D4651 - 08

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Designation: D4651 – 08

Standard Specification for

Isobutane Thermophysical Property Tables1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D4651; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 3.1.2 Thermophysical Properties of Isobutane Along Iso-

1.1 The thermophysical property tables for isobutane are for bars, in SI units. See Table 2.
use in the calculation of the pressure-volume-temperature 3.2 The tabulated thermophysical properties are:
(PVT), thermodynamic, and transport properties of isobutane r, molar density (mol·l-1)
for process design and operations. Tables are provided for H, molar enthalpy (J·mol-1)
gaseous and liquid isobutane at temperatures between 120 and S, molar entropy (J·K-1·mol-1)
570 K at pressures to 20 MPa. One table provides properties at Cv, constant volume molar heat capacity (J·K-1·mol-1)
the conditions of liquid-vapor equilibrium (saturation proper- Cp, constant pressure molar heat capacity (J·K-1·mol-1)
ties). The other table provides properties at selected T, p points c, speed of sound (m·s-1)
for the equilibrium phase at those conditions. The tables were h, viscosity (µPa·s)
developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technol- l, thermal conductivity (mW·m-1·K-1)
ogy from a Standard Reference Database product REFPROP, 3.3 These tables were produced by equations from a com-
version 8.0. puter package, “NIST Standard Reference Database 23; Ref-
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as erence Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties Data-
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this base (REFPROP): Version =8.0” A wide selection of units (SI
standard. units, engineering units, chemical units) is available with this
2. Applicability
4. Additional Information
2.1 These tables apply directly only to pure gaseous isobu-
tane. However, it is expected that they may find substantial use 4.1 Reference state properties are required to calculate
in mathematical models and tables for the thermophysical certain of the thermodynamic properties (enthalpy, entropy,
properties of mixtures containing isobutane. etc.) from an equation of state formulation. The reference state
properties used to generate the tables in this specification are:
3. Tables enthalpy, H, and entropy, S, at 298.15 K and 0.101325 MPa
3.1 These thermophysical property tables are: (H = 17932.6 J/mol and S = 295.390 J/(mol K). The molar
3.1.1 Thermophysical Properties of Coexisting Gaseous and mass of isobutane is 58.122 g/mol.
Liquid Isobutane, in SI units. See Table 1.
5. Keywords
5.1 isobutane gas tables; natural gas; thermodynamic prop-
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D03 on
Gaseous Fuels and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D03.08 on
erties of isobutane; transport properties of isobutane
Thermophysical Properties.
Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2008. Published January 2009. Originally
approved in 1987. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as D4651 – 93 (2003). Available from Standard Reference Data, National Institute of Standards and
DOI: 10.1520/D4651-08. Technology (NIST), 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 3460, Gaithersburg, MD 20899.

Copyright (c) ASTM International. 100 Barr Harbour Drive P.O. box C700 West Conshohocken, PA. USA

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 1

D4651 – 08
TABLE 1 Thermophysical Properties of Coexisting Gaseous and Liquid Isobutane

T P r H S Cv Cp c h l
K MPa mol·l-1 J·mol-1 J·mol-1·K-1 J·mol-1·K-1 J·mol-1·K-1 m·s-1 µPa·s mW·m-1·K-1

114 2.455E-08 12.733 -23331 110.20 68.27 98.21 1997.4 8618 157.88
114 2.455E-08 2.59E-08 4595.2 355.17 42.89 51.20 139.53 2.855 2.287

118 6.643E-08 12.668 -22937 113.60 68.75 98.94 1962.5 6774 157.1
118 6.643E-08 6.771E-08 4802.2 348.68 43.96 52.28 141.68 2.960 2.512

122 1.673E-07 12.603 -22540 116.91 69.25 99.68 1928.5 5441 156.3
122 1.673E-07 1.65E-07 5013.4 342.75 45.02 53.34 143.79 3.066 2.741

126 3.952E-07 12.538 -22140 120.14 69.75 100.43 1895.5 4451 155.4
126 3.952E-07 3.773E-07 5228.8 337.35 46.06 54.38 145.87 3.171 2.974

130 8.806E-07 12.473 -21736 123.29 70.26 101.18 1863.4 3698 154.4
130 8.806E-07 8.147E-07 5448.4 332.40 47.09 55.40 147.92 3.276 3.211

134 1.861E-06 12.408 -21330 126.36 70.75 101.93 1832.2 3115 153.3
134 1.861E-06 1.67E-06 5672.0 327.87 48.09 56.41 149.94 3.381 3.453

138 3.748E-06 12.343 -20921 129.37 71.25 102.68 1801.7 2656 152.9
138 3.748E-06 3.267E-06 5899.6 323.72 49.09 57.40 151.94 3.486 3.699

142 7.225E-06 12.278 -20509 132.32 71.74 103.42 1772.0 2289 151.0
142 7.225E-06 6.12E-06 6131.1 319.92 50.06 58.38 153.90 3.591 3.948

146 1.338E-05 12.213 -20094 135.20 72.23 104.16 1742.9 1991 149.7
146 1.338E-05 1.102E-05 6366.5 316.43 51.03 59.34 155.84 3.695 4.202

150 2.388E-05 12.147 -19675 138.03 72.72 104.89 1714.4 1748 148.4
150 2.388E-05 1.915E-05 6605.6 313.23 51.98 60.30 157.76 3.799 4.461

154 4.121E-05 12.082 -19254 140.80 73.21 105.63 1686.4 1546 147.1
154 4.121E-05 3.219E-05 6848.5 310.30 52.93 61.25 159.65 3.903 4.723

