Miss Hedricks Classroom Management Plan 2

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Classroom Management Plan 1

Miss Hedrick’s
Management Plan
EDF 310-06
Classroom Management Plan 2

Table of Contents….
Personal Statement/Philosophy……………………………………………..3

Classroom Rules and Narrative……………………………………………..4

Classroom Procedures………………………………………………………..6

Materials/Prep for First Day of School…………………………………..9

Community Building Activities…………………………………………….21



Classroom Management Plan 3

Personal Statement/Philosophy
My personal philosophy is a mix of a few different philosophies that
we learned about this semester. However, I believe that I lean toward
Canter’s Assertive Discipline model the most. The main idea of Assertive
Discipline is that teachers have expectations at how their students
should act in the classroom and that there are explicit rules and
consequences to these rules set in place in the classroom. Consistency is
key when it comes to any and all classroom management plans. Students
have to be made aware of the rules and expectations and the
consequences that accompany these rules.

I believe that this model is the best fit for my classroom

management plan because I like the idea of having expectations that the
students have to follow or else there will be consequences. I think that
this is one of the most used management styles because most teachers do
want their students to behave in a certain manner and want to have a
consequence when students don’t meet those expectations.

I have seen multiple classrooms that have used this model of

classroom management and each one was a success and the class was
always under the teacher’s control. In each of these classrooms that
used Canter’s Assertive Discipline, the rules were clearly stated and
hanging up on the wall. Students would receive a warning before a
consequence would be given/taken. If students were obeying the rules,
then praise or a different reward was given to the students. Students
always knew what was expected of them in the classrooms and that if
they didn’t follow the rules, a consequence would be the result.
Classroom Management Plan 4

Classroom Rules
My classroom rules will be created by me but will become a
classroom contract that will be signed on the first day of school by each
of the students in my class. I will already have the rules written on a large
piece of paper and have it hanging up in the classroom where everyone
will be able to see it. I will then go over the classroom rules explicitly on
the first day of school. Once I go over the rules in class, I will then have
the students sign the bottom of the poster that will be hanging up on the
wall saying that they agree to my classroom rules.

I will also be sending home a letter to the students’ parents that

will also contain a list of all the rules, so that they are aware of the rules
of my classroom as well. Also, by sending home a copy of my rules, parents
will be able to review the rules with each of their children. I will also give
a copy of my classroom rules to the administrators that are in my building
because I feel that it is important for them to be knowledgeable of my
classroom expectations as well. This way, the administrators, such as my
principal, so that they can provide me with feedback regarding my rules.

Because I want to teach lower elementary, I want to make the rules

simple and clear and easy to understand. I like these rules and I feel that
younger elementary students will be able to abide by them and follow
them every day. If I was teaching upper elementary, I would have the
students help me to create the classroom rules. I think that for upper
elementary, creating a classroom set of rules together will strengthen the
classroom community. However, this is too complex for k-2 grades, which
is the grades that I would prefer to teach.

During morning meeting time, I will go over the classroom rules with
my students. I will use a pointer to point to each of the rules and then
have the students to repeat after each rule that I say.

Here is a picture of the kind of poster of rules that I will have in my

future classroom.
Classroom Management Plan 5

Classroom Management Plan 6

Classroom Procedures
 Daily Schedule. Every morning the daily agenda will be written or
posted up on the board so that the students will know what we will
be doing during that school day. During our morning meeting, we
will be going over our daily agenda. They will be able to see the
pictures and know what is on the agenda next if they can’t quite
read yet.

Classroom Management Plan 7

 Turn In Work. I will have a turn in box for when the students
complete any work at school. I will have a separate turn in box for
homework done at home. The students will be told that when they
are finished with something, they should turn it into the box.

 Raise Your Hand. When students need my help, they will do one of
two things: either come up to my desk or raise their hand. If I am
walking around, helping students, then students should raise their
hands so that I can come and help them on their work. If I am
sitting down at my desk, grading or something, then they should
come up to my desk and I will help them with their work.
Classroom Management Plan 8

 Getting the Students’ Attention. Over the course of the year, I will
use many different strategies to get the attention of the students.
One of these strategies will be using a clapping pattern and having
the students echo the clap pattern back at me. Another strategy
that I will use to get their attention will be to say, “Macaroni and
Cheese” and the students will respond with “Everybody Freeze”.
One other strategy that I will use is counting down from 5. One
other way to get the student’s attention is 1,2, Eyes on Me. The
teacher will say, “1,2, Eyes on Me” and the students will reply, “1,2,
Eyes on You” and all eyes will be on the teacher as they say this. I
will utilize different strategies and see which work best with my
 Transition Time. When it is transition time, I will allow 5 minutes for
the students to put up the materials that they no longer need and
to grab the materials that they will need for the next activity. I will
allow talking during this time if, after the 5 minutes are up, the
students are sitting in their assigned seats, waiting for further
Classroom Management Plan 9

