Govt M.A.O College, Lahore: Department of Mass Communication

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Media Departments
 Circulation department
 Advertisement Department
 Financial Department
8th Semester
Tayyab Butt (15446)
Yaseen Abid (15431)
Aisha Iqbal (15410)
Mam Sayra Hussain





A newspaper's circulation is the number of copies it distributes on an average day.

Circulation is one of the principal factors used to set advertising rates. Circulation is not
always the same as copies sold, often called paid circulation, since some newspapers are
distributed without cost to the reader. Readership figures are usually higher than
circulation figures because of the assumption that a typical copy of the newspaper is
read by more than one person.
In many countries, circulations are audited by independent bodies such as the Audit
Bureau of Circulations to assure advertisers that a given newspaper does indeed reach
the number of people claimed by the publisher. There are international open
access directories such as Mondo Times, but these generally rely on numbers reported
by newspapers themselves.
In many developed countries, newspaper circulation is falling due to social and
technological changes such as the availability of news on the internet. On the other
hand, in some developing countries circulation is increasing as these factors are more
than cancelled out by rising incomes, population, and literacy.
Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) is an important organ of the Ministry of
Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage which was initally created in 1956
under the Ministry of Industries to enforce Newsprint control. Later on in 1958, it was
transferred to the Ministry of Information in order to carry out the responsibility of
circulation audit of the print media.
In order to ensure representation of the federating units the 3 rd Interprovincial
Information Minister’s Conference, held at Nathiagali on August 27-28, 1992, decided
to establish a Provincial Assessment Committee (PAC) for making assessment of net
paid circulations of newspaper/periodicals in their respective regions. Now PACs is
mandated to give recommendations for subsequent approval of Director, ABC.
Presently, the headquarter of ABC is located at Islamabad with its Regional Offices at
Lahore and Karachi. The office at Islamabad is headed by a Director (BS-19) while the
offices at Karachi and Lahore are supervised by a Deputy Director (BS-18) and an
Assistant Director (BS-17) respectively.
World newspapers with the largest circulation
The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) publishes a
list of newspapers with the largest circulation. In 2011, India led the world in terms of
newspaper circulation with nearly 330 million newspapers circulated daily. In 2005,
China topped the list in term of total newspaper circulation with 93.5 million a day,
India came second with 78.8 million, followed by Japan, with 70.4 million; the United
States, with 48.3 million; and Germany, with 22.1 million. Around 75 of the 100 best
selling newspapers are in Asia and seven out of the top ten are Japanese newspapers.
The Japanese Yomiuri Shimbun (読売新聞), Asahi Shimbun (朝日新聞) and Mainichi
Shimbun (毎日新聞) are still the largest circulated newspapers in the world. The Times
of India is the largest circulated English-language daily newspaper in the world, across
all formats (Broadsheet, Compact, Berliner and Online). Reference News ( 《 参 考 消
息》) is the most popular paper in China.
According to the Guinness Book of Records, the daily circulation of the Soviet
newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda exceeded 21,500,000 in 1990, while the Soviet
weekly Argumenty i Fakty boasted a circulation of 33,500,000 in 1991.

Advertising departments play crucial roles in building revenue, profits and market share
in small companies and corporations. Most advertising departments have advertising
managers or directors who create and manage department budgets and oversee all
advertising functions. Creative staff members, including copywriters, artists and graphic
designers, provide the written content, images and graphics for various ads. All
advertising department employees are expected to work cohesively to meet their core
responsibilities and accomplish key objectives.

Egyptians used papyrus to make sales messages and wall posters.[9] Commercial
messages and political campaign displays have been found in the ruins of Pompeii and
ancient Arabia. Lost and foundadvertising on papyrus was common in ancient
Greece and ancient Rome. Wall or rock painting for commercial advertising is another
manifestation of an ancient advertising form, which is present to this day in many parts
of Asia, Africa, and South America. The tradition of wall painting can be traced back to
Indian rock art paintings that date back to 4000 BC.
In ancient China, the earliest advertising known was oral, as recorded in the Classic of
Poetry (11th to 7th centuries BC) of bamboo flutes played to sell confectionery.
Advertisement usually takes in the form of calligraphic signboards and inked papers. A
copper printing plate dated back to the Song dynasty used to print posters in the form of
a square sheet of paper with a rabbit logo with "Jinan Liu's Fine Needle Shop" and "We
buy high-quality steel rods and make fine-quality needles, to be ready for use at home in
no time" written above and below[11] is considered the world's earliest identified printed
advertising medium.
In Europe, as the towns and cities of the Middle Ages began to grow, and the general
population was unable to read, instead of signs that read "cobbler", "miller", "tailor", or
"blacksmith", images associated with their trade would be used such as a boot, a suit, a
hat, a clock, a diamond, a horseshoe, a candle or even a bag of flour. Fruits and
vegetables were sold in the city square from the backs of carts and wagons and their
proprietors used street callers (town criers) to announce their whereabouts. The first
compilation of such advertisements was gathered in "Les Crieries de Paris", a
thirteenth-century poem by Guillaume de la Villeneuve,
In the 18th century advertisements started to appear in weekly newspapers in England.
These early print advertisements were used mainly to promote books and newspapers,
which became increasingly affordable with advances in the printing press; and
medicines, which were increasingly sought after. However, false advertising and so-
called "quack" advertisements became a problem, which ushered in the regulation of
advertising content.
Responsibilities of Advertisement Departments

Creating the Right Message

Before ad departments meet any of their objectives, they must create the right messages
for their target audiences. Target audiences are consumers who are most likely to buy
specific products or services. Consumers have primary motives for buying products or
services, and advertisers must appeal to those motives to get consumers to make
purchases. For example, consumers who want to lose weight are likely to respond to an
ad that shows how other satisfied customers have lost weight using certain products.
Building Brand Awareness
Building brand awareness is an important responsibility of corporate advertising
departments. Companies must get the message out to consumers that their brands exist
before people can buy them. Ad departments use characters, slogans, logos and stories
in their ads to build the awareness of their brands. Brand-awareness building is
challenging because many messages get lost amid the glut of commercials and
promotions. That's why many advertisers use the AIDA principle to get noticed. AIDA
stands for attention, interest, desire and action. The most effective ads get readers' or
listeners' attention by appealing to their needs. They then interest consumers by offering
viable solutions to those needs. Ad departments may create desire and action in their
advertising by showing how their products work, and offering special deals if people
purchase within particular time frames.
Scheduling Advertising
Advertising managers or coordinators determine when certain ads will appear, whether
they're using TV commercials, magazines, direct mail or social media. Many work with
ad agencies or media companies when setting advertising schedules. Most advertising is
scheduled months in advance to provide media sources with enough time to create ads,
complete commercial shootings or print their publications. Advertising must be timely
to elicit the desired results. For example, the advertising department of a toy
manufacturer may start advertising in early November for Christmas.
Measuring Advertising Effectiveness
An advertising department usually allocates specific amounts of money for each type of
advertising, but it must ensure that its advertising is effective to maximize returns on
investments. Many companies measure advertising effectiveness through market
research. They conduct surveys among consumers to determine who's heard or seen
their advertising and whether it prompted them to buy their products or services.
Generally, the more a consumer can recall about an ad, the more effective it is, as long
as it meets other essential criteria: reaching the right target audience and increasing

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