158 6.893E-05 12.016 -18830 143.51 73.70 106.36 1658.9 1377 145.7
158 6.893E-05 5.248E-05 7095.1 307.60 53.87 62.19 161.51 4.007 4.989

162 0.000112 11.951 -18403 146.18 74.19 107.10 1631.8 1234 144.2
162 0.000112 8.319E-05 7345.3 305.12 54.80 63.12 163.35 4.110 5.260

166 0.0001773 11.885 -17974 148.80 74.68 107.83 1605.0 1113 142.7
166 0.0001773 0.0001285 7599.0 302.85 55.73 64.05 165.16 4.214 5.534

170 0.0002739 11.819 -17541 151.38 75.18 108.57 1578.6 1008 141.2
170 0.0002739 0.0001938 7856.2 300.77 56.65 64.99 166.95 4.317 5.813

174 0.0004134 11.752 -17105 153.91 75.68 109.32 1552.6 918.4 139.7
174 0.0004134 0.000286 8116.8 298.87 57.58 65.92 168.70 4.420 6.095

178 0.0006111 11.686 -16666 156.41 76.20 110.07 1526.8 840.0 138.1
178 0.0006111 0.0004133 8380.8 297.12 58.50 66.85 170.43 4.522 6.382

182 0.0008856 11.619 -16224 158.86 76.72 110.83 1501.3 771.3 136.5
182 0.0008856 0.0005859 8648.1 295.52 59.43 67.79 172.13 4.624 6.672

186 0.0012602 11.552 -15780 161.28 77.25 111.60 1476.0 710.8 134.9
186 0.0012602 0.0008161 8918.6 294.06 60.36 68.74 173.80 4.726 6.967

190 0.0017628 11.485 -15332 163.66 77.79 112.37 1450.9 657.2 133.2
190 0.0017628 0.0011181 9192.1 292.73 61.29 69.69 175.44 4.828 7.265

194 0.002427 11.418 -14880 166.01 78.35 113.16 1426.1 609.5 131.6
194 0.002427 0.0015085 9468.7 291.52 62.23 70.65 177.05 4.929 7.567

198 0.0032918 11.350 -14426 168.33 78.91 113.96 1401.4 566.8 129.9
198 0.0032918 0.0020061 9748.2 290.42 63.18 71.63 178.61 5.029 7.873

202 0.0044031 11.282 -13969 170.62 79.49 114.78 1376.9 528.5 128.2
202 0.0044031 0.0026324 10031 289.42 64.14 72.62 180.14 5.130 8.183

206 0.005813 11.213 -13508 172.87 80.08 115.61 1352.6 493.8 126.5
206 0.005813 0.0034111 10316 288.52 65.10 73.62 181.63 5.230 8.496

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 2

D4651 – 08

TABLE 1 Continued
T P r H S Cv Cp c h l
K MPa mol·l-1 J·mol-1 J·mol-1·K-1 J·mol-1·K-1 J·mol-1·K-1 m·s-1 µPa·s mW·m-1·K-1
210 0.0075808 11.145 -13043 175.11 80.69 116.46 1328.4 462.4 124.8
210 0.0075808 0.0043687 10603 287.71 66.08 74.64 183.08 5.329 8.813

214 0.0097734 11.075 -12576 177.31 81.31 117.32 1304.4 433.9 123.1
214 0.0097734 0.0055342 10893 286.98 67.06 75.68 184.48 5.428 9.133

218 0.012465 11.006 -12105 179.49 81.95 118.20 1280.5 407.9 121.4
218 0.012465 0.006939 11186 286.33 68.06 76.74 185.83 5.527 9.457

222 0.015736 10.936 -11630 181.65 82.60 119.10 1256.7 384.1 119.7
222 0.015736 0.0086174 11481 285.75 69.07 77.82 187.12 5.625 9.784

226 0.019678 10.865 -11151 183.78 83.26 120.02 1233.0 362.2 118.0
226 0.019678 0.010606 11778 285.24 70.10 78.93 188.37 5.723 10.12

230 0.024387 10.794 -10669 185.89 83.94 120.96 1209.5 342.1 116.3
230 0.024387 0.012943 12077 284.79 71.14 80.06 189.56 5.821 10.45

234 0.029967 10.723 -10183 187.99 84.64 121.92 1186.1 323.6 114.6
234 0.029967 0.015671 12377 284.40 72.19 81.21 190.68 5.918 10.79

238 0.03653 10.651 -9693.1 190.06 85.35 122.90 1162.8 306.4 112.9
238 0.03653 0.018834 12680 284.07 73.26 82.39 191.75 6.015 11.13

242 0.044196 10.578 -9199.1 192.12 86.08 123.91 1139.6 290.5 111.3
242 0.044196 0.022477 12984 283.78 74.34 83.60 192.74 6.112 11.47

246 0.053092 10.505 -8700.9 194.15 86.82 124.94 1116.4 275.8 109.6
246 0.053092 0.026651 13290 283.55 75.44 84.83 193.67 6.208 11.82

250 0.06335 10.431 -8198.5 196.18 87.58 126.00 1093.4 262.0 107.9
250 0.06335 0.031405 13597 283.36 76.55 86.10 194.52 6.304 12.17

254 0.075109 10.357 -7691.7 198.18 88.35 127.08 1070.4 249.2 106.3
254 0.075109 0.036794 13905 283.21 77.68 87.40 195.30 6.401 12.53

258 0.088516 10.281 -7180.5 200.18 89.14 128.19 1047.5 237.3 104.7
258 0.088516 0.042874 14214 283.10 78.82 88.73 196.00 6.497 12.89