Materials/Prep for First Day of School

 Classroom Arrangement
o Students will be seated in tables of 4 to 6.
o A rug will be set up for morning meetings and whole group

o A large classroom library will be set up on the back wall of the

room with bean bags and pillows.
o The teacher’s desk will be off to the side of the room.
 Seating Chart
o Students will have an assigned seat.
o They will always sit in their assigned seats.
o Students’ names will be taped to their desk to help them find
their assigned seats on the first day of school.
o Every month, the teacher will re-arrange the students’
assigned seats.
o Preferential seating will be given to those students who need
Classroom Management Plan 10

o Seating charts will help me to take attendance in the
 Lesson Plans
o Lesson plans will be done a week in advance.
o Changes will be made when needed and done on the fly when
o Lesson plans will be done on the computer and printed off
and filed away in a filing cabinet in the classroom.
o Copies of weekly plans will be made available to administrators
as necessary.
o Lesson plans will always be kept to look back on for the next
year of teaching. They will be kept both in hard copy and
electronic copy.
 Procedures for Routines/Items
o Morning routine
Classroom Management Plan 11

 Students will come in from the bus and hang up their

coats and backpacks on their hook out in the hallway.
Students will bring their homework folders in and turn
them into the homework box.
 The teacher will be greeting students at the door with a
high-five, hug, or fist bump.
 We will meet on the rug for our morning meeting.
 We will do lunch count/attendance.
 We will listen to the announcements and then we will
stand up and say the Pledge of Alliance.
 The students will head back to their assigned seats and
start working on their morning work, usually will be ELA
worksheets and sometimes may be math worksheets.
 The teacher will go through the students’ homework
folders as the students work on their morning work.
 Teacher will award DoJo points to the students who
are on task and doing their morning work.
 Teacher will call students back to the morning meeting
rug after 25 minutes to go over the daily agenda.
Classroom Management Plan 12


o Lining Up
 Students will each have a number and when lining up,
the students will always line up in number order.
 Students will put a finger to their mouth, so that they
aren’t talking and the teacher won’t open the classroom
door until everyone is silent.
 When getting in line, students will use the 4Ss. Silent,
Straight, Still, Smiling.
Classroom Management Plan 13

o Walking in the hallway
 All students will be at a level 0 (no talking whatsoever)
when walking in the hallways.
 Students will walk in a single file line, with no talking and
walking feet.

Classroom Management Plan 14

o Need Bathroom
 Students will QUIETLY raise 1 finger to signal to the
teacher that they need to go use the restroom.
 Once teacher acknowledges the student, they may
QUIETLY go and grab the correct pass and go to use
the bathroom.
o Need Drink
 Students will QUIETLY raise 2 fingers to signal to the
teacher that they need a drink.
 Once the teacher acknowledges the student, the
student will grab the hall pass and then may proceed to
go and get a drink.
o Need Tissue
 Students will QUIETLY raise 3 fingers to signal to the
teacher that they need a tissue.
 Once the teacher acknowledges the student, the
student will be able to go and grab a tissue or the
teacher will bring them one to their seat.
o Need Pencil
 Students will QUIETLY raise 4 fingers to signal to the
teacher that they need a pencil or need to sharpen a
 The teacher will either give them a different pencil or
take the pencil and go and sharpen it for the student.
Classroom Management Plan 15


o Endof Day Routine

 Have students clean their tables.
 Students will wipe down their table with a Clorox wipe.
 Teacher will call each student to come and get their
homework folders (after the teacher writes the number
the student was on for the day from the clip chart).
 The teacher will call table by table to let the students
go and grab their backpacks and coats.
 Students will line up in number order.
 The teacher will walk the bus riders to their bus and
give a fist bump, high-five, or a hug before they get on
the bus. Then the car riders will be walked to the office
and will also get a high-five, hug or fist bump.
 Brain Breaks/ Relaxation Breaks
o Brain breaks will be done periodically during the day,
whenever the teacher thinks that they are needed.
o The teacher will use GoNoodle in the classroom and YouTube
videos, such as relaxation videos or “Just Dance” videos.
Classroom Management Plan 16

o Brain breaks will help to re-focus the students on the task at

hand. Here is an example of easy brain breaks to utilize in the
o All students will be expected to participate during Brain
o The teacher will play a relaxation video after the students
return from recess, in order to calm the students down.

