01-06-12 Comparison US EU Biosimilars Regimes
01-06-12 Comparison US EU Biosimilars Regimes
01-06-12 Comparison US EU Biosimilars Regimes
In the small molecule (Hatch-Waxman) context, As discussed below, this is not the requirement in
the substitutable small molecule must have the Europe. The European Medicines Agency (“EMA”)
“same active moiety” as well as identical ingredient regulations do not require the applicant to obtain
(chemical structure of active property), strength, and comprehensive data on patient benefit. The EMA
route of administration as the pioneer product. In requires the follow-on applicant demonstrate “similar
contrast, in the biological context, molecules may not efficacy and safety compared to the reference
be identical even from batch to batch within a single product.”
manufacturing facility. Given that follow-on biologics
will be made in different facilities and via a different Clearly the follow-on applicant will have to conduct
process (because of patent or trade secret protection) testing and a clinical trial of some sort, but for the
than the pioneer product, the difference between biosimilar pathway to have any practical meaning
putatively similar biologics could be structurally quite such trials must, as they are in Europe, be significantly
significant. Therefore the biosimilars regulations shorter and less comprehensive than the original
must, by biochemical necessity, provide more flexible applicant’s.
definitions. The BPCI provides that a biosimilar can
have significant differences from the pioneer product In a recent article in the New England Journal of
but still be “highly similar” so long as any differences Medicine, doctors from FDA’s Center for Drug
in purity, potency and safety are not “clinically Evaluation and Research (CDER) voiced some optimism
meaningful”.5 The question then becomes, how will on the FDA’s ability to use assay data to assess
FDA determine if a difference between a pioneer sufficient similarity.
and follow-on biologic is sufficiently “clinically
“[P]rogress in the characterization and
meaningful” so as to require FDA rejection of the
understanding of biologics now permits
follow-on? FDA began holding hearings on these
demonstration that some products are highly
issues in November, 2010.
similar to a reference product. [P]hysicochemical
Since then the FDA has obtained commentary from and functional assays have been used to
industry and interested parties on the range of characterize changes in manufacturing processes
structural differences that would be acceptable within for some biologics, and then animal or clinical
the “highly similar” standard (or, put another way, studies are used to resolve any remaining
would be an unacceptable “clinically meaningful” uncertainties about the comparability of the
difference) in the BPCI, but has not yet promulgated a products created before and after such changes
specific rule as of the date of this writing. and to provide sufficient confidence that safety
and efficacy are not diminished. . . There may
Some parties have set forth standards that make be strategies that allow a “fingerprint”-like
interchangeability practically impossible. For example, identification of very similar patterns in two
the American Medical Association and others argued different products. Such strategies were used
for the need for clinical testing before approval, as in supporting the approval of a generic low-
well as clear labeling and no automatic substitution molecular-weight heparin product, enoxaparin —
right for pharmacists, essentially asking the FDA to which, though it differs from proteins in important
set a regulatory bar so high that “interchangeability” ways, is structurally complex. Although additional
becomes an impossible threshold to meet. animal and clinical studies will generally be
5) 42 U.S.C. 262(i)(1)
needed for protein biosimilars for the foreseeable
12) http://www.marketwatch.com/story/forecasted-sales-of-biosimilar-
13) http://knol.google.com/k/krishan-maggon/top-ten-monoclonal-antibod-