262 0.10372 10.205 -6664.7 202.15 89.94 129.33 1024.7 226.1 103.0
262 0.10372 0.049705 14525 283.03 79.98 90.10 196.62 6.594 13.26

266 0.12089 10.128 -6144.2 204.12 90.76 130.50 1002.0 215.7 101.4
266 0.12089 0.057348 14836 282.99 81.15 91.50 197.15 6.690 13.62

270 0.14017 10.051 -5618.9 206.07 91.59 131.70 979.29 205.9 99.87
270 0.14017 0.065869 15147 282.98 82.34 92.94 197.59 6.787 14.00

274 0.16174 9.9721 -5088.6 208.01 92.44 132.94 956.65 196.6 98.30
274 0.16174 0.075336 15459 283.01 83.54 94.42 197.94 6.885 14.38

278 0.18577 9.8925 -4553.3 209.94 93.29 134.21 934.06 188.0 96.75
278 0.18577 0.085821 15772 283.06 84.76 95.94 198.20 6.983 14.77

282 0.21243 9.8118 -4012.7 211.87 94.17 135.52 911.50 179.8 95.22
282 0.21243 0.0974 16084 283.13 85.99 97.51 198.35 7.082 15.16

286 0.24192 9.7300 -3466.7 213.78 95.05 136.87 888.97 172.1 93.72
286 0.24192 0.11015 16397 283.23 87.24 99.13 198.41 7.183 15.56

290 0.2744 9.6470 -2915.2 215.68 95.95 138.26 866.47 164.8 92.23
290 0.2744 0.12417 16709 283.35 88.50 100.79 198.35 7.284 15.97

294 0.31008 9.5628 -2358 217.58 96.86 139.70 843.98 157.9 90.76
294 0.31008 0.13954 17021 283.49 89.78 102.51 198.19 7.388 16.38

298 0.34914 9.4773 -1794.9 219.46 97.78 141.18 821.50 151.4 89.32
298 0.34914 0.15635 17332 283.65 91.07 104.29 197.92 7.492 16.81

302 0.39177 9.3902 -1225.8 221.35 98.71 142.72 799.01 145.2 87.89
302 0.39177 0.17472 17643 283.82 92.38 106.13 197.52 7.600 17.24

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 3

D4651 – 08

TABLE 1 Continued
T P r H S Cv Cp c h l
K MPa mol·l-1 J·mol-1 J·mol-1·K-1 J·mol-1·K-1 J·mol-1·K-1 m·s-1 µPa·s mW·m-1·K-1
306 0.43819 9.3017 -650.4 223.22 99.66 144.32 776.50 139.3 86.49
306 0.43819 0.19476 17952 284.01 93.70 108.04 197.01 7.709 17.69

310 0.48858 9.2114 -68.6 225.09 100.62 145.98 753.97 133.6 85.12
310 0.48858 0.21659 18259 284.22 95.03 110.03 196.37 7.822 18.15

314 0.54317 9.1194 519.9 226.96 101.59 147.71 731.40 128.3 83.76
314 0.54317 0.24034 18565 284.43 96.38 112.10 195.59 7.938 18.63

318 0.60215 9.0255 1115.4 228.83 102.57 149.52 708.78 123.2 82.44
318 0.60215 0.26617 18870 284.66 97.75 114.27 194.68 8.057 19.12

322 0.66573 8.9295 1718 230.69 103.56 151.42 686.10 118.2 81.13
322 0.66573 0.29422 19171 284.89 99.13 116.54 193.62 8.181 19.63

326 0.73415 8.8312 2328.2 232.55 104.57 153.41 663.33 113.5 79.85
326 0.73415 0.3247 19470 285.13 100.51 118.93 192.41 8.310 20.16

330 0.80761 8.7304 2946.1 234.40 105.59 155.52 640.46 109.0 78.60
330 0.80761 0.35779 19766 285.37 101.91 121.44 191.05 8.445 20.71

334 0.88635 8.6270 3572.3 236.26 106.63 157.75 617.48 104.6 77.36
334 0.88635 0.39372 20058 285.62 103.31 124.10 189.52 8.586 21.29

338 0.97059 8.5206 4207.0 238.12 107.68 160.13 594.36 100.4 76.16
338 0.97059 0.43277 20345 285.87 104.71 126.93 187.82 8.735 21.89

342 1.0606 8.4109 4850.8 239.98 108.74 162.69 571.08 96.38 74.97
342 1.0606 0.47521 20627 286.11 106.11 129.97 185.94 8.893 22.53

346 1.1565 8.2977 5504.1 241.85 109.83 165.44 547.62 92.43 73.81
346 1.1565 0.5214 20903 286.36 107.52 133.26 183.86 9.061 23.21

350 1.2587 8.1805 6167.6 243.72 110.93 168.44 523.94 88.59 72.68
350 1.2587 0.57173 21172 286.59 108.95 136.89 181.59 9.241 23.93

354 1.3674 8.0588 6842.0 245.60 112.06 171.73 500.02 84.84 71.57
354 1.3674 0.62668 21433 286.82 110.41 140.94 179.11 9.44 24.70

358 1.4829 7.9321 7528.1 247.49 113.21 175.38 475.82 81.18 70.48
358 1.4829 0.68681 21684 287.03 111.93 145.55 176.40 9.645 25.53

362 1.6054 7.7996 8226.8 249.38 114.39 179.48 451.29 77.58 69.42
362 1.6054 0.7528 21924 287.22 113.53 150.87 173.45 9.875 26.43

366 1.7352 7.6606 8939.5 251.30 115.60 184.15 426.38 74.03 68.37
366 1.7352 0.82548 22152 287.39 115.23 157.11 170.25 10.13 27.41