o The teacher will play GoNoodle when she notices the
students are getting restless and need rejuvenating.
Classroom Management Plan 17

 Birthday Celebrations
o All birthdays will be celebrated in the classroom. If a child’s
birthday falls on the weekend, we will celebrate the birthday
on the Friday before or the Monday after. If the student’s
birthday falls in the summer, we will celebrate the child’s
birthday before school ends for the summer.
o All students will sing “Happy Birthday” to the birthday
student in order to celebrate.
o All students will receive a small special gift from me on their
special day.
o All students will be encouraged to bring a birthday treat in on
the day of their birthday to celebrate with the whole class.
o The birthday student will be able to pick one helper to help
them pass out their treat.
o The birthday student will get to take the first bite of their
treat and then everyone else will be able to eat their treat.
 Substitute Teachers
o I will have a binder that is labeled “Substitute Teachers” that
is located on the shelf beside the teacher’s desk. This binder
will contain emergency lesson plans for guest teachers with
explicit instructions and a daily schedule.
Classroom Management Plan 18

o Lots of worksheets will also be in this binder for the sub

teacher to hand out to the students while I am out of the
o I will have my contact information written out in case any
problems or questions arise while I am absent.
o I will also list the other teachers that are in my grade team, so
that the guest teacher can contact them for any
clarifications that may be needed while I am gone.
o Rules will be followed and expectations are the same in the
classroom just like they would be if I was there.
o I will have a blank sheet in the sub binder for notes about
good behavior and bad. I expect all sub teachers to leave me
detailed notes on how the day went and what problems

 Conferences
o 2 weeks before parent-teacher conferences, I will send out a
letter and an email to all parents to inform them of the days
and times that conferences are being held. I will also include a
sign-up sheet in the letter and email so that the parents can
sign up for a time and day that works for them. I will be willing
Classroom Management Plan 19

to hold conferences outside of the traditional times to

accommodate the parents’ schedule.
o I will file all the students’ work into a filing cabinet under
three different categories: math, ELA, and science/social
studies. After I grade/look over all the in-class work and
homework, I will file them away and bring them out during
parent-teacher conferences.
 Special Activities and Field Trips
o All the same rules and procedures will still apply during special
activities and field trips.
o Students will be representing our school when out in public
and all rules (mine and the school’s) will be enforced.
o Directions will be followed strictly or the students will be
forced to sit out and miss the field trip/activity.
o Small groups with a designated chaperone will be utilized
during field trips and special activities.
o Students who misbehave will be warned 1 time and then will
be placed with the teacher’s group. Sitting out will be the
result of multiple warnings for the student.
 Guest Speakers
o Students will be on their best behaviors when the class has a
guest teacher.
o All rules and expectations will apply (maybe even more so)
when we have a guest in the classroom.
o The utmost respect will be given the whole time the guest is
in the classroom.
o Participation will be mandatory when a guest speaker asks for
o Talking while the guest is talking will NOT be tolerated.
o Everyone will thank the guest for their time at the end of the
 Communication with Parents
o Prior to the beginning of the school year, I will send out a get-
to-know-me letter to the student and the student’s parents.
Classroom Management Plan 20

This way, even before the school year begins, both the child
and their parents will feel like they know me when I meet
them for the first time.
o I will send home weekly newsletters to keep the parents
informed of the goings-on of the classroom.
o I will email and call home when needed. Not only about bad
things but about good things as well.
o I will have parents fill out a questionnaire about their student
so that I have a better knowledge base regarding their child.
o Daily folders and Friday folders will be sent home and will also
be a way to stay in contact with me regarding their child and
any comments or concerns that they may have.
o I will keep a daily communication log and keep track of all
forms of communication that I have between the parents of
each student.
Classroom Management Plan 21

Community Building
I want my future classroom to have a positive learning environment
and one way to do this is start building a classroom community the very
first day of school. By building community in my classroom, my students
will be able to get to know each other and develop meaningful
relationships with their peers and with me, their teacher. Also by building
a sense of community in the classroom, the students will be able to
realize that my classroom is a safe environment where they can just be
themselves. When there is a strong sense of community in the classroom,
learning thrives and therefore the students thrive in their academics and
their social relationships with their peers and with me. The following are
some different ways of promoting a strong sense of community in the

