health of the War-traumatized in Croatia
services were mostly based on various forms Therefore, the service use had to be analyzed
of psychotherapy, counseling, and psychoedu- in terms of dichotomous outcomes because of
cation (12). Psychological help to war victims a large number of missing data. Such presenta-
is essential, but our results indicate that peo- tion of outcomes did not allow for a more pre-
ple also need other forms of support, especially cise statistical analysis and a more detailed in-
through organized spare time or sports activi- terpretation of the results. Nevertheless, we
ties. demonstrated the relation between the use of
The stigmatization and prejudice toward services and the recovery from the war trau-
people with mental disorder are widely spread ma and our results can serve as a guideline for
(24) and people who visit a psychiatrist or psy- further research, which should combine a pro-
chologist are often exposed to discrimination, spective and retrospective approach and study
not only by their environment, but also by in- each service category in greater detail.
stitutions of the official health system (25,26). We can conclude that, although a range of
This is probably another reason to seek help services was available to the affected popula-
outside the medical system. tion, these services did not always entirely rec-
We found that participants who used le- ognize the specific needs of this population.
gal help were less likely to recover from PTSD. Primary health care network, which was un-
Persons with PTSD usually use legal servic- der the greatest pressure, was poorly adjusted
es to regulate their rights and seek compensa- to war circumstances (30). A number of ser-
tions (27,28). However, the complexity of the vices aimed primarily at prevention of trau-
legal procedure and frequent changes in law matization effects were insufficiently utilized.
regulations often cause continuous difficulties Basic interventions, such as support in accom-
in realization of their rights, which can result modation, were the most important forms of
in prolongation of symptoms and impede re- help to the traumatized population. The orga-
covery. nization of help services should take into con-
We found that accommodation support sideration the existing infrastructure and local
was the only significant predictor of PTSD re- specificities, and respect the needs of people in
covery. This result confirms previous findings, war-affected areas.
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