370 1.8727 7.5139 9667.7 253.22 116.86 189.58 401.01 70.53 67.36
370 1.8727 0.90588 22364 287.54 117.03 164.55 166.77 10.41 28.50

374 2.0181 7.358 10413 255.18 118.17 196.03 375.12 67.04 66.36
374 2.0181 0.99533 22559 287.65 118.96 173.60 163.00 10.72 29.71

378 2.1718 7.1913 11179 257.16 119.54 203.88 348.59 63.54 65.40
378 2.1718 1.0956 22732 287.72 121.02 184.89 158.90 11.08 31.09

382 2.3343 7.0111 11968 259.17 121.01 213.80 321.32 60.03 64.46
382 2.3343 1.2090 22878 287.73 123.23 199.43 154.46 11.49 32.68

386 2.5058 6.8138 12785 261.24 122.62 226.90 293.15 56.45 63.58
386 2.5058 1.3389 22991 287.68 125.63 218.98 149.63 11.97 34.55

390 2.6869 6.5941 13638 263.36 124.42 245.34 263.93 52.77 62.76
390 2.6869 1.4904 23060 287.52 128.27 246.92 144.37 12.55 36.83

394 2.8782 6.3430 14539 265.59 126.52 273.75 233.42 48.92 62.09
394 2.8782 1.6716 23068 287.23 131.24 290.57 138.63 13.26 39.74

398 3.0802 6.0444 15510 267.96 129.14 324.44 201.26 44.76 61.76
398 3.0802 1.8978 22982 286.73 134.75 369.40 132.32 14.18 43.73

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 4

D4651 – 08

TABLE 1 Continued
T P r H S Cv Cp c h l
K MPa mol·l-1 J·mol-1 J·mol-1·K-1 J·mol-1·K-1 J·mol-1·K-1 m·s-1 µPa·s mW·m-1·K-1
402 3.294 5.6611 16603 270.60 132.80 444.47 166.79 40.03 62.50
402 3.294 2.2035 22733 285.85 139.26 557.25 125.27 15.48 50.08

406 3.521 5.0501 18021 274.00 139.62 1125.70 128.12 33.65 69.00
406 3.521 2.7246 22042 283.91 146.50 1601.40 116.78 17.90 66.35

407 3.580 4.7629 18568 275.32 143.30 2459.70 116.97 31.07 77.26
407 3.580 2.9844 21611 282.79 149.68 3556.20 113.83 19.21 81.05