 Greeting at the door. Greeting every student as they walk through

the door is a great way to build a great learning community in the
classroom. I will either high five, fist bump, or hug each student as
they enter the classroom. I will say “Good morning, (student’s
name)” and in order for them to enter the classroom, the student
must reply, “Good morning, Miss Hedrick”. This allows me, the
teacher, to connect on a personal level to each student and shows
the students that I care about them and value each individual
student in my classroom.
 Morning meetings on the carpet are also a good tool to utilize in
building a classroom community. This is where all the happenings of
the morning will occur, such as calendar time, lunch count, the
Pledge of Alliance and the reviewing of the daily routine/agenda.
We will also go over the classroom rules during our morning
meetings as well.
Classroom Management Plan 22

 Student of the week. Every week there will be a different student
of the week. They will be the line leader for the week and will get
to be my helper throughout the week. They will get to do a Show
and Tell on the Monday of their week. They will have a special seat
in the classroom and get to wear a special necklace that says, “Miss
Hedrick’s Student of the Week”.
 Show and Tell. Each week, on Monday, the student of the week will
be able to bring in item(s) that represent themselves to share with
the class. This will encourage community building and helps the
students get to know one another throughout the year.
 Birthdays. Birthdays will be habitually celebrated in my classroom.
Every month we will celebrate the birthdays of the students. We
will celebrate birthdays that fall on the weekends the Friday before
or the Monday after, and celebrate birthdays that fall in the
summer at the end of the school year. Each child will be able to
bring in treats from home to share with the class to celebrate their
special day. They will also receive a small birthday gift from me on
their special day.
 Classroom jobs. By letting each student have a classroom job, they
will not only learn responsibility but it will also help to build a
positive learning community. These jobs are ways to help keep the
classroom looking nice and will help the classroom run more
Classroom Management Plan 23

smoothly. Jobs will change monthly and will be rotated through the
students. Some of the jobs that will be included are: Line Leader,
Door holder, Paper Passer, Board Eraser, Table Cleaner and Trash
Collector. (this is not an exhaustive list of classroom jobs).

 Name Games. On the first day of school, I plan on playing the name
game with my new students. I will have everyone stand in a circle in
the room and we will go around and everyone will say their names. I
will also ask that each child does a dance move while saying their
name. This will be a fun way to learn the names of their peers and
the students will be able to build a good rapport with their peers.
As the teacher, this will help me to learn the students’ names and
encourage a positive learning community to begin to bloom.
 Displaying student work is another method of building a classroom
community. I will have a bulletin board set up where I can display
Classroom Management Plan 24

student work. This will show all the hard work that the students
are doing in my class and showcase what they have been learning.
Students will be able to praise one another, building their peer
relationships, and building strong community ties within my

 Brain Breaks. I will be using GoNoodle in my classroom as a way to
get my students to participate in the classroom. Other YouTube
videos will be used to provide my students with small, fun breaks
that allow them to be silly. This will help to build a positive
community because it will show that we all can have fun and be silly
together and not be judged or laughed at.
 Classroom DoJo. I will be using Class DoJo points in my classroom.
I will be monitoring the students and will award points for good
behavior and take points away for misbehaving. I will be able to
award whole class points along with individual points and this will
Classroom Management Plan 25

encourage the class to work together to follow the rules and be

able to receive those DoJo points.
 Farewell at the bus. At the end of the day, we will walk, as a class,
by each bus and before the students get on the bus, I will say, “Bye
______. See you tomorrow!” and give each student a high five, a fist
bump or a hug. This will help to strengthen my classroom community
as it lets the students know that I am there for them and I support
Classroom Management Plan 26

 Clip Chart. I will be using a clip chart in my classroom along with
DoJo to monitor the students’ behavior on a daily basis. I will
have each students’ name on a clothespin and each morning they
will all start out on the green “ready to learn” chart. As good
behavior is shown, students will be clipped up and as bad
behavior is shown, students will be clipped down. Here is an
example of a clip chart that I might have in my classroom.


 Seating Arrangements. I want the students’ desks to be arranged

in groups of 4-6. I think this will not only help to build my
classroom community but also this will help the students to learn
how to work with others at their table. I like when desks are put
together into groups of 4-6 because it makes the room look
better and more organized, in my opinion. I want to be able to
easily walk about the classroom without having to dodge desks
and chairs and by having desks set up into tables of 4-6 desks, I
Classroom Management Plan 27

will have an easier time navigating my own classroom. Here is an

example of how I want my desks arranged in my classroom.


 Daily Take Home Folders. Each night, the students will take
home their daily take home folders. These folders will contain
their homework and their daily behavior charts. I will write their
number that they were on each day on their chart each day.
These folders will come back with the student each day and will
be sent home every night. Here is an example of a daily take
home folder that I will be using in my classroom.
Classroom Management Plan 28


 Friday Folders. Every Friday, I will send home a Friday folder,

containing tests and work that the students did throughout the
week plus my weekly newsletter. There will be a sheet for parents
to sign that acknowledges that they went through the Friday
folder and will also have a spot for comments and concerns,
which will be returned to me on Mondays. Parents are to keep
the contents of the folder except for the signature page and
return the signature page and the folder with the students on
 Classroom Library. I want to have a big classroom library of
books so that my students will understand the importance of
reading and will realize my love for books. I have already started
collecting books that I find at garage sales and thrift stores. I
also want to have comfy places for my students to read. I will
have bean bag chairs, and pillows on the floor, where students
can go to read comfortably. Here is an example of what I want
my classroom library to look like.
Classroom Management Plan 29


 Hall Passes. Anytime a student needs to go to the bathroom, or get

a drink of water or go to the office, they will take a hall pass. I will
have nice hall passes made so that when a student needs to leave
the classroom, they will be able to take the correct pass and go
wherever they need to go. Here’s an example of passes that I will
have in my classroom.

Classroom Management Plan 30

I realize that not everyone will agree that my classroom management
plan is a success. After a few weeks of using my classroom
management plan, I plan on going back over it and reflecting on it to
see what I need to change for it to work better in my classroom. I will
determine what is working great and leave those parts of the plan
alone and I will tweak and modify the other parts that are not working
as well based on the needs of the students. I value feedback so I want
to have a way for students, parents and administrators to voice their
opinions about my management style and any suggestions that they
might have.
For students, I will know that my rules and clip chart are working if
they are following the rules and responding to the rewards and
punishments that I have in my classroom. Also, I want to set up a small
box that will set on my desk, which will be labeled as “Suggestions,
Comments, Concerns”. I will provide scrap pieces of paper and pencils
for the students to be able to write down their feelings regarding my
classroom management plan. I will then take into consideration their
suggestions when trying to re-evaluate my classroom management plan.
For parents, I will be sending home a weekly newsletter that always
has my contact information at the bottom so that they can voice their
concerns regarding my classroom to me personally. I will have my
school email, my personal email, my home phone number and my school
phone number listed on the weekly newsletter, so that parents will
have a multitude of ways to reach me and voice their opinions.
For administrators, I will reach out in the first few weeks of school
and ask to be observed. I would like to get constructive feedback
from my principal on how my classroom management style is and if it
seems to be working. I will also reach out to my fellow teachers in my
school building and ask for opinions, feedback and suggestions on
improving my plan. I understand that my management plan is a work in
progress and can always be worked on and improved on and I will
treasure any input anyone gives me.
Classroom Management Plan 31

Various images from Google searches.
 https://theeconomyofmeaning.com/2017/09/14/classroom-teachers-are-policymakers/
 https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2d/60/27/2d60273776e49e88e898a963bcb124f5--class-schedule-schedule-
 https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a4/7e/9e/a47e9eed8fd4bd1eac788d45e13c37cb--homework-turn-in-morning-
 https://ecdn.teacherspayteachers.com/thumbitem/Did-You-Remember-to-Raise-Your-Hand-
 https://i.pinimg.com/736x/00/7f/1a/007f1ac4863f9f0f64bcfb64d74fe440--elementary-classroom-
 https://i.pinimg.com/736x/94/64/be/9464be5bde1be299bdd6ea38b4973792--daily-schedule-printable-
 https://i.pinimg.com/736x/08/8e/d5/088ed5a896d0724f62576c917b445ac7--up-styles-line-up-chants.jpg
 https://i.pinimg.com/736x/10/e9/a0/10e9a01e61a173a3bc44a51c48a7310e--chevron-classroom-
 http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_19Ss4e95IY/UOxqEZe-
 https://education.microsoft.com/FindaLesson/gonoodle-mystery-skype-27th-october
 https://www.scholastic.com/content/dam/teachers/blogs/genia-connell/migrated-
 https://fwsu.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/dsc_0094.jpg
 https://www.pinterest.com/pin/563935184569574549/
 http://ilovemyclassroom.blogspot.com/2013/11/tried-it-tuesday-and-helpful-hints.html
 https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-
 http://cdn.teachhub.com/cdn/farfuture/Tp3Aq6ZpdoiP5uaxdw32gyYAlPPE2S-
 https://i.pinimg.com/736x/41/81/9c/41819c1a1161e7975bfdc59571595971--school-folders-homework-
 https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-
 https://i.pinimg.com/originals/37/36/2d/37362d144106bb7e10508ecaaf8cbb15.jpg

Canter’s Assertive Discipline PPT from class

Hardin, Carlette Jackson. “The Effective Classroom Management: Models and

Strategies for Today’s Classroom”. Pearson. 2012. Print.

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