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 5

D4651 – 08
TABLE 2 Thermophysical Properties of Isobutane Along Isobars

T r H S Cv Cp c h l
K mol·l-1 J·mol-1 J·mol-1·K-1 J·mol-1·K-1 J·mol-1·K-1 m·s-1 µPa·s mW·m-1·K-1
Pressure = 0.1 MPa
120 12.636 -22732 115.25 69.01 99.31 1945.6 6063 156.7
130 12.474 -21730 123.28 70.26 101.18 1863.7 3702 154.4
140 12.311 -20709 130.84 71.51 103.04 1787.1 2465 151.6
150 12.148 -19669 138.01 72.73 104.89 1714.8 1749 148.5
160 11.985 -18611 144.84 73.95 106.72 1645.7 1304 145.0
170 11.820 -17534 151.37 75.19 108.57 1579.1 1009 141.2
180 11.654 -16439 157.63 76.46 110.44 1514.5 805.3 137.3
190 11.486 -15325 163.65 77.80 112.37 1451.5 657.9 133.3
200 11.317 -14192 169.46 79.21 114.36 1389.7 547.7 129.1
210 11.146 -13038 175.09 80.70 116.44 1329.0 462.9 124.9
220 10.972 -11863 180.56 82.28 118.63 1269.2 396.1 120.6
230 10.796 -10665 185.88 83.95 120.94 1210.1 342.4 116.4
240 10.616 -9443.3 191.08 85.72 123.39 1151.6 298.5 112.1
250 10.432 -8196.6 196.17 87.58 125.99 1093.7 262.2 108.0
260 10.244 -6923.0 201.16 89.54 128.76 1036.2 231.6 103.9
261.07 10.223 -6785.7 201.69 89.76 129.06 1030.1 228.7 103.4
261.07 0.048038 14452 283.04 79.71 89.77 196.48 6.571 13.17
270 0.046232 15263 286.10 81.85 91.69 200.26 6.797 14.03
280 0.044385 16191 289.47 84.33 93.96 204.32 7.048 15.02
290 0.042696 17142 292.81 86.87 96.34 208.25 7.297 16.04
300 0.041143 18118 296.12 89.47 98.80 212.04 7.544 17.08
320 0.038379 20144 302.65 94.79 103.90 219.32 8.032 19.24
340 0.035985 22275 309.11 100.19 109.15 226.26 8.515 21.50
360 0.033886 24511 315.50 105.61 114.45 232.90 8.992 23.86
380 0.032029 26853 321.83 111.00 119.76 239.30 9.463 26.32
400 0.030372 29301 328.11 116.31 125.01 245.50 9.929 28.88
420 0.028882 31853 334.33 121.52 130.16 251.51 10.39 31.54
440 0.027536 34506 340.50 126.61 135.21 257.36 10.85 34.31
460 0.026312 37260 346.62 131.56 140.12 263.07 11.30 37.18
480 0.025194 40110 352.69 136.36 144.89 268.64 11.75 40.16
500 0.024169 43055 358.70 141.01 149.52 274.09 12.20 43.23
520 0.023225 46090 364.65 145.51 154.00 279.42 12.64 46.41
540 0.022353 49214 370.54 149.87 158.34 284.65 13.07 49.69
560 0.021545 52423 376.38 154.08 162.54 289.78 13.51 53.08
570 0.021163 54059 379.27 156.13 164.58 292.31 13.72 54.81
Pressure = 1 MPa
120 12.642 -22672 115.16 69.09 99.28 1947.80 6125 156.9
130 12.480 -21670 123.18 70.34 101.14 1866.30 3738 154.6
140 12.318 -20649 130.75 71.58 103.00 1790.10 2488 151.8
150 12.156 -19610 137.91 72.80 104.84 1718.10 1765 148.7
160 11.993 -18552 144.74 74.02 106.67 1649.40 1315 145.2
170 11.829 -17476 151.26 75.25 108.50 1583.20 1018 141.6
180 11.663 -16382 157.52 76.53 110.37 1519.00 812.5 137.6
190 11.497 -15269 163.53 77.86 112.28 1456.30 663.8 133.6
200 11.329 -14136 169.34 79.27 114.26 1395.00 552.6 129.5
210 11.158 -12983 174.97 80.76 116.33 1334.70 467.2 125.3
220 10.986 -11809 180.43 82.34 118.50 1275.40 399.9 121.0
230 10.811 -10613 185.75 84.01 120.78 1216.80 345.8 116.8
240 10.632 -9393.2 190.94 85.78 123.20 1158.90 301.6 112.6
250 10.450 -8148.6 196.02 87.64 125.76 1101.60 265.0 108.5
260 10.264 -6877.5 201.00 89.60 128.48 1044.70 234.4 104.4
270 10.073 -5578.3 205.91 91.64 131.39 988.22 208.3 100.4
280 9.8753 -4249.0 210.74 93.77 134.50 931.89 186.0 96.54
290 9.6707 -2887.5 215.52 95.98 137.85 875.56 166.7 92.76
300 9.4575 -1491.0 220.25 98.27 141.50 819.00 149.9 89.09
320 8.9965 1420.8 229.64 103.07 150.01 703.88 121.6 82.11
339.34 8.4843 4421.1 238.74 108.03 160.97 586.60 99.07 75.76
339.34 0.44655 20440 285.95 105.18 127.92 187.21 8.787 22.10
340 0.44469 20525 286.20 105.28 127.80 187.76 8.800 22.17
360 0.39823 23064 293.46 109.15 126.93 202.25 9.225 24.47
380 0.36400 25620 300.37 113.65 128.89 214.08 9.673 26.95
400 0.33698 28227 307.05 118.33 132.00 224.30 10.13 29.56
420 0.31474 30904 313.58 123.10 135.73 233.45 10.59 32.28
440 0.29591 33658 319.99 127.87 139.75 241.82 11.04 35.12
460 0.27964 36495 326.29 132.59 143.92 249.58 11.50 38.05
480 0.26537 39415 332.51 137.22 148.11 256.88 11.94 41.09
500 0.25270 42420 338.64 141.74 152.29 263.78 12.39 44.23
520 0.24135 45507 344.69 146.13 156.41 270.37 12.83 47.47
540 0.23109 48676 350.67 150.40 160.46 276.68 13.27 50.81

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 6

D4651 – 08

TABLE 2 Continued
T r H S Cv Cp c h l
K mol·l-1 J·mol-1 J·mol-1·K-1 J·mol-1·K-1 J·mol-1·K-1 m·s-1 µPa·s mW·m-1·K-1
560 0.22176 51924 356.58 154.54 164.41 282.75 13.70 54.25
570 0.21740 53578 359.50 156.56 166.35 285.70 13.92 56.01
Pressure = 2 MPa
120 12.649 -22605 115.06 69.18 99.25 1950.20 6194 157.1
130 12.488 -21603 123.08 70.43 101.11 1869.10 3778 154.8
140 12.326 -20583 130.64 71.66 102.96 1793.30 2514 152.1
150 12.164 -19544 137.80 72.88 104.79 1721.80 1783 149.0
160 12.002 -18487 144.63 74.09 106.61 1653.50 1328 145.6
170 11.839 -17412 151.14 75.33 108.44 1587.70 1028 141.9
180 11.674 -16318 157.39 76.60 110.29 1523.90 820.4 138.0
190 11.509 -15206 163.41 77.93 112.19 1461.70 670.3 134.0
200 11.341 -14074 169.21 79.34 114.15 1400.80 558.2 129.9
210 11.172 -12922 174.83 80.82 116.20 1341.00 472.0 125.7
220 11.001 -11750 180.29 82.40 118.35 1282.20 404.1 121.5
230 10.827 -10555 185.60 84.07 120.61 1224.10 349.6 117.3
240 10.651 -9337.2 190.78 85.84 123.00 1166.90 305.1 113.2
250 10.471 -8094.8 195.85 87.71 125.52 1110.20 268.3 109.0
260 10.286 -6826.3 200.82 89.66 128.20 1054.10 237.4 105.0
270 10.098 -5530.3 205.72 91.70 131.04 998.39 211.2 101.1
280 9.9033 -4204.9 210.54 93.83 134.07 942.99 188.8 97.21
290 9.7024 -2848.1 215.30 96.04 137.33 887.74 169.4 93.47
300 9.4937 -1457.5 220.01 98.32 140.83 832.46 152.5 89.85
320 9.0456 1436.9 229.35 103.09 148.88 720.78 124.2 82.98
340 8.5374 4512.5 238.67 108.16 159.20 604.95 101.2 76.59
360 7.9214 7838.7 248.17 113.69 174.85 478.61 80.96 70.54
373.51 7.3775 10322 254.94 118.00 195.18 378.30 67.46 66.48
373.51 0.98392 22536 287.64 118.71 172.40 163.47 10.68 29.56
380 0.92017 23614 290.50 119.20 161.27 172.92 10.68 29.72
400 0.79285 26685 298.38 121.72 148.88 194.12 10.88 31.42
420 0.71151 29632 305.57 125.43 146.67 209.69 11.20 33.80
440 0.65172 32572 312.41 129.60 147.62 222.44 11.58 36.46
460 0.60463 35546 319.02 133.93 149.92 233.43 11.99 39.31
480 0.56594 38573 325.46 138.29 152.88 243.22 12.40 42.31
500 0.53324 41663 331.76 142.61 156.19 252.12 12.82 45.44
520 0.50501 44821 337.96 146.86 159.67 260.33 13.25 48.68
540 0.48027 48050 344.05 151.01 163.23 268.00 13.67 52.03
560 0.45831 51351 350.05 155.07 166.81 275.22 14.09 55.49
570 0.44822 53028 353.02 157.05 168.59 278.69 14.30 57.26
Pressure = 3 MPa
120 12.655 -22538 114.96 69.27 99.22 1952.7 6264 157.3
130 12.495 -21536 122.97 70.51 101.07 1872.0 3819 155.0
140 12.334 -20516 130.53 71.74 102.92 1796.6 2540 152.3
150 12.173 -19478 137.70 72.95 104.74 1725.4 1801 149.2
160 12.011 -18422 144.51 74.17 106.55 1657.5 1342 145.8
170 11.848 -17347 151.03 75.40 108.37 1592.2 1038 142.2
180 11.685 -16254 157.27 76.67 110.21 1528.8 828.4 138.4
190 11.520 -15143 163.28 78.00 112.10 1467.0 676.9 134.4
200 11.354 -14012 169.08 79.40 114.05 1406.5 563.8 130.3
210 11.186 -12862 174.69 80.89 116.08 1347.2 476.8 126.2
220 11.016 -11690 180.14 82.47 118.21 1288.9 408.4 122.0
230 10.844 -10497 185.45 84.14 120.44 1231.4 353.4 117.8
240 10.669 -9280.9 190.62 85.91 122.80 1174.7 308.6 113.7
250 10.490 -8040.6 195.69 87.77 125.29 1118.7 271.4 109.6
260 10.308 -6774.6 200.65 89.72 127.92 1063.2 240.3 105.6
270 10.122 -5481.6 205.53 91.76 130.71 1008.3 214.0 101.7
280 9.9306 -4159.8 210.34 93.89 133.68 953.80 191.4 97.87
290 9.7332 -2807.4 215.08 96.09 136.84 899.56 172.0 94.18
300 9.5287 -1422.3 219.78 98.36 140.23 845.45 155.0 90.60
320 9.0922 1456.6 229.06 103.11 147.89 736.83 126.8 83.83
340 8.6038 4505.1 238.30 108.13 157.36 625.77 103.9 77.58
360 8.0288 7774.8 247.64 113.51 170.53 508.19 84.19 71.76
380 7.2749 11397 257.43 119.65 195.26 373.75 65.44 66.19
396.44 6.1683 15120 267.01 128.03 300.48 214.04 46.43 61.83
396.44 1.8026 23030 286.96 133.29 332.05 134.86 13.78 41.99
400 1.6415 24027 289.46 130.29 246.25 145.97 13.29 39.01
420 1.2752 27931 299.00 128.90 172.95 179.78 12.61 37.09
440 1.106 31254 306.73 131.82 161.78 200.34 12.65 38.70
460 0.99497 34456 313.85 135.51 159.16 216.07 12.87 41.08
480 0.91283 37640 320.62 139.48 159.52 229.11 13.17 43.82
500 0.84799 40846 327.17 143.55 161.26 240.43 13.52 46.80
520 0.79471 44095 333.54 147.62 163.70 250.51 13.89 49.95

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 7

D4651 – 08

TABLE 2 Continued
T r H S Cv Cp c h l
K mol·l-1 J·mol-1 J·mol-1·K-1 J·mol-1·K-1 J·mol-1·K-1 m·s-1 µPa·s mW·m-1·K-1
540 0.74967 47396 339.77 151.64 166.53 259.68 14.27 53.25
560 0.71081 50757 345.88 155.60 169.57 268.14 14.66 56.68
570 0.69325 52461 348.90 157.54 171.14 272.14 14.86 58.43
Pressure = 5 MPa
120 12.668 -22404 114.76 69.44 99.16 1957.5 6406 157.6
130 12.509 -21403 122.77 70.68 101.00 1877.6 3901 155.4
140 12.349 -20384 130.32 71.90 102.84 1803.0 2592 152.8
150 12.189 -19346 137.48 73.11 104.65 1732.7 1837 149.8
160 12.029 -18291 144.29 74.31 106.44 1665.6 1368 146.4
170 11.868 -17218 150.80 75.54 108.24 1601.0 1059 142.8
180 11.706 -16126 157.03 76.81 110.06 1538.4 844.6 139.1
190 11.543 -15016 163.04 78.14 111.92 1477.5 690.1 135.1
200 11.379 -13888 168.82 79.54 113.85 1417.9 574.9 131.1
210 11.213 -12739 174.43 81.02 115.85 1359.5 486.4 127.0
220 11.045 -11570 179.86 82.60 117.94 1302.1 416.8 122.9
230 10.876 -10380 185.16 84.27 120.13 1245.6 361.0 118.8
240 10.704 -9167.3 190.32 86.03 122.43 1190.0 315.5 114.7
250 10.529 -7930.9 195.36 87.89 124.86 1135.2 277.8 110.7
260 10.351 -6669.7 200.31 89.84 127.41 1081.0 246.3 106.8
270 10.1691 -5382.2 205.17 91.88 130.11 1027.6 219.6 102.9
280 9.9830 -4067.0 209.95 94.00 132.95 974.64 196.8 99.2
290 9.7920 -2722.6 214.67 96.19 135.96 922.21 177.1 95.54
300 9.5950 -1347.2 219.33 98.46 139.15 870.18 160.0 92.04
320 9.1790 1504.7 228.53 103.17 146.20 766.80 131.7 85.45
340 8.7232 4508.7 237.63 108.12 154.46 663.34 109.0 79.43
360 8.2075 7696.4 246.74 113.31 164.75 558.07 89.95 73.96
380 7.5925 11126 256.01 118.84 179.22 448.12 72.92 68.98
400 6.7797 14940 265.79 125.20 205.84 328.20 56.35 64.36
420 5.3358 19794 277.61 134.37 312.81 190.64 36.89 60.48
440 2.8386 27054 294.51 138.28 277.95 154.34 19.33 51.40
460 2.1337 31627 304.68 139.42 200.91 181.55 16.73 47.73
480 1.8130 35428 312.77 142.19 182.61 202.39 16.04 48.34
500 1.6118 39008 320.08 145.56 176.44 219.06 15.87 50.27
520 1.4676 42514 326.96 149.19 174.67 233.09 15.92 52.82
540 1.3564 46008 333.55 152.91 174.94 245.30 16.09 55.75
560 1.2667 49519 339.93 156.64 176.28 256.18 16.32 58.93
570 1.2277 51286 343.06 158.50 177.20 261.23 16.46 60.60
Pressure = 7.5 MPa
120 12.684 -22236 114.51 69.66 99.09 1963.4 6587 158.1
130 12.526 -21236 122.52 70.88 100.92 1884.6 4005 156.0
140 12.368 -20218 130.06 72.10 102.74 1811.0 2659 153.4
150 12.209 -19182 137.21 73.29 104.53 1741.7 1883 150.4
160 12.051 -18127 144.01 74.49 106.31 1675.5 1402 147.2
170 11.892 -17056 150.51 75.71 108.08 1611.9 1084 143.6
180 11.732 -15966 156.74 76.98 109.88 1550.3 864.9 139.9
190 11.571 -14858 162.73 78.30 111.72 1490.3 706.8 136.1
200 11.409 -13731 168.51 79.70 113.61 1431.8 589.0 132.1
210 11.246 -12585 174.10 81.18 115.58 1374.4 498.5 128.1
220 11.081 -11419 179.52 82.76 117.63 1318.1 427.5 124.0
230 10.915 -10232 184.80 84.43 119.77 1262.9 370.5 120.0
240 10.746 -9023.6 189.94 86.19 122.02 1208.5 324.1 116.0
250 10.575 -7791.8 194.97 88.05 124.37 1155.0 285.8 112.1
260 10.402 -6535.8 199.90 89.99 126.84 1102.4 253.7 108.2
270 10.225 -5254.5 204.73 92.03 129.44 1050.5 226.5 104.4
280 10.045 -3946.4 209.49 94.14 132.16 999.38 203.4 100.7
290 9.8612 -2610.9 214.18 96.33 135.01 948.91 183.4 97.19
300 9.6723 -1245.9 218.80 98.58 138.01 899.07 166.2 93.77
320 9.2775 1578.2 227.91 103.27 144.50 801.03 137.6 87.36
340 8.8533 4539.6 236.89 108.15 151.79 704.70 115.0 81.56
360 8.3883 7657.1 245.80 113.21 160.19 609.53 96.31 76.37
380 7.8648 10958 254.72 118.45 170.30 515.01 80.23 71.80
400 7.2534 14489 263.77 123.93 183.38 421.09 65.76 67.82
420 6.5011 18332 273.14 129.76 202.34 329.40 52.22 64.40
440 5.5189 22653 283.19 135.82 231.33 247.80 39.38 61.53
460 4.3390 27507 293.97 141.01 246.32 201.75 28.94 58.92
480 3.4163 32217 304.00 144.49 222.57 198.44 23.45 56.68
500 2.8541 36451 312.64 147.58 202.77 209.80 21.08 56.21
520 2.4935 40392 320.37 150.84 192.64 223.47 19.99 57.22
540 2.2404 44192 327.54 154.27 187.97 236.64 19.48 59.17
560 2.0503 47930 334.34 157.78 186.22 248.79 19.27 61.70
570 1.9712 49791 337.64 159.54 186.02 254.49 19.23 63.12

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 8

D4651 – 08

TABLE 2 Continued
T r H S Cv Cp c h l
K mol·l-1 J·mol-1 J·mol-1·K-1 J·mol-1·K-1 J·mol-1·K-1 m·s-1 µPa·s mW·m-1·K-1
Pressure = 10 MPa
120 12.7 -22069 114.27 69.87 99.02 1969.4 6773 158.5
130 12.543 -21069 122.27 71.08 100.84 1891.5 4111 156.5
140 12.386 -20052 129.80 72.29 102.64 1818.9 2727 154.0
150 12.230 -19017 136.95 73.47 104.42 1750.5 1930 151.1
160 12.072 -17964 143.74 74.67 106.18 1685.3 1436 147.9
170 11.915 -16893 150.23 75.88 107.94 1622.6 1110 144.4
180 11.757 -15805 156.45 77.14 109.72 1562.0 885.5 140.8
190 11.598 -14699 162.43 78.46 111.53 1502.9 723.6 137.0
200 11.438 -13574 168.20 79.86 113.39 1445.4 603.1 133.1
210 11.278 -12431 173.78 81.34 115.33 1389.0 510.7 129.2
220 11.116 -11267 179.19 82.91 117.34 1333.8 438.2 125.2
230 10.952 -10084 184.45 84.58 119.44 1279.6 380.1 121.2
240 10.787 -8878.2 189.58 86.34 121.63 1226.4 332.8 117.2
250 10.620 -7650.5 194.59 88.19 123.93 1174.2 293.7 113.4
260 10.451 -6399.3 199.50 90.14 126.33 1122.9 261.0 109.6
270 10.279 -5123.5 204.31 92.17 128.84 1072.4 233.4 105.8
280 10.104 -3822.0 209.05 94.28 131.47 1022.8 209.9 102.2
290 9.9261 -2493.8 213.71 96.46 134.20 974.08 189.6 98.77
300 9.7443 -1137.6 218.31 98.71 137.05 926.11 172.1 95.42
320 9.3673 1663.5 227.34 103.37 143.14 832.42 143.3 89.17
340 8.9679 4591.6 236.22 108.22 149.78 741.55 120.6 83.53
360 8.5393 7659.4 244.98 113.20 157.09 653.38 102.1 78.55
380 8.0724 10881 253.69 118.29 165.26 568.06 86.44 74.23
400 7.5550 14277 262.40 123.49 174.56 486.23 72.80 70.56
420 6.9716 17873 271.17 128.77 185.35 409.42 60.61 67.54
440 6.3060 21703 280.07 134.08 197.83 340.61 49.69 65.16
460 5.5567 25787 289.15 139.21 210.20 285.43 40.23 63.38
480 4.7816 30065 298.25 143.85 215.74 251.50 32.92 62.13
500 4.0999 34347 306.99 147.86 211.37 239.25 28.15 61.48
520 3.5719 38500 315.14 151.49 203.99 240.03 25.37 61.66
540 3.1766 42519 322.72 155.01 198.28 246.56 23.78 62.72
560 2.8758 46448 329.86 158.50 194.89 255.28 22.86 64.50
570 2.7513 48391 333.30 160.24 193.91 259.93 22.57 65.61
Pressure = 20 MPa
130 12.61 -20401 121.29 71.85 100.55 1918.6 4558 158.5
140 12.458 -19387 128.81 73.01 102.30 1849.7 3010 156.2
150 12.307 -18355 135.92 74.16 104.03 1784.9 2124 153.6
160 12.156 -17306 142.69 75.33 105.73 1723.2 1577 150.7
170 12.005 -16240 149.15 76.52 107.43 1663.9 1217 147.5
180 11.854 -15158 155.34 77.77 109.13 1606.6 970.1 144.1
190 11.702 -14058 161.29 79.07 110.87 1551.1 792.7 140.5
200 11.551 -12940 167.02 80.46 112.65 1496.9 660.9 136.9
210 11.398 -11805 172.56 81.93 114.48 1444.1 560.2 133.2
220 11.246 -10650 177.93 83.49 116.38 1392.5 481.4 129.4
230 11.093 -9476.8 183.15 85.15 118.35 1342.1 418.5 125.7
240 10.939 -8283.1 188.23 86.91 120.40 1292.8 367.3 122.0
250 10.784 -7068.4 193.18 88.75 122.53 1244.7 325.2 118.3
260 10.628 -5832.1 198.03 90.69 124.74 1197.6 290.0 114.7
270 10.471 -4573.3 202.78 92.71 127.03 1151.7 260.4 111.2
280 10.313 -3291.2 207.45 94.81 129.40 1106.9 235.2 107.9
290 10.154 -1985.0 212.03 96.98 131.84 1063.2 213.7 104.6
300 9.9930 -654.2 216.54 99.21 134.34 1020.6 195.0 101.5
320 9.6660 2084.3 225.38 103.83 139.54 938.76 164.6 95.66
340 9.3310 4928.9 234.00 108.60 144.95 861.43 140.9 90.45
360 8.9867 7883.4 242.44 113.46 150.52 788.70 122.0 85.91
380 8.6320 10951 250.73 118.36 156.20 720.81 106.6 82.04
400 8.2663 14132 258.89 123.26 161.93 658.06 93.56 78.83
420 7.8894 17428 266.93 128.12 167.62 600.86 82.44 76.28
440 7.5027 20836 274.85 132.91 173.18 549.61 72.80 74.36
460 7.1084 24353 282.67 137.59 178.48 504.65 64.40 73.03
480 6.7107 27972 290.37 142.14 183.39 466.17 57.11 72.24
500 6.3153 31685 297.95 146.54 187.76 434.25 50.89 71.94
520 5.9290 35478 305.39 150.77 191.46 408.85 45.68 72.09
540 5.5594 39338 312.67 154.84 194.40 389.73 41.44 72.63
560 5.2132 43249 319.78 158.75 196.63 376.31 38.09 73.53
570 5.0505 45220 323.27 160.65 197.54 371.47 36.70 74.11

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 9

D4651 – 08
The symbols are:
T, temperature (K)
r, molar density (mol·l-1)
H, molar enthalpy (J·mol-1)
S, molar entropy (J·K-1·mol-1)
Cv, constant volume molar heat capacity (J·K-1·mol-1)
Cp, constant pressure molar heat capacity (J·K-1·mol-1)
c, speed of sound (m·s-1)
h, viscosity (µPa·s)
l, thermal conductivity (mW·m-1·K-1)

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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